Container List
Box-folder 1/1, photograph #1-11
San Francisco State University Strike Speakers
Scope and Content Note
Identified speakers include: John Levin SDS leader; S.I Hayakawa, president of SF University; Vito DeLeonardis LMRS-AAA Public
Sector Labor Relations; Glenn Dumke, State College Chancellor.
Box-folder 1/2, photograph #12-13
San Francisco State University Strike SCABS
Scope and Content Note
These two photographs document issues related to the students who didn't participate in the strike.
SCAB puppet; "The Silent Majority from San Francisco State, 1/6/69"
- Robert Altman
- Gerold Grow
Box-folder 1/3, photograph #14-23
San Francisco State University Strike Student and Community supporters
Scope and Content Note
Groups that supported the strike:
- Japanese Americans
- Welfare workers
- San Jose State Student Strike Committee
- "Students from Nearby City College of San Francisco Show Their Support for the Strikers by Marching on to S.F. College Campus"
- Strike Local 1928
- AFT supports 1352
- AFT 61
- Student Liberation Union
- Local 212
- SFSC Trustees
- (see #58, folder 1/5 Pacific Heights ad hoc Committee, Community Strike Support Coalition)
- Mike Hall
- Lou de la Torre
Box-folder 1/4, photograph #24-28
San Francisco State University Strike Strikers
Scope and Content Note
- Picket lines
- AFT/COI Local 1352
- Faculty strikers
- "Student Strikers on the March" Black Student Union
- Nacio Jan Brown
- Mike Hall
- Lou de la Torre
- Bob Wax
Box-folder 1/5, photograph #29-76
San Francisco State University Strikers and Police
Scope and Content Note
This group of 49 photographs documents the conflict between the police and the strikers on the San Francisco State Campus
between November 1968 and February 1969. Subheadings include:
- Police arresting students
- Police on horseback
- Police and striker conflict
- Red Cross workers
- Strikers beaten
- "Straight vs. Jocks"
Photographers include:
- Robert Altman
- Gilbert A. Andrew
- Ted Goodman
- Mike Hall
- Cagar w.d. Holocomb
- Bill Paul
- Lou de la Torre
- Bob Wax
Individuals identified:
- Hartford, Bruce
- Soloman, Eric
- Stanton, Bill: "Economics Department Former Assemblyman Denied Tenure by S.I. Hayakawa"
Box-folder 1/7, photograph #78-130
San Francisco State University Strikers and Police
Scope and Content Note
General happenings during the strike. Subjects include:
- strikers and police non violent
- AFT Local 61
- AFT Local 1352
- women dancing at picket line
- Black Student Union
- SCSF Trustees picket line
Box-folder 1/6, photograph #131-143
San Francisco University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographers: Jeff Johnson, AA, Phiz Mozesson
Events during the strike:
- SFS Party and leadership conference
- police and striker conflict
- picket lines
- women dancing at picket line
- Clerical Workers Union
- Red Cross workers
- Fresno AFT
- Strike organizers
- Faculty strike
Box-folder 1/8, photograph #144-147
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographer: Mike Hall
Events during the strike:
- police on horseback
- strike supporters
- faculty strike
- strike organizers
Box-folder 1/9, photograph #148-153
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographer: Unknown
Events during the strike:
- strike rally
- police and striker conflict
- students arrested
- red cross workers
- AFT trustees
Box-folder 1/10, photograph #154-163
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographer: John Kouns
Events during the strike:
- strike rally
- Black Student Union
- Police on horseback
- police and striker conflict
- students arrested
- Red Cross workers
- Mission Strike Support Committee
- City College supports strike
- San Jose State supports strike
- conflict between strikers
- strikers beaten
- John Levin
Box-folder 1/11, photograph #164-176
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographers: Gerald Grow, Ted Goodman
Events during the strike:
- Haya Education
- Teachers Farmworkers support strike
- San Jose students support strike
- police and striker conflict
- AFT on strike
- police on horseback
- S.I. Hayakawa
- Red Cross workers
- students arrested
- striker march downtown
Box-folder 1/12, photograph #177-196
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographers: Tom T. Mann, Unknown
Events during the strike:
- strike rally
- helicopter
- police and striker conflict
- students arrested
- Bill Stanton
- S.I. Hayakawa
- San Jose State supports strike
- strike organizers
- Haya Education
- English student Union
- Strike speakers
Box-folder 1/13, photograph #197-208
San Francisco State University Strike Contact Prints
Scope and Content Note
AFT photographer: Bill Paul, A.A., Jeff Freed, Unknown
Events during the strike:
- strike rally
- Red Cross workers
- Bill Stanton
- strike speakers
- San Francisco State College downtown center
Box-folder 1/14, photograph #209-212
United Professors of California (UPC) Rally
Scope and Content Note
This folder contains 5 images of a UPC peace march in downtown San Francisco. The date is 1980's possibly during Solidarity
Day. Individuals identified are:
- Alejona Andreen, staff person
- Nora Bakon, English and Women's studies
- Jules Tigel
- Stanley Ofsiuit
- Stewart Long, last state president of UPC
- Bill Issel, U.S. History
Box-folder 1/15, photograph #213-355
United Professors of California (UPC) Members and Activities
Scope and Content Note
Folder 15 contains images of the members and activities of UPC during the late 1970's and early 1980's. Groups of photographs
are separated into the original order upon arrival to the Labor Archives. Therefore, each group will be described individually.
photograph #213-219
UPC Members: John Hess, lecturer from Film Department; Mina Caulfield, Women's Studies and Anthropology; Bill Compton, former
Economics lecturer; Bernice Biggs, (UPC) president in early 1980's.
photograph #225-238
UPC Members at meeting.
Scope and Content Note
Individuals identified: Roberto Rivera, La Raza Studies
photograph #239-271
UPC Members and San Francisco State Campus (ca. 1970-1980.)
Scope and Content Note
People identified: Mina Caulfield, Women's Studies and Anthropology; Tim Sampson; Bob Cherny; Bernice Biggs; Bill Compton.
photograph #272-278
UPC workers in work space. Late 1970's (?)
"'The Doubting Thomases' Before the Baptism"
"To Annie - 'Sunshine Makes Me Happy'"
"Sign of the Times - UPC - 3X5 Cards! Boy, Do We Look Professional and Organized - the 'Florida Mafioso' after Baptism and
Initiation Rites."
Scope and Content Note
People identified: Bill Compton, John Hess
photograph #279-287
UPC meeting.
Scope and Content Note
People identified: Susan Quinlan, library; John Hess
photograph #304-322
UPC members.
Scope and Content Note
People identified: Tim Sampson, William Westenfield, Cathy Felton, Vince Bruno, Dan Fendel, Willie Mullins, Harriet Talan
photograph #323-355
UPC reception.
Scope and Content Note
People identified: John Hess, Bob Cherny, History; Dan Knapp, English; Bob Bowman, Biology; Bernice Biggs; Mary Anne Warren,
Philosophy; Roberto Rivera, La Raza Studies; Jeff Chan, Asian American Studies; Mina Caulfield, Women's Studies and Anthropology;
Edie Folb, Speech; Peter Pfaelzer, Engineering; Pat Puroall, Social Work; Tim Sampson
Box-folder 1/16, photograph #356-362
UPC Coastal Retreat
Scope and Content Note
This group of photographs is of a coastal workshop or retreat for the UPC. No date
Negative Groups
Box-folder 1/12: , photograph #182 - 182a
Box-folder 1/12: , photograph #181 - 181a
Box-folder 1/12: , photograph #180 - 180a
Box-folder 1/12: , photograph #179 - 179a
Box-folder 1/12: , photograph #177 - 177a
Box-folder 1/13: , photograph #208
NO PRINTS (police): Slouber 1/23/69 #1
NO PRINTS (police): Slouber 1/23/69 #2
Box-folder 1/13: , photograph #207
Box-folder 1/11: , photograph #165
Box-folder 1/11: , photograph #166
Box-folder 1/8: , photograph #147
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #304 - 322
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #279 - 287
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #219, #220 - 224
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #240 - 269
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #323 - 355
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #288 - 303
Box-folder 1/15: , photograph #225 - 238