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Conservation Policy Guides 1959-87
Edgar Wayburn:
Conservation concern about Alaskan development 8/27/69
Sierra Club:
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 10/16/69
Robert Weeden:
Alaska Conservation Society 10/16/69
Michael McCloskey:
The new "land freeze" that Alaska needs 9/29/70
Jack Hession:
Cannikin environmental impact statement 5/28/71
Kenai Wilderness proposal 6/23, 25/71
Eugene Coan:
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 12/15/71
Jack Hession:
Unimak Island, Aleutian Island National Wildlife Refuge Proposal 12/17/71
Robert Waldrop:
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 2/16/72
Michael McCloskey:
Preservation of scenic and wilderness areas 8/72
Sierra Club:
Statement on Trans-Alaska Pipeline decision 2/9/73
Edgar Wayburn:
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 2/16/73
Brock Evans:
Federal Rights-of-way Legislation 3/9/73
Sierra Club:
Testimony before Alaska Land Use Committee 5/73
Brock Evans:
Trans-Alaska Pipeline legislation 5/2-22/73
Edgar Wayburn:
Alaska National Interest Lands 5/22/73
Brock Evans:
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska 5/29-30/73
Jack Hession:
Oil lease programs in the Gulf of Alaska 9/26/73
Nunivak National Wildlife Refuge Wilderness Study 10/24/73
Gordon Robinson:
Perenosa timber sale 5/6/74
Jack Hession:
Proposed transportation corridors in Alaska 5/9/74
Kachemak Bay oil and gas development 5/18/74
Administration of Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 6/5/74
Joel Bennett:
Nominations of Goldbelt, Inc. and Shee Atika, Inc. 5/75
Brock Evans:
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding Alaska Native Claims 5/13/75
Roy Markon:
Designating certain lands in the State of Alaska as part of the refuge system 5/15/75
Jack Hession:
Amending Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 9/24/75
Charles Clusen:
Public lands - recreational use 11/10/75
Edgar Wayburn:
National Interest Lands Reservation Act of 1975 11/21/75
Sierra Club Western Canada:
Request for moratorium on Mackenzie Valley Pipeline 5/76
Jack Hession:
Administration of Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 6/10/76
Ronald Wilson and Barbara Graham:
Arctic gas conveyance systems 12/3/76
Freeman Allen:
Crude oil transportation - Alaska to Texas 1/4/77
Brock Evans:
Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline oversight 2/17/77
Ronald Wilson and Barbara Graham:
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act 3/1/77
Edgar Wayburn:
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1977 4/22/77
Nathaniel Reed:
Alaska public lands - federal protection 5/14/77
Michael McCloskey:
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 6/20/77
Edward Whitesell:
Tongass planning guide 9/15/77
Barbara Graham:
Transportation system for Alaska North Slope natural gas 10/77
David Levine:
Susitna Hydroelectric Project 6/22/78
Charles Clusen:
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 2/8/79
Jack Hession:
Department of the Interior land withdrawals 5/24/79
Nancy Dagle:
Department of the Interior land withdrawals for Alaska wildlife refuges 6/7/79
Pete Martin:
Beaufort Sea oil and gas lease sale 6/10/79
Edgar Wayburn:
Land withdrawals for national wildlife refuges 6/11/79
James Cohen:
Bill to amend Antiquities Act and Federal Land Policy and Management Act 9/13/79
Sally Kabisch:
Proposed mining regulations for national monuments in Alaska 4/10/80
Edgar Wayburn:
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act implementation 4/29/82
Support of proposed land exchange in Alaska 7/30/82
Michael McCloskey:
Alaska parks hunting bill 4/15/83
Ray Arnett:
Redesignating public lands in Alaska to allow hunting Undated
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter:
Proposed outer continental shelf oil and gas lease sales, Lower Cook Inlet Undated
Economy and Industrial Relations
Michael McCloskey:
Priorities and economy in government of the Joint Economic Committee 7/21/71
Richard Frank:
U.N. Conference on the Human Environment 3/22/72
Richard Cellarius:
Citizen's right to sue 5/72
Richard Gaines:
Lead additives hearing, Environmental Protection Agency 5/2/72
Bruce Terris:
Standing to sue 5/8/72
Larry Moss:
California Statewide Environmental Goals and Policy Report 8/7/72
Raymond Sherwin:
Law, politics, and environment 11/9/72
John Zierold:
Environmental impact guidelines 11/21/72
Linda Billings:
Occupational health hazards 9/12/73
Larry Moss:
Labor and the environment - Where's the conflict? 11/17/73
Leonard Lane:
Resources, solid waste, and taxation 3/21/74
Gordon Robinson:
The Three "E's" of Conservation: Esthetics, Economics, Ethics 1974
Brock Evans:
Federal budget and its impact on environmental programs and policies 3/6/75
President Ford's economic report 3/14/75
Michael McCloskey:
Need for more disclosure to investors of information of environmental and social significance 4/17/75
Peter Zars:
Interest and concern of the broad public for a clean environment 6/14/75
Brock Evans:
Environmentalist perspective on the resource supply and demand question 11/18/75
Economics of environmental protection 12/12/75
Stephen Andersen:
Natural resources and wildlife 4/6/76
Brock Evans:
International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9/23/76
Arlie Schardt:
The economic impact of environmental reform 2/2/77
Brock Evans:
Conference on jobs, environment, and community action 12/2-3/77
Sierra Club:
President Carter's economic report 3/15/78
Rhea Cohen:
The Labor Intensive Public Works Act of 1978 6/27/78
Rhea Cohen and Neil Goldstein:
The Labor Intensive Public Works Act of 1978 7/13/78
Rhea Cohen:
Proposed amendments to Public Works Act 4/30/79
Richard Tybout:
Regulations Reform Act 6/20/79
Environmental law
Michael McCloskey:
Environmental decade (1970s) 2/5/70
Phillip Berry:
Legal future: new theories on environmental protection 11/8/70
Richard Frank:
Export-import of species of wild animals 9/22/71
Secretary of State's Advisory Committee 11/22/71
Raymond Sherwin:
Developments in environmental law 2/26/72
Patricia Rambach:
U.N. Conference on the Human Environment 3/3/72
Gary Nelson:
U.N. Conference on the Human Environment 3/13/72
Paul Taylor:
National Water Commission, acreage limitation (allotments) 2/73
Brock Evans:
Environmental Protection Act 4/2/73
Raymond Sherwin:
The firing line of environmental law 11/9-12/73
James Moorman:
American Bar Association Conference on Environmental Law 2/74
Leonard Meeker:
Proposed increase in acreage for oil and gas leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf 2/12/75
John Winchester:
Proposed increase in acreage for oil and gas leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf 2/22/75
Brock Evans:
Federal environmental budget and policy issues 3/6/75
Jacob Miller:
Central Valley Project 4/75
Brock Evans:
Nomination of Stanley Hathaway as Secretary of the Interior 4/22/75
Dick Jordon:
Proposed Dow Petrochemical Project 9/16/75
Marylin Dubois:
On the EIS for 1980 Winter Games 11/18/76
James Dumont:
On the DIS for 1980 Winter Games at Lake Placid 11/27/76
Michael Sherwood:
On the EIS for the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge 12/6/76
William Futrell:
Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act 6/77
John Zierold:
Industry, labor against environmental law 6/3/77
Carl Pope:
Natural resources reorganization 1/78
Rhea Cohen:
Environmental Protection Agency's proposed public participation regulations 10/6/78
Howard Saxion:
Administrative Rulemaking Reform Act of 1979 8/13/79
Ken Ensroth:
Proposed policy on public participation for Environmental Protection Agency 6/23/80
Hermann Rudenberg:
General Environmental Protection Agency permits at EPA hearings 10/2/80
Brock Evans:
Confirmation of James Watt 1/7-8/81
Nomination of James Crowell 3/31/81
William Drayton:
Environmental Protection Agency 10/21/81
Larry Williams:
FY '83 budget for U.S. Department of the Interior 2/22/82
EPA budget 5/20/82
Margaret Tileston:
Funding for the EPA 7/21/82
Jonathan Lash:
Environmental and public works on EPA 1984 budget 2/15/83
William Turnage:
Environmental Protection Agency 3/28/83
Larry Williams:
EPA programs 4/19/83
Ron Good:
Ohio EPA 5/19/83
Sierra Club:
Council on Environmental Quality appropriations 2/29/84
Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth:
EPA budget 4/10/84
Administrative Agencies
Peter Zars:
EPA for state program system, waste discharge
Letter to Nixon regarding solid waste management programs 2/12/73
Larry Moss:
EPA hearings on transportation controls for the South Coast Air Basin 3/6/73
William Futrell:
Fire Ant Control Program 3/9/73
Sierra Club:
Environmental Program for the future of the U.S. Forest Service 12/12/74
Carl Pope:
Natural resources reorganization 1/14/77
William Reilly:
Endorsement of James Joseph as Undersecretary of the Interior 2/77
Brock Evans:
On the appointment of Robert Herbst as Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks 3/10/77
Regarding the nomination of Guy Martin as Assistant Secretary of the Interior 3/10/77
Gregory Thomas:
U.S. Department of Energy Organization Act 3/18/77
Marion Edey:
Confirming nomination as member of Council on Environmental Quality 7/18/77
Brock Evans:
Supporting the nomination of Marion Edey to Council on Environmental Quality 7/18/77
Sierra Club:
On the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Budget Authorization for FY '79-82 2/12/78
John Hooper:
U.S. Forest Service budget 3/1/79
William Turnage:
U.S. National Park Service budget 3/6/79
Sierra Club:
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 4/2/79
Sierra Club:
Confirmation of Donald Hodel as Secretary of Energy 12/1/82
Debbie Sease:
Statement on FY85 U.S. Bureau of Land Management Budget 2/23/84
Larry Williams:
Statement on FY85 BLM budget 2/28/84
International conservation
Daniel Rosenberg:
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO 11/23-25/69
Richard Frank:
Draft convention on ocean dumping 9/28/71
Sierra Club:
U.N. Conference on the Human Environment 3/72
Richard Frank:
Establishing National Committee on International Trade and Environment 3/15/72
Ontario Group:
U.N. Conference on the Human Environment 4/72
Larry Lanctot:
Conference on travel industry and the environment 6/16/72
Patricia Rambach:
U.N. Environmental Fund 4/10/73
Eugene Coan, Julia Hillis, Michael McCloskey:
Strategies for international environmental action 1/74
Richard Frank:
International environmental impact statements 3/31/77
Patricia Rambach:
U.N. Environmental Programme 4/1/77
Francis Auburn:
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1977 9/12/77
James Barnes:
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1977 9/12/77
Leonard Meeker, Don Scroggin:
Comments on the draft EIS for the Panama Canal treaties 9/28/77
Leonard Meeker:
International measures for the protection of the global environment 5/18/78
James Barnes:
On the conservation and protection of Antarctica 6/14/78
National Environmental Protection Act and the Export-Import Bank 6/20/78
Leonard Meeker:
Military or hostile use of environmental modification techniques 10/3/78
Proposal to merge Court of Claims and Court of Customs and Patents Appeals 10/10/78
Nicholas Robinson:
Implementing legislation for Panama Canal treaties 3/14/79
Patricia Scharlin:
Statement on contribution to U.N. Environmental Programme 2/21/80
Sierra Club:
Foreign Assistance Appropriations Act for FY81 5/14/80
Jacob Scherr:
FY81 Foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill 8/19/80
Patricia Scharlin:
International organizations and programs regarding U.S. voluntary contributions 2/25/81
Nicholas Robinson:
U.N. Environmental Programme, U.S. policy, and the global environment 4/20/82
Faith Thompson Campbell:
Reauthorization of the Foreign Assistance Appropriations Act 2/25/83
James Barnes:
Preservation of Antarctica 8/30/83
Land use
Gordon Robinson:
National forests degradation 3/26/69
National Transportation Safety Act 5/21-23/69
Brock Evans:
On National Timber Supply Act 5/23/69
Gordon Robinson:
Response to Stone Report on management in Redwood National Park 7/17/69
National Timber Supply Act 10/21/69
Sierra Club:
Open space lands 11/3/69
Jonathan P. Ela:
On Jenner Development and Coastside Problems 4/16/70
Sierra Club:
Even-age management 6/25/70
Sierra Club Chapters and Groups:
Mining and forest service lands 1971-72
Jonathan Ela:
On coastal zone management and land use policy legislation 6/11/71
George Treichel:
Land use planning 6/22-23/71
Michael McCloskey:
Reforming public land laws 7/28/71
Gordon Robinson:
Forest management 8/9/71
Environmental impact of mining in Billings, Mont. 8/18/71
Banning mining in the Three Sisters Wilderness 9/13/71
Establishing an Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area 9/15/71
Raymond Sherwin:
Yosemite Master Plan 9/16/71
Michael McCloskey:
Reforming public land laws 9/21/71
Phillip Berry:
No Growth, zero growth, limited growth 10/21/71
George Treichel:
National land use policy legislation and land and water resources planning 9/8/71
Peter Borrelli:
Strip mining 10/21/71
Gordon Robinson:
Natural resources 1/13/72
Kent Watson:
Open space lands 1/13/72
Brock Evans:
Forest management 1/14/72
Raymond Sherwin:
The Case for the California Coast, Sierra Club's Annual Conservation Education Conference 1/30/72
Daniel Rosenberg:
Lake Tahoe Basin 3/6/72
Richard Lahn:
Bills to create a reforestation fund for national forests 3/21/72
Sierra Club:
Forest practices 3/23/72
William Conway:
Clearcutting forest management 4/13/72
Gordon Robinson:
Forest management in Southeastern Alaska 5/10/72
Raymond Sherwin:
Young Home Builders Council Symposium 5/16/72
Roger Mellem:
Outdoor recreation plan 5/27/72
Jonathan P. Ela:
National recreation planning 5/27/72
Gordon Robinson:
Log export controls 5/9/72
Clearcutting Commission Bill 6/20/72
Lowell Smith:
Nationwide Outdoor Recreation Plan 6/27/72
Cecile Rosenthal:
National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control 6/28/72
Richard Cellarius:
National recreation planning 6/29/72
Theodore Snyder:
National recreation planning 6/29/72
Brock Evans:
California Assembly Commission on Natural Resources and Conservation 9/5/72
Gordon Robinson:
Sustained yield timber cutting 9/5/72
Gordon Robinson, Joe Fontaine:
Logging practices 10/2-3/72
Jonathan Ela:
Herbicide use in Eastern national forests 10/19/72
Laney Hicks:
Northern Railroad's proposed line through Powder River Basin 10/31/72
Raymond Sherwin:
Urban growth 11/11/72
Gordon Robinson:
FALCON Program 11/28/72
Lloyd Krause:
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Open Space Plan 1/16/73
Peter Borrelli:
Impact of public involvement on forest practices in 1980s 2/1/73
Lloyd Tupling:
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act 2/7/73
Roger Mellem:
Forest Practices Act 2/16/73
Gordon Robinson:
Comment on U.S. Forest Service's "The Outlook for Timber in the U.S." 2/23/73
Lloyd Tupling:
National Resource Lands Management Act ot 1973 3/1/73
Peter Borrelli:
On Surface Mining Reclamation Act of 1973 3/15/73
Brock Evans:
Land and Water Conservation Fund 3/23/73
Regulating log exports 3/27/73
Gordon Robinson:
Log exportation 3/28/73
Charles Clusen:
National land use planning legislation 4/2/73
John McComb:
Establishing national land use policy 4/3/73
Brock Evans:
Statement at COLC Hearings on lumber prices 4/6/73
Roger Mellem:
Banning Log exports 4/11/73
Gordon Robinson:
Log export restrictions 4/18/73
FALCON Program 4/25/73
Brock Evans:
U.S. Forest Service funding 5/8-9/73
Sierra Club Chapter and Group testimony:
Land use 5/14/73
Richard Frank:
Proposed rulemaking on wildlife 5/23/73
Gordon Robinson:
National forests managed under sustained yield 6/73
Charles Clusen:
Land use 6/6/73
Peter Borrelli:
Remarks on land use planning 6/21/73
Barry Fisher:
Timber sale contracts proposed rule change 6/22/73
Brock Evans:
1973 Wood Supply Act and 1973 American Forestry Act 6/26-27/73
Raymond Sherwin:
Federal recreation program 7/73
Brock Evans:
National Resource Lands Management Act 7/23/73
Joe Fontaine:
Management and disposition of state school lands 8/9/73
Douglas Scott:
National Resource Lands Management Act of 1973 8/20/73
John McComb:
National Resource Lands Management Act of 1973 8/21/73
Sierra Club:
Bay Area regional planning 10/3/73
Lyle Gaston:
California Desert Off-road Vehicle Recreation Management Plan 10/15/73
Gordon Robinson:
Draft environmental impact statement on Perenosa timber sale 10/15/73
Sierra Club:
U.S. Forest Service environmental impact statement on rangeland enhancement 10/20/73
Larry Moss:
Timber sales on north shore of Huntington Lake 10/24/73
Gordon Robinson:
Forest and Rangeland Act of 1973 10/31/73
Larry Moss:
California land use 11/7/73
Brock Evans:
U.S. Forest Service budget 11/9/73
Forest and Rangeland Act of 1973 11/20/73
Gordon Robinson:
Forest and Rangeland Environmental Management Act of 1973 11/20/73
Lowell Smith:
Land use planning in California 11/21/73
Larry Moss:
California Environmental Quality Act 11/29/73
Sierra Club:
Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Basin Study 12/4/73
Brock Evans:
National forests 12/12/73
Lloyd Tupling:
Forest reserve recreation use 12/13/73
Charles Clusen:
Forest reserve recreation use 12/13/73
Joseph Edmiston:
State coastal zone management programs 1/8/74
Cynthia Kay:
Solano County Commission testimony 2/7/74
Larry Moss:
California Desert Conservation Area 2/19/74
Allen Stokes:
Mining rules in national forests 2/25/74
Harold Johnson:
U.S. Forest Service mining regulations 3/7/74
Brock Evans:
Oversight hearings on proposed U.S. Forest Service regulations on mining 3/7/74
Donald Carmichael:
Mining bills 3/29/74
Bruce Terris:
Coal development in the Northern Great Plains 4/1/74
Laney Hicks:
Northern Plains coal 4/1-2/74
Brock Evans:
Proposed U.S. Forest Service budget 4/8/74
Policies on permits on national forest lands 4/10/74
Proposed U.S. Forest Service budget 4/11/74
Brent Blackwelder:
Budgets of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4/23-5/3/74
Lloyd Tupling:
Proposed Organic Authority for the BLM 4/26/74
Charles Clusen:
Public lands - recreational use 5/12/74
Laney Hicks:
Northern Plains coal 5/26/74
Sierra Club:
Livestock grazing on public lands 6/74
Lloyd Krause:
Interim plan for parts of California Environmental Quality Act 6/21/74
John McGuire:
U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations on mining resources in national forests 7/7/74
Larry Moss:
Regulations for lakeshore management 7/11/74
Richard Lahn:
Federal Coal Leasing Program
Linda Billings:
Amendments to Land and Water Conservation Fund Act 7/29/74
Robert Schneider:
Forest taxation 11/20/74
James Moorman:
Environmental program for the future of the U.S. Forest Service 12/12/74
Robert Curry:
Biogeochemical limitations on western reclamation 1/20-21/75
Linda Billings:
Statement on Interior and Insular Affairs Amendments to the Land and Water Conservation Fund 2/11/75
Robert Curry:
California Surface Mining Reclamation Act of 1975 3/75
George Alderson:
National Resource Lands Management Act 3/7/75
Charles Clusen:
Exploitation of public lands for private and corporate profit 3/7/75
Ernest Loewenstein:
U.S. Railway Association's preliminary system plan 3/20/75
George Alderson:
Grazing Provisions of the Public Lands Policy Act 3/24/75
Christopher Wasiutynski:
U.S. Railway Association's preliminary system plan 3/25/75
Brock Evans:
Establishing Hells Canyon National Recreation Area 4/10/75
Charles Clusen:
BLM Organic Act Legislation 4/11/75
Jack Hession:
Land use plan for the Tongass National Forest 4/23/75
Brock Evans:
Regulating log exports on public lands 5/13/75
Charles Clusen:
National resource lands 5/15/75
Statement on transfer of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge 5/15/75
John McGuire:
Advertising of Thompson timber sale 5/16/75
James Moorman, Francia Welker:
Thompson timber sale, Klamath National Forest, and Red Buttes Wilderness Proposal 5/19/75
Michael Smith, Larry Telford:
Road access to Granite Chief Wilderness 6/5/75
Barbara Heller:
Proposed amendment to the Coastal Zone Management Act 6/11/75
Brock Evans:
Operation of Forest Development Road and Trail Program 7/14/75
Doris Falkenheimer:
Coastal marine resources 7/25/75
Jessie Vosti:
Wetlands 9/12/75
Brock Evans:
U.S. Forest Service draft program and assessment of nation's renewable resources 9/16/75
John McComb:
U.S. Forest Service proposals under Renewable Resources Planning Act 9/18/75
Andersen, Robinson, Swatek, Welker:
Planning alternatives for future management for national forests 10/15/75
Paul Swatek:
Regional growth and development 11/6/75
John Leshy:
Proposed revisions in regulations governing coal mining operations 11/21/75
Charles Clusen:
Grazing fees 2/24/76
Brock Evans:
Forestry reform legislation 3/15/76
Gordon Robinson:
Timber management and forestry practice 3/15/76
Michael McCloskey:
National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 3/22/76
Marna Kay Stayton:
Gasquet-Orleans forest highway 5/14/76
Earl Bailey:
Forestry research needs for the future - A conservationist's point of view 5/18/76
Richard Frank:
Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Act 5/24/76
Lloyd Irland:
Fact sheet on economics of the Randolph-Brown bills 5/25/76
Charles Clusen, John Burdick:
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1975 6/10/76
Sierra Club:
Department of Interior's tract nominations for coal leasing policy 8/76
John McComb:
National forest revenue sharing 8/2/76
Edward Whitesell:
Forest practices oversight hearings 8/18, 21/76
Lloyd Krause:
Proposed Tahoe Regional Planning Agency plan for intensive urban development and for recreational uses of east and west shores 9/15/76
Brock Evans:
Multiple use for national forests - Industrial forests for timber 10/6/76
Barbara Brandon:
Surface effects of deep mining 10/12/76
Holway Jones:
Inadequate evaluation of roadless areas in U.S. Forest Service planning process 10/25/76
Joseph Edmiston:
Federal consistency with coastal zone management programs 11/24/76
Earl Bailey:
Alabama needs federal coal surface mining legislation 1/10/77
Douglas Scott:
U.S. Forest Service administration review regulations 1/17/77
John McComb:
Surface management of public land under mining laws 2/3/77
Jeffrey van Ee:
Surface management of public land under mining laws 3/77
Linda Billings:
On amending the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 4/1/77
Brock Evans:
U.S. Forest Service budget for FY 1978 4/19/77
Bruce Hamilton:
Jackson Hole Airport Master Plan 5/5/77
An end to the era of expansion, mineral resource shortages 6/17/77
Murray Rosenthal:
Urban Trees Act of 1977 and Urban Forestry Act 6/21/77
Bruce Hamilton:
Cleaning up the coal industry 7/77
Brock Evans:
Forest and rangeland renewable resources planning 7/25/77
William Futrell:
The Pendulum Swings Back, public lands 8/17/77
Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club:
On proposed grazing regulations 9/2/77
Bruce Hamilton:
Proposed interim regulations for surface mining reclamation 9/20/77
William Futrell:
Changing strategies for the coastal zone 10/10/77
Brock Evans:
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act 10/18/77
Gordon Robinson:
Timber management planning on the national forests 10/31/77
Julie McDonald:
Limitations on timber removal 11/7/77
Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter:
Grazing fees 1/11/78
Brock Evans:
Cooperative forest management 2/9/78
Privately owned forest land 2/23/78
Brant Calkin:
Public grazing lands 3/30/78
Richard Cellarius:
Log exports and cutting federal lands 4/21/78
Judith Kunofsky:
The use of population projections 6/8/78
Linda Billings:
Urban Park and Recovery Act 7/27/78
Trevor Berrington:
Surface Mining Reclamation Act and Enforcement 8/15/78
Cruz Venstrom:
California State Department of Food and Agriculture long range planning 9/2/78
Brock Evans:
Proposed rulemaking: U.S. National Forest Service management planning 9/15/78
John McComb:
Comments on the U.S. National Park Service proposed land acquisition 9/15/78
Bruce Hamilton:
Draft guidelines for alluvial valley floors 10/13/78
Rhea Cohen:
Address to National Conference of Negro Women on Forest Resources 10/21/78
Trevor Berrington:
Proposed rules and regulations - surface mining and reclamation 11/8/78
Wyona Coleman:
Proposed rules for permanent regulatory program of surface coal mining and reclamation operations 11/20/78
U.S. Department of Agriculture:
Public meeting on National Forest Management Act regulations 11/27/78
Wyona Coleman:
Administering Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 11/29/78
Julie McDonald:
On proposed regulations for national forest system land and resource management planning 12/15/78
John Amodio:
Statement at the Sierra Pacific Logging Conference 2/7/79
Neil Goldstein and Rhea Cohen:
Appropriation for Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program 2/10/79
John Hooper:
Statement on U.S. Forest Service Budget 3/1/79
M. Kuehne:
U.S. Forest Service FY'80 Budget 3/5/79
John McComb and Russell Shay:
Comments on draft interim management policy for BLM Wilderness Study Areas 3/14/79
William Haring:
Petition for unsuitability for strip mining, Alton Coal Field near Bryce Canyon National Park 4/5/79
John Amodio:
Timber supply 4/13/79
Michael Osborne:
Louisiana Coastal Resources Program hearing draft 4/20/79
Russell Shay:
Comments on BLM's proposed planning regulations 4/30/79
Brock Evans:
Regarding Forest Preservation Act of 1979 5/18/79
Julie McDonald:
Proposed regulations for National Forest System Land and Resource Management Planning 6/21/79
Brock Evans:
Increased timber supplies from federal lands 6/22/79
Neil Goldstein:
Preservation of natural areas 6/22/79
Julie McDonald:
National Forest Management Act regulations and draft EIS 7/2/79
Brock Evans:
The need to save the coast - The Coast Alliance 8/30/79
Betsy Barnett:
Draft report of the nonfuel minerals policy review 9/26/79
Brock Evans:
Coastal zone management 10/10/79
Report on Physical Environment Task Force 10/27/79
Mining and environment 12/12/79
Wage and price stability of building materials 1979
Norbert Dall:
Access to state tidelands 1/11/80
Dennis Willigan:
MX Missile deployment plan 2/15/80
Wyona Coleman:
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 3/28/80
Sierra Club:
Comments on final report of Commission on Surface Mining and Reclamation 4/11/80
Neil Goldstein:
Testimony on Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments 4/16/80
Linda Wade:
California Desert Conservation Area Plan Alternatives and EIS 4/30/80
Brock Evans:
Testimony on Domestic Timber Supply Protection Act of 1980 5/6/80
Peter Kirby:
1980 Resource Planning Act 5/7/80
Brock Evans:
Protection of barrier islands 6/12/80
John Hooper:
BLM mining regulations 6/12/80
John Wiener:
Green River Coal Leasing EIS 6/19/80
Paul Swatek:
1980 Report on nation's renewable resources 9/16/80
Sierra Club:
Lolo National Forest DEIS and Forest Plan 9/25/80
John Wiener:
Proposed coal regulations 1/13/81
Brock Evans:
Budget cuts involving Land and Water Conservation Fund 3/13/81
Dennis Willigan:
MX Missile DEIS 4/30/81
Joe Fontaine:
Mining Supremacy Bill 10/20/81
John Wiener:
Comments on coal leasing regulations 2/9/82
Debbie Sease:
FY84 BLM budget 2/25/82
John Hooper:
Revised National Forest Management Act regulations 3/10/82
Julie McDonald:
Proposed revisions to national forest regulations 3/10/82
Connie Mahan:
Timber sales 4/22/82
John Hooper:
Revised National Forest Management Act regulations 3/31/82
Debbie Sease:
Privatization of public lands 5/18/82
John Hooper:
Forest practices 8/12/82
Joe Fontaine:
Public lands management 9/28/82
Robert Warrick:
"Sodbuster" bill 4/19/83
Brooks Yeager:
Coal leasing 6/8/83
Federal coal leasing 9/26/83
David Alberswerth:
BLM's coal leasing, FY84 budget 2/15/84
Brooks Yeager:
Coal leasing 2/29, 4/5/84
Debbie Sease:
Minerals on public lands 6/26/84
Kirk Cunningham:
Strip mining in Colorado Undated
Peter Kirby:
Proposed timber industry relief legislation Undated
Sierra Club:
Position papers on clearcutting and forest management Undated
Eugene Straub: On the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Undated
National Environmental Policy Act
Sierra Club:
Guidelines governing proposed federal action 1/28/71
Richard Frank:
On proposed U.S. Department of State procedures for environmental impact statements 3/15/72
Anthony Roisman
Administration of NEPA 3/8/72
Brock Evans:
Legal and Political Aspects of NEPA: A Look Forward and Back 9/8/75
Ocean, Estuaries and Lakes
Sierra Club:
San Francisco Bay 3/69
Eugene Coan:
Dumping into the marine environment 4/15/71
Larry Moss:
Marine sanctuaries in California 11/1/71
Dwight Steele:
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 12/8/71
Brock Evans:
On environmental problems in Puget Sound 12/11/71
Diane Graves:
Wetlands order 1/72
Coastal resources 2/7/72
Don Bradburn:
Draft environmental impact statement on mining operations on Louisiana coast 5/72
Sierra Club:
Mineral resources development of seabed 5/19/72
Delta Chapter:
Proposed Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas lease sale 8/23/72
Diane Graves:
Major Coastal Area Facilities Review Act 12/11/72
Brock Evans:
Legislation to extend exclusive fisheries zone off U.S. Coast 3/11/75
Ernest Hollings:
Merchant Marine and Fisheries 4/30/75
Jacob Miller:
Three applications by Santa Clara Valley Water District 5/12/75
Henry Zeller:
Navigable Waters Procedures and Guidelines for Disposal of Dredged or Fill Material 6/3/75
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed Rules for Licensing, Design, Construction, Equipment and Operation of Deepwater Port 6/6/75
Brock Evans:
Establishing Alpine Lakes Wilderness 6/17/75
Paul Taylor:
Reclamation law 6/26/75
Phillip Hoose:
Comprehensive study of Tocks Island Lake Project and its alternatives 7/22/75
Patricia Record:
Proposed changes in federal regulations governing the disposal of dredge material in water 7/25/75
Gordon Robinson:
California State Board of Forestry for public hearing 11/17-18/75
Richard Frank:
Deep seabed mining legislation 3/18/77
James Barnes:
Possible regime for conservation of Antarctic marine resources 3/20/78
Deep seabed mining legislation 4/6/78
Clifton Curtis:
Marine sanctuaries rulemaking of 2/5/79 4/6/79
Marine Sanctuaries Act of 1972 4/11/79
David Raney:
DEIS and management plan for coral fisheries 4/23/79
Hermann Rudenberg:
DEIS for proposed Flower Garden Banks Marine Sanctuary 5/18/79
James Barnes:
Deep seabed mining legislation 5/23/79
Vivian Silverstein:
Proposed Flower Garden Banks Marine Sanctuary DEIS 6/14/79
Clifton Curtis:
Marine transportation of hazardous substances 7/31/79
James Barnes, Anthony Leuin:
Proposed lightering regulations 8/29/79
Clifton Curtis:
Reauthorization of Title III, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuary Act 2/20/80
Brock Evans:
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuary Act 2/20/80
William Futrell:
Marine sanctuaries program 2/20/80
Kenneth Kamlet:
Ocean disposal of dredge spoils 3/14/80
Clifton Curtis:
U.S. Coast Guard rulemaking 5/2/80
Implementation of the Marpol Protocol 5/8/80
Communications Act, exemption from radiotelegraph requirements 5/30/80
Five international maritime conventions 6/20/80
James Barnes:
Deep seabed mining regulations 1/9/81
Clifton Curtis:
U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea 3/5/81
Neil Goldstein:
Ocean dumping of sewage waste 6/4/81
Clifton Curtis:
U.S. Coast Guard's marine environment al protection responsibilities 7/23/81
Law of the Sea treaty 10/22/81
Patricia Scharlin:
Antarctic marine resources 10/27/81
Eugene Coan:
Marine and coastal trends to Conference on the Gulf of Mexico 7/24/82
Michael Garabedian:
Ocean Dumping Act 3/23/82
Nicholas Robinson:
Oceans 9/82
Parks and wilderness areas
Michael McCloskey:
San Gorgonio Wilderness 11/19/65
North Cascades National Park 2/11/66
Redwood National Park 6/17-18/66
Robert Waldrop:
Udall and Grand Canyon dams 2/1/67
Michael McCloskey:
Redwood National Park 4/17/67
North Cascades National Park 4/24-25/67
Improved funding for national parks and recreational areas 2/6/68
Passage of Redwood National Park Act 9/19/68
Edgar Wayburn:
Proposed Sawtooth-White Clouds National Park and Recreation Area 8/26/70
Sierra Club Chapter and Group testimony:
Parks and wilderness areas 1971-73
Comments on proposed regulations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service governing wilderness preservation 8/71
Brock Evans:
Legislation to establish Missouri Breaks Scenic Recreation River 8/16/71
James Penrod:
Statement before the House Subcommittee on U.S. Coast Guard and Navigation 8/19/71
Ed Royce:
Proposed Master Plan for Yosemite 9/15/71
Sierra Club:
Designation of wilderness within Yosemite National Park 9/16/71
Gordon Robinson:
Timbering on periphery of Redwood National Park 9/17/71
James Moorman:
Redwood National Park 9/24/71
Preserving de facto wilderness 9/25/71
Richard Frank:
Draft convention on Antarctic seals 1/31/72
Sierra Club:
Preservation of wilderness resources in Eastern national forests 2/21/72
Laney Hicks:
U.S. Forest Service de facto wilderness review 3/25/72
John McComb:
Saguaro National Monument 3/25/72
White Sands National Monument 4/1/72
Joe Browder:
Big Cypress National Preserve 4/21/72
Frederick Eissler:
National Park Service Wilderness Proposal for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks 5/5/72
Michael McCloskey:
Snow Mountain and Lopez Canyon Wildernesses 5/18/72
John McComb:
Aldo Leopold Wilderness 5/18/72
Proposed wilderness designation in the Grand Canyon 5/18/72
Peter Borrelli:
Wilderness areas in the East 7/27/72
Brock Evans:
1940 Environmental Statement, Nez Perce National Historic Forest, 3-year road construction program 8/11/72
Michael McCloskey:
Snow Mountain and Lopez Canyon Wildernesses (proposed) 9/72
John McComb:
Proposed Squaw-Flat Overlook Road, Canyonlands National Park 9/19/72
Sierra Club Northern Regional Conservation Committee:
Badger Pass Expansion, Yosemite National Park 9/19/72
Sierra Club Southwest Office:
Revised Environmental Statement on proposed Wilderness Classification, Grand Canyon Complex 11/72
Joe Fontaine:
Monarch Wilderness 11/18/72
Dave Van de Mark:
Supporting 6,000,000-acre Trinity Alps Wilderness 12/9/72
John McComb:
Gila Wilderness 12/15/72
Brock Evans:
Establishing Spanish Peaks and Mission Mountains Wildernesses 3/73
Laney Hicks:
Glacier Primitive Area 3/15-16/73
Brock Evans:
Oversight hearings on Land and Water Conservation Fund Program and other federal outdoor recreational programs 3/23/73
Campsite reservation system within national parks 3/23/73
Don Bradburn:
Breton Wildlife Refuge Wilderness 4/2/73
Brock Evans:
Brigantine Wilderness Proposal 4/12/73
Pacific Northwest Chapter:
U.S. Forest Service Roadless Area Review 4/18/73
John McComb:
Flat Tops, Weminuche, Eagles Nest Wilderness 6/11/73
Charles Clusen:
National parks concession hearing 6/20/73
John McComb:
Transfer of federal lands for park and recreational purposes 6/26/73
Brock Evans:
Amending Wilderness Act 7/73
Various wildlife refuges 7/16/73
Wild and scenic rivers 7/16/73
John McComb:
Grand Canyon National Park 7/20/73
Eldon Greenberg:
Deepwater ports development 7/25/73
Robert Ditton:
Jackson Hole Airport 9/11/73
Laney Hicks:
Jackson Hole Airport 9/11/73
Nicholas Schrock:
Jackson Hole Airport 9/11/73
Roger Mellem:
Omnibus Wilderness Bill 10/5/73
Sierra Club San Diego Chapter:
Wilderness classification for Agua Tibia Wilderness 10/12/73
Brock Evans:
Obed, Clear Creek, and Daddys Creek as National Wild and Scenic Rivers 10/18/73
John McComb:
Designating Aldo Leopold Wilderness 10/19/73
Larry Moss:
Wilderness Preservation System 10/24/73
Sierra Club:
Study of Sipsey Fork of Warrior River 10/29-30/73
Randolph Stone, Theodore Snyder:
Add Chattago River to National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 10/29/73
Brock Evans:
Alpine Lakes Wilderness proposal 11/2/73
Laurens Silver:
Mineral King transportation analysis 11/7/73
Brock Evans:
Expanding Golden Gate National Recreation Area 11/12/73
John McComb:
Enlarging Grand Canyon National Park 11/12/73
Barry Fisher:
Roadless area review final environmental impact statement 11/14/73
Douglas Scott:
Legislation to preserve Hells Canyon National Recreation Area 12/6/73
John McComb:
Proposal for a park in Utah 12/12/73
Edgar Wayburn:
Significance of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area 2/27/74
Brock Evans:
Everglades-Big Cypress National Recreation Area and Big Cypress National Preserve 3/74
Francis Walcott:
Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness proposal 3/74
Eleanor Guilford:
Annadel State Park 3/8/74
Linda Billings:
Wilderness areas 3/19/74
John McComb:
Wilderness in Bandelier National Monument 3/22/74
Wilderness proposals for service parks 3/22/74
Wilderness in Chiricahua and Saguaro National Monuments 3/25/74
Sierra Club:
Designation of Wilderness within Yosemite National Park 3/25/74
George Whitmore:
Wilderness proposal for Kings Canyon National Park 3/25/74
Wilderness proposal for Pinnacles National Monument 3/25/74
Pam Rich:
Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness proposal 3/27/74
Sierra Club:
Enlarging wilderness system 4/2/74
Larry Moss:
Wilderness proposal for Death Valley National Monument 4/3/74
Lucille Vinyard:
King Range National Conservation and Management Program 4/6/74
Charles Clusen:
Golden Gate National Recreation Area 4/8/74
Jack Hession:
Wilderness proposal for Aleutian Islands National Wildlife Refuge 4/17/74
John McComb:
Designating Wilderness in the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge 4/25/74, 5/2/74
Jonathan Ela:
Citizens' Wilderness Proposal, Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge 5/8/74
Francis Walcott:
Wilderness Proposal for Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge 5/22/74
Larry Moss:
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area 6/15/74
Charles Clusen:
Wild and scenic rivers 6/20/74
Jonathan P. Ela:
Protection of Lower Saint Croix River 6/20/74
John McComb:
Wild and Scenic River Potential of Westwater Canyon 6/20/74
Brock Evans:
Mission Mountains Wilderness 6/24/74
Charles Clusen:
Land use for parks and recreation 7/12/74
Golden Gate National Recreation Area 8/20/74
Point Reyes and Farallon Islands 8/20/74
Edgar Wayburn:
Golden Gate National Recreation Area 8/20/74
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Point Reyes and Farallon Islands 8/20/74
John McComb:
Arches, Canyonlands, and Capitol Reef National Parks 9/9/74
Brock Evans:
Grand Canyon land transfer 9/12/74
Draft U.S. Forest Service Environmental Program for the Future 10/31/74
Charles Clusen:
National Park Service at Yosemite 12/20/74
John Hoffman:
Indiscriminate use of redwood by government agencies 2/11/75
Brock Evans:
National Parks and Recreation oversight hearings on national recreation program and policies 3/14/75
Jay Stein:
Interior and Insular Affairs 3/14/75
Michael McCloskey:
National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 3/22/76
Charles Clusen:
Yosemite National Park Master Plan 4/75
Establishing the Flat Tops Wilderness 4/17/75
Douglas Scott:
Proposed Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1975 5/9/75
John McComb:
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Master Plan alternatives 5/19/75
Charles Clusen:
Game range transfers 5/21/75
Claire Dedrick:
Current development in the Redwood Creek Basin 9/11/75
John McComb:
Proposed Master Plan for Zion National Park 9/26/75
Roger Buerki:
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area 10/30/75
Connie Taylor:
Establishing Chickasaw National Recreation Area 10/31/75
Norman Nelson:
Designating lands in Badlands National Park as wilderness 11/6/75
Gordon Robinson, Michael Sherwood:
Logging in Redwood Creek watershed 11/10/75
Charles Clusen:
Development and regulation of commercial outdoor recreation facilities 11/17/75
Gordon Robinson:
Environmental assessments of management for Redwood Creek section of Redwood National Park 12/3/75
Brock Evans:
Authorizing the establishment of Congaree Swamp National Monument 4/29/76
Establishing an Alpine Lakes Wilderness 6/22/76
John McComb:
Grand Canyon National Park 8/27/76
Connie Parrish:
Redwood National Park Expansion Bill 9/18/76
Michael Sherwood:
Redwood National Park 9/18/76
Edgar Wayburn:
Testimony before Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Natural Resources 9/18/76
Wilma Frey:
Draft Master Plan for Acadia National Park 9/27/76
Holway Jones:
Omnibus Wilderness Bill 11/9/76
Economic assessment of the Endangered American Wilderness Bill 2/77
Linda Billings:
Forest management and Redwood National Park 2/9/77
Michael Sherwood:
Redwood National Park 2/9/77
Holway Jones:
Endangered American Wilderness Act 2/8/77
Michael McCloskey:
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area 3/15/77
Expanding the Redwood National Park 3/21/77
Gordon Robinson:
Redwood National Park 3/21/77
Edgar Wayburn:
Establishing a Redwood National Park 3/21/77
Paul Swatek:
Expanding Redwood National Park 4/14/77
Brock Evans:
U.S. Forest Service budget for FY78 4/19/77
Rupert Cutler:
Oregon Omnibus Wilderness Act of 1977, and the Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1977 4/21/77
Brock Evans:
Establishing several wilderness areas in Oregon 4/21/77
Cecil Andrus:
Redwood National Park Expansion Bill 4/22/77
Douglas Scott:
Endangered American Wilderness Act 5/16/77
John McComb:
Commercial outdoor recreation facilities on national forest lands 5/26/77
Linda Billings, John Amodio:
Expanding Redwood National Park 9/6/77
Jerry Patterson:
Enlarging Sequoia National Park 10/17/77
Phillip Burton:
Mineral King Bill 10/19/77
Wayne Williams:
Enlarging Sequoia National Park 10/19/77
P. H. Chamberlain:
Mineral King Bill 10/20/77
William Peacock:
Legislation to include Mineral King in Sequoia National Park 10/25/77
Lyal and Michael Asay:
Enlarging Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
Alan Cranston:
Bill to add Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
Paul Deauville:
Sequoia National Park Enlargement Act of 1977 10/27/77
John Donaldson:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
Mary Ann Eriksen:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
Noel Gould:
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 10/27/77
Robert Hansen:
Sequoia National Park Enlargement Act of 1977 10/27/77
Nancy Ingalsbee:
Access to Mineral King for the skiers of Southern California 10/27/77
Destry Jarvis:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
John Krebs:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
John Modin:
Mineral King Bill 10/27/77
Charles Pashayan:
Mineral King Bill 10/27/77
Enlarging Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
Richard Smith:
Enlarging Sequoia National Park 10/27/77
United Brotherhood of Carpenters:
Against Mineral King Bill 10/27/77
Jerome Waldie:
Mineral King Bill 10/27/77
George Whitmore:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 10/30/77
Brock Evans:
Response to timber industry claims about national forests and wilderness 10/31/77
Jean Koch:
Sequoia National Park Enlargement Act 1977
Mark O'Reilly:
Against enlargement of Sequoia National Park 1977
James Stewart:
Adding Mineral King to Sequoia National Park 1977
William Futrell:
Overton Park 3/16/78
Bruce Hamilton:
Draft guidelines on oil and gas leases in roadless areas 3/28/78
Dunoir Special Management Unit, Wilderness Proposal 4/1/78
Jet Aircraft Landings in Grand Teton National Park 6/9/78
Jackson Hole Scenic Area (proposed) 6/10/78
Ruth Frear:
Canyonlands National Park General Management Plan 7/22/78
John McComb:
National Parks and Recreation Act 7/26/78
In support of the Whisker Lake and Blackjack Springs Wilderness 7/26/78
Linda Billings:
National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 7/31/78
Gordon Robinson:
Mount Shasta Wilderness proposal 9/10/78
John McComb:
RARE II endorsements 9/29/78
David Pavelchek:
U.S. Forest Service DEIS on RARE II 9/29/78
John McComb:
Support of the Great Bear Wilderness 10/5/78
Becky Evans:
Yosemite National Park Master Plan 12/4/78
Trent Orr:
RARE II environmental impact statement 3/14/79
Enid Larson:
San Joaquin Ridge 6/12/79
Stan Weidert:
Mount Shasta Wilderness Bill 6/30/79
Theodore Snyder:
Fifteen years of progress under the Wilderness Act 8/24/79
Sierra Club Ventana Chapter:
Big Sur Coast National Scenic Area 4/24/80
Brock Evans:
Draft Comprehensive Management Plan for New Jersey Pinelands 7/21/80
Neil Goldstein:
Long Island Sound Heritage 9/8/80
Sierra Club:
EIS and Plan for California Desert Conservation Area 10/13/80
Brock Evans:
Priorities and politics for wildland resources protection 11/80
Abigail Avery:
Proposed Off-road Vehicle Management Policy at Cape Cod National Seashore 1/1/81
John Embry:
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II) Act of 1981 4/23/81
Joe Fontaine:
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II) Act of 1981 6/17/81
Tim Mahoney:
Colorado national forests 7/28/81
Bruce Hamilton:
Palisades Roadless Area 8/11/81
Dangers to Yellowstone National Park 2/4/82
Debbie Sease:
FY84 BLM budget 2/25/82
Edgar Wayburn:
Wilderness protection 4/15/82
Jane Elder:
Mineral leasing in wilderness areas 4/19/82
Brian O'Neill:
Public lands and national parks 4/19/82
Bruce Hamilton:
Wyoming Wilderness Act of 1982 4/30/82
John McComb:
External threats to national parks 6/22/82
Paul Pritchard:
National Trails System Act amendments 8/4/82
Philip Hocker:
Wyoming Wilderness Act of 1982 8/18/82
James Price:
U.S. Forest Service recommendations for Citico and Big Frog areas 8/24/82
Michael McCloskey:
Wilderness Protection Act 9/23/82
Bruce Howard, Michael McCloskey, Edgar Wayburn:
Redwood National Park Case Study 10/16/82
Tim Mahoney:
Energy development in the Salt Creek Wilderness 11/10/82
Stephen Stevick:
Mount Shasta Wilderness proposal 11/30/82
Tim Mahoney:
Oregon Wilderness Act of 1982 12/6/82
John McComb:
Wilderness preservation 5/17/83
Debbie Sease:
Arizona Wilderness bills 9/13/83
Tim Mahoney:
White Mountain National Forest Wilderness Act 10/28/83
Wisconsin Wilderness Bill 11/3/83
William Schulthies:
Wisconsin Wilderness Bill 11/16/83
Joe Fontaine:
Proposed developments in Mineral King Undated
Jack Hession:
U.S. Park Service hotel planning for Mount McKinley National Park Undated
Sierra Club:
Roadless area Undated
Politics, Practical
Phillip Berry:
Confirmation of Rogers C. B. Morton as Secretary of the Interior 1/25/71
Sierra Club:
Clean Environment Act 5/7/72
Positions on environmental issues 6/72
Larry Moss:
Protecting and restoring the quality of the environment 6/20/72
Beatrice Laws:
Interim Guidelines for California Environmental Quality Act 6/28/72
Allen Smith:
Lobbying Act of 1975 11/6/75
Michael McCloskey:
Lobbying bills 12/3/75
Linda Billings:
On committee system reorganization 1/77
William Futrell:
A new administration and new opportunities, Carter energy plan 6/21/77
Rhea Cohen, Allen Smith:
Public disclosure of lobbying 2/24/78
William Haring:
Comments relevant to determining a short-term national ambient air quality standard for NO 2 4/19/78
Rhea Cohen:
Lobbying disclosure legislation 7/13/78
Public disclosure of lobbying 3/14/79
James Barnes:
Environmental Modification Convention 5/10/79
Rhea Cohen:
Increased citizen participation in Conference on Control of Oil Spills and Hazardous Waste Pollution 6/27/79
Brock Evans:
Effective lobbying for non-profit organizations 11/15/79
Sierra Club:
Recommended platform positions for the Republican Party 7/80
Brock Evans:
Environmental protection 9/27/80
John McComb:
Expected cuts in the federal budget 2/18/81
Joe Fontaine:
"WATT-ism" 10/19/81
Denny Shaffer:
Reagan Administration, public opinion, and Sierra Club activism 10/16/82
Doug Scott:
Confirmation of Donald Hodel 12/1/82
James Price:
Sierra Club priorities 1/14/83
Ron Good:
Conservation education 2/7/83
Denny Shaffer:
What Americans want to hear, Reagan Administration record, and steps to improve 4/7/83
John McComb:
Nomination of William D. Ruckelshaus 5/3/83
Michael McCloskey:
William Clark confirmation 11/2/83
Sierra Club Chapter and Group testimony:
Pollution 1969-74
James Penrod:
Oil spills 2/71
Eugene Coan:
Oil spills in San Francisco 2/8/71
San Francisco Bay Oil Spill 2/12/71
John Tanton:
Testimony for Commission on Population Growth and the American Future 4/15/71
Eugene Coan, Julia Hillis:
Marine conservation and population growth 5/20/71
Larry Moss:
Pollution abatement 7/12/71
James Penrod, Julia Hillis:
Oil pollution 8/19/71
Julia Hillis:
Navigable Waters Safety and Environmental Quality Act of 1971 9/23/71
Increased penalties for oil pollution 9/24/71
Robin Harrison:
Recreation noise 10/1/71
Phillip Berry:
No growth, zero growth, limited growth 10/21/71
Lloyd Tupling:
Water Pollution Control Act 12/71
William Futrell:
Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1971 1971
Various groups:
Sodium monofluoroacetate, thallium sulphate, strychnine, and cyanide [1971-72]
Raymond Sherwin:
Electric power 1/15/72
Phillip Berry:
San Francisco oil spill 2/72
James Penrod:
U.S. Coast Guard pollution regulations 2/16/72
Stockton Gaines:
Coastal Areas Protection Act 4/19/72
Lead additives 5/2/72
Brent Blackwelder:
Appropriations of funds 5/8/72
Nathaniel Van De Verg:
Short term air pollution control for South Coast Air Basin 10/31/72
Robert Debs:
California State Air Plan 11/15/72
Sierra Club Northern California Regional Conservation Committee:
Bay Area Air Pollution Control District 12/68, 11/72
Paul Brooks:
Pesticide Control Act of 1971 1972
Linda Billings:
Toxic Substances Control Act of 1973 2/23, 3/15/73
Robert Hallman, Eldon Greenberg:
Construction requirements for tank ships 3/15/73
David Hawkins:
Request for one-year extension of 1975 auto emission standards 3/23/73
Richard Frank:
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 4/17/73
Eldon Greenberg:
International region of ship-generated pollution 6/28/73
International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships 6/29/73
Intervention on High Seas Pollution 7/10/73
Larry Moss:
Implications of Fri vs. Sierra Club: Preventing Graying of America (air pollution controls, etc.) 7/24/73
Response to EPA's Four Clean Air Alternatives 7/24/73
Marc Messing:
EPA Water Quality Effluent Standards 8/1/73
Selina Bendix:
EPA's proposed list of toxic pollutants 8/6/73
William Yerkes:
Draft development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for the pulp, paper and paperboard industry 8/17, 9/6/73
Linda Billings:
Promulgation of federal standards on pesticides 8/24/73
Larry Moss:
Significant deterioration 8/27/73
Bruce Terris:
Proposed EPA regulations, prevention of significant air quality degradation 8/27/73
Lowell Smith:
Effects of preventing significant degradation of air quality in the West 9/5-6/73
Richard Frank:
Implementing International Convention on Oil Pollution 10/2/73
Larry Moss:
California Environmental Quality Act 11/29/73
Linda Billings:
Resource Convention and Waste Management Act of 1973 12/14/73
National Clean Air Coalition:
Energy emergency legislation 1/16/74
Douglas Scott:
DDT and the Tussock moth 1/30/74
Brock Evans:
Use of DDT on the Tussock moth 2/1/74
Larry Moss:
Tennessee Valley Authority, pollution control equipment 3/9/74
Non-returnable beverage containers 3/11/74
Alan Goes:
The Basis for Environmental Rejection of 1974 USDA/USDI Tussock Moth Management Plan 3/17/74
David Raney:
Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 3/18/74
Leonard Lane:
Resources, solid waste, and taxation 3/21/74
Sierra Club:
Non-returnable Beverage Container Prohibition Act 5/6/74
Leonard Lane, Marc Messing:
Tennessee Valley Authority Pollution Control Investment Return Payments 6/19/74
William Grant:
Aircraft noise 6/25/74
Bruce Terris:
Significant deterioration regulations 8/19/74
Robert Curry:
Hazardous Materials - An Environmentalist Viewpoint 8/26/74
Eldon Greenberg:
DEIS Management of radioactive wastes 10/30/74
Sierra Club:
Sulphur dioxide 11/21/74
Controls on air pollution emissions 12/6/74
Allen Stokes:
Air Pollution Control Commission of State of Colorado, effect of the absence of commissioners from hearings 1/2/75
Linda Billings:
Application for emergency exemption to use DDT for control of Tobacco budworm 2/10/75
Donald Anthrop:
Proposed noise standards for medium and heavy trucks 3/5/75
Linda Billings:
Toxic Substances Control Act 3/5/75
Richard Lahn:
Whether Clean Air Act permits significant deterioration of air quality 3/19/75
Henry Zeller:
Navigable waters procedures and guidelines for disposal of dredged or fill material 5/6/75
David Bulloch, Glen Stice:
Renewal of EPA permits for dumping of toxic wastes at sea 7/75
Sierra Club:
Proposed regulations for prevention of significant deterioration of air quality 7/75
Linda Billings:
Toxic substances control legislation 7/9/75
Patricia Record:
Proposed new regulations implementing Section 404 of the Water Pollution Control Act 7/22/75
Linda Billings:
Reducing noise from aircraft 10/24/75
Extension of Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 10/28/75
Richard Gaines:
Reconsideration of California ambient air quality standard for lead 11/4/75
John Leshy:
Augmentation of winter precipitation in the Western United States 11/11-13/75
Eldon Greenberg:
Marine environment protection legislation 11/12/75
Frederick Martin:
Beverage Container Reuse and Recycling Act 12/10/75
A. M. Platt, J. L. McElroy:
High-level radioactive waste management 1975
Michael Williams:
Sulphur control on major coal-burning facilities 1975
Rhea Cohen:
Funding for water quality 1/20/76
Eldon Greenberg:
Implementation of the Ports and Waterways Safety Act 3/3/76
Construction and equipment of tank vessels in foreign trade 5/20/76
Rhea Cohen:
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1976 6/18/76
Eldon Greenberg:
Segregated ballast capacity for tank vessels 6/30/76
Rhea Cohen:
Proposed amendment to Section 404 of Federal Water Pollution Control Act 7/27-28/76
Eldon Greenberg:
Navigation safety regulations 8/4/76
Oil tanker safety 1/12/77
Oil tanker risks 2/2/77
Action needed to protect the nation's coasts against oil spills 2/17/77
Richard Frank:
Oil spill damage liability 2/24/77
Linda Billings:
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Extension 3/8/77
Glen Stice:
Emission offset policy 3/10/77
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed tanker safety legislation 3/15/77
Oil tanker regulation 3/21/77
Navigation safety requirements on vessels of 1600 tons or more 4/1/77
Carl Pope:
EPA vapor recovery regulations 4/14/77
Linda Billings:
Airport and Aircraft Noise Reduction Act 4/19/77
Albert Slap:
Water Quality: EPA's Proposed Pretreatment Regulations 4/21/77
Linda Billings:
Toxic Substances Control Act Amendments 5/4/77
James Barnes:
On additional equipment for vessels carrying oil 5/16/77
Oil spill damage liability 6/7-20/77
Oil pollution liability and compensation legislation 7/18/77
Albert Slap:
Regulation and monitoring of toxic substances under Section 307 of Federal Water Pollution Control Act 7/21/77
Linda Billings:
Airport and Aircraft Noise Reduction Act 9/16/77
James Barnes:
Proposed tanker safety legislation 9/19/77
William Futrell:
Non-enforcement of clean water law in Philadelphia 9/19/77
Larry Silverman:
Sewage treatment systems 10/11/77
Roger McClure:
Federal legislation for beverage container deposits 10/19/77
David Tunderman:
Protecting Visibility, A Key to Preventing Significant Deterioration 10/28/77
David Hawkins:
Supersonic transport noise 12/15/77
Michael Williams:
Air quality in park regions and IPP 1977
Brock Evans:
Mandatory deposit on bottles and cans 1/26/78
Susan Baynes:
Pollution control devices on automobiles in Massachusetts 2/22/78
Ken Ensroth:
EPA waivers for municipalities 2/22/78
James Barnes:
1978 IMCO Conference on Tanker Safety 4/5/78
Thomas Bruckner:
Design and operation of oil carrying vessels 5/1/78
Lee Morrison:
Air quality in national monuments in the Rocky Mountains 5/4/78
Rhea Cohen:
Grants for construction of treatment works under Federal Water Pollution Control Act 6/30/78
Khristine Hall, Rhea Cohen:
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits 7/11/78
Rhea Cohen, Roger McClure:
Proposed Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations 7/13/78
Joseph Brecher:
Sulphur Dioxide Regulations for the Navajo Generating Station 8/22/78
Maria Brown:
DEIS for the Arkansas-Red River Basins Chloride Control Project 8/24/78
Scott Allen:
EPA water quality standards for toxic substances 9/8/78
Myron Thomas:
Water quality 10/16/78
Anita Yurchyshyn:
Oil tanker transportation 11/8-10/78
Khristine Hall:
Air Quality Requirements of Proposed Rulemaking Governing Surface Coal Mining and Regulation Operations 11/27/78
Frances Dubrowski, Peter Herzberg:
EPA's Proposed "Bubble Policy " 1/18/79
James Barnes:
Superfund legislation, Oil spill liability 3/12/79
Curtis, Barnes, Leuin:
Proposed Rules for Tank Vessels Carrying Oil 4/16/79
Proposed Coast Guard Regulations on Tanker Safety 4/19/79
James Barnes:
U.S. Department of Transportation's Oil Spill Bill 5/8/79
Curtis, Barnes, Leuin:
Rules for tank vessel operations 6/28/79
Steve Krefting:
Hazardous and toxic waste management 6/29/79
Dave Levy, William Doucette:
Proposed hazardous waste management regulations for North Carolina 7/17/79
Curtis, Dach, Early:
Superfund legislation 7/19/79
Samuel Sage:
New York State and EPA Water Quality Agreement 8/22/79
James Barnes, Anthony Leuin:
Proposed Lightering Regulations 8/29/79
Brock Evans:
Proposed guidelines for specification of disposal sites 9/19/79
Steven Colome:
Statement on 110(F) Procedures 11/79
Peter Herzberg:
Proposed Regulations for SIP's of Implementation Plans 11/5/79
Theodore Snyder:
Factory waste and disposal 11/28/79
David Gardiner:
Visibility protection 12/28/79
Clifton Curtis:
Marine pollution 1979
Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.:
Proposed Revision to Ohio Implementation Plan 1/22/80
William Curtiss:
EPA regulations on visibility protection 1/29/80
Hermann Rudenberg:
Waste Discharge Permits in Flower Garden Banks Marine Sanctuary 1/29/80
Kirk Cunningham:
Rulemaking for visibility protection 2/80
Brant Calkin:
U.S. Department of Energy Direct Coal Combustion Strategy 2/15/80
National Clean Air Coalition:
Index to Clean Air testimony 3/11/80
Curtis, M'Gonigle, Wake:
Maritime Transportation Research Board, Tankbarge Pollution Workshop 5/16/80
Marvin Resnikoff:
Transportation of hazardous materials through cities 5/27/80
Kirk Cunningham:
Statement on petition by Cathedral Bluffs Shale Oil Company to amend air quality regulations 10/26/80
Clifton Curtis:
Oil spill liability and compensation legislation 3/25/81
Barbara Hays:
Environmental acidification and the use of coal 4/22/81
James Barnes:
Acid rain 5/20/81
Carl Pope:
Environmental perspective on the Clean Air Act 6/10/81
Sierra Club Redwood Chapter:
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 6/14/81
Steve Dreistadt:
State Role In Regulation of Pesticide Use 9/4/81
Louis Harris:
Clean Air Act 10/15/81
Marty Fluharty:
Michigan Association of Soil Conservation Districts 12/10/81
Steven Colome, George Thurston:
Air Pollution Health Effects Research 12/18/81
Larry Williams:
Need for increased funding for EPA 5/20/82
Judith Kunofsky:
Hazardous materials management 6/18/82
Margaret Tileston:
EPA 7/21/82
Brock Evans:
How to influence your legislator 10/24/82
Blake Early:
Reagan Administration's implementation of Superfund program 10/25/82
John Holtzclaw:
Administration's implementation of toxic waste Superfund program 10/25/82
Paul Hanen:
Acid rain 11/8/82
Blake Early:
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 6/8/83
Albert Meyerhoff:
Pest control strategies 7/6/83
Priscilla Chapman:
Amendments to Clean Water Act 11/9/83
Michael Garabedian:
Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 11/9/83
Carol Lee Baudler:
Acid Rain Bill 11/15/83
Barry Boyer:
Acid Rain Bill 11/15/83
Diane Geerkin:
Acid Rain Bill 11/15/83
Ted Unkles:
Acid Rain Bill 11/15/83
William McCormick:
Acid rain 2/9/84
Blake Early:
Superfund 7/25/84
Susan Baynes:
Burning fossil fuels and sulphur dioxide levels Undated
Milton Oliver:
Ocean Dumping Act Undated
Allen Stokes:
Pollution Undated
John Tanton:
Testimony prepared for the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future 4/15/71
Larry Moss:
Non-returnable beverage containers 3/11/74
Judith Kunofsky:
Population and growth policy 3/11/82
Energy Conservation
Frederick Eissler:
Oil spills prevention 5/20/69
Michael McCloskey:
Energy facilities 2/3/70
Phillip Berry:
Possible Oil and Gas Leasing Offshore in Western Lousiana 7/14/70
Sierra Club Chapter and Group testimony:
Power and energy 1971-73
Michael McCloskey:
Electrical utility regulation 5/71
Wesley K. Foell:
Power-plant siting legislation 5/27/71
John McComb:
Southwest power plant construction 5/28/71
Richard Lahn:
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Licensing Procedure 7/14/71
Michael McCloskey:
Energy goals and national goals 10/20/71
Phillip Berry:
No growth, zero growth, limited growth 10/21/71
Hamilton Hess:
Geothermal Leasing and Standards of Operations 11/71
Peter Borrelli:
Energy, power, and national policy 11/10/71
Robert Hallman:
U.S. Department of the Interior's draft environmental impact statement on geothermal leasing 11/22/71
Geothermal environmental impact statement 1971-72
Sierra Club:
Proposed development of oil on Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf 1/71, 2/72
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund:
Proposed U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Regulations 1/27-28/72
Sierra Club:
Oil Shale Leasing Program 2/72, 9/72
Hamilton Hess:
Environmental priorities, human needs, and geothermal power 2/16-18/72
Eugene Coan:
Natural gas 3/72
John Zierold:
Water resources hearing 3/14/72
Michael McCloskey:
Creation of Federal Power Research and Development Board 3/15/72
Carleton DeTar:
Demand for oil 4/18/72
Problems facing our nation in growing demand for oil 4/18/72
Kalon Kelley:
Outer Continental Shelf Policy 4/18/72
Sierra Club:
Oil development of Atlantic Continental Shelf 4/18/72
Mason Guest:
Superport in the Gulf of Mexico 4/24/72
Michael McCloskey:
Power-plant siting bills 4/28/72
Robert Hallman, Hamilton Hess:
Supplement to Draft EIS on U.S. Department of the Interior's geothermal leasing program 5/72, 6/72
John Hoffman:
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's rules of practice 5/9/72
Eugene Coan:
Harbor facilities and tankers 5/10/72
Raymond Sherwin:
Environmental perspective 5/31/72
Charles Lewis:
Proposed regulations to implement Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 6/15/72
Sierra Club:
Leasing and Disposal Policies of Energy Resources on Public Lands 7/14/72
Peter Borrelli:
Energy Needs for the Future 7/19/72
Thomas Stoel, Edward Strohbehn:
Proposed 72 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale-Offshore Louisiana 7/72, 9/72
Sierra Club:
Energy Policy Act of 1972 9/72
Thomas Stoel, Edward Strohbehn:
U.S. Department of the Interior's draft statement for the proposed prototype oil-shales leasing program 9/72
Raymond Sherwin:
Reconciliation of energy 10/72
Richard Tybout:
Conservation, gas rationing, and the national interest 10/19/72
William Siri:
Nuclear Energy and the Environment: Environmentalist's View 10/14/72
Sierra Club:
Energy policy 10/21-22/72
Robert Hallman:
Electric Energy Convention and Consumption Processes - Conservation of Natural Resources 11/29/72
Hamilton Hess:
Revised regulations on geothermal leases 12/26/72
Robert Hallman:
Geothermal Resources Development Regulations 12/27/72
Robert Hallman, Hamilton Hess:
U.S. Department of the Interior's revised regulations on geothermal leases and operations 12/28/72
Theodore Ellis:
Oil-shales policy 1972
John Hoffman:
Environmental survey of the nuclear fuel cycle 1/73
Larry Moss:
A new national energy policy 1/17/73
Peter Borrelli:
Boston Port Authority's superport proposal 1/19/73
Laney Hicks:
Northern Great Plains Resources Program, coal leasing 2/14/73
Hamilton Hess:
Use of geothermal energy for the production of electric power 3/1/73
Robert Hallman, Eldon Greenberg:
Deepwater ports 3/6/73
Edward Strohbehn, Thomas Stoel:
Right-of-way applications for electric transmission lines 3/16/73
Larry Moss:
Expensive Except for the Price - How to Make an Energy Crisis 3/23/73
Raymond Sherwin:
Energy policy 4/3/73
Edward Strohbehn:
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's land withdrawal application for Rio Blanco transmission line right-of-way 4/10/73
Robert Hallman:
Gaseous discharges in geothermal development 5/22/73
Sierra Club Chattahoochee Chapter:
Superport development 5/24/73
Sierra Club Galveston Group:
Gulf Coast deepwater ports development 5/25/73
Leonard Lane:
Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Act 6/14/73
Brock Evans:
Oilgate: Or is the Fuel Shortage Contrived? 6/16/73
Richard Frank:
Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Act 6/18/73
Larry Moss:
Needed elements for energy research 7/12/73
Eldon Greenberg:
Deepwater port legislation 7/12/73
Eugene Coan:
Progress in protecting the marine environment 7/14/73
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed tanker construction standards 7/19/73
William Futrell:
Deepwater ports development 7/25/73
Eldon Greenberg:
Deepwater ports 7/25/73
Larry Moss:
Mandatory Labelling and Energy Efficiency Standards 7/26/73
Douglas Scott:
Geothermal energy development 8/10/73
Eugene Coan:
Will Florida Become an Oil Junkie? 8/13-17/73
Hamilton Hess:
U.S. Department of the Interior's revised regulations on geothermal leases and operations standards 8/20/73
Florida Chapter:
BLM draft EIS for proposed 1973 Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas lease sale 8/21-23/73
Robert Hallman:
Revised proposed geothermal leasing program regulations 3/22/73
Paul Swatek:
Economic, energy, environment trade-offs 8/23/73
William Futrell:
U.S. Department of the Interior's Draft EIS for oil and gas lease sale offshore Mississippi, Alabama, Florida 8/30/73
Eugene Coan:
Atlantic and Alaskan offshore oil 9/12-13/73
Kalon Kelley:
Offshore drilling - Santa Barbara 9/14/73
Wilma Frey:
Oil and gas development on Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf 9/18-19/73
Paul Swatek:
Oil and gas development on Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf 9/19/73
Larry Moss:
Resumption of gas and oil drilling on state-owned offshore lands 9/20/73
Energy, growth, and environmental quality 9/24/73
Hamilton Hess:
Natural resources and wildlife 10/17/73
Celia Von Der Muhll:
Sea Ranch and Sereno del Mar 10/19/73
Brock Evans:
Modifications to price ceilings on certain petroleum products 10/26/73
Richard Lahn:
Fuel shortages 11/2/73
Larry Moss:
Environmental quality 11/12/73
Hamilton Hess:
Geothermal leasing program 11/14/73
Joseph Edmiston:
Coastal zone management 11/19/73
Larry Moss:
Research, development, and the energy crisis 11/20/73
Hamilton Hess:
Geothermal energy 11/30/73
Sierra Club:
Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Basin Study 12/4/73
Robert Hallman:
Geothermal Energy Research, Development and Commercial Demonstration Act of 1973 2/6/74
Douglas Scott:
Geothermal lease application 2/15/74
Sierra Club Delta Chapter:
Louisiana Power and Light application for construction of Waterford 2/19/74
Larry Moss:
Federal Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas leasing 2/28/74
Eldon Greenberg:
Deepwater ports 3/1/74
Robert Hallman:
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 3/6/74
Richard Frank:
Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Act 3/8/74
Larry Moss:
Offshore development in Southern California 3/11/74
Reforms in utility rates 3/11/74
Bruce Terris:
Coal development limitation 4/1/74
Larry Moss:
The Environmental impact of synthetic fuels production in the arid West 4/2/74
Joseph Edmiston:
Coastal zone resources hearing on offshore drilling 4/9/74
William Futrell:
Environmental consequences of offshore oil development on the coastal zone 4/25/74
Laney Hicks:
The future of energy development in Western States 4/25-27/74
Leonard Meeker:
Outer Continental Shelf legislation 5/8/74
Development of Outer Continental Shelf 5/22/74
Ellen Winchester:
Project Independence as a feasible national energy policy option 5/29/74
Eldon Greenberg:
Promulgation of tanker design requirements under the Ports and Waterways Safety Act 6/13/74
Laney Hicks:
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Eastern Powder River Coal Basin 6/26/74
Leonard Meeker:
Amendments to regulations under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 7/15/74
Paul Swatek:
Offshore oil and gas impact on Massachusetts 8/5/74
Laney Hicks:
Project Independence 8/7/74
John McComb:
Project Independence 8/8/74
Trevor Berrington:
Project Independence 8/9/74
Hamilton Hess:
Statement before the California Geothermal Resources Board 8/9/74
Sidney Moglewer:
FEA In-house Seminar on Energy 8/16/74
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed rules for the protection of the marine environment 8/19/74
Glen Stice:
Project Independence 8/20/74
James MacKenzie:
Project Independence 8/26/74
Paul Swatek:
Project Independence 8/26/74
Project Independence 8/27/74
G. Matz:
A Citizens' View of Project Independence 8/27/74
Barbara Heller:
Outer Continental Shelf Development 9/74
Celia Von Der Muhll:
Coastal Land Element 9/3/74
Richard Cellarius:
Project Independence 9/5/74
James MacKenzie:
Project Independence 9/9/74
John Herman:
Project Independence 9/11/74
Thomas Jenkins:
Project Independence 9/11/74
Lebert Shultz:
Project Independence 9/11/74
David Lincoln:
Project Independence 9/12/74
Richard Tybout:
Role of Prices in Project Independence 9/12/74
Nancy Jack:
Project Independence 9/13/74
Andrew Dalton:
Project Independence 9/16/74
Kent Gill:
Project Independence 9/16/74
Hank Robinson:
Project Independence 9/16/74
Rose McCullough:
Project Independence 9/20/74
William Futrell:
Project Independence 9/23/74
Earl Bailey:
Project Independence 9/27/74
Ellen Stern Harris:
Offshore oil 9/27/74
Hamilton Hess:
Geothermal energy 9/30/74
Martin Davenport:
Project Independence 10/3/74
Harold Lockwood:
Project Independence 10/4/74
Claire Dedrick:
Project Independence 10/7/74
David Jaquette:
Proposed liquefied natural gas policies for South Central Coast 10/10/74
David Lincoln:
Directions for an open Oregon energy policy 12/2/74
Jerome Kohl:
Impact of energy situation on North Carolina's future economy and quality 12/12/74
Joseph Edmiston:
The intensity of development element of California's Southern Coast 1974
Ellen Winchester:
The Florida League of Women Voters 1974
Laney Hicks:
Diligent Development and Continuous Operations, proposed regulations for coal development 1/3/75
James Deane:
Alaska natural gas pipeline 1/7/75
Brock Evans:
Proposed Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 1/7/75
Richard Grossman:
Licensing, construction, and operation of new nuclear reactors 1/9/75
Jack Hession:
Environmental effects of natural gas pipeline from Alaska's North Shore 1/10/75
Richard Cotton:
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's waste management operations 1/21/75
Larry Moss:
People for proof press conference 1/21/75
William Futrell:
The future of oil and the fate of the ocean 1/31/75
Sierra Club New England Chapter:
Statement at Outer Continental Shelf hearings 2/75
Jack Hession:
Proposed Outer Continental Shelf leasing program 2/3/75
Mary Ann Eriksen:
Draft Environmental Impact Statement on accelerated Outer Continental Shelf leasing 2/6/75
Ellen Winchester:
BLM Sponsored Outer Continental Shelf Baseline Studies 2/7/75
Paul Swatek:
Proposed Ten Million Acre Outer Continental Shelf leasing program 2/11/75
Brock Evans:
Establishing National Petroleum Reserves 3/10/75
William Futrell:
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1975 4/9/75
Barbara Heller:
Offshore oil development 4/9/75
Sidney Moglewer:
National Petroleum Reserves 4/10/75
Charles Clusen:
Energy and Environment on Land Use and Resource Act of 1975 4/14/75
Brock Evans:
Second visit to Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 5/75
Richard Schneider:
The nuclear waste problem 5/75
Eldon Greenberg:
The Export Reorganization Act of 1975 5/1/75
Charles Clusen:
Energy facility siting 5/2/75
Mary Sinclair:
Budget proposals for the ERDA 5/6/75
Joseph Edmiston:
Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas lease sale No. 35, Offshore Southern California 5/6/75
Robert Curry:
Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975 5/8/75
Terry Simmons:
Natural gas field price hearing, British Columbia Energy Commission 5/14/75
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed rules for the construction and equipment of tank vessels 5/21/75
Robert Curry:
Supplement Report on Hearing on the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975 5/27/75
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed rules for licensing, design, construction, equipment, and operation of deepwater ports 6/6/75
Barbara Heller:
Outer Continental Shelf 6/18/75
Ellen Winchester:
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1975 6/18/75
Eldon Greenberg:
Proposed rules of deepwater ports 6/23/75
Barbara Heller:
Research and development related to Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas production 7/11/75
Rhea Cohen:
National Energy Mobilization Act of 1975 7/14/75
Jack Hession:
Outer Continental Shelf 8/7/75
Jerome Kohl:
Aspects of ERDA's Plan for energy research and development 9/3/75
Heating energy choice for the future 9/3-4/75
Rhea Cohen:
Nomination of Austin Heller as assistant administrator for the ERDA 9/5/75
Sidney Moglewer:
ERDA plan creating energy choices for the future 9/8/75
Mary Sinclair:
ERDA's report creating energy choices for the future 9/11-12/75
Ellen Knox:
Recommendations on ERDA's Research and Development Program 9/12/75
Thomas Stoel:
Council on Environmental Quality study of environmental impacts of oil and gas development on Atlantic and Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf 9/13/75
John McComb:
Kaiparowits Project 9/15/75
Jack Hession:
Department of the Interior draft environmental impact statement, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 10/2/75
Ellen Winchester:
BLM Program for Southern Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf area 10/14-17/75
Laney Hicks:
Federal Domestic Activities and Program Alternatives re Energy and Environment 10/21/75
Trevor Berrington:
Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy Research and ERDA Authorization Bill 10/27/75
Richard Ball:
Fair Residential Utility Tariff Act 10/30/75
Marc Messing:
Siting and license of nuclear power plants 11/11/75
Barbara Heller:
Testimony before the Ad Hoc Committee on Outer Continental Shelf 11/14/75
Rhea Cohen:
Forum on domestic energy policy 11/18/75
Sierra Club:
Bonneville Power Administration 12/10/75
Marvin Resnikoff:
Is [Nuclear Fuel] Reprocessing Cost Justified? 1975
Lebert Shultz:
Energy for transportation 1975
Kent Gill:
Kaiparowits Rally 1/10/76
Larry Moss:
Why commercialization of synthetic fuels should not be subsidized 2/24/76
Laney Hicks:
Coal production and transportation 3/9-12/76
Jerome Kohl:
Energy Extensions Service Act of 1975 3/25/76
Marc Messing:
Electric utility planning and siting 4/76
Larry Moss:
Utility rate reform 4/9/76
Sierra Club Canada Chapter:
Request for Moratorium on Mackenzie Valley Pipeline 5/76
Joseph Edmiston:
Liquefied natural gas imports 5/13/76
Brock Evans:
Transportation of Prudhoe Bay natural gas 5/19/76
Gregory Thomas:
Establish Energy Independence Authority 5/19/76
Brock Evans:
Public Works panel on materials policy 5/20/76
Linda Billings:
Amendments to Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 5/21/76
Larry Moss:
The relations of pricing policy to the commercialization of energy technology 5/24/76
Jerome Kohl:
Energy conservation 6/24/76
William Haring:
Implementation of Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975 8/4/76
Charles Kopman:
Conservation, energy, natural resources, and environment 9/10/76
Marvin Resnikoff:
High level wastes at nuclear fuel services 9/76
Regulatory process with regard to plutonium recycling 9/22/76
Alternative processes for managing existing commercial radioactive wastes 10/76
Madeline Kolb:
Liquefied natural gas import 10/26/76
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter:
Draft EIS, Proposed Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas lease sale, Lower Cook Inlet 11/76
Eldon Greenberg:
Management of radioactive wastes 11/15/76
Marvin Resnikoff:
Management of radioactive wastes 11/15/76
Eugene Coan:
The present status of oil and gas production 12/1/76
Marvin Resnikoff: