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Fiedler, Harald 1983

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Fields, Harvey and Janet n.d.

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Fillencz, Marianne 1947-1984

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Finch, Henry A. 1960

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Findlay, Allan F. 1960-1968

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Findlay, John N. 1939-1968

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Finkelstein, David 1968

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Firnberg, Herta 1976-1984

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Firneis, Friedrich 1982

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Fischer, E. Hugo 1970

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Fischer, Gerhard 1984

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Fischer, J. L. 1970

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Fischer, Wolfram 1968

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Fisher, George 1978

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Fisher, Gordon 1978

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Fissenewert, Horst and Christiane (Fissenewert-Kilthau) 1981

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Fleischmann, Bernd 1984

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Fleischmann, Charlotte 1960

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Fleischmann, Gerd and Ingeborg, 1961-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re Objective Knowledge and Unended Quest,as well as a holograph fragment by Karl Popper

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Flew, Antony G. N. 1973-1985

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Flieder-Trio 1978-1979

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Foldes, Lucien P. 1966

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Fondamenti 1984

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Fondation Louis de Broglie 1981-1983

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Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 1982

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Fondul Literar al Scriitorilor Din 1981

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Fontana Paperbacks (Helen Fraser, Alison Wade, Robert B. Woodings), 1975-1984, re Unended Quest .

Scope and Contents note

Includes typewritten blurbs for A Pocket Popper

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Ford, G. W. 1948

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Ford, Oliver E., 1965-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re Conjectures and Refutations

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Forder, H. G. 1943-1945

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Forlaget Akademilitteratur 1982

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Formoso, Laure 1979

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Fortgang, Rudolph 1978

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Forum (Friedrich Torberg) 1958-1959

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Fossati, Eraldo 1957-1958

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Foster, Michael 1952

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Foundations of Physics (Henry Margenau, Alwyn van der Merwe, Wolfgang Yourgrau) 1969-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's typewritten report on two papers by Yehudah Freundlich

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Fowler, David H. 1980-1982

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Franchetti, S. 1982

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Francke Verlag Bern (Carl Ludwig Lang) 1961-1984

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Frankel, Otto H. 1971-1983

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Frankel, P. H. 1965

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Frankel, S. H. 1972

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Frankfurter Allgemeine 1981

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Franklin, Allan 1981-1982

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Franklin Publications (Donald S. Cameron) 1960

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Franz Deuticke Verlag (Othmar Spachinger, Herbert Fussy) 1981-1985

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Free Austrian Movement in Great Britain 1944

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Free Inquiry (Paul Kurtz) 1973-1983

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Free Press of Glencoe 1964

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Freed, Lan 1949

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Freeman, Derek, See also WRITINGS BY OTHERS I 1973-1984.

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Freeman, Eugene. See Open Court

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Freethinker (N. H. Sinnott) 1973

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Frei, Bruno 1971

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Freidmann, F. G. 1979

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Freundlich, Yehudah 1973

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Frey, Ulrich 1981

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Fried, J. M. 1968

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Fried, Yehuda 1979-1982

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Friedell, Egon 1932-1933

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Friedman, Milton 1954

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Friedmann, Johannes 1976

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Friedrich, Carl J. 1949-1969

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Friedrick Vieweg & Sohn 1978

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Frisch, Karl von 1981

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Frisch, Otto R. 1961-1977

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Fritz, Karl 1982

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Frohlich-Sandner, Gertrude 1967-1982

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Fry, E. Maxwell 1971

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Fulbright Programme 1960

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Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian 1964-1985

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Fundamenta Scientiae (Baudouin Jurdant), re "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare" 1982

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Funke, Hermann 1979

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Furley, David John 1959

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Furtmuller, Lux 1961

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GRANI (G. Bonafede, V. Poremsky), 1977-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re Unended Quest

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Gablentz, Otto von der 1980-1981

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Gabor, Dennis 1958-1973

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Gabriele Mazzotta Editore (Gabriele Mazzotta, Pier Aldo Rovatti, Salvatore Veca) 1972-1974

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Gadamer, Hans-Georg 1968-1985

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Gadol, Eugene T. 1978-1979

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Galbraith, W. M. 1966

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Gal-Or, Benjamin, 1977-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes typewritten preface by Karl Popper to Benjamin Gal-Or's book Western Philosophy and Science: Time and Crisis

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Gallie, W. Bryan 1952-1966

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Gardiner, Patrick 1961-1970

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Gardner, David P. (The Tanner Lectures on Human Values) 1981

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Gardner, Martin 1960

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Gardner, Michael R. 1969

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Garibaldi, Oscar M. 1974-1979

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Gavroglu, Kostas 1983-1984

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Gebauer, Eleonore (and Annelies and Helga) 1985

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Gebauer, Wolfgang 1979

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Gehrmann, Hans 1983

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Geisenheyner & Crone (Ernst W. Geisenheyner), 1972, re The Poverty of Historicism

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Gell-Mann, Murray 1982

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Gellner, Ernest 1952-1984

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Genke, Lucia A. 1985

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Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei 1978

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Genre humain (Maurice Olender) 1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Scott Atran

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George, F. H. 1974

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George Allen & Unwin (Stanley Unwin, Philip Unwin, W. N. Beard) 1953-1970.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with C. Alec Mace and H. D. Lewis

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Gerald Duckworth & Co. 1977

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Gerard, Jacques 1947

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Germany. Embassy (Great Britain) 1972-1983

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Germany. Embassy (Mexico) 1979

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Gerschenkron, Alexander 1974

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Gesellschaft zur Forderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst (Reinhard Low) 1979

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Geyl, P. 1951

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Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore (Gian Piero Brega), 1974-1984, re The Poverty of Historicism .

Scope and Contents note

Includes typewritten preface by Karl Popper to the Italian edition

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Giarini, Orio 1982-1984

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Gibson, Arthur 1983-1984

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Gideonse, Harry D. 1947

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Giedymin, Jerzy 1957-1983

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Giger, Bernhard 1984

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Gilbert, Joseph A. 1984

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Gill, Jerry H. 1969

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Gillie, Alan 1965-1971

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Gillie, Oliver 1978

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Gillies, Donald A. 1967-1985

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Gilmour, Ian 1977-1983

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Ginsberg, Morris 1950

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Giornale Nuovo 1980

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Gisin, Nicolas 1983

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Gissurarson, Hanes H., 1982-1985, re The Poverty of Historicism

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Giulio Einaudi Editore (Giulio Einaudi) 1967-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Fernando Gil and Giulio Giorello

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Gius. Laterza & Figli (Enrico Mistretta) 1969-1983

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Givant, Steven 1984

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Gladwyn, Lord 1977

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Glees, Paul 1983

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Gobel, Dieter 1982

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Godel, Kurt 1964

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Godsiff, Patricia 1972

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Goldman, Alvin I. 1978

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Goldstein, H. 1961

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Goldstein, Irwin 1983

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Goldstein, Laurence 1984

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Goldstern, Alex 1973-1984

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Goldthorpe(?), J. 1972

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Gollner, Stephanie 1962-1985

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Gombrich, Ernst H. and Leonie (Ilse)

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Gombrich, Lisbeth 1972

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Gombrich, Richard 1945-1982

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Gomes da Costa, Brian L. 1965-1986

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Gomperz, Heinrich 1932-1936

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Gonseth, Ferdinand 1946-1955

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Gonville and Caius College (J. Chadwick) 1951-1952

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Gonzales y Cobarrubias, Juan Jose 1967

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Good, Irving John 1959-1984

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Goodman, Edward 1961-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re the Acton Society Trust

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Goodman, Nelson 1956-1983

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Goodman, R. P. 1960

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Gopnik, Adam 1976-1977

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Gordon, H. S. 1975

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Gordon, Lindsay J. M. 1978-1981

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Gordon, Manfred 1979-1982

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Gordon, R. E. 1977-1978

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Gorecki Jan 1973

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Gorkin, Lawrence L. 1961

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Gott, Hans 1979-1980

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Gottlob, Rainer 1985

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Gotze, Heinz 1977

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Goustis, Constantine P. 1984-1985

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Graham, A. C. 1965

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Graham, James 1979-1983

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Grant McIntyre Ltd. 1979

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Grattan-Guinness, I. 1980-1984

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Gratz, Leopold 1977-1982

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Gray, J. A. Muir 1977

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Gray, John N. 1976-1984

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Grebenik, E. 1952-1954

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Greenall, Philip D. 1961

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Gregory, Frederick 1982

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Gregory, Richard L. 1979-1980

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Grelling, Kurt 1936

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Griese, Friedrich, 1975-1977, re Unended Quest .

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes and printed fragments annotated by Karl Popper

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Griffiths, A. Phillips 1976

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Grim, Patrick 1979-1982

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Grimm, Klaus 1979

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Grinnell College (Howard R. Bowen) 1960

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Groenewold, H. J. 1968

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Groot, Adriaan D. de 1948-1972

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Grossner, Claus 1971-1985

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Grove, J. W. 1949-1982

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Grunbaum, Adolf 1956-1982.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Alan Ross Anderson (University of Pittsburgh)

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Grunfeld, Ernest 1985

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Grusser, O.-J. 1982-1984

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Guardian 1946

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Gudehus, Herbert 1980

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Gunzl, Christof 1979-1983

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Gupta, Jyotirindra Das 1961

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Gustav Fischer Verlag 1981-1985

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Guthrie, Robin 1981-1982

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Guthrie, William Keith Chambers 1966-1980.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Adele Guthrie

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Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1968-1979

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H. W. Wilson Company 1952

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Haakonssen, Knud (and Niels Christian Stefansen) 1972-1981

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Haaland, Arild 1949

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Haas, Eduard and Erika 1982-1985

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Haberler, Gottfried 1946-1972

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Habermas, Jurgen 1965

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Habermehl, Werner, 1975-1982.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Werner Habermehl's German translation of part of Unended Quest

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Hacking, Ian M. 1966-1980

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Hacohen, Malachi H. 1983-1984

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Haecht, Professor van 1972

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Haggart, A. I. M. 1978

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Hakamies, Ahti 1975-1978.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Uuno Saarnio

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Haldane, J. B. S. 1952

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Hall, A. Rupert 1964-1981

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Hallam, A. 1984

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Halsbury, Earl of 1952

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Halstead, L. Beverly 1982

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Halverson, William H. 1979-1981

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Hamblin, Charles L. 1955-1968.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten report on Charles L. Hamblin's thesis, 1955

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Hamel, Greta 1971

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Hamilton, Alistair 1972

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Hamley, H. R. 1949

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Hamlyn Group 1971-1981

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Hampshire, Stuart N. 1960-1962

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Han, Suyin 1961

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Hanfling, Stanley M., (?) 1962

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Hansen, Troels Eggers and Margit Hurup Nielsen, re the bibliography for The Philosophy of Karl Popper, and Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie .

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Andre W. Carus (Open Court Publishing Company) and Hans Georg Siebeck, as well as notes by Jeremy F. G. Shearmur
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Hanson, F. Allan 1974

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Hanson, Norwood Russell, 1959-1962.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Herman B. Wells, Roger C. Buck, and Frank T. Gucker (Indiana University). Also

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter from Karl Popper to The Nation enclosing a review by Norwood Russell Hanson of The Logic of Scientific Discovery

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Haratonik, Peter L. 1979

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Harcourt, Brace & Company (J. H. McCallum) 1956-1957

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Hardy, Alister 1966-1975

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Hare, Richard M. 1952-1982

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Hargrove, Eugene C. 1975

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Haringer, Thomas 1982

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Harper, F. A. 1949

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Harper & Row (Melvin L. Arnold, Hugh Van Dusen, Winthrop Knowlton, Cynthia Merman, Peter Bejger), re The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, and Conjectures and Refutations .

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Benjamin Nelson
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reel 326


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 13
reel 326

Harre, Rom 1974-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 14
reel 326

Harris, Anthony 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 15
reel 326

Harris, Henry 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 16
reel 326

Harris, Ralph 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 17
reel 326

Harrison, Stephen 1977-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 18
reel 326

Harsanyi, John C. 1960-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 19
reel 326

Hartman, H. 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 20
reel 326

Hartmann, Eva 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 21
reel 326

Hartshorne, Charles 1963-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 22
reel 326

Hartung, Angela, 1976.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Angela Hartung's German translation of part of Unended Quest

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 23
reel 326

Harvard, Mr. 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 24
reel 326

Harvard University (Mason Hammond, Donald C. Williams, Abram Bergson) 1949-1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 25
reel 326

Harvard University Press (Thomas J. Wilson), 1950-1981.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Arthur Smithies ( Quarterly Journal of Economics )

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 26
reel 326

Harvester Press 1980-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to N. M. L. Nathan
reel 326

Hase & Koehler Verlag (Kaspar Hans v. Harnier) 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 28
reel 326

Haslauer, Wilfried 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 304 : 29
reel 326

Hattiangadi, Jagdish N. 1966-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 1
reel 326

Haulleville, P. de 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 2
reel 326

Hauptverband des Osterreichischen Buchhandels (Gerhard Prosser) 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 3
reel 326

Hausman, David B. 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 4
reel 326

Havard, John 1966-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 5
reel 326

Hawking, Dr. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 6
reel 326

Hay, Douglas R. 1966-1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 7
reel 326

Hay, Gillian 1967-1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 8
reel 326

Hay, Stephen 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 9
reel 326

Hayakawa, S. I. 1960-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's typewritten memorandum on how the United States should withdraw from Vietnam, 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 10

Hayek, Friedrich August and Helene von

reel 326


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 11
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 12
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Scope and Contents

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Scope and Contents

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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 15
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Scope and Contents note

Includes a printed copy of Karl Popper's letter to the editor of the Times Literary Supplement, 5 December 1975, re Friedrich A. von Hayek's book Law, Legislation and Liberty

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 16
reel 327


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 17
reel 327

Haynes, Michael 1979-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 18
reel 327

Healy, M. J. R. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 19
reel 327

Heaton, E. W. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 20
reel 327

Hecht, Ernest n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 21
reel 327

Heckmann, Gustav 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 22
reel 327

Heerden, Pieter J. van 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 23
reel 327

Heftner, Ernst 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 24
reel 327

Hegenbarth, Hans 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 25
reel 327

Hegenberg, Leonidas H. B. 1964-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 26
reel 327

Hein, Piet 1971-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 27
reel 327

Heinemann Educational Books (Philippa Stratton, Paul Richardson, Penny H. Hayes), 1972-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 28
reel 327

Heinis, A. B. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 29
reel 327

Heirs, Ben J. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 30
reel 327

Heisenberg, Martin 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 31
reel 327

Heisenberg, Werner 1934-1935

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 32
reel 327

Helbig, Wolfgang 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 33
reel 327

Hellegers, Andre E. 1971-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 34
reel 327

Heller, Eitel-Fritz 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 35
reel 327

Hellewell, David 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 305 : 36
reel 327

Hellin, Fritz P. 1961-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 1
reel 327

Hellman, Geoffrey. See Michael J. Dunn

reel 327

Hempel, Carl G. (Peter) and Eva 1937-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 2
reel 328

Henderson, P. D. 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 3
reel 328

Hengge, Paul 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 4
reel 328

Henkin, Leon, re the Tarski Symposium 1971-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 5
reel 328

Henry-Hermann, Grete 1963-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 6
reel 328

Herbert, Nesta 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 7
reel 328

Herbig, Jost 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 8
reel 328

Hermann Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts (Pierre Beres) 1982-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Librairie Plon

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 9
reel 328

Hermann-Ehlers-Akademie (Manfred Dahlke) 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 10
reel 328

Hermann Luchterhand Verlag (Anna Stolz, Heinz Schutte, Frank Benseler, Hannelore Kirchem, Otto F. Walter), re "Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie." 1965-1980

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter to Dr. Boytha and Frau Szekely

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 11
reel 328

Hermann Schroedel Verlag 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 12
reel 328

Hermes, Hans 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 13
reel 328

Hervey, Helen 1951-1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 14
reel 328

Herz, Martin F. and Elisabeth K. (Liesl) 1954-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 15
reel 328

Hessischer Rundfunk (Kurt Zimmermann, Jurgen Kritz), 1972-1982.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Fritz Vogelsang and F. Weigend-Abendroth ( Stuttgarter Zeitung ), H. E. Scheele and Christian Sommer (Polytel International), Klaus Podak, G. Grenz

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 16
reel 328

Heyt, Friso D. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 17
reel 328

Heyting, Arend 1949-1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 306 : 18
reel 328

Hick, John H. 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 1
reel 328

Hickey, R. J. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 2
reel 328

Higgs, P. W. 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 3
reel 328

Hiley, B. J. 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 4
reel 328

Hilgartner, C. A. 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 5
reel 328

Hill, A. V. 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 6
reel 328

Hill, Anthony 1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 7
reel 329

Hill, Edward L. 1965-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 8
reel 329

Hill, Frank L. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 9
reel 329

Hill, J. 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 10
reel 329

Hill, Karl O. 1962-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 11
reel 329

Hilton, Jane 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 12
reel 329

Hinst, Peter 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 13
reel 329

Hintikka, Jaakko 1964-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 14
reel 329

Hirsch, E. D., Jr. 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 15
reel 329

Hirschmann, Edward E. 1971-1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 16
reel 329

Ho, Hsiu-hwang 1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 17
reel 329

Ho, Wing-meng 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 18
reel 329

Hoare, C. A. R. 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 19
reel 329

Hobart, Robert H. 1974-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 20
reel 329

Hobart & William Smith Colleges (Perrell F. Payne) 1974-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 21
reel 329

Hocevar, Emil H. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 22
reel 329

Hodgkin, Dorothy 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 23
reel 329

Hoefert, Hilde 1961-1962

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 24
reel 329

Hoeg, Carsten 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 25
reel 329

Hoerster, Norbert 1970-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 307 : 26

Hoffmann und Campe Verlag (Hans-Helmut Rohring, Anneliese Schumacher-Heiss, Renate Langheck), mainly re Objective Knowledge and Unended Quest .

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated proofs of Unended Quest and correspondence with Klaus Podak, Oxford University Press, Hoimar von Ditfurth, Friedrich Griese, and Hermann Vetter, as well as the latter's German translation of part of Objective Knowledge
reel 329


Scope and Contents

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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 3
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 4
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 5
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 6
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 7
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Scope and Contents

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Scope and Contents

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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 308 : 15
reel 330

Hofmann, Hans W. 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 1
reel 330

Hogan, James 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 2
reel 330

Hokkyo, Noboru 1979-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 3
reel 330

Holecek, Elfriede 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 4
reel 330

Holenstein, El mar 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 5
reel 330

Holland, Jeffrey R. 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 6
reel 330

Hollis, Martin 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 7
reel 330

Hollow, Phyllis 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 8
reel 330

Hollweg, Arnd 1971-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 9
reel 330

Holmes, Brian 1962-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter from Ivan Slade

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 10
reel 330

Holt, Robert T. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 11
reel 330

Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1975.

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter from Jonathan Cape Ltd.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 12
reel 330

Holton, Gerald 1972-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 13
reel 330

Honderich, Ted 1978-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 14
reel 330

Hook, Sidney 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 15
reel 330

Hooker, C. A. 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 16
reel 330

Horizon 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 17
reel 330

Horlock, John H. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 18
reel 330

Horowitz, Irving Louis 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 19
reel 330

Horrobin, David F. 1979-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 20
reel 330

Howard, John. See Turner, Martin

reel 330

Hoyer, Ulrich 1978-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 21
reel 331

Hoyningen-Huene, Paul 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 22
reel 331

Huang, Po-chi 1978-1980.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Chinese translation of "Towards a Rational Theory of Tradition," and a letter from Pui-chong Lund

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 23
reel 331

Hubner, Adolf 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 24
reel 331

Huddleston, Trevor, re Alan Stewart Paton 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 25
reel 331

Hulme, H. R. 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 26
reel 331

Human Rights International 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 27
reel 331

Humanidades (Jose Carlos Azevedo) 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 28
reel 331

Humanist (Paul Kurtz) 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 29
reel 331

Humanist Society of New Zealand 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 30
reel 331

Hume Studies 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 31
reel 331

Humm-Sernau, Lola 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 32
reel 331

Humphreys, Paul 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 33
reel 331

Hung, Tscha 1980-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Brian McGuinness

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 34
reel 331

Hunold, A. 1957-1962

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 35
reel 331

Hurst, Robert 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 309 : 36
reel 331

Hutchinson Education (Mark Cohen) 1973-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 1

Hutchinson Publishing Group (Ruth Klauber, Kathleen R. Nathan, Elaine V. Hopton, Angela Elkins, Mark Cohen), mainly re The Logic of Scientific Discovery .

Scope and Contents note

Includes typewritten blurbs and corrections
reel 331


Scope and Contents note

Includes extract of letter to John W. N. Watkins

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 2
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 4
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 5
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 6
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 7
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 8
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 9
reel 332

Hutchison, Terence 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 10
reel 332

Huth, Werner 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 11
reel 332

Hutten, Ernest H. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 12
reel 332

Hutton, Gordon M. 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 13
reel 332

Hyde, Inge 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 14
reel 332

Hyde, Stephen 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 310 : 15
reel 332

Iaccarino, Luigi 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 1
reel 332

Ichii, Saburo 1952-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 2
reel 332

Idea (Aryeh Mor and Yirmiahu Yovel) 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 3
reel 332

Iggers, Georg G. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 4
reel 332

Iggo, Professor 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 5
reel 332

Ihara, Jiro 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 6
reel 332

Impact of Science on Society (Bruno Friedman) 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 7
reel 332

Imperial College of Science and Technology (C. K. McDowall, David Sherrington) 1954-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 8
reel 332

Indian Journal of Philosophy (J. D. Swamidasan) 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 9
reel 332

Industria (Ferdinando di Fenizio), 1948-1972.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re The Poverty of Historicism

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 10
reel 332

Informationsdienst fur Bildungspolitik und Forschung (Felix Gamillscheg) 1965-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 11
reel 332

Inner London Education Authority (Laurie Buxton) 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 12
reel 332

Inquiry (Ralph Raico, Alastair Hannay) 1976-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 13
reel 332

Institut de France 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 14
reel 332

Institut fur Wirtschaft und Politik 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 15
reel 332

Institut International de Philosophie 1948-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 16
reel 332

Institute for Fundamental Studies Association (John Yates) n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 17
reel 332

Institute for Humane Studies (F. A. Harper) 1963-1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 18
reel 332

Institute for Scientific Information 1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 19
reel 332

Institute for Vico Studies 1976-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 20
reel 332

Institute of Contemporary History 1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 21
reel 332

Institute of Economic Affairs (Ralph Harris) 1977-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 22
reel 332

Institute of Historical Research 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 23
reel 332

Institute of Parascience 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 24
reel 332

Institute of Physics 1962-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 25
reel 332

Instituto de Ciencias Humanas (Gentil Martins Dias) 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 26
reel 332

Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (Anthony R. Michaelis) 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 27
reel 332

International Biographical Archives and Dictionary of Central European Emigres, 1933-1945 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 28
reel 332

International Centre for Child Studies 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 29
reel 332

International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (Michael Young Warder, John C. Eccles) 1975-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Peter B. Checkland, S. L. Cook, Irving Louis Horowitz, and Frederick Sontag re the Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 30
reel 332

International Congress of Classical Studies (Carsten Hoeg) 1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 31
reel 332

International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Max Jammer, Paul Weingartner) 1978-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 32
reel 332

International Cultural Foundation 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 33
reel 332

International Editors' Company 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 34
reel 332

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (David L. Sills) 1966-1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 35
reel 332

International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (Sam Nilsson) 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 36
reel 332

International House of Japan (Shigeharu Matsumoto) 1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 37
reel 332

International Institute for Strategic Studies (Christoph Bertram) 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 38
reel 332

International Journal of Epidemiology (Walter W. Holland) 1976.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Carol Buck

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 39
reel 332

International Journal of Theoretical Physics (John Yates) 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 40
reel 332

International Mark Twain Society 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 41
reel 332

International Society for the History of Ideas (Aaron Noland, Philip W. Wiener) 1959-1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 42
reel 333

International Society for the Study of Time (J. T. Fraser) 1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 43
reel 333

Ioannidou, H. 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 44
reel 333

Israelische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Ivan Hacker) 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 45
reel 333

Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Vincenzo Cappelletti) 1979-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 46
reel 333

Istituto di Metodologia e Filosofia della Scienza (Angelo Maria Petroni) 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 47
reel 333

Iversen, Erik 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 48
reel 333

Iversen, K. 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 49
reel 333

Iwanami Shoten, Publishers (Mitsuko Takiguchi) 1976-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 311 : 50

J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck (Hans Georg Siebeck, Georg Siebeck), re The Poverty of Historicism, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie, Conjectures and Refutations .

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Oliver E. Ford and Bernd Enders. See also Erik Boettcher and Herr Wienhold
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Box/Folder 312 : 8
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 9
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 10
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 11
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 12
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Box/Folder 312 : 13
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Box/Folder 312 : 14
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Box/Folder 312 : 15
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 16
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 17
reel 334

Jabs, Arthur 1978-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 18
reel 334

Jacob, Francois 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 19
reel 334

Jacob, Pierre 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 20
reel 334

Jaeger, Hasso 1965-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 21
reel 334

Jaeger, Wolfgang 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 22
reel 334

Jaki, Stanley L. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 23
reel 334

James, D. Marc 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 24
reel 334

James, G. D. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 312 : 25
reel 334

James, Roger 1973-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 1
reel 334

James Thin Ltd. 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 2
reel 334

Jammer, Max 1967-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 3
reel 334

Janoska, Georg 1967-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 4
reel 334

Japan Uni Agency (Hideo Aoki, Kozaburo Yano), 1973-1985, mainly re Unended Quest

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 5
reel 334

Jarvie, Ian Charles 1957-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 6
reel 334

Jary, Walther 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 7
reel 334

Jeffrey, Richard C. 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 8
reel 334

Jeffreys, Harold 1942-1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 9
reel 334

Jewish Year Book 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 10
reel 334

Ji, Shu-li 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 11
reel 334

John Didier Editions 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 12
reel 334

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 13
reel 334

John Wiley & Sons Limited 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 14
reel 334

Johnson, Barclay D. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 15
reel 334

Johnson, Daniel 1976-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 16
reel 335

Johnstone, R. Edgeworth 1971-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 17
reel 335

Johr, W. A. 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 18
reel 335

Jonathan Cape Ltd. 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 19
reel 335

Jones, G. O. 1965-1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 20
reel 335

Jones, P. E. 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 21
reel 335

Jordan, P., 1935.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Frankfurter Zeitung

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 22
reel 335

Jorgensen, J. 1935-1946

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 23
reel 335

Joseph, Kevin 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 24
reel 335

Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust (Robin Guthrie) 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 25
reel 335

Journal of Industrial Affairs 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 26
reel 335

Journal of Philosophy 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 27
reel 335

Journal of Symbolic Logic 1951-1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 28
reel 335

Judge, H. Y. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 29
reel 335

Junankar, N. S. 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 30
reel 335

Jung, Richard 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 313 : 31
reel 335

Kadlec, Bernard 1974-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 1
reel 335

Kadlec, Erich 1974-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 2
reel 335

Kaestner, Heinrich 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 3
reel 335

Kahn, Charles H. 1965-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 4
reel 335

Kahn-Freund, Otto 1946

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 5
reel 335

Kalicki Jan 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 6
reel 335

Kalista, Monika 1979-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 7
reel 335

Kalman, Rudolf E. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 8
reel 335

Kalmar, Laszlo 1966-1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 9
reel 335

Kamenka, Eugene 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 10
reel 335

Kaneko, Mitsuo 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 11
reel 335

Kanitscheider, Bernulf 1978-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 12
reel 335

Kannellopoulos, P., re Constantine D. Tsatsos. 1978

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Linos Benakis

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 13
reel 335

Kaplan, Morton A. 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 14
reel 335

Kapp, Reginald O., 1952-1957.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's typewritten comments on Peter Alexander's review of Reginald O. Kapp's book Mind, Life, and Body

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 15
reel 335

Karlan, Daniel M. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 16
reel 335

Kary, Michael 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 17
reel 335

Kasper, Helmut 1968-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 18
reel 335

Karstendiek, Helmut 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 19
reel 335

Kathimerimi 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 20
reel 335

Katholiek Centrum voor Lectuurinformatie en Bibliotheekvoorziening 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 21
reel 335

Katouzian, Homa 1975-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 22
reel 335

Kattsoff, L. O. 1949

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 23
reel 335

Katz, Bernard 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 24
reel 335

Kaus, Rainer 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 25
reel 335

Kavanagh, H. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 314 : 26
reel 336

Kekes, John 1976-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 1
reel 336

Keller, Hannes 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 2
reel 336

Kemeny, John G. 1951-1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 3
reel 336

Kendall, Maurice G. 1955-1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 4
reel 336

Kennan, George F. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 5
reel 336

Kennet, Wayland 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 6
reel 336

Kenny, Anthony J. P. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 7
reel 336

Kermode, Frank 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 8
reel 336

Keuth, Herbert 1969-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 9
reel 336

Khan, R. F. 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 10
reel 336

Kielwein, R. 1960-1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 11
reel 336

Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 12
reel 336

Kiesewetter, Hubert 1968-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 13
reel 336

Kiesslinger, Rudolf 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 14
reel 336

Kindler Verlag Zurich 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 15
reel 336

King, Edmund J. 1966-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 16
reel 336

King, Preston 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 17
reel 336

Kirchhoff, Joachim 1983-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 18
reel 336

Kirchschlager, Rudolf 1977-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 19
reel 336

Kirk, G. S. 1959-1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 20
reel 336

Kitchen, Jack 1953

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 21
reel 336

Klappholz, Kurt 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 22
reel 336

Kleene, Stephen C. 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 23
reel 336

Klein, Robert F. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 24
reel 336

Klemke, E. D. 1974-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 25
reel 336

Klibansky, Raymond 1968-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 26
reel 336

Klose, Dietrich 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 27
reel 336

Knaurs Prominentenlexicon 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 28
reel 336

Kneale, William C. 1945-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 29
reel 336

Knox, F. n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 30
reel 336

Koch, L. E. 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 31
reel 336

Kochen, Simon 1973-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 32
reel 336

Koenne, Werner 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 33
reel 336

Koertge, Noretta 1968-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 34
reel 336

Koesters, Paul-Heinz 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 35
reel 336

Koestler, Arthur n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 36
reel 336

Koga, Toyoki 1973-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 315 : 37
reel 336

Kohl, Helmut 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 1
reel 336

Kohler, Eckehart 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 2
reel 336

Kohn, Hans 1950-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 3
reel 336

Kolakowski, Leszek 1971-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 4
reel 336

Kolb, Fritz and Martha, 1961-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten foreword to Fritz Kolb's book Es kam ganz anders, 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 5
reel 337

Kolditz, Wolfgang 1979-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 6
reel 337

Koliha, Lothar 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 7
reel 337

Koller, Frau n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 8
reel 337

Kolnai, Aurel T. 1952-1955

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 9
reel 337

Komarek, Kurt 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 10
reel 337

Komitee zur Organisation eines Osterreichischen Schriftstellerkongresses 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 11
reel 337

Kongress fur die Freiheit der Kultur 1947

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 12
reel 337

Konig, Heinz 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 13
reel 337

Konstanzer Blatter fur Hochschulfragen 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 14
reel 337

Koppelmann, Floris 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 15
reel 337

Kordig, Carl R. 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 16
reel 337

Korean Broadcasting System 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 17
reel 337

Korn, Peter Jona and Barbara 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 18
reel 337

Korner, Stephan 1957-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 19
reel 337

Kornhuber, H. H. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 20
reel 337

Kosel-Verlag 1972-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 21
reel 337

Kothbauer, Hilde 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 22
reel 337

Kraft, Julius 1945-1960.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Margit Kraft, 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 23
reel 337

Kraft, Victor 1932-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Eva Frodl-Kraft, 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 24
reel 337

Krag (Nina Smolar) 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 25
reel 337

Krah, Wolfgang 1972-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 26
reel 337

Krakau, C. E. T. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 316 : 27
reel 338

previous hit Krassnigg next hit , Albert 1970.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's typewritten report entitled "Einige Bemerkungen uber die Wiener Schulreform und ihr Einfluss auf mich," 1970, as well as a letter to Albert previous hit Krassnigg's widow, 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 1
reel 338

Kratky, Otto 1980-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 2
reel 338

Kraus, Michael 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 3
reel 338

Kraus, Wolfgang 1968-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 4
reel 338

Krausz, Michael 1960-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 5
reel 338

Krawietz, Werner 1976-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 6
reel 338

Krebs, Greti 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 7
reel 338

Krebs, Hans 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 8
reel 338

Kreisel, Georg, 1952-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Georg Kreisel's typewritten review of A. Mostowski's book Sentences Undecidable in Formalized Arithmetic: An Exposition of the Theory of Kurt Godel, annotated by Karl Popper

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 9
reel 338

Kreisky, Bruno 1972-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 10
reel 338

Kremenak, Elisabeth K. See Herz, Martin F. and Elisabeth K.

reel 338

Kretschmer, Gerhard 1965-1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 11
reel 338

Krips, Henry 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 12
reel 338

Krohn, Peter L. 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 13
reel 338

Kroiss, Gerhard 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 14
reel 338

Kroy, Moshe 1970-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 15
reel 338

Kruger, Lorenz 1968-1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 16
reel 338

Kuhn, Thomas S. 1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 17
reel 338

Kuipers, Theo A. F. 1978-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 18
reel 338

Kulmann, Hermann 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 19
reel 338

Kulturzeitschrift (Gabriele Pfan) 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 20
reel 338

Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 21
reel 338

Kuppner, Frank 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 22
reel 338

Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1965, re The Open Society

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 23
reel 338

Kuswetter, H. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 24
reel 338

Kuypers, K. 1970-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 25
reel 338

Kvan, Eric 1963-1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 26
reel 338

Kwiatkowski, Gerhard (Bibliographisches Institut) 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 27
reel 338

Kyburg, Henry E., Jr. 1960-1967.

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter from Sigmund Neumann

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 28
reel 338

Kyrkos, Basileiy A. 1974-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 317 : 29
reel 338

Labedz, Leopold 1973-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 1
reel 338

Lahti, Pekka J. 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 2
reel 338

Lai, Tyrone 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 3

Lakatos, Imre

reel 338


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 4
reel 338


Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Suresh C. Parikh

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 5
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 6
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 7
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 8
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 9
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 10
reel 339

Lammer, Meinhart and Traudl 1968-1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 11

Lammer, Robert

reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 12
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 13
reel 339


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 14
reel 339

Lampugnani Nigri Editore, 1972, re The Poverty of Historicism

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 15
reel 339

Lancet 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 16
reel 339

Lanczos, Cornelius 1966-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 17
reel 339

Lande, Alfred 1955-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 18
reel 339

Landsberg, Peter T. 1971-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 19
reel 339

Lang, C. 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 20
reel 339

Lange & Springer 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 21
reel 339

Laor, Nathaniel 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 22
reel 339

Larijani, Sadegh 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 318 : 23
reel 339

Larsen, Harold 1945-1946

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 1
reel 339

Laszlo, Stephan 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 2
reel 339

Laudsberg, Dr. 1957

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 3
reel 339

Lauener, Henri 1972-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 4
reel 339

Launay, Marc and Michelle Brudy de, 1979-1985, re Conjectures and Refutations

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 5
reel 339

Laungani, Pittu 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 6
reel 339

Laurence, Alfred Edward 1968-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 7
reel 340

Laurikainen, K. V. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 8
reel 340

Lauwerys, J. A. 1968-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 9
reel 340

Lawrence, John 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 10
reel 340

Lawrence, Philip J. 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 11
reel 340

Lawrence Smith Literary Agency (Lawrence Smith) 1955-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 12
reel 340

Leach, B. Foss 1980-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 13
reel 340

Leary, James E. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 14
reel 340

Leblanc, Hugues 1978-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 15
reel 340

Leeper, G. W. 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 16
reel 340

Leeuwen, J. van 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 17
reel 340

Leinfellner, Werner 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 18
reel 340

Lejewski, Czeslaw 1952-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 19
reel 340

Leoni, Bruno 1952-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 20
reel 340

Leser, Norbert 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 21
reel 340

Lessnoff, Michael 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 22
reel 340

Letwin, William 1949

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 23
reel 340

Leung, Physer 1980-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 24
reel 340

Levere, Trevor H. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 25
reel 340

Levi, Isaac 1962-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 26
reel 340

Levinson, H. B. 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 27
reel 340

Levinson, Paul 1978-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 28
reel 340

Levison, Arnold B. 1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 29
reel 340

Levy, David 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 30
reel 340

Levy, H. 1943

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 31
reel 340

Lewin, Douglas W. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 32
reel 340

Lewis, Albert C. 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 33
reel 340

Lewis, Hywel D. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 34
reel 340

Lewis, John 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 35
reel 340

Lewis, Thomas T. 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 36
reel 340

Lewis-Loubignac, Anne 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 37
reel 340

Lewy, Casimir 1946-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 38
reel 340

Liberal Summer School 1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 319 : 39
reel 340

Librairie Armand Colin (Marianne Veron), 1970-1971, re Conjectures and Refutations

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 1
reel 340

Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1970-1971, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 2
reel 340

Librairie Ernest Flammarion (Louis Audibert), 1984-1985, re The Poverty of Historicism

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 3
reel 340

Librairie Plon (Helene Bourgeois, Rene Julliard), 1981-1984, re Conjectures and Refutations and The Poverty of Historicism

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 4
reel 340

Library of Science (David Klein). See Basic Books

reel 340

Lieberson, Jonathan 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 5
reel 340

Light, Ursula E. K. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 6
reel 340

Lindley, T. Foster 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 7
reel 340

Lingens, Ella n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 8
reel 340

Linguiti, Gennar Luigi 1976-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 9
reel 340

Linke, Paul F. 1936-1937

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 10
reel 340

Linney, D. S. 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 11
reel 340

Lion, Aline 1949

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 12
reel 340

Lippincott, Benjamin E. 1978-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 13
reel 340

Lipton, Marianne 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 14
reel 340

Listener 1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 15
reel 340

Little, Graham R. 1977-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 16
reel 340

Little, John 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 17
reel 340

Liviana Editrice in Padova, 1970, re Conjectures and Refutations

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 18
reel 340

Livingstone, Angela 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 19
reel 340

Lloyd, G. E. R. 1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 20
reel 340

Lock, Andrew 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 21
reel 340

Lodynski, Andrej 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 22
reel 340

Logan, Ken 1961-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 23
reel 340

Loidl, Willi 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 24
reel 340

Lombardi, Franco 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 25
reel 340

London Review of Books 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 26

London School of Economics (Walter Adams, Sydney Caine, Huw Wheldon, Ralf Dahrendorf). See also Wasserman, Benno. For pre- correspondence, see COURSE MATERIAL, London School of Economics, Correspondence 1970

reel 341


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 27
reel 341


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 320 : 28
reel 341

London School of Economics Society 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 1
reel 341

Lorber, John 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 2
reel 341

Lorenz, Ingeborg F. R. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 3
reel 341

Lorenz, Konrad Z. 1969-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's typewritten tribute to Konrad Lorenz

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 4
reel 341

Lorenzen, Hans-Peter 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 5
reel 341

Lorenzen, P. 1954-1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 6
reel 341

Lort-Phillips, Patrick 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 7
reel 341

Louisiana State University 1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 8
reel 341

Louisiana State University Press (Beverly Jarrett) 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 9
reel 341

Lubbe, Hermann 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 10
reel 341

Lucas, F. D. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 11
reel 341

Luce, A. A. 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 12
reel 341

Luderssen, Klaus 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 13
reel 341

Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 14
reel 341

Lukasiewicz Jan 1955

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 15
reel 341

Lund, Pui-chong and Nellie 1972-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 16
reel 341

Lunghi, Sandro 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 17
reel 341

Lutfalla, G. 1946

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 18
reel 341

Lwoff, Professor 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 19
reel 341

Lyman, Harry 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 321 : 20
reel 342

Mabott, J. D. 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 1
reel 342

Macatesta, Michele 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 2
reel 342

Macbeth, Norman 1963-1977.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Gambit Publishers

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 3
reel 342

Mace, C. Alec, See also George Allen & Unwin 1952.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 4
reel 342

Machlup, Fritz 1956-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 5
reel 342

MacKay, Donald M. 1966-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 6
reel 342

Mackie, R. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 7
reel 342

MacKinnon, Donald M. 1956-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 8
reel 342

MacKinnon, L. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 9
reel 342

MacLane, Professor 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 10
reel 342

Maclure, Malcolm 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 11
reel 342

Macmillan International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 12
reel 342

Macmillan London Ltd. 1952-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 13
reel 342

MacRae, Donald G. 1951-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 14
reel 342

Magarian, Michael 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 15

Magee, Bryan

reel 342


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 16
reel 342


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 17
reel 343


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 18
reel 343


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 19
reel 343


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 322 : 20
reel 343


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 1
reel 343


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 2
reel 344


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 3
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 4
reel 344


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 5
reel 344

Mahieux, Micheline 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 6
reel 344

Mahieux, Mr. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 7
reel 344

Maier, K. F. 1949

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 8
reel 344

Maier-Leibnitz, Heinz 1978-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 9
reel 344

Makinde, M. Akin 1972-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 10
reel 344

Malina, Jaroslav 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 11
reel 344

Mall, Jim 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 12
reel 344

Manchester University Press 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 13
reel 344

Mannheimer Morgen Grossdruckerei und Verlag, 1975, re Mannheimer Forum 75/76

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 14
reel 344

Manning, C. A. W. 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 323 : 15
reel 344

Mannu, Andrea 1972-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 1
reel 344

Mansfeld, J. 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 2
reel 344

Marcus, Ruth Barcan 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 3
reel 344

Marek, Johann Christian 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 4
reel 344

Margenau, Henry 1962-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 5
reel 344

Marhefka, Edmund 1960-1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 6
reel 344

Marietti Editori, 1970, re The Poverty of Historicism

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 7
reel 344

Mark, Karl 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 8
reel 344

Mark Twain Journal 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 9
reel 344

Markl, Peter 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 10
reel 344

Marks, John 1978-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 11
reel 344

Marmet, Paul 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 12
reel 344

Marris, Mr., 1970, re Conjectures and Refutations

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 13
reel 344

Marschak, Jacob 1937-1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 14
reel 344

Marshall, Trevor W. 1983-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence between Trevor Marshall and Thomas D. Angelidis and Abner Shimony

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 15
reel 344

Martin Santos, Luis 1968-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 16
reel 344

Martin Secker & Warburg 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 17
reel 344

Martt, Judson, See also Morgan, Richard B. 1975-1985.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 18
reel 345

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press 1970-1971

reel 345

Massada Ltd., 1977-1980.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re The Open Society and Philosophia

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 20
reel 345

Masse, Pierre 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 21
reel 345

Matthews, Bryan 1957

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 22
reel 345

Matthiesen, Einar 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 23
reel 345

Maurer, Joseph 1937

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 24
reel 345

Maxwell, Grover and Mary Lou 1963-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 25
reel 345

Maxwell, Nicholas 1965-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 26
reel 345

Maycock, R. F. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 27
reel 345

Mayerhofer, Josef 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 28
reel 345

Mayo, Deborah G. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 29
reel 345

Mayper, Stuart A. 1965-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 324 : 30
reel 345

Mayr, Ernst 1966-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 1
reel 345

Mazzaroli-Gherson, J. 1970-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 2
reel 345

McCarthy, Patrick J. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 3
reel 345

McCausland, Ian 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 4
reel 345

McClare, Colin W. F. and Gill 1965-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 5
reel 345

McConnell, R. Shean 1978-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 6
reel 345

McConnell, Richard B. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 7
reel 345

McCrea, William Hunter, 1982, re his review of The Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 8
reel 345

McDonald, Ian 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 9
reel 345

McEvoy, Donald P. 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 10
reel 345

McGraw-Hill Book Company 1968-1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 11
reel 345

McGuinness, Brian 1981-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's writings for the Schlick Festschrift volume

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 12
reel 345

McHugh, Paul R. 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 13
reel 345

McIntyre, Neil 1980-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's holograph "The Very Special Situation of Medical Men and Women"

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 14
reel 345

McKeon, Richard P. 1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 15
reel 345

McKinney, J. P. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 16
reel 345

McLaren, Donald S. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 17
reel 345

McLaren, Robert Bruce 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 18
reel 345

McMaster University (Kenneth Blackwell) 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 19
reel 345

McMullin, Ernan 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 20
reel 345

McMurrin, Sterling M., re The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 21
reel 345

McNelis, Mary J. 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 22
reel 345

McQuaid, John 1977-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 23
reel 345

McWhirter, Norris D. 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 24

Medawar, Peter B.

reel 345


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 25
reel 345


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 26
reel 346


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 27
reel 346


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 28
reel 346


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 325 : 29
reel 346

Medical Hypotheses (David F. Horrobin) 1974-1980.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from John C. Eccles to David F. Horrobin

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 1
reel 346

Medicine and Mind 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 2
reel 346

Meehl, Paul E. 1964-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 3
reel 346

Megwa, Peter O. 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 4
reel 346

Mehlberg, Henryk 1966-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 5
reel 346

Mehmanesh, Hormoz 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 6
reel 346

Meinhardt, H. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 7
reel 346

Mejer, Jxrgen 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 8
reel 346

Mellone, Dr. 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 9
reel 346

Mellov 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 10
reel 346

Meltzer, Bernard 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 11
reel 346

Men of Achievement 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 12
reel 346

Menahem, Hanina Ben 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 13
reel 346

Menger, Karl 1951-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 14
reel 346

Menne, Albert 1977-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 15
reel 346

Mensa 1963-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 16
reel 346

Mensah, Eugene B. 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 17
reel 346

Menzl, Walter (Pan~Humanistische Aktion) 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 18
reel 346

Mercier, Andre 1946-1949

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 19
reel 346

Merkel, Reinhard 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 20
reel 346

Merklein, Siegfried T. 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 21
reel 346

Merrill, Daniel D. 1976-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 22
reel 346

Mertes, Michael 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 23
reel 346

Merwe, Alwyn van der 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 24
reel 346

Messmer, Bernhard 1974-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 25
reel 346

Messner, Johannes 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 26
reel 346

Methodology and Science (Piet H. Esser), re "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare." See also Morscher, Edgar 1972-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 27
reel 346

Methuen & Co. 1975-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 28
reel 346

Mettenheim, Cristoph von 1968-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 29
reel 346

Mew, Melitta 1983-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 30
reel 346

Meyer, Herman 1946-1947

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 31
reel 346

Meyer, Justus 1946-1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 326 : 32
reel 346

Meyer, William H. 1953

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 1
reel 346

Meyer-Abich, Klaus M. 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 2
reel 346

Meyer-Bornsen, Christiane 1982-1986

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 3
reel 347

Meyer-Schwickerath, Gerd n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 4
reel 347

Michaelis, Ernst august 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 5
reel 347

Michalos, Alex C. 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 6
reel 347

Michigan Quarterly Review 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 7
reel 347

Michl Jan 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 8
reel 347

Middelmann, Hans W. 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 9
reel 347

Mieszkis, K. W. 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 10
reel 347

Miles, T. R. n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 11
reel 347

Milford-Hilferding, Peter 1960-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 12

Miller, David William and Farida.

Scope and Contents note

Includes David Miller's notes
reel 347


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 13
reel 347


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 14
reel 347


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 327 : 15
reel 348


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 1
reel 348


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 2
reel 348


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 3
reel 348


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 4
reel 348


Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's notes

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 5
reel 348


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 328 : 6
reel 348

Miller, Ian 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 1
reel 348

Milne, Alan J. M. 1947-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 2
reel 348

Mind (David W. Hamlyn), See also Ryle, Gilbert 1971-1981.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 3
reel 349

Mises, Richard von 1935

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 4
reel 349

Missimer, G. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 5
reel 349

Mitchell, E. W. J. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 6
reel 349

Mitchell, H. B., re translation of Karl Popper's interview "Les chemins de la verite" 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 7
reel 349

Mitchell, Peter 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 8
reel 349

Mittelstrass, Jurgen 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 9
reel 349

Mittwoch, Ursula 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 10
reel 349

Moberly, Walter 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 11
reel 349

Moewes, Winfried 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 12
reel 349

Moffat, James 1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 13
reel 349

Moir, David 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 14
reel 349

Mokre, J. 1962

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 15
reel 349

Moldauer, Peter 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 16
reel 349

Molden, Fritz P. 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 17
reel 349

Molden, Otto 1948-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 18
reel 349

Mombert, Francois 1979-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 19
reel 349

Mondadori (Anna Piana) 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 20
reel 349

Mondoperaio Edizione Avanti 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 21
reel 349

Monist (Eugene Freeman) 1972-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 22
reel 349

Monod, Jacques 1970-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 23
reel 349

Monod, Philippe 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 24
reel 349

Mont Pelerin Society (Friedrich A. von Hayek, A. Hunold) 1947-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 25
reel 349

Montague, Richard 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 26
reel 349

Moorbath, Stephen 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 27
reel 349

Moore, D. J. 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 28
reel 349

Moore, G. E. 1938-1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 29
reel 349

Moore, Walter J. 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 30
reel 349

Moorhead, Hugh S. 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 31
reel 349

Morgan, Richard B. 1974-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 32
reel 349

Morgenstern, Oskar ( Mathematica ) 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 33
reel 349

Mori, I. 1971-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 34
reel 349

Morishige, Tsuchiya 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 35
reel 349

Morl, Anton von 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 36
reel 349

Morris, Charles W. 1936

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 37
reel 349

Morris, Richard O. 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 38
reel 349

Morscher, Edgar 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 39
reel 349

Mosee, Margarete n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 40
reel 349

Moser, Simon (osterreichisches College) 1950-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 41
reel 349

Moser-Duftner, Carin 1979-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 42
reel 349

Moss, E. H. G. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 329 : 43
reel 349

Motz, Hans 1938-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's notes

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 1
reel 349

Mourelatos, Alexander P. D. 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 2
reel 349

Muckenheim, Wolfgang 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 3
reel 349

Muller, Gert H. 1965-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 4
reel 349

Mugur-Schachter, Mioara 1973-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 5
reel 349

Muhlmann, W. E. 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 6
reel 349

Mulligan, Kevin 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 7
reel 349

Munch, Hans 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 8
reel 349

Munro-Kerr, Anne (Society of Authors) 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 9
reel 349

Munz, Peter 1946-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 10
reel 350

Murdoch, Professor n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 11
reel 350

Murray, Gilbert 1948

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 12
reel 350

Murray, John Kerr 1970-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 13
reel 350

Murray, W. A. Scott 1980-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 14
reel 350

Musgrave, Alan 1964-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 15
reel 350

Mycielski Jan n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 16
reel 350

Myddelton, David 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 330 : 17
reel 350

Nadel, George H. 1959-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 1
reel 350

Nagy, Lajos V. 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 2
reel 350

Naess, Arne 1949-1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 3
reel 350

Nahs, Hans-Georg 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 4
reel 350

Naik, V. A. 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 5
reel 350

Nalimov, Vassili V. 1971-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 6
reel 350

Naor, David 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 7
reel 350

Nash, S. J. 1946

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 8
reel 350

Nation (Carey McWilliams) 1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 9
reel 350

National Bank Cultural Foundation (E. C. Casdaglis), 1982, re The Open Society

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 10
reel 350

National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 11
reel 350

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 12
reel 350

National Portrait Gallery 1959-1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 13
reel 350

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 14
reel 350

Natur och Kultur (Britta Svensson) 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 15
reel 350

Nature (John Maddox) 1956-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes joint papers by Karl Popper and Thomas D. Angelidis

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 16
reel 350

Naude, Cavin 1973-1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 17
reel 350

Neblett, William R., Jr. 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 18
reel 350

Nechausky, Frau 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 19
reel 350

Neely, Peter M. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 20
reel 350

Nelson, Benjamin 1965-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 21
reel 350

Nelson, Edward 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 22
reel 350

Neue Hefte fur Philosophie 1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 23
reel 350

Neues Forum (Gunther Nenning) 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 24
reel 350

Neuhauser-Loibl, Maria 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 25
reel 350

Neumann, Lothar F. 1969-1970

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 26
reel 350

Neurath, Marie 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 27
reel 350

Neurath, Otto 1935-1936

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 28
reel 350

New American Library 1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 29
reel 350

New Mexico Highlands University 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 30
reel 350

New Scientist (Tim Raison, Michael Kenward) 1958-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 31
reel 350

New Society 1963-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 32
reel 350

New Statesman 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 33
reel 350

New York Review of Books (R. B. Silvers) 1965-1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 34
reel 350

New York Times (Holcomb B. Noble) 1983-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Daniel Goleman and printed copy of his article on Adolf Grunbaum and psychoanalysis. See also Mark Amadeus Notturno and Paul R. McHugh

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 35
reel 350

New York University Press 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 36
reel 350

Newman, Jose 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 37
reel 350

Newton-Smith, W. H., re unofficial Philosophy Seminars in Prague 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 38
reel 350

Nichols, Mary P. 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 39
reel 350

Nieli, Russell 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 40
reel 350

Nielsen, Fleming S. 1963-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 41
reel 350

Nisewanger, Darlene E. 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 42
reel 350

Noda, Matao 1953

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 331 : 43
reel 350

Norddeutscher Rundfunk 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 1
reel 350

Nordin, Inge mar 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 2
reel 351

North Holland Publishing Company 1968-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 3
reel 351

Northrop, F. S. C. 1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 4
reel 351

Northwestern University (William Earle) 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 5
reel 351

Norway. Embassy (Great Britain) 1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 6
reel 351

Notturno, Mark Amadeus 1982-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 7
reel 351

Nouvelle Ecole (Alain de Benoist) 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 8
reel 351

Novakovic, Stanisa 1961-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 9
reel 351

Nuffield Foundation 1969-1981.

Scope and Contents note

Includes reports on Karl Popper's publications and on the work of his research assistants. See also London School of Economics

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 10
reel 351

Nugayev, R. M. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 11
reel 351

Nuova Italia Editrice (Mario Casalini) 1968-1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 12
reel 351

Nuzzaci, Francesco 1972-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 13
reel 351

Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Hans A. Neunzig) 1971-1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 14
reel 351

Nyt Nordisk Forlag 1972-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 15
reel 351

ORDO (Hans Willgerodt) 1978-1979.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Gustav Fischer Verlag

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 16
reel 351

Oakeshott, Michael 1948-1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 17
reel 351

Oakley, Kenneth P. 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 18
reel 351

O'Connor, Dan J. 1966-1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 19
reel 351

Odell, S. Jack (and Charles J. Bontempo) 1971-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 20
reel 351

Odling-Smee, John 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 21
reel 351

O'Dowd, Matt 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 332 : 22
reel 351

Oerley, W. A. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 1
reel 351

Offenberger, Hans (John) 1977-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 2
reel 351

Office de Radiodiffusion-Television Francaise 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 3
reel 351

Ogilvie, Sheilagh C. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 4
reel 351

O'Gorman, James P. P. 1979-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 5
reel 351

Ohe, Seizo n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 6
reel 351

O'Hear, Anthony 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 7
reel 351

Ohio State University (Everett J. Nelson) 1958

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 8
reel 351

Oka, Masahiro 1974-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 9
reel 351

Okera, P. 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 10
reel 351

Olafson, Frederick A. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 11
reel 351

Old Whig Society (Sudha R. Shenoy) 1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 12
reel 351

Oldham, J. H. 1952

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 13
reel 351

Oliver, D. S. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 14
reel 351

Ollman, Bertell 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 15
reel 351

Omni (Bernard Dixon) 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 16
reel 351

O'Neil, W. M. 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 17
reel 351

O'Neill, Angus 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 18

Open Court Publishing Company re Library of Living Philosophers . See also McNelis, Mary



reel 351


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 19
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Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 20
reel 352

Carus, Andre W. 1974-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 21
reel 352

Carus, Blouke M. 1972-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 :22

Freeman, Eugene

reel 352


Scope and Contents

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reel 352


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 333 : 24

Schilpp, Paul Arthur

reel 352

re Carnap volume 1953-1964

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 1
reel 352

re Popper volume 1963-1969

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 2
reel 352


Scope and Contents

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reel 353


Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 4
reel 353

Webber, Howard R. 1975-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 5

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 5
reel 353

Open University 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 6
reel 353

Opinione (Salvatore Carruba) 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 7
reel 353

Oppacher, Franz 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 8
reel 353

Oppenheim, Paul 1946-1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 9
reel 353

Oppitz, Gerda 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 10
reel 353

Orden pour le Merite fur Wissenschaften und Kunste 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 11
reel 353

O'Reilly, Ron 1945

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 12
reel 353

Organisatie van Natuurphilosophische en Technologische Faculteiten in Nederland (C. M. C. Hoedemaker, J. C. H. L. Benneker) 1960-1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 13
reel 353

Orion Press 1975-1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 14
reel 353

Ormell, Christopher 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 15
reel 353

Orpinela, Robert R. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 334 : 16
reel 353

Osborn, Reuben 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 1
reel 353

osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1977-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 2
reel 353

osterreichische Hochschulerschaft (Anton Winter) 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 3
reel 353

osterreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft (Adolf Hubner), re International Wittgenstein Symposium 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 4
reel 353

osterreichische Nationalbibliothek 1970-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 5
reel 353

osterreichischer Bundesverlag (Herbert Fussy, Othmar Spachinger) 1981-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 6
reel 353

osterreichischer Rundfunk (Franz Kreuzer) 1954-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's handwritten notes

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 7
reel 353

osterreichisches College (Alexander Auer, Sonja Wengersky), See also Molden, Otto 1948-1983.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 8
reel 353

Osters, P. 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 9
reel 353

Otava Publishing Company 1965

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 10
reel 353

Ott, Walter 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 11
reel 353

Otto, Frei 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 12
reel 353

Owen, Lawrence 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 13
reel 353

Owl (Alfred Juenson-Taylor) 1951

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 14
reel 353

Oxford Union Society, re Karl Popper's lecture "A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History" 1967

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 15
reel 353

Oxford University Politics Society 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 16
reel 354

Oxford University Press (Jon Stallworthy, Adam Hodgkin), 1966-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re Objective Knowledge . See also Wheeler, Mortimer; Watkins, John; Clarendon Press

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 17
reel 354

Pacheco, Keith 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 18
reel 354

Padagogisches Institut der Stadt Wien 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

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reel 354

Pahler, Klaus 1977-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 20
reel 354

Pais, Istvan 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 21
reel 354

Palmer, C. P. 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 22
reel 354

Palumbo, Pietro 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 23
reel 354

Pambuccian, Victor 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 24
reel 354

Pandit, G. L. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 25
reel 354

Panine, Dimitri 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 26
reel 354

Pap, Arthur 1953-1954

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 335 : 27
reel 354

Papadaki, Irene, re translations of Karl Popper's works into Greek 1978-1986

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 1
reel 354

Papaikonomou, E. 1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 2
reel 354

Parahitananda, Swami 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 3
reel 354

Pardo, Raymundo 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 4
reel 354

Parekh, B. C. (University of Baroda, India) 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 5
reel 354

Park, Woosuk 1979-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 6
reel 354

Parker, L. K. 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 7
reel 354

Parker, Miles 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 8
reel 354

Parker, Neil n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 9
reel 354

Parkes, H. B. 1941

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 10
reel 354

Parkin, Mr. n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 11
reel 354

Parkinson, Henry J. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 12
reel 354

Parsler, Ron 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 13
reel 354

Parton, Hugh Noble, 1946-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes his review of The Open Society

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 14
reel 354

Paschke, F. 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 15
reel 354

Pascoe, Clive B. 1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 16
reel 354

Passmore, John Arthur 1945-1967

Scope and Contents

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reel 354

Pasternak, Josephine 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 18
reel 354

Patel, A. B. 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 19
reel 354

Patmos Verlag 1975-1977

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 20
reel 354

Paton, H. J. 1948-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 21
reel 354

Pattaro, Sandra Tugholi 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 22
reel 354

Pauling, Linus 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 23
reel 354

Paulos, John A. 1978

Scope and Contents

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reel 354

Pauly, Philip J. 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 25
reel 354

Pauwels, Leo ( Volksmacht ) 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 26
reel 354

Pavco M. Vianna, Moyses 1964-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 27
reel 354

Payne, Perrell F. 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 28
reel 354

Pearsall, Richard 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 29
reel 354

Peces-Barba Martinez, Gregorio 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 30
reel 354

Pecker, Jean-Claude 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 31
reel 354

Peierls, Rudolf E. 1959.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Karl Popper's holograph "A Note on the Tunnel Effect"

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 336 : 32
reel 354

Penfold, Chesney 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 1
reel 354

Penman, John 1963

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 2
reel 354

Penn, Hans-Joachim 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 3
reel 354

Pera, Marcello 1979-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 4
reel 354

Percival, P. 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 5
reel 354

Perelman, Chaim 1960-1976

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 6
reel 354

Perey, Francis G. 1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 7
reel 354

Perez-Diaz, Victor 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 8
reel 354

Pergamon Press, 1979.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence re Biologos

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 9
reel 355

Perkinson, Henry J. 1977-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 10
reel 355

Perroux, Francois 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 11
reel 355

Perry, Leslie R. 1971

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 12
reel 355

Perutz, Max F. 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 13
reel 355

Pesaro, Friederike and Mario 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 14
reel 355

Pesce, Maria Antonietta Arioli 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 15
reel 355

Peschek, Friedrich 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 16
reel 355

Peston, Maurice H. 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 17

Petersen, Arne Friemuth

reel 355


Scope and Contents

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reel 355


Scope and Contents

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reel 355

Petroni, Angelo Maria 1980-1984

Scope and Contents

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reel 355

Petrovic, Alexandre 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

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reel 355

Petzinger, Johann-Michael v. 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 22
reel 355

Peursen, C. A. van 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 23
reel 355

Peyrefitte, Alain M. 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 24
reel 355

Pezzimenti, Rocco 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 337 : 25
reel 355

Pfanzagl, J. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 1
reel 355

Pfaundler, Gertrud 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 2
reel 355

Pfaundler, Wolfgang 1972-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 3
reel 355

Pflugstert, Ulrich 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 4
reel 355

Pfreundschuh, Gerhard 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 5
reel 355

Phillips, Roger E. A. 1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 6
reel 355

Philosopher's Index (Richard H. Lineback) 1974-1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 7
reel 355

Philosophia (Ruth Sheizaf) 1980.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Massada Ltd.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 8
reel 355

Philosophical Lexicon 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 9
reel 355

Philosophisch-Politische Akademie (Susanne Miller) 1980-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 10
reel 355

Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger (Georgi Schischkoff) 1968-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 11
reel 355

Philosophon agora (Krysztof Duszkiewicz) 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 12
reel 355

Philosophy (J. Renford Bambrough) 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 13
reel 355

Phipps, Thomas E., Jr. 1974-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 14
reel 355

Physical Review and Physical Review Letters (George Basbas), re "Possible Direct Physical Detection of De Broglie Waves" written by Augusto Garuccio, Karl Popper, and Jean-Pierre Vigier 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 15
reel 355

Piaget, Jean 1973

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 16
reel 355

Pick, Joan Margaret, re Earth Enterprise project 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 17
reel 355

Pickthorn, Helen n.d.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 18
reel 355

Piepe, Anthony 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 19
reel 355

Piffl-Percevic, Theodor 1968

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 20
reel 355

Pikal, Klaus, re Ludwig Wittgenstein 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 21
reel 355

Pischl, Kurt 1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 22
reel 355

Pitman, Mike 1980-1983

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 23
reel 355

Pizano Salazar, Diego 1978

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 24
reel 355

Platzgummer, Winfried (Universitat zu Wien) 1982

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 25
reel 355

Plenum Press, See also Eccles, John C. 1970-1982.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 27
reel 355

Pleydell-Pearce, A. E. 1960

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 27
reel 355

Plotkin, H. C. 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 28
reel 355

Pocock, Philip J. 1976-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 29
reel 355

Podgorecki, Adam 1979

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 30
reel 355

Podlaha, M. F. 1970-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 31
reel 355

Pokorny, Zdenek 1972-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 338 : 32
reel 355

Polanyi, Michael 1932-1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 1
reel 355

Poli, E. 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 2
reel 355

Political Quarterly (William A. Robson) 1955

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 3
reel 355

Political Theory (Walter Odajnyk) 1972-1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 4
reel 355

Pollard, J. W., See also John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publishers 1983-1984.

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 5
reel 355

Pollock, Raphael C. 1954-1984

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 6
reel 355

Polten, Eric P. 1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 7
reel 356

Polytel International 1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 8
reel 356

Pongratz, Ludwig J. 1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 9
reel 356

Popa, Cornel 1966-1972

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 10
reel 356

Pope, Neville Vivian 1970-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 11
reel 356

Popkin, Richard H. 1966

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 12
reel 356

Pork, Andrus 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 13
reel 356

Portisch-Riff GMBH 1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 14
reel 356

Post, Heinz R. 1965-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Lord Wolfenden

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 15
reel 356

Post, John F. 1969-1974

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 16
reel 356

Pozzi, Hector 1961

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 17
reel 356

Praemium Erasmianum Foundation (H. R. Hoetink) 1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 18
reel 356

Premdas, John A. Xavier 1961-1980

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 19
reel 356

Presse (Otto Schulmeister) 1968-1975

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 20
reel 356

Presses de la Cite (Bernard de Fallois) 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 21
reel 356

Presses Universitaires de France 1981

Scope and Contents

Box/Folder 339 : 22
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