Guide to the Ira L. Wiggins Papers SC0177
- A.I.N.A.-Arctic Institute of North America
- A.S.P.T.-American Society of Plant Taxonomists
- A.I.B.S.-American Institute of Biological Sciences
- B.S.F.-Belvedere Scientific Fund
Subjects and Indexing Terms
General Files
Acknowledgements 1955-62
Address and Appointment Changes 1958-62
Alaskan Science Conference Nov 9-11, 1950
American Fern Society, Correll, Donovan S., Correspondence 1964-5
American Fern Society, Correspondence Nov-Dec 1957
American Fern Society, Correspondence Jan-May 1957
American Fern Society, Correspondence Jun-Oct 1957
American Fern Society, Membership Lists 1962-64
American Fern Society, Inc., Orders of Council, (also list of orders 1954-64 1914-1941)
American Fern Society, Fern Journal Guides 1961
American Fern Society, Fern Journal Reprinting 1963-4
American Fern Society, Spore Exchange 1963
American Institute for Biological Sciences (A.I.B.S.) Correspondence 1957-64
A.I.B.S. Emergency Meeting 1963
A.I.B.S. Meetings 1962-3 and undated
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA), Correspondence Jan-May 1957
AINA, Correspondence 1957 Jun-Dec
AINA, Correspondence 1959-1961
AINA, Correspondence 1962-65
AINA, Grant in Aid 1954, 1962
AINA, Publications Committee (Including Minutes) 1960
Arctic Research Laboratory, Correspondence 1950-51
Baja Field Workers.
Belvedere Scientific Fund, Beatty, Wm. Proposal for Mineral Resource Data Project 1962
Belvedere Scientific Fund, Correspondence 1958-60
Belvedere Scientific Fund (BSF), Correspondence. 1961
Belvedere Scientific Fund (BSF), Correspondence Jan-May 19
BSF, Correspondence Jun-Dec 1962
BSF, Correspondence 1963-1965
BSF, Correspondence 1963-1965
BSF, Insular Floras of Baja California undated
BSF, List of Collections, Baja California Field Work 1959-1960
BSF, Maps of Baja California undated
BSF, Miscellaneous 1958-63
BSF, Officials and Influential People in Baja and M.D.F. 1959
BSF, Permits 1959-63
BSF, Progress Reports (Quarterly) 1961-4
BSF, Reference Articles 1948 1957 and undated
BSF, Register of Field Trips 1959-62
BSF, Sales Receipts Oct-Dec 1959
BSF, Stebbings, James 1960-61
BSF, Tape Transcriptions, trips. 1959,1960, 1961
BSF, Travellall 1959-65
BSF, Trip Reports Log Oct-Dec, 1959
BSF, Trip Reports and Logs 1960-64
Correspondence, Personal 1936-44
Correspondence, A-K. 1933,
Correspondence, L-Z. 1933,
Correspondence, A-P. 1934-40 except Jun-Nov 1937
Correspondence, T-Z. 1934-40
Correspondence, Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University 1934-39,
Correspondence, Baxter, E.M. (The Cactus and Succulent Society of America). 1934-39
Correspondence, Spoehr, H.A. (Division of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington). 1934-39
Correspondence, Shreve, Forrest (Desert Laboratory of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington). 1933-40,
Correspondence, Shreve, Forrest. 1i33-40
Correspondence, Whitehead, Jack (Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum). 1934-40,
Correspondence, Wolf, Carl B. (Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden). 1936-39,
Correspondence, (Sabbatical). Jun-Nov 1937
Correspondence, C. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, C. 1940-1945,
Correspondence, D-E. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, F-G. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, H. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, H. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, I-J. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, K. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, L. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, M. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, M. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, N-P. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, R. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, T-Whitehead. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, Weatherby- Z. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, S. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, S. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, S. 1940-Aug 1945
Correspondence, S. 1951-1958,
Correspondence, S. 1951-58,
Correspondence, Kellogg, Remington (U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution). 1955-57,
A Flora of the Alaskan Arctic Slope, Correspondence 1961-62
A Flora of the Alaskan Arctic Slope, Reviews 1962-64
Manuscripts (Carbons) 1951 and undated
Natural History Museum-Statement of Funds 1942-44
Papers: Notes on Certain Plants of Lower California and Medicinal Uses of Certain Mexican Plants. 1939
Philadelphia Zoological Garden 1960
Plants of San Diego County, List of. Prepared by the Brandegees 1902-3
Shreve, Forrest. Biographical and Bibliographical Information 1951
Society for the Study of Speciation 1940's
Biology Department (Stanford) 1950-51
Business Office (Stanford) 1950
Stanford University-Dudley Herbarium, Railway Express Agency, Receipts for Specimens Sent 1941-43
Stanford University- General Correspondence, Includes lists of Wiggins' Publications 1928-39 1935-39
Stanford University-General Correspondence 1940-45
Stanford University-General Correspondence 1940-45
Stanford University- General Correspondence 1940-45
Stanford University, General Correspondence 1951-58
Stanford University, Personnel, non-academic.
Stanford University President's Office, Correspondence 1942-56
Stanford University President's Office, Correspondence 1934-Jun 1942
Western Society of Naturalists 1933-35
Western Society of Naturalists, Correspondence 1941-45
Western Society of Naturalists, Symposium Dec-40
Stanford University Press 1943-58
Steere, William, Correspondence 1949-58
President's Office: Appointments for Geo. Vanderbilt Fund (GVF) 1959
Presidents Office Appointments for Natural History Museum 1951-1960
Stanford University President's Office, President's Report 1958-59
Stanford University Provost's Office 1953-61
Stanford University, Public Exercises (Committee on) 1947-60
Tidelands Survey Article, The Relation of Salt Marsh Plants To Tide Levels Along the California Coast and Their Significance in Certain Litigation. n.d. (I. Wiggins). Includes draft.
Tidelands Survey, Correspondence and miscellaneous material 1933
Tidelands Survey, Dunbarton Tides 1936-37
Tidelands Survey, Elevations of vegetation near Ford plant 1933
Tidelands Survey, Photographs and Negatives 1936
Tidelands Survey, Photographs and Negatives 1936
Tidelands Survey, Photographs and Negatives 1936
Tidelands Survey, Photostats of Reprints on Salt Marsh Studies, requested 1936
Vollmer, Albert M. 1934-55
Western Museums Conference 1940-42
Western Society of Naturalists 1933-1935
Western Society of Naturalists, Correspondence 1941-1945
Western Society of Naturalists, Symposium - Includes Wiggins paper, "Training for Research and Instruction in the Biological Sciences"
Western Society of Naturalists - Wiggins paper on Galapagos
A correspondence. 1940-69
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1942-45
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1959-65
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Berkeley meeting 1965
American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations 1942-44
American Fern Society 1941-44
American Fern Society 1963-65
American Society of Plant Taxonomists 1943, 1963
Artic Research Lab 1953-54
Atkinson, Lenette 1964-66
Atomic Energy Commission December 1960
B correspondence 1936-45, 1974
Babcock, E. B. 1941-45
Bailey, I. W. 1942-45
Belvedere Scientific Fund 1960-77
Benson, Lyman D. 1940-44
Biological Abstracts: correspondence and text
Bonestell Company, correspondence 1942-45
Botanical Society of America 1940-44
C correspondence 1965-74
California Botanical Society 1965-73
California State College at Fullerton 1966
Correspondence, miscellaneous 1931-32
Correspondence, last name undecipherable or missing
D - H correspondence 1943-77
Darwin Foundation 1968-75
Dorst, Jean 1966-68, 1974
Ecuador trip 1944
Ecuador trip 1944
Ecuador trip, FEA correspondence 1944
Ecuador trip, correspondence 1944-45
Ecuador trip, financial records
Ecuador trip, notes, lab analysis reports
Ecuador trip, misc. correspondence and memos 1944
Ecuador trip, field notes
Ecuador trip, preliminary drafts of reports
Emory, David L. 1964-65
Flora of the Galapagos, ad for
Flora of the Galapagos, correspondence re 1971-76
Focht, David 1966-68
Galapago - articles
Galapagos correspondence 1965
Galapagos - grant 1966-68
Galapagos Science Conference 1972
Gilbreath, Robert, "First Find the Flower," 1973
Hanna, G. Dallas (Artic Research Lab) 1955-57
Hauke, Richard L. 1964-65
Herre, A. W. C. T, bibliography
Herre, A. W. C. T, "Notes on My Life"
Herre, A. W. C. T, correspondence 1959-62
Howell, J. T.
Huttleston, D. G. 1963-65
I - L correspondence 1943-74
Jarret, Frances M. 1968-69
Knobloch, Irving 1965-66
Lellinger, David 1965-74
List of determinations
Loans (herbarium specimens)
M correspondence 1944-74
McGinnies, W. G. 1972-81
Miscellaneous items
Morton, C. V. 1950-65
N correspondence 1951-72
National Medal of Science
National Science Foundation 1965-75
Nature Conservancy, "Natural Areas Inventory of California, Vegetation Types, Santa Barbara November 25, 1957"
New York Botanical Garden 1951-71
Notes on the natural history of Yucca Volida [author not specified]
O correspondence 1951-77
Orr, Robert T. 1965-74
Ownbey, Gerald B. 1955-57
Pa - Pe correspondence 1961-74
Ph - Po correspondence 1962-83
Pr - Py correspondence 1967-76
Pacific Science Association
Persson, Herman 1961-69
Peterson, Roger
Plattner, Phyllis - correspondence and descriptions of plants to be drawn
Porsild, A. E. 1957-69
Porter, Duncan 1959-73
Poulter, Thomas C. 1961-67
Project Skijump, Woods Hole Oceaneographic Institute 1951
Q correspondence 1954-71
Ra - Rh correspondence 1960-75
Ri - Ro correspondence 1959-85
Ru - Ry correspondence 1962-74
Raup, Hugh M. 1963-82
Raven, Peter H. 1962-73
Requests for information
Reveal, James L. 1972-75
Rick, Charles M. 1968-70
Rockefeller, Mrs. David (National Comm. For the Wildflowers) 1960-73
Rollins, Reed C. 1951-74
Rossbach, George B. 1955-60
Rudd, Velva E. 1973-75
Rzedowski, J. 1960-73
Sa - Se correspondence 1959-75
Sh - Sl correspondence 1962-72
Sm - Sp correspondence 1960-75
St - Sw correspondence 1960-75
Savile, D. B. O. 1960-74
Sawyer, E. W. 1964-65
Schrenk, W. Jurgen 1975
Senate Bill 1991 (re national tropical botanical garden) 1964
Sharp, Aaron J. 1963-71
Shreve's original photographs of desert plants, correspondence re 1963
Sigma Xi
Skvortzov, A. K. 1964-67
Smith, C. P., estate of 1955
Smith, Clyde 1966
Smith, Gilbert M. , biographical sketch of
Smith, Gilbert M. (Memorial Resolution)
Smith, Lyman B. 1960-62
Snow, David W. 1968-75
Snyder, John O., memorial resolution
Solbrig, Otto T. 1961-75
Sonora Field Trip 1932
Sonoran Desert (notes, reports, plant lists, photographs, correspondence) 1926-37
Stafleu, F. A. 1965-68
St. John, Harold 1951-63
S.U. Dudley Herbarium, photocopies of specimens
S.U. General Secretary 1959
S.U. miscellaneous
S.U. Natural History Museum 1942-54
S.U. Natural History Museum 1957-74
S.U. Natural History Museum, publications
S.U. President's office 1946-72
S.U. Press 1959-72, 1978
S.U. Registrar's Office
S.U. Safety Director
S.U. School of Biological Sciences
S.U. student protests [orig. labelled "radicals"]
Stebbins, G. L., Jr. 1954
Steere, W. C. 1959-74
Stern, William L. 1962-67
Storey, Margaret H. 1960-61
Strother, John L., (includes typescript of Wiggins' "Ranunculus Flagelliformis Smith Discoverd in the Galapagos Islands") 1970-74
Summer Institute in Desert Biology (Tempe, AZ) 1961-68
Swallen, Jason R. 1955-63
Symposium on the Biology of the California Channel Islands 1965
Ta - Ti correspondence 1960-71
To - Tu correspondence 1960-72
Tedrow, J.C.F. 1961-63
Thomas, John 1961-75
Thompson, J. W. 1963
Thorne, Robert F. 1967-74
Tryon, Rolla M., and Alice Tryon 1961-72, 1963-67
Tucker, J. M. 1961-70
Turner, B.L. 1960-74
Turner, George C. 1966
Turner, Raymond M. 1960-75
U correspondence 1951-70
United States Dept. of Agriculture
Univ. of Alaska Museum - report 1974
Univ. of California, extension lectures, correspondence re 1958
Univ. of California Press, correpondence and bills 1951-1970
Univ. of Florida 1965
Univ. of Michigan, Committee on a Proposed Center for Tropical Studies, progress report 1962
Univ. of Michigan, summer session 1948
V correspondence 1949-73
Vanderbilt (George) Foundation
Vermiliion Sea Expedition (San Diego Natural History Museum) 1962
Vickery, Robert 1952-64
Wa - We correspondence 1959-75
Wh - Wi correspondence 1960-72
Wo - Wu correspondence 1960-75
Wagner, Warren H. 1964-71
Walters, S. M. (Cambridge, Eng.)
Ward, Daniel 1964-68
Ward, George 1969-68
Waters, Margaret 1958-60
Weber, William A. 1960-75
Western Museums Conference
Western Society of Naturalists 1959-73
Wheeler, L. C. 1947-49
Wiens, Delbert 1967-70
Wiggins, "Additional Specimen of Pinus Pieperi. . ." 1950
Wiggins, "The Development of the Desert Communities," circa 1938
Wiggins, "Effect of Prolonged Drought on the Vegetation in Southern Baja California"
Wiggins, "Evolution of the Gymnosperms"
Wiggins, "Observations on the Viscaino Desert and its Biota" (co-authors Alan R. Leviton and Allyn G. Smith) post 1964
Wiggins, "Seeds and Seedlings of Opuntia echios,". Cactus and Succulent Journal 1966
Wiggins, "Some Notes on the genus Galvezia" 1948
Wiggins, "Systematic Botany in the U.S. and Mexico," circa 1963
Wiggins, biographical information sheet 1965
Wiggins, description (in Latin) of Peruvocereus Clavatus
Wiggins, Malvacene for Flora of Sonoran Desert, preliminary drafts of
Wiggins, observations on plants of Sonoran desert pre 1950
Williams, Louis O. 1964-69
Williams, Maxcine 1962-71
Wolf, Carl B., biography
Wolf, Carl B., biography
Wolf, Carl B., biography
Woodward, Carol H. 1948-49, 1962
Y correspondence 1947-70
Z correspondence 1947-1981