Guide to the Paul Schuster Taylor Papers, 1660-1997 (bulk 1895-1984)
- Printed materials have been transferred to the book collection of The Bancroft Library.
- Photographs have been transferred to Pictorial Collections of The Bancroft Library.
- University of California materials have been transferred to University Archives in The Bancroft Library.
- Government Documents have been transferred to the Doe Library.
1895 | Born June 9th in Sioux City, Iowa |
1917 | B.A., University of Wisconsin |
1917-1919 | U.S. Marine Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, France |
1920 | M.A., University of California, Berkeley |
1922 | Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley |
1922-1962 | Instructor, and later professor, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
1927-1929 | Chief Investigator, research project, Social Science Research Council, Mexican Labor in the United States |
1930-1931 | Consultant to National Commission on law observance and enforcement, (Wickersham Committee) studying crime and the foreign-born |
1931-1932 | Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship for study in Jalisco, Mexico |
1933 | Researcher on self-help cooperatives among unemployed, Social Science Research Council and a Rockefeller Foundation grant to the University of California, Berkeley |
Consultant, Governor's Fact Finding Committee on the Cotton Strike | |
1935 | Field Director, Division of Rural Rehabilitation California State Emergency Relief Administration (CERA) |
1935-1943 | President, California Rural Rehabilitation Corporation |
1935-1936 | Regional Labor Adviser, U.S. Resettlement Administration |
1935-1942 | Member, State Advisory Council, California Department of Employment |
1936-1940 | Contributing Editor, Rural Sociology |
1936-1941 | Senior Economist, Social Security Board |
1939 | Member, Governor's Commission on Reemployment (California) |
Consultant, United States Senate, Civil Liberties Committee | |
1940-1944 | Member, California State Board of Agriculture |
1943-1945 | Vice-Chairman, Committee on American Principles and Fair Play |
1943-1952 | Consulting economist, Office of Secretary of the Interior on Central Valley project studies |
1946-1952 | Consultant, Bureau of Reclamation on Central Valley problems of water distribution and land settlement |
1949 | Editorial Board Member, American Quarterly |
1950-1951 | Consultant, President's Migratory Labor Committee |
1952 | Consultant, Export-Import Bank on Artibonite Valley project, Haiti |
1952-1956 | Chairman, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
1955-1968 | Consultant, International Cooperation Administration (ICA), later called the Agency for International Development (AID), in Asia, and joint projects with AID and the United Nations, the Ford Foundation, the University of California, and Stanford; also, field studies on Community Development in India, Pakistan and the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, Iran and Panama. |
1956-1962 | Chairman, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley |
1962 | Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley |
1962-63 | Visiting Professor, Institute of Land Reclamation, University of Alexandria, Egypt |
1965 | Doctor of Laws, Boalt Law School, University of California, Berkeley |
1970 | Research Director, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO |
1971 | Consultant, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO |
1972 | Board of Directors, National Coalition for Land Reform |
1973 | Legislative Spokesperson, Friends of the Earth |
1976 | Land-Water Symposium to Honor Paul Schuster Taylor |
1980 | Conservation Service Award |
1984 | Died March 13th at his home in Berkeley, Calif. |
1895 | Born June 9th in Sioux City, Iowa |
1917 | B.A., University of Wisconsin |
1917-1919 | U.S. Marine Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, France |
1920 | M.A., University of California, Berkeley |
1922 | Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley |
1922-1962 | Instructor, and later professor, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
1927-1929 | Chief Investigator, research project, Social Science Research Council, Mexican Labor in the United States |
1930-1931 | Consultant to National Commission on law observance and enforcement, (Wickersham Committee) studying crime and the foreign-born |
1931-1932 | Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship for study in Jalisco, Mexico |
1933 | Researcher on self-help cooperatives among unemployed, Social Science Research Council and a Rockefeller Foundation grant to the University of California, Berkeley |
Consultant, Governor's Fact Finding Committee on the Cotton Strike | |
1935 | Field Director, Division of Rural Rehabilitation California State Emergency Relief Administration (CERA) |
1935-1943 | President, California Rural Rehabilitation Corporation |
1935-1936 | Regional Labor Adviser, U.S. Resettlement Administration |
1935-1942 | Member, State Advisory Council, California Department of Employment |
1936-1940 | Contributing Editor, Rural Sociology |
1936-1941 | Senior Economist, Social Security Board |
1939 | Member, Governor's Commission on Reemployment (California) |
Consultant, United States Senate, Civil Liberties Committee | |
1940-1944 | Member, California State Board of Agriculture |
1943-1945 | Vice-Chairman, Committee on American Principles and Fair Play |
1943-1952 | Consulting economist, Office of Secretary of the Interior on Central Valley project studies |
1946-1952 | Consultant, Bureau of Reclamation on Central Valley problems of water distribution and land settlement |
1949 | Editorial Board Member, American Quarterly |
1950-1951 | Consultant, President's Migratory Labor Committee |
1952 | Consultant, Export-Import Bank on Artibonite Valley project, Haiti |
1952-1956 | Chairman, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
1955-1968 | Consultant, International Cooperation Administration (ICA), later called the Agency for International Development (AID), in Asia, and joint projects with AID and the United Nations, the Ford Foundation, the University of California, and Stanford; also, field studies on Community Development in India, Pakistan and the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, Iran and Panama. |
1956-1962 | Chairman, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley |
1962 | Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley |
1962-63 | Visiting Professor, Institute of Land Reclamation, University of Alexandria, Egypt |
1965 | Doctor of Laws, Boalt Law School, University of California, Berkeley |
1970 | Research Director, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO |
1971 | Consultant, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO |
1972 | Board of Directors, National Coalition for Land Reform |
1973 | Legislative Spokesperson, Friends of the Earth |
1976 | Land-Water Symposium to Honor Paul Schuster Taylor |
1980 | Conservation Service Award |
1984 | Died March 13th at his home in Berkeley, Calif. |
Reprinted by Arno and the New York Times, 1971.
Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966, as:
1. Imperial Valley, California
2. Valley of the South Platte, Colorado
3. Migration Statistics
4. Racial School Statistics, California, 1927
5. Dimmit County, Winter Garden District, South Texas
Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966, as:
6. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
7. Chicago and the Calumet Region
Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966, as:
8. Migration Statistics II
9. Migration Statistics III
10. Migration Statistics IV
Reprinted by Russell & Russell, 1971.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
A miscellaneous, including 1930-78
Adams, Arthur S., 1896-
Aiken, George D., 1892-1984
Anderson, A. E.
Andrus, Cecil D., 1931-
Andrus, J. Russell, 1902-
Abbot, W. W., 1922- 1955-83
Adams, Ansel, 1902- 1980-81
Adams, Peter 1970-74
Anderson, Clinton P., 1895-1975 1957-72
Anderson, Dewey, 1897- 1949-73
American Friends Service Committee 1940-51
Arno Press Inc. 1974-82
Aspinall, Wayne N. 1958-72
Association of California Consumers 1970-71
B miscellaneous, including 1923-82
Banks, Harvey O.
Baker, Charles A., 1904-
Baumgartner, Leona, 1902-
Brunn, Robert R.
Bruton, Charles R.
Bulbulian, Berge
Ballis, George 1957-80
Barnes, Peter, 1931- 1971-73
Barrett, Clifford 1978
Barry, Frank J., 1913- 1961-76
Barth, Alan 1953-68
Beard, Charles Austin, 1874-1978 1932-51
Bell, David E., 1919- 1962-69
Bennett, Fay 1960-73
Biemiller, Andrew J. 1956-72
Billawalla, Toshiko N. 1954
Bjornson, Anga 1957-78
Blaisdel, Thomas C., 1895-1988 1936-45
Boke, Richard L. 1947-55
Bowker, Victor 1960-70
Brannan, Charles F., 1903- 1948-54
Bredo, William 1958-81
Brown, Edmund G., 1905- 1958-64
Brown Edmund Gerald, 1938- Nov. 8, 1977
Brown Edmund Gerald, 1938- Jan. 20, 1978
Bruchey, Stuart Weems 1980-82
Brunwasser, Arthur 1970-77
Burton, Phillip E. 1958-80
C miscellaneous, including 1925-83
Caldecott, Thomas W.
Canning, John Bennett
Carmody, John M.
Carter, Jesse W., 1888-1959
Casper, Robert E.
Cassity, Michael J.
Chapman, Samuel G.
Chavez, David Vincent
Chertkov, Boren
Christensen, Carl L.
Church, Frank
Clark, Victor S., 1868-1946
Clark, Robert Emmet, 1914-
Conway, Jack T.
Cooke, Morris Llewellyn, 1872-1960
Cooley, Harold D.
Cornish, Norman G.
Cousins, Norman, 1912-
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation 1967-82
Cannon, Clarence, 1879-1964 1961-62
Cardenas, Gilberto 1973
Carlin, Allan P. 1968-70
Carr, James K. 1943-63
Carter, Jimmy, 1924- 1977
Chapman, Oscar Littleton, 1896- 1951-53
Chase, Martha 1973-79
Chatfield, David 1979
Chavez, Cesar, 1927- 1976
Cho Family 1963-83
Cohelan, Jeffrey 1951-70
Collins, Dean S. 1956
Commonwealth Club of California 1935-49
Corwin, Arthur F. 1941-77
Cozzens, Robert 1947
Cranston, Alan MacGregor, 1914- 1957-72
Cross, Ira B., 1880- 1962
D miscellaneous, including 1930-82
Dancy, Oscar C.
Davidson, C. Girard
Davis, Saville R.
Day, Edmund Ezra, 1883-1951
Despol, John Anton, 1913-
Dillon, W. W.
Dugger, Ronnie
Davidson, John H. 1977-82
Davis, Pauline L., 1917- 1961
Degnan, James P. 1969-82
Dellums, Ronald V., 1935- 1972-80
Deutsch, Monroe E., 1879-1955 1933-50
Dexheimer, W. A. 1957
Dickenson, Philip P. 1947-80
Dinuba Sentinel 1950-51
Dominy, Floyd E. 1964
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1900- 1945-79
Douglas, Paul Howard, 1892- 1923-76
Drobish, Harry E. Mrs. 1954-80
Drobish, Harry Everett, 1893-1954 1948-50
Dugan, H. P. 1959-62
Duran, Mercedes 1929-30
E miscellaneous, including 1939-83
Eckler, A. Ross, 1901-
Egloff, Marjorie
Enerson, Burnham
Eyster, Fred
Edwards, Don, 1915- 1971-80
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1890-1969 1956
Ellis, Clyde Taylor 1960-62
Engle, Clair, 1911-1964 1952-62
F miscellaneous, including 1927-80
Farnsworth, Charles E.
Fischer, John
Fisher, Joseph Lyman
Fitch, Bob
Flack, Elizabeth J.
Folsom, Josiah Chase, 1888-
Foster, George McClelland, 1913-
Fuller, Helen
Fulbright, J. William, 1905-
Fuller, Varden
Finney, Ruth, 1898-1947-56
The Ford Foundation 1956-57
Fortas, Abe 1943-73
Furman, Michael B. 1978-79
G miscellaneous, including 1930-83
Gamio, Manuel, 1883-1960
Garbarino, Joseph William, 1919-
Garcia, Hector P.
Garnett, William
Garnsey, Morris E., 1906-
Garrison, J. C.
Garrod, R. V.
Garst, Jonathan
Garst, Roswell, 1898-1977
Gaus, John Merriman, 1884-
Geddes, Samuel Robert
Gibb, Arthur
Gilmartin, William Michael, 1913-
Goethe, C. M., 1875-1966
Grabow, Herman
Graham, Lee
Grigg, Ernest C.
Grosvenor, Gordon
Gaitskell, Arthur 1960-72
Galarza, Ernesto, 1905- 1960-80
Gates, Paul Wallace, 1901- 1949-82
Gifford, Howard L. 1974-75
Goldberg, B. Abbott, 1916- 1951-61
Goldschmidt, Arthur, 1910- 1944-56
Goldschmidt, Walter Rochs, 1913- 1940-79
Goodall, Merril R. 1972-79
Goodrich, Carter Lyman, 1897- 1942
Gordon, R. A. 1951-58
Graham, Leland O. 1947-50
Greene, Phil 1978
Greene, Shirley Edward 1952-71
Greenwood Press 1974-75
H miscellaneous, including 1929-83
Hagler, Donald B.
Hall, Peirson Mitchell, 1894-
Halsell, Grace
Hammond, George Peter, 1896-
Hannah, John A., 1902-
Harnik, Peter
Hart, Philip A.
Hatfield, George Jaun, 1887-1953
Hayden, Charles A.
Heidelberg, Frederic H.
Heilman, John
Heyns, Roger W., 1918-
Higgins, George G., 1916-
Hill, Lister, 1894-
Hosmer, Helen, 1904-1984
Howard, John B.
Hudgens, Robert W.
Hudson, William L.
Hughs, James
Hume, Ellen
Haggerty, Cornelius J., 1894-1971 1947-60
Halverson, Wilton L. 1950
Harris, Fred B. 1971-72
Hartmire, Wayne C. 1962-72
Hayden, Carl, 1877-1972 1961-62
Heller Committee for Research in Social Economics 1949
Henning, John F. 1971-80
Herring, Elizabeth B. 1953-58
Hewes, Laurence Ilsley, 1876-1950 1972-79
Heyman, Ira Michael, 1930- 1977-82
Hildebrand, Joel Henry, 1881- 1939-40
Hoffman, Abraham 1972-78
Hogan, Harry J., 1914- 1971-72
Holmdahl, John W. 1974
Holum, Kenneth, 1915- 1957-66
Hoppe, Arthur Watterson 1964-67
Horne, Frank 1966, 1969-72
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1911-1978 1954-73
Hundley, Norris 1969-73
Hunter, C. J. 1961-62
I miscellaneous, including 1940-67
Ickes, Harold L., 1874-1952
Ingram, Jeffrey
J miscellaneous, including 1940-77
Janow, Seymour Judson, 1913-
Jensen, Donald A.
Jones, Dale
Jones, Walter
Jordan, Robert E.
Julian, Correll M.
Jackson, Henry Martin, 1912-1983 1954-68
Jamieson, Stuart Marshall 1940-49
Jones, Robert Cuba 1955-74
K miscellaneous, including 1930-82
Kaiser, Barbara J.
Kashiwa, Shiro
Kildee, Dale E.
Kimball, Thomas L.
Kirwan, Michael Joseph, 1886-1970
Kline, J. Anthony
Koppes, Clayton R., 1945-
Kastenmeier, Robert W. 1971-80
Keehn, Thomas B. 1947-48
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 1960-62
Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968 1961-62
Kerr, Clark, 1911- 1934-77
Kiffen, Fred 1927
Kinsell, Dudley 1943
Knox, John T., 1924- 1968
Koppes, Clayton R., 1945- 1968
Krebs, John 1975-77
L miscellaneous, including 1927-82
Lasker, Bernie
Lausche, Frank John, 1895-
Leonard, Karen, 1939-
Leshy, John O.
Leuschner, Armin Otto, 1868-
Linn, Clarence A.
Lipset, Seymour Martin
Livermore, Norman B.
Lloyd, David D.
Lloyd, Thomas
Loewald, Klaus Gunter
Lubin, Simon Julius, 1876-1936
La Follette, Robert Marion, 1895-1953 1940-46
Lambert, Charles Franklin, 1887-1959 undated
Land Economics Quarterly 1975
Lapham, Lloyd 1959-60
Leary, Mary Ellen 1958-77
Lee, Lawrence Bacon, 1917- 1980
LeVeen, E. Phillip 1974
Ligutti, L. G. 1952-56
Lineweaver, Goodrich W. 1956-60
Loftis, Anne 1975-84
Lorenz, James D. 1969-71
Low, Pearl 1977-81
Lucey, Robert E., 1891- 1950-65
M miscellaneous, including 1930-83
Macbride, Kirt
Magee, Elizabeth S.
Mansfield, Mike, 1903-
Marquis, Roger P.
Martinez, Elizabeth Sutherland, 1925-
Masteller, John Q.
Matthews, William R.
Mayer, Vera Waltman
Mayes, Barney
Morton, Perry W.
Murphy, George, 1902-
Maass, Arthur 1950-72
Macarthur, Walter, 1862-1944 1923-33
Mahon, George Herman, 1900- 1965
Marshall, Ray, 1928- 1977
McClatchy, James and Eleanor 1954-55
McClellan, John L., 1896-1977 1962
McCloskey, Michael, 1934- 1969-75
McCloskey, Paul N., 1927- 1967-69
McClure, James A. 1981
McCullough, Frank W. 1952-64
McCune, Wesley, 1918- 1956-58
McDonald, Angus Henry, 1903- 1953-79
McGovern, George S., 1922- 1968
McGrath, John 1976
McWilliams, Carey, 1905- 1941-79
Menendez, Eduardo L. 1960-61
Merk, Frederick, 1887- 1975
Merriam, Allen L. 1954
Metcalf, Lee, 1911-1978 1957-73
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 1959-60
Miller, George Paul, 1891- 1945-71
Miller, George, 1914-1969 1958-62
Miller, George, 1945- 1976-82
Milliken, Eugene D. undated
Mills, Frederick Cecil, 1892-1964 1931
Miniclier, Louis M. 1957-75
Mitchell, John A. 1971
Morris, Samuel 1951
Morse, Wayne L., 1900-1974 1954-71
Moss, John E., 1913- 1969
Munro, Dana Gardner, 1892- 1933
Murray, A. N. 1951
N miscellaneous, including 1933-83
Nolan, Mary
Nordholm, Alex
National Audubon Society 1969-75
National Farmers Union 1972
Natural Resources Journal
Navarro, Joseph 1970-72
Navarro, Kathleen O'Connor 1973-77
Neilands, J. B. 1964
Nelson, Gaylord, 1916- 1938-80
Nelson, Lowry, 1893- 1938-73
Neuberger, Richard L., 1912-1960 1953-59
New York Times 1964-77
Newhall, Scott 1957
O miscellaneous, including O'Sullivan, Virgil 1934-78
Oakland Tribune 1942
Odegard, Peter H., 1901-1966 1950-62
O'Grady, John, 1886- 1952-60
O'Neal, Hank 1974-76
P miscellaneous, including 1932-82
Packard, Emma Lou Leonard, 1884-
Peterson, Frank
Pfiffner, John McDonald, 1893-
Pitts, Thomas
Pontius, Robert W.
Porter, Carley V.
Pacific Historical Review 1974-77
Packard, Walter E., 1884-1966 1944-62
Patton, James G. 1945-76
Pearson, Drew, 1897-1969 1949-69
Petty, Claude Rowland, 1908- 1948
Phillips, Hubert, 1891- 1934-69
Pike, Roy M. 1939-40
Project on Rural Americans in the Depression 1979
Proxmire, William 1962-82
Q miscellaneous, including Quinn, Thomas H. 1970
Quinn, J. Blaine 1961-62
R miscellaneous, including 1927-83
Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899-
Redfield, Robert, 1897-
Regan, Edwin J.
River, Robert Beaudon, 1907-
Rogers, Lesley B.
Raup, Philip M. 1954-73
Ravell, Carola 1962
[Research Proposals] 1929-42
Record, Jane and Wilson 1971-83
Reisler, Mark 1972
Rogers, William P., 1913- 1959-60
Rubin, Morris H. 1962-76
Rutzebeck, Hjalmar 1942
S miscellaneous, including 1927-83
Sanchez, George Isidore, 1906-1972
Schlesinger, Arthur, 1917-
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1912-
Shepard, Larry E.
Shimeall, Eleanor
Shuman, Howard E.
Slayman, Charles
Smith, Charles L.
Smith, J. Russell, 1874-1966
Smith, Jeanne C.
Smith, Russell
Smitter, Faith Winters, 1902-
Soule, Frederick R.
Staats, Elmer B., 1914-
Stewart, F. A.
Stewart, Zach R.
Strong, Edward William, 1901-
Sweetland, Monroe
Samora, Julian, 1920- 1972-73
Seaton, Frederick A., 1909- 1957-60
Sehlmeyer, George 1953-58
Shelley, John Francis, 1905- 1951-64
Shideler, James Henry, 1914- 1967-81
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968 1934-37
Sisk, Bernie 1956-59
Smith, Gibbs M. 1981-83
Sparkman, John, 1899-1985 1947-78
Sproul, Robert Gordon, 1891-1975 1930-50
Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909- 1941-80
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, III 1971-73
Stong, Benton 1941-60
Stout, Marilyn 1960-78
Straus, Michael W., 1897- 1939-68
Street, Richard Steven 1974-84
Swain, Donald C. 1969
Swett, Frank Tracy, 1869-1969 1944-48
T miscellaneous, including 1934-83
Taeuber, Conrad, 1906-
Taylor, George H.
Temko, Allan
Trujillo, Larry, 1946-
Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 1891-
Taylor, Glen Hearst, 1947- June 4, 1947
Thorne, John E. 1954-58
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 1948
U miscellaneous 1934-80
Udall, Stewart L. 1960-80
Ullman, Al M. C. 1959-79
V miscellaneous 1941-83
Van Alstyne, William W. 1958
Veeder, William H. 1962-72
Vizzard, James L. 1947-73
Vrotsos, George M. 1955
W miscellaneous, including 1924-82
Watts, Rowland
Wells, J. K.
White, Lee C., 1923-
Williams, Harrison Arlington, 1919-
Winters, David
Waldie, Jerome R. 1968-77
Warne, William E. 1949-71
Warner, David R. 1964-72
Warren, Earl, 1891-1974 1945-70
Weaver, John 1971
Weiman, David M. 1972-82
West, Stanley A. 1970-76
White, Gilbert F. 1969-71
Whitten, Leslie 1969-74
Widtsoe, John Andreas, 1872-1952 1947-50
Wurster, Catherine Bauer 1943-59
Y miscellaneous 1955-82
Yellen, Benjamin, 1907- 1960-82
Z miscellaneous 1950-74
Z'Berg, Edwin L., 1926-1975 1960-68
Zimmerman, Gordon G. 1957-59
Unidentified correspondence 1931-78
Fragments and notes undated
SERIES 2: WRITINGS, 1923-1983.
The Sailor's Union of the Pacific (1923)
Correspondence regarding research 1923
Notes on the History of the Seamen of the Pacific Coast 1790-1898, and Legal History, 1885-1891 [1923]
Notes on the history of the Sailors'Union of the Pacific, 1891-1908 [1923]
Miscellaneous Notes
Furuseth, Andrew 1918-49
International Seaman's Union of America Statement of facts 1921
Pamphlets 1910-24
Miscellaneous 1890, undated
Jortall, Nicholas 1926
A Symposium on Andrew Furuseth 1948
A Spanish Mexican Peasant Community: Arandas in Jalisco, Mexico (1934)
Correspondence 1930-34
Field notes 1931-32
Mexico, nos. I-V
Field notes 1931-32
Corridos 1931-32
Ensayo Estadistico de la Municipalidad de Arandas 1889
Historical material undated
Maps undated
Miscellaneous undated
Music catalogs 1929-31
Nuevo Geografia del Estado de Jalisco 1914
Notes 1932
Arandas undated
The Georgia Plan, 1732-1752 (1972)
Correspondence regarding 1947-71
Published book 1972
Outlines undated
Drafts 1952, 1972
Final Draft 1972
Chapter Drafts undated
Tables undated
on Georgia settlers undated
Biographical Statement, Paul Taylor undated
Dunn, Richard S.
Bolzius, Johann Martin undated
Brief Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia in America undated
New Voyage to Georgia..., 1737 undated
Reviews Dec. 1972
Miscellaneous undated
Notes undated
Notes for revision 1952
Resources and Incomes of Rural Families in the Coastal Plain Area of Georgia April 1959
Clippings 1946-55
On the Ground in the 30s (1983)
Gibbs M. Smith, Inc. 1980-83
Introduction 1982
Draft corrections
Advertising 1983
ARTICLES, 1926-1983
Agricultural History
Correspondence and drafts 1979
Agricultural Labor
Drafts July 1970
Agricultural Labor in the U.S.
Drafts 1968
Notes and research materials undated
Agricultural Labor since 1607
Notes 1948
Agricultural Worker
Drafts, revisions, notes, corrections 1942
An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion 1969
The American Hired Man
Drafts 1942
Anti-Monopoly Policy in Historical [1964]
Justification of Federal Reclamation
Application of the Excess Land Provisions to the King's River
Typed draft, notes Dec. 1948
Background Data on the Proposed Westlands Contract May 1964
Building the CVP 1951
California Agriculture: 100 Years of Struggle undated
California Water Project: Law and Politics 1975
Central Valley Project: Water and Land June 1949
Change on the Northern Farm
Drafts, manuscripts, outlines 1943-59
The Farmer East and West
Revision undated
League of Conservation Voters 1980
Mid-Nineteenth Century
Drafts and manuscript 1981
Colonizing Georgia 1732-1752
A Statistical Note, reprints and copy 1965
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Drafts 1958
Civil Right
Draft July 1970
Consumer Protection
Drafts July 1970
A Decade of Congressional Action, 1939-1949
Draft and notes undated
Dictionary of American History, "Farm Hand"
Notes and drafts 1972
Documentary History of the Strike of the Cotton Pickers in California, 1933
Notes 1934
Does the 160 Acre Limitation Help or Hinder?
Draft 1949
The Encyclopedia of Labor 1949
End of the Road, the City
Draft April 1969
The Excess Land Law: Legislative Erosion of Public Policy June 1958
The Excess Land Law: A Note on Pressure vs.Principle in the Courts Sept. 1959
Excess Land Law: Secretary's Decision? A Study in Administration of Federal State Relations
Notes, printcopy, sources 1958
Excess Land Law: Secretary's Decision
Notes 1962
Drafts 1942
Farm and Plantation in Mid-19th Century as seen by the Genessee Farmer and De Bow's
Review, drafts and manuscripts 1981
Farm Hands in the North
Drafts 1946
Fight For Water
Notes Dec. 1970
Fluid Labor Along the Pacific
Fragments, drafts, outlines 1943
For Whom Do They Work undated
Free Labor
Drafts, notes, revisions 1942-44
A Fresh Look at Fresh Water
Drafts 1970
From the Ground Up Sept. 1936
Future of Mexican Immigration
Draft 1976
Good-by to the Homestead Farm: The Machines'Advance in the Corn Belt
Printed manuscript undated
Grand Canyon Dam
Draft 1964
Imperial Valley
Notes, drafts 1978
"Interior" Job
Manuscript, notes 1968
In the Fields , Paul S. Taylor and Anne Loftis
Draft, notes 1981
Irrepressible Conflict?
Draft Aug. 1943
Irrigation Crusade 1969
It's Your Water
Draft June 1971
Kings River and Tulare Lake Project undated
Labor Along the Pacific
Drafts 1943
Labor of the Land 1980
Labor on the California Land: Which Way?
Draft and notes 1980
Land Occupation
Drafts 1942
Land Tenure Policy Alternatives in Light of Conflicting Programs on the Politically Unstable Delta of Vietnam
Draft May 1968
Land-Water Policy and Rural Society
Draft undated
Legislative Proposals Based on General Authority of Policy Statements
Draft undated
Lineage of the Strategy and Tactics of Employing Peasant Dissatisfaction Over Conditions of Land Tenure For Revolutionary Ends in Vietnam
Drafts 1968
Madera Cotton Strike, 1939
Draft 1940
To Make the Desert Bloom Like the Rose 1969
Mexican Labor in the United States
Newspapers 1926, 1929
Valley of the South Platte, Colorado 1929
Vol. II-IV 1932-34
Newspapers 1932-38
Mexican Migration and the 160-acre Water Limitation June 1975
The Mexican Peasantry of Los Altos
Drafts undated
Mexican Women in Los Angeles Industry in 1928 1980
Migrant Mother: 1936 May 1970
Drafts and notes undated
Migratory Labor
Drafts 1946
Migratory Labor in the Wheat Belt 1945, 1957, 1969
National Reclamation in Imperial Valley: Law vs. Politics 1981
National Stake at Westlands
Draft undated
Ninety Day Countdown: The State Federal San Luis Contract Review, 1962 Feb. 1962
The 19th Century New England Farmer Looks in the Mirror 1981
No Investigation has Shown the Limitation Law Unsound Aug. 1948
Note on Age at Time of Marriage in Two Mexican Localities of Divergent Types Dec. 1932
Note on Streams of Mexican Immigration 1930
Notes from the Field Jan. 1942
Observations for the Journal of Mexican American History 1970
Observations and critique on V Aid Programme in Pakistan Dec. 1960
160 Acre Law
Drafts and notes 1948, 1970, undated
Origins and Growth of Migratory Seasonal Labor in Agriculture
Notes undated
Drafts 1942-43
Notes, drafts Dec. 5, 1941
Perspective on Housing Migratory Agricultural Laborers undated
Perspectives on Mexican-Americans 1972
Perspectives on the Village Aid Programme 1960
Place of Central Valley in the Social Prospect of Southern California Nov. 1946
Drafts and notes 1942-43, undated
Plantation Agriculture in the United States, 17th to 20th Centuries Dec. 1953
Plantation Laborer
Draft 1945
Political Campaign Costs
Outlines and notes 1971
Producing California Cotton
Draft [1934?]
Public Policy and the Shaping of Rural Society 1975
Reclamation 1970-74, 1980
Resettlement Administration and Migratory Agricultural Labor in California 1936
Retrospective on Mexican-American History
Draft 1970
S.14 Attacks the National Reclamation Law: What's Behind It?
Notes, drafts Dec. 1979
San Francisco General Store
Draft and notes 1934
Seasonal Labor in East and Middle West [1946?]
Shell Game?
Draft undated
From Slave to Freedman
Drafts, outlines and notes 1946, 1959, 1965
Some Aspects of Mexican Immigration Oct. 5, 1930
Some Notes on Visual Recording and Communication Aug. 15, 1983
The Southern California Connection
Drafts and notes undated
Suggestions for Health Care Services
Draft Oct. 1970
"Territory" vs. People Sept. 21, 1946
Trouble on the Waterfront
Draft Aug. 1, 1934
Unfree Labor
Drafts Jan. 23, 1943
Voters of Texas: Look Before You Leap 1969
Walter Goldschmidt's Baptism By Fire: Central Valley Water Politics 1976
"Water Conservation" For Whom? 1983
Water Control for Agriculture: How Shall Benefits Be Shared?
Drafts and notes 1976
Water Grants for Education 1970, undated
Water, Land, and People undated
Whose Dam is Pine Flat? 1954
Special Senate Committee to Investigate Unemployment and Relief March 14, 1938
U.S. Senate Civil Liberties Committee Dec. 6, 1939
State Advisory Council to Dept. of Employment [ca. 1940]
House Committee investigating Farm Migrancy Regarding Mailing list 1941
Senate Special Committee Dec. 1, 1942
Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play Jan. 11, 1945
National Catholic Rural Life Conference April 16, 1947
Should Public Policy Be Used to Influence, Directly or Indirectly, Size of Farm or Size of Farm Operations? May 28, 1952
State Senate Fact Finding Committee on Labor and Social Welfare Nov. 16-17, 1959
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs March 7, 1964
House Committee on Labor and Education April 23, 1964
Senate Interior Committee on Westlands Water District July 8, 1964
Sub-Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources Dec. 1964
National Conference on Poverty in the Southwest Jan. 25, 1965
University of California, Berkeley Office of Information
Reprint March 3, 1965
House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs Aug. 30, 1965
Senate Public Works Appropriations Subcommittee April 27, 1966
Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee July 29, 1966
Evasion of Federal Acre Limit Laws April 23, 1967
Senate Public Works Appropriations Subcommittee May 9, 1967
Senate Committee on Water Resources June 6, 1967
Committee on the Interior 1967
Regarding S. 2919 May 3, 1968
Submitted to the Congressional Record July 30, 1968
Water Resources Council Oct. 26, 1968
House Sub-Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources May, 1969
House Government Operations Sub-Committee Aug. 20-21, 1969
Water Resources Council Sept. 18, 1969
National Water Commission Oct. 27, 1969
Senate Sub-Committee on Migratory Labor Aug. 20, 1970
Policy Statement on natural resources Aug. 1970
Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference Sept. 28-29, 1970
Submitted in the Congressional Record Oct. 9, 1970
Public Land Law Review Commission Dec. 7-8, 1970
John Henning Jan. 8, 1971
Excess Land in the Imperial Valley April 9, 1971
ACA73, Forbidding Tuition at State Colleges and Universities June 1971
Senate Sub-Committee on Migratory Labor Jan. 1972
National Water Resources Council March 28, 1972
National Water Commission Jan. 11, 1973
Regarding 160 Acre Limitation Aug. 14, 1974
Department of Water Resources Oct. 10, 1974
Small Business and Interiors Committee Aug. 1975
Senate Select Committees on Small Business and Interior and Insular Affairs Feb. 17, 1976
Districts Securities Advisory Commission Jan. 27, 1977
House Sub-committee on Water and Power Resources on HR 3420 July 15, 1977
House Sub-Committee on Water and Power July 15, 1977
California Assembly Committee on Agriculture July 27, 1977
Senate Sub-Committee on California's Food and Agricultural Economy Dec. 5, 1977
California Assembly Committee on Agriculture 1977
House Sub-Committee For Water and Power Jan. 5, 1978
House Water and Power Sub-Committee Jan. 5, 1978
U.S. Senate Public Lands and Resources Sub-Committee April 12-13, 1978
Democratic Study Group Oct. 30, 1978
Policy and the 160 Acre Limitation March 22, 1979
Repeal of the Acreage Limitation Law 1979
Conservation Service Award May 30, 1980
Statements by Others
Brody, Ralph M. undated
Kirkpatrick, David H. undated
Sullivan, J. L. Jan. 13 1972
Violations of free speech and rights of labor 1939
Temporary National Economic Committee 1941
Special Committee on Interstate 1941
State Assembly Water Committee April 11, 1961
Senate Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation July 8-9, 1964
House and Senate Public Works Appropriations Sub-Committees April 26-27, 1966
National Commission on Urban Problems July 5, 1967
Sub-Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources Aug. 20-21, 1969
Submitted in the Congressional Record Feb. 26, 1973
House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee Sept. 14, 1976
Paul Taylor writings undated
Testimonies of Others
Blaustein, Arthur Jan. 13, 1972
Gnaizda, Robert Jan. 11, 1972
California Agriculture: 100 Years of Struggle Oct. 18, 1975
California Geography: Land Tenure and the 160-Acre Law April 26, 1977
Central Valley Basin undated
Central Valley Project
Notes and outline 1943-44
Citizenship 1948
Community Development 1958, 1964, 1976
Conservation Service Award Acceptance May 30, 1980
Earth Day April 23, 1970
Export of the Land-Grant Idea: Opportunities and Challenges [1962]
Labor Economics 1942
Large vs. Small Farm undated
Marshall Monument Dedication, Lindsay, Calif. April 21, 1951
Migration in America June 26, 1945
Minorities and the Peace March 23, 1945
The Morrill Act April 24, 1962
National Reclamation Act Nov. 21, 1946
Photography Within the Humanities April 9, 1975
Powers That be in California Land Use Oct. 20, 1972
Regionalism, Nationalism, and Internationalism undated
Remarks at the City Commons Club April 24, 1959
Social and Economic Implications of Recent Population Changes on the Pacific Coast May 21, 1953
State Water Project 1972
Water and Land Resources Sept. 23, 1971
Water Development 1970-71
Westlands Appropriation is Premature and will Aggravate Social Problems undated
What is Happening in the Central Valley Project? 1944-47
What Migrants Are Doing 1950
Where Are We Today, and How We Got There undated
Who Are the Migrants? 1949
Why Migratory Labor? undated
Land Reform and the Small Farmer 1981
160-Acre Limitation undated
Water undated
Commonwealth Club
Large vs. Small Farms Dec. 20, 1951
Migrant's and California's Future Sept. 13, 1935
Minority Report May 8, 1946
Remarks Dec. 20, 1951
"What Shall We Do With Them?" April 15, 1938
Commonwealth Journal 1949-50
Strobel, Hank
The La Follette Investigation Jan. 7, 1943
Minutes of Meetings 1946-51
Section on agriculture, mineral industry, public utility, water problems and resources
State Public Works bill
Revised draft Feb.-March 1971
Water in the West: An Environmental Crisis
Drafts, notes, research materials 1971
Water in your Cofphe 1981
Water, Land and Environment, Imperial Valley: Law Caught in the Winds of Politics Jan. 1973
Water, Land and People in the Great Valley March 1968
Water Policy and the Law: Whirligig on the Colorado River in Southern California 1974
Who Gets a "Free Ride" on the Central Valley Project? 1950
Who Owns the Land-- And the Water? and Who Cares? 1978
Why the Imperial Valley is a Polarized Community Feb. 16, 1976
Women in Industry, Los Angeles
Draft 1928
Words and Photographs
Outlines and notes 1983
Miscellaneous notes undated
Notes regarding the Act of 1912: "Titles For Homesteaders on Reclamation Projects" undated
Bibliographies listing Paul Taylor's writings undated
Book Reviews:
Agri Business, Labor and the Wetbacks 1977
The American Farm July 1977
California Farm Organizations 1953
Conflict on the Carson June 1977
The Decline of the Californios: A Social History of the Spanish Speaking Californians 1966
Industrialization and Labor 1952
Mexican Emigration to the United States, 1897-1931 July 1980
Migrant Agricultural Workers in America's Northeast 1971
Phil Swig and Boulder Dam 1973
Politics of Land 1973
Poverty and Politics Dec. 1969
A Report on World Population Migrations as Related to the USA
Drafts and sources 1956
The Rise of Teamster Power in the West 1972
Spiders in the House and Workers in the Field 1971
Land Reclamation (Vol. I, Chap. 11) June 28, 1951
A Water Policy for the American People
The Water Seekers
Draft 1974
Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation April 23, 1951
Proposed rules and regulations regarding reclamation laws Jan. 31, 1978
Proposal to authorize government undated
Water in the news undated
Who will Watch the Watch-Dog of Congress? March 18, 1970
Contributions to works by others:
Gustaitis, Rasa 1973
Seckler, David 1971
Dorothea Lange, Vol. I 1979-80
Gamio, Manuel 1970
Gates, Paul W. 1977
Editorial Note July 1973
Exhibit, photographic 1934
Letters to the Editor:
Los Angeles Times July 24, 1969, April 1979
San Francisco Chronicle Sept. 6, 1977
Memorandum Jan. 3, 1966
News Releases March 2, 1965
Can We Export "The New Rural Society?" Sept. 4, 1953
History of California's Water Resource Development 1954
Immigrant Groups in Western Agriculture June 20, 1974
The Place of Agricultural Labor in Society June 15, 1939
The Place of Farm Labor in Society June 14-15, 1939
Social Problems of Agriculture in Wartime June 24-26, 1943
Water Grants for Education and Planned Open Space June 23, 1970
Water Resources, West and Midwest Rural Society Comparisons June 19-21, 1974
Radio Talks:
Americanism: The Immigration Problem March 12, 1934
California Water Problem May 1960
Californians For Water and Land Conservation undated
Conservation, Education, War on Poverty and the 160 Acre Limitation June 26, 1968
Evasion of Federal Acre Limit Laws April 23, 1967
Morality Play in the Wild West Jan. 18, 1978
Significant Activities of the Resettlement Administration in the West March 4, 1951
Unemployment, Causes and Solutions Oct. 29, 1960
With Liberty and Justice for All June 4, 1960
Notes and fragments:
Notes undated
Notes regarding the president's water resources policy commission April 1951
Notes regarding "Corporate Farming" undated
Notes regarding "Origins" undated
Ideas for writing undated
Research Material
Correspondence regarding research 1926-33
Mahony, Thomas F.
Correspondence 1929-34
Field notes, 1927-29
Series A-E, Set I
Field notes 1927
Imperial Valley
Field notes 1927
Translation of Letters, Imperial Valley Mexican Worker's Union 1928
Statistics 1922-34
Related material 1919-29
Notes 1927
Los Angeles
Field notes 1927
Study of Mexican Women in Industry 1928
Statistics: Women in Industry 1927
Allianza 1928-29
Miscellaneous 1927-32
Madera 1927
Field notes 1927
Field notes 1927
Northern [counties]
Interviews with Farm Advisors 1927
Orange County
Draft article ca. 1930
Field notes 1927
Statistics, miscellaneous 1925-27, 1930
Field notes 1927
San Diego 1932
Stockton 1927
Field notes 1927, 1932-33
Flyers and brochures 1919-28
Statistics: Building and Lumber Industry 1927
Miscellaneous 1927
Field notes, Set A-E, typescript 1927-30
Greeley, beet workers 1927-29
Great Western Sugar Company 1927-29
Miscellaneous, printed 1926-28
Notes 1928
Field notes Sept. 1927
Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin
Field notes 1927
Field notes Sept. 1927
Statistics: Education 1927-28
Miscellaneous 1927-29
Field notes-Cheyenne [1927]
Statistics: Education 1927-28
Illinois, Chicago and the Calumet Area
Edson Report flyers 1926-28
Study outline July 24, 1928
Field notes 1928
Index outline
Draft undated
Field notes by Robert C. Jones [1928]
Religion by Robert C. Jones 1928
Statistics 1927-30
Illinois Steel Company 1928-29
Inland Steel Company 1928
Wisconsin Steel Company 1928
Banda Mexicana de Chicago 1928
South Chicago study by Raymond E.Nelson 1928
Flyer undated
Miscellaneous 1928
Related material 1928
Notes on Mexican newspapers 1928
Mexico [Newspaper] June 22, 1929
Field notes 1928
Gary 1928
Cement companies 1930
Humo Aug. 5, 1928
Field notes by Robert C. Jones 1928
Field notes July 1928
Flyers undated
Miscellaneous 1926-27
Related material 1925-27
Miscellaneous 1928
Field notes 1929-30
Bethlehem Steel Company 1930
El Popular , Del Rio, Texas [Newspaper] Nov. 23, 1928
Field notes 1928-29
Nueces County
Field notes Sept. 1929
Correspondence 1929-33
Miscellaneous undated
Notes 1929-30
Dimmit County 1929, 1931
El Paso County 1925-26
Cameron County undated
League of United Latin-American Citizens, Brownsville 1929-32
League of Latin American Citizens, San Antonio 1929-34
Statistics 1925-29
Climatological data 1921-30
Miscellaneous 1929
Tucson and Phoenix 1929
Louisiana 1925-29
New Mexico 1932
Railroad study
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe 1926-32
Chicago Railways 1927-29
Southern Pacific Railway 1927-29
Western Pacific Railway 1928-29
Miscellaneous 1928-29
Migration study 1929
Statistics 1929-32
Diario Oficial 1928-31
Departamento de Migracion 1929
Departamento de La Estadistica Nacional 1930-31
Congressional Record 1928-29
Miscellaneous 1928-30
Notes ca. 1927-33
Related Material
Broadsides 1925-1929
Contacts 1927-29
Edson, George T., Bureau of Labor Statistics Field reports on Mexican Labor in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere 1926-27
The Coalitionist
Vol. I, nos. 1, 3-6, July/Dec. 1929
Conferences 1926-30
Directory of Spanish-Speaking Work in the U.S., Home Missions Council, New York City, N.Y. 1926
La Nueva Democracia 1928-29
Newspaper clippings 1922-30
Mexican Labor in the U.S. , Vols. 1-2
Proof sheets 1930-32
The National Institute Faces 1936 Dec. 1935
First Annual Report
Certificate from University of California 1933
President Sproul
Field notes 1933-34
Field Director Files
Drobish, Harry E. 1935-36
Taylor, Paul S. 1935-36
To and from others 1935-36
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Field notes 1933-34
Field notes
San Francisco Longshore Strike July 1934
Imperial Valley Strikes May 14, 1934
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Field notes, Cole Harbor, North Dakota Jan. 12, 1934
Charts 1933-35
Field notes
Texas onions 1934
California ERA, Division of Rural Rehabilitation 1936-39
Field notes 1934-35
Marysville to Imperial Valley March-April 1935
Imperial Valley
Related material 1934-35
Field notes 1935
Kerr, Clark April-May 1937
Kings, Kern, and Tulare Counties Oct. 1933
Corcoran Dec. 20-21, 1933
Report, Peculiarities of California Agriculture in Relation to the Rural Rehabilitation Program 1935
Charts 1935-40
Trends 1934-35
Miscellaneous 1936
San Joaquin Valley 1933
Field notes Dec. 20-24, 1933
Field notes 1933
Guthberson Interview, San Francisco
Field notes Jan. 13, 1934
Ira Cross
Correspondence 1933-34
Hearings and statements 1933
Research materials 1933-34
Notes 1933-44
Cotton Industry 1925-34
Kern County 1926-31
Tulare County 1930-38
Cannery and Agricultural Workers Industrial Union
Cannery Strikes
United Farm Worker , Vol. 1, #3 April 15, 1937
Fruit and Vegetable Workers Union
Poster undated
Cotton strikes
Related material 1933-38
San Joaquin Cotton Strike
Fresno Bee Oct. 1933
Hanford Journal 1933
Tulare Advanced-Register Oct. 1933
Tulare Times Oct. 1933
Visalia Delta-Times Oct. 1933
Miscellaneous 1933
Regional Labor Advisor
Taylor, Paul S.
Radio talk March 4, [1936?]
Field notes April-June 1935
New Jersey June 1936
Mississippi July-Aug. 1936
Dozier 1935
Johnson, Tyr 1935
Johnson and Avina
Filipino Labor in California 1935
Johnson, Tyr
Migration and Resettlement Problems in Pacific Coast States
Draft June 20, 1938
Johnson, Tyr and Frederick Arpke
Migration and Settlement on the Pacific Coast July 1942
Mills, Omer
Field notes 1935
Rowell and Fallon
Field notes 1935
Samano, Theodosia M.
Field notes
Apricot Camps 1935
Imperial Valley 1935
Mexican Colonies 1935
Vasey, Tom
Field notes 1935
Investigation on Housing Conditions 1935
Migration of Drought Refugees to California
Memorandum by Paul S. Taylor April 17, 1935
Rural Economic Structure of California
Draft report 1936
Survey of Rural Slums 1935
Conference Called to Discuss the Problem of Transients and Migratory Agricultural Labor San Francisco Dec. 14, 1936
Alexander, Will W.
Resettlement Administration and the South Feb. 5, 1937
Migrant Labor Camp Files
Conference on Housing Migratory Agricultural Laborers
Correspondence 1935
Migrant Labor Camp Program
General information 1935-47
Conference on Housing Migratory Agricultural Laborers
Sacramento Jan. 18, 1935
Marysville Oct. 12, 1935
Santa Cruz Nov. 18, 1935
Transcript Dec. 15, 1935
Statement in support of project to establish camps for migrants in California Aug. 22, 1935
Special report to the Administrator on camps for migrant agricultural laborers in California Oct. 17, 1935
Sections I and II, draft
Labor camps undated
Arvin Migratory Camp, Kern County, Calif. 1935-36
Marysville Migrant Camp
Reports 1935
Reactions to camps 1934-37
California Division of Immigration and Housing 1932-37
Labor difficulties in Sonoma County, Calif.
Reports and related material Aug.-Sept. 1935
Report on the background and problems affecting farm labor in California Feb. 10, 1935
Study: Rural labor in the 5 southwestern states undated
Survey of California Agricultural Workers May 1936
Related material
Synopsis [1936?]
The Suspension of Relief in Agricultural Areas
Report Aug. 29, 1935
Council on Interstate Migration Jan. 9, 1939
Interstate Conference on Migratory Labor
Proceedings Feb., Dec. 1940
Population in Farm Security Administration Migratory Labor Camps
Report and related material 1940
Subject Files
U.S. Department of Labor 1939
Hour and Wage Division
Child Labor 1935-49
Notes undated
Publications 1924-48
Clippings 1920-54
Cooperatives 1935-41
Dust Bowl undated
Farmer's Emergency Relief Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1935
Study of the Health of 1, 000 Children of Migratory Agricultural Laborers 1937
A Study of 132 Families in California Cotton, with Reference to Availability of Health Care [1937?]
Trailing Child and Maternal Health into California Migratory Agricultural Camps 1938
Miscellaneous 1930s
Hop Pickers 1935-1939
Transients and Migrants 1939
Miscellaneous1930s and 1940s
Clippings, press releases, and publications 1930s and 1940s
Migrant ban 1935-38
Migration 1935-42
Migrants 1933-55
Relief 1935-43
Sugar Beet Workers 1930-37
Tenure 1936-42
Cotton undated
Clippings 1930-40
Publications 1923-40
Voorhis Bills 1937-38
Works Progress Administration 1936-39
Miscellaneous 1939-67
Maps 1926, 1935
Unemployment compensation 1939
Publications 1913-53
Clippings 1926-50
A Statement on Two Suggested Solutions for the Problem of Farm Unemployment May 24, 1940
Notes 1941
Miscellaneous 1946
SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD (1936-1941), 1922-1962
Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr. 1936-39
To Paul S. Taylor
Taylor, Paul S. 1937-39
To Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr.
Correspondence 1936-50
To and from others
Field notes June 1937
Hall and Childress counties, Texas and Cache, Oklahoma
Texas June 1937
Macon, Georgia to Wamsutter, Wyoming July-Aug. 1937
San Ramon, Leland, and Greenville, Mississippi 1937-38
Edison County Citrus Migrants April-May 1938
Salinas, California June 1938
Goodlett, Texas June 5-19, 1938
Little Rock, Arkansas June 20-28, 1938
Memphis, Tennessee to Tifton, Georgia June-July 1938
Enterprise, Alabama to Greenwood, Mississippi July-Aug. 1938
Hollendale, Mississippi to Taos, New Mexico Aug. 4-14, 1938
Miscellaneous 1939
Oregon and Washington 1939
Middle West 1940
Miscellaneous 1941
Taylor, Paul S. and Tom Vasey
California Farm Labor Jan. 1937
Trends in Agricultural Labor
Memo Aug. 7, 1937
Displacement of Tenant Farmers by Mechanization in Hall and Childress Counties, Texas
Field report 1937
Correspondence 1937-39
Related material 1937-39
Probable Labor Displacement of a Mechanical Cotton Picker
Preliminary report 1938
Problems of a Changing Population
Research on Interchange of Labor between Industry and Agriculture June 3, 1938
The Nation's Soil and Human Resources 1935-36
Farm Labor in the Mississippi and the Arkansas Deltas
Field report July 9, 1937
United States 1933-38
Mississippi 1930-34
Miscellaneous 1936-56
Clippings 1930s
Publications 1934-41
Florida Migration Study
Correspondence 1936-41
Field notes 1940
Interviews 1937
Reports 1930s
Related material 1938-45
Cotton 1937-40
Acreage Reduction Contract 1933-53
Cotton Picker
Correspondence 1930-43
Related material 1927-48
Clippings 1929-49
Corn Belt
Field Research in the Corn Belt July-Aug. 1940
Correspondence 1940-41
Miscellaneous 1933-39
Clippings 1932-56
Northern Great Plains 1924-41
West 1939
Attitudes 1939-40
Clippings 1928-56
Effects 1938-40
Tractors 1937-55
General 1922-62
Clippings 1922-50
Depopulation of good land 1939-41
Disadvantaged 1938-42
Income undated
Levels of living 1933-41
Migration 1940-43
Migration to towns 1937-40
Policy 1932-42
United States 1937-44
Western States 1939
Miscellaneous 1937-60
Fertility 1930-40
Miscellaneous 1936-47
Agricultural Policy
Attitudes 1938
Credit 1940
Family farm 1940, [1940s]
Public land 1942
Clippings 1941
Notes 1938-42
Miscellaneous 1941
Publications 1939-44
Allan, William W. 1944
Anderson, Clinton P., 1895-1975 1957-59
Anderson, Dewey, 1897- 1946-64
Atwater, Dr. H. Gale 1940-47
Ballis, George 1948-59
Barth, Alan 1954-65
Biemiller, Andrew 1960
Bjornson, Anga 1954-60
Boke, Richard L. 1946-52
Brown, Edmund G., 1905- 1959
Carey, Charles E. 1943-44
Chapman, Oscar Littleton, 1896- 1948
Clawson, Marion, 1905- 1943-45
Cohelan, Jeffrey 1959-60
Dancy, Oscar C. 1947-48
Dickinson, Philip P. 1947-52
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1900- 1945-59
Douglas, Paul Howard, 1892- 1957-62
Downey, Sheridan, 1884-1961 1944
Engle, Clair, 1911-1964 1945-59
Finney, Ruth, 1898- 1954-55
Fortas, Abe 1944-45
Gearhart, Bertrand 1944
Goldschmidt, Arthur, 1910- 1943-45
Goldschmidt, Walter Rochs, 1913- 1946-49
Haggerty, Cornelius J., 1894-1971 1944-60
Harrigan, B. A. 1928-35
Herring, Elizabeth 1953-59
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1911-1978 Dec. 6, 1960
Ickes, Harold L., 1874-1952 1948-51
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1908-1973 April 29, 1959
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 1959-60
Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968 Dec. 17, 1960
La Follette, Robert Marion, 1895-1953 1942-46
Lucey, Robert E., 1891- 1954-55
Maass, Arthur 1951-60
McClatchy, James 1955
McDonald, Angus Henry, 1903- 1957-64
McDonald, Grace 1954
Miller, Arthur Lewis undated
Miller, George P., 1891- 1945-62
Morse, Wayne L., 1900-1974 1958-62
Moss, John E., 1913- 1954-56
Murray, James E. 1955
Nordholm, Alex 1953-54
Packard, Walter E., 1884-1966 1943-45
Patton, James G. 1960-64
Pearson, Drew, 1897-1969 1948, 1960
Pfost, Gracie 1954
Phillips, Hubert, 1891- 1955-56
Quinn, J. Blaine 1962-64
Rausenbush, Stephen, 1896- 1944
Roosevelt, James 1959-61
Seaton, Frederick A., 1909- 1956-60
Sehlmeyer, George 1944-55
Shelley, John Francis, 1905- 1950-54
Sisk, Bernie 1957-59
Sparkman, John, 1899-1985 1947-48
Spencer, G. H. 1957
Stilwell, Hart, 1902- 1947-48
Stong, Benton J. 1954-55
Straus, Michael W., 1897- 1944-60
Swett, Frank Tracy, 1869-1969 1945-48
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 1948
Ullman, Al M. C. 1959-60
Vizzard, James L. 1954-57
Outgoing letters 1942-64
Central Valley Project Conference March 3, 1945
California Water Conference Dec. 6-7, 1945
Central Valley Project Conference 1945-48
Reclamation, 1949-1950 Aug. 1, 1949
Conference of the Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, Nevada
Reclamation, 1950-51 July 24, 1951
West Programming Conference
Agreement form sample regarding the state of California and local water districts for the delivery and receipt of water from the CVP April 1, 1935
Enforcement of Irrigation Law 1944
CVP maps 1944
Protective League 1944
Cost Repayment 1947-49
Development of the CVP:
Selected statements on water issues and the CVP 1945-51
Letter to Paul S. Taylor regarding the first CVP contract June 15, 1947
Map, River Districts of California 1948
Pamphlet, Department of the Interior 1949
Evolution of reclamation as a national policy and program 1949
Sheridan Downey and the Central Valley 1949-50
Part II: some contemporary comments
CVP Project data memo July 24, 1950
Memo to the Secretary of the Interior regarding staff reorganization May 6, 1953
Responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior under the Flood Control Act of 1944 for irrigation functions at dam and reservoir projects operated under the direction of the Secretary of the Army Nov. 1957
Feasibility findings of the Central Valley Project 1935
Development of the Central Valley Project 1935-64
Recommendations to the California State Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission by the State Aerial Mapping Project Committee March 1945
Central Valley Project allocation report and letters of transmissal Dec. 3, 1946
Statement comparing the reports of the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Army on comprehensive plans for the Central Valley, California July 30, 1948
Farmers Home Administration
Annual report Aug. 25, 1950
Central Valley Project
Annual report 1952
Land ownership
Background study 1966
Letter from Frederick P. Tracy to his wife, Emily Jan. 14, 1839
Historical Highlights of the Central Valley Project 1850-1952
Report of the California State Agricultural Society 1856-85
California Legislature report of the joint committee on swamp and overflowed lands and land monopoly 1874
Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the state of California 1878-79
Written description of Article XVII, land and homestead exemption 1879
Third California Fruit Growers Convention Nov. 1883
Report of the special committee of the United States Senate on the irrigation and reclamation of arid lands 1889-90
National Irrigation Conferences 1891-1914
Address of Senator Francis G. Newlands of Nevada, co-author of National Reclamation Act of 1902 Oct. 1, 1905
Editorial from the Sacramento Bee Jan. 3, 1907
Editorial, "Situation on the Colorado River" Jan. 14, 1907
Excerpts of proceeding of the National Irrigation Congress 1910
Water Problems Before the Legislature 1927
History files and clippings in chronological order 1933-39
La Follette Committee 1939-43
History files and clippings (chronological) 1940-41
History files and clippings (chronological) 1942
Goodall, Merrill R.
Land and Power Administration of the Central Valley Project 1942
History files and clippings (chronological) 1943-44
Acreage Limitation and Excess Land Problems: the Central Valley Agricultural Land March 1944
Paul S. Taylor's notes on the history of the Central Valley Project 1945-55
History files and clippings (chronological) 1945-48
History files and clippings (chronological) 1949-78
Legislation regarding state control of the CVP
Selected statements and news articles 1937-46
Legislative statements and selected articles 1937-46
California Legislature Assembly Bill #340: Jan. 10, 1951
An act to create the Kings River Conservation District
U.S. House of Representatives:
H.R. 4485: authorizing the construction of public works on rivers and harbors for flood control March 27, 1944
H.R. 4679: making appropriations for the Department of the Interior April 28, 1944
H.R. 3961: The Rivers and Harbors Bill, to authorize a post-war construction program May 23, 1944
Paul Taylor's notes, printed materials, selected statements, and clippings 1944
H.R. 1824: to provide for the creation of conservation authorities Jan. 29, 1945
H.R. 7915: to provide for the protection of the water users of Kings River, Calif. March 29, 1950
H.R. 4397: to provide for distribution systems on the CVP April 1, 1953
H.J.R. 330: to authorize funds for the Tri-Dam Project Jan. 6, 1954
H.R. 4721: excess land provisions in the Owl Creek Unit of the Missouri Basin Project July 12, 1954
H.R. 5301: providing federal cooperation in non-federal projects July 22, 1954
H.R. 101: relating to the administration of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 Jan. 5, 1955
H.R. 103: to provide for construction on federal reclamation projects Jan. 5, 1955
H.R. 5881: to supplement the federal reclamation laws April 27, 1955
H.R. 8535: to amend the act of July 4, 1955, relating to the construction of irrigation systems Jan. 17, 1956
H.R. 10299: to supplement the federal reclamation laws March 1956
U.S. Senate:
S.B. 1948: to provide for the settlement of war veterans, war workers and others on the CVP May 23, 1944
S.B.395: to modify the application of the excess land and repayment provisions of federal reclamation laws to the CVP Jan. 25, 1945
S.B. 460: to establish the Columbia Valley Authority Feb. 5, 1945
S.B. 1645: to establish administration of the Columbia Valley Authority April 19, 1945
S.B. 1628: to provide for loans regarding water use on federal projects April 14, 1953
S.B. 3040: to provide financial assistance to the Oakdale and South San Joaquin Irrigation District, regarding the Tri-Dam Project March 1, 1954
S.B. 2442: Federal Cooperation in Non-Federal Projects July 11, 1955
S.B. 1106: to approve the California Water Resources Development Bond Act May 13, 1960
American River Division 1947-51
Auburn Dam Project 1959
Contra Costa Canal 1956
Delta Cross Channel 1948
Delta-Mendota Canal 1949
Feather River Project 1949-52
Folsom Reservoir Project 1944
Fresno Irrigation District Nov. 30, 1948
Friant-Kern Canal 1943-49
Imperial Valley Water District 1934-55
Ivanhoe Irrigation District 1949-59
Kern County
Survey of migratory labor problem March 1, 1941
Land Company and the CVP 1946-49
Land Company 1961
Water District 1961
Memo regarding excess lands 1961
Kings River Water District 1940-50
Pine Flat Water Contract 1944-59
Verbatim transcript of a public meeting called by the Bureau of Reclamation regarding the Kings River Project July 30, 1946
Technical memorandum of supporting data for report on cost allocation and repayment Oct. 10, 1946
Cost allocation and repayment report Oct. 10, 1946
Construction of the Pine Flat Dam 1946
Press Digest
Selected newsletters 1946-47
Documents 1947-55
Paul S. Taylor, Kings River and Tulare Lake Project June 1949
Water Rights Indenture and Administration Agreement June 1949
Water contracts and the irrigation districts of California 1949
Project Feud 1949
Conservation District Act 1949-51
Clippings 1949-51
Irrigation Districts of California 1949-51
Statements regarding water project 1949-51
Contracts 1950
Civil appropriations 1950
Payment for irrigation benefits of Pine Flat Reservoir 1950
Various statements regarding the North Fork Unit 1950-51
Clippings 1950-51
Integrating King's River Water Association and the CVP 1950-51
Conservation District (Creation of) 1951
President's Water Resources Policy Commission 1951
Irrigation District
Clippings 1951
North Fork Power Development 1952
Water Association
Research notes and clippings 1951-53
Water Project and the California State Grange 1951-55
Water Association 1952
Federal Power Commission 1952
Project Miscellaneous 1952-54
Water Association 1956
Pine Flat Dam and the Flood Control Act of 1944 Dec. 1958
Excess Land Law 1959-60
Proposed repayment contracts Dec. 1961
San Luis contract 1962
Contract negotiations between the U.S.government and Kings River water users 1963-64
Orland Project 1947-79
Sacramento Valley Canals 1951
San Joaquin Valley power and organized labor 1946
San Luis Water Project
Development 1949
Miscellaneous 1959-61
Shasta Dam Power Plant 1950
Solano County Project 1949
Table Mountain Dam 1945
Tracy dumping plant and switch yard 1951
Trinity River Project development 1955
Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District
Report Aug. 1949
Tule Lake
Outline for follow-up studies on Tule Lake homesteaders 1948
Yolo and Solano developments 1946
Related Projects
Central Arizona Project Association 1949
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir 1953-56
Colorado River Association 1948-57
Central Florida Project
Paul S. Taylor's notes 1950-51
Reports and statistical data 1930-41
Memos 1941-43
Hell's Canyon Development Project 1953
Missouri Valley Authority 1947
Columbia Basin Project undated
Subject Files
Army Corps of Engineers 1949-54
California Farm Bureau 1943-47
California State Grange 1944-65
Collection Washington 1944-49
National Science Foundation 1946
Organized labor and the CVP
Notes and correspondence 1943-49
Selected newsletters and articles 1943-49
Population Committee
Statistical Memorandums 1943-44
Nos. 1-6, series: Growth of Population; No. 7, series: Income
Minutes of meetings 1943-44
Organization and activities Oct. 24, 1944
Research materials 1943-44
Sale of electric power
Congressional hearings 1946
Power policies for California 1947-50
Pacific coast power situation
Report of the Bureau of Reclamation and related printed material 1948
Power and the CVP
Policy statements 1948-49
CVP and Pacific Gas Electric, Shasta Dam
Statements and printed materials 1948-52
Hoover Commission Task Force on water and power 1954
Atomic energy 1956
Booneville Power Administration: undated
The Future of Hydroelectric Power
Report undated
Electric power situation in California undated
Project Studies
Bulletins #1 and #2 1942-43
Memos 1942-43
Minutes of committee meeting regarding Problem #24 Feb. 5-6, 1943
Report of legal sub-committee regarding Problem #10 Feb. 19, 1943
Tentative outline of Problem #15 May 13, 1943
Outlines and memos regarding Problem #19 Sept. 1943
Problems #8-#9 analysis by U.S. Department of the Interior Nov. 25, 1943
Meeting of leaders of Problems #8-#16 Dec. 8, 1943
Minutes of committee meeting regarding Dec. 31, 1943
Problem #14
Legislative and Administrative History of Acreage Limitations and Control of Speculation on Federal Lands Dec. 1943
Resolutions regarding the CVP 1943
Bibliographies 1943
History and Administration 1943-44
Committee report regarding Problem #13 May 17, 1944
Memo regarding Problem #16 June 22, 1944
Committee report on Problem #22 June 26, 1944
Central Valley Project Studies Report on Problem #19: Acreage Limitation in the Central Valley Sept. 25, 1944
Committee draft for Problem #6 Feb. 1945
Charts undated
State Control of the CVP
Selected news articles 1944
State purchase of the CVP
Selected news items 1944-45
Paul S. Taylor's notes 1945
Statements 1945
Boke, Richard L.
Report, Feasibility of state ownership and operation of the CVP of California Water Project Authority Oct. 1952
Memos, Department of the Interior 1952
Proposed state organization for administration of laws and policies pertaining to water in California Jan. 8, 1954
Selected newsletters 1954
Tennessee Valley Authority
TVA and the Supreme Court Oct. 1935
Labor Relations Policy 1946
Public power 1954
Unfolding Patterns 1944-47
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the CVP
Selected newsletters regarding the 160-acre limitation 1943
Central Valley study of the California Housing and Planning Association report on the progress of field work April 1944
Town meeting on the air
Taylor, Paul S., Should the government use its authority to break up large landholdings into family size farms? Aug. 10, 1944
Reclamation law and the CVP
Statements 1944
The 160-acre Limitation
Selected newsletters 1944-45
Federal legislation and the 160-acre limitation
Policy Statements 1946-47
Notes and policy statements on proposed federal legislation to eliminate acreage limitation on certain federal reclamation projects April 5, 1947
Statements and resolutions regarding a bill to exempt the CVP from acreage limitations of reclamation law 1947
Statement of Commissioner of Reclamation, Michael W. Straus before the Publicity and Propaganda Sub-Committee June 14, 1948
Record of recent reclamation discussions regarding Straus-Boke Rider compiled by the Department of the Interior Aug. 1948
Recent reclamation discussions by the Department of the Interior Aug. 1948
Selected statements regarding the 160-acre limitation 1949
Land decisions regarding the 160-acre limitation
Paul S. Taylor notes and statements 1949-62
160-acre limit and the Gerlach Livestock Co. 1950
Straus-Boke Rider
Paul S. Taylor notes 1949-50
Clippings 1948
Statement of Richard L. Boke, delivered to members of the House Sub-committee on Publicity and Propaganda [1950]
Special committee on natural resources and the 160-acre limitation 1951
King's River Water Agreement
Paul S. Taylor notes March 15, 1952
National Reclamation Association Report of the Land Limitations Committee Nov. 16, 1956
Lump-sum payment of construction charges as a device to escape acreage limitation under reclamation law 1957-64
Interest groups who back the 160-acre limitation 1959-77
The California Churches Council and the 160-acre limitation 1968-77
Report, A Farm Labor and Rural Economic 1971
Economic Program for California
The 160-acre limitation and urban planning 1972
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Public land policies March 14, 1946
National water resources policies May 29, 1944
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
VFW and the 160-acre limitation
Department of the Interior report regarding a work plan for post World War I, 1919 [1943]
Post-war Soldier Settlement
Legislative reports and statements 1944
Statements concerning legislation to extend to veterans preference to irrigated lands 1945
American Policy Platform of American Veterans 1946
Hermann, M. C., Quarter Master-Adjutant of the Department of California, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 1946-51
Resolutions and statements adopted during VFW State Convention 1947
Government aids to land acquisition by war veterans selected reports regardingland development during World War II 1948
The veteran's stake in reclamation
Selected statements 1949-50
VFW and the 160-acre limit
Paul S. Taylor notes undated
Water Project Authority of California
Paul S. Taylor notes 1944-50
Water Resources Policy Commission
Selected statements and newsletters 1950
Work collection 1949-51
Collective bargaining ca.1940
Columbia Conserve Co.
Labor problems in public service
Selected printed materials 1949-54
Paul S. Taylor notes 1950
Collective bargaining 1950-51
Publications 1950-51
National Consumers League
Selected newsletters 1951-52
President's Commission on Migratory Labor 1950-52
Correspondence and memoranda 1950-52
Paul Taylor notes 1955-59
Reports 1951
Miscellaneous 1955-59
Migrant labor
Publications 1947-61
Migration 1945-49
Urban/rural undated
War 1942-48
Miscellaneous undated
Foreign 1930
Publications undated
Mexican labor 1943-60
Mexican farm labor 1947-49
Mexico 1950
Clippings 1950-51
Clippings 1951
Progress report on migratory labor legislation May 1, 1961
Correspondence 1952-55
Miscellaneous 1952
International Cooperation Administration (ICA)
Correspondence 1955-56
Latin America 1954-56
India, Pakistan, and the Philippines 1955
Field notes
I II, India 1955
III, Pakistan and the Philippines 1955
IV, the Philippines and Hawaii 1955
Miscellaneous 1956-57
Photographic Notes Accompanying Report on Community Development Programs in India, Pakistan and the Philippines by a team of consultants 1955
India 1955
India and China 1956
Egypt 1952-56
India and Pakistan 1955-56
The Philippines 1955
Miscellaneous undated
notes and photographs of Ishar Singh Gurew 1967
Correspondence and notes 1958-59
Paul S. Taylor itineraries and schedules 1958
Financial file 1958
Field notes
Indonesia, Nepal, India, Pakistan 1958
Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, Rangoon 1958
India 1958-60
Field notes 1958
Miscellaneous 1956, 1958
Field notes 1958
Pakistan 1958
Field notes 1958
Miscellaneous 1958
Final Report 1958
Miscellaneous 1957-58
Miscellaneous 1956
Field notes 1958-59
Miscellaneous notes 1958
Correspondence 1959
Land Reform Club July 1959
Field notes Aug.-Sept. 1959
Miscellaneous Sept. 1959
Newspapers 1959
Field notes, miscellaneous 1960, undated
Ecuador 1959-61
Columbia 1961
Land reform program (A.I.D.) 1961
Field notes 1961
Community Development 1961-63
Inter-regional Conference on Community Development, Seoul, Korea May 6-12, 1961
Agency for International Development (AID)
U.S. Agency for International Development 1962-71
Correspondence 1962-63
Report, Community development as a tool of the Agency for International Development [1962?]
Meetings 1963
Field notes
New York, Rome, Iran Nov.-Dec. 1963
Egypt, Iran, London 1963
Iran, Western Europe 1963
Egypt, miscellaneous 1962-63
Sudan Jan. 18-26, 1963
Notes, reports 1963
Paul S. Taylor report to the government of Iran July 1963
Miscellaneous 1963
American universities field staff reports 1963
Community Development Program 1959
Lectures and notes 1957-64
Correspondence 1968
Training program 1968
Miscellaneous 1968
Panama report 1968
Addresses 1968
Training program 1969
Miscellaneous 1969
Nepal 1969-70
Agrarian reform and community development 1971
Evaluation 1972
Related material 1952-68, 1970s
Minority groups and intergroup relationships in the San Francisco Bay Area, compiled for A.I.D. by the Oakland Interagency Project May 1963
Asia Foundation Newsletters 1966
Questionnaires 1968
Hamlet Survey 1968
Final report regarding decentralization 1968
Third World farmers 1972
Community development
California 1975
Miscellaneous 1977
Scotland undated
United Nations
General information 1960
Land reform and community development 1960
Brazil (A.I.D.)
Final report 1965
Ecuador and Venezuela
Correspondence 1960
Field notes 1960
Report: Two Case Studies 1960
Correspondence 1963
Miscellaneous 1963
Related material 1963
Arab-Israeli conflict
Notes by Elias Tuma 1972-74
Report May 1968
Correspondence 1970-72
Field notes and correspondence 1967
Study 1970
Publications 1968-71
Clippings 1969-72
Land reform
Related material 1967-72
Research materials
Western Resources Information Committee
Newsletter Jan. 1, 1963
Agricultural Development Council, Inc.
Selected newsletters 1964
THE SIERRA CLUB (1969-1976), 1967-1978
Correspondence 1967-76
Reports and printed materials 1970-78
Conservation organizations
Correspondence, newsletters, clippings 1969-74
Clippings 1970-78
Correspondence 1967-73
Memos between Paul S. Taylor and John F. Henning, Executive Secretary-Treasurer 1971-73
Common Cause
Correspondence, newsletters 1971-74
Statement to Senate Local Government Committee Dec. 16-18, 1970
Drafts and notes regarding S.B. 1373
Notes 1970-72
Commentary: who will watch the watch-dog of Congress? by Paul S. Taylor March 18, 1970
Statement to Senate Local Committee
Research materials 1970
Office of economic opportunity 1965-70
Selected newsletters 1968-70
Tax reform in California
Selected statements and printed materials 1969-71
Policy statement regarding natural resources Aug. 1970
Labor in California
Printed materials and clippings 1969-72
AFL-CIO Regional Conference on national health insurance, state and local taxes, unemployment compensation, and workmen's compensation Dec. 11-12, 1970
Regional Commissioners' Environmental Manpower Administrative Teach-in Dec. 16-18, 1970
Policy statements and reports adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council 1970
Legislative proposals concerning California consumers 1970-71
Impact of federal programs to improve the living conditions of migrant and other seasonal workers
Report and related materials 1973
California Farm Labor
Selected reports and statements 1960-70
Statement to U.S. Senate subcommittee on migratory labor by John F. Henning
Drafts, notes, final print copy Jan. 11, 1972
Printed materials 1971
California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
Printed materials regarding the economic opportunity act and rural cooperatives 1971
American Federation of Labor 1969-70
The American Federationist
Clippings 1970-73
Correspondence 1971-72
Printed materials 1972-75
Clippings 1972-75
Excess lands policy
Reclamation Extension Act 1926
Joint legislative committee report on open space lands of the California Legislature Aug. 1969
Open Space Land Commission
Selected statements and printed materials 1970-78
California Land Conservation Act of 1965: landowner participation and estimated taxshifts Sept. 1971
Ralph Nader task force report on land use in the state of California 1971
Land reform
California 1972
Foreign 1972
Venezuela 1972
Clippings 1972
Publications 1972
Agribusiness Accountability Project
Selected reports and statements 1972
Land use planning 1974
Land use and flood control
Paul S. Taylor notes and clippings 1975-77
Nation Coalition for Land Reform
Printed materials regarding the Northern California Land Trust 1976-78
Preserving agricultural land: issues and policy alternatives July 1981
FRIENDS OF THE EARTH (1973), 1970-1976
State of California, Environmental Quality Study Council
Progress report and related materials 1970-73
Correspondence 1971-73
Report, Congress should reevaluate the 160-acre limitation on land eligible to receive water from federal water resources projects Nov. 30, 1972
Paul S. Taylor statement on acreage limitation representing Friends of the Earth Jan. 11, 1973
First national conference on land reforms, San Francisco, Calif. April 25-28, 1973
Policy workshop on water, development and environmental issues May 3-4, 1973
Report, Current problems involving federal reclamation projects Oct. 1975
Bureau of Reclamation's Procedures and Practices for Computing Authorized Cost Ceilings and Project Cost Estimates Need Improvement Nov. 17, 1975
Appraisal Procedures and Solutions to Problems Involving the 160-acre Limitation Provision of Reclamation Law June 3, 1976
Irrigated farm statistics
Notes and selected print materials 1976
NATIONAL LAND FOR PEOPLE (1975), 1972-1979
Correspondence 1972-73
Miscellaneous correspondence 1976-79
Reports 1975-79
Legal cases 1976
Press packets 1975
Press releases 1975-79
Newsletters 1975-79
Clippings 1975-78
Correspondence and Minutes 1941-42
Related materials 1941-42
Employment 1942-43
Statistics [Board of Agriculture?]
Correspondence 1940-44
Notes 1940-44
Japanese Americans 1942-44
Agenda Dec. 20, 1943
Trends 1941
Clippings 1940-44
Reports 1937-40
Migrant Subcommittee on Fact Finding
Minutes 1939
Correspondence 1939
Speeches and Addresses 1938-40
Report, Migrants: A National Problem and Its Impact on California May 1940
Working files
General 1943-45
Correspondence 1942-51
Field Notes 1942-44
Minutes 1943-45
Exhibits 1943
Miscellaneous 1942-49
Subject Files
American Council on Race Relations 1947
American Legion, Hood River Post #22 undated
A Statement on the Japanese
Auburn, Calif. 1945
Clippings regarding Japanese House fire and dynamiting 1945
California State Federation of Labor
Statement, Importation of Japanese Farm Workers April 23, 1957
Growers' Association 1942-43
Kenny, Robert W.
Speech, Sheriff's Meeting, Sacramento March 16, 1945
Nisei in Uniform 1943
Nisei in the War against Japan April 1945
Poli, Adon and Warren M. Engstrand
Japanese Agriculture on the Pacific coast 1945
Quota or Exclusion for Japanese Immigrants 1932
Radin, Paul
Folktales of Japan as Told in California and Japanese Ceremonies and Festivals in California 1946
The Square Deal in the Pacific ca. 1930
Japanese farm holdings on the Pacific Coast 1944
Memo, Evacuation of Enemy Aliens from vital defense areas Feb. 11, 1942
Reports 1944
Community Analysis Notes, #15 July 18, 1945
Community Analysis Reports, 11, 13-14 1945
Project Analysis Series, 22-23 1945
Trends in the Relocation Centers: III 1945
Housing Situation on West Coast 1945
People in Motion: the Postwar Adjustment of the Evacuated Japanese Americans undated
Pamphlets and brochures 1940-42
Soldiers 1942-44
Miscellaneous 1940-44
Newspaper articles and editorials regarding return of Japanese Americans to the West Coast 1945
Clippings and related material 1942-45, 1949
Section on Agriculture, Minutes 1940-45
Other Sections 1942-49
Agricultural Relations Committee 1947-49
Meeting minutes
Agricultural Relations Secretary 1947-49
Monthly reports, reports, statements, and miscellaneous 1947-50
Study monographs 1949-50
Christian Agriculture : A Monthly Letter of Personal Comment 1949-51
Congregational Christian Churches 1949-50
Together, Christian Community
Miscellaneous publications 1948-51
Related Publications 1948-50
Correspondence and printed materials 1948
Correspondence 1946-49
Correspondence 1952-64
Miscellaneous 1953-70
Bulletins 1950-73
Reports from Washington 1952-53
Working files
Correspondence 1950-66
Conferences 1953-55
Memos and form letters 1953-64
Board of Directors 1950s, 1964-65
Research Project: Education of Migrant Children 1952-53
Bulletins; actioNCALL 1950-64; 1964-66
Related Organizations
American Council of Spanish-Speaking People 1951-52
American Friends Service Committee 1954-66
American G.I. Forum [Austin, Texas]
News Bulletin 1952-56
California Center for Community Development 1966
California Church Council 1968-76
Legislative News ALERT
California Citizens Committee for Agricultural Labor 1959-64
California Farm Reporter 1944-62, 1964-70
Facts for Farmers 1946-49
California Rural Legal Assistance 1970-71
Children in a Democracy 1940
Farm Credit Administration 1941
Friends Committee on Legislation Newsletters 1972-80
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund 1975
Correspondence and memoranda 1960-67
Information Letters 1959-67
Nos. 1-6, 11-17, 20-24, 26-27, 29-33.
Statements 1959
National Catholic Rural Life Conference 1941-56
National Child Labor Committee 1941-76
Colorado 1950-51
National Committee on the Education of Migrant Children 1946-78
Home Missions Council of North America, Inc.
Correspondence with Velma Shotwell 1949-50
Printed material; Western Harvest 1937-49; 1950-54
Clippings 1951-58
California Migrant Ministry
The California Harvester 1960-66
The Harvester Newletter 1963
CMM Newsletter 1968-70
National Farm Worker Ministry 1971-79
NFWM Newsletter 1973-79
Northern California Working Group 1975-76
Form letters, reports 1941-75
Rural Advancement Fund 1969-78
Inter American Press 1940-41
Miscellaneous 1960-72
Correspondence and related publications 1950-52
Related publications 1949-51
U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Migratory Labor 1961-66
VISTA, 1967
Printed material 1967
Agriculture of the American Indians: A Classified List June 1933
Association Management of Camps for Migratory Farm Workers July 1947
Bank of America Business Review 1933-34
Camp Operations Bulletin Feb. 1946
The Collapse of Cotton Tenancy 1935
Composition and Characteristics of the Agricultural Population in California June 1939
Decasualization of Seasonal Farm Labor Jan. 1968
Economic, Social, and Demographic Characteristics of Spanish-American Wage Workers on U.S. Farms March 1963
Farm Labor 1963-66
Citizens for Farm Labor (Berkeley, Calif.)
Farm Labor Newsletter 1953
Committee of Citizens (San Francisco, Calif.)
Hacia un Mexico Nuevo: Problems Sociales by Manuel Gamio 1935
A History of California Labor Legislation , vol. 2 by Lucille Eaves 1910
Journal of Inter-American Foundation 1979-80
Labor Management for Seasonal Farm Workers: A Case Study March 1974
Mexican labor
Articles by Robert C. Jones 1942-49
Mexico and the Fascist Menace by Alejandro Carrillo 1940
Migrant Families , WPA 1938
Migrants: New Standards of International Practice 1930
No Harvest for the Reaper , NAACP [1960?]
Notes on the Culture of the Laguna Zone by Isabel Kelly Dec. 1954
Nutrition and Certain Related Factors of Spanish-Americans in Northern Colorado 1943
Preliminary Survey of Major Areas Requiring Outside Agricultural Labor Sept. 1947
Revista Mexicana de Sociologia , Vol. 8, no. 1 1946
The Shaping of California's Industrial Pattern 1956
A Study in Central Valley of California on Effects of Scale of Farm Operations 1946
A Study of 6655 Migrant Households in California 1938
Survey Graphic April 1936
The Texas Spectator , vol. 2, nos. 35-36 1947
Tres Etapas de Nuestra Politica de Migracion July 1935
Tulare County Board of Trade Bulletin 1924-30
Types of Farming in California Analyzed by Enterprises Sept. 1941
SERIES 5: GENERAL RESEARCH FILES, 1660-1983 (bulk 1900s-1983).
AGRICULTURAL LABOR, 1660-1983 (bulk 1910-1983)
Agribusiness and Corporate Agriculture, 1964-1978
Farm corporations and government subsidies
Clippings 1964
Agribusiness and the family farm
Notes and related clippings 1970-77
Agribusiness and federal legislation 1970-77
Legislation to restrict agricultural corporations 1971
Research into the effects of corporate farming on the quality of rural life
Statement by Walter Goldschmidt March 1, 1972
Barnes, Peter and Larry Casalino
Who Owns the Land? A Primer on Land Reform in the U.S.A. [1972]
Corporate structure of the Imperial Valley
Reports and clippings 1972-78
Conference, Agribusiness in the Golden State Nov. 1974
Corporate farms and the federal tax system
Report and clippings 1975
Berry, Wendell
The Culture of Agriculture 1975
Essay and related clippings
Large-scale farming in the United States
Selected bibliographies, reports, and statements [1975]
Subject Files, 1815-1983 (bulk 1920-1983)
Agricultural History
Agrarian reform 1955-72
Agricultural economics 1932
Asian labor
T. Presba notes undated
Colonial 1938
Colonial homesteading
Notes by Paul S. Taylor undated
Cooperatives and corporate legislation
Clippings 1977
Native American
T. Presba notes undated
Plantation 1941
Population 1935-64
Patterns 1934-35
Publications 1938-58
Sources 1941-50
Notes 1940
American Labor History 1962
Agricultural Labor
Documents 1815-52
Simon J. Lubin Society of California
Farm Tenancy Report [1937]
Bibliographies 1958
Small farms and the share cropper system
Paul S. Taylor notes and research materials 1969-76
Federal reclamation reform and family farms
Research materials 1971-79
Agricultural labor and the family farm
Selected reports and statements 1972-79
Small Farm Project, University of Calif., Davis
Newsletters 1973
Symposium on Agriculture in the History of the Far West, Univ. of Calif., Davis June 19-21, 1974
Conference, Obstacles to Strengthening the Family Farm System: Competition for Land Oct. 28, 1977
Le Veen, Philip E.
Public Policy and the Future of the Family Farm 1975
Farm Bureau Policies, 1977 Dec. 1976
Compiled by the California Farm Bureau Federation
Sternberg, Marvin [Giannini Foundation]
Public Support Systems for the Small Farm Nov. 1977
Marshall, Ray and Allen Thompson
Status and Prospects of Small Farmers in the South 1977
Preserving land for the small farm
Clippings 1977-78
Dept. of Agricuture clippings regarding sociology and the family farm 1977-80
Future of small farms in California
Research materials 1979-81
Clippings 1979-81
Women's labor on the farm
Selected clippings and newsletters 1982-83
Miscellaneous 1936-48, 1950s
Agricultural labor market
Notes undated
Agricultural legislation 1940-71
Amana Community 1921-48
Includes photos
Bibliographies 1939-41
Braceros politics
Correspondence 1942-65
Miscellaneous 1942-61, 1965
Emergency Committee to Aid Farm Workers, Inc. 1963
Los Braceros 1946
After the Bracero (report) Oct. 1964
Los Braceros Mexicanos en Wisconsin 1950
The Role of the Bracero in the Economic and Cultural Dynamics of Mexico 1959
Related publications 1960-64
Miscellaneous 1942-52
Clippings 1961-69
Bureau of Agricultural Economics 1938-46
California agricultural history 1942
California history 1946
Child labor 1965
Conservation 1966-67
Farms 1939
Agricultural 1935-77
Foreign 1938-60
Miscellaneous 1969-74
Rural Farmers Coop 1975-78
Miscellaneous 1942-61
Publications 1940-48
Notes undated
Clippings 1940-48
California 1937
South 1948-51
Crime and delinquency 1949
Disadvantaged classes in American Agriculture
Social Research Report no. 8 April 1938
Ecology and the Environment
Oil and gas conservation in California
Research materials 1953-54
Water resources and the environment 1970-71
Rural development and environmental law 1972-73
Economics of agriculture 1947-69
Adult 1950
Migrant children 1939-62
Miscellaneous 1958
Employment 1956-70
Families 1953
Kentucky 1946-53
Family farm undated
Farmers, small 1954-59
Farm labor camp program 1947
Clippings 1947
Farm labor camps 1948-50
Farm labor supply centers 1946-48
Farm labor and Farm Security Administration April 1943
Farm management 1937-42
Farm placement service 1948
Farm Security Administration 1933-44
Architecture (reprints) 1941
Publications 1939-41
Reprints 1940
Miscellaneous 1939-43
Farm unrest 1933-41
Filipinos 1930-40
Graduated land tax 1957
Granger movement undated
Publications 1940-48
Health and welfare 1946-62
Hired labor 1940-60
Publications 1940-67
Miscellaneous 1950s
Clippings 1947
Hydroponics 1942
United States 1932-50
Mexico 1931-33
Mexico and the United States 1940s, 1950s, 1978-81
San Francisco
Italians 1935
California Joint Immigration Committee 1934
Detroit, Michigan
Mexican 1944-46
Statistics 1930
Miscellaneous 1954-55
Notes undated
Asian 1927
Miscellaneous 1920-25
Industrial accidents 1945-49
Industrial relations
Causes of unrest 1948-49
Employer's Association of Louisville, Kentucky ca. 1920
National Association of Manufacturers undated
American industries 1923
Miscellaneous 1940
Publications 1939
Clippings 1924-49
Injunction ca. 1922
Japanese-American redress 1981
Japanese farmers 1942-66
United States 1943-66
California 1941-51
T. Presba notes undated
San Joaquin Valley, Calif. 1943, 1950
War 1943