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Finding Aid to the Hiram Johnson papers, 1895-1945
BANC MSS C-B 581  
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Container Listing


Part I. Primarily material covering the 1910 gubernatorial campaign

box 1-3

Letters from Johnson

box 1

Jan. 1895-July 1910

box 2

Aug. 1910-Nov. 1910

box 3

Dec. 1910

box 4-11

Letters to Johnson

box 4


box 5


box 6

E-H (Misc.)

box 7


box 8

Lf-N (Misc.)

box 9


box 10


box 11


box 12

Gubernatorial Campaign




Johnson's Notes




Miscellaneous Notes


Miscellaneous Papers


Newspaper Clippings


Press Releases


Printed Items

carton Ctns. 1-11

Newspaper account of 1910 gubernatorial campaign (by counties)

carton 1

Alameda Co.-Calaveras Co.

carton 2

Colusa Co.-Humboldt Co.

carton 3

Imperial Co.-Los Angeles Co. (L.A. Herald)

carton 4

Los Angeles Co. (Los Angeles Independent)-Merced Co.

carton 5

Modoc Co.-Riverside Co. (Perris Progress)

carton 6

Riverside Co. (Riverside Enterprise)-San Diego Co. (Ramona Sentinel)

carton 7

San Diego Co. (San Diego Herald)-San Francisco Co. (San Francisco Chronicle)

carton 8

San Francisco Co. (San Francisco Examiner)-Santa Barbara Co.

carton 9

Santa Clara Co.-Sonoma Co. (Petaluma Independent)

carton 10

Sonoma Co. (Santa Rosa Herald)-Yuba Co.

carton 11

Miscellaneous newspaper & printed items


Part II. Gubernatorial Papers, Jan. 1911-Mar. 1917

box 1-5

Letters from Johnson

box 1

Jan. 1911-July 1912

box 2

Aug. 1912-Mar. 1914

box 3

Apr. 1914-July 1915

box 4

Aug. 1915-Aug. 1916

box 5

Sept. 1916-Mar. 1917

box 6-36

Letters to Johnson

box 6

A-B (Misc.)

box 7


box 8


box 9


box 10


box 11


box 12

Df-E (Misc.)

box 13


box 14


box 15


box 16


box 17


box 18


box 19

L (Except Meyer Lissner)

box 20

From Meyer Lissner, 1910-1914

box 21

From Meyer Lissner, 1915-1917

box 22

M-Mac C

box 23

Mac D-Mz

box 24


box 25


box 26


box 27


box 28

Rb-Rz (Except Rowell)

box 29

From Chester H. Rowell, 1911-1917

box 30


box 31


box 32


box 33


box 34


box 35


box 36


box 37-41

Subject File: Alien Land Law

box 37-39

Letters to Johnson

box 40

Newspaper clippings, 1912-1913

box 41

Documents, miscellaneous papers, printed material

box 42

Subject files (except Alien Land Law)


Gasoline Papers


La Follette Candidacy


Lee Vining & Silver Lake Falls Correspondence


Los Angeles Investment Company


McNamara Case


Mexico Border Incidents


Oil Industry Association


Primary Election Law




Riverside Citrus Experiment Station


Tahoe Contract


Vassardakis Incident


Women's Suffrage

box 43

Johnson: Miscellaneous papers, press releases & speeches, 1911-1917.

box 44

Miscellaneous papers, A-Z (Except Johnson; mainly oversize enclosures from incoming letters)


Andrus, V. S.


Berard, Victor


Borah, William


Brittain, F. S.


California (various State offices)


California State Dairy Association


Clapp, Moses E.


Coffroth, James W.


Cullinan, Eustace


Easton, W. E.


Eshleman, John Morton


Esberg, Milton


Ewing, Cal


Florence Crittendon Home


Fredericks, John D.


Gregg, Frederick W.


Heney, Francis J.


Industrial Workers of the World


Iowa. Secretary of State


Lilienthal, Jesse W.


Loveland, Harvey D.


McCulley, Johnston


McGregor, John A.


Republican Party


Roosevelt, Theodore


Rowell, Chester H.


Sacramento, Calif. County Clerk


Snook, Frank G.


Tulare Co. Board of Supervisors


Weinstock, Harris


Witt, Vance

box 45

Magazine & periodical articles, photographs & printed materials.

carton 1

Newspaper clippings, 1911-1917 (unarranged)

carton 2

Newspaper scrapbooks


Part III. Senatorial Papers, April 1917-Aug. 1945

box 1-19

Letters from Johnson

box 1

April 1917-Sept. 1918

box 2

Oct. 1918-April 1920

box 3

May 1920-July 1921

box 4

Aug. 1921-April 1922

box 5

May 1922-June 1923

box 6

July 1923-July 1924

box 7

Aug. 1924-April 1926

box 8

May 1926-Dec. 1927

box 9

Jan. 1928-Jan. 1930

box 10

Feb. 1930-Nov. 1930

box 11

Dec. 1930-June 1931

box 12

July 1931-Oct. 1931

box 13

Nov. 1931-Dec. 1932

box 14

Jan. 1933-Aug. 1933

box 15

Sept. 1933-Dec. 1933

box 16

Jan. 1934-Feb. 1936

box 17

Mar. 1936-June 1938

box 18

July 1938-Nov. 1939

box 19

Dec. 1939-Nov. 1944

box 20-81

Letters to Johnson

box 20


box 21


box 22

Ar-B (Misc.-Blal.)

box 23

B (Misc.-Blam)-Barq

box 24


box 25


box 26

Bus-C (Misc. -Ck)

box 27

C (Misc.-Cl)-California. R

box 28

California. S-Cars

box 29


box 30


box 31

D (Misc.)-Del

box 32

Dem-Dz (Except Doherty, Frank P.)

box 33

Doherty, Frank, May 1920-Jan. 1924

box 34

Doherty, Frank, Feb. 1924-July 1937

box 35

Doherty, Frank, Aug. 1937-July 1945

box 36

E (Misc.)-En

box 37


box 38


box 39


box 40


box 41

H (Misc.)

box 42


box 43


box 44

Hick- I (Misc.)

box 45

Ickes, Harold L.

box 46

I (Except Ickes, Harold)-Joh

box 47


box 48

Kem-L (Misc.)

box 49


box 50

Lin-Los Angeles. C.

box 51

Los Angeles. D.-M (Misc.-Mag.)

box 52

M (Misc.-Mah)-M (Misc.-Mz)

box 53


box 54

MacCl (Except McClatchy)-MacZ

box 55

McClatchy, Carlos McClatchy, Chas. K., 1924

box 56

McClatchy, Charles K., 1925-1932

box 57

McClatchy, Chas. K., 1933 -McClatchy Papers.

box 58


box 59


box 60


box 61

Mu-National O.

box 62

National P.-Nors (Except Neylan, John)

box 63

Neylan, John F.

box 64


box 65

P (Misc.)-Par

box 66


box 67

R (Misc.)-Reo

box 68


box 69

Roo-S (Misc.-Sans)

box 70

S (Misc.-Sant)-S (Misc.-Sull)

box 71

S (Misc.-Sulm)-Sed

box 72


box 73


box 74

T (Misc.)-Tq

box 75

Tr-United States. C.

box 76

United States. D.-United States. H.

box 77

United States. I.-Ves

box 78

Vet-W (Misc.-Wh)

box 79

W (Misc.)-Wd

box 80


box 81


box 82

Inter-Office Memos

carton Ctns. 1-13

Subject Files

carton 1

A-Commerce Committee (Parker Dam)


Agricultural Material (1918-1919)


Alien Enemies & Sabotage Committee (1942) Japanese Evacuation


Blair, David H.- Material relating to confirmation as Commissioner of Internal Revenue


California War Claims Bill (1935)


Coal Fields Investigation (1921-1929) (2 folders)


Commerce Committee (1935) -Airline Investigation


Commerce Committee (1936-1943) -Central Valley Project


Commerce Committee (1920-28) -Merchant Marine


Commerce Committee (1929-33) -Minutes of the Committee meetings


Commerce Committee (1935) -Parker Dam

carton 2

Commerce Committee (U.S. Shipping Board) - F (Except Foreign Relations Committee)


Commerce Committee (1926-28) -U.S. Shipping Board (Hearings re: sale of American Oriental Lines)


Commerce Committee (1929) -U.S. Shipping Board (Hearings re: sale of United States Lines)


Commerce Committee (1932) -U.S. Shipping Board (Bill to revise and amend Merchant Shipping Code)


Commerce Committee (1934) -U.S. Shipping Board


Commerce Committee (1928-29) -"Vestris" Investigations


Direct Primary Material (1926)




Foreign Securities (1953-35)


Foreign Securities (1945)

carton 3

Foreign Relations Committee: A-K


Foreign Relations Comm. (1921-22) -Disarmament. Washington Naval Conference


F. R. C. (1924-25) -Disarmament. Lausanne Treaty


F. B. C. (1925-29) -Disarmament. Geneva Conference; Freedom of the Seas


F. R. C. (1930-31) -Disarmament. London Naval Conference (4 folders)


F. R. C. (1933-36) -Good Neighbor Policy


F. R. C. (1941-44) -Guam


F. R. C. (1924) -Isle of Pines

carton 4

Foreign Relations Committee: L-M


F. B. C. (1918-23) - League of Nations


Johnson's Notes




Johnson - Wilson Debate


John Richard Edwards Correspondence, 1920


Miscellaneous Papers


Official Documents


Printed Items


F. R. C. (1931) - League of Nations


F. R. C. (1927) - Mexico & Hearst Investigation


F. R. C. - Miscellany

carton 5

Foreign Relations Committee: N - Panama (1939)


F. R. C. (1935-41) - Neutrality (8 folders)


F. R. C. (1929-39) - Panama (3 folders)

carton 6

Foreign Relations Committee: Panama (1940) - Z (Except "War Debts, Reparations, & Moratorium")


F. R. C. (1940-42) - Panama (3 folders)


F. R. C. (1925-28) - World Court


F. R. C. (1929-36) - World Court


F. R. C. (1942-45) - World War II

carton 7

Foreign Relations Committee: War Debts, Reparations & Moratorium (11 folders)

carton 8



Godsol, Frank J. - re: Extradition proceedings


Herbert Hoover Material (1919-32) Immigration Committee (1921-30; 2 folders)


Irrigation & Reclamation Committee (1924-40) - Boulder Dam Project




Johnson's notes (2 folders)


Miscellaneous Papers


Printed Material (official)


Printed Material (misc.)


Johnson (Hiram W.) Material


Labor Relations (1917-40) - Misc. notes

carton 9

M-P (Except Political Campaign Material)


McLaughlin, John P. - re: appointment as Collector of Internal Revenue


Mailing Lists


Military Service (1918 & 1940-42) - Draft Act & Conscription


Naval Affairs Committee (1937-38) - Docket


Naval Affairs Committee (1938-40) - Naval Expansion


Nominations & Confirmation Proceedings




Privileges & Elections Committee (1935) -Hatfield, Henry vs. Holt, Rush


Privileges & Elections Committee (1935) -Chavez, Dennis vs. Cutting, Bronson


Public Utilities Investigation (1928-29) (3 folders)


Public Works & Relief Projects (1931-36) (2 folders)

carton 10

Political Campaign Material (1920-40)


1920 Presidential Campaign (2 folders)


1922 Senatorial Campaign


1924 Presidential Campaign (5 folders)


1932 Presidential Campaign


1934 Senatorial Campaign (2 folders)


1940 Senatorial Campaign

carton 11

R-T (Except Russia, 1918-1919)


Radio KQW Material


Railroads (1918-22) - Government Control during World War I; relinquishment; railroad strike, 1922.


Railroads (1919) - United Railways vs. San Francisco.


Railroads (1921-22) - New York Transit Case (3 folders)


Ritter, Halsted L. - Impeachment proceedings of U.S. Senate


Sunset Magazine Material (1919-20) (2 folders)


Tariff (1934) - Reciprocal Trade (3 folders)


Tariff Miscellany


Territories & Insular Possessions Committee (1925-1927)

carton 12

Russia (1918-1919)


Correspondence (6 folders)


Johnson's Notes


Miscellaneous Papers


Printed Items (3 folders)


Raymond Robins Papers (2 folders)

carton 13

U-Z & Miscellaneous Material


United States Supreme Court (1936-37) (4 folders)


Veterans' Material (1918-22)


Miscellaneous notes & papers


Miscellaneous printed material

carton Ctns. 14-18

Clippings (unarranged)

carton Ctns. 19-23


carton 19


carton 20


carton 21


carton 22


carton 23


carton 24

Biography & Appointment Books

carton Ctns. 25-26

Speeches, Statements, & Press Releases

carton 25

March 1917-May 1932

carton 26

June; 1932-April 1945 (also a book of press releases, 1926-28)

carton Ctns. 27-28

Personal Record (extracted from the Congressional Record)

carton 27

1918-29 (64th-70th Congress)

carton 28

1929-44 (71st-78th Congress)

carton Ctns. 29-30

Printed Material (Documents committee hearings and other official papers)

carton 31


carton 32

Photographs (transferred to Picture Collection)

box 83-84

Motion pictures & Newsreel films of Johnson. (Removed)

box 85

Miscellaneous books

oversize Oversize

Photographs & miscellaneous material (2 oversize folders). Photographs transferred to Picture collection 7/78


Part IV. Diary letters, 1917-1945


Divided into published and unpublished, and then arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of correspondence from Hiram Johnson to his sons. The majority of the letters were microfilmed and then published as "The diary letters of Hiram Johnson, 1917-1945."
Boxes 1-8 are restricted, use microfilm.
box 1-8

Diary letters published

box 1

Apr. 1917 - June 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


April 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - July 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Oct. - Nov. 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


March 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


April 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


June 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 2

July 1918 - Dec. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


July 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


Mar. - April 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


July 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


June 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Sept. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


Oct. - Dec. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 3

Jan. 1920 - Mar. 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


March 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


April 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


June - Dec. 1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. - March 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


April 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


June 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


July 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Oct. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. - Dec. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


March 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 4

Apr. 1922 - Dec. 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


April 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


June 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Aug. 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1923 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - July 1923 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Dec. 1923 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


June - July 1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1925 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - Dec. 1925 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - June 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Oct. 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. - Dec. 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 5

Jan. 1927 - Mar. 1931 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1927 BANC MSS C-B 581


March 1927 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1927 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. 1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - June 1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - Oct. 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1930 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1930 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - June 1930 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Dec. 1930 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. 1931 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. - March. 1931 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 6

Nov. 1931 - Apr. 1935 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. - Dec. 1931 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


June 1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Dec. 1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


May 1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


June - July 1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


Dec. 1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Feb. 1934 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1934 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - June 1934 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. - Dec. 1934 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - April 1935 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 7

May 1935 - July 1939 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - June 1935 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Dec. 1935 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan . - Feb. 1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


March - April 1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - July 1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Sept. 1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


Oct. - Dec. 1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


Feb. - April 1937 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - Dec. 1937 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan.- March 1938 BANC MSS C-B 581


April - Dec. 1938 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - March 1939 BANC MSS C-B 581


April - May 1939 BANC MSS C-B 581


June - July 1939 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 8

Aug. 1939 - Feb. 1945 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Dec 1939 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - March 1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


April - June 1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Aug. 1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. - Oct. 1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


Nov. 1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - March 1941 BANC MSS C-B 581


April - May 1941 BANC MSS C-B 581


June - Aug. 1941 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. - Dec. 1941 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - March 1942 BANC MSS C-B 581


April - July 1942 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Dec. 1942 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - Dec. 1943 BANC MSS C-B 581


1944 - 1945 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 9-11

Diary letters unpublished

box 9

1917-1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


1917 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - April 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - July 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Aug. - Dec. 1918 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - June 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Dec. 1919 BANC MSS C-B 581


1920 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - June 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Folder 9 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Aug. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581


Sept. - Dec. 1921 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 10



Jan. - June 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


July - Dec. 1922 BANC MSS C-B 581


1923 BANC MSS C-B 581


1924 BANC MSS C-B 581


1925 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - June 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


July- Dec. 1926 BANC MSS C-B 581


1927 BANC MSS C-B 581


1928 BANC MSS C-B 581


Jan. - April 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


May - Dec. 1929 BANC MSS C-B 581


1930 BANC MSS C-B 581

box 11



1931 BANC MSS C-B 581


1932 BANC MSS C-B 581


1933 BANC MSS C-B 581


1934 BANC MSS C-B 581


1935 BANC MSS C-B 581


1936 BANC MSS C-B 581


1937 BANC MSS C-B 581


1938 BANC MSS C-B 581


1939 BANC MSS C-B 581


1940 BANC MSS C-B 581


1941 BANC MSS C-B 581


1942 BANC MSS C-B 581


1944-1945 BANC MSS C-B 581


Part V. Family Papers and Correspondence

Additional Note

Includes messages of condolence to Mrs. Johnson. (2 boxes, 1 carton)

Part VI. Additions to the Johnson papers


Papers of Senator Johnson

box 1-8

Letters written by Senator Johnson, 1907-1945

Scope and Content Note

Mainly carbon copies of outgoing letters to family, former law partners, political associates and friends. Some were written for him by his secretary or by Mrs. Johnson. Included are the Senator's copies of the "diary" letters addressed to his sons. Arranged chronologically.
box 9-22

Letters written to Senator Johnson

Scope and Content Note

Arranged alphabetically by name of writer or organization. Single letters are in miscellanies preceding each letter of the alphabet; others are in separate folders. A list of the more important correspondents follows the Key.
In Box 22 are three folders of miscellaneous correspondence, as follows: letters re Johnson's announcement of candidacy for president in 1920; letters re League of Nations, Russia, the peace settlement, etc.; letters requesting Johnson to present his views on the League of Nations.
box 22

Interoffice memoranda, 1920-1944

box 23


Scope and Content Note

Portraits and snapshots of the Senator, his sons, grandsons, etc; C. K. McClatchy with Johnson; Meyer Lissner, etc.
box 24

Papers of H. L. Carnahan, western manager of the Johnson-for-President campaign committee, 1919-1920


Letters, copies of telegrams, lists of speakers, lists of members of Republican Party state central committees, etc.

carton 1

Subject Files


Alien Land Law - California

Scope and Content Note

Includes copies of Johnson's letters to President Wilson and to Secretary of State,1913;copy of proceedings in re alien land law,April 1913,Sacramento.

Atherton, Edwin G.

Scope and Content Note

Clippings, copies of letters, reports re investigation of Atherton who was investigating charges of graft in the San Francisco Police Department,1937.

Bills, resolutions, reports, etc.


Boulder Dam Project


Hardwick - Boynton letter investigation

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence, reports of special detectives, statements, etc., re investigation of George C. Hardwick's theft of a letter written to A. E. Boynton,1923.

Japanese exclusion

Scope and Content Note

Copies of Democratic Party platform relating to question

League of Nations

Scope and Content Note

Miscellaneous resolutions from various organizations

Lissner, Meyer

Scope and Content Note

Clippings; memorial resolution of Industrial Accident Commission

London Naval Conference


Political Campaign material

Scope and Content Note

Speeches, pamphlets, clippings, promotional material, etc. covering campaigns in1910,1912,1914,1920,1922,1924,1928,1940,1944



Redondo Acreage

Scope and Content Note

Letters from Frank P. Doherty, Louis W. Myers and Louis M. Lissner re Redondo property owned

Reference material - Miscellaneous


Rivers and Harbors Bill


Roosevelt, Theodore

Scope and Content Note

Includes draft of speech at Lincoln Birthday Banquet of the Progressive Party, NYC,Feb. 12, 1913,with corrections in Roosevelt's hand writing

Russia (1917) - Extracts from letters of Raymond Robins, member of ARC Commission to Russia


San Francisco Graft Prosecution

Scope and Content Note

Includes Johnson's notes, circulars, itemized statement of services rendered by Johnson to Rudolph Spreckels

Treaty with Mexico relating to utilization of Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, 1944


Trusts and monopolies - Reference file


Udell, Alva - Johnson recall petition

Scope and Content Note

Letters, reports, etc. re Johnson's investigation of Udell,1912

Workmen's Compensation Act


World War I, Treaty of Versailles, War Debts

carton 2

Biographical sketch of Johnson, 1918-19


Gubernatorial items

Scope and Content Note

Include printed copies of inaugural address; program for inaugural ceremonies, printed copy of biennial message to legislature,1917;copy of farewell address to legislature,March 15, 1917



Personalia, including will


Riverdale, Md. home - clippings


Speeches, statements and press releases

Scope and Content Note

Draft, typescript or printed copies, arranged chronologically,1910-1942

Misc. tax bills, receipts, etc.


Resolution of California Senate on death of Johnson


Reports submitted to Gov. Johnson re accomplishments of state governmental departments, 1916, (30 folders)

carton 3

Papers relating to legal cases

Scope and Content Note

People of State of California v. Brown,ca. 1908;People v. Barnovich,ca. 1908-1909;Herscher v. Herscher; Wilkes, et al, appellants, v. United States of America; in the matter of the estate of C. K. McClatchy -brief...; agreement,Feb. 21, 1910,between Dr. W. P. Burke and H. W. Johnson.



Printed items

Scope and Content Note

Include records of Congressional hearing on reorganization of the federal judiciary, on the world court, and on amending the draft law; proceedings of the 17th Republican National Convention, Chicago,1920
carton 4

Clippings, including scrapbook of clippings re 1919 speaking tour against the League of Nations and scrapbook of clippings re President Harding

carton 5



Papers of Hiram W. Johnson, Jr.

box 25-30

Letters written by HWJ, Jr., 1917-1955

Scope and Content Note

Mainly carbon copies of outgoing letters to parents, political associates of his father and friends. Arranged chronologically.
box 31-36

Letters written to him

Scope and Content Note

Arranged alphabetically by name of writer or organization. Single letters are in miscellanies preceding each letter of the alphabet; others are in separate folders. A list of the more important correspondents follows the Key.
carton 6

Subject files


Political campaign material for 1920, 1922, 1934-36, 1940


Notes for article on the Republican National Convention of 1920


Drafts of portions of his biography of his father


Ms. of his article, "The Real McCoy"


Lyrics written by him



carton Ctns. 7-13

Legal files

Scope and Content Note

Concern River Farm Co. of California, Sowles estate and Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.

Papers of Archibald M. Johnson

box 37

Letters written by AMJ, 1918-1933

Scope and Content Note

Copies of outgoing letters, addressed mainly to his parents. Arranged chronologically.
box 38-41

Letters written to him

Scope and Content Note

Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization. Single letters are in an alphabetical miscellany; others in separate folders. A list of the more important correspondents follows the Key.

Papers of Minnie McNeal Johnson (Mrs. Hiram W. Johnson)

box 42

Letters written to her, arranged alphabetically, with a correspondence miscellany for single letters and special folders for other letters.


Papers re arrangements for Senator Johnson's funeral


Papers re Johnson memorial, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park


Lillian Russell's wallet, given to Mrs. Johnson by Alexander Moore


Obituaries, will, etc.


Papers of Philip B. Johnson

box 43

Include letters from his grandfather and father