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Southwest Regional Conservation Committee 1971
Survival Committee 1971
Wilderness Classification Committee 1971
Sierra Club Field Representatives
Midwest Representative 1971
Northwest Representative 1971
Sierra Club
Campus - Community Action Coordinator 1971
Energy meeting 1971
Fund raising 1971
Internal correspondence 1971
Internal memoranda 1971
Land Trust 1971
Personnel 1971
Publications 1971
Sierra Club Foundation 1971
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1971
Stream channelization 1971
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1971
U.S. Congress 1971
U.S. Department of Agriculture 1971
U.S. Department of the Interior 1971
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1971
U.S. Forest Service 1971
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1971
U.S. National Park Service 1971
Wayburn, Edgar 1971
Wild and scenic rivers 1971
Administrative agencies
California 1972
United States 1972
Air - Pollution 1972
Airports - Location 1972
Alaska 1972
General 1972
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1972
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1972
All terrain vehicles 1972
California Water Plan 1972
Clean Environment Act (Proposition 9) 1972
Coastal zone management 1972
Dams 1972
Economic development - Environmental aspects 1972
Energy facilities 1972
Energy policy 1972
Environmental education 1972
Environmental law 1972
Environmental organizations 1972
Environmental protection - Social aspects 1972
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1972
Forests and forestry 1972
Geothermal resources 1972
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1972
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1972
Hazardous substances 1972
Highway Action Coalition 1972
Indians of North America 1972
International conservation 1972
Lake Berryessa State Recreation Area (Calif.) 1972
Lakes 1972
Land use 1972
Letters of complaint 1972
McCloskey, Michael 1972
Mass transportation 1972
Mineral industries 1972
Motion pictures 1972
National parks and reserves 1972
Nixon Administration 1972
Noise pollution 1972
Ocean, Estuaries, and Lakes 1972
Oil pollution of the sea 1972
Oil-shales 1972
Open spaces 1972
Parks 1972
Petroleum industry 1972
Point Arena Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) (proposed) 1972
Politics, Practical 1972
Pollution 1972
Population 1972
Power-plants - Location 1972
Public lands 1972
Public relations 1972
Recycling (Waste, etc.) 1972
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1972
Roads - Design and construction 1972
Roadside improvements 1972
San Francisco Bay (Calif.) and Southern Crossing 1972
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) - Mineral King 1972
Sierra Club Chapters 1972
General 1972
Angeles Chapter 1972
Atlantic Chapter 1972
Chattahoochee Chapter 1972
Connecticut Chapter 1972
Cumberland Chapter 1972
Delta Chapter 1972
Florida Chapter 1972
Grand Canyon Chapter 1972
Great Lakes Chapter 1972
Hawaii Chapter 1972
John Muir Chapter 1972
Joseph LeConte Chapter 1972
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1972
Loma Prieta Chapter 1972
Lone Star Chapter 1972
Mackinac Chapter 1972
Mother Lode Chapter 1972
New England Chapter 1972
New Jersey Chapter 1972
North Star Chapter 1972
Northern Rockies Chapter 1972
Ohio Chapter 1972
Oklahoma Chapter 1972
Ozark Chapter 1972
Northwest Chapter 1972
Potomac Chapter 1972
Redwood Chapter 1972
Rio Grande Chapter 1972
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1972
San Gorgonio Chapter 1972
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1972
Santa Lucia Chapter 1972
Tehipite Chapter 1972
Toiyabe Chapter 1972
Uinta Chapter 1972
United Kingdom Chapter 1972
Ventana Chapter 1972
Western Canada Chapter 1972
Sierra Club Committees
Financial Advisory and Investment Committee 1972
Honors and Awards Committee 1972
Legal Committee 1972
National Land Use Committee 1972
Outing Committee 1972
Survival Committee 1972
Water Resources Committee 1972
Wilderness Classification Committee 1972
Wildlife Committee 1972
Sierra Club Energy Conference 1972
Sierra Club Field Representatives 1972
General 1972
Alaska Representative 1972
Eastern Representative 1972
Midwest Representative 1972
Northern Great Plains Representative 1972
Northwest Representative 1972
Sacramento Representative 1972
Southern California Representative 1972
Southwest Representative 1972
Washington, D.C. Representative 1972
Sierra Club Regional Conservation Committees 1972
General 1972
Appalachian 1972
Gulf Coast 1972
Midwest 1972
Northeast 1972
Northwest 1972
Northern California 1972
Southern 1972
Southwest 1972
Sierra Club
Advertising and sales promotion 1972
Campus - Community Action Coalition 1972
Clusen, Charles 1972
Energy policy 1972
Fund raising 1972
Internal correspondence 1972
Internal memoranda 1972
International Program 1972
Legislative Program 1972
Membership 1972
Personnel 1972
Publications 1972
Wilderness Conference, 13th 1972
Sierra Club Foundation 1972
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1972
Ski resorts 1972
Soil conservation 1972
Stream channelization 1972
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1972
Thermal pollution 1972
Transportation 1972
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1972
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1972
U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1972
U.S. Department of Agriculture 1972
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 1972
U.S. Department of the Interior 1972
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1972
U.S. Forest Service 1972
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1972
U.S. National Park Service 1972
Urban problems 1972
Utility lines 1972
Water - Pollution 1972
Water resources development 1972
Wild and scenic rivers 1972
Wilderness areas 1972
Wildlife conservation 1972
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1972
Alaska 1973
1:0 - General 1973
1:1 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1973
1:2 - Gas, Natural - Pipelines 1973
1:3 - Sierra Club Alaska Task Force 1973
1:4 - Copper River 1973
Sierra Club Chapters 1973
2:0 - General 1973
2:1 - United Kingdom 1973
2:2 - Angeles 1973
2:4 - Atlantic 1973
2:5 - Chattahoochee 1973
2:6 - Connecticut 1973
2:7 - Cumberland 1973
2:8 - Delta 1973
2:9 - Florida 1973
2:10 - Grand Canyon 1973
2:11 - Great Lakes 1973
2:12 - Hawaii 1973
2:13 - Iowa 1973
2:14 - John Muir 1973
2:15 - Joseph LeConte 1973
2:16 - Kern-Kaweah 1973
2:17 - Loma Prieta 1973
2:18 - Lone Star 1973
2:19 - Los Padres 1973
2:20 - Mackinac 1973
2:21 - Mother Lode 1973
2:22 - New England 1973
2:24 - North Star 1973
2:25 - Northern Rockies 1973
2:26 - Ohio 1973
2:27 - Oklahoma 1973
2:28 - Ozark 1973
2:29 - Pacific Northwest 1973
2:30 - Pennsylvania 1973
2:31 - Potomac 1973
2:32 - Redwood 1973
2:34 - Rocky Mountain 1973
2:35 - San Diego 1973
2:36 - San Francisco Bay 1973
2:38 - Santa Lucia 1973
2:39 - Tehipite 1973
2:40 - Toiyabe 1973
2:41 - Uinta 1973
2:43 - Western Canada 1973
Economy and Industrial relations 1973
3:0 - General 1973
3:1 - Shell Oil strike letters 1973
Environmental education 1973
4:0 - General 1973
Environmental law 1973
5:0 - General 1973
5:1 - California Environmental Quality Act 1973
5:2 - National Environmental Policy Act 1973
Environmental organizations 1973
6:0 - General 1973
Sierra Club Field Representatives 1973
7:0 - General 1973
7:1 - Alaska 1973
7:2 - New York 1973
7:3 - Midwest 1973
7:4 - Northern Great Plains 1973
7:5 - Northwest 1973
7:6 - Sacramento 1973
7:7 - Southern California 1973
7:8 - Southwest 1973
7:9 - Washington, D.C. 1973
Administrative agencies 1973
8:0 - General 1973
8:1 - U.S. Department of Agriculture 1973
8:3 - U.S. Forest Service 1973
8:4 - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1973
8:5 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1973
8:5a -U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: "Engineering a Victory: A Citizen's Guide to the Army Corps" 1973
8:6 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1973
8:7 - U.S. Federal Power Commission 1973
8:8 - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 1973
8:9 - U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1973
8:10 - U.S. Department of the Interior 1973
8:11 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1973
8:12 - U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1973
8:13 - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1973
8:12a - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: Budget (FY 1975) 1973
8:13 - U.S. National Park Service 1973
8:14 - U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1973
8:15 - U.S. Department of Transportation 1973
8:16 - White House 1973
8:17 - States 1973
International conservation 1973
9:0 - General 1973
9:1 - United States 1973
Land use 1973
10:0 - General 1973
10:1 - Agriculture 1973
10:2 - California 1973
10:3 - Shore protection 1973
10:4 - California 1973
10.4 - General 1973
10:4a - Follow-up fund appeal 1973
10:4b - Workshop arrangements and working papers 1973
10:4c - California Coastal Task Force 1973
10:5 - Deserts 1973
10:6 - Forests and forestry 1973
10:7 - Mineral industries 1973
10:8 - Public lands 1973
10:9 - Open spaces 1973
10:10 - Recreational subdivisions 1973
10:11 - Soil conservation 1973
10:12 - Ski resorts (proposed) 1973
10:13 - Stream channelization 1973
10:14 - Urban ecology
Cities and towns - Growth 1973
Ocean, Estuaries and Lakes 1973
11:0 - General 1973
11:1 - San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1973
11:2 - Lakes 1973
11:3 - Ocean 1973
Parks and wilderness areas
12:0 - General 1973
12:1 - Land and Water Conservation Fund 1973
12:2 - National parks and reserves 1973
General 1973
12:3 - Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1973
12:4 - Big Cypress National Preserve (Fla.) 1973
12:5 - Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1973
12:7 - Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1973
12:8 - Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1973
12:9 - Sequoia National Park (Calif.) - Mineral King 1973
12:10 - North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1973
12:11 - Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1973
12:12 - Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1973
12:13 - Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1973
12:13a - Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1973
12:14 - Regions and cities 1973
12:15 - States 1973
12:16 - Wild and scenic rivers 1973
12:17 - Wilderness areas 1973
General 1973
12:18 - U.S. Forest Service - De facto wilderness - Litigation 1973
12:19 - East (U.S.) 1973
Politics, Practical
13:0 - General 1973
13:1 - Lobbying - Proposition 9 (Calif.) 1973
14:0 - General 1973
14:1 - Air - Pollution (including advertising and public opinion) 1973
14:2 - Hazardous substances 1973
14:3 - Noise pollution 1973
14:4 - Petroleum 1973
14:5 - Refuse and refuse disposal 1973
14:6 - Thermal pollution 1973
14:8 - Water - Pollution 1973
15:0 - General 1973
Energy conservation
16:0 - General 1973
16:1 - Energy policy
United States 1973
16:2 - Sierra Club 1973
16:3 - Geothermal resources 1973
16:4 - Nuclear energy 1973
16:5 - Petroleum industry 1973
16:6 - Oil-shales 1973
16:7 - Energy facilities - Location 1973
16.7 - General 1973
16:8 - Point Arena (Calif.) (proposed) 1973
16:8a - Northern Cheyenne Reservation (Mont.) 1973
16:9 - Power transmission lines 1973
Regional Conservation Committees
17:0 - General 1973
17:1 - Appalachian 1973
17:2 - Gulf Coast 1973
17:3 - Midwest 1973
17:4 - Northwest 1973
17:5 - Northeast 1973
17:6 - Northern California 1973
17:7 - Southern California 1973
17:9 - Southwest 1973
17:10 - Northern Great Plains 1973
Social problems
18:0 - Indians of North America 1973
19:0 - General 1973
19:1 - Airports - Location 1973
19:2 - California Highway Trust Fund 1973
19:3 - Highways 1973
19:4 - Federal Highway Trust Fund - Highway Action Coalition 1973
19:5 - Mass transportation 1973
19:6 - All terrain vehicles 1973
19:7 - Harbors and Tankers 1973
19:8 - Supersonic transport planes 1973
19:9 - Railroads 1973
Water resources
20:0 - General 1973
Water resources development - Dams
20:1 - California 1973
20:2 - United States 1973
Wildlife conservation
21:0 - General 1973
21:1 - Endangered species 1973
21:2 - Predatory animals - Control 1973
Sierra Club
22:0 - General 1973
21:1 - Board of Directors 1973
21:2 - Clusen, Charles 1973
21:3 - National Land Use Committee 1973
21.4 - Personnel, Conservation Department
21:6 - Public relations 1973
21:7 - Rivers - Conservation 1973
21:9 - Survival Committee 1973
22:10 - Water Resources Committee 1973
22:11 - Wilderness Classification Committee 1973
22:12 - Wilderness Conference 1973
22:13 - Wildlife Committee 1973
22:14 - Sierra Club Legislative Program 1973
22:15 - Conservation Department - Personnel management and Financial statements 1973
22:15a - Public opinion - Bulletins 1973
22:15b - Letters of complaint 1973
22:16 - International Conservation Committee 1973
22:17 - Native American Issues Committee 1973
22:18 - Environmental Education Committee 1973
22:19 - Forest Practices Committee 1973
22:20 - Population Committee 1973
22:21 - Labor Liaison Committee 1973
22:22 - Energy Committee 1973
1:0 - General 1974
1:3 - Alaska Gas Line Alert 1974
Sierra Club Chapters
2:4 - Atlantic 1974
2:30 - Pennsylvania 1974
Economy and Industrial relations
3:0 - General 1974
Environmental education
4:0 - General 1974
Environmental law
5:0 - General 1974
5:1 - California Environmental Quality Act 1974
5:2 - National Environmental Policy Act 1974
Environmental organizations
6:0 - General 1974
Sierra Club Field Representatives
7:0 - General 1974
7:1 - Alaska 1974
7:2 - New York 1974
7:3 - Midwest 1974
7:4 - Northern Great Plains 1974
7:5 - Northwest 1974
7:6 - Sacramento 1974
7:7 - Southern California 1974
7:8 - Southwest 1974
7:9 - Washington, D.C. 1974
Administrative agencies
8:0 - General 1974
8:2 - U.S. Department of Agriculture 1974
8:3 - U.S. Forest Service 1974
8:4 - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1974
8:5 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (including Engineering A Victory for the Environment) 1974
8:6 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1974
8:7 - U.S. Federal Power Commission 1974
8:7a - U.S. Federal Energy Administration 1974
8:7b - U.S. Federal Power Commission 1974
8:8 - U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1974
8:10 - U.S. Department of the Interior 1974
8:11 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1974
8:12 - U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1974
8:12a - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1974
8:13 - U.S. National Park Service 1974
8:15 - U.S. Department of Transportation 1974
8:16 - White House 1974
8:17 - States 1974
8:17a - Referendum 1974
International conservation
9:0 - General 1974
9:1 - Sierra Club United Nations Office 1974
Land use
10:0 - General 1974
10:1 - Agriculture 1974
10:2 - California 1974
10:3 - Shore protection 1974
10:4 - Shore Protection - California 1974
10:4a - Shore Protection - Fund raising 1974
10:5 - Deserts 1974
10:6 - Forests and forestry 1974
10:7 - Mineral industries 1974
10:8 - Public lands 1974
10:9 - Open spaces 1974
10:10 - Recreational subdivisions 1974
10:11 - Soil conservation 1974
10:12 - Ski resorts (proposed) 1974
10:14 - Urban ecology - Cities and towns - Growth 1974
10:15 - Weather control 1974
10:16 - Mines and mineral resources - Scarcity 1974
Ocean, Estuaries, and Lakes
11:0 - General 1974
11:1 - San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1974
11:2 - Lakes 1974
11:3 - Ocean 1974
Parks and wilderness areas
12:0 - General 1974
12:1 - Land and Water Conservation Fund 1974
12:2 - National parks and reserves - general 1974
12:3 - National Parks and Reserves - Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1974
12:4 - National Parks and Reserves - Big Cypress National Preserve (Fla.) 1974
12:5 - National Parks and Reserves - Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1974
12:8 - National Parks and Reserves - Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1974
12:9 - National Parks and Reserves - Sequoia National Park (Calif.) - Mineral King 1974
12:10 - Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1974
12:12 - Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1974
12:13 - Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1974
12:13a - Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1974
12:14 - Regions and cities 1974
12:15 - States 1974
12:16 - Wild and scenic rivers 1974
12:17 - Wilderness areas 1974
Politics, Practical
13:0 - General 1974
13:1 - American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 1974
14:0 - Air - Pollution 1974
14:2 - Hazardous substances 1974
14:3 - Noise pollution 1974
14:5 - Refuse and refuse disposal 1974
14:7 - Billboards 1974
14:8 - Water - Pollution 1974
15:0 - General 1974
Energy conservation
16:0 - General 1974
Energy policy
16:1 - United States 1974
16:2 - Sierra Club 1974
16:3 - Geothermal resources 1974
16:4 - Nuclear energy 1974
16:5 - Petroleum industry 1974
16:6 - Oil-shales 1974
16:7 - Energy facilities
Location 1974
16:8 - Point Arena (Calif.) (proposed) 1974
16:9 - Power transmission lines 1974
16:10 - Public utilities 1974
Regional Conservation Committees
17:0 - General 1974
17:1 - Appalachian 1974
17:2 - Gulf Coast 1974
17:3 - Midwest 1974
17:4 - Northwest 1974
17:6 - Northern California 1974
17:7 - Southern California 1974
17:10 - Northern Great Plains 1974
Social problems
18:0 - Indians of North America 1974
19:0 - General 1974
19:1 - Airports - Location 1974
19:2 - California Highway Trust Fund 1974
19:3 - Highways 1974
19:4 - Federal Highway Trust Fund 1974
19:5 - Mass transportation 1974
19:6 - All terrain vehicles 1974
19:7 - Harbors and Tankers 1974
19:8 - Supersonic transport planes 1974
19:9 - Railroads 1974
Water resources
20:0 - General 1974
20:1 - Water resources development 1974
20:2 - Dams 1974
Wildlife conservation
21:0 - General 1974
21:1 - Endangered species 1974
21:2 - Predatory animals - Control 1974
Sierra Club
22:0 - General 1974
22:1 - Board of Directors 1974
22:2 - Clusen, Charles and Moss, Larry 1974
22:3 - National Land Use Committee 1974
22:4 - Conservation Department 1974
22:4a - Applications for positions
Research Director 1974
22:5 - Summer Interns 1974
22:6 - Public relations - Conservation 1974
22:10 - Water Resources Committee 1974
22:11 - Wilderness Classification Committee 1974
22:12 - Wilderness Conference 1974
22:12 - Wilderness Conference - Speeches 1974
22:13 - Wildlife Committee 1974
22:14 - Sierra Club Legislative Program 1974
22:15 - Conservation Department - Personnel management and Financial statements 1974
22:15a - Bulletin 1974
22:15b - Correspondence regarding Sierra Club Bulletin 1974
22:15c - Public opinion - Letters of complaint 1974
22:16 - International Conservation Committee 1974
22:17 - Native American Issues Committee 1974
22:18 - Environmental Education Committee 1974
22:20 - Population Committee 1974
22:22 - Energy Committee 1974
1:0 - General 1975
1:1 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1975
1:2 - Gas, Natural - Pipe lines 1975
1:3 - Alaska Gas Line Alert 1975
Sierra Club Chapters
2:2 - Alaska 1975
2:3 - Angeles 1975
2:4 - Atlantic 1975
2:5 - Chattahoochee 1975
2:6 - Connecticut 1975
2:7 - Cumberland 1975
2:9 - Florida 1975
2:10 - Grand Canyon 1975
2:11 - Great Lakes 1975
2:12 - Hawaii 1975
2:13 - Iowa 1975
2:15 - Joseph LeConte 1975
2:16 - Kern-Kaweah 1975
2:17 - Loma Prieta 1975
2:18 - Lone Star 1975
2:19 - Los Padres 1975
2:21 - Mother Lode 1975
2:22 - New England 1975
2:23 - New Jersey 1975
2:24 - North Star 1975
2:25 - Northern Rockies 1975
2:26 - Ohio 1975
2:27 - Oklahoma 1975
2:28 - Ozark 1975
2:29 - Pacific Northwest 1975
2:31 - Potomac 1975
2:32 - Redwood 1975
2:34 - Rocky Mountain 1975
2:35 - San Francisco Bay 1975
2:39 - Tehipite 1975
2:40 - Toiyabe 1975
2:42 - Ventana 1975
2:44 - Nebraska 1975
2:45 - Ontario, Canada 1975
2:46 - Tennessee 1975
Economy and Industrial relations
3:0 - General 1975
Environmental education
4:0 - General 1975
Environmental law
5:0 - General 1975
5:1 - California Environmental Quality Act 1975
5:2 - National Environmental Quality Act 1975
Environmental organizations
6:0 - General 1975
Sierra Club Field Representatives
7:1 - Alaska 1975
7:2 - New York 1975
7:3 - Midwest 1975
7:4 - Northern Great Plains 1975
7:5 - Northwest 1975
7:6 - Sacramento 1975
7:7 - Southern California 1975
7:8 - Southwest 1975
7:9 - Washington, D.C. 1975
Administrative agencies
8:3 - U.S. Forest Service 1975
8:4 - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1975
8:5 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1975
8:6 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1975
8:6a - U.S. Federal Energy Administration 1975
8:7 - U.S. Federal Power Commission 1975
8:8 - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 1975
8:10 - U.S. Department of the Interior 1975
8:12 - U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1975
8:13 - U.S. National Park Service 1975
8:14 - U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Education 1975
International conservation
9:0 - General 1975
9:1 - Sierra Club United Nations Office 1975
Land use
10:0 - General 1975
10:1 - Agriculture 1975
10:2 - California 1975
10:4 - Shore protection - California 1975
10:6 - Forests and forestry 1975
10:7 - Mineral industries 1975
10:8 - Public lands 1975
10:10 - Recreational subdivisions 1975
10:12 - Ski resorts (proposed) 1975
10:14 - Urban ecology - Cities and towns - Growth 1975
10:15 - Weather control 1975
Ocean, Estuaries, and Lakes
11:0 - General 1975
11:1 - San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1975
11:2 - Lakes 1975
11:3 - Ocean 1975
Parks and wilderness areas
12:0 - General 1975
12:1 - Land and Water Conservation Fund 1975
12:2 - National parks and reserves 1975
12:2 - General
12:6 - Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1975
12:7 - Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1975
12:8 - Sequoia National Park (Calif.) - Mineral King 1975
12:10 - Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1975
12:11 - Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1975
12:12 - Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1975
12:13 - Regions and cities 1975
12:15 - Wild and scenic rivers 1975
12:16 - Wilderness areas 1975
Politics, Practical
13:0 - General 1975
13:1 - American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 1975
14:0 - General 1975
14:1 - Air - Pollution 1975
14:2 - Hazardous substances 1975
14:3 - Noise pollution 1975
14:4 - Petroleum 1975
14:5 - Refuse and refuse disposal 1975
14:8 - Water - Pollution 1975
15:0 - General 1975
Energy conservation
16:0 - General 1975
16:1 - United States energy policy 1975
16:1a - Mines and mineral resources 1975
16:2 - Sierra Club energy policy 1975
16:3 - Geothermal resources 1975
16:4 - Nuclear energy 1975
16:4a - California - Referendum 1975
16:5 - Petroleum industry 1975
16:5a - Petroleum and Gas, Natural - Taxation 1975
16:6 - Energy facilities - Location 1975
16:9 - Power transmission lines 1975
16:10 - Public utilities 1975
Regional Conservation Committees
17:0 - General 1975
17:2 - Gulf Coast 1975
17:3 - Midwest 1975
17:4 - Northwest 1975
17:5 - Northeast 1975
17:6 - Northern California 1975
17:7 - Southern California 1975
17:9 - Southwest 1975
17:10 - Northern Great Plains 1975
Social problems
18:0 - Indians of North America 1975
19:0 - General 1975
19:1 - Airports - Location 1975
19:3 - Highways 1975
19:5 - Mass transportation 1975
19:6 - All terrain vehicles 1975
19:8 - Supersonic transport planes 1975
19:9 - Railroads 1975
Water resources
20:0 - General 1975
20:1 - Dams - United States 1975
Wildlife conservation
21:0 - General 1975
21:1 - Endangered species 1975
21:2 - Predatory animals - Control 1975
Sierra Club
22:0 - Board of Directors 1975
22:2 - Moss, Larry 1975
22:4 - Personnel - Conservation Department 1975
22:7 - Rivers (Calif.) 1975
22:11 - Wilderness Classification Committee 1975
22:12 - Wilderness Conference 1975
22:14 - Sierra Club Legislative Program 1975
22:15 - Conservation Department - Personnel management and Financial statements 1975
22:15a - Public opinion - Bulletins 1975
22:17 - Native American Issues Committee 1975
22:18 - Environmental Education Committee 1975
22:20 - Population Committee 1975
22:22 - Energy Committee 1975
1:0 - General 1976
1:1 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1976
Sierra Club Chapters
2:2 - Angeles 1976
2:6 - Cumberland 1976
2:8 - Florida 1976
2:10 - Great Lakes 1976
2:12 - Iowa 1976
2:14 - Joseph LeConte 1976
2:23 - New Jersey 1976
2:29 - Pacific Northwest 1976
2:31 - Potomac 1976
2:37 - San Gorgonio 1976
2:39 - Tehipite 1976
2:40 - Tennessee 1976
Environmental law
5:1 - California Environmental Quality Act 1976
5:2 - National Environmental Policy Act 1976
Environmental organizations
6:0 - General 1976
Sierra Club Field Representatives
7:2 - New York 1976
7:3 - Midwest 1976
7:4 - Northern Great Plains 1976
7:5 - Northwest 1976
7:8 - Southwest 1976
Administrative agencies
8:1 - General 1976
8:1a - U.S. Department of the Interior 1976
8:1b - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1976
8:1c - U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1976
8:1d - U.S. National Park Service 1976
8:2 - States 1976
International conservation
9:0 - General 1976
9:1 - Sierra Club United Nations Office 1976
Land use
10:2 - California 1976
10:4 - Shore protection (Calif.) 1976
10:6 - Forests and forestry 1976
10:7 - Mineral industries 1976
10:9 - Open spaces 1976
10:13 - Ski resorts (proposed) 1976
10:13a - Independence Lake (Calif.) 1976
Parks and Wilderness areas
12:1 - Land and Water Conservation Fund 1976
12:2 - National parks and reserves 1976
12:2 - General 1976
12:2a - Congaree Swamp National Monument (S.C.) 1976
12:2b - Death Valley National Monument (Calif.) 1976
12:2c - Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1976
12:2d - Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1976
12:2e - Sequoia National Park (Calif.) - Mineral King 1976
12:2f - Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1976
12:4 - States 1976
12:5 - Wilderness areas 1976
12:5a - Alpine Lakes Wilderness (Wash.) 1976
Politics, Practical
13:0 - General 1976
13:2 - Lobbying
Government policy 1976
13:3 - Proposition 9 (Calif.) 1976
13:4 - American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 1976
14:2 - Hazardous substances 1976
14:3 - Pesticides 1976
14:6 - Refuse and refuse disposal 1976
14:9 - Water - Pollution 1976
15:0 - General 1976
Energy conservation
16:1 - Energy policy
United States 1976
16:2 - Sierra Club 1976
16:3 - Geothermal resources 1976
16:4 - Mines and mineral resources 1976
16:5 - Nuclear energy 1976
16:5a - Nuclear Energy - California - Referendum 1976
16:6 - Petroleum 1976
16:8a - Coal 1976
16:9a - Energy facilities - Location - Kaiparowits (Utah) (proposed) 1976
19:0 - General 1976
19:3 - Highways 1976
19:10 - Waterways 1976
Water resources
20:0 - General 1976
20:1 - Water resources development (Calif.) 1976
20:3 - Flood control 1976
Wildlife conservation
22:0 - General 1976
22:1 - Endangered species 1976
22:5 - Wildlife refuges 1976
Sierra Club
23:2 - Wildlife Committee 1976
23:3 - Swatek, Paul 1976
23:5 - Conservation Department - Personnel management and Financial statements 1976
23:11 - Wilderness Classification Committee 1976
Conservation reference files, 1966-1983
Adirondack Mountain Preserve (N.Y.) 1966
Agua Tibia Wilderness (Calif.) 1966
Alaska 1966
Allagash River (Me.) 1966
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1966
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Wis.) 1966
Beaches - Access 1966
Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1965-66
Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1965-66
Birth control 1966
Box Canyon Dam (Calif.) 1966
Buffalo River (Ark.) 1966
California condor 1966
California Department of Parks and Recreation (including bonds) 1966
California Public Utilities Commission 1966
California State Water Project 1966
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1966
Colorado River Basin - Law and legislation 1966-67
Columbia Plateau Resources Council 1966
Community development - Marin County (Calif.) 1966
Conservation - Law and legislation 1966
Conservation Law Society of America 1966
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1966
Ecology - Law and legislation 1966
Elysian Park (Calif.) - Clippings 1966
Endangered species 1966
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1966
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs - general 1966
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs - meetings 1966
Freeways (N.H.) 1966
Freeways and Parkways 1966
Geothermal power plants 1965-66
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1966
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1966
Hawaii 1966
Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1966
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1966
Clippings 1966
Humble Oil and Refining Company 1966
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1966
International conservation - Clippings 1966
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1966
Islandia (Fla.) 1966
Kauai (Hawaii) 1966
Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1966
Lassen Volcanic National Park (Calif.) 1966
Long Island (N.Y.) - Wetlands 1965-66
Minam River (Or.) 1966
Mission 66 - U.S. National Park Service 1966
Morro Bay (Calif.) 1966
Mormon Meadows (Calif.) 1966
Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1966
Natural Resources Council of America 1966
North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) 1966
Nevada - Surveys 1966
North Cascades National Park (Wash.)
Correspondence 1966
Clippings 1966
Printouts 1966
Nuclear energy 1966
Nuclear power plants (Santa Maria, Calif.) (proposed) 1966
Oklawaha River (Fla.) - Cross-Florida Barge Canal (proposed) 1966
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1966
Pesticides 1966
Pine Barrens (N.J.) 1966
Planning and Conservation League 1966
Point Arena Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) (proposed) 1966
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1966
Potomac River 1966
Location 1966
Marble Gorge and Bridge Canyon (Ariz.) 1966
Predatory animals - Control 1966
Pueblo Indians, Blue Lake (N.M.) 1966
Rampart Dam (Alaska) 1966
Reichle Dam (Mont.) 1966
Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1966
Between Quaking Aspen and Haiwee Pass (Calif.) 1966
In wilderness areas (Lincoln, Mont.) 1966
Lopez (Calif.) 1966
Roadside improvements 1966
Saint Croix River (Wis. and Minn.) 1966
Salton Sea (Calif.) 1966
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.) 1966
San Gabriel Mountains (Calif.) 1966
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1966
San Luis Drain (Calif.) 1966
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) 1966
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1965-66
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1966
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) 1966
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1966
Magruder Corridor 1966
Sespe Dam (Calif.) (proposed) 1966
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1966
Sierra Club Chapters
Atlantic 1966
Great Lakes 1966
Loma Prieta 1966
Los Padres 1966
Mother Lode 1966
Pacific Northwest 1966
Redwood 1966
San Diego 1966
San Francisco Bay 1966
Toiyabe 1966
Sierra Club Field Representatives
Northwest 1966-67
Southwest 1966
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1966
Sonoran Desert National Park (proposed) 1966
Spruce Knob - Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area (W. Va.) 1966
Stratified Wilderness (Wyo.) (proposed) - Surveys 1966
Stream channelization - Lower Colorado River 1966
Strip mining 1966
Superior National Forest (Minn.) - Boundary Waters Canoe Area 1966
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1966
Taxation 1966
Tellico Dam (Tenn.) 1966
Torrey pine 1966
Trails - general 1966
Trails - National Trail System (proposed) 1966
Tramways 1966
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1966
U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1966
U.S. Department of Natural Resources 1966
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1966
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1966
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Clippings 1966
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1966
Utility lines, underground 1966
Ventana Wilderness (Calif.) 1966
The Wasted Wilderness - Sierra Club motion picture 1966
Water - Pollution 1966
Wilderness Act 1966
Wilderness areas
Regulation 1966
Clippings 1966
Wilderness conservation 1966
Wild and scenic rivers 1966
Wildlife refuges 1966
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1966
Zion National Park (Utah) 1966
Adirondack Forest Preserve (N.Y.) 1967
Admiralty Island (Alaska) 1967
Agua Tibia Wilderness (Calif.) 1967
Air - Pollution 1967
Alameda Conservation Association 1967
Alaska 1967
Allagash River (Me.) 1967
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1967
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Wis.) 1967
Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1967
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1967
Birth control 1967
Bolsa Chica State Beach (Calif.) 1967
California condor 1967
California Department of Parks and Recreation 1967
California Department of Parks and Recreation - Bonds 1967
California Forest Practices Act 1967
California State Water Project 1967
Cascade Range (Or.) 1967
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1967
Conservation - Law and legislation 1967
Conservation and Religion 1967
Conservation Bill of Rights 1967
Conservation education 1967
Conservation education - Student Conservation Work 1967
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park (Ky.) 1967
Dams - Coasts (Calif.) - Clippings 1967
De facto wilderness, Conservation of 1967
Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1967
Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1967
Diablo Canyon (Calif.) - Clippings 1967
Diamond Head (Hawaii) 1967
Dickey-Lincoln School Dam (Me.) - Power-plants - Location 1967
Ecology 1967
Eleanor Lake (Calif.) 1967
Emigrant Wilderness (Calif.) 1966-67
Endangered species 1966-67
Estuaries - Law and legislation 1967
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1967
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1967
Firearms 1967
Fire Island (N.Y.) 1967
Freeways and Roads - Location 1967
Freeways and Roads - Location - Red Buffalo Tunnel (Colo.) (proposed) 1967
Glacier Wilderness (Wyo.) (proposed) and Popo Agie Wilderness (Wyo.) 1967
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) - Teton Corridor 1967
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1967
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) - Wheeler Peak Wilderness 1966-67
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1967
Grizzly bear 1967
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Tex.) 1967
Hawaii 1967
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1967
Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1967
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1967
Idaho Wildlife Federation 1967
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1967
Irrigation - Law and legislation - California 1967
Izaak Walton League of America 1967
Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1967
Kauai (Hawaii) 1967
Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1967
Key West, Fla. - Wildlife conservation - White-tailed deer 1967
Land and Water Conservation Fund 1967
Liberty Amendment Committee of the U.S.A. 1967
Long Island (N.Y.) - Wetlands 1967
Los Padres National Forest (Calif.) - Sargent cypress 1967
Mammoth Cave National Park (Ky.) 1967
Marine parks and reserves - Continental shelf 1967
Massanutten Mountain (Va.) 1967
Mineral industries 1967
Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1967
Natural areas 1967
Natural Resources Council of America 1967
Nevada - Surveys 1967
Newport Bay (Calif.) 1967
Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1967
North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) 1967
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - General 1967
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - Correspondence 1967
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - Clippings 1967
Nuclear energy 1967
Ocean - Prospecting 1967
Oil-shales 1967
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1967
Oregon - Sand dunes 1967
Paleopedology 1967
Planning and Conservation League 1967
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1967
Potomac River 1967
Power-plants - Location 1967
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1967
Radioactive fallout 1967
Rampart Dam (Alaska) 1967
Red River Gorge (Ky.)
Correspondence 1967
Clippings 1967
Regional planning - San Francisco Bay Area Regional Government (proposed) 1967
Roads - Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1967
Roadside improvements 1967
Saline waters 1967
San Clemente State Beach (Calif.) 1967
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.) 1967
San Gabriel Mountains (Calif.) 1967
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1967
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) 1967
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1967
Sand and gravel 1967
Santa Monica Bay Causeway (Calif.) (proposed) 1967
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1967
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) 1967-68
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) - White Clouds 1967-68
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1967
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) - Magruder Corridor 1967
Sespe Dam (Calif.) (proposed) 1967
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1967
Shore protection 1967
Sierra Club Chapters
Angeles Chapter 1967
Atlantic Chapter 1967
Diamond Jubilee Celebration - 75th anniversary 1967
Grand Canyon Task Force 1967
Great Lakes Chapter 1967
John Muir Chapter 1967
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1967
Loma Prieta Chapter 1967
Lone Star Chapter 1967
Los Padres Chapter 1967
Mackinac Chapter 1967
Mother Lode Chapter 1967
Redwood Chapter 1967
Rio Grande Chapter 1967
Riverside Chapter 1967
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1967
San Diego Chapter 1967
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1966-67
Tehipite Chapter 1967
Toiyabe Chapter 1967
Ventana Chapter 1967
Sierra Club Field Representatives
Northwest 1967
Southwest 1967
Ski resorts 1967
Ski resorts - Trail Peak area 1967
Soil conservation 1967
Sonic boom 1967
Sonoran Desert National Park (proposed) 1967
Steens Mountains (Or.) 1967
Stream channelization - Lower Colorado River 1967
Strip mining 1967
Sycamore Canyon (Ariz.) 1967
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1967
Taos Indians, Blue Lake (N.M.) 1967
Taos Pueblo (N.M.) 1967
Tenth Biennial Wilderness Conference 1967
Torrey pine - Clippings 1967
Trails 1967
Trails - National Trail System (proposed) 1967
Uinta Mountains (Utah and Wyo.) 1967
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1967
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1967
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1967
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1967
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Clippings 1967
U.S. National Park Service 1967
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1967
Urban policy - Quality of life 1967
Utility lines 1967
Voyageurs National Park (Minn.) 1967
Water - Pollution 1967
Water resources development 1967
Whitney, Mount (Calif.) 1967
Whitney Portal Road - Inyo National Forest (Calif.) 1967
Wild and scenic rivers 1967
Wilderness areas
Law and legislation 1967
Recreational use 1967
Wilderness areas (proposed) - Idaho 1967
Wilderness Society 1967
Wildlife conservation 1967
Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1967
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1967
Adirondack Mountain Preserve (N.Y.) 1968
Air - Pollution 1968
Alaska 1968
All terrain vehicles 1968
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1968
Baja California (Mexico) 1968
Beaches - Access 1968
Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1968
Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1968
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1968
Big Walnut Valley (Ind.) 1968
Bolsa Chica State Beach (Calif.) 1968
Bridger National Forest (Wyo.) 1968
California Department of Parks and Recreation 1968
Bonds 1968
California Forest Practices Act 1968
California State Development Plan 1968
California State Water Project 1968
California State Water Project - Clippings 1968
Canada 1968
Cascade Range (Or.) 1968
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1968
Channel Islands (Calif.) - Clippings 1968
Citizens Committee on Natural Resources 1968
Colorado River Basin - law and legislation - Correspondence 1968
Colorado River Basin - Printed matter 1968
Colorado River Basin - Clippings 1968
Conservation - Law and legislation 1968
Conservation Bill of Rights 1968
Constitutional amendments (Calif.) 1967-68
Cumberland Island National Seashore (Ga.) 1968
Delta Region (Calif.) 1968
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1968
Diamond Head (Hawaii) 1968
Diamond Head (Hawaii) - Clippings 1968
Dickey-Lincoln School Dam (Me.) - Power-plants - Location 1968
Ecology 1968
Eleanor Lake (Calif.) 1968
Electric Power Reliability Act of 1968 1968
Endangered species 1968
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 1968
Environmental protection - Federal policy 1968
Environmental Quality Preservation Act of 1969 1968-69
Escalante River (Utah) 1968
Estuaries - Law and legislation 1968
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1968
Farallon Islands (Calif.) 1968
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1968
Fire control 1968
Firearms 1968
Flood relief 1968
Fontana Conservation Roundup (N.C.) 1968
Freeways and Roads 1968
Geothermal power plants 1968
Glacier Wilderness (Wyo.) (proposed) and Popo Agie Wilderness (Wyo.) 1968
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1968
Grazing - User charges 1968
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1968
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1968
Hawaii 1968
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1968
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) - Clippings 1968
Hickel, Walter J. - Governor of Alaska - Clippings 1968
Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1968
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1968
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1968
Irrigation 1968
John Wesley Powell Centennial Celebration 1968
Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1968
Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1968
Lake Tahoe Basin
Correspondence, printed matter 1968
Clippings 1968
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
Correspondence 1968
Printed matter 1968
Statements 1968
Clippings 1968
Log exports 1968
Mammoth Cave National Park (Ky.) 1968
Marine parks and reserves - Continental shelf
Correspondence 1968
Printed matter 1968
Marine pollution 1968
Mineral industries 1968
Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1968
National Recreation and Parks Association 1968
Natural Resources Council of America 1968
Nevada Outdoor Recreation Association 1968
Newport Bay (Calif.) 1968
Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1968
Noise control 1968
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - General 1968
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - Printed matter 1968
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - Correspondence 1968
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) - Clippings 1968
Nuclear energy 1968
Oil-shales 1968
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1968
Open spaces 1968
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1968
Oregon visit, David Brower 1968
Overton Park (Tenn.) 1968
Pacific Coast (North America) - Dams
Correspondence 1968
Clippings 1968
Parkways 1968
Pesticides 1968
Petroleum industry 1968
Pico Blanco (Calif.) 1968
Planning and Conservation League 1968
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1968
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - Law and legislation 1968
Political parties - Platforms 1968
Population policy 1968
Potomac River 1968
Power-plants - Location 1968
Radioactive fallout 1968
Red Buffalo Tunnel (Colo.) (proposed) 1968
Red River Gorge (Ky.)
Correspondence 1968
Printed matter 1968
Clippings 1968
Regional planning 1968
Roads - Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1968
Roadside improvements 1968
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 1968
Saline waters 1968
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.) 1968
San Gabriel Wilderness (Calif.) 1968
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1968
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1968
Santa Monica Bay Causeway (Calif.) (proposed) 1968
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1968
Sargent cypress 1968
Scenic areas 1968
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1968
Shore protection 1968
Sierra Club Chapters
Angeles Chapter 1968
Atlantic Chapter 1968
Clippings 1968
Grand Canyon Chapter 1968
Great Lakes Chapter 1968
Kentucky Section 1968
John Muir Chapter 1968
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1968
Loma Prieta Chapter 1968
Lone Star Chapter 1968
Los Padres Chapter 1968
Mackinac Chapter 1968
Mother Lode Chapter 1968
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1968
Clippings 1968
Redwood Chapter 1968
Rio Grande Chapter 1968
Riverside Chapter 1968
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1968
San Diego Chapter 1968
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1968
Santa Lucia Chapter 1968
Southwest Chapter 1968
Tehipite Chapter 1968
Toiyabe Chapter 1968
Ventana Chapter 1968
Sierra Club Field Representative - Northwest 1968
Sierra Club Field Representative - Northwest - Clippings 1968
Sierra Nevada Mountains (Calif. and Nev.) 1968
Ski resorts 1968
Sonic boom 1968
Spruce Knob - Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area (W. Va.) 1968
Strip mining 1968
Thermal pollution 1968
Torrey pine 1968
Trails - National Trail System (proposed) 1968
Transportation 1968
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1968
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1968
U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1968
U.S. Congress - Law and legislation 1968
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1968
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1968
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Clippings 1968
U.S. National Park Service 1968
U.S. National Park Service - Clippings 1968
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1968
Urban policy - Quality of life 1968
Utility lines 1968
Voyageurs National Park (Minn.) 1968
Waste products 1968
Water - Pollution 1968
Water resources 1968
Water resources development - Central Arizona Project 1968
Weather control 1968
Wild and scenic rivers 1968
Wilderness areas--general 1968
Wilderness areas - Law and legislation 1968
Wilderness areas - Recreational use 1968
Wilderness Bibliography 1968
Wilderness Conference 1968
Wilderness Society 1968
Wildlife conservation 1968
Wildlife management 1968
Williamson Act 1968
Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1968
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1968
Adirondack Mountain Preserve (N.Y.) 1969
Air - Pollution
Correspondence, statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Clippings 1969
Indians of North America - Indian claims 1969
Tanker S.S. Manhattan 1969
All terrain vehicles 1969
Amchitka (Alaska) - Nuclear power plant (proposed) 1969
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1969
Beaches - Access 1969
Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1969
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1969
Big Walnut Valley (Ind.) 1969
Biological warfare 1969
Buffalo River (Ark.) 1969
California Center on Environment 1969
California Department of Parks and Recreation 1969
California State Development Plan 1969
California State Water Project 1969
California Tomorrow - Environment Information Center Program 1969
Canada - Clippings 1969
Cascade Range (Or.) 1969
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1969
Colorado River Basin - Law and legislation 1969
Commission on Conservation 1969
Conservation Bill of Rights 1969
Conservation - Law and legislation 1969
Conservation Law Society of America 1969
Council on Environmental Quality 1969
Dams (Calif.) - Clippings 1969
Delta Region (Calif.)
Correspondence, clippings 1969
Eastside Project 1969
Statements 1969
Deserts - Management 1969
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Electric Power Reliability Act of 1969 1969
Eleventh Biennial Wilderness Conference 1969
Endangered species 1969
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 1969
Environmental protection - Federal policy 1969
Environmental Quality Control Act of 1969 1969
Escalante River (Utah) 1969
Estuaries - Law and legislation 1969
Everglades National Park (Fla.)
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Farallon Islands (Calif.) 1969
Federal Lands for Parks and Recreation Act of 1969 1969
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1969
Firearms - Clippings 1969
Flood relief 1969
Freeways and Roads 1969
Friends of the Earth 1969
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1969
Geothermal power - Clippings 1969
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1969
Grazing - User charges 1969
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1969
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1969
Hawaii 1969
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1969
Hickel, Walter J. - Secretary of the Interior
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1969
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1969
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1969
Indians of North America 1969
John Wesley Powell Centennial Celebration 1969
Lake Tahoe Basin
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act 1969
Marine parks and reserves - Continental shelf 1969
Mineral industries 1969
Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1969
National Recreation and Parks Association 1969
National Timber Supply Act of 1969 1969
Natural Resources Council of America 1969
Newport Bay (Calif.) 1969
Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1969
Noise pollution 1969
North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) 1969
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1969
Nuclear energy 1969
Nuclear Energy Experiment 1969
Ocean - Prospecting 1969
Oil-shales 1969
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1969
Open spaces 1969
Pesticides - general 1969
Pesticides - Correspondence 1969
Pesticides - Clippings 1969
Petroleum industry 1969
Petroleum industry - Clippings 1969
Planning and Conservation League 1969
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - General 1969
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - Correspondence, statements 1969
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - Law and legislation 1969
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - Clippings 1969
Pollution - Clippings 1969
Correspondence, statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Potomac River 1969
Power-plants - Location 1969
Public lands - Law and legislation 1969
Public lands - Law and legislation - Outdoor recreation 1969
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1969
Radioactive fallout 1969
Rampart Dam (Alaska) 1969
Red River Gorge (Ky.) 1969
Redwood National Park (Calif.)
Correspondence, statements 1969
U.S. Congress - Senate - Interior Committee Reports 1969
Clippings 1969
Refuse and refuse disposal 1969
Regional government (proposed) 1969
Roads - Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1969
Roadside improvements - California Roadside Council 1969
Rogue River (Or.) 1969
Saline waters 1969
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission 1969
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.)
Correspondence, statements 1969
Clippings 1969
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1969
Santa Barbara (Calif.) - Oil spills 1969
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1969
Shore protection 1969
Sierra Club Chapters and Representatives
Angeles Chapter 1969
Atlantic Chapter
Correspondence 1969
Clippings 1969
Cumberland Chapter 1969
Cumberland Chapter - Freeways 1969
Grand Canyon Chapter 1969
Great Lakes Chapter 1969
John Muir Chapter 1969
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1969
Loma Prieta Chapter 1969
Loma Prieta Chapter - Clippings 1969
Lone Star Chapter 1969
Los Padres Chapter 1969
Mackinac Chapter 1969
Mother Lode Chapter 1969
North Star Chapter 1969
Northwest Representative 1969
Ohio Chapter 1969
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1969
Pacific Northwest Chapter - Correspondence 1969
Redwood Chapter 1969
Redwood Chapter - Clippings 1969
Rio Grande Chapter 1969
Riverside Chapter 1969
Rocky Mountain Chapter
Correspondence 1969
Clippings 1969
San Diego Chapter 1969
San Francisco Bay Chapter
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Santa Lucia Chapter 1969
Southeast Chapter 1969
Southwest Representative 1969
Tehipite Chapter 1969
Toiyabe Chapter 1969
Uinta Chapter 1969
Ventana Chapter 1969
Ski resorts 1969
Soil conservation 1968-69
Sonic boom 1969
Strip mining 1969
Superior, Lake 1969
Thermal pollution 1969
Topock Gorge - Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (Ariz.) 1968-69
Torrey pine 1969
Trail Peak - Inyo National Forest (Calif.) 1969
Trails - National Trail System (proposed) 1969
Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Tuolumne River (Calif.) 1969
Udall, Stewart L. - Secretary of the Interior 1969
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1969
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1969
U.S. Department of Transportation 1969
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1969
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1969
U.S. National Commission for Unesco - 13th National Conference 1969
U.S. National Park Service 1969
Urban policy - Quality of life 1969
User charges 1969
Utility lines 1969
Voyageurs National Park (Minn.) 1969
Water - Pollution
Correspondence, statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Water resources
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Water resources development - Central Arizona Project - Clippings 1969
Weather control 1969
Wild and scenic rivers 1969
Wilderness Act of 1964 1969
Wilderness areas - Management 1969
Wilderness Society 1969
Wildlife conservation
Correspondence 1969
Statements 1969
Clippings 1969
Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1969
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1969
Youth Conservation Corps 1969
Air - Pollution
Correspondence 1970
Proposition 18 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
All terrain vehicles 1970
Beaches - Access 1970
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1970
Biological warfare 1970
Bitterroot National Forest (Mont.) 1970
California Constitution Revision Commission 1970
California Department of Parks and Recreation 1970
California Forest Practices Act of 1970 1970
California State Planning and Development Commission 1970
Calvert Cliffs (Md.) 1970
Canada 1970
Cascade Range (Or.) 1970
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1970
Coastal zone management 1970
General 1970
Administrative agencies 1970
California 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Colorado River Basin - Law and legislation 1970
Conservation 1970
Conservation - Law and legislation 1970
Conservation and Religion 1970
Conservation Bill of Rights 1970
Conservation education
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Conservation Law Society of America 1970
Corporate responsibility 1970
Council on Environmental Quality 1970
Dams - Pacific Coast (U.S.) 1970
Dams - Pacific Coast (U.S.) - Clippings 1970
Delta Region (Calif.) - Water resources 1970
General 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Water resources development (Eastside Project ) 1970
Deserts - Management 1970
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1970
Earth Day 1970
Earth Day - Environmental Teach-in 1970
Speeches and publications 1970
Clippings 1970
Electric power
Correspondence 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Endangered species 1970
Clippings 1970
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 1970
Environmental protection
California policy 1970
California policy - Statements 1970
California policy - Clippings 1970
Federal policy 1970
Federal policy - Statements 1970
Federal policy - Clippings 1970
Escalante River (Utah) 1970
Estuaries - Law and legislation 1970
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1970
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1970
Firearms 1970
Flood damage - Control 1970
Forests and forestry
Correspondence 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Freeways and Roads 1970
Friends of the Earth 1970
Fuel 1970
Geothermal power 1970
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1970
Grazing - User charges 1970
Gulf Islands National Seashore (Fla. and Miss.) 1970
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1970
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1970
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1970
International conservation - Correspondence, statements 1970
Irvine (Calif.) - Community development, Urban 1970
Keep America Beautiful, Inc. 1970
Lake Tahoe Basin (Calif.) 1970
Lake Tahoe Basin (Calif.) - Correspondence 1970
Lake Tahoe Basin (Calif.) - Clippings 1970
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act 1970
Litter (Trash) 1970
Marine parks and reserves - Continental shelf 1970
Mineral industries 1970
Mineral King (Calif.) 1970
National Land Use Policy Act 1970
National Land Use Policy Act - Clippings 1970
National Timber Supply Act 1970
National Timber Supply Act - Statements 1970
Oil-shales 1970
Oil spills
Louisiana 1970
Santa Barbara (Calif.) 1970
Clippings 1970
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1970
Open spaces 1970
Correspondence 1970
Litigation 1970
Clippings 1970
Petroleum industry - Clippings 1970
Planning and Conservation League 1970
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1970
Mercury, Zinc, Lead, etc. 1970
Clippings 1970
Population 1970
Population - Clippings 1970
Portland International Airport (Or.) 1970
Potomac River 1970
Power-plants - Location 1970
Project Sanguine 1970
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1970
Radioactive fallout 1970
Reagan Administration 1970
Real estate development 1970
Recreation areas - User charges 1970
Recycling (Waste, etc.) 1970
Refuse and refuse disposal 1970
Regional government 1970
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1970
Roads - Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1970
Roadside improvements 1970
Russian River (Calif.) 1970
Saline waters 1970
Salmon-Trinity Alps Wilderness (Calif.) 1970
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.) 1970
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) 1970
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1970
Sewage 1970
Shore protection - Law and legislation 1970
Sierra Club Chapters
Atlantic Chapter 1970
Cumberland Chapter 1970
Cumberland Chapter - Freeways 1970
Delta Chapter 1970
Grand Canyon Chapter 1970
Great Lakes Chapter 1970
Hawaii Chapter 1970
John Muir Chapter 1970
Joseph LeConte Chapter 1970
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1970
Loma Prieta Chapter 1970
Loma Prieta Chapter - Clippings 1970
Lone Star Chapter 1970
Los Padres Chapter 1970
Mackinac Chapter 1970
Mackinac Chapter - Clippings 1970
Mother Lode Chapter 1970
Mother Lode Chapter - Clippings 1970
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1970
Pacific Northwest Chapter - Clippings 1970
Rio Grande Chapter 1970
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1970
Rocky Mountain Chapter - Correspondence 1970
San Diego Chapter 1970
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1970
San Francisco Bay Chapter - Statements 1970
San Francisco Bay Chapter - Clippings 1970
San Gorgonio Chapter 1970
Santa Lucia Chapter 1970
Southeast Chapter 1970
Southeast Chapter - Clippings 1970
Tehipite Chapter 1970
Toiyabe Chapter 1970
Uinta Chapter 1970
Ventana Chapter 1970
Sierra Club Field Representatives
Eastern 1970
Sacramento 1970
Southwest 1970
Ski resorts 1970
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1970
Soil conservation 1970
Sonic boom
Correspondence 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Southern Crossing, San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1970
Strip mining 1970
Superior, Lake 1970
Thermal pollution 1970
Torrey pine 1970
Trails - National Trail System (proposed) 1970
Tuolumne River (Calif.) 1970
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Correspondence 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1970
U.S. Department of the Interior - Walter J. Hickel and Rogers C.B. Morton 1970
U.S. Department of Transportation 1970
U.S. Department of Transportation - Press release 1970
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1970
U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1970
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1970
U.S. National Park Service 1970
U.S. National Park Service - Correspondence 1970
U.S. National Park Service - Clippings 1970
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1970
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Urban policy - Quality of life 1970
Utility lines 1970
Voyageurs National Park (Minn.) 1970
Waste products 1970
Water - Pollution 1970
Water - Pollution - Clippings 1970
Water resources
Statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Water resources development 1970
California Proposition 17 1970
Central Arizona Water Project 1970
Clippings 1970
Weather control 1970
Wild and scenic rivers 1970
Wilderness Act 1970
Wilderness areas - Management 1970
Wildlife conservation
Correspondence, statements 1970
Clippings 1970
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1970
Youth Conservation Corps 1970
Adirondack Mountains (N.Y.) 1971
Air - Pollution
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Alaska 1971
Alaska - Indians of North America - Indian claims 1971
Alaska - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1971
All terrain vehicles 1971
Amchitka Island (Alaska) 1971
Beaches - Access 1971
Big Sky of Mountains, Inc. 1971
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1971
Biological warfare 1971
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
California Forest Practices Act 1971
California Public Utilities Commission 1971
California State Constitutional Revision 1971
California State Development Plan 1971
California State Legislature 1971
California State Water Project 1971
Californians Against Smog, Inc. 1971
Cascade Range (Or.) 1971
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1971
Channel Islands National Park (Calif.) 1971
Clean Environment Act (California Proposition 18) 1971
Coastal zone management
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Colorado River Basin 1971
Connecticut River National Recreation Area 1971
Citizen participation
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Law and legislation
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Conservation and Religion 1971
Conservation education
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Conservation Law Society of America 1971
Conservation organizations 1971
Corporate responsibility 1971
Council on Environmental Quality 1971
Cycling paths 1971
Delta Region (Calif.) 1971
Deserts - Management 1971
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1971
Earth Day 1971
Ecology 1971
Economic development - Environmental aspects 1971
Electric power
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Endangered species
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Energy policy 1971
Environmental education 1971
Environmental education - Television programs 1971
Environmental health 1971
Environmental impact statements - California State Guidelines 1971
Environmental law 1971
Environmental monitoring 1971
Environmental protection
California policy 1971
California policy - Clippings 1971
Federal policy 1971
Federal policy - Clippings 1971
Escalante Canyon (Utah) 1971
Estuaries 1971
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1971
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1971
Flood relief 1971
Forests and forestry
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Freeways and Roads - Standards 1971
Friends of the Earth 1971
Geothermal power 1971
Geothermal resources
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1971
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1971
Grazing 1971
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1971
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1971
Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 1971
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1971
Indians of North America 1971
International Youth Conference on the Human Environment 1971
Irvine (Calif.) - Community development, Urban 1971
John F. Baldwin Ship Channel (Calif.) 1971
Lake Tahoe Basin (Calif. and Nev.) 1971
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act 1971
Land use
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
United States 1971
Marine parks and reserves - Continental shelf 1971
Mass transportation 1971
Mineral industries and Mining law 1971
Mineral King (Calif.)
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Motion pictures 1971
National Timber Supply Act 1971
Natural Resources Council of America 1971
Noise control 1971
Noise pollution - Clippings 1971
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1971
Nuclear energy
Clippings 1971
Statements 1971
Nuclear power plants - Davenport (Calif.) (proposed) 1971
Nuclear weapons testing 1971
Ocean 1971
Oil-shale industry 1971
Oil spills
Louisiana 1971
San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1971
Santa Barbara (Calif.) 1971
Open spaces 1971
Personnel 1971
Correspondence, statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Petroleum 1971
Petroleum in submerged lands 1971
Petroleum industry 1971
Planning and Conservation League 1971
Plants 1971
Point Arena Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) (proposed) 1971
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1971
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) - Clippings 1971
Pollution 1971
General 1971
Correspondence 1971
Mercury, Zinc, Lead, etc. 1971
Clippings 1971
Pollution - Taxation 1971
Population - Clippings 1971
Population policy 1971
Potomac River 1971
Power-plants - Location 1971
General 1971
Clippings 1971
Tulare County (Calif.) 1971
Power resources 1971
Predatory animals - Control 1971
Project Sanguine 1971
Public Land Law
H.R. 7211 1971
H.R. 9911 1971
S. 921 and S. 2401 1971
Public Land Use Policy Act 1971
Public lands - Law and legislation 1971
Publications - Correspondence concerning 1971
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1971
Radioactive fallout 1971
Radioactive wastes 1971
Reagan Administration 1971
Real estate development 1971
Recycling (Waste, etc.) 1971
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1971
Refuse and refuse disposal
Correspondence 1971
Statements 1971
Clippings 1971
Regional government 1971
Rivers - Pacific Coast (U.S.) 1971
Roads - Between Los Banos and Benton (Calif.) 1971
Roadside improvements 1971
Russian River (Calif.) 1971
Saline waters 1971
San Francisco Bay (Calif.), Southern Crossing 1971
San Francisco Bay (Calif.), Southern Crossing - Clippings 1971
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.) 1971
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) - White Clouds 1971
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) - White Clouds - Clippings 1971
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1971
Shore protection 1971
Sierra Club
Alaska Chapter 1971
Angeles Chapter 1971
Angeles Chapter - Clippings 1971
Atlantic Chapter - Clippings 1971
Chattahoochee Chapter 1971
Cumberland Chapter 1971
Delta Chapter 1971
Energy Conference 1971
Energy Task Force 1971
Florida Chapter 1971