Register of the Sidney Hook papers
1902 December 20 | Born, New York City |
1927 | Author, The Metaphysics of Pragmatism |
Ph.D., Columbia University | |
1927-1969 | Professor of Philosophy, Washington Square College, New York University |
1933 | Author, Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx |
1936 | Author, From Hegel to Marx |
1939 | Author, John Dewey: An Intellectual Portrait |
1940 | Author, Reason, Social Myths and Democracy |
1943 | Author, The Hero in History |
1946 | Author, Education for Modern Man |
1948-1969 | Head, All-University Department of Philosophy, New York University |
1953 | Author, Heresy, Yes, Conspiracy, No |
1955 | Author, Marx and the Marxists |
1957 | Author, Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment |
1959 | Author, Political Power and Personal Freedom |
1961 | Author, The Quest for Being |
1962 | Author, The Paradoxes of Freedom |
1967 | Author, Religion in a Free Society |
1970 | Author, Academic Freedom and Academic Anarchy |
1973 | Author, Education and the Taming of Power |
1973-1989 | Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace |
1974 | Author, Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life |
1975 | Author, Revolution, Reform and Social Justice |
1980 | Author, Philosophy and Public Policy |
1983 | Author, Marxism and Beyond |
1987 | Author, Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the Twentieth Century |
1989 July 12 | Died, Stanford, California |
1990 | Author, Convictions (published posthumously) |
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Awards. Certificates, clippings, miscellany, and congratulatory letters from Michael Deaver and others 1927-1985
Bibliographies 1942-1977
Biographical sketches 1950-1988
Clippings and printed articles
Clippings, Pictorial 1938-1974
Communist opinion. Letters, clippings, articles and translations, relating to Soviet and American communist opinion of Sidney Hook. Includes letters by J. B. S. Hardman, Granville Hicks, Wolfgang Krah and Morris U. Schappes, and an article by V. J. Jerome 1933-1979,
Correspondence 1924-1989
Miscellany 1902-1983
Quotations. Letters, typescript by James Stockdale, and printed matter 1943-1987
Retirement, 1968. Clippings and congratulatory letters 1968-1969
Retirement 1973
Clippings 1972-1973
Correspondence 1972-1973
General. Identification card, memorandum, and correspondence 1927-1966
Asia 1971
Clippings 1971
Correspondence 1971-1972
Miscellany 1971
Schedules 1971
Germany and Russia, Program and post cards, 1928-1929 1928-1929.
Recommendations 1937-1989
Students and teaching 1927-1988
Abbagnano, Nicola 1955
Abramovitz, Moses 1985
Abrams, Elliott 1984
Abt, Lawrence Edwin 1969-1985
Adamic, Louis 1938
Adams, Marion G. 1973-1975
Adelson, Joe 1989
Adler, Max 1936-1937
Adler, Mortimer 1984
Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. 1954
Agassi, J. 1958
Albert, Ethel M. 1958
Alchon, Guy 1989
Aldrich, Virgil 1961
Alfred A. Knopf Company 1963
Allard, Gerry 1954
Alldredge, Charles 1947
Allen, Richard V. 1981
Allen, Will 1949
Alpern, Sara 1983-1985
Alston, William P. 1956
Amalgamated Housing Corporation 1964
American Academy of Political and Social Science 1950-1960
American Affairs 1948
American Association of University Professors 1936-1987
American Association of University Women 1948-1966
American Bar Association. Standing Committee on Education about Communism and Its Contrast with Liberty under Law 1963-1969
American Broadcasting Company 1982
American Catholic Philosophical Association 1965
American China Policy Association (Alfred Kohlberg) 1950
American Committee for Emigre Scholars, Writers and Artists 1947-1950
American Council for Judaism 1946-1964
American Council of Learned Societies 1947-1961
American Council on NATO 1953
American Design Awards 1950-1951
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 1975-1984
American Friends of the Hebrew University 1951-1954
American Jewish Committee 1946-1957
American Jewish Congress 1947-1974
American Jewish Literary Foundation 1960
American Journal of Sociology 1929
American League Against War and Fascism (Harry F. Ward) 1935-1948
American Philosophical Society 1954
American Political Science Association 1948-1978
American Political Science Review 1957-1973
American Psychological Association 1958
American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 1970
American Scholar 1948-1989
American Schools of Oriental Research 1948-1949
American Spectator (R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.) 1982-1988
American Unitarian Association 1953
American Whig-Cliosophic Society 1950
Amnesty International 1983
Amos, Wayne 1949
Anderson, John 1938, 1987
Anderson, Martin 1981-1987
Andrews, John K., Jr. 1985-1987
Andron, Mort 1950
Angoff, Allan 1957
Anti-Defamation League 1956-1985
Antioch College 1949-1969
Antonovich, Michael D. 1984
Aristotelian Society 1949-1951
Arizona. University 1946-1959
Armour, Richard 1974
Armstrong, David 1972
Arnheim, Rudolf 1955
Arnold, Thurman 1936
Aronsohn, Lillian Segal 1977-1988
Arvin, Newton 1932-1943
Asahina, Robert 1984-1988
Ascoli, Max 1954-1969
Ash, Kathleen M. 1941-1974
Asia and World Institute 1983
Asia Foundation 1955-1960
Asia Society 1959-1960
Atkins, Dale M. 1970
Atkins, Elisha n.d.
Atlas, James n.d.
Auden, W. H. 1968-1969
Auerbach, Carl 1980-1988
Axtelle, George E. 1952
Ayer, A. J. 1942-1948
Bacciocco, Edward J., Jr. 1982-1984
Bachman, Joseph P. 1987-1988
Bailey, Forrest 1931
Bailey, J. Michael 1988
Balabanoff, Angelica 1939
Balch, Emily G. 1950
Ballantine, H. Thomas, Jr. 1949
Baltzly, Alexander 1981
Balz, Albert G. A. 1941-1948
Bar-Hillel, Y. 1955
Bar-Levav, Reuven 1988
Barcan, Rose 1942
Barchas, Isaac D. 1989
Bard College 1946-1949
Bark, Dennis 1984-1987
Baron, Joseph L. 1942
Barrett, William 1946-1958
Bartley, William 1985-1988
Barzun, Jacques 1969-1972
Bates, Ernest 1939
Bauer-Mengelberg, Stefan 1984-1989
Baumann, Fred 1980-1989
Bawer, Bruce 1985
Beacon Press 1948-1952
Beale, Will 1948
Beard, Charles A. 1930-1944
Beattie, Paul H. 1972-1987
Beatty, Jack 1985-1988
Becker, Carl 1940
Beichman, Arnold 1974-1988
Bell, Daniel 1942-1988
Bellamy, Mary 1983-1989
Bellefroid, E. 1985
Bellow, Saul 1988
Benjamin, Jack 1961
Bennett, John C. 1936
Bennett, William J. 1982
Bennington College 1936-1960
Bentley, Arthur F. 1957
Bentley, Eric 1956
Berger, Samuel D. 1972
Bergmann, Gustav 1970-1971
Berke, Jacqueline 1970-1972
Berkson, I. B. 1952
Bernstam, Mikhail 1983-1985
Bernstein, Richard 1985-1988
Besangon, Alain 1983
Bethell, Tom 1987
Bettelheim, Bruno 1969
Bevan, Ruth A. 1968-1989
Billikopf, Jacob n.d.
Billington, James H. 1984
Bingham, Alfred M. 1959
Bingham, Colin 1967?
Biser, Erwin 1946
Black, Virginia 1972-1984
Black Mountain College 1944-1945
Blanshard, Brand 1944-1985
Blinken, Donald M. 1985-1989
Bloom, Sol 1948
Bluefarb, Sam 1967-1976
Blum, Alex 1962-1989
Blum, Edith H. 1980
Blumberg, Alfred 1933
Boas, George 1938-1948
Bochenski, I. M. 1949
Bodmer, Frederick 1945
Boettinger, Henry M. 1969
Bohnert, Herbert G. 1969
Bondy, Francois 1956
Book League of America 1930
Boone, Walter S. 1989
Bornemann, Alfred H. 1981
Borovoy, A. Alan 1980-1986
Boscaino, Frank 1967
Boston University 1952-1955
Bowers, Claude 1942
Braithwaite, R. B. 1961
Brandeis, Louis 1933
Brandeis University 1948-1980
Brandt, Betty 1967-1968
Brann, Henry W. 1941-1942
Brattleboro Reformer, 1984
Braude, Ben B. 1975-1982
Braun, Ethel 1975-1978
Bremer, John 1978
Bretall, Robert W. 1969
Bridgman, P. W. 1938
Brightman, Edgar S. 1936-1946
Brinton, Crane 1937
Broad, C. D. 1922-1953
Brodsky, Bernard 1985
Brodsky, Mrs. Ralph Howard 1935
Bronstein, Daniel J. 1945-1949
Brookings Institution 1958-1961
Brooklyn College 1942-1968
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture 1942-1957
Brooks, Van Wyck 1940
Brown, Elmer E. 1930
Brown, H. C. 1931
Brown, John M. 1958-1959
Brown University 1959-1965
Brucker, Herbert 1956
Bryan, Walter R. 1952
Bryn Mawr College 1948-1982
Brzeski, Andrzej 1984
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 1981-1984
Buchanan, Patrick 1985-1986
Buchanan, Scott 1942-1943
Buchler, Justus 1942
Buckley, Priscilla 1984
Buckley, William F., Jr. 1960-1989
Budenz, Mary Rodgers 1987
Bullert, Gary 1985-1986
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 1948-1952
Bunzel, John H. 1978-1984
Burke, Kenneth 1933-1936
Burnet, John 1923-1925
Burnham, James 1938-1982
Burress, Richard 1985-1988
Burtt, E. A. 1946-1982
Bush, Wendell T. 1929-1930
Cahn, Edmond 1956
Cahn, Judah 1968
Cairns, Dorion 1938
Cairns, Huntington 1941-1949
Caldwell, Gaylon L. 1970
Calhoun, Robert Lowry 1935
California. University 1948-1977
The Call Association 1951
Calverton, V. F. 1930-1935
Cam, Helen 1953
Cambridge University 1962-1976
Campbell, Glenn 1984-1989
Campbell, Norman 1922
Campbell, Rita R. 1973-1975
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1958-1964
Canadian Institute on Public Affairs 1958
Cannon, Howard W. 1975
Capaldi, Nicholas 1982-1987
Caplan, David 1985-1989
Cargill, Oscar 1952-1953
Carlsen, Robin Woodsworth 1982
Carlson, Harry 1969
Carmichael, Joel 1984-1988
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1960
Carnegie Institute of Technology 1958-1959
Carson, Clayborne 1985
Carus, M. Blouke 1987
Case Western Reserve University 1948-1967
Cate, Curtis 1985-1988
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1959-1977
Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults 1953-1955
Center for the Survival of Western Democracies 1979
Chamberlain, John 1935
Chamberlain, Park 1968-1989
Chamberlin, William Henry 1952
Chandler, Albert H. 1945
Chapman, John 1976
Chapman, S. J. 1923
Cheney, Lynne V. 1989
Cherne, Leo 1982-1988
Chiaromonte, Nicola 1960
Chicago. University 1942-1968
Childs, John L. 1933-1968
Chinard, Gilbert 1942-1943
Chit, Khin Myo 1959-1960
Chollet, David 1984-1987
Chovenson, S. 1923-1931
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade 1979
Christian Scholar 1953-1958
Christian Science Monitor 1989
Chublarian, Rouben 1969
Citizens' Committee on Improvement of the Divorce Laws 1949-1951
Cleve, Felix M. 1949
Cochran, Thomas C. 1939
Cogen, Charles 1981-1989
Cohen, Elliot E. 1949-1952
Cohen, Elliott A. 1974-1979
Cohen, Felix 1948
Cohen, Laura 1987-1988
Cohen, Morris R. 1925-1943
Cohen, Mortimer 1943-1947
Cohen, Mortimer Theodore 1979-1981
Cohen, Theodore 1983
Cohn, Robert G. 1974-1989
Coit, Stanton 1932
Coker, Francis W. 1943
Colby, Elbridge 1955
Colby, Roy 1986
Coleman, Peter 1980-1987
College Center of the Finger Lakes 1966-1968
College of the Pacific 1947-1956
College of William and Mary 1963-1967
Columbia Broadcasting System 1949-1987
Columbia University 1929-1982
Columbia University. Teachers College 1945-1962
Commentary (Elliot Cohen and others) 1947-1984
Commission on New Approaches to American Jewish Education 1941-1942
Committee on the Present Danger 1980
Community Church of New York 1948-1954
Compton, Arthur H. 1953
Conant, James B. 1949-1961
Condon, Edward U. 1952
Conference Board of Associated Research Councils 1950-1960
Confluence (Henry Kissinger) 1953-1955
Conger, George P. 1949
Connecticut. University 1947-1969
Constable, George W. 1952
Contemporary Jewish Record 1945
Continuum (Justus George Lawler) 1963
The Converted Catholic 1941-1949
Conze, Edward n.d.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. 1945-1946
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 1939-1956
Copi, Irving 1988-1989
Coppel, Helen 1948
Corey, Lewis 1948
Cornell University 1949-1969
Costello, H. T. 1946
Costello, John E. 1984
Couch, William Terry 1950-1953
Counts, George S. 1930-1947
Cowles, Gardner 1968
Cox, Theodore St. John 1947
Cranberg, Lawrence 1980-1989
Crawshay-William, Rupert 1947
Crews, Frederick 1984-1986
Criterion Books 1955-1960
Crocker, Lester G. 1982
Crossman, R. H. S. 1950-1951
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 1950-1953
Currie, Lauchlin 1970
Curti, Merle 1932-1945
Czapski, Joseph 1950
Daedalus 1959-1970
Dallin, David J. 1948
Danto, Arthur 1963
Darlington, C. D. 1949
Dartmouth College 1947-1989
Das, Taraknath 1945
Davenport, Russell W. 1948
Davis, Everly Mahin 1948-1950
Davis, Harriet 1948
Davis, Robert Gorham 1953
Davis, Kenneth S. 1967
Dawidowicz, Lucy S. 1985
Dean, Vera Micheles 1937
De Cicco, Henry 1950-1952
Decter, Midge 1975-1988
Decter, Moshe 1965-1980
De George, Richard T. 1977
Degras, Jane 1948
De Grazia, Alfred 1962
Delattre, Edwin J. 1984-1985
Delaware. University 1954-1980
Delta Books 1971
Democratic Socialist Federation of the U.S.A. 1965
Demos, Raphael 1961
Dennen, Leon 1948-1949
Dennike, George 1948
De Paul University 1965-1969
De Toledano, Ralph 1948-1950
Devine, Philip E. 1989
Dial Press 1948-1950
Dickey, John 1953
Dickinson College 1956-1958
Diggins, John P. 1971-1989
Dittberner, Job L. 1978
Dobsevage, Alvin B. 1953-1954
Dodd, Thomas J. 1964
Doino, William, Jr. 1984-1986
Domes, J|rgen 1973
Donnelly, Ann T. 1986-1987
Donohue, William A. 1984-1988
Donovan, Hedley 1979
Dorfman, Joseph 1949
Dorsey, Gray L. 1977-1988
Dos Passos, John 1958-1968
Douglas, Jack D. 1974
Douglas, Paul H. 1951
Dover Publications 1950-1953
Dowling, Allan 1973
Drachkovitch, Milorad M. 1972-1985
Draper, Theodore 1972-1987
Dryden Press 1952
Du Bois, W. E. B. 1945
Ducasse, C. J. 1940-1959
Duke University 1945-1979
Duncan, Andrew W. 1984-1987
Duncan, Homer 1984-1988
Dunner, Joseph 1974-1975
Dupee, Frederick W. 1951
Dykhuizen, George 1950
Earhart Foundation 1973-1983
Eastman, Max 1937-1959
Ebon, Martin 1984-1987
Eckstein, A. M. 1988-1989
Eddy, Sherwood 1937
Edman, Irwin 1925-1949
Educational Records Bureau 1953-1957
Edwards, Paul 1947-1969
Efron, Edith 1985
Ehrenreich, Isaac 1949-1971
Einstein, Albert 1935-1952
Eisenbach, Elliot 1989
Eisenstadt, S. N. 1987
Ellis Island College Committee 1960
Emory University 1979-1982
Enciclopedia Italiana, 1971-1972
Encyclopaedia Britannica 1945-1969
English, Maurice 1951
Enteen, George M. 1980-1988
The Epiphany Philosophers 1966
Epstein, Joseph 1984-1989
Epstein, Paul 1951
Erdmann, Erika 1985-1989
Ericson, Edward E., Jr. 1973-1985
Ethical Culture Schools 1947
Ettlinger, Adrian B. 1957-1958
Evans, John K. 1986
Ezorsky, Gertrude 1968
Fadiman, Clifton n.d.
Farfield Foundation 1954-1961
Farrell, James T. 1942-1979
Fehrenbacher, Don E. 1973-1987
Feigl, Herbert 1948
Feinstone, Sol 1941-1979
Fertig, Lawrence 1960
Feuchtwanger, Lion 1940
Feuer, Ann 1928
Feuer, Lewis, Kathryn, and Robin 1960-1983
Field, George 1984
Fiess, Ed 1953
Finch, Henry A. 1950-1959
Finkel, Robert 1988
Fisch, Max H. 1942-1959
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 1952
Fister, J. Blaine 1968
Fitch, Robert E. 1953-1957
Fite, Warner 1934
Flew, Antony 1957-1987
Ford Foundation 1956-1959
Ford Hall Forum 1956-1963
Foreign Policy Association (Samuel P. Hayes) 1967
Forkosch, Morris D. 1939-1989
Fortune 1949-1952
Foundation for Integrated Education 1951-1952
Fox, James W. 1968
Fox, John 1982-1983
Frank, Jerome N. 1943-1951
Frank, Waldo 1932-1939
Frankel, Charles 1951-1974
Frankena, William 1966-1968
Frankfurter, Felix 1943-1962
Free Press 1949-1960
Freed, Hirsch 1988
Freedom House 1948-1988
Freeman, Roger A. 1980-1982
French, Thomas H. 1982-1988
French, Thomas M. 1985-1987
Fried, Milton 1945-1967
Friedman, Milton 1981-1987
Friess, Horace L. 1930-1951
Fuller, Lon L. 1957
Furnas, J. C. 1986-1988
Furth, Albert L. 1941
Fyvel, T. R. 1953
Gabrielson, Frederick 1987-1988
Galbraith, John Kenneth 1977-1981
Gambino, Richard 1970-1988
Gamzue, B. B. 1981
Gann, Lewis 1983-1984
Garcitoral, Alicio 1973
Gardner, John W. 1969-1988
Gardner, Mildred 1949-1981
Geiger, George R. 1946-1989
General Electric Company 1959-1966
German National Union of Students 1954
Gershman, Carl 1982-1987
Geyl, Pieter 1952-1958
Gideonse, Harry D. 1945-1950
Gilbert, Joseph 1988
Gilson, E. 1956
Ginsberg, Morris 1949
Girard, Richard A. ca. 1987
Girvetz, Harry K. 1950-1969
Gishman, Murray 1983-1987
Glazer, Nathan 1958-1988
Glick, Nathan 1983-1984
Gliksman, Jerzy George 1948-1949
Glotzer, Albert 1980-1989
Goldberg, Harry 1984-1987
Goldenweiser, Alexander 1937
Goldman, Albert 1934-1954
Goldstein, Harry L. 1960
Goldwater, Walter 1979
Gonseth, F. 1955-1956
Goodman, Nelson 1949-1965
Goodstein, Leonore 1929-1931
Gordon, Robert A. 1987
Gotesky, Rubin 1942-1956
Gottesman, Callman 1929-1979
Gottlieb, Gidon 1967
Gouinlock, James 1989
Gow, Haven Bradford 1984
Graham, Palmer 1953
Greenwood, Marian 1931
Gregor, A. James, 1968. Includes writings 1968-1982
Gress, David 1981
Gross, Barry R. 1979-1988
Gross, Richard 1984
Gross, Ronald 1961-1964
Grove Press 1960
Gruen, Will 1982
Gruenwald, Oskar 1981-1989
Gr|nbaum, Adolf 1984-1989
Grunebaum, L. H. 1946-1965
Grunwald, Henry Anatole 1979-1982
Gupta, Brijen K. 1962
Gutmann, James 1948-1958
Haar, Charles M. 1974-1986
Haig, Alexander 1981
Hall, Jeanne W. 1968
Hall, Wyn 1980-1985
Halloran, Patrick J. 1949
Handlin, Oscar 1952-1975
Harcourt, Brace and Company 1951-1956
Hardman, J. B. S. 1931-1932
Harper and Brothers 1945-1963
Harriss, C. Lowell 1984-1988
Harry Walker Company 1967-1968
Hart, Jeffrey, Includes printed material 1987-1988.
Hartmann, Nicolai 1927
Harvard University 1949-1982
Harwood, Edwin 1984
Haseler, Stephen 1977-1984
Hawkins, Lawrence F. 1986
Hayakawa, S. I. 1969-1972
Hazelton, Lois B. 1954
Hazlitt, Henry 1932
Heider, Fritz and Grace 1976-1988
Heilbrun, Jacob 1985-1989
Heilman, Robert B. 1979
Heimann, Eduard 1949
Heller, A. A. 1932
Hellersberg, Dr. 1929
Hempel, Carl 1939
Hempel, Peter 1947
Heng, Liang 1983-1984
Henry Regnery Company (subsequently Regnery-Gateway, Inc.) 1948-1987
Herald, Leon Srabian 1949
Herberg, Will 1931-1941
Herman, David, Includes a letter from Isaiah Berlin 1988.
Herz, Martin F. and Elisabeth 1961-1983
Hessen, Robert 1975-1988
Hester, James M. 1968-1974
Hexter, J. H. 1989
Heyns, Roger W. 1985-1987
Highet, Helen MacInnes 1966
Hildebrand, Joel H. 1952
Hindus, Milton 1952
History and Theory 1957-1987
Hocking, William Ernest 1947
Hodges, Donald C. 1967
Hofstadter, Albert 1942-1989
Hogben, Lancelot 1939
Holbrooke, Richard 1988
Hollander, Paul 1981-1989
Holton, Gerald 1956-1984
Hoo, David 1972-1974
Horkheimer, Max 1934
Horn, Ernest C. 1960-1971
Horowitz, Irving Louis 1984-1989
Hospers, John 1971-1989
Howe, Irving 1949-1989
Hudson Institute 1964-1983
Humanities Press 1959-1988
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1969
Hunter College 1946-1979
Ignotus, Paul 1959-1965
Illinois. University 1947-1976
Institute for Educational Affairs 1979-1980
Institute of International Education 1959-1964
Institute on Church and State 1948
International Advisory Council 1959-1960
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1949-1989
International League for the Rights of Man 1950
International Rescue Committee 1951-1989
International Solidarity Committee to Aid Trade Unionists, Liberals and Socialists 1948
Isaac, Rael Jean 1983-1984
Iwanska, Alicja 1954-1956
Jacobs, Joseph J. 1969-1989
Jacobs, Norman 1950-1984
Jaffa, Harry V. 1988
Janowitz, Morris 1980-1989
Janowsky, Oscar 1948
Jenkins, Iredell 1980-1981
Jewish Center Lecture Bureau 1946-1949
Jewish Frontier 1945-1950
Jewish Social Studies 1947-1958
John Day Company 1942-1957
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1928-1966
John Wiley and Sons 1954-1956
Johns Hopkins University 1952-1989
Johnson, Alvin 1937-1954
Johnson, Robert L. 1954
Johnson, W. E. 1923
Jones, Hardin B. 1976
Josselson, Diana 1981-1987
Josselson, Michael 1972-1978
Journal of Higher Education 1953-1958
Journal of Philosophy 1931-1958
Judd, Walter H. 1978
Juffras, Argelo 1987-1988
Juilliard, Alphonse 1988
KRON-TV 1984
Kagey, Karen 1945-1953
Kagey, Rudolf 1931-1942
Kallen, Horace M. 1938-1957
Kamenka, Eugene 1968-1984
Kaminsky, Jack and Alice 1949-1987
Kampelman, Max 1984-1989
Kanfer, Allen and Violet 1953-1982
Kanfer, Stefan 1980
Kansas. University 1965-1976
Kaplan, Abraham 1945-1950
Kaplan, H. J. 1948-1979
Kaplan, Morton A. 1984-1986
Kaplan, Roger 1985
Kappa Delta Pi 1948-1973
Karl, Rebecca 1983-1984
Kassachkoff, Tsiporah 1979-1982
Kaufmann, Felix 1938-1944
Kecskemeti, Paul 1951
Keller, George C. 1969
Keller, Sidney B. 1954-1981
Kemble, Penn 1984
Kendall, Wilmoore 1950
Kendler, Howard H. 1954-1958
Kennan, George F., Includes printed article, 1989 1958.
Kennedy, Gail 1933-1969
Kenyon College 1945-1969
Kerr, Clark 1968-1989
Kilpatrick, James J., Includes typescripts by Kilpatrick 1985-1987.
Kilpatrick, William H. 1936-1952
Kim, Yersu 1973-1979
King, Joseph A. 1989
King's Crown Press 1945-1946
Kintner, William R. 1981-1987
Kirkland, Lane 1984-1986
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. 1983-1985
Kissinger, Henry A. 1959-1987
Klapper, Paul 1925-1939
Klehr, Harvey 1979-1988
Klein, Ted 1987-1989
Klenze, C. von 1928
Knight, Frank H. 1935-1959
Knox, T. M. 1938
Koch, Adrienne, Includes letter by Nancy Kegan Smith (daughter), 1985 1942-1966.
Koch, Edward 1984
Koestler, Arthur 1950-1951
Kohanski, Alexander S. 1968
Kohl, Marvin 1960-1988
Kohn, Hans 1952
Kolakowski, Leszek, Includes printed excerpt by Kolakowski 1979.
Komroff, Manuel n.d.
Kontinent, 1985. Includes letters by Saul Bellow, Mihajlo Mihajlov and others 1983-1984
Konvitz, Milton R. 1947-1989
Koppett, Leonard ( Peninsula Times-Tribune) 1985-1987
Korbel, Josef 1973-1975
Korsch, Karl 1932-1945
Korzybski, Alfred 1933-1941
Kraft, Julius 1946-1947
Krakauer, Hans 1983
Kramer, Hilton 1982-1989
Krikorian, Vartan W. 1944
Kristeller, Paul Oskar 1984-1989
Kristol, Bea (Gertrude Himmelfarb) 1974-1986
Kristol, Irving 1955-1987
Krock, Arthur 1942-1958
Kronick, Harry 1951
Kruse, Cornelius 1957-1969
Krygier, Martin 1982
Krygier, Richard 1980-1985
Krzywicki, George 1954-1959
Kuhn, Celia 1932
Kulungian, Harold, Includes material relating to Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead 1987-1988.
Kunstler, William M. 1957
Kurtz, Paul 1983-1989
Kvitko, David 1930
Labedz, Leopold 1959-1980
Labin, Suzanne 1949-1950
Ladd-Franklin, Christine 1925
Lafferty, Theodore T. and Gladys 1946-1976
Lamm, Richard 1985-1987
Lamprecht, Sterling P. 1959-1960
Lange, Oscar 1934-1938
Laski, Harold J. 1936-1937
Lasky, Joyce 1950
Lasky, Melvin J. 1946-1989
Lawrence, Hulda G. 1983-1987
Lawson, John Howard 1935
Lax, Ruth F. 1949
Lazerowitz, Alice A. 1948-1959
League of Women Voters 1955-1957
Lee, Albert McClung 1979
Lee, Algernon 1945-1948
Leithaeuser, Joachim G. 1947-1957
Leoni, Bruno 1966
Lerner, Abba P. and Daliah 1945-1980
Lerner, Isidor 1928
Lerner, Max 1988
Lerner, Michael 1986
Levin, Michael, Includes printed material 1986-1989.
Levine, Isaac Don 1948-1976
Levitas, Irving 1960-1974
Levitas, Mitchel 1984-1987
Levy, H. 1933
Lewis, Clarence I. 1923-1960
Liberal Party of New York State 1952
Library of Living Philosophers 1938-1943
Lichtenstein, David S. 1971-1986
Lichtman, Rhoda 1948-1950
Lieberson, Jonathan 1982-1989
Liebich, Andre, Includes printed article 1984-1988.
Lincoln University 1954-1960
Lipset, Seymour Martin 1960
Lipson, Leon 1984
Lissner, Will 1971
Lombardi, Franco and Jole 1951-1986
London, Herbert 1985-1988
Long Island University 1952-1969
Longmans, Green and Company 1946-1948
Lord, Mary 1970
Lore, Ludwig 1938
Lowe, Ruth Norden 1973
Lowie, Robert H. 1921-1922
Lukes, Igor 1988
Lundberg, Ferdinand 1945-1989
Lurie, Elizabeth 1988
Lyman, Richard 1976
Lyons, Eugene 1943-1968
Ma, Ying-jeou 1984
McAdam, E. L., Jr. 1959-1960
MacArthur Foundation 1985
McCall, Herbert and Lillian 1958
McCloskey, Frank H. 1950-1958
McConn, Charles M. 1939-1945
McConnell, R. A. 1954-1968
McCracken, Samuel 1982
Macdonald, Dwight 1948-1949
McDonald, John 1949
Mace, C. A. 1951
McFarland, Frances 1949
McGary, Keith 1946-1953
McGhee, Paul A. 1950-1952
McGirr, P. J. n.d.
McGovern, George 1972
McGraw-Hill Book Company 1957-1971
McGurn, William 1988
Machan, Tibor R. 1975-1988
MacIver, R. M. 1950
MacKenzie, Ian 1966
McKeon, Richard 1949-1972
MacLeish, Archibald 1935
McLendon, Hiram J. 1963-1977
McMahon, Jeanne 1956
McMichael, Dorothy 1988
Macmillan Publishing Company 1949-1982
Maine. University 1959-1973
Maitre, Joachim 1978-1984
Mandel, Benjamin 1947-1959
Mandelbaum, Maurice 1957-1984
Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company 1957-1979
Marcus, Ruth Barcan 1964-1989
Margenau, Henry 1952-1959
Marin, William Peyton 1948-1961
Markel, Lester 1957
Martin, David 1984-1987
Marx, Barbara 1949
Marx, Idella 1951
Marx, Louis, Includes a letter by Henri de Man 1949-1974.
Marx-Engels Institute, Moscow 1929-1945
Mayer, Philip 1951
Maryland. State Teachers College 1959-1960
Maryland. University 1947-1984
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949-1955
Meese, Edwin, III 1981
Mehlberg, Henry 1952-1976
Mehnert, Klaus 1983
Melby, Ernest O. 1949-1954
Methodist Church 1949-1963
Metzger, Thomas A. 1989
Meyer, Adolf 1944
Meyer, Agnes E. 1949-1967
Meyer, Frank S. 1956-1967
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1968-1982
Michigan State University 1956-1966
Michigan. University 1955-1967
Mid-Atlantic Legal Foundation 1988
Middlebury College 1945-1951
Midstream 1959-1975
Mihajlov, Mihajlo 1971-1987
Miller, Elliot I. 1978-1983
Miller, Stephen 1988-1989
Mills, C. Wright n.d.
Milmed, Bella 1953-1959
Minnesota. University 1936-1965
Mintz, Jeanne 1983
Mississippi. University 1953-1954
Missouri. University 1952-1983
Modern Quarterly 1941
Moe, Edith 1982
Moore, A. W. 1928-1929
Moore, Charles A. 1957-1958
Moore, G. E. 1922-1944
Moran, Gordon 1988
Morris, Stephen 1981-1982
Morrow, Felix 1931-1984
Morrow, Glenn R. 1941-1950
Mosely, Philip 1939-1949
Mosher, Stephen 1985
Mount Holyoke College 1948-1960
Moyers, Bill 1984-1989
Moynihan, Daniel P. 1975-1987
Muggeridge, Malcolm 1971
Munn, James B. 1929-1930
Muravin, Victor, Includes a letter by Charles Percy 1983.
Murphy, Charles 1988
Museum of Modern Art Film Library 1940
Musgrave, Gerald L. 1986
Muste, A. J. 1931-1960
NTS 1958
Nabokov, Nicholas 1949-1950
Nabokov, Patricia 1949-1950
Nagel, Ernest 1924-1982
Nahm, Milton 1949-1953
Nathanson, Jerome 1942-1954
The Nation 1945-1946
National Committee for a Free Europe 1951-1953
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1942-1962
National Education Association 1952-1954
National Humanities Center 1978-1983
National Science Foundation 1961-1989
Nebraska. University 1963-1985
Neff, Frederick C. 1954
Neff, Lillian 1951-1952
Nelson, Craig A. 1971-1972
Neurath, Otto 1938-1941
Neusner, Jacob 1988
Nevada. University 1956-1966
New England American Studies Association 1958-1959
New Hampshire. University 1967-1968
New Leader (Sol Levitas) 1947-1965
New Republic 1931-1988
New School for Social Research 1930-1957
New York (City) Metropolitan Museum of Art 1951-1954
New York. City University 1943-1982
New York. City University. Alumni Association 1951-1958
New York Herald-Tribune (Helen Rogers Reid) 1939-1940
New York. State University 1963-1978
New York. State University Teachers College 1954-1959
New York Teachers Guild 1947-1959
New York Times 1937-1983
New Yorker 1950
Newsom, Carroll V. 1959-1960
Niebuhr, Reinhold and Ursula 1949-1987
Nielson, Kai 1967-1988
Nisbet, Robert 1978-1987
Nixon, Richard M. 1971
Noel, Henry 1960
Nomad, Max 1946-1948
Norcliffe, Allan 1969
North Carolina State University 1959-1968
North Carolina. University 1949-1984
Northern Illinois University 1956-1978
Northrop, Filmer S. C. 1956-1958
Norton (W. W.) and Company 1941
Oberlin College 1952-1969
O'Brien, Patrick 1979-1986
Ohe, Seizo 1954-1955
Ohio State University 1952-1982
O'Keefe, Dan 1984-1985
Oko, Dorothy Kuhn 1970
Ollman, Bertell 1971
Olsen, Fred 1949
O'Neill, William L. 1979-1989
Oppenheim, Felix 1948-1952
Oppenheim, Paul 1949
Oregon. University 1956-1964
Orlando Committee 1954
O'Toole, Roger 1984-1988
Otto, M. C. 1939-1943
Overstreet, Bonaro W. 1957-1979
Overstreet, Harry A. 1924-1947
Oxford University 1952-1981
Ozick, Cynthia 1983
Pachter, Henry M. 1949-1979
Palm, Charles 1985-1987
Pardivala, H. R. 1973-1981
Pargot, J. 1924
Passin, Herbert 1937-1952
Passmore, John 1959
Paterson, Isabel 1943
Paturis, Cleo 1982-1987
Pegasus Books 1966-1967
Peikoff, Leonard 1964-1980
Pence, Greg 1975-1983
Penguin Books 1952
Pennsylvania. University 1947-1965
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1952-1958
Philosophical Library 1949-1982
Philosophical Review 1930
Philosophisch-Politische Akademie 1970
Pilley, John 1945
Pincher, Chapman 1984-1987
Pinsky, Gerald 1982-1987
Podhoretz, Norman 1981-1989
Polanyi, Michael 1953-1961
Polemic 1946
Politzer, Heinz 1948-1951
Pomona College 1961-1976
Pontius, Dale 1948-1975
Poole, DeWitt 1952
Pope, Arthur Upham 1938
Popper, Karl 1981
Porter, Jack Nusan 1979
Porter, Paul R. 1984
Potok, Chaim 1985
Potter, Addison 1944-1983
Prentice-Hall Company 1937-1967
Preyer, Richardson 1973
Princeton University 1945-1959
The Progressive 1949
Progressive Book Club 1948
Progressive World 1948
Purdue University 1960-1969
Queens College 1939-1974
Rabe, Louis H. 1955
Raditsa, Leo 1971-1987
Raditsa, Rina 1971-1987
Rand, Ayn 1957
Rand School for Social Science 1947-1950
Randall, J. H., Jr. and Mercedes 1940-1976
Raskin, Abe 1968
Rather, Lee 1988
Ratner, Joseph 1925-1927
Ratner, Sidney 1952-1988
Ravid, J. M. 1933
Ravitch, Diane 1981-1989
Ray, Sibnarayan 1957-1983
Reader's Digest 1984
Reagan, Ronald 1981-1986
Reck, Andrew J. 1963-1988
Redfield, Emanuel 1945-1970
Ree, Jonathan 1980-1981
Regan, Donald 1985-1986
Reichenbach, Bernhard 1950-1951
Reichenbach, Hans and Maria 1930-1976
Relm Foundation 1969
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1950-1960
Reston, James 1968
Richards, E. A. 1988
Richards, I. A. 1941
Richmond Area University Center 1952-1954
Riesman, David 1985
Risk, Robert G. 1987
Rivers, William C. n.d.
Robbins, Tish 1988-1989
Robertson, J. L. 1971
Robins, Natalie 1988
Roche, John 1975-1987
Rochester. University 1959-1967
Rockefeller Foundation 1946-1982
Roelofs, Joan 1978-1986
Romains, Jules 1955
Ronald Press Company 1954-1956
Roosevelt College 1948-1950
Rorty, James 1948-1956
Rorty, Richard 1970-1989
Rose, Alex 1955
Rosenberg, Arthur 1932
Rosenberg, Barney 1928
Rosenfeld, John 1969-1982
Rosenthal, A. M. 1969-1989
Rosinus, Gunther 1987
Rosow, Belle 1962-1984
Ross, Ralph G. 1948-1987
Rosten, Leo 1968-1987
Rostow, Eugene 1988
Rottenberg, Simon 1988
Roucek, Joseph S. 1950
Roy, Suby 1985-1989
Rozek, Edward J. 1951-1988
Ruhm, Herbert 1978-1981
Ruja, Harry 1984-1985
Russell, Bertrand 1922-1964
Russell Sage College 1949
Rutenber, Ralph D. 1978-1980
Rutgers University 1948-1988
Ryle, Gilbert 1967
Sabine, George 1938
St. John's College, Annapolis, Md. 1938-1983
St. Martin's Press 1960-1963
Salten, Frances Brown 1972-1989
Salvemini, Gaetano 1942
Salzburg Seminar in American Studies 1953-1955
Sampson, Geoffrey 1984
San Diego State University 1963-1970
San Francisco State University 1964
San Jose State University 1950-1974
Sanders, Sol 1960-1988
Santayana, George 1929-1945
Saran, Mary 1956
Saturday Evening Post 1945-1962
Saturday Review of Literature 1940-1960
Schachter, Nathan M. 1988
Schapiro, J. Salwyn 1947
Schapiro, Meyer 1933-1987
Scheffler, Israel, Includes printed articles by Scheffler 1951-1989.
Schlauch, Helen 1928-1931
Schlauch, Margaret 1928-1929
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 1950-1966
Schneider, Herbert 1938-1957
Schwartz, Delmore 1949
Schwarzbart, Elias M. 1981-1989
Schwayder, David 1966-1988
Scriven, Michael 1968
Scully, Stephen 1988-1989
Scur, G. S. 1971
Seabury, Paul, Includes proof of an article by Seabury 1987.
Seidman, Joel 1941-1943
Seligman, Daniel ca. 1989
Seligman, Edwin R. 1930
Sellars, Roy Wood 1944-1953
Shapiro, Edward S., Includes published correspondence between Hook and Corliss Lamont 1988.
Shapiro, Monroe H. 1966-1967
Shapiro, Nathan D. 1947-1957
Shattan, Joseph 1984-1987
Shaw, Yu-ming 1984-1987
Sheed and Ward Company 1958-1961
Sheffer, Henry M. 1923-1926
Sheldon, Walter A. 1984-1987
Sheldon, Wilmon H., Includes correspondence with another 1921-1965.
Shepard, John D. 1968-1989
Sherman, Malcolm J. 1985
Shils, Edward 1976-1988
Short, John D., Jr. 1962-1975
Short, Thomas 1987-1988
Shub, Boris 1948
Shub, David 1950
Shultz, George P. 1989
Sidorsky, David 1954-1989
Siegelman, Philip 1980-1989
Siff, Philip 1948-1962
Silber, John R. 1984-1988
Silone, Darina, Relates to Ignazio Silone 1979-1981.
Simkhovitch, Vladimir G. 1931-1932
Simon, Yves R. 1951
Simon and Schuster 1948-1951
Sinclair, Upton 1938-1956
Slochower, Harry 1923-1985
Smith, Elsie M. 1968-1969
Smith, Homer W. 1949-1956
Smith, P. L. 1978-1987
Smith, T. V. 1938-1952
Smith, Tony 1988
Smith, W. Bedell 1949-1950
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell 1959-1960
Smith, William James 1989
Smith College 1947
Snyder, Louis L. 1964-1988
Society for Ethical Culture in the City of New York 1943-1946
Sokolsky, George E. 1947
Solon, Larry 1948
Solow, Herbert 1932-1961
Solski, Waclaw 1947-1948
Sound Seminars 1952-1954
Southern Illinois University 1966-1983
Souvarine, Boris, Includes printed article, 1984 1941-1972.
Sowell, Thomas 1971-1987
Spitz, Lewis W. 1988-1989
Stace, Walter T. 1961
The Standard 1948-1951
Stanford University 1952-1989
Stankiewicz, W. J. 1962-1963
Starobin, Joseph R. 1959
Stebbing, Susan 1937-1942
Steffens, Lincoln 1934
Stegner, Wallace 1989
Stein, Sol 1980-1989
Stevenson, Adlai E. 1954
Stevenson, Charles L. 1946-1949
Stewart, Milton D. 1948-1963
Still, Clyfford 1961
Stonebarger, Bill 1985-1986
Streit, Clarence 1984
Stroll, Avrum 1970-1973
Strout, Cushing 1962
Sullivan, J. W. N. 1923
Survey (Leopold Labedz) 1976-1982
Sussman, Leonard R. 1975-1988
Sutcliffe, Denham 1945
Swarthmore College 1947-1973
Syracuse University 1938-1965
Szaniawski, Ignacy 1961
Tar, Zoltan 1984
Tas, Sol 1948
Tauber, Joseph and Dora 1925-1928, 1965
Taylor, Harold 1945-1969
Teller, Edward 1958-1984
Temple Israel, Lawrence, N.Y. 1947-1955
Texas. University 1954-1980
Thalheimer August, 1941
Thayer, H. S. 1969-1979
Think 1949-1970
This I Believe 1951-1953
Thomas, Norman 1931-1963
Thomas Nelson and Sons 1948-1958
Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1957
Thompson, Dorothy 1950
Time-Life, Inc. 1951-1977
Tomas, Vincent 1952-1958
Toronto. University 1949-1957
Trager, Frank N. 1948-1984
Treadgold, Donald W. 1987
Trent, Darrell 1980
Tresca, Carlo 1942
Trilling, Lionel 1938-1952
Trotsky, Leon 1933
Tucker, Robert C. 1956-1977
Tufts University 1972
Turner, Robert 1982
Twentieth Century Fund, Relates to Gunnar Myrdal 1958.
Tyson, Levering 1956-1963
Ulmer, Melville J. and Naomi 1976-1987
Unger, Dora 1928-1930
Union College 1942-1963
Union Theological Seminary 1933-1948
United Jewish Appeal 1948
U.S. Air War College 1949-1956
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Graduate School 1967-1969
U.S. Department of State 1941-1963
U.S. Department of State. Foreign Service Institute 1957-1974
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation 1947-1976
U.S. High Commissioner for Germany (John J. McCloy, James B. Conant) 1950-1953
U.S. Information Agency 1955-1976
U.S. National War College 1957-1974
U.S. Naval War College 1951-1973
U.S. Office of the President 1953-1986
U.S. Office of the Vice President 1972-1973
U.S. Post Office 1947-1979
U.S. President's Committee on Civil Rights 1947
U.S. Psychological Strategy Board 1951-1952
U.S. Steel Foundation 1958
U.S. War Department 1947
University of Notre Dame 1962-1965
Utah. University 1947-1966
Utley, Freda 1944-1947
Uzi, Pierre 1934
Van Alstyne, William 1965-1974
Van den Haag, Ernest 1952-1988
Van der Merwe, Carel W. 1948-1955
Van Orden, Stuart 1985
Vasconcellos, John n.d.
Vassar College 1956-1963
Vermont. University 1949-1988
Vetter, George B. 1966
Viereck, Peter 1949-1959
Virginia. University 1956-1969
Vivas, Eliseo 1938-1961
Voehringer, Erich F. 1950
WEVD (Radio station) (New York City) 1936-1958
WNET-TV (Television station) (New York City) 1987
WOR-TV (Television station) (New York City) 1969-1979
WRCA-TV (Television station) (New York City) 1959
Wacker, Jeanne 1974-1988
Wadia, J. B. H. and Vinci J. (son) 1969-1986
Wald, Alan 1984-1987
Walker, Richard L. 1958-1964
Walker, Roland 1970
Wall Street Journal 1972-1983
Walsh, John 1959
Walter, Edward 1980-1986
Wang, Peter Y. H. 1959
Ware, Richard 1985-1986
Warren, Robert Penn 1952-1980
Washburn, Richard Kirk 1955
Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 1963-1969
Washington. University, Seattle, Wash. 1949-1955
Watson, George 1988
Watson, Goodwin 1938
Watts, Stephen 1954
Wayne State University 1955-1973
Wecker, William A. 1985
Weiczen-Giuliani, Leo 1943
Weinstein, Allen 1981
Weiss, Paul 1943-1967
Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude 1951
Wellesley College 1948-1955
Wesson, Robert 1987
Western Washington State College 1958-1967
Westin, Alan F. 1956
Wheeler, John A. 1988
Wheelwright, Philip E., Includes a letter by another, 1984 1928-1958.
White, Morton 1949-1972
Whittier College 1975-1978
Wieman, Henry N. 1956
Wiener, Philip P. 1941-1972
Wienpahl, Paul 1948-1975
Wieseltier, Leon 1984-1985
Wigner, Eugene P. 1967-1969
Wikler, Norman n.d.
Will, George F. 1976-1980
Williams, Bernard 1987
Williams, C. Dickerman 1968
Williams, Donald C. 1947-1959
Williams, Frederick W. 1944
Williams, Gardner 1950-1951
Wilson, Edmund 1938-1940
Wilson, Edwin Henry 1967-1969
Wind, Edgar 1950
Winder, R. B. 1972
Wisconsin. University 1952-1961
Witonski, Peter 1974-1978
Wittfogel, Karl A. 1957
Wittmer, Felix 1945-1951
Wohl, Richard 1947
Wohlstetter, Albert, Includes typescripts by Wohlstetter 1985-1986.
Wolfe, Ann 1949
Wolfe, Bertram D. and Ella 1941-1987
Wolfe, Tom 1988
Wolff, R. 1928
Wong, Alice 1968
Wood, Adolf 1987
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1978-1983
Workers Defense League 1948-1957
Workers Education Bureau of America 1948
Worthington, Peter 1983
Wortman, F. P. 1950
Wright, Georg Henrik von 1948-1949
Wrong, Dennis 1987-1989
Wubnig, Judy 1971-1989
Yale University 1946-1976
Yoken, Melvin B. 1971-1984
Young Men's Hebrew Association 1930-1949
Zawodny, J. K. 1962-1985
Zimmerman, Marvin 1982
Speeches and Writings 1917-1990
Lecture notices 1933-1981
Miscellany 1956-1968
Notebooks. Personal reflections, quotations, and miscellany n.d.
Notes. Early education ca. 1922
"The Abiding Values of Western Civilization," Holograph n.d.
"Academic Confusions," Typescript n.d.
"Academic Freedom," Encyclopedia article. Printed copy and note n.d.
"Academic Freedom," Typescript n.d.
"Academic Freedom and Defense Research," Typescript n.d.
"Academic Freedom and the Knopfelmacher Affair," Relates to Frank Knopfelmacher and the University of Sydney, Australia. Typescript, letter, and a transcription of a printed article n.d.
"Academic Integrity," Typescript n.d.
"The Agony and Promise of American Higher Education," Typescript n.d.
"Alfred Kazin," Holograph n.d.
"Alienation," Holograph n.d.
"Are There Two Kinds of Democracy?" Typescript n.d.
"Autobiographical Postscripts III," Relates to Louis Marx. Typescripts n.d.
"The Basic Conflict between Democratic and Communist Ideology," Typescripts n.d.
"The Basic Values of Our Time," Holograph and typescripts n.d.
"Bizarre! Bizarre!" Holograph n.d.
"The Challenge to American Higher Education," Holographs n.d.
"The Challenge to Progressive Education," Typescripts n.d.
"The Challenges to Higher Education," Outline and summary prepared by Antonio T. Piqon n.d.
"China, Marxism, and Human Freedom," n.d. Interview conducted by the editors of The Chinese Intellectual. Typescript
"Cold War on Campus: A Study of the Politics of Organizational Control," Typescript n.d.
"Communism and Education," Typescript n.d.
"Communists and Civil Liberties," Holograph (incomplete) n.d.
"The Concept of Power," Holograph, holograph fragment, and letter n.d.
"Conservative and Liberal Thought in America," Holograph (incomplete) n.d.
"A Criticism and a Proposal," Typescript n.d.
"Croce's Philosophy of History: An Exposition," Holograph n.d.
"Current Challenges and the Future of American Education," Holograph n.d.
"Delmore Schwartz as a Student," Typescript n.d.
"Democracy," Encyclopedia article. Printed copy n.d.
"Democracy and Judicial Review," Holograph and typescript notes and fragments, transcribed printed excerpts, and announcement n.d.
"Dewey and Trotsky," Holograph n.d.
"Dewey, John," Typescript n.d.
"Editorial," Typescript n.d.
"Education by Judicial Decision: Litigation and Learning," Holograph n.d.
"Education for Modern Man," Holograph n.d.
"Education for World Responsibility," Typescript n.d.
"The Elements of a Democratic Education," Typescript n.d.
"The Emotive Conception of Ethics," Discussion of two papers, Charles L. Stevenson, "The Emotive Conception of Ethics and Its Cognitive Immplications," and Richard B. Brandt, "The Emotive Theory of Ethics." Typescript. Includes typescript copies of the papers of Stevenson and Brandt n.d.
"The Ethics of Democracy," Holographs, typescript, and printed material, 1959 n.d.
"The Faith of a Scientific Humanist," n.d. Review of Lyman Bryson, Science and Freedom. Typescript
"The Ferment of Ideas in Our Time," Typescript n.d.
Footnotes, Unidentified manuscripts. Typescript and holograph n.d.
"Foreign Policy and Human Rights," Typescript n.d.
"Freedom in a Planned Society," Typescript n.d.
"Freedom in the Modern World," Typescript n.d.
"From Marxism to Leninism and Stalinism: The Ideological Background," Speech, University of California, Los Angeles. Outline, holograph, typescript and press release n.d.
"The Future of American Education: The Promise and the Dangers," Typescript n.d.
"God and Man in American Education," Holograph outline n.d.
"The Gravediggers of Socialism," Typescript n.d.
"Hegel: Today," Typescript n.d.
"Historical Judgement and Moral Judgement," Typescript (incomplete) n.d.
"How Is American Involvement in World Affairs Affecting American Democracy?" Speech, Dartmouth College. Holograph and holograph notes n.d.
"A Humanist Looks at the World," Holograph n.d.
"The Humanistic Tradition and Today's Students," Typescripts n.d.
"The Ideology of International Communism," Holograph and notes n.d.
"Ideology, Morality and Foreign Policy," Notes and typescripts n.d.
"Implications for a Theory of Man," Holograph outline n.d.
"The Importance of Dialectical Materialism," Holograph outline n.d.
"In Defense of Democratic Education," Typescripts n.d.
"An Institute for Creative Ideas," Typescript n.d.
Introductory remarks, Conference on the Scientific Spirit and Democratic Faith, Typescript n.d.
Introductory remarks, New Leader dinner, Typescript n.d.
"Is Our Policy Succeeding in Asia?" Holograph n.d.
"The Issue is Freedom," Typescript n.d.
"The Issues of the Cold War," Holograph and typescript n.d.
"Jaspers' Defense of Existentialism," n.d. Review of Karl Jaspers, The Perennial Scope of Philosophy. Typescript and printed copy
"John Dewey and Logical Empiricism," Typescript n.d.
"John Dewey and the Defense of Freedom: The Struggle between the Democratic and Communist Ideologies," Typescript n.d.
"John Dewey Reconsidered," Typescript n.d.
"Leonard Nelson," Eulogy. Typescript n.d.
Letter to the editor, New Republic, Relates to Conor Cruise O'Brien. Holograph n.d.
"Lincoln and Gandhi," Typescript n.d.
"Looking Ahead," Holograph n.d.
"Marx: The Man, the Myth, and the System," n.d. Review of Robert Payne, Marx, and Shlomo Avineri, The Political and Social Thought of Karl Marx. Holograph (incomplete)
"Marxism and the Enlightenment," Holograph n.d.
"The Meaning of Berlin," Galleys and letter, 1948 n.d.
"Memorandum on Future Projects," Holograph and typescript n.d.
"Memorandum on De Tocqueville," Typescript outline n.d.
"The Mode of Political Decision and the Mode of Economic Production," Holograph n.d.
"Modern Problems and Perplexities: Smith, Marx, Freud, Einstein," Typescript n.d.
"Morality, Psychiatry and Foreign Policy," Speech. Holograph and typescript (incomplete) n.d.
"A More Difficult Struggle," Relates to Elliot Cohen. Typescript n.d.
"The Mystery of the Moscow Trials," Typescript n.d.
"The New Educational Ideal," Typescript n.d.
"New Threats to Academic Freedom," Typescript n.d.
"A Note on Anti-Intellectualism," Partisan Review, Galleys. Includes a letter by Lionel Trilling, 1956 n.d.
"On Criticizing Dewey," Typescript and a letter by Ernest Nagel n.d.
"On Guard!" n.d. Prepared for Labor Action. Relates to the American Workers Party. Typescript
"On the Battlefield of Philosophy," n.d. Projected book; never completed. Typescript outline and description, typescript chapter entitled "Contemporary American Philosophy," and correspondence n.d. 1973-1975
"The Open Society and Its Problems," Typescript n.d.
"Peace, Freedom and Security," Holograph outline (incomplete) n.d.
"Philosophical Perspectives on the Future of Man: (1) Hegel and Reason in History," Notes, holograph, and typescripts n.d.
"Philosophical Perspectives on the Future of Man: (2) Karl Marx--Ideology and Alienation," Holograph and typescripts n.d.
"Philosophical Perspectives on the Future of Man: (3) John Dewey--Intelligence and Human Freedom," Typescript n.d.
"Philosophy," Typescript n.d.
"Philosophy and Public Affairs," Holograph fragment with conference notes n.d.
"Philosophy and Social Action," n.d. Review of Karl Pribram, Conflicting Patterns of Thought. Holograph
"The Philosophy of John Dewey and Its Influence on Education," Typescript n.d.
"Planning," Holograph n.d.
"A Platonist in the Pragmatist's Garden," n.d. Review of Clarence I. Lewis, Mind and the World Order. Typescript
"The Political Aspects of General or Complete Disarmament," Typescript n.d.
"The Political Motivation of Fichte's Thought," Holograph and typescript n.d.
"The Political Motivation of Marx's Thought," Typescript, outlines, clipping, notes, and bibliography n.d.
"The Political Motivation of Schelling's Thought," Holograph and typescript n.d.
"Political Necrophobia," n.d. Review of Margaret Halsey, The Pseudo-Ethic. Typescript
"Possibility in History," Typescript n.d.
"Professionalization vs. Politicization of the Universities," Holograph n.d.
"Professor Sidney Hook Attacks Stalinazism," People's Forum, Printed copy n.d.
"Propositions," Typescript n.d.
"The Purpose and Nature of General Education," Typescript n.d.
"Reflections on Europe," Typescript and clipping n.d.
"Reflections on Freedom," Typescripts n.d.
"Reflections on Important Themes," Holograph outline and a letter from Sidney Ratner relating to Sir John Hackett n.d.
"The Rehabilitation of Hegel," Typescript n.d.
"The Relation of Legal Systems to Social Change," Typescript n.d.
"Religion and the Law," Holograph n.d.
"Religion and Society," n.d Typescript
"Religion and Society: A Rejoinder," Typescript n.d.
"Report on Meyer: Unity of Theory and Practice in Marxist Dialectic," Typescript n.d.
Review of Henry D. Aiken, Predicament of the University, Holograph, typescript, and a copy of an essay by Aiken n.d.
Review of C. E. Ayres, Toward a Reasonable Society: The Values of Industrial Civilization, Holograph n.d.
Review of George Benson and Thomas Engeman, Amoral America, Typescript n.d.
Review of James Bryant Conant, Education in a Divided World, Typescript n.d.
Review of Jerome Davis, Capitalism and Its Culture, Typescript n.d.
Review of Lewis Feuer, Einstein and the Generations of Science, Typescript n.d.
Review of William James, Pragmatism, Typescript n.d.
Review of John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Holograph outline n.d.
Review of Hans Reichenbach, Experience and Prediction: An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge, Notes and typescript n.d.
Review of Harold Rugg, The Great Technology, Social Chaos and the Public Mind, Typescript n.d.
Review of Leon Samson, The American Mind: A Study in Socio- Analysis, Typescript n.d.
Review of Jean-Paul Sartre, The Psychology of the Imagination, Typescript n.d.
Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of G. E. Moore, Typescript n.d.
"The Revival of Conservatism," Typescript n.d.
"The Revival of Racialism Redivivus," n.d. Holograph, notes, and clippings 1964-1968
"Richard Krygier: An Appreciation," Holograph n.d.
"Russia in Retrospect," n.d. Review of Victor Chernov, The Great Russian Revolution. Typescript
"The Russian Revolution and American Intellectuals," Holograph n.d.
"Science and Freedom," Introduction to speech by Robert Sherwood. Holograph and typescript n.d.
"Signposts," Projected book to be co-authored with others; never completed. Typescript outlines n.d.
"Six Modern Concepts of Rationality," Typescript n.d.
"Some Reflections on 'The Magic of Marxism' and 'The Next Stage of History,'" Typescript n.d.
Speech, Relates to dissent and civil disorder. Holograph (incomplete) n.d.
Speech, American Philosophical Association symposium on "The Future of Liberalism," New York. Clipping n.d.
Speech, Brandeis University, Notes and typescript n.d.
Speech, Columbia University, Typescript n.d.
Speech, Congress for Cultural Freedom meeting, Typewritten transcript n.d.
Speech, Individual Liberty and the American Tradition Conference, Barnard College, Mimeograph n.d.
Speech, New School for Social Research, Relates to the Warsaw uprising. Typescript n.d.
Speech, University Centers for Rational Alternatives conference, Typescript n.d.
Speech for a discussion entitled "The Philosophical Man", Typescript n.d.
Speech in honor of Thomas Pollock, Holograph and typescript n.d.
Speech on democracy, Typescript n.d.
Speech on student protest, Holograph n.d.
Speech on the Tamiment Institute, Holograph n.d.
"Spengler's Philosophy of History," Typescript n.d.
"The Strategy of Freedom," Holograph, notes, and printed background material relating to Russia and defense n.d.
"The Strategy of Political Warfare," Typescript n.d.
"The Supreme Court Runs Amok," Typescript n.d.
"A Tale of Two Countries," Holograph (incomplete) n.d.
"Theses on Feuerbach and Communism as the Ethics of Love," and "Arnold Ruge and Karl Marx," in Images of Human Existence: The Marxist Image of Human Existence, Printed table of contents n.d.
"Tradition, Authority and Freedom," Typescript n.d.
"The Tragic View of History," n.d. Review of Morris R. Cohen, The Meaning of Human History. Typescript
"A Tribute to Max Nomad," Typescript n.d.
Undergraduate English essays, City College of New York, Holograph and typescript n.d.
Untitled autobiographical fragments, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragment on anarchism and violence, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on communism, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on God, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on human rights, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on human values and economic policy, n.d. Holograph with holograph invitation to Kenneth Arrow to participate in seminar scheduled for May 1966
Untitled fragment on Harold Laski, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on philosophy, Holograph outline of chapters for a book (?) n.d.
Untitled fragment on Ezra Pound, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on Russia, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on Frederick L. Schuman, Typescript n.d.
Untitled fragment on socialism, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragment on Stansfield Turner and the CIA, Typescript and notes n.d.
Untitled fragment on universities, Typescript n.d.
Untitled fragment on women on university faculties, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragments on civil liberties, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragments on Morris Cohen, Holographs and typescript n.d.
Untitled fragments on communism in education, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragments on the Congress for Cultural Freedom, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragments on John Dewey, Holographs and typescript n.d.
Untitled fragments on discrimination, Holograph n.d.
Untitled fragments on education, Holographs and printed copy n.d.
Untitled fragments on ethics, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragments on international relations, Holograph, typescripts, and printed copy n.d.
Untitled fragments on Judaism, Holographs n.d.
Untitled fragments on Jean-Paul Sartre and Karl Marx, Holographs n.d.
Untitled writing on civil rights, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on education, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on foreign relations, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on G. W. F. Hegel, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on Corliss Lamont, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on liberalism, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on Shirley MacLaine and Ring Lardner, Jr., Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on Karl Marx, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on nuclear weapons, Holograph n.d..
Untitled writing on official secrets, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on perception, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on Philip Rahv, Walter Phillips, and Edmund Wilson, Holograph n.d.
Untitled writing on reason, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on Russia, Typescript and holograph outline n.d.
Untitled writing on science and the scientific method, Typescript n.d.
Untitled writing on Stanford University, Typescript intended for insertion as a footnote n.d.
Untitled writings on communism, Holographs, and typescript n.d.
"The Uses of Leisure: Enjoying Life or Killing Time?" Typescript n.d.
"The Uses of Philosophy," Typescript, notes, and clipping, 1966 n.d.
"Values in Contemporary Society," Holograph n.d.
"The Ways of Things," n.d. Review of William P. Montague, The Ways of Things. Typescript
"What Are the University Centers for Rational Alternatives?" Measure, Printed copy n.d.
"What Has Modern Philosophy to Say?" Typescript n.d.
"What Is Academic Freedom?" Typescript n.d.
"What Is an Educated Person?" Typescript and letter, 1958 n.d.
"What Is Class Consciousness?" Typescript n.d.
"What Is Security?" Outlines, notes, holograph, typescript, and an annotated copy of Hook's article, "Security and Freedom" n.d.
"What Means this Freedom?" Typescripts n.d.
"Whither Socialism?" Typescript and galleys n.d.
"Why Do I Read the American Spectator?" Typescript n.d.
"The World's Foremost Statesman," Relates to Woodrow Wilson. Typescripts n.d.
"The Young Hegelians," Typescript n.d.
"The Best Man I Know," Holograph Feb. 7, 1917.
"Love of Country," Holograph Feb. 7, 1917.
Flyer relating to student elections, Printed copy ca. 1918.
"The Pragmatic Conception of Truth and Error," Typescript 1920.
"An Interpretation of My Self," Typescript Jan. 10, 1921.
"Telluric Determinants of Culture," Undergraduate essay, City College of New York. Holograph 1922?
"The Philosophy of Non-Resistance," Open Court, Printed copy Jan. 1922.
"An Outline of Boas' Mind of Primitive Man," Undergraduate notes, City College of New York. Holograph Sept. 1922.
"A Philosophical Dialogue," Open Court, Printed copy Oct. 1922.
"Metaphysical Analysis," Typescript Oct. 20, 1925.
"Some Political Motives in Hegel's Thought," Holograph, typescript, and correspondence with Vladimir G. Simkhovitch, 1926 1926.
Review of Rebecca Cooper, The Logical Influence of Hegel on Marx, Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy Feb. 18, 1926.
"The Metaphysics of Leading Principles," Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy April 1926.
"Methodological Considerations in Primitive Art," Open Court, Printed copy June 1926.
Notes on lectures by John Dewey on political theory, Columbia University, Typescript Sept. 29, 1926-Jan. 10, 1927.
The Metaphysics of Pragmatism, 1927. Letters 1927-1935
"The Ethics of Suicide," International Journal of Ethics, Printed copy and letters, 1926-1927. Jan. 1927.
"Freedom," Open Court, Printed copy Feb. 1927.
"Categorical Analysis and Pragmatic-Realism," Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy March 31, 1927.
"The Metaphysics of the Instrument," Monist, Printed copies July-Oct. 1927.
"The Irrationality of the Irrational," Journal of Philosophy, Letter, 1927 Aug. 4, 1927.
"Teaching as a Calling," Progress, Printed copy Nov. 1927.
"Marx and Freud: Oil and Water," Open Court, Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Max Eastman and another, 1927-1975 Jan. 1928.
"The Philosophy of Dialectical Materialism," Journal of Philosophy, Printed copies March 1-15, 1928.
"Marxism, Metaphysics, and Modern Science," Modern Quarterly, May-Aug. 1928. Review of Max Eastman, Marx, Lenin, and the Science of Revolution. Printed copy
"German Philosophy and Politics from " ca. 1928-1929. Progress report to the Guggenheim Foundation. Typescript 1835 to 1842,
"Russia from the Side-lines," Typescript (incomplete) 1929?
"A Pragmatic Critique of the Historico-Genetic Method," in Essays in Honor of John Dewey, Typescript and printed copy 1929.
"What Is Dialectic?" Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy Feb. 14-28, 1929.
"Hegel's Staatsidee," Journal of Philosophy, Sept. 12, 1929. Review of Julius Lowenstein, Hegels Staatsidee. Letter 1937
"A Critique of Ethical Realism," International Journal of Ethics, Printed copy and letters, 1929-1930 Jan. 1930.
"A Personal Impression of Contemporary German Philosophy," Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy and correspondence with Gordon Allport, Hans Reichenbach, Philip Wheelwright, and others, 1930 March 13, 1930.
"Revolt against Dualism," New Republic, June 1930. Review of Arthur Lovejoy, Revolt against Dualism. Letter 1930
"Husserl's Phenomenological Idealism," Journal of Philosophy, July 3, 1930. Review of Edmund Husserl, Formale und Transzendentale Logik. Letter 1930
"Contemporary American Philosophy," New Republic, July 16, 1930. Review of George P. Adams and William Pepperell Montague, ed., Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements. Printed copy
"The Philosophy of Morris R. Cohen," New Republic, Printed copy and letters by Bruce Bliven and others, 1930 July 23, 1930.
"The American Road to Culture," Current History, Oct. 1930. Review of George S. Counts, The American Road to Culture. Typescript
"Capitalism and Protestantism," Nation, Oct. 29, 1930. Review of Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Printed copy
"The Meaning of Marxism," Modern Quarterly, Contribution to a symposium. Printed copy Dec. 1930.
"The Non-Sense of the Whole," Modern Quarterly, Review, and letters by S. Klyce and George B. Vetter, 1931 Dec. 1930.
"Psychology," Holograph and notes 1931.
"The Psychology of Socialism," Current History, Jan. 1931. Review of Henri de Man, The Psychology of Socialism. Typescript and printed copy
"John Dewey and His Critics," New Republic, Typescript June 3, 1931.
"Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx," Symposium, Printed copy, clipping, and letters by Malcolm Cowley, Felix Frankfurter, H. M. Kallen, Arthur G. McDowell, Meyer Schapiro and others, 1931-1932. July 1931.
"Marx and Darwinism," New Republic, Letter by Charles A. Beard, 1931 July 29, 1931.
"Experimental Logic," Mind, Printed copy, and letters by G. E. Moore, Harry Overstreet, Roscoe Pound, Meyer Schapiro, Harold R. Smart, and others, 1931-1932 Oct. 1931.
"The Metaphysics of Experience," New Republic, Nov. 4, 1931. Review of John Dewey, Philosophy and Civilization. Typescript and printed copy (incomplete)
"A Call to Defend Academic Freedom and Students' Rights," (co-authored with others). Printed copy 1932
"Hegel's Intent," Philosophical Review, Jan. 1932. Review of Theodor L. Haering, Hegel: Sein Wollen und Sein Werk: Eine Chronologische Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gedanken und der Sprache Hegels, Vol. I. Typescript
"Reason and Nature: The Metaphysics of Scientific Method," Journal of Philosophy, Jan. 7, 1932. Review of Morris R. Cohen, Reason and Nature. Holographs, typescript, printed copy, draft letter to contributors with list, and letters by Cohen, Paul Weiss and others 1932
"Pictures of the Past," Saturday Review, April 30, 1932. Review of M. N. Pokrovsky, History of Russia, Vol. I. Typescript
"Charles Peirce: Collected Papers," Current History, May 1932. Review of Collected Papers of Charles Peirce. Typescript and letter 1931
"The Contemporary Significance of Hegel's Philosophy," Philosophical Review, Printed copy, and letters by Theodore B. Brameld and others, 1932 May 1932.
"Hegel and Marx in Continuity," Modern Quarterly, Letter by Meyer Schapiro, 1932 Summer 1932.
"Half-Baked Communism," Nation, June 8, 1932. Review of Robert Briffault, Breakdown: The Collapse of Traditional Civilization. Printed copy, printed copies of comments by Briffault and others, and letter by Brand Blanshard 1932
"Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind," Journal of Philosophy, June 23, 1932. Review of G. W. F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Mind. Printed copy
"Myth, Fact, and Poetry of Soviet Russia," Nation, Sept. 14, 1932. Review of Waldemar Gurian, Bolshevism: Theory and Practice, Joseph Freeman, The Soviet Worker, Waldo Frank, Dawn in Russia, and George S. Counts, Luigi Villari, Malcolm C. Rorty and Newton D. Baker, Bolshevism, Fascism, and Capitalism. Printed copy
Culture and the Crisis: An Open Letter to the Writers, Artists, Teachers, Physicians, Engineers, Scientists and Other Professional Workers of America, (co-authored with other members of the League of Professional Groups for Foster and Ford). Pamphlet. Printed copy and letter by Frederick L. Schuman, 1960 Oct. 1932
"The Marxist Interpretation of History," Printed program announcement Nov. 27, 1932.
"Materialism," Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, Holograph, typescript and correspondence, 1932 1933.
Open letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, (co-authored with 34 others). Relates to Soviet-American relations. Printed copy 1933
Speech, Relates to Karl Marx. Holograph 1933.
Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx 1933
General. Notes by Hook, promotional leaflet, and reviews 1933-1934
Correspondence with John Anderson, Newton Arvin, Louis D. Brandeis, Morris R. Cohen, George S. Counts, R. Palme Dutt, Abe Edel, Abram L. Harris, Will Herberg, D. Liberson, Alfred Rosmer, Morris U. Schappes, Roy Wood Sellars, Bernhard J. Stern, Edmund Wilson and others 1932-1984
Untitled writing, Reply to V. J. Jerome's article "Unmasking an American Revisionist of Marxism." Holograph 1933.
Interview, Typewritten transcript and printed copy March 11, 1933.
"Marxism: Dogma or Method?" Nation, Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and letters by Horace L. Friess and another, 1933 March 15, 1933.
"The Marxian Dialectic," New Republic, Printed letter to the editor by W. C. Mallalieu relating to Hook's article March 22, 1933.
"Against the Fascist Terror in Germany," New Masses, Contribution to symposium. Printed copy April 1933.
"Russia in Solution," Saturday Review, April 8, 1933. Review of Leon Trotsky, The History of the Russian Revolution, Vols. II and III. Printed copy and letter 1932
"Why the German Student Is Fascist," Student Outlook, Printed copy May 1933.
"Philosophy and Social Action," Speech, New York University. Notes and press release May 18, 1933.
"Education and Politics," New Republic, May 24, 1933. Review of John L. Childs and John Dewey, ed., The Educational Frontier. Typescript
"Science and the Crisis," Nation, June 21, 1933. Review of H. L. Levy, The Universe of Science, and Mary Adams, ed., Science and the Changing World. Printed copy
"Revolutionist's Symposium," Nation, June 28, 1933. Review of Samuel D. Schmalhausen, ed., Recovery through Revolution. Printed copy
"Correspondence: Trotzky and Sidney Hook," Nation, Letter to the editor in reply to comments by Leon Trotsky on Hook's article "Marxism: Dogma or Method?" Typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of the letter by Trotskii, 1933 July 5, 1933.
"De Libris: Disputatio," City College Alumnus, Sept. 1933. Letter to the editor relating to a review by David P. Berenberg of Hook's book Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. Printed copy, and printed copy of Berenberg's review 1933
"Theories of Social Determinism," Scientia, Printed copy Dec. 1933.
The Meaning of Marx: A Symposium, 1934 (co-author with Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, Morris R. Cohen and Sherwood Eddy). Pamphlet. Printed copy, correspondence, and printed articles by L. Rudas, "The Meaning of Sidney Hook," 1935-1951
"Is Marxism Compatible with Christianity?" Christian Register, Printed copy and letter, 1934 Feb. 15, 1934.
"The Nature of Discourse," Saturday Review, March 10, 1934. Review of Alfred Korzybksi, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. Typescript, printed copy, and letter by Korzybski 1934-1941
"Communism without Dogmas," Modern Monthly, Letters by E. F. Carritt, V. J. McGill and Allen Stiller, 1934 April 1934.
"What is Materialism?" Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy April 26, 1934.
"The Role of the Educator," Student Outlook, Printed copy May 1934.
"Marxism and Democracy: Some Notes on the Draft Program of the A. W. P.," Labor Action, Printed copy May 1, 1934.
"Sidney Hook Replies," Commonwealth College Fortnightly, June 15, 1934. Letter to the editor in reply to a review by William Cunningham of Hook's book Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. Printed copy. Includes printed copies of the review by Cunningham and of comments by Paul Evans on Hook's reply
"The Fallacy of the Theory of Social Fascism," Modern Monthly, Printed copy, and letter by Meyer Schapiro, 1934 July 1934.
Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Relates to Lincoln Steffens. Typescript Aug. 4, 1934
"The Challenge of the Social Order to the Curriculum of the Liberal Arts College," Speech, National Council on Religion in Higher Education, Colgate- Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, N.Y. Printed copy Sept. 1934.
"An Open Letter to Lincoln Steffens," Modern Monthly, Printed copy Sept. 1934.
"On Workers' Democracy," Modern Monthly, Printed copy, printed copies of responses by Will Herberg and M. Rieve, and letters by Paul Mattick, Paul Porter, Meyer Schapiro and Allen Stiller, 1934-1935 Oct. 1934.
"The Importance of a Point of View," Social Frontier, Two-part article. Printed copy Oct.-Nov. 1934.
"The Democratic and Dictatorial Aspects of Communism," International Conciliation, Printed copy and letters, 1934-1935 Dec. 1934.
"Karl Marx and Moses Hess," New International, Clipping, and correspondence with Jack Nusan Porter, 1981 Dec. 1934.
American Philosophy Today and Tomorrow, 1935 (co-editor with Horace M. Kallen). Review, printed excerpt entitled "Experimental Naturalism," and correspondence with Irwin Edman, George Santayana, Frederick J. E. Woodbridge and others 1933-1948
"Reply to Professor Cohen," Student Outlook, Feb. 1935. Reply to Morris R. Cohen's review of Hook's book Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. Printed copy and printed copy of Cohen's article
"A Philosophic Pathfinder," Nation, Feb. 13, 1935. Review of George H. Mead, Mind, Self and Society. Printed copy
"Interpreting Soviet Russia," Saturday Review, Feb. 16, 1935. Review of Julius Hecker, Moscow Dialogues, Julius Hecker, Russian Sociology, Julius Hecker, Religion and Communism, Julius Hecker, The Communist's Answer to the World's Needs, James Bunyan and H. H. Fisher, The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918, and Maurice Parmelee, Bolshevism, Fascism and the Liberal-Democratic State. Typescript and printed copy
"Marxism and Religion," Modern Monthly, Printed copy March 1935.
"Our Philosophers," Current History, Letter, 1935 March 1935.
"Literature of Revolt: A Reply to Professor Cohen - II," Student Outlook, May 1935. Reply to a review by Morris R. Cohen of Hook's book Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. Printed copy, and printed copy of rebuttal by Cohen 1935
"Philosophical Burlesque: On Some Stalinist Antics in Philosophy," Modern Monthly, Printed copy, and letter by Edward Conze, 1935 May 1935.
"Manners and Morals of Apache-Radicalism," Modern Monthly, Response to comments by Will Herberg on Hook's article "On Workers' Democracy." Printed copy, and printed copy of reply by Herberg, 1935 June 1935.
"Middle-Class Patterns of European Fascism," Speech, Conference of the League for Industrial Democracy. Holograph and typescript June 12, 1935.
"Saint Stalin," Modern Monthly, Nov. 16, 1935. Review of Henri Barbusse, Stalin. Typescript, printed copy, review by Kenneth Burke, and letter to Burke n.d.
"The Religion of Reason," ca. 1936. Review of Bertrand Russell, Religion and Science. Printed copy
From Hegel to Marx 1936
General. Contract agreement and correspondence with Edgar S. Brightman, Edward Conze, A. D. Lindsay, Yasokichi Ono, Meyer Schapiro, Eliseo Vivas and others 1936-1987
Reviews 1936-1963
"Introduction to Dialectical Materialism," Nation, March 4, 1936. Review of August Thalheimer, Introduction to Dialectical Materialism. Typescript and letters by Jim Cork, Phil Magg and George Simpson 1936
"The Faith of a Scientist," New Republic, April 1, 1936. Review of Bertrand Russell, Religion and Science. Typescript and printed copy
Letter to the editor, Plebe, (date written). Relates to J. D. Bernal. Typescript April 27, 1936
"Social Masks and Social Facts," New Republic, May 1936. Review of Thurman Arnold, The Symbols of Government. Letter by Arnold 1936
"Sidney Hook Writes to Board," C.C.N.Y. Union Teacher, Letter to the editor relating to Morris U. Schappes. Mimeographed copy and letters by Schappes and another, 1936 May 18, 1936.
"The Prophetic Trotsky," Saturday Review, July 11, 1936. Review of Leon Trotsky, The Third International after Lenin. Typescript and printed copy
"New Trend in Philosophy," Nation, Aug. 22, 1936. Review of George H. Mead, Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Printed copy
Introduction to Paul Sering, "What is Folksocialism? A Critical Analysis," New Frontiers, Printed copy, and letters by Sering and another, 1937 Dec. 1936.
"Philosophy in Action," Opinion, Dec. 1936. Review of Horace M. Kallen, The Decline and Rise of the Consumer: A Philosophy of Consumer Cooperation. Printed copy
"The Philosophical Implications of Economic Planning," in Findlay MacKenzie, ed., Planned Society, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 1937. Printed copy, review, and correspondence 1937-1958
"Marxism and Values," Marxist Quarterly, Printed copy, and letter by Lewis Corey, 1936 Jan.-March 1937.
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to charges made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials. Typescript Feb. 3, 1937
"Wandlungen der Weltanschauung," Journal of Philosophy, March 1937. Review of Karl Joel, Wandlungen der Weltanschauung: Eine Philosophie: Geschichte als Geschichtsphilosophie. Typescript
"Dialectic and Nature," Marxist Quarterly, Printed copy and correspondence with Mortimer J. Adler, Andrew Dresden, Horace M. Kallen, Felix Kaufmann, and others, 1937-1977 April-June 1937.
"A Philosopher on Movie Censorship," Saturday Review, May 15, 1937. Review of Mortimer J. Adler, Art and Prudence: A Study in Practical Philosophy. Printed copy
"Both their Houses," New Republic, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Malcolm Cowley on the Moscow Trials. Printed copy June 2, 1937.
"History in Swing Rhythm," Nation, July 10, 1937. Review of Pitirim Sorokin, Social and Cultural Dynamics. Typescript, galleys, and printed copy with note 1937-1987
"Socialism for a Democracy," Saturday Review, Aug. 28, 1937. Review of Harry W. Laidler, American Socialism. Printed copy
"Liberalism and the Case of Leon Trotsky," Southern Review, Printed copy and letter, 1937. Includes printed copies of an exchange of letters to the editor by Hook, Carleton Beals, Frederick L. Schuman, and James T. Farrell Fall 1937.
"Fantasia on the Left," Nation, Sept. 11, 1937. Review of Albert Weisbord, The Conquest of Power. Printed copy
"Seeking Truth about Trotsky," New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 10, 1937. Review of Preliminary Commission of Inquiry, The Case of Leon Trotsky: Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against Him in the Moscow Trials. Printed copy
"Worlds of Chance," Nation, Oct. 23, 1937. Review of Edward Gleason Spaulding, A World of Chance. Printed copy
"Promise without Dogma: A Social Philosophy for Jews," Menorah Journal, Printed copy, clipping, printed comments by Shlomo Grodzensky, and letters by Babette Deutsch, John Dewey, Henry Hurwitz, Horace M. Kallen, S. Perlman and others, 1937 Oct.-Dec. 1937.
"The Technique of Mystification," Partisan Review, Dec. 1937. Review of Kenneth Burke, Attitudes towards History. Printed copies (one with annotations), and letters 1937-1981
"Ends and Means," Nation, Dec. 11, 1937. Review of Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means. Printed copy, and letters by A. J. Muste and Lionel Trilling 1937
Letter to the editor, Nation, (date written). Relates to Benjamin Stolberg. Typescript, and letters by Stolberg, Louis Adamic and Edmund Wilson, 1938 1938
"Is Mr. Burke Serious?" Partisan Review, Exchange with Kenneth Burke relating to Hook's review "The Technique of Mystification." Printed copy, and printed copy of Burke's comments, 1938 Jan. 1938.
"Storm Signals in American Philosophy," Virginia Quarterly Review, Typescript, printed copy, advertisement, and letter, 1937 Jan. 1938.
"The Ways of Philosophy," Nation, Jan. 8, 1938. Review of Irwin Edman, Four Ways of Philosophy. Letter by Edman 1938
"Metaphysics and Social Attitudes: A Reply," Social Frontier, Reply to an article by Brand Blanshard. Printed copy, and printed copy of Blanshard's article, 1937 Feb. 1938.
"Zweiter Entfer oyf der Frage: Zie Leybt in sich Izt die Sowietische Arbeiter Besser, wie die Arbeiter in andere Lender?" Der Tog, Printed copy, typescript draft in English, and letter, 1938 Feb. 7, 1938.
"Broun vs. Dewey," New Republic, Feb. 16, 1938. Letter to the editor relating to Heywood Broun. Unabridged printed copy (printed in Workers Age), and correspondence 1938
"Corliss Lamont: Friend of the G.P.U.," Modern Monthly, Mimeograph, printed copy, and correspondence with Alfred Bingham, V. F. Calverton, Corliss Lamont, Norman Thomas and others, 1938 March 1938.
"Logic, Politics, and Plain Decency," Social Frontier, Printed copy March 1938.
"The Moscow Frame-Up: A Logical Analysis," Radio address, WEVD, New York City. Printed copy, and letter, 1938 March 26, 1938.
"The Politician's Handbook: A Review," University of Chicago Law Review, April 1938. Review of Thurman Arnold, The Folklore of Capitalism. Printed copy
"Neither Myth nor Power," University of Chicago Law Review, Response by Hook to a reply by Thurman Arnold to Hook's review "The Politician's Handbook: A Review." Printed copy, printed copy of Arnold's comments, and letters by George S. Counts, Ferdinand Lundberg, George Sabine, Norman Thomas and others, 1938-1939 April 1938.
"Relevant Issues Restated," Social Frontier, Reply to comments by Brand Blanshard on Hook's article "Metaphysics and Social Attitudes: A Reply." Printed copy, and printed copy of Blanshard's article, 1938 April 1938.
"Some Social Uses and Abuses of Semantics," Partisan Review, Printed copy and correspondence, 1938-1951 April 1938.
"The Baptism of Aristotle and Marx," Nation, April 9, 1938. Review of Mortimer J. Adler, What Man Has Made of Man: A Study of the Consequences of Platonism and Positivism in Psychology. Printed copy
"Thoughts in Season," Socialist Review, Printed copy May-June 1938.
"Democracy as a Way of Life," Southern Review, Printed copy and letter by Henry Hurwitz, 1938 Summer 1938.
"Science and the New Obscurantism," Modern Quarterly, Printed copy, and letters by Lancelot Hogben and George Sabine, 1938 Fall 1938.
"Democratic Way of Life," Menorah Journal, Letters by Saul Padover and another, 1938-1939 Oct. 1938.
Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Relates to Malcolm Cowley. Typescript and letter, 1938 Oct. 31, 1938
"Where the News Ends," New Leader, Guest column in place of Eugene Lyons. Printed copy Nov. 26, 1938.
Letter to the editor, W.S.C. Bulletin, (date written). Relates to democracy. Typescript Dec. 16, 1938
"Critical Analysis as a Method of Radio Education," School and Society, Letter, 1939 Dec. 31, 1938.
"Democracy as a Way of Life," in J. N. Andrews and C. A. Marsden, ed., Tomorrow in the Making, Letter, 1938 1939.
John Dewey: An Intellectual Portrait, 1939. Promotional flyer, reviews, and correspondence with Charles A. Beard, John L. Childs, Morris R. Cohen, Felix Frankfurter, Lessing A. Kahn, Gail Kennedy, M. C. Otto, Benjamin Stolberg and others 1939-1976
Speeches, Committee for Cultural Freedom meetings, Typescripts 1939.
"Reflections on the Russian Revolution," Southern Review, Winter 1939. Review of Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed. Printed copy, clipping, and letter by Cleanth Brooks, Jr. n.d.
"A Challenge to the Liberal-Arts College," Journal of Higher Education, Printed copy, and letters by Paul Klapper and another, 1939 Jan. 1939.
"Anatomy of the Popular Front," Partisan Review, Spring 1939. Review of Max Lerner, It Is Later Than You Think. Printed copy and letter 1939
"Abstractions in Social Inquiry," Illinois Law Review, Printed copy May 1939.
"The Fetishism of Power," Nation, May 13, 1939. Review of Gaetano Mosca, The Ruling Classes. Typescript, printed copy, and letter 1939
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to the Committee for Cultural Freedom. Press release May 15, 1939
Statement, (co-author with other members of the Committee for Cultural Freedom). Printed copy May 29, 1939
"Soviet Union a Totalitarian Dictatorship Just as Is Germany," New York Post, Letter to the editor relating to Corliss Lamont. Printed copy June 7, 1939.
Letter to the editor, Nation, Relates to comments by Freda Kirchwey on the Committee for Cultural Freedom. Typescript and correspondence with Kirchwey, 1939 June 17, 1939.
"Hook Warns against Forgery Tactics of Totalitarian Agents," New Leader, Letter to the editor relating to fraudulent mailings. Printed copy June 24, 1939.
"Dialectic in Social and Historical Inquiry," Journal of Philosophy, Letter, 1939 July 6, 1939.
"The Importance of John Dewey in Modern Thought," Modern Quarterly, Typescript and printed copy Fall 1939.
"The Totalitarian Mind: Need for Militant Liberalism Opposed to the Hitler-Stalinists," New York Post, Letter to the editor relating to the manifesto of the Committee for Cultural Freedom. Printed copy Sept. 2, 1939.
"Salute to John Dewey!" Call, Printed copy Oct. 27, 1939.
"John Dewey at Eighty," New Leader, Printed copy Oct. 28, 1939.
"Two Writers Debate Russia," Call, Exchange with Upton Sinclair. Printed copy and typescript by Sinclair, 1939 Oct.-Nov. 1939.
"The Art of Crypto-Stalinism: Its Theory and Practice," New Leader, Typescript and holograph by Hook in reply to George Soule, typescript copy of a response by Soule, and correspondence with Soule, 1939-1940 Nov. 18, 1939.
"Upton Sinclair vs. Sidney Hook: The Debate on Russia Grows Warmer," Call, Continuation of exchange with Upton Sinclair. Printed copy, correspondence with Sinclair, and a printed copy of an open letter by David Sinclair, 1938-1939 Nov. 18, 1939.
"Academic Freedom and 'The Trojan Horse' in American Education," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Printed copy and letter, 1939 Dec. 1939.
"Dies Committee Technique," New York Times, Printed copy Dec. 24, 1939.
"'Liberal, Rational Man': Three Answers," Common Sense, Printed copy 1940.
Reason, Social Myths and Democracy, 1940. Printed excerpt entitled "Dialectic and Nature," reviews, and correspondence with Irwin Edman, Will Herberg, Victor Serge and others 1940-1966
"Hegel," Philosophical Review, Jan. 1940. Review of Theodor L. Haering, Hegel: Sein Wollen und Sein Werk: Eine Chronologische Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gedanken und der Sprache Hegels, Vol. II. Typescript
"Unreconstructed Fellow-Travelers," Call, Typescript and printed copy Jan. 13, 1940.
"An Attack on Freedom," New York Herald Tribune, Letter to the editor relating to Bertrand Russell. Printed copy March 9, 1940.
"Socialists Face Need of Unified Action," New Leader, Printed copy March 9, 1940.
"What Stalin Wrote," New York Herald Tribune, April 7, 1940. Review of M. R. Werner, ed., Stalin's Kampf. Typescripts
"Prof. Hook to Prof. Schuman," Saturday Review, April 20, 1940. Relates to the review by Frederick L. Schuman of M. R. Werner, ed., Stalin's Kampf. Printed copy, and printed copy of Schuman's review (incomplete)
"The Integral Humanism of Jacques Maritain," Partisan Review, May-June 1940. Review of Jacques Maritain, True Humanism. Notes, and letter by Van Wyck Brooks 1940
"Alexander Goldenweiser: Three Tributes," Modern Quarterly, Printed copy Summer 1940.
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to the Communist Party, U.S.A. Typescript June 4, 1940
"Is Nazism a Social Revolution? Germany's 'State Ownership' Is Bureaucracy's Counter Revolt," New Leader, Printed copy, and printed reply by Felix Morrow, 1940 July 20, 1940.
"Socialism, Common Sense and the War: 'Leftist' War Stand Ignores Consequences to Socialists' Struggles if Hitler Wins," New Leader, Printed copy, clipping, and letters by Meyer Schapiro, 1940 Aug. 31, 1940.
Untitled writing, Relates to the American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. Typescript Sept. 24, 1940.
Review of James Feibelman, Positive Democracy, Journal of Philosophy, Typescript Sept. 26, 1940.
"Thinkers Who Prepared for Revolution," New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 29, 1940. Review of Edmund Wilson, To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History. Printed copy
"Metaphysics, War and the Intellectuals," Menorah Journal, Oct. 1940. Review of Lewis Mumford, Faith for Living, Archibald MacLeish, The Irresponsibles, and Waldo Frank, Chart for Rough Water. Letters by Bruce Bliven, Henry Hurwitz, Horace M. Kallen, Lewis Mumford, Edmund Wilson and others 1940
"Engels as Scientist," Nation, Oct. 10, 1940. Review of Friedrich Engels, The Dialectics of Nature. Letter 1940
"The New Medievalism," New Republic, Reply to Mortimer J. Adler. Mimeograph, printed copies, clipping, and correspondence with Carl Becker, Van Wyck Brooks, W. J. Crozier, Irwin Edman, Arthur S. Murphy, Harlow Shapley, Edward Shils and others, 1940-1941 Oct. 28, 1940.
"A Democratic Survival," New York Herald Tribune, Dec. 1, 1940. Review of Emil Lederer, State of the Masses. Printed copy
"The Strange Career of Frederick L. Schuman: A Case Study in Fellow-Traveling," Written for Frank Trager. Notes and typescript ca. 1940-1941.
" Out of the Night Uncovers Underworld of a Rotted Religion," New Leader, Feb. 15, 1941. Review of Jan Valtin, Out of the Night. Typescript, printed copy, and letter by Benjamin Stolberg 1941
"The Late Mr. Tate," Southern Review, Holograph notes, typescript, and correspondence with I. A. Richards and another, 1941-1987 Spring 1941.
"The Counter-Reformation in American Education," Antioch Review, Printed copy March 1941.
"Positive Problems in Social Philosophy," Lectures. Typescript notes by Ernest Allyn Smith May 1 and 12, 1941.
"Reason and Revolution," New Republic, July 21, 1941. Review of Herbert Marcuse, Reason and Revolution. Letter 1942
"Moscow Order Dissolving Communist Party in U.S. Would Swing Wide Public Support for U.S.S.R.," New Leader, Galleys Oct. 11, 1941.
Letter to the editor, Saturday Review, (date written). Relates to Bernard Smith. Typescript Oct. 24, 1941
"Russia's Democracy Denied," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to a letter to the editor by Albert A. Volk. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Volk's letter, and printed copy of Volk's reply to Hook Oct. 29, 1941.
"Social Change and Original Sin," New Leader, Nov. 8, 1941. Review of Sir Charles Sherrington, Man on His Nature, and Reinhold Niebuhr, The Nature and Destiny of Man. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Edwin Wilson and others 1941-1948
"National Unity and 'Corporate Thinking,'" Menorah Journal, Galleys, printed copy, and correspondence, 1942 Jan. 1942.
"Salvation by Semantics," Nation, Jan. 3, 1942. Review of S. I. Hayakawa, Language in Action: A Guide to Accurate Thinking. Typescript and printed copy
"Crisis of Our Culture," New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 11, 1942. Review of Pitirim A. Sorokin, The Crisis of Our Age: The Social and Cultural Outlook. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence 1942
"Russia's Military Successes Do Not Whitewash Crimes at Home," New Leader, Printed copy Jan. 31, 1942.
"Philosophical Presuppositions of Democracy," Ethics, Notes, holograph, and correspondence, 1942-1960 April 1942.
"Milton Mayer: Fake Jeremiah," New Leader, Reply to the article by Milton Mayer, "The Case against the Jew." Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Mayer's article, clipping, and letters by Albert C. Barnes and others, 1942-1979 April 4, 1942.
"Whitehead's Final Views," Nation, April 4, 1942. Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Holograph, typescript, and printed copy
"Is Freedom of the Press Possible in a Planned Economy?" Discussion notes May 4, 1942.
"Two Views on Mortimer Adler and Milton Mayer," New Leader, Exchange with Francis E. McMahon relating to Hook's article "Milton Mayer: Fake Jeremiah." Typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copy of McMahon's comments, and letter by Daniel Bell, 1942 May 16, 1942.
"Theological Tom-Tom and Metaphysical Bagpipe," Humanist, Autumn Letters by George Boas, Horace M. Kallen, and M. C. Otto, 1942 1942.
"Sidney Hook Analyzes a New 'Faith' for the Businessman," New Leader, Sept. 5, 1942. Review of William Ernest Hocking, What Man Can Make of Man. Typescript and printed copy
"Legitimacy and Revolution," New Republic, Oct. 19, 1942. Review of Guglielmo Ferrero, The Principles of Power: The Great Political Crises of History. Holograph, printed copy, and letter by Alfred Kazin 1942
The Hero in History: A Study in Limitation and Possibility, 1943. Reviews, miscellany, and correspondence with Charles A. Beard, Rushton Colbourn, James T. Farrell, Nathan Glazer, Irving Horowitz, J. Miller, Hans Reichenbach, Daniel Seligman, Wilmon H. Sheldon, Arnold J. Toynbee and others 1942-1988
"The New Failure of Nerve," Partisan Review, Holograph (incomplete), typescript, printed copy, contract, printed comments by Malcolm Cowley, William Ferry, I. A. Richards, and Isaac Rosenfeld, and correspondence with Newton Arvin, Morris R. Cohen, John Gould Fletcher, C. Wright Mills and others, 1943-1959 Jan.-Feb. 1943.
"Education for the New Order," Nation, Feb. 27, 1943. Review of Alexander Meiklejohn, Education between Two Worlds. Typescript, printed copy, holograph reply by Meiklejohn, and letter by M. C. Otto 1943
"A Critique: The Elite and the Masses," New Leader, Galleys March 20, 1943.
"And Rebuttal," Nation, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Mark Van Doren on Hook's article "Education for the New Order." Typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of Van Doren's comments, 1943 March 20, 1943.
"Tribute to Carlo Tresca," Il Martello, Eulogy for Carlo Tresca. Typescript March 28, 1943.
"The Failure of the Left," Partisan Review, Printed copy, and correspondence with James T. Farrell, 1943 March-April 1943.
"Reply by Mr. Hook," Partisan Review, Letter to the editor relating to comments on Hook's article "The New Failure of Nerve." Printed copy, and printed copies of comments, 1943 March-April 1943.
"Philosophy of Art and Culture," Weekly Book Review, April 11, 1943. Review of Horace M. Kallen, Art and Freedom. Letter by Kallen 1943
"The Politics of Wonderland," Partisan Review, Reply to comments by David Merian on Hook's articles "The New Failure of Nerve" and "The Failure of the Left." Printed copy, printed copy of Merian's article, and correspondence with Dwight Macdonald and Meyer Schapiro, 1943-1953 May-June 1943.
"Experience and Intelligence," New Republic, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Malcolm Cowley and I. Rosenfeld on Hook's article "The New Failure of Nerve." Printed copy, and printed copy of Rosenfeld's and Cowley's replies Sept. 6, 1943.
"Can We Take Freedom to the Rest of the World?" Town Meeting of the Air radio symposium with Reinhold Niebuhr, Robert A. Taft and Dixon Ryan Fox. Printed transcript Sept. 23, 1943.
"Faith, Hope, and Dialectic: Merian in Wonderland," Partisan Review, Reply to comments by David Merian on Hook's article "The Politics of Wonderland." Printed copy, and printed copy of Merian's comments, 1943 Sept.-Oct. 1943.
"Illusions of Our Time," Partisan Review, Sept.-Oct. 1943. Review of Harold J. Laski, Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. Typescript and printed copy
"Charles Beard's Political Testament," Nation, Oct. 23, 1943. Review of Charles A. Beard, The Republic: Conversations on Fundamentals. Typescript, clipping fragment, and letter by Morris R. Cohen 1943
"The Perpetual Debate," Nation, Dec. 11, 1943. Review of Henry Steele Commager, Majority Rule and Minority Rights. Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and letter 1943
"Naturalism and Democracy," in Y. H. Krikorian, ed., Naturalism and the Human Spirit, Printed copy, mimeographed excerpts, and letter, 1944 1944.
"The Rebirth of Political Credulity," New Leader, Printed copy, and letter by J. Miller, 1944 Jan. 1, 1944.
"Humanism and the Labor Movement," New Europe, Printed copy Feb. 1944.
"Marx and Engels: The Heritage and the Challenge," Lecture, Rand School of Social Science, New York City. Typescript Feb. 3, 1944.
"God, Geometry and the Good Society," Partisan Review, Spring 1944. Review of Mark Van Doren, Liberal Education. Letter 1945
"Thirteen Arrows against Progressive Liberal Education," Humanist, Printed copy Spring 1944.
"Progressive Liberal Education," Nation, March 11, 1944. Review of Algo D. Henderson, Vitalizing Liberal Education: A Study of the Liberal Arts Program. Printed copy and letters 1944
"Hitlerism: A Non-Metaphysical View," Contemporary Jewish Record, April 1944. Review of Konrad Heiden, Der Fuehrer. Letter 1944
"Ballyhoo at St. John's," New Leader, Two-part article. Printed copies, and correspondence with Scott Buchanan, George S. Counts and others, 1944 May 27-June 3, 1944.
"Is Physical Realism Sufficient?" Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy Sept. 28, 1944.
"Heroic Vitalism," Nation, Oct. 7, 1944. Review of Eric Russell Bentley, A Century of Hero-Worship. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Bentley 1955-1956
"If Only...," Nation, Oct. 28, 1944. Review of Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government. Printed copy
"The Ends of Education," Journal of Educational Sociology, Typescript and letter, 1944 Nov. 1944.
"An Apologist for St. John's College," New Leader, Printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with Alexander Meiklejohn, 1945 Nov. 25, 1944.
"Road to Freedom," New Europe, Dec. 1944. Review of Bronislaw Malinowski, Freedom and Civilization. Printed copy
"Proletariat," in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1945. Correspondence 1945-1952
"The Dilemma of T. S. Eliot," Nation, Typescripts, galleys, printed copy, galleys of a reply by Jacques Maritain, printed comments by others, and correspondence, 1945-1973 Jan. 20, 1945.
"The Degradation of the Word," New Leader, Printed copy Jan. 27, 1945.
"Man and the Universe of Symbols," Kenyon Review, Spring 1945. Review of Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man. Printed copy
"Freedom and Socialism: Reply to Max Eastman," New Leader, Printed copy and letter, 1945 March 3, 1945.
"Democratic Faith and Puritan Piety," Nation, May 26, 1945. Review of Ralph Barton Perry, Puritanism and Democracy. Notes, typescript, galleys, printed copy, and letter 1945
"The Case for Progressive Education," Saturday Evening Post, Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and correspondence, 1945 June 30, 1945.
"A Discussion of the Theory of International Relations," Journal of Philosophy, Contribution to a symposium. Printed copy Aug. 30, 1945.
"Education for Vocation," Antioch Review, Correspondence, 1945-1946 Sept. 1945.
"Are Naturalists Materialists?" Journal of Philosophy, (co-author with John Dewey and Ernest Nagel). Printed copy, and letters by Harold Taylor and another, 1945-1946 Sept. 13, 1945
Who Killed Carlo Tresca?(co-author with other members of the Carlo Tresca Memorial Committee). Pamphlet (reissued 1983). Printed copy and letter by Warren Hope, 1982-1983 Oct. 1945
"The Signs of Aldous Huxley," Saturday Review of Literature, Nov. 3, 1945. Review of Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. Typescript
"Reflections on the Nuremberg Trial: A Summary Court-Martial for Nazi Criminals," New Leader, Printed copy Nov. 17, 1945.
"Bertrand Russell among the Sages," Nation, Dec. 1, 1945. Review of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy. Typescripts, and correspondence with Melvin Lasky and others 1945-1951
Education for Modern Man 1946
General. Promotional flyer, contract, and reviews by John Dewey and others 1946-1963
Correspondence with C. J. Ducasse, Felix Kaufmann, Gail Kennedy, Max Lerner, Meyer Schapiro, Milton Steinberg and others 1946-1974
"Introduction," in Karl Kautsky, Social Democracy versus Communism, Letter, 1947 1946.
"Problems of Terminology in Historical Writing," in Theory and Practice in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee on Historiography, 1946 (co-author with Charles A. Beard). Correspondence 1946-1954
"The Autonomy of Democratic Faith," American Scholar, Exchange with Raphael Demos. Copyright agreement, printed copy of article by Demos, printed copy of Hook's reply (incomplete), and correspondence with Demos and others, 1945-1979 Jan. 1946.
"Fin du Mondisme: The Birth of a New World Mood in Face of Atombomb," New Leader, Typescripts and printed copy Jan. 23, 1946.
"Toward Intellectual Teamwork," Commentary, Correspondence with Edgar S. Brightman, Nels F. S. Ferre and others, 1945-1946 Feb. 1946.
"What Is Philosophy?" Nation, March 30, 1946. Review of Brand Blanshard, Curt J. Ducasse, Charles V. Hendel, Arthur E. Murphy and Max C. Otto, Philosophy in American Education: Its Tasks and Opportunities. Printed copy, notes, and letter 1945
"Moral Values and/or Religion in Our Schools," Progressive Education, Correspondence, 1954 May 1946.
Eulogy for Rudolf Kagey, Typescripts and letters, 1946 May 15, 1946.
"The Philosophic Scene: Scientific Method on the Defensive," Commentary, Printed copy and letter, 1946 June 1946.
"Russia's Foreign Policy," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Arthur Upham Pope. Typescript and printed copy Oct. 17, 1946.
"Integrity of Criticism," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Arthur Upham Pope on Hook's letter "Russia's Foreign Policy." Printed copy, and printed copy of Pope's comments, 1946 Nov. 2, 1946.
The National Council of Jewish Women on the Present-Day Jewish Scene: A Program Survey of the Organization, Pamphlet. Printed copy, report by the National Council of Jewish Women, and letters, 1946 Dec. 1946.
"Synthesis or Eclecticism?" Philosophy and Phenomelogical Research, Printed copy, and letters by Jerome N. Frank and William H. Kilpatrick, 1947 Dec. 1946.
"Atheism," in Collier's Encyclopedia, Typescript and letter, 1947 1947.
Freedom and Experience: Essays Presented to Horace M. Kallen, 1947 (co-editor with Milton R. Konvitz). Contract, reviews, clipping, and correspondence with T. D. Seymour Bassett, Jacob Billikopf, Milton R. Konvitz, Morton White and others 1947-1974
"The Philosophical Basis of American Socialism," Lecture, Princeton University. Outline, and letter by Donald D. Egbert, 1946 Jan. 8, 1947.
"The Plural Sources of Jewish Life in America," Speech, American Jewish Committee conference. Holograph outline, mimeograph, memorandum on conference, and letters by Horace M. Kallen and Joshua Lieberman, 1945-1947 Jan. 25, 1947.
"The Future of Democratic Socialism," Partisan Review, Correspondence with Dorothy Butler Howells, 1947 Jan.-Feb. 1947.
"Philosophy and the Police," Nation, Feb. 15, 1947. Review of John Somerville, Soviet Philosophy: A Study of Theory and Practice. Typescript and printed copy
"Totalitarian Liberalism," Time, Printed copy and letter, 1947 Feb. 17, 1947.
"Intelligence and Evil in Human History: An Answer to Intellectual Defeatism," Commentary, Printed copy and letters, 1947 March 1947.
"What Exactly Do We Mean by Democracy?" New York Times Magazine, Correspondence with Lester Markel, Thomas H. Uzzell and others, 1947-1950 March 16, 1947.
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to Henry A. Wallace. Typescript March 20, 1947
"First Reflections on 'Ideas for a New Party'," (date written). Typescript and letter to Lewis Corey, 1947 May 1, 1947
Letter to the editor, Philosophical Review, May 1, 1947 (date written). Relates to review by Henry Merritt Wriston of Hook's book Education for Modern Man. Typescript and galleys
"...And a Response," Nation, Letter to the editor in reply to a letter to the editor by John Somerville relating to Hook's review "Philosophy and the Police." Typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of Somerville's letter, and letters by Somerville and Randall Jarrell, 1947 May 10, 1947.
"Are Carasso's 'Disciplines' Democratic?" Humanist, Printed copy Summer 1947.
"An Unanswered Letter to the American Jewish Congress," New Leader, Letter to the editor relating to the American Jewish Congress. Printed copy July 5, 1947.
"Sectarian Education," New York Times, (co-author with others). Letter to the editor relating to the American Council on Education. Letters, 1947 Oct. 1, 1947
Radio address, WMCA, Reply to a broadcast by J. Raymond Walsh relating to arbitration of a labor dispute regarding the National Council of Jewish Women. Typescripts, printed arbitration decision, typescript of Walsh's broadcast, and correspondence with Walsh and others, 1947 Oct. 16, 1947.
"Mr. Fly's Web of Confusions: An Analysis of a Befuddled Decision," New Leader, Typescripts, galleys, printed copy, clippings, and letters, 1947 Oct. 18, 1947.
"Is the U.S. a Republic or a Democracy?" New York Times Magazine, Correspondence, printed copy of comments by readers, and letters, 1947-1950 Oct. 19, 1947.
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to Horace M. Kallen. Holograph and typescript Oct. 29, 1947
Interview, Radio broadcast (in German). Mimeographed transcript Nov. 6, 1947.
"The Source of Value," New York Times, Nov. 16, 1947. Review of Clarence I. Lewis, An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of a review of Lewis by Charles A. Baylis, and letter 1947
"Mr. Fly Entangles Himself More Deeply," New Leader, Reply to comments by James Lawrence Fly on Hook's article "Mr. Fly's Web of Confusions." Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence, 1947-1952 Nov. 22, 1947.
"Light on a Moot Point," New Leader, Letter to the editor relating to Hook's article "Mr. Fly Entangles Himself More Deeply." Typescript, printed copy, and clipping, 1947 Nov. 29, 1947.
"Some Philosophical Facets of Anglo-American Culture," Speech, Conference on the Heritage of English-Speaking Peoples and Their Responsibility, Sept. 1947. Printed copy and program, 1947 Dec. 1947.
"Does the New Foreign Policy Lead to Peace or War?" Typescript ca. 1947-1948.
"Do Communists Believe in Force and Violence?" Prospectus and letter, 1948 1948.
"Humanism and the Labor Movement," in Feliks Gross, ed., European Ideologies, 1948. Correspondence with Gross and another 1948-1949
"The Meaning of Freedom," Radio address. Typescript 1948?
"Portrait: John Dewey," American Scholar, Printed copy, and correspondence with Jacob Billikopf, John Dewey and others, 1947-1949 Winter 1948.
"Meeting of Logic and the Arts," New York Times, Jan. 11, 1948. Review of F. S. C. Northrop, The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities. Typescript, printed copy, and letter 1949
"On the Casting Out of Devils," New York Times, Jan. 25, 1948. Review of Sir Norman Angell, The Steep Places. Typescript, printed copy, and letter 1948
"On Historical Understanding," Partisan Review, Typescript and printed copy Feb. 1948.
"The Communist Manifesto One Hundred Years After," New York Times Magazine, Typescript and correspondence, 1948-1949 Feb. 1, 1948.
"Why Democracy is Better," Commentary, Mimeographed excerpts and correspondence, 1948-1949 March 1948.
"The State: Servile or Free?" New Leader, Printed copy, and correspondence with Milton R. Konvitz and another, 1948-1957 March 13, 1948.
"Academic Freedom," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to academic freedom in Eastern Europe. Typescript, printed copy, flyer incorporating excerpts from Hook's text, and correspondence, 1948 March 23, 1948.
"The Literature of Disenchantment," New York Times, May 16, 1948. Review of Freda Utley, Lost Illusion. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and letter 1948
Letter to the editor, American Scholar, Summer 1948. Relates to the American Scholar Forum on American Foreign Policy. Typescript, and correspondence 1948
"Mr. Toynbee's City of God," Partisan Review, June 1948. Review of Arnold J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial. Typescript and printed copy
"Recommendation," Partisan Review, June 1948. Letter to the editor relating to Jerzy Gliksman, Tell the West. Printed copy
"The Psychology of the Imagination," June 22, 1948. Review of Jean-Paul Sartre, The Psychology of the Imagination. Typescript and letter 1948
Letter to the editor, American Scholar, (date written). Reply to comments by Howard Selsam on Hook's article "Portrait: John Dewey." Typescript and correspondence, 1948 June 23, 1948
"The Pursuit of Happiness," Life, Letters, 1948-1949 July 12, 1948.
"Drei Grundzge Westlichen Denkens," Monat, Correspondence with Melvin J. Lasky, 1949 Nov. 1948.
"Russia's Slave Labor," New York Times, Typescript and letter, 1948 Nov. 2, 1948.
"New Palestine Party," New York Times, (co-author with others). Letter to the editor relating to the Freedom Party of Israel. Printed copy, clippings, and letter, 1948-1982 Dec. 4, 1948
John Dewey: Philosopher of Science and Freedom, 1949 (editor). Contract, review, and correspondence with Henry Aiken, George Boas, Herbert Feigl, Lawrence K. Frank, Felix Frankfurter, Horace L. Friess, Horace M. Kallen, Felix Kaufmann, Gail Kennedy, Milton R. Konvitz, Harry Laidler, Edwin W. Patterson, Wilfrid Sellars, Morton White and others 1949-1971
"Nature and the Human Spirit," in Proceedings: 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Printed copy and letter, 1948 1949.
"A Systematic Philosophy, and Testament, by Mr. Russell," New York Times, Jan. 2, 1949. Review of Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits. Typescript and printed copy
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to Corliss Lamont. Typescript Jan. 24, 1949
Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to a letter to the editor by Henry Pratt Fairchild on education in the Soviet Union. Typescript, printed copy of Fairchild's letter, and letter, 1949 Jan. 26, 1949
"Communism and the Intellectuals," American Mercury, Printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with James K. McGuire, W. A. Orton, Henry Regnery, Mrs. Raymond Allen Stolle, Freda Utley and others, 1948-1950 Feb. 1949.
"Should Communists Be Permitted to Teach?" New York Times Magazine, Mimeographed and printed copies, typescript and printed copies of comments by Robert K. Carr, Kai Nielsen, Norman Thomas and others, and correspondence with Carr, Jacob Billikopf, W. P. Clark, Will Dennes, C. J. Ducasse, Arthur B. Moehlman, John Nason, Henry M. Pachter, Herbert Solow (with attached memorandum), Ralph D. Tanz, Bernard Weitzman and others, 1949-1956 Feb. 27, 1949.
"International Communism," Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Printed copy, and correspondence with Harold H. Burton, William O. Douglas, Frank Murphy, Wiley Rutledge and others, 1949 March 1949.
"On the Battlefield of Philosophy," Partisan Review, Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Herbert Solow and others, 1948-1949 March 1949.
"The Philosophy of Democracy as a Philosophy of History," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Printed copy, and correspondence with Clarence I. Lewis, Paul Arthur Schilpp and others, 1948-1953 March 1949.
"Geneticist's Dismissal Weighed," New York Times, Printed copy March 7, 1949.
"Freedom and Control in Our Time," Speech, New York University. Holograph, typescript, and mimeograph March 12, 1949.
Letter to the editor, American Mercury, (date written). Reply to a letter to the editor by James K. McGuire relating to Hook's article "Communism and the Intellectuals." Galleys, and galleys of McGuire's letter March 18, 1949
Statement, Relates to the Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace, New York City. Typescript March 20, 1949.
"Academic Freedom and Communism," New York Times Magazine, Mimeograph, letters and comments by others, including mimeographed and printed copies of a reply by Alexander Meiklejohn with attached notes by Hook, 1949-1951 March 27, 1949.
"Science and Freedom," Speech on behalf of Americans for Intellectual Freedom, New York City. Mimeograph and clippings, 1949 March 27, 1949.
"Stand of the Liberals," New York Times, April l3, (with George S. Counts). Letter to the editor relating to comments by Theodore Brameld on Americans for Intellectual Freedom. Typescript, printed copy, printed reply by Brameld, and letter by Alfred Korzybski, 1949 1949
"The Fellow-Traveler: A Study in Psychology," New York Times Magazine, Typescript, printed copies (in English and in German), and correspondence with Talbot Hamlin, H. E. Hanson and others, 1949-1950 April 17, 1949.
Letter to the editor, Reconstructionist, (date written). Relates to Americans for Intellectual Freedom. Typescript April 20, 1949
"Dr. Hook Protests," Nation, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Freda Kirchwey on Americans for Intellectual Freedom. Typescript, printed copy, and printed comments by Kirchwey and others, 1949 April 30, 1949.
"Science, Freedom and Peace," Speech, International Day of Resistance to Dictatorship and War, Paris. Mimeograph, printed copy, and correspondence with Norman Cousins, 1949 April 30, 1949.
"Reflections on the Jewish Question," Partisan Review, May 1949. Review of Jean-Paul Sartre, Anti-Semite and Jew. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with William Elton, Len Krasner, and Philip Rahv 1949-1988
"A Gallant American Rebel," New York Times, July 17, 1949. Review of Ray Ginger, The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Victor Debs. Typescript and printed copy
"The Literature of Political Disillusionment," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Correspondence with Ralph E. Himstead and another, 1949-1958 Sept. 1949.
"What Shall We Do about Communist Teachers?" Saturday Evening Post, Printed copy, and correspondence with George E. Axtelle, Ralph H. Lutz, Norman Thomas and others, 1949-1950 Sept. 10, 1949.
"Academic Integrity and Academic Freedom," Commentary, Printed copy, clippings, galleys of comments by another, and correspondence with George E. Axtelle, Charles Baylis, Max Beloff, Elliot E. Cohen, William Dennes, C. J. Ducasse, Thomas Emerson, Horace Friess, Helen M. Lynd, Glenn R. Morrow, Arthur E. Murphy, David Riesman and others, 1949-1974 Oct. 1949.
"How USSR Utilizes Psychological Pressures," Lecture, U.S. Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. Notes, clippings, and letters, 1949 Oct. 6, 1949.
"John Dewey at Ninety: The Man and His Philosophy," New Leader, Printed copy Oct. 22, 1949.
"Academic Freedoms: Academic Confusions," Journal of Higher Education, Correspondence, 1949 Nov. 1949.
"Soviet Party Philosophy," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to Soviet philosophy. Typescript and printed copy Nov. 18, 1949.
"Professor Hook Replies," Commentary, Letter to the editor in reply to responses by Helen M. Lynd and Arthur E. Murphy relating to Hook's article "Academic Integrity and Academic Freedom." Holograph, typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of letters to the editor by Lynd and Murphy, galleys and printed copy of comments by Irving Howe and another, and correspondence, 1949 Dec. 1949.
"The Place of John Dewey in Modern Thought," in Marvin Farber, ed., Philosophic Thought in France and the United States, 1950. Typescript and correspondence with Farber 1948-1949
Review of Herbert Butterfield, Writings on Christianity and History, Holograph (incomplete) 1950.
Review of Leo Huberman, The Truth about Socialism, Typescript and letter, 1950 1950.
"Science and Totalitarianism," Holograph 1950.
Letter to the editor, Socialist Commentary, Jan. l8, (date written). Relates to communism in China. Typescript, biographical sketch, and correspondence, 1950 1950
"The Tangled Problems of Democracy," New York Times, Feb. 26, 1950. Review of R. M. MacIver, The Ramparts We Guard. Typescript, biographical sketch, and letter 1950
"Religion and the Intellectuals," Partisan Review, Clipping and correspondence, 1950-1951 March 1950.
"Mr. Hook Replies," Commentary, Reply to letter to the editor by Harold Taylor in response to Hook's letter to the editor relating to Hook's article, "Professor Hook Replies." Holograph, typescript, letter by Elliot Cohen, and typescript copy of Taylor's comments, 1950 March 1950.
"The Scientist in Politics," New York Times Magazine, Reply to George A. Kolstad. Typescript, printed copy, galleys of Kolstad's article, and correspondence with Kolstad, A. J. Muste and others, 1950 April 9, 1950.
"Lenin, oder die Rolle des Einzelnen," Monat, Typescript (in English), and letter, 1949 May 1950.
"Communists in the Colleges," New Leader, Printed copy and clipping, 1950 May 6, 1950.
"The Degradation of the Word: The Kremlin's New Weapon," Typescript and correspondence, 1950 May 17, 1950.
Review of Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, Typescript May 31, 1950.
"Heresy, Yes, But Conspiracy, No," New York Times Magazine, Printed copy, clippings, and correspondence, 1950-1952 July 9, 1950.
"Rejoinder to Mr. Van den Haag," Partisan Review, Reply to Ernest van den Haag's response to Hook's article "Religion and the Intellectuals." Typescript, printed copy, and letter by Van den Haag, 1950-1983 July-Aug. 1950.
"The Berlin Congress," Manchester Guardian Weekly, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Hugh Trevor-Roper on the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Trevor-Roper's article, and correspondence, 1950 Sept. 7, 1950.
"Past and Present of the Case that Shook the Nation," New York Times, Sept. 24, 1950. Review of Alistair Cooke, A Generation on Trial: U.S.A. v. Alger Hiss. Typescript, printed copy, notes, and letter by Nora de Toledano 1950
"The Berlin Congress for Cultural Freedom," Partisan Review, Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with A. J. Muste and another, 1950 Sept.-Oct. 1950.
"The University of California and the Non-Communist Oath," New York Times, Oct. 1, 1950. Review of George R. Stewart, et al., The Year of the Oath. Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with Andrew H. Horn, John Francis Neylan and others 1950-1951
"Encounter in Berlin," New Leader, Typescript and printed copy Oct. 14, 1950.
"How to Stop Russia Without War," New York Post, Oct. 22, 1950. Review of Boris Shub, The Choice. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence 1950
"A Reply," New York Times, Letter to the editor in reply to letters to the editor by Matthew Held, Thomas O. Mabbott, Richard E. Richman, and Jeff Thomas, relating to Hook's review "The University of California and the Non-Communist Oath." Typescript, printed copy, printed copies of the letters by Held, Mabbott, Richman and Thomas, and letter, 1950 Nov. 19, 1950.
"Why They Switch Loyalties," New York Times Magazine, Holograph, galleys, clippings, printed comments by Gordon Haskell, and correspondence with Alfred Kohlberg, Melvin Lasky, Lester Markel and others, 1948-1954 Nov. 26, 1950.
"U.N. Stand on Korea," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Ralph Barton Perry. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copies of Perry's comments and subsequent reply, 1950 Dec. 15, 1950.
"General Education: Its Nature and Purposes," in Horace T. Morse, ed., General Education in Transition, 1951. Correspondence 1949-1951
"Nature and the Human Spirit," in Salo Baron, Ernest Nagel and K. S. Pinson, eds., Freedom and Reason: Studies in Philosophy and Jewish Culture in Memory of Morris Raphael Cohen, 1951. Printed copy and letter 1948-1951
Speech, Relates to the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Holograph 1951.
"The Danger of Authoritarian Attitudes in Teaching Today," School and Society, Printed copy, press release, and correspondence, 1950-1964 Jan. 20, 1951.
"Communists: Authoritarians in the Schools," Socialist Call, Letter to the editor relating to an article by Seymour Martin Lipset. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Lipset's article, and letter, 1951 Jan. 26, 1951.
"Coverage of Rousset Trial," New York Times, (co-author with Roger Baldwin, George S. Counts, Arthur Koestler, Reinhold Niebuhr, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and Norman Thomas). Letter to the editor relating to David Rousset. Printed copy Feb. 15, 1951
"The Conflict between the Democratic and Communist Ideologies," Prepared for the U.S. Naval War College. Typescript, mimeograph, and holograph discussion outline March 9, 1951.
"To Counter the Big Lie: A Basic Strategy," New York Times Magazine, Printed copy, galleys and printed copies of responses by Harry Frankel and Matthew Held, and correspondence with Lester Markel, Michael A. Musmanno and others, 1951 March 11, 1951.
"A Case Study in Anti-Secularism," Partisan Review, March 18, 1951. Review of Eliseo Vivas, The Moral Life and the Ethical Life. Typescript, typescript copy of a review by Ernest Nagel, typescript comments by others, and correspondence with Ashley Montagu, Max C. Otto and others 1951-1952
"Modes of Jewish Life," Holograph outline and clipping March 25, 1951.
Letter to the editor, Time, March 30, 1951 (date written). Relates to The Nation. Typescript
"The Battle of Ideologies," Speech. Clippings April 1951.
Speech, Relates to the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Typescripts May 3, 1951.
"Liberty, Society and Mr. Santayana," New York Times, May 6, 1951. Review of George Santayana, Dominations and Powers: Reflections on Liberty, Society and Government. Printed copy and letters from Ralph Barton Perry and another 1951
Interview, Amherst Student, Comments by Hook on academic freedom. Printed copy, and printed copy of comments by Alexander Meiklejohn May 17, 1951.
"Academic Freedom," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to education in the U.S. Typescript, printed copy, and clipping, 1951 May 27, 1951.
"From Plato to Hegel to Marx," New York Times, July 22, 1951. Review of Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies. Typescript, printed copy, and letter 1950-1951
"Interpreting the Madison Incident," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to the Stockholm Peace Petition. Typescript and printed copy Aug. 21, 1951.
"Bread, Freedom and Businessmen," Fortune, Notes, typescripts, holograph outlines, clipping, and correspondence with Lester Markel, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Norman Thomas and others, 1951-1956 Sept. 1951.
"Why Petitions Are Rejected," New York Times, Letter to the editor in reply to comments by James Tyler on Hook's letter "Interpreting the Madison Incident." Holograph and printed copy Sept. 3, 1951.
"The Dangers in 'Cultural Vigilantism,'" New York Times Magazine, Printed copy, printed copy of response by Emma Stokes, and correspondence with Lester Markel and others, 1951-1956 Sept. 30, 1951.
"The Use and Abuse of Words," New Leader, Oct. 15, 1951. Review of Richard McKeon, ed., Democracy in a World of Tensions. Printed copy, and letters to John Dewey and others 1950-1952
"Russia by Moonshine," New Leader, Two-part article. Holograph, printed copy, and letter, 1951 Nov. 12-19, 1951.
Heresy, Yes, Conspiracy, No!, Pamphlet. Printed copy 1952.
Letter to the editor, New York Times, Relates to comments by Ralph Barton Perry on George Kennan. Holograph, and printed copy of Perry's comments, 1952 1952.
"The Philosophical Basis of Marxian Socialism in the United States," in Donald Drew Egbert and Stow Persons, ed., Socialism and American Life, Correspondence with Egbert and another, 1951 1952.
"Perennial and Temporal Goals in Education," Journal of Higher Education, Annotated printed copy and correspondence, 1951 Jan. 1952.
"Mindless Empiricism," Journal of Philosophy, Printed copy, and correspondence with Arthur O. Lovejoy, Ralph Barton Perry and others, 1951-1953 Feb. 14, 1952.
"Not Mindful Enough," Journal of Philosophy, Reply to a response by Victor Lowe to Hook's article "Mindless Empiricism." Printed copy Feb. 14, 1952.
"Is America in the Grip of Hysteria?" New Leader, Editorial reply to Bertrand Russell. Typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of response by Russell March 3, 1952.
Statement, (co-author with others). Relates to the 35th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Clipping and letter, 1952 March 12, 1952
"Cultural Freedom and Starving Men: A Case for Democracy," Bharat Jyoti, Printed copy March 16, 1952.
"Ideological Factors in Formulation of Strategy," Lecture, U.S. Naval War College. Transcript and letter, 1952 March 21, 1952.
"The Problem of the Individual in a Totalitarian Society," ca. Speech, Symposium on the Contemporary Scene, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Typescript, mimeograph, and printed copy March 28-30, 1952.
"Academic Freedom," Speech, National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago. Mimeograph and letters, 1952-1962 April 18, 1952.
"The Role of Intelligence in Our Moral Awakening," Remarks upon receipt of John Dewey Award for Distinguished L. I. D. [League for Industrial Democracy] Alumni. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Harry W. Laidler, 1951-1952 April 26, 1952.
"Degrees of Soviet Scholarship," New York Times, Relates to academic freedom in the Soviet Union. Typescript April 28, 1952.
"The Faiths of Whittaker Chambers," New York Times, May 25, 1952. Review of Whittaker Chambers, Witness. Typescript, printed copy, typescript copies of comments by others, clippings, and correspondence with Henry Grunwald, Frank L. Howley, Henry Hurwitz, Horace M. Kallen, Ferdinand Lundberg, John Maass, P. J. McGirr, DeWitt C. Poole, Herman F. Reissig, Meyer Schapiro, Frank N. Trager and others 1952
"Academic Manners and Morals," Journal of Higher Education, Printed copy, and correspondence with C. J. Ducasse, Howard E. Jensen, Glenn Negley and others, 1952 June 1952.
"A Reply," New York Times, Letter to the editor in reply to letters to the editor by Herman F. Reissig and others relating to Hook's review "The Faiths of Whittaker Chambers." Typescript, printed copy, printed copies of the letters to the editor by Reissig and others, and letters, 1952 June 22, 1952.
"One Hit, One Miss," Twentieth Century, July 1952. Review of Paul Blanshard, Communism, Democracy and Catholic Power. Letter 1952
"Our Country and Our Culture," Partisan Review, Contribution to a symposium. Printed copy and correspondence, 1952-1983 Sept. 1952.
"Some Memories of John Dewey (1859-1952)," Commentary, Printed copy, and letters by H. R. Gottlieb, Martin Herskowits, Estella Levinson, J. Salwyn Schapiro, Joseph Waldman, Frank Winston and others, 1952 Sept. 1952.
"Letter to an English Friend," New Leader, Letter to William J. Smith. Printed copy, printed copy of comments by Sidney Koretz, and correspondence with Smith, 1952 Oct. 13, 1952.
"Fall of the Town of Usher," New Leader, Printed comments from readers, and correspondence, 1952 Oct. 27, 1952.
"Communists Practice 'Educational Fraud': Party Membership Is Relevant Question," Square Bulletin [Washington Square College, New York University], Relates to suspension of Edwin Berry Burgum. Printed copies, clippings, flyer, and printed copies of statements by Burgum, 1952 Oct. 29, 1952.
"Hook Reaccuses Burgum," Square Bulletin, Response to Edwin Berry Burgum's reply to Hook's article "Communists Practice 'Educational Fraud': Party Membership is Relevant Question." Typescript and printed copies, typescript and printed copies of reply by Burgum, clippings, typescript letter to Herbert Aptheker, and printed copy of Aptheker's reply, 1952-1953 Nov. 7, 1952.
"John Dewey and Dr. Barnes," Commentary, Correspondence, 1953 Nov. 1952.
"Mr. Schlesinger's Record," American Mercury, Letter to the editor relating to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Typescript, and correspondence with Schlesinger and James Burnham, 1952 Nov. 1952.
"What Is 'Guilt by Association?'" American Mercury, Printed copy and correspondence, 1952-1953 Nov. 1952.
"Lattimore on the Moscow Trials," New Leader, Printed copy, and letters by Alfred Kohlberg and another, 1952 Nov. 10, 1952.
"A Trans-Atlantic Dialogue," New Leader, Exchange between Sidney Hook and W. J. Smith and B. J. Green in response to Hook's article "Letter to an English Friend." Printed copy, and printed copies of comments by Smith and Green Dec. 8, 1952.
"The Job of the Teacher in Days of Crisis," New York Times Magazine, Printed copy and correspondence, 1952-1955 Dec. 14, 1952.
Letter to the editor, Reconstructionist, (date written). Relates to Jack Perlman and Harold Weisberg. Typescript and correspondence, 1953 Dec. 30, 1952
Comment on Harry Barnes, Typescript, and correspondence with Edwin H. Wilson, 1953 1953.
"Confluence of Modern Philosophic Thought," 1953. Projected anthology to be co-edited with Roy Wood Sellars; never completed. Correspondence with Sellars, Arthur F. Bentley, Egon Brunswik, Harry T. Costello, Herbert Feigl, Arnold Isenberg, Gilbert Ryle and others, and notes 1950-1953
"The Ethics of Academic Freedom," in Academic Freedom, Logic and Religion, Symposium with George Boas. Printed copy and clipping, 1953 1953.
Heresy, Yes, Conspiracy, No 1953
Correspondence with James B. Conant, John E. Connor, C. J. Ducasse, Max Eastman, Frank L. Howley, Elia Kazan, Clarence I. Lewis, Glenn Morrow, Harry A. Overstreet, Michael Polanyi, Meyer Schapiro, Hans Thirring, Norman Thomas, Karl A. Wittfogel and others 1952-1969
Reviews 1953-1955
"Philosophy of Democracy as a Philosophy of History," in Sidney Ratner, ed., Vision and Action, Letter to Ratner, 1952 1953.
"Science and Dialectical Materialism," 1953. Speech, Congress for Cultural Freedom Meeting on Science and Freedom, Berlin. Typescript, printed copy (in French), and correspondence 1953-1955
"Does the Smith Act Threaten Our Liberties?" Commentary, Notes, and correspondence with Will Herberg, Milton R. Konvitz, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Roscoe Pound, Elliot L. Richardson, Eugene V. Rostow, Delmore Schwartz and others, 1953 Jan. 1953.
"Editorial," Life, Letter to the editor relating to communism in the U.S. Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and correspondence, 1952-1953 Jan. 12, 1953.
"Soviet Anti-Semitism," New York Times, Letter to the editor. Printed copy and correspondence, 1953 Jan. 30, 1953.
"Education: Campuses Unlimited," New York Times Magazine, Correspondence, 1953 Feb. 1, 1953.
"Sidney Hook Replies to British Critic of U.S. Foreign Policy," New Leader, Letter to the editor relating to comments by B. J. Green. Printed copy Feb. 2, 1953.
Statement, Freedom in Education Panel, Civil Liberties Conference, New York City, Mimeograph, mimeographed statement by Louis M. Hacker, and clippings, 1953 Feb. 12, 1953.
"The Place of the Public School in American Life," New York Times, Feb. 15, 1953. Review of James Bryant Conant, Education and Liberty: The Role of the School in a Modern Democracy. Printed copy and correspondence 1953
"Occasional, Penetrating Insights into the Nature of Man," New York Times, Feb. 16, 1953. Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Typescript and printed copy
"Should We Stress Armaments or Political Warfare?" New Leader, Printed copy Feb. 23, 1953.
"Mr. Hook Replies," Commentary, Relates to comments by Osmond K. Fraenkel, Albert Goldman, and Adelaide and Charles R. Walker III on Hook's article "Does the Smith Act Threaten Our Liberties?" Typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of Fraenkel's, Goldman's, and the Walkers' comments, 1953 March 1953.
"Indoctrination and Academic Freedom," New Leader, Printed copies, clipping, printed copies of response by Milton R. Konvitz and reply to Konvitz by Ernest van den Haag, printed comments by others, and correspondence with Milton R. Konvitz and others, 1953 March 9, 1953.
Panel discussion, Howard University Conference on Academic Freedom, Printed transcript and correspondence, 1953 March 11, 1953.
"A Reply to the Editors' 'In Justice to Mr. Conant,'" New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to James Bryant Conant. Typescript March 15, 1953.
"Freedom in American Culture," New Leader, Printed copy April 6, 1953.
"Can We Trust Our Teachers?" Saturday Review, Printed copy, and printed copies of letters to the editor April 18, 1953.
Letter to the editor, American Mercury, (date written). Relates to J. B. Matthews. Typescript April 24, 1953
"Mr. McCarthy Criticized," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to Joseph R. McCarthy. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Robert Gorham Davis, Alfred Kohlberg, I. M. Landon, Melvin J. Lasky and others, 1953 May 8, 1953.
"The Words Came Easily," New York Times, May 17, 1953. Review of Kingsley Martin, Harold Laski. Holograph, typescript, and printed copy
"The Party Line in Psychology," New Leader, May 25, 1953. Review of Brian H. Kirman, This Matter of Mind. Typescript and printed copy
Letter to the editor, New School Bulletin, (date written). Relates to Ralph Barton Perry. Typescript May 26, 1953
Letter to the editor, New York Times, Relates to comments on Hook's review "The Words Came Easily." Typescript June 1953?
Letter to the editor, Freedom and Union, (date written). Relates to David C. Williams. Typescript June 8, 1953
"The Lion and the Flea," Humanist, Exchange with Harry Elmer Barnes and others. Printed copy, and printed copies of comments by Barnes and others Fall 1953.
Interview, Les Nouvelles Litteraires Artistiques et Scientifiques, Printed copy Oct. 15, 1953.
"The Fifth Amendment: A Moral Issue," New York Times Magazine, Mimeograph, printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with Lester Markel, O. John Rogge and others, 1953-1955 Nov. 1, 1953.
"The Quest for 'Being,'" Journal of Philosophy, Printed copies and correspondence, 1953-1967 Nov. 19, 1953.
"The Development of American Thought," and "Religious Thought in America," in Morris R. Cohen, American Thought: A Critical Sketch (Felix S. Cohen, ed.), 1954. Partial manuscript developed in collaboration with Morris R. Cohen. Typescripts, typescript review by Hook, and correspondence with Felix S. Cohen 1932-1954
"Modern Education and Its Critics," American Association of Colleges Yearbook, 1954. Printed copy, and correspondence with J. H. Randall, Israel Scheffler and others 1953-1958
"The Ethics of Controversy," New Leader, Holograph, printed copy, and correspondence with Alfred Kohlberg and others, 1954-1968 Feb. 1, 1954.
"Modern Education and its Critics," Speech, American Association of Colleges for Teachers Education. Clippings Feb. 12, 1954.
"The Techniques of Controversy," New Leader, Printed copy March 8, 1954.
"Articles of the Bolshevik Faith," New York Times, March 28, 1954. Review of Nathan Leites, A Study of Bolshevism. Printed copy
"Robert Hutchins Rides Again," New Leader, Printed copy April 19, 1954.
"Rigors of Heresy," Saturday Review, April 24, 1954. Review of Norman Thomas, The Test of Freedom. Printed copy and letter 1954
"Myths of Marx," Saturday Review, May 15, 1954. Review of Granville Hicks, Where We Came Out. Typescript, printed copy, typescript review of Hicks' book by Daniel Bell, and correspondence 1954
"The Substance of Controversy," New Leader, Printed copy, and letter to Eugene Rabinowitch, 1954 May 24, 1954.
"Unpragmatic Liberalism," New Republic, May 24, 1954. Review of Henry Steele Commager, Freedom, Loyalty and Dissent. Printed copy, and correspondence with Harry A. Overstreet and others 1954
"Security and Freedom," Confluence, Typescripts, printed copy, and correspondence with Roger N. Baldwin, Jerome N. Frank, Henry A. Kissinger, Clarence Streit and others, 1954-1955 June 1954.
Letter to the editor, Oberlin Review, (date written). Relates to communist teachers in France. Typescript June 1, 1954
"Uncommon Sense about Security and Freedom," New Leader, Printed copy June 21, 1954.
"The Problem of the Ex-Communist," New York Times Magazine, Typescript, galleys, correspondence with J. William Fulbright, Lester Markel, Nathaniel Weyl and others, and printed article, 1951-1954 July 11, 1954.
"Should Our Schools Study Communism?" New York Times Magazine, Printed copy and letter, 1954 Aug. 29, 1954.
"Mr. Hook Replies," New York Times Magazine, Reply to comments by Howard Selsam on Hook's article "Should Our Schools Study Communism?" Printed copy Oct. 10, 1954.
Speech, Relates to John Dewey. Holograph Oct. 20, 1954.
"Historical Determinism and Political Fiat in Soviet Communism," Speech, Symposium on Ideology and Reality in the Soviet System, American Philosophical Society. Printed copies, program, and letters, 1954-1956 Nov. 11, 1954.