Preliminary Inventory to the Frank Seymoure Ross papers
Subjects and Indexing Terms
U.S. Army Transportation Corps, OCOFT, minutes of meetings
April 14, 1943 - June 3, 1944
September 17, 1944 - June 30, 1945
July 1 - December 3, 1945
U.S. Army Transportation Corps, minutes of daily conferences
June 12 - December 31, 1945
January 1 - February 20, 1946
General Ross' comments on daily meetings
April 14, 1943 - May 18, 1944
September 17, 1944 - June 29, 1945
X-Ray files 1-4 (Closed Circuit telephone conferences)
July 24, 1943 - February 27, 1944
(A) February 28 - June 21, 1944
(B) February 28 - July 24, 1944
August 10 - October 10, 1944
November 5, 1944 - March 10, 1945
March 29 - August 31, 1945
September 1, 1945 - February 12, 1946
Chronological files
May 1 - June 5, 1943
May 1 - June 30, 1943
June 30 - August 13, 1943
July 1 - September 30, 1943
October 1, 1943 - February 15, 1944
February 16 - August 5, 1944
August 12 - October 11, 1944
August 12 - October 11, 1944
October 12, 1944 - January 12, 1945
January 13 - April 15, 1945
April 16 - June 30, 1945
July 1 - September 30, 1945
October 1 - December 31, 1945
January 1 - February 15, 1946
Personal correspondence
August 15, 1942 - June 25, 1943
January 1 - June 28, 1945
June 2 - December 30, 1945
Frank S. Ross - Charles P. Gross
July 8, 1942 - June 30, 1943
July 1, 1943 - April 19, 1945
June 9, 1944 - June 19, 1945
Frank S. Ross - James R. Washington
June 11, 1942 - June 22, 1943
July 3, 1943 - May 26, 1944
June 1, 1944 - June 26, 1945
Ceremonies, speeches and press conferences
January 10 - May 3, 1944
July 1944 - June 1945
July 22 - December 31, 1945
June 1943 - June 1944
July 1944 - June 1945
July 1945
Directives from headquarters July 1945
Telegrams, Radiograms, Cablegrams March 24, 1945 - February 21, 1946
Marine operations May 29, 1942 - June 14, 1943
Marine Operations and Inland Waterways
July 6, 1943 - May 25, 1944
June 14, 1944 - May 31, 1945
Water Deployment of U.S. Troops May 8 - December 31, 1945
July 1, 1943 - May 17, 1944
July 8, 1944 - June 26, 1945
July 1, 1945 - February 20, 1946
Weekly Military Shipments Priority Meetings
March 24 - June 30, 1945
July 1, 1945 - January 24, 1946
Mission, Operating Procedure, Route and Statistics on L. C. Express Hauls 1944
"XYZ" Motor Transport Support Plan 1945
General Board - U.S. Army Forces in the European Theatre
Operation, Organization, Supply and Services of the Transportation Corps in Europe, Study #122 1944
Military Railway Service, Study #123
Procedures for the Control of Supply and Personnel Movements, Study #124
Motor Transport Service as a permanent part of the Transportation Corps,Study #125
Critique of Logistic Support of the Armies by R.G. Ruppenthal
Miscellaneous files
1942 - May 1943
June 1943 - June 1944
July 1944 - June 1945
History of the Transportation Corps in the European Theatre of Operations
June 1942 - December 1943
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Historical report on the Transportation Corps in the European Theatre of Operations
January - March 1944
April - June 1944
(Battle of France) June - September 1944
October - December 1944
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
January - March 1945
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
April - June 1945
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
June - September 1945
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
October 1945
November 1945
December 1945
January 1945
February 1945
Statistical tables on the Transportation Corps in the European Theatre of Operations 1942-1945
Weekly Newsletters
Volume 1 October 30, 1944 - June 25, 1945
Volume 2 June 25 - December 31, 1945
Stories of Transportation
Volume 1 October 1, 1944 - June 1, 1945
Volume 2 June 1 - December 3, 1945
Historical Critique of the United Kingdom Overlord Movements November 1, 1945
German Railway Operations under the U.S. Army May 8 - December 31, 1945
Administrative History of the Operation of the 21st Army Group on the Continent of Europe June 6, 1944 - May 8, 1945
Railway reconnaissance photo albums 1944 June-July, September-November
Railway reconnaissance photo albums 1944 December-1945 May