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Abandoned to Boar's Tooth Ceremonial.
Bob Mathias Story to Close Harmony.
Cole, Carol to Davis, Robert.
Davis, Sammy to Four Feathers.
Four for Texas to Hoosman, Alabama.
Horne, Lena to Khartoum.
The Kid from Left Field to Lonesome Road.
Lone Star Motion Picture Producers to Moving Picture History.
Moving Picture Industry to The Nun's Story.
Oceans 11 to Quinn, Carol.
Rachel, Rachel to Still, William Grant.
Stop the World, I Want to Get Off to end.
Abrams, Richard (Dick)
The Accused
Adams, Joe
Advise and Consent
Afro-American Film Exhibitors
Ajala, Mashood Olabisi
Aldridge, Ira
Ali, Muhammad
All Young Men
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
Amos and Andy
Anderson, Cat William
Anderson, Garland
Anderson, Ivie
Anderson, Marion
Anderson, Myrtle
Anna Lucasta
Apollo Theatre
Armstrong, Henry
Armstrong, Louis Satchmo
Arnold, Jeanne
Attaway, Ruth
Attaway, William
Bailey, Bill
Bailey, Pearl
Baird, Harry
Baker, Josephine
Baker, LaVerne
Baldwin, James
Band of Angels
Baron, Merville, Dr.
Basie, Count
Baskette, Jimmy
Beard, Renee
Beavers, Louise
Bed of Fear
Belafonte, Dennis
Belafonte Enterprise
Belafonte, Harry
Ben Hur, Jorge
Benton, Brook
Bilbrew, Mrs. A.C.
Birth of a Nation
Birth of a Race
Black Like Me
Black Magic
Black Musicians' Union
The Blacks
Blair, Sally
Blake, Eubie
Blake, Sam
Bliss of Mrs. Blossom
The Blossoms
Booker Tee Film Exchange
Bowman, Laura
Boy, What a Girl
Boyd, Mildred
Boyd, Mona
Boyer, Anise
Boyer, Elizabeth
Bradford, Perry
Bradley, Harold
Bradley, Jimmy
Bright Road
Brooks, Clarence
Brooks, Hazel
Brooks, Lucius
Brooks, Shelton
Broomfield, Leroy
Brown, Anne
Brown, Claude
Brown, Everett
Brown, Harry
Brown, James
Browne, Roscoe Lee
The Brute (Micheaux 1920)
Bryant, Joyce
Bryant, Marie
Bryant, Walter
Buck and Bubbles
Bufford, Daisy
Bunche, Ralph J.
Burke, Georgia
Burleigh, Harry T.
Burrell, Walter
Burton, Jeff
Burwell, Evelyn
Bush, Anita
Butterbeans and Suzie
By Right of Birth (Lincoln 1920)
Byrd, Anthony
Cabin in the Sky (MGM)
Caesar and Cleopatra
Calloway, Cab
Calloway, Chris
Calomee, Gloria
Cambridge, Godfrey
Cameron, Earl
Canty, Marietta
Capers, Virginia
Carey, Tim
Carmen Jones (Fox/play 1955)
Carpenter, Thelma
Carr, Georgia
Carroll, Diahann
Carter, Benny
Carter, Carol
Carter, Jack
Carter, Mel
Cartlett, Sid
Carver, George Washington (1954)
Casey, Bernie
Cass Timberlane (MGM 1947)
The Chariotters
Charles, Ezzard
Checker, Chubby
Chenault, Lawrence
Childress, Alvin
Cincone, Don
Clanton, Hampton
Clarke, Byron
Clarke, Shirley
Clay, Mark
Clay, Willie
Clifford, J.W.
Clisby, Jack
Clough, Inez
Cohee, Regina
Cole, Carol
Cole, Cozy
Cole, Mildred
Cole, Nat King
Cole, Robert
Collins, Claude
Collins, Janet
Collins, Leroy
Colored Americans War Film (1918)
Colored American Winning His Suit (Doug. 1919)
Colored and Indian Film Company (1917)
Colored Champions of Sport (Newsreel 1940)
Colored Players Film Corporation
Colored Troops at Chillicotho
Comfort, Madi
Confessions of Nat Turner (Fox 1967)
Congo Film Service
Conley, Onest
Connie's Inn Revue
Cooley, Isabelle
Cooper, Clarence
Cooper, Ralph
Cornell, Ann
Cosby, Bill
Cote, Bobbie
Cotton Club
Cotton Club Orchestra
Cotton Comes to Harlem (United Artists 1966)
Courage (Eagle-Lion <