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Kaplan (Nathan O.) Papers
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Box 1, Folder 1

American Association of Clinical Chemists Award 1976

Box 1, Folder 2, Oversize FB01005

American Institute of Chemists - certificate of membership 1969

Box 1, Folder 3

American Men of Science - biographical information 1967

Box 1, Folder 4

Appointment book 1983

Box 1, Folder 5

Appointment book 1984

Box 1, Folder 6

Association memberships - miscellaneous 1962 - 1985

Box 1, Folder 7

Charitable contributions and misc. financial records 1974 - 1984

Box 1, Folder 8

Condolences on the death of Nathan Kaplan 1986

Box 1, Folder 9

Curriculum vitae and miscellaneous biographical information 1960 - 1970

Box 1, Folder 10

Guggenheim Fellowship award 1975

Box 1, Folder 11

Leaders in American Science - biographical data sheet, n.d.

Box 1, Folder 12

Personnel files - academic and admin. appts., merit increases, retirement 1969 - 1975

Box 1, Folder 13

Photographs of Nathan Kaplan, n.d.

Box 1, Folder 14

Photographs of Nathan Kaplan's colleagues and mentors, 1982 and n.d.

Box 1, Folder 15

Proteins and Nucleic Acids symposium - photograph

General note

New Hampshire, August 29-September 3, 1954
Box 1, Folder 16

Who's Who - biographical information 1960 - 1970



Box 2, Folder 1

Administrative and general information 1968 - 1976

Box 2, Folder 2

Association of Brandeis biochemists 1979 - 1981

Box 2, Folder 3

Commencement - May 23, 1982 and symposium in honor of Kaplan - May 25, 1982

Box 2, Folder 4

Department of biochemistry - adjunct professorship 1968 - 1969

Box 2, Folder 5

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1963

Box 2, Folder 6

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1965

Box 2, Folder 7

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1966

Box 2, Folder 8

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1966 - 1967

General note

1 of 3 folders
Box 2, Folder 9

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1966 - 1967

General note

2 of 3 folders
Box 2, Folder 10

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1966 - 1967

General note

3 of 3 folders
Box 2, Folder 11

Department of biochemistry - student rotation papers and lab reports 1967 - 1968



Box 2, Folder 12

Pediatric pharmacology conference - Washington, DC 1967

Box 2, Folder 13

Eighth International Congress of Biochemistry - Interlaken, Switzerland 1970

Box 2, Folder 14

Harvey Society lecture - New York City, N.Y. 1971

Box 2, Folder 15

Thirteenth Science Writers' Seminar of the American Cancer Society - Phoenix, AZ 1971

Box 2, Folder 16

Enzyme engineering conference, Engineering Foundation - Henniker, NH 1971

Box 3, Folder 1

Tenth International Symposium on Regulation of Enzyme Activity... 1971

General note

(rest of title) ...and Synthesis in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues - Indianapolis, Indiana
Box 3, Folder 2

Cellular control mechanisms lecture - Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 1971

Box 3, Folder 3

American Cancer Society, Second Annual Combined Meeting on Research 1972

General note

Philadelphia, PA
Box 3, Folder 4

Federation of European Biochemical Societies Eighth Meeting 1972

General note

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Box 3, Folder 5

California State University, Fullerton, department of chemistry seminar 1973

Box 3, Folder 6

Third Pharmacology - Toxicology Program Symposium, Nat'l Instit of Gen Med Sci 1973

General note

Washington, DC
Box 3, Folder 7

Enzyme engineering conference, Engineering Foundation - Henniker, NH 1973

Box 3, Folder 8

Physical biology seminar series - Pomona College, Claremont, CA 1974

Box 3, Folder 9

Symposium on Polymer Grafts in Biochemistry, American Chemical Society 1974

General note

Los Angeles, CA
Box 3, Folder 10

Meetings with Dean Wagner and V.P. Kaprielian, University of Southern California 1974

General note

Los Angeles, CA
Box 3, Folder 11

Biochemistry/Biophysics meeting, American Society of Biological Chemists 1974

General note

Minneapolis, MN; did not attend
Box 3, Folder 12

Conference on Enzyme Engineering - University of California, San Diego 1974

Box 3, Folder 13

NSF/RANN Grantees conference, National Science Foundation - Washington, D.C. 1974

Box 3, Folder 14

Dexter Goldman of Makor Chemicals Ltd. , Jerusalem - visit to UCSD 1974

Box 3, Folder 15

D. M. Updegraff of Cawthron Institute, New Zealand - visit to UCSD 1974

Box 3, Folder 16

University of Texas at Austin seminar, department of chemistry 1975

Box 3, Folder 17

Amer. Instit. of Chemical Engineers, Seventy-ninth Nat'l Meeting - Houston, TX 1975

Box 3, Folder 18

Michigan State University seminar, department of biochemistry - East Lansing, MI 1975

Box 3, Folder 19

Hugo Thorell, Nobel Prize winner - visit to UCSD 1975

Box 3, Folder 20

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting 1975

General note

Atlantic City, NJ and National Insititute of Health First Alumni Reunion, Bethesda, MD
Box 3, Folder 21

International Symposium on Analysis and Control of Immobilized Enzyme Systems 1975

General note

Compiegne, France; did not attend
Box 3, Folder 22

Chinese molecular biology group - visit to UCSD 1975

Box 3, Folder 23

NSF/RANN Grantees Conference on Enzyme Technology; did not attend 1975

Box 3, Folder 24

Sixth International Congress for Pharmacology, Int'l Union of Pharmacology 1975

General note

Helsinki, Finland
Box 3, Folder 25

Engineering Foundation conference - Reed College, Portland, OR 1975

Box 3, Folder 26

Symposium on Chemistry and Applications of Coenzymes and Coenzyme Analogs 1975

General note

University of Chicago, IL
Box 3, Folder 27

Amoco Research Center lecture - Naperville, IL 1975

Box 3, Folder 28

Amer. Instit. of Chem. Engineers, Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting - Los Angeles, CA 1975

Box 4, Folder 1

Eighth Miami Winter Symposium, "Proteolysis and Physiological Regulation" and... 1976

General note

(rest of title) ..."Cancer Enzymology" - Miami, FL
Box 4, Folder 2

Armand Hammer Symposium on Tumor Biology, Salk Institute - San Diego, CA 1976

Box 4, Folder 3

Oak Ridge National Laboratory lecture - Oak Ridge, TN 1976

Box 4, Folder 4

Federation of Amer. Societies for Experimental Biology, Sixtieth Annual Meeting 1976

General note

Anaheim, CA
Box 4, Folder 5

Onco-Developmental Gene Expression Conference 1976

General note

Int'l Study Group on Carcinoembryonic Proteins - San Diego, CA
Box 4, Folder 6

UNEP/UNESCO/ICRO-IFIAS Symposium - Orsundsbro, Sweden 1976

Box 4, Folder 7

US/USSR Joint Seminar on Enzyme Technology - Corning, NY 1976

Box 4, Folder 8

Int'l Symposium on Polymeric Delivery Systems, Midland Macromolecular Instit. 1976

General note

Midland, MI
Box 4, Folder 9

Molecular Structural Meth. in Biological Research Conf., Stanford Mag. Res. Lab 1976

General note

Stanford, CA
Box 4, Folder 10

Symposium in honor of Carl F. Cori, University of Washington - St. Louis, MO 1976

Box 4, Folder 11

Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Institute of Chemical Engineers,... 1976

General note

(rest of title) ...Enzymatic Synthesis and Cofactor Regeneration Session - Chicago, IL
Box 4, Folder 12

Johns Hopkins University lecture - Baltimore, MD 1976

Box 4, Folder 13

Louisiana Board of Regents, site visits 1977

General note

Visits to Louisiana State University Medical Center, Tulane and LSU Baton Rouge campus; 1 of 2 folders
Box 4, Folder 14

Louisiana Board of Regents, site visits 1977

General note

Visits to Louisiana State University Medical Center, Tulane and LSU Baton Rouge campus; 2 of 2 folders
Box 4, Folder 15

International Symposium on the Molecular Basis of Cell - Cell Interaction 1977

General note

Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation - San Diego, CA
Box 4, Folder 16

Texas Technical University, School of Medicine lecture - Lubbock, TX 1977

Box 4, Folder 17

Symposium on the Use of Athymic Mice in Cancer Research 1977

General note

Battelle Memorial Institute and the National Cancer Institute - Columbus, OH
Box 4, Folder 18

Fifth American Peptide Symposium - University of California, San Diego 1977

Box 4, Folder 19

Spanish Biomedical Society Meeting, Universidad de Navarra - Pomplona, Spain 1977

General note

Did not attend
Box 5, Folder 1

Third Annual Conference on Molecular Structural Methods in Biological Research 1977

General note

Stanford Magnetic Resonance Lab - Palo Alto, CA
Box 5, Folder 2

American Society for Cell Biology, Seventeenth Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA 1977

Box 5, Folder 3

Nat'l Instit. of Environmental Health Sciences, Meeting on Prog. Development... 1977

General note

(rest of title)...for the Study of Mutations and Other Genetic Variations in Mice - Research Triangle Park, NC
Box 5, Folder 4

La Jolla Symposium on Biological Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - UCSD 1978

Box 5, Folder 5

Drug Carriers in Biology and Medicine, Gordon Research Conference 1978

General note

Colby-Sawyer College - New London, NH
Box 5, Folder 6

Nat'l. Instit. of Environmental Health Sciences, Meeting on Biochemical... 1978

General note

(rest of title) ...Specific Locus Mutation System - Research Triangle Park - NC
Box 5, Folder 7

Immobilized Enzymes, Complexes, and Cells, Gordon Research Conference 1978

General note

Holderness School - Plymouth, NH
Box 5, Folder 8

Workshop on Hydrogenases: Their Structure, Function, Localization and Distrib. 1978

General note

Institut fur Mikrobiologie - Gottingen, West Germany
Box 5, Folder 9

US/USSR Scientific Exchange on Reaction Catalyzed by Microbiol Enzymes 1978

General note

New Orleans, LA; did not attend
Box 5, Folder 10

History and Significance of Isoenzymes lecture, UC Irvine, College of Medicine 1978

Box 5, Folder 11

Sixth Enzyme Mechanisms Conference - La Jolla, CA 1979

Box 5, Folder 12

Struct.-Funct. Characteristics of Pyridine Nucleotide Transhydrogenase lecture 1979

General note

University of California, Riverside
Box 5, Folder 13

Third Annual Symposium, Enzyme Club lecture - Univ. of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill 1979

Box 5, Folder 14

Kansas Academy of Science, Annual Meeting, Witchita State Univ. - Witchita, KS 1979

Box 5, Folder 15

Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology - Dallas, TX 1979

General note

Also contains meeting with Academic Press editors
Box 5, Folder 16

Oscar Bodansky Tribute Symposium, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1979

General note

New York, NY
Box 5, Folder 17

Chemotherapy of Experimental and Clinical Cancer, Gordon Research Conference 1979

General note

New London - NH
Box 5, Folder 18

Concepts of Chemical Recognition Biology Symposium 1979

General note

Institut de Recherche en Biologie Moleculaire - Paris, France
Box 5, Folder 19

International CNRS Symposium on Immobilized Enzymes, Organelles and Cells:... 1979

General note

(rest of title) ...Biochemical and Physico-Chemical Aspects - Compiegne, France
Box 5, Folder 20

Fifth Engineering Foundation Conference on Enzyme Engineering - Henniker, NH 1979

Box 5, Folder 21

Third International Workshop on Nude Mice, Montana State Univ. - Bozeman, MT 1979

Box 5, Folder 22

Novel ADP - Ribosylations of Regulatory Enzymes and Proteins Conference 1979

General note

National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center - Bethesda, MD
Box 5, Folder 23

Modulation of Cellular Interactions of Vitamin A and Derivatives 1980

General note

New York Academy of Sciences - New York, NY; did not attend
Box 5, Folder 24

Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Research, Inc. Seminar 1980

General note

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center - Denver, CO
Box 5, Folder 25, Oversize FB01006

Watkins Visiting Professor, Wichita State University - Wichita, KS 1980

General note

1 oversize item from this folder was placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 5, Folder 26

American Institute of Nutrition Meeting - Anaheim, CA 1980

Box 5, Folder 27

American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA 1980

Box 5, Folder 28

American Society of Biological Chemists, Seventy-First Annual Meeting 1980

General note

New Orleans, LA
Box 5, Folder 29

Recent Developments in Anthracycline Chemotherapy Seminar 1980

General note

New York University Medical Center - New York, NY
Box 5, Folder 30

Pacific Slope Biochemical Conference - University of California, San Diego 1980

Box 5, Folder 31

Meeting with Arthur Robinson, co-editor of "From Cyclotrons to Cytochromes" 1980

General note

Medford, OR; also contains meeting with Academic Press editors - San Francisco and San Jose, CA
Box 5, Folder 32

Third Annual Bristol-Myers Symposium on Cancer Research Advances in Malignant... 1980

General note

(rest of title) ...Lymphomas, Stanford University - Stanford, CA
Box 5, Folder 33

Tumor Viruses and Differentiation mini-symposium, UCLA Molecular Biology Instit. 1980

General note

Los Angeles, CA
Box 5, Folder 34

Thirteenth Miami Winter Symposium, "Cellular Responses to Molecular Modulators" 1981

General note

Miami, FL
Box 6, Folder 1

Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Research, Seventy-Second Annual Meeting - Washington, DC 1981

Box 6, Folder 2

Symposium on Enzyme Regulation in Sidney Colowick's Honor, Vanderbilt Univ. 1981

General note

Nashville, TN
Box 6, Folder 3

Amer. Soc. of Biological Chemists, Seventy-Second Annual Meeting - St. Louis, MO 1981

Box 6, Folder 4

David Shemin Celebration, Northwestern University - Evanston, IL 1981

Box 6, Folder 5

Twelfth International Congress of Chemotherapy - Florence , Italy 1981

Box 6, Folder 6

Eastman Kodak visit, Biosciences Division - Rochester, NY 1981

Box 6, Folder 7

Medicine in Transition Symposium 1981

General note

Centennial celebration of the College of Medicine, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Box 6, Folder 8

Harvard Medical School seminar, dept. of biochemistry - Cambridge, MA 1981

Box 6, Folder 9

Fourteenth Miami Winter Symposium, "From Gene to Protein: Translation into... 1982

General note

(rest of title) ...Biotechnology" - Miami, FL
Box 6, Folder 10

Chemistry and Biology of Interferons - Relationship to Therapeutics Seminar 1982

General note

Squaw Valley - CA
Box 6, Folder 11

Tumor Viruses and Differentiation Seminar - Squaw Valley, CA 1982

Box 6, Folder 12

Lester Krampitz lecture, Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, OH 1982

General note

Did not attend
Box 6, Folder 13

Federation of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting 1982

General note

New Orleans, LA
Box 6, Folder 14

Professor I.C. Gunsalus Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1982

Box 6, Folder 15

Merton F. Utter Memorial Symp., Case Western Reserve Univ., School of Medicine 1982

General note

Cleveland, OH
Box 6, Folder 16

Mellon Workshop, Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine - Nashville, TN 1982

Box 6, Folder 17

Fourth International Congress on Isozymes, University of Texas at Austin 1982

Box 6, Folder 18

Thirteenth International Cancer Congress - Seattle, Washington 1982

Box 6, Folder 19

Fourth Int'l. Workshop on Immune-Deficient Animals - Lousanne, Switzerland 1982

Box 6, Folder 20

Hybritech Inc. Scientific Board of Advisors, Second Annual Meeting 1982

Box 6, Folder 21

American Association for Cancer Research, Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA 1983

Box 6, Folder 22

American Society of Biological Chemists Meeting - San Francisco, CA 1983

Box 6, Folder 23

Fifth International Symp. on Affinity Chromatography and Biological Recognition 1983

General note

St. John's College - Annapolis, MD
Box 6, Folder 24

Britton Chance's Seventieth Birthday Celebration - Philadelphia, PA 1983

Box 7, Folder 1

Nat'l. Res. Council, Committee on Biotechnology Applied to Naval Needs Workshop 1983

Box 7, Folder 2

Molecular Biosystems, Inc., Board of Scientific Advisors Meeting - San Diego, CA 1984

Box 7, Folder 3

Second Int'l. Congress on Myocardial and Cellular Bioenergetics & Compartmentati 1984

General note

Los Angeles, CA
Box 7, Folder 4

International Symposium on the Molecular Basis of Cellular Regulation 1984

General note

National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center - Bethesda, MD
Box 7, Folder 5

Third Lipmann Symposium - Okazaki, Japan; did not attend 1984

Box 7, Folder 6

Helicon Symposium, Nutrition and Disease: Cancer - San Diego, CA 1984

Box 7, Folder 7

Hybritech Inc., Board of Scientific Advisors meeting - San Diego, CA 1984

Box 7, Folder 8

Symposium on Cancer Chemosensitivity Assays, Long Beach Community Hospital 1984

General note

Long Beach, CA; canceled
Box 7, Folder 9

Meeting with Academic Press representatives - Orlando, FL 1984

Box 7, Folder 10

Leukemia Symposium, UCLA, Molecular and Cellular Biology Series - Keystone, CO 1985

Box 7, Folder 11

Ninth Enzyme Mechanisms Conference - Tarpon Springs, FL 1985

Box 7, Folder 12

Federation of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting 1985

General note

Anaheim, CA
Box 7, Folder 13

Meeting with Shirley Light, Academic Press editor - Anaheim, CA 1985

Box 7, Folder 14

Symposium Honoring Samuel P. Bessman, USC, School of Medicine - Los Angeles, CA 1985

Box 7, Folder 15

National Academy of Sciences, One Hundred Twenty-second Annual Meeting 1985

General note

Washington, DC
Box 7, Folder 16

Spanish Society of Biochemistry, Twelfth Meeting - Valencia, Spain 1985

Box 7, Folder 17

David Greenberg's Ninetieth Birthday Celebration, Univ. of Calif. San Francisco 1985

Box 7, Folder 18

Sixth International Symposium on Bioaffinity Chromatography Related Technologies 1985

General note

Prague, Czechoslovakia
Box 7, Folder 19

Proposed visit to Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry - Shanghai, China 1985

Box 7, Folder 20

Perspectives in Medical Biochemistry Symposium - Kobe, Japan 1985

Box 7, Folder 21

Sidney Cohen Symposium, Brandeis University - Waltham, MA 1986

Box 7, Folder 22

National Academy of Sciences, One Hundred Twenty-third Annual Meeting 1986

General note

Washington, DC
Box 7, Folder 23

Symposium in Honor of Ephraim Katzir - Rehovoth and Tel-Aviv, Israel 1986

Box 7, Folder 24

Joint Meeting, Amer. Soc. of Bio. Chem. and Div. of Bio. Chem. of Amer. Chem. So 1986

General note

Washington, DC



Outgoing, chronological

Box 8, Folder 1


Box 8, Folder 2

1970 (Jan. 14 - Sept. 30)

Box 8, Folder 3

1970 (Oct. 5 - Dec. 22)

Box 8, Folder 4

1971 (Jan. 4 - May 28)

Box 8, Folder 5

1971 (June 3 - Sept. 30)

Box 8, Folder 6

1971 (Oct. 1 - Dec. 30)

Box 8, Folder 7

1972 (Jan. 6 - March 31)

Box 8, Folder 8

1972 (April 4 - June 8)

Box 9, Folder 1

1972 (July 5 - Dec. 27)

Box 9, Folder 2

1973 (Jan. 2 - March 30)

Box 9, Folder 3

1973 (April 2 - June 29)

Box 9, Folder 4

1973 (July 2 - Sept. 28)

Box 9, Folder 5

1973 (Oct. 1 - Dec. 20)

Box 9, Folder 6

1974 (Jan. 2 - Feb. 28)

Box 9, Folder 7

1974 (March 4 - April 29)

Box 9, Folder 8

1974 (May 1 - June 28)

Box 10, Folder 1

1974 (July 1 - Aug. 30)

Box 10, Folder 2

1974 (Sept. 2 - Dec. 31)

Box 10, Folder 3

1975 (Jan. 2 - Feb. 28)

Box 10, Folder 4

1975 (March 7 - April 30)

Box 10, Folder 5

1975 (May 1 - Aug. 29)

Box 10, Folder 6

1975 (Sept. 5 - Dec. 30)

Box 10, Folder 7

1976 (Jan. 6 - April 22)

Box 11, Folder 1

1976 (May 4 - July 30)

Box 11, Folder 2

1976 (Aug. 3 - Dec. 30)

Box 11, Folder 3

1977 (Jan. 4 - April 29)

Box 11, Folder 4

1977 (May 2 - Aug. 29)

Box 11, Folder 5

1977 (Sept. 2 - Dec. 19)

Box 11, Folder 6

1978 (Jan. 3 - May 31)

Box 11, Folder 7

1978 (June 1 - Dec. 22)

Box 11, Folder 8

1979 (Jan. 10 - May 24)

Box 12, Folder 1

1979 (June 4 - Dec. 21)

Box 12, Folder 2

1980 (Jan. 2 - May 30)

Box 12, Folder 3

1980 (June 17 - Dec. 23)

Box 12, Folder 4

1981 (Jan. 9 - May 29)

Box 12, Folder 5

1981 (June 9 - Dec. 11)

Box 12, Folder 6

1982 (Jan. 8 - Dec. 22)

Box 12, Folder 7

1983 (Jan. 11 - Dec. 21)

Box 12, Folder 8

1984 (Jan. 4 - Dec. 13)

Box 12, Folder 9

1985 (Jan. 25 - Nov. 13)

Box 12, Folder 10

1986 (March 14 - April 10)

Box 12, Folder 11



Incoming, A-Z

Box 13, Folder 1

Abe, Vivian - Arnold, Lyle

Box 13, Folder 2

Ashani, Yacov - Barron, Alan

Box 13, Folder 3

Bartch, Robert - Bock, Paul

Box 13, Folder 4

Bohlen, Peter - Byfield, John

Box 13, Folder 5

Burton, Robert - Caplan, Arnold

Box 13, Folder 6

Caplow, Arnold - Chin, Der-Hang

Box 13, Folder 7

Chytil, Frank - Colowick, Sidney

Box 14, Folder 1

Comprehensive Biochemistry - Czerlinski, George

Box 14, Folder 2

Czerkinski, George - Dickerman, Herbert

Box 14, Folder 3

Dickinson, David - Elsevier Publishing Company

Box 14, Folder 4

Eppenberger, Hans - Feldstein, Janice

Box 14, Folder 5

Felix, Rolf - Frei, Emil

Box 14, Folder 6

Friedkin, Morris - Goodman, Murray

Box 14, Folder 7

Goodfriend, Theodore - Holmes, Roger

Box 15, Folder 1

Horecker, B. L. - Isler, Rosina

Box 15, Folder 2

Itiaba, Kibe - Katchalski (Katzir), Ephraim

Box 15, Folder 3

Katzenstein, David - Kochakian, C. D.

Box 15, Folder 4, Oversize FB01007

Kodansha, Ltd. - Lee, Chi-Yu (Gregory)

General note

9 oversize items from Gregory Lee's correspondence file were placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 15, Folder 5

Lee, Chi-Yu (Gregory) - Levin, Yehuda

Box 15, Folder 6

Levine, Lawrence - Louderback, Allan

Box 15, Folder 7

Louie, Daniel - Masters, Colin

Box 16, Folder 1

Masui, Hideo - Miyairi, Sachio

Box 16, Folder 2

Moldave, Kivie - Nason, Alvin

Box 16, Folder 3

National Academy of Sciences - Owashi, Leslie

Box 16, Folder 4

Parola, Abraham - Raszka, Matthew

Box 16, Folder 5

Raw, Isaias - Saiki, Takashi

Box 16, Folder 6

Salthe, Stanley - Shafer, Richard

Box 16, Folder 7

Shalitin, Yechiel - Sirbasku, David

Box 17, Folder 1

Smith, J. Graham - Swislocki, Norbert

Box 17, Folder 2

Sy, Jose - Venter, Barbara R.

Box 17, Folder 3

Venter, Craig - West, Brian

Box 17, Folder 4

White, Hal - Widmer, Francois

Box 17, Folder 5

Wishnow, Rodney - Yashphe, Jacob

Box 17, Folder 6

Yeh, Yun-Chi - Zuckerman, J.J.

Box 17, Folder 7





Miscellaneous subjects, A-Z

Box 17, Folder 8, Oversize FB01008

AB Experiment to test the effect of antimelanoma serum 1979

General note

All items from this folder were placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 17, Folder 9

Affinity ligands and dyes 1983

Box 17, Folder 10

American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1973; 1983-84)

Box 17, Folder 11

Amer. Cancer Society - advisory committee on biochem. and chem. carcinogenesis 1976 - 1980

Box 18, Folder 1

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry 1980

Box 18, Folder 2

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (1 of 2 folders) 1981

Box 18, Folder 3

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (2 of 2 folders) 1981

Box 18, Folder 4

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry 1982

Box 18, Folder 5

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (1 of 2 folders) 1983

Box 18, Folder 6

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (2 of 2 folders) 1983

Box 18, Folder 7

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (1 of 2 folders) 1984

Box 18, Folder 8

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry (2 of 2 folders) 1984

Box 18, Folder 9

American Chemical Society - Division of Biological Chemistry 1985

Box 18, Folder 10

American Chemical Society - Eli Lilly and Pfizer Award Ballots 1981

Box 18, Folder 11

American Chemical Society - Eli Lilly and Pfizer Award Nominations 1980 - 1981

Box 19, Folder 1

American Institute of Nutrition 1977 - 1978

Box 19, Folder 2

American Instrument Company, 1974 and 1977

Box 19, Folder 3

American Society of Biological Chemists - general info., 1972-73 and 1981-84

Box 19, Folder 4

American Society of Biological Chemists - nominations 1970 - 1984

Box 19, Folder 5

American Society of Biological Chemists - Publications Committee 1976 - 1979

Box 19, Folder 6

Amer. Soc. of Bio. Chemists - Publications Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Box 19, Folder 7

Amer. Soc. of Bio. Chemists - Publications Committee, Recombinant Problem 1980 - 1981

Box 19, Folder 8

Amino Acids - methods for arriving at "code words" 1967 - 1968

Box 19, Folder 9

Academic Press - "Analytical Biochemistry", budget account 1985 - 1986

Box 19, Folder 10

APDPN assay data, n.d.

Box 19, Folder 11

Biochemical Anthropology - funding proposal to the Commonwealth Fund 1970 - 1972

General note

Funding proposal for an edited collection on biochemical anthropology
Box 19, Folder 12

Biochemical Anthropology - draft chapter on Jewish community and research materi 1972

General note

Draft chapter and research material for proposed book on biochemical anthropology.
Box 19, Folder 13

Biotechnology resource prog. in biological microcalorimetry and thermochemistry 1980 - 1981

Box 19, Folder 14

Biotechnology resource prog. in biological microcalorimetry and thermochemistry 1980 - 1981

Box 19, Folder 15

Burkitt's Lymphoma, n.d.

Box 19, Folder 16, Oversize FB01009

Cancerous tumors - charts and write-ups , n.d.

General note

28 of the items from this folder were placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 19, Folder 17

Cancers (colon, breast, misc.) - original graphs, n.d.

Box 19, Folder 18

Carbohydrate and coenzyme diagrams, n.d.

Box 19, Folder 19

Catecholamine assay 1976

Box 19, Folder 20

Check requests for miscellaneous expenses 1976 - 1983

Box 20, Folder 1

Chemical compounds - models and tables, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 2

Chemical compounds - Roche data 1976 - 1978

Box 20, Folder 3

Chemico-Biological Interactions - journal editorial board 1968 - 1969

Box 20, Folder 4

Chemotherapy - miscellaneous handwritten notes, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 5

Chemotherapeutic studies 1977 - 1981

Box 20, Folder 6

Citric acid cycle - diagram, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 7

Coenzyme distribution - photoprints of tables and figures and misc. graphs, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 8

Colowick, Sidney (1976; 1985)

Box 20, Folder 9

Commercial clinical laboratories - list of names and addresses 1973

Box 20, Folder 10

Consejo Cultural Mundial - Albert Einstein Award, ballots and miscellaneous 1982 - 1984

Box 20, Folder 11

Enzymes - prints of models, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 12

Ferredoxins, hydrogenases and metabolic pathways - diagrams, n.d.

Box 20, Folder 13

Fogarty scholar in residence 1984

Box 20, Folder 14

Harvard Med. School - commission report on relat. with Black community in Boston 1969

Box 20, Folder 15

High-pressure liquid chromatology - products manufactured by Kontron Analytical 1982

Box 20, Folder 16

Hoffman-La Roche Inc. 1976 - 1980

Box 21, Folder 1

Interferon research 1979 - 1981

Box 21, Folder 2

Interferon research - Academic Press, laboratory data 1980

Box 21, Folder 3

Interferon research - Kroc grant proposal 1978

Box 21, Folder 4

Interferon research - Slimmer, Sheryl, laboratory data 1979

Box 21, Folder 5

Interferon results - Rene 1982

Box 21, Folder 6

International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study 1973 - 1974

Box 21, Folder 7

International Union of Biochemistry 1983 - 1985

Box 21, Folder 8

Int'l. Union of Biochem. - interest group on bioaffinity principles and methods 1984

Box 21, Folder 9

International Sponsoring Committee - Chaim Weizmann centenary celebration 1974

Box 21, Folder 10

Jewish settlements, history - miscellaneous handwritten notes, 1970's(?)

Box 21, Folder 11

Johns Hopkins University - proposal for program in medicine and human biology 1971

Box 21, Folder 12

Journal of Applied Biochemistry, 1981; 1984-85

Box 21, Folder 13

Journal subscriptions 1974 - 1984

Box 21, Folder 14

Kamen Symposium - administrative and financial data 1978 - 1982

Box 21, Folder 15, Oversize FB01010

Kamen Symposium - background materials on Kamen's scientific contributions 1940 - 1970

General note

1 oversize item from this folder was placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 21, Folder 16

Kamen Symposium - financial materials related to publication of symp. manuscript

Box 21, Folder 17

Kamen Symposium - funding and administrative arrangements 1976 - 1978

Box 21, Folder 18

Kamen Symposium - Kettering Foundation funding 1976 - 1978

Box 21, Folder 19

Kamen Symposium - letters and invitations; address lists

Box 21, Folder 20

Kamen Symposium - National Science Foundation grant 1978 - 1979

Box 21, Folder 21

Kamen Symposium - travel expenses/reimbursements

Box 21, Folder 22

Laboratory apparatus - drawing, n.d.

Box 21, Folder 23

Lactate acid papers, n.d.

Box 22, Folder 1

La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation 1976 - 1978

Box 22, Folder 2

La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation - board of scientific advisors 1978 - 1980

Box 22, Folder 3

La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation - site visit 1977

Box 22, Folder 4

Lecture notes - acyl transfer (handwritten) 1965

Box 22, Folder 5

Lecture notes - ascorbic acid (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 6

Lecture notes - biochemical anthropology (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 7

Lecture notes - biotin (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 8

Lecture notes - cellular regulation (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 9

Lecture notes - chemotherapy (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 10

Lecture notes - choline esterases (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 11

Lecture notes - enzyme mechanisms (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 12

Lecture notes - elementary nutrition (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 13

Lecture notes - elementary vitamins (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 14

Lecture notes - fat soluble vitamins, A and D (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 15

Lecture notes - fatty acid oxidation (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 16

Lecture notes - fatty acids (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 17

Lecture notes - ferredoxins (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 18

Lecture notes - fluorescence (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 19

Lecture notes - folic acid (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 20

Lecture notes - glycolysis (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 21

Lecture notes - hormones (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 22

Lecture notes - inositol (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 23

Lecture notes - Kreb's cycle (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 24

Lecture notes - list of lecture titles

Box 22, Folder 25

Lecture notes - miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 22, Folder 26

Lecture notes - neurochemistry (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 27

Lecture notes - nucleic acids (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 28

Lecture notes - nutrition (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 29

Lecture notes - oxidative generation of energy-rich phosphate bonds (typed) n.d

Box 22, Folder 30

Lecture notes - oxidative phosphorylation (handwritten) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 31

Lecture notes - pantothenic acid (typed) n.d.

Box 22, Folder 32

Lecture notes - para-aminobenzoic acid (typed)

Box 22, Folder 33

Lecture notes - pyruvate kinase (typed) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 1

Lecture notes - pyruvic and acetic acid metabolism (typed) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 2

Lecture notes - riboflavin (typed) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 3

Lecture notes - subunits (handwritten) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 4

Lecture notes - thiamin (typed) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 5

Lecture notes - vitamin B6 group (typed) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 6

Lecture notes - vitamins (handwritten) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 7

Lecture notes (old) - vitamins (handwritten) n.d.

Box 23, Folder 8

Mannitol dehydrogenase - typescript, no author, n.d.

Box 23, Folder 9

Massachusetts Instit. of Tech. - Corp. Visiting Committee for dept. of biology 1978 - 1984

General note

1 of 2 folders
Box 23, Folder 10

Massachusetts Instit. of Tech. - Corp. Visiting Committee for dept. of biology 1978 - 1984

General note

2 of 2 folders
Box 23, Folder 11

McElroy, William - Chancellor, UCSD, 1971; 1977-79

Box 23, Folder 12

Mount Sinai School of Medicine - Kaplan's appt. as visiting adjunct professor 1975 - 1976

Box 23, Folder 13

National Academy of Sciences 1970 - 1985

Box 23, Folder 14

National Academy of Sciences - manuscripts sent to Proc. of Nat'l Acad. of Sci. 1971 - 1986

Box 23, Folder 15

N. A. S. - Nat'l. Research Council, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology 1985

Box 23, Folder 16

N. A. S. - Nat'l. Research Council, Office of Biochemical Nomenclature 1975 - 1979

General note

Executive committee
Box 23, Folder 17

N. A. S. - Nat'l. Research Council, International Union of Biochemists 1981 - 1983

General note

U.S. National Committee; 1 of 2 folders
Box 23, Folder 18

N. A. S. - Nat'l. Research Council, International Union of Biochemists 1981 - 1983

General note

U.S. National Committee; 2 of 2 folders
Box 23, Folder 19

N. A. S. - Nat'l. Research Council, International Union of Biochemists 1983

General note

U.S. National Committee, IUB meeting April 24, 1983 and BCST meeting, April 23 1983 - Washington, DC
Box 24, Folder 1

National Academy of Sciences - nomination of John Abelson 1981 - 1983

Box 24, Folder 2

National Academy of Sciences - nomination of Morris Friedkin 1977 - 1978

Box 24, Folder 3

National Academy of Sciences - nomination of Dr. Joseph Kraut 1985 - 1986

Box 24, Folder 4

National Academy of Sciences - nomination, miscellaneous

Box 24, Folder 5

National Academy of Sciences - nomination for San Pietro 1977 - 1979

Box 24, Folder 6

National Academy of Sciences - site visit 1971

Box 24, Folder 7

National Science Foundation - funding science research 1970 - 1975

Box 24, Folder 8

Notes - misc. handwritten notes on work by Elford, Harris and others, n.d.

Box 24, Folder 9

Oak Ridge National Laboratory - advisory committee for biology 1975 - 1976

Box 24, Folder 10

Oak Ridge National Laboratory - report of visiting committee 1976

Box 24, Folder 11

Oncogenes - reports on human oncogenes 1984

Box 24, Folder 12

Orloff, Marshall - investigation of alleged unauthorized medical services 1977

Box 24, Folder 13

Osteoclast activating factors - application for funding 1977

Box 24, Folder 14

Oxalate inhibition of lactic dehydrogenases data, n.d.

Box 24, Folder 15

Patent - Method for reducing the toxicity of 6-aminonic-otinamide 1982

Box 24, Folder 16

Patent - miscellaneous 1975 - 1976

Box 24, Folder 17

Patent - Synthetic polymeric derivatives of catecholamines 1975 - 1976

Box 24, Folder 18

Patent - Well-characterized oligopeptide leashes for small biologically... 1976

General note

(rest of title) ...active molecules
Box 24, Folder 19

Pharmacology-B study section 1969

Box 24, Folder 20

Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students - list of most recent 1972

Box 24, Folder 21

Publications of staff - lists from McCollum-Pratt and Brandeis 1950 - 1960

Box 25, Folder 1

Pyridine chemistry review and photographs models of DPN chemical structure, n.d.

Box 25, Folder 2

Pyridine protons data - Foster-Miller, Inc., n.d.

Box 25, Folder 3

Reprint requests 1975

Box 25, Folder 4

Research proposal - Engineering thermophilic microorganisms to convert... 1980

General note

(rest of title) ...carbohydrates to ethanol
Box 25, Folder 5

Research proposal - Exchange rates of oxygen and CO2 at capillary interfaces

Box 25, Folder 6

Research proposal - miscellaneous (1970's)

Box 25, Folder 7

Research proposal - Transportable human tumor lines 1974

Box 25, Folder 8

San Diego County Heart Association 1969

Box 25, Folder 9

Scripps Memorial Hospital - Human Use Committee 1981 - 1983

Box 25, Folder 10

Scripps Memorial Hospital - Human Use Committee, meeting May 5, 1982

Box 25, Folder 11

Scripps Memorial Hospital - Investigation Review Committee 1977 - 1980

Box 25, Folder 12

Slides - master copies of figures and tables 1964 - 1965

Box 25, Folder 13

Tables, graphs, data sheets and other miscellaneous material, n.d.

Box 25, Folder 14

Talks given by Kaplan group 1971 - 1980

Box 25, Folder 15

Travenol Laboratories, Inc. - research agreement with UCSD Foundation 1973 - 1979

Box 25, Folder 16

Tumor activity data - tables and data on human tumors, n.d.

Box 25, Folder 17

Unitika Ltd. - enzyme research and development with Technicon Instruments Corp. 1980 - 1981

Box 25, Folder 18

University of California, Berkeley - review of Graduate Division of Chemistry 1976

Box 25, Folder 19

Univ. of Chicago - Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, advisory review committee 1969

General note

Background report on status of program in medical education on the Urbana-Champaign campus
Box 25, Folder 20

Univ. of Chicago - Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, advisory review committee

General note

Meeting, October 18-19, 1971
Box 25, Folder 21

Univ. of Chicago - Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, advisory review committee 1970

General note

Site visit and recommendations
Box 26, Folder 1

Univ. of Chicago - Franklin McLean Memorial Research Instit., advisory committee 1973

Box 26, Folder 2

Univ. of Pennsylvania - grad. group in molecular bio., external review committee

General note

Site visit, December 13-14, 1980
Box 26, Folder 3

Wichita State Univ. - Biochemistry Review Team, site visit, Nov. 18-20, 1976



Box 26, Folder 4

Japan, Korea, India sabbatical, June - July 1970

Box 26, Folder 5

Israel and Europe sabbatical, June - August 1975

Box 26, Folder 6

Israel and Stockholm, Sweden, June - July 1976

Box 26, Folder 7

Miscellaneous travel 1977 - 1984

Box 26, Folder 8

Madrid, Spain - Institute de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, June - July 1979

Box 26, Folder 9

China - Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Sept. 1979

General note

1 of 3 folders
Box 26, Folder 10

China - Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, reprints in Chinese, Sept. 1979

General note

2 of 3 folders
Box 26, Folder 11

China - Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, reprints in Chinese, Sept. 1979

General note

3 of 3 folders
Box 26, Folder 12

Japan, Aug. 1979

Box 26, Folder 13

Milan, Italy and Madrid, Spain, April 1981

Box 26, Folder 14

Japan, July 1981

Box 26, Folder 15

Spain and Israel sabbatical, March - April 1982


University of California, San Diego

Box 27, Folder 1

Academic Senate - committee on research, 1968-70; 1974

Box 27, Folder 2

Athymic Mouse Facility - administrative and general information 1973 - 1975

Box 27, Folder 3

Athymic Mouse Facility - administrative and general information 1978 - 1981

Box 27, Folder 4

Athymic Mouse Facility - administrative and general information 1983

Box 27, Folder 5

Athymic Mouse Facility - administrative and general information 1984

Box 27, Folder 6

Athymic Mouse Facility - animal use report 1977 - 1983

Box 27, Folder 7

Athymic Mouse Facility - construction/repair requests and miscellaneous 1983 - 1984

Box 27, Folder 8

Athymic Mouse Facility - construction of work space for Dr. Martin Haas 1982

Box 27, Folder 9

Athymic Mouse Facility - environmental health and safety reports 1979 - 1981

Box 27, Folder 10

Athymic Mouse Facility - Executive Committee 1980 - 1982

Box 27, Folder 11

Athymic Mouse Facility - fire, October 1980

Box 27, Folder 12

Athymic Mouse Facility - grant proposal to Amerian Cancer Society 1980

General note

Drafts and miscellaneous information
Box 27, Folder 13

Athymic Mouse Facility - grant proposal to Amerian Cancer Society 1980

General note

C.V. for Angel Markov, principal investigator and description of proposed research
Box 27, Folder 14

Athymic Mouse Facility - grant proposal to Amerian Cancer Society 1980

General note

Final proposal
Box 27, Folder 15

Athymic Mouse Facility - grant proposal to Amerian Cancer Society 1980

General note

List of athymic mice users and collaborators
Box 27, Folder 16

Athymic Mouse Facility - proposed funding 1980 - 1981

Box 27, Folder 17

Athymic Mouse Facility - recruitment, assistant adjunct professor 1981

Box 27, Folder 18

Athymic Mouse Facility - recruitment, general information 1982 - 1983

Box 27, Folder 19

Athymic Mouse Facility - recruitment, pathologist 1982

Box 27, Folder 20

Athymic Mouse Facility - recruitment, potential new personnel/visitors 1981

Box 28, Folder 1

Athymic Mouse Facility - recruitment, staff research associate III 1982

Box 28, Folder 2

Athymic Mouse Facility - research seminar announcements 1979

Box 28, Folder 3

Athymic Mouse Facility - site visit agenda, March 6, 1984

Box 28, Folder 4

Athymic Mouse Facility - site visit miscellaneous material, Aug. 16, 1981

Box 28, Folder 5

Athymic Mouse Facility - users of nude mice 1978 - 1982

Box 28, Folder 6

Biomed. studies advisory committee; faculty advisory committee; and misc. 1968 - 1971

Box 28, Folder 7

Building advisory committee for building 2B/2B' 1969 - 1971

Box 28, Folder 8

Cancer Center - administrative 1978 - 1981

Box 28, Folder 9

Cancer Center - administrative 1982

Box 28, Folder 10

Cancer Center - administrative 1983 - 1984

Box 28, Folder 11

Cancer Center - Basic Sciences Advisory Committee, minutes 1981 - 1982

Box 28, Folder 12

Cancer Center - Cancer Cell Facility floor plan, n.d.

Box 28, Folder 13

Cancer Center - Clinical Sciences Advisory Committee, minutes 1981

Box 28, Folder 14

Cancer Center - dedication of Theodore Gildred Cancer Facility, April 15, 1983

Box 28, Folder 15

Cancer Center - financial records, Brunswick Foundation grant 1984 - 1985

Box 28, Folder 16

Cancer Center - financial records, coenzyme and acid metabolism research grant 1984 - 1985

Box 28, Folder 17

Cancer Center - financial records, Farmitalia Carlo Erba 1984 - 1986

General note

Contract to study biochemical mechanisms of doxorubicin
Box 28, Folder 18

Cancer Center - financial records, miscellaneous 1982 - 1983

Box 28, Folder 19

Cancer Center - financial records, miscellaneous 1984 - 1985

Box 29, Folder 1

Cancer Center - financial records, Monsanto Co. grant to study tumor antigens 1984 - 1985

Box 29, Folder 2

Cancer Center - Internal Advisory Committee; memos and meeting minutes 1978 - 1982

Box 29, Folder 3

Cancer Center - personnel information 1978 - 1982

Box 29, Folder 4

Cancer Center - retreat, January 15-19, 1982

Box 29, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. - academic support allocations, faculty positions, FTE allotments 1969 - 1972

Box 29, Folder 6

Chemistry Department - administrative 1968 - 1972

Box 29, Folder 7

Chemistry Department - administrative 1974

Box 29, Folder 8

Chemistry Department - administrative 1976 - 1982

Box 29, Folder 9

Chemistry Department - administrative 1983

Box 29, Folder 10

Chemistry Department - administrative 1984

Box 29, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. - Biomed. Library policy; impact on undergrads. in biochem. courses 1972

Box 29, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. - candidate for faculty position: DeLuca, Marlene 1974

Box 29, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. - candidate for faculty position: Singh, Sarjant, n.d.

Box 29, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. - candidate for faculty position: Seegmiller, Jarvis, n.d.

Box 29, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. - candidate for faculty position: Valentine, Ray, n.d.

Box 29, Folder 16

Chem. Dept. - candidate for faculty position: Wolf, Alfred 1972

Box 29, Folder 17

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochemistry (Biochem 103 - History of Biochem 1968 - 1969

Box 29, Folder 18

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochem handouts (Bio 118/218, Chem 118/218) 1971

Box 29, Folder 19

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochem handouts (Bio 118/218, Chem 118/218) 1972

Box 29, Folder 20

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochemistry handouts (Chem 118/218) 1972

Box 29, Folder 21

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochemistry handouts (Biochem 118/218) 1973

Box 29, Folder 22

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Advanced Biochemistry handouts (Chem/Bio 218) 1974

Box 30, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Biochemical Anthropology course readings, n.d.

Box 30, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Biochemistry 101a,b diagrams, 1960's and n.d.

Box 30, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Biochemistry exams 1967 - 1971

Box 30, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1968

General note

Schedule, lecture outlines and miscellaneous material
Box 30, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1969

General note

Course outline and miscellaneous material
Box 30, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1969

General note

Box 30, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1970

General note

Course materials and memos
Box 30, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1970

General note

Box 30, Folder 9

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1971

General note

Exam questions and miscellaneous material
Box 30, Folder 10

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1972

General note

Placement exam and course outline
Box 30, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1973

General note

Administrative and miscellaneous materials
Box 30, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1973

General note

Introduction to clinical medicine segment of CBB and presentation of cases
Box 30, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1974

General note

Handouts and course outline
Box 30, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1974

General note

Research projects and tutorial program
Box 30, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1975

General note

Administrative and miscellaneous materials
Box 30, Folder 16

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1980

General note

Lecture schedule and miscellaneous materials
Box 30, Folder 17

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1982

General note

Reading group student reports
Box 30, Folder 18

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1983

General note

Reading group administrative material
Box 30, Folder 19

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1984

General note

Course arrangements and lecture schedule
Box 30, Folder 20

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1984

General note

Reading group administrative material
Box 31, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1984

General note

Reading group student reports
Box 31, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) 1984

General note

Syllabus for School of Medicine
Box 31, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Chemistry 210, M.D. Kamen seminar 1973

General note

Course outline and miscellaneous material
Box 31, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1971

General note

Exams and miscellaneous course material
Box 31, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1971

General note

Box 31, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1972

General note

Class roster
Box 31, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1972

General note

Box 31, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1972

General note

Lecture notes
Box 31, Folder 9

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1977

General note

Lecture notes, volume I
Box 31, Folder 10

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1977

General note

Lecture notes, volume II and handouts
Box 31, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1977

General note

Handouts and course reserves
Box 31, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1983

General note

Handout and lecture notes
Box 31, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1985 - 1986

General note

Exam and miscellaneous materials
Box 31, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Frontiers of Science 1985 - 1986

General note

Box 31, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. : Courses - History of Biochemistry 214 1980

General note

Student papers
Box 32, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. : Courses - History of Biochemistry 214 1982

General note

Student papers
Box 32, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human and Introductory Biochem. (1 of 2 folders) 1972

General note

Box 32, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human and Introductory Biochem. (2 of 2 folders) 1972

General note

Box 32, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemical Evolution (Bio 240) 1973

General note

Seminar schedule and miscellaneous material
Box 32, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry (Bio 217/Chem 217) 1971

General note

Course description, exam and miscellaneous material
Box 32, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry (Bio 217/Chem 217) 1971

General note

Box 32, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry (Bio 217 and Chem 117/217) 1972

General note

Course calendar and sample exams
Box 32, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 1972

General note

Class rosters
Box 32, Folder 9

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 1973

General note

Box 32, Folder 10

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 1973

General note

Lecture notes
Box 32, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry IB 1974

General note

Lecture notes
Box 32, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry IB 1974

General note

Lecture notes and handouts (1 of 2 folders)
Box 32, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry IB 1974

General note

Lecture notes and handouts (2 of 2 folders)
Box 32, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 1978 - 1979

General note

Mid-term and final exams
Box 32, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 117/217 1979

General note

Course outline and handouts
Box 33, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry 217 1979

General note

Handouts, charts and tables
Box 33, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry, n.d.

General note

Box 33, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry, n.d.

General note

Lecture notes
Box 33, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Human Biochemistry "Special", n.d.

General note

Lecture notes
Box 33, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Introductory Biochemistry 1969

General note

Course schedule and lecture topics
Box 33, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Introductory Biochemistry (Bio 211/Chem 211) 1971

General note

Course schedule and sample exam
Box 33, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Introductory Biochemistry (Bio 211/Chem 211) 1972

General note

Class schedule and handouts
Box 33, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Introductory Biochemistry (Bio 211/Chem 211) 1973

General note

Class rosters
Box 33, Folder 9

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Marine Biochemistry, McElroy/Kaplan (Bio 185) 1982

General note

Box 33, Folder 10

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Marine Biochemistry, McElroy/Kaplan (Bio 185) 1983

General note

Box 33, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Marine Biochemistry, McElroy/Kaplan (Bio 185) 1985

General note

Box 33, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Marine Biochemistry, McElroy/Kaplan (Bio 185) 1986

General note

Box 33, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. : Courses - miscellaneous class rosters 1970 - 1973

Box 33, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1977

Box 33, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1980

Box 33, Folder 16

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1980

General note

Box 33, Folder 17

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1982

General note

Exam questions
Box 33, Folder 18

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1982

General note

Box 33, Folder 19

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1982

General note

Lecture notes
Box 34, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1983

Box 34, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1983

General note

Box 34, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1983 - 1984

General note

Box 34, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1984

General note

Administrative material
Box 34, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. : Courses - Nutritional Biochemistry 1984

General note

Lecture notes and handouts
Box 34, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. : Courses - special studies 1986

Box 34, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. - Departmental Council 1978 - 1979

Box 34, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. - development of Biochemistry Program (1973; 1976)

Box 34, Folder 9, Oversize MC04109

Chem. Dept. - equipment allocations and space assignments 1968 - 1973

General note

1 oversize item from this folder has been placed in the oversize/map case
Box 34, Folder 10

Chem. Dept. - equipment allocations and space assignments 1976

Box 34, Folder 11

Chem. Dept. - equipment requested from departmental budget, state funds 1977

Box 34, Folder 12

Chem. Dept. - Faculty Council, memos and reports (July - December 1979)

Box 34, Folder 13

Chem. Dept. - Faculty Council, memos and reports (January - March 1980)

Box 34, Folder 14

Chem. Dept. - Faculty Council, memos and reports (April - June 1980)

Box 34, Folder 15

Chem. Dept. - Faculty Council, memos and reports (July - December 1980)

Box 35, Folder 1

Chem. Dept. - Faculty Council, memos and reports 1981

Box 35, Folder 2

Chem. Dept. - Medical School problem; debate over relations with campus depts. 1976 - 1979

Box 35, Folder 3

Chem. Dept. - merit and performance reviews 1976

Box 35, Folder 4

Chem. Dept. - newspaper clippings 1971 - 1982

Box 35, Folder 5

Chem. Dept. - proposal to establish a biochemistry department 1983

Box 35, Folder 6

Chem. Dept. - sabbatical request and leave report 1976

Box 35, Folder 7

Chem. Dept. - teaching assignments 1968 - 1972

Box 35, Folder 8

Chem. Dept. - Urey, Harold endowed chair 1981

Box 35, Folder 9

Educational Policy Committee 1969 - 1970

Box 35, Folder 10

Fourth college chemistry planning committee 1973

Box 35, Folder 11

Interphase Committee on Biochemistry 1969 - 1970

Box 35, Folder 12

Kaplan's Lab - alcohol, authorization to purchase from campus storeroom 1976 - 1984

Box 35, Folder 13

Kaplan's Lab - Environmental Health and Safety memos, records and reports 1977 - 1984

Box 35, Folder 14

Kaplan's Lab - Environmental Health and Safety service charges 1978 - 1984

Box 35, Folder 15

Kaplan's Lab - human disease, application for permit to transport agents of 1981 - 1982

Box 35, Folder 16

Kaplan's Lab - laboratory instruments ordered or to be ordered 1979

Box 35, Folder 17

Kaplan's Lab - laboratory instruments received 1979

Box 35, Folder 18

Kaplan's Lab - miscellaneous equipment orders and list (1977-78; 1981)

Box 35, Folder 19

Kaplan's Lab - narcotics inventory 1977 - 1983

Box 35, Folder 20

Kaplan's Lab - purchase orders, May - June 1979

Box 35, Folder 21

Kaplan's Lab - radioisotope use authorization renewal 1977 - 1985

Box 35, Folder 22

Kaplan's Lab - research projects, miscellaneous progress reports 1979

Box 35, Folder 23

Kaplan's Lab - seminar with T.P. Wang, visiting scientist 1981 - 1982

Box 36, Folder 1

Kaplan's Lab - Surge Facility, 303 Matthews Building 1970 - 1977

Box 36, Folder 2

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Brunswick Foundation, Inc. 1984 - 1986

Box 36, Folder 3

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Corning Glass 1978 - 1984

Box 36, Folder 4

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Corning Glass 1976 - 1986

General note

Grant to study glycol dehydrogenases
Box 36, Folder 5

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Hoffman-LaRoche 1981 - 1982

General note

Grant to study activity of interferons against human tumors
Box 36, Folder 6

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Hoffman-LaRoche 1977 - 1984

General note

Grant to study effect of ascorbic acid on tumors
Box 36, Folder 7

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Hoffman-LaRoche 1977 - 1986

General note

Grant to test retinoids to inhibit mouse melanoma
Box 36, Folder 8

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Hoffman-LaRoche 1977 - 1986

General note

Vitamin C grant
Box 36, Folder 9

Kaplan's Lab - UCSD Foundation grant accounts, Hyland 1984 - 1985

Box 36, Folder 10

Malignant tumors among graduate students in physics - committee 1969 - 1970

General note

1 letter (with attachments) contained in this folder has been restricted

Conditions Governing Access note

Restrictions Apply
Box 36, Folder 11

Medical Scientists Training Program Committee 1968 - 1969

Box 36, Folder 12

Proposal for biochemistry division at UCSD, n.d.

Box 36, Folder 13

Proposal for cancer center in La Jolla 1969 - 1975

Box 36, Folder 14

Proposal for enzyme preparation center at UCSD 1971

Box 36, Folder 15

Proposal for macromolecular center 1970

Box 36, Folder 16

Proposal for solar energy research institute 1974 - 1977

Box 36, Folder 17

Research Showcase Committee, Chancellor's cmt. for high technology companies

General note

Meeting, March 10, 1981
Box 36, Folder 18

School of Medicine - academic areas of concentration, n.d.

Box 36, Folder 19

School of Medicine - Basic Science Teaching Ad Hoc Committee 1972

Box 36, Folder 20

School of Medicine - Cancer Research Planning Committee (Oct. - Dec. 1971)

Box 36, Folder 21

School of Medicine - Cardiovascular-Pulmonary Centers site visit

General note

April 24-25, 1974
Box 36, Folder 22

School of Medicine - Experimental Pathology Group (1972; 1976)

Box 36, Folder 23

School of Medicine - faculty committees, members 1968 - 1972

Box 36, Folder 24

School of Medicine - faculty meeting, bylaws of UCSD faculty, March 19, 1969

Box 37, Folder 1

School of Medicine - Genetics and Metabolism Concentration Area Committee

General note

1968-1969; 1974-1975
Box 37, Folder 2

School of Medicine - myocardial infraction study reports, 1973; 1975

Box 37, Folder 3

School of Medicine - National Board of Medical Examiners, exam results

General note

1970; 1974; 1976
Box 37, Folder 4

School of Medicine - Nomimating Committee 1970 - 1971

Box 37, Folder 5

School of Medicine - Oncology Advisory Committee 1972 - 1975

Box 37, Folder 6

School of Medicine - Physiology/Pharmacology Graduate Studies Committee 1970 - 1977

Box 37, Folder 7

School of Medicine - Physiology/Pharmacology Graduate Studies Committee meeting

General note

May 10, 1974
Box 37, Folder 8

School of Medicine - Preclinical Advisory Ad Hoc Committee 1974 - 1975

Box 37, Folder 9

School of Medicine - Recruitment and Admissions Committee 1968 - 1969

Box 37, Folder 10

School of Medicine - Recruitment and Admissions Committee, members 1968 - 1970

Box 37, Folder 11

School of Medicine - Specialized Center of Research, site visit rehearsal 1974 - 1976

Box 37, Folder 12

School of Medicine - Student Affairs, student and advisor handbooks and misc.

General note

1969; 1975
Box 37, Folder 13

Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Alpha-Helix Program, 1970; 1973

Box 37, Folder 14

Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Alpha-Helix Program proposal 1974

General note

Proposal to carry out comparative affinity chromatography studies of proteins during the Alpha-Helix Baja excursion
Box 37, Folder 15

Third college chemistry program planning committee 1969 - 1973

Box 37, Folder 16

University of California, San Diego Foundation 1974





Box 37, Folder 17

Phosphorolysis and synthesis of sucrose with a bacterial preparation 1943

Box 37, Folder 18

Summary of the dissertation of Nathan Kaplan 1943

Box 37, Folder 19

Observations with p32 of the changes in the acid-soluble phosphates in the... 1943

General note

Rest of title: ...liver coincident to alterations in carbohydrate metabolism
Box 37, Folder 20

Radioactive phosphate as an indicator of the relationship between the... 1944

General note

Rest of title: ...phosphate changes of blood, muscle and liver, following the administration of insulin.
Box 37, Folder 21

Effect of starvation and ageing on acid-soluble phosphate components of the live 1944

Box 37, Folder 22

Aerobic phosphorylations in tissue slices 1945

Box 37, Folder 23

Metabolism in diabetic coma produced by alloxan 1945

Box 37, Folder 24

Report on a coenzyme for acetylation 1946

Box 37, Folder 25

Common factor in the enzymatic acetylation of sulfanilamide and of choline 1946

Box 37, Folder 26

Mechanism of enzymatic acetylation 1947

Box 37, Folder 27

Chemistry and distribution of the coenzyme for acetylation (coenzyme a) 1947

Box 37, Folder 28

Coenzyme for acetylation, a pantothenic acid derivative 1947

Box 37, Folder 29

Metabolic studies in diabetic acidosis I. Effect of early admin. of dextrose 1947

Box 37, Folder 30

Metabolic studies in diabetic acidosis II. Effect of admin. of sodium phosphate 1948

Box 37, Folder 31

Reactions between acetate, acetyl phosphate and adenylic acid system in... 1948

General note

Rest of title: ...tissue and bacterial extracts
Box 37, Folder 32

Assay and distribution of coenzyme a 1948

Box 37, Folder 33

Effect of pantothenic acid deficiency upon the coenzyme a content and ... 1948

General note

Rest of title: ...pyruvate utilization of rat and duck tissues
Box 37, Folder 34

Acetyl precursor in pyruvate synthesis in escherichia coli 1948

Box 37, Folder 35

Intermediary metabolism of phosphorus compounds 1949

Box 37, Folder 36

Liberation of pantothenic acid from coenzyme a 1949

Box 37, Folder 37

Changes in enzymatic constitution in zinc-deficient neurospora 1951

Box 37, Folder 38

Reaction of pyridine nucleotide with cyanide and its analytic use 1951

Box 37, Folder 39

Effect of alkali on diphosphopyridine nucleotide 1951

Box 37, Folder 40

Neurospora diphosphopyridine nucleotidase 1951

Box 37, Folder 41

Pyridine nucleotides and coupled phosphorylation 1951

Box 37, Folder 42

Carbohydrate metabolism 1951

Box 37, Folder 43

Enzymatic deamination of adenosine derivatives 1952

Box 37, Folder 44

Comparison of diphosphopyridine nucleotide with its deaminated derivative in... 1952

General note

Rest of title: ...various enzyme systems
Box 38, Folder 1

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase I. Indirect evidence for the reaction... 1952

General note

Rest of title: ...and purification of the enzyme
Box 38, Folder 2

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase II. Direct evidence for and mechanisms... 1952

General note

Rest of title: ...of the transhydrogenase reaction
Box 38, Folder 3

Action of nicotinamide and isonicotinic acid hydrazide on diphosphopyridine... 1952

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotidases
Box 38, Folder 4

Nature of monoester phosphate group in coenzyme a 1952

Box 38, Folder 5

Inhibition of spleen diphosphopyr. nucleotidase nicotinamide, an exchange react. 1953

Box 38, Folder 6

Further studies of nutrition. condit. affect. enzymatic constit. in neurospora 1953

Box 38, Folder 7

Specific b(eta) nucleotidase 1953

Box 38, Folder 8

Competitive inhibition of hydroxlamine on alcohol dehydrogenase 1953

Box 38, Folder 9

Cytochrome peroxidase from pseudomonas fluorescens 1953

Box 38, Folder 10

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase III. Animal tissue transhydrogenases 1953

Box 38, Folder 11

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase IV. Effect of adenylic acid a(lpha)... 1953

General note

Rest of title: ...on the bacterial transhydrogenases
Box 38, Folder 12

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase V. Exchange react. studied with c14 1953

Box 38, Folder 13

Biochemical career of Fritz Lipmann 1953

Box 38, Folder 14

DPN specific glycerol dehydrogenase from aerobacter aerogenes 1953

Box 38, Folder 15

Formation of the isonicotinic acid hydrazide analog of dpn 1953

Box 38, Folder 16

Monoester phosphate grouping of coenzyme a 1954

Box 38, Folder 17

Enzymatic degradation and resynthesis of coenzyme a 1954

Box 38, Folder 18

Effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide on diphosphopyridine nucleotidases 1954

Box 38, Folder 19

Isolation and properties of the isonicotinic acid hydrazide analogue of dpn 1954

Box 38, Folder 20

Significance of enzymatically catalyzed exchange reactions in chemotherapy 1954

Box 38, Folder 21

Chemical reaction of hydroxylamine with diphosphopyridine nucleotide 1954

Box 38, Folder 22

Action of hydroxylamine and cyanide on alcohol dehydrogenase of horse liver 1954

Box 38, Folder 23

Direct evidence for a dpn - hydroxylamine complex with horse liver alcohol... 1954

General note

Rest of title: ...dehydrogenase
Box 38, Folder 24

Enzymatic preparation of triphosphopyridine nucleotide from dpn 1954

Box 38, Folder 25

Function of inorganic iron in the reduction of cytochrome c 1954

Box 38, Folder 26

3-acetylpyridine analog of dpn 1954

Box 38, Folder 27

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase VI. Mechanism and stereospecificity of... 1955

General note

Rest of title: ...the reaction in pseudomonas fluorescens
Box 38, Folder 28

Preparation and properties of 3'-triphosphopyridine nucleotide 1955

Box 38, Folder 29

Reaction of pyridine nucleotides with trifluoroacetic acid anhydride 1955

Box 38, Folder 30

Symposium on electron transport in the metabolism of microorganisms 1955

Box 38, Folder 31

Mechanisms involved in pyridine nucleotide action 1955

Box 38, Folder 32

Effect of adenine nucleotides on reactions involving triphosphopyrid. nucleotide 1955

Box 38, Folder 33

Isolation of a dpn isomer containing nicotinamide riboside in the alpha linkage 1955

Box 38, Folder 34

Hexose phosphate and hexose reductase 1955

Box 38, Folder 35

Significance of "heat-activated" enzymes 1956

Box 38, Folder 36

D-mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli 1956

Box 38, Folder 37

Pyridine nucleotide synthesis in the mouse 1956

Box 38, Folder 38

Reduction of inorganic iron and cytochrome c by flavin enzymes 1956

Box 38, Folder 39

Pyridine nucleotide analogs and the sulfhydryl nature of some fad enzymes 1956

Box 38, Folder 40

Hexitol metabolism in escherichia coli 1956

Box 38, Folder 41

Effects of oxygen, iron, and molybdenum on routes of electron transfer in... 1956

General note

Rest of title: ...pseudomonas fluorescens
Box 38, Folder 42

Cytochrome peroxidase from pseudomonas fluorescens 1956

Box 38, Folder 43

Chemistry and properties of the 3-acetylpyridine analogue of dpn 1956

Box 38, Folder 44

Phosphorylative and nonphosphorylative pathways of electron tranfer in rat... 1956

General note

Rest of title: ...liver mitochondria
Box 38, Folder 45

Reaction of pyridine nucleotide analogues with dehydrogenases 1956

Box 38, Folder 46

Specific spectrophotometric assay for flavin adenine dinucleotide 1956

Box 38, Folder 47

Large scale synthesis and purification of flavin adenine dinucleotide 1956

Box 38, Folder 48

Possible enzymatic role of ergothioneine 1956

Box 38, Folder 49

Distribution of enzymes cleaving pyridine nucleotides in animal tissues 1957

Box 38, Folder 50

Flavoprotein-catalyzed pyridine nucleotide transfer reactions 1957

Box 38, Folder 51

Reduced pyridine nucleotide pyrophosphatase 1957

Box 38, Folder 52

Pyridine precursors of mouse liver diphospyridine nucleotide 1957

Box 38, Folder 53

Pyridine coenzymes of subcellular tissue fractions 1957

Box 38, Folder 54

Studies on the interaction of dpn analogs with dehydrogenases 1957

Box 38, Folder 55

Preparation of pyridine nucleotide analogs by the carbonyl addition reaction 1957

Box 38, Folder 56

Enzymatic properties of chemically prepared dpn analogs 1957

Box 38, Folder 57

Mechanisms of flavoprotein-catalyzed pyridine nucleotide transfer reactions 1957

Box 38, Folder 58

Addition of sulfhydryl compounds to dpn and its analogues 1957

Box 38, Folder 59

Reaction of thiol compounds with pyridine nucleotides 1957

Box 38, Folder 60

Yeast alcohol deydrogenase II. Properties of the catalytically active site 1957

Box 38, Folder 61

Reactivity of the bound dpn of muscle triose phosphate dehydrogenase 1957

Box 38, Folder 62

Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase III. Relation of alcohol structure to activity 1957

Box 38, Folder 63

Relationship of structure to properties of dpn and other pyridinium compounds 1957

Box 38, Folder 64

Mechanism of 'heat activation' of enzymes 1957

Box 38, Folder 65

Effect of reserpine and promazine on dpn synthesis in liver 1958

Box 38, Folder 66

Fluorescence studies of coenzyme binding to dehydrogenases 1958

Box 38, Folder 67

Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase IV. Coenzyme binding sites 1958

Box 38, Folder 68

Nicotinic acid analogue of diphosphopyridine nucleotide 1958

Box 38, Folder 69

Nicotinamide riboside phosphorylase from human erythrosites... 1958

General note

Rest of title: ...I. Phosphorolytic activity
Box 39, Folder 1

Nicotinamide riboside phosphorylase from human erythrosites... 1958

General note

Rest of title: ...II. Nicotinamide sensitivity
Box 39, Folder 2

Mechanism for pyridine-nucleotide-dependent dehydrogenases 1958

Box 39, Folder 3

Heat-activated dpn pyrophosphatase from proteus vulgaris 1958

Box 39, Folder 4

Significance of induced in vivo sythesis of diphosphopyridine nucleotide 1958

Box 39, Folder 5

Enzyme-coenzyme-substrate complex. of pyridine nucleotide depend. dehydrogenases 1958

Box 39, Folder 6

Diaphorases of rat-liver mitochondria 1958

Box 39, Folder 7

Flavin adenine dinucleotide synthesis in animal tissues 1958

Box 39, Folder 8

Effect of pyridine derivatives on animal tissue diphosphopyridine nucleotideases 1959

Box 39, Folder 9

Uptake of p32 in resting cells of clostridium perfringens 1959

Box 39, Folder 10

Structure of dihydrodiphosphopyridine nucleotide 1959

Box 39, Folder 11

Chemical properties of 3-substitited pyridine analogues of dpn 1959

Box 39, Folder 12

Enzymatic studies with analogues of diphosphopyridine nucleotide 1959

Box 39, Folder 13

Relationship of 3a(alpha)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase to pyridine... 1959

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotide transhydrogenases
Box 39, Folder 14

Effect of azaserine (o-diazoacetyl l-serine) on the pyridine nucleotide... 1959

General note

Rest of title: ...levels of mouse liver
Box 39, Folder 15

Formation of nicotinic acid analogue of dpn after nicotinamide administration 1959

Box 39, Folder 16

Effects of substrates on the swelling and loss of pyridine nucleotides from... 1959

General note

Rest of title: ...rat-liver mitochondria
Box 39, Folder 17

Molecular heterogeneity and evolution of enzymes 1960

Box 39, Folder 18

D- and l- lactic acid dehydrogenases in lactobacillus plantarum 1960

Box 39, Folder 19

Antileukemic action of two thiadiazole derivatives 1960

Box 39, Folder 20

Interaction of nicotinamide with reserpine and chlorpromazine III. Some... 1960

General note

Rest of title: ...effects on the diphosphopyridine nucleotide content in liver (1), (2)
Box 39, Folder 21

Coenzyme metabolism on the brain 1960

Box 39, Folder 22

Comparison of some vic glycol dehydrogenase syst. found in aerobacter aerogenes 1960

Box 39, Folder 23

Adaptive formation of a vic glycol dehydrogenase in aerobacter aerogenes 1960

Box 39, Folder 24

Mechanism of depletion of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides 1960

Box 39, Folder 25

Metabolic pathways involving niacin and its derivatives 1960

Box 39, Folder 26

Phosphopyridine nucleotidases and their protein inhibitors in the genus bacillus 1960

Box 39, Folder 27

Spectrophotometric study of thionicotinamide analogue of dpn 1960

Box 39, Folder 28

Measurements of enzymes in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction 1961

Box 39, Folder 29

Conversion of pyridine hydroxamic acids to amides by mouse liver mitochondria 1961

Box 39, Folder 30

Effect of azaserine on the biosynthesis of diphosphopyridine nucleotide in mouse 1961

Box 39, Folder 31

Metabolites of nicotinamide in mouse urine: effects of azaserine 1961

Box 39, Folder 32

Incorporat. of isotopically labeled precursors into pyrid. nucleotide coenzymes 1961

Box 39, Folder 33

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase VIII. Properties of the... 1961

General note

Rest of title: ...transhydrogenase reactions of an enzyme complex isolated from beef heart mitochondria
Box 39, Folder 34

Preparation and properties of n-hydroxyethyl derivatives of adenosine,... 1961

General note

Rest of title: ...adenosine triphosphate, and nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide
Box 39, Folder 35

Evolution and differentiation of dehydrogenases 1961

Box 39, Folder 36

Interactions in pyridine nucleotides 1961

Box 39, Folder 37

Heterogeneity of the lactic dehydrogenases of new-born and adult rat heart as... 1961

General note

Rest of title: ...determined with enzyme analogs
Box 39, Folder 38

Regulatory effects of enzyme action 1961

Box 39, Folder 39

Effect of proteolysis and urea treatment on coenzyme binding to beef-heart... 1961

General note

Rest of title: ...lactic dehydrogenase
Box 39, Folder 40

Inhibition of dehydrogenase reactions by a substance formed from reduced dpn 1961

Box 39, Folder 41

D-mannitol l-phosphate dehydrogenase and d-sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase... 1962

General note

Rest of title: ...in aerobacter aerogenes
Box 39, Folder 42

Symposium on multiple forms of enzymes and control mechanisms I. Multiple... 1962

General note

Rest of title: ...forms of enzymes
Box 39, Folder 43

Preparation and properties of some nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide analogues.. 1962

General note

Rest of title: ...with pentose and purine modifications
Box 39, Folder 44

Nature and development of lactic dehydrogenases 1962

Box 39, Folder 45

Fluorescence of pyridine nucleotides in mitochondria 1962

Box 39, Folder 46

Lactic dehydrogenases and muscular dystrophy in the chicken 1962

Box 39, Folder 47

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase 1962

Box 39, Folder 48

Solubilization and purification of diphosphopyridine nucleotidase from pig brain 1962

Box 39, Folder 49

Toxicity and antileukemic effectiveness of pyridine derivatives and... 1962

General note

Rest of title: ...1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives in mice. Relationship to nicotinamide antagonism
Box 39, Folder 50

Hydroxyethylation and subsequent hydrolysis of deoxyguanosine at ph 7 and 25 1962

Box 39, Folder 51

Pig-spleen pyridine transglycosidase I. Purification and properties 1962

Box 39, Folder 52

Functions of the two forms of lactic dehydrogenase in the breast muscle of birds 1963

Box 39, Folder 53

Immunological characteristics of dehydrogenases 1963

Box 39, Folder 54

Physiochemical proper. of pig and horse heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 1963

Box 39, Folder 55

Structural factors in succinate-induced reduction of mitochondrial pyridine... 1963

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotides
Box 39, Folder 56

Substituted nicotinamide analogues of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 1963

Box 39, Folder 57

Analogs of pyridine coenzymes 1963

Box 39, Folder 58

Starch-gel electrophoresis of malate dehydrogenase 1963

Box 39, Folder 59

Structural and catalytic alterations of dehydrogenases after photooxidation 1963

Box 39, Folder 60

Developmental changes of mammalian lactic dehydrogenases 1963

Box 39, Folder 61

Evidence for two forms of m-type lactate dehydrogenase in the mouse 1963

Box 39, Folder 62

Role of the sulfhydryl groups of lactic dehydrogenases 1963

Box 39, Folder 63

Lactic acid racemization in clostridium butylicum 1963

Box 39, Folder 64

Sulfhydryl content of some lactate dehydrogenases 1963

Box 39, Folder 65

Alterations of tissue lactate dehydrogenase in human neoplasms 1963

Box 39, Folder 66

Reaction of diphosphopyridine nucleotide and related pyridinium salts with alkal 1963

Box 39, Folder 67

Lactic dehydrogenases: functions of the two types 1964

Box 39, Folder 68

Hexitol dehydrogenases of bacillus subtilis 1964

Box 39, Folder 69

Comparative enzymology of triosephosphate dehydrogenase 1964

Box 39, Folder 70

Oxidative phosphorylation and terminal electron transport 1964

Box 40, Folder 1

Evolution of lactic dehydrogenases 1964

Box 40, Folder 2

Effect of tetrathionate on stability and immunological properties of muscle... 1964

General note

Rest of title: ...triosephosphate dehydrogenases
Box 40, Folder 3

Hybridization of lactic dehydrogenases in vitro by concentrated sodium... 1964

General note

Rest of title: ...chloride and by reversible inactivation in urea
Box 40, Folder 4

Lactate dehydrogenase - structure and function 1964

Box 40, Folder 5

Lactic dehydrogenase in cancer 1964

Box 40, Folder 6

Comparative enzymology of lactic dehydrogenases II. Properties of the... 1964

General note

Rest of title: ...crystalline hm3 hybrid from chicken muscle and of h2m2 hybrid and h4 enzyme from chicken liver
Box 40, Folder 7

Studies of protein and bound coenzyme fluorescence of lactate dehydrogenases 1964

Box 40, Folder 8

New concepts of the use of inhibitors in chemotherapy 1964

Box 40, Folder 9

Role of the two types of lactic dehydrogenases 1964

Box 40, Folder 10

Effects of freezing on enzymes 1965

Box 40, Folder 11

Lactic acid racemization 1965

Box 40, Folder 12

Structural and functional properties of h and m subunits of lactic dehydrogenase 1965

Box 40, Folder 13

Factors influencing the concentration of enzymes in various muscles 1965

Box 40, Folder 14

Effect of hormones and environmental factors on lactic dehydrogenases 1965

Box 40, Folder 15

Isoenzymes in clinical diagnosis 1965

Box 40, Folder 16

Fluorescence and coenzyme binding characteristics of serum albumin 1965

Box 40, Folder 17

Interacting binding sites of l-specific lactic dehydrogenase of escherichia coli 1965

Box 40, Folder 18

Influence of antibody on interact. between nucleotides and glutamic dehydrogenas 1965

Box 40, Folder 19

Studies on the mechanism of hybridization of lactic dehydrogenases in vitro 1965

Box 40, Folder 20

Reversible inactivation of dehydrogenases 1966

Box 40, Folder 21

Enzymatically active conformers of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 1966

Box 40, Folder 22

Immunology and rates of enzyme evolution in the amphibia in relation to the... 1966

General note

Rest of title: ...origins of certain taxa
Box 40, Folder 23

Geographic variation in lactate dehydrogenases of rana pipiens and rana palustri 1966

Box 40, Folder 24

Purification and properties of chicken heart mitochondrial and supernatant... 1966

General note

Rest of title: ...malic dehydrogenases
Box 40, Folder 25

Regulation of enzyme and coenzyme levels 1966

Box 40, Folder 26

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase in normal human and leukemic leukocytes 1966

Box 40, Folder 27

Purification and characterization of diphosphopyridine nucleosidase from pig bra 1967

Box 40, Folder 28

Solubilization and comparitive properties of some mammalian dpn(ases) 1967

Box 40, Folder 29

Purification and kinetic characteristics of dogfish liver glutamate dehydrogenas 1967

Box 40, Folder 30

Malate dehydrogenases II. Purification and properties of bacillus subtilis,... 1967

General note

Rest of title: ...bacillus stearothermophilus, and escherichia coli malate dehydrogenases
Box 40, Folder 31

Evolution of creatine kinase 1967

Box 40, Folder 32

Malate dehydrogenases III. Alteration of catalytic properties during... 1967

General note

Rest of title: ...purification of bacillus subtilis malate dehydrogenases
Box 40, Folder 33

Comparative enzymology of lactic dehydrogenases 1967

Box 40, Folder 34

Kinetic studies of dogfish liver glutamate dehydrogenase with... 1967

General note

Rest of title: ...diphosphopyridine nucleotide and the effect of added salts
Box 40, Folder 35

Enzymatic identification of fish products 1967

Box 40, Folder 36

Concepts and significance of enzyme evolution 1967

Box 40, Folder 37

Studies on malate dehydrogenases and aspartate aminotransferases from... 1967

General note

Rest of title: ...neurospora crassa
Box 40, Folder 38

On the tissue specificity and biological sigificance of aldolase c in the chicke 1967

Box 40, Folder 39

Salt-induced alteration of d(-) lactate dehydrog. from polysphondylium pallidum 1967

Box 40, Folder 40

Purification of arginine kinase from lobster and a study of some factors... 1967

General note

Rest of title: ...affecting its reactivation
Box 40, Folder 41

Malate dehydrogenases I. Survey of molecular size measured by gel filtration 1967

Box 40, Folder 42

Untitled; article on clinical applications of advances in enzymology 1967

Box 40, Folder 43

Developmental multiplicity of chicken aldolase 1967

Box 40, Folder 44

Iodination of muscle fructose diphophate aldolase 1968

Box 40, Folder 45

Regulation of pyridine nucleotide coenzymes 1968

Box 40, Folder 46

Chemical characterization of d-lactate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli b 1968

Box 40, Folder 47

Kinetics of escherichia coli b d-lactate dehydrogenase and evidence for... 1968

General note

Rest of title: ...pyruvate-controlled change in conformation
Box 40, Folder 48

3-acetylpyridine: effects in vitro related to teratogenic activity in... 1968

General note

Rest of title: ...chicken embryos
Box 40, Folder 49

Significance of substrate inhibition of dehydrogenases 1968

Box 40, Folder 50

D-lactate specific pyridine nucleotide lactate dehydrogenase in animals 1968

Box 40, Folder 51

Characteristics of microbial dpn(ases) containing exceptionally large amounts... 1968

General note

Rest of title: ...of polysaccharides
Box 40, Folder 52

Investigation of the confirmation of b(eta)-dpn (beta-nicotinamide-adenine... 1968

General note

Rest of title: ...dinucleotide) and pyridine dinucleotide analogs by proton magnetic resonance
Box 40, Folder 53

Chicken heart soluble aspartate aminotransferase purification and properties 1968

Box 40, Folder 54

Characteristics of arthropod arginine kinases 1968

Box 40, Folder 55

Investigation of inter- and intramolecular interactions in flavin-adenine... 1968

General note

Rest of title: ...dinucleotide by proton magnetic resonance
Box 40, Folder 56

Antibody studies with multiple enzymes of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase II 1968

Box 40, Folder 57

Denaturation of glutathione reductase and lipoyl dehydrogenase 1968

Box 40, Folder 58

Nature of multiple molecular forms of enzymes 1968

Box 40, Folder 59

220mhz nuclear magn. reson. spectra of oxidized and reduced pyridine dinucleotid 1969

Box 40, Folder 60

Lactate dehydrogenase of lobster (homarus americanus) tail muscle 1969

Box 40, Folder 61

Purification and properties of a dpnh-tpnh diaphorase from clostridium kluyverii 1969

Box 41, Folder 1

Agar gel electrophoretic demonst. of charge alterat. in mutant bacterial protein 1969

Box 41, Folder 2

Subunits of dogfish m4 lactic dehydrogenase 1969

Box 41, Folder 3

Purification and properties of two types of dpn-linked glycerol 3-phosphate... 1969

General note

Rest of title: ...dehydrogenases from chicken breast muscle and liver.
Box 41, Folder 4

220mhz proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the geometric disposition... 1969

General note

Rest of title: ...of the base pairs in the oxidized and reduced pyridine nucleotides
Box 41, Folder 5

Purification and substrate specificities of bacterial hydroxysteroid dehydrogena 1969

Box 41, Folder 6

Potential of measurement of enzyme changes in the evolution of acute... 1969

General note

Rest of title: ...myocardial infraction
Box 41, Folder 7

Accumulation of oxidized dpn in mouse liver after administration of reduced dpn 1970

Box 41, Folder 8

Formation of a ternary complex between diphtheria toxin,... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...aminoacyltransferase II, and dpn
Box 41, Folder 9

Physiological concentrations of lactate dehydrogenases and substrate inhibition 1970

Box 41, Folder 10

Purification and properties of the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...pseudomonas aeruginosa
Box 41, Folder 11

Kinetic charact. of pyrid. nucleotide transhydrogen. from pseudomonas aeruginosa 1970

Box 41, Folder 12

Stereospecificity of hydrogen transfer reactions of pseudomonas aeruginosa... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase
Box 41, Folder 13

220 mhz proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the interaction between... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...chicken m4 lactate dehydrogenase and reduced dpn
Box 41, Folder 14

Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase: further stud. on mult. electrophoretic forms 1970

Box 41, Folder 15

Investigation of the configuration and conformation of... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...n-methyl-n-ethylnicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Box 41, Folder 16

High frequency nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the backbone of... 1970

General note

Rest of title: ...oxidized and reduced pyridine nucleotides
Box 41, Folder 17

Activation effect of 2'-adenylic acid on bacterial transhydrogenases 1970

Box 41, Folder 18

Structure of pyridine coenzymes as related to binding 1970

Box 41, Folder 19

Studies on conform. of mult. forms of chicken heart aspartate aminotransferase 1970

Box 41, Folder 20

Evolution of pyridine nucleotide linked dehydrogenases 1970

Box 41, Folder 21

Autobiography and essays: wanderings of a biochemist 1971

Box 41, Folder 22

Physical & chemical properties of reversibly inactivated lactate dehydrogenases 1971

Box 41, Folder 23

Addition prod. of diphosphopyridine nucleotides with substrates of pyridine... 1971

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases
Box 41, Folder 24

Structure of pyridine nucleotides in solution 1971

Box 41, Folder 25

Role of the reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide in the reactivation of... 1971

General note

Rest of title: ...dogfish muscle lactate dehydrogenase
Box 41, Folder 26

Formation of ternary complexes by dpn-dependent dehydrogenases 1971

Box 41, Folder 27

Comments on the conformation of pyridine coenzymes in aqeous solutions 1971

Box 41, Folder 28

Lactate dehydrogenase specific to the liver of gadoid fish 1972

Box 41, Folder 29

Pyridine nucleotides in norm. and nicotinamide depleted adrenal tumor cell cultu 1972

Box 41, Folder 30

Biologically active catecholamines covalently bound to glass beads 1972

Box 41, Folder 31

Identification of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes by rapid kinetics 1972

Box 41, Folder 32

Association by hydrogen bonding of mononucleotides in aqueous solution 1972

Box 41, Folder 33

Complexes of pyridine nucleotides and their function 1972

Box 41, Folder 34

Regulatory characteristics of lactate dehydrogenases 1972

Box 41, Folder 35

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenases 1972

Box 41, Folder 36

Separate physiological roles for two isozymes of pyridine nucleotide-linked... 1972

General note

Rest of title: ...glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in chicken
Box 41, Folder 37

Allosteric effect of 2'-adenylic acid on the pseudomonas pyridine nucleotide... 1972

General note

Rest of title: ...transhydrogenase
Box 41, Folder 38

Lactate dehydrogenases: structure and function 1972

Box 41, Folder 39

DPN-linked d-lactate dehydrogenases from the horseshoe crab, limulus... 1973

General note

Rest of title: ...polyphemus, and the seaworm, nereis virens
Box 41, Folder 40

Immobilized catecholamine and cocaine effects on contractility of cardiac muscle 1973

Box 41, Folder 41

Conformations of diphosphopyridine coenzymes upon binding to dehydrogenases 1973

Box 41, Folder 42

Immobilized enzymes: catalytic properties of lactate dehydrogenase covalently... 1973

General note

Rest of title: ...attached to glass beads
Box 41, Folder 43

Aminoacid sequence of dogfish m4 lactate dehydrogenase 1973

Box 41, Folder 44

Structure-function relationship in lactate dehydrogenase 1973

Box 41, Folder 45

Apparatus for determin. of kinetic parameters assoc. with immobilized enzymes 1973

Box 41, Folder 46

Hydrogen evolution by a chloroplast-ferredoxin-hydrogenase system 1973

Box 41, Folder 47

Conformational changes induced in dihydrofolate reductase by folates,... 1973

General note

Rest of title: ...pyridine nucleotide coenzymes, and methotrexate
Box 41, Folder 48

Studies on the mitochondrial energy-linked pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase 1973

Box 41, Folder 49

Lactate dehydrogenases: structure and function 1973

Box 41, Folder 50

Stability of catecholamines immobilized on glass beads 1974

Box 41, Folder 51

Purification and separation of pyridine nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases by... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...affinity chromatography techniques
Box 41, Folder 52

Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in flavin adenine dinucleotide 1974

Box 41, Folder 53

Determination of the absolute stereospecificity of the enzymatic reduction of... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...nad+ analogs by means of the primary acid cyclization reaction
Box 41, Folder 54

NADase: types and functions 1974

Box 41, Folder 55

8-(6-aminohexyl)-amino-adenine nucleotide derivat. for affinity chromatograpy 1974

Box 41, Folder 56

Proton relaxation studies of diphosphopyridine coenzymes 1974

Box 41, Folder 57

Structure of the primary acid rearrangement product of reduced nicotinamide... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...adenine dinucleotide (nadh)
Box 41, Folder 58

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase catalyzed hydration of 5-6 double ... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...bond of reduced (b)eta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Formation of b(eta)-6-hydroxy-1,4,5,6-tetrahydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Box 41, Folder 59

Immobilized lactate dehydrogenases 1974

Box 41, Folder 60

Determination of the activity and concentration of immobilized and soluble... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...enzymes by microcalorimetry
Box 41, Folder 61

Lack of detectable change in cyclic amp during the cardiac inotropic response... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...to isoproterenol immoblilized on glass beads
Box 41, Folder 62

On the properties of matrix bound lactate dehydrogenase 1975

Box 41, Folder 63

Kinases and creatine kinases by affinity chromatography 1975

Box 41, Folder 64

Amino acid seq. of tryptic peptides isolated from dogfish m4 lactate dehydrogen. 1975

Box 41, Folder 65

Structure and quantitation of catecholamines covalently bound to glass beads 1975

Box 41, Folder 66

Possible role for glass bead immobilized enzymes as therapeutic agents... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...(immobilized uricase as enzyme therapy for hyperuricemia)
Box 41, Folder 67

Revertants of escherichia coli mutants defective in the cyclic amp system 1975

Box 42, Folder 1

Determination of solution structure of diphosphopyridine coenzymes with... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...paramagnetic shift and broadening reagents
Box 42, Folder 2

Mechanisms of action and biological functions of various dehydrogenase isozymes 1975

Box 42, Folder 3

Purification & properties of malate dehydrogenase from pseudomonas testosteroni 1975

Box 42, Folder 4

New instrum. for rapid determin. of activities of lactate dehydrogen. isoenzymes 1975

Box 42, Folder 5

Alpha beta epimerization of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 1975

Box 42, Folder 6

Characteristics of 8-substituted adenine nucleotide derivatives utilized in... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...affinity chromatography
Box 42, Folder 7

Pyridine nucleosidases from bacillus subtilis and neurospora crassa:... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...isolation and structural properties
Box 42, Folder 8

Pyridine nucleosidase from bacillus subtilis: kinetic properties and... 1975

General note

Rest of title: ...enzyme-inhibitor interactions
Box 42, Folder 9

Some characteristics of nad glychohydrolase from neurospora crassa conidia 1975

Box 42, Folder 10

Biological activity of catecholamines covalently linked to synthetic... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...polymers: proof of immoblilized drug theory
Box 42, Folder 11

Affinity isolation of cultured tumor cells by means of drugs and hormones... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...covalently bound to glass and sepharose beads
Box 42, Folder 12

8-alkylaminoadenyl nucleotides as probes of dehydrogenase interactions with... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotide analogs of different glycosyl comformation
Box 42, Folder 13

Diphtheria toxin effects on human cells in tissue culture 1976

Box 42, Folder 14

Interaction of c13-enriched folate with dihydrofolate reductase studied by... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...carbon magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Box 42, Folder 15

Target directed cancer chemotherapeutical agents 1976

Box 42, Folder 16

Immobilization of hydrogenase on glass beads 1976

Box 42, Folder 17

General ligand affinity chromatography in enzyme purification 1976

Box 42, Folder 18

Proton magnetic resonance study of the intramolecular association and... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...conformation of the alpha and beta pyridine mononucleotides and nucleotides
Box 42, Folder 19

Regulatory properties of the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...pseudomonas aeruginosa. Kinetic studies and fluorescence titration
Box 42, Folder 20

Regulatory properties of the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...pseudomonas aeruginosa. Active enzyme ultracentrifugation studies
Box 42, Folder 21

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from pseudomonas aeruginosa:... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...purification by affinity chromatography and physicochemical properties
Box 42, Folder 22

Determination of hydride transfer stereospecificity of nicotinamide adenine... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...dinucleotide linked oxidoreductases by proton magnetic resonance
Box 42, Folder 23

Proton magnetic resonance studies on the binding of conenzymes to dehydrogenases 1976

Box 42, Folder 24

Insomerization of the binary complex of reduced acetylpyridine adenine... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...dinucleotide and chicken h4 lactate dehydrogenase
Box 42, Folder 25

Investigations into relation. between structure & function of diphtheria toxin 1977

Box 42, Folder 26

Chromatium hydrogenase 1977

Box 42, Folder 27

P31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hela cells 1977

Box 42, Folder 28

Purification of kinases by general ligand affinity chromatography 1977

Box 42, Folder 29

Pseudomonas aeruginosa transhydrogenase: affinity of substrates for the... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...regulatory site and possible hysteric behavior
Box 42, Folder 30

Stereospecificity of bacterial external flavoprotein monooxygenases for... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Box 42, Folder 31

Physical and chemical properties of lactate dehydrogenases in homarus americanus 1977

Box 42, Folder 32

Some of the variables affecting the success of transplantation of human... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...tumors into the athymic nude mouse
Box 42, Folder 33

Active subunits of yeast aldehyde dehydrogenase and chicken muscle... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
Box 42, Folder 34

Nomenclature of pyridine coenzymes 1977

Box 42, Folder 35

Streptozotocin - possible mediation of a cytotoxic action via interaction... 1977

General note

Rest of title: ...with a glucose carrier
Box 42, Folder 36

Disulfide bond connecting the chains of ricin 1978

Box 42, Folder 37

Rationale for stabiliz. of oxyg.-labile enzy.: appl. to a clostridial hydrogen. 1978

Box 42, Folder 38

Enzyme stereospecificities for nicotinamide nucleotides 1978

Box 42, Folder 39

Mechanism of lactic acid oxidation catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase from the.. 1978

General note

Rest of title: ...tail muscle of homarus americanus
Box 42, Folder 40

Approaches to chemotherapy using the athymic nude mouse 1978

Box 42, Folder 41

Proton mag. reson. study of 8-(6-aminohexyl)-aminoadenosine 5'-monophosphate 1978

Box 42, Folder 42

Stereospecificity of intramolecular association of reduced pyridine coenzymes 1978

Box 42, Folder 43

Guanosine nucleotide analogues as general ligands in affinity chromatography 1978

Box 42, Folder 44

Biological activity of isoproterenol covalently linked to synthetic polypeptides 1978

Box 42, Folder 45

Regulation of lactate dehydrogenase synthesis in bacillus subtilis 1978

Box 42, Folder 46

Synthesis of 8-(6-aminohexyl)-amino-gmp and its applications as a general... 1978

General note

Rest of title: ...ligand in affinity chromatography
Box 43, Folder 1

Reproducibility of glass bead immobilized drug preparations 1978

Box 43, Folder 2

Chemical modification of lysines of the toxic lectin ricin 1978

Box 43, Folder 3

Chemical modification of tyrosines of the toxic lectin ricin 1978

Box 43, Folder 4

Irreversible binding of ricin to hela cells 1978

Box 43, Folder 5

Chemical modif. of nadase & its natural protein inhibitor from bacillus subtilis 1978

Box 43, Folder 6

Initial studies on the biological activity of diphtheria toxin 1978

Box 43, Folder 7

Isolation and initial characterization of 1,2-propanediol-utilizing enzyme... 1978

General note

Rest of title: ...from neisseria gonorrhoeae
Box 43, Folder 8

Studies of bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase by analytical affinity... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...chromatography on immobilized amp analogs
Box 43, Folder 9

Passive transfer of lymphocytes from diabetic man to athymic mouse 1979

Box 43, Folder 10

Antineoplastic activity of poly (l-lysine) with some ascites tumor cells 1979

Box 43, Folder 11

Probing sensitivity of p31 nmr chemical shifts to hydrogen bond. to stereochem. 1979

Box 43, Folder 12

Purification of phosphotransacetylase by affinity chromatography 1979

Box 43, Folder 13

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the conformation and configuration... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...of the cyclized pyridine nucleotide adducts
Box 43, Folder 14

Chemical and biological aspects of peptide catecholamine conjugates 1979

Box 43, Folder 15

Chelating agents protect hydrogenase against oxygen inactivation 1979

Box 43, Folder 16

Interaction of c13 (benzoylcarbonyl)-folate and... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...c13 (benzoylcarbonyl)-aminopterin with dihydrofolate reductase
Box 43, Folder 17

Synthesis of 8-(6-aminohexyl)-amino-gtp and gdp and their application as... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...ligands in affinity chromatography
Box 43, Folder 18

Immobilized enzymes in biochemical analysis 1979

Box 43, Folder 19

h1 nmr study of the conform. & config. of cyclized pyridine nucleotide adducts 1979

Box 43, Folder 20

Approaches to stabiliz. of hydrogenase & nitrogenase against oxygen inactivation 1979

Box 43, Folder 21

Assignment of c13 nmr bands of labeled tryptophan in lactobacillus casei... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...dihydrofolate reductase
Box 43, Folder 22

Synthesis and biological activity of 6-amino substituted catecholamines 1979

Box 43, Folder 23

Role of ethanol extractable proteins from the 80s rat liver ribosome 1980

Box 43, Folder 24

Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in athymic and conventional balb/c mice 1980

Box 43, Folder 25

Thermal stabilities of membrane-bound, solubilized, and artificially ... 1980

General note

Rest of title: ...immobilized hydrogenase from chromatium vinosum
Box 43, Folder 26

Highly efficient induct. of type c retroviruses by a human tumor in athymic mice 1980

Box 43, Folder 27

Kamen Symposium draft 1980

Box 43, Folder 28

Purification, properties, and kinetic mechanism of coenzyme a-linked aldehyde... 1980

General note

Rest of title: ...dehydrogenase from clostridium kluyveri
Box 43, Folder 29

Induction of lymphoma in athymic mice: a model for study of the human disease 1980

Box 43, Folder 30

Lectins from chicken tissues are mitogenic for thy-1 negative murine spleen cell 1980

Box 43, Folder 31

New doxorubicin analogs active against doxorubicin-resistant colon tumor... 1980

General note

Rest of title: ...xenografts in the nude mouse
Box 43, Folder 32

On the role of the covalent carbohydrate in the action of ricin 1980

Box 43, Folder 33

Oxidative phosphorylation and atpase activities of human tumor mitochondria 1980

Box 43, Folder 34

Reduced nicotinamide 8-(alkylamino) adenine dinucleotides: enzyme-coenzyme... 1980

General note

Rest of title: ...interactions with different adenyl glycosyl bond conformations
Box 43, Folder 35

Immobilized ricin a chain and its inactivation of ribosomes 1980

Box 43, Folder 36

Polymer & protein bound anthracyclines, synth. & antineoplastic activ. in-vitro 1980

Box 43, Folder 37

Serotonin modulation of norepinephrine-induced increases of adenosine... 1980

General note

Rest of title: ...3',5'-cyclic monophosphate in rat glioma cells
Box 43, Folder 38

Structure and activity of a trypsin nicked ricin 1980

Box 44, Folder 1

Therapeutic response of human tumor xenografts in athymic mice to doxorubicin 1981

Box 44, Folder 2

Creatine kinase isozymes in human tumors 1981

Box 44, Folder 3

Variable atpase composition of human tumor plasma membranes 1981

Box 44, Folder 4

Interleukin 2 is mitogenic for nu/nu and nu/+ murine spleen cells 1981

Box 44, Folder 5

Induction of t- & b-lymphocyte respons. in antigenically stimulated athymic mice 1981

Box 44, Folder 6

Isolation and characterization of plasma membranes from transplantable human... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...astrocytoma, oat cell carcinoma, and melanomas
Box 44, Folder 7

Effect of 4' doxorubicin analogs on heterotransplantation of human tumors in... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...congenitally athymic mice
Box 44, Folder 8

Effect of electron carriers and other ligands on oxygen stability of... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...clostridial hydrogenase
Box 44, Folder 9

Chemotherapy of human colorectal tumor xenografts in athymic mice with... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...clinically active drugs: 5-fluorouracile and 1-3-bis-(-2-chloroehyl)-1-nitrosourea (bcnu). Comparison with doxorubicin derivatives: 4' deoxydoxorubicin and 4'-0-methyldoxorubicin
Box 44, Folder 10

Changing biochemical concepts in cancer research 1981

Box 44, Folder 11

Anticellular activity of human interferons 1981

Box 44, Folder 12

Biological functions of lactate dehydrogenase 1981

Box 44, Folder 13

Activity of cancer chemotherapy agents against human colorectal carcinomas... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...grown as primary tissue culture
Box 44, Folder 14

Monovalent ricinus communis agglutinin: comparisons to ricin 1981

Box 44, Folder 15

Trigon of host, tumor and anthracycline in single drug and combination therapy 1981

Box 44, Folder 16

Comparative antineoplastic activity of n-trifluoroacetyl... 1981

General note

Rest of title: ...adriamycin-14-valerate and doxorubicin against human tumors xenografted into athymic mice.
Box 44, Folder 17

Induction of lymphoma in antignically stimulated athymic mice 1982

Box 44, Folder 18

Remarks on science and society 1982

Box 44, Folder 19

Activity of the acidic phosphoproteins from the 80s rat liver ribosome 1982

Box 44, Folder 20

Induction of sarcomas in athymic mice 1982

Box 44, Folder 21

Differentiation and activation of nu/nu splenic t cell precursors by mature... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...peripheral t cells in the absence of thymus
Box 44, Folder 22

In vitro responses of nude mouse-xenografted human colon carcinomas exposed... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...to doxorubicin derivatives in tissue culture and in the mouse
Box 44, Folder 23

Action of ricin a-chain on ribosomes 1982

Box 44, Folder 24

Acid phosphatase in the plasma membranes of human astrocytoma showing marked... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...specificity toward phosphotyrosine protein
Box 44, Folder 25

Induction of a t-cell-like response in athymic mice 1982

Box 44, Folder 26

Human tumor-induced expression of endogenous murine leukemia viruses of... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...athymic mice
Box 44, Folder 27

Antiproliferative assay for human interferons 1982

Box 44, Folder 28

Effective interferons in nude mice 1982

Box 44, Folder 29

Effects of specific amino acid modification upon catalytic & regulatory propert. 1982

Box 44, Folder 30

Lack of potentiation of combination chemotherapy with 5-fu and... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...4' deoxydoxorubicin: I.Treatment of human colorectal tumors transplanted into athymic nude mice
Box 44, Folder 31

Monoclonal antibody and an antibody-toxin conjugate to a cell surface... 1983

General note

Rest of title: ...proteoglycan of melanoma cells suppress in vivo tumor growth
Box 44, Folder 32

Amplification of the murine leukemia virus mr 70,000 glycoprotein gene... 1983

General note

Rest of title: ...product by human xenografts in athymic mice
Box 44, Folder 33

Antitumor activity and cardiotoxicity in mice of a new doxorubicin analog:... 1983

General note

Rest of title: ...4-demethoxy-4'-0-methyldoxorubicin
Box 44, Folder 34

Poly (l-lysine) as an antineoplastic agent and tumor-specific drug carrier 1983

Box 45, Folder 1

Correlation of drug sensitivity on human colon adenocarcinoma cells grown in... 1983

General note

Rest of title: ...soft agar and in athymic mice
Box 45, Folder 2

Characterization of catecholamine-polypeptide conjugates 1983

Box 45, Folder 3

Historical perspectives on purification of biomolecules 1983

Box 45, Folder 4

Leukemia virus-related protein in the murine pancreas 1984

Box 45, Folder 5

Use of athymic mice in the screening of new anthracycline derivatives 1984

Box 45, Folder 6

In vivo synergestic anti-tumor effect of a mouse monoclonal antibody to... 1984

General note

Rest of title: ...human prostrate carcinoma
Box 45, Folder 7

Kinetics of protein synthesis inactivation in human t-lymphocytes by... 1984

General note

Rest of title: ...selective monoclonal antibody ricin conjugates
Box 45, Folder 8

Lactate dehydrogenase manuscript 1984

Box 45, Folder 9

Model studies and biological activity of analogs 1984

Box 45, Folder 10, Oversize FB01011

Demonstration of separate phosphotyrosol- and phosphoseryl-histone... 1985

General note

Rest of title: ...phosphatase activities in the plasma membranes of a human astrocytoma; 4 oversize items from this folder were placed in an oversize/flat box
Box 45, Folder 11

Studies on oncogenesis in the athymic mice 1985

Box 45, Folder 12

History of the pyridine nucleotides 1985

Box 45, Folder 13

Experiences in biochemistry 1985

Box 45, Folder 14

Role of pyridine nucleotides in regulating cellular metabolism 1985



Box 45, Folder 15

Assay of td activity with tpnh-tndpn and of dd activity with dpnh-apdpn

Box 45, Folder 16

Binding of c4 deuterium-labeled reduced coenzyme analogs to dehydrogenases

Box 45, Folder 17

Binding of pyridine nucleotides to diphtheria toxin

Box 45, Folder 18

Characterization of a novel enzyme from neisseria gonorrhoeae

Box 45, Folder 19

Chemistry and pharmacology of catecholamines and other low molecular weight...

General note

Rest of title: ...ligands conjugated to carriers
Box 45, Folder 20

Control of the synthesis of malate dehydrogenase in aerobacter aerogenes

Box 45, Folder 21

Determination of isoenzymes of dehydrogenases and kinases by assays with...

General note

Rest of title: ...coenzyme analogs
Box 45, Folder 22

Evolution of dehydrogenases

Box 45, Folder 23

Evolutionary changes in electrophoretic mobility and temperature stability of...

General note

Rest of title: ...lactic dehydrogenases
Box 45, Folder 24

In vitro activation of ricin and nicked diphtheria toxins by lysosomes

Box 45, Folder 25


Box 45, Folder 26

Miscellaneous drafts

Box 45, Folder 27

Molecular basis for inherited disorders

Box 46, Folder 1

NMR studies of binding diphosphopyridine coenzymes to diphtheria toxin and...

General note

Rest of title: ...its a fragments
Box 46, Folder 2

Parallel evolution of enzymes

Box 46, Folder 3

Pyridine coenzymes

Box 46, Folder 4

Pyridine nucleotides

Box 46, Folder 5

Serial serum lactic dehydrogenase determin. as an index of cancer chemotherapy

Box 46, Folder 6

Target directed cancer chemotherapeutical agents

Box 46, Folder 7

Usefulness of the athymic nude mice in the cancer research: experimental...

General note

Rest of title: ...chemotherapy


Box 46, Folder 8

Arnold, L. J. and K. S. You - Determination of the hydride transfer... 1978

General note

Rest of title: ...stereospecificity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide linked enzymes by proton magnetic resonance
Box 46, Folder 9

Brodelius, Peter - Industrial applications of immobilized biocatalysts 1978

Box 46, Folder 10

Buonassisi, V. - Hormone and neurotransmitter receptors in an established...

General note

Rest of title: ...endothelial cell line; n.d.
Box 46, Folder 11

Driscoll, Gerry - malic dehydrogenase draft 1965

Box 46, Folder 12

Eppenberger, H. - enzyme creatine kinase draft 1968

Box 46, Folder 13

Everse, Johannes - miscellaneous drafts, 1960's and n.d.

Box 46, Folder 14

Everse, Johannes and L. Bernstein - Studies on the binary & ternary complexes... 1974

General note

Rest of title: ...formed by chicken heart mitochondrial malate
Box 46, Folder 15

Everse, Johannes - Warburg paper draft 1963

Box 46, Folder 16

Fondy, T. - Diphosphopyridine nucleotide-c14 (carboxyl-c14-nicotinamide)...

General note

Rest of title: ...(carboxyl-c14-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide); n.d.
Box 46, Folder 17

Klibanov, A. M. - Immobilization as a method of enzyme stabilization against...

General note

Rest of title: ...inactivation by ionizing radiation; n.d.
Box 46, Folder 18

Klibanov, A. M. and N. M. Weare - Oxygen inactivation and stabilization of... 1979

General note

Rest of title: ...azotobacter nitrogenase
Box 46, Folder 19

Knowles, A. F., R. Isler and J. Reece - Common occurrence of atp... 1982

General note

Rest of title: ...diphosphohydrolase in mammalian plasma membranes
Box 46, Folder 20

Lee, Chi-Yu - Preparation of 8-(6-aminohexyl)-amino-nad+; n.d.

Box 46, Folder 21

Lee, Chi-Yu - Yeast aldehyde dehydrogenase 1978

Box 46, Folder 22

Sarich, V. M. - Quantitative immunochemistry and the evolution of primate...

General note

Rest of title: ...albumins: I. Microcomplement fixation; n.d.
Box 46, Folder 23

Sund, H., H. Diekmann and K. Wallenfels - Hydrogen transfer by pyridine... 1964

General note

Rest of title: ...nucleotides
Box 46, Folder 24

Tedro, S. M., T. Meyer and M. Kamen - Primary structure of a high potential... 1976

General note

Rest of title: ...iron-sulpher protein from a moderately halophilic denitrifying coccus
Box 46, Folder 25

Zirvi et al. - Assays of drug sensitivity for cells from human colon...

General note

Rest of title: ...adenoarcinoma: in vitro and in vivo tests on a xenografted tumor; n.d.