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Finding Aid to the Plantin Press Papers, 1931 -1986
Shelfmark: Press coll. Archives Plantin  
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The archives consist of subject files on artists, typographers, clients, business contacts, suppliers, projects, etc. Individual files contain correspondence, lectures, photographs, greeting cards, and examples of artwork. Also to be found are printed items by Plantin Press and other printers, drafts of books, galley proofs, work sheets, sample pages, photographs and negatives of illustrations, color separations, prospectuses, etc. Job printing such as wedding announcements, programs, stationery sets, business cards, invitations, membership cards and menus can be found in files such as those of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Union Bank and the University of Southern California. Financial records consist of ledger and journal sheets, account cards, invoices, statements, purchase orders, tax papers, canceled checks, paid notes and other business papers.
The Plantin Press, a small private press in Los Angeles and considered one of North America's finest, was started in 1931 by Saul and Lillian Marks. Saul Marks, having learned the printing trade while a youth in Poland during the First World War, emigrated to the United States in 1921. Here he met and married Lillian Simon in 1928. With the coming of the Depression, the Marks moved to Los Angeles in 1930 and there set up shop. Saul and Lillian Marks purposely kept the Plantin Press a small operation so that each book or project could receive personal attention. Saul Marks died on November 27, 1974, leaving Lillian Marks to continue the press. This she did until the decision was made in 1985 to sell the business.
14 linear feet
Copyright has not been assigned to the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Librarian. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained.
Collection is open for research.