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Guide to the TOMO Foundation Collection, 1942-1944
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Container List and Photograph Addendum

Container List



Box Box 1

Colorado River Relocation Center (Poston)


Poston Chronicle






Press Bulletin, 1942 (2 folders)


Report of disturbance, 1942


Photographs, 1942 [oversize: shelved in map case__, drawer__]


Gila River Relocation Center


Gila News-Courier, 1943


Photographs, 1942



Box Box 1

Jerome Relocation Center


Communiqué, 1942, 1943


Letter, 1942


Photographs, 1942


Rohwer Relocation Center


Photographs, 1942 [oversize: shelved in map case , drawer ]



Box Box 1



Fresno Assembly Center


Vignette (report), 1942


Directory, 1942


Fresno Grapevine, 1942


Manzanar Relocation Center


Photographs, 1942



Box Box 1



Photographs, 1942




Granada Relocation Center


Bulletin, 1942

Box Box 2

Granada Pioneer, 1942, 1943


Granada Relocation Center Charter, 1942


Photographs, 1942 [oversize: shelved in map case , drawer ]



Box Box 2



Photographs, 1942



Box Box 2



Buckeye State Chit-Chat, 1944


Mid-West Frontiers, 1943


Newsletter, 1944



Box Box 2

Heart Mountain Relocation Center


Heart Mountain Sentinel, 1942


Photographs, 1942 [oversize: shelved in map case , drawer ]



Box Box 2

Central Utah Relocation Center (Topaz)




Adult Education Program, 1943


Fighting Americans Too!, 1942


Trek, 1943


Volunteers for victory, 1943


Topaz Times, 1942, 1943


The Wakasa incident (includes newsletter clippings and correspondence), 1943


Unidentified relocation centers

Box Box 2

Photographs, undated


Government reports

Box Box 2

U.S. War Relocation Authority


Relocation Communities, 1942


Relocation of Japanese-Americans, 1943


Second quarterly report, 1943


Miscellaneous, 1944 and undated


National Defense Migration Report, 1942

TOMO Foundation Collection Photographs


Arizona (by Francis Stewart)

Map-case Map Case

Colorado River Relocation Center (Poston)


Evacuees watching outdoor musical performance. June 5, 1942.


Landscaping done by evacuees of Camp No. 1. December 31, 1942.


Gila River Relocation Center


Momayo Yamamoto, former farm worker in Fresno County, harvesting spinach. November 26, 1942.


Chic Yamaguchi, former farm worker from Kingsburg, CA, turning a section from a model ship on lathe in model ship factory. April 27, 1943.


Arkansas (by Tom Parker)

Map-case Map Case

Jerome Relocation Center


Interior view of store in Block 8 at the Center, showing grocery section. November 17, 1942.


In the Engineering and Operation Division of the Center, Yoshiyuki Murata, graduate engineer, prepares plans for center construction. March 10, 1943.


Former Californian Dr. Fugikawa examining a patient, S. Ego, a fluoroscope. March 11, 1943.


Former California biochemistry student Tom Arase performs gastro analysis in the hospital laboratory. March 3, 1943.


Six-year-old Reiko Masado, convalesing from serious illness, is looked after by nurse's aid Chiyo Okata. March 11, 1943.


Former Californian K. Inoye operates hand saw in cabinet shop. March 12, 1943.


Self-organized harikuri band (string quartet). Guitar, Joe Iwasaki; first mandolin, Johnny Yamashita; violin, Seichi Ono; second mandolin, Yutaka Motsuda. March 12, 1943.


Rohwer Relocation Center


Ninth grade classroom at the Rohwer Relocation Center. Teacher is Mrs. M.H. Ziegler. November 24, 1942.


Misaye Oku receiving instruction from instructor, Mrs. Sadako Yasue, in a sewing class. March 7, 1943.


Former California plumber Morio Higashi marking out a steel casting for welding. March 8, 1943.


George Baba and Tokiji Umeda overhauling a truck loader in motor pool repair section at Rohwer Relocation Center. March 10, 1943.


Former California mechanic Chester Ishii repairing farm machinery. March 10, 1943.


High school students changing classes. November 17, 1942.


Fourth grade school in Barracks 35-4-B. Teacher is Nareen Oura. November 24, 1942.


California (by Francis Stewart)

Map-case Map Case

Manzanar Relocation Center


Sixth grade boys playing softball during recess. February 10, 1943.


Colorado (by Tom Parker)

Map-case Map Case

Granada Relocation Center


Minomiya family in their barracks room. Tosh Minomiya was responsible for documenting the history of the Granada center. December 9, 1942.


School nurse administering throat swabbing to grade school student. December 10, 1942.


Three high school agriculture students with their calves. December 11, 1942.


Mrs. Kobayashi and her youngest child. December 12, 1942.


General view of Granada Relocation Center. December 12, 1942.


Evacuees having lunch. August 20, 1942.


Teenage evacuees spending Sunday afternoon in various activities (ironing, playing cards, etc.). August 30, 1942.


Evacuees from Los Angeles pulling beets in field near Milliken, CO. November 3, 1942.


Two evacuees learning to run a steam shovel. December 9, 1942.


Young Nisei girl purchasing Christmas wrappings in cooperative notion store. December 10, 1942.


Three students doing steamed crayon work for tablecloths and wall hangings in adult crafts class. December 10, 1942.


Cooperative beauty salon. December 11, 1942.


High school Junior Class dance at the Center. December 11, 1942.


Grade school library in one of barracks. December 11, 1942.


Boys playing basketball. December 11, 1942.


Three high school agriculture students with their calves. December 11, 1942.


Four technicians and a blood-test patient in hospital laboratory. December 12, 1942.


Aerial view of section of emergency center at the Center, looking north and west. December 12, 1942.


Artist completing a watercolor. December 13, 1942.


Captain William S. Fairchild discussing the army with two young Nisei volunteers, George Eashiwagi and Ichiro Kato, who are about to fill out enlistment questionnaires. February 10, 1943.


Wyoming (by Tom Parker)

Map-case Map Case

Heart Mountain Relocation Center


Evening view of Heart Mountain Relocation Center. September 19, 1942.


Young artist completing a poster in poster shop. January 8, 1943.


Alice Hifuni, Nisei high school student. January 9, 1943.


Nisei machinist preparing a truck axle in machine shop. January 9, 1943.


Swing Band practice. September 16, 1942.


Young evacuees from Los Angeles volunteering to top beets in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado. September 27, 1942.


Mechanic hoening cylinders in a truck motor. January 2, 1943.


Two members of the Fire Prevention Squad inspecting remains of dormitory fire. January 4, 1943.


Assembling and folding the Sentinel, the Center's newsletter. January 8, 1943.


Howard Hisayasu family in barracks room home. January 1, 1943.


Machinist operating drill press in motor pool shop. January 9, 1943.


Young former California boy learning to ice skate. January 10, 1943.


Night school class in advanced English. January 11, 1943.


Shoemakers at work in shoe repair shop. January 11, 1943.


Unidentified relocation centers

Map-case Map Case

Evacuee in front of barracks at an unidentified relocation center, undated.


Aerial view of an unidentified relocation center, undated.


Non-relocation center locations

Map-case Map Case





Former Los Angeles fruit and vegetable clerk Joe Sitsuda weighing nails in Union Hardware Store,where he has worked since December 1, 1942. He came from Colorado River Relocation Center. March 2, 1943. Photograph by Tom Parker.


Nurse Matilde Honda attending a patient at Colorado Central Hospital. She was formerly employed in public health nursing by Los Angeles Health Department. April 6, 1943. Photograph by Francis Stewart.




Detroit (By M. Graw)


Registered nurse Helen Shoji working at Chidren's Hospital. She came from Colorado River Relocation Center. June 19, 1943.


Mr. and Mrs. George Amano having breakfast in their apartment. They came from Central Utah Relocation Center. George works as a lens grinder for Kindy Optical Company. June 20, 1943.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doi in their victory garden. Frank came from Colorado River Relocation Center. He works as an apprentice in a dental laboratory. June 20, 1943.


Evacuees participating in young people's service and discussion group after regular church services at Central Methodist Church. Among the group are: George Fujiwara, Mrs. Kenneth Nishimura, and Susie Itomura (in first row); Kenneth Nishimura and George Kusimi (in second row). June 20, 1943.


Evacuees leaving Central Methodist Church, following services on June 20, 1943. Susi Itomura, the girl in front, came from Gila River Relocation Center to take private employment.


Evacuees leaving Central Methodist Church, following services on June 20, 1943. Susi Itomura, the girl in front, came from Gila River Relocation Center to work as a domestic. Behind her is Mrs. Kenneth Nishimura, from Tule Lake Relocation Center. Just coming through the door are George Kusimi (left) and George Fujiwara (right), both from Central Utah Relocation Center and both employed in foundry work in Detroit.