Descriptive Summary
Administrative Information
Scope and Content
Cross Referencing
Descriptive Summary
Title: Tim Sampson Photograph Collection No. 8,
Date (inclusive): 1969-1981
Accession number: 1987/59
Sampson, Tim
San Francisco State University. Labor Archives & Research Center
San Francisco, California 94132
Shelf location: For current information on the location of these
materials, please consult the Center's online catalog.
Administrative Information
Collection is open for research.
Publication Rights
Copyright has not been assigned to the Labor Archives & Research Center. All requests for
permission to publish or quote from materials must be submitted in writing
to the Director of the Archives. Permission for publication is given on behalf
of the Labor Archives & Research Center as the owner of the physical items and is not intended
to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be
obtained by the reader.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Tim Sampson Photograph Collection No. 8, 1987/59, Labor Archives & Research Center,
San Francisco State University.
This series of photographs is related to the 1968-1969 San Francisco State University
Student and Faculty strike. Included in this collection are photographs of the United
Professors of California (UPC) members and activities during the early 1980's. In 1987 Tim
Sampson, instructor of Social Work Education at SF State and former President of the San
Francisco State UPC Local #1352, donated four boxes of documents relating to Union activity
between 1967 and 1982. Upon arrival to the Labor Archives the photographs were removed
from the collection and placed in the LARC photographic collection.
The San Francisco Strike officially began on November 6, 1968 when the Black Student Union
in conjunction with the Third World Liberation Front called for a mass student strike in protest
to the suspension of English instructor and Black Panther Party member George Murray. San
Francisco State AFT faculty went on strike on January 6, 1969. Strike issues ranged from
long standing grievances over workloads to more immediate matters of threatened civil
liberties and academic freedom. The faculty strike lasted two months and was the longest
teacher's strike in the history of California to that date. For further information on the history
of the UPC or other UPC/AFT documents relating to the strike please refer to the Timothy J.
Sampson Collection Accession no. 1987/59 in the Descriptive Guide for the textual
Scope and Content
This collection is arranged in sixteen folders with attention paid to original order and grouping
upon arrival to the Labor Archives. Each folder lists a
subject heading and contains several
subheadings listed in the descriptive guide. Photographers and identified individuals are also
documented in each folder. Subheadings are provided to aid researchers in a more detailed
description of images in each folder.
The first portion of the photographs #1 though #208 (folders 1 though 13) consists of prints
and contact sheets documenting the days of the strike. These photographs were taken roughly
between November 1968 to February 1969. The second portion of the collection #209 to
#362 (folders 14 through 16) document UPC participants and organizing activities in the late
1970's and early 1980's.
Folders 1 through 5 are photographs that had previously belonged to the UPC and AFT
archives. Folder 6 was grouped separately upon arrival but also documents the strike. Folders
7 through 13 are
contact sheets of the strike documented by 13 photographers. Folders 14
through 16 are of UPC members and are grouped into original order.
There are 19 sets of negatives that correspond with photographic prints in the collection. These
negatives are housed in a separate location in the Labor Archives and can be found in box
NEGATIVES 1987/59 #1-19. Each photograph that corresponds with a negative will have the
negative grouping listed on the lower right corner on the back of the photograph.
Cross Referencing
Negative group = Located lower right corner on back of photograph. Indicates negative
group # where photograph can be matched.
Contact Print # = Located in lower right corner on back of photograph and refers to the
contact sheets in folders 7 through 13 where print can be matched.
Print # = Located in lower right corner on back of
Contact Prints and indicates location of
enlarged images on contact sheet. This number only refers to prints in photographic
collection 8.
Photographic Collection
Negative group
this letter following an individual print # indicates a duplicate of the original print.
" "
all information in quotes represents information supplied on back of photograph. All other descriptive information or subheadings
are added by the archivist
United Professors of California
Black Student Union
American Federation of Teachers
Third World Liberation Front
students who did not recognize the strike
Student Liberation Union