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Loomis (Francis B.) Papers
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  • Conditions Governing Access
  • Immediate Source of Acquisition
  • Alternative Format
  • Biographical Note
  • Paging
  • Preferred Citation
  • Scope and Contents
  • Items Removed from the Collection
  • Conditions Governing Use
  • Index I
  • Index II

  • Language of Material: English
    Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives
    Title: Francis Butler Loomis Papers
    Creator: Loomis, Francis B. (Francis Butler)
    Identifier/Call Number: M0096
    Identifier/Call Number: 1691
    Physical Description: 7.5 Linear Feet (15 boxes)
    Date (inclusive): 1897-1939
    Abstract: Official and personal correspondence, reports, legal briefs, speeches, publications, photographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material; also included is correspondence dealing with Loomis' involvement in crises relating to Venezuela, Santo Domingo, and Panama, his role during negotioation of the Russo-Japanese War, and his participation in Republican politics during the years 1898-1912; post World War I correspondence focuses on such varied topics as the Japanese question in California, the importance of newspapers in forming public opinion, and consular reform and political issues; numerous Presidents of the U.S. and other notable figures of the period are represented.

    Conditions Governing Access

    Open for research. Note that material must be requested at least 36 hours in advance of intended use.

    Immediate Source of Acquisition

    The major portion of the collection was given by Miss Florence I. Loomis in April 1964. The bound volumes of outgoing correspondence and a number of books were given to the Hoover Institution in April 1962. In 1964 these items were transferred from Hoover and added to Miss Loomis' gift to Special Collections.

    Alternative Format

    This collection has been microfilmed and is available on nine reels M0096 Reel 1 - M0096 Reel 9.
    Researchers interested in purchasing microfilm copies should contact the repository.

    Biographical Note

    Francis Butler Loomis (July 27, 1861 – August 4, 1948) served as the United States Ambassador to Venezuela from 1897 to 1901 and the United States Ambassador to Portugal from 1901 to 1902. He was the United States Assistant Secretary of State from 1903 to 1905 when he was appointed as the acting United States Secretary of State.
    Loomis' service with the State Department came during a critical period in American history. Both at home and abroad, he helped mold policy at a time when the Spanish-American War was being fought, when Japan was beginning to feel her strength in the Pacific, when the preliminary maneuvers for the construction of the Panama Canal were in progress, and when American economic imperialism was at its height. The diplomatic phase of his career seemed remarkable, but he was no less successful in his other varied endeavors. Loomis enjoyed success as a newspaper man, a political publicist, and a key figure in the U.S. oil industry.
    Loomis' ancestors came to Windsor, Connecticut, from Braintree, England, in 1638 as part of the Puritan emigration from England. The family home at Windsor still stands as the Loomis Institute, dedicated to offering free education to deserving youngsters from twelve to twenty years old. Mr. Loomis, born in Marietta, Ohio, on July 27, 1861, was the son of Judge William B. and Frances (Wheeler) Loomis. He graduated from Marietta College in 1883 and joined the staff of the New York Tribune shortly thereafter. His involvement with politics began at the relatively early age of twenty-three when he worked on the James G. Blaine campaign of 1884 as head of the press bureau of the Republican National Committee. In this position Loomis was able to form friendships with Mr. Blaine, Senator Foraker, and many leaders of the Republican party. After Blaine's defeat, Loomis returned to Ohio to serve as State Librarian for two years. In 1887 he became the Washington correspondent for the Philadelphia Press. The following year Loomis reassumed his position as press agent for the Republican party's presidential nominee, Benjamin Harrison.
    With President Harrison's victory, Loomis was appointed U.S. Consul to St. Etienne. France, a position he assumed in 1890. For the next three years he gave particular attention to the study of industrial conditions in Europe. Upon his return to the United States, he became Editor-in-Chief of the Cincinnati Daily Tribune. Once again Loomis was drafted to serve the Republican party. William McKinley called him to Canton. Ohio to aid his presidential campaign.
    Shortly after his marriage to Elizabeth Mast of Springfield, Ohio he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Venezuela. Loomis' actions in Venezuela were either damned or praised, depending upon viewpoint. His detractors accused him of using American prestige and economic power to force business concessions abroad. His friends insisted that his only object was to improve trade relations between the United States and Venezuela. Loomis' service in Venezuela was quite active. He provided intelligence reports on the location of Admiral Cervera's fleet during the Spanish-American War; he explored trade possibilities during a trip up the Orinoco River aboard the Wilmington in 1898; he successfully negotiated several commercial treaties; and he energetically defended American interests in Venezuela.
    In 1901 Loomis was appointed Minister to Portugal, a post he held until 1902 when he was recalled and appointed First Assistant Secretary of State. As First Assistant Secretary he served under John Hay, assuming more and more responsibility for the department as Hay's health deteriorated. With Hay's death in 1905, he became Secretary of State ad interim until Taft accepted the appointment. He was the first person to have served through all the grades of consular service and became its directing head in Washington.
    Loomis was clearly a key figure in the implementation and formulation of Theodore Roosevelt's Panama policy. When it became clear that Colombia would not ratify the Hay-Herran treaty, he contacted John Basset Moore, an authority on international law, who concluded that Colombia was not in a position to obstruct the building of the canal. No doubt Loomis had been heavily influenced by Philippe Bunau-Varilla, whose commitment to the Panama route was decisive to the revolution. The two corresponded regularly from as early as 1902. Indeed, it is thought that it was Loomis who sent a telegram to the American representative in Panama to inform him that a revolution was in progress several hours before it had begun.
    As Assistant Secretary, Loomis made many other major contributions to foreign policy. He played a large part in the settlement of the Santo Domingo financial problems of 1903, going to Santo Domingo to personally investigate and recommend solutions. He instigated and implemented the first trade agreement between the United States and Abyssinia. (It was while carrying this document to Abyssinia in 1904 aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm II that his brother, F. Kent Loomis, fell or was thrown overboard.) Loomis was closely connected with the negotiations which surrounded the Russo-Japanese War settlement. He weathered the scandal of the Bowen Affair. At the time of Hay's death he was in France as special envoy to claim the remains of John Paul Jones.
    The strain of intense diplomatic activity, the Bowen Affair, and his brother's death took their toll. In October, 1905, Francis Loomis resigned as First Assistant Secretary of State with the understanding that he would be employed for special missions only. The succeeding years were occupied with speaking engagements, activities on behalf of the American Red Cross, and personal business. His interest in Japan and Japanese affairs, which developed as a result of his role during the Russo-Japanese negotiations, led to a presidential appointment in 1908 as special envoy to Japan and chairman of the American commission to plan participation in the Tokyo Exposition. More importantly, his presence in Japan was designed to remove any suggestion of menace, which President Roosevelt feared might be aroused in the minds of the Japanese people by his sending the American fleet around the world.
    Upon his return to the United States, Loomis became involved with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Republican politics. In 1912 he was appointed United States Commissioner General to the Exposition at Turin, Italy, and served in a similar capacity to the Berlin International Exposition Congress.
    Always a newspaper man at heart, Loomis made an attempt to purchase the Oakland Tribune with Alfred Holman. The negotiations were unsuccessful. However, he was captivated by California and moved his family to Burlingame in 1914. Soon after, he joined the staff of Standard Oil Company as a foreign trade adviser. Though his position de manded that he travel extensively, he still managed active participation in California affairs. As a charter member of the Japanese Society of America, he endeavored to promote better relations between the Japanese and Caucasians in California. He visited Japan in 1922 and assisted in organizing a program to aid the Tokyo earthquake victims in 1923. Additionally, he continued his activities for the Republican Party, was a member of several clubs in the Bay Area, and continued his copious correspondence. Mr. Loomis retired from Standard Oil Company in 1941 at the age of eighty. He died on August 6, 1948.
    His papers reveal the extent to which one individual may influence the path of history. A man recognized by his peers, but largely unfamiliar to the public, Loomis played a formative role in Republican politics and an aggressive U.S. foreign policy. His career illustrated his belief in fulfilling the Manifest Destiny of his generation.


    Page from library catalog: https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/4082943 

    Preferred Citation

    [Identification of item] Francis B. (Francis Butler) Loomis Papers (M0096), Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford Libraries, Stanford, Calif.

    Scope and Contents

    The Francis B. Loomis Papers reflect one of the most dynamic periods of American History: the era of the Monroe Doctrine, of American imperialism, and of Theodore Roosevelt's political vitality. This collection includes official and personal correspondence, reports, legal briefs, speeches, publications, photographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material. Of particular importance is correspondence dealing with Loomis' involvement in crises relating to Venezuela, Santo Domingo, and the Panama Canal; his role during negotiation of the Russo-Japanese War; and his participation in Republican politics during the years 1898-1912.
    Post World War I correspondence, ancillary to the main questions raised by the papers, focuses on such varied topics as the Japanese question in California, the importance of newspapers in forming public opinion, and of course, Loomis' continued interest in consular reform and political issues. Unfortunately, the collection suffers from some major omissions. Few items relate to Loomis' career with Standard Oil Company from 1914-1941. Additionally, there is a significant absence of correspondence between Mr. Loomis and Bunau-Varilla before November 12, 1903, although it is known that they corresponded as early as 1902.
    These papers provide perspectives on issues which concern modern researchers, such as nationalism in the Canal Zone, U.S.-Latin American relations, the inner workings of the two party system, and effective consular representation abroad. Close examination of the material raises as many questions as it provides answers. This obvious paradox makes the Loomis Papers most valuable to the student of American history in that it provides important incentive for further investigation.

    Items Removed from the Collection

    Maybeck, Bernard R., Palace of Fine Arts and Lagoon. San Francisco: Paul Elder and Company, 1915.

    Conditions Governing Use

    While Special Collections is the owner of the physical and digital items, permission to examine collection materials is not an authorization to publish. These materials are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Any transmission or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use requires permission from the owners of rights, heir(s) or assigns. When required, it is the researcher's responsibility to obtain such permissions.

    Index I

    Abbot, [?]
    Abbot, Ernest
    Abbot, John T.
    Adams, Henry
    Adee, Alvey
    Ahlstrom, Carl
    Albright, Howard C.
    Alcal, F.
    Aldrich, Nelson W.
    Alenood, Harry J.
    Alessandri Palma, Arturo
    Alette, J.
    Alexander II, of Russia
    Algeciras, Conference of January 16, 1906
    Alger, Russell A.
    Almond, Harry J.
    Amador Guerrero, Manuel
    American College
    American Library Association Board
    American Peace Society
    American Protective League
    American Red Cross
    American Red Cross Board of Incorporators
    American Steam Laundry
    American Tobacco Company
    Andrade, Ignacio
    Andrade, Jos
    Andrews, Avery D.
    Aquinaldo, Emilio
    The Argonaut see also Holman, A.
    Army Navy Journal
    Arthur, Chester A.
    Ashikama, Francis
    Associated Press
    Ault, L. A.
    Bacon , Robert
    Bainbridge, William E.
    Baird, W. J.
    Baker, John
    Balfour, Arthur James
    Bancaria, Cia
    Bancroft, Frederick
    Bank of California
    Bannerman, Francis
    Banque Nationale de Saint Dominique
    Baptista, Leopoldo
    Baracka, Shereef of
    Barin, Frederick M.
    Barnes, B.
    Barrett, John
    Barrows, David P.
    Barrows, Dean
    Barry, John W.
    Bartholdt, Richard
    Barton, Bruce
    Baruch, B. M.
    Bas-Ironside, [?]
    Bayard, James A.
    Beaconsfield, Lord (Disraeli)
    Bean, Henry N.
    Beasley, Delilah L.
    Beaupr, A. M.
    Bedford, Alfred C.
    Beel, Clark
    Belden, Simeon
    Benavides, Oscar
    Bennett, James Gordon
    Beranger, Malcolm
    Bertram, James
    Beveridge, Albert J.
    Biddle, Nicholas
    Bijur, Nathan
    Bird, W. S.
    Bishop, J. B.
    Blaine, John J.
    Blake, Nelson M.
    Bliss, Cornelius
    Boardman, Mabel T. See American Red Cross
    Bobrinsky, Countess Ludmilla
    Bolt Peraza, N.
    Bonte, George W.
    Borah, William E.
    Bordonaro, A.
    Boulton, Bliss, Dallet
    Boulton, Henry Sr.
    Boulton, Henry K.
    Bowen, Herbert W.
    Breckenridge, Henry
    British Information Bureau
    Britten, Fred
    Brown, Clyde
    Bryan, Charles P.
    Bryce, James
    Buchanan, William I.
    Bunau-Varilla, Etienne
    Bunau-Varilla, Giselle
    Bunau-Varilla, Maurice
    Bunau-Varilla, Philippe
    Burba, George F.
    Burdell, W. F.
    Bureau of American Republics
    Burleson, A. S.
    Burton, Theodore E.
    Butler, Nicholas Murray See Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    Cabell, James B.
    Caceres, Ramon
    Caja de Recaudacion
    Calhoun, W. J.
    Call, Frank
    Cambn, Jules-Martin
    Campbell, Philip
    Campillo, Agustine Ydel
    Camplin, Edgar R.
    Cararris, J. A. O.
    Carbanell, J. R.
    Caribou Oil Company
    Carnegie, Andrew
    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    Carnegie, Louise W.
    Carner, A. H.
    Carpenter, Fred W.
    Carr, Wilbur
    Carter, George W.
    Cassini, Count
    Castle, W. N.
    Castro, Casimiro
    Castro, Cipriano
    Central Pacific Railroad
    Central Raw Silk Association of Japan
    Cervera, Pasqual
    Chadwick, F. E.
    Chaffe, Adna R.
    Chandler, Harry
    Channing, J. Parke
    Chapin, F. L.
    Chapman, Charles
    Cherry, Albert
    The Chicago Herald
    The Chicago Post
    The Chicago Tribune
    Chin tung
    Choate, Joseph H.
    Cincinnati Enquirer
    Cincinnati Tribune
    Clark, John B.
    Clarkson, J. S.
    Cleveland, Grover
    Clinton, Daniel
    Cobos, Manuel J.
    Coe, F. W.
    Colbert, Jessica
    Colby, Bainbridge
    Colijn, H.
    Collier, H. D.
    Colliers Weekly Magazine
    Colonial Trust Company
    Colsman, Carl
    Compagnie du Nord de l'Espagnol
    Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique
    Company of the Central Dominican Railway
    Conant, Harry A.
    Conant, James B.
    Conde, Fabricio
    Conkling, Howard
    Coolidge, Calvin
    Corbin, Edythe Patterson
    Corbin, Henry C.
    Cortelyou, George B.
    Cowles, Anna Roosevelt
    Cox, James M.
    Crane, Murray
    Creswell, H. T.
    Crichfield, George W.
    Crittenden, John J.
    Crocker, Ethel
    Crocker, Helen
    Crocker National Bank
    Crocker, Mrs. Templeton
    Crocker, William H.
    Cromwell, Nelson
    Cullen, Charles W.
    Cullom, Shelly M.
    Cuneo, Pietro
    Curtis, William E.
    Daily Mail
    The Daily News
    D. A. de Lima and Company
    Dater, John G.
    Davidson, James W.
    Davis, A. G.
    Davis, James J.
    Davis, Richard Harding
    Davison, Henry P.
    Davison, Kate
    Dawes, Charles G.
    Dawson, T. C.
    Day, Benjamin M.
    Day, William R.
    Dean, Charles R.
    Delcass, Thophile
    Delfino, Antonio E.
    Delima, E.
    Denby, Edwin
    De Sala, Fred E.
    Deterding, Henry
    De Vault, Charles L.
    Dewart, William T.
    Dewey, George
    Diaz, Porfirio
    Dick, Charles
    Dillingham, A. C.
    Doheny, Edward L.
    Dolge, Rudolf
    Dos Passos, John R.
    Doyle, W. T. S.
    Du Bois, James T.
    Dudley, Irving B.
    Durand, H. M.
    The Economist
    Edge, Walter E.
    Edmonds, P. C.
    Egan, Martin
    El Constitucional
    Elkins, Stephen B.
    Ellis, Wade H.
    The Enquirer
    Espejo, Manuel de
    Esselburne, Mrs. Ellsworth
    Eversull, H. K.
    Ewers, Ezra P.
    Expanded Metal and Corrugated Bar Company
    Fairbanks, C. W.
    Fall, Allen B.
    Faris, G. W.
    Farragut, David G.
    Ferris, Scott
    Feuille, Frank
    Fieldwick, H.
    Firter, John W.
    Fish, Stuyvesant
    Foch, Ferdinand
    Foord, John
    Foraker, Joseph B.
    Foster, John W.
    Foster, Rudolph
    Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary
    Frear, James
    Freiberg, Morris
    Frelinghuyser, Fred
    Frick, H. C.
    Frieberg, Maurice J.
    Frost, Louis
    Frost, Mrs. Louis
    Fullerton, W. Norton
    Fushimi, His Imperial Highness of Japan
    Glvan, de J.
    Galaves, Felix
    Gardener, Frank S.
    Garfield, James
    Garibaldi, Giuseppe
    Gary, Elbert H.
    Geiger, Alfred H.
    Geneva Convention of 1864
    Gibson, Harvey
    Gibson, Hugh
    Gil Borges, [?]
    Gillett, J.
    Glennon, Archbishop
    Globe-Wernicke Company
    Goebel, Julius
    Golden Gate International Exposition
    Goldschmidt, Louis
    Gomez, Eustaquio
    Gomez, Juan Vicente
    Gorjao, Manoel
    Graham, William H.
    Gran Ferrocarril de Venezuela
    Grant-Duff, A. C.
    Grant, Ulysses S.
    Graves, H. A.
    The Great Adventure of Panama Bunau-Varilla
    Greene, Francis V.
    Greene, Roger S.
    Gregory, Thomas W.
    Grew, Joseph
    Grey, Edward
    Griscom, Lloyd C.
    Grizzley Bear Magazine
    Grn, Niels
    Grosscup, Peter S.
    Groves, R. L.
    Guarantee Trust Company
    Guayana Gold Mining and Exploration Company
    Guggenheim, (Daniel or Meyer)
    Gulf Oil Company
    Gummere, Samuel R.
    Guy, Harvey H.
    Hadley, Elliot
    Haggard, W.
    Hague, Treaty of
    Halstead, Murat
    Hammond, John Hays
    Handy, F. W.
    Hanna, Edward, Archbishop of San Francisco
    Hanna, Marcus
    Hanna, Philip
    Harding, Chester
    Harding, Warren G.
    Harper's Monthly
    Harper's Weekly
    Harriman, Edward H.
    Harris, John
    Harrison, Benjamin
    Harrison, Francis B.
    Harrison, Leland
    Harrison, William H.
    Hartar, Amanda
    Hartar, Elizabeth
    Harte van Jeckenburg, [?]
    Haskell, Henry S. See Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    Havana Post
    Haven, Joseph E.
    Hawk and Wetherbee
    Hawley, John M.
    Hay--Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    Hay, Clara S. [Mrs. John]
    Hay--Herran, Treaty of
    Hay, John
    Hay--Pauncefote, Treaty
    Hays, William
    Hearst Publications
    Hearst, William R.
    Heistand, H. O. S.
    Hemphill, J. M.
    Henckel, F. C.
    Henderson, Thomas J.
    Hengelmller van Hengervar, Louis
    Henriquez y Caravajal, [?]
    Henry, Charles L.
    Hepburn Law
    Herbert, Michael
    Herran, Toms
    Herrick, Myron T.
    Heureaux, Ulises
    Hill, David J.
    Hill, John T.
    Hill, William C.
    Hirst, F. W.
    History of the Panama Canal in Lapidary Style
    Hitchcock, William
    Hitler, Adolph
    Hitt, Robert R.
    H. L. Bolton and Company
    Hoar, George F.
    Hollis, Stanley W.
    Hollister, William
    Holls, F. W.
    Holman, Alfred see The Argonaut
    Holmes, E. Burton
    Holmes, Oliver W.
    Holt, Hamilton
    Hoor Press Company
    Hoover, Herbert
    Houghton, A. B.
    Howe, Julia W.
    Huerta, Victoriano
    Huffer, Herman O.
    Hughes, Charles E.
    Hull, Cordell
    Humphrey, Charles B.
    Hunebelle, Jules
    Hunt, [?]
    Huntey, William
    Huntington, Collis P.
    Hurst, Carl Bailey
    Hutchinson, Norman
    Ibn Saud, [?]
    The Independent
    Ingalls, M. E.
    Inglares, Thomas
    Inner Harbor - Richmond, California
    International Peace Congress
    International Red Cross
    International Tribunal at The Hague
    Irish College
    Ishii, Kikujiro
    James Stewart and Company
    Japan Society of America
    Jaurett, A. F.
    Jay, N. D.
    Jimnez, Juan I.
    Joffr, Joseph-Jacques-Cesaire
    John Paul Jones Mission
    Johnson, E. B.
    Johnson, Henry U.
    Johnson, Hiram
    Johnson, James
    Jordan, David Starr
    Joubert, Emilio C.
    Jusserand, Jean Jules
    Kahn, Julius
    Kahn, Lazard
    Kaneko, Kenfuro
    Karrasch, F.
    Katsura, Taro
    Kean, Hamilton F.
    Keesling, Francis V. Sr.
    Keifer, J. Warren
    Kellogg, Frank B.
    Kengan, Henry
    Kenyon, William S.
    Kerens, Richard C.
    Kingsbury, S. A.
    Knight, George
    Knowland, Joseph R.
    Knowles, Horace
    Knox, Frank
    Knox, Philander C.
    Koll, Fred
    Komura, Jutaro
    Kowasky, Henry T.
    Kra, Isthmus of
    Krupp, Gustav
    Kumakeokan, [?]
    La Esfera
    Lafean, D. F.
    La Follette, Robert M.
    LaGuarra Harbor Corporation
    Laidlow, Robert
    Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration
    Lali, Pierre
    La Lucha
    Lambert, Dr. [?]
    Lampton, W. J.
    Landfield, Jerome
    Landis, Charles B.
    Landon, Alfred
    Lane, Franklin K.
    Langenberg, H. F.
    Langerman, James
    Lansing, Robert
    la Sala, Perico
    La Salle Extension University
    Laughlin, Irwin
    Lausanne, Treaty of
    Lawrence, Benjamin
    Lawton, Henry
    Lay, Julius
    Leger, J. N.
    Legion of Honor, Decoration of
    Leimert, Walter
    Lenroot, Irvine L.
    Leo XIII, Pope
    Leon, A. C.
    Leon, Carlos
    Leopold, King of Belgium
    Lesseps, Charles de
    Lesseps, Ferdinand de
    Lewis, Randolph C.
    Libby, William H.
    Limantour, Jos-Yves
    Lincoln, Abraham
    Lippton, Eno
    Lithgow, A. W.
    Little, W. S.
    Littlepage, T. P.
    Lockwood, Edwin C.
    Lodge, Henry C.
    Loeb, William Jr.
    London, C. J.
    London Spectator
    London Times
    Long, John D.
    Longworth, Nicholas
    Loomis, Charles W.
    Loomis, Elizabeth Mast
    Loomis, Florence I.
    Loomis, Francis B.
    Loomis, Francis B. (Jimp) Jr.
    Loomis, F. Kent
    Loomis, William B.
    Lpez Contreras, Eleazar
    Lorca Pellrross, Arturo
    Loriquet at Panama
    Loubet, Emile Francois
    Louis, Prince of Battenberg
    Ludford, E.
    McAdoo, William G.
    McAllister, Lambert
    MacArthur, Douglas
    McCabe, Bishop
    McCall, John C.
    McCormick, Robert S.
    McCoy, Frank
    McKellar, Kenneth D.
    McKenney, F. D.
    McKinley, Abner
    McKinley, William
    McLaughlin, M. O.
    McNab, Gavin
    Machado y Morales, Gerardo
    Mack, J.
    Maddox, Samuel
    Madison, James
    Madrid a Bilbao Railroad
    Mail and Express
    Mantini, J. Edward
    Marbury, Theodore
    Marietta College
    Mason, Frank
    Massingham, H. W.
    Matos, [?]
    Matsudaira, Tsuneo
    Mayers, Charles
    Mayo, Catherine
    Medico-Legal Society
    Mellon, A. W.
    Menelik II, of Ethiopia
    Mercado, Lorenzo
    Merritt, R. F. R.
    Metcalf, H. V.
    Metropolitan Magazine
    Metternick, Clemens
    Meyers, Alfred
    Michelena Contract
    Michelson, Albert
    Miles, Nelson A.
    Miller, J. I.
    Millet, Frank D.
    Milloy, Jerry
    Mills, Ogden L.
    Miyoaka, Tsunejiro
    Moler, William G.
    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine See Dexter Perkins
    Monroe, James
    Montauban, E.
    Moody, W. H.
    Morales, Carlos
    Morales, Odoardo
    Moran, Cardinal
    Moore, Charles A.
    Moore, John B.
    Morgan, Charles P.
    Morgan, Douglas A.
    Morgan, J. Pierpoint
    Morris, Robert
    Morse, S. F. B.
    Morton, Paul
    Mulay Ali See Shereef of Wozan
    Murray, Arthur
    Murray, C. B.
    Mussolini, Benito
    Myers, J.
    Nabucof, Joaquin
    N. A. Paquet and Company
    Nash, Paul
    National Association of Manufacturers
    National Bank of Santo Domingo
    National Republican Committee
    Naumburg, A.
    The Negro Trail Blazers of California See Delilah Beasley
    Neville, Edwin L.
    Nevins, Allan
    Newcomb, William A.
    Newhall, W. Mays
    Newlands, Francis G.
    New York and Bermudez Asphalt Company
    New York Board of Trade and Transportation
    New York Central Railroad
    The New York Evening Post
    The New York Herald
    The New York Journal
    New York Life Insurance Company
    The New York Sun
    The New York Tribune
    The New York World
    Nicaraguan Canal
    Nicholas II, Czar of Russia
    Nicholson, D.
    Niles, W. W.
    Nimitz, Chester
    Nobel Prize for Peace
    North American Review
    Norton, Thomas H.
    Oakland Tribune
    O'Connor, Basil
    Odell, H. Allen
    Ohio Republican State Executive Committee
    O'Laughlin, John C.
    Olavarria, J. A.
    Olcott, R. Morgan
    O'Neal, W. C.
    Orbeck, Andrew J.
    Order of the Crown of Italy
    Oregon Historical Quarterly
    Orinoco Corporation
    The Orinoco Shipping and Trading Company Ltd.
    The Orinoco Steamship Company
    Orinoco Trading and Transportation Company
    Ormsbee, Talcott
    Osborne, John B.
    Ospina Perez, M.
    Oura, Kanetake
    Outlook Magazine
    Overstreet, Jesse
    Pacific League of International Relations
    Pacific Mail Steamship Company
    Paez, Federico
    Page, Thomas Nelson
    Paish, George
    Palmer, Frederick
    Panama Canal
    Panama Crisis
    Panama Pacific Exposition
    Panama, Republic of
    Pan American Bulletin
    Pan American Conference
    Pan American Railroad
    Pan American Union
    Pan Pacific Society
    Paquet, Norbert A.
    Paredes, Antonio
    The Paris Daily Herald
    Parish, W. H.
    Parker, Frank
    Parmelee, James
    Parparen, Ramon
    Parsons, J. R.
    Patchin, Robert H.
    Patterson, Lila
    Patterson, Raymond
    Paul, J. de J.
    Pauncefote, Julian
    Pearson's Magazine
    Pecci, Ludovico
    Peixotto, G. D. M.
    Pelps, William H.
    Penfield, William L.
    Penrose, Boies
    The People's Government
    Pepper, Charles M.
    Perdicaris, Ion
    Perkins, Dexter See The Monroe Doctrine
    Perkins, George C.
    Permanent Court of International Justice
    Pershing, John J.
    Pershing, Mary
    Ptain, Philippe
    Petroleum Concessions Ltd.
    Petroleum Times
    Phelan, James D.
    Phelps, William E.
    Philadelphia Evening Telegraph
    Philbin, Eugene A.
    Philippine Question
    Phillips, H. C.
    Phillips, John R.
    Phillips, Roland
    Pickleman, Sebastian
    Pierce, Herbert H. D.
    Pike, William J.
    Pilgrim's Society
    Pillsbury, E. S.
    Pinelli, Philippe
    Pittman, Gerry
    Pius X, Pope
    Platt, Orville H.
    Plumacher, E. H.
    Plumley, Frank
    Polk, Willis K.
    Porter, Clarence
    Porter, Horace
    Post (Oakland?)
    Powell, W. F.
    Powers, Horace H.
    Press Release
    Prince, John D.
    Prostkauer, Saul
    Purbrey, Eugene
    Quay, Matthew S.
    Quill Club, New York
    Radcliffe, [J. R. S.?]
    Raisuli, Mohamed
    Ralston, Jackson H.
    Rampol, Cardinal
    Reciprocity Treaty, Cuba, United States
    Redding, Joseph D.
    Reid, J. Whitelaw
    Rendon, [?]
    Reyes, Rafael
    Reynolds, J. B.
    Rocco, [?]
    Rockefeller, John D. Jr.
    Rodgers, I. S.
    Rodriquez, Dimetrio
    Roehl, Eduardo
    Rogers, Edith N.
    Rogers, John J.
    Roosevelt, Alice
    Roosevelt, Franklin
    Roosevelt, Theodore
    Root, Elihu
    Rosen, Baron
    Ross, Charles B.
    Rostand, [?]
    Rourke, Thomas
    Rouvier, Maurice
    Rowell, Chester
    Royal Dutch Company
    Royce, L. W.
    Russell, Lindsay
    Russell, William W.
    Russo-Japanese War
    Ruyssenairs, L. H.
    St. Andrews University
    St. John, C. M.
    St. Louis Exposition
    St. Mary's
    Sakai, Tadusaki
    Salinas bonds
    Sammons, Thomas
    Sampson, Archibald J.
    Sampson, William T.
    Sanabria, Gustavo
    San Antonio Daily Express
    Sanborn, Edward H.
    Sanchez, Juan
    Sanderson, T. A.
    San Domingo Finance Company of New York
    San Domingo Improvement Company of New York
    San Francisco Bulletin
    San Francisco Examiner
    San Francisco Exposition
    San Francisco News
    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Santiago, Department of
    Sargent, Nathan
    Satolli, Cardinal
    Saturday Evening Post
    Saturday Review of Literature
    Schley, Winfield
    Schwan, Theodore
    Schwarzenstein, Mumm von
    Scony Oil
    Scott, Henry L.
    Scripps-McRae Association
    Search, Theodore C.
    Seeger, Eugene
    Seidmore, George F.
    Seijas, Ramon
    Seligman Brothers of London
    Shafter, William R.
    Sharp, Amor W.
    Shaw, Albert
    Shaw, Howland
    Shell Oil Company
    Sherman, John
    Sherrill, Charles
    Shortridge, Samuel M.
    Sigsbee, Charles D.
    Simmons, Roger A.
    Sinclair Concession
    Skiff, Frederick J.
    Skinner, Helen W.
    Skinner, Robert P.
    Small, Sam
    Smiley, Albert K.
    Smith, Al
    Smith, Charles E.
    Smith, Warren
    Smyth, William D.
    Snyder, G.
    Southern Pacific Company
    South Manchuria Railway Company
    Spanish-American War
    Speransky, Julia G.
    Speyer, James
    Springfield News
    Stabler, Herbert J.
    Stamp, Josiah
    Standard Oil Bulletin
    Standard Oil Company
    Standard Oil Company of California
    Standard Oil of New Jersey
    Stanford, Mrs. Leland
    Stanford University
    Stanton, Philip
    Stearns, Frank W.
    Steinhart, [?]
    Stephens, Virginia
    Stevenson, Adlai E.
    Stimson, Henry L.
    Sthamer, Frederick
    Stoddard, Henry L.
    Stokes, W. E. D.
    Stratton, F. S.
    Straus, Oscar S.
    Surez, Eduardo
    Sullivan, Mark
    Sutro, Adolph
    Sutro, Oscar
    Swann, Albert W.
    Swanson, Charles E.
    Swayne, Charles
    Taft, Robert A.
    Taft, William H.
    Takahira, Kogoro
    Taylor, H. C.
    Tejera, Emiliano
    Tello, Aristides
    Tennessee Copper Company
    Thayer, W. Roscoe
    Theodore Roosevelt and His Time See J. B. Bishop
    Theodore Roosevelt and the Kaiser in 1905 See Bunau-Varilla
    Thompson, John
    Tisza, Istvan
    Tobin Memorandum
    Tokyo, International Exposition of
    Toledo Trujillo, [?]
    Torres, Mohammad Ben Larbi
    Torres Cardenas, [?]
    Tower, Charlemagne
    Townsend, George A.
    Townsend, Lawrence
    Truman, Harry
    Turin, International Exposition of
    Tyler, George S.
    Underwood, Oscar W.
    Underwood, Rufus A.
    Union Pacific Railroad
    United Press
    United States Consul, Turin
    United States Legation, Bogota
    United States Legation, Lisbon
    United States Legation, Spain
    United States Steel Corporation
    Upham, Fred
    Valencia Railroad
    Vandenberg, Arthur
    van Loon, Hendrik Willem
    Vsquez, Leon
    Vatin, Periguon
    Vavasour-Noel, John
    Velsquez, [?]
    Velaz, Coiticaa
    The Venezuelan Herald
    Vicentini, Cesar
    Vidal, M.
    Vignauer, Henry
    Villiers, [?]
    Villimil, Jose
    von Lutz, Baron
    von Sternberg, H. S.
    Wada, Hikojiro
    Wadsworth, James W. Jr.
    Walker, William
    Wallace, Mrs. Hugh
    Warren, Charles B.
    Washington Herald
    Washington Post
    Watterson, Henry
    Weeks, John W.
    Weid, Smith M.
    Welles, Sumner
    Westendorp and Company
    Westinghouse Company
    Wheeler, Benjamin
    Wheeler, Ernest
    Wheeler, Joseph
    Wheeler, William R.
    White, Albert B.
    White, Andrew D.
    White, Harry
    White, Henry
    Whitney, Harry
    Wiart, Carton de
    Wiborg, Frank B.
    Wickersham, George W.
    Wilbur, Ray Lyman
    Wilder, Amos P.
    Wilkie, Wendell
    William II, King of Germany
    Williams, Oscar F.
    Willis, Frank B.
    Willys, John
    Wilson, Henry P.
    Wilson, Hugh
    Wilson, Huntington
    Wilson, Woodrow
    Wise, Henry A.
    Witte, Sergey Y.
    Wood, Leonard
    Woodard, J. H.
    Woodford, Stewart
    Woodworth, B.
    Wozan, Shereef of See Mulay Ali
    Wright, Robert K.
    Wurlitzer, Howard
    Wyandot Union Republican
    Yale Review
    Yale University
    Ybarra, Alejandro
    Yeiser, H. C.
    Young, Ella
    Young, Owen D.
    Zimmerman, [?]
    Zuloaga, Nicomedes Jr.
    Zumeta, Caesar

    Index II

    Adams, Philip
    Adams, Robert
    Adams, W. N.
    Addison, A. D.
    Adee, Alvey
    The Advertiser
    Akers, E. A.
    Alden, C. E.
    Alderman, A. D.
    Alderman, Edwin A.
    Aldrich, Nelson W.
    Alger, Russell A.
    Alien Land Law
    Alkire, A. N.
    Allen, Andrew H.
    Allen, Horace N.
    Allen, W.
    Allison, William B.
    Almond, Harry J.
    American Historical Society
    American Red Cross
    American Security and Trust Company
    Andara, M. L. J.
    Anderson, A. S.
    Anderson, Edward
    Anderson, Frank
    Anderson, George E.
    Andrade, Ignacio
    Andrews, Avery D.
    Andrews, Loring
    Arbanell, J. R.
    Argentine Legation
    Argentine Mission
    The Argonaut
    Arkell, W. V.
    Armour, Ogden
    Armstrong, George W.
    Armstrong, R. B.
    Arnold, H. B.
    Arnot, Raymond
    Arosemena, Carlos C.
    Associated Press
    Athey, D. Charles
    Atlantic Monthly
    Ault, L. A.
    Austin, O. P.
    Austrian Embassy
    Ayme, L. H.
    Ayres, Howard
    Babbitt, E. H.
    Bacon, Robert
    Bain, George G.
    Bainbridge, William E.
    Baird, G. W.
    Baird, William J.
    Baldwin, Elbert F.
    Baldwin, Evelyn B.
    Baldwin, George E.
    Baldwin, George M.
    Baldwin, James C.
    Ballard, Walter
    Bancroft, Frederick
    Banderetta Mines
    Bard, Thomas R.
    Barnes, Benjamin F.
    Barrels, David E.
    Barrett, John
    Barring, H.
    Barrows, Dean
    Bass, W. L.
    Basso, Sebastian
    Bates, Arthur N.
    Beale, G. P.
    Bean, Henry W.
    Beard, J. A.
    Beardsley, Morris
    Beaton, George A.
    Beaupie, A. M.
    Beck, William H.
    Beecher, John P.
    Beer, William C.
    Beneditt, James S.
    Benjamin, I.
    Bennett, R.
    Bergholz, Leo
    Biddle, Nicholas
    Biglow, John
    Billow, Barrett and Company
    Bills, Charles B.
    Bliss, Ernest C.
    Bliss, William H.
    Blyth, Charles R.
    Blythe, Samuel G.
    Boardman, Mabel T.
    Bohl, Henry
    Bolce, Harold
    Bonaparte, Charles J.
    Bond, W. W.
    Bonds, James Sr.
    Bonsal, Stephen
    Borah, William E.
    Bouchsein, Max
    Bouie, Verne M.
    Boulton, Henry L.
    Boutell, H. S.
    Bowen, Herbert W.
    Boyd, W. W.
    Boye, Herbert C.
    Boynton, Charles T.
    Bradley, William H.
    Bragg, Edward S.
    Braisted, William C.
    Brandeger, Frank B.
    Brandt, Eddy S.
    Braun, Marcus
    Breuer, John B.
    Bridgman, H. L.
    Brigham, Joseph H.
    British Embassy
    Bristow, [?]
    Bromuell, J. H.
    Bronson, W.
    Brooks, Benjamin H.
    Bross, Ernest
    Brown, Clyde
    Brown, Philip
    Brown, Walter
    Brun, M. Constantine
    Bryan, J. H.
    Bryan, O. G.
    Buchanan, William I.
    Bukey, Jean M.
    Bullock, William E.
    Bunau-Varilla, Philippe
    Bunker, William M.
    Burchell, N. W.
    Burgeoise, Leon
    Burguin, A. P.
    Burke, M. J.
    Burns, James
    Burrows, Julius C.
    Burton, Theodore E.
    Busbey, L. White
    Busch Haddenbausen, [?]
    Butler, Charles H.
    Butler, Nicholas M.
    Butler, Theodore E.
    Butterworth, E. M.
    Caldwell, John A.
    California Arabian Standard Company
    California Press Association
    Callahan, J. M.
    Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo
    Camp, Eugene M.
    Campagna, Matthew
    Campbell, James E.
    Canadian Pacific Railroad
    Cannon, Joseph
    Capron, K.
    Carden, Lionel
    Carman, Heron L.
    Carmichael, Otto
    Carnegie, Andrew
    Carnegie Peace Endowment
    Carner, A. H.
    Carpenter, Frank
    Carr, William J.
    Carranza, Venustiano
    Carter, John R.
    Cassell, William
    Cassini, Count
    Castro, Cipriano
    Ceballos, J. M.
    Cellere, V. Macchi di
    C. E. Poole and Son
    Chadwick, F. E.
    Chaffee, Adna R.
    Chambers, D. A.
    Chambers, Julius
    Chamburn, Charles de
    Chandler, John Rice
    Chekib Bey
    Cherry, Albert
    Chilton, Robert S.
    Chipman, G. Bowie
    Choate, Joseph H.
    Choistoy, Henry L.
    Christian Herald
    Churchill, James S.
    Clark, Arthur A.
    Clark, Champ
    Clark, G. W.
    Clark, Howard
    Clarkson, John S.
    Clay, Brutus J.
    Clayton, Powell
    Clemens, William M.
    Clinedinst, [?]
    Cole, William H.
    Collier, William M.
    Collins, Victor
    Colne, Charles
    Colt, Richard C.
    Columbian Legation
    Conant, Harry A.
    Conger, Charlotte M.
    Congressional Record
    Conkling, Alfred R.
    Conolly, A. A.
    Converse, George A.
    Cook, A. B.
    Cook - Stoddard Company
    Coolidge, L. A.
    Coombs, Leslie
    Coop, Frank E.
    Corbin, Henry C.
    Corea, Luis F.
    Cortelyou, George B.
    Coulter, A. E.
    Covert, John C.
    Coweles, William
    Cox, Hanson C.
    Coxe, Henry C.
    Cragts' Sons
    Cramp, Sanuel
    Crane, Charles R.
    Crane, Leonard A.
    Crawford, John
    Creelman, James
    Creighton, David H.
    Critchfield, George W.
    Crocker, William H.
    Cromwell, William N.
    Cropper, William H.
    Crouse, H. P.
    Crowell, John F.
    Crowley, Richard
    Culborson, Charles A.
    Cullom, Shelby M.
    Cummers, Samuel R.
    Cuneo, Sherman
    Cuppy, Hazlit A.
    Curtis, L. B.
    Curtis, William
    Cushing, Marshall
    Cutting, W. Bayard
    Dalong, Paul
    Dalzell, John
    Daneri, A. C.
    Daneri Brothers
    Daniel, John M.
    Daniel, Milton
    Danziger, Adolph
    Dartford, O. H.
    Dasent, Bury M.
    Dater, John G.
    Davenport, R. G.
    Davidson, Charles M.
    Davidson, Harry P.
    Davies, Ralph K.
    Davis, Henry G.
    Dawes, Charles
    Dawes, Edwin
    Dawson, Thomas C.
    Day, William
    d'Azevedo, J. C.
    Deal, Henry B.
    Dean, Charles R.
    Deitrich, James
    Delfino, Antonio E.
    De Long, Paul
    del Viso, Antonio
    Denby, Edwin
    Deneen, Charles S.
    Dennison, E. Haldeman
    Deterding, Henry
    De Vault, Charles
    Devol, Carroll
    Devol, Hattie
    Diaz, Porfirio
    Dick, Charles
    Dickenson, Charles M.
    Diederich, Henry W.
    Dietrich, Charles H.
    Dietrich, Herman R.
    Dillingham, A. C.
    Dockery, A. V.
    Dodge, H. Percival
    Dohrman, E. W.
    Dolge, Alfred
    Dolge, Rudolph
    Dolliver, J. P.
    Dos Passos, John R.
    Doty, William F.
    Dove, J. Maury
    Dover, Elmer
    Dresser, Soloman R.
    Drew, John
    Dubois, James T.
    Dudley, Irving
    Dudley, W. W.
    Dunn, James R.
    Dunne, Frank V.
    Durand, H. Mortimer
    Duvall, Andrew
    Dyer, Rowland
    Edelman, Louis
    Edwards, Clarence R.
    Eells, William E.
    Egan, Thomas P.
    Elkins, Stephen B.
    Elliot, A. B.
    Elliot, C. D.
    Elliot, Charles W.
    Ellis, Wade H.
    Ellsworth, Luther T.
    Elmore, J. F.
    Ely, Robert E.
    Embry, J. H.
    Emerson, H. D.
    Emory, Frederick
    Estournelles de Constant, Baron
    Euan-Smith, Charles
    Evans, H. Clay
    Evans, James F.
    Fairbanks, Charles W.
    Fairbanks, J. E.
    Fassett, J. Sloat
    Fawcett, Walden
    Fermin, A.
    Field, Charles K.
    Fieldwick, H.
    Fillmore, Charles W.
    Financial Times
    Fish, Stuyvesant
    Fishback, George W.
    Fiske, George M.
    Flynn, E. F.
    Flynn, M. W.
    Follett, A. Dewey
    Foord, John
    Foraker, Joseph B.
    Forbes, Edgar A.
    Fosburg, James
    Foster, Arthur
    Foster, John G.
    Fox, William C.
    Francis, Charles S.
    Francis, David R.
    Franklin, P. A. S.
    French Canal Company
    French Embassy
    Frey, G. H.
    Frye, William P.
    Fuller, Arthur G.
    Funk, C. S.
    Funk and Wagnolls Company
    Funston, Frederick
    Gaitree, W. B.
    Gallagher, J. A.
    Gallinger, Jacob H.
    Gambn, F[r]ederico
    Ganetson, Joseph
    Gard, Daniel Hosner
    Gardner, A. L.
    Garfield, James A.
    Garfield Safe Deposit Company
    Gates, S. A.
    Gaulin, Alphonse
    German Embassy
    German Press Association
    Gessner, F. B.
    Gettys, A. L.
    Geyers, W. F.
    Gibbons, Cardinal
    Gibson, E. J.
    Gillespie, T. A.
    Gilliland, George
    Given, Walker
    Glass, A. W.
    Gleaves, Albert
    Glenn, Theodore E.
    Goddard, George F.
    Goddard, Nelson
    Goff, Thomas T.
    Goldschmidt, Louis
    Gomar, Jose D.
    Gomes Ferreira, Alfredo de M.
    Gompers, Samuel
    Goodnow, John
    Gore, James H.
    Gorham, George C.
    Goss, Mary W.
    Gowdy, John K.
    Gram, Harvey B.
    Granger, Walter L.
    Grant, Joseph D.
    Great Bear Spring Company
    Greene, W. Maxwell
    Gregory, Catheryn C.
    Gribescock, Emil
    Grieser, H. A.
    Griffiths, John L.
    Griscom, Lloyd C.
    Griswold, Edith J.
    Groothoff, [?]
    Grosvenor, Gilbert H.
    Gugenheim, I. M.
    Gulf Oil Company
    Gummere, Samuel R.
    Gunsaulus, Edwin N.
    Hadcock, John
    Hadley, Elliot
    Hague Tribunal
    Hahn, H. H.
    Hale, Edward Everett
    Hale, Eugene
    Hale, Harry C.
    Hale, Ruben B.
    Halford, A. J.
    Halstead, Murat
    Hamilton, Stanislaus H.
    Hamm, Walter C.
    Hanauer, Simon W.
    Handy, William M.
    Hanna, Hugh R.
    Hanna, Marcus A.
    Hanna, Philip C.
    Hanna, Walter C.
    Hannsman, Carl A.
    Hansen, Theodore
    Harding, Warren G.
    Hardy, Arthur S.
    Hargete, Frank
    Harjes, John H.
    Harrison, Mrs. Benjamin
    Harrison, Charles C.
    Hart, Charles B.
    Harvey, George
    Hathaway, John
    Haven, Joseph E.
    Hawk, William L.
    Hay, John
    Hay, Mrs. John
    Hay--Herran Treaty
    Hayes, John H.
    Hearst, William R.
    Heatwok, Joel P.
    Hege, S. B.
    Heistand, H. O. S.
    Helmle, George B.
    Helper, Hinton Rowan
    Hemick, Rolland J.
    Henderson, T. J.
    Hepburn, William P.
    Hergert, Gustav L.
    Hernndez, Jose M.
    Herrick, Myron T.
    Hicks, John
    Higgins, Frank W.
    Higley, Warren
    Hill, David J.
    Hill, Ebenezer
    Hill, Robert J.
    Hill, William C.
    Hioki, Eki
    Hitchcock, Ethan A.
    Hitt, Robert M.
    H. L. Boulton and Company
    Hobart, I. C.
    Hobbs, John F.
    Hochdrfer, Richard H.
    Hodges and Stearns
    Hollander, Jacob H.
    Holls, Frederick W.
    Holman, Alfred
    Holt, Hamilton
    Hooker, James J.
    Hooper, J. J.
    Hooper, Osman
    Hoover, Herbert
    Hopley, Joseph W.
    Hoppes, John J.
    Howard, George
    Howe, Church
    Howland, E. C.
    Hoyt, Henry M.
    Hoyt, John B.
    Hubbell, George W.
    Huerta, Victoriano
    Hughes, Charles E.
    Hughes, O. D. J.
    Hull, Cordell
    Humphrey, Alexander C.
    Humphreys, W. E.
    Hunt, G.
    Hunt, William H.
    Huntington, Sanuel
    Hurst, Carl B.
    Hurst, John
    Hutchinson, Norman
    Hutchinson, P. D.
    Ide, George E.
    Ide, Kittey
    Ide, W. H.
    Ingalls, M. E.
    International Institute of Measurement Units
    International and Universal Exhibition at Brussels 1919
    Ireland, Fred
    Irish, John P.
    Irish, Irwin
    Ishii, Kikujiro
    Isthmian Canal Company
    Italian Embassy
    Ito, Prince
    Jackson, John B.
    Jacobson, A. D.
    James T. White and Company, Publishers
    Japan Finance Commission
    Japan Society of America
    Japanese Legation
    Jaurett, A. F.
    Jenks, J. W.
    Jewell, Henry M.
    John Hancock Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company
    Johnson, E. B.
    Johnson, Emory R.
    Johnson, Felix S. S.
    Johnson, Hiram
    Johnson, James
    Johnson, Mrs. Mary A.
    Johnson, William F.
    Johnson, Willis Fletcher
    Johnson, Wynne and Company
    Johnston, James Jr.
    Johnston, W. H.
    Jones, John Paul
    Joubert, Emilio C.
    J. P. Morgan and Company
    Jordan, W. H.
    Jusserand, Jean Jules
    Kahn, Julius
    Katsura, Taro
    Kean, John
    Keen, E. L.
    Keene, Francis B.
    Keifer, J. Warren
    Kellogg, Frank B.
    Kellogg, James C.
    Kelly, James H.
    Kelly, Thomas H.
    Kennedy, Crammond
    Kennedy, George E.
    Kennedy, J. Russell
    Kenney, A. D.
    Kenney, A. S.
    Kenyon, William S.
    Ker, S. P.
    Kerens, Richard C.
    Kerens, Mrs. Richard C.
    Kerens, Vincent
    Khan, Isaac
    Kincaid, Edgar B.
    Kinchant, Robert H.
    King, Landreth H.
    Kingsbury, S. A.
    Kioke, [?]
    Knowles, Horace G.
    Knox, Philander C.
    Kohlsaat, Charles W.
    Komura, Jutaro
    Kraft's Sons
    Krenztin, Julius A.
    Kurtz, C. F.
    Kurtz, C. L.
    Lafean, Daniel F.
    LaLane, Frank D.
    Lampton, W. J.
    Landis, Charles B.
    Landon, Francis G.
    Lane, Franklin
    Langer, Joseph J.
    Langerman, James H.
    Langley, S. P.
    Lardy, Charles L. E.
    Larrinaga, Tulio
    LaRue, H. B.
    Lawler, K. K.
    Lawrence, [?]
    Lay, Julius G.
    Ledoux, Urbain J.
    Lee Hung Chang
    Lee, Joseph W. J.
    Leger, J. N.
    Leimert, Walter
    Lemmon, George T.
    Leon, A. C.
    Leonard, H. S.
    Lepage, G. L.
    Le Roy, James A.
    Lesner, Clarence L.
    Le Temps of Paris
    Levi Strauss and Sons
    Lewis, N. G.
    Libby, William H.
    Liberty National Bank
    Limantour, Jose-Yves
    Lindauer, W.
    Lindaur, J. J.
    Lindsay, John D.
    Linn, Walter L.
    Lipscomb, A. A.
    Lithgow, A. W.
    Littman, Eno
    Livingston, Thomas H.
    Lloyd, W.
    Lockwood, Edwin C.
    Lodge, Henry Cabot
    Loeb, William Jr.
    Long, Bryon R.
    Long, Chester I.
    Longworth, Alice R.
    Longworth, Nicholas
    Loomis, Burdett
    Loomis, Charles
    Loomis, Dwight
    Loomis, Elizabeth
    Loomis Family Association
    Loomis, Florence
    Loomis, Francis B.
    Loomis, Francis B. (Jimp) Jr.
    Loomis, F. Kent
    Loomis, Harry E.
    Loomis, Jennie
    Lopez, Rafael S.
    Lynch, Frank E.
    Lyon, Ernest
    McBride, James J.
    McCabe, Alex S.
    McCabe, Charles C.
    McCain, George Nox
    McCall, Henry
    McCalla, B. W.
    McCammon, Charles
    McCarthy, Thomas B.
    McCartney, J. H.
    McCawley, Charles L.
    McClellan, George B.
    McClure, Samuel G.
    McComas, Louis E.
    McCook, John J.
    McCormick, E. O.
    McCormick, Robert S.
    McCortney, J. H.
    McCullom, Shelby
    McDonald, Alex
    McGee, W. J.
    McGlynn, F. P.
    McGuire, Mrs. Lillian
    McKee, Sidney S.
    McKenney, F. D.
    Mackeys, [?]
    McKinley, William
    McLaurin, John C.
    McLeon, John R.
    McNally, James C.
    McNutt, Paul
    Maddox, Samuel
    Maddy, J. K.
    Magee, C. L.
    Magoon, Charles E.
    Magoon, Charles F.
    Mahany, Rowland B.
    Malmross, Oscar
    Maltus and Ware
    Manheim, F. J.
    Manning, Wentworth
    Marbury, Theodore
    Marcus and Company
    Marcy, William L.
    Markley, Horace
    Marklirert, Leopold
    Marshall, Thomas R.
    Martin, D. B.
    Martin, W. A.
    Martin, William H.
    Mason, Frank G.
    Mason, Frank H.
    Mast, Charles
    Mast, Cicero P.
    Mast, Clarence S.
    Mast, Foos and Company
    Mast, Joseph K.
    Mast, P. P.
    Matthews, R. G.
    Matthieu, J. C.
    Maxwell, C. L.
    May, DeCourcy
    Mayers, Charles R.
    Mayor des Planches Eduardo
    Mebbis, D. Ernest
    The Medico-Legal Society
    Megata, Tanetaro
    Mellis, N. M.
    Melliss, D. Ernest
    Melliss, Norman T.
    Mellon, A. W.
    Melton, H. L.
    Menelek II, Emperor of Abyssinia
    Menkel, William
    Mercado, Lorenzo
    Merou, M. Garcia
    Merrill, Selah
    Merritt, R. F. R.
    Messent, Josiah
    Metcalf, Victor H.
    Meyer, George V. L.
    Michailis, L. F.
    Miles, H. E.
    Miller, E. C.
    Miller, Leroy E.
    Miller, M. W.
    Millet, [?]
    Mitchell, James B.
    Mitchell, John Q.
    Mitchelson, J. C.
    Moler, William
    Moncheur, Baron
    Monroe Doctrine
    Montagna, G. C. Sr.
    Moody, William H.
    Moore, John Bassett
    Moore, Thomas Ewing
    Morel, E. D.
    Morell, H.
    Morgan, Douglas O.
    Morgan, J. Pierpoint
    Morgan, John T.
    Mohonk, Lake
    Moriya, R. N.
    Morris, Minor
    Morris, Sidney S.
    Morton, Henry E.
    Morton, Levi P.
    Morton, Paul
    Mueller, [?]
    Muoz, Jorge
    Munroe, Charles E.
    Murray, C. B.
    Mutsu, Hirokitschi
    National Academy of Political and Social Science
    Naval War College
    Neale, S. C.
    Nelson, Knute
    Neuer, C.
    Nevins, Allan
    New, Harry S.
    Newberry, [?]
    Newcomb, William A.
    Newel, Stanford
    New York Herald
    New York Journal of Commerce
    New York Life Insurance Company
    New York Shipbuilding Company
    The New York Sun
    The New York Times
    The New York Tribune
    The New York World
    Nobel Peace Prize
    Noel, John V.
    The North American Review
    North Venezuelan Petroleum Company
    Norton, Mrs. T. H.
    Noyes, Theodore R.
    Noyes, Thomas C.
    Oakland Tribune
    Ochs, Adolph
    O'Connell, John J.
    Odell, H. Allen
    Ohio Republican Association
    Ohl, Joseph K.
    Ojeda, Emilio
    O'Laughlin, John C.
    Olcott, R. Morgan
    Oldham, Wylie E.
    Open Door Policy
    O'Reilly, Robert M.
    Orinoco Steamship and Trading Company
    Orr, Clair A.
    Osbon, B. S.
    Otis, Harrison G.
    Oulahan, Richard V.
    Ovay, M. S.
    Oyster, George M.
    Ozmun, Edward H.
    Padberg, E.
    Page, Walter H.
    Paish, George
    Palmer, F. W.
    Palmer, Henry
    Palmer, Percy S.
    Panama Canal
    Panama Railway Company
    Paquet, Norbert A.
    Paquet and Company
    Paris Daily Herald
    Parish, W. H.
    Parker, Frank
    Parker, Gardner T.
    Parker, George F.
    Parker, Julius
    Parsons, James R.
    Partridge, Frank C.
    Patrick, John T.
    Patterson, A. V.
    Patterson Institute
    Patterson, William A.
    Patton, [?]
    Paul, B. H.
    Paul, J. de J.
    Payne, Christopher H.
    Peabody, George F.
    Peale, G. P.
    Pedicaris, Ion
    Peixotto, G. D. M.
    Peixotto, Percy
    Penfield, Forde C.
    Penfield, William L.
    Penrose, Boris
    Pepper, Charles M.
    Prez Triane, Eduardo
    Prez, G. B.
    Perhacs, W. Emil
    Perkins, George C.
    Perrin, L. Valerein
    Perter, Horace
    Pettit, J. W.
    Phelan, James D.
    Philip, Hoffman
    Phillips, H. C.
    Phillips, Lee
    Phillips, Roland
    Phillips, William C.
    Pickands Brown and Company
    Pierce, Herbert H.
    Pierson, P. E.
    Pike, William J.
    Pillsbury, John E.
    Pinchot, Gifford
    Pittman, Key
    Planches, Baron des
    Platt, Orville H.
    Platt, Thomas C.
    Plumacher, Eugene H.
    Pool, A. S.
    Porter, Horace
    Porter, Linn B.
    Porter, Steve
    Porters de la Fosse, des
    Post Express
    Potbury, Edwin
    Potomac Electric Power Company
    Potter, Julian
    Powell, William T.
    Prather, Thomas
    Pratt, J. J.
    Prestry, Frank
    Pressing and Orr
    The Press Magazine
    Price, Clarence
    Proctor, Redfield
    Proskauer, Samuel
    Puhl, M. O.
    Pulido, Augusto F.
    Pulitzer, Joseph
    Purington, William A.
    Purinton, T. B.
    Pyle, H.
    Queen City Club
    Rabbits, William
    Raikes, Arthur S.
    Rainey, Henry T.
    Ralston, Jackson H.
    Ranolds, T. L.
    Ray, Nathaniel
    Redfield, Redfield and Lydon
    Redman, Walter C.
    Reed, Charles A. L.
    Reed, Charles W.
    Reform in the Consular Service See Loomis, F. B.
    Reid, James Whitelaw
    Reynolds, James B.
    Riano, Juan
    Ribble, George W.
    Rice, Harry E.
    Richards, William A.
    Richardson, Charles
    Richardson, William
    Richmond Inner Harbor Project
    Riddle, John N.
    Rives, George B.
    Robbins, Harry W.
    Robbins, Raymond
    Robinson, Albert G.
    Robinson, C. L. F.
    Robertson, W. Henry
    Roca, Julia A.
    Rockhill, W. W.
    Rodenberg, [?]
    Rogers, J. Linn
    Rogers, Richard H.
    Rojas, P. Ezequiel
    Roosa, I. P.
    Roosevelt, Edith
    Roosevelt, Franklin
    Roosevelt, George W.
    Roosevelt, Theodore
    Root, Elihu
    Rose, I. R.
    Ross, John A.
    Rowe, L. S.
    Rowell, Chester
    Royal Dutch Oil Company
    Russell, Lucy D.
    Russell, William W.
    Ryan, Thomas
    Sachs, George P.
    Sacramento Union
    Saint Louis Centennial Celebration
    Saint Louis Times
    Sakai, Tadusaki
    Saks, Joseph I.
    Sampson, Archibald J.
    Sanchez, James F.
    Sands, W. F.
    Sargent, Nathan
    Ibn Saul, King of Arabia
    Saum, [?]
    Sawter, George
    Scaffer, J. C.
    Scandella, F.
    Schaeffer, J. C.
    Schieren, Charles A.
    Schmidlapp, J. G.
    Schmidtlapp, J. J.
    Schonburg, Arthur A.
    Schwalbe, Otto
    Scott, H. T.
    Scott, John Winfield
    Scott, N. B.
    Scruggs, William L.
    Scrymser, James A.
    Seaman, Louis L.
    Seeger, Eugene
    Seidmore, G. H.
    Servat, Ferdinand
    Shaffer, J. C.
    Shallenberger, W. S.
    Sharp, Hunter
    Sharpe, Amor W.
    Shaw, Albert
    Shaw, Howland
    Shaw, Leslie M.
    Shell Oil Company
    Sherrill, Charlie
    Shugio, Heremich
    Schuwalter, E. M.
    Simms, F. McL.
    Skiff, Frederick J. V.
    Skinner, Robert P.
    Slater, Robert Y.
    Sleicher, John A.
    Smedley, Matilda M.
    Smiley, Albert K.
    Smith, Alvin
    Smith, Charles E.
    Smith, Charles Sprague
    Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth
    Smith, Mrs. Florence H.
    Smith, Harry C.
    Smith, James E.
    Smith, R. A. C.
    Smith, Roderick
    Smith, S. Edwin
    Snodgrass, John F.
    Snyder, Harry F.
    The Social Register Association
    Social Register Company
    Sorsby, William B.
    Southard, George F.
    Spanish Legation
    Speaker, C. F.
    Speck von Sternberg, [?]
    Speiers, Frederick
    Sperry, C. S.
    Speyer, James
    Spier, Edgar
    Spooner, George C.
    Spooner, John C.
    Sprague, Richard L.
    Springfield National Bank
    Sproule, Robert G.
    Squires, Herbert G.
    Stalo, Edmund P.
    Standard Oil Company
    Stanton, Theodore
    Stearns, F. W.
    Steinhart, Frank
    Sternburg, George M.
    Stevens, Frederick C.
    Stevens, G. W.
    Stevens, William B.
    Stewart, Alexander M.
    Stewart, Chase
    Stewart, P. M.
    Stoggson, W. J.
    Stone, Melville W.
    Storer, Bellamy
    Strauss, Oscar S.
    Strayer, L. W.
    Strobridge, Nelson
    Strubbery, F. C.
    Surez, Francesco de P.
    Suesman, A. L.
    Sullivan, Edward J.
    Swalm, Albert W.
    Swalm, Mrs. A. W.
    Swan, A. R.
    Sylvester, Richard
    Symonds, F. W.
    Symons, Thomas W.
    Symons, W. L.
    Taft, Charles P.
    Taft, H. F.
    Taft, William H.
    Tailor, G. Cornell
    Takahira, Kogoro
    Tarrisse, Edwin
    Taylor, H. C.
    Taylor, Mrs. H. C.
    Taylor, Julian
    Taylor, Robert W.
    Taylor, Samuel
    Taylor, W. W.
    Texas Oil Corporation
    Thackara, Alexander M.
    Thaddeus, H. Jones
    Thieriot, Jacob H.
    Thomas, Miss Grace
    Thomas, Lot
    Thompson, D. E.
    Thompson, Howard
    Thompson, Joseph O.
    Thompson, Robert M.
    Thorndike, Harry Hill
    Thwing, Charles S.
    Tillman, Benjamin R.
    Tingler, Edmund W.
    Tobin, Dick
    Tokalon Wine Company
    Tokyo Exposition
    Tomey, R. E. S.
    Torsesy, Sargaseta M.
    Tower, Charlemagne
    Townsend, Charles E.
    Townsend, George Alfred
    Townsend, Lawrence
    Traverst, [?]
    Trueblood, Bejamin F.
    Tubbins, F.
    Tuells, John
    Tyler, George C.
    Uchida, Sadazuchi
    Union Savings Bank and Trust Company
    Van Buren, Harold S.
    van Dyne, Frederic
    van Giskra, Karl
    van Middeldyk, R. A.
    Van Norman, Louis E.
    van Roijan, J. H.
    van Tuyll von Serookerken, L.
    Varadhara, Phya A.
    Venezuelan Legation
    Vignaud, Henry
    Villa, Poncho [Doroteo Arango]
    Villard, H. S.
    Vincentini, C.
    Volkmor, William H.
    Wada, Hikojiro
    Wadsworth, B.
    W. B. Hibbs and Company
    Wagner, Belle
    Walbridge, C. P.
    Walker, Ernest G.
    Walker, John G.
    Wallace, Thomas R.
    Wallis, Edgar A.
    Walsh, Thomas
    Wanamaker, John
    Wands, Ernest H.
    Ware, Eugene F.
    Warner, B. H.
    Warren, Francis E.
    Washburn, W. D.
    Washington Gaslight Company
    Washington, Horace L.
    Waterloo, Stanley
    Watson, David K.
    Watts, Ethelbert
    Wauters, David S.
    Webster, Daniel
    Wedemeyer, W. W.
    Weeks, John
    Weile, Francois
    Welles, Sumner
    Wellman, Walter
    Welsch, C. A.
    Westcott, Burton
    Westcott, Horace
    Westcott and Story
    Wetmore, R. C.
    Wheeler, Post
    White, A. B.
    White, Charles W.
    White, Henry
    Whitney, Casper
    Wiborg, Frank B.
    Wilbur, Ray Lyman
    Wilcox, Paul
    Wilder, R. W.
    Wildman, Edwin
    Willets, Gilson
    Williams, Talcott
    Williams, T. S.
    Wills, Henry M.
    Wilson, George T.
    Wilson, Henry L.
    Wilson, Huntington
    Wilson, James H.
    Wilson, Woodrow
    Winchester Repeating Arms Company
    Winslow, Alfred A.
    Winthrop, Beekman
    Witte, Seigey Y.
    Wolf, Simon
    Wood, H. P.
    Wood, Mrs. Leonard
    Woodard, J. H.
    Woodford, Stewart L.
    Woodford, Stewart M.
    Woodruf, Walter W.
    Woodward and Lothrop
    Woodward, William C.
    The World
    The Worlds Work
    Worman, James H.
    Worman, Thomas H.
    Wright, Luke C.
    Xander, Charles
    Ybarra, Thomas
    Yela, Don Joaquin
    Yerkes, John M.
    Young, George W.
    Yun, Chung Kim
    Zen, William J.
    Zumeta, Caesar

    Subjects and Indexing Terms

    Barrett, John.
    Harrison, Benjamin
    Hay, John
    Hill, David Jayne.
    Holman, Alfred H.
    Foraker, Joseph Benson, 1846-1917
    Griscom, Lloyd C.
    Hanna, Marcus Alonzo
    Hoover, Herbert
    Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923
    Butler, Nicholas Murray
    Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
    Davison, Henry Pomeroy.
    Dolge, Rudolf.
    Hughes, Charles Evans, 1962-1948
    Beasley, Delilah L. (Delilah Leontium), 1871-1934
    Bowen, Herbert.
    Bryce, James, Viscount
    Hull, Cordell
    Bunau-Varilla, Philippe