Physical Description: 20 file folders
Arranged alphabetically by subject heading.
Access Information
No restrictions—Records are open.
Scope and Content Note
Contains speeches of LEAA administrators; policy and procedure memorandums; correspondence with LEAA national and regional
offices, files of LEAA's National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; special reports and studies; and evaluations
of state criminal justice programs.
Administrators, Speeches of, 1969 (F3869:38)
Corrections and LEAA, 1969 (F3869:39)
Criminal Justice Information Systems, 1969 (F3869:40)
General Information, 1969-1973 (F3846:41-44)
Information Memos, 1968-1972 (F3869:45-46)
IRS Special Agent Basic School, 1969-1971 (F3869:47)
Law Enforcement Education Program, 1968-1969 (F3869:48)
Memos and Interpretations, 1969-1973 (F3869:49-50)
Model City Program, 1969-1970 (F3869:51)
Narcotics Technical Assistance Program, 1972 (F3869:52)
National Governor’s Conference, 1969-1970 (F3869:53)
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1968-1973 (F3869:54-55)
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Street Act, 1968 (F3869:56)
Statewide Plan Analyses, 1969 (F3869:57)