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Finding Aid to the Mexía Family Papers, 1694-1951
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Series 1 José Antonio Mexía Papers 1832-1838

Physical Description: Box 1, folders 1-4


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains correspondence, reports, orders, agreements and accounts.
Box 1, Folder 1

Outgoing correspondence 1832-1835

Box 1, Folder 2

Incoming correspondence 1834-1838

Box 1, Folder 3

Reports, orders, agreements 1833-1838

Box 1, Folder 4

Accounts 1836-1838


Series 2 Enrique Guillermo Antonio Mexía Papers 1831-1908

Physical Description: Box 1, folders 5-37; Box 2-3; Box 4, folders 1-8; Oversize portfolio 1; Oversize folder 1B; Tube 1


Arranged into 5 subseries: Correspondence; Subject files; Legal documents; Writings; Accounts.

Subseries 2.1 Correspondence 1848-1896

Physical Description: Box 1, folders 5-37; Box 2


Arranged into outgoing and incoming correspondence. Outgoing correspondence is arranged by date, and incoming correspondence is arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

Scope and Content Note

Contains outgoing and incoming correspondence dealing with professional matters related to Enrique Mexía's various positions within the Mexican government, as well as some personal correspondence.
Box 1, Folder 5-11

Outgoing 1853-1896



Box 1, Folder 12

A-miscellaneous 1855-1883

Box 1, Folder 13

Alatorre, Ignacio R. 1876

Box 1, Folder 14

Alden, H. N. 1868-1869

Box 1, Folder 15

Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno 1855-1856

Box 1, Folder 16

Alvarez, Juan 1858-1865

Box 1, Folder 17

Arista, Mariano 1852-1853

Box 1, Folder 18

B-miscellaneous 1863-1887

Box 1, Folder 19

Batres, Leopoldo 1880

Box 1, Folder 20

Berriozabal, Felipe B. 1863

Box 1, Folder 21

Bolet Peraza, Nicanor 1890

Scope and Content Note

See also Oversize portfolio.
Box 1, Folder 22

Brush, Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio 1883

Scope and Content Note

See also Oversize portfolio.
Box 1, Folder 23

C-miscellaneous 1851-1880

Box 1, Folder 24

Caballero, Jose Maria 1855-1862

Box 1, Folder 25

Canonge, L. Placide 1878

Box 1, Folder 26

Castillo, Carlos y Ca 1880

Box 1, Folder 27

Conde Romero, Juan J 1863

Box 1, Folder 28

Conklyn, John P. 1866

Box 1, Folder 29

Cosio, G. 1893

Box 1, Folder 30

D-miscellaneous 1865, 1883

Box 1, Folder 31

DuMay, Eduardo 1866

Box 1, Folder 32

Eads, James Buchanan 1880

Box 1, Folder 33

Escobedo, Mariano 1865-1881

Box 1, Folder 34

F-miscellaneous 1863-1865

Box 1, Folder 35

Farrar, L. J. 1889-1893

Box 1, Folder 36

Flores, Diego 1862-1863

Box 1, Folder 37

Flotte, Lewis 1853

Box 2, Folder 1

G-miscellaneous 1865-1895

Box 2, Folder 2

Garay, Francisco de 1863-1865

Box 2, Folder 3

Garza, Adolfo 1866

Box 2, Folder 4

Gibbon, Loreto C de 1884

Box 2, Folder 5

Gray, Mary 1867-1895

Box 2, Folder 6

H-miscellaneous 1864-1894

Box 2, Folder 7

Hammeken, Adelaide Matilda (Mexía) 1854-1878

Box 2, Folder 8

Hammeken, Dolores L de 1894-1895

Box 2, Folder 9

Hammeken, George Lewis 1848-1880

Box 2, Folder 10

Hammeken y Mexía, Jorge H 1863-1884

Box 2, Folder 11

Hancock, John (1824-1893) 1883

Box 2, Folder 12

Hartley & Graham 1881-1882

Box 2, Folder 13

I-miscellaneous 1856

Box 2, Folder 14

Iturbide, Sabas 1859

Box 2, Folder 15

J-miscellaneous 1863

Box 2, Folder 16

Juarez, Benito 1869-1871

Box 2, Folder 17

L-miscellaneous 1850, 1866

Box 2, Folder 18

Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastian 1858-1880

Box 2, Folder 19

Lombardini, Manuel Maria 1850-1853

Box 2, Folder 20

Lyon, Will 1866

Box 2, Folder 21

M-miscellaneous 1864-1883

Box 2, Folder 22

Mejia, Ignacio 1870-1876

Box 2, Folder 23

Mexía, Charlotte (Walker) 1852-1864

Box 2, Folder 24

Mexía, Jose Carlos 1867-1894

Box 2, Folder 25

Mexía, Julia de Costa (Foster) 1890-1892

Box 2, Folder 26

Mexico Ministerio de Guerra y Marina 1887

Box 2, Folder 27

Moore, Arthur J. 1892-1896

Box 2, Folder 28

N-miscellaneous 1868

Box 2, Folder 29

Oeslar, Jamie J. 1877

Box 2, Folder 30

P-miscellaneous 1864-1884

Box 2, Folder 31

Pavon, Desiderio 1863-1867

Box 2, Folder 32

Romero, Matias 1865-1869

Box 2, Folder 33

Romero Vargas, Ignacio 1876-1881

Box 2, Folder 34

Ruiz, Manuel 1863

Box 2, Folder 35

S-miscellaneous 1863-1892

Box 2, Folder 36

St. Clair, William D. 1865

Box 2, Folder 37

Sandoval, Manuel M. de 1863

Box 2, Folder 38

Speyers, Albert 1852-1853

Box 2, Folder 39

Trevino, Geronimo D. 1865-1880

Box 2, Folder 40

V-miscellaneous 1868, 1889

Box 2, Folder 41

Villada, J. V. 1896

Box 2, Folder 42

W-miscellaneous 1850-1880

Box 2, Folder 43

Weitzel, Godfrey 1865

Box 2, Folder 44

Wheeler, Daniel Davis 1865-1866

Box 2, Folder 45

White, Frank J. 1866

Box 2, Folder 46

Whitney, Charles A. 1880


Subseries 2.2 Subject files 1848-1895

Physical Description: Box 3, folders 1-8; Oversize portfolio 1


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains information on military service for Mexico; weapons; politics in Mexico and Texas; improvements in Mexico including electricity, and transportation; and mining interests.
Box 3, Folder 1

Military service 1848-1876

Oversize Portfolio 1

Passports and commissions circa 1848-1876

Box 3, Folder 2

Politics 1851-1889

Box 3, Folder 3

Rifles and other weapons 1852-1875

Box 3, Folder 4

Contract for weapons with Edward Kearney 1866-1870

Box 3, Folder 5

Improvement of Tampico 1880-1881

Box 3, Folder 6

Production of electricity in Mexico 1881-1885

Box 3, Folder 7

Transportation interests in Mexico 1881-1890

Box 3, Folder 8

Mining interests in Mexico 1890-1895


Subseries 2.3 Legal documents 1831-1908

Physical Description: Box 3, folders 9-11; Box 4, folders 1-3; Oversize folder 1B; Tube 1


Arranged by date.

Scope and Content Note

Contains legal documents relating to land holdings, several varying copies of Enrique Mexía's last will and testament and the legal battle concerning his estate after his death.
Box 3, Folder 9

Texas Property 1831-1896

Box 3, Folder 10

J.Y. Aguilera-Eleven League Grant 1855-1880

Oversize Folder 1 B

map undated

Tube 1

map undated

Box 3, Folder 11

Miscellaneous 1854-1896

Box 4, Folder 1

Last Wills and Testaments 1860, 1886, 1888, 1896

Box 4, Folder 2

Estate papers 1897-1908

Box 4, Folder 3

Case regarding Mary Gray 1900


Subseries 2.4 Writings undated

Physical Description: Box 4, folders 4-5


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains manuscripts and clippings of some of Enrique Mexía's writings.
Box 4, Folder 4

Manuscripts undated

Box 4, Folder 5

Clippings undated


Subseries 2.5 Accounts 1852-1896

Physical Description: Box 4, folders 6-8


Arranged as received.

Scope and Content Note

Contains various accounts of Enrique Mexía.
Box 4, Folder 6-8



Series 3 Ynés Mexía papers 1896-1951

Physical Description: Box 5


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains various personal papers of Ynés Mexía. See the Ynés Mexía Papers, BANC MSS 68/130 for papers concerning her career as a botanist.
Box 5, Folder 1

Diaz, Porfino letters to Ynés Mexía 1896-1908

Box 5, Folder 2

Miscellaneous letters to Ynés Mexía 1896, 1926, 1935


Papers relating to Philip King Brown

Box 5, Folder 3-5

Correspondence from Ynés Mexía 1910-1938

Box 5, Folder 6

Correspondence to Ynés Mexía 1910-1938


Correspondence to Philip King Brown regarding Ynés Mexía

Box 5, Folder 7

Aragon, Austin 1926-1929

Box 5, Folder 8

Bracelin, Nina Floy 1930-1951

Box 5, Folder 9

Brown, Hillyer 1932-1936

Box 5, Folder 10

Mexía, Adele A. 1926-1935

Box 5, Folder 11

Zubiran, Salvador 1938

Box 5, Folder 12

Miscellaneous letters 1931-1938

Box 5, Folder 13-16

Analysis compositions and notes by Ynés Mexía 1909-1910

Box 5, Folder 17

Accounts circa 1926-1937

Box 5, Folder 18

Miscellaneous 1929-1941


Series 4 Other Mexía family papers 1694-1935

Physical Description: Volume 1; Box 4, folders 9-12; Oversize folder 1 B


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains copies of legal documents from the Mexía family in Spain, papers of Adele A. Mexía and Clarence W. Mexía, and other miscellaneous family papers.
Volume 1

Copies of legal documents relating to the Mexía family in Spain 1694-1758

Scope and Content Note

Also available on microfilm.
Box 4, Folder 9

Mexía, Adele A. 1900-1935

Oversize Folder 1 B

Map of the Adele Mexía Land on the M.R. Palacions survey near La Salle and Lost Prairie undated

Box 4, Folder 10

Mexía, Clarence W. 1869-1899

Box 4, Folder 11

Miscellaneous undated

Box 4, Folder 12

Mexía-Hammeken family accounts undated

Partial List of Correspondents and Documents


Alatorre, Ignacio R., 1832-1899


2 letters 1876, to Enrique A. Mexía.


Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno, 1803-1869


2 letters, 1855-56 to E. A. Mexía.


Álvarez, Diego, 1812-1899


Letter, Sept. 29, 1876, to E. A. Mexía. A-Miscellany.


Álvarez, Juan, 1790-1867


6 letters, 1858-1865, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of May 12, 1863, written for Álvarez by Diego Álvarez. Mainly relate to proposals for obtaining arms for Mexico from the U.S.


American Railway Construction


Letter, May 20, 1883, to E. A. Mexía, re Tuxpan Rail Road. A-Miscellany.


Arista, Mariano, 1802-1855


3 letters, 1852-1853, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of July 11, 1853 encloses facsimile letter sent from London to Mexico repudiating political calumny.


Arrioja, Miguel María


Letter, Dec. 3, 1855, to E. A. Mexía, telling of his appointment to the Mexican legation in Washington, D.C. A-Miscellany.


Bailey, Vernon, 1864-1942


Letter, July 21, 1936, to Philip King Brown, re check of Ynes Mexía. A-Z Miscellany. Box 5


Barragán, Miguel, 1789-1836


Letter, Sept. 9, 1835, to José Antonio Mexía.


Barrios, Julián


Letter, Jan. 10, 1866, to E. A. Mexía, from Bagdad. B-Miscellany.


Bausset, Ferdinand de


Letter, Sept. 3, 1863 to E. A. Mexía. B-Miscellany.


Benter, Franz


Letter, Jan. 10, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. B-Miscellany.


Berriozabal, Felipe B.


5 letters, 1863, to E. A. Mexía, re fall of Tampico to the French.


Blanco, Miguel


Letter, Oct. 3, 1887, to E. A. Mexía. B-Miscellany.


Bolet Peraza, Nicanor, 1838-1900


3 letters, 1890, to E. A. Mexía, relating to decoration given by the Venezuelan government to Mexía. Letter of May 10, 1890, contains certificate signed by Marco Antonio Saluzzo, dated Apr. 12, 1890. . See also oversize portfolio.


Bracelin, Nina Floy (Mrs. H. P. Bracelin)


14 letters, 1930-1951, mainly to Philip King Brown re Ynes Mexía. 1950-1951 letters addressed to William E. Colby. Box 5


Brown, Philip King, 1869-1940


39 letters, 1910-1938. Mainly carbon copies of letters pertaining to business matters, written for Ynes Mexía. Box 5


Brush Electric Company, Cleveland


17 letters, 1883, to E. A. Mexía. See also oversize portfolio.


Comonfort, Ignacio, Pres. Mexico, 1812-1863


Letter of Sept. 1, 1857, to E. A. Mexía. C-Miscellany.


Conklyn, John P.


2 letters, 1866, to E. A. Mexía.


Cortazar, Luis de


2 letters, Aug. 16 and Aug. 19, 1834, to José Antonio Mexía, containing orders for Mexía to leave for Tampico.


Corthell, Elmer Lawrence, 1840-1916


Telegram to E. A. Mexía, Dec. 23, 1880. C-Miscellany.


Cortina, Juan N.


Letter, May 5, 1864, to E. A. Mexía. C-Miscellany.


Crittenden, John Jordan, 1787-1863


Letter, Mar. 10, 1851, to E. A. Mexía. C-Miscellany.


Cubas, Miguel


Letter, June 14, 1838, to José Antonio Mexía, re contract for weapons for Honduras.


Davis, J. D.


Letter, Jan. 13, 1865 (1866?), to E. A. Mexía. D-Miscellany.


Davis, W. H.


Letter, Apr. 4, 1883, to E. A. Mexía, re Tuxpan Railroad. D-Miscellany.


Degollado, Santos, d. 1861

see Iturbide, Sabas


Díaz, Porfirio, Pres. Mexico, 1830-1915


3 letters, 1896-1908, to Ynes Mexía. Box 5. See also certificates for livestock in oversize portfolio.


Du May, Eduardo


3 letters, 1866, to E. A. Mexía.


Eads, James Buchanan, 1820-1887


5 telegrams, 1880, to E. A. Mexía. See also folder relating to transportation interests in Mexico, 1881-1890,


Edison, Thomas Alva, 1847-1931


See contract in file relating to the production of electricity in Mexico.


Escobedo, Maríano, 1827-1902


18 letters, 1865-1881, to E. A. Mexía. Include copies and translations of orders and communications from Escobedo. 1881 letter addressed to Javier Torres Adalid. See also Treviño, Gerónimo D.


Fannin, James W., c.1800-1836


Letter, Mar. 11, 1836, to José Antonio Mexía.


Fernández Garcia, Jesus


Letter, Aug. 1, 1863, to E. A. Mexía. F-Miscellany.


Flores, Diego


3 letters, 1862-1863, to E. A. Mexía.


Follin, A.


2 letters, Aug. 29, and Sept. 9, 1837, to José Antonio Mexía, re business affairs in Honduras.


Forsyth, George Alexander


Letter, Dec. 23, 1865, to E. A. Mexía. F-Miscellany.


Foss, S.


Letter, Jan. 11, 1865 (1866?) to E. A. Mexía. F-Miscellany,


Gallaher, John S.


Letter, Nov. 6, 1865, to E. A. Mexía. G-Miscellany.


Garay, Francisco de


10 letters, 1863-1865, to E. A. Mexía. Some written as Mexican consul in New Orleans.


García, R. F.


Letter, Dec. 12, 1867, re Puebla and General Pavón, to E. A. Mexía. G-Miscellany.


Garvin, J.


Letter, Aug. 21, 1882, to E. A. Mexía, re Tuxpan Rail Road. G-Miscellany.


Garza, Adolfo


8 letters, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of Jan. 19, 1866, is copy of letter addressed to Col. White.


Gómez, Manuel


Letter, Jan. 21, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. G-Miscellany.


Hall, Robert M., d. 1874


Letter, Jan. 13, 1866, to Franz Benter. H-Miscellany.


Hammeken, Adelaide Matilda (Mexía), 1826-


30 letters, 1854-1878, to E. A. Mexía. Include descriptions of contemporary events, Carlota and Maximilian, etc. For additional letters see Charlotte (Walker) Mexía file.


Hammeken, George Louis, 1811-


40 letters, 1848-1880, to E. A. Mexía. Mainly relate to Texas property and to various business ventures. See also Adelaide (Mexía) Hammeken and Carlota (Walker) Mexía for additional letters.


Hammeken y Mexía, Jorge H.


9 letters, 1863-1884, to E. A. Mexía. Nov. 28, 1864 letter contains description of school commencement attended by Maximilian and Carlota and of a dinner offered prize-winning students by their Majesties. 1883-1884 letters concern various business enterprises. See also Hancock, Mancers, Poole and Davis letters, and file of Adelaide (Mexía) Hammeken.


Hancock, John, 1824-1893


2 letters, 1883, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of Apr. 24 encloses letter from Frederick Pool, dated Apr. 7, 1883. Re Tuxpan Rail Road.


Heermans, C. P.


Letter, Dec. 14, 1835, to José Antonio Mexía.


Herrera, Manuel S.


Letter, Jan. 10, 1864, to E. A. Mexía, concerning Mexico under French domination. H-Miscellany.


Iglesias, Ramón


Letter, Oct. 3, 1856, to E. A. Mexía. I-Miscellany.


Iturbide, Sabas


2 letters, 1859, to E. A. Mexía. May 19 letter encloses copy of authorization of funds, signed by Degollado.


Juarez, Benito, 1806-1872


4 letters, 1869-1871, to E. A. Mexía.


Lacunza, José María de, d. 1868


Letter, Apr. 19, 1850, to E. A. Mexía, communicating order that Mexía serve Gómez Pedraza as secretary in treaty negotiations with the U.S. re the opening of a passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. L-Miscellany.


Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastián, Pres. Mexico, 1820-1889


8 letters, 1858-1880, to E. A. Mexía.


Lombardini, Manuel María, 1802-1853


4 letters, 1850-1853, to E. A. Mexía.


Lovell, Mansfield, 1822-1884


Letter, Oct. 10, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. L-Miscellany,


Lyon, Will


7 letters, 1866, to E. A. Mexía, from Bagdad. Jan. 15, 1866 includes request from Major Barnes passed on to Mexía.


Mariscal, Ignacio, 1829-1910


Letter, Feb. 10, 1864, to E. A. Mexía. M-Miscellany.


Mayer, Edelmiro


Letter, Jan. 21, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. M-Miscellany.


Mejía, Ignacio, 1814-1906


3 letters, 1870-1876, to E. A. Mexía.


Mexía, Charlotte (Walker), 1801-1864


68 letters, 1852-1864, to E. A. Mexía. Details concerning Bazaine and the French in Mexico in letter of Sept. 26, 1863 and in 1864 letters. Include letters from George Louis Hammeken and from Adelaide (Mexía) Hammeken.


Mexía, Enrique Guillermo Antonio, 1829-1896


59 letters, 1853-1896. Mainly drafts and copies.


Mexía, José Antonio, ca. 1800-1839


10 items, 1832-1838. Letters and drafts of orders.


Mexía, José Carlos, d. 1896


17 letters to E. A. Mexía, 1867-1894.


Mexía, Julia daDosta (Foster), 1848-1935


3 letters, 1890-1892, to E. A. Mexía, containing some information re Mexican colony in London.


Mexía, Ynes, 1870-1938


84 letters to Philip King Brown, 1910-1938, many relating to her field trips in South America and to Alaska. Box 5


Mexico. Ministerio de Guerra y Marina


2 letters, 1887, to Eduardo J. Hammeken, re Edward Kearny reimbursement.


Moore, Arthur J.


3 letters, 1892-1896, to E. A. Mexía.


Nuñez, R. M.


Letter, Dec. 29, 1868, to E. A. Mexía. N-Miscellany.


Oeslar, Jaime J.


2 letters, 1877, to E. A. Mexía, re business and politics in Mexico.


Pacheco, H. E.


Letter, Jan. 28, 1864, to E. A. Mexía. P-Miscellany.


Pavon, Desiderio


6 letters, 1863-1867, to E. A. Mexía, mainly re news from Tampico.


Payno, Manuel


Letter, Jan. 22, 1870, to Gen. Charles P. Stone. Copy in E. A. Mexía's writing. P-Miscellany.


Peraza, Martín F.


Letter, May 18, 1869 to E. A. Mexía. P-Miscellany.


Pettus, William


Letter, Dec. 13, 1835, to Thomas F. Mckinney. Unsigned draft in George Fisher's writing, with some corrections by Mexía. With preliminary draft in Spanish by Mexía.


Pool, Frederick


Letter, Feb. 23, 1883, to E. A. Mexía re Tuxpan Rail Road. See also John Hancock file.


Romero, Matías, 1837-1898


30 letters, 1865-1869, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of Mar. 14, 1866 encloses copy of letter of Lerdo de Tejada, Feb. 14, 1866. Letter of Apr. 23, 1866 encloses copy of letters from William H. Seward, Apr. 22, 1866, and of Edwin M. Stanton, Apr. 19, 1866, re Bagdad incident. Letter of May 14, 1866, encloses copies of letters from Lerdo de Tejada, Feb. 9, 14, 1866 and from Ignacio Mejía, Feb. 13, 1866. Letter of June 4, 1866 encloses copies of letters of Seward, June 2, 1866, Thomas G. Eckert, May 30, 1866, and G. Weitzel, May 9, 1860, re Bagdad incident. Letter of Feb. 7, 1868 is copy only.


Romero Vargas, Ignaciom


8 letters, 1876-1881, to E. A. Mexía, mainly re Mexía's appointment to secure weapons for Mexico from the U.S.


Rubio, Cayetano


Letter, Jan. 16, 1835, to José Antonio Mexía.


Ruiz, Manuel


2 letters, 1863, to E. A. Mexía, written as head of state of Matamoros, requesting weapons.


St. Clair, William D.


2 letters, 1865, to E. A. Mexía. Letter of Dec. 9, 1865 encloses report to be forwarded to the Mexican Minister of War, concerning capture of ships on the Rio Grande.


St. Nicholas Magazine


Letter, Aug. 5, 1885, to E. A. Mexía, returning his ms. for Lassooing the Jaguar in Mexico (included). S-Miscellany.


Schulz, Federico F.


Letter, Aug. 13, 1863, to E. A. Mexía. S-Miscellany.


Sears, Thomas D.


Letter, Jan. 9, 1865 (1866?), to E. A. Mexía. S-Miscellany.


Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872

see Matías Romero


Stanton, Edwin McMaster, 1814-1869

see Matías Romero


Stephens, A. H.


Letter, Jan. 9, 1866, re schooner Mary Jane. S-Miscellany.


Treviño, Gerónimo D., 1836-1913


2 letters, 1865-1880. Letter of Dec. 29, 1865, addressed to Maríano Escobedo with reply from Escobedo at bottom of page.


Villada, J. V.


2 letters, 1896, to E. A. Mexía.


Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852


Letter, Mar. 12 [1852?], to E. A. Mexía. W-Miscellany.


Weitzel, Godfrey, 1835-1884


2 telegrams, 1865, to E. A. Mexía. See also Matías Romero file.


Wheeler, Daniel Davis


10 letters, 1865-1866, to E. A. Mexía.


White, Frank J., d. 1875


2 letters, 1866. Letter of Jan. 19, 1866 is copy of letter to Adolfo Garza. See also Garza file.


Willard, Rolando


Letter, Mar. 29, 1850, addressed to Maríano Arista. W-Miscellany.


Worthington, Charles


Letter, Mar. 16, 1866, to Andrews and Grover, re Bagdad affair. W-Miscellany.


Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899


Letter, Jan. 28, 1866, to E. A. Mexía. W-Miscellany.


Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836


2 letters, May 26 and June 4, 1836 to José Antonio Mexía.