Guide to the Bede Griffiths Collection
Guide to the Bede Griffiths Collection
Collection number: 95-8-01
Graduate Theological Union ArchivesGraduate Theological Union
Berkeley, California
- Processed by:
- Lucinda Glenn
- Date Completed:
- March 1996
- Encoded by:
Scope and Content of Collection
- Essays in Mysticism: Explorations into Contemplative Experience, Wayne Teasdale, with an Afterword by Bede Griffiths (Sunday Publications, Inc.: Lake Worth, FL, 1982). BV5082.2 T43 1982 (The Afterword has been photocopied and placed in Box 7, ff 3.).
- Yoga and the Jesus Prayer Tradition: An Experiment in Faith, Thomas Matus, with a Preface by Bede Griffiths (Paulist Press: Ramsey, NJ, 1984). BR128.H5 M36 1984 (The Preface has been photocopied and placed in Box 7, ff 4.).
- The Other Half of My Soul: Bede Griffiths and the Hindu-Christian Dialogue, ed. Beatrice Bruteau (Theosophical Publishing House: Wheaton, IL, 1996). BR128 H5 O65 1996
- Inward Transcendence: A Study on the Encounter of Western Consciousness with Indian Interiority based on the Works of Fr. Bede Griffiths , Anthony Kalliath. Master of Theology Dissertation, Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, India, 1986. BR128 H5 K35 1986
- The Principle of Relatedness in the Ecological Ethic of Bede Griffiths, J. Samuel Savio, Dr. of Sacred Theology Dissertation, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 2000. BT695.5 S26 2000
- Emerging Consciousness for a New Humankind: Asian Interreligious Concern, ed. Michael von Bruck (Asian Trading Corporation: Bangalore, India, 1985). BL1035 E54 1985
- As We Are One: Essays and Poems in Honor of Bede Griffiths, ed. Beatrice Bruteau (Pfafftown, NC: Philosophers' Exchange, 1991). PN6110 R4 A8 1991
- Bede's Journey to the Beyond, Jesu Rajan (Bangalore, India: Asian Trading Corp., 1997). BX4705 B89 1997
- The Universal Christ: Daily Readings with Bede Griffiths, ed. Peter Spink (Darton, Longman and Todd, Ltd.: London, 1990). BV4832.2 G57 1990
- Pathways to the Supreme: Bede Griffiths, ed. Roland R. Ropers (Harper Collins: London, 1995). BL205 G75 1995
Subseries A Personal Correspondence - Incoming 1937-1993
From various individuals, arranged chronologically 1971-1973
Russill D'Silva and Asha Paul 1984-1993
Undated correspondence undated
From various individuals, arranged chronologically 1937-1970
Martyn Skinner (35 letters) 1969 1976-1991
C. S. Lewis (43 photocopied letters) 1931-1962
Scope and Content Note
Addresses of correspondents on individual pieces of paper undated
Illustrated note, white cat with moon and stars 1987
Illustrated note, watercolor using all religious symbols with Jesus/Buddha as the center undated
Illustrated birthday greeting December 17, 1987
Catholic Art Association award to Bede Griffiths for "profound ecumenical understanding" 1963
"Felicitation", illustrated birthday greeting December 17, 1992
BG to William Buchanan (9 letters) 1986-1992
BG to Robert Hale (11 letters) 1990-1992
BG to Philip Klee (1 letter) 1990
Empty envelopes; incoming to BG; various or unknown dates undated
BG to John-David Robinson (54 letters) - some incoming from Robinson 1973-92
BG to Fr. Bernardino Cozzarini (2 letters) 1992
Christmas greeting from Fr. Bede ca. 1992
BG to Sr. Mary Paul (name later changed to Sr. Janet Moore), (81 letters, originals) 1962-1992
Photocopies of letters to Sr. Janet Moore in 22:1-4 1962-1992
BG to Sr. Marie-Louise (2 letters) 1970 1980
BG to Douglas Conlan 1983-1992
Conlan to members of Saccidananda Ashram 1987-1993
BG to Sr. Kathleen England (4 letters) 1979-1983
BG to GTU Center for New Religious Movements (1 letter) 1978
BG to Sr. Pascaline Coff. Includes BG travel and meeting plans in the U.S. 1975-1993
Bede to Dudley Griffiths (brother) including letter fragments (39 full letters) 1925-1927 1932-1939 (1940?)
Bede to James Vincent (6 letters) 1975-1982
Bede to individuals, single letters
Martha (fragment - photocopy) March 17, 1978
Archbishop Mayer (photocopy) August 5, 1979
Mother Teresa (photocopy) August 6, 1979
Basil Pennington (photocopy) August 12, 1983
Jose Pereira (photocopy) July 9, 1991
Series 2 Manuscripts 1937-1993
Series Scope and Content Summary
The New Creation, undated
Hand-written manuscript undated
Chps. 1-4, typed version of 5:9 undated
The Mystery of the New Creation, Chps. 1-4, typed, version of 5:8 undated
Ten Meditation Talks, typed 1982
Dzogchen and Christian Contemplation, photocopy undated
The People of God and the New Humanity undated
The Mystical Dimension in Theology undated
The Mystical Tradition in an Indian Theology undated
Manachesimo Indo-Christiano, (in Italian) [1973]
La Vita Monastica in India Oggi, Monastic Studies, (in Italian) 1966
Il Significato dell'India per il Monachesimo Camaldolese, (in Italian) 1987
The Universal Wisdom n.d., ca. 1982-83
Retreat Conferences
The End and Purpose of Monastic Life, (handwritten) undated
What is the Purpose of the Monastic Life?, (handwritten) undated
Notebook with handwritten quotes from authors and books, Part 1 undated
Transcript of a notebook with handwritten quotes from authors and books, Part 2 undated
The Mystery of the Scriptures, photocopy transcript undated
Untitled, begins "The Story of the Flood...", (may be fragment), typed, photocopy. undated
The Challenge of Religious Pluralism in India. Paper at the Seminar, Theologizing in India held in Poona, India. Typed, photocopy. 1978
Psalms for Christian Prayer, typed, photocopy March 1992
Hindu Religious Experience. Paper at the Consultation for the Secretariat for Non-Christians held in Paris. Typed, photocopy and a computer typed transcript. 1971
Homily for the Feast of St. Benedict, typed, photocopy 7/11/1992
Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam, handwritten, photocopy undated
The Power of the Imagination, typed, photocopy, ca. 193?
The Process of Knowledge, typed, photocopy undated
The Power of Intuition, typed, photocopy undated
Martha and Mary Transcended, typed, carbon undated
Pathways to the Supreme, typed, carbon undated
The Mystery of the Eucharist, handwritten undated
Schumacher's vision of a New Economic Order, handwritten undated
Handwritten notes on small scraps of paper undated
Handwritten notes in a small notebook undated
"The Poetry of St. Benedict", Pax: 25, 101-106: 1935
"St. Justin's 'Apology'", Pax: 27, 289-293: 1937
"A Pilgrim to Jerusalem", Pax: 28, 7-11; 30-35: 1938
"The Mysticism of Mary Webb", Pax: 28, 161-165: 1938
"Integration", Pax: 28, 185-89: 1938
"The Church of England and Reunion", Pax: 29, 34-46: 1939
"The Poetry of the Bible", Pax: 29, 124-28: 1939
"Christian Democracy", Pax: 29, 255-62: 1939
"The Platonic Tradition and the Liturgy", The Eastern Churches Quarterly: 4, 5-8: 1940
"The New Creation", Pax: 36, 15-23: 1946
"Pluscarden: September 8th", Pax: 36, 111-113: 1946
"The City of God", Catholic Mind: 46, 410-13: 1948
"The Mystery of Sex and Marriage", Pax: 39, 77-80: 1949
"Catholicism To-day", Pax: 40, 11-16: 1950
"The Divine Office as a Method of Prayer", Life of the Spirit: 6, 77-85: 1951
"The Priesthood and Contemplation", Life of the Spirit: 5, 439-46: 1951
"The Priesthood and Contemplation", Orate Fratres: 25, 347-55: 1951
"The Divine Office as a Method of Prayer", Theology Digest: 1, 42-44: 1952
"The Mystery of the Scriptures", Life of the Spirit: 7, 67-75: 1952
"Liturgical Formation in the Spiritual Life", Life of the Spirit: 6, 361-68: 1952
"Swiss Monasteries", Pax: 42, 166-72: 1952
"A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture", Pax: 43, 76-78: 1953
"Christian Existentialism", Pax: 43, 141-45: 1953
"The Cloud of the Tabernacle", Life of the Spirit: 7, 478-86: 1953
"The Incarnation and the East", The Commonweal: 59, 298-301: 1953
"The Enigma of Simone Weil", Blackfriars: 34, 232-36 1953
"Monks and the World", Blackfriars: 34, 496-501 1953
"On Reading Novels", Pax: 44, 124-28: 1954
"Our Lady and the Church in the Scriptures", Liturgy: 99 (23), 87-92: 1954
"The Transcendent Unity of Religions", Downside Review: 72:229: July 1954
"The Meaning of the Monastic Life", Pax: 45, 132-37: 1955
"For a Hindu Catholicism", The Tablet: 205, 494-95: 1955
"Experiment in Simplicity", The Commonweal: 61, 471-74: 1956
"Fulfillment for the East", The Commonweal: 63, 55-58: 1955
"The Missionary Today", The Commonweal: 64, 90-92: 1956
"The Taena Community", Pax: 46, 112-15: 1956
"Kerala", Pax: 47, 90-94: 1957
"Vinoba Bhave", Blackfriars: 38, 66-71: 1957
"Symbolism and Cult", Indian Culture and the Fullness of Christ (All India Study Week, Dec. 1956, Madras Cultural Academy, 1957): 52-61: 1956-57
"Catholicism and the East", The Commonweal: 68, 271-74: 1958
"Experiment in Monastic Life", The Commonweal: 68, 634-36: 1958
"Kurisumala Ashram", Pax: 48, 128-33: 1958
"The People of India", Commonweal: 71, 95-98: 1959
"Role of the Layman", Commonweal: 71, 119-21: 1959
"Eastern and Western Traditions in the Liturgy", Clergy Monthly Supplement: 4, 223-28: 1959
"John Cassian", The Month: 21, 346-62: 1959
"A Letter from India", Life of the Spirit: 15, 178-82: 1960
"The Church Universal: Efforts toward Reunion", Commonweal: 71, 387-90: 1960
"The Kerala Story", Commonweal: 71, 692-94: 1960
"Walking with Vinoba", Commonweal: 73, 14-16: 1960
"Liturgy and the Missions", Asia: 12, 148-54: 1960
"The Language of a Mission", Blackfriars: 41, 20-27: 1960
"Hinduism and Christianity in India", Blackfriars: 41, 364-72: 1960
"An Ecumenical Movement in Kerala", Star of the East: 21, 10-12: 1960
"The Seed and the Soil", (journal unreadable) 23, 59-64: 1960
"The New Creation", Sponsa Regis: 31, 223-30: 1960
"The Ecumenical Approach to Non-Christian Religions", The Catholic World: 193, 304-310: 1961
"The Goal of Evolution", Sponsa Regis: 32, 125-134: 1961
"Paradise Lost", Sponsa Regis: 32, 210-19: 1961
"The Promised Land and Paradise Regained", Sponsa Regis: 32, 278-88: 1961
"The World Council and the Syrian Church", Star of the East: 22, 55-58: 1961
"The Contemplative Life in India", Pax: 51, 105-11: 1961
"Three Roads to Unity", Commonweal: 73, 651-53: 1961
"Non-violence and Nuclear War", Blackfriars: 42, 157-62: 1961
"The Church Universal", Star of the East: 22, 16-22: 1961
"Christianity in India", Perspectives: 6, 16-20: 1961
"Book Review", Good Work: 25, 110-15: 1962
"Gandhi's India, Mao's China", Commonweal: 77, 309-12: 1962
"Meeting at Rajpur", Clergy Monthly Supplement: 6, 137-51: 1962
"The Challenge of India", Good Work: 25, 82-87: 1962
"Report from India", Jubilee: May, 2-3: 1963
"Christian Witness in India", The Catholic Hour: November 10, 1963
"The Church and Hinduism", Jubilee: 11, 30-35: 1963
"The Sense of the Sacred", Good Work: 26, 35-40: 1963
"The Meeting of East and West", Good Work: 26, 100-103: 1963
"Placing Indian Religion", Blackfriars: 44, 477-81: 1963
"The Vatican Council", Star of the East: 25, 9-12: 1964
"Kurisumala Ashram", Eastern Churches Quarterly: 16, 226-31: 1964
"Background to Bombay", The Month: 32, 313-18: 1964
"The Dialogue with Hinduism", Clergy Monthly Supplement: 7, 144-49: 1964
"Indian Spirituality and the Eucharist", India and the Eucharist (Lumen Institute, 1964), 9-18: 1964
"The Ecumenical Approach in the Missions", India: 15, 64-67: 1964
"Liturgy and Culture: The Implications of the Vernacular in the East", The Tablet: 218, 602-03: 1964
"The Dialogue with Hinduism", New Blackfriars: 46, 404-10: 1965
"Dialogue with Hinduism", Catholic Mind: 63, 36-42: 1965
"India after the Pope", Commonweal: 81, 641-42: 1965
"The Church and Non-Christian Religions: Salvation Outside the Church", The Tablet: 219, 1409-10: 1965
"Light on C.S. Lewis", The Month: 35, 337-41: 1966
"Monastic Life in India Today", Monastic Studies: 4, 117-35: 1966
"The Sacred Cow", Commonweal: 85, 483-84: 1967
"The Christian Doctrine of Grace and Freewill", The Mountain Path: April 1967
"Further towards a Hindu-Christian Dialogue", Clergy Monthly: 32, 213-20: 1968
"St. Benedict in the Modern World", Pax: 59, 77-79: 1969
"Forest of Peace in South India," The Tablet: 223, 130-32: 1969
"The Meeting of Religions", The Tablet: 223, 856: 1969
"The Ecumenical Situation in Kerala To-day", The Malabar Church: symposium in honour of Rev. Placid J. Podipara (Pont. Inst. Orientalium Studiorum: Rome, 1970), 307-310: 1970
"Indian Christian Contemplation", Clergy Monthly: 35: 277-81: 1971
"Man and God in India", The Tablet: 225, 5-6: 1971
"Where World Religions Meet", The Tablet: 226, 314-15: 1972
"Salvation in India", The Tablet: 226, 1221: 1973
"Eastern Religious Experience", Monastic Studies: 9, 153-60: 1972
"Introduction" and "The Sources of Indian Spirituality", Indian Spirituality in Action (ATC: Bombay, 1973), 10-14 and 63-67: 1973
"Erroneous Beliefs and Unauthorised Rites", The Tablet: 227, 256: 1973
"Experience of God and External World in Asian Religions", Cistercian Studies: 9, 272-76: 1974
"The One Mystery", The Tablet: 228, 223: 1974
"Kurisumala Ashram and Indian Monasticism", No source, 1966
"The Future of Christian Monasticism in India", No source, 1973
"Shantivanam: A New Beginning", No source, 1972
"Swamy Paramarubyananda", No source, 1970
"The Universal Truth", The Tablet: 229, 101-02: 1975
"Shantivanam", Spirit and Life: 70, 24-27: 1975
"Jnana Marga" in Praying Seminar, ca. 1975-76
"Prayer in Christian Ashram" in Praying Seminar, ca. 1975-76
"Moksha in Christianity" in Interfaith Dialogue in [ ? ], Chirapalli (?), ca. 1970-79
"An Open Letter to Father Anastasius Gomes", Vaidriamitram (difficult to read the source): 9, 67-76: 1976
"A Christian Ashram", Vaidriamitram: 9, 14-20: 1976
"Dialogue with Hinduism" in Impact, May 1976
"Shantivanam: An Explanation", Vaidriamitram: 9, 44-48: 1976
"The Indian spiritual tradition and the Church in India", The Outlook: 15, 98-104: 1976
"Village Religion in India", The Tablet: 230, 126-27: 1976
"How the Church Viewed other Religions in the Past", Impact: 11, 152-57: 1976
"'Dear Thomas' Again", The Tablet: 230, 879-90: 1976
"Indianisation or Hinduisation?", No source or date. undated
"The Mystical Dimension in Theology", Indian Theological Studies: 14, 229-46: 1977
"Christian Monastic Life in India", Journal of Dharma: 3, 122-35: 1978
"In Filial Disobedience", New Blackfriars: 59, 463-?: 1979
"The Advaitic Experience and the Personal God in the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita", Indian Theological Studies: 15, 71-86: 1978
"The Search for God", The Tablet: 233, 620-21: 1979
"The Birth in a Cave", The Tablet: 233, 1252: 1979
"Mystical Theology in the Indian Tradition", Jeevadhara: 9, 262-77: 1979
"The Monastic Order and the Ashram", American Benedictine Review: 30, 134-45: 1979
"The Benedictines in India", Examiner: March 22: 178-79: 1980
"Death into Life", The Tablet: April 12: 337-38: 1980
"The Two Theologies", The Tablet: 234, 520-21: 1980
"Saint Benedict: His Significance for India To-day", Vidyajyoti: Number unreadable, 432-36: 1980
"Quest for Truth and Authentic Living", Akashvani: 45, 13-14: 1980
"Foreword" for The Child and the Serpent, by Jyoti Sahi, 1980
"Mission is Dialogue", Indian Missiological Review: 3, 43-53: 1981
"Death and Resurrection", The Tablet: 235, 386-87: 1981
"The Benedictines in India", Indian Theological Studies: 18, 346-353: 1981
"The Church of the Future", The Tablet: 236, 364-66: 1982
"The Emptying of God", Examiner: Dec. 18: 811-12: 1982
"Indigenisation of Religious Life in India from the Benedictine Point of View", Word and Worship: 15, 149-53: 1982
"Afterword: On Essays in Mysticism", Essays in Mysticism: Explorations into Contemplative Experience (Sunday Publications: Lake Worth, FL, 1982), 177-78: 1982
"The Mystical Tradition in India Today", Indian Mystical Tradition: undated
"Science Today and the New Creation", American Theosophist: 71, 412-17: 1983
"The Birth of Christ in Asia", Examiner: 809: Dec. 17: 1983
"The Trinity and the Hologram" from a Conference in Shantivanam, Religion in the Light of the New Scientific View, 1983
"Inner Disarmament and the Spiritual Warrior", Contemplative Review: 17, 17-21: 1984
"Christian Ashrams", Word and Worship: 17, 150-52: 1984
"Benedictine Ashram", Laughing Man: 5, 34-37: 1984
"The Ashram and Monastic Life", In Cristo: 22, 217-222: 1984
"Transcending Dualism: An Eastern Approach to the Semitic Religions", Ecumenical Institute for Theological Research, Tantur, Jerusalem Yearbook: 93-111: 1984
"A New Vision of Reality: Western Science and Eastern Mysticism", Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, 1984
"The Ashram and Monastic Life", No source, undated
"The Emerging Universal consciousness and the Mystical Traditions of Asia", from Emerging Consciousness for a New Humankind: Asian Interreligious Concern, 1985
"The Church of Rome and Reunion", New Blackfriars: 65, 389-92: 1985
"Transcending Dualism: An Eastern Approach to the Semitic Religions", Cistercian Studies 20:3: 1985
"A Meditation on the Mystery of the Trinity", No source, undated
"Dialogue and Inculturation", Examiner: 137, 777-78: 1986
"The Gifts of the Magi", Examiner: 137, 1211: 1986
"Transformation in Christ in the Mystical Theology of Gregory of Nyssa", American Theosophist: 74, 156-60: 1986
"The Meaning and Purpose of an Ashram", No source, undated
"Nature, Technology and the New Society", Jeevadhara: 23, 23-31: 1988
"Radical Monastic Renewal in the Light of the East", Monastic Studies, December 1988
"A Symbolic Theology", New Blackfrairs, 69: 817: 1988
"Christianity in the Light of the East", Hibbert Lecture: Hibbert Trust, London: 1989
"The Significance of India for Camaldolese Monasticism", American Benedictine Review: 40, 138-40: 1989
"Vatican Letter Disguises Wisdom of Eastern Religions", Response to Vatican Letter on Some Aspects of Meditation: no source, 1989
"A Benedictine Ashram", from A Garland of Letters, 1989
"The Silence and Solitude of the Heart: Communion with God", No source, 1991
"Dzogchen and Christian Contemplation", A.I.M. Monastic Bulletin: 55, 122-25: 1993
"Integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit: Balancing Duality", talk given 1992: Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, MI: Occasional Paper, 1994
"Varia: A Non-Dual Experience", June 1992
"For Those Without Sin", National Catholic Reporter, August 14: 20: 1992
"The Human Condition", Monos 4:8, September 1992
"Comments on Dzog Chen", Saccidananda Ashram, December 4, 1992
"Pathways to the Supreme", Saccidananda Ashram, December 10, 1992
"Integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit: Balancing Duality", Fetzer Institute Occasional Paper, 1992
"A Center of Contemplative Living", no source, 1992
"Afterword" in Sheer Joy by Matthew Fox, 1992
"The New Consciousness", The Tablet: Jan.16: 70: 1993
"The Ashram as a Way of Transcendence", in Christian Ashrams by Vandana Mataji, 1993
Examiner (India) - Articles and letters undated, 1960-1988
"The Ideal of an Indian Catholicism", 8/20/60
"Indian Catholicism", Letter to the Editor:
Pierre Fallon, S.J. 9/17/60
R.V. DeSmet, S.J. and BG 9/24/60
P. Gisbert, S.J. and Th. Steltenpool 10/8/60
Fr. Victor, O.C.D. 10/29/60
Maria Galvani 12/3/60
"Indian Catholicism and Hindu Culture" 12/3/60
"The Birth of Christ in India", 12/16/61
"The Church of the Future", 12/21/63
"The Ecumenical Approach to Hinduism", 8/7/65
"The Declaration on the Church and Non-Christian Religions", 2/19/66
"The Dialogue with Hindus", 12/17/66
Book Review: Christian Ashram, (B.M.A.) 12/17/66
"The New Creation", no. 118, 1967
Book Review: Vedanta and Christian Faith, (B.M.A.) 12/21/74
"Indianisation", Letter to the Editor, 5/10/75
"The Laity Congress", Letter to the Editor, 8/7/76
"Communion in the Hand", Letter to the Editor, 1/28/77
"The Benedictines in India", 3/22/80
"Science Today and the New Creation", 2/27/82
Book Review: The Marriage of East and West, 10/2/82
"Emptying of God", 12/18/82
"A New Vision of Reality", an article about a meeting in Shantivanam to discuss "the bearing the new evolution in science has on spirituality and religion." 1/8/83
"Avatara and Incarnation", 12/15/84
"Emerging Consciousness for a New Humankind", 2/9/85
"Avatara and Incarnation", Letter to the Editor, 3/9/85 4/27/85
"Dialogue and Inculturation", 8/16/86
"The Christian Ashram", 12/17/88
"Inculturation", Letter to the Editor, undated
"Revelation and Experience", Letter to the Editor, undated
Book Review: Vedanta and Christian Faith (Sylvester Houedard), undated
Tablet (England) Articles and letters: 1965-1992
"The Church and Non-Christian Religions: Salvation Outside the Church" (Council Degrees - VII), 12/18/65
"The Forest of Peace in South India", 2/8/69
"Man and God", 1/2/71
"Where World Religions Meet", 4/1/72
"Salvation in India", 12/30/72
"Erroneous Beliefs and Unauthorised Rites", 4/14/73
"Erroneous Beliefs", Letter to the Editor, 6/2/73
"The One Mystery" (The Pioneers of Hindu-Christian Dialogue), 3/9/74
"The Universal Truth" (Christian-Hindu Dialogue on the Mystery of Salvation), 2/1/75
Letter to the Editor, (Lewis Addison) 2/22/75
Letter to the Editor, (Mary M. Stanton, Thomas Mootheden, G.H. Duggan 3/1/75
Letter to the Editor, 4/12/75
"Unity and Diversity", Letter to the Editor, 7/26/75 9/6/75
"Indian Jubilee", 1/10/76
"Profound Fulfilment", Book Review by BG on Buddhists Find Christ and The Thousand-Petalled Lotus, 5/8/76
"Village Religion in India", 7/24/76
"'Dear Thomas' Again", 9/11/76
"The Vedic Revelation", 11/5/1977
"Union and Communion", Letter to the Editor, 5/28/77
"Intercommunion Now", Letter to the Editor, 7/8/78
"Spirit as Mother", 6/9/79
"The Search for God", 6/30/79
"A Western Guru", (Ronald Jenkinson)
"The Birth in a Cave", 12/29/79
"Death into Life", 4/12/80
"The Two Theologies", 5/31/80
J.P. Wroe, 6/7/80
Cecilia Hull and H.E. Georgiadis, 6/21/80
"St. Benedict in the East", 9/22/80
"Dialogue Between Faiths", Letter to the Editor, 11/22/80
"Death and Resurrection", 4/25/81
"The Church of the Future", 4/17/82
Book Review: The Marriage of East and West, (Columba Cary-Elwes) 8/14/82
Book Review by BG of A New Science of Life by Rupert Sheldrake, 4/12/86
Book Review: A Sense of the Sacred: A Biography of Bede Griffiths by Kathryn Spink, (Wayne Teasdale) 7/23/88
Book Review: A New Vision of Reality: Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith, (John Todd) 12/30/89
"The M-word", (magisterium) 8/11/90
"Personal Faith and Propositions", Letter to the Editor, 10/27/90
"In Jesus' Name", 4/25/92
1968 1978-79 1983-89
1991 1993
Journey to the Cave of the Heart: Spiritual Direction and the Unfolding of the Self at Mid-Life, Douglas M. Conlan (M.A. Thesis) 1996
"The Union of Opposites in the Life and Teaching of Bede Griffiths" by Margaret Gorman 2002
Series 4 Subject Files 1950-93
Series Scope and Content Summary
"The Golden String" : correspondence, reviews, dust jacket 1954-55
Correspondence, outgoing : 17 letters, carbon copies or photocopies 1957-92
Correspondence, incoming 1961 1970-90
Latin Documents 1957-58 1964
Agreement transferring Saccidananda Ashram from Fr. LeSaux to Fr. Mahieu 1968
J. Monchanin to "Ma Mere", 2 letters 1951
Reminiscences of Moncharin by Pierre Emanuel from The Universal Singular 1950
Foundation of Kurisumalai Ashram 1957 1974
Publications : reviews, agreements, royalties 1983-90
BG Astological Chart 1990
Articles 1975-92
Miscellaneous papers undated
Small Notebook, BG list of mass intentions (listing names) undated
BG health evaluation, Osage, OK 7/16/92, and Prescription sheet and instructions, Shantivanam, 3/24/93 1992-93
Short BG Biography and Vita 1983
Contracts/Agreements 1973-92
Correspondence with Publishers, Incoming 1975-92
Correspondence, Incoming, Personal expressions of appreciation to BG 1976-84 undated
Reviews : the majority are of "Return to the Centre", 1976, and "Marriage of East and West", 1982 1972-93
Royalty Statement, Wm. Collins Sons 1988 1989
Sample book cover, Templegate Publishers catalog, Preface to "A New Vision of Reality" undated
Sub-series 4-B Prinknash Abbey Archives 1933-91
Correspondence 1954-90
BG to the Abbey 1954-91
Exclaustration for BG and Benedict Alapatt 1954-55
Permission to change to Syro-Malankara Rite 1956-57
BG to Dom Michael Hanbury 1954-81
1 letter, Fr. Alban to Br. Hildebrand, remembering Bede at Prinknash 11/7/90
Photographs (photocopies) ca. 1943-49
Articles about BG
English 1959
French 1989
BG, Misc. writings undated
BG Baptismal record (photocopy of register page) 1932
BG, Final vows (photocopy) undated
Articles and Reviews by BG, in Pax [1933-36]
Photograph and Articles - Blessing the silk worms and mulberry trees, Farnborough 3/28/1950
Obituaries 1993
Correspondence 1993
Press releases, messages, tributes 1993
Memorial service, Westminster Cathedral, England 6/15/93
Sub-series 4-D Bede Griffith's Trust, 1993-2003,
Certificate of Incorporation and Correspondence 1992-93
Trust Directors List 1995
Posters for events 1993-95
Publications, "Universal Wisdom" brochures 1993-94
Publications, Correspondence, "Pathways to the Supreme", "Psalms for Christian Prayer" undated
Publications, Correspondence, BG biography 1995
Pamphlet/Brochures 1995 2003
Correspondence 1992-94
Letter with enclosures, Roper to directors 1/18/95
Ropers: list of items sent to BG Archives 1995
The Society for the Renewal of Contemplative Life, brochure ca. 1995
Correspondence, Papers undated
Sub-series 4-E Bede Griffiths' Australian Tours, 1985, 1992
1985 Australian Tour 1985
1992 Australian Tour 1992
Plans for tour, Correspondence 1992
Newspaper articles 1992
Copies of talks and presentations 1992
BG Correspondence to Conlan 1983-92
Card and insert for audio cassette case 1992
Sub-series 4-F General Subject Files, 1959-2004,
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
Bankok Meeting: Questionnaires, lectures, presentations, mass/liturgy booklet, summaries. This was the meeting, attended by Bede, at which Thomas Merton died. 1968
G.R. Bhaktal Memorial Lecture: "A New Vision of Reality: Western Science and Eastern Mysticism", Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, India 1984
John Main Seminar: "Christian Meditation: The Evolving Tradition", New Harmony, Indiana (See also: Audiotapes, Box 19) 1991
John Harriott Memorial Award: Acceptance speech 1993
Parliment of World's Religions: In Memory of BG, poster 1993
Osage Monastery, Oklahoma undated
Benedict Alapatt, O.S.B., biography 1982
Poetry sent to BG undated
Brochures and pamphlets, various centers and places undated
Videotape order brochures undated
Book bag, cotton, n.d.; Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam (See also: Box 4 ff 22) ca. 1992
BG Obituaries, Australian newspapers 1993 1994
Saccidananda Ashram 1977-90
Correspondence and statements relating to status of the Ashram and the liturgy 1977-90
Register of persons entering the Ashram; and persons receiving Sannyasa Diksha from BG 1968-92
Tibetan "Thanka" (white scarf) given by the Dalai Lama to BG, Perth, Australia (gift of Douglas Conlan) 1992
Selections from Swami Parama Arubi Anandam: A Memorial, Saccidananda Ashram 1959
There is no File Folder 9.
Table of Contents for Audiotape collection from Fr. Angelo Devananda Scolozzi. Tapes are in Box 27. The Table of Contents does not completely match the tapes in the box. Some are missing. The originals may have been reel-to-reel tapes copied onto the audiocassettes in the box. The copied tapes do not correspond directly with the Table of Contents. undated
Typed transcript for the tapes: "Modern Physics and the Eucharist". Tape is in Box 27. undated
Transcript: "Conversations with Fr. Bede - Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist, KY"; with Judson Trapnell. There is no tape. 8/20-23/1999
BG Trips to Australia (See also: Box 11) 1985 1992
Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam (See also: Box 11, ff 7, book bag) (See also: Box 22, ff 6-7) undated
Saccidananda Ashram, Garland of Letters - (a booklet of essays and poems) undated
"List of Papers Stored in the Cupboards in Fr. Bede's Hermitage, Santivanam Ashram", compiled by Adrian Rance 2/2004
Jeevan Jyothi Ashram: Benedictine Oblates (Sisters) Rule of Life 1980
Miscellaneous papers undated
Videotape cover: The Heart of the Christian-Hindu Dialogue (see Videotape 16) undated
Information/announcements on various conferences 1978 1989-93
Excerpts from "The Mystical Connection", BG, New Dimensions Tape transcript undated
Sub-series 4-G Gift from Judson Trapnell, 1969-2002
Correspondence, BG to Trapnell, 16 letters 5/1988 - 1/1993
Transcripts of Conversations: Trapnell with BG 1989-90 1992
Notes on recorded talks with and reading books by Bede Griffiths undated
Bede Griffiths Bibliography, working file on updates ca. 2002
"Embracing the Limits of Dialogue", draft of an article by Trapnell with comments by Fr. Bruno Barnhart 2000
"Hindu and Christian in Vrindaban" by Klaus Klostermaier (English photocopy). Includes a separate "Glossary of Terms". 1969
Bede Griffiths Trust Bulletin (California): "The Golden String", Vol. 1 no. 1, Spring 1994 -
"Bede Griffiths Sangha Newsletter" (Cushemere, Kent, UK), (some missing) 1998 -
Series 6 Photographs 1954-1998
Bede Griffiths ca. 1954-55
BG childhood home in England undated
BG at New Camaldoli, Big Sur, CA ca. 1991
BG at Camaldoli, Italy 1992
BG at Saccidananda Ashram ca. 1992
BG in his last illness 1993
Funeral Mass for Bede Griffiths May 1993
First Bede Griffiths Retreat, New Camaldoli, Big Sur, CA ca. 1993-94
Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam, India undated
Unidentified undated
Postcards and Holy Cards ca. 1993-94 1998
Saccidananda, Shantivanam (16) 1985 1987 1989
Bede's birthday 12/17/89
Photos were taken in at Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam, India 1991
Bede Griffiths (11) 1991
Douglas Conlan (6) 1991
BG birthday (19) December 1991
BG celebrating mass, giving talks (17) 1991
BG celebrating mass (7) 1991
Unidentified service (8) 1991
Unidentified service (Memorial to Fathers LeSaux and Monchanin?) (14) 1991
Portraits of persons at the Ashram, some identified (36) 1991
BG with American Yogi (4) 1991
Scenes of the Ashram and environs (52) 1991
Bede Griffiths' tour of Australia; the photos are of BG attending functions or visiting places and people. 1992
Douglas Conlan's house, Pinjarra (or Christ by the River Hermitage) (14) 1992
Dinner, Conlan's parish, Pinjarra (8) 1992
BG with Tibetan activist, Pinjarra (6) 1992
BG with the Dalai Lama, and Conlan, Perth (4) 1992
Mass, St. Philip's, Perth (15) 1992
Mt. Carmel, Adelaide (7) 1992
Good Samaritan Convent, Melbourne (6) 1992
BG with Venerable Yeshe Loden, Melbourne (7) 1992
Cistertian Abbey, Victoria (18) 1992
Montserrat Prayer House, Victoria (3) 1992
Gawler Foundation, Victoria (6) 1992
St. Benedict's, Arcadia, N.S. Wales (15) 1992
BG with Koorie Elder Gaboo, Arcadia, N.S. Wales (19) 1992
Bodhinyana Theravadin Forest Monastery near Perth (3) 1992
BG being interviewed, unidentified (4) 1992
BG at Sydney Airport (1) 1992
Sub-series 7-A Books Published by Bede Griffiths 1966-95
The Golden String (Harvill Press: London, 1954) BX4668 .G74 1980 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL) 1980 1954 1980
Christ in India: Essays Towards a Hindu-Christian Dialogue, 1966 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1984); BR128 .H5 G73 1984;
BR128 .H5 G7 1967 (Scribner: NY, 1967)
First published, 1966 under the title, Christian Ashram (Darton: London, 1966) BR 128 .H5 G7
Vedanta and Christian Faith (Dawn Horse Press: Middletown, CA, 1973). BR128 .H5 G75 1973 1973
Return to the Center, 1976 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1977).
Return to the Centre, BV4832.2 .G66 (Collins: London, 1976)
BV4832.2 .G66 1978 (Fount: London, 1978)
The Marriage of East and West, 1982 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1982). BR127 .G84 1982 (Collins: London, 1982) 1982
The Cosmic Revelation, 1983 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1983). BR128 .H5 G743 1983 1983
River of Compassion: A Christian Commentary on the Bhagavadgita (Amity House: Warwick, NY, 1987). BL1138.66 G75 1995 (Continuum: NY, NY, 1995) 1987 1995
A New Vision of Reality: Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith, ed. Felicity Edwards, 1989 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1990). BL48 G74 1989 1989
Vedanta and Christian Faith With Selected Essays From Swami Paramananda and Swami Abhishiktananda (Dawn Horse Press: Clearlake, CA, 1991). BR128 .H5 G75 1991 1991
The New Creation in Christ: Christian Meditation and Community, 1992 (Templegate Publishers: Springfield, IL, 1994). 1992 1994
Universal Wisdom: A Journey Through the Sacred Wisdom of the World (Fount: London, 1994). BL65.C8 U55 1994 1994
Bede Griffiths' Theory of Religious Symbol and Practice of Dialogue: Towards Interreligious Understanding, by Judson Bemis Trapnell. Dissertation, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1993 (UMI Dissertation Services facsimile). 1993
Reflexions on the Theology of Father Bede Griffiths: Will the Holy Spirit Destroy the Walls of the Tradition?, by Kristina Wegrzynowska (St. Joseph's Institute of Printing: India, 1994), 2 copies. 1994
As We are One: Essays and Poems in Honor of Bede Griffiths, ed. Beatrice Bruteau (Philosophers' Exchange: Pfafftown, NC, 1991). 1991
Christian Interpretation of Indian Samnyasa: A Study Based on the Vision and Experience of Swami Bede Griffiths, Jesu Rajan. dissertation, Pontifical University of St. Thomas, Rome, 1988. 1988
Bede Griffiths and Sannyasa, Jesu Rajan (Asian Trading Corporation: Bangalore, India, 1997). Published version of Rajan's 1988 dissertation, "Christian Interpretation of Indian Sannyasa." 1997
Bede's Journey to the Beyond, Jesu Rajan (Asian Trading Corporation: Bangalore, India, 1997). 1997
A Sense of the Sacred, by Kathryn Spink (Orbis Books: Maryknoll, NY, 1989). BX4705 .G6226 S64 1988 1988
Swamy Bede Dayananda: Testimonies and Tributes, ed. Xavier Irudayaraj (Shantivanam Publications: Thannirpalli, South India, 1994). 1994
Gurus, Ashrams, and Christians, by Vandana (Darton, Longman and Todd: London, 1978). BL632.5 .I4 V36 1978
Jules Monchanin: Pioneer in Christian-Hindu Dialogue, by Sten Rodhe (Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge: Delhi, India, 1993). 1993
Toward a Christian Vedanta: The Encounter of Hinduism and Christianity According to Bede Griffiths, by Wayne Teasdale. Doctoral dissertation, Fordham University, 1986. Published version: Asian Trading Corporation: Bangalore, India, 1987 with Forward by Bede Griffiths. BL1155 .T33 1987 1986 1987
A Human Search: Bede Griffiths Reflects on His Life, ed. John Swindells (Triumph Books: Liguori, MO, 1997). BX4705 G5133 A3 1977. Published transcripts of the interviews for the video, A Human Search (see Video Tape #3). 1997
Beyond the Darkness: A Biography of Bede Griffiths, Shirley du Boulay (Doubleday: New York, 1998). BX4705 G6226 D82 1998 (Circulating copy is British edition; Rider: London, 1998.) 1998
Bede Griffiths: A Life in Dialogue by Judson B. Trapnell (State University of New York Press, Albany: 2001). BX4705 G6226 T73 2001 2001
Yoga and the Jesus Prayer Tradition, by Thomas Matus (Paulist Press: Ramsey, NJ, 1984). BR128 H5 M36 1984 1984
Sub-series 7-C Bede Griffiths' Personal Books 1878 1941-67
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (Foreign Languages Press: Peking, 1967). The book is inscribed to Fr. Bede from Lewis Mendel, dated October 1976. 1967
The Paradiso of Dante Alighieri (J.M. Dent & Sons: London, 1941). The text has been partially eaten away by insects. 1941
The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis (Henri Proost & Co.: Turnhout, Belgium, 1961). The cover has the name Michael Aranha stamped in gold. 1961
Rituale Romanum of Paul V and Benedict XIV, ed. Society of St. John the Evangelist (Desclee: Tornaci, Belgium, 1878). The book has several handwritten pages tipped in. It is presumably Fr. Bede's writing. 1878
Series 8 Audiotapes 1982-93
35 cassettes, 12/29/1983 - 8/31/1985
33 cassettes, 10/16/1985 - 1987
35 cassettes, 1987 - 1/19/1988
26 cassettes, 1/16/1988 - 1/12/1989
9 cassettes, undated
Sub-series 8-B Bede Griffiths' Australia Tours 1985-92
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
Talks by Bede Griffiths; Perth, Australia, 1985: 1985
"Resurrection and the New Creations . . ."
"Introduction to Spirituality"
"Universal Man as Revealed in the Traditions"
"Transpersonal Psychiatry and the Religious Experience"
Interview on ABC Insights: Bede Griffiths 1987
Review by Fr. Douglas Conlan on ABC Radio: Review of "Sense of the Sacred" 1989
Australia Tour; Talks by Bede Griffiths: 1992
"Return to the Centre"
"New Vision in Light of Christian and Advaitic Mysticism", Perth
BG and Gehse Loden, Melbourne
Talk to Carmelite Nuns, 9/5/92, Adelaide
Dallas Brooks Hall, Melbourne (2 copies)
Gawler Foundation, Victoria
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers, New So. Wales
Reflections of a visit with the Dalai Lama, Perth
Adelaide, S. Australia
BG and Baden Offord, Sydney
Australia Tour; Interviews with Bede Griffiths: 1992
Scope and Content Note
ABC Sacred Readings (8935 from Dom Bede)
ABC Radio Interviews
ABC Insights Program (2 copies)
BG and Paul Collins, ABC Victoria
"Saturday Chapter with Fr. Thomas Matus" [1 cassette] 8/21/93
"Dom Bede 'on John Main'" [1 cassette, 2 copies] undated
"Dom Bede: Homilies 1990" [1 cassette, 2 copies] 1990
Retreat, contribution of Bede Griffiths (Vivekanda, Fennville, MI) [1 cassette] 12/13/92
"Griffiths; Integration of Mind, Body, Spirit: Balancing Duality", Fetzer Institute [1 cassette] 1992
"Griffiths; The Universal Call to Contemplation", New Camaldoli, Big Sur, CA [1 cassette] 1992
Vision Tape, proof copy, Ojai Foundation [1 cassette - damaged] undated
"Christian Meditation: The Evolving Tradition", John Main Seminar, New Harmony, Indiana, [6 cassettes - See also: Box 4, ff 13] 1991
"Convergence of Religions," Esalen, Big Sur, CA [2 cassettes] 1983
"Hindu and Christian Experience of God", Esalen, Big Sur, CA, [2 cassettes] 1983
"Return to the Center," Ojai, CA [4 cassettes] 1983
"Christian Doctrine of New Creation," Bombay, India 1982
Sub-series 8-D Audiotapes - Gift from Fr. Angelo Devananda Scolozzi 1989-92
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
"Eucharist, Upanishad, and Gita", 1/18/89
"Eucharist in the Light of Modern Physics", [2 tapes] 1/18/89
"Church and the Feminine" [2 tapes] 7/12/92
"The Church" 7/1992
"The Human Condition" [2 tapes] 7/26/92
"Contemplative Communities" 8/11/92
Series 9 Videotapes 1979-93
Series Scope and Content Summary
1. The Search for Spirituality; 1992, 55 min.; plus other TV programs, Bede Griffiths at 49. (49 min.) 1992
2. The History and Interpretation of the Bible; 1993, 40 min.; Saccidananda Ashram shortly before his death. 1993
3. A Human Search: Life of Father Bede Griffiths; 1993, 59 min.; 2 copies. (For complete interview transcripts, see the book A Human Search, Box 14.) 1993
4. Bede Griffiths Interview with Dora Kunz; August 25, 1983, 23 min.; Theosophical Society in America. 1983
5. Man's Religious Quest; 1976, 25 min.; CBS Interview. 1976
6. The Wisdom of a Prophet and A New Vision of Reality; May 1992. 136 min.; Talks and questions in Perth, Western Australia; 2 copies. 1992
7. Exploring the Christian-Hindu Dialogue: A Visit with Bede Griffiths and Russill Paul; 1992, 55 min.; Tara Arraj. 1992
8. Sadhana: The Path to Enlightenment; 1993, 80 min.; Docudrama about India and Hinduism: Bede Griffiths, Blairav Muni, Swami Shyam, Swami Premananda. 1993
9. Formation and Transformation from an Eastern Perspective; 1983, 60 min.; Final Summary, Kansas City. 1983
10. Space in the Heart of the Lotus; 1986, 60 min.; The life and 80th birthday of Bede Griffiths. Shantivanam, South India. 1986
11-12. Spiritual Renaissance Project: Interview with Sam Keen; December 8, 1990, ? min. [2 copies] 1990
13. Funeral of Bede Griffiths; May 13-15, 1993, ? min.; Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam, South India. 1993
14. Discovering the Feminine; 1992, 32 min. 1992
15. Fr. Bede Griffiths in Australia; 1985, ? min.; Murdock University talk, Perth, W. Australia; A Mass in the Indian Rite celebrated and narrated by Bede Griffiths at Schidananda Ashram. [2 copies] 1985
16. The Heart of the Christian-Hindu Dialogue: A Conversation with Wayne Teasdale; 1991, 84 min.; includes discussion of Bede Griffiths. 1991
17. Mosaic: Father Bede Griffiths; March 6, 1996, 25 min.; KPIX TV, San Francisco television show interviewing Andrew Harvey. Includes exerpts from a 1991 interview with Fr. Bede, and Russill and Asha Paul. 1996