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Slade, Ivan
Wasserman, Benno
Wisdom, John Oultan. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Jones, G. O. and COURSE MATERIAL, London School of Economics, Corres- pondence
Articles and clippings about or mentioning Karl Popper. See also OVERSIZE MATERIAL, Clippings
Karl Popper's works
Prepared by Troels Eggers Hansen
Standard version
London School of Economics, (honorary). Press release and correspondence with Walter Adams. 1974 December 14
Honorary degrees
Letters of recommendation for Karl Popper
Prizes. See SUBJECT FILE, Guthrie, William Chambers Keith
Subject file
Birthday celebrations
Conferences and symposia on Karl Popper. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Barraclough, Norman
Clippings, Loose scrapbook sheets 1937-1945.
Musical compositions, Original music sheets and copies n.d.
Program of the Duino colloquium, The European Significance of 'Mitteleuropa,' Duino, Italy 1983 September 19-21
Sound tape reels
Unidentified sound recording (sound tape reels 1-3) undated
Conditions Governing Access note
Sound recording of Contemporary Philosophy Course (sound tape reels 6-8) undated
Sound recording of Philosophy of Social Sciences, lectures and seminars, London School of Economics (sound tape reels 9-12) undated
Sound recording of "Franz Boenders(?) speaks with Sir Karl Popper" (two versions, in English, sound tape reels 14-17) undated
Conditions Governing Access note
Sound recording of "A Defence of Free Thinking in Quantum Theory," Speech, Cambridge University Philosophy and Science Club, Cambridge, England (sound tape reels 18-20) 1953 October 7
Sound recording of "Induction," Seminar series, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (in English, sound tape reel 23) 1963 August
Sound recording of "Induction," Seminar series, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (in English, sound tape reels 24-27)
Sound recording of "On Problems and How to Understand Them," Speech, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (sound tape reels 28-29) 1965 April 23
Sound recording of "Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem," Lecture and seminar series, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia (in English, sound tape reels 34-41) 1969 March-April
Conditions Governing Access note