The collection is open for research with restrictions. Digital surrogates and/or microfilm are to be used instead of originals.
Use of originals is permitted only by written permission of the curator.
The Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records are primarily comprised of two separate donations. The War Relocation
Authority (WRA) designated the University of California, Berkeley Library as the prime depository for WRA record materials
outside the National Archives on September 7, 1945. The records of the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study
(JERS) were deposited in the University Library by Dorothy Swaine Thomas in August 1948. In addition records were donated
by Alexander H. Leighton, author and director of the Bureau of Sociological Research at the Colorado River Relocation Center,
1942-1942; Rev. Galen M. Fisher donated his collection of correspondences and newspaper clippings; various public officials
in California including Governor Culbert Olson and Attorney General Earl Warren; and authors Jacobus tenBroek, Edward N. Barnhart,
and Floyd W. Matson donated their materials used in preparation for the book "Prejudice, War, and the Constitution" (1954).
Between 1954-1955, Edward N. Barnhart integrated the two collections and created an inventory; the resulting collection was
transferred to The Bancroft Library on July 3, 1963. Additions were made in October 1977 (by Conrad Taeuber, Director) and
in 1988 (by Ann R. Miller) of materials recovered after Dorothy Thomas's death, in 1977, from her office at the Center for
Population Research in Washington, D.C.
Digital reproductions of selected material are available. The collection is also on 380 microfilm reels.
The records are arranged chronologically by subject, maintaining the original arrangement by Edward N. Barnhart in 1954-1955
and presented in "Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement: Catalog of Material in the General Library" (1958). Barnhart
created each series, classified as a Part that corresponds to the major phases of the evacuation. Each Part is divided into
Sections. The Part divisions were primarily event-related; Section divisions were subject or organization based. Folders within
each Section were assigned an arbitrary letter/number classification.
Before being transferred to the Bancroft Library, in 1966, the collection was in the Documents Department of the General
Library. A supplement to Barnhart's catalog was prepared by the Manuscripts Division, "Japanese American evacuation and resettlement
records 67/14 c, Report and Key to Arrangement." The supplement listed material not included in the Barnhart catalog, primary
form the incorporation of The Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS) into the collection.
The finding aid created in 1996 supersedes the Barnhart catalog and supplement. The finding aid retained Barnhart's arrangement
of Parts and Sections, further dividing the contents of the Sections by subject. Additionally, JERS material was incorporated
into the Sections as applicable. Barnhart's arrangement and numbering system was retained to facilitate the transition from
his inventory of original material to the finding aid that linked to the microfilmed materials and was based on a reprocessed,
expanded, and rehoused collection. Beginning in 2011, as the material was digitized the digital objects were linked to the
corresponding record.
In general, documents are still located under their original Part and Section designations. However, identical material appearing
in more than one place in the collection was retained in the most appropriate Section or, if not readily apparent, in the
folder in which it first appears.
Letter/number designations, on folders, within the Sections may be significantly different from the Barnhart inventory. Folder
contents may have been split into two or more numbers to permit a more accurate description of material including office of
origination, name of author, title, and date of creation if the information is available. Multiple numbers for a single type
of material were often eliminated by using multiple folders under one number. Examples of these include minutes of a particular
organization, such as block managers meetings. Divisional closing reports have been pulled together and listed as "final reports,"
usually at the end of the WRA segment for each center.
Folder numbers eliminated (due to duplication of material) in processing have sometimes been reassigned to other material
and new numbers have been created in order to insert material at appropriate places. Part V (W's), which consists of material
received after Barnhart's inventory was created, has been arranged into Parts, Sections, and assigned arbitrary letter/number
designations to correspond with Barnhart's system. Within folders, material is arranged chronologically when appropriate.
Throughout the Container Listing, real names of individuals have been listed rather than the pseudonyms used extensively by
the Study, if available.
Although Bancroft's WRA records were originally thought to be duplicates of The National Archives' collection, Records of
the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946: Field Basic Documentation, the two collections are not identical. The Bancroft Library
holds a copy of the National Archives (NARA) microfilm (cataloged as BANC FILM 1932). The materials in the Japanese American
Evacuation and Resettlement Records collection have been compared with the NARA film in order to prevent microfilm duplication
of documents. In cases where the National Archives film included materials in the Bancroft's collection, the container listing
notes their location on the NARA film inside bold square brackets [NARA Reel __, Folder __] following the item description.
Throughout the Container List, section titles with identifying letters are given first, followed by microfilm reel numbers,
followed by box and folder numbers of the original materials. Specific microfilm reel and frame numbers are provided at the
item level. If available, a digital reproduction of the material appears below the description. Appendix A contains a correlation
of box and file numbers of originals.
When the finding aid was created, in some instances, notable items within folders may have been described to increase their
discoverability. These appear as child records under a parent record. In the early phases of digitization TEI standards were
used. Notable items within folders may have been digitized rather than the content of the entire folder. In later phases of
digitization, FADGI standards were used and the content of the entire folder was digitized, usually as a PDF file. In instances
in which a TEI and PDF file was created, due to constraints, a duplicate record was created with [digital file of entire folder]
added at the end of the title. In these instances, there is a note: "contents originally digitized using TEI standards. Contents
re-digitized using FADGI standards available under. . ." or "contents re-digitized using FADGI standards available under.
. . ." Additionally, in many instances, when there are notable items described but no TEI file, there is a note: "folder contains:"
before the title to indicate that the contents are included in a PDF file. There are also instances where there is no addendum
in the title (a notable item was originally described but not digitized in the early phases), however the contents were digitized
in later phases and appear in the digital file of the parent record.
On February 19, 1942, two months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order
9066, leading to the assembly, evacuation and relocation of over 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. From
March 1942-1946 the U.S War Relocation Authority (WRA) had jurisdiction over those evacuated from their homes in California,
Oregon, Washington and southern Arizona. During its existence from March 1942 to 1946, the WRA controlled the administration
of the relocation centers, administered an extensive resettlement program, and oversaw the details of the registration and
segregation programs.
Japanese and Japanese Americans were taken to assembly centers while awaiting reassignment to a relocation camp. The WRA
operated ten camps: Manzanar, California; Tule Lake in Newell, California; Topaz (Central Utah) in Delta, Utah; Gila River
in Rivers, Arizona; Poston (Colorado River) in Parker, Arizona; Granada in Amache, Colorado; Heart Mountain in Cody, Wyoming;
Minidoka in Hunt, Idaho; Jerome in Denson, Arkansas; and Rohwer in McGehee, Arkansas. The evacuees had to sell or abandon
their property, taking only what they could carry with them to the camps. The WRA sought to implemented educational programs,
recreation facilities, newspapers, and other elements of community life within the camps.
The WRA issued loyalty tests in 1943. Those who were designated "disloyal" were segregated to the Tule Lake camp and treated
as enemies of the State. In February, 1944, President Harry Truman signed Executive Order 9742 that officially terminated
the WRA and the government began to release individuals deemed "loyal" Americans. Several months later, in December, President
Roosevelt rescinded Executive Order 9066 and the WRA began releasing internees to resettlement facilities and temporary housing.
By 1945 the majority of evacuees were released. In 1945 Imperial Japan surrendered, ending World War II. The last camp operated
by WRA, Tule Lake, closed in 1946.
To study the effects of mass incarceration of Japanese Americans, in 1942, sociologist professor Dorothy Swaine Thomas at
University of California, Berkeley, organized the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS). The Study recruited
and placed UC Berkeley professors and Nisei social science students into selected WRA sites: assembly centers, camps and resettlement
communities. JERS ran until the end of the World War II.
[Identification of item], Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records, BANC MSS 67/14 c, The Bancroft Library, University
of California, Berkeley.
Processed by E. Stephens, 1994-1996. Processing completed by project staff of the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement
May 6, 1997, this electronic finding aid was updated to current markup standards by Gabriela A. Montoya using a perl script.
Updates include: FPI's, EADHEADER, EADID, CUTSPEC, arrangement of DID elements and their labels, etc.
Revised January 8, 2005, EAD v1.0 finding aid converted to EAD 2002 using UC Berkeley's perl script. Revised
January 28, 2005, EAD v2002 finding aid upgraded to OAC BPG 2.0 using UC Berkeley's perl script. Significant changes
include: Replaced all instances of @entityref with @href Reordered many top-level elements for consistency, grouping several
into two new descgrp elements Changed many top-level element heads for consistency.
Revised 2019 by L. Hernandez with consultation by the Head of Archival Processing, L. Michels, under a NPS grant that included
revising the finding aid to better reflect the contents and arrangement of the collection, updating access restrictions and
locations, and linking digital objects to the records.
The War Relocation Authority (WRA) records represent the official documentation of the United States agency created to
assume jurisdiction over the Japanese and Japanese Americans evacuated from the West Coast by the Western Defense Command,
the Fourth Army, and the Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA). Included in their records are administrative files,
official publications, reports and surveys, legal papers, correspondence, and occasionally, photographs and scrapbooks. Divisions
and offices represented encompass the Washington, D.C. head office, Western Field Office, district and area resettlement offices,
the ten relocation centers, Leupp isolation center, and the Bureau of Sociological Research. Also included are miscellaneous
materials from other Federal and State agencies involved with the internment, including the Western Defense Command and WCCA.
Part One covers the initial phase of the evacuation that included the exclusion of Japanese and Japanese Americans from the
West Coast by the Western Defense Command; the assembly centers operated by the Wartime Civilian Control Administration; transfers
to the relocation centers (camps) and the creation of the War Relocation Authority. Included with Part One are JERS material
including studies, reports, and analyses. Additional JERS material are found in Part Five.
Part Two contains the second phase of the evacuation during which individuals were held in the relocation centers and allowed
to resettle under supervision in the eastern states. Documentation from the Washington Office headquarters includes annual
reports, pamphlets, correspondences, and reports from administrative units. There is material from the district and field
offices or regional offices and documents from the relocation centers. The relocation center material consists of documents
from administrative officials and organization units relating to policy and operations; center administration dealing with
major events including registration, Selective Service, and disturbances such as strikes; studies on center evens, polices
and attitudes; diaries, correspondences and other personal writings by evacuees; and publications of the evacuees including
Part Three includes the third phase of the evacuation beginning with the lifting of the Army's mass-exclusion order in 1944;
the release of evacuees and the establishment of the Army's individual exclusion program that ended in 1946 when the last
relocation center closed.
Part Four comprised vital statistics and life records.
Part Five consists of material from JERS including staff working papers, correspondences, reports and tabulations.
Material format includes manuscripts, booklets, scrapbooks, images, construction documents, index cards, portfolios, posters,
maps and rosters. Additionally, the collection contains portfolios of Form WRA-26 in which personal descriptive information
on all individuals evacuated and relocated was captured. Data from the forms was transferred to punch cards. Information from
these forms is available in the National Archives Database of Japanese American Evacuees.
The JERS material is concentrated on Tule Lake, Gila River, and Poston/Colorado River, with minor involvement at Topaz/Central
Utah, Manzanar, and Minidoka. Material was also gathered from temporary detention centers, primarily the Tanforan and Tulare
centers located in California.
Often extensive accounts of camp life come in the form of journals, diaries, and field reports. In addition, staff compiled
case histories, conducted interviews with evacuees and WRA staff, studied group behavior, and performed statistical surveys.
The JERS administrative records contain extensive correspondence with field workers, staff, evacuees, and others.
Throughout the collection are gatherings of primary and secondary research materials collected by Dorothy Swaine Thomas,
and her staff, particularly Rosalie Hankey Wax and Morton Grodzins. These include reports, surveys, theses, and other writings.
Correspondence indicates that at least two persons gave significant amounts of material to the Study. Galen M. Fisher sent
Dorothy Thomas material concerning his work with Japanese American student relocation and with organizations concerned about
the human rights issues surrounding internment; the Galen M. Fisher files comprise Part II, Section 13. Alexander H. Leighton
sent the Study his office files from the Bureau of Sociological Research at Poston in October of 1944; the Bureau's files
(formerly cataloged as BANC MSS 72/233) follow the JERS material in Part II, Section 5: Poston Relocation Center.
Several separately catalogued segments of the collection identified during initial processing and microfilming. They have
been reincorporated into the collection at appropriate places. Part II, Section 5: Poston includes a set of seven high school
scrapbooks (formerly BANC MSS C-A 195). Part V includes former BANC MSS 89/46 c, which contained the original typescript copies
of Rosalie Hankey Wax's field notes and miscellaneous reports done by Hankey for JERS; and, former BANC MSS 78/53 c consisting
of miscellaneous correspondence and research regarding the Study. Both collections were given to The Bancroft Library after
Dorothy Thomas's death in 1977.
The War Relocation Authority photographs were transferred to the Pictorial Collections of The Bancroft Library and are cataloged
as: War Relocation Authority Photographs: Evacuation and Resettlement (BANC PIC 1967.014). The photographic collection contains
approximately 7000 photographs covering pre-evacuation, evacuation, assembly centers, relocation, life in the "relocation
centers," segregation, and the resettlement program. These photographs have been digitized and will be available online in
the Heller Reading Room of The Bancroft Library.
The Bancroft Library was awarded the first of several grants by the National Park Service's Japanese American Confinement
Sites Grant Program in 2011 to digitize nearly 250,000 primary source materials that focus on the Japanese American experience
during World War II. Since the initial grant, the collection has continued to be digitized from subsequent grants, awarded
from NPS, which are available on the Online Archive of California and Calisphere.
The first project (2011-2014) created the Japanese American Evacuation & Resettlement Study Digital Archive, digitizing nearly
100,000 records from JERS. The second project (2014-2017) developed Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese American
Internees, digitizing 150,000 items focusing on material created by Internees. Manuscripts and pictorial collections from
Yoshiko Uchida, Hisako Hibi, the Ikeda family, Rosalie Was, and Wayne Collins are included along with images from the War
Relocation Authority Photograph collection. The third project (2015-2018) produced Japanese American Internment Sites: A Digital
Archive, digitizing material from ten internment camps within the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records (BANC
MSS 67/14c). The collection represents the official documentation of the War Relocation Authority agency, 1942-1946. The fourth
phase of the project (2018-2020) continued to digitize nearly 150,000 items from the collection, focusing on the WRA records
and enhancing the finding aid.
Some materials in these collections may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). In addition, the reproduction
of some materials may be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions,
privacy and publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond
that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be
commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
For additional information about the University of California, Berkeley Library's permissions policy please see:
Federal government records.
Leighton, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton), 1908-
Nishimoto, Richard S. (Richard Shigeaki), 1904-1956
University of California, Berkeley. Japanese Evacuation and Resettlement Study
United States. War Relocation Authority
Part 1.
Evacuation and Assembly Centers, (A-C)
December 7, 1941-December 1942.
Divided into four Sections: Studies, Pre-evacuation Policies, Programs and Studies, Exclusion and Internment in Assembly Centers,
and War Relocation Authority (WRA).
Scope and Contents
Regards the first phase of the Japanese American internment process and includes both WRA and Japanese American Evacuation
and Resettlement Study (JERS) material.
Part 1, Section 1.
Studies. (A)
Physical Description: Originals: Box 1, folders 1-4 (original WRA folders A3.01, A3.02, A3.03, A3.04); Microfilm: Reel 1
Scope and Contents
Contains a small selection of published contemporary writings about the evacuation by humanitarian and religious groups.
reel 001, frame :0010, box 1, folder A 3.01
"The Japanese on the Pacific Coast: A Factual Study of Events, December 7, 1941 to September 1, 1942," prepared by Dr. George
Gleason, Los Angeles County Committee for Church and Community Cooperation
September 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257375ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0025, box 1, folder A 3.02
Thomas, Norman. "Democracy and Japanese Americans: The Story of an Act Unprecedented in American History."Post War World Council,
New York
July 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257376ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0047, box 1, folder A 3.03
Grant, Edmonia White
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257377ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0065, box 1, folder A 3.04
"A Touchstone of Democracy; the Japanese in America, edited by Elizabeth G. Whiting, Council for Social Action, Congregational
Christian Churches, New York."
June 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257380ta.pdf
Part 1, Section 2.
Pre-Evacuation Policies, Programs, and Studies (A),
December 7, 1941-March 1942.
Physical Description: Originals: Box 1, folders 5-18; Boxes 2-15; Box 16, folders 1-9; Card file boxes: 1-6, 25 in Cartons 1, 9; Oversize folder
2 A; Microfilm: Reels 1-11; 186; 199-200; 341-345
Divided into five sub-sections: United States Federal Government; State Policies and Programs, JERS Survey of Three Western
States on Action taken by Local Governments; Public Opinion Surveys, and Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study
Scope and Contents
Primarily contains material concerning pre-evacuation public opinion and events collected by JERS researchers including interviews
by Morton Grodzins with Federal officials, correspondence, copies of correspondence, memos, reports, and minutes of meetings.
Also includes case and card files from the Evacuee Property Department, San Francisco regarding farm, urban, and commercial
Part 1, Section 2.1.
United States Federal Government
Physical Description: Box 1-6; original WRA folders A04.01-A13.01.
reel 001, frame :0088, box 1, folder A 4.01
War Relocation Authority, The Control Program
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257383ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0093, box 1, folder A 5.01
Navy Department, Ringle, K. D., reports, memos, and correspondence
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257384ta.pdf
reel 200, frame :0010-:0016, box 1, folder A 5.02
War Department, miscellaneous memos and correspondence
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257385ta.pdf
reel 199, frame :0405-:0413, box 1, folder A 5.021
Grodzins, Morton, interview with John J. McCloy, related material
October 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257386ta.pdf
reel 199, frame :0405-:0413, box 1, folder A 5.022
Jacobus Ten Broek, interview with Karl Bendetsen, related material
July 8, 1952
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257387ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0136, box 1, folder A 6.01
Western Defense Command and Fourth Army - copies of memos and correspondence (JERS)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257389ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0143, box 1, folder A 7.01
Department of Justice - Memos and correspondence
January 1942-September 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257391ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0190, box 1, folder A 7.011
Department of Justice - Blakemore, Thomas L., "The Nationality of American-born Persons of Japanese Descent Under Japanese
January 14, 1946
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257392ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0208, box 1, folder A 7.02
Department of Justice - Grodzins, Morton, interviews with Attorney General Francis Biddle, James Rowe, Edward Ennis, and Robert
Hawley, plus notes
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257393ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0222, box 1, folder A 7.03:1
Regulations, proclamations, reports, and correspondence (folder 1 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270489ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0222, box 1, folder A 7.03:2
Regulations, proclamations, reports, and correspondence (folder 2 of 3)
Physical Description: frame :0222
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270490ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0222, box 1, folder A 7.03:3
Regulations, proclamations, reports, and correspondence (folder 3 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270491ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0316, box 1, folder A 8.01:1
Department of Agriculture - Final Report of the Participation of the Farm Security Administration in the Evacuation Program
of the...Western Defense Command, Covering the Period March 15, 1942 through May 31, 1942, San Francisco (folder 1 of 4)
June 5, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270493ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0316, box 1, folder A 8.01:2
Department of Agriculture - Final Report of the Participation of the Farm Security Administration in the Evacuation Program
of the...Western Defense Command, Covering the Period March 15, 1942 through May 31, 1942, San Francisco (folder 2 of 4)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270494ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0316, box 2, folder A 8.01:3
Department of Agriculture - Final Report of the Participation of the Farm Security Administration in the Evacuation Program
of the...Western Defense Command, Covering the Period March 15, 1942 through May 31, 1942, San Francisco (folder 3 of 4)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270495ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0316, box 2, folder A 8.01:4
Department of Agriculture - Final Report of the Participation of the Farm Security Administration in the Evacuation Program
of the...Western Defense Command, Covering the Period March 15, 1942 through May 31, 1942, San Francisco (folder 4 of 4)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270496ta.pdf
reel 001, frame :0562, box 2, folder A 8.02
Department of Agriculture - Supplemental Report of the Participation of the Farm Security Administration in the Evacuation
Program of the Western Defense Command, Covering the Period June 1, 1942 through August 8, 1942, San Francisco
December 5, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257397ta.pdf
reel 001-002, frame :0571-:0038, box 2, folder A 8.03:1
Farm Security Administration - Forms, instructions, press releases (folder 1 of 2)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270498ta.pdf
reel 001-002, frame :0571-:0038, box 2, folder A 8.03:2
Farm Security Administration - Forms, instructions, press releases (folder 2 of 2)
Physical Description: reel 001, frame:0571 through reel 002, frame :0038
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270499ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0039, box 2, folder A 8.04
Farm Security Administration - Correspondence
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257400ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0049, box 2, folder A 8.05:1
Farm Security Administration - Japanese farm holdings, data, reports, and JERS research and notes (folder 1 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270501ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0049, box 2, folder A 8.05:2
Farm Security Administration - Japanese farm holdings, data, reports, and JERS research and notes (folder 2 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270502ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0049, box 2, folder A 8.05:3
Farm Security Administration - Japanese farm holdings, data, reports, and JERS research and notes (folder 3 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270504ta.pdf
oversize-folder 2A
Farm Security Administration - Japanese farm holdings, data, reports, and JERS research and notes (oversize folder)
Physical Description: 24.25" x 18.75"
USDA Defense Board, California
reel 002, frame :0175, box 2, folder A 9.01
Davidson, David, correspondence
December 1941-February 1943
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257403ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0241, box 2, folder A 9.02
Minutes and excerpts of meetings
December 1941-December 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257404ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0260, box 2, folder A 9.03
Correspondence re War Letter no. 77
January 1942-April 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257405ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0294, box 2, folder A 9.04
USDA War Board
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: Memorandum no. 211 (February 8, 1943) and Memorandum no. 357 (May 28, 1943).
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270505ta.pdf
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
reel 002, frame :0315, box 2, folder A 10.01a
Report of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco as the fiscal agent of the United States on the operations of the Evacuee
Property Department as of
May 22, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257410ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0334, box 3, folder A 10.01b
Report of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco as fiscal agent of the United States on its operations in connection with
the evacuation of German and Italian aliens and persons of Japanese ancestry from Military Area No. 1
October 31, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257411ta.pdf
reel 002, box 3, folder A 10.01c
Report of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco as fiscal agent of the United States on its operations in connection with
the evacuation of German and Italian aliens and persons of Japanese ancestry from Military Area No. 1 (loose items from volume)
Physical Description: Between frame :0334 and :0452
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270506ta.pdf
reel 002, frame :0452, box 3, folder A 10.02:1
Regional Alien Property Custodian Office: Executive Order, memos and correspondence
February 23, 1942-August 9, 1943
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257413ta.pdf
reel 002, box 3, folder A 10.02:2
Regional Alien Property Custodian Office: JERS notes; Miscellaneous; JERS interview (M. Everson), notes
Physical Description: Regional Alien Property Custodian Office begins at frame :0452
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257414ta.pdf
Evacuee Property Department, San Francisco (folder A 10.03)
reel 002, frame :544, box 3, folder A 10.03:1
Office reports, case summaries; JERS research material
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257417ta.pdf
reel 002, box 3, folder A 10.03:2
Miscellaneous data and copies of correspondence
Physical Description: Evacuee Property Department materials begin at microfilm reel 002, frame :0544
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257418ta.pdf
Case files: farm property in Placer County
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:1
Placer County (folder 1 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270510ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:2
Placer County (folder 2 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270511ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:3
Placer County (folder 3 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270512ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:4
Placer County (folder 4 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270513ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:5
Placer County (folder 5 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270514ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:6
Placer County (folder 6 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270515ta.pdf
reel 341, box 3, folder A 10.031:7
Placer County (folder 7 of 7)
Physical Description: Placer County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0011
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270516ta.pdf
reel 341-344
Case files: farm property in Sacramento County
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.01
Sacramento County (folder 1 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270518ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.02
Sacramento County (folder 2 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270519ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.03
Sacramento County (folder 3 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270520ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.04
Sacramento County (folder 4 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270521ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.05
Sacramento County (folder 5 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270522ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.06
Sacramento County (folder 6 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270523ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.07
Sacramento County (folder 7 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270524ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.08
Sacramento County (folder 8 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270525ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.09
Sacramento County (folder 9 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270526ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.10
Sacramento County (folder 10 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270527ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.11
Sacramento County (folder 11 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270528ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.12
Sacramento County (folder 12 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270529ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.13
Sacramento County (folder 13 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270530ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.14
Sacramento County (folder 14 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270531ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.15
Sacramento County (folder 15 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270532ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.16
Sacramento County (folder 16 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270533ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.17
Sacramento County (folder 17 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270534ta.pdf
reel 341-344, box 4, folder A 10.032.18
Sacramento County (folder 18 of 18)
Physical Description: Sacramento County materials begin at microfilm reel 341, frame :0262 and continue trhough microfilm reel 344, frame :0200
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270535ta.pdf
Case Files: Urban Property
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:1
Urban Property (folder 1 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270831ta.pdf
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:2
Urban Property (folder 2 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270832ta.pdf
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:3
Urban Property (folder 3 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270833ta.pdf
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:4
Urban Property (folder 4 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270834ta.pdf
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:5
Urban Property (folder 5 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270835ta.pdf
reel 344, box 6, folder A 10.033:6
Urban Property (folder 6 of 6)
Physical Description: Urban property case files begin at microfilm reel 344, frame :0201
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270836ta.pdf
reel 345, frame :0011, cardfile-box 25, carton 9
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z)
When digitized, cardfile box 25 was split into 14 digital files.
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_1.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_2.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_3.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_4.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_5.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_6.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_7.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_8.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_9.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_10.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 11]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_11.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 12]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_12.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 13]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_13.pdf
Farm and urban property case cards (A-Z) [digital file part 14]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257424ta_part_14.pdf
reel 003, frame :0010, cardfile-box 1-2, carton 1
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards
Scope and Contents
When digitized, cardfile boxes 1-2 were split into 6 digital files.
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_1.pdf
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_2.pdf
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_3.pdf
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_4.pdf
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_5.pdf
JERS: Urban, commercial and farm property cards [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257425ta_part_6.pdf
reel 003, frame :0388, box 6, folder A 10.04
Reports, case numbers, storage lists
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257427ta.pdf
reel 003, frame :0423, box 6, folder A 10.05
Motor vehicle disposition: instructions, forms, correspondence
Physical Description: frame :0423
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257428ta.pdf
carton 1, cardfile-box 2
JERS: Motor vehicle cards
Physical Description: JERS: Motor vehicle cards start at frame :0192
Scope and Contents
When digitized, Cardfile Box 2 was split into 10 digital files.
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_1.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_2.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_3.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_4.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_5.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_6.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_7.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_8.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_9.pdf
JERS: Motor vehicle cards [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257429ta_part_10.pdf
reel 003, frame :0458, box 6, folder A 10.06
Forms, press releases, instructions
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257430ta.pdf
Neustadt, Richard M., Regional Director
reel 003, frame :0505, box 6, folder A 11.01
Report on Alien Enemy Evacuation
February 18, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257433ta.pdf
Confidential file, meetings
Spring 1942
reel 003-004, frame :0514-:0010, box 7, folder A 11.02:1
Confidential file, meetings (folder 1 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270838ta.pdf
reel 003-004, frame :0514-:0010, box 7, folder A 11.02:2
Confidential file, meetings (folder 2 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270839ta.pdf
reel 003-004, frame :0514-:0010, box 7, folder A 11.02:3
Confidential file, meetings (folder 3 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270840ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0033, box 7, folder A 11.03
Miscellaneous correspondence and directives
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257436ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0064, box 7, folder A 12.01
Senate Committee on Military Affairs
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257438ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0093, box 7, folder A 12.02
House of Representatives. Committee on Military Affairs
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257441ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0100, box 7, folder A 12.03
Bills and resolutions, speeches
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257444ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0125, box 7, folder A 12.04
Grodzins, Morton, reports from Washington
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257445ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0140, box 7, folder A 12.051
Copies and excerpts of correspondence with Congressional Representatives
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257446ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0158, box 7, folder A 12.052:1
Toland Committee (folder 1 of 4) (Correspondence)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257448ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0158, box 7, folder A 12.052:2
Toland Committee (folder 2 of 4; memos and interviews)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257449ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0158, box 7, folder A 12.052:3
Toland Committee (folder 3 of 4; meeting notes and statements)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257450ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0158, box 7, folder A 12.052:4
Toland Committee (folder 4 of 4; miscellaneous JERS notes)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257451ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0253, box 7, folder A 12.06
Committee on Evacuation of Japanese from Pacific Coast
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257452ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0267, box 7, folder A 12.07
Committee on Alien Enemies and Sabotage
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257454ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0298, box 7, folder A 13.01
Barnhart, Edward Norton
June-July 1949
Scope and Contents
Folder containers correspondence with U.S. District Courts about Grand Jury resolutions June-July 1949 and notes.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270842ta.pdf
Part 1, Section 2.2.
State Policies and Programs
reel 004, frame :0310, box 7, folder A 15.01
Grodzins, Morton, notes: Olson - pre-evacuation attitude; Barnhart, Edward Norton, research correspondence and drafts
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257461ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0337, box 7, folder A 15.02
Proceedings, Conference of Sheriffs and District Attorneys called by Attorney General Warren on the Subject of Alien Land
Law Enforcement
February 2, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257463ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0426, box 7, folder A 15.03
Correspondence regarding maps and notes
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257464ta.pdf
Photostatic copies of responses to Earl Warren telegram regarding subversive activities (A-Z)
reel 004, frame :0443, box 7, folder A 15.04:1
Photostatic copies of responses to Earl Warren telegram regarding subversive activities (A-Z) (folder 1 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270846ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0443, box 7, folder A 15.04:2
Photostatic copies of responses to Earl Warren telegram regarding subversive activities (A-Z) (folder 2 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270847ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0443, box 7, folder A 15.04:3
Photostatic copies of responses to Earl Warren telegram regarding subversive activities (A-Z) (folder 3 of 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01270848ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0488, box 8, folder A 15.042:1
Earl Warren (folder 1 of 2); Memorandum on California Alien Land Law and Decisions Thereunder; Correspondence; Grodzins, "Warren
- pre-evacuation attitude"
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257468ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0488, box 8, folder A 15.042:2
Earl Warren (folder 2 of 2); Barnhart correspondence and notes
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257469ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0643, box 8, folder A 15.05
Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Immigration and Housing, Carey McWilliams, correspondence and reports
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257470ta.pdf
Department of Agriculture
reel 004, frame :0666, box 8, folder A 15.06:1
Department of Agriculture (folder 1 of 2; correspondence)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257472ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0666, box 8, folder A 15.06:2
Department of Agriculture (folder 2 of 2; Barnhart research correspondence)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257473ta.pdf
reel 004, frame :0673, box 8, folder A 15.07:1
State Personnel Board (folder 1 of 2; legal forms and questionnaires)
Physical Description: state Personnel Board materials contained on reel 004, frame :0673 to reel 005, frame :0069
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257475ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0011, box 8, folder A 15.07:2
State Personnel Board (folder 2 of 2; minutes of meetings)
December 21, 1941-March 20, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257476ta.pdf
City and County Defense Councils
reel 005, frame :0070, box 8, folder A 15.08:1
City and County Defense Councils (folder 1 of 2; resolutions, copies of correspondence
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257478ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0070, box 8, folder A 15.08:2
City and County Defense Councils (folder 2 of 2; Barnhart research correspondence and notes)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257479ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0084, box 8, folder A 15.09
Superintendent of Banks, memo
April 2, 1945
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257480ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0086, box 8, folder A 15.095
Morton Grodzins' analysis of replies to Warren telegram of (see A 15.04 for photostatic copies of replies)
February 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257481ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0095, box 8, folder A 15.10:1
Oregon (folder 1 of 2; copies of correspondence)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257484ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0095, box 8, folder A 15.10:2
Oregon (folder 2 of 2; Barnhart research correspondence)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257485ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0112, box 8, folder A 15.111
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257486ta.pdf
reel 005, frame :0134, box 8, folder A 15.112
Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257488ta.pdf
Part 1, Section 2.3.
JERS Survey of Three Western States on Action Taken by Local Governments
State Policies and Programs
County Boards of Supervisors
reel 005, frame :0139, box 9, folder A 15.12:1
Grodzins research
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0139 and end on frame :0264.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0012_1.pdf
reel 005, frame :0139, box 9, folder A 15.12:2
Barnhart research
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0139 and end on frame :0264.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0012_2.pdf
City Governments
Arranged alphabetically by city.
reel 005, frame :0265, box 9, folder A 15.13:1
Pro research correspondence
April-September 1943
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0265.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0013_1.pdf
reel 005, frame :0265, box 9, folder A 15.13:2
Con research correspondence
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0265.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0013_2.pdf
reel 005, frame :0265, box 9, folder A 15.13:3
California research correspondence
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0265.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0013_3.pdf
reel 005, frame :0265, box 9, folder A 15.13:4
Barnhart research correspondence
May-July 1949
Physical Description: Grodzins research and Barnhart research begin on microfilm reel 005, frame :0265.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0013_4.pdf
reel 005, frame :0541, box 9, folder A 15.16
JERS: city and county notes
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0016.pdf
reel 005, frame :0490, box 9, folder A 15.14
Los Angeles, Mayor Fletcher Bowron
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0014.pdf
reel 005, frame :0530, box 9, folder A 15.15
County Grand Juries
June-July 1949
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0015.pdf
reel 005, frame :0550, box 9, folder A 15.17
County Boards of Supervisors
Scope and Contents
Includes Barnhart research.
Filename: cubanc6714_b009a15_0017.pdf
reel 005, frame :0574, box 10, folder A 15.18:1
No comment; Resolutions, ordinances, etc.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0018_1.pdf
reel 006, frame :0010, box 10, folder A 15.18:2
Pro and con; Resolutions, ordinances, etc.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0018_2.pdf
reel 006, frame :0051, box 10, folder A 15.18:3
Barnhart research
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0018_3.pdf
reel 006, frame :0061, box 10, folder A 15.19
County Boards of Supervisors
1943-1950 (bulk 1943)
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0019.pdf
reel 006, frame :0085, box 10, folder A 15.20:1
City Governments (A-N)
June 14, 1943-February 9, 1944
Physical Description: City government files begin at microfilm reel 006, frame :0085.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0020_1.pdf
reel 006, frame :0085, box 10, folder 15.20:2
City Governments (O-Z)
October 6, 1943-February 9, 1944
Physical Description: City government files begin at microfilm reel 006, frame :0085.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0020_2.pdf
reel 006, frame :0085, box 10, folder A 15.20:3
Barnhart correspondence
Physical Description: City government files begin at microfilm reel 006, frame :0085.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a15_0020_3.pdf
reel 186, frame :0042, cardfile-box 3, carton 1
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties
Physical Description: Upon digitization, Cardfile Box 3 was divided into 11 digital folders.
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_1.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_2.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_3.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_4.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_5.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_6.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_7.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_8.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_9.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_10.pdf
Digests of correspondence with cities and counties [digital file part 11]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257518ta_part_11.pdf
Part 1, Section 2.4.
Public Opinion Surveys
War Relocation Authority, Survey of Public Opinion in Western States on Japanese Evacuation
February 26-April 21, 1942
Scope and Contents
Based on local newspaper editorials; writers briefed by Morton Grodzins - brief and notes included.
reel 006, frame :0216, box 10, folder A 16.01
Simms, D. Harper (Denton Harper), 1912-, Arizona
May 1, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0001.pdf
reel 006, frame :0230, box 10, folder A 16.02
James, Norris, Colorado
May 1, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0002.pdf
reel 006, frame :0245, box 10, folder A 16.03
Simms, D. Harper, Idaho
May 1, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0003.pdf
reel 006, frame :0265, box 10, folder A 16.04
James, Norris, Montana
April 25, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0004.pdf
reel 006, frame :0278, box 10, folder A 16.05
Simms, D. Harper, Nevada
April 25, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0005.pdf
reel 006, frame :0287, box 10, folder A 16.06
Simms, D. Harper, New Mexico
April 25, 1942
Scope and Contents
No brief.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0006.pdf
reel 006, frame :0297, box 10, folder A 16.07
James, Norris, Oregon
May 1, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0007.pdf
reel 006, frame :0310, box 10, folder A 16.08
Simms, D. Harper, Washington
May 18, 1942
Scope and Contents
No brief.
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0008.pdf
reel 006, frame :0325, box 10, folder A 16.09
James, Norris, Wyoming
April 28, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0009.pdf
reel 006, frame :0333, box 10, folder A 16.10
Review of Anti-Japanese Incidents and Local Sentiment in Fresno and Counties, California
April 30, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0010.pdf
reel 006, frame :0340, box 10, folder A 16.11
Report on Sentiment in Del Rey, California, on Relocation There Of Japanese Newspaper, the "Nichi Bei",
April 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0011.pdf
reel 006, frame :0345, box 10, folder A 16.12
Report on Attitude of Citizens and Officials in Tule Lake Area...Japanese Reception Center...
April 26, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0012.pdf
Summary of Press Reports of Merrill Incident from Klamath Falls
April 27, 1942
reel 006, frame :0365, box 10, folder A 16.13
Western Institute of Public Opinion, Utah Public Opinion Survey
August 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b010a16_0013.pdf
Part 1, Section 2.5.
Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement Study
Analysis of correspondence
Department of Justice correspondence files
Scope and Contents
Photostatic copies.
reel 006, frame :0380, box 11, folder A 16.15:1
To Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0015_1.pdf
reel 006, frame :0380, box 11, folder A 16.15:2
To Francis Biddle, Attorney General
December 1941-February 12, 1942
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0015_2.pdf
reel 006, frame :0380, box 11, folder A 16.15:3
To Francis Biddle, Attorney General
February 15, 1942-March 1942
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0015_3.pdf
reel 006, frame :0380, box 11, folder A 16.15:4
To J. Edgar (John Edgar) Hoover, 1895-1972
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0015_4.pdf
reel 006, frame :0380, box 11, folder A 16.15:5
To Others
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0015_5.pdf
reel 007, frame :0010, box 11, folder A 16.151
To Eleanor Roosevelt
January 28, 1942-July 20, 1942
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0151.pdf
reel 007, frame :0016, box 11-12, folder A 16.152:1
Report: summaries and tabulations of letter contents
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b011a16_0152_1.pdf
reel 007, frame :0016, box 11-12, folder A 16.152:2
Charts: geographic location
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0152_2.pdf
reel 007, frame :0016, box 11-12, folder A 16.152:3
Charts: pro and con
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0152_3.pdf
reel 007, frame :0016, box 11-12, folder A 16.152:4
Physical Description: Department of Justice correspondence files are contained in microfilm reel 006, frame :0380 through microfilm reel 007, frame
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0152_4.pdf
reel 007, frame :0171, box 12, folder A 16.157
Notes for analysis of relationship between arguments and geographic origin of letters
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0157.pdf
Digests of correspondence by area
reel 007, frame :0179, cardfile-box 4, carton 1
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast
Physical Description: Telegrams in Cardfile Boxes 4-5 begin on microfilm reel 007, frame 0179. Upon digitization, Cardfile Box 4 was divided into
11 digital folders.
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_1.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_2.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_3.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_4.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_5.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_6.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_7.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_8.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_9.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_10.pdf
Telegrams being sent to the president in regards to the Japanese living on the west coast [digital file part 11]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277238ta_part_11.pdf
carton 1, cardfile-box 5
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans
Physical Description: Telegrams in Cardfile Boxes 4-5 begin on microfilm reel 007, frame 0179. Upon digitization, Cardfile Box 5 was divided into
15 digital folders.
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_1.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_2.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_3.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_4.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_5.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_6.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_7.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_8.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_9.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_10.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 11]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_11.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 12]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_12.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 13]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_13.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 14]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_14.pdf
Telegrams regarding the removal of Japanese Americans [digital file part 15]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01277239ta_part_15.pdf
Notes and digests of correspondence with Congressmen
reel 008, frame :0010, box 12, folder A 16.16
Anderson, John Z.
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0016.pdf
reel 008, frame :0044, box 12, folder A 16.161
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0161.pdf
reel 008, frame :0059, box 12, folder A 16.162
Tolan, John H.
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0162.pdf
reel 008, frame :0068, box 12, folder A 16.163
Notes and digests of correspondence with Senator M. Wallgren
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0163.pdf
reel 008, frame :0085, box 12, folder A 16.17
Copies of letters to Western Defense Command
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0017.pdf
California Food and Agricultural Trade Associations
reel 008, frame :0090, box 12, folder A 16.201:1
Analysis of position, copies of correspondence, Grodzins interview with Chester Moore, notes on Tolan Committee exhibits,
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0201_1.pdf
reel 008, frame :0090, box 12, folder A 16.201:2
Barnhart research on "Americans Betrayed" by Morton Grodzins
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0201_2.pdf
California Farm Organizations - California Farm Bureau Federation, Grange, Associated Farmers (organization)
reel 008, frame :0145, box 12, folder A 16.202:1
Photostatic copies and letters, reports and analysis
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0202_1.pdf
reel 008, frame :0145, box 12, folder A 16.202:2
Barnhart research correspondence and notes on "Americans Betrayed"
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0202_2.pdf
Merchant and Business Associations
reel 008, frame :0227, box 12, folder A 16.203:1
Correspondence, copies of letters and analysis
Physical Description: Merchant and Business Associations materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0227
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0203_1.pdf
frame :0227, box 12, folder A 16.203:2
Barnhart research correspondence and notes on "Americans Betrayed"
Physical Description: Merchant and Business Associations materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0227
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0203_2.pdf
reel 008, frame :0255, box 12, folder A 16.204:1
Copies of correspondence and resolutions
Physical Description: Chambers of Commerce materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0227
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0204_1.pdf
reel 008, frame :0255, box 12, folder A 16.204:2
Barnhart research correspondence and notes
Physical Description: Chambers of Commerce materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0227
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0204_2.pdf
reel 008, frame :0302, box 12, folder A 16.205:1
Copies of correspondence
Physical Description: Service Clubs materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0302
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0205_1.pdf
reel 008, frame :0302, box 12, folder A 16.205:2
Barnhart research
Physical Description: Service Clubs materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0302
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0205_2.pdf
reel 008, frame :0324, box 12, folder A 16.206
Fraternal and Benevolent Societies
Filename: cubanc6714_b012a16_0206.pdf
reel 008, frame :0347, box 13, folder A 16.207
American Legion
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0207.pdf
reel 008, frame :0421, box 13, folder A 16.208
Native Sons of the Golden West
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0208.pdf
California Joint Immigration Committee
reel 008, frame :0445, box 13, folder A 16.209:1
Correspondence and press releases
Physical Description: California Joint Immigration Committee materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0445.
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0209_1.pdf
reel 008, frame :0445, box 13, folder A 16.209:2
San Francisco meeting minutes and related material
February 7, 1942
Physical Description: California Joint Immigration Committee materials start at microfilm reel 008, frame :0445.
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0209_2.pdf
reel 008, frame :0535, box 13, folder A 16.210
Labor Unions and Labor Councils
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0210.pdf
reel 008, frame :0563, box 13, folder A 16.211
Civic and Social Clubs
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0211.pdf
reel 008, frame :0578, box 13, folder A 16.212
Religious Organizations
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0212.pdf
reel 008, frame :0626, box 13, folder A 16.213
Americanism Educational League
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0213.pdf
reel 009, frame :0010, box 13, folder A 16.214
Post-War World Council
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0214.pdf
reel 009, frame :0025, box 13, folder A 16.215
Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0215.pdf
reel 009, frame :0031, box 13, folder A 16.216
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0216.pdf
reel 009, frame :0051, box 13, folder A 16.251
Letters, interview and broadcasts
Scope and Contents
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0251.pdf
reel 009, frame :0060, box 14, folder A 16.252:1
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
September 1940-March 1942
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0252_1.pdf
reel 009, frame :0060, box 14, folder A 16.252:2
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0252_2.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:3
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b013a16_0252_3.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:4
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_4.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:5
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_5.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:6
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_6.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:7
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_7.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:8
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_8.pdf
reel 009, box 14, folder A 16.252:9
Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts
Physical Description: Correspondence regarding January 1942 Broadcasts starts at microfilm reel 009, frame :0060.
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0252_9.pdf
reel 009, frame :0603, box 14, folder A 16.259
Farm Cooperative proposals
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0259.pdf
reel 010, frame :0010, box 14, folder A 16.260
Tanaka, Togo, Pre-evacuation Pressure Group Activity in Southern California: Personality Sketches
May 30, 1943
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0260.pdf
reel 010, frame :0026, box 14, folder A 16.261:1
Motives Underlying the Demand for Evacuation from the West Coast, with notes and outlines
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0261_1.pdf
reel 010, frame :0026, box 14, folder A 16.261:2
Motives Underlying the Demand for Evacuation from the West Coast, with notes and outlines
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0261_2.pdf
reel 010, frame :0125, box 14, folder A 16.262
Metropolitan California newspapers, analysis of stories and editorials
Filename: cubanc6714_b014a16_0262.pdf
reel 010, frame :0180, box 15, folder A 16.263
Rural presses
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a16_0263.pdf
reel 010, frame :0106, cardfile-box 6, carton 1
Digests of newspaper articles
Physical Description: Upon digitization, Cardfile box 6 was divided into 12 digital files.
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_1.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_2.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 3]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_3.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 4]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_4.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 5]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_5.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 6]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_6.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 7]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_7.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 8]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_8.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 9]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_9.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 10]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_10.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 11]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_11.pdf
Digests of newspaper articles [digital file part 12]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257606ta_part_12.pdf
reel 010, frame :0437, box 15, folder A 17.010
Scardigli, R. J., Report on Japanese Evacuation Attitudes and Reactions [MISSING]; Buwalda, I. W., "California's Japanese
in the Crisis"; and Report on Conference at University Methodist Church, Los Angeles (December 11, 1941)
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0010.pdf
reel 010, frame :0461, box 15, folder A 17.011
Violence against Japanese
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0011.pdf
Evacuee writings, journals, and reports
reel 010, frame :0486, box 15, folder A 17.02
Kanai, L., memoranda
March 28, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0002.pdf
reel 010, frame :0489, box 15, folder A 17.03
Sakoda, James Minoru, 1916-, "As They Await Evacuation: the Impact of the War...,"
April 22, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0003.pdf
Shibutani, Tamotsu, 1920-
reel 010, frame :0515, box 15, folder A 17.04
The Initial Impact of the War on the Japanese Communities in the San Francisco Bay Region
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0004.pdf
reel 011, frame :0010, box 15, folder A 17.05
"Rumors in a Crisis Situation," masters thesis, University of Chicago
September 1944
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0005.pdf
reel 011, frame :0144, box 15, folder A 17.06:1
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_1.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.06:2
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0144.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_2.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.06:3
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0144.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_3.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.06:4
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0144.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_4.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.06:5
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0144.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_5.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.06:6
September 4, 1940-November 29, 1941
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0144.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0006_6.pdf
reel 011, frame :0262, box 15, folder A 17.07:1
December 1941-April 3, 1942
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0262.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0007_1.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.07:2
December 1941-April 3, 1942
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0262.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0007_2.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.07:3
December 1941-April 3, 1942
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0262.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0007_3.pdf
reel 011, box 15, folder A 17.07:4
December 1941-April 3, 1942
Physical Description: Journal starts at microfilm reel 011, frame :0262.
Filename: cubanc6714_b015a17_0007_4.pdf
reel 011, frame :0367, box 16, folder A 18.06
Some Aspects of Economic Losses Suffered by Japanese Evacuees
January 28, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0006.pdf
reel 011, frame :0412, box 16, folder A 18.061
Operation of Evacuated Japanese Farms by Farm Corporations
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0061.pdf
reel 011, frame :0424, box 16, folder A 18.07:1
The Changing Economic Status of the Japanese Community Since December 1941, Draft 1, handwritten notes, and typed introduction
June 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0007_1.pdf
box 16, folder A 18.07:2
The Changing Economic Status of the Japanese Community Since December 1941, Draft 2, typescript
June 1942
Not microfilmed.
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0007_2.pdf
reel 011, box 16, folder A 18.07:3
The Changing Economic Status of the Japanese Community Since December 1941, Draft 3, typescript
June 1942
Physical Description: Neff's work starts at microfilm reel 11, frame :0424.
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0007_3.pdf
reel 011, box 16, folder A 18.07:4
Paper and notes on Southern Californian Urban Areas, research materials
Physical Description: Neff's work starts at microfilm reel 11, frame :0424.
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0007_4.pdf
reel 011, box 16, folder A 18.07:5
Paper and notes on Los Angeles Rural Areas, Statewide research materials
Physical Description: Neff's work starts at microfilm reel 11, frame :0424.
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a18_0007_5.pdf
reel 011, frame :0650, box 16, folder A 19.01
Miscellaneous letters and reports
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a19_0001.pdf
reel 011, frame :0666, box 16, folder A 19.02
News Research Service, Inc., Los Angeles
Filename: cubanc6714_b016a19_0002.pdf
Part 1, Section 3.
Exclusion and Internment in Assembly Centers, (B)
March-November 1942.
Physical Description: Originals: Box 16, folders 10-12; Boxes 17-24; Box 25, folders 1-13, Oversize folder 1 A; Microfilm: Reels 12-18; 186
Divided into four sub-sections: Western Defense Command; Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA); Regional Assembly
Center Administration, and Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS).
Scope and Contents
The Western Defense Command sub-section contains civilian exclusion orders, public proclamations, and restrictive orders.
Other subsections include WCCA and regional assembly center administrative files, assembly center publications, meeting minutes,
reports, and studies. JERS material contains the first JERS field collaborator's reports, studies, correspondence, journals,
and diaries.
Part 1, Section 3.1.
Western Defense Command
box 16, folder B 1.01:1
Civilian Exclusion Orders, numbers 1-108
(not microfilmed; see F870.J3.62.U7)
Filename: cubanc6714_b016b01_0001_1.pdf
box 16, folder B 1.01:2
Civilian Exclusion Orders, numbers 1-108
Filename: cubanc6714_b016b01_0001_2.pdf
box 16, folder B 1.02
Public Proclamations numbers 1-10, 12-17, 21
(not microfilmed; see F869.S3.9.U52)
Filename: cubanc6714_b016b01_0002.pdf
box 17, folder B 1.03
Civilian Restrictive Orders, numbers 1-28
(not microfilmed; see F870.J3U4)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257638ta.pdf
box 17, folder B 1.05
Organization Map, Military Sectors
(not microfilmed; see Map Room: G4211.R1 1941.U5 Case D)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257639ta.pdf
oversize-folder 1 A
Broadsides of Exclusion and Restrictive Orders, Public Proclamations and Instructions
March 1942
(not microfilmed; see above)
oversize-folder 1 A
Instructions To All Persons of Japanese Ancestry Living In The Following Area, Western Defense Command and Fourth Army Wartime
Civil Control Administration. Contra Costa and Alameda counties.
April 24, 1942
Physical Description: Dimensions: 22 x 14"
oversize-folder 1 A
Notice, Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, Civilian Exclusion Order No. 1
March 24, 1942
Physical Description: Dimensions: 22 x 14"
oversize-folder 1 A
Notice, Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, Restrictive Order #1.
Physical Description: Dimensions: 22 x 14"
oversize-folder 1 A
Instructions To All Persons of Japanese Ancestry Living In The Following Areas, Western Defense Command and Fourth Army Wartime
Civil Control Administration, County of Sacramento
March 23, 1942
Physical Description: 22 x 14"
oversize-folder 1 A
Notice, Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, Civilian Exclusion Order No. 94
March, 1942
Physical Description: 22 x 14"
oversize-folder 1 A
Notice, Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, Public Proclamation No. 7. Affecting states: Washington, Oregon,
California, Arizona and the Public Generally.
June 8, 1942
Physical Description: 22 x 14"
Part 1, Section 3.2.
Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA)
reel 012, frame :0011, box 17, folder B 1.07
Bendetsen, Karl R.
Scope and Contents
Includes The Story of the Pacific Coast Japanese Evacuation (address; May 20, 1942); and An Obligation Discharged (address;
November 3, 1942)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271823ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0022, box 17, folder B 1.08
Organization chart with description of official functions
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257645ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0033, box 17, folder B 1.09:1
Instructions Governing Operation and Maintenance of Assembly and Reception Centers, Regional Regulations and Procedures
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257646ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.09:2
Memos: Evacuation Projects
March 20-April 18, 1942
Physical Description: Folders 1.09:1-4 begin on microfilm reel 012, frame :0033.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257647ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.09:3
Memos: Evacuation Projects
April 23-May 21, 1942
Physical Description: Folders 1.09:1-4 begin on microfilm reel 012, frame :0033.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257648ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.09:4
Memos: Transfer of Evacuees, etc.
June 1-December 18, 1942
Physical Description: Folders 1.09:1-4 begin on microfilm reel 012, frame :0033.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257649ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0258, box 17, folder B 1.10:1
Memos, administrative orders and procedural letters for assembly center managers
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257650ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.10:2
Miscellaneous copies of correspondence
Physical Description: Folders B1.10:1-2 begin at microfilm reel 012, frame :0258
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257651ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0288, box 17, folder B 1.11:1
Operation Manual with three supplements
June 11, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257652ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.11:2
Operation Manual with supplement
July 18, 1942
Physical Description: Folders B1.11:1-4 begin at microfilm reel 012, frame :0288
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257653ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.11:3
2nd Revised Operation Manual
Physical Description: Folders B1.11:1-4 begin at microfilm reel 012, frame :0288
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257654ta.pdf
reel 012, box 17, folder B 1.11:4
Supplement for Revised Operation Manual
Physical Description: Folders B1.11:1-4 begin at microfilm reel 012, frame :0288
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257655ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0452, box 18, folder B 1.12
Selection of Important Record and Registration Forms Utilized by the Civil Affairs Division Western Defense Command
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257656ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0531, box 18, folder B 1.13
Map: Relocation Project Sites
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257657ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0535, box 18, folder B 1.15
Recommended Program of Recreation Activities for the Induction and Reception Centers Operated by the WCCA
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257658ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0541, box 18, folder B 2.01
Bulletins numbers 1-6
(March 17-April 7, 1942)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257660ta.pdf
reel 012, frame :0569, box 18, folder B 2.02
Bulletins numbers 7-11
(April 13-May 15, 1942)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257661ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0010, box 18, folder B 2.03
Bulletin no. 12: Characteristics of the Japanese Population
March 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257662ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0170, box 18, folder B 2.031
Tables showing exclusion dates, number evacuated and destinations
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257663ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0211, box 18, folder B 2.041
Maps: Japanese Population of United States, Japanese Population: Western Defense Command Area, German and Italian Aliens:
Pacific Coast Area
Scope and Contents
Upon digitization, folder B 2.041 was divided into two digital files.
Maps: Japanese Population of United States, Japanese Population: Western Defense Command Area, German and Italian Aliens:
Pacific Coast Area [digital file part 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257665ta_part_1.pdf
Maps: Japanese Population of United States, Japanese Population: Western Defense Command Area, German and Italian Aliens:
Pacific Coast Area [digital file part 2]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257665ta_part_2.pdf
reel 013, frame :0221, box 18, folder B 2.042
Charts: population statistics
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257666ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0237, box 18, folder B 2.043
Employed Japanese workers 14 years old and older
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257667ta.pdf
box 19, folder B 2.05:1
Press releases, Numbers 4-32
March 2, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257669ta.pdf
box 19, folder B 2.05:2
Press releases, Numbers 5-1 - 12-5
December 23, 1942
Not microfilmed; see fD769.1.A13.P7
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257670ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0239, box 19, folder B 2.06
Instructions and regulations for assembly center residents
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257671ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:1
General instructions and Manual of Policies and Procedures for Social Work Staff (folder 1)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257673ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:2
Sacramento (folder 2)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257674ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:3
San Francisco (folder 3)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257675ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:4
Fresno (folder 4)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257676ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:5
Madera (folder 5)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257677ta.pdf
reel 0274, box 19, folder B 2.07:6
Merced (folder 6)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257678ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0497, box 19, folder B 2.08
Mixed-marriage policy
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257679ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0510, box 19, folder B 2.09
Construction and supply policy
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257680ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0526, box 19, folder B 2.091
Information Service Division
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257681ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0530, box 19, folder B 2.10
Miscellaneous correspondence
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257682ta.pdf
reel 013, frame :0539, box 19, folder B 2.11
Transfer from assembly centers to relocation centers, Transfer Orders numbers 1-29
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257683ta.pdf
reel 14, frame :0010, box 20, folder B 2.25:1
Memos and correspondence (folder 1)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257685ta.pdf
reel 14, frame :0010, box 20, folder B 2.25:2
Bulletins and digests of Japanese Organizations in the United States (folder 1)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257686ta.pdf
reel 14, frame :0010, box 20, folder B 2.25:3
Bulletins and digests of Japanese Organizations in the United States (folder 2)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271940ta.pdf
Part 1, Section 3.3.
Regional Assembly Center Administration
Tanforan, San Bruno, California
reel 014, frame :0121, box 20, folder B 3.04:1
General administration
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257689ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0121, box 20, folder B 3.04:2
Information Bulletin, numbers 1-31
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257690ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0205, box 20, folder B 3.05
Selective Service and occupational miscellany
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257691ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0213, box 20, folder B 3.06
Hospital report, WCCA Hospital, Merced, California
May-August 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257692ta.pdf
frame :0233
Tulare Assembly Center, Social Welfare Department
reel 014, frame :0233, box 20, folder B 3.10:1
Survey of Population: Illness Pregnancy Infants
August 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257694ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0233, box 20, folder B 3.10:2
Miscellaneous lists and statistics, Case reports (May 26-July 29, 1942), Report no. 4, Religion
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257695ta.pdf
Tanforan, San Bruno, California
reel 014, frame :0276, box 20, folder B 4.01:1
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257699ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0276, box 20, folder B 4.01:2
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257700ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0276, box 20, folder B 4.01:3
Work and field work reports
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257701ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0365, box 20, folder 4.02:1
Recreation progress report, Police record of complaints
May 26, 1942; June 3, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257703ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0365, box 20, folder B 4.02:2
Reports (no. 4, Religion)
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257705ta.pdf
Tanforan Assembly Council
reel 014, frame :0372, box 20, folder B 4.10:1
Minutes of the Advisory Council
June 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257707ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0372, box 20, folder B 4.10:2
Constitution, Executive Council minutes, bulletins
July 1-July 22, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257708ta.pdf
reel 014, frame :0372, box 20, folder B 4.10:3
Executive Council, correspondence, House Managers' meeting minutes
July 6-July 31, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257709ta.pdf
reel 014, box 20, folder B 4.101:1
House Managers' meeting minutes (folder 1 of 2)
May 6-August 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271982ta.pdf
reel 014, box 20, folder B 4.101:2
House Managers' meeting minutes (folder 2 of 2)
May 6-August 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271983ta.pdf
Camp Harmony, Puyallup, Washington
reel 014, box 21, folder B 5.00
Camp Harmony, Puyallup, Washington
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: "News-Letter," volume 1, numbers 1-12, May 5-August 14, 1942 [NARA Reel 1]
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271984ta.pdf
reel 014-015, frame :0538-:0139, box 21, folder B 5.001:1
"Grapevine, "volume I, numbers 1-19, one unmarked
May 23-July 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257715ta.pdf
reel 014-015, frame :0538-:0139, box 21, folder B 5.001:2
"Grapevine, "volume II, numbers 1-6, 9-20
August 1-October 3, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257716ta.pdf
reel 014-015, frame :0538-:0139, box 21, folder B 5.001:3
"Grapevine, " volume III, numbers 1-4
October 7-October 17, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257717ta.pdf
reel 014-015, frame :0538-:0139, box 21, folder B 5.001:4
"Vignette: A Pictorial Record of Life in the Fresno Assembly Center, "
October 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257718ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0140, box 21, folder B 5.002:1
"The Mercedian, "volume 1, numbers 1-20
June 9-August 21, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257720ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0140, box 21, folder B 5.002:2
"The Mercedian, " Souvenir Edition
August 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257721ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0221, box 21, folder B 5.003
North Portland, Oregon
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: "Evacuazette," volume 1, no. 3, May 26, 1942.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271987ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0226, box 21, folder B 5.004
Pomona, California
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: "Pomona Center News," volume 1, numbers 1-25, May 23-August 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271988ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0303, box 21, folder B 5.0041
Sacramento, California
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: "Walerga Wasp," Number 5, May 27, 1942; and Number 9, June 10, 1942.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271989ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0309, box 21, folder B 5.005
Salinas, California
Scope and Contents
Folder contains: "The Village Crier," Issue No. 7, June 20, 1942.
Filename: cubanc_35_1_01271990ta.pdf
box 21, folder B 5.006:1
Pacemaker, volume I, number A-14 (NARA Reel 1)
April 18-June 3, 1942
box 21, folder B 5.006:2
Pacemaker, volume I, number 15-30 (NARA Reel 1)
June 6-July 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257735ta.pdf
box 21, folder B 5.006:3
Pacemaker, volume I, number 31-50
August 1-October 8, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257736ta.pdf
box 21, folder B 5.006:4
"Santa Anita Pacemaker 1942"
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257737ta.pdf
box 21, folder B 5.006:5
"The Evacuee Speaks: Private Newsletter, "
August 20, 1942
Filename: cubanc_35_1_00257738ta.pdf
reel 015, frame :0313, box 22, folder B 5.007:1
El Joaquin, volume I, no. 1-12
May 30-July 8, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0007_1.pdf
reel 015, frame :0313, box 22, folder B 5.007:2
El Joaquin, volume II, numbers 1-12
July 11-August 19, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0007_2.pdf
reel 015, frame :0313, box 22, folder B 5.007:3
El Joaquin, volume III, numbers 1-9, 11
August 22-September 19, 1942
Filemaker: cubanc6714_b022b05_0007_3.pdf
reel 015, frame :0313, box 22, folder B 5.007:4
El Joaquin, Final edition
September 28, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0007_4.pdf
Tanforan, San Bruno, California
reel 015, frame :0431, box 22, folder B 5.008
"Tanforan Totalizer", volume 1, numbers 1-19
May 15-September 12, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0008.pdf
reel 015, frame :0513, box 22, folder B 5.009:1
"Tulare News", volume 1, numbers 1-13, 15-22, 24-28
May 6-August 8, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0009_1.pdf
reel 015, frame :0513, box 22, folder B 5.009:2
"Relocation: Tulare News Review", final issue
August 28, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b05_0009_2.pdf
reel 016, frame :0010, box 22, folder B 6.01
reel 016, frame :0010, box 22, folder B 6.01:1
Town Hall meetings, transcripts of discussions, 4th-8th meetings
June 17-July 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b06_0001_1.pdf
reel 016, frame :0010, box 22, folder B 6.01:2
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b06_0001_2.pdf
reel 016, frame :0039, box 22, folder B 7.01:1
Self Government Assembly, constitution and by-laws, miscellaneous documents
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b07_0001_1.pdf
reel 016, frame :0039, box 22, folder B 7.01:2
Federal Bureau of Investigation, report: Internal Conditions, Santa Anita Assembly Center; Riot of Evacuees; Miscellaneous
August 4, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b07_0001_2.pdf
reel 016, frame :0039, box 22, folder B 7.01:3
Fresno: An Accident of History, address
June 19, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b07_0001_3.pdf
reel 016, frame :0066, box 22, folder B 7.011
War Relocation Authority, Community Analysis Section file
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b07_0011.pdf
Part 1, Section 3.4.
Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS)
reel 016, frame :0092, box 22, folder B 8.01
Social Reintegration Among the Evacuated Japanese
Physical Description:
1 folder
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0001.pdf
reel 016, frame :0103, box 22, folder B 8.03
Fresno Reception Center; Turlock Evacuation
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0003.pdf
reel 016, frame :0106, box 22, folder B 8.05
Tsuchiyama, Tamie, 1915-
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0005.pdf
Tanforan, San Bruno, California
reel 016, frame :0145, box 22, folder B 8.07
Social Organization and Recreation; Enemy Aliens in the United States
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0007.pdf
reel 016, frame :0161, box 22, folder B 8.09
Galbraith, Virginia, Rumors in Tanforan
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0009.pdf
reel 016, frame :0171, box 22, folder B 8.11**
A Family Study
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0011.pdf
reel 016, frame :0242, box 22, folder B 8.13
A Progressive Girls's Group
Filename: cubanc6714_b022b08_0013.pdf
reel 016, frame :0274, box 23, folder B 8.15
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0015.pdf
reel 016, frame :0286, box 23, folder B 8.17
The Young People's Council
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0017.pdf
reel 016, frame :0304, box 23, folder B 8.19**
Case Study No. S.A.
July 25, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0019.pdf
reel 016, frame :0309, box 23, folder B 8.21
Recreation; General Spot Observation: Shower Room Scenes
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0021.pdf
reel 016, frame :0326, box 23, folder B 8.23
Tanforan: Population and Composition
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0023.pdf
reel 016, frame :0345, box 23, folder B 8.25
Tanforan Political Activities
June 16, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0025.pdf
reel 016, frame :0366, box 23, folder B 8.27
Ijima, Ben, The Mess Hall
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0027.pdf
reel 016, frame :0373, box 23, folder B 8.29
Kunitani, Michio, Tanforan Politics
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0029.pdf
Shibutani, Tamotsu, Haruo Najima, Tomika Shibutani
reel 016, frame :0390, box 23, folder B 8.31
The First Month at Tanforan: A Preliminary Report
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0031.pdf
reel 016, frame :0435, box 23, folder B 8.32
Tani, Henry, The Tanforan High School
February 13, 1943
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0032.pdf
reel 016, frame :0447, box 23, folder B 8.34
Thomas, Dorothy S., The Tanforan Totalizer; Censorship
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0034.pdf
reel 016, frame :0460, box 23, folder B 8.36
Uchida, Kay and Grace Fujii, The Pre-School Program at Tanforan
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0036.pdf
reel 016, frame :0477, box 23, folder B 8.38
Yusa, Earle T., Tanforan Personnel
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0038.pdf
reel 016, frame :0507, box 23, folder B 8.40
Sakoda, James Minoru, 1916-, Field reports, numbers 1-3, (Santa Anita and Tulare)
May 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b08_0040.pdf
Studies and reports by others
reel 016, frame :0514, box 23, folder B 9.01
War Relocation Authority, Milton Silverman
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b09_0001.pdf
reel 016, frame :0542, box 23, folder B 9.50**
McWilliams, Carey, 1905-, Inspection of Centers at Pomona and Santa Anita
June 15, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b09_0050.pdf
reel 016, frame :0579, box 23, folder B 10.01
Abbott, John W. for Tolan Committee - Evacuation from Los Angeles
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b10_0001.pdf
Protecting Power, Spanish Consul
reel 017, frame :0010, box 23, folder B 11.01:1
August 6, 1942-March 3, 1944
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b11_0001_1.pdf
reel 017, frame :0010, box 23, folder B 11.01:2
Visit form and reports
December 21-22, 1943, August 2, 1944
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b11_0001_2.pdf
Hayashi, Doris
Physical Description: 5 folders
reel 017, frame :0087, box 24, folder B 12.00:1**
Diary (Hayashi, Doris)
May 1-June 21 1942
Physical Description: Doris Hayashi's diaries start at microfilm reel 017, frame :0087.
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b12_0000_1.pdf
reel 017, frame :0087, box 24, folder B 12.00:2**
Diary (Hayashi, Doris)
June 21-July 31 1942
Physical Description: Doris Hayashi's diaries start at microfilm reel 017, frame :0087.
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b12_0000_2.pdf
reel 017, frame :0087, box 24, folder B 12.00:3**
Diary (Hayashi, Doris)
July 31-September 16 1942
Physical Description: Doris Hayashi's diaries start at microfilm reel 017, frame :0087.
Filename: cubanc6714_b023b12_0000_3.pdf
reel 017, frame :0087, box 24, folder B 12.00:4**
Diary (Hayashi, Doris)
September 17- 1942
Physical Description: Doris Hayashi's diaries start at microfilm reel 017, frame :0087.
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0000_4.pdf
reel 017, frame :0087, box 24, folder B 12.00:5**
Diary (Hayashi, Doris)
May-September 1942
Physical Description: Doris Hayashi's diaries start at microfilm reel 017, frame :0087.
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0000_5.pdf
Ijima, Ben
Physical Description:
4 folders
reel 017, frame :0333, box 24, folder B 12.10:1**
Miscellaneous observations
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0010_1.pdf
reel 017, frame :0333, box 24, folder B 12.10:2**
May 22-July 3, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0010_2.pdf
reel 017, frame :0333, box 24, folder B 12.10:3**
July 5-August 17, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0010_3.pdf
reel 017, frame :0333, box 24, folder B 12.10:4**
August 18-September 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0010_4.pdf
reel 017, frame :0520, box 24, folder B 12.30**
Diary (Yusa, Mrs. Earle)
July 16-September 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0030.pdf
reel 017, frame :0549, box 24, folder B 12.35**
Family history and autobiography (Hoshiyama, Fred)
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0035.pdf
Sakoda, James Minoru, 1916-
reel 018, frame :0010, box 24, folder B 12.20:1**
April 24-May 24, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0020_1.pdf
reel 018, frame :0010, box 24, folder B 12.20:2**
May 25-June 14,1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0020_2.pdf
reel 018, frame :0099, box 24, folder B 12.39
List of JERS field workers and staff
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0039.pdf
Hoshiyama, Fred, Tanforan Assembly Center and Central Utah Relocation Center, Topaz
reel 018, frame :0103, box 24, folder B 12.40**
To Dorothy S. Thomas
June 22-September 20, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0040.pdf
reel 018, frame :0115, box 24, folder B 12.41**
To and from Friends
April 15-August 29, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0041.pdf
reel 018, frame :0148, box 24, folder B 12.42**
To and from Virginia Galbraith, et. al.
April 22-June 24, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0042.pdf
Nakano, Sam, Fresno Assembly Center
reel 018, frame :0160, box 24, folder B 12.43**
To and from Virginia Galbraith
May 15-October 6, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_b024b12_0043.pdf
reel 018, frame :0191, box 25, folder B 12.44**
Okazaki, Mari
May 25-June 18, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0044.pdf
reel 018, frame :0203, box 25, folder B 12.45**
Sakoda, James Minoru, Tulare Assembly Center -- To and From Dorothy S. Thomas
April 27-June 12, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0045.pdf
reel 018, frame :0213, box 25, folder B 12.46**
Takahashi, Nobumitsu, Tanforan Assembly Center - To and From Virginia Galbraith
May 19-September 14, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0046.pdf
reel 018, frame :0222, box 25, folder B 12.47**
Tsuchiyama, Tamie, Santa Anita Assembly Center - To and from Robert H. Lowie
April 20-August 12, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0047.pdf
reel 018, frame :0230, box 25, folder B 12.48**
Ruth to Barbara, Merced Assembly Center
May 13, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0048.pdf
reel 018, frame :0236, box 25, folder B 12.49**
Philip Neff and others, Santa Anita Assembly Center
April 7-June 19, 1942, undated
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0049.pdf
reel 018, frame :0246, box 25, folder B 12.50:1**
Shibutani, Tom
May 2-June 11, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0050_1.pdf
reel 018, frame :0246, box 25, folder B 12.50:2**
May 3-November 27, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0050_2.pdf
reel 018, frame :0284, box 25, folder B 12.51**
Other Assembly Centers
May-June 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0051.pdf
reel 018, frame :0306, box 25, folder B 12.52**
Murase, Kenny: To and from Dorothy S. Thomas and others; Report
May 10-July 1, 1942, undated
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0052.pdf
reel 018, frame :0326, box 25, folder B 12.60**
Tanforan High School, English compositions
August 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b12_0060.pdf
"The Pacific Cable, "Seattle, Washington
reel 018, frame :0365, box 25, folder B 13.00
The Pacific Cable: volume I, numbers 1-3, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b13_0000.pdf
reel 186, frame :0020, box 25, folder B 13.01
Filename: cubanc6714_box025b13_0001.pdf
Part 1, Section 4.
War Relocation Authority (WRA), (C)
Physical Description: Originals: Boxes 25, folders 14-21; Boxes 26-34; Microfilm: Reels 18-19; 346-351
Scope and Contents
Contains administrative files from the head office in Washington, D.C., including a history, information about the construction
of centers, correspondence, memos, reports, and newspaper clippings.
reel 018, frame :0381, box 25, folder C 1.00
"History of WRA,"
Filename: cubanc6714_box025c01_0000.pdf
reel 018, frame :0491, box 25, folder C 1.01:1
Filename: cubanc6714_box025c01_0001_1.pdf
reel 018, box 25, folder C 1.01:2
Memorandum of understanding and agreements
April 17-June 1, 1942
Physical Description: Between frame :0491 and :0526.
Filename: cubanc6714_box025c01_0001_2.pdf
reel 018, frame :0526, box 25, folder C 1.02:1
Correspondence to and from Milton S. Eisenhower and others
March 26-June 30, 1942
Filename: cubanc6714_box025c01_0002_1.pdf
reel 018, frame :0526, box 25, folder C 1.02:2