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Inventory of the California Democratic State Central Committee Records
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Arrangment and Description


1. Correspondence, Elizabeth Snyder. 1950-1984.

Physical Description: 4 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged chronologically.
Includes Biographical information on Elizabeth Snyder as well as correspondence with Paul Butler (chairman, Democratic National Committee) and with various members and officials of the Democratic party. Correspondence relates to state and national discussions concerning Democratic party policies and procedures.

2. Democratic State Central Committee Files. 1954-1956.

Physical Description: 6 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject, then chronologically.
The Democratic State Central Committee was created to further the progress of the Democratic party within California. It's purpose was to conduct campaigns for national, state and county candidates, to cooperate with Democratic party organizations within the state, and to publicize and promote policies of the Democratic party. Subjects covered are day to day activities of committee. Records include: memorandums, financial reports, correspondence with contributors, minutes of meetings, by laws, correspondence between officers of committee, correspondence between officers of committee and party members.

3. California Democratic Organization Files. 1953-1978.

Physical Description: 10 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject, then chronologically.
Records include minutes of meetings, correspondence, etc. of the California Democratic council, Dime-a-Day for Democracy, Kick in Club and the Council for Peace and Equality in Education.

4. Political Campaign Files. 1954-1976.

Physical Description: 8 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject, then chronologically.
Records include press releases, campaign schedules, correspondence between members of campaign committees, lists of supporters, and campaign literature, of the following campaigns: Adlai Stevenson, Jimmy Carter, Samuel William Yorty, Jesse Unruh.

5. National Policy Issue Files. 1954-1984.

Physical Description: 6 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject, then chronologically.
Records include: press releases, research reports from the Democratic National Committee research division concerning issues and candidates, newsletters and texts of speeches by candidates.

6. Reports. 1964-1985.

Physical Description: 6 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject.
Records include: copies of draft and final proposals for campaign reform in California, information packet from Common Cause on lobbying state government, essay on Why Vietnam by Congressman Chet Holifield, report on Democratic clubs in California, essay entitled Money, Campaigns and Elections: What do California Voters Want? by Theodore Anagnoson, a report on legislative candidates defeated in the 1982 general election by the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission, and public opinion survey by Opinion Research of California on the reaction of voters to two bond issues concerning the construction of college universities and funding to acquire and develop beaches and parks throughout the state.

7. Subject Files. 1954-1956.

Physical Description: 6 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject.
Records include Civic Unity Convention Digest, Office of Women's Activities, Truman Library, Emily Kingsbery and Telegrams.

8. Ephemera. 1938-1980.

Physical Description: 8 File Folders.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject
Records include out of state election material, national election material, California election material, inaugural and testimonial dinner programs and personal family memorabilia.

9. Clippings. 1955-1956.

Physical Description: 1 File Folder.

Scope and Content Note

Arranged by subject.
Newsclippings relating to California politics.