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Guide to the Leonard Matlovich Papers, 1961-1988 (Bulk 1975-1988)
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Series I : Correspondence 1975

Box 1, Folder 1

Correspondence 1975 [Alabama]

Folder 2

_______, [Arizona]

Folder 3

_______, California [1 of 2]

Folder 4

_______, California [2 of 2]

Folder 5

_______, Colorado

Folder 6

_______, Connecticut

Folder 7

_______, Delaware

Folder 8

_______, Florida

Folder 9

_______, Georgia

Folder 10

_______, Hawaii

Folder 11

_______, Idaho

Folder 12

_______, Illinois

Folder 13

_______, Indiana

Folder 14

_______, Iowa

Folder 15

_______, Kansas

Folder 16

_______, Kentucky

Folder 17

_______, Louisiana

Folder 18

_______, Maine

Folder 19

_______, Maryland

Folder 20

_______, Massachusetts

Folder 21

_______, Michigan

Folder 22

_______, Minnesota

Folder 23

_______, Mississippi

Folder 24

_______, Missouri

Folder 25

_______, Nebraska

Folder 26

_______, Nevada

Folder 27

_______, New Hampshire

Folder 28

_______, New Jersey

Folder 29

_______, New Mexico

Folder 30

_______, New York [1 of 2]

Folder 31

_______, New York [2 of 2]

Folder 32

_______, North Carolina

Folder 33

_______, North Dakota

Folder 34

_______, Ohio

Folder 35

_______, Oklahoma

Folder 36

_______, Oregon

Folder 37

_______, Pennsylvania

Folder 38

_______, Rhode Island

Folder 39

_______, South Carolina

Folder 40

_______, South Dakota

Folder 41

_______, Tennesee

Folder 42

_______, Texas

Folder 43

_______, Vermont

Folder 44

_______, Virginia

Folder 45

_______, Washinton [State]

Folder 46

_______, Washington, D.C.

Folder 47

_______, West Virginia

Folder 48

_______, Wisconsin

Folder 49

_______, Canada

Folder 50

_______, Germany and Foreign

Folder 51

_______, [Address]


Series II : Correspondence In, 1961-1987

Box 1, Folder 52

Correspondence In, 1961-1974

Folder 53

_______, 1975

Folder 54

_______, 1976

Folder 55

_______, 1977

Folder 56

_______, January 1978 - July 1978

Folder 57

_______, August 1978

Folder 58

_______, September 1978

Folder 59

_______, October 1978

Folder 60

_______, November 1978

Folder 61

_______, 1 December 1978-15 December 1978

Folder 62

_______, 16 December 1978-31 December 1978

Folder 63

_______, January 1979 - February 1979

Folder 64

_______, March 1979 - April 1979

Folder 65

_______, May 1979 - November 1979

Folder 66

_______, December 1979

Folder 67

_______, January 1980 - September 1980

Folder 68

_______, October 1980

Folder 69

_______, November 1980

Folder 70

_______, 1 December 1980-15 December 1980

Folder 71

_______, 16 December 1980-31 December 1980

Box 2, Folder 1

Correspondence In, 1981

Folder 2

_______, 1982-1987

Folder 3

_______, Undated and/or Unidentified, A-M

Folder 4

_______, Undated and/or Unidentified, N-Z


Series III : Correspondence

Box 2, Folder 5

Correspondence In, Allen, Joseph

Folder 6

_______, Alvarez, Manuel

Folder 7

_______, Anelli, Joe G.

Folder 8

_______, Betty (Aunt)

Folder 9

_______, Biggs, Tim R.

Folder 10

_______, Bill and Roger

Folder 11

_______, Blair, Fred

Folder 12

_______, Boley, Gary

Folder 13

_______, Comer, Jack

Folder 14

_______, Harvey, Patrick

Folder 15

_______, Kameny, Franklin E.

Folder 16

_______, LeBeau, Lee

Folder 17

_______, Meek, Ardolt

Folder 18

_______, Montana, Lee

Folder 19

_______, Page, Joe

Folder 20

_______, Peterson, Alan

Folder 21

_______, Platt-Rayfield, McLellan (aka Maqu4es)

Folder 22

_______, Puryear, Mike

Folder 23

_______, Rappoport, Stephen S.

Folder 24

_______, Rivenberg, Russ

Folder 25

_______, Rumbarger, Jim

Folder 26

_______, Sevier, Al

Folder 27

_______, Smith, C.R. (Joe)

Folder 28

_______, Sullivan, Norman

Folder 29

_______, Timmie, Dave and Matthew

Folder 30

_______, Van Hook, Steve


Series IV : Air Force Case

Box 2, Folder 31

Air Force Case, Your Letter 6 Mar 75, Capt Collins 10 Mar 75

Folder 32

_______, [Your Letter 6 March 75 Lt. Col. Ritchie 13 March 75]

Folder 33

_______, [Your Letter 6 Mar 75 Col. Thorgersen 14 Mar 75]

Folder 34

_______, [Your Letter 6 Mar 75 Gen. Dixon 14 Mar 75]

Folder 35

_______, [Letter of Notification Lt. Col. Ritchie 20 May 75 Discharge]

Folder 36

_______, Request for Delay in Commenting on Referral Airman Performance. Reploy to Lt. Col. Schofield 3 June 75

Folder 37

_______, Rebuttal to Referral Airmans Performance Report 10 Jun 75

Folder 38

_______, 1st Endorsing Official Referral Airman Performance Report Lt. Col. Schofield

Folder 39

_______, Rebuttal to 1st Endorsing Official Referral Airman Performance Report 20 June 75

Folder 40

_______, Answer to Request for Delay AFM 39-12 Board Proceedings 21 July 75

Folder 41

_______, Message from Secretary of Air Force 21 Oct 75

Folder 42

_______, Request for Delay in Discharge 21 Oct 75

Folder 43

_______, Consideration for Promotion Lt. Col. Ritchie 1 Apr 75

Folder 44

_______, Notice of Amdended Hearing Date Lt. Col. Applegate 16 Jul 75

Folder 45

_______, [Discharge Orders]

Folder 46

_______, [Air Force Board of Corrections]

Folder 47

_______, [Letter of Notification]

Folder 48

_______, [Boggan Letters]

Folder 49

_______, [Commander's Report, Addendum to Letter of Notification]

Folder 50

_______, [Airman Performance Report]

Folder 51

_______, [Sgt. Performance Report]

Folder 52

_______, [Declaration, Defendants, Submission]

Folder 53

_______, [Military Leave]

Folder 54

_______, letter [August 6, 1975]

Folder 55

_______, letter 22 October 1975

Folder 56

_______, [Brief]

Folder 57

_______, [Briefs, Statements, Memoranda]

Folder 58

_______, [Opinion]

Folder 59

Air Force Case, [Appeals, Correspondence, Reports]

Folder 60

_______, [Denial of Promotion]

Folder 61

_______, [Appendix]

Folder 62

_______, [National Veterans Law Center 1979]

Folder 63

_______, [September 9, 1980 Hearing]

Folder 64

_______, [Settlement]

Folder 65

_______, Misc. 1980

Folder 66

_______, [Federal Register]


Series V : Subject Files

Box 2, Folder 67


Folder 68

"Airboy" Comic Book, Signed

Folder 69

Air Force - Early Documents and Materials

Folder 70

_______, Certificate from U.S.A.F. extension class correspondence

Folder 71

_______, Security Clearance

Folder 72

Anti-gay Religious Pamphlets and Flyers

Folder 73

Awards, Honors, etc.

Folder 74

Bartending Certificate and Union Card

Folder 75

Birth Certificate

Folder 76

Boggan and Thom : Attorneys

Folder 77

Coming Home Hospice - Certificate of Appreciation

Folder 78

Complaints re: Al Sevier

Folder 79


Folder 80

Dade County - Anti-gay Materials

Folder 81

_______, "Pro-Homo"

Folder 82

_______, Notes for Speeches

Folder 83

_______, Defense Race Relations Institute Signs and Symbols : Reference Book

Folder 84


Folder 85

Directories - San Francisco 1978 [Golden Gate Business Association, New Directions]

Folder 86

Enlisted Times, clippings, etc.

Folder 87


Folder 88

Greater San Diego Business Association Luncheon

Folder 89

Higher Ground, Inc. - Bylaws, Proposed Activities

Folder 90

"Homosexuality in the Military : A Workshop"

Folder 91


Folder 92

International Star Registry

Folder 93

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund

Folder 94

Latter Day Saints

Folder 95

_______, Trial 1979

Folder 96

_______, Affirmation

Folder 97

_______, Pamphlets

Folder 98

Matlovich Foundation

Folder 99

_______, Yellow Star and Pink Triangle

Folder 100

Memorabilia - Miscellaneous

Folder 101

Miller, Merle

Folder 102

Misc. Gay Leaflets and Pamphlets

Folder 103

Never Forget

Folder 104

New Line Presentations [1 of 2]

Folder 105

_______, [2 of 2]

Folder 106

New York (Troy) - Anti-Discrimination Law

Folder 107

New York Times : Abstracts of Articles

Folder 108

News Releases

Folder 109

No on Prop. 6 - Texas Fundraising

Folder 110


Folder 111

Pizza Recipe

Folder 112

Property - Okaloosa County, Florida

Folder 113

Purple Heart Certificate

Folder 114

Race Relations Materials

Folder 115

Release - Henry Walker, Inc. 1977

Folder 116

Resume Materials

Box 3, Folder 1

Right Wing Letters : Kennedy Assasination, addressed to Hubert Humphrey

Folder 2

Ring-Ting-A-Ling Productions, Inc.

Folder 3

Russian River Property [Guerneville, Calif.]

Folder 4

_______, Advertisments

Folder 5

Scene B. Machine, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oct. 1975

Folder 6

Scrapbook (Military Career)

Folder 7

Sevier, Al

Folder 8

Sodomy Case : U.S. vs. Reginald S. Scoby, Private, U.S. Army

Folder 9

Sonoma County - Human Service Commission

Folder 10

_______, Revenue Sharing 1982

Folder 11

Speaking Engagements

Folder 12

_______, Philadelphia

Folder 13

Supervisors Race [San Francisco]

Folder 14

The Times Magazine, February 20, 1978

Folder 15

Time, September 8, 1975 - Cover Story

Folder 16

Tommorow Entertainment, Inc.

Folder 17

Tommorow Entertainment, Inc. Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force (Script) 9/10/76

Folder 18

_______, 1/10/77

Folder 19

Tommorow Entertainment, Inc. Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force (Script) 2/16/77

Folder 20

Veterans Administration


Series VI: Photographs

Box 3, Folder 21

Photographs of LM

Folder 22

_______, LM's Family Members

Folder 23

_______, LM with Family Members

Folder 24

_______, LM's Friends

Folder 25

_______, LM with Friends

Folder 26

_______, High School

Folder 27

_______, Military

Folder 28

_______, Pets

Folder 29

_______, Political Speeches

Folder 30

_______, Residences

Folder 31

_______, Scrapbooks

Folder 32

_______, Vacation

Folder 33

_______, Negatives

Folder 34

_______, Slides


Series VII: Audiotapes and Videotapes

Box 3, Folder 35

The Tommorrow Show, 1 Dec. 80


Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force

Folder 36



3-3 mm reel-to-reel audiotapes


1 cassette: "History of Racism"


2 cassettes: BACABI May 12, Rally, Parts 1 & 2


1 cassette: unidentified


1 cassette: Matlovich Notes, 4/28/88


Series VIII : Newspaper Clippings

Additional Note

* Files hold oversized items from other parts of the collection
Box 4, Folder 1

Newpaper Clippings, pre-1975

Folder 2

_______, January - September 1975

Folder 3

_______, October - December 1975

Folder 4

_______, 1976

Folder 5

_______, 1977

Folder 6

_______, 1978

Folder 7

_______, 1979

Folder 8

_______, 1980

Folder 9

_______, 1981

Folder 10

_______, 1982-1988

Folder 11

_______, Date Unknown

Box *4, Folder 12

Air Force Case [Briefs, Statements, Memoranda] [1 of 2]

Folder 13

_______, [2 of 2]

Folder 14

_______, Photocopy of Settlement Check

Folder 15

Awards, Honors, etc.

Folder 16

U.S. Civil Service Commission : Personal Qualifications Statement

Folder 17

Hawthorn Books Contract


Series IX : Mementos, etc.

Additional Note

Because of the odd size and shape of these items, they are housed in two separate locations: Boxes 3 and 4.
Box 3

AC 66 Leaders Patch


Bronze Star


Dog Tags




34 Patch


Rosary Beads


Buddha Figurine


Bracelet: "Mat"


Bracelet: "Len Matlovich"


Political Buttons


T-shirt: Time Cover


T-shirt: Fighting for Our Lives!



Box 4
