Register of the United States Army European Command, Historical Division Typescript Studies
Scope and Content of Collection
Subjects and Indexing Terms
A-Series manuscripts.
A-855 History of the Attempt on Hitler's Life (20 Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff; 15 pp; 1946. Personal experiences of one of the conspirators.
A-856 Attack on Alençon. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 4 pp; 1946. Operations of the 2d Panzer Division in Normandy and northern France, 1944. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
A-858 The Course of Events of the German Offensive in the Ardennes (16 Dec. 1944-14 Jan. 1945). By Major Percy E. Schramm; 43 pp; 1945. The author kept the war diary of the Wehrmacht Operations Staff. (German text not available in USAREUR.)
A-860 Notes on the Execution of War Diaries in the German Armed Forces. By Major Percy E. Schramm; 11 pp; 1945. The author kept the war diary of the Wehrmacht Operations Staff.
A-861 Answers to the Questions of 15 Feb. 1946. By Major Percy E. Schramm; 2 pp; 1946. Command organization for the Ardennes offensive, 1944.
A-863 Fifth Panzer Army (November 1944). By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 5 pp; 1945. Defense against the American attack on the Roer, 1944.
A-864 Pas de Calais Naval Forces--Normandy. By Vizeadmiral Friedrich Frisius; 6 pp; 1946. Preparations for coastal defense in a section north of the Seine.
A-867 Answer to Questions on Source-Documents for Military History. By Major Herbert Buechs; 2 pp; 1945. By the aid to General Jodl.
A-868 German Reaction to the Invasion of Southern France. By Generaloberst Johannes Blaskowitz; 3 pp; 1945.
A-869 Strength and Location of the German Air Force in South France. By Major Herbert Buechs; 3 pp.
A-870 Beck Against Hitler. By Generalleutnant Dr. Hans Speidel; 12 pp; 1947. A sworn statement regarding the Army High Command's attitude towards Adolf Hitler.
A-871 21st Panzer Division in Combat Against American Troops in France and Germany. By Generalleutnant Edgar Feuchtinger; 62 pp.
A-872 Strength, Organization, Armament, and Equipment of Troops in Battle. By General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel; 51 pp; OCMH multilith; 1946.
A-873 Commitment of the 116th Panzer Division in the Ardennes (16-26 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg; 28 pp, 6 illus; 1945.
A-874 Commitment of the 116th Panzer Division in the Ardennes, 1944-45. By Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg; 17 pp; 1946.
A-875 Southern France (15 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant W. Richter; 5 pp.
A-876 Ardennes Offensive of Seventh Army (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger; 155 pp, 6 illus; 1946. Plans, preparations, and a detailed account of the operations, including the immediate aftermath, described by the acting army commander.
A-877 Commitment of the I SS Panzer Corps During the Ardennes Offensive (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By General der Waffen SS H. Priess; 59 pp; 1946.
A-878 189th Reserve Division (15 Aug.-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Richard von Schwerin; 8 pp; 1946.
A-879 The Battle at Vellersexel Against the 45th American Infantry Division (7-11 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor J. Degener; 18pp; 1946. By the commander of the participating German forces.
A-880 The 11th Panzer Division in Southern France (15 Aug.-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant W. von Wietersheim; 20 pp; 1946. Withdrawal from Southern France.
A-882 Battles in Southern France. By Oberst Horst Wilutzky; 35 pp. Army
A-883 Group G in southern France up to mid-September 1944. (Two manuscripts bound together.)
A-885 The LXIV Corps from August to November 1944. By Major i.G. Kurt Schuster; 19 pp; 1946. From the Loire to the Moselle.
A-886 The Retreat from Southwestern France (19 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Hans Taeglichsbeck; 7 pp; 1946. Withdrawal from Niort to Dijon, Sep. 1944.
A-887 Report on the Measures Prepared for the Defense of Bordeaux (1943- 44). By Generalmajor Gustav Seiz; 4 pp; 1946.
A-888 Southern France. By General der Infanterie Baptist Kniess; 9 pp; 1946. Strategy of operations.
A-890 Southern France (Jul. 1943-Mar. 1944). By General der Infanterie Erich Petersen; 12 pp; 1946. IV Luftwaffe Field Corps.
A-891 The Battle of the Huertgen Forest (Nov.-Early Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 28 pp; 1945. From the viewpoint of the German Seventh Army.
A-894 Normandy, COBRA and Mortain. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 14 pp; 1945. By the Seventh Army chief of staff.
A-895 Critique of the Defense Against Invasion. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 11 pp; 1945. Comments on the defense against amphibious landings in France, by the Seventh Army chief of staff.
A-896 Answers to Questions Asked General Westphal. By General der Kavallerie Siegfried Westphal; 11 pp; 1945. Problems in defense of the West, 1944.
A-897 Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 3 pp; 1945.
A-898 Action of the 6th Parachute Division in Northern France (1944). By Generalleutnant R. von Heyking; 18 pp; 1946. By the division commander.
A-899 Fifth Panzer Army Rear Area (24 Aug.-10 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Walter Leuze; 9 pp; 1946.
A-900 Seventh and First Army Rear Areas (Aug.-Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Curt Souchay; 5 pp; 1946.
A-901 The Withdrawal from France. By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 5 pp; 1946. The Panzer Lehr Division.
A-902 Panzer Lehr Division (24-25 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 4 pp; 1945. Effect of Allied air attack on the Panzer Lehr Division.
A-903 Panzer Lehr Division (15-20 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 16 pp. Operations in Normandy.
A-904 Avranches. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von Luettwitz; 21 pp; 1945. Operations of the 2d Panzer Division in Normandy, 1944, described by the division commander. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
A-905 116th Panzer Division (1-9 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor S. von Waldenburg; 3 pp.
A-906 Answers to Major Hechler's Questionnaire. By Generalleutnant Schimpf; 3 pp; 1945. Operations of the 3d Parachute Division in Normandy, 26 July-5 August 1944, described by the division commander.
A-907 Seventh Army (20 Jun.-20 Aug. 1944). By Generaloberst (Waffen SS) Paul Hausser; 9 pp; 1945. By the army commander.
A-909 The Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 22 pp. Seventh Army in the Battle of the Bulge, described by the army chief of staff.
A-910 Bombing and Operation COBRA. By Sanitaets-Unteroffizier Walter Klein; 9 pp; 1945. A medical corpsman's recollections of Operation COBRA in Normandy, 24-30 Jul. 1944. A picture of general conditions on the German side.
A-911 First Army Headquarters (20 Jun.-10 Aug. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Albert Emmerich; 5 pp.
A-912 German Attitudes Toward the U.S. (1939-43). By Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel; 3 pp; 1945. Questions on the high level strategy of World War II.
A-913 Invasion and Normandy Campaign. By Generaloberst Alfred Jodl; 5 pp; 1945.
A-914 Answers to Questions Put to General Jodl. By Generaloberst Alfred Jodl; 8 pp; 1945. Strategy prior to 1944.
A-915 Answers to Questions on Normandy. By Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel and Generaloberst Alfred Jodl; 6 pp; 1945.
A-916 Answers to Questions Directed to General Blaskowitz. By Generaloberst Johannes Blaskowitz; 2 pp; 1945. Operations in Lorraine, Sep. 1944.
A-917 The Truth About "Katyn." By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 7 pp; 1946. By the general staff officer charged with the direction of interrogation and exhumation.
A-918 Comments on Seventh Army War Diary. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 7 pp; 1945. Comments by the army chief of staff on Volume 5 of the Seventh Army war diary (Avranches, Aug. 1944).
A-920 From Counterattack at Avranches to the Falaise Pocket. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 15 pp; 1945. By the Seventh Army chief of staff.
A-921 Avranches Counterattack, Seventh Army (29 Jul.-14 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 48 pp; 1945. By the army chief of staff.
A-922 Panzer Group Eberbach and the Falaise Encirclement. By General der Panzertruppen Hans Eberbach; 32 pp, 3 illus; 1946. The period 1 Jul.-20 Aug. 1944, with reasons for the German defeat.
A-923 Northern France (25 Jul.-14 Sep. 1944). By General der Fallschirmtruppen Eugen Meindl; 48 pp; 1946. Operations of II Parachute Corps in Normandy and northern France, described by the corps commander.
A-924 Operations of Sixth Panzer Army (1944-45). By SS Generalmajor Fritz Kraemer; 60 pp; 1945. Action in the Ardennes, described by the army chief of staff.
A-925 Report on Activity of Colonel (GSC) Reichhelm. By Oberst i.G. Guenther Reichhelm; 49 pp; 1945. Army Group B on the Western Front from October 1944 to spring 1945. Written from memory by the army group operations officer.
A-926 I SS Panzer Corps--Ardennes--Special Questions. By Oberst R. Lehmann; 4 pp; 1946.
A-927 The Operations after the Breakthrough at Avranches. By Generaloberst Alfred Jodl; 10 pp; 1945. The fighting on Germany's western frontier, autumn 1944.
A-928 Questionnaire on the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalfeldmarschall W. Keitel and Generaloberst A. Jodl; 7 pp; 1945. Answered in July 1945.
A-929 Ardennes Campaign. By General der Artillerie W. Lucht; 2 pp. The 18th Infantry Division in the Ardennes offensive.
A-930 212th Volks Grenadier Division--Ardennes (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant Franz Sensfuss; 7 pp; 1946.
A-931 212th Volks Grenadier Division--Ardennes. By Generalleutnant Franz Sensfuss; 9 pp; 1946.
A-932 Evaluation and Equipment of the Units Attached to Seventh Army during the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 5 pp.
A-933 Results of the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 8 pp; 1946. By the Seventh Army chief of staff.
A-934 Seventh Army (16 Dec. 1944-16 Jan. 1945); Nineteenth Army (28 Mar.-5 May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger; 17 pp. Seventh Army in the Ardennes; Nineteenth Army in Apr. 1945.
A-935 Answers to Questions (Ardennes Offensive). By General der Infanterie Otto Hitzfeld; 2 pp; 1945. Operations of LXVII Corps.
A-936 Ardennes Offensive. By General der Infanterie Otto Hitzfeld; 22 pp; 1945. LXVII Corps, 16-25 Dec. 1944.
A-937 The Ardennes Offensive (December 1944). By General der Infanterie Otto Hitzfeld; 20 pp; 1946. Operations of LXVII Corps, described by its commander.
A-938 XLVII Panzer Corps--Ardennes. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 5 pp; 1945. Operations of XLVII Panzer Corps, Dec. 1944, described by its commander.
A-939 The Assignment of the XLVII Panzer Corps in the Ardennes, 1944-45. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 24 pp.
A-940 XLVII Panzer Corps in the Ardennes Offensive. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 18 pp; 1946.
A-941 Panzer Lehr Division (1 Dec. 1944-26 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 8 pp; 1945. Role in the Ardennes offensive, described by the division commander.
A-943 Additional Questions--Ardennes Offensive. By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 5 pp; 1946. Comments on British and American countermeasures.
A-945 Additional Questions--Ardennes Offensive. By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 3 pp; 1946. Additional remarks on operations from 11-20 Jan. 1945 (Houffalize area.)
A-946 Southern France. By Generalleutnant Karl Pflaum; 7 pp; 1946. The 157th Reserve Division, 15 Aug.-1 Sep. 1944.
A-947 The American Campaign on the Western Front. By Generalleutnant Otto Kohl; 2 pp. Liaison Staff Lyons, Aug.-Sep. 1944.
A-948 Organization Controlled by Military Commander, France. By Oberst Wilhelm Arendts; 5 pp; 1946. Military government in the area of Army Group G, southern France.
A-949 War History Reports--Activity of the Staff of Army Group G (1 May- 26 Aug. 1944). By General der Artillerie Edgar Theisen; 7 pp; 1946.
A-950 Nineteenth Army--Supply and Administration. By Generalintendant Otto Witek; 14 pp. An army supply officer in southern France, 1944.
A-951 Report on Withdrawal of 732d Liaison Staff (30 Aug.-6 Sep. 1944) By Generalmajor Johannes Hahn; 3 pp; 1946.
A-952 In Vichy After the American Landing. By Generalleutnant Alexander Freiherr von Neubronn; 4 pp; 1946. The author was German Liaison Officer in Vichy.
A-953 933d Infantry Regiment--Southern France to the Vosges (Aug.-Sep. 1944). By Oberst Walther Rolin; 7 pp; 1946.
A-954 Report on Events in Southern France and the Rhineland. By Generalmajor Felix Meissner; 11 pp; 1946. Army Group G signal communications in southern France and the Rhineland.
A-955 Report on the Campaign in Northern France, the Rhineland, and the Ardennes. By Oberst i.G. Hans-Huergen Dingler; 11 pp; 1946. LVIII Panzer Corps from Normandy to the Ruhr pocket; described by the corps chief of staff.
A-956 6th Parachute Division--Combat in Northern France (to 24 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Ruediger von Heyking; 24 pp; 1946.
A-957 Boulogne (15 Aug.-22 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim; 9 pp; 1946.
A-958 Military Commander, Belgium and Northern France--1944. By Generalmajor Wilhelm Heider; 1 p; 1946.
A-959 16th Luftwaffe Field Division in Normandy (1-23 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Karl Sievers; 3 pp; 1946.
A-960 Report Concerning the Retreat of the 159th Division. By Generalmajor Gustav Seiz; 5 pp; 1946. Withdrawal from southern France.
A-961 Fifth Panzer Army--Ardennes (Special Questions). By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 8 pp; 1945.
A-962 Fifth Panzer Army--Ardennes (General Comments). By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 5 pp; 1945.
A-963 Main Reasons for the Failure of the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 17 pp; 1945.
A-964 Army Group B (25 Jan.-21 Mar. 1945) Report of the Chief of Staff.
A-965 By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 61 pp, 18 illus; EUCOM mimeograph, German Report Series; 1948. Evaluation of the Ardennes offensive; subsequent fighting of Army Group B to Mar. 1945.
A-966 Role of 589th Military Government Area Hq. in the Battle Around Liege (Autumn 1944). By Generalleutnant Bernhard von Clear; 14 pp; 1946.
A-967 Northern France. By Generalleutnant Frhr. von Boineburg; 7 pp; 1946. 325th Security Division in combat on the Swiss border, autumn 1944.
A-968 LXXXIV Corps (28 Jul.-20 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Otto Elfeldt; 10 pp; 1946. By the corps commander.
A-969 II Parachute Corps in Northern France (26 Jul.-5 Aug. 1944). By General der Fallschirmtruppen Eugen Meindl; 11 pp; 1946. Comments by the corps commander. See also MS # A-923.
A-970 Remagen Bridgehea D--LIII Corps. By Generalleutnant F. Bayerlein; 13 pp; 1946. Extracts for the war diary of Panzer Lehr Division.
A-971 First Battle of Aachen (16-22 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Gerhard Engel; 211 pp, 2 illus; 1946. By the commander of the 12th Infantry Division.
A-972 The Rhineland Campaign (15-21 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Kurt von Muehlen; 21 pp; 1946. 559th Volks Grenadier Division, 1944-45.
A-974 Normandy--Seventh Army (29 Jun-24 Jul. 1944). By Generaloberst Paul Hausser; 37 pp, 8 illus; 1946. By the army commander.
A-975 275th Infantry Division (Dec. 1943-Jun. 1944). By Generalleutnant H. Schmidt; 11 pp. Organization and commitment in Brittany.
A-976 3d Panzer Grenadier Division in the Inden Bridgehead (27-29 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Walter Denkert; 6 pp, 1 illus; 1945. Defense of the Inden bridgehead (Roer).
A-977 The German Ardennes Offensive. By Maj. Herbert Buechs; 49 pp; 1945. Planning and preparations by OKW.
A-978 Commitment of the 3d Panzer Grenadier Division during the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor Walter Denkert; 5 pp; 1946.
A-979 3d Panzer Grenadier Division in the Battle of Aachen (Oct. 1944). By Generalmajor Walter Denkert; 9 pp, 1 illus.
A-980 St. Nazaire Fortress (1944). By Generalmajor M. Huenten; 8 pp; 1946. Incomplete.
A-981 St. Nazaire Fortress, Southern Part, 1944. By Generalmajor M. Huenten; 13 pp.
A-983 353d Infantry Division (Nov. 1943-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Mahlmann; 19 pp, 10 illus; 1946. Organization in Frittany, 1943; move to Normandy, late June 1944; combat against American forces, Jul. 1944. Serves as prologue to MS # A-984.
A-984 353d Infantry Division (24 Jul.-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul to Mahlmann; 4 vols, 50 pp, 45 illus; 1946. Avranches; Falaise, Seine to the
A-987 Meuse; Meuse to the Siegfried Line. (Four manuscripts in one folder.)
A-989 The Battle of the Aachen Sector (Sep.-Nov. 1944). By General der to Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 7 vols, 38 pp; 1945. Questionnaires on the A-995 action of LXXXI Corps in the Aachen area answered by the corps commander.
A-996 Battles in the Aachen Sector (16 Nov.-16 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 14 pp; 1946. Continuation of MSS # A- 989-995.
A-997 Battles in the Aachen Sector (Sep.-Nov. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 37 pp; 1946. Comments by the LXXXI Corps commander on MSS # A-989-996.
A-998 Battles in the Aachen Sector (Sep.-Nov. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 9 pp. Corrections to MSS # A-989 through A-995.
B Series Manuscripts.
B-001 LXXXII Corps (1 Jan.-28 Aug. 1944). By General der Artillerie Hans Sinnhuber; 12 pp; 1946. Preparations for coast defense.
B-002 LXXXII Corps (28 Aug.-7 Sep. 1944). By General der Artillerie Hans Sinnhuber; 2 pp; 1946.
B-003 Report Concerning My Activity as Commander of the Seventh and First German Army Rear Areas (Aug.-Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Curt Souchay; 12 pp; 1946. Operations in France.
B-004 719th Infantry Division (Aug.-18 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Karl Sievers; 10 pp; 1946. Operations in Belgium.
B-005 Loire Seekommandant (6 Jul.-11 Aug. 1944). By Konteradmiral Hans Mirow; 15 pp; 1946. A naval coast defense headquarters.
B-006 LXXX Corps (Aug.-12 Sep. 1944). By General der Infanterie Dr. Franz
B-006a Beyer; 2 vols, 25 pp; 1946. Withdrawal from France.
B-007 276 Infantry Division (1 Jan.-20 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Kurt Badinski; 40 pp; 1946. Operations in Normandy.
B-008 346th Infantry Division (Feb.-24 Jul. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Paul Frank; 22 pp, 6 illus; 1946. Defensive operations in Normandy.
B-009 277th Infantry Division (15 Apr.-25 Jul. 1944). By General der Nachrichtentruppen Albert Praun; 11 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-010 91st Airborne Division (10 Jul.-Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Eugen Koenig; 8 pp. Operations in Normandy.
B-011 16th Luftwaffe Field Division (Invasion Possibilities in Holland). By Generalleutnant Karl Sievers; 1 p.
B-012 89th Infantry Division (Mar.-6 Aug. 1944). By Oberst Hasso Neitzel; 8 pp; 1946. Of limited historical value. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
B-013 5th Fight Division (1 Mar.-28 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor (Lw) Karl Hentschel; 10 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-014 17th Luftwaffe Field Division (Pre-Invasion 24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Hans Hoecker; 30 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Coast defense at Dieppe and LeHavre.
B-015 Defense of Paris. By Generalleutnant Wilhelm Frhr. von Boineburg; 9 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-0043 Vosges Defense (8 Aug.-15 Oct. 1944). By General der Infanterie Hans Joachim Schmidt; 5 pp, 1 illus.
B-016a 861st Grenadier Regiment (May-11 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Erich
B-016b Buescher; 2 vols, 27 pp, 3 illus; 1946.
B-019 Report of von Geyr. By Generalleutnant Goetz von dem Knesebeck; 8 pp. The author quotes from memory von Geyr's Normandy situation estimate of 15 Jun. 1944, submitted to the Inspector General of Panzer Troops (Guderian). Included in MS # B-466.
B-020* 3d Parachute Division (6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Rich. Schimpf; 12 pp, 6 illus; 1947. In France; a valuable historical study by the division commander. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
B-020a 3d Parachute Division (6 Jun. 1944-8 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant to Rich. Schimpf; 10 pp; 1946. Brief answers to questionnaires on B-020d Normandy, northern France, the Ardennes, and the Rhineland campaign. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
B-021 352d Infantry Div.--Special Questions (Normandy). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 5 pp; 1946.
B-022 The Resistance Movement in the West. By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 12 pp; OCMH multilith; 1953. The French Resistance in 1944.
B-024 560th Volks Grenadier Division (11 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Bader; 11 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-025 989th Grenadier Regiment (14-17 Dec. 1944). By Oberst Georg Fieger; 6 pp; 1946.
B-026 Effect of Ardennes Offensive on Army Group G. By SS Generaloberst Paul Hausser; 34 pp; 1946. By the army group commander. The sections dealing with events prior to 23 Jan. 1945 are of doubtful value as the author only took over command on that date.
B-027 560th Volks Grenadier Division (15-29 Dec. 1944) and 12th Volks Grenadier Div. (1-28 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Rud. Langhaeuser; 67 pp, 17 illus; 1946.
B-029 LIII Corps (8 Dec. 1944-21 Jan. 1945). By General der Kavallerie Edwin Graf Rothkirch; 1 p; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-030 LXXXV Corps (1 Dec. 1944-10 Jan. 1945). By General der Infanterie Baptist Kniess; 8 pp; 1946.
B-032 LIII Corps (1 Dec. 1944-22 Jan. 1945). By Oberst i.G. Werner Bodenstein; 13 pp. Participation in the Ardennes offensive; report by the corps chief of staff.
B-033 LXXIV Corps (Ardennes). By General der Infanterie Carl Puechler; 3 pp; 1946. South flank of the Ardennes.
B-034 OKW War Diary (1 Apr.-18 Dec. 1944): The West. By Major Percy F. Schramm; 349 pp; 1947. Based on OKW files. Draft translation only.
B-034a Clarification of "Der Westen." By General der ARtillerie Walter Warlimont; 11 pp; 1951. When did Hitler finally order construction of a rear defense line in France?
B-035 The FFI Before and After D-Day (1944). By Commandant Rogé; 51 pp, 1 illus. Statistics require careful checking.
B-037 Fifth Panzer Army (15 Sep.-12 Oct. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel; 43 pp. The fighting in Lorraine described by the army commander.
B-038 116th Panzer Division (Ardennes). By Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg; 17 pp. Answers of the division commander to a special questionnaire.
B-039 XIII Corps (1-15 Jan. 1945). By General der Infanterie Hans Felber; 22 pp; 1946. Defensive fighting in the Ardennes.
B-040 26th Volks Grenadier Division in the Ardennes Offensive. By Generalmajor Heinz Kokott; 16 pp. By the division commander.
B-041 167th Volks Grenadier Division (24 Dec. 1944-Feb. 1945). Corps Hoecker (1-10 Mar. 1945) and 59th Infantry Division (20 Mar.-24 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hans Hoecker; 43 pp; 1946.
B-042 462d Replacement Division. By Generalleutnant Walter Krause; 14 pp, 1 illus. A replacement division staff in the defense of Metz.
B-044 Wehrkreis VI (15 Sep. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Franz Maltenklott; 7 pp.
B-045 79th Volks Grenadier Division (8 Jan.-26 Feb. 1945). 364th Infantry Division (3-27 Mar. 1945). 3d Parachute Division (8-16 Apr. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Hummel; 8 pp; 1946. Operations in the Rhineland.
B-046 XIII Corps Artillery (Dec. 1944-Feb. 1945). Corps Felber Artillery (Dec. 1944-Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Jobst Freiherr von Buddenbrock; 8 pp; 1946.
B-047 LXIII Corps Artillery (1 Dec. 1944-8 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Wilhelm Metger; 6 pp; 1946. Report by the corps artillery commander on combat in upper Alsace.
B-048 Fifth Panzer Army Surgeon (1944-45). By Generalarzt Dr. Reiter; 4 pp. A report on the writer's activities during the last months of the war.
B-049 Panzer Lehr Division (12-30 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 4 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Withdrawal from action in the Ardennes.
B-050 LXIV Corps Actions (28 Aug. 1944-28 Jan. 1945). By General der Infanterie Helmuth Thumm; 18 pp; 1946. The fighting in upper Alsace.
B-051 See MS # B-093.
B-052 XIII Corps (18 Feb.-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Ralph von Oriola; 36 pp; 1946. Operations west of the Rhine.
B-053 Corps Bayerlein (11 Feb.-5 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 19 pp, 14 illus. Operations west of the Rhine; a record based on the corps commander's personal diaries.
B-054 Besançon (3-5 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Paul v. Felbert; 16 pp, 4 illus. Security activities.
B-055 Army Group B, Engineer Staff 113 (15 Jun.-5 Sept. 1944). By Generalmajor Hermann Janowski; 11 pp; 1946. Engineer operations to restore river crossings on the Seine and to destroy bridges during the withdrawal.
B-056 277th Infantry Division (25 Jul.-10 Sep. 1944). By General der Nachrichtentruppen Albert Praun; 8 pp, 3 illus; 1946. The fighting in Normandy.
B-057 59th Infantry Division (19 Aug.-5 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Poppe; 15 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Operations in northern France and Belgium; withdrawal to the Scheldt estuary.
B-058 116th Panzer Division (21 Aug.-19 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor H. Voigtsberger; 17 pp; 1946. From the Falaise pocket to the West Wall. An account of rearguard action by an armored mobile unit against enveloping pursuit.
B-059 Feldkommandant 987 (19 Oct. 1944-25 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Moench; 17 pp. A security-unit in Alsace and the Palatinate.
B-060 Wehrkreis XII (10 Sep. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By.Generalleutnant Kurt von Berg; 10 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-061 36th Volks Grenadier Division (18-26 Mar 1945). By Generalmajor Helmut Kleikamp; 13 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Combat in the Rhineland.
B-062 2d Mountain Division (27 Feb-23 Mar 1945). By Generalleutnant Willibald Utz; 18 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-063 Wehrkreis XII (7-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Boelsen; 9 pp; 1946.
B-064 Festungs Pionier Kommandeur XXI, (Sep. 1944-Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Rob. Eimler; 7 pp, 3 illus; 1946. A fortress engineer staff on both banks of the lower Rhine; organization and construction of fortified positions.
B-065 Hoehere Kommando Eiffel (Aug. 1944-Apr. 1945). By General der Artillerie Herbert Loch; 16 pp; 1946. Reconnaissance. and improvement of rear positions in the Eiffel Mountains.
B-066 LXXXII Corps (2 Dec. 1944-27 Mar. 1945). By Oberst i.G. Ludwig Graf von Ingelheim; 53 pp, 14 illus; 1946. On the Saar. and in the Palatinate. Based on diaries and recollections of the commanders and general staff officers concerned.
B-067 352d Volks Grenadier Division (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Erich Schmidt; 8 pp; 1946.
B-068 3d Panzer Grenadier Division (Ardennes). By Generalmajor Walter Denkert; 12 pp; 1946. Reconditioning of troops near the front.
B-069 363d Volks Grenadier Division (1 Dec. 1944-8 Feb. 1945). By Generalleutnant Augustin Denting; 16 pp, 4 illus; 1946. Defense of the Aachen area.
B-070 79th Volks Grenadier Division (30 Dec. 1944-31 Jan. 1945). By Oberst Curt Hummel; 32 pp, 7 illus; 1946.
B-071 See MS # B-117.
B-072 Army Group B, Engineer Staff 113 (Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Herm. Janowski; 18 pp, 4 illus. Crossing the lower Rhine in March 1945.
B-073 212th Volks Grenadier Division (Ardennes). By Generalleutnant Franz Sensfuss; 8 pp,1 illus; 1946. Answers to a questionnaire.
B-074 338th Infantry Division (1 Jan-9 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Ebert; 8 pp: 2 illus. Operations in Alsace.
B-075 LXXXIX Corps (22 Nov. 1944-13 Jan., 1945). By General. Der to Infanterie Gustav Hoehne; 3 vols, 22 pp, 1 illus; 1946. By the corps B-077 commander.
B-078 See MS # A-999.
B-081 LXXX Corps (13 Sep. 1944-23 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie to Dr. Franz Beyer; 2 vols, 74 pp; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-083 Army Commandant Muehlhausen (Jul. 1944-Jan. 1945). By Generalmlajor Hermann Harttmann; 12 pp. Organization and fighting.
B-084 First Parachute Army (20 Nov. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By General der Fallschirmtruppe Alfred_Schlemm; 20 pp. Defensive operations described by the army commander.
B-085 49th Infantry Division (25 Jul.-10 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant to Siegfr. Macholz; 11 pp; 1946.
B-087 XIII Corps (Dec. 1944-Mar. 1945). By Major Wolfgang Gaebelein; 9 pp; 1946.
B-088 Saarburg (18 Sep.-12 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Bernhard von Claer; 18 pp.
B-089 256th Volks Grenadier Division (Nov. 1944-8 Apr 1945). By Generalmajor Gerhard Franz; 11 pp; 1946. Combat on both banks of the Rhine.
B-090 416th Infantry Division (Oct. 1944-5 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Kurt Pflieger; 11 pp; 1946.
B-091 First Army Rear Area (1 Oct. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Otto Kohl; 7 pp; 1 illus. Defense against airborne landings.
B-092 326th Volks Grenadier Division (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan 1945). By Generalmajor Erwin Kaschner; 10 pp, 6 illus. Operations in the Ardennes offensive.
B-093 II Parachute Corps (15 Sep. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). (Revision of MS # B- 051. By General der Fallschirmtruppen Eug. Meindl; 21 pp; 6 illus; 1947. Operations on the lower Rhine.
B-094 Military Commander France. By Generalmajor Manfred Mueller; 8 pp. Organization and administration.
B-095 Army Group G (Nov. 1944-Jan. 1945). By Oberst Horst Wilutzky; 40 pp. By the army group operations officer.
B-096 Corps Felber (9-31 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Hans Felber; 8 pp; 1946.
B-097 79th Volks Grenadier Division (1 Feb.-2 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Hummel; 6 pp, 1946.
B-098 353d Infantry Division (2-22 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Hummel; 6 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-099 LXIV Corps (28 Jan.-7 Feb. 1945). By General der Artillerie Max Grimmeis; 18 pp; 1946.
B-100 708th Volks Grenadier Division (20 Nov. 1944-14 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Wilhelm Bleckwenn; 10 pp, 7 illus; 1946.
B-101 LXVII Corps (26 Jan.-21 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Otto Hitzfeld, 55 pp, 8 illus; 1946. From the West Wall to the Rhine (Central Army Group). An account by the corps commander.
B-102 Twenty-Fourth Army (17 Oct. 1944-5 May, 1945). By General der to Infanterie Hans Schmidt; 2 vols, 15 pp, 3 illus. Operations in the Allgau.
B-104 2d Mountain Division (23 Mar.-6 May 1945). By Generalleutnant W. Utz; 27 pp; 1946.
B-105 Army Group B, Engineer Staff 113: Obstacle Construction East of the Rhine. By Generalmajor Hermann Janowski; 5 pp; 1946.
B-106 Linz/Donau (28 Mar.-11 May 1945). By Generalmajor Alfred Kuzmany; 4 pp.
B-107 Report Covering Operations in and around Linz, May 1945. By Generalmajor Alfred Kuzmany; 11 pp; 1946.
B-108 3d Parachute Division (9-16 Apr. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Hummel; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1945.
B-109 353d Infantry Division (23 Mar.-8 Apr. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Hummel; 9 pp; 1945.
B-110 405th Replacement and Training Division (22 Mar.-6 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Karl Faulenbach; 57 pp; 1946.
B-111 347th Infantry Division (4-10 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Max Siry; 6 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-112 Dusseldorf (1 Mar.-15 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Frhr. von Uslar- Gleichen; 10 pp; 1946.
B-113 413th Replacement Division (22 Mar.-30 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Siegmund Frhr. von Schacky; 14 pp; 1946.
B-114 413th Replacement Division (4 Apr.-8 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Siegmund Frhr. von Schacky; 16 pp.
B-115- B-116 404th. Replacement Division (20 Apr.-9 May 1945) and Battle Group to Schroetter (1-11 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Joseph Schroetter; 18 pp, 1946.
B-117 IV Luftwaffe Field Corps, XC Corps (18 Sep. 1944-23 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Erich Peterson; 2 vols, 40 pp, 8 illus; 1946. Participation in Operation NORDWIND (lower Alsace). The English version includes MS # B-071.
B-118 LXXIV Corps (2 Oct. 1944-23 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Karl Puechler; 23 pp, 1946. By the corps commander.
B-119 Wehrkreis XII (1 Nov. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By General der Artillerie Herbert Osterkamp; 8 pp, 4 illus; 1946. By the corps area commander.
B-120 LXXXIX Corps (14 Jan.-7 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav Hoehne; 5 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-121 LXXXV Corps (25 Jan.-23 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Baptist Kniess; 6 pp; 1946. Operations in the Saar.
B-122 Preparations Against Invasion. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 33 pp, 2 illus. The German situation estimate and strategy during the three phases of the campaign in Normandy and northern France to mid- September 1944.
B-123 Seventh Army (1 Feb.-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 52 pp; 1946.
B-124 276th Volks Grenadier Division (17-27 Mar. 45). By Oberst i.G. Werner Wagner; 25 pp, 2 illus; 1946. Rhine crossing near Boppard; defense of the east bank.
B-125 Division von Berg (22 Mar.-11 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Kurt von Berg; 12 pp; 1946.
B-126 172d Training Division (14 Jan-6 May 1945). By Generalmajor Martin Baltzer; 10 pp; 1946.
B-127 Germersheim Bridgehead (18 Feb.-25 Mar.1945). By Generalmajor E. Buescher; 11 pp; 1946.
B-128 Commander of Police, Wehrkreis XI (19 Apr. 1943-11 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor der Ordnungspolizei Walter Keuck; 13 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-129 151st Field Training Division (1 Mar.-15 Jun. 1945). By Generalmajor Julius Coretti; 13 pp.
B-130 Wehrkreis VII Police (National Redoubt). By Generalmajor der Ordnungspolizei Ludwig Muhe; 7 pp; 1946. A historical report by a civilian police chief.
B-132 National Redoubt and Reich Labor Service Austria. By Generalarbeitsfuehrer Fritz Hickl; 7 pp, 1946.
B-133 Wehrkreis XVIII--Luftwaffe Liaison Officer. By Generalmajor Josef Punzert; 13 pp; 1946. National Redoubt.
B-134 710th Infantry Division (23 Apr.-8 May 1945). By Generalmajor W. Gorn; 7 pp, 9 illus; 1946.
B-135 Wehrkreis Prague (Apr.-May 1945). By General der lnfanterie Rudolf Toussaint; 2pp.
B-136 National Redoubt (Wehrkreis VII SS and Police) (1944-45). By General der Waffen-SS Karl Frhr. von Eberstein; 4 pp; 1946.
B-137 The Hamburg Military Police (1945). By Generalmajor Theobald Thier; 3 pp; 1946.
B-138 Employment of Field Headquarters 198 in Western Hungary and Steiermark (22 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Generalmajor Ullrich Bormann; 12 pp; 1946.
B-139 Fighting in West Hungary and East Steiermark in, the Area of the Sixth Army (25 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Krause; 12 pp; 1946. By the Sixth Army Rear Area commander, who also led a heterogeneous division group. .
B-140 National Redoubt. By General der Waffen-SS Otto Hofmann; 4 pp; 1946.
B-141 Wehrkreis V Military Police (13 Apr.-5 May 1945). By Generalmajor Hermann Harttmann; 4 pp.
B-142 First Army Rear Area (22 Mar.-14 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Otto Kohl; 4 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-143 Activity of Army Administrative Headquarters 197 (22 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Johannes Hahn; 12 pp; 1946. .
B-144 LXXXII Corps--" Straggler" Staff (18 Apr.-2 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Benignus Dippold; 5 pp; 1946.
B-145 Defense of Nuremberg (12-16 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Benignus Dippold; 5 pp, 2 illus; 1946. Preparations for the defense of the city.
B-146 Signal Communications, Civilian Liaison. By Generalmajor (Luftwaffe) Otto Prinz; 3 pp. Organization and duties of the Armed Forces Signal "Kommandanturas."
B-147 Army Group H (10 Nov. 1944-10 Mar. 1945. By Oberst i.G. Rolf Geyer; to 49 pp, 4 illus; 1946. A historical study by the army group operations
B-148 officer. The English version includes part of MS # B-717.
B-149 59th Infantry Division (18 Sep.-25 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Poppe; 27 pp; 1 illus.
B-150 159th Infantry Division (1 Dec. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Heinrich Buercky; 34 pp; 1946.
B-151* Fifth Panzer Army (Ardennes Offensive). By General der Panzertrupper Hasso von Manteuffel; 148 pp, 2 illus; 1946. Planning and preparations\ for the offensive, described by the army commander.
B-151a* Sequel to MS# B-151. By General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel; 161 pp, 1 illus. A detailed history and critique of the battle and its aftermath.
B-152 59th Infantry Division (2 Dec. 1944-28 Feb. 1945). By Generalleutnant W. Poppe; 21 pp,1 illus; 1946.
B-153 464th Replacement and Training Division (22 Mar.-18 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Rudolf Pilz; 8 pp, 1946.
B-154 Wehrkreis VII (1 Mar. 1943-1 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Karl Kriebel; 16 pp 2 illus; 1946. Wehrkreis chain of command and organization.
B-155 I SS Panzer Corps (16 Aug.-18 Oct. 1944). By General der Waffen-SS Georg Keppler; 23 pp; 1946.
B-156 is bound with manuscript #B-343
B-157 LVIII-Panzer Corps (22 Aug.-Sep. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger and Oberst Hans Dingler; 14 pp; 1946. Withdrawal and improvisation, described by the corps commander and his chief of staff.
B-158 Army Headquarters Innsbruck (1944-45). By Generalmajor Hans Boehaimb; 14 pp; 1946. Last days of the war in the Tyrol.
B-159 Alpine Redoubt (Wehrkreis VII). By General der Infanterie Karl Kriebel; 3 pp; 1946.
B-161 Corps von Buenau (9 Apr.-8 May 1945). By General der Infanterie R. von Buenau; 27 pp; 1946. The last weeks of the war in Austria south of the Danube.
B-162 116th Panzer Division (11-24 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Mueller; 26 pp, 4 illus; 1946.
B-163 363d Infantry-Division (Jan.-24 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Augustin Dettling; 24 pp, 6 illus; 1946. Normandy.
B-164 347th Infantry Division (1-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wolf Trierenberg; 29 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-165 Task Force Benicke (15 Apr.-7 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Dr. Fritz Benicke; 14 pp; 1946.
B-168 I SS Panzer Division (15 Feb.-May 1945) and 7 SS Mountain Division (6 Jun. 1944-15 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Otto Kumm; 1 p; 1946.
B-169 Marine Gruppenkommando West (1943-14 Jun. 1944). By Admiral Theodor Krancke; 36 pp, 5 illus; 1946. Naval Group West in defense against the Allied landing; of historical and technical interest.
B-170 136th Administrative Division in the Defense of Antwerp. By Generalmajor Graf Stolberg; 11 pp; 1946.
B-171 272d Volks Grenadier Division (13 Dec. 1944-Mar. 1945), and 91st Airborne Division (15 Sep.-13 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Eugen Koenig; 8 pp.
B-172 Army Group B Engineers (1-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant Richard Wirtz; 18 pp, 2 illus; 1945. Engineer activity during and after attack in the Ardennes and on the Westwall.
B-172a Comments on MS # B-172. By General der Panzertruppen Erich to Brandenberger and General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel; 3
B-172b pp and 2 pp; 1946. (Bound with MS # B-172.)
B-173 XIII Corps (21 Mar.-2 May 1945. By Major W. Gaebelein; 11 pp, 4 illus.
B-174 17th Luftwaffe Field Division (31 Aug.- 21 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Hans Hoecker; 6 pp; 1946. Crossing of the Scheldt River.
B-175 59th Volks Grenadier Division (20 Mar.-13 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hans Hoecker; 12 pp, 4 illus; 1946.
B-176 47th Infantry Division (26 Aug.-4 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Carl Wahle; 27 pp; 1946.
B-177 553rd Volks Grenadier Division (Dec. 1944-Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Gerhard Huether; 28 pp; 6 illus; 1946.
B-178 Seventh Army (13-14 Aug. 1944). By Generaloberst Paul Hausser; 9 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Critique by the army commander.
B-179 Seventh Army in Normandy (25 Jul.-20 Aug. 1944). By Generaloberst P. Hausser; 61 pp, 12 illus; 1946.
B-182 Field Headquarters 987-First Army (20 Mar.-11 May 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Moench; 16 pp.
B-183 LXXXII Corps (27 Mar.-6 May 1945). By Oberst i.G. Ludwig von Ingelheim; 51 pp, 5 illus; 1946. By the corps chief of staff.
B-185 212th Volks Grenadier Division in Bavaria (18 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Generalmajor Franz Fehn; 8 pp; 1946.
B-186 407th Replacement Training Division in the Donau-Iller Defense. By Generalmajor Franz Fehn; 52 pp, 5 illus; 1945.
B-187 National Redoubt. By Generalmajor Aug. Marcinkiewicz; 15 pp, 5 illus; 1946.
B-188 National Redoubt. By General der Pioniere Alfred Jacob; 2 pp; 1946.
B-189 2d Parachute Division (2-8 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Lackner; 3 pp.
B-190 Relationship of East-West Fronts. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 22 pp; 1946. A study of German strategy.
B-191 LXIV Corps (21 Apr.-5 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Helmuth Friebe; 17 pp, 8 illus; 1946.
B-192 Questionnaire on MS # B-191. By Generalleutnant Helmuth Friebe; 3 pp; 1946.
B-193 Wehrkreis V (1 Sep. 1943-15 Apr. 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Rudolf Veiel; 47 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Conditioins in southwestern Germany.
B-194 Staff Merker (12-23 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Ludwig Merker; 33 pp, 10 illus; 1946. Fighting along the upper Danube.
B-194a Staff Merker (12-23 Apr. 1945) (Revision of MS # B-194). By Generalleutnant Ludwig Merker; 30 pp. Historical.
B-195 190th infantry Division (17 Sep. 1944-16 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Ernst Hammer; 29 pp; 1946.
B-196 616th Administrative Division (12 Sep. 1944-28 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Karl Raessler; 16 pp.
B-197 XLVII Panzer Corps (7 Mar. -16 Apr. 1945). By General der to Panzertruppen.Heinr. von Luettwitz; 55 pp, 6 illus; 1946. MSS # B-198
B-201 First Army (Staff von Claer) (2 Feb.-23 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Bernh. von Claer; 15 pp; 1946. .
B-202 Fifth Panzer Army (1-17 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor F. von Mellenthin; 41 pp, 1946. By its chief of staff (See also MS # B-317).
B-204 Caumont Gap. By General der Panzertruppen H. von Luettwitz; 5 pp; 1946. A study of what might have happened if the Allies had utilized the breach at Caumont (Normandy).
B-205 Task Force Becher (22 Mar.-8 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Karl Becher; 12 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-206* Wehrkreis XVII--Organization. By General der Infanterie Albrecht Schubert; 27 pp; 1946.
B-207 Wehrkreis XVII (27 Mar.-9 May 1945). By General der Infanterie Albrecht Schubert; 16 pp, 2 illus; 1946. The last fighting in upper Austria. Results of Allied air attacks on Vienna.
B-208* 417th Administrative Division (1944-45). By Generalleutnant Adalbert Mikulicz; 9 pp; 1946.
B-209 409th Replacement Division (28 Mar.-2 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Albert Zehler; 14 pp, 4 illus; 1946. Emergency training of replacements; fighting on the Fulda River.
B-210 526th-Replacement Division (3 Dec. 1944-24 Jan. 1945) and 476th Replacement Division (24 Jan.-29 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hans Bergen; 29 pp; 1946.
B-211 Wehrkreis XVII (Oct. 1944-May 1945). By Generalmajor Anton Glasl; 8 pp; 1946. The Alpine Redoubt.
B-213 U. S. Seventh Army History. By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 14 pp, 1 illus; 1946. A critique by the chief of staff of the opposing army.
B-215 116th Panzer Division (16 Jan.-3 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor S. von Waldenburg; 21 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-216 487th Replacement and Training Division (22 Mar.-5 May 1945). By Generalmajor Paul Wagner; 33 pp, 4 illus; 1946.
B-217 Wehrkreis VI (22 Mar.-20 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Franz Mattenklott; 10 pp. Fighting in Westphalia; withdrawal to the Harz Mountains.
B-219 XXXXVIII Panzer Corps on the Saale and Elbe (11 Apr.-3 May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Max von Edelsheim; 20 pp, 5 illus; 1946.
B-220 Surrender of the Twelfth Army ( 4 May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Max von Edelsheim; 6 pp; 1946.
B-221 XXXIX Panzer Corps (22 Apr.-7 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Karl Arndt; 19 pp, 7 illus. The last days in the Altmark and on the Elbe.
B-222 First Army Estimate of the Situation (10 Sep 1944). By General der Panzertruppe Otto von Knobelsdorff; 15 pp, 3 illus; 1946. By the army Commander.
B-223 36th Volks Grenadier Division (11 Nov.-28 Dec 1944). By Generalmajor August Wellm; 57 pp, 20 illus; 1946.
B-224 116th Panzer Division (4-10 Mar 1945). By Generalmajor S. von Waldenburg; 6. pp, 1 illus; 1946. Operations on the Weser River.
B-226 Wehrkreis XIII (1 Feb.-1 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Kurt Anger; 4 pp; 1946.
B-228a Wehrkreis XIII (Mar.-May 1945). By General der Infanterie Karl to Weisenberger; 3 vols, 50 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Same as MS # B-227.
B-228c I
B-229 Nineteenth Army Supply (15 Jan.-15 Sep. 1944). By Generalintendant Otto Witek; 8 pp, 2 illus. Logistical problems in occupied enemy territory and during a withdrawal.
B-230 708th Infantry Division (10-19 Aug. 1944). By Oberst Bruno Gerlach; 5 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Operations in Normandy.
B-231 5th Fighter Division (16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor (Lw) Karl Hentschel; 3 pp; 1946.
B-232 353d Infantry Division (9-18 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Mahlmann; 6 pp, 4 illus; 1946. Preparations for the first battle for Aachen.
B-233 Invasion Possibilities in Norway. By Generalleutnant Erich Hofmann; 8 pp; 1946. Possibilities of an Allied landing in Norway in 1945.
B-234 Preparations for Invasion. By Generalleutnant Max Pemsel; 40 pp, 3 illus; 1946. By the chief of staff of Seventh Army.
B-235 Fifth Panzer Army (2 Nov. 1944-16 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 58 pp; 1945.
B-236 LXVII Corps (7 Jun-30 Oct. 1944). By General der Infanterie Otto Sponheimer; 54 pp, 7 illus; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-237 Activities of the 157th Reserve Division in Southern France. By Generalleutnant Karl Pflaum; 8 pp; 1946. Organization; defense of the western Alps.
B-238 First Army (10 Feb.-24 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Hauser; 25 pp, 6 illus; 1946.
B-239 36th Volks Grenadier Division (31 Dec. 1944-5 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor August Wellm; 44 pp, 8 illus; 1946. The attack in the lower Vosges.
B-240 II Parachute Corps (May-6 Jun. 1944). By Oberst Ernst Blauensteiner; 3 pp; 1946. The period prior to the Allied landing.
B-241 352 Infantry Division (18-22 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 7 pp, 1 illus.
B-242 Corrections to MS # B-157 (LVIII Panzer Corps). By Oberst Hans Dingler; 2 pp.
B-243 Army Group B Engineers--Part II (25 Jan.-1 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Richard Wirtz and Generalleutnant Otto Hitzfeld; 22 pp; 1946. Fortifications along the Rhine. General Hitzfeld's study (6 pp) concerns only the Remagen bridgehead.
B-244 85th Infantry Division (Feb.-July 1944). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Kurt Arth. Schuster; 8 pp, 2 illus; 1946. Organization.
B-245 16th Infantry Division (Jun.-13 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Ernst Haeckel; 33 pp, 1 illus.
B-246 Panzer Organization 1940. By Generaloberst Heinz Guderian; 4 pp, 4 illus; 1946. Statistical survey of strength and distribution of German armor at the outset of the Western Campaign.
B-247 LXXXIX Corps (22-24 Nov. 1944). By General der Infanterie Gustav Hoehne; 4 pp; 1946. Supplement to MS # B-075.
B-249 Northern France--Vol. IX (Fifteenth Army) (20 Aug.-10 Nov. 1944). By Generael der Infanterie Gustav von Zangen; 60 pp, 8 illus; 1946. The retreat beyond the Albert Canal, described by the army commander.
B-250 Greece, Crete and Russia. By General der Artillery Walter Warlimont; 7 pp; 1946. Answers to a questionnaire. See also MS # B-271.
B-252 XIV SS Corps (Nov. 1944-Jan. 1945). By General der Waffen-SS Erich von dem Bach-Zelewsky; 12 pp, 5 illus; 1946. Includes a report of Hitler's conference on 28 December 1944.
B-253 189th Infantry Division (Kampfgruppe Degener) (15 Sep.-16 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Joachim Degener; 21 pp, 6 illus; 1946.
B-254 My Military Career. By Genereal der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 23 pp; 1946. A short chronological account.
B-256 271st Infantry Division (Mar.-13 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Danhauser; 20 pp; 1946. Normandy.
B-257 2d Panzer Division (6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 29 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-258 Panzer Group West (6 Jun.-7 Jul. 1944). By General der Panzertruppe Frhr. Geyr von Schweppenburg; 43 pp. The history of Panzergruppe West, 1943-44, written by its commander. This is a preliminary version, submitted in German and English by the author. The final version is MS # B-466. Filed with MS # B-466.
B-259 Rommel (1944). By Generalleutnant Friedrich Dihm; 16 pp. Rommel's views on tactical, technical and strategic defense problems, with critical remarks by General der Panzertruppen Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg. Comments on defense against amphibious and airborne operations. Filed with MS # A-982.
B-260 Cotentin Artillery (6-18 Jun. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel; 12. pp, 1 illus; 1946. Fighting on the Cotentin Peninsula, with special reference to the coast artillery.
B-261 II Parachute Corps (6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By Oberst Ernst Blauensteiner. A short history by the corps chief of staff.
B-262 II Parachute Corps (19 Sep. 1944-10 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Ernst Blauensteiner; 13 pp, 3 ilIus; 1946. By the corps chief of staff.
B-263 Nineteenth Army (8 Nov. 1944-10 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walterr Botsch; 37 pp. By the army chief of staff.
B-264 Combat Experience in Russia. By Generalleutnant Fritz Wentzell; 66 pp, 2 illus. Characteristics of warfare in Russia, particularly in forests.
B-265 The Battle of Bologna (Oct. 1944-Apr. 1945). By Oberst Adolf Heckel and Oberst Dietrich Beelitz; 78 pp; 1946. In five parts: operationalbackground, tactical considerations; 26th Panzer Division and 4th Parachute Division; artillery; 1st Parachute Division. Concerns largely operations against Polish forces.
B-266 Combat in the East. By Generalleutnant Fritz Wentzell; 96 pp, 1 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 10; 1952. Tactical and technical experience of infantry, armored, engineer, signal, medical and supply units in Russia. Detailed examples from combat of an infantry division and a panzer corps.
B-270 German Strategy During the Italian Campaign. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring and General der Kavallerie Siegfried Westphal; 55 pp. Answers to a questionnaire.
B-271 Greece, Crete, Russia. By Generaloberst Heinz Guderian; 2 pp; .1946. Answers to a questionnaire.
B-272 20 July. 1944. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentrift; 52 pp; 1946. The attempt to assassinate Hitler. Personal memoirs of historical interest.
B-273 277th Volks Grenadier Division (Nov. 1944-Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Wilhelm Viebig; .18, pp,1946.
B-274 165th Infantry Division, (3 Feb.-1 Jul. 1944); 70th Infantry Division (1 Jun.-8 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wilhelm Daser; 43 pp; 6 illus. Defense of Walcheren, commitment of a reserve division and a "stomach" division in Belgium and Holland.
B-275 Medical Comments on "Stomach" Units. By Generalarzt Walter Scherf; 3 pp; 1946. Of purely organizational value. ("Stomach".divisions comprised personnel suffering from gastric disorders and requiring special diets.)
B-276 Southern France--Preparations for Invasion. By General der lnfanterie Georg von Sodenstern; 59 pp, 9 illus.
B-277 Ideas on the Historical Comprehension of the Present War. By Oberst Dr. Kurt Hesse; 11 pp; October 1942.
B-278 Strategy and Psychological Warfare. By General der infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 103 pp; OCMH multilith; 1946. Answers to a questionnaire.
B-279 Anti-Nazi Military Activity (1938-4943). By General der Panzertruppen Geyr von Schweppenburg; 15 pp. Developments prior to 20 July 1944.
B-280 Psychological Warfare. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 20 pp; 1946. Answers to a questionnaire.
B-281 Nettuno (6 Feb. 1944). By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 3 pp; 1947.
B-283 Evaluation of German Command and Troops. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 157 pp; 1946. Report on OB West, 1944-45; and on its component armies.
B-284 OB West (6 Jun.-24 July 1944). By.Generalder Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 57pp; 1946. Personal report on Normandy.
B-286 15th Volks Werfer Brigade-(16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Leo Zanssen; 4 pp; 1946. A rocket projector unit in the Ardennes offensive.
B-287 15th Yolks Werfer Brigade (15 Feb.-8 Mar 1945). By Generalmajor Leo Zanssen; 4 pp; 1946. Operations on the Rhine.
B-288 15th Volks Werfer Brigade (23 Mar.-19 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Leo Zanssen; 3 pp; 1946. Operations in central Germany.
B-290 XII SS Corps (20 Oct. 1944 -11 Jan. 1945). By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt, 49 pp, 4 illus; 1947. By the commanding general.
B-291 Fortress Engineer Commander XXI (Sep. 1944-Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Rob. Eimler; 13 pp, 7 illus; 1946.
B-292 Reflections on Organization Experience. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentriff; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-293 Evaluation of the Armies of 1914-1918 and 1939-45. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 41 pp; OCMH multilith; 1946.
B-296 The German Armies of 1914 and 1939. By General der Infanterie G, Blumentritt; 55 pp; 1947. A comparative study.
B-298 Military Literature. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 15 pp; 1947.
B-300 Modern Office Training. By General der Infanterie G.Blumentritt; 9 pp; 1947. Selection, education, and professional training of regular officers.
B-301 The Attack. By General de Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 16 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-302 Twentieth Century Warfare. By General der Infanterie G. Blurnentritt; 22 pp; 1947.
B-304 Examples of Strategy and Tactics During Both World Wars. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 26 pp; OCMH multilith; no date.
B-305 Strategic and Tactical Examples from Both World Wars, Part II. By General der Infanterie G Blumentritt; 7pp; 1947. A continuation of MS # B-304.
B-309 LXVII Corps (22 Mar.-19 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Otto Hitzfeld; 27 pp, 5 illus; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-311 Army Group B Artillery (Ardennes). By General der Artillerie Karl Thoholte; 15 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-312 Battle Group Goerbig (1-10 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Paul Goerbig, 12 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
B-313 III Flak Corps (25 Mar.-17 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Heino von Rantzau, 19 pp; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-314 Hamburg Infantry Division (Mar.-Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Steinmueller; 14 pp, 6 illus; 1946.
B-315 47th Volks Grenadier Division (29 Apr.-2 May 1945). By Major Mario Duic; 7 pp, 3 illus. Defense of the Fern Pass.
B-316 309th Infantry Division (27 Apr.-7 May 1945). By Generalmajor Heinrich Voigtsberger; 6 .pp, 1 illus; 1946. Between the Havel and Elbe Rivers.
B-317 Fifth Panzer Army (21 Mar.-17 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Friedrich v. Mellenthin; 41 pp; 1946. By the army chief of staff.
B-318 Infanterie Division Sturm (12-23 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Alfred Sturm; 4 pp, 1 illus.
B-319 466th Replacement Division (Feb.-Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Friedrich Karst; 5 pp; 1946.
B-320 LXXX Corps (Aug. 1944-Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Dr. Franz Beyer; 31 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Retreat from the Marne to the Danube.
B-321 LVIII Panzer Corps in the Ardennes Offensive (16 Dec. 1944-11 Jan. 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 17 pp, 2 illus.
B-323 First Army-Feldkommandantur 755 (22 Mar.-4 May 1945). By Generalmajor Curt Souchay; 10 pp, 3 illus; 1947. A military administrative headquarters in a rear area.
B-324 LXXXV Corps (23-28 Mar. 1945). By Maj. Hans-Heinrich Krueger; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-326 Corps von Hengl (20 Apr.-6 May 1945). By General der Gebirgstruppen Georg von Hengl; 8 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-327 II Parachute Corps (10 Mar.-10 May 1945). By Oberst Ernst Blauensteiner; 9 pp; 1946. By the corps chief of staff.
B-328 Army Group South (7 Apr.-7 May 1945). By Generaloberst Lothar Rendulic; 11 pp, 3 illus. The army group commander describes the last phase of the fighting against the Soviets and the surrender to the Americans.
B-329 LXVI Corps (10 Mar.-29 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hermann Floerke; 30 pp; 1946. Combat east of the Rhine.
B-330 OB Southwest: Effect of Southern France Invasion on Italy. By General der Panzerffuppen Hans Roettiger; 10 pp; 1947. Considerations and plans of OB Southwest concerning an Allied landing in southern France. (See also MS # B-421).
B-331 157th Mountain Division (8-15 Se. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Schridcer; 32 pp, 5 illus. Combat in the French Alps; organization of mountain troops.
B-332 LVIII Panzer Corps in the Ardennes Offensive (13 Jan.-2 Feb. 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 6 pp, 1 illus. Continuation of MS # B- 321.
B-333 LXVI Corps (Oct.-23 Dec. 1944). By General der Artillerie Walter Lucht; 31 pp, 4 illus; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-334 Balkan Campaign (1941). By Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff; 15 pp; 1947. Personal memoirs of the Panzer Corps Commander in the advance on Zagreb, Belgrade and Sarajevo.
B-338 German Soldier (Morale). By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 21 pp; 1947. Why did the German soldier fight to the bitter end?
B-339 91st Airborne Division (10 Jun.-Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Mahlmann; 7 pp; 1947. Comments on MS # B-010, the Normandy report of 91st Airborne Division.
B-340 Anti-Nazi Activity (1937-1945). By Generalleutnant Graf Strachwitz; 11 pp; 1947. Personal memoirs.
B-341 Marine Gruppenkommando West. By Vizeadmiral Friedrich Frisius; 22 pp. Comments on Admiral Krancke's report, MS # B-169.
B-343 LXXXVIII Corps (6 Jun.-21 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Hans Reinhard; 2 vols, 47 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Dutch coast, Albert Canal, Lower Meuse; counterattack against American parachute troops at Eindhoven. The English version includes MS # B-156.
B-345 9th Panzer Division (11-19 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Mueller; 15 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Rhineland.
B-346 II Parachute Corps (25 Jul.-25 Aug. 1944). By Oberst Ernst Blauensteiner; 14 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Normandy.
B-347 Sixth SS Panzer Army Artillery. By Generalleutnant (Waffen-SS) Walter Staudinger; 15 pp, 1 illus. Role in the Ardennes offensive.
B-348 First Army (24 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Hauser; 25 pp, 7 illus; 1946. By the army chief of staff.
B-350 Panzer Division "Clausewitz" (1-21 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Martin Unrein; 20 pp; 1947.
B-351 Sociology of German Officer Corps. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 13 pp; 1947.
B-354 First Parachute Army (28- Mar.-9 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 21 pp, 5 illus; 1947. East of the Rhine; interesting historical review.
B-355 13th Administrative Division (13 Apr.-1 May 1945). By Generalmajor Manfred Mueller; 7 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Reconnaissance staff without troops.
B-356 159th Infantry Division (22 Mar.- 4 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Heinrich Buercky; 28 pp, 12 illus; 1947. Central Germany.
B-357 416th Infantry Division (16 Feb.-6 May 1945). By Major i.G. Kurt Hold; 44 pp, 19 illus; 1946. On both banks of the Rhine.
B-358 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in Aug 1944. By Generalmajor der Waffen- SS Theodor Wisch; 6 pp; 1946. Questionnaire on the fighting in Normandy (Avranches, Falaise), August 1944.
B-359 467th Infantry Division (Correction of MS # B-310). By Generalleutnant Walter Poppe; 1 p; 1946.
B-360 2d Panzer Division (28 Mar.-4 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Oskar Munzel; 9 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Panzer Training Division "Thueringen"; commitment of an improvised force.
B-361 Provisional Army Blumentritt (10 Apr.-1 Jun 1945). By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 30 pp, 4 illus; 1947. The last battle.
B-362 176th Infantry Division (1-30 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Christian Landau; 7 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-363 First Army (15 Sep.-7 Nov. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Atberf`Emmerich; 18 pp; 1947.
B-364 11th Panzer Division (15 Sep.-29 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wend von Wietersheim; 29 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-365 Twenty-Fifth Army (3 Feb.-28 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 16 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Holland.
B-366 Army Group G-Supply (26 Oct. 1944-6 May 1945). By Generalintendant Otto Witek; 88 pp; 1947. Supplying troops in southern and eastern France and in southern Germany.
B-367 XLVII Panzer Corps (23 Oct.-5 Dec. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen H. von Luettwitz; 38 pp, 3 illus;1947. By the corps commander.
B-368 6th Parachute Division (19 Nov. 1944-10 May 1945). By Generalmajor Rudolf Langhaeuser; 13 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
B-369 189th Infantry Division (14-19 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Joachim Degener; 21 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-373 commander based on personal diary. Delaying action in northern France and the Rhineland.
B-374 History and Public Opinion. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 31 pp; 1947.
B-375 Wehrkreis VII (12 Apr.-10 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Heinrich Greiner; 32 pp, 3 illus; 1947. The last days of the war along and south of the Danube.
B-376 Comments on the History of U.S. Seventh Army. By General der Infanterie Baptist Kniess; 7 pp; 1947. Southern France.
B-378 Feld Kommandantur 563-Montpellier (20 Feb.-20 Aug. 1944). By General major Friedrich Dernen; 13 pp, 3 illus; 1947. An administrative and security headquarters. Events in the Department of Herault; relations with the French population during the invasion.
B-379 553d Volks Grenadier Division (10-22 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Hans Bruhn; 84 pp; 7 illus; 1947. Combat in the Vosges Mountains.
B-380 467th, Replacement and Training Division. By Generalleutnant Rudolf Sintzenich; 18 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-381 16th Luftwaffe Field Division (1 Nov. 1943-1 Jun. 1944). By Generalleutnant Karl Sievers; 17 pp; 1947. Organization, training, and preparations for coast defense.
B-382 LXVI Corps (26-30 Mar 1945). By Generalleutnant Hermann Floerke; 24 pp; 2 illus; 1946.
B-383 LXVI Corps (30 Mar.-4 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hermann Floerke; 41 pp, 5 illus. Hesse.
B-388 352d Infantry Division (6 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 36 pp. D Day in Normandy. Extracts from the operations officer's telephone log.
B-389 Enemy Military Experience. By Generaloberst Lothar Rendulic; 5 pp; 1947. The application of foreign military experience.
B-390 Rendulic's Service in the East. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 8 pp.
B-391 Battle Group Buddenbrodc (16 Mar,-4 May 1945). By Generalmajor Jobst Frhr. von Buddenbrock; 6 pp.
B-392 XIII Corps (22-31 Mar .1945). By Generalleutnant Ralph von Oriola; 17 pp; 1946. East of the Rhine.
B-393 Fifth Panzer,Army Artillery (Ardennes). By Generalleutnant Richard Metz; 80 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-394. Twelfth Army (11 Apr.- May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Walt. Wendt; 7 pp; 1946. On both banks of the Elbe.
B-395 Photograph of Field Marshal Model. By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 3 pp, 1 illus. History of a photograph taken on 20 March 1945.
B-399 Psychological Warfare. By General der Infanterie Enno v. Rintelen; 8 pp. Comments on Italian and German propaganda in Italy, by the former German military attaché to Rome.
B-400 20 July 1944. By General der Infanterie Alexander von Falkenhausen; 3 pp; 1947. Comments on the 20 July 1944 attempt to assassinate Hitler.
B-401 II Parachute Corps (Dec. 1942-24 Jul. 1944). By General der Fallschirmtruppen Eugen Meindl; 41 pp; 1946. By the corps commander.
B-402 Feld Kommandantur 800--Draguignan (12-17 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Ludwig Bieringer; 33 pp, 1 illus; 1947. An administrative and security headquarters.
B-403 711th Infantry Division (1 Apr. 1943-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Joseph Reichert; 24 pp; 1947. By the division commander.
B-404 Wehrkreis XII (22 Mar.-11 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Ernst Faeckenstedt; 22 pp, 9 illus; 1947. Central Germany.
B-405 Wehrkreis XII (22-31 Mar. 1945). By General der Artillerie Herbert Osterkamp; 4 pp; 1947. Comments on MS # B-404.
B-406 Battle Group "Runge" (21-25 Mar 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Boelsen; 9 pp, 3 illus; 1947. On the Rhine.
B-407 172d Administrative Division (25-28 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Boelsen; 9 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Fighting in the Taunus.
B-408 Antitank Division West--Seventh Army. By Oberstfeutnant i.G. Ulrich Klimke; 8 pp; 1947. The organization and mission of this improvised unit, which was never committed in actual combat. Includes views on future organization.
B-409 LIII Corps (23-29 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 12 pp, 16 illus; 1946.
B-410 XII SS Corps (26 Jan.-4 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Ulrich Ulms. 47 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Between the Roer and Rhine Rivers.
B-411 353d Infantry Division (19 Sep.-1 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Mahlmann; 4 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Fighting in the forest west of Huertgen.
B-412 XIII SS Corps (1 Sep.-15 Nov. 1944). By Oberst Kurt v. Einem; 18 pp, 8 illus; 1946.
B-413 OB West, Special Report. By General der Kavallerie Rudolf Koch- Erpach; 18 pp, 1 illus; 1947. German morale and fighting strength in the spring of 1945.
B-414 Army Group H (10 Mar.-9 May 1945). By Oberst i.G. Rolf Geyer; 47 pp, 17 illus; 1946. Activities of Commander in Chief Northwest.
B-415 12th Infantry Division (22 Sep.-22 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Gerhard Engel; 43 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-416 11th Panzer Division (28 Oct.-17 Dec. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wend von Wietersheim; 21 pp, 4 iLlus; 1946. Lorraine.
B-417 11TH Panzer Division (20 Dec. 1944-10 Feb. 1945). By Generalleutnant W. von Wietersheim; 11 pp, 2 illus; 1947. The Rhineland.
B-419 18th Luftwaffe Field Division ( 6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Joachim Tresckow; 16 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Normandy.
B-420 The German Defense of Marseille, Aug. 1944. By Generalleutnant Hans Schaefer; 22 pp; 1947. Comments on French reports.
B-421 German (OB Southwest) Estimate of Situation Prior to Allied Invasion of Southern France. By Generaloberst Johannes Blaskowitz; 3 pp; 1947. Comments on the report by General Roettiger concerning the landing in southern France (MS # B-330).
B-422 Liaison Staff 659--Pyrenees. By Generalmajor Leo Mayr; 9 pp; 1947. Organization and administrative activities in occupied France.
B-423 Withdrawal of Rear Guard 159th Division from Bordeaux to Poitiers. By Generalmajor Gustav Seiz; 3 pp; 1947.
B-424 85th Infantry Division (31 Jul.-8 Aug. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Kurt Arthur Schuster; 7 pp, 2 illus; 1947. A division on the march to Normandy.
B-425 89th Infantry Division (8-15 Aug. 1944), By Oberst Hasso Neitzel; 10 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-426 LVIII Panzer Corps Artillery (1 Aug.-6 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel; 5 pp. A corps artillery commander in Normandy.
B-427 Brest--43d Infantry Division (May -18 Sep. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Rudolf Kogard; 35 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Western Brittany before and during the invasion.
B-430 LXIV Corps (28 Jan.-7 Feb.1945). By General der Artillerie Max Grimmeis; 31 pp, 3 illus; 1947. In the upper Rhine bridgehead.
B-431 German Last Days in Pilsen. By Generalmajor Gerhard Mueller; 9 pp; 1947. The capture of Pilsen by the U.S. 16th Armored Division. Attitude of the Czecho-Slovakian population in the last months of the war.
B-432 352d Infantry Division (5 Dec. 1943-6 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 42 pp, 6 ilius; 1946. Organization and fighting on D day in Normandy.
B-433-B-439 352d Infantry Division (7 Jun.-10 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz to Ziegelmann; 2 Vol., 72 pp, 7 illus, 1946-1947. Continuation of MS # B-432.
B-440 Army Group G (May-Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Heinz von Gyldenfeldt; 37 pp, 2 illus. Southern France. By the army group chief of staff. See also MSS # B-488, B-552, B-588, B-589, in which the same author reports on this unit's activities until late September 1944.
B-441 21st Panzer Division (1942-Jul.1944). By Generalleutnant Edgar Feuchtinger; 50 pp; 1947. Organization and fighting to 3 July 1944 in Normandy.
B-442 LXXXV Corps (21 Jan.-23 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie- Bad Kniess; 2 pp, 1 illus; 1947. In the Saar.
B-443 First Army (8 Nov.-20 Dec. 1944).By Oberst i.G. Albert Emmerich; 28 pp; 1947.
B-444 276thVolks Grenadier, Division (21 Jan-17 Mar 1945). By Oberst Werner Wagner; 33 pp, 8 illus.
B-445 LVIII Panzer Corps (24 Jul -15 Sep-1944). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 34 pp, 5 illus. In France.
B-446 Liaison Staff 732 (20 Aug-5 Sep 1944). By Generglmajor Johannes Hahn; 12 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Pau, France.
B-447 Seventh Army (1 Sep. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger; 50 pp, 1 illus; 1946. Questionnaire on activities in France and Germany, from 1 Sep. 1944 to the Ardennes offensive.
B-448 The French Resistance Movement. By Oberst Albert Emmerich; 3 pp; 1946.
B-449 Nineteenth Army--Fortress Engineer (1943-Aug. 1944). By Generalmaior Wilhelm Uilersperger; 39 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Mediterranean coast; technical.
B-450 Army Group G (20 Feb.- 22 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Horst Wilutzky; 58 pp, 12 illus.
B-451 708th Volks Grenadier Division (15 Sep.-17 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Josef Paul Krieger; 16 pp, 2 illus; 1947. In the Vosges, November 1944.
B-452 16th Infantry Division (15 Sep.-10 Dec. 1944). By Generalleutnant Ernst Haeckel; 25 pp, 4 illus.
B-453 6th Parachute Division (11 Mar.-1 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Rudolf Langhaeuser; 11 pp, 1 illus.; 1947.
B-454 Balance of Power. By. General de Infanterie Georg von Sodenstern; 15 Pp, 8 illus; 1947. Comments on the present situation in Europe (1947) and the outlook for the future.
B-455 352d Infantry Division (l1-18 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-456 2d Panzer Division (21-26 Dec. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Ruediger Weiz; 10 pp. In the Ardennes.
B-457 National Redoubt. By Gauleiter Franz Hofer; 25 pp. A report by the Gauleiter of the Tyrol on German and U. S. views of the "Alpine Redoubt" in 1944.
B-458 National Redoubt. By Gauleiter Franz Hofer; 36 pp. Apparently summaries of much longer reports by the former Gauleiter of Tyrol. They cover the last months of the war and the efforts to consolidate the German. effort in the Alps in conjunction with the German military command.
B-459 National Redoubt. By General der Gebirgstruppen Georg von Hengl; 12 pp; 1946. Personal report by General von Hengl. Purely historical.
B-460 Evaluation of Manuscripts Concerning National Redoubt. By General der Gebirgstruppen Georg von Hengl; 5 pp; 1946. Comments on ten earlier reports.
B-461 The Alpine Redoubt. By General der Gebirgstruppen Georg von Hengl; 17 pp; 1947. A. final historical survey of this "spectre"; of historical value.
B-462 340th Grenadier Division (2 Sep.-25 Dec. 1944). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Hans-Hubert Voigt; 28 pp, 8 illus;1947. Good report on combat in the Rhineland. Available in USAREUR in German only.
B-463 Nineteenth Army (4 Jan.-21 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Kurt Brandstaedter; 39 pp, 26 illus; 1947. Fighting with exhausted troops against superior forces.
B-464 352d Infantry Division (19-24 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 5 pp, 1 illus. Combat south of St. Lo.
B-465 3d Panzer Grenadier Division (16-28 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Walter Denkert; 29 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-468 LXIV Corps (1 Nov.-31 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Helmut Thumm; 19 pp, 7 illus; 1947. Includes remarks on delaying action.
B-469 91st Airborne Division Artillery (18 Jun.-31 Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel; 9 pp; 1947.
B-470 9th SS Panzer Division (20 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Sylvester Stadler; 22 pp; 1947. A clear picture of frontline conditions.
B-471 Fortress Lorient--Normandy--Special Questions. By Generalmajor Julius Kuse; 6 pp; 1947.
B-472 Fifth Panzer Army (14 Sep.-15 Oct. 1944). By Oberst Wolf Von Kahlden; 28 pp, 6 illus; 1947.
B-473 LVIII Panzer Corps Artillery (18 Sep.-1 Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel; 6 pp.
B-474 Activities of the Artillery Headquarters in the Strassbourg-Saarbourg Area in Fall 1944. By Generalmajor Walter Beisswaenger; 7 pp; 1947. Organization of positions and static batteries.
B-475 Fifteenth Army (15 Sep.-10 Nov. 1944). By General der Infanterie Gustav von Zangen; 54 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-476 6th SS Mountain Division (Sept. 1944-26 Jan. 1945). By SS Gruppenfuehrer Karl Brenner; 13 pp, 8 illus; 1947. A day-by-day historical record.
B-477 LXVI Corps (23 Dec. 1944-2 Jan. 1945). By General der Artillerie Walter Lucht; 9 pp, 3 illus.
B-480 St. Nazaire Naval Forces. (Normandy). By Konteradmiral Hans Mirow; 8 pp; 1947. Answers by Naval Commander Loire to a questionnaire on the invasion.
B-481 First Army Artillery (23 Mar.-8 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Julius Braun; 34 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-482 LXIV Corps (1-16 Nov. 1944). By Major i.G. Kurt Schuster; 24 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-483 Languedoc Naval Defense (1944). By Vizeadmiral Erich Schulte- Moenting; 18 pp; 1947. Coast defense in the sector of Naval Commander Languedoc. Technical.
B-484 Military Attaché to Washington (1933-1941). By General der Artillerie Friedrich von Boetticher; 58 pp; 1947. Comments on military and political affairs.
B-486 LVIII Panzer Corps (6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 18 pp, 2 illus; 1946. Corps activities prior to the invasion; a historical report on organization and training.
B-487 XIII SS Corps (16 Nov.-5 Dec. 1944). By Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Max Simon; 17 pp; 1947.
B-489 352d Infantry Division (25-30 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 11 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-490 352d Infantry Division (Conclusions, 6 Jun.-30 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 17 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Very interesting and valuable evaluation from the viewpoint of a fighting infantry division.
B-491 First Army (1-11 Nov. 1944). By General der Infanterie Kurt von to Tippelskirch; 2 vols, 18 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Vol. I, Estimate of the Situation;
B-492 Vol. II, Report on Combat (Lorraine).
B-493 LXIV Corps (end of Sep. 1944). By Major i.G. Kurt Schuster; 11 pp, 2 illus; 1947. A special study to show the weaknesses of German defense at the time.
B-494 XIII Corps (29 Jan.-20 Feb. 1945). By General der Infanterie Hans Felber, 47 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Interesting historical study.
B-495 Italian-German Cooperation (Oct. 1936-Nov. 1940). By General der Infanterie Enno von Rintelen; 49 pp, 1947. Most interesting report by the German Military Attaché in Rome at that time. Covers a wide range of political and military events in the Mediterranean area.
B-496 331st Infantry Division (1 Apr.-25 Jun. 1944). By Generalmajor Heinz Furbach; 15 pp, 2 illus. Defense preparations in France.
B-497 Mulhouse--Wehrmacht Commandant (Jul. 1944-Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Hermann Harttmann; 7 pp; 1947. Supplement to MS # B-083.
B-498 Defense of Mulhouse Area Against Airborne Attack. By Generalmajor Hermann Harttman; 7 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Preparations for defense against airborne landings in the Mulhouse area, 1944.
B-499 Events Leading up to 20 July 1944. By General der Infanterie Georg von Sodenstern; 47 pp; 1947.
B-500 Nineteenth Army (22 Mar.-5 May 1945). By Oberst Kurt Brandstaedter; 54 pp, 6 illus; 1947. Fighting on the upper Rhine and in southern Germany.
B-501 LIII Corps Situation (27 Feb. 1945). By Oberst i.G. Werner Bodenstein; 14 pp, 1 illus; 1947. A detailed situation estimate.
B-502 353d Infantry Division (3 Oct.-25 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul to Mahlmann; 2 vols, 11 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Reorganization of the division.
B-504 LXIV Corps Defensive Construction (16 Sep. 1944-25 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Taeglichsbeck; 16 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Reconnaissance and organization of rear positions by LXIV Corps (Vosges and upper Rhine.
B-505 49th Infantry Division (1943-Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Siegfried Macholz; 30 pp, 5 illus. Defense problems on the Channel Coast, 1944; views on fortification.
B-506 LVIIII Panzer Corps Artillery (1 Nov. 1944-1 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel; 10 pp; 1947.
B-507 XC Corps (20 Mar.-10 May 1945). By General der Infanterie Erich Petersen; 20 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Rhine and central Germany.
B-508 2d Parachute Division (8 Mar.-16 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Lackner; 5 pp, 2 illus.
B-509 II Air Force Corps (6-28 Jun. 1944). By General der Flieger Alfred Buelowius; 5 pp. Questionnaire on the Normandy invasion.
B-510 59th Infantry Division (4 Sep., 5 Sep., 24 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Poppe; 1p; 1947. Combat in Belgium.
B-513 German General Staff Officers, Casualties. By Generalleutnant Bernhard von Claer; 5 pp, 6 illus. An incomplete study on the fate of some leading German generals.
B-514 Nineteenth Army (15 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944). By Oberst Fritz Schulz; 42 pp; 1946. Engagements in southern France.
B-517 159th Reserve Infantry Division (5-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Otto Kohl; 4 pp.
B-518 Comments on History of U.S. Seventh Army. By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 39 pp; 1946.
B-519 Defenses in the Vosges (8 Aug.-15 Oct. 1944). By General der Infanterie Hans Joachim Schmidt; 4 pp; 1947. Supplement to MS # B-043.
B-520 257th Volks Grenadier Division (25 Oct. 1944-15 Jan. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Ernst Linke; 27 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Commitment of a newly organized infantry division in wooded terrain.
B-521 9th Volks Grenadier Division (1 Nov. 1944-5 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Werner Kolb; 33 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
B-522 12th SS Panzer Division (15 Nov.-15 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Hugo Kraas; 14 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-523 LVIII Panzer Corps (23 Mar.-16 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 15 pp; 1947. .
B-524 The Invasion of Greece. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg; 42 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Overall review.
B-526 276th Infantry Division (1 Jan.-20 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Kurt Badinski; 73 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Normandy and northern France.
B-527 19th Volks Grenadier Division (1 Sep. 1944-27 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Karl Britzelmayr; 61 pp, 4 illus; 1946.
B-528 271st Infantry Division (Mar-13 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Danhauser; 7 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Supplement to MS # B-256.
B-530 159th Infantry Division (1939-15 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Friedrich Dernen; 12 pp; 1947.
B-531 338th Infantry Division (11 Feb.-3 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Ewert; 13 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-532 346th Infantry Division (24 Jul.-15 Sep. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Paul Frank; 52 pp, 12 illus; 1946. Normandy and Belgium.
B-533 176th Infantry Division (1 Oct. 1944-15 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor Christian Landau; 15 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
B-534 Liaison Staff 659 (1 Jun.-19 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Leo Mayr; 9 pp; 1947.
B-535 559th Volks Grenadier Division (20 Feb.-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Kurt von Muehlen; 8 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-536 89th Infantry Division (15 Aug.-16 Sep. 1944). By Oberst Hasso Neitzel; 13 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-539 Combat Actions (15-22 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Otto Ottenbacher; 4 pp; 1947. (See MS # B-538).
B-540 272d Infantry Division (15 Dec. 1943-26 Jul. 1944). By General der lnfanterie Friedrich Schack; 19 pp, 3 illus; 1947 Activation; training; combat in Normandy.
B-541 3d Parachute Division (Jan.-Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Richard Schimpf; 28 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-542 70th Infantry Division (10-22 Sep. 1944) and 331st Infantry Division (15 Jul.-5 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Steinmueller; 21 pp; 1947.
B-544 18th Luftwaffe Field Division (13-18 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Joachim von Tresckow; 16 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Belgium.
B-545 Strasbourg (Nov. 1944). By Generalmajor Franz Vaterrodt; 22pp; 1 illus; 1947.
B-546 47th Infantry Division (8 Aug.-4 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Carl Wahle; 12 pp. Supplement to MS # B-176. Delaying action in northern France and Belgium.
B-547 Fifteenth Army Artillery (Mar.-Apr. 1945) and Fifth Panzer Army Artillery (18 Mar. 1944-Feb. 1945). By Generalleutnant Richard Metz; 126 pp, 2 illus.
B-548 LVIII Panzer Corps.(15 Sep.-5 Nov. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 28 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-549 LXXIV Corps (22 Mar.-16 Apr. 1945). By General der lnfanterie Carl Puechler; 22 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
B-550 LXIV Corps (6 Dec. 1944-28 Jan. 1945). By General der I nfanterie Helmuth Thumm; 13 pp; 1947.
B-551 Wehrkreis IV (1 Feb.-10 Apr. 1945). By General der lnfanterie Hans- Wolfgang Reinhard; 12 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Dresden area:
B-552 Army Group G (May-Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Heinz von Gyldenfeldt; 16 pp.
B-553 St. Nazaire Naval Forces (Normandy). By Konteradmira; Hans Mirow; 7 pp, 7 illus; 1947.
B-554 Wehrkreis XII (31 Mar.-12 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Ernst Faeckenstedt; 21 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-555 Airborne Operations in Holland (Sep.-Nov.1944). By The Dutch Historical Section; 5 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-556 Toulon, Naval Commander (21 Apr.-28 Aug. 1944). By Konteradmiral Heinrich Ruhfus; 31 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Defense of Toulon.
B-557 198th Infantry Division (25 Jun.-15 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Otto Richter; 28 pp; 1947. Unit rehabilation; coastal defense.
B-559 LXIV Cops (22 Dec. 1944-12 Jan. 1945). By Oberst Paul Koehler; 15 pp, 1 illus. Operation SOLSTICE (southern Alsace).
B-560 Historical Section, OKH (1919-1945). By. Generalmajor Ludwig Ruedt von Collenberg; 10 pp; 1946. Activities; duties of the Deputy Chief of General Staff V.
B-561 326th Volks Grenadier Division (26 Jan.-17 Apr. 1945). By to Generalmajor Erwin Kaschner; 2 vols, 30 pp, 7 illus; 1947.
B-563 347th Infantry Division (15 Sep.-15 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wolf Trierenberg; 14 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-564 LXIV Corps (10 Feb.-4 Apr. 1945). General der Artillerie Max Grimmeis; 15 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-565 Corps Merker (12-23 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Ludwig Merker; 51 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Improvisations and delaying actions.
B-566* WehrmachtCommander Karlsruhe (15 Sep. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Walther Hossfeld; 15 pp, 12 illus; 1947. (Not translated- 1954.)
B-567 Wehrmacht Commander Karlsruhe (22 Mar.-6 May 1945). By Generalmajor Walther Hossfeld; 8 pp, 1 illus, 1 map; 1947. Preparations for the defense of the Karlsruhe area.
B-568 Wehrkreis IX-Situation (2 Apr. 1945). By General der Artillerie Maximilian Fretter-Pico; 8 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-569 Wehrkreis IX (3-22 Apr. 1945). By General der Adillerie Maximilian Fretter-Pico; 24 pp; 1947. From Kassel to the Harz Mountains.
B-570 271st Infantry Division (Jan.-May 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Danhauser; 14 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Coastal defense in southern France; details on construction of field fortifications.
B-571 LXXXV Corps Artillery (24 Oct.-15 Nov.1944). By Generalmajor Walter Beisswaenger; 7 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-572 2d Parachute Division (20 Dec. 1944-2 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Lackner; 3pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-573 416th Infantry Division (5 Oct. 1944-17 Feb. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Karl Redmer; 54 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Defense of permanent fortifications between the Moselle and the Saar.
B-574 Army Group B Artillery (22 Mar.-17 Apr. 1945). By General der Artillerie Karl Thoholte; 3 pp, 1 illus; 19467.
B-575 Nineteenth Army Artillery (4 Apr.-18 Aug.1944). By Generalmajor Walter Vogel; 78 pp, 11 illus; 1947. French Mediterranean coast, 1943- 44. Of historical and technical interest.
B-576 LXXXI Corps (25 Jan.-21 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 67 pp, 9 illus. Combat on both banks of the lower Rhine (Cologne).
B- 577 ISS Panzer Corps (15 Oct.-16 Dec. 1944). By Oberst der Waffen-SS Rudolf Lehmann; 13 pp, 3 illus; 1946. Ardennes offensive; preparation and assembly.
B-579 471st Administrative Division (23 Mar.-5 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Ernst Haeckel; 18 pp, 4 illus; 1947.
B-580 6th Parachute Division (1 Apr.-10 May 1945). By Generalmajor Rudolf Langhaeuser; 12 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-581 Eleventh Army (1-23 Apr. 1945). By Oberst Fritz Estor; 52 pp, 9 illus; 1947.
B-582 Strategic Survey, Worldwide. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 62 pp; 1947. Reflections on the current world situation. (See also MS # B-635).
B-583 Army Group G (4 Apr.-3 May 1945). By General der Infanterie Friedr. Schultz; 7 pp; 1946.
B-584 LXXXIX Corps (18-28 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav Hoehne; 8 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-585 Battle Group Alberti (1-28 Apr. 1945) and Wehrkreis XII South (15- 25 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Konrad von Alberti; 14 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-586 6th SS Mountain Division (26 Jan.-28 Feb. 1945). By SSGruppenfuehrer Karl Brenner; 5 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Northern Alsace.
B-587 Propaganda. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blummentritt; 17 pp; Hist Division EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. 1, No. 15; 1952. A study of propaganda in peace and war.
B-588 Army Group G (May-Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Heinz von Gyldenfeldt; 18 pp. Withdrawal to the Moselle.
B-589 Army Group G (15-25 Sep. 1944). By Gernalleutnant Heinz von Gyldenfeldt; 20 pp; 1947.
B-590 11th Panzer Division (6-21 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Wend von Wietersheim; 11 pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-591 159th Infantry Division (16 Sep.-1 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Friedrich Dernen; 14 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Belfort Gap.
B-593 Army Group B (22 Mar.-17 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 8 pp, 7 illus; 1946. A clear account of this army's operations. near the end of the war. Includes comments on strategy and tactics.
B-594 Seventh Army Artillery (Ardennes, Parts II and III). By Generalmajor Paul Riedel; 12 pp.
B-595 559th Volks Grenadier Division (21 Mar.-21 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Kurt von Muehlen; 6 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-596 LXVII Corps (1 Jun.-14 Sep. 1944). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Kurt Gerber; 68 pp, 6 illus. Northern France and Belgium; problems of coast defense.
B-597 III Flak Corps (May-14 Sep. 1944). By General der Flakartillerie Wolfgang Pickert; 42 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Normandy; of historical and technical interest.
B-598 LXIV Corps (4-22 Apr. 1945). By General der Artillerie Max Grimmeis; 46 pp, 1 illus; 1947. East of the Rhine.
B-599 465 Replacement and Training Division (22 Mar.-11 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Curt Hoffmann; 9 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Wuerttemberg.
B-600* Army Group G (25 Jan.-21 Mar. 1945). By Generaloberst (Waffen-SS) Paul Hausser; 30 pp; 1947. By the army group commander.
B-601 LXVII Panzer Corps (27 Jan.-7 Mar. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Douglas von Bernstorff; 45 pp, 8 illus; 1947. West of the lower Rhine.
B-602 47th Volks Grenadier Division (1 Oct. 1944-5 Jan. 1945). By Generalleutnant Max Bork; 16 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Third Battle of Aachen.
B-603 352d Volks Grenadier Division (19 Freb.-21 Mar. 1945). By to Generalmajor Erich Schmidt; 2 vols, 26 pp, 7 illus; 1947. Eifel Mountains
B-604 area.
B-605 LVIII Panzer Corps Artillery (6 Feb.-5 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Gerhard Triepel, 5 pp; 1947.
B-606 Twelfth Army (12 Apr.-7 May 1945). By Oberst Guenther Reichhelm; 40 pp, 4 illus; 1947. On the Elbe River.
B-169). By Vizeadmiral Friedrich Frisius; 8 pp.
B-607 LXVI Corps (4-20 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Hermann Floerke; 28 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Central Germany.
B-608 198th Reserve Infantry Division (Jul.-Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 2 pp; 1947. Southern France.
B-609 560th Volks Grenadier Division (5 Feb.-9 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Rudolf Bader; 10 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Defense of the Trier area.
B-610 277th Infantry Division (13 Aug.-8 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Wilhelm Viebig; 20 pp; 1946. Normandy.
B-612 Military Commander France (Jul.-Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Ernst von Krause; 7 pp; 1947. Report on the ineffective construction of the Somme-Swiss border defense line.
B-613 St. Nazaire Supply (20 Aug. 1944-10 May 1945). By Vizeadmiral Withold Rothe; 7 pp; 1947.
B-614 LXXXI Corps (22 Mar.-13 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Koechling; 42 pp, 3 illus; 1947. East of the Rhine; summary of the general situation of German troops during the last months of the war.
B-615 172d Administrative Division (28-29 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Boelsen; 4 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Central Germany (Vogelsberg).
B-616 36th Volks Grenadier Division (28 Mar.-3 May 1945). By Generalmajor Helmut Kleikamp; 20 pp; 1947. Bavaria.
B-617 LXXXV Corps (29 Mar.-7 May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Smilo von Luettwitz; 27 pp, 10 illus; 1947. Central and southern Germany.
B-618 18th Luftwaffe Field Division (18 Aug.-3 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Joachim von Treskow; 17 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Northern France.
B-619 Operations in Brittany near Lorient. By Generalmajor Julius Kuse; 16 pp; 1947. Answers to a questionnaire; the counterattack on Vannes, 4-6 Aug. 1944.
B-620 II Air Force Corps (Jan.-28 Jun. 1944). By General der Flieger Alfred Buelowius; 43 pp. The air situation during the invasion.
B-621 716th Infantry Division (1943-28 Jun. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wilhelm Richter; 69 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Normandy; a report by the commander of the division hit by the British main effort in the first two days of the invasion.
B-622 IV Luftwaffe Field Corps (Jul. 1943-10 Sept. 1944). By General der Infanterie Erich Petersen; 7 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Questionnaire on southern France.
B-623 I SS Panzer Corps (16 Aug.-18 Oct. 1944). By General der Waffen-SS Georg Keppler; 45 pp; 1947. Northern France; the West Wall; around Aachen.
B-624 Supplement to Comments on Report by Admiral Krancke (MSS # B-341
B-625 256th Volks Grenadier Division (20 Mar.-8 Apr. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Bernhard Koegel; 16 pp, 1 illus; 1947. From the Main River to the Saale River (Franconia).
B-626 361st Volks Grenadier Division (31 Aug.-16 Dec. 1944). By Generalmajor Alfred Philippi; 66 pp, 5 illus; 1947. Lorraine and the Northern Vosges.
B-627 Volkssturm (Oct. 1944-Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Hans Kissel; 27 pp, 1 illus; 1947.
B-628 An Airborne Panzer Corps. By Generalleutnant Wilhelm Schmalz; 15 pp, 5 sketches, 1 photograph; OCMH multilith; German Report Series; 1948. Organization of Panzer Corps "Hermann Goering" during the last part of the war; views on the organization of airborne armored forces.
B-629 Himmler's Field Staff (1941-44). By Generalmajor Ernst Rode; 14 pp; 1947. Police organization in occupied enemy territory.
B-630 277th Infantry Division (Jan.-24 Jul. 1944). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Horst von Wangenheim; 52 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Battle experiences of a frontline division.
B-631 21st Panzer Division (28 Jul.-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Edgar Feuchtinger; 34 pp.
B-632 German Division Numbering System. By Oberstleutnant i.G. Kurt Gerber; 4 pp; 1947.
B-635 World Situation. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 49 pp; 1947. A supplement to MS # B-582.
B-636 Capture of U.S. V Corps Operations Plan on 7 Jun. 1944. By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann; 2 pp; 1947. Comment on German failure to exploit this information.
B-637 V Corps (U.S.) Operations Plan--OB West. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 8 pp; 1947. Reaction of OB West to the capture of the U.S. V Corps operations plan.
B-638 Capture of Corinthian Isthmus by Airborne Attack. By Generalleutnant Ruediger von Heyking; 7 pp; 1947.
B-639 2d Special Bomber Wing in the Crete Operation. By Generalleutnant Ruediger von Heyking; 10 pp; 1947.
B-642 VIII Air Corps in Greece. By General der Flieger Rudolf Meister; 62 pp; 1947.
B-645 Logistics and Economics of Occupation of Greece. By Generalstabsintendant Alb. Piske; 79 pp; 1947. The administrative operations of the Air Force command in Greece, 1941-43; includes a discussion of occupation problems.
B-646 Capture of Crete (May 1941). By General der Gebirgstruppen Julius Ringel; 105 pp; 7 illus. A thorough account of the operation.
B-647 Thoughts of a Former Soldier on Strategy, Politics, and Psychology of the 1939-45 War. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 77 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
B-648 Training--Premilitary. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 16 pp; 1947.
B-650 Training--Reserve Officers (Peacetime). By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 17 pp; 1947.
B-651 Training Regular Officers in Peacetime. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 68 pp; 1947. Based on German methods and the opinions of the author.
B-652 Effect of Fortifications on Strategic Planning. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 54 pp, 6 illus; 1947.
B-653 Strategic Untenability of Fortified Lines. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 102 pp; 1947.
B-655 Miscellaneous Military Problems. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 43 pp; 1947. Command; organization; training; armament.
B-656 U.S. V Corps Operations Plan--Seventh Army. By Generalleutnant Max Pemsel; 4 pp; 1947. (See MS # B-636.)
B-657 Armed Forces Headquarters--Theoretical Organization. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 29 pp; 1947.
B-658 Reconnaissance. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 21 pp.
B-659 Artillery Preparation for the Attack. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 16 pp; 1947.
B-660 Is the Enemy Defeated? Can the Situation be Exploited? By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 19 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Problems in estimating the enemy situation.
B-661 Wartime Alliances. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 24 pp; OCMH Multilith; 1947. Evaluation of and cooperation with military allies.
B-662 The Inhumanity of Modern Warfare. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 9 pp; 1947.
B-663 Coast Artillery--Atlantic Wall. By Generalleutnant Ernst Goettke; 14 pp; 1947.
B-664 Military Commander, France--Signals (5 Nov. 1943-31 Aug. 1944). By Generalleutnant Eugen Oberhaeuser; 16 pp. Of technical and historical interest.
B-665 Wehrkreis VI and Wehrkreis XII (Jan. 1944-Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Ernst Faeckenstedt; 28 pp; 1947. Organization and improvisation under emergency conditions.
B-666 II SS Panzer Corps Artillery (15 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By SS Generalmajor Friedrich W. Bock; 11 pp; 1947. Normandy.
B-668 Atlantic Wall--Invasion Sector (Jun. 1943-Jan. 1944). By Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmetzer; 29 pp; 1947. A study by an expert on fortifications.
B-669 Atlantic Wall, Effect of Bombing and Naval Artillery. By Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmetzer; 32 pp; 1947. The effects of bombs and heavy naval guns on the Atlantic Wall fortifications. A study by an expert on fortifications.
B-671 Organization Todt--Operations in West. By Diplomingenieur Xaver Dorsch; 17 pp, 2 illus; 1947. A supplement to MS # B-670.
B-673 XLVII Panzer Corps (11 Jun.-27 Jul. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen H. von Luettwitz; 5 pp; 1947.
B-674 II Parachute Corps (10 Mar.-5 May 1945). By General der Fallschirmtruppen Eugen Meindl; 19 pp; 1947. From the Rhine to Holstein.
B-675 Army Group B--Intelligence Estimate (1 Jun. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Anton Staubwasser; 23 pp; 1947. (See also MSS # B-782 and B-825.)
B-676 Sixth Panzer Army (Oct. 1944-24 Jan. 1945). By Oberst Guenther Reichhelm; 11 pp; 1947. In the Ardennes. Comment on MS # A-924.
B-677 Luftwaffe Ground Organization, France (Jun.-Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Erwin Notti; 17 pp.
B-680 17th Luftwaffe Field Division (25 Jul.-1 Sep. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Elmar Warning and Generalleutnant Hans Hoecker; 59 pp, 1 illus; 1946.
B-682 "Impossible" Situations. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 11 pp; 1947. Examples from operations in Russia, 1941.
B-683 Operations in Darkness and Smoke. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 26 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
B-684 War in the Rear Communications Zone. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Partisan warfare in Russia.
B-686 Value of Military History. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 12 pp; 1947. Methods of teaching military history.
B-687 The Methods of Warfare and the Number of Casualties. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 15 pp; 1947. How to reduce casualties in modern warfare. Not a statistical study.
B-688 18th Volks Grenadier Division (1 Sep. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Obersleutnant i.G. Dietrich Moll; 116 pp, 3 illus, Hist. Div. USAREUR mimeograph; 1953. Of tactical and technical interest.
B-689 V-Weapons Tactics (LXV Corps). By Oberst i.G. Eugen Walter; 98 pp, 4 illus; 1947. The development and use of V-weapons; includes little technical data. B690 The Main Line of Resistance. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 15 pp; 1947.
B-691 Military Revolutions. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 23 pp; 1947. Causes and effects of revolutionary movements within armed forces.
B-693 6th SS Mountain Division (1-19 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Karl Brenner; 12 pp; 1947.
B-694 First Army (26 Apr.-8 May 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Hauser; 6 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
B-695 245th Infantry Division (27 Dec. 1944-15 Jan. 1945). By Oberst Werner Wagner; 15 pp; 1947. Operations around Wissembourg.
B-696 Nineteenth Army (13 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 98 pp, 9 illus; 1947.
B-697 Why Germany was Defeated in Two World Wars. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 21 pp; 1947.
B-698 Tactical Organization of Troops: An Historical Review. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 50 pp; 1947.
B-699 "Ideas" and Military History. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 21 pp; 1947.
B-703 Army Group G (22 Mar.-6 May 1945). By Oberst i.G. Horst Wilutzky; 61 pp, 16 illus. Last resistance in central and southern Germany.
B-705 Advance Elements and Combat Outposts. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 10 pp; 1947. A theoretical study.
B-712 Deceptions and Errors in War. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 30 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. A theoretical study.
B-715 6th SS Mountain Division (19 Mar.-3 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Karl Brenner; 13 pp, 6 illus; 1947. On and east of the Rhine.
B-716 Wehrmacht Losses. By Professor Percy E. Schramm; 35 pp. A statistical study based on official German documents. Includes data on production and losses of aircraft, tanks, submarines, and other weapons.
B-717 Army Group H (1 Nov. 1944-31 Jan. 1945) and First Parachute Army (4 Sep.-31 Oct. 1944). By Generaloberst Kurt Student; 22 pp; 1947. Fighting on the Albert Canal and at Arnhem; the formation of Army Group H. Comments on MS # B-147.
B-720 Rommel's Views (1 Apr.-May 1944). By Generalleutnant Dr. Hans Speidel; 24 pp; 1947. With a commentary by General der Panzertruppen Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg. The theory behind troop dispositions in France.
B-721 Rommel and 20 July (15 Apr.-14 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Dr. Hans Speidel; 14 pp; 1947. The role of Field Marshal Rommel in attempts to achieve an independent termination of the war in the West prior to 20 July 1944.
B-722 The Campaign in Northern France-Vol. I (25 Jul.-14 Sep. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff; 34 pp, 3 illus. Situation at Saint-Lo. See also MS # B-249 and B-723 - B-730; these nine studies provide an overall picture of the war of movement and the withdrawal to the German border.
B-723 Northern France-Vol. II: Breakthrough to Avranches (25-31 Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff; 38 pp; 1947. The American breakthrough.
B-725 Northern France-Vol. IV: Avranches Counterattack (1-11 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff; 64 pp, 4 illus; 1946.
B-726 Northern France-Vol. V: Fifth Panzer Army (25 Jul.-25 Aug. 1944). By Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff; 37 pp, 3 illus.
B-727 Northern France-Vol. VI: Falaise-Argentan Pocket. By Generalmajor R. von Gersdorff; 61pp, 2 illus; 1946.
B-728 Northern France-Vol. VII: First Army (11 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944), By Oberst i. G. Albert Emmerich; 28 pp, 9 illus; 1946. In the Paris area; retreat toward Lorraine.
B-730 Northern France-Vol. X: Seventh Army (1-20 Sep. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger; 111 pp, 7 illus; 1947. Seventh Army in Belgium; retreat to the West Wall.
B-732 First Army Organization and Replacements (11 Aug.-15 Sep. 1944). By Major Kurt Hold; 24 pp; 5 illus; 1947. Emergency organization and improvisations.
B-735 XII SS Corps (3 Mar.-16 Apr. 1945) Conclusions. By Oberst i. G. Ulrich Ulms; 20 pp. Improvised defense against overwhelming enemy forces.
B-736 12th Infantry Division (1 Mar.-14 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Gerhard Engel; 12 pp; 1947.
B-738 LXX Corps (6 Jun.-11 Aug. 1944). By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp; 43, pp; 1948. South of the Loire, from the invasion to 10 August 1944; includes comments on coast defense.
B-739 XII SS Corps (23 Feb.-3 Mar. 1945). By Major i. G. Karl Reuther. 85 pp; 9 illus; 1947. Between the Roer and Rhine Rivers. Continued in MS #
B-740 The Ardennes Offensive: A Critique. By General der Infanterie G. Blumentritt; 23 pp; 1948.
B-745 Nineteenth Army (1 Apr.-6 May 1945). By General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger; 175 pp, 21 illus; 1948. The final battles.
B-747 II SS Panzer Corps (14 Jun.-5 Jul. 1944). By General der Waffen-SS Wilhelm Bittrich; 9 pp. In Normandy.
B-748 II SS Panzer Corps (15 Jul.-5 Sep. 1944). By General der Wafferf-SS to Wilhelm Bittrich; 2 vols,15 pp; 1947-48.
B-751 First Army (7 Nov.-4 Dec. 1944). By Oberst Willy Mantey; 47 pp, 7 illus; 1947. A critical survey of events.
B-752 XII SS Corps (23 Feb.-3 Mar. 1945). By Major i.G. Karl Reuther; 33 pp. Defense of the Roer; continuation of MS # B-739.
B-757 Fifth Panzer Army (14 Sep.-15 Oct. 1944). By General der Pahzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel; 4 pp; 1947. West of the Vosges.
B-759 Sixth Panzer Army (15 Dec. 1944-21 Jan. 1945). By SS Generalleutnant Walter Staudinger; 33 pp; 1948. The Ardennes offensive.
B-760 LXXXIX Corps (13 Oct.-23 Nov. 1944). By Oberst Otto Eckstein; 33 pp; 1948. In Lorraine.
B-761 Fifth Panzer Army Artillery (1-21 Mar. 1945) and Fifteenth Army Artillery (23 Nov. 1944-28 Feb. 1945). By Generalleutnant Karl Burdach; 26 pp, 5 illus; 1948. Of historical and technical interest.
B-762 LXXXVIII Corps (20 Mar.-10 May 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Heinz v. Prittwitz; 8 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
B-763 Seventh Army (6 Jun.-29 Jul. 1944). By Generallieutnant Mat Pemsel; 172 pp, 29 illus; 1948.
B-765 LXXXIX Corps (20 Dec. 1944-13 Jan. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Kurt Reschke; 58 pp, 7 illus; 1948. Operation NORDWIND.
B-766 Nineteenth Army (16 Sep.-17 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 75 pp, 11 illus, 1948. Operations in Lorraine.
B-768 Panzer Lehr Division (15-25 Feb. 1945). By Major Helmut Hudel; 17 pp; 1948. On the left bank of the Rhine. (See also MS # B-830).
B-769 LXVI Corps (3-15 Jan. 1945). By General der Artillerie Walter Lucht; 10 pp; 1948. The Ardennes offensive.
B-770 79th Volks Grenadier Division (20-29 Mar. 1945). By Oberst Cord von Hobe; 6 pp. In the Palatinate.
B-771 212th Division (30 Mar.-2 Apr. 1945). By Oberst Cord von Hobe; 6 pp.
B-772* Panzer Kampfgroppe XIII (6 Apr.-5 May 1945). By Oberst Cord von Hobe; 36 pp. In Bavaria.
B-773 LXII Corps (10 Nov.-16 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedrich Schack; 19pp, 4 illus; 1948. The Belfort Gap.
B-774 LXXXVIII Corps (1 Oct. 1944-21 Mar. 1945). By Oberstleutnant i.G. Heinz Prittwitz; 24 pp; 1947. Engagements in Holland.
B-776 Wehrmacht Classification Term's. By Major Helmut Hudel; 5 pp.
B-777 Remagen. By Guenther Kraft; 7 pp; 1946. The shooting of Major Kraft in consequence of the Remagen incident; an account by his son.
B-778 LXVI Corps (16-29 Jan. 1945). By General der Artillerie Walter Lucht; 8 pp; 1948. The last days of the Ardenn battle; historical data and critical comment.
B-780* XIII SS Corps (7 Nov. 1944-12 Jan 1945). By Oberst Kurt von Einem; 27 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Operations in Lorraine. (See also MS # C-039.)
B-781 Nineteenth Army (15 Sep.-18 Dec. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedr. Wiese; 22 pp, 5 illus; 1948. In and east of the Vosges Mountains (Alsace).
B-782 Army Group B Intelligence Estimate (6 Jun.-Jul. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Anton Staubwasser; 74 pp, 18 illus; 1947. Estimate of the enemy during the Normandy battle.
B-784 LXXXIV Corps (Jan.-17 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Friedrich von Criegern; 53 pp, 10 illus; 1948. In Normandy.
B-785* Remagen-Bonn Staff (1-7 Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Botsch; 18 pp; 1947. Remagen bridge; conditions west of the Rhine. (Not translated-1954).
B-786 First Army (20 Dec. 1944-10 Feb. 1945). By Oberst i.G. Albert Emmerich 24 pp; 1947. In northern Alsace.
B-787 Nineteenth Army (1 Jul.-15 Sep. 1944). By General der Infanterie Friedr. Wiese; 33 pp, 2 illus. Southern France; remarks of the army commander.
B-788 Fifth Panzer Army (25 Jan.-22 Feb. 1945). By Generalmajor Karl Wagener; 17 pp, 5 illus. Battles after the Ardennes offensive; historical data and comments.
B-789 The Defensive Battle. By Oberst Kurt Brandstaedter; 46 pp; 1948. A theoretical study base combat experience. Interesting examples from the operations of Nineteenth Army in Alsace, Jan.-Feb. 1945. Includes a short evaluation and critique by General der Artillerie Erich Brandenberger.
B-791a Tactical Air-Ground Cooperation. By Generalmajor Karl Heinrich Schultz; 35 pp; 1947. The prerequisites for tactical air support; organization and liaison on the basis of German methods and experience.
B-791b Ground Support Project # 42. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 5 pp, 2 illus; 1950. Air Signal Troops with Second Air Fleet (Italy), Of tactical and technical interest.
B-794 The 404th Division After 22 March 1945. By Generalleutnant Hermann Meyer-Rabingen; 22 pp; 1948. In Saxony during the last weeks of the war.
B-795 212th Division (1-28 Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Max Ulich; 34 pp; 1948.
B-797 LIII Corps (27 Feb.-10 Mar. 1945). By Oberst i.G. Werner. Bodenstein; 22 pp, 5 illus; 1947. West of the Rhine.
B-798 LXVII Corps (15 Sep.- 25 Nov. 1944). By Oberst Elmar Warning, 58 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Between the Scheldt and Maas Rivers. Historical data and comment.
B-799 LXXXIX Corps (24 Jan.-8 Mar. 1945). By Oberstleutnant Kurt Reschke; 70 pp. Attack and defense in Alsace.
B-800 Army Group G (10 May-22 Sep. 1944). By Generaloberst Johannes Blaskowitz; 30 pp, 8 illus; 1947. In southern France; a survey of important events and decisions.
B-801 OB West-9 Questions (Jun. 1944-Mar. 1945). By Generalleutnant Bodo Zimmermann; 21 pp; 1947.
B-803 French Campaign (1940). By Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Ritter Von Leeb; 3 pp; 1946.
B-804 275 infantry Division (2-11 Nov. 1944). By Generalleutnant Hans Schmidt; 3 pp; 1945. Value of artillery preparation.
B-805 11th Panzer Division (Southern France). By Generalleutnant Wend von Wietersheim; 4 pp; 1945.
B-806 Fifteenth Army (Jun. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Adolf Kuntzen; 6 pp. Fifteenth Army situation estimate before and during the Normandy invasion.
B-807 LXXXI Corps (2 Aug.-4 Sep. 1944). By General der Panzertruppen Ad. Kuntzen; 15 pp, 3 illus. In Normandy and northern France.
B-808 Franco-Italian Border Fortifications. By Hermann Wiery; 24 pp, 27 illus; 1947. Description and evaluation.
B-809 US Preparedness, German Estimate (1939). By General der Artillerie Friedrich von Boetticher, General der infanterie Kurt von Tippelskirch, and Generaloberst Franz Harder; 5 pp; 1947. Hitler's evaluation of the American war potential and strength in 1939.
B-812 Fifteenth Army (23-28 Feb. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav v. Zangen; 31 pp, 4 illus; 1948. In Holland and northern Germany.
B-813 Surrender in Italy (30 Apr.-2 May 1945). By General der Infanterie Friedr. Schulz; 5 pp; 1946. Of local historical interest. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
B-814 Panzer Operations (6-8 Jun. 1944). By Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Fritz Kraemer and Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 9 pp, 5 illus; 1948. Answers to a questionnaire on the commitment of armor against the Normandy landings.
B-815 Military Commander France-Functions. By Generalleutnant Dr. Hans Speidel; 6 pp; 1947. Policies and scope of responsibility as compared with German political agencies.
B-820 5th Parachute Division (6 Jun.-24 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Gustav Wilke; 7 pp. In Normandy.
B-822 Measures Taken by the German Seventh Army in the Rear Area After the Breakthrough at Avranches. By Oberst Erich Helmdach; 17 pp; OCMH multillith; 1948. Normandy, 1-15 August 1944.
B-824 LXXIV Corps (May-10 Sep. 1944). By General der Infanterie Erich Straube; 46 pp; 1948. In Brittany and northern France; withdrawal to the West Wall.
B-825 Army Group B Intelligence Estimate (25 Jul.-16 Sep. 1944). By Oberst i.G. Anton Staubwasser; 157 pp, 26 illus; 1948. In northern France and Belgium; comments on German. Intelligence.
B-828 Fifteenth Army (1-9 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav von Zangen; 39 pp, 5 illus; 1948. Defense on the left wing; includes remarks on the Remagen bridge episode.
B-829 Fifteenth Army (9-12 Mar. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav von Zangen; 27 pp, 2 illus; 1948. Fighting for the Remagen bridgehead.
B-830 Panzer Lehr Division (25 Feb.-7 Mar. 1945). By Major Helmut Hudel; 13 pp; 1948. On the left bank of the Rhine. (See also MS # B-768.)
B-832 I SS Panzer Corps Artillery (6 Jun.-30 Jul. 1944). By SS Generalleutnant Walter Staudinger; 3 pp; 1948. In Normandy.
B-833 319th Infantry Division (1941-45). By Generalleutnant Rudolf Graf vol Schmettow; 69 pp; 1948. The Channel Islands before and during the invasion, up to the surrender on 9 May 1945.
B-834 Lower Rhine Fortifications (15 Sep. 1943-17 Oct. 1944). By Generalleutnant Walter Eckstein; 24 pp, 7 illus; 1946. Background to the strategic and tactical developments in autumn 1944.
B-835 Upper Rhine Fortifications (19 Oct. 1944-8 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Walter Eckstein; 29 pp, 9 illus; 1947. Detailed report on construction work on the upper Rhine and in the Black Forest.
B-836 LIII Corps (8-16 Apr. 1945). By Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein; 27 pp; 1947. Fighting in the Ruhr pocket; an account based on a personal diary.
B-837 9th Panzer Division (24 Jul.-4 Sep. 1944). By Generalleutnant Erwin Jolasse; 14 pp; 1948. In Normandy and northern France.
B-839 6th Parachute Regiment (1 May-20 Aug. 1944). By Oberst Frhr. Von der Heydte; 90 pp. In Normandy; commitment of a paratroop regiment as infantry.
B-840 Panzergruppe West (3 Jul.-9 Aug. 1944). By General der Panzertrupp Heinz Eberbach; 54 pp, 4 illus; 1948. In Normandy.
B-844 Kampfgruppe Keil (5-20 Jun. 1944) and 1058th Infantry Regiment (6- 8 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant Guenther Keil; 22 pp. First days of the Normandy invasion.
B-845 709th Infantry Division (Dec. 1943-30 Jun. 1944). By Generalleutnart Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben; 158 pp; 1948. Defense of Cherbourg; in part based on official war diaries.
B-847 Polish Campaign (1939). By Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt; 6 pp; 1948. Comments on organization and strategy.
B-849 Fifteenth Army (31 Mar.-15 Apr. 1945). By General der Infanterie Gustav von Zangen; 30 pp, 5 illus; 1948. In the Ruhr pocket.
B-850 Panzer Lehr Division (23 Mar.-15 Apr. 1945). By Major Helmut Hudel; 15 pp; 1948. East of the lower Rhine; fighting on the Sieg River and in the Ruhr pocket.
C Series Manuscripts.
C-001 6th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Action Against US Paratroopers in the Netherlands in Sep. 1944. By Oberst Freiherr von der Heydte; 11.pp, 4 illus 1948.
C-002 3d Panzer Grenadier Division (28 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945). By Generalmajor. Walter Denkert; 22 pp, 2 illus; 194.8. In the Ardennes.
C-003 Defensive Combat of LXXXIX Corps in Lower Alsace and in the West Wall (6-31 Dec. 1944). By Oberstleutnant i. G. Kurt Reschke; 89 pp, 4 illus; 1948.
C-005 The Value of Documents as Source Material. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumerrtritt; 20 pp;1948. A critical study of the reliability of documents in writing military history.
C-006 Quotations in Military History. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 34 pp; 1948. The author questions the continuing validity of certain well-known statements by military and political leaders of the past.
C-007 Different Types of Armed Forces. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 29 pp; 1948. A historical survey of military organization.
C-009 Tactics and Operations. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 15 pp, 1 illus; 1948. An essay on the desirability of freedom for the independent and creative mind of the supreme commander.
C-010 347th Infantry Division (15 Nov. 1944-24 Mar. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wolf Trierenberg; 40 pp, 7 illus; 1948. In Lorraine and the Palatinate.
C-011 708th Infantry Division (1941-Aug. 1944). By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp; 21pp; 1948. Problems of coast defense at the mouth of the Gironde.
C-012 The Islands in the Bay of Biscay Between the Mouths of the Gironde and the Loire. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp; 21 pp; 1948. The strategic and tactical importance of the islands of Noirmoutier, Yeu, Ré and Oleron in 1944 and their defenses.
C-020 The German Wehrmacht in the Last Days of the War (1 Jan.-7 May 1945). By Professor Dr. Percy E. Schramm; 674 pp; 11 illus; 1948. A partial reconstruction of the OKW war diary, based on original draft entries and. personal notes. The writer was official OKW historian.
C-021 Tactics of Russian Ground Support Aircraft. By Generalmajor Peter von der Groeben and General der Flieger Fritz Kless; 5 pp; 1948. Answers to a questionnaire.
C-022 Southern Part of Atlantic Wall. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp; 29 pp; 1948. Between the Loire and the Pyrenees.
C-027 405th Infantry Division (Summer 1944-Spring 1945). By Generalleutnant Willy Seeger; 69 pp, 5 illus; 1948. On both banks of' the upper Rhine 1944-45. Includes operations in Alsace, the fall of Strasbourg, and fighting on the upper reaches of the Danube.
C-029 Secret Field Police. By Oberst Wilhelm Kirchbaum; 191pp, 13 illus; 1948. The development and history of the Geheime Feldpolizei as an army agency. The writer contends that it was not a National Socialist organization.
C-030 Russian Artillery in the Battle for Modlin and German Countermeasures. By General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin; 10 pp; 1948. Comments on MS#
C-032 The War Behind the Front: Guerilla Warfare. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 42 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1949. Guerilla warfare in Italy in 1944; countermeasures. A reliable study suggesting defects in the Hague Convention. Comments on the rules of land warfare.
C-033 Commitment of German Armor, 1943-45. By Generalleutnant Oldwig von Natzmer; 13 pp; 1948. German armored attack tactics; Russian antitank methods.
C-034 In Snow and Mud: 31 Days of Attack Under Seydlitz During Early Spring of 1942. By General der Infanferie Gustav Hoehne; 14 pp, 1 illus Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 5; 1953. Winter warfare in the East. Includes information about roads, reconnaissance, forest fighting, ski troops in the Demjansk area.
C-043 Eastern Nationals as Volunteers in the German Army. By Generalmajor Ralph von Heygendorf, Dr. Hans-Guenther Seraphim, and General der Kavallerie Ernst Koestring; 91 pp; 1949. Two essays based on the author's experiences a commanders of volunteer units, outlining methods of organization and command supplemented by a general statement by General Koesfring.
C-044 Certain German Military Terms. By the control group; 10 pp; 1948. Definition of the German use of the terms: strategy, operations, tactics, assignment.
C-048 I SS-Panzer Corps in the West, 1944. By Generalmajor Fritz Kraemer; 38 pp, 5 illus; 1949. A continuation of MS # C-024.
C-050 Conduct of Operations in the East, 1941-43. By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger; 20 pp; OCMH multilith; 1949. Organizational requirements for operations in Russia based on German experience. (Also included in Enclosure 18, MS # T-123.)
C-054 Experience Gained in Combined Arms Training with Live Ammunition. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp, Oberst i. G. Herbert Koestlin, and Generalleutnant Willy Seeger; 121 pp, 20 illus; Hist Div USAREUR muftilith, Vol. II, No. 2; 1952.
C-055 Evaluation of Combat Infantry Experience. By Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Max Simon; 29 pp, 20 illus; 1949. Views on the organization and armament of modern infantry, from the rifle squad to the regiment; desirability of the wedge formation in attack and defense.
C-056 Commentary on MS # B-418 (LXXXIV Corps in Normandy, 6 Jun.- 15 Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Max Pemsel; 7 pp; 1949. Comments from the viewpoint of Seventh army.
C-057 Battle of Normandy-Comments (6-17 Jun. 1944). By Generalleutnant Max Pemsel; 15 pp; 1949. Comments on MS # B-784.
C-063 Austro-Hungarian General Staff. By General Albert de Bartha; 239 pp, 1 illus; 1951. Origin and organization of the Austro-Hungarian General Staff; its history through World War I; formation and history of the Hungarian General Staff to 1945.
C-064 Mediterranean War, Part V, "Campaign in Italy," Part II. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 247 pp, 6 illus; 1950. Critique of MS # T-1b. Comments by the theater commander covering the period May 1944 to spring 1945.
C-064a Mediterranean War, Part V, "Campaign in Italy," Part II; to Commentary (a) and Questionnaire (b). By Generalfeldmarschall
C-064b Albert Kesselring; 2 vols, 21 pp; 1950-51. Authority and responsibility of the Commander in Chief Southwest in northern Italy. Includes a short supplementary questionnaire and comments on MS # C-064.
C-0651 Records of Situation Conferences of the National Defense Branch, Wehrmacht Operations Office (later Wehrmacht Operations Staff) 8 Aug. 1940-25 Jun. 1941. 270 pp, 1951.
C-065a Greiner Diary Notes, 12 Aug. 1942-12 Mar. 1943. 212 pp; 1950.
C-065a GREINER SERIES-OKW WAR DIARY (1939-43). By Ministerialrat to im OKW-Dr. Helmuth Greiner; 1950-51 A day-by-day record of events at
C-065b OKW, World War II. 28 pp; 1950.
C-065c Poland, 1939. 24 pp; 1950.
C-065d Western and Northern Europe, 1940. 45 pp; 1950.
C-065e Italy, Winter 1940-41. 34 pp; 1950.
C-065f Africa, 1941. 44 pp; 1950.
C-065g Balkans, 1941. 69 pp; 1950.
C-065h Operation FELIX. 21 pp; 1950. 0-065i Operation BARBAROSSA. 126 pp; OCMH multilith; 1950.
C-065j Draft Entries in the War Diary of the National Defense Branch; Wehrmacht Operations Office (later Wehrmacht Operations Staff) Aug.-Nov. 1940. 222 pp; 1950.
C-065k Draft Entries in the War Diary of the National Defense Branch, Wehmacht Operations Office (later Wehracht Operations Staff) Dec. 1940-Mar. 1941. 229 pp; 1950.
C-065m OKW until April 1943, compiled by the official OKW historian. A valuable record prepared from personal notes and original draft entries as a substitute for the original war diary destroyed at the end of the war. Describes Hiller's leadership, his reactions and decisions, and presents an overall picture of events as seen from the Wehrmacht Operations Staff. The work is divided into thirteen parts as follows:
C-065m Sheets from the War Diary of the National Defense Branch, Wehrmacht Operations Office (later Wehrmacht Operations Staff) 25, 27 Sep., 8 Nov. 1939, 23 Jul. 1941. 10 pp; 1950. Pages removed from the war diary by order of General Warlimont in order to conceal certain entries from Hitler.
C-067a Decisions Affecting the Campaign in Russia (1941-42). By to Generaloberst Halder; 2 vols, 26 pp; OCMH multilith; 1949. Answers to
C-067b three groups of questions on factors which influenced decisions of the German High Command in 1941-42.
C-075 Final Commentaries on the Campaign in North Africa, 1941-4. By to Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 2 vols, 164 pp; 1950-51. A
C-075b critique of MS # T-3. Includes answers to three questionnaires on North Africa.
C-70 Reflections on High Command Organization-The Unification Problem. By General der Artillerie Walter Warlimont; 51 pp, 2 illus; OCMH lithograph, German Report Series; 1950. Based on the author's experience as OKW deputy chief of operations.
C-078 Sixth Army, Russia. By Major Francke; 74 pp, 3 illus; 1950. Defense and counterattack on the Mius Front, July-August 1943. A detailed account of an important battle won against heavy odds. Suited for use by service schools as an example of combat in Russia.
C-079 Experiences of a Division in Russia, 1941. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp; 42 pp, 7 illus; 1951. Tactical examples illustrated by sketch maps.
C-080 Experience of a Battalion Commander on the Eastern Front. Author unknown; 10 pp; 1950. Translated from an article in "Allgemeine Schweizerische Miitaerzeitschrift," Vol. 2, February 1949.
C-095 War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Liaison Activities with Italian Sixth Army (1943).
C-095 WAR DIARY OF THE ITLIAN CAMPAIGN (1943-45). By General to der Panzertruppen Frido von Senger und Etterlin; 8 vols, 499 pp; 1951-
C-095a War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Sardinia and Corsica.
C-095b War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Cassino.
C-095c War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Prevention of an Enemy Breakthrough During the Retreat to the Arno.
C-095d War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Defense of the Gothic Line and Partisan Warfare Around Bologna.
C-095e War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Destruction of Army Group C.
C-095f War Diary of the Italian Campaign-Formal Surrender of Army Group C at Florence.
C-095g 53. Based partly on the war diary of XIV Panzer Corps, which the author. commanded, and partly on private diaries. The work is divided into eight parts as follows:
C-095g War Diary of the Italian Campaign-The End of the Hitler Regime.
C-101* The Relationship Between the German Campaign in the Balkans and the Invasion of Russia. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 25 pp; 1952. (Not translated-1954.)
D-Series Manuscripts.
D-002 Administrative Supply of the Luftwaffe in Africa and Italy. By Generalintendant Dr. Plogemann; 11 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Administration of rations, clothing, and pay.
D-003 Italian War Production Subsequent to 13 Sep. 1943. By Generalmajor Dr. Leyers; 39 pp, 1 illus, OCMH multilith; 1947. Illustrates problems of collaboration between allies.
D-004 Sicilian Campaign: Special Problems and Their Solution (Jul.-Aug. 1943). By Generalmajor Max Ulrch; 11 pp; 1947. A critique of improvised defense methods. Of limited value.
D-008 Designation of OB Sued as Sue as Supreme Commander Mediterranean Theater (Sep. 1942). By General der Flieger Paul Deichmann; 34 pp; 1947. A review of eve is and a discussion of problems encountered at a high-level joint headquarters. Included as Volume III in MS # T-3; also available as a separate study. (German version not available in USAREUR.)
D-009* Panzer Group Africa Engineer Officer (26 Aug.-Sep. 1941). By Generalmajor Gerhard Jordan, 10 pp, illus; 1947. Interesting side-lights on the Siege of Tobruk, activities of the theater headquarters, and German- Italian relations. (Not translated-1954.)
D-010 Rail Transportation Problems in Italy. By Generalmajor Karl Theodor Koerner; 18 pp; 1947.
D-013 Construction of Strategic Field Fortifications in Italy (Sep. 1943-Oct. 1944.) Part 1. By Generalmajor Hans Bessel; 13 pp; .1947. Technical.
D-019 Clothing and Equipment in Snow and Extreme Cold. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 9 pp; 1947. Based on German experience in Russia.
D-020 Field Expedients, Russia. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 10 pp; 1947. Technical improvisations in the field.
D-024* Reasons for Rommel's Success in Africa 194-42. By Generalmajor Hans-Hennig von Holzendorff; 41 pp, 9 illus; 1947. Evaluation of Field Marshal Rommel as a commander.
D-026 LXXV Corps Artillery on the Ligurian Coast (Apr.-Jul. 1944). By Generalmajor Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann; 13 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
D-029 Italian War Production (Sep. 1941-Apr. 1945). By Generalmajor Ernst von Horstig; 50 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Activities of the German chief of military economy in Italy. Comments on Italian-German cooperation. (Not translated-1954.)
D-031 Antiaircraft Artillery Fire Against Formations at High Altitudes. By General der Flakartillerie Walter von Axthelm; 5 pp, 2 illus; 1947. A technicial report on the double fuze; its use in the defense of Germany, beginning in autumn 1944.
D-033 The Influence of Terrain, Seaasons, and Weather on Operations in Russia. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 11 pp; 1947.
D-034 Diseases of Men and Horses Experienced by the Troops in Russia. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 9 pp; 1947.
D-035 The Effect of Extreme Cold on Weapons, Wheeled Vehicles and Tracked Vehicles. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 3 pp; 1947. A supplement to MS # D-033.
D-036 The Fighting Qualities of the Russian Soldier. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 10 pp; Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 8; 1953. Based on personal experience.
D-037 Concept and Formation of the Reich Labor Service. By Reichsarbeitsfuhrer Konstantin Hierl; 66 pp, 3 illus; 1947. A discussion of organization and leadership, by its former chief.
D-039 Liaison Officer from A-4 of the Second Air Fleet with the G-4 of Commander-in-Chief South. By Generalmajor Wilhelm Merz; 3 pp, 1 illus; 1947. A report on the author's activities.
D-040 Negotiations with the Representative of General Barre and the Resident of Tunis, Admiral Esteva. By Generaloberst Bruno Loezer; 4 pp; 1947. Personal recollections.
D-042 The Role of Searchlights in World War II. By General der Flakartillerie Walther von Axthelm; 7 pp; 1947. Development, tactical employment, and future value.
D-044 Effect of Allied Air Attacks on the Verona Area and the Brenner Pass from the End of April 1944 to 25 April 1945. By Generalleutnant Hermann Hoegner; 14 pp; 1947.
D-046 Studies on the Mareth Position--Part II: Survey and Construction. By Generalmajor Fritz Krause; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Non-technical.
D-047 Air Transport of 104th Armored Infantry Regiment to Tobruk (Apr. 1941). By Major Werner Reissmann; 6 pp; 1947. From Italy to Africa.
D-048 Experience Gained in Fighting Large Fires Resulting from Air Warfare. By Generalleutnant Dr. Johannes Mayer; 24 pp; 1947. Technical.
D-049 Railroad Situation from January 1944 to the Beginning of May Offensive (Italy). By Oberst i.G. Klaus Stange; 11 pp; 1947.
D-050 Employment of Flak in an Army Defense Zone. By Generalleutnant Werner Prellberg; 23 pp; 1947. Antiaircraft and antitank tactics.
D-052 Command in Critical Situations. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 11 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. An interesting tactical situation at Kozel'sk, 9-11 Oct. 1941.
D-053 Russian Command: The 13th Russian Cavalry Division in Action at Kozel'sk. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 11 pp, 1 illus; 1947. A Supplement to MS # D-052.
D-054 War Experiences in Russia, Chapter IV: Kirov and the 40-km. Gap: Experiences as Commandant at Roslavl. By General der Infantrie Walter von Unruh; 19 pp; 1947. A personal report.
D-056 War Experiences in Russia, Chapter I: Commander of Brest-Litovsk; Chapter II, Commander of the Fourth Army Rear Area. By General der Infanterie Walter von Unruh; 47 pp; 1947. Communications zone activities.
D-061 The Estonian Contingents in 1944-45. By General der Artillerie Hans Speth; 3 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Historical account and evaluation.
D-064 First Stuka Wing (Feb.-May 1941). By Generalmajor Hans-Joachim Rath; 5 pp; 1947. Malta and Crete.
D-065 Preparations for the Commitment of Parachute and Other Airborne Units in the Projects Invasion of Malta (Jun. 1942). By Generalleutnant Gerhard Conrad; 5 pp; 1947.
D-066 Situation in OKW (Oct.-Dec. 1942). By Generalmajor Eckhard Christian; 16 pp; 1947. The Wehrmacht High Command before, during, and after the Allied landing in North Africa, Nov. 1942.
D-071 Supply by Air of the Enlarged Bridgehead of Tunis (1 Dec. 1942-11 May 1943). By Generalleutnant Ulrich Buchholz; 18 pp, 3 illus; 1947.
D-072 Report on My Activities as Commander of Rear Area of Army of North Africa. By Generalmajor Ernst Schnarrenberger; 15 pp; 1947. Part II, Nov. 1942-Apr. 1943. Historical.
D-074 Part Played by the 187th Infantry Regiment in the 87th Infantry Division's Attack at the Beginning of the Russian Campaign on 23 June 1941. By Generalleutnant Hans Bergen; 29 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Organization, preparation, and execution of a river crossing against weak enemy resistance. Includes comments on infantry organization.
D-075 Encirclement and Annihilation of the Russian 32d Cossack Division (6 and 7 Aug. 1941). By Generalleutnant Hans Bergen; 25 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-076 An Army Engineer in Russia (1942). By Generalmajor Erich Abberger; 25 pp, 5 illus; 1947. A study by the Eleventh Army chief engineer officer, describing the general situation and special problems on the Leningrad front. (Not translated--1954.)
D-077 A Reflection on the Causes of the Defeat. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 18 pp; 1947. Military reasons for Germany's defeat.
D-078 Winter Fighting of the 253d Infantry Division in the Rzhev Area. By General der Infanterie Otto Schellert; 27 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. A narrative account of action from October 1941 to March 1942, including comments on winter combat.
D-079 Advance and Breakthrough of the 6th Panzer Division on 15 and 16 July 1944. By Generalleutnant Rudolf von Waldenfels; 9 pp, 1 illus; multilith by 525th MIS Group; 1947. Relief of encircled forces west of Vilno.
D-080 Cancelled.
D-080a The Command Decision. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 31 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. A theoretical study illustrated by a tactical example (Rogachev, 1941).
D-093 Railroad, Sea and Air Transport Situation for Supply of Africa Through Italy (Jan.-May 1943). By Generalmajor Conrad Seibt; 8 pp; 1947. Evaluation of the logistical situation in Africa.
D-095 29th Panzer Grenadier Division (30 Jul. 1943). By Generalmajor Max Ulrich; 2 pp, 1 illus; 1947. German counterattack at Motta, Sicily. (Not translated--1954.)
D-097 Horses in the Russian Campaign. By Dr. Lukas Schaefer and Dr. Kurt Seifert; 7 pp; 1947. Forage, feed, water; preparation for the winter.
D-101 46th Infantry Division (1-2 Sep. 1942). By General der Infanterie Franz Mattenklott; 4 pp; 1947. Amphibious attack across the Kerch Straits. (Not translated--1954; not available in USAREUR.)
D-102 Protection of Lines of Communications in the East (1 Sep. 1941-Feb. 1943). By Generalmajor Gustav von Bechtolsheim; 7 pp; 1947. Sector of Rear Area Commander, Army Group Center; defense against partisans.
D-103 132d Infantry Division--Geo-military Description of the Western Ukraine--The Russian Soldier. By Generalleutnant Rudolf Sintzenich; 8 pp, 2 illus; 1947. A study by a front-line commander.
D-106 Combat in Deep Snow. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 17 pp; 1947. March and combat problems; a short resume of the 1941-42 and 1942-43 winter campaigns in Russia.
D-107 Tactical Principles of Mountain Warfare. By Generalleutnant Heinrich Greigner; 13 pp; 1947. General doctrine; suggestions based on personal experience.
D-109 Security Measures Against Strikes. By Generalleutnant der Polizei Walther Junecke; 30 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Organization and activities of the German "Technical Emergency Service."
D-110 Officer Procurement, World War II. By Generalmajor Helmuth Bachelin; 48 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-111 Organization of Air Defense in the Field: Experiences of I Flak Corps. By Generaloberst H. Weise; 15 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Reasons for the organization of large unified antiaircraft forces for commitment at the point of main effort. Includes three examples from the Western Campaign, 1940.
D-116 Overall Situation in the Mediterranean up to the Landing on the Italian Mainland. By Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff; 7 pp; 1947. Also included in MS # T-1a, Chapter VI.
D-120 The Development of the Situation in North Africa (1 Jan.-28 Feb. 1943). By General der Panzertruppen Walter Nehring; 14 pp; 1947. Extracts from the war diary of the deputy chief, Wehrmacht Operations Staff.
D-125 Relationship Between Operations and Supply in Africa (Jan. 1943). By Major Richard Feige; 14 pp; 1947. Effect of supply on strategic planning.
D-129 Fighting During Retreat of XXVI Corps to Pskov, Feb. 1944. By General der Infanterie Anton Grasser; 7 pp; 1947.
D-130 Second Army Gets Out of the Mud. By General der Kavallerie Gustav Harteneck; 19 pp0, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. A vivid picture of the difficulties and hardships of the muddy season in Russia (Kiev, Orel areas).
D-131 Combat Experiences Until the Western Positions in Estonia were Reached (1944). By General der Infanterie Anton Grasser; 2 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-132 Cavalry Brigade "Model" (1942). By Generalleutnant Karl-Friedrich von der Meden; 12 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Experiences of a special unit organized to engage in mobile warfare in all kinds of Russian terrain and weather. Describes organization, equipment, commitment in the Rzhev area.
D-133 Principles and Experiences of Position Warfare and Retrograde Movements. By General der Artillerie Walter Hartmann; 39 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Instructive examples of operations in Russia.
D-134 Engagements Fought by the 488th Infantry Regiment at the Stryanitsa and Desna Rivers (6-29 Sep. 1941). By Wilhelm Koehler; 29 pp, 4 maps; 1947. Interesting examples of attack, defense, and position warfare.
D-137 The Winter Battles of Rzhev, Vyazma, and Yuknov, 1941-42. By Generaloberst Otto Dessloch; 20 pp; 1947. Action west of Moscow.
D-138 The SS Panzergrenadier School. By Klaus Moelhoff; 17 pp; 1947. Organization and program of an officer candidate school; training of modern armored infantry. German combat doctrine at the end of the war.
D-139 The German Military Transportation System in Southern Russia, Rumania, Hungary (24 Nov. 1942-25 Mar. 1945). By Vico von Rieben; 42 pp, 8 illus, 2 maps; 1947. Southern Russia to 30 Mar. 1944. Use and limitations of the railway net in southern Russia.
D-140 Advance and Action of the 528th Infantry Regiment from 22 Jun. 1941 to Jan. 1942. By Generalmajor Heinrich Buercky; 36 pp, 9 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Combat in the Ukraine.
D-151 Fighting on the Narva Front: The Evacuation of Estonia and the Withdrawal to the Dvina. By General der Infanterie Anton Grasser; 18 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Operations of Armeeabteilung Narva.
D-152 Dniester Crossing (18 Jul. 1941). By Generalmajor Paul Schulz; 6 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Crossing at General Poetas; interesting battle narrative of an infantry regiment. (Not translated--1954.)
D-154 Experiences with Russian Methods of Warfare and their Utilization in Training at the Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier School. By Klaus Moelhoff; 19 pp; 1947. Russian tactics, including changes and trends during the war years.
D-155 Comparison Between the Infantry Battalion and the Assault Battalion Developed by the Waffen-SS During the Course of the War. By Kurt Gropp; 10 pp; 1947. An analysis of infantry organization and tactics.
D-156 The Construction of a Strategic Defense Line in the East. Author unknown; 12 pp; 1947. A proposal made by General Olbricht early in 1942. Requirements of manpower and material.
D-157 Protection of the Supply Lines in the Southern Ukraine. By Generalleutnant (Lw) Ludwig Keiper; 12 pp; 1947. Protection of rail lines from partisan action.
D-162 German Night Fighters in the Mediterranean. By General der Flieger Josef Kammhuber; 65 pp; 1947.
D-166 Report on the Fighting of Kampfgruppe Lang (10th Pz Div) in Tunisia. By Oberst Rudolf Lang; 19 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Defensive fighting at Mezzouna-Maknessy, March-April 1943. (See also MS # D-173.)
D-173 Battles of Kampfgruppe Lang in Tunisia (10th Pz Div). By Oberst Rudolf Lang; 37 pp; 8 illus; 1947. Part I: Dec. 1942 to 1 Mar. 1943. Recollections of Colonel Lang, commander of the 69th Panzer Grenadier Regiment. (See also MS # D-166.)
D-175 The Technical Training of Ordnance Personnel. By Generalmajor Gustav Diesterweg; 10 pp; 1947. A survey of emergency courses undertaken in Germany.
D-177 International Law and Germany's Economic Warfare at Sea. By Admiralrichter Dr. Curt Eckhardt; 33 pp; 1947. A justification of Germany's attitude towards unrestricted submarine warfare.
D-178 Officer Procurement in the Waffen-SS (Reception, Processing and Training). By SS Generalmajor Werner Doerffler-Schuband; 15 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. See also MS # D-110.
D-179 Flak in Coastal and Air Defense: The Atlantic Wall. By General der Flakartillerie Eugen Weissmann; 37 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. The defense of coastal waters and installations against attack from the air.
D-183 255th Infantry Division (Jun.-Nov. 1941). By Generalleutnant Walter Friedrich Poppe; 25 pp, 3 illus; 1947. Advance into Russia. (Not translated--1954.)
D-184 Campaign of the 255th Infantry Division East and South of Temkino (Dec. 1941-Apr. 1942). By Generalleutnant Walter Friedrich Poppe; 21 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
D-185 Artillery in Swamps and Ice. By Generalleutnant Karl Prager; 14 pp; 1947. Performance of German artillery in northern Russia.
D-186 Experiences in the Medical Service of a Motorized SS Div. in 1941-42 in Russia. By Oskar Hock; 27 pp; 1947. In the Demjansk pocket; comments by a division surgeon on medical problems.
D-187 71st Infantry Regiment (22 Jun.-26 Jul. 1941). By Generalleutnant Wilh. Thomas; 18 pp; 1947. Capture of Smolensk, 15 Jul. 1941.
D-188 XLII Corps in the Relief of Kovel (19 Mar.-5 Apr. 1944). By General der Infanterie Franz Mattenklott; 10 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-189 The Pomeranian Battle and the Command in the East. By Generaloberst Erhard Raus; 54 pp, 2 maps; 1947. Conferences with Himmler and a report to Hitler (13 Feb. to 9 Mar. 1945). An account of fighting east of the Oder.
D-191 Commitment of Flak and Fighters to Protect the German Routes of Supply in Italy (1944-45). By General der Flieger Erich Ritter von Pohl; 11 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-204 Employment of Panzer Units in Central Italy in 1944, and Peculiarities Thereof. By Generalmajor Martin Schmidt; 5 pp; 1947. Tactics employed in the Anzio area.
D-207 Organization of the Po River Crossings (1 Jan.-30 Mar. 1945). By Generalmajor Richard Baumgartner; 19 pp, 1 illus, 1 map.
D-208 Organization and Activity of Coastal Artillery in the Italian Theater of Operations (1943-1944). By Generalmajor Hans Moench; 24 pp; 1947.
D-216 The Operations under the Command of Marshal Graziani Prior to the Arrival of the German Troops (Aug.-Sep. 1940). By Oberst Heinen Heggenreiner; 22 pp; 1947. Personal observations of the German liaison officer in North Africa. Incomplete.
D-217 Italo-German Cooperation in Italian North Africa. By Oberst Heinz Heggenreiner; 15 pp; 1947. Visit with Marshal Balbo in May 1940; describes general conditions in Italian North Africa before the outbreak of war.
D-222 The Operations of LVI Panzer Corps from 18 Feb. to 18 Mar. 1945. By General der Infanterie Rudolf Koch Etpach; 20 pp, 1 illus; 1947. Combat in Silesia.
D-223 Commitment of the 183d Infantry Division. By Generalleutnant Benignus Dippold; 24 pp, 1 illus; 1947. From East Prussia to Yelnya(Aug.-Oct. 1941). Instructive lessons in attack and defense.
D-225 Advance of an SS Division (Motorized). By Generalmajor der Waffen- SS Karl Herrmann; 10 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. To Lake llmen, Jun.- Aug. 1941.
D-226 German Heavy Armor. By Rolf Moebius; 9 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. A comparison with Russian armor and methods. (See also MS # C-033.)
D-228 Russian Artillery in the Engagements Around Modlin and German Countermeasures. By SS Generalmajor Kurt Brasack; 5. pp; 1947. A short survey of Russian and German artillery tactics.
D-230 Operations of the 15th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (Jan.-Feb. 1945). By Adolf Ax; 26 pp, 2illus; 1947. Operations of a division of Latvian SS volunteers, from the Netze River at Nakel to the Bromberg Canal.
D-232 Condition of Railways in the Baltic Countries During the Advance of Eighteenth Army to Leningrad. By Generalmajor Hans Schittnig; 25 pp; OCMH mulfilah; 1947. A technical and historical report. Also included in MS # T-17.
D-233 Combat Experience in Estonia up to the Time the Estonian West Line was Reached. By General der Infantery Anton Grosser; 2 pp; 1947.
D-234 I Air Corps in the Kuban Bridgehead and the Crimea While Supporting Army Group A in Defensive Operations (24 Jun.-15 Nov. 1943). By Generalleutnant (Lw) Karl Ångerstein; 15 pp; 1947.
D-237 XXIII Corps (Oct. 1941-Mar. 1942). By Oberstleutnant Dietrich Lemcke; 18 pp, 2 illus; 1947. Supply in Russia, particularly by air.
D-239 Forced Crossing of the Bug River. Advance Thorough the Russian Border Defenses, and Capture of the Fortress of Brest-Litovsk. By Generalleutnant Friedrich John; 12 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. The 45th Infantry Division.
D-240 Advance and Battles of the 110th Infantry Division (Ninth Army) from the German Border to the Area West of Kallin (Jun.-Nov. 1941). By Generalmajor Heinz Gaede; 10 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-241 Closing the 40-km. Gap. Between Army Group North and Army Group Center (Nov. 1942-Mar. 1943). By General der Pioniere Otto Tiemann; 7 pp, 2 illus; 1947.
D-243 Operations of the 112th Mountain Artillery Regiment (3d Mountain Division) in the Nikopol Bridgehead (29 Oct. 1943-16 Feb. 1944). By Hans Kreppel; 26 pp; 1947.
D-247 German Preparations for the Attack Against Russia. By Generalleutnant Curt Cuno; 13 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Crossing of the Bug River by 17th Panzer Division on the first day of the campaign.
D-248 Tactics of Mobile Units. Operations of the 5th SS Panzergrenadier Division "Wiking" at Rostov and the Maikop Oilfields (Summer 1942). By General der Waffen-SS Felix Steiner; 28 pp, 1 map, 1947.
D-252 Reich Labor Service (1939). By Reichsarbeitsführer Konstantin Hierl; 5pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Activity with Third Army in the Polish campaign. A short historical account with comments on organization and commitment of construction troops in mobile warfare.
D-253 Antitank Defense in the East. By Generalleutnant Erich Schneider; 22 pp; 1947. Lessons from the fighting in autumn 1941.
D-254 Combat in the Caucasus Woods and Mountains During Autumn 1942. By Generalmajor Paul Schulz; 21 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. German and Russian tactics.
D-255 Advance of a Russian Cavalry Corps into the Rear of III Panzer Corps and Defense Against the Attack (6-10 Aug. 1941). By Generalleutnant Oskar Bluemm; 7 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-257 Protection of the Railroad Lines Brest-Lifiävsk-Gomel and Brest- Litovsk-Kovel (1943). By Heinz Krampf; 12 pp; 1947. Security measures against partisans.
D-258 Breakthrough of III Panzer Corps Through Deeply Echeloned Russian Defenses (Kharkov, Jul. 1943). By General der Panzertruppen Hermann Breith; 19 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. Contains valuable conclusions.
D-262 Supply By Air of the Demyansk Fortress During the Encirclement from 15 Feb. to 19 May 1942. By Generalmajor Friedrich Morzik; 23 pp; 1947.
D-264 123d Infantry Regiment in the Breakthrough Battle for the Parpach Position (8-11 Mar. 1942). By Generalmajor Guenter Meinhold; 6 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947.
D-267 Russian Command in the Dubrovka Bridgehead, Lake Ladoga Front (April 1942). By General der Artillerie Herbert Loch; 13 pp, 1 illus, OCMH multilith; 1947. Organization and tactics of a Russian task force in the defense.
D-268 Combat Orders. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 15 pp; 1947. Psychological aspects of giving orders.
D-271 The Battle of Stalingrad. Signal Communications in the Pocket of Stalingrad and Communications with the Outside. By Generalmajor Wilhelm Arnold; 11 pp; 1947. By the Sixth Army signal officer; of historical and technical interest.
D-277 Regiment in the Attack Through Snow-Covered Primeval Forests (Jan. 1942). By Generalmajor Karl Rein; 23 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Lessons in small unit tactics.
D-281 The Last Russian Offensive, 1945: XXVII Corps Sector. By General der Artillerie Maximilian Felzmann; 49 pp, 7 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Narew-Graudenz-Danzig area, 28 Dec. 1944 to 27 Mar. 1945. A 1948. colorful historical account, including excellent sketch maps.
B-300 The Second Encirclement of Brody, (Jul. 1944). By Generalleutnant Wolfgang Lange; 22 pp, 1 illus; 194. Encirclement and breakout of Korpsgruppe C. A brief, dramatic report of this little known engagement.
D-285 The 35th Infantry Division Between Moscow and Gzhatsk, 1941. By General der Artillerie Rudolf von Roman; 33 pp, 5 illus; OCMH multilith; 1947. Successful winter withdrawal; defense in position warfare against heavy odds.
D-291 Experiences of a Mountain Infantry Regiment During the Battle, of the Volkhov River (Mar.-May 1942). By Generalleutnant Willibald Utz; 25 pp, 4 illus; 1947. Operations of the 100th Mountain Infantry Regiment in the Russian winter; includes excellent sketch maps.
D-294 Activation and Organization of the 900th Lehr Brigade (Motorized). By Generalleutnant Walter Krause; 20 pp, 1 illus; 1947. A .demonstration unit in forest terrain in Russia (central sector), summer 1941.
D-297 Fighting in the Marshy Area of the Pripet (March 1944). By General der Artillerie Maximilian Felzmann; 15 pp; 1947. Defensive operations of Korpsgruppe E.
D-301 Italy's Break-Away and the Fighting Around Rome. By Oberst Karl Graf von Klinkowstroem; 8 pp; 1947. A short survey of the events of 8 September 1943 and the ensuing days; from the viewpoint of OB Sued.
D-302 Answer to the American questionnaire on German Flak Artillery. By General der Flakartillerie Waltervon Axthelm; 16 pp; 1947. Technical aspects of firing, training, , research; tactics (including ground fighting). Includes brief notes on glide bombs, radar, searchlights, and long range missiles.
D-303 The Element of Surprise. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rednulic; 10 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. The application of surprise in attack and defense. Importance of radio security is stressed.
D-304 Information on the Russian Army. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulict; 9 pp; OCMH multilith; 1947. An early postwar report on reorganization of the Russian Army and alleged plans for recruiting Germans into a million-man "German Freedom Army," under Russian officers. D305* 164th Infantry Division (Jun.-Jul. 1944). By Generalleütnant Josef Folltmann; 1947. Securing Rommel's flank by rein forcement of Crete. (Not translated--1954; not available in USAREUR.)
D-312 The Employment of the 26th Panzer Division from 15 May 1944 to 12 July 1944 in Italy. By General der Panzertruppe Smilo Frhr. von Luettwitz; 19 pp, 5 illus; 1947.
D-313 Commentary on MS # D-301. By'Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 2 pp; 1947. Included in MS # T-1a Kl.
D-347 prepared by Oberst Kriebel, who was topic leader for MS # T-3, Vol. I. General Westphal's answers are used as source material in Chapters II, III, IV, V, and VII respectively of the latter study. (Not translated--1954; not available in USAREUR.)
D-364 The Kuban Bridgehead Operations of XLIX Mountain Corps (1943). By General der Gebirgstruppen Rudolf Konrad; 56 pp. The establishment and evacuation of the bridgehead, described by the corps commander.
D-369 Railroad Transportation, Operation ZITADELLE (1943). Oberst i.G. Hermann Teske; 21pp; 1948. Army Group Center. Includes statistical data.
D-370* Combout Staff Unruh (1942). By General der Infanterie Walter von Unruh; 78 pp; date unknown. Screening of service personnel on the Russian front for assignment to the infantry. Remarks on general conditions, partisan resistance. Account of a personal report to Hitler. (Not translated--1954; not available in USAREUR.)
D-381* 94th Infantry Division (1944) and 44th Infantry Division (1944-45) Italy. By Generalleutnant Paul Klatt; 11 pp. Personal recollections of the division commander, .including an evaluation of troops and tactics of both sides and comparisons with other theaters of operations.
D-382 253d Infantry Division (Mar.-30 Jun. 1944). By Oberstleutnant E. Mauer; 20 pp. On the Cotentin Peninsula. Recollections of a field grade officer . Includes an evaluation of U.S. and German troops and tactics.
D-385 German-Italian Army Group Africa (8 Nov. 1942-13 May 1943). By Generalleutnant Alfred Gause; 7 pp. A short historical account by Rommel's chief of staff; includes remarks on the performance of American troops in this period and area.
D-392* Seventh Army (August 1941). Author unknown. (Not available in USAREUR.)
D-394 Assault up to the Gates of Moscow. Author unknown. (Not translated-- 1954; not available in USAREUR.)
D-395 The Soviet Army and Air Force. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp and Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 58 pp; OCMH multilith; 1952. Characteristics of Russian officers and men; training; armament; equipment; combat method.
D-396 The Story of Soviet Armor (Commentary). By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 6 pp; 1950. Inferiority of the T-34 tank. German reasons for not adopting this Russian model.
P-Series Manuscripts.
P-001 War College Project. By Generaloberst Franz Holder and others; 94 pp; 1948. Answers to ten questions on German and Russian over-all policy and strategy, submitted by the U.S. Army War College. A number of short essays by highly competent officers.
P-002 Tank Ventilation. By Professor Dr. Friedrich Wirth; 10 pp, 3 illus; 1948. practical solution to the problem posed by the entry of gases generated by gunfire into the compartments of a tank.
P-003 Report on Greece (1942-44). By General der Flieger Wilhelm Speidel; 93 pp, 3 illus; 1948. The former military governor of Greece describes his duties and responsibilities as well as the general organization of military government in Greece. Difficulties arising from the conflicting interests of the two occupying powers, Germany and Italy, are also treated.
P-004 Chemical Warfare Project, Part I (Military Aspect). By Generalleutnant Hermann Ochsner; 114 pp; 1948. The German attitude toward chemical warfare; plans to use chemical agents; reasons why such plans were not adopted; evaluation of Allied methods.
P-007 Personnel and Administration Project #2b: Part V. By Ministerialrat Dr. Max Simoneit and Generalmajor Oskar Munzel; 51 pp, 1949. Psychological testing in the Armed Forces, 1937-42.
P-007 the Personnel and Administration Division, GSUSA.A thorough
P-009 Antiaircraft Artillery Project. By Generaloberst Guenther Ruedel and 6 others; 132 pp; 1949. Principles of organization and commitment of antiaircraft artillery; use of guided missiles. A detailed study by the former Inspector of Flak Artillery.
P-010 Personnel and Administration Project #2a: Part IV. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 6 others; 183 pp, 7 illus; 1949. Personnel administration in occupied territories; changes in strength and organization of CA/MG agencies.
P-011 Statistics Systems. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and 7 others; 193 pp, 14 illus; 1949. Part I describes in detail the German system of preparing statistical reports; Part II contains actual statistics for the German Army, particularly strength and casualty reports. Useful to a study of the High Command, Army organization, and the medical services.
P-013d High Command in Future--Ideas on Control Within a State in a Future War. By Generaloberst Eberhard von Mackensen; 21 pp, 3 illus; 1950.
P-013e High Command in Future--Ideas on Armed Forces Top Level Organization. By Vizeadmiral Leopold Buerkner; 18 pp; 1950.
P-013f High Command in Future--A theoretical Study of State Control. By Generalleutnant Adolf von Schell; 15 pp; 1949.
P-013g High Command in Future--Education of the Spirit of the Nations on the Basis of the State Constitution. By Oberstleutnant i.G. Helmut Beck- Broichsitter; 60 pp; 1949. (English text not available in USAREUR.)
P-013h High Command in Future--A Theoretical Study of State Government Political and Military Control. By Generalmajor Horst von Buttlar; 22 pp; 1950.
P-013k High Command in Future--Remarks on Theoretical Study of System of Control in a State. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 19 pp; 1950.
P-013o High Command in Future--The Politico-Military System of Control in a State. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring; 97 pp, 8 illus; 1950.
P-017 Tirpitz Project. By Fregattenkapitan Hans Fuchs; 31 pp, 9 sketches; 17 maps; 1949. The launching of the battleship Tirpitz at the Wilhelmshaven Naval Dockyard on 1 April 1939. A highly interesting technical problem solved under difficult conditions.
P-018a PW Project, Study No. 1. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 10 others; 52 pp, 10 illus; 1949. German interrogation methods.
P-018a PW Project, Study No. 1. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe; 10 pp; 1950. Supplement Additions and clarifications.
P-018c PW Project, Study No. 3. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 2 others; 127 pp, 2 illus; 1949. Russian political indoctrination of war prisoners. (See MS #P-018f.)
P-018d PW Project, Study No. 4. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 3 others; 30 pp; 1949. German political indoctrination of war prisoners.
P-018f PW Project, Study No. 3, Supplement. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe; 7 pp; 1949. Russian methods of political reeducation.
P-021 Personnel and Administration Project #2b: Part IV. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt and 7 others; 258 pp, 7 illus; 1949. Control of officer assignment, training, and replacement. (See MSS # P-006, P-007, P-008.)
P-023 Field Artillery Project--German Reconnaissance Artillery. By General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin, Oberst Hans Joachim Froben, and Oberst Konrad Roehr; 137 pp, 5 illus; Historical Division USAREUR multilith; 1953. Artillery units concerned with gathering battlefield intelligence. A seful account of German artillery intelligence methods and equipment.
P-023 The Mechanical Fire Director. By Generaloberst Franz Halder and 11 Supplement others; 94 pp, 13 photographs, 4 sketches; 1953. The final form (1945) of a centralized, electromechanical fire direction system for the control of mass fires.
P-025 Camouflage Project. By Hermann Jules Sautier and 5 others; 138 pp, 1 illus; 1950. A valuable study by the former president and director of the Reich Air Defense League, covering all aspects of civil air defense and camouflage. Includes a 23-page evaluation by Generalmajor Alfred Toppe.
P-026 Garmisch Project. By General der Infanterie Dr. Waldemar Erfurth; 26 pp; 1949. An account of the historical project at PW camp No. 8. Although the program only lasted six months (1 Jan.-30 Jun. 1947), a surprising number of studies were produced. Lack of sufficient maps and documentary sources handicapped the authors.
P-027 Personnel and Administration Project #2b: Part IV. By Oberstintendant Schalkhaeuser; 211 pp; 1949. The former chief of Army Civilian Personnel describes the role of German women in war service. (See MS #P-006.)
P-028 Classification of German Military Terms. By General der Infanterie Hans v. Greiffenberg; 9 pp; 1949. An explanation of the designation of certain German field commands.
P-029w Semi-Annual Report of the Control Group and the Warlimont Projects, Second Half 1955. By Gen. Obst Franz Halder & Gen. D. Artl W. Warlimont. No description available.
P-029x Semi-Annual Report of the Control Group and the Warlimont Project, First Half 1956. By Gen. Obst Franz Halder & Gen. D. Artl W. Warlimont. No description available.
P-030 The German Campaign in the Balkans, 1941--A Model of Crisis Planning. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 78 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1950. A carefully written study of all stages in the operation, concluding with an account of the redeployment for the Russian campaign. See also DA Pamphlet No. 20-260.
P-031* GERMAN GENERAL STAFF PROJECT; TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF GERMAN GENERAL STAFF OFFICERS. See authors below; 30 vols; 1949-50. Thirty manuscripts in answer to a questionnaire submitted in 1946 by the Historical Section, USFET. The first nine manuscripts received were designed MS #P-031a, Volumes XXII through XXX. These were translated and sent to Washington without evaluation or coordination by the control group. Subsequent manuscripts were designated MS #P-031b, Volumes I through XXI. These were reviewed by the control group and certain authors were asked to elaborate on subjects in which they were especially competent.
P-031b Volume I. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg, General der Infanterie Georg von Sodenstern, and General der Infanterie Karl Allmendinger; 88 pp; 1949. The text of the questionnaire; an evaluation of the project by General von Greiffenberg; a brief description of the responsibilities and authority of the Chief of the General Staff by General von Sodenstern; General Allmendinger's answers to the questionnaire.
P-031b Volume XXI. By General der Kavallerie Siegfried Westphal; 126 pp; 1950.
P-032a* Ardennes Project. By Generalmajor Walter Bruns; 41 pp; 1949. Report on 81st Inf Div, 1 Dec. 1944-4 Mar. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032c* Ardennes Project. By Oberst Wolf Maucke; 8 pp; 1949. Report on 15th Panzer Grenadier Div, 16 Dec. 1944-2 Feb. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032d* Ardennes Project. By Generalmajor Hans Kokott; 136 pp, 8 illus; 1949. Report on 26th Volksgrenadier Div, 16 Dec. 1944-25 Jan. 1945. (Not Translated--1954.)
P-032e* Ardennes Project. By Oberstleutnant Albert Stueckler; 2 vols, 66 pp; Vols I, II 1949 and 1952. Report on 2d SS Panzer Div, 16 Dec. 1944-17 Jan. 1945. A supplement corrects the first report and continues it to 4 Feb. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032f* Ardennes Project. By Generalmajor Hugo Dempwolff; 16 pp, 6 illus; 1950. Report on 276th Volksgrenadier Div, 18 Dec. 1944-12 Jan. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032g* Ardennes Project. By Generalmajor Erich Otto Schmidt; 28 pp; 1950. Report on 352d Volksgrenadier Div, 1 Oct. 1944-21 Jan. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032h Ardennes Project. By_General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg; 6 pp; 1950. Functions of Arbeitsstab Kleyser, part of OKW Operations Branch, summer 1944.
P-032i Ardennes Project, Questionnaire #1. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg and 17 others; 96 pp, 1 illus; 1950. Preparations for the Ardennes offensive.
P-032i* Ardennes Project, Questionnaire #2. By Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz, Generaloberst Heinz Guderian, General der Flieger Karl Koller, Reichsminister Albert Speer, and Major i.G. Juergen Wehrmann; 13 pp; 1950-51. Subtitled "Timing and Personalities." Five brief and inconclusive reports on the question, when and by whom was the Ardennes offensive first suggested? Only the last report has been translated.
P-032j* Ardennes Project. By General der Waffen SS Wilhelm Bittrich; 16 pp; l951. Report on II SS Panzer Corps, 16 Dec. 1944-30 Jan. 1945. (Not translated--1954.)
P-032k* Ardennes Project. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 6 pp; 1951. Clarification of a Führer Order dated 3 Sep. 1944. (Not translated--1954.)
P-033-V1 German Military Government, Vol. 1. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 7 others; 122 pp,1 illus; 1949. Describes development of administrative organization in occupied territories. Based on personal experience and insight into military; administrative, economic, and judicial problems.
P-033-V2 German Military Government, Volume II (Appendices). By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 7 others. .
P-034 Mountain Warfare Project. By General der Gebirgstruppen Rudolf Peter Konrad and 5 others; 661 pp, 40 illus; 1950. A thorough study by specialists in mountain warfare. Part. I relates actual experience, especially in the Caucasus, in solving practical problems; Part II is a theoretical study. Photographs and sketch maps.
P-035 The Retrograde Defensive of Army Group North During 1944. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and 4 others; 2 vols, 432 pp, 13 illus; 1950. A detailed description of German operations, providing insight into the characteristics of the Russian command.
P-040 Tank Repair Service in the German Army. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and 15 others; 326 pp, 9 illus; 1951. A detailed description of the tank maintenance service. Valuable observations on operations in Russia. Need for a greater supply of spare parts and a more decentralized organization is stressed.
P-041b Field .Headquarters of the Army High Command, Organization and Working Procedure. By Oberst Alfred Zerbel; 14 pp; 1948. 041c Position of the German Army High Command within the Wehrmacht High Command. By Generalleutnant Heinz von Gyldenfeldt; 42 pp; 1950.
P-041d Chief of the Army General Staff and Army General Staff Officers. See authors below; 4 chapters, each bound separately. Apparently Chapters III, IV, V, and VII were never written. Existing chapters are as follows: Chapter I: Chief of the Army General Staff. By Generaloberst Franz Halder; 12 pp; 1948. Chapter II: Top-Level Agencies of the Army General Staff. By General der Infanterie Guenther Blumentritt; 17 pp; OCMH multilith; 1952. Chief of Operations, Training, and Organization. Chapter VI: The Assistant Chief of Staff for Military History. By General der Infanterie Dr. Waldemar Erfurth; 29 pp; 1948. Chapter VIII. Control of the German Army General Staff. By Generaloberst Franz Halder; 18 pp; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-041e Army High Command: Operations Branch of the Army General Staff. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg; 22 pp; 7 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-041f The Organizational Problems of the Army High Command and Their Solution. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 86 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1953.
P-041g Army High Command: Duties of Army Training Branch. By General der Infanterie Edgar Roehricht; 53 pp, 6 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-041k Signal Services in World War II. By General der Nachrichtentruppen Albert Praun; 54 pp, 5 illus; 1948.
P-041m Representation of Infantry Interests, 1938-45. By General der Infanterie Erich Jaschke; 27 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-041o Representation of Engineer Interests, 1938-45. By General der Pioniere Alfred Jacob; 58 pp, 4 illus; 0CMH multilith; 1952.
P-041p Representation of Armored Interests, 1938-45. By Generaloberst Heinz Guderian; 44 pp, 1 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-041q Chief of Army Supply and Administration. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe; 142 pp, 37 charts; 1948. Organization; mission; history.
P-041aa Headquarters Commandant, Army High Command. By Generalleutnant Walther von Guendell; 22 pp, 1 illus, 1948. Organization; mission; history.
P-041dd The Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Army in the Army High Command. By General der Kavallerie Carl Erik Koehier and Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 235 pp, 5 illus; 1950. An interesting account of the development, activities, difficulties, and forced decline of one of the Army's most important agencies.
P-041ee The General Army Office. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt and 5 others 260 pp; 1948.
P-041ff The Army Ordnance Office, 1938-45. By General der Artillerie Emil Leeb; 108 pp, 4 illus; 1947. (English text available only at OCMH, Washington, D. C.)
P-041gg The Army Administration Office. By General der Artillerie Herbert Osterkamp, 51 pp, 11 illus; 1948. Mission and organization. Responsibility for finance, real estate, rations, quarters, building construction, clothing, and personal equipment.
P-041hh The Army Personnel Office. By Generalmajor Helmut Kleikamp; 45 pp, 2 illus; 1948. Organization; mission; policy, history 1939-45. A discussion of problems caused by the sudden expansion of the Army and later by the heavy casualties.
P-041ii General Critique of MS #P-041. By Generaloberst Kurt Zeitzler; 67 pp, 2 illus; 1948. A critique of MSS # P-041a through
P-041w Mapping and Survey Services in the German Army 1920-45. By Oberst i.G. Karl Graf von Klinkowstroem; 44 pp, 1 illus; 0CMH multilith; 1953.
P-041x German Army High Command: The Central Branch of the Army General Staff. By Generalmajor Helmut Kleikamp; 30 pp, 2 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-051 Airborne Operations: A German Appraisal. By Generalmajor Helimuth Reinhardt and 11 others; 56 pp; DA Pamphlet No. 20-232; 1951. A review of German airborne experience, including defense against Allied and Russian airborne operations. Reasons for the apparent abandonment of large-scale German airborne operations after the invasion of Crete. Comments by Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring are given separately.
P-051a Study I-Practical Experience in Carrying Out and Opposing Airborne Landings in WWII. By General der Flak August Schmidt. No description available.
P-051b Study II-Practical Experience in Carrying Out and Opposing Airborne Landings in WWII. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring. No description available.
P-052 Combat in Russian Forests and Swamps. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg; 39 pp, 1 map; DA Pamphlet No. 20-231; 1951. Geographical conditions and consequent modification of tactical principles in the undeveloped areas of Eastern Europe; specific suggestions for training.
P-053 Integrated Armored Army. By Generaloberst Franz Haider; 67 pp; OCMH multilith; 1950. A study by the former Chief of the German Army General Staff on the organization, armament, and equipment of an army of the future, comprising armored, infantry, and airborne divisions. Includes technical data for the tank arm.
P-054a Night Combat. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 16 others; 45 pp, 7 charts; DA Pamphlet No. 20-236; 1953. Principles; Russian and German night combat methods; training. Examples from the Russian campaign. Growing emphasis on night operations during World War II is stressed.
P-054b Night Combat. By Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring and 4 others; 111 pp, 1 illus; 1950. Included in the printed version of MS if P-054a.
P-055a Partisan Warfare in the Balkans. By General der Gebirgstruppen Hubert Lanz; 249 pp, 9 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952. An instructive if somewhat lengthy study based on experience in Albania and Epirus in 1943-44; many useful lessons. (See also MS #P-142.)
P-055b Partisan Warfare in Croatia. By Oberst Karl Gaisser; 76 pp, 7 illus; 1950. Similar to MS #P-055a, but more concise.
P-055c Lessons learned from the Partisan War in Russia. By Generalmajor Alexander Ratcliffe; 13 pp; 1951. A report by an expert on this type of warfare. (See also MS #P-142.)
P-056 Underwater Bridges. By General. der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg and 3 others; 26 pp, 2 illus; 1950. Clarifies the rumors on alleged Russian underwater bridges and describes similar German experiments.
P-057 Strength and Composition of German Artillery During World War II. By Generalmajor Kurt Scheffler; 21 pp, 10 illus; 1950. Answers to a special questionnaire on strength, expenditure of ammunition, and use of observation artillery, on specific dates in World War II. Answers are largely based on memory.
P-058 Events in Italy, 1 Feb.-8 Sep. 1943. By the Italian Generals Infante and Ambrosio; 35 pp; 1950. Answers to questionnaires on political and military affairs, particularly on the Italian attitude towards her German ally and a separate peace with Russia. (Italian text only; not translated- 1954.)
P-059 Tank Losses. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 28 pp, 7 illus; 1950. A statistical report on all German armored vehicles, giving nomenclature, characteristics, and quantities produced, together with data on tank losses and replacements.
P-060* Small Unit Actions During the German Campaign in Russian. See authors below; 289 pp, 51 maps, 40 illus; DA Pamphlet No. 20-269; 1953. A large number of interesting and instructive examples of action by the various combat arms, operating in all kinds of weather and terrain. Describes the development of German and Russian tactics during four years of war. This is an abridgment of the twenty-four studies listed below:
P-060a Small Unit Tactics-An Infantry Regiment in the East. By Oberst Guenther Drange; 184pp, 11 illus; 1951.
P-060b Small Unit Tactics-Manual for Command and Combat Employment of Smaller Units. By Generalferdmarschall Albert Kesselring and 5 others; 462 pp, 9 illus; OCMH multilith; 1952. A compilation of German experience in units below regiment size.
P-060c Small Unit Tactics-Engineers in Combat at River Sectors. By Generalmajor Erich Abberger; 47 pp, 11 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 11; 1952. A study of several river crossing operations in Russia, 1941.
P-060d Small Unit Tactics-Infantry. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 63 Part II pp, 10 illus; 1951. Examples of Russian attack tactics in winter.
P-060d Small Unit Tactics-Infantry. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 95 Part I pp, 9 illus; 1951. Examples of Russian infantry tactics and combat methods.
P-060d Small Unit Tactics-Infantry. By Generalmajor Wolf Ewert; 27 pp, Part III 7 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. 1, No. 5; 1952. Three examples of Russian reconnaissance in force.
P-060d Small Unit Tactics-Infantry: River Crossings. By Generalmajor Part IV Hellmuth Reinhardt; 14 pp, 6 illus Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 12; 1952. Three examples of Russian river crossing operations. Suitable for use in service schools.
P-060d* Small Unit Tactics-Infantry. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt. (In Part V preparation 1954.)
P-060f Small Unit Tactics-Tactics of Individual Arms. By Generalmajor Part I Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and Generalmajor Oskar Munzel; 61 pp, 18 illus; 1951. Fourteen examples of German and Russian armored tactics.
P-060f Small Unit Tactics-Tactics of Individual Arms. By Generalmajor Part II Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and 3 others; 174 pp, 27 illus; 1951. Six examples of Russian tank and antitank combat. P060-f Small Unit Tactics-Tactics of Individual Arms: Russian Tank & Part II Antitank Combat (Sketches). By Gen. Maj. Mueller-Hillebrand.....
P-060f Small Unit Tactics-Tactics of Individual Arms: Small German Part III Armored Units in Russia. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller- Hillebrand and 2 others; 38 pp, 20 illus; Hist Div UAREUR multilith; Vol. II, No. 11; 1953. Three examples froth the years 1941, 1942, and 1944.
P-060g Small Unit Tactics-Unusual Situations. By Generaloberst Erhard Raus; Part I 18 pp, 1 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 8; 1952. Combat in Lithuania, Jun 1941.
P-060g Small Unit Tactics-Unusual Situations. By Generaloberst Erhard Raus; Part II 29 pp, 3 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 13; 1952. Four examples from the Russian campaign.
P-060g Small Unit Tactics-Unusual Situations. By Generaloberst Erhard Raus; Part III 54 pp, 9 illus; Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 4; 1953. Stalingrad area; eleven examples from actions of the 6th Panzer Division, Dec. 1942.
P-060g Small Unit Tactics-Unusual Situations. By Generaloberst Erhard Raus; Part IV 98 pp, 7 illus; 1952.
P-060h Small Unit Tactics-Artillery. By General der Artillerie Karl Thoholte; Part II 94 pp, 15 illus; 1953. Two detailed examples, suitable for training purposes.
P-060h Small Unit Tactics-Artillery. By Oberst i. G. Hans-Georg Richert; 58 Part 1 pp, 6 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 7; 1952. Tactics and fire control of Russian artillery in attack and defense during 1941, 1942, and 1944, and their later development.
P-060i Small Unit Tactics-Attack Methods of Engineers. By Generalmajor Hans von Ahlfen; 54 pp, 12 illus; 1951. Two well chosen examples from the Russjan campaign, describing exercise of command, organization, technical equipment; sketches and photographs.
P-060j Small Unit Tactics-Small German Units in the Russian Campaign 1941-42. By Generalmajor Erich Schmidt; 15 pp, 5 illus; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 14; 1952. Three examples of successful improvisation.
P-060k Small Unit Tactics-Infantry Regiment in Attack. By Generalmajor Hans Kissel; 42 pp, 1 map; 1951. Attack and breakthrough of an infantry regiment at Slavyansk in spring 1942.
P-060l Small Unit Tactics-Unexpected Situations. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 14 pp, 4 illus; 1951. Supplements MS #P-060g.
P-060m Small Unit Tactics-Combats in Taiga and Tundra. By Oberstleutnant Klaus Brockelmann and Oberstleutnant Hans Roschmann; 151 pp, 14 illus; 1952. The fighting in Finland north of the Arctic Circle.
P-060n Small Unit Tactics-Fighting in Russian Forests and Swamps. By Oberst Wilhelm Willemer and 4 others; 50 pp, 21 illus; 1952. Examples of fighting in these undeveloped areas; Russian behavior; tactics. Well suited for use in service schools.
P-060o Small Unit Tactics-Engineer Attack on Fixed Fortifications. By Generalmajor Erich Abberger; 48 pp, 6 sketches, 7 photographs; 1953. Three examples showing the value of specially trained assault engineers.
P-061 Standing Operating Procedure for Troop Movements. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand; 6 pp; 1950. A short survey of German service regulations, pocket manuals, and books reveals that there were no instructions in the German Army covering operating procedure for troop movements.
P-062 Frostbite Problems in the German Army During World War II. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe; 173 pp; 1951. A useful study on winter clothing and hygiene. Reasons are given for the lack of winter clothing in late 1941. (Not translated-1954.)
P-065a The Volksgrenadier Division and the Volkssturm. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 22 pp; 1950. A concise study on the organization of these two types of German units. An appendix by Mr. Hellmuth Heitmonn contains 9 pages of text and 25 charts, principally T/O & E's of subunits of the Volksgrenadier division.
P-065b TheVolksgrenadier Division and theVolkssturm. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 16 pp, 1 illus; 1950. Additional information on the infantry and artillery of the Volksgrenadier division.
P-066 Prefabricated Troop Shelters. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe; 7 pp, 4 illus; 1950. Technical data on the German plywood and cardboard shelters for men and horses, copied from Finnish models.
P-071 Region, Climate, Population, and their Influence on Warfare in the Soviet Union. By General der Infanterie Friedrich Fangohr; 69 pp; OCMH multilith; 1951. Characteristics of European Russia as a war theater.
P-073 The Use of Private Property in Exercises and Maneuvers of the German Army in Peacetime. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 50 pp; Hist Div USAREU multilith; 1953. An account of the Army's rigid adherence to the laws and regulations protecting private property.
P-074 Demolitions and Mining. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 8 others; 168 pp, 22 illus; 1953. A compilation of German experience in the use of mines and demolitions to delay Russians advances, 1942-44. Combat orders; establishment of special engr. headquarters; types of demolition; special techniques; methods of laying antitank and antipersonnel minefields. Two detailed examples are included: Operation BUFFALOwithdrawal of Ninth Army to the "Buffalo" position in March 1943; and the evacuation of the Kuban bridgehead by Seventeenth Army in September 1943.
P-077 Soviet Russian Infantry and Armored Forces. By Generalleutnant (Waffen-SS) Max Simon; 10 pp; Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 6; 1953. An evaluation of the Russian soldier and Russian combat methods.
P-079 The Russian Command in World War II. By Generalmajor Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 28 pp, 3 illus; OCMH multilith; 1951. A discussion of possible developments in the Russian command since 1945. The author cites shortcomings in the Russian wartime command and suggests improvements which may have been made.
P-080 Training of Senior Officers. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 22 pp; OCMH multilith; 1951. The scope and content of German courses for prospective division commanders and other general officers. Includes a 4- page commentary by Generaloberst Franz Haider.
P-082 Battle Command in the East. By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 11 pp; 1950. Text of a report prepared in April 1944, when the author was chief of staff, First Panzer Army. .A plea to Hitler for a more flexible conduct of operations in the East. (Not translated-1954.)
P-083 Education of Officers. By Generalmajor Carl Wagener; 16 pp; 1950. A lecture to officer students during World War II.
P-085 Infantry Organization and Equipment Based on German Experiences in Russia. (CONFIDENTIAL) 174 pp; OCMH rnultilith; 1951. F-086 Long-Range Detonation. By Oberst Ludwig Korn and Oberst Kunibert Randewig; 28 pp, 1 illus; 1951. Russian use of radio-activated fuzes [sic] for long-range detonation.
P-087 Battle in Mud. By Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic; 10 pp, 1 illus; 1951. Brief examples of warfare during the muddy seasons in Russian.
P-088 Combat Missions for Panzer Training. By Generalmajor Oskar Munzel; 42 pp, 4 illus; 1951. Training maneuvers with and without live ammunition; proper commitment of armor. Brief accounts of four small unit actions which might be reenacted as maneuvers.
P-089 Tactical and Technical Specialities of Winter Warfare. By Generalmajor Oskar Munzel; 26 pp; 1951. A compilation of German experience in winter warfare.
P-090 German Employment of Horses on the Eastern Front. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and 18 others; 776 pp; 1952. A detailed, comprehensive study of the procurement, training, employment, and management of draft and pack horses and cavalry remounts in the German Army. Emphasis is given to the use of horses in the Russian campaign. Valuable reading for a generation that has lost "horse-sense."
P-091 German EM and Company-Grade Officer's Wage Scale (1939-40). By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 17 pp; 1951. A statistical study based on the 1939-40 Army Administration Handbook. For lack of official documents the study cannot be considered completely accurate.
P-094 War Games. By General der Infanterie Rudolf Hofmann and 4 others; 207 pp, 2 illus; OCMH mimeograph; 1952. Administrative and technical problems in the conduct of all types of staff and command post exercises. Suitable for training at higher levels.
P-096 Concentration of Russian Troops for Stalingrad Offensive. By Barchewitz; 38 pp, 2 maps; 1951. Intercepted radio reports of Russian movements; describes the build-up of the German reconnaissance picture.
P-097 Selection and Training of German Officers for Military Attaché Duty. By Generaloberst Franz Halder and 9 others; 44 pp; 1951. A study of the prewar program, written by the then Chief of the General Staff and a group of acknowledged experts.
P-099 Refugee Control. By Generalmajor. Alfred Toppe and 14 others; 56 pp; OCMH multilith; 1952. An important study of a growing problem in modern warfare, based on wartime experience. A foreword by General Halder deserves special attention.
P-101 German AAA Ranges. By Intentant Dr. Albert Piske and Intendant Dr. Walter Schleyer; 12 pp; 1951. A short report on ranges in Germany, Austria, and Poland, 1939-45.
P-103 Utilization of Captured Materiel by Germany in World War II. By Generalmajor Helmuth Reinhardt and 5 others; 173 pp; OCMH multilith; 1953. The effect of captured materiel on fighting strength; the handling of such materiel; stresses the need for a special ordnance organization for this purpose.
P-105 Evaluation of German Airborne Operations. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt and 9 others; 165 pp; 1953. An evaluation of both actual and proposed German operations; a statement of the value and limitations of this arm.
P-107* Position and Defense Combats of a Motorized Grenadier Regiment in Winter 1941-42. By Oberst Wilhelm Reutter; 95 pp, 2 maps; 1951. Some examples of small unit tactics; the evaluation of the Russian soldier should be read with reservation. (Not translated-1954.)
P-108 Collaboration Between Germany and Her Allies During World War Part I II. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hiliebrand and others; 1116 pp; 1953. A detailed, comprehensive work based on documents and the personal recollections of the German participants. Part I is a general account of Germany's relations with her allies; Part II deals individually with each member of the Axis alliance. The study as a whole is an appreciation of the problems of coalition warfare. Valuable lessons are drawn from the German experience.
P-108 Collaboration Between Germany and Her Allies During World War Part II II. By Generalmakor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand and Others.
P-109c* Ardennes Follow Up-2d Panzer Division. By General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Luettwitz; 3 pp; 1952. (Not translated-1954.)
P-109a* Ardennes Follow Up-3d SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment. By Oberstleutnant (Waffen-SS) Guenther Wisliceny; 20 pp; 1951. (Not translated-1954.)
P-109b* Ardennes Follow Up-4th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment. By Obersleutnant (Waffen-SS) Otto Weidinger; 28 pp; 1952. (Not translated- 1954.)
P-109d* Ardennes Follow Up-Arko 102. By Oberst der Schutipolizei F. W. Bock; 11 pp; 1952. (Not translated-1954.)
P-109e* Ardennes Follow Up-2d Panzer Division (16-20 Dec. 1944 and 13-17 Jan. 1945). By Oberst Joachim Gutmann; 12 pp, 2 illus; 1952. (Not translated-1954.)
P-109f* Ardennes Follow Up-10th SS Panzer Division. By Generalmajor (Waffen-SS) Heinz Harmel; 16 pp, 1 map; 1952. (Not translated-1954.)
P-110 Barriers to the East. (CONFIDENTIAL) 16 pp, 2 illus; Hist Div EUCOM Mimeograph, Vol. I, No. 9; 1952.
P-113* Questionnaire on "Wehrmacht Propaganda." By Dr. Kurt Hesse; 6 pp; 1951. Answers to some questions on propaganda in occupied countries. (Not translated-1954.)
P-114b* German Army Group Operations on the Eastern Front 1941-43, Central Area. By General der Infanterie Rudol Hofmann. (In preparation-1954.)
P-114c * German Army Group Operations on the Eastern Front 1941-43, Southern Area. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt. (In preparation- 1954.)
P-116 Russian Airborne Operations. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt and 10 others; 49 pp, 9 illus; Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 12; 1953. An account of the only two known operations involving Russian airborne troops with strategic and tactical missions. Possible reasons for the limited use of airborne troops by Russia.
P-119 Transportation of Replacements by Post Office Busses to the Eastern Front in Winter 1941-42. By Oberstleutnant Guenther Keil; 24 pp; 1954. An improvised method made necessary by the shortage of transport facilities.
P-122 German Counterintelligence Activities in Occupied Russia 1941-45. By Wladimir W. Posdnjakoff; 150 pp, 4 illus; OCMH multilith; 1953. The author is a Russian expatriate who served with the German intelligence service.
P-123 National Instinct and Governmental Institutions Under German Occupation in Western Russia. By Wladimir W. Posdnjakoff; 45 pp; 1951. Reactions of the Russian people to the German occupation. The observer is a Russian expatriate who served with the German intelligence service.
P-124 Zuyev's Republic. By Wladimir W. Posdnjakoff; 31 pp; 1951. An account of a small body politic created by Zuyev near Polotsk after the departure of the Communists in 1941.
P-126 Demolition of Tunnels. By Generaloberst Franz Haider; 3 pp; 1952. A report on the demolition of two railroad tunnels during the German withdrawal from Greece.
P-127 The Importance of the Narvik Region for Naval War. By Generaloberst Dr..Lothar Rendulic; 5 pp; 1952.
P-128 A German Panzer Battalion in the East, 1945. By Major Gert-Axel Weidemann; 10 pp; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph, Vol. II, No. 3; 1952. A translation of an original combat report describing German and Russian armored and antitank tactics current at the end of the war. A close-up view of armored combat.
P-129 German Experiences in Desert Warfare During World War II. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and 9 others; 2 Vols; 380 pp, 36 sketches, 15 maps, 85 photographs; 1952. A comprehensive study based on German experience in North Africa. An extract has been published as Desert Warfare: German Experiences in World War II. 96 pp; OCMH multilith; 1952.
P-129 German Experiences in Desert Warfare During World War II. By Supp. Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein and Dr. Sigismund Kienow; 79 pp, 10 sketches, 3 maps, 31 photographs; 1952. Answers to specific questions on supply, especially water supply, with information on geology and well-drilling techniques.
P-130 Camouflage. By Oberst Wilhelm Willemer and 15 others; 239 pp, 49 illus; Hist Div USAREUR mimeograph; 1953. German methods of camouflage; the concealment of strategic and tactical intentions.
P-132 Signal Communications in the East. By General der NAchrichtentruppen Albert Praun; 238 pp, 36 sketches, 14 photographs; 1953. A detailed study by the former OKH Chief Signal Officer. Specific examples from Second Panzer Army and Army Group Center.
P-133 Analysis of US Reid Service Regulations. By Generaloberst Franz Halder and 6 others; 156 pp, OCMH mimeograph; 1953. A critique by a representative group of German generals and general stuff officers under the chairmanship of a former chief of the General Staff. Their analysis, based on official German military doctrine, includes definite suggestions for revising individual chapters and paragraphs of FM 100-5.
P-134 German Efficiency Report System. By General der Infanterie Rudolf Hofmann and 5 others; 97 pp, 2 illus; OCMH mimeograph; 1952. The development of this system from its inception to the end of the war, forms illustrating typical ratings are included.
P-135* The German General Staff, Part I. By Generalmajor Ludwig Ruedt von Collenberg. (In preparation--1954.)
P-135* The German General Staff, Part II (1918-45). By General der Infanterie Dr. Waldemar Erfurth; 554 pp; 1953. A comprehensive study by a leading German military historian and former member of the German General Staff. While in part colored by the author's personal experience, the study is based on recognized published works, a large number of unpublished sources, and on the memories of his colleagues. (Not translated-1954.)
P-136 The German Defense of Berlin 1945. By Oberst Wilhelm Willemer and others; 115 pp, 8 illus; 1953. A detailed account of the German defense, based on careful research.
P-138 Underground Activity in Kharkov 1941-43. By D. Karov; 17 pp; Hist Div USAREUR multilith, Vol. II, No. 7; 1953. An account of a successful resistance group.
P-142 Partisan Warfare: A Treatise Based on Combat Experience in the Balkans. By Generalmajor Alexander Ratcliffe; 94 pp; 1953. A synopsis of experience in this unique war theater. (See also MS #P-055a.)
P-143a Selected Army Operations on the Eastern Front. By General der Infanterie Rudolf Hofmann and others. (In preparation--1954.)
P-143a Selected Army Operations on the Eastern Front. By General der Infanterie Rudolf Hofmann and others. (In preparation--1954.)
P-143c Selected Divisional Operations on the Eastern Front. By Oberst i.G. Wilhelm Willemer and others. (In preparation--1954.)
P-145 German and Russian Military Leadership During World War II. By Generalmajor Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand. (In preparation--1954.)
P-148 Mountain Warfare: A Brief Treatise Based on Operations of 1st Mountain Division in the Caucasus, Aug.-Sep . 1942. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 60 pp; 1953. A synopsis of original reports prepared by the fighting troops immediately following action in the western part of the central Caucasus.
P-150 German Military Literature. By Generalmajor Heinrich Aschenbrandt; 42 pp, OCMH multilith; 1953. A brief survey of German military literature, with an annotated bibliography.
P-151 Operational Basis for the First Phase of the French Campaign in 1940. By Generaloberst Franz Halder; 20 pp, 2 illus; 1953. An account of the considerations and estimates that led to the strategic plans adopted for the first phase of the 1940 campaign. General Halder was then chief of the General Staff.
P-152 Ice Railway Bridge over the Dnepr. By Hauptmann Ludwig Schneller; 42 pp, 21 sketches, 25 photographs; Hist Div EUCOM mimeograph; 1953. A description of this interesting technical feat, completed despite much mistrust and opposition.
P-182* 346th Infantry Division, Oct. 1944.
P-191 Information on German Casernes in Reply to U. S. Seventh Army Inquiries. By Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt; 12 pp; 1952. A report, based on memory, on the installations and facilities provided for various types of German units during the early part of World War II.
P-193 Denial of Airfields Through Demolitions and Other Means. (In preparation-1954.)
P-194 Organization of the Ground for Defense on a Broad Front, as Defended by an Army or Larger Unit. (In preparation--1954.)
P-195 Use of Floating Mines in Rivers Against Floating Bridges. (In preparation--1954.)
P-197 Problems, Lessons Learned, and Functions of Engineer Staffs of Army Groups. (In preparation--1954.)
P-198 Measures Employed by Both German and Soviet Forces in Denial of Rail and Highway Transport Facilities, and Means Employed for Restoration. (In preparation--1954.)
P-200 German Army Training Methods and Maneuvers. By Generaloberst Franz Halder. (In preparation -1954.)
P-201* Personal Diary Notes of the G-4 of the German Ninth Army, 1 Aug. 1941-31 Jan. 1942. By Generalmajor Josef Windisch; 440 pp; 1953. An army-level G-4's day-to-day duties and problems; a transcript of a shorthand diary. Statistical data from this source has been used in MS #
P-202* They Significance to the Germans During World War II of the Allied Term "Unconditional Surrender." By Generaloberst Franz Halder. (In preparation--1954.)
P-203 German and Russian Operations During World War II against Permanent and Semi-Permanent Fortifications. (In preparation--1954.)
P-207 German Exploitation of Arab Nationalist Movements in World War II. By Gen. D. Fl Hellmuth Felmy & Gen. D. Art Walter Warlimont. No description available.
P-209 Unknown
P-211 Weather Information for Army Tactical Operations. By Generalmajor Alfred Toppe and Others. No description available.
T-Series Manuscripts.
T-19 Rear Area Security in Russia. By Oberst Hasso Neitzel; 39 pp, 2 maps; DA Pamphlet No. 20-240; 1951. Tactics of Russian partisans and German countermeasures.
T-26 The ZITADELLE Offensive,1943. By General der Infanterie Theodor Busse and 5 others; 209 pp, 23 illus; 1947. A short summary is supplemented by five annexes, describing the operations of Armeegruppe Kempf, Fourth Panzer Army, Ninth Army, and Fourth and Sixth Air Fleets. Includes comments on strategic planning and the difficulties encountered when two army groups are involved in a single operation. (In USAREUR only the topic leader's summary (40 pp.) is available in English.)
T-28 Battle of Moscow, 1941-42. By General der Infanterie Hans von Greiffenberg and 6 others; 271 pp, 37 illus. A survey of the operations of Army Group Center, pointing out reasons for the German failure. Attached studies describe the actions of individual infantry and armored corps. (In USAREUR only the topic leader's main study (119 pp.) is available in English.)
T-31 Collapse of Army Group Center 1944. By Generalmajor Peter von der Groeben; 79 pp, 7 illus; 1947. An account of the German retreat before an overwhelming Russian attack, including information on Russian methods of deployment for a major offensive. Describes German reconnaissance and other methods of detecting and evaluating Russian intentions. A brief appendix describes Russian partisan activity against railways in the army group communication zone.
T-34 Terrain Factors in the Russian Campaign. By General der Infanterie Karl Allmendinger and others; 60 pp, 6 maps, 6 photographs; DA Pamphlet No. 20-290; 1951. The salient geographical feature of central, western, and southern European Russia; terrain problems and how they were met by the Germans, examples of combat in each type of terrain. This study and MS # T-24 together cover the entire area of German operations in Russia.