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box 87, folder 9

"Forgotten Tibet," 1973

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 10

"In Memoriam: Sutan Sjahrir," 1966

General Physical Description note: Typescript and printed copy
box 87, folder 11

"India, the U.S. and the Middle East Crisis," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 12

"The Indian Elections," 1967

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 13

"Indonesia," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 14

"Indonesia," 1968

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 15-18

"Indonesian Developments," series of thirty-three reports 1965-1967

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 19

"The Italian Crisis," 1969

General Physical Description note: Typescript and printed copy
box 87, folder 20

"J.P. vs. Indira," 1974

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 21

"Labor Unity and Party Politics in Indonesia," 1967

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 22

"Mihailo Mihailov: Yugoslav Rebel," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 23

"Mochtar Lubis Arrested Again!," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 24

"Political Challenge in India," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 25

"Remember Tibet!," 1966

General Physical Description note: Typescript and printed copy
box 87, folder 26

"Richard Wagner: Anti-Semite and Nazi Ancestor," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 27

Speech of acceptance for George Meany for U.S. Committee for Refugees citation 1966

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 28

"Tibet Still Struggles!," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 87, folder 29

Untitled report on Indonesia 1968

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Gomez Gorkin, Julian

box 88, folder 1

Correspondence 1941-1948

box 88, folder 2

Writings, Gomez Gorkin, Julian, "Los Caminos en la Noche: Testimonio de un Hombre de Accion" (Paths in the Night: Testimony of a Man of Action) 1966

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Gorkii, Maksim

box 88, folder 3-5


box 88, folder 6-7

Printed matter

box 89, folder 1

Typed copies of correspondence and writings of Maksim Gorkii

box 89, folder 2

Government, Resistance to


Great Britain

box 89, folder 3

Foreign relations

box 89, folder 4-5

Politics and government

box 89, folder 6

Greece - Politics and government

box 89, folder 7

Greenwich Village, New York

box 89, folder 8

Grosz, Georg

box 89, folder 9-10

Hammer, Armand

box 89, folder 11

Hammer, Julius

box 89, folder 12

Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul


Hegel, G. W. F.

box 89, folder 13


box 89, folder 14

Levine, Norman, "The Hegelian Foundations of Marxian Economics," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 90, folder 1

Helphand, Alexander

box 90, folder 2

Herberg, Will

box 90, folder 3

Hill, Joseph



box 90, folder 4-5


box 90, folder 6

Stern, Peter S., "French Historians in the First World War," 1970

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 90, folder 7-8

Ho Chi Minh

box 90, folder 9

Hoffer, Eric

box 90, folder 10

Holmes, John Haynes


Hook, Sidney

box 90, folder 11


box 90, folder 12

Letter to the editor, New York Post, 1968

General Physical Description note: Typescript and printed copy
box 90, folder 13

"An Open Letter to Senator George McGovern," 1972

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 90, folder 14

Hoover, Herbert

box 90, folder 15-16

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

box 91, folder 1

Hungary - History - Revolution (1956)

box 91, folder 2-3




box 91, folder 4


box 91, folder 5


box 91, folder 6-8

Printed matter



box 91, folder 9

Bloom, Solomon, "What Is Imperialism?," 1951

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 91, folder 10

Gann, Lewis H., Letter to the editor, Stanford Daily?, 1972

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 91, folder 11

Independent Socialist League



box 92, folder 1

Economic conditions

box 92, folder 2

Foreign relations

box 92, folder 3-4

Politics and government

box 92, folder 5

Social conditions


Indonesia - Politics and government

box 92, folder 6


box 92, folder 7

Soedjatmoko, "Indonesia on the Threshhold of Freedom," 1949

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph


box 92, folder 8-9


box 92, folder 10

Communist countries



box 92, folder 11


box 92, folder 12


box 93, folder 1-3

Printed matter



box 93, folder 4

Berlin, Isaih, "Herzen and Bakunin on Individual Liberty," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 93, folder 5

Riasanovsky, Nicholas V., "Khomiakov on Sobornost," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 93, folder 6

Treadgold, Donald W., "Reflections on the Influence of Western Thought in Modern Russia," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 93, folder 7

Treadgold, Donald W., "Russian Radical Thought, 1894-1917," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 93, folder 8-9


box 93, folder 10

International Conference of Slavists, Banff, Alberta 1974

box 93, folder 11

International Conference on Bangla Desh, New Delhi 1971

box 94, folder 1

International economic relations

box 94, folder 2

International finance

box 94, folder 3

International Labor Organization

box 94, folder 4

International law - Spender, Sir Percy, "International Law and Organisation: Their Influence for Peace," 1969

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 94, folder 5

International Red Aid


International Research and Exchanges Board - Correspondence

box 94, folder 6

Kassof, Allen H. 1975-1976

box 94, folder 7

LaBelle, Dale 1975

box 94, folder 8

International Socialist Congress

box 94, folder 9

International Workingmen's Association

box 94, folder 10

Iran - Politics and government

box 94, folder 11

Ireland - Politics and government

box 94, folder 12




box 94, folder 13

History - Salomone, A. William, "The Risorgimento as Cultural Crisis: Gioberti, Mazzini, Cattaneo, 1849-1870," 1965

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 94, folder 14

Politics and government

box 94, folder 15

Jackson, Henry M.

box 94, folder 16

Japan - Politics and government

box 94, folder 17-18

Jewish-Arab relations

box 94, folder 19-20

Jewish question

box 95, folder 1

John F. Kennedy Institut fuer Amerikastudien



box 95, folder 2


box 95, folder 3


box 95, folder 4-5



Justice, Administration of

box 95, folder 6


box 95, folder 7


box 95, folder 8-9


box 95, folder 10-11


box 96, folder 1

Kapitsa, Pyotr

box 96, folder 2

Karpovich, Michael

box 96, folder 3

Katyn forest massacre 1940

box 96, folder 4

Kautsky, Karl

box 96, folder 5

Kazan, Elia


Keep America Out of War Congress

box 96, folder 6


box 96, folder 7

Doenecke, Justus D., "Non-Interventionism of the Left: The Keep America Out of the War Congress, 1938-41," 1977

General Physical Description note: Typescript and printed copy
box 96, folder 8

"America's Opportunity: Principles and Program of the Keep America Out of War Congress," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Kennan, George

box 96, folder 9


box 96, folder 10

Correspondence 1958-1975

box 96, folder 11

Kennedy family

box 96, folder 12-13

Kerenskii, Aleksandr


Khrushchev, Nikita

box 96, folder 14-16


box 97, folder 1

Mimeographed material

box 97, folder 2


box 97, folder 3-5

Printed matter

box 97, folder 6

Khrushchev Remembers

box 97, folder 7-9

Kissinger, Henry A.


Koestler, Arthur

box 98, folder 1


box 98, folder 2

Deposition 1951

box 98, folder 3

Kohler, Foy D.


Kollontai, Aleksandra

box 98, folder 4


box 98, folder 5

Clements, Barbara Evans, "Aleksandra Kollontai: Libertine or Feminist?," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 98, folder 6

Farnsworth, Beatrice, "Alexandra Kollontai: Bolshevism and the Woman Question," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 98, folder 7-8

Korean reunification question (1945-)

box 98, folder 9

Korean War (1950-1953)

box 98, folder 10

Kornilov, Lavr

box 98, folder 11

Kosygin, Aleksei

box 98, folder 12

Kramer, Leon

box 98, folder 13

Kravchenko, Viktor A.

box 98, folder 14

Krivitsky, Walter G.

box 98, folder 15

Kronstadt, Russia - History - Revolt (1921)


Krupskaia, Nadezhda

box 98, folder 16


box 98, folder 17

"Cultural Commissars: Krupskaya and Bubnov," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 98, folder 18

Orlov, Alexander, "Comments on Mr. Robert McNeal's Review of the Article 'The Ordeal of Lenin's Widow: How Stalin Persecuted Krupskaya,'" undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 98, folder 19

Orlov, Alexander, "The Ordeal of Lenin's Widow: How Stalin Persecuted Krupskaya," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 98, folder 20-21

Labor and laboring classes - Russia

box 99, folder 1

Lamont, Corliss

box 99, folder 2

Language and languages

box 99, folder 3

Larkin, James

box 99, folder 4

Latin America



box 99, folder 5




box 99, folder 6-7


box 99, folder 8

Vishniak, Mark, "American VIPs on Soviet Justice and Prisons," 1959

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 99, folder 9

Lea, Homer


Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich

box 99, folder 10-12


box 100, folder 1

Mimeographed material

box 100, folder 2-5


box 100, folder 6

Portraits, caricatures, etc.

box 100, folder 7-8

Printed matter

box 101, folder 1-6

Printed matter

box 102, folder 1-2




box 102, folder 3

Brookes, Ralph H., "A Comparison of the Editions of Lenin's Sochineniia," 1954

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 102, folder 4

Feuer, Lewis S., "Between Fantasy and Reality: Lenin as a Philosopher and Social Scientist," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript


box 102, folder 5


box 102, folder 6


box 102, folder 7-8

El Libertador



box 102, folder 9


box 102, folder 10

Friedman, Milton, "The Fragility of Freedom," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 103, folder 1

Lichtheim, George

box 103, folder 2

Liquor problem - Russia


Literary forgeries and mystifications

box 103, folder 3-4




box 103, folder 5

General 1950-1970

box 103, folder 6

Loventhal, Milton 1960-1961

box 103, folder 7



Litvinov, Maksim

box 103, folder 8


box 103, folder 9

Carr, E. H., interim report on Litvinov diaries 1953

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 103, folder 10

Freeman, Joseph, memorandum on Maksim Litvinov Notes for a Journal, 1955

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 103, folder 11

Souvarine, Boris, review of Maksim Litvinov, Notes for a Journal, 1955

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 103, folder 12

Lovestone, Jay

box 103, folder 13

Loyalty-security program 1947-


Lukacs, Georg

box 103, folder 14


box 103, folder 15

Levine, Norman, "Lukacs on Lenin," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 103, folder 16

Lusitania (steamship)

box 103, folder 17

Luxemburg, Rosa

box 104, folder 1

Lysenko, Trofim D.

box 104, folder 2

Macdonald, Dwight

box 104, folder 3

McSherry, James E.

box 104, folder 4

Maiakovskii, Vladimir

box 104, folder 5

Mailer, Norman

box 104, folder 6

Malinovskii, Roman

box 104, folder 7

Malraux, Andre

box 104, folder 8


box 104, folder 9

Mandelshtam, Osip

box 104, folder 10-11

Mao Tse-tung

box 104, folder 12

Marcuse, Herbert


Martov, Iulii

box 104, folder 13

"Bor'ba Osadnym Polozheniem v Rossiiskoi Sotsialdemokraticheskoi Rabochei Partii: Otvet na Pis'mo N. Lenina'" (The Struggle against the State of Siege in the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party: Reply to a Letter of N. Lenin) 1904

Scope and Contents note

Typed copy. French translation.
box 104, folder 14

"Sauveurs ou Destructeurs? Qui Detruisait la R.S.D.R.P. et Comment?" (Saviors or Destroyers? Who Destroyed the R.S.D.R.P. and How?) 1911

General Physical Description note: Typed copy
box 104, folder 15

"Nakanune Martovskoi Revoliutsii" (On the Eve of the Martov Revolution) undated

General Physical Description note: Typed copy

Marx, Karl

box 105, folder 1


box 105, folder 2-3


box 105, folder 4-6

Printed matter



box 105, folder 7

Kline, George L., "Some Critical Comments on Marx's Philosophy," 1966

General Physical Description note: Typescrip
box 105, folder 8

Krieger, Leonard, "The Uses of Marx for History," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 105, folder 9

Levine, Norman, "On the Discovery of 'Das Vollendete Geldsystem' and 'Geldwesen, Kreditwesen, Krisen,'" 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 105, folder 10

Papaoiannou, Kostas, "Aspects du Marxisme" (Aspects of Marxism) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 105, folder 11

Marxian economics

box 105, folder 12

Masani, Minoo R.

box 105, folder 13

Maurin, Joaquin

box 106, folder 1-2

Meany, George

box 106, folder 3

Medicine - U.S.

box 106, folder 4

Medvedev, Zhores

box 106, folder 5

Meherally, Yusuf

box 106, folder 6

Mella, Julio Antonio

box 106, folder 7

Menuhin, Yehudi

box 106, folder 8

Mexican literature



box 106, folder 9


box 106, folder 10

Economic conditions

box 106, folder 11

Historiography - Bailey, David C., "Revisionism in Mexican History (Recent Mexican Historiography): The Revolution," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 106, folder 12

Politics and government

box 106, folder 13

Social conditions

box 106, folder 14

Mihajlov, Mihajlo

box 106, folder 15

Military service, Compulsory - U.S.



box 106, folder 16




box 106, folder 17


box 107, folder 1-2




box 107, folder 3

"The Cultural Development of the Nationalities of the Soviet Union," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 107, folder 4

Loewenthal, Rudolf, "The Fate of the Kalmuks and of the Kalmuk ASSR: A Case Study in the Treatment of Minorities in the Soviet Union," 1952

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 107, folder 5

"The National Problem in the Soviet Union," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 107, folder 6


box 107, folder 7



Modotti, Tina

box 107, folder 8


box 107, folder 9

Correspondence 1965-1975

box 107, folder 10

Molotov, Viacheslav

box 107, folder 11

Mooney, Thomas

box 107, folder 12


box 107, folder 13



Narcotic habit

box 107, folder 14


box 107, folder 15

Correspondence 1971

box 107, folder 16

National characteristics, Russian

box 107, folder 17

National socialism

box 107, folder 18-19


box 108, folder 1

Natural law


Natural resources

box 108, folder 2


box 108, folder 3


box 108, folder 4


box 108, folder 5

Nearing, Scott

box 108, folder 6

Neruda, Pablo

box 108, folder 7

New Leader

box 108, folder 8-9

New Workers School, New York City


New York (City)

box 108, folder 10


box 108, folder 11

City College

box 108, folder 12

Nikolaevskii, Boris I.

box 108, folder 13

Nixon, Richard M.

box 108, folder 14

Nobel prizes

box 108, folder 15

Nomad, Max

box 108, folder 16

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

box 108, folder 17

Nov'i Zhurnal

box 108, folder 18

Occult sciences - U.S.


Orlov, Alexander

box 109, folder 1


box 109, folder 2

Correspondence 1970-1974

box 109, folder 3

Writings, "Answer to the Questionnaire of Professor S. G. Payne," 1968

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 109, folder 4

Orwell, George

box 109, folder 5


box 109, folder 6

Panama Canal

box 109, folder 7

Paris - History - Commune (1871)

box 109, folder 8

Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista

box 109, folder 9

Partiia Sotsialistov-Revoliutsionerov - Zenzinov, V. M., "Protsess S.R. Moskve v 1922 godu" (The Trial of the S.R., Moscow, 1922) undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes translation.


box 109, folder 10


box 109, folder 11


box 109, folder 12

Pasternak, Boris

box 109, folder 13

People's democracies

box 109, folder 14

Peru - Politics and government

box 109, folder 15

Petersen, William

box 109, folder 16



Philosophy, Russian

box 109, folder 17


box 109, folder 18

Kamenka, Eugene, "Philosophy in the Soviet Union," 1963

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 110, folder 1

Poland - History - 1918-1945


Police - Russia

box 110, folder 2-3


box 110, folder 4

Slusser, Robert M., "Chekist Leaders from Dzerzhinsky to Yezhov: Variations on a Theme," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 110, folder 5-6

Political science

box 110, folder 7

Popular fronts

box 110, folder 8


box 110, folder 9-10

Portugal - Politics and government

box 111, folder 1

Pound, Ezra

box 111, folder 2

Problems of Communism

box 111, folder 3-4

Propaganda, Communist



box 111, folder 5-6


box 111, folder 7

Cohn, Norman, "Monsters of Chaos," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 111, folder 8

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph


Psychiatric hospitals



box 111, folder 9


box 111, folder 10

Correspondence 1971-1973

box 111, folder 11

Mimeographed material

box 111, folder 12


box 111, folder 13-14

Printed matter

box 112, folder 1

U.S. - Sosowsky, Larry, "Violence and the Mentally Ill Considered Anew," 1974

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 112, folder 2


box 112, folder 3

Public welfare

box 112, folder 4-5

Publishers and publishing

box 112, folder 6

Putnam, Samuel


Race problems

box 112, folder 7


box 112, folder 8

Rabushka, Alvin, "The Manipulation of Ethnic Politics in Malaya: An Epitaph," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript


box 112, folder 9




box 112, folder 10-11


box 112, folder 12


box 113, folder 1

Printed matter

box 113, folder 2

Reed, John

box 113, folder 3

Refugees, Russian

box 113, folder 4




box 113, folder 5


box 113, folder 6

Lowenthal, Richard, "Unreason and Revolution: Reflections on the Dissociation of Revolutionary Practice from Marxist Theory," 1969

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 113, folder 7

Right and left (political science)


Rivera, Diego

box 113, folder 8-9


box 114, folder 1-4


box 114, folder 5-6


box 188, folder 1-3

Correspondence of Diego Rivera with third parties 1922-1940

box 115, folder 1-3

Correspondence of Diego Rivera with third parties 1922-1940

box 115, folder 4-5

Correspondence relating to Diego Rivera 1929-1977

box 115, folder 6-8


box 116, folder 1-4


box 116, folder 5

Portraits, caricatures, etc.

box 116, folder 6-8

Printed matter



box 117, folder 1

Printed copies of writings 1923-1942

box 117, folder 2

"A los Obreros y Campesinos de Mexico" (To the Workers and Peasants of Mexico) undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph
box 117, folder 3

"A los Trabajadores Organizados de Mexico" (To the Organized Workers of Mexico) undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph and typescript
box 117, folder 4

"Alfaro Siqueiros," undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph
box 117, folder 5

"America Debe Descubrir Su Propria Bellez" (America Must Discover Her Own Beauty) 1930

General Physical Description note: Holograph and typescript
box 117, folder 6

"Con Joaquin Clausell" (With Joaquin Clausell) 1922

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 7

"Contestacion a los Cargos Concretos Hechos a Diego Rivera ante la Comision de Investigacion que Conoce del Caso de la Escuela Central de Artes Plasticas" (Reply to the Concrete Charges Made against Diego Rivera before the Commission of Investigation that Tries the Case of the Central School of Plastic Arts) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript and mimeograph
box 117, folder 8

"En Contra de Diego Rivera? No, en Contra del Joven Arte Plastica Mexicano! En Favor del Sustento" (Against Diego Rivera? No, against the New Mexican Plastic Art! For Support) 1930

General Physical Description note: Holograph and typescript
box 117, folder 9

"Estado Actual de las Investigaciones Antropoligicas en Mexico y Sugestiones Sobre el Desarrolo Futuro" (Actual State of Anthropological Investigation in Mexico and Suggestions on Its Future Development) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 10

"Exposicion del Asunto de la Decoracion que se Ejecutura sobre los Muros Centrally Laterales y la Boveda de la Escalera Monumental del Patio del Palacio Nacional" (Exposition on the Subject of the Decoration to be Executed on the Central and Lateral Walls and the Arch of the Monumental Staircase of the Patio of the National Palace) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 11

"El Fascismo y el Arte" (Fascism and Art) 1935

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 12

"The Functions of Art," 1936

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 13

"H.P.: Sinfonia de Baile" (H.P.: Symphony of Dance) 1931

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 14

"Mardonio Magana, Campesino, el mas Grande Escultor Mexicano Contemporaneo" (Mardonio Magana, Peasant, the Greatest Contemporary Mexican Sculptor) undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph and typescript
box 117, folder 15

"Mickey Mouse," undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph
box 117, folder 16

"El Nacionalismo y el Arte" (Nationalism and Art) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 17

"Notas de Discursas sobre el Arte" (Notes on Talks on Art) undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph
box 117, folder 18

"Painting," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 19

"Painting in the New Workers School," undated

General Physical Description note: Holograph
box 117, folder 20

"Plan de Estudios para la Escuela Central de Artes Plasticas de Mexico" (Plan of Study for the Central School of Plastic Arts of Mexico) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 21

"Plan de una Representacion Grafico-Sintetica de la Epoca Antigua de Mexico" (Plan of a Graphic-Synthetic Representation of the Epoch of Antiquity of Mexico) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 22

"Role of Fresco," 1932

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 23

"El Sindicato Revolucionario de Pintores de Mexico y Su Importancia como Factor Revolucionario" (The Revolutionary Union of Painters of Mexico and Its Importance as a Revolutionary Factor) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 24

"Subject Matter of the Proposed Mural Decorations by Diego Rivera for the Radio Corporation of America Building in the Rockefeller Center, New York City," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 117, folder 25-26

Untitled undated

General Physical Description note: Holographs and typescripts
box 117, folder 27

Rivera, Frida Kahlo

box 117, folder 28

Rockfeller family

box 117, folder 29

Ramanov, House of

box 117, folder 30

Romppanen, Klaus

box 118, folder 1

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel


Rousset, David

box 118, folder 2


box 118, folder 3

Correspondence 1949-1959

box 118, folder 4

Roy, M. N.

box 118, folder 5-7

Rozek, Edward J.

box 118, folder 8

Russell, Bertrand




Armed Forces

box 118, folder 9-10


box 118, folder 11

Erickson, John, "Soviet Military Performance: Some Manpower and Managerial Constraints," 1973

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 118, folder 12

Kenez, Peter, "A Profile of the Prerevolutionary Officer Corps," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 118, folder 13

Kenez, Peter, "Social Mobility in the Russian Officer Corps before the First World War," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 119, folder 1


box 119, folder 2



Economic conditions

box 119, folder 3


box 119, folder 4-5


box 119, folder 6




box 119, folder 7-9


box 119, folder 10

Kohler, Foy D., "Soviet Economic Outlook: Political Aspects," 1973

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 119, folder 11-12



Economic policy



box 119, folder 13


box 120, folder 1


box 120, folder 2

Garvy, George, "The Role of the State Bank in Soviet Planning," 1963

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph


box 120, folder 3


box 120, folder 4

Buchanan, H. Ray, "'War Communism' and the Transition to Socialism: The Supreme Council of the National Economy, 1917-1920," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 120, folder 5

Vol'skii, Nikolai, "Non-Party Specialists and the Coming of the N.E.P.," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 120, folder 6


box 120, folder 7


box 120, folder 8


box 120, folder 9


box 120, folder 10




box 120, folder 11-13


box 120, folder 14

Jasny, Naum, "The Soviet Seven-Year Plan: Is It Realistic?," 1959

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 121, folder 1-4


box 121, folder 5-6


box 121, folder 7

Emigration and immigration

box 121, folder 8

Foreign economic relations


Foreign relations



box 121, folder 9


box 122, folder 1

Mimeographed materials

box 122, folder 2


box 122, folder 3-6

Printed matter



box 122, folder 7

Marantz, Paul, "Stalinist Foreign Policy Doctrine," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 122, folder 8

Rosenthal, Harry Kenneth, "The Soviet Union: Disappointment and Disillusions from a German Standpoint," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 122, folder 9


box 122, folder 10

Arab countries

box 122, folder 11


box 122, folder 12




box 123, folder 1


box 123, folder 2


box 123, folder 3-5

Printed matter



box 123, folder 6

Jaffe, Philip J., "The Sino-Soviet Dispute: Highlights of Its History, Prospects for Its Future," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 123, folder 7

Jaffe, Philip J., "Sino-Soviet Relations," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 123, folder 8-9

Europe, Eastern

box 123, folder 10


box 124, folder 1-3


box 124, folder 4

Great Britain

box 124, folder 5


box 124, folder 6


box 124, folder 7


box 124, folder 8




box 124, folder 9


box 124, folder 10

Mimeographed material

box 124, folder 11


box 124, folder 12-13

Printed matter

box 125, folder 1-2

Printed matter

box 125, folder 3

Writings, Solski, Waclaw, "The Soviet Bible," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript




box 125, folder 4-6


box 125, folder 7-8


box 126, folder 1-2


box 126, folder 3

Pictorial works


Revolution (March-November 1917)

box 126, folder 4-5


box 126, folder 6

Mimeographed material

box 126, folder 7-8


box 127, folder 1-6

Printed matter

box 127, folder 7

Writings, Rabinowitch, Alexander, comment on Robert V. Daniels, "Bolshevik Preparations for October," 1967

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Revolution (1917-1921)



box 127, folder 8


box 128, folder 1-2


box 128, folder 3

Schapiro, Leonard, letter to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, 1958

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 128, folder 4

Counter-revolutionary movements


Allied intervention (1918-1920)

box 128, folder 5


box 128, folder 6

Wolin, Simon, "American Intervention in Siberia in 1918-1920," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Politics and government

box 128, folder 7




box 128, folder 8

Schwartz, Joel J. and William R. Keech, "Group Influence over the Policy Process in the Soviet Union," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 128, folder 9

Theen, Rolf H. W., "Political Science in the USSR: 'To Be or Not To Be': Some Reflections on the Implications of a Recent Soviet Critique of American Political Science," 1970

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 128, folder 10



Social conditions

box 128, folder 11-12


box 128, folder 13

Farnsworth, Beatrice, "Bolshevik Alternatives and the Soviet Family: The 1926 Marriage Law Debate," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 128, folder 14-15

Russian literature

box 129, folder 1

Russo-German Treaty (1939)

box 129, folder 2

Sacco, Nicola and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

box 129, folder 3

Saint-Simon, Henri de

box 129, folder 4

Sakharov, Andrei

box 129, folder 5

Sartre, Jean-Paul

box 129, folder 6

Schapiro, Leonard

box 129, folder 7

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.


Schwarz, Solomon

box 129, folder 8


box 129, folder 9

Correspondence 1952-1954



box 129, folder 10




box 129, folder 11-12




box 130, folder 1

Epstein, Paul S., "The Diamat and the Point of View of Modern Science," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 130, folder 2

London, Ivan D., "Russian Psychology and Psychiatry," 1951

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 130, folder 3

"Usloviia Nauchnoi Raboty v SSSR v Oblasti Biologii" (Conditions of Research in Soviet Biology) 1952

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 130, folder 4

Scott, John

box 130, folder 5

Sedova, Natalia


Serge, Victor

box 130, folder 6


box 130, folder 7

Correspondence 1941

box 130, folder 8

Shatov, William

box 130, folder 9-10

Shockley, William B.

box 130, folder 11

Sholokhov, Mikhail

box 130, folder 12

Shostakovich, Dmitri

box 130, folder 13

Silone, Ignazio

box 130, folder 14

Sinclair, Upton

box 130, folder 15

Siniavskii, Andrei


Siqueiros, David Alfaro

box 130, folder 16


box 130, folder 17

Correspondence 1973-1976

box 130, folder 18

Smal-Stocki, Roman


Social classes

box 130, folder 19


box 130, folder 20






box 131, folder 1


box 131, folder 2

Herberg, Will, "Socialism and Freedom," 1944

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 131, folder 3


box 131, folder 4


box 131, folder 5


box 131, folder 6


box 131, folder 7

Great Britain



box 131, folder 8


box 131, folder 9


box 131, folder 10-12

Printed matter

box 132, folder 1

Writings, Frankel, Jonathan, "Russian Jewish Socialism in the Era of Emigration and Revolution," 1973

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 132, folder 2


box 132, folder 3-4


box 132, folder 5

Socialist International


Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

box 132, folder 6-8


box 132, folder 9

Mimeographed material

box 132, folder 10


box 133, folder 1-3

Printed matter

box 133, folder 4

Sorel, Georges - Roth, Jack J., "Georges Sorel: On Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution," 1975

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 133, folder 5

South Africa - Race question

box 133, folder 6-7

Souvarine, Boris



box 133, folder 8



History - Civil War (1936-1939)



box 133, folder 9-10


box 133, folder 11

Correspondence - Wolfe, Ella 1937

box 133, folder 12


box 134, folder 1-2

Printed matter

box 134, folder 3


box 134, folder 4-5

Politics and government

box 134, folder 6

Spencer, Herbert

box 134, folder 7

Sperber, Manes

box 134, folder 8

Sports - Communist countries


Stalin, Iosif

box 134, folder 9-11


box 135, folder 1

Mimeographed material

box 135, folder 2-3


box 135, folder 4

Portraits, caricatures, etc.

box 135, folder 5-8

Printed matter

box 136, folder 1




box 136, folder 2

Levine, Isaac Don, Stalin Was a Tsarist Agent, undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 136, folder 3

Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce, "Stalin and the Bolshevik Revolution," undated

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 136, folder 4

Stalin, Iosif, letter to the editor, New Leader, 1926

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 136, folder 5

Weinreich, Uriel, "The Significance of the Soviet Linguistic Controversy," 1952

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 136, folder 6

Stanford University

box 136, folder 7

Stanford-for-Czechoslovakia Committee

box 136, folder 8

Stankevich, Vladimir

box 136, folder 9

Strong, Anna Louise


Student movements

box 136, folder 10




box 136, folder 11-12


box 136, folder 13


box 137, folder 1

Printed matter

box 137, folder 2

Sverdlov, Iakob - Duval, Charles, "Jacob Sverdlov: The Irreplaceable Bolshevik," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript


box 137, folder 3


box 137, folder 4

Wu, Yuan-li, statement before U.S. House of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs 1971

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 137, folder 5

Tarsis, Valeriy


Taxation - U.S.

box 137, folder 6


box 137, folder 7

Smith, Dan Throop, statement before U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means 1973

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 137, folder 8-9


box 137, folder 10

Teller, Edward

box 137, folder 11

Thalheimer, August, An Introduction to Dialectical Materialism, 1935

Scope and Contents note

box 137, folder 12

Thomas, Norman

box 137, folder 13

Togliatti, Palmiro

box 137, folder 14

Totalitarian ethics



box 138, folder 1


box 138, folder 2-3


box 138, folder 4-6

Printed matter

box 138, folder 7-9

Quotations, maxims, etc.



box 139, folder 1




box 139, folder 2-3


box 139, folder 4-6

Printed matter

box 139, folder 7

Traven, B.


Tresca, Carlo

box 139, folder 8


box 139, folder 9

"Autobiography," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Trotskii, Lev

box 140, folder 1


box 140, folder 2


box 140, folder 3

Portraits, caricatures, etc.

box 140, folder 4-6

Printed matter

box 140, folder 7




box 140, folder 8

"Deuxieme Siezde du Parti Ouvrier Social-Democrate de Russie" (Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party) 1903

General Physical Description note: Typed copy
box 140, folder 9

Interview with Henriette Celarie 1938

General Physical Description note: Typed copy
box 140, folder 10

"K Voprosu o Perspektivakh Mirovogo Razvitiia" (On the Perspectives of World Development), translation 1924

General Physical Description note: Typed copy
box 140, folder 11

"Trotsky," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 140, folder 12

Ziv, G. A., "Trotskii," undated

General Physical Description note: Typed copy
box 140, folder 13

Truman, Harry S.

box 140, folder 14

Tsereteli, Irakli

box 140, folder 15

Tsvetaeva, Marina


Underground literature - Russia

box 141, folder 1-2


box 141, folder 3

Boiter, Albert, "Samizdat: Primary Source Material in the Study of Current Soviet Affairs," 1972

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 141, folder 4-5

United Nations

box 141, folder 6

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



box 141, folder 7

Armed Forces


Centennial celebrations, etc.

box 141, folder 8


box 141, folder 9-10


box 142, folder 1

Printed matter

box 142, folder 2

Central Intelligence Agency

box 142, folder 3


box 142, folder 4-5

Commerce - Russia

box 142, folder 6

Diplomatic and consular service


Economic conditions

box 142, folder 7-8


box 143, folder 1

Discourse in Depression, n.d.

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 143, folder 2

Federal Bureau of Investigation

box 143, folder 3

Foreign opinion, Russian


Foreign relations



box 143, folder 4-5


box 143, folder 6

Emmet, Christopher, "Primer of American Policy in the Cold War," 1954

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 143, folder 7

Lichtenstein, David S., "Some Notes on Hans Morgenthau, Robert W. Tucker and the New Isolationism," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 143, folder 8

Arab countries

box 143, folder 9-10


box 143, folder 11


box 143, folder 12

Latin America



box 144, folder 1-4


box 144, folder 5

Mimeographed material

box 144, folder 6-7


box 145, folder 1-4

Printed matter



box 145, folder 5

Maddox, Robert James, "Cold War Revisionism and the Liberal Historians: The Reception of Revisionism by the Libera Community," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 145, folder 6

"An Open Letter to the American People," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 145, folder 7


box 145, folder 8


box 145, folder 9-10


box 146, folder 1-2


box 146, folder 3-4

Information Agency

box 146, folder 5

Politics and government

box 146, folder 6

Popular culture


Race question

box 146, folder 7-9


box 147, folder 1


box 147, folder 2

Printed matter


Relations (general) with Russia

box 147, folder 3-4


box 147, folder 5

Hook, Sidney, "A Dialogue with an 'Unofficial' Soviet Russian Delegation," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 147, folder 6-7


box 147, folder 8

Social conditions


University Centers for Rational Alternatives

box 147, folder 9-10


box 147, folder 11

Correspondence 1968-1972

box 147, folder 12


box 147, folder 13

Urena, Pedro Henriquez

box 148, folder 1-2


box 148, folder 3

Viereck, Peter


Vietnam - History - Conflict (1961-1975)

box 148, folder 4-6


box 148, folder 7

Dan, Phan Quang, farewell statement, Washington D.C. 1968

General Physical Description note: Typescript


box 148, folder 8-9


box 149, folder 1-2


box 149, folder 3

Vishinskii, Andrei

box 149, folder 4

Vlasov, Andrei - Schwarz, Solomon, "Tragediia Vlasovskogo Dvizheniia" (Tragedy of the Vlasov Division) undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript

Vol'skii, Nikolai

box 149, folder 5


box 149, folder 6

Correspondence 1956-1971

box 149, folder 7-8


box 149, folder 9

Welfare economics - Logue, Dennis E. and Thomas D. Willett, "The Relation between the Rate and Variability of Inflation: Another Aspect of the Welfare Cost of Inflationary Finance," 1975

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 149, folder 10

Williams, Duncan, Trousered Apes

box 149, folder 11

Wilson, Edmund

box 149, folder 12

Wit and humor, Eastern European


Wittfogel, Karl A.

box 149, folder 13


box 149, folder 14

Correspondence 1952-1976


Wolfe et al. v. Froehlke

box 150, folder 1-2

Briefs 1972-1974

box 150, folder 3

Correspondence 1972-1973

box 150, folder 4

Workers Age

box 150, folder 5

Workers School, New York City

box 150, folder 6-7

World politics


World War (1939-1945)

box 150, folder 8


box 150, folder 9-11

Diplomatic history

box 150, folder 12

Forced repatriation

box 151, folder 1


box 151, folder 2-3

Woytinsky, Wladimir


Zinov'ev, Grigorii

box 151, folder 4


box 151, folder 5

Hedlin, Myron W., "Consistency or Cowardice? Zinoviev in 1917," 1972

General Physical Description note: Mimeograph
box 151, folder 6

Hedlin, Myron W., "Grigorii Zinoviev: The Myths of the Defeated," undated

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 151, folder 7



Card File

Scope and Contents note

Index card notes by Bertram D. Wolfe, mostly relating to Russian history, unsorted.
box 152

Card File

box 153

Card File


Oversize File

Scope and Contents note

Oversize miscellany, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 154, folder 1

Krupskaia, Nadezhda

box 154, folder 2

Leningrad maps


Microfilm 1917-1949

Scope and Contents note

Microfilm of writings by Bertram D. Wolfe and others, arranged alphabetically by author.
reel 1

Chernov, Viktor, "TS.K.-P.S.R. na Rubezhe Dvukh Revoliutsii" (Central Committee of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries on the Border between Two Revolutions) undated

General Physical Description note: Positive film of typescript (includes typewritten explanatory notes)
reel 2

Germany, Geheime Staatspolizei, Gestapo arrest list for England undated

General Physical Description note: Negative film of printed copy
reel 3

"Kak Sovetuiut Reshit Vopros o Zemle Razlichnyia Politicheskiia Partii Rossii" (How the Different Political Parties of Russia Suggest Solving the Land Question) 1917

General Physical Description note: Positive film of printed copy
reel 4-5

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, "Instruktsiia o Peresmotre Knizhnogo Sostava Bibliotek k Iziatiiu Kontr-Revoliutsionnoi i Anti-Khudozhestvennoi Literaturi" (Instructions on Review of Library Books for Removal of Counter-Revolutionary and Anti-Art Literature) 1923

General Physical Description note: Negative film of printed copy (reel 4) and positive film (reel 5).

Wolfe, Bertram D.

General Physical Description note: Negative film of printed copies
reel 6

"China's Fate," American Mercury, 1947 January

reel 6

"The Rise and Fall of the Comintern," American Mercury, 1947 March

reel 6

"Dissenting Opinion on Toynbee," American Mercury, 1947 June

reel 6

"Marx: The Man and His Legacy," American Mercury, 1947 September

reel 6

"Forced Labor in Soviet Russia," American Mercury, 1947 November

reel 6

"Stalin Worship in Russian Schools," American Mercury, 1948 January

reel 6

"The Individual vs. the State," American Mercury, 1948 March

reel 6

"Politics and Fiction in Mexico," American Mercury, 1948 June

reel 6

"What Next in China?," American Mercury, 1949 April

reel 6

"The Problem of Power," American Mercury, 1949 September


Sound Recordings 1969-1979

Scope and Contents note

Sound recordings (sound cassettes and sound tape reels) of speeches by Bertram D. Wolfe and an oral history of Ella Wolfe, arranged chonologically.
onsite digital

Bertram Wolfe speech in the United States undated

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003420

Scope and Contents note

A talk on the Communist movement of which he was a part. Using a series of memories and stories, he concentrates on his history, how and why he became a communist, and his experiences in the Communist International.

"The Extraordinary Adventures of a Yankee in Mexico" speech 1969 May 9

onsite digital, box MC51

2 sound tape reels

Physical Description: 2, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003381

Scope and Contents note

Wolfe discusses his time in Mexico, starting with his assignment to teach English in the country through his deportation and return. He speaks at length about Diego Rivera. He touches on Leon Trotsky in the question-and-answer session.
Different introduction than the recording on the sound cassettes and slightly more complete, but same program.
onsite digital

2 sound cassettes


Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003416

Scope and Contents note

Different introduction than the recording on the sound tape reels, but same program.
onsite digital, box MC51

Bertram Wolfe addressing the University of Texas at Austin, "Reminiscences of the Communist International," 1970 March 12

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003382

Scope and Contents note

Also includes "A Mexican Bandit in Communist Russia." Relates to the 5th Congress, Comintern, 1924. Introduced by Prof. Oliver Radkey.
onsite digital

"What Was Wrong with the American Revolution? A Study in Comparative Revolution," speech, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention, St. Louis, Missouri 1976 October 8

Physical Description: 2.0 sound_cassettes

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003417

Scope and Contents note

Wolfe discusses the American Revolution, in the process comparing it with the French and Russian revolutions. Figures he concentrates on are Benjamin Franklin, emphasizing his age; Thomas Jefferson, emphasizing his Virginian heritage as key to the revolution; John Adams, emphasizing his political skill; Thomas Paine, emphasizing reforms Paine wanted that Wolfe suggests would have led to totalitarianism; and George Washington, emphasizing his military background and understanding the value of retreat. Wolfe then talks about how important in-fighting is to the success or failure of a revolution. He finishes by noting all the founding fathers died in bed, save one that died in a duel.
onsite digital

Sound recording from the West Coast Association of Women Historians annual conference, a conversation with Ella Wolfe and Joan M. Todd and colleagues 1979 April 21

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003419
onsite digital

Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper speech at Colorado College 1979 July 4

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_00003421

Scope and Contents note

A talk on Hitler's rise to power and the early days of the Third Reich. Trevor-Roper structures the talk as a recital of historical events, often commenting on the implication of these event. He also focuses on the Third Reich's relationships with communism and the Catholic Church. In English

Ella Wolfe oral history 1982-1983

Scope and Contents note

1/4-inch sound tape reels and one sound cassette. Interview conducted by Ramon Myers, fellow at the Hoover Institution.
cassette Cabinet

"Tape 1," undated

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette

Scope and Contents note

Undescribed, undigitized.
onsite digital, box MC51

1982 October 18-22

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003348

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Growing up in Russia; life in New York; interlude in San Francisco; underground political meeting at St. Joe, Michigan; Mexico; and some recollections about Sidney Hook.
The interview on 18 October 1982 begins with Wolfe describing growing up in Russia. She says that growing up, people around her often spoke about socialism. She then describes the town she grew up in and some examples of life in it. This leads to a discussion of Wolfe's education, which in turn leads to her elopement with Bertram. Wolfe claims that Bertram had never heard of socialism until he went to her house, where it was spoken about constantly.
The conversation then moves to a discussion of the Wolfes' lives in America. First, Wolfe describes health problems. Describing their time in San Francisco, she notes that Bertram became involved in the Communist Party once in the city. She then describes how they got jobs to make a living, but quickly returns to stories about their involvement in the Communist Party. After tales about Bertram in the party, Myers asks about Jay Lovestone, to which Wolfe speaks about at length through various stories. In the process of describing the Party, the conversation moves to the Wolfes' work in Mexico. Included in this are stories about Diego Rivera. She says Frida Kahlo was one of the most extraordinary people she ever knew and a better painter than Rivera. While speaking about life in Mexico, she talks about Bertram's interaction with libraries and saving rare books. The recording ends with a discussion about Sidney Hook.
onsite digital, box MC51

1982 October 20-25

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003349

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Mexico, artists and people; Mexico, Bert and Soviet Embassy; recollections of Max Eastman; and New York, late 1920s and communist cell Friends (Whittaker Chambers, others).
The discussion begins with stories about Bertram's book about strange communists, and the conversation briefly touches on happenings and conditions in Russia. However, most of the time is spent on the Wolfes' experiences in Mexico. Among the topics are Diego Rivera; Leon Felipe, describing him from a variety of angles, using stories to illustrate his character; a new library in Mexico; other communist painters and assassination attempts on Leon Trotsky; the relationship of the living with the dead; and the Soviet's view of Mexicans. Also, Wolfe describes Max Eastman.
onsite digital, box MC51

circa 1982

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003351

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Trotskyite Movement, e.g. Europe and Mexico; Ella in Moscow, 1929; in New York and break with Communism; two individuals in Mexico, 1920s--Carlton Beales and Luis Alberto Sanchez, rector of St. Marcos.
onsite digital, box MC51

1982 November

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003352

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Forming the Moscow Communist International--Lu and Eva Geissler, M. N. Roy, Borodin, Lewis Frana (Corey) (wife Ester), Willi Münzenberg, (wife Elsa) Iqnaz Reis - Elsa Bernaut, G. Mandel (at Berkeley); Angelica Balabanov (Nov. 3, 1982); Victor Serge; Krivitsky; William Henry Chamberlin; Alexander Orloff; Bessedovsky and forgery in Paris; Bodgan-Raditsa and Bert Wolfe's letter to Bogdan; and Bogdan.
Ella begins by talking about several people from the formation of the Communist International. She retells a variety of short stories about Lu and Eva Geissler; Lu's lover, M. N. Roy; Borodin selling diamonds in Central America to obtain funds for the Soviet Union; Lewis Frana; Willi Münzenberg and how he was killed for saying it was a tragedy communists fought other communists in the purges; Ignaz Reis; Elsa Bernaut; and G. Mandel from Berkeley, who at the time was still taking students to the Soviet Union and proclaiming it the promised land.
The second conversation concerns Angelica Balabanov. Ella Wolfe considers her one of the best women she ever knew. She details how Balabanov became disillusioned with the communist revolution in Russia. Though Ella considers her a bit naive, she says she was completely devoted to her ideas. In the process, Ella discusses Victor Serge, Krivitsky, William Henry Chamberlin, Alexander Orloff, and briefly comments on the Hoover Institution and its collections.
The third conversation concerns Bessedovsky and forgery in Paris and Bodgan-Raditsa and Bert Wolfe's letter to Bogdan.
onsite digital, box MC51

1982 November 12

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003353

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Ella comments about B. Wolfe; Ella and Bert's writing relationship; Ella and teaching Spanish literature; Ella's relationship with male professional-career types; comments on writers who worked for the New Leader, e.g., D. Bell; Judith Evans and J. Lovestone; Ella comments on the book Three Who Made a Revolution; memories of college; recollections about the people in the revolutionary movement who left a profound impression upon her; comments about a Soviet historian who reviewed Bert's Ideology in Power; Ella and her years at Hunter College--literature and history; Rose Pastor Stokes, a Communist Party USA member in the 1920s; Ella comments on those who broke with the party and why; Ella and her friend, Father Rob. Ernst; impressions of Don Frederico De Onís; reflections on "betrayal," particularly about Svetlana Stalin.
onsite digital, box MC51

198[2] December 1

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003367

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Remembering Svetlana Stalin; Leon Heikis--Soviet embassy staff person-friend; H. Lal Gupta (U. of Mexico), close friend; I. Silone (after 1945); A. Koestler (1960s) and wife, Mamaine; views on American understanding of Soviet Union in [Wolfe's] lifetime; reflections on generational differences now and in the past, e.g. parental values, education, etc.
Ella speaks about several friends of hers. First, she speaks about Svetlana Stalin and how Svetlana was concerned with how history was recording her father. Wolfe singles out Robert Tucker as one person getting the Stalin story wrong. Ella claims Svetlana thought Bertram could properly write the history of her father, which leads to a discussion on how the Wolfes came to know Svetlana. Following the conversation about history, the interview moves to Svetlana's personal life details--about moving to England, possible position at the Hoover Institution, etc. The other subjects are Leon Heikis, of the Soviet Embassy, and H. Lal Gupta, of the University of Mexico, I. Silone (after 1945), and Arthur and Mamaine Koestler in the 1960s.
In a second session, Wolfe and Myers discuss how Americans understand the Soviet Union. Ella argues one cannot look at Americans as just one large mass. She says scholars are better informed than "so called liberals" (her words), with the latter being misinformed. However, she notes how many of them change their mind once they visit the Soviet Union. Ella believes the biggest mass of Americans have never had to depend on the Soviet Union for trade reasons and therefore do not care about the Soviet Union and are ignorant of situations. She argues the student activists within this last group are therefore susceptible to making propaganda for the Soviet Union by proxy without knowing it; she uses the example of the anti-nuclear movement.
The third session concentrates on generational differences. First Ella describes attitudes about education. Second, she criticizes television. Then, the Vietnam War and American foreign policy. Wolfe sees her view of generational decline as sad, not cynical.
onsite digital, box MC51

1983 January

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003370

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Rand School of Social Science, New York, 1930s--Ed Wilson (Edmund); salons in New York, 1930s, 1940s--Katherine A. Porter; Cape Cod milieu--Dos Passos, Mary Heaton Vorse; Freda Utley (1930s-1950s).
The first conversation on the tape concerns figures in New York. Ella begins describing Edmund Wilson, focusing on his character and private life, though she does talk about his writing. Moving on, she talks about the Rand School of Social Sciences. This leads to her thoughts on many different communists/exiles from Russia. Among these is Nicolaevsky. She also discusses salons in New York in the 1930s and 1940s and Katherine A. Porter. After she speaks about the Cape Cod milieu, Dos Passos, and Mary Heaton Vorse, the tape concludes with Wolfe speaking for a few minutes about Freda Utley, including how she became pro-Hilter.
onsite digital, box MC51

1983 January 20-February 5

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003371

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Freda Utley (continued from tape 7); Dwight MacDonald, Nancy, and Gloria (his wives); Joan Colebrook and her two children; Theodore Draper, his two wives; Whittaker Chambers; Philip Jaffe and the Amerasia papers; Agnes Smedley; Anna Louise Strong; George Katkov (wrote on Kerensky, at Oxford); Max Shachtman, New York Trotskyite leader; Boris Souvarine; Joaquin Maurin.
Picking up where the previous tape left off, Wolfe speaks about Freda Utley. She first speaks about a suicide. She then speaks about aspects of Utley's personal life, including her family, housekeeping, drinking, and hearing. The next conversation concerns a variety of people. First is Dwight MacDonald and his wives, Nancy and Gloria, and children. Wolfe speaks about the marriages and prefers Nancy to Gloria. Speaking on his professional career, she mentions he was involved in the movements of 1960s and had writer's block for a while. Next, Wolfe speaks about Joan Colebrook, concentrating on her personal life before discussing her book, her move to Australia, and their common friends. However, Wolfe does not want Colebrook to write anything about Wolfe. Wolfe discusses Theodore Draper and his two wives.
The third conversation concerns the time after Bertram's expulsion from Mexico. Included in this is time spent discussing Whittaker Chambers, others in the Communist Party, and how he became disillusioned with the party. Wolfe says Chambers tried to get Alger Hiss to stop his activities. Wolfe says it was widely known Hiss was involved in "dirty" (her word) works. They discuss Hiss's guilt. The fourth conversation is a discussion of Philip Jaffe, the Amerasia papers, a raid of his office, and the following arrest. She says legal processes were delayed because America did not want to offend Russia as both countries were in the process of setting up the United Nations at the time. This segues into a discussion of Agnes Smedley; Wolfe comments about her for a few minutes. Next, Myers asks about Anna Louise Strong. While Wolfe did not know her, she relates information about her as Bertram had contact with Strong. Wolfe calls her "a really big fool."
The fifth conversation begins with Wolfe commenting on the struggle of good and evil. In this light, she speaks about George Katkov and Doctor Zhivago. The sixth conversation is about New York Trotskite leader Max Shachtman. She mentions Shachtman's attacks on Bertram's book for an entire year. Years after the party purges, when they reconnected at a conference at Stanford, Wolfe found a completely different person. The last conversation concerns Boris Souvarine and Joaquin Maurin.
onsite digital, box MC51

circa 1983

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003372

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Women of Latin America (matriarchal society), some reflections on contemporary American society, remembering Louis Fischer and wife, Max Eastman and his wives, Stalin's power and the extent of his control, George Lichtheim, Richard Lowenthal, Joseph Freeman.
onsite digital, box MC51


Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_a_0003347

Scope and Contents note

Topics: Ella's perceptions of America's future, her advice to young woman today in the light of her life experiences, her long-term relationship with the Hoover Institution, major sources of disagreements between Bert and Ella, and how Ella and Bert handled different friendships outside their marriage.
The conversation begins with Ella discussing money matters. She says that Bertram was usually generous with money, and when he was stingy, she would remind him of their lean years and how that should influence his thinking. Myers asks her to reflect on how they managed to have a successful marriage. She credits an admiration for Bertram as a mind, that there was always an intellectually-stimulating conversation to have, and a tolerance for each others' eccentricities.
Third, Myers asks about the couple's friends, and if they caused any problems. She says that the two did not had separate friends, that they were very choosy about their friends. Of those, she says they chose friends that had common beliefs with them. This leads her to talking about Ted Switz, a chemist and agent of the Soviet secret police, and the party purges. Fourth, Myers next asks Ella for her advice to women in light of women's liberation and how to integrate all aspects of life, such as career, family, love, marriage, et cetera. Ella says she is old-fashioned, and she believes the women's liberation movement has brought about negative changes to society, citing increasing divorce rates, single parent homes, and general unhappiness. She argues women are currently reassessing the women's liberation movement and "the pendulum will eventually swing the other way." She says the changes will impact not just the individual men and women, but their children as well.
Fifth, on the state of affairs, Wolfe argues "the pursuit of excellence has sunk very low." She is appalled at questions like "what for?" and statements such as "I don't care." Finally, Wolfe reflects on her association with the Hoover Institution. She first came to the institution in 1949-50 when Harold Fisher was Director. She says she was impressed by both the collections as well as the scholarship. She is critical of the institution's handling of Bertram's library of books but follows this by saying the help and cooperation given by the Hoover library and archives is higher than similar organizations throughout the world. She hopes Hoover will rediscover the importance of the meeting of minds.

Videorecordings 1986-1990 undated

box MC59

Interview with Ella Wolfe by Rob Ernst 1986 July

Physical Description: 1 VHS videocassette
onsite digital

Frida Kahlo: A Ribbon Around a Bomb 1990

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_v_0008540

Scope and Contents note

Documentary about Frida Kahlo produced by Itzcuintli Films. Produced by Jeff Hurst, Cora Cardona, Ken Mandel; directed by Ken Mandel; cinematography by Jeff Hurst; original music by John Bryant, Frank Hames.
onsite digital

"Frida Kahlo: Portrait of an Artist," PBS, KQED San Francisco 1988

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_v_0008542

Scope and Contents note

Documentary about Frida Kahlo. Produced by Louise Lo. KQED/NABET. Narrated by Edward James Olmos. Voice of Frida Kahlo: Anne Betancourt; Voice of Diego Rivera: Luis Valdez.
tape cabinet

"Secret Intelligence," #101, PBS, KCET Los Angeles 1989

onsite digital

What the Belly Contains: An Homage to Frida Kahlo, 1988

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77029_v_0008544

Scope and Contents note

Experimental film inspired by Frida Kahlo. Film by Margaret Hussey and Rebecca Long. Original music by Malcolm Payne. VHS videocassette copy of a 16mm motion picture film; the film is not in the possession of the Hoover Institution.

Photographs and Drawings 1920-1974 undated

Scope and Contents note

807 prints, 9 drawings, 6 negatives, 3 color slides, 4 glass plates in 35 envelopes, arranged by subject.
envelope A

Prints and drawings of Bertram and Ella Wolfe, including prints taken at the 5th World Congress of the Communist International Moscow 1924

envelope B

Prints of buildings, people and scenes in Moscow during the 5th World Congress of the Communist International 1924

envelope C

Miscellaneous prints, including prints of Stanislas Pestkovskii and B. F. Vidas, Soviet diplomats in Mexico; Jay Lovestone, American communist leader; and British and American delegates to the 2d congress of the Communist International 1920 1925 undated

envelope D

Prints of V. I. Lenin undated

envelope E

Prints of Lev Trotskii at the Dewey Commission hearings 1937

envelope F

Prints of Iosif Stalin undated

envelope G

Prints of various Soviet leaders, including V. I. Lenin, Lev Trotskii, Iosif Stalin, Grigorii Zinov'ev, Lev Kamenev, Nikolai Bukharin, Viacheslav Molotov, Nadezhda Krupskaia, Ian Rudzutak, Mikhail Tomskii, Aleksei Rykov, Mikhail Kalinin, Klementii Voroshilov, Aleksandra Kollontai and Andrei Gromyko undated

envelope H

Miscellaneous prints, including prints of Iulii Martov, Rosa Luxemburg, Petr Vrangel', Aleksandr Kolchak, Anton Denikin, Gustav Mannerheim, Leon Felipe, Wladimir Woytinsky and Julius Epstein undated

envelope I

Prints issued by the U.S. Information Agency, illustrating the history of Bolshevism and conditions in the Soviet Union under communism undated

envelope K

Prints of Maksim Gor'kii undated

envelope L

Prints of Diego Rivera undated

envelope M

Prints of Frida Kahlo Rivera and prints of self-portraits of Frida Kahlo Rivera undated

envelope N

Prints of relatives, associates, and dwelling places of Diego Rivera undated

envelope O

Prints of paintings by Diego Rivera and sketches by Diego Rivera undated

envelope P

Prints of paintings by Diego Rivera undated

envelope Q

Color slides of Bertram Wolfe undated

box StillNegPos Box 7

Negatives of Bertram Wolfe, negative of Angelica Balabanov in Rome, 1962, and negative of Joseph Stalin 1961 undated

Separated Materials

Formerly part of Envelope Q.
box A

Glass slides of paintings by Diego Rivera undated


May not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Separated Materials

Formerly part of Envelope Q.
envelope mR

Oversize prints of V. I. Lenin and associates of V. I. Lenin undated

envelope mS

Oversize prints, including prints of Diego Rivera, and prints of drawings of V. I. Lenin, Lev Trotskii, Clara Zetkin and Maksim Gor'kii undated

envelope T

Prints of Bertram and Ella Wolfe at various stages of their lives undated

envelope U

Prints of Bertram and Ella Wolfe at various stages of their lives undated

envelope V

Prints of Bertram and Ella Wolfe with others, including Victor Haya de la Torre, Jay Lovestone, Eugene Lyons, Diego Rivera, William Weinstone, Charles Zimmerman, early members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, U.S.A., and members of the Soviet embassy in Mexico undated

envelope W

Prints of Bertram and Ella Wolfe with others, including Glenn Campbell, William Yandell Elliott, Alfred Kazin, Melvin Lasky, Abba Lerner, Sol Levitas, Edward Rozek, and Leonard Schapiro undated

envelope X

Prints and postcards of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, their artwork and acquaintances undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 print of Frida Kahlo with Leon Trotksy.
envelope Y

Prints of communist demonstrations and other scenes in Mexico undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes prints of Rafael Carrillo, Tina Modotti, Charles Shipman, and Edward Weston.
envelope Z

Prints and postcards of miscellaneous scenes in Mexico undated

envelope AA

Prints and postcards of V. I. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin undated

envelope AB

Prints of scenes in the Soviet Union, mainly of Moscow during the 5th Congress of the Communist International, including prints of A. Lozovskii and other delegates 1924 undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 print of M. N. Roy, Ho Chi Minh and other Asian delegates to the 4th Congress of the Communist International, 1922.
envelope AC

Prints of Leon Haykis, Aleksandra Kollontai, Stanislas Pestkovskii, and other Soviet officials in Mexico undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 print of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
envelope AD

Prints of Svetlana Allilueva and family undated

envelope AE

Prints of early members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, U.S.A., and of demonstrations by the Independent Labor League of America undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes several prints of Jay Lovestone, including 1 with Willi Munzenberg.
envelope AF

Prints of various individuals, including Harry Goldberg, Celia Goodman, Victor Haya de la Torre, Mamaine Koestler, Eugene Lyons, Joaquin Maurin, Boris Nicolaevsky, Samuel Putnam, Leonard Schapiro, Ernst Toller, Frances Toor, Carlo Tresca, Wang Fan-hsi, and Karl Wittfogel undated

envelope AG

Prints of Salomon and Vera Schwarz, Nikolai Valentinov-Vol'skii, and Wladimir Woytinsky undated

envelope AH

Prints of miscellaneous scenes, including Yosemite, Taos, and Cape Cod undated

envelope mAI

Prints of Bertram and Ella Wolfe with President Luis Echeverria Alvarez of Mexico; prints of Wladimir and Emma Woytinsky; print of Joseph Stalin with a small child; and printed reproduction of self-portrait by Diego Rivera 1974 undated


Incremental Materials - Biographical File 1896-1988

Scope and Contents note

Contains address books, announcements, clippings, membership cards, obituaries, teaching certificates, transcripts, and yearbooks, arranged in two groups, Bertram and Ella, then by physical form.

Wolfe, Bertram 1896-1986

box 155, folder 1

Announcements for classes and lectures given by Bertram Wolfe, including those delivered under the pseudonym of A. E. Albright 1922-1940

box 155, folder 2

Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies 1972

box 155, folder 3

Biographical entries for Contemporary Authors and World Who's Who 1970-1977

box 155, folder 4

Birth certificate 1896

box 155, folder 5

Clippings 1940-1971

box 155, folder 6

Curriculum vitae and summary of writings and publications 1968-1970

box 155, folder 7

Depositions made by Bertram Wolfe and Sidney Hook 1951-1954

box 155, folder 8

Marriage certificate 1917

box 155, folder 9

Membership card in tourist organization showing the name of A. E. Albricht 1921

box 155, folder 10

Memorial record 1977

box 155, folder 11

Memorial tributes 1977-1986

box 155, folder 12

Obituaries 1977

box 155, folder 13

Passports 1937-1970

box 155, folder 14

Press credential 1923

box 155, folder 15

Program for City College of New York alumni dinner 1964

box 155, folder 16

Teaching certificates 1923-1931

box 155, folder 17

Yearbook of the College of the City of New York 1916


Wolfe, Ella 1917-1998

box 155, folder 18-20

Address books 1960-1998

box 155, folder 21

Dedicatory poem by Angelica Balabanoff 1960

box 156, folder 1-4

Address books 1960-1998

box 156, folder 5

Membership cards for the Communist Party U.S.A. (Opposition), Partido Comunista de Mexico, and La Liga Internacional Pro-Luchadores Perseguidos 1925-1934

box 156, folder 6

Passports 1954-1980

box 156, folder 7

Press credentials 1924-1925

box 156, folder 8

Teaching certificates and academic records 1917-1941

box 156, folder 9

Transcript of autobiographical lecture 1978

box 156, folder 10

Transcript of oral history interview 1982

box 157, folder 1

Yearbook of Hunter College 1918


Incremental Materials - Correspondence 1919-1999

Scope and Contents note

Contains postcards and letters, with a general file, arranged by physical form, and an alphabetical file, arranged by name of correspondent.

General 1940-1999


Postcards 1940-1999

box 157, folder 2-3


box 157, folder 4


box 157, folder 5-7


box 158, folder 1-2


box 158, folder 3-5


box 158, folder 6-8



Letters of condolence received by Ella Wolfe on the death of Bertram Wolfe 1977

box 158, folder 9


box 158, folder 10


box 158, folder 11


box 158, folder 12


box 159, folder 1


box 159, folder 2


box 159, folder 3


box 159, folder 4

Adamiak, Richard 1970

box 159, folder 5

Adams, Mildred 1967

box 159, folder 6

Alba, Victor 1968-1970


Allilueva, Svetlana 1968-1987

box 159, folder 7


box 159, folder 8


box 159, folder 9


box 159, folder 10

American Friends Service Committee (Wanneta Chance) 1948

box 159, folder 11

Argo, Harold V. 1986-1999

box 159, folder 12

Babel, Nathalie 1973

box 159, folder 13

Balibrera, Mario 1989-1998

box 159, folder 14

Ballen, Samuel B. 1988

box 159, folder 15

Bartoli, José 1947

box 159, folder 16

Beals, Carleton 1925-1958

box 159, folder 17

Bettelheim, Bruno 1971

box 159, folder 18

Billington, James H. 1970

box 159, folder 19

Blake, Patricia 1968

box 159, folder 20

Bloom, Solomon F. 1949

box 159, folder 21

Boiter, Albert and Irina 1964-1965

box 159, folder 22

Bolloten, Burnett 1944-1981

box 159, folder 23

Bolloten, Gladys 1970

box 159, folder 24

Borochowicz, Elly 1965-1978

box 159, folder 25

Boss, Valentin J. 1973-1975

box 159, folder 26

Bourguina, Anna 1965

box 159, folder 27

Brumberg, Abraham 1965


Buchman, Alex H. 1984-1997

box 160, folder 1


box 160, folder 2


box 160, folder 3

Buckley, William F. 1971

box 160, folder 4

Burton, Henry Payne 1937

box 160, folder 5

Cardona, Cora 1989

box 160, folder 6

Chamberlin, William Henry 1951-1969

box 160, folder 7

Chollet, David 1987-1992

box 160, folder 8

Cohoon, John C. 1992

box 160, folder 9

Colebrook, Jay 1991

box 160, folder 10

Colebrook, Joan 1968-1977

box 160, folder 11

Conneally, Philip 1977-1991

box 160, folder 12

Conquest, Robert and Caroleen 1966-1979

box 160, folder 13

Constance, Helen 1965-1968

box 160, folder 14

Constantine, Mildred 1975-1977

box 160, folder 15

Coors, Joseph 1983

box 160, folder 16

Crommie, David and Karen 1975-1976

box 160, folder 17

Cullen, Greg 1989

box 160, folder 18

Cuningham, Charles E. 1968

box 160, folder 19

Daiuta, Amy 1976

box 160, folder 20

Davis, Joseph 1973

box 160, folder 21

Day, Patricia 1969

box 160, folder 22

Decter, Midge 1975

box 160, folder 23

Dell Publishing Co. (George Delacorte, Richard Huett, Anita Rapp, Ann Watson) 1969-1976


Dial Press Inc. (Richard Baron, Joyce Engelson, George Joel, Juris Jurjevics, Carole S. Lewis, Richard Marek) 1966-1977

box 160, folder 24


box 160, folder 25


box 161, folder 1

Dimitroff, Steve and Lucienne Bloch 1972-1991

box 161, folder 2

Draper, Theodore and Evelyn 1962-1989

box 161, folder 3

Duca, George 1979

box 161, folder 4

Dulles, Eleanor Lansing 1970-1989

box 161, folder 5

Erickson, John and Lujubica 1996

box 161, folder 6

Evans, Ernestine 1950

box 161, folder 7

Felipe, León 1968

box 161, folder 8

Feuer, Lewis S. 1963-1982

box 161, folder 9

Fine, Morris 1952

box 161, folder 10

Frönlich, Paul 1942

box 161, folder 11

Gayn, Mark 1967-1969

box 161, folder 12

Geissler, Lu 1953-1972

box 161, folder 13

Getzler, Israel 1966

box 161, folder 14

Glazier, Kenneth and Teresa 1968-1972

box 161, folder 15

Glusker, Susannah 1990


Goldberg, Harry and Rose 1951-1984

box 161, folder 16


box 161, folder 17


box 161, folder 18

Goldberg, Lucianne S. 1984

box 161, folder 19

Goldberg, Rebecca 1920-1921

box 161, folder 20

Goldblatt, Phyllis 1958

box 161, folder 21

Goldstein, Darra 1982-1999

box 161, folder 22

Goldstein, Israel A. 1919

box 161, folder 23

Goodman, Celia 1954

box 161, folder 24

Goodman, Mac 1958-1977

box 162, folder 1

Gorkin, Julián 1958-1976

box 162, folder 2

Graves, Anna 1931

box 162, folder 3

Grimberg, Salomon 1989

box 162, folder 4

Halle, Louis J. 1963-1967

box 162, folder 5

Harvey, Brian 1986

box 162, folder 6

Hays, Elinor Rice 1978

box 162, folder 7

Hayward, Max 1965-1970

box 162, folder 8

Hedlin, Myron W. 1972

box 162, folder 9

Herrera, Hayden 1974-1976

box 162, folder 10

Herrick, William 1986

box 162, folder 11

Hilton, Ronald 1970-1982

box 162, folder 12

Hook, Sidney and Ann 1965-1977

box 162, folder 13

Hoover Institution (Lenore McCracken) 1987


Jaffe, Philip 1959-1975

box 162, folder 14


box 162, folder 15


box 162, folder 16

Johnson, William Weber 1977-1978

box 162, folder 17

Jolis, Albert and Eva 1944-1949

box 162, folder 18

Joseph, Emily 1937

box 162, folder 19

Judd, Walter H. 1976-1977

box 162, folder 20

Kadar, Marlene 1986

box 162, folder 21

Kahlo, Cristina 1939

box 162, folder 22

Kahlo, Frida 1934-1946

box 162, folder 23

Kaplan, Georges M. 1962-1963

box 162, folder 24

Kautsky, Karl 1969

box 162, folder 25

KCET (Susan Bellows) 1988

box 162, folder 26

Kennan, George 1968-1973

box 162, folder 27

Koestler, Arthur 1957

box 162, folder 28

Koestler, Mamaine 1951-1953

box 162, folder 29

Kukk, Hilja 1984-1999

box 162, folder 30

Labedz, Leopold 1969-1974

box 162, folder 31

Laqueur, Walter 1967-1968

box 162, folder 32

Lasky, Melvin 1967-1975

box 162, folder 33

Lazitch, Branko 1970-1973

box 162, folder 34

Leggett, George 1969-1983

box 162, folder 35

Levine, Isaac Don and Ruth 1971

box 162, folder 36

Lichtenstein, David and Vivian 1973

box 162, folder 37

Lichtheim, George 1965-1966

box 162, folder 38

Lovestone, Jay 1921-1980

box 162, folder 39

Mahoney, Henry Thayer 1992-1999

box 162, folder 40

Martin, Mary-Anne 1989

box 162, folder 41

Massarano, Maurice S. 1927

box 162, folder 42

Maurin, Joaquín and Jeanne 1951-1976

box 162, folder 43

Medlin, Virgil D. 1971

box 162, folder 44

Menassé, Elaine 1965

box 163, folder 1

Modotti, Tina 1929

box 163, folder 2

Mohrenschildt, Dimitri von 1966

box 163, folder 3

Monas, Sidney 1985

box 163, folder 4

Monihan, William J. 1967-1971

box 163, folder 5

Myers, Ramon H. 1991

box 163, folder 6

Nicolaevsky, Boris 1958

box 163, folder 7

Onis, Federico de 1968

box 163, folder 8

Paez, Ozzie 1986-1988

box 163, folder 9

Parkyn, George and Marjorie 1972

box 163, folder 10

Payne, Stanley 1968

box 163, folder 11

Pestkovsky, Stanislas 1925

box 163, folder 12

Pipes, Richard 1970-1972

box 163, folder 13

Radkey, Oliver and Jakoba 1969-1974

box 163, folder 14

Rivera, Marika 1966

box 163, folder 15

Rostow, Walt W. 1970

box 163, folder 16

Rozek, Edward J. 1967-1995

box 163, folder 17

Scalapino, Robert A. 1977

box 163, folder 18

Schapiro, Leonard 1967-1977

box 163, folder 19

Schapiro, Lolita 1956

box 163, folder 20

Schwab, Dick 1962-1963

box 163, folder 21

Schwarz, Solomon and Vera 1965-1966

box 163, folder 22

Shattan, Joseph and Jane 1985-1999

box 163, folder 23

Shideler, James 1963

box 163, folder 24

Shipman, Charles 1966-1968

box 163, folder 25

Siegelman, Philip 1971

box 163, folder 26

Silverman, Harriet 1922

box 163, folder 27

Smithsonian Magazine (Jane D. Scholl) 1986

box 163, folder 28

Souvarine, Boris 1958-1983

box 163, folder 29

Spenser Grollová, Daniela 1991

box 163, folder 30

Sperber, Manès 1964-1974

box 163, folder 31

Staudenraus, Philip 1963-1967

box 163, folder 32

Stegner, Wallace 1982

box 163, folder 33

Stein, Sol 1965-1990

box 163, folder 34

Stephan, John J. 1993

box 163, folder 35

Temple, Martin 1950-1958

box 163, folder 36

Trager, Frank N. 1984

box 163, folder 37

Treadgold, Donald W. 1969

box 163, folder 38

Trilling, Lionel 1972

box 163, folder 39

Tucker, Robert C. 1968-1977

box 163, folder 40

Ulam, Adam B. 1973-1978

box 163, folder 41

Volsky-Valentinov, Valentina 1969-1971

box 163, folder 42

Wald, Alan 1974

box 163, folder 43

Wallerstein, Robert S. 1971

box 163, folder 44

Weatherwax, Jack 1931

box 163, folder 45

Weller, George 1979

box 163, folder 46

Weyl, Sylvia 1965

box 163, folder 47

Wilcox, Leonard 1972

box 163, folder 48

Wilson, Edmund 1969-1972

box 163, folder 49

Wittfogel, Karl A. and Esther 1958-1973

box 163, folder 50

Wolfe, Ella 1924-1971

box 163, folder 51

Wolfe, Lilian 1924

box 163, folder 52

Wolfe, Rinna 1995

box 163, folder 53

Wood, Theresa Wolfson 1919

box 163, folder 54

Woytinsky, Emma 1968

box 163, folder 55

Wraga, Richard and Nathalie 1968-1975


Incremental Materials - Speeches and Writings 1929-1984

Scope and Contents note

Contains articles and monographs, arranged chronologically.
box 164, folder 1

Notes on Mexico 1929

box 164, folder 2

Notes on Diego Rivera 1934

box 164, folder 3

"La revolución española de 1936 y la revolución alemana de 1917-1918," 1937

box 164, folder 4

"León Felipe: Poeta de la Tragedia de España," La Nueva Democracia 1944 July


Three Who Made a Revolution (1948)

box 164, folder 5

Proposal 1938

box 164, folder 6

Correspondence 1948-1969

box 164, folder 7

Reviews 1984

box 164, folder 8

"Los problemas de un gran Estado," Cuadernos, no. 16 (supplement) 1956 January-February

box 164, folder 9-10

"The Corrido in Mexico," 1960


Marxism: One Hundred Years in the Life of a Concept (1965)

box 164, folder 11

Typescript 1965

box 164, folder 12

Correspondence 1966-1972

box 164, folder 13

Review 1965

box 165, folder 1

Review of two books by Eduard Shtein 1976


A Life in Two Centuries (1981)

box 165, folder 2-10

Typescript 1981

box 166, folder 1-2

Typescript 1981

box 166, folder 3

Reviews 1981-1982

box 166, folder 4-5

Revolution and Reality 1981

Scope and Contents note


Incremental Materials - Writings by Others 1945-1994

Scope and Contents note

Contains articles and papers, arranged alphabetically by name of author.
box 166, folder 6

Abenheim, Donald 1977

box 166, folder 7

Agursky, Mikhail 1982

box 166, folder 8-9

Allilueva, Svetlana 1967 and 1984

box 167, folder 1

Balibrera, Mario and Alex Brumbaugh 1987

box 167, folder 2

Bennigsen, Alexandre 1982

box 167, folder 3

Bernstam, Mikhail S. 1982

box 167, folder 4

Bolloten, Burnett 1980

box 167, folder 5

Brown, Edward 1980

box 167, folder 6

Charlot, Zomah 1989


Chollet, David 1976-1993

box 167, folder 7


box 167, folder 8


box 167, folder 9

Cohn, Norman 1972

box 167, folder 10

Crawford, Dean 1980

box 167, folder 11

Djilas, Milovan 1982

box 167, folder 12

Dulles, Eleanor Lansing 1973

box 167, folder 13

Esenwein, George 1980-1990

box 167, folder 14

Feuer, Lewis S. 1980

box 168, folder 1

Gillette, Philip S. 1984

box 168, folder 2

Glusker, Susannah 1990

box 168, folder 3

Goldberg, Harry 1955-1983

box 168, folder 4

Goldstein, Darra 1986-1990

box 168, folder 5

Grimberg, Salomon 1980

box 168, folder 6

Hardy, Deborah 1982

box 168, folder 7

Hilton, Ronald 1982

box 168, folder 8

Hook, Sidney 1976-1986

box 168, folder 9

Jackson, Gabriel 1979

box 168, folder 10-11

Kadar, Marlene 1985

box 168, folder 12

Labedz, Leopold 1978

box 168, folder 13

Lieberman, Elias 1960

box 168, folder 14

Liebich, André 1986

box 169, folder 1

Los, Maria 1986

box 169, folder 2

Lovestone, Jay 1980

box 169, folder 3

Lubrano, Linda L. 1982

box 169, folder 4

Meehan-Waters, Brenda 1985

box 169, folder 5

Murray-Brown, Jeremy

box 169, folder 6

Myers, Ramon H. 1986-1987

box 169, folder 7

Paez, Ozzie 1988

box 169, folder 8

Pipes, Richard 1994

box 169, folder 9

Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa 1983

box 169, folder 10

Richmond, Robin 1990

box 169, folder 11

Schapiro, Leonard 1980

box 169, folder 12

Schroeder, Gertrude E. 1982

box 169, folder 13

Schwartz, Stephen 1984

box 169, folder 14

Shtromas, Alexander 1980

box 169, folder 15

Smith, Wesley 1986

box 169, folder 16

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 1975

box 169, folder 17

Spenser Grollová, Diana 1990

box 169, folder 18

Stevinson, Patricia 1982

box 169, folder 19

Swearingen, Rodger 1983

box 169, folder 20

Treadgold, Donald W. 1982

box 169, folder 21

Watson, Hugh Seton 1980

box 169, folder 22

Weil, Simone 1945

box 169, folder 23

Wimbush, S. Enders 1980


Incremental Materials - Subject File 1931-1993

Scope and Contents note

Contains clippings and papers, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 169, folder 24

Albania 1946

box 169, folder 25

Allilueva, Svetlana 1967-1984

box 169, folder 26

Asia 1955-1956

box 170, folder 1

Austria 1945-1947

box 170, folder 2

Beloff, Angelina 1938

box 170, folder 3

Berlin 1958-1962

box 170, folder 4

Bolloten, Burnett 1987

box 170, folder 5

Bulgaria 1944-1946

box 170, folder 6

Civil liberties 1952-1959


Communist Party U.S.A. 1940-1964

box 170, folder 7


box 170, folder 8


box 170, folder 9

Culture 1931-1955

box 170, folder 10

Czechoslovakia 1943-1961

box 170, folder 11

East Germany 1947-1962

box 170, folder 12

Economics 1954-1963

box 170, folder 13

Fascism and Nazism 1937-1962

box 170, folder 14

Forced labor 1947-1956

box 170, folder 15

Free Germany Committee 1944

box 170, folder 16

Hook, Sidney 1985-1987

box 170, folder 17

Hungary 1947-1955

box 170, folder 18

Iran 1946


Kahlo, Frida 1970-1987

box 171, folder 1


box 171, folder 2-3


box 171, folder 4

Korean War 1957

box 171, folder 5

Latin America 1956

box 171, folder 6

McCarthy, Joseph 1953

box 171, folder 7

Mexico 1952

box 171, folder 8

Middle East 1956

box 171, folder 9

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1956-1959

box 171, folder 10

Nuclear weapons 1955-1962

box 171, folder 11

Orlov, Alexander 1968-1989

box 171, folder 12

Panofsky, Jacob 1979

box 171, folder 13

Paz, Octavio 1993

box 171, folder 14

Religion 1932-1935

box 171, folder 15

Rivera, Diego 1931-1987

box 171, folder 16

Rizzi, Bruno 1984

box 171, folder 17

Romania 1958

box 171, folder 18

Spain-History-Civil War 1936-1939, 1983

box 171, folder 19

Trotsky, Leon 1952-1978


Incremental Materials - Videorecordings 1982-1996

Scope and Contents note

VHS videocassettes, arranged chronologically.
box 172, folder 1

Los Alamos: The Beginning and Edward Teller: An Early Time, 1982

box 172, folder 2

Frida, 1988

box 172, folder 3

The Seductive Illusion, 1988

box 172, folder 4

What the Belly Contains, 1988

box 172, folder 5

Talk by Ted Morgan on Jay Lovestone 1995

box 172, folder 6

Asaltar los cielos, 1996


Incremental Materials - Photographs 1890-1999

Scope and Contents note

Contains prints, largely relating to Bertram D. and Ella Wolfe and to the artworks of Diego Rivera, arranged by subject.
box 173, folder 1

Wolfe, Bertram 1919-1925

box 173, folder 2

Wolfe, Bertram with members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 1939

box 173, folder 3

Wolfe, Bertram 1946-1975

box 173, folder 4

Wolfe, Bertram and Ella Wolfe 1919-1966

box 173, folder 5

Wolfe, Ella 1918-1950

box 173, folder 6

Wolfe, Ella and Clara Chernetsky 1920

box 173, folder 7

Wolfe, Ella, photograph taken by Edward Weston 1925

box 173, folder 8

Wolfe, Ella and Cristina Kahlo 1933

box 173, folder 9

Wolfe, Ella and Frida Kahlo 1933

box 173, folder 10

Wolfe, Ella and American students, Saltillo, Mexico 1948

box 173, folder 11

Wolfe, Ella 1960-1979

box 173, folder 12

Wolfe, Ella 1980-1990

box 173, folder 13

Wolfe, Ella and Mario Balibrera 1994

box 173, folder 14

Wolfe, Ella 1994-1999

box 173, folder 15

Wolfe, Henry and Paul 1920

box 173, folder 16

Wolfe, Lillian 1920

box 173, folder 17

Aunt of Bertram Wolfe 1890

box 173, folder 18

Goldberg, Harry 1920-1955

box 173, folder 19

Goldberg, Harry and Rose 1953

box 173, folder 20

Goldberg, Barnet 1920

box 173, folder 21

Schwarz, Sasha 1910

box 173, folder 22

Pestkovski, Stanislas 1924

box 173, folder 23

Lovestone, Jay 1920-1940

box 173, folder 24

Lovestone, Jay and Harry Goldberg 1956

box 173, folder 25

Rivera, Diego 1915-1940

box 173, folder 26

Rivera, Diego and Frida Kahlo 1935

box 173, folder 27

Rivera, Diego and José Clemente Orozco 1945

box 173, folder 28

Rivera, Diego and Emma Hurtado 1955

box 173, folder 29

Kahlo, Frida 1930-1935

box 173, folder 30

Marin, Guadalupe 1925

box 173, folder 31

Rivera, Marika 1950

box 173, folder 32

Orozco, José Clemente 1945

box 173, folder 33

Kollontai, Alexandra 1928

box 173, folder 34

Felipe, León 1923

box 173, folder 35

Haykiss, León 1925

box 173, folder 36

Bardas, Nicolás 1921

box 173, folder 37

Hurtado, Emma 1940

box 173, folder 38

Gumperz, Julian 1940-1960

box 173, folder 39

Gupta, Heramba L. 1918

box 173, folder 40

Hook, Sidney and Ann 1970

box 173, folder 41

Bolloten, Burnett and Betty 1960-1983

box 173, folder 42

Kazin, Alfred 1960

box 173, folder 43

Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl 1925

box 173, folder 44

Felipe, Salud 1931

box 173, folder 45

Evans, Ernestine 1925

box 173, folder 46

Goldstein, Darra and family 1985-1996

box 173, folder 47

Rozek, Edward 1972-1981

box 173, folder 48

Lasky, Mel 1960

box 173, folder 49

Schapiro, Leonard 1980

box 173, folder 50

Maurin, Mario, Elana, and Jeanne 1989

box 173, folder 51

Teller, Edward 1979

box 173, folder 52

Shattan, Joseph and family 1988-1997

box 174, folder 1

Goldstein, Helen and Irving 1984

box 174, folder 2

Jolis, Bert and family 1962

box 174, folder 3

Jolis, James 1974

box 174, folder 4

Morgan, Ted 1970

box 174, folder 5

Hayakawa, S. I. 1972

box 174, folder 6

Lloyd-Jones, Hugh 1976

box 174, folder 7

Cullen, Greg 1990

box 174, folder 8

Kukk, Hilja 1995

box 174, folder 9

Graves, Anna 1930

box 174, folder 10

Gorkin, Rita and Julian 1960

box 174, folder 11

Allilueva, Svetlana and Olga Peters 1977

box 174, folder 12

Peters, Olga 1972-1975

box 174, folder 13-14

Balibrera, Mario and family 1994

box 174, folder 15-16

Scenes in Spain and Portugal photographed by Mario Balibrera 1994

box 174, folder 17

Scenes in Portugal photographed by Mario Balibrera 1998

box 174, folder 18

Scenes in Spain photographed by Mario Balibrera 1999

box 174, folder 19

Scenes in New Mexico photographed by Mario Balibrera 1999

box 174, folder 20

Scenes in Seattle, Washington, photographed by Mario Balibrera 1999

box 174, folder 21

Shostakovich, Dmitri 1950

box 174, folder 22

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 1920

box 174, folder 23

Stalin, Joseph 1910-1950

box 174, folder 24

Stalin, Joseph, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill at the Teheran Conference 1943

box 174, folder 25

Stalin, Joseph and Sergei Kirov 1935

box 174, folder 26

Trotsky, Leon 1917-1940

box 174, folder 27

Trotsky, Leon and Leon Sedov 1935

box 174, folder 28

Trotsky, Leon and Cristina Kahlo 1937

box 174, folder 29

Kerensky, Alexander and members of the State Duma Committee 1917

box 174, folder 30

Roy, Manabendra Nath 1950

box 174, folder 31

Conference of the Mexican Communist Party 1920

box 174, folder 32

Rally of the Mexican Communist Party 1924

box 174, folder 33

Members of the Liga Anti-imperialista 1924

box 174, folder 34

Chinese parade with posters of Joseph Stalin 1950

box 175, folder 1-14

Artworks by Diego Rivera 1930-1950

box 176, folder 1-10

Artworks by Diego Rivera 1930-1950

box 176, folder 11

Paintings by Frida Kahlo 1930-1940


Incremental Materials - Oversize Materials 1905-1985

Scope and Contents note

Contains awards and diplomas, artwork, photographs, and maps, arranged by physical form.

Awards and diplomas 1909-1975


Bertram Wolfe 1909-1975

box 177, folder 1

Diploma, elementary education, New York City 1909

box 177

Diplomas, Brooklyn Boys High School 1912

box 177

Bachelor of Arts diploma and certificate, College of the City of New York 1916

Scope and Contents note

Includes honorary degree (with stamp) from La Universidad Nacional de Mexico, Visa, 1923.
box 177

Medals for academic proficiency, College of the City of New York 1916

box 177

Master of Arts diploma, Columbia University 1931

box 177, folder 2

Doctor of Laws diploma, University of California at Davis 1962

box 177

Certificate of award, Townsend Harris Medal 1964

box 177

Certificates of fellowship, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1975


Ella Wolfe 1923-1931

box 177

Bachelor of Arts diploma, Hunter College 1918

Scope and Contents note

Includes honorary degree (with stamp) from La Universidad Nacional de Mexico, Visa, 1923.
box 177

Master of Arts diploma, Columbia University 1931


Artwork 1931-1980

box 177, folder 3

Print of a drawing of Vladimir I. Lenin by N. A. Andreyev undated

box 177, folder 3

Watercolor by Marika Rivera 1931

box 177, folder 3

Detail of Diego Rivera mural depicting Bertram Wolfe 1933

box 177, folder 3

Drawing of Clara Zetkin 1980

box 177, folder 3

Drawing of Vladimir I. Lenin 1980


Photographs 1905-1985

box 177, folder 4-5

Luxemburg, Rosa 1905

box 177, folder 4-5

Wolfe, Bertram and Spanish Civil War veterans 1939

box 177, folder 4-5

Wolfe, Bertram and others posed in front of mural, San Francisco 1940

box 177, folder 4-5

Wolfe, Bertram 1960

box 177, folder 4-5

Goldberg, Harry 1960

box 177, folder 4-5

Balabanoff, Angelica 1960

box 177, folder 4-5

View of Almeria, Spain 1985


Maps 1951

box 177, folder 6

"U.S.S.R.-Caucus Area Administrative Divisions, 1950," 1951

box 177, folder 6

"Caucasia - Historical Names," 1951


Incremental Materials - Printed Matter 1907-1986

Scope and Contents note

Contains books by Bertram D. Wolfe, other monographs, and serial issues, arranged in three groups, then by title.

Books by Bertram Wolfe 1934-1986

box 178, folder 1

Portrait of America (with Diego Rivera) 1934

box 178, folder 2-4

Civil War in Spain 1937

box 178, folder 5-7

Portrait of Mexico (with Diego Rivera) 1937

box 178, folder 5

Keep America out of War (with Norman Thomas) 1939

box 179, folder 1

Diego Rivera: His Life and Times 1939

box 179, folder 2

Deathless Days 1940

box 179, folder 3

Mundo sin muerte 1942

box 179, folder 4

Compilation of scripts prepared by Bertram Wolfe for the Voice of America 1951-1954

box 180, folder 1

3 Männer, die die Welt erschütterten 1951

box 180, folder 2

I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre 1953

box 180, folder 3

Tres que hicieron una revolución 1956

box 180, folder 4

I successori di Stalin 1957

box 180, folder 5

Marxismo 1967

box 180, folder 6

The Bridge and the Abyss 1967

box 181, folder 1

Marx und die Marxisten 1968

box 181, folder 2

Brücke und Abgrund 1970

box 181, folder 3

La fabulosa vida de Diego Rivera 1986


Other monographs 1907-1920

box 181, folder 4

Poetical Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, inscribed by Bertram Wolfe to Ella Wolfe 1907

box 181, folder 5

The Little Book of Modern Verse, inscribed by Bertram Wolfe to Ella Wolfe 1913

box 181, folder 6

Trotsky, Leon, Our Revolution, with marginal notes by Bertram Wolfe 1918

box 181, folder 7-8

Revolutionary Radicalism, Its History, Purpose and Tactics, 1920

Scope and Contents note

Report by Senate of the State of New York in which Bertram Wolfe is mentioned.

Serial issues 1937-1938

box 182, folder 1

Marxist Quarterly, vol. I, nos. 1-3 1937

box 182, folder 2

The New International 1938 February-May, July, October, and December

box 183

Photos and correspondence undated

Conditions Governing Access

Box 183 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Scope and Contents

Includes Frida Kahlo correspondence and photos. Photocopies of some Kahlo correspondence are available for use in Box 12, Folder 55 of this collection.

Previously Separated Materials 1948-1976

Scope and Contents note

Materials relating to the Hoover Institution that were separated from the rest of the collection, as well as a speech clearance form that had been stored with the collection's sound recordings.
box 184, folder 1

Biographical file - reports on activities, Hoover Institution 1967-1975


Correspondence 1948-1976

box 184, folder 2

Belmont, Alan 1966-1975

box 184, folder 3

Benson, Brien 1968-1973

box 184, folder 4

Campbell, Rita 1966, 1969

box 184, folder 5

Campbell, W. Glenn 1960-1976

box 184, folder 6

Coors, Joseph (Adolph Coors Company) 1972

box 184, folder 7

Drachkovitch, Milorad 1957-1974

box 184, folder 8

Freeman, Roger 1970

box 184, folder 9

Hobson, James (Jim) 1966-1972

box 184, folder 10

Hoover Institution 1948-1949, 1965-1976

box 184, folder 11

Lassner, Franz 1970

box 184, folder 12

Staar, Richard 1968-1976

box 184, folder 13

Sworakowski, Witold 1950, 1963-1968

box 184, folder 14

Speeches and writings - Stanford University speech clearance form 1969

Scope and Contents note

Form signed by Bertram Wolfe granting Stanford University's radio station KZSU permission to record and broadcast his "The Extraordinary Adventures of a Yankee in Mexico" speech of 9 May 1969, as well as make a tape recording of the speech available to other organizations. Also includes a KZSU tape identification slip.
box 184, folder 15

Subject file - Hoover Institution 1969, undated

Scope and Contents note

Consists of guidelines on reimbursement for travel and a blank questionnaire.

2015 Incremental Materials - Biographical File 1948-2000

box 185, folder 1

Awards and achievements 1962, 1964, undated

box 185, folder 2

Biographical data undated

box 185, folder 3

Clippings 1948-2000

Scope and Contents note

Articles relating to Bertram Wolfe, including book reviews and obituaries. Also includes a photocopy of the obituary of Ella Wolfe.
box 185, folder 4

Conference materials circa 1967, 1970, 1973

box 185, folder 5

Lecture announcements undated

Scope and Contents note

See also: Clippings.
box 185, folder 6

Memorial tributes circa 1977, 1985


2015 Incremental Materials - Correspondence 1911-1998

Scope and Contents note

Copies and originals, mostly of correspondence sent by Bertram and Ella Wolfe, arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Includes some enclosures, such as newspaper clippings.
box 185, folder 7

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Joseph S. Berliner) 1972

Scope and Contents note

Includes photostat of Award for Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies that Wolfe received on 17 March 1972.
box 185, folder 8

American Psychoanalytic Association 1971

box 185, folder 9

Bettelheim, Bruno 1971

box 185, folder 10

Buckley, William F., Jr. 1971

box 185, folder 11

Busbey, Fred E. 1953

box 185, folder 12

Nixon, Richard M. 1973

box 185, folder 13

Staar, Richard 1971

Scope and Contents note

A letter from Haven Webb, a State Department official, to Dr. Staar, referencing Wolfe's An Ideology in Power.
box 185, folder 14

Voice of America (Leonard F. Erikson) 1954

Scope and Contents note

Includes text of press release announcing Wolfe's resignation as Chief of the Ideological Advisory Staff.
box 185, folder 15

Wolfe 1911-1972

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters addressed generally to members of the Wolfe family (usually both of Bertram Wolfe's brothers, Paul and Henry).
box 185, folder 16

Wolfe, Evelyn (Rinna) 1957-1998

Scope and Contents note

Mostly letters sent by Bertram Wolfe to Evelyn (Rinna), though there are a couple later letters to her from others.
box 185, folder 17

Wolfe, Henry 1925-1978

box 185, folder 18

Wolfe, Lillian 1924-1925

box 185, folder 19

Wolfe, Paul 1924-1973

box 185, folder 20

Wolfe, Rachel 1920s?


2015 Incremental Materials - Speeches and Writings 1934-1970

box 185, folder 21

"The Government of Doctor Caligari," undated

box 185, folder 22

"In Place of an Introduction," undated

box 185, folder 23

"León Felipe, Poet of Spain's Exodus and Tears," undated

box 186, folder 1

What Is the Communist Opposition?, undated

box 186, folder 2

Marx and America, pamphlet 1934

box 186, folder 3

"Politics and Fiction in Mexico," American Mercury 1948 June

box 186, folder 4

"An Exclusive Radio Interview with Stalin on Peace and War," three part Voice of America radio broadcast 1951 October

Scope and Contents note

Transcript booklet. Planned and written by Wolfe.
box 186, folder 5

Voice of America, Ideological Special scripts 1953-1954

box 186, folder 6

"Drowning in a Paper Sea," New Leader 1954 May 3

box 186, folder 7

"The Conversion of a Communist," New Leader 1954 June 7

box 186, folder 8

"Lenin on World War I," New Leader 1955 March 14

box 186, folder 9

"Is Co-existence Possible?," Tamiment Institute Public Forum (with others), Museum of Modern Art, New York 1955 April 14

box 186, folder 10

"The 'New' Soviety Leaders," New Leader, 1956 January 23

box 186, folder 11

Review in New Leader of George F. Kennan, Russia, the Atom and the West 1958 May 19

box 186, folder 12

Review in New York Herald-Tribune of General Baron Peter N. Wrangel, Always With Honour 1958 June 15

box 186, folder 13

"U.S. Policy and Communist Vulnerability," New Leader, 1959 September 7

box 186, folder 14

"Mr. K's Favorite Reporter," New York Times Magazine 1960 June 5

box 186, folder 15

"The New Gospel According to Khrushchev," Foreign Affairs, reprint 1960 July

box 186, folder 16

"Rosa Luxemburg and V. I. Lenin: The Opposite Poles of Revolutionary Socialism," Antioch Review, reprint 1961 Summer

box 186, folder 17

"Leon Trotsky as Historian," Slavic Review, reprint 1961 October

box 186, folder 18

"Graduating Into the Second Half of the Twentieth Century," commencement address, Sacramento State College 1962 June 8

box 186, folder 19

"Communist Ideology and Soviet Foreign Policy," Foreign Affairs, reprint 1962 October

box 186, folder 20

"French Socialism, German Theory, and the Flaw in the Foundation of the Socialist Internationals," Essays in Russian and Soviety History in Honor of Geroid Tanquary Robinson, reprint 1963

box 186, folder 21

"Lenin and Inessa Armand," Slavic Review, reprint 1963 March

box 186, folder 22

"Angelic Balabanoff and V. I. Lenin: The Opposing Poles of the Socialist Movement Against War," Antioch Review, reprint 1964 Summer

box 186, folder 23

"Leninism," chapter in Marxism in the Modern World, edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch 1965

box 186, folder 24

"Some Reflections on the Convergence Theory," Western Politica 1966 Autumn

box 186, folder 25

" Das Kapital One Hundred Years Later," Antioch Review, reprint 1966-1967 Winter

box 186, folder 26

Review in Chicago Daily News of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Twenty Letters to a Friend 1967 September 23

box 186, folder 27

Table of contents, An Ideology in Power: Reflections on the Russian Revolution circa 1968

box 186, folder 28

Letter to the editor, Russian Review 1969 July

box 186, folder 29

"Dress Rehearsals for the Great Terror," Studies in Comparative Communism, reprint 1970 April

box 186, folder 30

2015 Incremental Materials - Photographs undated

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of Bertram Wolfe at various stages of his life and two photographs of an unidentified woman.

2015 Incremental Materials - Printed Matter 1971-1996 undated

box 186, folder 31

Clippings 1971, 1982, 1984, circa 1996

Scope and Contents note

Consists of a review of Joseph P. Lash, Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers; an article on the World Psychiatric Association and its reaction to the use of psychiatry for political repression; an article about the discovery of a newspaper story Ernest Hemingway wrote on the Spanish Civil War; an article on Diego Rivera and cubism; and an article on the 50th anniversary of the massacre of Jews in Kielce, Poland.
box 186, folder 32

Maps undated

Scope and Contents note

Consists of a Special Edition Global News Map, a News Map of the Changing World, and a United Press War Map.
box 186, folder 33

Pamphlets undated

Scope and Contents note

Consists of a reprint of The Declaration of Independence and information on the Hoover Institution.
box 187

2015 Incremental Materials - Subject File 1932-1976

Scope and Contents note

Annotated clippings and printed matter, notes, and correspondence relating to "apologetics/apologists for Communism and the USSR."
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