Finding Aid to the 1934 International Longshoremen's Association and General Strikes of San Francisco 1933-1934

Processed by Padma Rubiales.
The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Finding Aid to the 1934 International Longshoremen's Association and General Strikes of San Francisco 1933-1934

Collection number: BANC PIC 1959.003--PIC

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
Finding Aid Author(s):
Processed by Padma Rubiales.
Finding Aid Encoded By:
Copyright 1996 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Collection Summary

Collection Title: 1934 International Longshoremen's Association and general strikes of San Francisco
Date: 1933-1934
Date (bulk): 1934
Collection Number: BANC PIC 1959.003--PIC
Collector: San Francisco Call Bulletin (Firm)
Extent: 544 film negatives, 247 4x5 inch black and white copy photographs, and 297 8x10 inch black and white copy photographs. 253 digital objects
Repository: The Bancroft Library
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
Languages Represented: Collection materials are in English

Information for Researchers


Collection is open for use.

Publication Rights

Materials in this collection may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). In addition, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley 94720-6000. See:

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], 1934 International Longshoremen's Association and general strikes of San Francisco, BANC PIC 1959.003--PIC, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Digital Representations Available

Digital representations of selected original pictorial materials are available in the list of materials below. Digital image files were prepared from selected Library originals by the Library Photographic Service. Library originals were copied onto 35mm color transparency film; the film was scanned and transferred to Kodak Photo CD (by Custom Process); and the Photo CD files were color-corrected and saved in JFIF (JPEG) format for use as viewing files.
Selected items were digitized or re-digitized at a later date.

Acquisition Information

Originally received with the San Francisco News-Call Bulletin newspaper photograph archive (BANC PIC 1959.010)

Historical Background

The General Strike of San Francisco occurred July 16-19, 1934 as an outgrowth of the International Longshoremen's Association strike. The ILA strike for control of hiring halls and better pay and hours had closed most Pacific ports except Los Angeles. The attempt of San Francisco employers to open local docks led to a battle between strikers and police on "Bloody Thursday" (July 5), which left two dead and many injured. Harry Bridges, head of the city's division of the ILA, got the general support of other unions, although electricity and food remained available. The four-day strike ended with agreement on arbitration in which the ILA got most of the demands it had made on behalf of longshoremen.
Hart, James D. A Companion to California. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. p. 155.

Chronology Of Events in the Strike Of 1934

March 7 Strike vote taken by Pacific Coast District, International Longshoremen's Association
March 26 President's Fact Finding commission appointed
April 3 Proposals offered by Waterfront Employers' Union accepted by Pacific Coast District Council, International Longshoremen's Association
May 9 Beginning of strike
May 28 Agreement negotiated between representatives of Waterfront Employers' Union and International Longshoremen's Association
June 7 San Francisco Local International Brotherhood of Teamsters refused to handle freight loaded by strikebreakers
June 16 Agreement negotiated between representatives of Waterfront Employers' Union and International Longshoremen's Association
June 26 National Longshoremen's Board appointed
July 3 Industrial Association of San Francisco starts movement of freight from waterfront
July 5 Two strikers killed, National Guard ordered to San Francisco waterfront
July 11 San Francisco Local, International Brotherhood of Teamsters calls strike
July 16 General strike begins
July 19 General strike ends
July 21 Teamsters return to work
July 31 Longshore strike ends
Eliel, Paul. The Waterfront and General Strikes, San Francisco, 1934; a Brief History. San Francisco: Hooper Printing Co., 1934. p. 245.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of 544 modern prints made from original negatives held by The Bancroft Library. The negatives are part of the photograph archive of the San Francisco News-Call Bulletin newspaper photograph archive (BANC PIC 1959.010) and were taken by staff photographers of the newspaper. For many years, this collection consisted of only the first 247 items listed in this finding aid. In 1998, an additional 297 original negatives were discovered in the files of the San Francisco News-Call Bulletin newspaper photograph archive and were printed and added as items 248-544. The initial 247 prints are grouped under the following topics: Produce Market, Food Convoy; Food Lines, Food Raids; Longshoremen and Pickets; Embarcadero Scenes; Police Scenes, Arrests; Funerals; Miscellaneous; and Portraits, Court Room Scenes. The additions have been arranged under: Longshoremen Loading and Unloading Ships; Goods (Rationing and Deliveries); Police Rounding Up Longshoremen Pickets; Vandalism; Police Confrontations; Sidewalk Memorial; Longshoremen in Court; Protests and Pickets; Miscellaneous Police Scenes; National Guard; Memorial Ceremonies and Funerals; Raids and Arrests of Communists; Street & Public Scenes (during transit strike and return to sevice?); News Photographers Posing. Most of the photographs lack exact dates, but all date from the period up to and including the General Strike, including scenes of "Bloody Thursday." A number of the photographs are of central figures associated with the strikes, including Harry Bridges, Edward Joseph Hanna, Thomas G. Plant, and Angelo Joseph Rossi.

Note on Arrangement of Additions

Negatives now numbered 248-544 were originally grouped into four batches.
  • Batch 1: Cops [police], Riots (95 negs)
  • Batch 2: Communists, Reporters, Street Cars, Funeral (22 negs)
  • Batch 3: Communists (40 negs)
  • Batch 3a: Reporters, Funeral (11 negs)
  • Batch 4: Army (National Guard) (124 negs)
Each batch was found housed in a small photographic dry plate box with a brief annotation (as transcribed above) on the exterior, or wrapped with a craft paper strip with an annotation. No other identification was present with negatives. Batches contained film negatives that seemed to be in no particular order, and related images were found in different batches. Therefore they were re-ordered roughly around the chronological history of the strike into groups, as well as could be determined by library staff, and the current arrangement is approximate and identification is tentative. The original batch numbers are written on the top edge of the back of the photographic prints ("Batch 1", for example) so that, if errors in arrangement were made, researchers can tell which images were originally stored in proximity to each other and thereby make more informed identifications of subject.


Produce Market, Food Convoy, No. 1-25


Produce market, food overturned. July 12, 1934. Ruth Brenner, Jacqueline Gordon (l. to. r.) BANC PIC 1959.003:01--PIC


Produce trucks and police BANC PIC 1959.003:02--PIC


Produce trucks guarded by police BANC PIC 1959.003:03--PIC


Produce market and police BANC PIC 1959.003:04--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:05--PIC


Produce Market -- Police guards BANC PIC 1959.003:06--PIC


Produce Market - Police guards 7-12-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:07--PIC


Produce Market


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:08--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:09--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:10--PIC


Produce Market - food handlers BANC PIC 1959.003:11--PIC


Produce - potatoes on trucks BANC PIC 1959.003:12--PIC


Produce market BANC PIC 1959.003:13--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:14--PIC


Produce transported by private car BANC PIC 1959.003:15--PIC


Dairy goods (eggs) delivery BANC PIC 1959.003:16--PIC


Produce Market


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:17--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:18--PIC


Produce Market BANC PIC 1959.003:19--PIC


Food convoy BANC PIC 1959.003:20--PIC


Food conveyed by police BANC PIC 1959.003:21--PIC


Produce market and police BANC PIC 1959.003:22--PIC


Food covoy BANC PIC 1959.003:23--PIC


Produce dumped in street BANC PIC 1959.003:24--PIC


Meat truck capsized, 7-13-1934, driver and police BANC PIC 1959.003:25--PIC


Food Lines, Food Raids, No. 26-36


Food raids, 7-13-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:26--PIC


Strikers - food line BANC PIC 1959.003:27--PIC


Monte Di Bene, butcher (strike food) 7-19-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:28--PIC


Jean Ach, Mary Miller (strike food) 7-19-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:29--PIC


Grocery store check out counter BANC PIC 1959.003:30--PIC


Grocery store - check out counter BANC PIC 1959.003:31--PIC


Grocery store shopper BANC PIC 1959.003:32--PIC


Grocery store 7-13-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:33--PIC


Man with grocery bags in crowd BANC PIC 1959.003:34--PIC


Longshoremen eating in dining hall BANC PIC 1959.003:35--PIC


[Longshoremen in line at dining hall] BANC PIC 1959.003:36--PIC


Longshoremen and Pickets, No. 37-53


Longshoremen waiting strike deadline May 8, 1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:37--PIC




Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:38--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:39--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:40--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:41--PIC


Pickets - Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:42--PIC




Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:43--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:44--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:45--PIC


Picket parade, Embarcadero, Friday May 10, 1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:46--PIC


Picket parade 5-10-1934? BANC PIC 1959.003:47--PIC


Mass Meeting BANC PIC 1959.003:48--PIC


Pickets BANC PIC 1959.003:49--PIC


Picket [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:50--PIC


Picket boat [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:51--PIC


Picket boats [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:52--PIC


Picket boats [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:53--PIC


Embarcadero Scenes, No. 54-68


Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:54--PIC


San Francisco Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:55--PIC


Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:56--PIC


S. S. Manukai, loading BANC PIC 1959.003:57--PIC


S. S. Manukai


S. S. Manukai BANC PIC 1959.003:58--PIC


S. S. Manukai BANC PIC 1959.003:59--PIC


S. S. Manukai BANC PIC 1959.003:60--PIC


S. S. Manukai BANC PIC 1959.003:61--PIC


Ship's steward handling passenger luggage BANC PIC 1959.003:62--PIC


Workers leave Pier 46, 5-9-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:63--PIC


Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:64--PIC


Ships at Piers - others waiting to be docked BANC PIC 1959.003:65--PIC


Ship's crew docking passenger liner BANC PIC 1959.003:66--PIC


[Group congregating on street in front of railyard] BANC PIC 1959.003:67--PIC


Embarcadero, 6-21-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:68--PIC


Police Scenes, Arrests, No. 69-102




Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:69--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:70--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:71--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:72--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:73--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:74--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:75--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:76--PIC


Arrest BANC PIC 1959.003:77--PIC


Police escorting strikers BANC PIC 1959.003:78--PIC


Police and tear gas guns BANC PIC 1959.003:79--PIC


San Francisco Police BANC PIC 1959.003:80--PIC


Police herding strikers BANC PIC 1959.003:81--PIC


Police driving strikers along railroad tracks - Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:82--PIC


Police surround strikers - Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:83--PIC


Police and strikers BANC PIC 1959.003:84--PIC


Police driving strikers along railroad tracks BANC PIC 1959.003:85--PIC


Mounted police herding strikers BANC PIC 1959.003:86--PIC


San Francisco Police and Army officer BANC PIC 1959.003:87--PIC


Mounted Police BANC PIC 1959.003:88--PIC


Police firing at crowd, Portrero Hill [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:89--PIC


Mounted police, Portrero district [?] BANC PIC 1959.003:90--PIC


Edw. Hodges (wounded abdomen and hand) 7-5-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:91--PIC


Police driving pickets along Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:92--PIC


San Francisco Police


San Francisco Police BANC PIC 1959.003:93--PIC


San Francisco Police BANC PIC 1959.003:94--PIC


Auto overturned BANC PIC 1959.003:95--PIC


Embarcadero - trucks and police escort BANC PIC 1959.003:96--PIC


Military - machine guns - police BANC PIC 1959.003:97--PIC


Military - machine guns - police BANC PIC 1959.003:097--NEG

Physical Description:
Extent: 1 negative

Embarcadero - crowds and police line BANC PIC 1959.003:98--PIC


Strikers surging Market Street BANC PIC 1959.003:99--PIC


Confrontation between strikers and police BANC PIC 1959.003:100--PIC


Strikers column escorted by police BANC PIC 1959.003:101--PIC


Police and strikers BANC PIC 1959.003:102--PIC


Warehouse District No. 103-107


Warehouse District, No. 103-107


Warehouse District, No. 103-107 BANC PIC 1959.003:103--PIC


Warehouse District, No. 103-107 BANC PIC 1959.003:104--PIC


Warehouse District, No. 103-107 BANC PIC 1959.003:105--PIC


Warehouse District, No. 103-107 BANC PIC 1959.003:106--PIC


Warehouse District - truck driver BANC PIC 1959.003:107--PIC


Hospital Scenes, No. 108-111


Hospital scene


Hospital scene BANC PIC 1959.003:108--PIC


Hospital scene BANC PIC 1959.003:109--PIC


Hospital scene BANC PIC 1959.003:110--PIC


Hospital scene BANC PIC 1959.003:111--PIC


Funerals, No. 112-118


Funeral of slain men BANC PIC 1959.003:112--PIC


Funeral BANC PIC 1959.003:113--PIC


Funeral of slain men


Funeral of slain men BANC PIC 1959.003:114--PIC


Funeral of slain men BANC PIC 1959.003:115--PIC


Funeral of slain men BANC PIC 1959.003:116--PIC


Funeral of slain men BANC PIC 1959.003:117--PIC


Funeral - graveside BANC PIC 1959.003:118--PIC


Miscellaneous, No. 119-153


[Men walking on street] BANC PIC 1959.003:119--PIC


[View from third floor showing crowd of people on street] BANC PIC 1959.003:120--PIC


Longshoremen burning company union books after winning short strike against Matson, September 1933 [Same event pictured in :122. Identification supplied by researcher.] BANC PIC 1959.003:121--PIC


Longshoremen burning pink books (or blue books?) after winning short strike against Matson, September 1933. BANC PIC 1959.003:122--PIC


[Man speaking to crowd] BANC PIC 1959.003:123--PIC


[Crowd gathering around taxis in front of building] BANC PIC 1959.003:124--PIC


[People walking past on sidewalk] BANC PIC 1959.003:125--PIC


[Crowd crossing street] BANC PIC 1959.003:126--PIC


Civic Center [?] - crowds BANC PIC 1959.003:127--PIC


Rincon Hill, 7-3-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:128--PIC


Crowds - mostly female BANC PIC 1959.003:129--PIC


[Longshoremen burning company union books] BANC PIC 1959.003:130--PIC


[View from 2nd floor window showing crowd of people in street] BANC PIC 1959.003:131--PIC


Crowd at P. G. and E. BANC PIC 1959.003:132--PIC


[Large crowd of men in street] BANC PIC 1959.003:133--PIC


[Large group lined up on street] BANC PIC 1959.003:134--PIC


11 Mission Street BANC PIC 1959.003:135--PIC


10 The Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:136--PIC


Third Street near Minna BANC PIC 1959.003:137--PIC


Strikers surround produce trucks, Third Street near Minna BANC PIC 1959.003:138--PIC


Mission Street near 14th BANC PIC 1959.003:139--PIC


Howard Street and 2nd BANC PIC 1959.003:140--PIC


148 Steuart Street near Mission BANC PIC 1959.003:141--PIC


Market Street and The Embarcadero BANC PIC 1959.003:142--PIC


"Strike Called Off" - newspaper vendor and crowd at Emporium BANC PIC 1959.003:143--PIC


San Francisco - Market Street 1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:144--PIC


San Francisco - Market Street - 1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:145--PIC


[Woman in front of gas station] BANC PIC 1959.003:146--PIC


Line up of autos at gas station BANC PIC 1959.003:147--PIC


Waterfront Strike, San Francisco Press photographers BANC PIC 1959.003:148--PIC


Waterfront Strike, San Francisco, 1934 Press photographers BANC PIC 1959.003:149--PIC


Railroad yards deserted BANC PIC 1959.003:150--PIC


Locomotive - State Belt Line


Locomotive - State Belt Line BANC PIC 1959.003:151--PIC


Locomotive - State Belt Line BANC PIC 1959.003:152--PIC


[Men in cab of Locomotive] BANC PIC 1959.003:153--PIC


Portraits, courtroom scenes, No. 154-247


[Crowd at courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:154--PIC


[Man reading from paper] BANC PIC 1959.003:155--PIC


Group in court lobby BANC PIC 1959.003:156--PIC


[Group of men examining bottle] BANC PIC 1959.003:157--PIC


[Audience in courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:158--PIC


[Audience in courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:159--PIC


[Man gesturing while speaking] BANC PIC 1959.003:160--PIC


[Men outside judges chambers] BANC PIC 1959.003:161--PIC


[Crowd outside courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:162--PIC


[Crowd outside courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:163--PIC


[Two men presumably in courtroom] BANC PIC 1959.003:164--PIC


[Man pointing at sheet of paper] BANC PIC 1959.003:165--PIC


[Crowd raising hands, likely taking oath] BANC PIC 1959.003:166--PIC


[Man opening door] BANC PIC 1959.003:167--PIC


[Two men looking at paper] BANC PIC 1959.003:168--PIC


[Group of men seated along wall] BANC PIC 1959.003:169--PIC


Lobby of court BANC PIC 1959.003:170--PIC


Lobby Federal Court BANC PIC 1959.003:171--PIC


[Man pocketing paper] BANC PIC 1959.003:172--PIC


[Man speaking from paper] BANC PIC 1959.003:173--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:174--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:175--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:176--PIC


Entering Court BANC PIC 1959.003:177--PIC


Thomas G. Plant


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:178--PIC


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:179--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:180--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:181--PIC


[Unidentified man, formerly identified as Harry Bridges] BANC PIC 1959.003:182--PIC


[Unidentified man, formerly identified as Harry Bridges] BANC PIC 1959.003:183--PIC


Thomas G. Plant


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:184--PIC


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:185--PIC


Unidentified man and Thomas G. Plant

Scope and Content Note

Man at left formerly mis-identified as Harry Bridges.

Unidentified man and Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:186--PIC

Physical Description:
Marks and Inscriptions: Later annotation "H. Bridges" appears to be incorrect.

Unidentified man and Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:187--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:188--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:189--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:190--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna and Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:191--PIC


Mrs. Alta Weinstock, and Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:192--PIC


McGrady and Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:193--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna, et al. BANC PIC 1959.003:194--PIC


Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:195--PIC


Andrew Furseth BANC PIC 1959.003:196--PIC


Andrew Furseth, et al. BANC PIC 1959.003:197--PIC


Edward F. Grady, Dean H. Grady, and J. L. Leonard BANC PIC 1959.003:198--PIC


J. L. Leonard, and Edward F. Grady BANC PIC 1959.003:199--PIC


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:200--PIC


Teamster Officials, 7-9-1934. John Stewart, Michael Casey, John McLaughlin, Joe Dwing BANC PIC 1959.003:201--PIC


Harry Bridges


Harry Bridges BANC PIC 1959.003:202--PIC


H. Bridges BANC PIC 1959.003:203--PIC


Harry Bridges BANC PIC 1959.003:204--PIC


Thomas G. Plant, and Archbishop Edward J. Hanna BANC PIC 1959.003:205--PIC


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:206--PIC


Joseph P. Ryan, and Andrew Furseth, 6-29-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:207--PIC


[left] E. B. O'Grady, and [right] Harry Bridges, 7-9-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:208--PIC


[Group of men] BANC PIC 1959.003:209--PIC


Harry Bridges and reporters, 7-12-1934 BANC PIC 1959.003:210--PIC


Harry Bridges BANC PIC 1959.003:211--PIC


Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:212--PIC


[Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi ?] BANC PIC 1959.003:213--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:214--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi BANC PIC 1959.003:215--PIC


Signers and Guarantors of June 16th agreement. Seated [1] Ryan [2] Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi [3] Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:216--PIC


Signers of June 16th agreement. Seated: [1] Ryan ? [2] Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi, [3] Thomas G. Plant BANC PIC 1959.003:217--PIC


Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi, Thomas G. Plant, and Ryan BANC PIC 1959.003:218--PIC


Cushing, Reverend Hanff, and McGrady. Presidents ILA Strike Board BANC PIC 1959.003:219--PIC


[Men in front of judges stand] BANC PIC 1959.003:220--PIC


[Men talking on phone] BANC PIC 1959.003:221--PIC


[Two men in discussion] BANC PIC 1959.003:222--PIC


[Three men in discussion] BANC PIC 1959.003:223--PIC


[Crowd of men] BANC PIC 1959.003:224--PIC


[Crowd of men in hallway] BANC PIC 1959.003:225--PIC


[View of people down stairs] BANC PIC 1959.003:226--PIC


[Two men walking up stairs] BANC PIC 1959.003:227--PIC


[Two men embracing on street] BANC PIC 1959.003:228--PIC


[Man gesticulating] BANC PIC 1959.003:229--PIC


[Man on phone] BANC PIC 1959.003:230--PIC


[Man on phone] BANC PIC 1959.003:231--PIC


[Man looking over map] BANC PIC 1959.003:232--PIC


[Grave-looking man] BANC PIC 1959.003:233--PIC


[Man looking over map] BANC PIC 1959.003:234--PIC


[Group of men, some laughing] BANC PIC 1959.003:235--PIC


[Man at desk] BANC PIC 1959.003:236--PIC


[Men laughing] BANC PIC 1959.003:237--PIC


[Four men at desk] BANC PIC 1959.003:238--PIC


[Four men at desk] BANC PIC 1959.003:239--PIC


[Crowd of men] BANC PIC 1959.003:240--PIC


[Crowd of men smiling] BANC PIC 1959.003:241--PIC


[Crowd of men in discussion] BANC PIC 1959.003:242--PIC


[Group of men around table] BANC PIC 1959.003:243--PIC


[Group of men posing for photo] BANC PIC 1959.003:244--PIC


[Group writing at table] BANC PIC 1959.003:245--PIC


[Group around table] BANC PIC 1959.003:246--PIC


[Group in discussion] BANC PIC 1959.003:247--PIC


General views, No. 248-249


[Cityscape of waterfront with ships held up by the strike] BANC PIC 1959.003:248--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 65.

[Abandoned railroad yards] BANC PIC 1959.003:249--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 150.

Loading and unloading cargo, No. 250-254


[Longshoremen loading/unloading ships] BANC PIC 1959.003:250-254--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photographs 58-61.

Goods: rationing and deliveries, No. 255-259


[Gasoline rationing] BANC PIC 1959.003:255--PIC


[Shipments still moving, some with police escorts] BANC PIC 1959.003:256-258--PIC


[Freight train under steam in railroad yard along waterfront.] BANC PIC 1959.003:259--PIC


Police rounding up longshoremen pickets, No. 260-287


[Crowd of men (longshoremen?) along side of street] BANC PIC 1959.003:260--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Group possibly coming out of meeting (context unknown.)

[Police herding strikers across railroad tracks along the Embarcadero] BANC PIC 1959.003:261--PIC


[Police herding strikers down Embarcadero.] BANC PIC 1959.003:262-287--PIC

Scope and Content Note

277 includes an apparent National Guard member and may be from a subsequent day. 273 is similar to photograph 78.

[Railroad engine on the Embarcadero in front of Pier 18] BANC PIC 1959.003:271--PIC


Vandalism, No. 288-292


[Meat dumped in street] BANC PIC 1959.003:288-289--PIC


[A large amount of flour spilled off a truck] BANC PIC 1959.003:290--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 24.

["SCAB" written on railroad boxcars] BANC PIC 1959.003:291--PIC


[Damaged truck] BANC PIC 1959.003:292--PIC


Police Confrontations, No. 293-308


[Police/striker confrontation and violence] BANC PIC 1959.003:293-303--PIC


[Riots at Rincon Hill] BANC PIC 1959.003:304-307--PIC


[Bystander Edward Hodges hit in hand and abdomen] BANC PIC 1959.003:307--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 91.

[Man being treated for injuries in a hospital] BANC PIC 1959.003:308--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 110.

Sidewalk memorial, No. 309-315


[Sidewalk memorial in chalk for two people killed in confrontation.] BANC PIC 1959.003:309-315--PIC


Longshoremen in Court, No. 316-321


[Hearings or booking procedures for the arrested longshoremen, with Harry Bridges] BANC PIC 1959.003:316-326--PIC


Protests and Pickets, No. 322-326


[Longshoremen protests and pickets] BANC PIC 1959.003:322-326--PIC


Miscellaneous police scenes, No. 327-358


[Miscellaneous views of police activity surrounding Embarcadero district.] BANC PIC 1959.003:327-358--PIC


National Guard, No. 359-488


[Police Chief Quinn talking with captain of the National Guard sent in] BANC PIC 1959.003:359-361--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 87.

[National Guard arriving and setting up camp in the Embarcadero] BANC PIC 1959.003:364-444--PIC


[National Guard in railroad yard at the Embarcadero] BANC PIC 1959.003:441--PIC


[Miscellaneous views of troops and officers in discussion] BANC PIC 1959.003:445-454--PIC


[Miscellaneous views of troops standing guard in Embarcadero] BANC PIC 1959.003:455-488--PIC


Memorial ceremonies and funerals, No. 489-495


[Victim's brother standing besides casket at memorial ceremony] BANC PIC 1959.003:489-490--PIC


[Funeral with partially constructed Golden Gate Bridge in background] BANC PIC 1959.003:491--PIC


[Mourners] BANC PIC 1959.003:492-493--PIC


[Lowering of a casket by officers] BANC PIC 1959.003:494--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Similar to photograph 118.

[Military honor guard] BANC PIC 1959.003:495--PIC


General Strike, No. 496


[Women in the cleaning and dying industry participating in the General Strike] BANC PIC 1959.003:496--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Other images may relate to General Strike but were not clearly identifiable as such.

Communists, No. 497-520


[Destruction and vandalism of communist headquarters around San Francisco] BANC PIC 1959.003:497-503--PIC


[Police round up of suspected communists] BANC PIC 1959.003:504-517--PIC


[Trials or hearings of suspected communists] BANC PIC 1959.003:518-520--PIC


Scenes of city: transit strike effects, No. 521-539


[Downtown streets and Market Street with crowds of business people on foot] BANC PIC 1959.003:521-527--PIC


[Woman measuring level in automobile gas tank] BANC PIC 1959.003:528--PIC

Scope and Content Note

Context unknown.

[Travellers with baggage, perhaps near the train station or Ferry Building] BANC PIC 1959.003:529-532--PIC


[Streetcars running again] BANC PIC 1959.003:533-539--PIC


Photographers, No. 540-544


[Newspaper photographers clowning around and posing with cameras, helmets, and gas masks] BANC PIC 1959.003:540-544--PIC


[Photographers wearing gas masks] BANC PIC 1959.003:542--PIC