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Finding aid to State Land Settlement, Durham, California, 1918-1919
BANC PIC 1966.034--fALB  
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Album 1


Subdivisional Plan - Durham State Land Settlement BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:01--fALB


Soil Map - Durham State Land Settlement BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:02--fALB


Farm Laborers' Homes on Lott Road - Durham State Land Settlement, Durham, California, U.S.A. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:03--fALB


The development of Durham's first settler, Carl Neilsen - Allotment No. 10, Durham, California, U.S.A. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:04--fALB


Home and outbuildings - Frank Baxter Farm - Durham State Land Settlement, Durham, California, U.S.A. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:05--fALB


First floor plan - perspective sketch - House for Mrs. Bernice Bahmeier, Durham State Land Settlement - California, Allotment No. 26, Designed by State Land Settlement Board, Aug. 2, 1918. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:06--fALB


Farmstead layout for Mr. F. E. Baxter, Allotment No. 37 - Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 10-2-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:07--fALB


Farmstead - John J. Daly, Allotment No. 46, Durham, Calif., Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 10-2-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:08--fALB


Farmstead layout for Mr. C. F. Cheaney, Allotment No. 28, Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 10-2-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:09--fALB


Farmstead - Proposed layout for Mr. Axel Lonstrom, Allotment No. 8 - Durham - designed by State Land Settlement Board - 11-15-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:10--fALB


Farmstead for Mr. Henry B. Ashworth - Durham State Land Settlement - Calif. - Allotment No. 38 - Designed by State Land Settlement Board, July 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:11--fALB


Tentative layout, block No. 12 - State Land Settlement Board, Durham, Butte Co., California - Designed by Land Settlement Board, Dept. of Farmstead Engineering, 6- 13-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:12--fALB


Farmstead - Proposed layout for Mr. Axel Lonstrom, Allotment No. 8 - Durham - Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 11-15-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:13--fALB


State Land Settlement Board, Durham - Butte County - Calif. - Designed by Land Settlement Board, Dept. Farmstead Engineering, 6-15-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:14--fALB


Workman's Cottage - House for Mr. B. E. Williams, Erected on Allotment "D" - Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 9-14-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:15--fALB


Farm House - House for Wm. Deveney - Durham State Land Settlement, California, Allotment No. 7, Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 7-12-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:16--fALB


Farmstead layout - Suggestive layout for Mr. Sidney N. Graves, Allotment No. 19, Durham - Designed by State Land Settlement Board, 11-14-18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:17--fALB


Floor plan, by Prof. J. W. Gregg - L.A., Univ. of California BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:18--fALB


Land Settlement Board - floor plan, Workmen's Cottage, Chester Cole, architect BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:19--fALB


Floor plan, by Prof. J. W. Gregg - L.A., Univ. of California BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:20--fALB


Workmen's Cottage, Chester Cole, architect, Chico, Calif. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:21--fALB


Study for Farmer's Residence, Chester Cole, architect, Chico, Calif. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:22--fALB


Workmen's Cottage, Chester Cole, architect, Chico, Calif. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:23--fALB


First floor plan - Second floor plan


First floor plan - Second floor plan BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:24--fALB


First floor plan - Second floor plan BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:25--fALB


General view of farms and farm laborers allotments on a portion of the Durham State Land Settlement, Durham, California, U.S.A. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:26--fALB


"Application for Farm Allotment or Farm Laborer's Allotment" BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:27--fALB


"Statement of assistance requested in effecting improvements and securing stock and implements" BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:28--fALB


"Table No. 1 - Durham State Land Settlement Farm Allotments and Farm Laborers' Allotments BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:29--fALB


Farm Bureau Picnic, May, 1919, #135 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:30--fALB


Allotment 26, #117 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:31--fALB


600 white leghorn baby chicks, #112 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:32--fALB


Registered Durocs, #129 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:33--fALB


No. 128. A registered duroc Jersey (see #36) BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:34--fALB


No. 167. Community sire donated to Durham Stock Breeders Assn. By R. K. Walker, Duroc Jersey breeder of Winsor ranch. August, 1920. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:35--fALB


A registered Duroc Jersey, #128 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:36--fALB


Holsteins owned by Carl Neilsen, allotment #10, #109 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:37--fALB


Making check banks, #123 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:38--fALB


Preparing land for irrigation, #142 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:39--fALB


Mowing alfalfa, allotment 48, #126 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:40--fALB


Plowing land for Summer Crop. June 1918, #51 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:41--fALB


Lady Washington Beans, #147 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:42--fALB


75 H. P. Tractor operated by the Board for the benefit of the settlers. October 1918. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:43--fALB


Plowing, #83 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:44--fALB


75 H. P. Tractor operated by the Board plowing land preparatory to grading. September 1918, #82 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:45--fALB


Allotments 67 and 68 before development, October 1918, #57 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:46--fALB


Crop of barley on allotment 6, June 1918, #61 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:47--fALB


Alfalfa--allotment 16, #111 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:48--fALB


Alfalfa cut from field sown in April 1918. Showing second cutting of alfalfa 1st year. Two additional cuttings were taken before end of the season, #55 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:49--fALB


Stubble field Allotment 83, August 1918, #54 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:50--fALB


Loading alfalfa, allotment 9, #127 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:51--fALB


Alfalfa, allotment No. 9, #120 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:52--fALB


Harvesting and threshing Lady Washington beans on allotment No. 5, October, 1918, #69 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:53--fALB


Feeding Dairy Cattle on the Project, #94 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:54--fALB


One of the dairy units, #48 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:55--fALB


Combined drop and bridge--road and irrigation structure. January, 1919, #78 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:56--fALB


Making concrete pipe for use in settlers' ditches, #86 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:57--fALB


Constructing the main irrigation and drainage canal, October, 1918, #80 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:58--fALB


Western Control of Upper Weir, January 1919, #90 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:59--fALB


Combined check and turn out main canal. January, 1919, #87 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:60--fALB


The concrete pipe crossings and outlet boxes for irrigation canals are made on the settlement, #91 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:61--fALB


#92, Breaking ground for Weir across Butte Creek, Nov. 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:62--fALB


Construction work at the Weir, #85 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:63--fALB


Upper diversion weir, Butte Creek. Shows flood waters passing over the structure, January, 1919, #88 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:64--fALB


Diversion Weir at Butte Creek, #77 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:65--fALB


Prepared land for irrigation--Supply ditch and corner of allotment 10 before sowing alfalfa, March, 1918, #59 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:66--fALB


Supply ditch and corner of allotment 10, August, 1918, #58 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:67--fALB


Alfalfa on allotment 10, Carl Nielsen ranch. Irrigation canal foreground. Pumpkins growing on ditch bank as weed eradicator and profitable crop. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:68--fALB


Supply ditch and corner of allotment 10, showing the growing crop, June, 1918, #60 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:69--fALB


King Morco Alcartra Seventh, grandson of Tillie Alcartra, purchased by the Durham Cooperative Stock Breeders' Ass'n, from A. W. Morris and Son, #76 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:70--fALB


Clearing the site for the new weir across Butte Creek--Oct. 1918, #92 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:71--fALB


Elevating grader constructing ditches, October 1918, #81 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:72--fALB


Combined check and turn out main canal, #89 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:73--fALB


Bridge--showing portion of new weir in foreground, #93 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:74--fALB


Automobiles which carried the Australian Soldiers upon their Durham visit, #153 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:75--fALB


Australian soldiers standing in alfalfa field, part of which has been cut the sixth time and the remainder ready to be cut, #161 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:76--fALB


Supt. Geo. C. Kreutzer addressing the Australian soldiers who visited the colony to study California methods of farming, October 1919, #150 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:77--fALB


The Australian Soldiers who are attending Davis Farm School. Upon their visit to The Durham Settlement, #152 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:78--fALB


Australian soldiers examining American grading tools, #156 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:79--fALB


The Australian soldier visitors, #155 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:80--fALB


Dr. Elwood Mead, Supt. Geo. Kreutzer & Colonel Davis. #162 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:81--fALB


Grading land on allotment 85, #160 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:82--fALB


View of drainage ditch adjacent to allotment #81, #159 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:83--fALB


Durham Community Park, #157 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:84--fALB


Part of land allotted in November, 1918, #154 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:85--fALB


Farm laborer's cottage on allotment W. Domingo Galves (Chilean), #158 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:86--fALB


T. F. Megenity allotment X showing milo maize, #151 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:87--fALB


Farm laborer's allotment W to Z, #149 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 1:88--fALB


Album 2


Part of 22 Acres reserved for public purposes. October, 1918, #66 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:01--fALB


Part of 22 acre reserve for community purposes. October, 1918, #65 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:02--fALB


#163, Community Center, Durham BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:03--fALB


Durham State Land Settlement - Community Center - Durham, Butte County, California BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:04--fALB


Part of community reserve on boundary between allotment 22 and reserve. Oct. 1918, #68 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:05--fALB


Part of 22-acre reserve for community purposes, #67 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:06--fALB


Superintendent Geor. C. Kreutzer and Carl Nielsen, #70 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:07--fALB


Farm Home, Allotment 10. Owner C. C. Nielsen, #18 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:08--fALB


Headquarters grounds allotment 43 showing office in the distance, #62 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:09--fALB


Stanford University Headquarters, now part of Durham Land Settlement, #49 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:10--fALB


Office of Durham State Land Settlement Board, May 1918, #42 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:11--fALB


Road Making, #144 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:12--fALB


Digging Trench for Concrete Pipe Line, #122 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:13--fALB


Irrigation and drainage ditch in the course of construction between allotments 77 and 78. This will be the main carrier for the whole project, #84 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:14--fALB


Farm Laborers' Homes, #140 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:15--fALB


Drive fronting farm laborers' allotments, Q-R-S-T-U, #64 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:16--fALB


Farm Laborers' cottages, #46 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:17--fALB


Drive through farm laborers' allotments, #63 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:18--fALB


Farm Laborer's cottages, Allotment H. Owner, D. C. Crandall, Nov. 1918, #38 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:19--fALB


Outbuilding used for temporary residence, Allotment "B", #36 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:20--fALB


Farm Laborer's Cottage, Allotment I, #35 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:21--fALB


#182, New residence on allotment 1. (L. O. Cole), August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:22--fALB


[House] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:23--fALB


[House] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:24--fALB


[5 men in front of house] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:25--fALB


#170, Home of D. C. Crandall, Allotment F. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:26--fALB


#175, Dr. Annie Williams, who lives with her brother on Allotment D, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:27--fALB


#187, Residence of Mrs. Paul Peirano on Allotment A. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:28--fALB


Farm Laborer's cottage, Allotment G, Nov. 1918, #40 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:29--fALB


Farm Laborer's cottage, Allotment R, Owner, H. C. Webber, Nov. 1918, #39 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:30--fALB


#183, Residence on allotment G showing timber on uncleared portion of allotment, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:31--fALB


[Field] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:32--fALB


[Field and houses] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:33--fALB


[Field] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:34--fALB


First unit of dwelling, allotment No. 90, #143 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:35--fALB


#179, Residence and barn. Allotment 90--W. O. Rhoades. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:36--fALB


Allotment 35, J. P. Samuelson, #108 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:37--fALB


Residence of J. P. Samuelson, allotment 35, #116 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:38--fALB


#173, Residence on Allotment 35, J. P. Samuelson, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:39--fALB


Farm home on Allotment No. 22, Owner--A. F. Mood--Nov. 1918, #33 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:40--fALB


Residence on Allotment No. 50, November, 1918, #31 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:41--fALB


Home on allotment 50, #110 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:42--fALB


#184, Farmstead buildings on allotment 50. Ward S. Nutt Ranch, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:43--fALB


#165, Home of W. S. Nutt, Allotment 50, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:44--fALB


#188, Durham S. L. Settlement, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:45--fALB


Durham S. L. Settlement, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:46--fALB


H. Lemcke's Home, Allot. 5, #139 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:47--fALB


A. Lemcke's Home, Allot. 3, #107 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:48--fALB


Residence of F. W. Bahmeier, allotment 88, #145 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:49--fALB


Farm laborer's cottage, allotment R, #137 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:50--fALB


Land Settlement Board's Office on the tract, #43 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:51--fALB


Farm Laborer's Cottage, Allotment D, Durham State Land Settlement, Nov. 1918, #16 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:52--fALB


Farmstead buildings, Allotment 32, #22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:53--fALB


Building the first house, Allotment 10, Owner - C. C. Nielsen, #19 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:54--fALB


Farmer's home, allotment 10, #20 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:55--fALB


Alfalfa and Farmstead Buildings, Allotment 37, #26 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:56--fALB


Farm Home on Allotment 11, Owner, A. I. Maxwell, #41 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:57--fALB


Farm Home on Allotment 12, Durham State Land Settlement, #13 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:58--fALB


Farmstead buildings, Allotment 32, #23 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:59--fALB


Corner of Allotment 9, June 1918, #53 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:60--fALB


Farmstead buildings on Allotment 7, November 1918, #30 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:61--fALB


Farm home on allotment No. 63, Nov. 1918, #32 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:62--fALB


Farm laborer's cottage on Allotment I, Owner--Oliver Bigcraft, Nov. 1918, #37 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:63--fALB


#180, Home and family group. Oliver N. Bigcraft, Allotment J. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:64--fALB


Farm home on allotment No. 14, Nov. 1918, #15 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:65--fALB


Farmer's home allotment 27, Owner - E. C. Wilson, Nov. 1918, #28 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:66--fALB


Farm Home on Allotment No. 10, Nov. 1918, #21 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:67--fALB


Residence for F. E. Baxter, allotment 37, showing alfalfa field in the foreground, #25 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:68--fALB


Cottage on farm laborer's allotment No.K, #138 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:69--fALB


#166 Residence of Campbell Schooling, Allotment K. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:70--fALB


Residence on allotment No. 43 used as Superintendent's headquarters. Oct. 1918, #44 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:71--fALB


#185, Residence Ray W. Seager, Allotment 72. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:72--fALB


[People and cars in front of a home] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:73--fALB


#177, Garage used as temporary dwelling, farm laborer's allotment--P. S. T. Batchelder. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:74--fALB


#186, Temporary house. Mrs. Adelia Cummings, allotment #2, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:75--fALB


#169, Residence on allotment 18. J. D. Lantz, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:76--fALB


Barn on Allotment 26, #114 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:77--fALB


Barn on Allotment 46, #115 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:78--fALB


#178, Hay barn on John Daly ranch, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:79--fALB


[People and houses in field] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:80--fALB


#176, Hay barn, John Daly ranch, showing two cuttings of alfalfa taken from 15 acres. Capacity of barn, 60 tons, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:81--fALB


#181, Farmstead development allotment 46, John Daly ranch. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:82--fALB


[Animals and trees in field] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:83--fALB


#174, Group of University professors visiting Durham State Land Settlement. Taken on Allotment 46. John Daly Ranch. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:84--fALB


#168, Dr. Elwood Mead, Chairman State Land Settlement Board, conferring with visiting university professors on the Durham State Land Settlement. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:85--fALB


Temporary dwelling in barn--allotment #1, #118 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:86--fALB


First Orchard on Settlement, #121 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:87--fALB


#171, Prune trees on free hold land on the Durham State Land Settlement. Four year old French improved trees under Durham S. L. irrigation system. August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:88--fALB


#172, Prune trees on free hold land on the Durham State Land Settlement. Four year old French improved trees under Durham State Land Settlement irrigation system, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:89--fALB


Temporary dwelling and one wing of barn, Allotment #80, #125 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:90--fALB


School Children--Durham, #132 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:91--fALB


Dairy Cattle, October 1918, #47 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:92--fALB


Harvesting, #146 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:93--fALB


Hauling alfalfa, #56 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:94--fALB


Power House, Durham Land Settlement, #50 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:95--fALB


Hay Barn and hog pasture, Feb. 1918, #52 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 2:96--fALB


Album 3


#199, Making the park ready for the fair--clearing and building road. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:01--fALB


#190, Clearing the park--a working bee, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:02--fALB


#200, Working Bee preparing for Community Fair, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:03--fALB


#194, First prize--E. O. Messenger, allotment 6 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:04--fALB


#191, F. Donner booth on left and community stall on the right BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:05--fALB


#192, Another community stall BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:06--fALB


#193, Durham Community Fair, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:07--fALB


#197, Mr. Renner and his bee products. Bees are kept on colony a portion of the year. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:08--fALB


#195, First prize gilt (under 6 months)--owner Geo. Seager, son of Ray Seager, Allotment 72. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:09--fALB


#196, exhibit of Holsteins, Community Fair, August 28, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:10--fALB


#198, First prize cow held by T. C. Christensen, owner BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:11--fALB


#202, Mr. Donner's prize watermelons from Durham Fair, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:12--fALB


#201, Prize watermelons from Durham Fair, August, 1920 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:13--fALB


#203, Group of faculty men enjoying the prize watermelons BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:14--fALB


#204 Donner melon patch. Durham State Land Settlement BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:15--fALB


#245, Grammar School Durham Calif BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:16--fALB


Durham School Building BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:17--fALB


Group of settlers rebuilding Mr. Merrifield's barn BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:18--fALB


#214, Pure bred Duroc Jersey gilts BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:19--fALB


#205, Group of settlers assisting owner in rebuilding his barn BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:20--fALB


#212, Group of the settlers' wives BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:21--fALB


#207, rebuilding Merrifield barn destroyed by fire BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:22--fALB


#213, Samuelson's barn under reconstruction


#213, Samuelson's barn under reconstruction BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:23--fALB


#213, Samuelson's barn under reconstruction BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:24--fALB


#210, Settlers' wives serving dinner to the volunteer carpenters BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:25--fALB


#208, Rebuilding Merrifield barn destroyed by fire BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:26--fALB


#209, Settlers' wives serving dinner to the volunteer carpenters BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:27--fALB


#211, Settlers' wives preparing dinner for the workers BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:28--fALB


#215, Chopping alfalfa for dairy cattle feed. F. E. Baxter Ranch BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:29--fALB


#206, Another view of settlers assisting owner in rebuilding his barn BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:30--fALB


#216, Filling silo with Indian Corn, Tom Christensen Ranch BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:31--fALB


#217, New development on Allot. #92, which was formerly part of Allot. #71 TF Megenity BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:32--fALB


#218, Farm laborer's cottage and garden, Allotment W BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:33--fALB


#231, Palo Oaks Farm--E. O. Messenger BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:34--fALB


#232, Durham farm BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:35--fALB


#233, Young prune orchard BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:36--fALB


[Men in field - no negative] BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:37--fALB


#234, Supt. Kreutzer alongside crop of corn. Durham State Land Settlement BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:38--fALB


#219, Farmstead development--Allot. 7, Wm. Deveney BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:39--fALB


#220, Farm home on Allot. #35--J. P. Samuelson BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:40--fALB


#225, Farm home on Allotment #70--L. B. Nevin BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:41--fALB


#222, Cottage & Garden farm laborer's allot. K. Mrs. Campbell Schooling BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:42--fALB


#221, New house and barn Allot. #90. W. O. Rhoades BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:43--fALB


#235, Interior view of home BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:44--fALB


#224, Farm home on Allot. #10--Carl Nielsen BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:45--fALB


#223, Farmstead development Allot. #38. H. B. Ashworth BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:46--fALB


#226, Peach tree on Farm laborer's allot. P taken August, 1921 during their 3rd years' growing season BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:47--fALB


#227, Excel water melons on Donner's Seed Farm. Left to Right - F. Donner, G. Kreutzer & Arthur Ruhl BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:48--fALB


#228, Pure bred Holstein cow--T. Christensen Ranch BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:49--fALB


#229, High grade Holstein herd. F. E. Baxter Ranch. The production of these cows during the summer of 1921 averaged 80 gallons per day for 20 head. BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:50--fALB


#230, Cutting corn for silage BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:51--fALB


#242? Prune orchard planted Feb. 19--Aug. 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:52--fALB


Meeting of the Durham Woman's Club. No negative - picture taken by A. H. Barnhill BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:53--fALB


#237, Prune orchard interplanted with beans 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:54--fALB


#240, 2 yr. old Thompson seedless vines, farm laborer's allotment planted 1920--'22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:55--fALB


#242, Prune orchard E. O. Messinger, Aug. 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:56--fALB


#239, Carignan grapes on allot. 69 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:57--fALB


#242?, Prune orchard E. O. Messinger, Durham SLS Calif. Trees planted Feb 1919, photographed Aug. 1922 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:58--fALB


#241, Peach trees allotment P. J. Neilson planted Feb. 1919, photographed Aug. 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:59--fALB


#243, Apricot trees planted Feb. 1919, E. O. Messinger orchard BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:60--fALB


#236, House on allot. P. Aug. 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:61--fALB


#238, Carignan grapes on allot. 69 from cuttings set out Apr. 1921. Aug. 22 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:62--fALB


#244, Subdivisional plan of Durham showing lands for sale Sept. 1, 1922 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 3:63--fALB


Album 4


#12, Design of home for A. I. Maxwell, Allotment 11 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:01--fALB


#141, Farm home on allotment No. 12, Nov. 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:02--fALB


#17, Farm laborer's cottage on allotment D. Owner E. B. Williams, Nov. 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:03--fALB


#24, Farmstead buildings on allotment 32 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:04--fALB


#27, Alfalfa and farmstead buildings, allotment 37 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:05--fALB


#29, Residence for A, Lemcke, allotment 5. Lady Washington beans in foreground BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:06--fALB


#34, Colonial house for A. Lemcke, allotment 4 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:07--fALB


#45, Residence on allotment 43, used as Superintendent's quarters. June 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:08--fALB


#118, Pigs BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:09--fALB


#119, Allotment 26 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:10--fALB


#124, Home on allotment 48 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:11--fALB


#130, Allotment 26 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:12--fALB


#131, Jane Garden Perfecto Walker, the bull donated by Fred Kiesel of Sacramento BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:13--fALB


#133, 2500 people in the park, May 17, 1919 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:14--fALB


#134, Governor Stephens addressing the citizens at Community Park BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:15--fALB


#136, The Community Pavilion BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:16--fALB


#141, Trenching for irrigation pipeline BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:17--fALB


#148, Workman's cottage designed by Chester Cole BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:18--fALB


#189, Dr. Annie Williams BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:19--fALB


#77, Diversion wier at Butte Creek, May 1918 BANC PIC 1966.034:Album 4:20--fALB