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box 195

Santa Monica Mountains S-13.

box 195

Taxes -- General T-1.

box 195

Taxes -- State T-1a.

box 195

Taxes -- Income T-1b.

box 196

Taxes -- Property T-1c.

box 196

Taxes -- Federal T-1d.

box 196

Taxes -- Sales T-1e.

box 196

Toxic Materials -- General T-1.

box 196

Toxic Materials -- Transportation of Toxics T-2a.

box 196

Toxic Materials -- Casmalia T-2c.

box 197

Television T-3.

box 197

Transportation -- General T-5.

box 197

Transportation -- Santa Barbara T-5a.

box 197

Transportation -- Ventura T-5b.

box 197

Transportation -- Los Angeles T-5c.

box 197

Transportation -- Trains T-5d.

box 197

Transportation -- Highway 126 T-5e.

box 197

Topanga T-6.

box 197

Unemployment U-1.

box 197

VAFB (Vandenberg Air Force Base) V-1.

box 197

Veterans V-2.

box 197

Voting Records V-3.

box 197

Ventura -- General V-4.

box 198

Ventura -- General V-4.

box 198

Ventura -- Sespe Creek V-4a.

box 198

Water -- General W-1.

box 198

Water -- Santa Barbara County W-1a.

box 199

Water -- Santa Barbara County W-1a.

box 199

Water -- Ventura County W-1b.

box 200

Water -- Los Angeles County W-1c.

box 200

Water -- Quality Control W-1d.

box 200

Workers' Compensation W-3.

box 200

Women -- General W-4.

box 200

Women -- Comparable Worth W-4b.

box 200

Woodland Hills W-5.

box 200

Waste -- General W-6.

box 200

Waste -- Recycling W-6a.

box 200

Waste -- Landfill W-6b.

box 200

Waste -- Sanitary Districts W-6c.


Author Files 1991-1992:

box 201

Insurance SB 6.

box 201

Taxation SB 21.

box 201

Taxation SB 29.

box 201

Health Care SB 36.

box 201

Local Government Finance SB 40.

box 201

Property Tax Transfer SB 43.

box 201

Property Taxation SB 82.

box 201

Secretary of State SB 88.

box 201

Developmental Disabilities SB 92.

box 201

Smoking SB 93.

box 201

Taxation SB 95.

box 201

Income Tax Deduction SB 96.

box 201

Child Support SB 101.

box 201

Higher Education Facilities SB 119.

box 201

Public Post-secondary Education SB 121.

box 201

Mobile Home Parks SB 132.

box 201

Taxation SB 145.

box 201

Child Support SB 163.

box 201

Taxation of School Districts SB 177.

box 201

Education SB 183.

box 201

Driver Training SB 189.

box 201

Driver Training SB 198.

box 201

Records SB 208.

box 201

Civil Procedure SB 218.

box 201

Income Taxes SB 227.

box 201

Privacy SB 232.

box 201

Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers SB 235.

box 201

Health Care SB 248.

box 201

Probation SB 260.

box 201

Firearms SB 263.

box 201

Taxation SB 267.

box 201

Distribution of Property SB 270.

box 201

Health Care SB 308.

box 201

Elephants SB 318.

box 201

Child Support SB 370.

box 201

Hazardous Materials SB 428.

box 201

Air Pollution SB 431.

box 201

Developmental Services SB 446.

box 201

Ojai Basin Groundwater Management Agency SB 534.

box 201

Educational Funding SB 553.

box 201

Initiatives SB 607.

box 201

Statewide Initiatives SB 608.

box 201

Political Reform Act SB 609.

box 202

Pupil Testing SB 662.

box 202

Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency SB 747.

box 202

School Funding SB 789.

box 202

Coastal Resources SB 851.

box 202

Coastal Resources SB 904.

box 202

Coastal Development SB 909.

box 202

Educational Funding SB 929.

box 202

Solid Waste SB 960.

box 202

Education SB 976.

box 202

Instructional Materials SB 1008.

box 202

Personal Services Contract SB 1018.

box 202

Environmental Report and Message SB 1021.

box 202

Vital Statistics SB 1055.

box 202

Fines and Penalties SB 1081.

box 202

Youth Vote Program SB 1089.

box 202

State Government SB 1140.

box 202

Child Support SB 1161.

box 202

California Savings Bond Program SB 1163.

box 202

Committee on Energy and Public Utilities SB 1207.

box 202

Vehicle Laws SB 1327.

box 202

Vehicles: Air Pollution SB 1404.

box 202

Commercial Space Launch Assistance Program SB 1416.

box 202

Santa Barbara County Special Health Care Authority SB 1436.

box 202

Charter Schools SB 1448.

box 203

Air Pollution SB 1547.

box 203

Aquaculture SB 1568.

box 203

Property Taxation SB 1590.

box 203

Family Law SB 1614.

box 203

Acupuncture SB 1647.

box 203

Rail Bond Funds SB 1691.

box 203

Public Retirement Systems SB 1765.

box 203

Occupational Safety and Health SB 1794.

box 203

Air Pollution SB 1843.

box 203

Water Quality SB 1865.

box 203

Aid to Families with Dependent Children SB 1881.

box 203

Solid Waste SB 1919.

box 203

Pupils SB 1930.

box 203

Parentage SB 1959.

box 203

Local Agencies SB 1972.

box 203

Education SB 1981.

box 203

Vehicles SB 1991.

box 203

Local Entities SB 1996.

box 203

Physical Education Exemptions SB 2001.

box 203

Legislative Candidates SB 2032.

box 203

Beverage Containers SB 2042.

box 203

Department of the Youth Authority SB 2045.

box 203

Property Taxation SCA 8.

box 203

Indirect Initiative Process SCA 16.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SCR 1.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SCR 2.

box 203

University of California SCR 8.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SCR 18.

box 203

Appointed Members to Legislation SCR 44.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SCR 87.

box 203

Property Tax Equity and Revenue SR 8.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SR 13.

box 203

Elected and Appointed Officers SR 22.

box 203

Limitation on the Introduction of Bills SR 43.


Third Reading 1991-1992:

box 204

Vehicles AB 7.

box 204

Health Care AB 14.

box 204

Smoking in Public Places AB 16.

box 204

Animals AB 35.

box 204

Fishery Conservation AB 51.

box 204

Apprenticeship AB 64.

box 204

Bonds AB 72.

box 204

State Teachers' Retirement System AB 75.

box 204

Employment AB 77.

box 204

Liability AB 83.

box 204

Public Social Services AB 99.

box 204

Fair Employment and Housing AB 101.

box 204

Animals AB 110.

box 204

Voter Registration AB 116.

box 204

Physician Liability AB 117.

box 204

Motor Vehicles AB 126.

box 204

Health Insurance AB 137.

box 204

Public Facilities AB 154.

box 204

Marriage AB 167.

box 204

Legal Technician AB 168.

box 204

Crimes AB 184.

box 204

Pest Control AB 207.

box 204

Building Permits AB 234.

box 204

Disability Insurance AB 248.

box 204

Unfair Trade Practices AB 275.

box 204

Water Supplies AB 290.

box 204

Weight Fees AB 294.

box 204

Discrimination AB 311.

box 204

Redevelopment AB 315.

box 204

Veterinary Medicine AB 334.

box 204

Fire Protection AB 337.

box 204

Vehicles AB 338.

box 204

Riparian Parkways AB 350.

box 204

Mobile Homes AB 387.

box 204

Taxation AB 399.

box 204

Military and Veterans Affairs AB 403.

box 204

Vehicles AB 408.

box 204

Crimes AB 436.

box 204

Dairy Products AB 439.

box 204

Development Projects AB 455.

box 204

Horses AB 500.

box 204

Fair Employment and Housing AB 531.

box 204

Experimental Research AB 557.

box 204

Perfusion AB 566.

box 204

Healing Arts AB 569.

box 204

Public Employees Retirement System AB 574.

box 204

Health AB 583.

box 204

State Employees AB 599.

box 204

Grand Juries AB 607.

box 204

Firearms AB 618.

box 204

Insurance AB 621.

box 204

Forestry AB 641.

box 204

Insurance AB 676.

box 204

Public Employees AB 702.

box 204

Physicians and Surgeons AB 704.

box 204

Insurance AB 747.

box 204

Health Insurance AB 755.

box 204

Insurance AB 787.

box 204

Powers of Attorney AB 793.

box 204

Blood Gas Analysis AB 798.

box 204

Healing Arts AB 819.

box 204

Neighborhood Pilot Projects AB 831.

box 204

Taxation AB 851.

box 204

Prescription Drugs AB 855.

box 204

Health AB 856.

box 204

Forest Practices AB 860.

box 204

Workers' Compensation AB 933.

box 204

Mobile Home Parks AB 935.

box 204

Education AB 951.

box 204

Driver Training AB 969.

box 204

Workers' Compensation AB 971.

box 204

Dam Safety Inspections AB 984.

box 204

Insurance AB 999.

box 204

Agriculture AB 1000.

box 204

Health Care Facilities AB 1097.

box 204

Governing Boards AB 1105.

box 204

Child Day Care AB 1110.

box 204

Public Social Services AB 1143.

box 204

Parks AB 1152.

box 204

Controlled Substances AB 1188.

box 204

Vehicles AB 1223.

box 204

Medi-Cal AB 1224.

box 204

Pharmacies AB 1244.

box 204

Temporary Food Facilities AB 1264.

box 204

Discrimination AB 1286.

box 204

State Retirement Systems AB 1330.

box 204

Local Government AB 1344.

box 204

Nursing AB 1350.

box 204

Engineers AB 1354.

box 204

Insurance AB 1375.

box 204

Finance AB 1387.

box 204

Vehicles AB 1390.

box 204

Public Officials AB 1402.

box 204

Fire Safety AB 1418.

box 204

Public Utilities AB 1432.

box 204

Animals AB 1443.

box 204

Community Care Facilities AB 1461.

box 204

County Service Areas AB 1505.

box 204

Durable Powers of Attorney AB 1508.

box 204

Hazardous Materials AB 1519.

box 204

Employment AB 1544.

box 204

Workers' Compensation AB 1558.

box 204

California Academy of Sciences AB 1579.

box 204

Animals AB 1660.

box 204

Health Insurance AB 1672.

box 204

Developmental Services AB 1781.

box 204

Engineers AB 1801.

box 204

Mobile Home Parks AB 1803.

box 204

Tuna AB 1835.

box 204

Health Care AB 1849.

box 204

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) AB 1851.

box 204

Animals AB 1900.

box 204

Insurance AB 1985.

box 204

Health Coverage AB 2001.

box 204

Insurance AB 2049.

box 204

Public Safety Officers AB 2067.

box 204

Property Taxation AB 2068.

box 204

Water Transfers AB 2090.

box 204

Credit Insurance AB 2107.

box 204

Fines and Fees AB 2142.

box 204

Healing Arts AB 2180.

box 204

State Teachers' Retirement System AB 2224.

box 204

Fish AB 2261.

box 204

AIDS AB 2266.

box 204

Education AB 2275.

box 204

Capital Punishment AB 2405.

box 204

Recycling AB 2446.

box 204

Equipment Dealers AB 2478.

box 204

AIDS AB 2525.

box 204

Workers' Compensation AB 2570.

box 204

Cosmetics AB 2576.

box 204

Employment AB 2601.

box 204

Dangerous Drugs and Devices AB 2638.

box 204

Radon Certification AB 2673.

box 204

Public Social Services AB 2735.

box 204

Transportation AB 2759.

box 204

Telephones AB 2812.

box 204

Nursing AB 2849.

box 204

Insurance AB 2875.

box 204

Historical Resources AB 2881.

box 204

Public Assistance Benefits AB 2902.

box 204

Insurance AB 2909.

box 204

Political Reform Act AB 2951.

box 204

Privilege AB 3035.

box 204

Taxation AB 3040.

box 204

Fire Protection AB 3046.

box 204

Insurance and Taxation AB 3059.

box 204

Animals AB 3088.

box 204

Sea Urchins AB 3193.

box 204

Water AB 3207.

box 204

Post-secondary Education AB 3319.

box 204

Family Day Care AB 3458.

box 204

Public Agencies AB 3470.

box 204

Remedies AB 3508.

box 204

Family Counselors AB 3535.

box 204

Post-secondary Education AB 3593.

box 204

Hazardous Waste AB 3631.

box 204

Health Insurance AB 3657.

box 204

Employment AB 3672.

box 204

Evidence AB 3691.

box 204

Courts AB 3692.

box 204

Civil Rights AB 3825.

box 204

Cooperative Corporations AB 3830.

box 204

Taxation AB 3x.

box 204

Taxation AB 23x.

box 204

School Facilities Financing ACA 6.

box 204

Families ACA 28.

box 204

Taxation ACA 44.

box 204

Undocumented Persons AJR 5.

box 204

Reproductive Rights AJR 10.

box 204

Mifepristone AJR 40.

box 205

Civil Procedure SB 341.

box 205

Air Pollution SB 352.

box 205

Mobile Home Parks SB 360.

box 205

Tobacco Products SB 376.

box 205

Insurance SB 389.

box 205

Courts SB 396.

box 205

Military Recruiting SB 400.

box 205

Acupuncture SB 417.

box 205

Hazardous Materials SB 428.

box 205

Health SB 464.

box 205

Mobile Homes SB 501.

box 205

Mobile Homes SB 530.

box 205

Alcohol and Drug Programs SB 556.

box 205

Health Facilities SB 579.

box 205

Civil Liability SB 590.

box 205

Housing Program SB 593.

box 205

Real Estate SB 606.

box 205

Commercial Fishing SB 615.

box 205

Healthy Start Grant Application Materials SB 620.

box 205

Public Social Services SB 635.

box 205

Clinical Laboratory Technology SB 645.

box 205

Unemployment Insurance SB 654.

box 205

Clinical Laboratory Insurance SB 664.

box 205

Coastal Resources SB 710.

box 205

Confidentiality SB 711.

box 205

Nutritional Food Supplements SB 714.

box 205

Family Law SB 716.

box 205

Adoptions SB 717.

box 205

Cruelty to Animals SB 719.

box 205

Tenancies SB 788.

box 205

Vehicles SB 824.

box 205

Horse Racing SB 826.

box 205

Employment SB 834.

box 205

Insurance SB 845.

box 205

Health SB 858.

box 205

Public Utilities SB 859.

box 205

Accounting SB 869.

box 205

Health SB 877.

box 205

Coastal Resources SB 881.

box 205

Pesticides SB 926.

box 205

Planning SB 929.

box 205

Dentistry SB 934.

box 205

No Fault Insurance SB 941.

box 205

Horse Racing SB 945.

box 205

Water SB 959.

box 205

Post-secondary Athletic Association SB 974.

box 205

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) SB 982.

box 205

Peace Officers SB 998.

box 205

Healing Arts SB 1004.

box 205

Alligators SB 1013.

box 205

Public Utilities SB 1041.

box 205

Public Utilities SB 1042.

box 205

Developmental Services SB 1043.

box 205

Emergency Medical Services SB 1053.

box 205

Health Coverage SB 1060.

box 205

Coastal Resources SB 1062.

box 205

Child Support SB 1068.

box 205

Health Insurance SB 1076.

box 205

Disabled Persons SB 1078.

box 205

Firearms SB 1084.

box 205

Protection and Advocacy SB 1088.

box 205

Public Employees' Retirement System SB 1091.

box 205

Tobacco Distribution SB 1100.

box 205

Victim-Witness Assistance Fund SB 1118.

box 205

Civil Damages SB 1147.

box 205

Adoptions SB 1148.

box 205

Taxation SB 1164.

box 205

Tourism SB 1184.

box 205

Midwifery SB 1190.

box 205

Department of Transportation SB 1219.

box 205

Conservation SB 1224.

box 205

Civil Rights SB 1257.

box 205

Recreational Trails SB 1282.

box 205

Habitual Sexual Offenders SB 1295.

box 205

Criminal Procedure SB 1299.

box 205

Taxation SB 1312.

box 205

Mobile Home Parks SB 1314.

box 205

Hunting SB 1332.

box 205

Medi-Cal SB 1359.

box 205

Employment SB 1362.

box 205

Pilotage SB 1382.

box 205

Developmental Disabilities SB 1383.

box 205

Family Counselors SB 1394.

box 205

State Officials SB 1411.

box 205

Aging SB 1458.

box 205

Human Services SB 1467.

box 205

Subdivisions SB 1501.

box 205

Open Meetings SB 1538.

box 205

Welfare Rates SB 1556.

box 205

Hazardous Waste SB 1559.

box 205

Utilities SB 1601.

box 205

Workers' Compensation SB 1624.

box 205

Workers' Compensation SB 1625.

box 205

Residential Care for Children SB 1636.

box 205

Minors SB 1646.

box 205

Property Taxation SB 1652.

box 205

Mobile Home Parks SB 1715.

box 205

Mobile Homes SB 1716.

box 205

Unemployment Insurance SB 1717.

box 205

Limited Partnerships SB 1753.

box 205

Adult Education SB 1764.

box 205

Health SB 1797.

box 205

Taxation SB 1800.

box 205

Vehicles SB 1858.

box 205

Pollution SB 1865.

box 205

Sacramento-San Juaquin Delta SB 1866.

box 205

Privacy SB 1879.

box 205

Telecommunications SB 1894.

box 205

Fish and Game SB 1953.

box 205

Insurance SB 2030.

box 205

Taxation SB 1x.

box 205

Taxation SB 5x.

box 205

Courts SCA 2.

box 205

Political Campaigns SCA 4.

box 205

Public Finance SCA 11.

box 205

Courts SCA 14.

box 205

State Lottery SCA 43.

box 205

Compensation of Congressmen SJR 1.

box 205

Family Planning SJR 27.

box 205

Property Taxation SJR 36.


General Files 1991-1992:

box 206

Press Releases, 1988-1992

box 207

Annual Reports

box 207

Bicentennial Commission

box 207

Child Care Tax Credit (include. SB 772)

box 207

Health Initiative

box 207

Leader Luncheons

box 207

Los Angeles

box 207

Safety Code

box 207


box 208

Teacher Competency/Teacher Proficiency (include AB 757, 1981)


Subject Files 1993-1994:

box 209

Abortion A-1.

box 209

Affirmative Action A-2.

box 209

Agriculture -- General A-3.

box 209

Agriculture -- Nineteenth District Agriculture Association A-3a.

box 209

Air Quality, Air Pollution Control District & Air Resources Board A-4.

box 209

Alcohol A-5.

box 209

Aliens/Illegal Aliens A-6.

box 209

Animals A-8.

box 209

Appointments A-10.

box 209

Arts A-11.

box 209

Atascadero A-12.

box 209

Banks/Savings and Loans B-1.

box 209

Budget B-2.

box 209

Business B-3.

box 209

Carpinteria C-1.

box 209

Coastline (Erosion, etc.) C-2.

box 209

Coastal Commission/Coastal Conservancy C-3.

box 209

Camarillo C-4.

box 209

Congratulatory Letters to Gary K. Hart C-5.

box 209

Congratulatory Letters from Gary K. Hart C-6.

box 210

Consumer Affairs C-7.

box 210

Constituent Problems C-8.

box 210

Constituent Favors C-9.

box 210

Community Organizations C-10.

box 210

Children and Youth -- General C-12.

box 210

Children and Youth -- Child Care C-12b.

box 210

California Conservation Corps C-13.

box 210

Central America C-16.

box 210

Dentists D-1.

box 210

Discrimination D-3.

box 210

Divorce/Child Custody -- Child Support D-4a.

box 210

Doctors D-5.

box 210

Drugs, Illegal and Prescription D-6.

box 210

Democratic Party D-7.

box 210

Education -- General E-1.

box 211

Education -- School Attendance E-1a.

box 211

Education -- Bilingual Education E-1b.

box 211

Education -- Construction E-1c.

box 211

Education -- Discipline/School Violence E-1d.

box 211

Education -- School Reform E-1e.

box 211

Education -- Early Childhood Education E-1ee.

box 211

Education -- School Finance E-1f.

box 211

Education -- Financial Aid E-1ff.

box 211

Education -- Students E-1g.

box 211

Education -- Dropouts E-1i.

box 211

Education -- Drug Education E-1j.

box 211

Education -- Kindergarten thru 12/Santa Barbara/Ventura E-1k.

box 211

Education -- Mentally Gifted E-1m.

box 211

Education -- Multi-Cultural Education E-1mm.

box 211

Education -- Pupil Proficiency E-1p.

box 211

Education -- Private Schools E-1pp.

box 211

Education -- Principals/Administrators E-1q.

box 211

Education -- Restructuring E-1r.

box 211

Education -- Special Education E-1s.

box 211

Education -- Sex Education E-1ss.

box 211

Education -- Teachers E-1t.

box 211

Education -- Teacher Competency E-1tt.

box 211

Education -- Teacher Tenure E-1ttt.

box 211

Education -- Textbooks E-1u.

box 211

Education -- Vocational Education E-1v.

box 211

Education -- Vouchers E-1vv.

box 211

Education -- State Testing Program E-1y.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Adult Education/Continuing Education E-2.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Student Fees E-2b.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Community Colleges E-2c.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Allan Hancock College E-2c2.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Ventura Community College E-2c3.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- Cuesta Community College E-2c5.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- California Polytechnic Institute, San Luis Obispo E-2p.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- California State System E-2s.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- University of California System E-2u.

box 211

Education, Post-secondary -- UCSB E-2uu.

box 212

Education, Post-secondary -- UCSB E-2uu.

box 212

Education, Post-secondary -- Ventura University Center E-2v.

box 212

Education, Post-secondary -- Ventura Campus Site, Taylor Ranch E-2vv.

box 212

Education, Post-secondary -- Westmont College E-2w.

box 212

Energy -- General E-3.

box 212

Energy -- Solar E-3c.

box 212

Energy -- Nuclear E-3e.

box 212

Energy -- Energy Assistance E-3f.

box 212

Environment E-4.

box 212

Energy and Public Utilities (Senate) E-5.

box 212

Earthquakes E-6.

box 212

Employment E-7.

box 212

Economy E-8.

box 212

Emergency/Disaster Services E-9.

box 212

Elections -- General E-10.

box 212

Elections -- Political Reform E-10a.

box 212

Elections -- GKH Campaign File E-10b.

box 212

Elections -- 1993 E-10c.

box 212

Elections -- 1994 E-10d.

box 212

Family/Parenting -- General F-2.

box 212

Family/Parenting -- Foster Parents F-2a.

box 212

Farm Labor F-3.

box 212

Federal Government -- General F-4.

box 213

Federal Government -- General F-4.

box 213

Federal Government -- Military F-4a.

box 213

Fires/Firemen F-5.

box 213

Fish and Game F-6.

box 213

Food F-7.

box 213

Feinstein, Diane F-9.

box 213

Goleta G-2.

box 213

Government G-3.

box 213

Grand Jury G-4.

box 213

Guadalupe G-5.

box 213

Gun Control G-6.

box 213

Gangs G-9.

box 213

Grover City G-10.

box 213

Handicapped -- General H-1.

box 213

Handicapped -- Developmentally Disabled H-1a.

box 213

Handicapped -- Physically Disabled H-1c.

box 213

Hart, Gary -- Personal H-2.

box 213

Health -- General H-3.

box 213

Health -- AIDS H-3b.

box 213

Homosexuality H-5.

box 213

Hospitals H-6.

box 213

Housing (not mobile homes) H-7.

box 213

Homeless H-8.

box 213

Indians I-1.

box 214

Initiatives and Ballot Measures -- General I-3.

box 214

Initiatives and Ballot Measures -- Past I-3a.

box 214

Initiatives and Ballot Measures -- Current I-3b.

box 214

Insurance -- General I-4.

box 214

Insurance -- Auto I-4a.

box 214

Insurance -- Health I-4b.

box 214

Invitations I-5.

box 214

Interns I-8.

box 214

Issues/Update I-9.

box 214

Law -- General L-1.

box 214

Law -- Attorneys L-1a.

box 214

Law -- Crime L-1c.

box 214

Law -- Juvenile Crime L-1cc.

box 214

Law -- Death Penalty L-1d.

box 214

Law -- Highway Patrol L-1h.

box 214

Law -- Judiciary/Courts L-1j.

box 214

Law -- Law Enforcement L-1l.

box 214

Law -- Prisons/Jails L-1p.

box 215

Legislature -- General L-2.

box 215

Legislature -- Attendance L-2a.

box 215

Legislature -- Expenditures L-2e.

box 215

Legislature -- Miscellaneous L-2l.

box 215

Legislature -- Procedures (Senate) L-2p.

box 215

Legislature -- Rules (Senate) L-2r.

box 215

Legislature -- Legislative Summaries L-2s.

box 215

Labor -- General L-3.

box 215

Labor -- Unions L-3a.

box 215

Landlord/Tenant L-5.

box 215

Land Use L-6.

box 215

Lobbyists/Lobbying L-7.

box 215

Local Government L-8.

box 215

Lompoc L-9.

box 215

Lottery L-12.

box 215

Latinos L-13.

box 215

Malibu M-1.

box 215

Mental Health M-3.

box 215

Miscellaneous M-6.

box 215

Mobile Homes M-7.

box 215

Motor Vehicles -- General M-9.

box 215

Motor Vehicles -- DMV M-9a.

box 215

Motor Vehicles -- Vehicle Insurance M-9b.

box 215

Morro Bay M-10.

box 216

Minorities M-12.

box 216

Natural Resources and Wildlife N-2.

box 216

Oil -- General O-1.

box 216

Oil -- Offshore Drilling, Santa Barbara O-1a.

box 216

Oil -- Offshore Drilling, General O-1b.

box 216

Oil -- Tanker Traffic O-1d.

box 216

Oil -- Gasoline O-1g.

box 216

Ojai O-3.

box 216

Parks and Recreation P-3.

box 216

Pornography P-4.

box 216

Public Assistance -- General P-5.

box 216

Public Assistance -- AFDC P-5a.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Disability Insurance P-5b.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Denti-Cal P-5d.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Food Stamps P-5f.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Medi-Cal/Medicare P-5m.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Social Security P-5s.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Welfare P-5w.

box 216

Public Assistance -- Workfare P-5ww.

box 216

Public Employees P-6.

box 217

Public Utilities Commission P-7.

box 217

Paso Robles P-9.

box 217

Port Hueneme P-10.

box 217

Press -- General P-12.

box 217

Press -- Santa Barbara News Press P-12a.

box 217

Press -- Other Santa Barbara County Newspapers P-12aa.

box 217

Press -- Ventura Star Free Press P-12c.

box 217

Press -- Los Angeles Times P-12f.

box 217

Press -- San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune P-12g.

box 217

Photos P-13.

box 217

Questionnaires Q-2.

box 217

Quotes, Articles, Interviews about Gary Hart Q-3.

box 217

Rape R-1.

box 217

Real Estate R-2.

box 217

Reapportionment R-3.

box 217

Requests for Information R-7.

box 217

Resolutions R-8.

box 217

Retirement (Including Personal) R-9.

box 217

Retirement -- State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) R-9a.

box 217

Religion R-11.

box 217

Referrals R-14.

box 218

Referrals R-14.

box 218

San Luis Obispo [Sanitary Districts?] S-1.

box 218

San Luis Obispo County S-1a.

box 218

Santa Barbara, City of S-2.

box 218

Santa Barbara, County of S-3.

box 218

Santa Maria S-4.

box 218

Stoker, Mike S-6.

box 218

Senior Citizens -- General S-7.

box 218

Senior Citizens -- Nursing Homes S-7a.

box 218

Smoking S-8.

box 218

Speeches S-9.

box 218

Staffel, Tim S-10.

box 218

State Lands Commission S-11.

box 218

Santa Monica Mountains S-13.

box 218

Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) S-15.

box 218

Swartz, Naomi S-16.

box 218

Taxes -- General T-1.

box 218

Taxes -- State T-1a.

box 218

Taxes -- Income T-1b.

box 218

Taxes -- Property T-1c.

box 218

Taxes -- Sales Tax T-1e.

box 218

Taxes -- Tax Reform T-1f.

box 218

Toxic Materials -- General T-2.

box 218

Toxic Materials -- Casmalia T-2c.

box 218

Television T-3.

box 219

Transportation -- General T-5.

box 219

Transportation -- Santa Barbara Transportation T-5a.

box 219

Transportation -- Ventura Transportation T-5b.

box 219

Transportation -- Trains T-5d.

box 219

Trash T-7.

box 219

Unemployment U-1.

box 219

Vandenberg Air Force Base V-1.

box 219

Veterans V-2.

box 219

Ventura County of V-4.

box 219

Ventura, City of V-4a.

box 219

Vetoes V-6.

box 219

Water -- General W-1.

box 219

Water -- Santa Barbara County W-1a.

box 219

Water -- Ventura County W-1b.

box 219

Water -- Specific Water Cases, Ventura County W-1bb.

box 219

Water -- Los Angeles County W-1c.

box 219

Watkins, General Jack W-2.

box 219

Workers' Compensation W-3.

box 219

Women Equal Rights Amendment -- General W-4.

box 219

Women's Equal Rights Amendment -- Women's Shelter W-4a.

box 219

Waste -- General W-6.

box 219

Waste -- Recycling W-6a.


Author Files 1993-1994:

box 220

Taxation of School Districts SB 1.

box 220

Firearms SB 7.

box 220

Ammunition SB 8.

box 220

Firearms Sales SB 9.

box 220

Domestic Violence SB 10.

box 220

Judicial Performance SB 37.

box 220

Deputy and Associate Superintendents of Public Instruction SB 39.

box 220

Legislature -- Alternative Members SB 40.

box 220

Higher Education Facilities SB 46.

box 220

School-to-Work Opportunities SB 71.

box 220

Higher Education Facilities SB 119.

box 220

Post-secondary Education SB 262.

box 220

Air Pollution SB 378.

box 220

School Funding SB 399.

box 220

Physical Therapy SB 437.

box 220

Defense Industry Conversion SB 458.

box 220

Child Support SB 541.

box 220

Occupational Safety and Health SB 555.

box 220

Nutrition Program SB 604.

box 220

Food Stamp Program SB 640.

box 220

Vehicles SB 668.

box 221

Education SB 720.

box 221

Family Day Care Home Insurance SB 773.

box 221

Community Colleges SB 795.

box 221

High School Vocational Courses SB 812.

box 221

Education SB 819.

box 221

Foreign Language Instruction SB 830.

box 221

Santa Barbara County Special Health Care Authority SB 868.

box 221

Emergencies -- Nuclear Radiation SB 876.

box 221

Real Estate SB 945.

box 221

Solid Waste SB 951.

box 221

Child Day Care SB 1108.

box 221

Education SB 1133.

box 221

California Health Care for the Indigent Program SB 1153.

box 221

Pupil Expulsion SB 1198.

box 221

Taxation SB 1261.

box 221

Charter Schools SB 1264.

box 221

Income Taxes SB 1271.

box 221

Pupil Testing SB 1273.

box 221

Firearms SB 1275.

box 221

Ammunition SB 1276.

box 221

Firearms SB 1277.

box 221

Domestic Violence SB 1278.

box 222

Economic Development SB 1416.

box 222

Endangered Species SB 1549.

box 222

Public Employees' Retirement System SB 1570.

box 222

California State Government Organization and Economy SB 1604.

box 222

Telephone Corporations SB 1630.

box 222

Growth Control SB 1635.

box 222

Special Education SB 1640.

box 222

Pupils SB 1645.

box 222

School Accountability Report Card SB 1665.

box 222

Community College Incentive Program SB 1672.

box 222

Food Stamps SB 1675.

box 222

School-age Day Care SB 1678.

box 222

Employment SB 1689.

box 222

Vital Statistics -- Death Records SB 1698.

box 222

Child Custody SB 1700.

box 222

Diversion -- Drugs SB 1702.

box 222

Security Guards SB 1713.

box 222

Family Law SB 1715.

box 222

Oil Spills SB 1720.

box 222

Plastic Products SB 1746.

box 223

Legislative Ethics Commission SB 1762.

box 223

Swimming Pools SB 1814.

box 223

School Employees SB 1843.

box 223

Student Financial Aid SB 1847.

box 223

State Procurement SB 1888.

box 223

Educational Programs SB 1954.

box 223

State Librarian SB 1993.

box 223

Public Employees' Health Benefits SB 2061.

box 223

Education SB 2076.

box 223

Emergencies SB 2591.

box 223

Mathematics and Science Education Month SCR 3.

box 223

Tobacco Sales SJR 32.


Third Reading 1993-1994:



box 224

AB 1-2300

box 224

AJR 1-26



box 225

SB 1-1250

box 225


box 225

SCA 24

box 225



General Files 1993-1994:

General note

Includes files, mostly relating to education, brought forward from previous years.

Education Legislation (mostly 1983-1984)

box 226

School Attendance SB 694.

box 226

Instructional Materials SB 786.

box 226

Public Post-secondary Education SB 788.

box 226

Student Financial Aid SB 800.

box 226

School Finance SB 813.

box 226

Student Aid Commission SB 993.

box 226

School Finance SB 1128.

box 226

Teacher Credentialing SB 1225.

box 226

Extended Day Care Services SB 1718.

box 226

School Attendance SB 2208.


Education Legislation (mostly 1985-1986)

box 227

School Holidays SB 57.

box 227

Staff Development Training Programs SB 62.

box 227

Instructional Materials SB 317.

box 227

Student Financial Aid SB 417.

box 227

Santa Barbara High School District SB 597.

box 227

Class Reduction SB 1103.

box 227

Student Financial Aid SB 1208.

box 227

Class Size Reduction SB 1210.

box 227

California State University SB 1213.

box 227

Class Reduction SB 1216.

box 227

Secondary Schools SB 1301.

box 227

Class Size SB 1604.

box 227

Injurious Objects SB 1676.

box 227

Community College Students SB 1744.

box 228

Education Speeches

box 228

Office Operations Manual

box 228

Oxnard Dunes 1985-1992

box 229

Press Releases

box 229


box 229

Sexual Harassment

box 229

Superintendent of Public Instruction

box 229



Series 2: Sacramento Office - Senate Committee on Education

Scope and Contents

This series primarily contains bill files, school district files, and committee correspondence.


box 230

Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 1986 SB 2366.

box 230

Foreign Languages Instruction SB 2409.

box 230

Community Colleges SB 2440.

box 230

University of California SCR 55.



box 230

English-as-a-Second-Language SB 8.

box 230

AIDS Education SB 136.

box 230

Class Size Reduction SB 436.

box 230

Educational Technology SB 514.

box 230

School Facilities SB 521.

box 230

County Superintendents of Schools SB 998.



box 230

Local Transportation Authority SB 973.

box 230

Class Size Reduction in High Schools SB 1843.

box 230

Teacher Education and Computer Centers SB 1882.

box 230

Disruption of Public School Activities SB 2449.

box 230

Student Loans SB 2555.

box 231

Driving Privileges SB 2802.

box 231

AIDS Prevention Instruction SB 2840.

box 231

Gann Spending Limitations SCA 10.

box 231

AIDS Education SCR 79.

box 231

UC System SCR 85.



box 231

Education Finance SB 98.

box 231

Higher Education Facilities SB 147.

box 231

Administration-Teacher Ratio SB 280.

box 232

Community College Transfer SB 507.

box 232

Endangered Species SB 885.

box 232

Higher Education Facilities SB 1058.

box 232

California Distance Learning Project SB 1202.

box 232

Public Education Restructuring SB 1274.

box 233

Public Education Restructuring SB 1274.

box 233

Independent Study Programs SB 1563.

box 233

Minors: Steroids SB 1585.

box 233

Instructional Materials SB 1643.

box 233

Doctoral Degrees at UC SCR 66.



box 233

Driving Privileges SB 1792.

box 233

Student Financial Aid Programs SB 2582.

box 233

Pupil Testing SB 2613.

box 233

Expansion of California Higher Education SCR 74.

box 233

College Entrance Examinations SCR 97.



box 234

County Charges: School District Exemption SB 40.

box 234

Higher Education Bond Act SB 119.

box 234

Student Transfer to 4-Year Institution SB 121.

box 234

Restructuring of Public Education SB 553.

box 235

Pupil Testing SB 662.

box 235

Pupil Attendance SB 789.

box 235

Instructional Materials SB 1008.

box 235

Post-secondary Education SB 1089.

box 235

College Savings Bond Program SB 1163.

box 235

Property Taxes SCA 8.

box 235

UC System SCR 8.



box 236

Taxation SB 177.

box 236

Education Funding SB 929.

box 236

Charter Schools SB 1448.

box 236

Sexual Harassment SB 1930.

box 236

CEO Contracts SB 1972.

box 236

Emergency Loans SB 1996.

box 236

Physical Education Exemptions SB 2001.



box 237

Taxation of School Districts SB 1.

box 237

CSU Athletic Program SB 262.

box 237

High School Vocational Programs SB 812.

box 237

Foreign Language Instruction SB 830.

box 237

Child Day Care Facilities SB 1108.

box 237

Instructional Materials SB 1133.



box 237

Higher Education Facilities SB 46.

box 237

School-to-Work Opportunities SB 71.

box 237

Duplicate Degree Tuition SB 262.

box 237

Northridge Earthquake SB 720.

box 237

Community Colleges SB 795.

box 237

Charter Schools SB 819.

box 237

Pupil Expulsion SB 1198.

box 238

Taxation of School Districts SB 1261.

box 238

Charter Schools SB 1264.

box 238

Pupil Testing SB 1273.

box 238

Special Education Funding SB 1640.

box 238

Pupil Expulsion and Suspension SB 1645.

box 238

School Accountability Report Card SB 1665.

box 238

Community College Incentive Program SB 1672.

box 238

School Employees SB 1843.

box 238

Student Financial Aid SB 1847.

box 238

Educational Programs SB 1954.

box 238

Reading Initiative Program SB 1993.

box 238

Curriculum SB 2076.

box 238

Deputy & Associate Superintendent of Public Instruction SCA 39.



box 239


box 239

Correspondence circa 1987-1994

box 240



Eighteenth Senate District -- School Districts

box 241

Ballard School District

box 241

Briggs School District

box 241

Carpinteria School District

box 241

Casmalia Schools

box 241

Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo

box 241

Fillmore School District

box 241

Goleta School District

box 241

Guadalupe Union School District

box 241

Hancock School District

box 241

Hueneme School District

box 241

Hope Elementary School District

box 241

CSU, San Luis Obispo

box 241

CSU, Ventura

box 241

Lompoc Unified School District

box 241

Los Angeles Community College District

box 241

Los Angeles Unified School District

box 242

Los Angeles Unified School District

box 242

Mesa Union School District

box 242

Montecito School District

box 242

Moorpark Unified School District

box 242

Ocean View School District

box 242

Orcutt Union School District

box 242

Oxnard Community College District

box 242

Oxnard Elementary School District

box 242

Oxnard High School District

box 242

Paso Robles School District

box 242

San Luis Coastal School District

box 242

San Luis Community College District

box 242

Santa Barbara Community College District

box 242

Santa Barbara School District

box 242

Santa Maria High School District

box 242

Santa Maria School District

box 242

Santa Paula School District

box 242

Santa Ynez School District

box 242

Ventura Community College

box 242

Ventura County Superintendent

box 242

Ventura Unified School District


Education Committee -- Alpha Files

General note

Mainly correspondence, arranged alphabetically by surname.
box 243


box 244


box 245


box 246



Education Committee -- Chron. Files

General note

Mainly correspondence.
box 247



Education -- Teacher Competency April 1998

box 258

AB757 late 1970s-1981

box 258

AB283 1982

box 258

CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) circa 1983-1993

box 258

Senate Committee on Education 1983-1985


Series 3: Campaign Materials

Scope and Contents

This series contains material on Hart's early state legislative races, his 1986 Governor's race, the 1988 Congressional race, and the 1994 State Superintendent of Public Instruction race.
box 248


box 249

(incl. 1986 Governor's race and 1988 Congressional race) 1986-1988

box 250

(incl. 1988 Congressional race and 1994 Superintendent of Public Instruction race) 1988-1994

box 259

Clips and letters 1970-1994

  • Clippings
  • Campaign materials
  • Correspondence
  • Summary of Hart Legislation
box 262

Scrapbooks and campaign buttons 1982-1991

box 263

Scrapbooks and schedules 1974-1994

  • 1974 Campaign scrapbook
  • Schedule binders, 1983-1989
  • Looseleaf schedules, 1982-1994
  • 1988 Campaign schedule
box 265

Audiovisual recordings 1972-1999

Scope and Contents

Includes audiocassette recordings of debates and speeches, VHS taped campaign ads, VHS taped Education Committee legislative proceedings, and VHS taped California State Senate Television Program sessions.

Series 4: Secretary of Education

Scope and Contents

This series contains materials from Hart's time as the Secretary of Education and with the Program in America and California Explorations (PACE).
box 261

PACE Program

  • Secretary of Education notebooks, 2000
  • PACE Program, Kennedy High School 2001-2017
    • Key documents
    • Program descriptions and CAPP reports, 2004-2009, by Dave Jolly, et. al.
    • CSU and UC correspondence regarding admissions and A-G credit
    • PACE miscellaneous correspondence, 2001-2017
    • Student Recruitment, PACE Publicity, Summer School, 2002-2003
    • Civil Rights lesson for High School, Book summaries
    • Teaching files, 1992, Senior US History, Fall Semester, Kennedy High

Series 5: Miscellany

Scope and Contents

This series contains personal correspondence, Sacramento seminars, speeches, and scrapbooks.
box 251

Correspondence (personal) circa 1974-1987

box 252


box 253

Rose Bird Controversy (State Supreme Court Chief Justice)

box 253

Sacramento Seminars

box 253


box 253

Thank You Notes

box 254

Scrapbooks 1974-1982



box 260

Early years and professional files 1975-2019

  • Biographies and Obituaries
  • OpEds, 1986-2002
  • Communications with Sac. Bee
  • Education Speeches, 1975-2002
  • Mixed files, 1975-2019
  • Charter School file
box 264

Daily schedule binders 1990-1994


Series 6: Awards and photographs

box 255, box 256, box 257

Plaques and framed photographs

box 266

Awards and photographs 1960-1994

  • 1960 All SoCal High School Football Team
  • 1964 Gary and Congressman Chet Holifield, Stanford in Government
  • 1965 Stanford B. A. Diploma, 1966 Harvard M.A. in Teaching Diploma
  • 1985-88 Dennis Renault Bee Cartoons
  • 1988 Picture with President Oscar Arias, Costa Rica
  • 1994 Common Cause Integrity Award
3 of 3 pages
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