Correspondence A-B
Correspondence C
Correspondence D-E
Correspondence F-G
Correspondence H-I
Correspondence J-L
Correspondence M-N
Correspondence O-Q
Correspondence R-V
Correspondence W-Z and Illegible signatures
Business Papers: Bills, Checks, I.O.U.'s, Receipts, Statements, Vouchers 1851-1863
Business Papers: 1864-1865
Business Papers: 1866-1870
Business Papers: 1871-1880
Business Papers: 1881-1885
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1859-1864
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1865-1869
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1870-1874
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1875-1879
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1880
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1881-1882
Legal Papers: Court Cases: 1883-1884
Legal Papers: Agreements, Deeds, and Miscellany: 1856-1884
Mining Papers: Crescent Quartz Mine: Accounts, etc.
Mining Papers: Premium Quartz Mine and mining miscellany.
Advertisements and catalogs, broadsides, certificates, insurance policies, invitations and business cards, licenses, lists, maps, newspapers and periodicals, notes and drafts, railroad papers, stocks and bonds