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Folgore (Luciano) Papers
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box 20, folder 20

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XV)

box 20, folder 21

ms., 20 handwritten pp., (XVI)

box 20, folder 21

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XVI)

box 20, folder 22

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XVII)

box 20, folder 22

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XVII)

box 20, folder 23

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XVIII)

box 20, folder 23

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XVIII)

box 20, folder 24

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XIX)

box 20, folder 24

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XIX)

box 20, folder 25

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XX)

box 20, folder 25

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XX)

box 20, folder 26

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXI)

box 20, folder 26

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXI)

box 20, folder 27

ms., 12 handwritten pp., (XXII)

box 20, folder 27

ms., 13 typewritten pp., (XXII)

box 20, folder 28

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXIII)

box 20, folder 28

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXIII)

box 20, folder 29

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XXIV)

box 20, folder 29

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXIV)

box 20, folder 30

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XXV)

box 20, folder 30

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXV)

box 20, folder 31

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXVI)

box 20, folder 31

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXVI)

box 20, folder 32

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XXVII)

box 20, folder 32

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXVII)

box 20, folder 33

ms., 19 handwritten pp., (XXVIII)

box 20, folder 33

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXVIII)

box 20, folder 34

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XXIX)

box 20, folder 34

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XXIX)

box 21

Radioplays for Folgore's Radio Lilliput program, 1950-1952

Scope and Contents note

[Note: Roman numerals in parentheses refer to Folgore's numbering system.]
box 21, folder 1

ms., 19 handwritten pp., (XXX) 1951,

box 21, folder 1

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXX)

box 21, folder 2

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXXI)

box 21, folder 2

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XXXI)

box 21, folder 3

ms., 20 handwritten pp., (XXXII)

box 21, folder 3

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXXII)

box 21, folder 4

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXXIII)

box 21, folder 4

ms., 15 typewritten pp., (XXXIII)

box 21, folder 5

ms., 20 handwritten pp., (XXXIV)

box 21, folder 5

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXXIV)

box 21, folder 6

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XXXV)

box 21, folder 6

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXXV)

box 21, folder 7

ms., 21 handwritten pp., (XXXVI)

box 21, folder 7

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XXXVI)

box 21, folder 8

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (VI) 1952,

box 21, folder 8

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (VI)

box 21, folder 9

ms., 15 handwritten pp., (VII)

box 21, folder 9

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (VII)

box 21, folder 10

ms., 19 handwritten pp., (VIII)

box 21, folder 10

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (VIII)

box 21, folder 11

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (IX)

box 21, folder 11

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (IX)

box 21, folder 12

ms., 13 handwritten pp., (X)

box 21, folder 12

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (X)

box 21, folder 13

ms., 18 handwritten pp., (XI)

box 21, folder 13

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XI)

box 21, folder 14

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XII)

box 21, folder 14

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XII)

box 21, folder 15

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XIII)

box 21, folder 15

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XIII)

box 21, folder 16

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XIV)

box 21, folder 16

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XIV)

box 21, folder 17

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XV)

box 21, folder 17

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XV)

box 21, folder 18

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XVI)

box 21, folder 18

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XVI)

box 21, folder 19

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XVII)

box 21, folder 19

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XVII)

box 21, folder 20

ms., 15 handwritten pp., (XVIII)

box 21, folder 20

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XVIII)

box 21, folder 21

ms., 14 handwritten pp., (XIX)

box 21, folder 21

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XIX)

box 21, folder 22

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XX)

box 21, folder 22

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XX)

box 21, folder 23

ms., 15 handwritten pp., (XXI)

box 21, folder 23

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXI)

box 21, folder 24

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XXII)

box 21, folder 24

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXII)

box 21, folder 25

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXIII)

box 21, folder 25

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXIII)

box 21, folder 26

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XXIV)

box 21, folder 26

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXIV)

box 21, folder 27

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXV)

box 21, folder 27

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXV)

box 21, folder 28

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XXVI)

box 21, folder 28

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXVI)

box 21, folder 29

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXVII)

box 21, folder 29

ms., 18 typewritten pp., (XXVII)

box 21, folder 30

ms., 15 handwritten pp., (XXVIII)

box 21, folder 30

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXVIII)

box 21, folder 31

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXIX)

box 21, folder 31

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXIX)

box 21, folder 32

ms., 16 handwritten pp., (XXX)

box 21, folder 32

ms., 16 typewritten pp., (XXX)

box 21, folder 33

ms., 17 handwritten pp., (XXXI)

box 21, folder 33

ms., 17 typewritten pp., (XXXI)

box 21, folder 34

ms., 7 typewritten pp., undated

box 21, folder 34

ms., 10 handwritten pp., undated

box 21, folder 35

ms., 16 typewritten pp., undated

box 21, folder 36

Fragment, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p.
box 22

Radioplays and teleplays (where noted)

box 22, folder 1

Folgore's rough list of following items

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p.
box 22, folder 2

"Leonella la piccola domatrice," 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., and another version in 17 typed pp.
box 22, folder 3

"Leonella..," undated undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., and another version in 15 typed pp.
box 22, folder 4

"Leonella..," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., and another version in 16 typed pp.
box 22, folder 5

"Zefferino e la parola magica" (I), teleplay, 1955

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 32 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 6

"Zefferino e Mago Sapone" (II), teleplay, 1955

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 30 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 7

"Zefferino Poliziotto" (III), teleplay, 1955

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 32 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 8

"Zefferino vola e va" (IV), teleplay, 1956

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 28 handwritten pp., and another version in 24 typed pp.
box 22, folder 9

"Zefferino all'isola del tesoro" (V), teleplay, 1956

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 25 handwritten pp.,
box 22, folder 10

"Il reuccio dormiglione," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 12 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 11

"La reginella dispettosa," 1954

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 12

"Il principino di se," 1954

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 handwritten pp., and another version in 9 typed pp.
box 22, folder 13

"C'era una volta il Re di Calatrava," radioplay, 1952

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 16 handwritten pp., and another version in 16 typed pp.
box 22, folder 14

"Le burlette di due marionette" (I), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 15 typewritten pp., and a draft in 17 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 15

"Le burlette..," (II), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 16 typewritten pp., and a draft in 18 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 16

"Le burlette..," (III), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 15 typewritten pp.
box 22, folder 17

"Le burlette..," (IV), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., and another version in 15 typed pp.
box 22, folder 18

"Genzianella," 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 15 typewritten pp., and draft in 21 handwritten pp.
box 22, folder 19

"Le avventure di Spifferino" (I), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., and another version in 15 typed pp.
box 22, folder 20

"Le avventure di Spifferino" (II), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., and another version in 16 typed pp.
box 22, folder 21

"Le avventure di Spifferino" (III), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., another version in 16 typed pp.
box 22, folder 22

"Le avventure di Spifferino" (IV), 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., another version in 16 typed pp.
box 22, folder 23

"Tiremolla e Bugiardello," 1954

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 handwritten pp., and 8 typed pp.
box 22, folder 24

"Fedro e le sue favole," 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., and 13 typed pp.
box 22, folder 25

"Ciufettino," 1950, 1959

Scope and Contents note

Four manuscripts: 15 handwritten pp., and 14 typed pp version; 29 typewritten pp., "Le avventure di Ciuffettino," RAI copy (1959)and another version in 59 typed pp. (1959).
box 22, folder 26

"Il romanzo di Renardo" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 14 typewritten pp., and 22 handwritten pp. draft.
box 22, folder 27

"Il romanzo di Renardo" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 23 handwritten pp., and 15 typed pp., later version.
box 22, folder 28

"Il romanzo di Renardo" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 22 handwritten pp., and 15 typed pp.
box 22, folder 29

"Il romanzo di Renardo" (IV), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 22 handwritten pp., and 17 typed pp.
box 23

Radioplays and teleplays (where noted)

box 23, folder 1

Folgore's rough list of following items

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p.,
box 23, folder 2

"Voci degli animali," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., and 8 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 3

"La favola del bosco," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., and 8 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 4

"Leggenda di primavera," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., and 12 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 5

"Anche le piante si difendono," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 typewritten pp., and 11 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 6

"L'ultima avventura di Don Giovanni," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 11 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 7

"Il ritorno," with characters Giulietta and Tina, signed, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 11 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 8

"La caccia," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., and 10 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 9

"Il treno," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., and 8 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 10

"I tre principi," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., and 12 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 11

"Il ricco e il povero," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., and 12 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 12

"Storia di Hassan ..," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., and 13 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 13

"La terribile notte di Pierino," 1958

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 typewritten pp.
box 23, folder 14

"I quaderni del Nonno," 1959

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 15

"La storia del pupazzo buono," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 10 typewritten pp., and 12 handwritten pp. draft.
box 23, folder 16

"Cristoforo e la strega," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 typewritten pp., and 7 handwritten pp. (including 2 pp. introduction).
box 23, folder 17

"La leggenda della Mamma," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 10 typewritten pp., and 13 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 18

"Il canto di Giugno," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 14 typewritten pp. (2 copies), 20 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 19

"Storielle allegre," teleplay for RAI "Sette colli," 1959

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 typewritten pp.
box 23, folder 20

"L'albero di Natale," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 8 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 21

"Il Comancio Karibu," 3 teleplays, 1960

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 24 handwritten and typewritten pp.
box 23, folder 22

"Lo scolaro Pincionelli," teleplay?, 1960

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 12 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 23

"Il cavallo imperatore" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 14 typewritten pp., 16 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 24

"Il cavallo imperatore" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 13 typewritten pp., 17 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 25

"Il cavallo imperatore" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 15 typewritten pp., 17 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 26

"L'inventore dei giocattoli," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 8 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 27

"La calza della Befana," undated

Scope and Contents note

Three manuscripts: 2 typewritten pp. (pp. missing), 14 handwritten pp., draft, 10 handwritten pp., "La Befana."
box 23, folder 28

"Farfanicchio di legno," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 21 typewritten pp. (2 copies; pp.1-2 missing on one copy), 29 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 29

"Il giornalino di Papa," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 27 handwritten pp.
box 23, folder 30

"Uomo tu sei colpevole," ; ms., undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 21 typewritten pp. (2 copies), 33 handwritten pp., draft.
box 23, folder 31

"Il reuccio dormiglione," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 11 typewritten pp.
box 24

Radioplays and teleplays (where noted)

box 24, folder 1

Folgore's rough list of following items

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p.,
box 24, folder 2

"La Mamma," 1954

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 handwritten pp., 7 typewritten pp., version.
box 24, folder 3

"I viaggi di Pacifico" (I), 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., 11 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 4

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (I), 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 6 typewritten pp., 9 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 5

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 10 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 6

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 typewritten pp., 11 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 7

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (IV), 1956

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 11 handwritten pp., 8 typewritten pp., version.
box 24, folder 8

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (V), 1956

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 handwritten pp., 7 typewritten pp., version.
box 24, folder 9

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (VI), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 9 handwritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 10

"Lo sport di Pacifico" (VII), 1956

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 8 handwritten pp. draft.
box 24, folder 11

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (I), 1954

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., 6 typewritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 12

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (II), 1954

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., 7 typewritten pp. draft.
box 24, folder 13

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., 7 typewritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 14

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (IV), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., 8 handwritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 15

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (V), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 handwritten pp., 7 typewritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 16

"I mestieri di Pacifico" (VI), 1955

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 6 typewritten pp., and 7 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 17

"I racconti di Arlecchino" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., 14 typewritten pp.
box 24, folder 18

"I racconti di Arlecchino" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., and 16 typewritten pp.
box 24, folder 19

"I racconti di Arlecchino" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 18 handwritten pp., and 16 typewritten pp., version.
box 24, folder 20

"I racconti di Arlecchino" (IV), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 16 typewritten pp., and 18 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 21

"I racconti di Arlecchino" (V), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., and 16 typewritten pp., version.
box 24, folder 22

"Cenerentola," 1957

Scope and Contents note

5 manuscripts: 27 typed and handwritten pages of various drafts.
box 24, folder 23

"Befana mia Befana," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 16 typewritten pp., and a 19 pp. handwritten draft.
box 24, folder 24

"Il Babbo Buono," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 7 typewritten pp.
box 24, folder 25

"Guerrino Meschino" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 18 handwritten pp.
box 24, folder 26

"Guerrino Meschino" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 18 handwritten pp.
box 24, folder 27

"Geurrino Meschino" (III), undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 19 handwritten pp.
box 24, folder 28

"Il figliuol prodigo," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 11 handwritten pp., and 7 typed page version.
box 24, folder 29

"Don Corrado," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 handwritten pp., and 6 typed pp. version.
box 24, folder 30

"Il ragno e la mosca," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., and 7 typed pp. version.
box 24, folder 31

"La favola della carità," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 16 handwritten pp., and another version in 9 typed pp.
box 24, folder 32

"Gli amici del disco volante" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 29 handwritten pp.
box 24, folder 33

"Favola di fine d'anno," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 typewritten pp., and 19 handwritten pp., draft.
box 24, folder 34

"Stella Stellina, cammina cammina" (I), undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 23 handwritten pp.,
box 24, folder 35

"Stella Stellina, cammina cammina" (II), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: ms., 16 typewritten pp., and 19 handwritten pp. draft.
box 24, folder 36

"Stella Stellina, una fata t'é vicina," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 2 typewritten pp., and 5 handwritten pp. drafts.
box 24, folder 37

"E La Stella cammina cammina," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 15 handwritten pp.
box 24, folder 38

"Stella Stellina," undated, 1959

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 16 typewritten pp. With accompanying card thanking Folgore for this copy, 1959.
box 24, folder 39

"Stella Stellina," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 typewritten pp.
box 24, folder 40

"E la Stella cammina cammina," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 typewritten pp.
box 24, folder 41

"Stella stellina brava nipotina," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 14 typewritten pp., and 20 handwritten pp. version.
box 24, folder 42

"Film sonoro," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp., in notebook.
box 24, folder 43

Fragments of various radio plays

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 47 handwritten and typewritten pp.
box 25

Radioplays and teleplays (where noted)

box 25, folder 1

"Il miracolo del bicchiere," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 7 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 2

"L'agnellino azzurro," 1963

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 22 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 3

"Il caffe greco," undated

Scope and Contents note

Three manuscripts: 2 typewritten pp.; 4 handwritten pp.; and 2 handwritten pp. fragment.
box 25, folder 4

"Il primo amore," fragments, with characters Carlo, Clara, Carletto, undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 2 handwritten and 2 typewritten pp.,
box 25, folder 5

"San Giovanni," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 handwritten pp., and 4 typewritten pp.(pp. missing).
box 25, folder 6

"Il calendario canta," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 7

"La favola di Mamma Regina," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 handwritten pp., 12 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 8

"Fantasia di burattini," (presenta Mario Riva in sedicesimo), 1959

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 9

"La bambola malata," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 10

"La madonnina dei gerani," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 11

"La poesia del Natale," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 5 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 12

"Spettacolo N. 1," with characters Bik, Bak, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 12

"Favole alla ribalta," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 12

Letter from T.V. producer regarding script, 1963

Scope and Contents note

1 typewritten p.
box 25, folder 13

"Poesia della Befana," 1962

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 14

"Carta Penna e Calamaio," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 15

"Peppino il disubbidiente," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., and 11 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 16

"Il ritorno," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 18 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 17

"Una festa in famiglia," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 typewritten pp., and 11 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 18

"Al giardino zoologico," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 19

"Il libro a sorpresa," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 20

"Il cane e il gatto," 1953

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 21

"Una gita in campagna," 1949

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 12 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 22

"Teletravaso," and interview, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 handwritten pp.;
Manuscript, 3 handwritten pp., announcement/interview about the Teletravaso program;
Manuscripts, 5 typewritten pp., fragments of similar interview.
box 25, folder 23

"Saluto alla primavera," 1958

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 20 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 24

"La vita dell'uomo," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 6 handwritten pp., and 20 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 25

"All'Emporio della poesia," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 7 typewritten pp., with characters Teresina, Gustavo, etc.
Manuscript, 7 typewritten pp., with characters Il cliente, etc.
Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp., draft of above ms.
box 25, folder 26

"All'Emporio della poesia," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 5 handwritten pp., (pp. missing).
box 25, folder 27

"All'Emporio della Poesia," with characters La vecchia, Folgore, etc., 1938

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 11 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 28

"Sperduti nella neve," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 16 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 29

"Cappuccetto Rosa...Nonno Gaudenzio" undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 2 typewritten pp., 3 handwritten pp. draft.
box 25, folder 29

"Cappuccetto Rosa...Fata Doremi," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 3 typewritten pp., and 4 handwritten pp. draft.
box 25, folder 30

"La fiaba del Domisoldo," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 16 typewritten pp. (2 copies), and 20 handwritten pp. (2 copies) draft.
box 25, folder 31

"Fiaba delle danze," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 9 typewritten and handwritten pp., plus 1 handwritten p. list of the fiabe music.
box 25, folder 32

"Fiaba delle fiabe," 1950

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: ms., 7 typewritten pp., and 9 handwritten pp. draft.
box 25, folder 33

"Fiaba musicale dell'allegria," 1950

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., and 6 typewritten pp. version.
box 25, folder 34

"Fiaba musicale della primavera," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 7 handwritten pp., and 5 typewritten pp. version.
box 25, folder 35

"Fiaba Gli animali e la musica," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 6 typewritten pp., and 3 handwritten pp. (pp.5-7 only) draft.
box 25, folder 36

"Fiaba musicale di maggio," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: ms., 5 typewritten pp., and 6 handwritten pp., draft.
box 25, folder 37

"La fiaba del Domisoldo," undated

Scope and Contents note

Four manuscripts: 16 typewritten pp., 20 handwritten pp., 16 typed pp., and 20 handwritten pp.
box 25, folder 38

"La fiaba della danze," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 typewritten pp.
box 25, folder 39

"Fiaba delle musiche natalizie"(II), 1949

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 5 typewritten pp., and 8 handwritten pp., draft.
box 25, folder 40

"Filastrocca," 12 scripts, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 37 handwritten pp.
box 26

Radioplays and teleplays (where noted)

box 26, folder 1

"Il carnevale di Girometta," undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 17 typewritten pp., and 7 handwritten and typewritten assorted draft pages.
box 26, folder 2

"Il carnevale di Girometta," 1967

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 31 typewritten pp., and 51 typewritten pp., bound copy of above script, 1967.
Letter from RAI to Valentina about the production, two years after Folgore's death.
box 26, folder 3

"Il carnevale di Girometta," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 23 typewritten pp., with cover.
box 26, folder 4

"Gli asini si ribellano," 1954, undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: ms., 5 typewritten pp., and 8 handwritten assorted draft pages.
box 26, folder 5

"Il quadrifoglio d'argento," undated

Scope and Contents note

Three manuscripts: 19 handwritten pp., 21 handwritten pp., and 20 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 6

Stuzzichino story (for TV? cartoon?), undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 8 handwritten pp., and 8 typewritten pp., version.
box 26, folder 7

"Carnevale ogni scherzo vale," 1957

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 6 handwritten pp., and 9 typed pp. version.
box 26, folder 8

"Cabina telefonica," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 12 handwritten pp.,
box 26, folder 9

"Tino il furbo a proprie spese," 9 scripts, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 27 handwritten pp.,
box 26, folder 10

"Tina il furbo" undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts, 2 typewritten pp. each, 2 copies or versions.
box 26, folder 10

"Primo passaggio," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 typewritten pp., (2 copies).
box 26, folder 11

"Tino il furbo," 8 scripts, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 22 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 12

"Il talismano verde," with characters Caciotella, Zibibbo, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 25 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 13

"Quarta edizione," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 14

"Il codice stradale," with characters Pagliaccio, Rascel, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 14

"Fanfarone pensamale e il codice stradale," with characters Zebra, Autista, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 15

"Il primo amore," with characters Carlo, Clara, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, handwritten.
box 26, folder 16

"Calandrino e Buffalmacco," ; undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 3 typewritten pp., and 2 handwritten pp., draft.
box 26, folder 17

Radioplay without title, with characters Cinciallegra, Cutrettola, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 11 typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 18

"Quadri" with character Giovannino, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 9 handwritten pp., plus 3 scripts, 9 typed pp. (2 copies).
box 26, folder 19

"La grotta del re Tubingio," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 20

"L'uxoricidio," play?; ms., 5 typewritten pp., "L'uxoricidio, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 21

"Sala da pranzo..," with characters Proprietario, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 22

"Canzone della piccola domatrice," with characters Domatore and Leonella," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 23

Untitled radioplay? with characters Papa Natale, Folletto, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 24

"Poeti umoristi al microfono," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 typewritten pp. (p. 2 missing).
box 26, folder 25

Radioplays about Settecollino and Rugantino, 1950s, 1960s

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, circa 100 typewritten and handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 26

Scripts about Rugantino and Settecollino, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 53 pp.
box 26, folder 27

"5 finestre a un terrazzino," with characters Lavandaria and Gregorio, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 22 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 28

Manuscript without title, with characters Pietro, Pica, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

4 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 29

"Le immagini della poesia," undated

Scope and Contents note

4 scripts: 11 handwritten and 2 typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 30

"Le immagini della poesia," undated

Scope and Contents note

4 scripts: 26 handwritten and typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 31

"Le immagini della poesia," 1957

Scope and Contents note

4 scripts: 16 handwritten and typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 32

"Le immagini della poesia," with characters Zia Gervasa, Felicetto, etc., undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 typewritten pp.
box 26, folder 33

"Le immagini della poesia" undated, 1959

Scope and Contents note

Three manuscript: 5 handwritten pp., (I), undated; 2 handwritten and 1 typewritten pp., "Le immagini.." (II), undated; 6 handwritten pp., "Le immagini..," (V), 1959.
box 26, folder 34

"Suoni voci e colori," 1961

Scope and Contents note

6 scripts, 26 handwritten and typewritten pp.,
box 26, folder 35

"Suoni, voci, colori," "Notizie di Verdino..." undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp.
box 26, folder 35

"Suoni, voci, colori," "Torna in scena..." undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp.
box 27


box 27, folder 1

Calderon, 1951

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 88 typewritten pp., Il Gran Teatro del Mondo, translated and adapted by Folgore for Radio Italiana, 1951.
box 27, folder 2

Calderon, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 58 typewritten pp., Il Gran Teatro del Mondo, translated and adapted by Folgore for Radio Italiana;
Manuscript, 52 typewritten pp., Il Gran Teatro del Mondo, translated and adapted by Folgore for Radio Italiana (earlier versions of ms. in Folder 1?).
box 27, folder 3

Calderon, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 62 handwritten pp., Il Gran Teatro del Mondo, translated and adapted by Folgore;
Manuscript, 62 handwritten and typed pp., Il Gran Teatro del Mondo, translated and adapted by Folgore, with handwritten note saying "versione integrale 21-3-57;
Manuscript, circa 60 handwritten and typed pp., miscellaneous notes and drafts for Calderon translation.
box 27, folder 4

Shakespeare, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 88 typewritten pp., Racconto d'Inverno, adaptation by L. Folgore and E.P. Scharoff;
Manuscript, 147 handwritten pp., Racconto d'Inverno, adaptation by L. Folgore and E.P. Scharoff.
box 27, folder 5

Katajev, Valentino, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 52 typewritten pp., La Quadratura del Cerchio, translated by Folgore?;
Manuscript, 73 handwritten pp., La Quadratura del Cerchio, translated by Folgore? (in his handwriting).
box 27, folder 6

Pushkin, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 handwritten pp., "Mozart e Salieri," translated by Folgore and M.W.(?);
Manuscript, 7 typewritten pp., translated by Folgore and M.W.(?) (2 copies).
box 27, folder 7

Dicken, Charles, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 83 handwritten pp., Il Grillo del Focolare, adapted by L. Folgore and E.P. Scharoff;
Manuscript, 44 typewritten pp., Il Grillo del Focolare, adapted by L. Folgore and E.P. Scharoff;
Manuscript 14 typewritten pp., Act II of above adaptation;
Manuscript, 12 typewritten pp., Act II of above adaptation.
box 27, folder 8

De Musset, undated, 1950?

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 12 handwritten pp., La Notte d'Ottobre, translated and adapted by Folgore;
Manuscript, 10 handwritten pp., La Notte d'Ottobre, earlier version of above translation;
Manuscript, 12 typewritten pp., another version of above translation;
Manuscript, 10 typewritten pp., another version of above translation;
Manuscript, 2 typed pp., fragments.
box 27, folder 9

De Musset, 1950

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 10 typewritten pp., La Notte d'Ottobre, translated and adapted by Folgore, later version of translations in Folder 8?;
Manuscript, 11 typewritten pp., La Notte d'Ottobre, another version of above translation;
Manuscript, 11 typewritten pp., another version of above translation;
Manuscript 14 typewritten pp., another version of above translation, signed;
clipping, 1 p., review of Folgore's translation of La Notte d'Ottobre, published in Radiocorriere, 1950.
box 27, folder 10

Assorted Latin American writers, 1953?, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 printed pp., poems by Rafael Maya and Leon De Greiff, translated by L. Folgore, 1953?;
Manuscript 16 typewritten pp., poems by Madrid-Malo, Pablo Neruda, I.G. Bastias, Vinicio de Morais, Ronald de Carvalho, De Icaza, Garcia Oldini, and Fedro, all translated by Folgore, and other poems not specifically identified as Folgore translations;
Manuscript, 33 handwritten pp., poems by various Latin American writers, some of which are drafts of above typed translations, others of which are not specifically identified as Folgore translations, but which were among his other translations;
Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp., 2 programs for readings of Latin American poets by Folgore and others, undated
box 27, folder 11

Folgore, 1948

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 handwritten pp., poem by Conto, translated by Folgore, with Folgore's accompanying submission letter;
Manuscript, 5 handwritten, 2 typed pp., 2 poems by Kalocsay and 1 by Zamenhof, translated by Folgore, with draft and final version of Folgore's submission letter, 1948.
box 27, folder 12

Spinelli, Raffaele, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typed pp., translation of poem by Folgore, "El Sueno" and another by Cardarelli, and Spinelli's introduction.
box 27, folder 12

Lopez Narvaez, Carlos, 1962

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typed pp., translations of Folgore poems and epigrams.
box 27, folder 12

Prina, Carlo, 1949, 1958, 1962, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typed pp., translations of Folgore poems and epigrams, 1962;
Manuscript, 1 typewritten p. with corrections, "Amor," Portuguese translation of Folgore's poem;
4 clippings, articles by Prina about Folgore and other Futurists, 1949, 1958 (2), undated
box 27, folder 13

Folgore, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 handwritten pp., notes on Lope de Vega and Calderon,.
box 27, folder 14

Folgore, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p., quotations from Herbert and Persichetti.
box 27, folder 15

Folgore, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p., excerpt from "Il viaggio di Sainte-Beuve."
box 28

Personal, Miscellaneous, Music

box 28, folder 1

Folgore and others, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 43 pp., miscellaneous biographical and autobiographical writings.
box 28, folder 2

Unknown, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 4 typewritten pp., introduction to Folgore in French.
box 28, folder 2

Zimongelli?, Luigi, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 typewritten pp., press release? regarding Folgore's Il libro degli epigrammi for foreign radio.
box 28, folder 3

Folgore's answers to specific questions about literature, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 typewritten pp.
Manuscript, 3 handwritten pp., draft of above ms.
box 28, folder 3

Interview with Folgore for the "Palla al Balzo," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 typewritten pp.
box 28, folder 3

Folgore, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p.(fragment), replies to questions about his name.
box 28, folder 4

Miscellaneous lists, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 23 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 5

Miscellaneous fragments, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 15 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 6

Miscellaneous fragments, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 34 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 7

Miscellaneous fragments, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts, 44 handwritten pp.

Music, Series III. undated

Physical Description: 0.5 Linear Feet 2 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Music includes 2 handwritten scores for which Folgore wrote the lyrics, and the printed score of Esculapio al Neon for which Ennio Porrino wrote the music and Folgore the lyrics. There is also a 33 rpm recording of Re Pistacchio, for which Stravinsky wrote the music, the handwritten manuscript of which is catalogued in Series II.
box 28

Musical scores

box 28, folder 8

"Donna," lyrics by Folgore, music by Zumpano, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 12 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 9

"Cani e gatti," lyrics by Folgore, music by Ravasenga, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 10

"Goal!" by Folgore?, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 handwritten pp.
box 28, folder 11

"Purezza," (frammento lirico), lyrics by F. Maravigna, music by O. Zumpano, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 handwritten pp., signed by Zumpano.
box 28, folder 11

"Purezza," lyrics written as poem, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 typewritten p.
box 28, folder 12

Esculapio al neon, by Folgore and Ennio Porrino, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 101 printed pp.
[See Box 10, Folders 15,16,17 for handwritten, typewritten and printed versions of play ms.]
box 28, folder 13

"Existenzialisti," and "Graziella," undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 9 printed pp., Text for "Existenzialisti," by Esopino (Folgore?).
box 28, folder 13

"La carta moschicida," music and lyrics by Ripp, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 printed pp.
box 28, folder 13

"In riva al Po," music and lyrics by Ripp, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 2 printed pp.
box 45

Musical recordings

box 45

33 rpm, "Re Pistacchio," by Folgore,

Scope and Contents note

Music by Stravinski?, songs by Comolli, record version of performance at Teatro per ragazzi, Milan, 1091/72. [See Box 10, Folder 2 for handwritten draft of play ms.]
box 45

45 rpm, "Buonanotte Orsara" and "Voglio da te sapere," by Domi Gay, undated

box 45

45 rpm, "Il metodo mondiale," language lesson, undated

box 45

45 rpm, "Happy New Year" (sung in 6 languages), RAI, undated


Personal, Series IV. 1890-1965, undated

Container Summary: ca. 1 lin. ft. 3 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Luciano Folgore's personal items include autobiographical cenni, documents, diplomas, schoolbooks, and other miscellany. This series also consists of 168 photographs of Folgore, his family, his Futurist colleagues, and his post-Futurist professional life. There are 24 drawings or paintings, many of them caricatures of Folgore.
box 29

Personal, miscellaneous, music

box 29, folder 1

Scrapbook of famous people, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 14 pp.
box 29, folder 2

Elementary school notebook for lettering, 1894

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 18 handwritten pp.
box 29, folder 3

Rhyme table

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 printed p.
box 29, folder 4

Lists of names and addresses, undated

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts: 5 handwritten pp., list of names and addresses; 3 typewritten pp., list of names and addresses.
box 29, folder 5

Greek alphabet written on piece of cardboard

box 29, folder 6

Literature textbook for Ginnasio, with handwritten notes (by Folgore?), 1897

box 29, folder 7

Materials for contests Folgore juried, undated

Scope and Contents note

Announcements, invitations, submissions, judgements.
box 29, folder 8

Announcement for National Conference honoring F.T. Marinetti, undated

box 29, folder 9

Documents and diplomas, undated

box 29, folder 10

Military documents, undated

box 29, folder 11

Certificate for 1st prize award to "Esopino," Folgore's cat, Mostra del gatto, 1922

box 29, folder 12

Documents regarding enrollment in SEDRIM, 1965

box 29, folder 13

Medical lab reports, 1960s

box 29, folder 14

Copy of birth certificate, 1907

box 29, folder 15

Official papers

box 29, folder 16

Bills, receipts, royalty statements

box 29, folder 17

Financial papers, including royalty statements

box 30, folder 1

33 portrait and informal photographs of Folgore, 1890-1957

box 30, folder 2

24 portrait photographs of friends and Futurist colleagues, 1913-1956

Scope and Contents note

Including Corrado Govoni, Giacomo Balla, Paolo Buzzi, Giovanni Papini, Luigi Russolo, many signed.
box 30, folder 3

34 informal photographs of family members, generally unidentified, undated

box 30, folder 4

15 World War I photographs, undated

Scope and Contents note

Featuring Folgore and others in uniform, including two of Boccioni, but generally unidentified and not dated.
box 30, folder 5

30 informal photographs of Folgore and/or friends and associates, 1911-1957

Scope and Contents note

Including 4 from the first decade of Futurism, several from WWII years, and 2 with Ennio Porrino.
box 30, folder 6

32 photographs of professional life, 1930s-1950s

Scope and Contents note

Including 4 of book signing events, 2 with the Il Travaso staff, 1 of RAI Pinocchio, most of unidentified theater events and not dated.
box 30, folder 7

24 drawings or paintings, 1913-1930?

Scope and Contents note

Many of the items are caricatures of Folgore, with 1 photograph of a puppet of Folgore, a metal stamp of Folgore's head, and 3 caricatures of Marinetti, most not dated.
box 45

Oil painting of Folgore

box 45

Souvenir handkerchief from Manchuria


Manuscripts by other authors, Series V. 1910-1958, undated

Physical Description: 0.5 Linear Feet 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Manuscripts by writers other than Folgore include a typewritten fragment of "Eu Terpein" by Alberto Savinio and otherwise consist mostly of reviews by various of Folgore's contemporaries.
box 31

Manuscripts by authors other than Folgore

box 31, folder 1

Cocteau, Jean, 1940, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 19 typewritten pp., "Il Bell'Indifferente," RAI archival copy, undated, first performed in Paris, 1940.
box 31, folder 2

Gori, Gino, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 5 typewritten pp., "Crepapelle," review of book by Folgore.
Manuscript, 5 typewritten pp., proposal for book on the aesthetics of the irrational.
box 31, folder 3

Orzi, Guido, undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 typewritten pp., "Nottourno."
box 31, folder 4

Pancrazi, Pietro, 1926

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 1 handwritten p., review of Poeti contraluce, etc., from Corriere della Sera, 1926.
box 31, folder 5

Savinio, Alberto, 1916

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 6 typewritten pp. (first 7 pp. missing), "Eu Terpein."
box 31, folder 6

Scalzi, Valentina, undated

Scope and Contents note

Three manuscripts, "Un cosino," short story, 5 typewritten pp.,; "Rock and roll," poem, 1 typewritten p., and another handwritten page draft of same.
box 31, folder 7

Spinelli, Raffaele, 1952, 1958

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 3 typewritten pp., review of Il libro delle favole by Folgore, in Spanish, 1958;
Manuscript, 3 typewritten pp., "Evocación del Futurismo," 1952.
box 31, folder 8

Tre Sconosciuti di collegno? undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 34 typewritten pp., "Che ora fai?" play.
box 31, folder 9

Review of Città veloce, 1919

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 8 handwritten pp., published in La voce.
box 31, folder 10

Critical responses to Fiammeggiando l'Aurora by six different people, 1910

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript, 3 handwritten pp.,

Printed matter, Series VI. 1897-1990s, undated

Physical Description: 6 Linear Feet 14 boxes, 1 flat file folder

Scope and Contents note

Printed matter includes .5 linear feet of announcements, catalogs, programs, and other miscellany. Newspaper clippings (1918-1990) occupy 3 linear feet and are organized by date within the following categories: articles about Folgore, including obituaries and reviews; articles by Folgore, including his "Musa Vagabonda" column, poems and articles; articles about Futurists, reviews of Futurist performances and exhibitions, and Futurism as a movement. Periodicals occupy 1 linear foot; some feature pieces by or about Folgore. Books and monographs occupy 1.5 linear feet and include early 20th c. French books and humor magazines which served, apparently, as source material for Folgore's children's plays.
box 32

Miscellaneous, 1931, 1950s-1960s, undated

box 32, folder 1

Announcements for Folgore's books and lectures

box 32, folder 2

Catalogs and programs

box 32, folder 3

Invitations to readings, art shows, etc

box 32, folder 4

Publishers' catalogs and announcements

box 32, folder 5

Tourist brochures and information

box 32, folder 6

Railroad maps of Italy

box 32, folder 7

Elenco dei Soci, 1954, 1963

box 32, folder 8

Poem by Folgore on occasion of brother's wedding, 1931

box 32, folder 9

Advertisements and religious material

box 32, folder 10

Folgore's funeral mass announcements

box 32, folder 11

Contest announcements

box 32, folder 12


box 32, folder 13

Photo reproduction of relief sculpture at Villa Cimbrone

box 32, folder 14

Yugoslavian money from 1950s-1960s

box 33

Clippings, 1920s-1990s

box 33, folder 1

Clippings about Folgore, 1920s

Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Including reviews of Nuda ma dipinta and La città dei girasoli.
box 33, folder 2

Clippings about Folgore, 1920s

Container Summary: circa 100 items

Scope and Contents note

Including reviews of Poeti contraluce, and his Futurist pantomime "Tre momenti."
box 33, folder 3

Clippings about Folgore, 1930s

Container Summary: circa 100 items

Scope and Contents note

Including reviews of Il libro degli epigrammi, Favolette e strambotti, and Liriche.
box 33, folder 4

Clippings about Folgore, including reviews of Novellieri allo specchio, 1930s

Container Summary: circa 70 items
box 33, folder 5

Clippings about Folgore, including obituary notices and journalistic biographies, 1950-1990

Container Summary: circa 50 items
box 33, folder 6

German reviews of operas for which Carlo Piccinato designed sets

box 33, folder 7

Clippings announcing Folgore's readings and publications, 1924-1927

box 33, folder 8

Clippings announcing Folgore's readings and publications, 1930s

box 33, folder 9

Clippings announcing Folgore's readings and publications, 1940s-1950s

box 34

Clippings, 1920s-1990s

box 34, folder 1

Clippings by Folgore, 1920s

Physical Description: 30 items
box 34, folder 2

Clippings by Folgore, 1930s

Physical Description: 25 items
box 34, folder 3

Clippings by Folgore, 1930s-1940s

box 34, folder 4

Clippings by Folgore, 1950-1990

Physical Description: 38 items
box 34, folder 5

Photocopies of clippings

Scope and Contents note

"Andiamo a pranzo in casa dei pittori 'futuristi,'" by Liborio Termine, 3 copies; "La zuffa tropicale: parodia di F.T. Marinetti," by Folgore, 2 copies; "Disco rosso," parody of Folgore, by Don Diego, 2 copies.
box 34, folder 6

Clippings about Futurism and Futurists, including reviews of pantomimes at the Théatre de la Madeleine, 1920s

Container Summary: circa 80 items
box 34, folder 7

Clippings about Futurism and Futurists, 1930s

Physical Description: 44 items
box 34, folder 8

Clippings about Futurism and Futurists, 1930s

Physical Description: 42 items
box 34, folder 9

Clippings about Futurism and Futurists, 1950-1969

Physical Description: 14 items
box 34, folder 10

Clippings about Futurism and Futurists, 1970-1990

Physical Description: 30 items
box 35

Clippings, 1920s-1990s

box 35, folder 1

Clippings about literature and literary events, 1920s

Physical Description: 26 items
box 35, folder 2

Clippings about literature and literary events, 1930s

Physical Description: 72 items
box 35, folder 3

Clippings about literature and literary events, 1930s

Physical Description: 34 items
box 35, folder 4

Clippings about literature and literary events, 1950-1963

Physical Description: 32 items
box 35, folder 5

Clippings about literature and literary events, 1970-1990

Physical Description: 24 items
box 35, folder 6

Clippings of general interest,

Physical Description: 18 items
box 35, folder 7

Clippings of general interest,

Physical Description: 21 items
box 36

Clippings, 8 Scrapbooks: 1918-1944, 1918-1932

Scope and Contents note

Scrapbooks contain clippings of Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column pasted in, one column per page, with the year of publication written on the front cover. The one exception to this format is this first scrapbook in this box, which has the word "Gin" on its cover, and the year 1918 on the first page. The ones that follow it are titled by year.
box 36, folder 1

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, 1918

box 36, folder 2

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, 1924, 1929

box 36, folder 3

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, ? 1930s

box 36, folder 4

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, 1939

box 36, folder 5

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, 1944

box 36, folder 6

Clippings, Folgore's "Musa Vagabonda" column, undated

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, "Gin," 1918

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1926

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1927

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1928

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1929

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1930

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1931

box 36, folder 6

Scrapbook, 1932

box 37

Scrapbooks, 1933-1956, undated

box 37

Scrapbook, 1933

box 37

Scrapbook, 1934

box 37

Scrapbook, 1935

box 37

Scrapbook, 1936

box 37

Scrapbook, 1937

box 37

Scrapbook, 1938

box 37

Scrapbook, 1938

box 37

Scrapbook, 1939

box 37

Scrapbook, 1940

box 37

Scrapbook, 1941

box 37

Scrapbook, 1942

box 37

Scrapbook, 1943

box 37

Scrapbook, 1946

box 37

Scrapbook, 1947

box 37

Scrapbook, 1948

box 37

Scrapbook, 1949

box 37

Scrapbook, 1950

box 37

Scrapbook, 1951

box 37

Scrapbook, 1952

box 37

Scrapbook, 1953

box 37

Scrapbook, 1954

box 37

Scrapbook, 1955-1956

box 37

Scrapbook, undated

box 38

Clippings, undated

Scope and Contents note

Clippings from various anthologies of folktales, mythology, and Italian and foreign literature, organized by theme and annotated in a hand other than Folgore's(?), with "Visto, L.F." written in pencil on some of the title pages identifying the thematic groupings. Folder labels are taken from these title pages.
box 38, folder 1

Voci di bimbi e di anime semplici

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 37 pp.
box 38, folder 2

Il cibo dell'anima

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 16 pp.
box 38, folder 3

Rimpianti e ricordi

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 34 pp.
box 38, folder 4

Le guerre dell'Unità d'Italia; uomini di fede e uomini d'arme Episodi

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 46 pp.
box 38, folder 5

Il lavoro umano

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 7 pp.
box 38, folder 6

Tipi e figure

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 46 pp.
box 38, folder 7

Voci della natura

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 45 pp.
box 38, folder 8

Avventure reali e fantastichi?

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 54 pp.
box 38, folder 9

Nel mondo delle fiabe e delle leggende

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 23 pp.
box 38, folder 10

Anedotti, curiosità, scherzi, ecc

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 17 pp.
box 38, folder 11

L'Italia nel pensiero di uomini politici, di letterati e di poeti

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 91 pp.
box 38, folder 12

Poesie patriottiche, storiche a satiriche politiche

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 79 pp.
box 38, folder 13

Nel mondo degli animali

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 77 pp.
box 38, folder 14

Usi e costumi

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 17 pp.
box 38, folder 15

Figure di grandi Italiani

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 8 pp.
box 38, folder 16

Scuola e famiglia

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 32 pp.
box 38, folder 17


Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 7 pp.
box 38, folder 18


Scope and Contents note

Clippings, 19 pp.
box 39

Periodicals, 1910-1966

Scope and Contents note

Periodicals found among the papers, some of which feature articles about or by Folgore, organized alphabetically by title.
box 39, folder 1

Aspetti Letterari, 1966

box 39, folder 2

Britannica 2, undated

box 39, folder 3

La carovana, 1956

box 39, folder 4

Il compendio, 1922

box 39, folder 4

Il comoedia

box 39, folder 5

Corriere dei Piccoli undated 1910-1949

Physical Description: 15 issues

Scope and Contents note

1910, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1947, 1949.
box 39, folder 6

I Diritti Della Scuola, 1936

box 39, folder 7

Il giornalino della Domenica, 1925

box 39, folder 8

Hollywood, 1947

box 39, folder 9

Italia letteraria, 1923

box 39, folder 10

La Martinella di Milano, Citta di Milano, 1957, 1957

box 39, folder 11

Messaggero dei Ragazzi, 1965

box 39, folder 12

La nuova politica liberale, 1923

box 39, folder 13

Ora Zero, 1959

box 39, folder 14

Ottave, 1923

box 39, folder 15

Il Premio, 1963

box 40

Periodicals, 1898-1966

Scope and Contents note

Periodicals found among the papers, some of which feature articles about or by Folgore, organized alphabetically by title.
box 40, folder 1

La radio per le scuole, 1957, 1966

box 40, folder 2

Radiocorriere, 1949

box 40, folder 3

Revue du Nord, 1907

box 40, folder 4

Ridotto, 1963

box 40, folder 5

La Rivista Italiana

box 40, folder 6

Rivista Italo-Bulgara, 1931

box 40, folder 7

il segnalibro, 1921

box 40, folder 8

Specchio del libro per ragazzi, 1963

box 40, folder 9

teatro per ragazzi, 1963

box 40, folder 10

La Tribuna illustrata, 1957

box 40, folder 11

La Maestra, 3 issues, 1963

box 40, folder 12

Miscellaneous; 10 small periodicals

box 40, folder 13

L'Urbe, 1966

box 40, folder 14

La Voce, 1962

box 40, folder 15

Mercure de France, 1898

box 40, folder 16

Mercure de France, 1901, 1921

box 41

Monographs, books, 1927-1981, undated

Scope and Contents note

This box contains monographs or books found among the papers, organized alphabetically by the author's last name.
box 41, folder 1

Arcifa, Alfio, Asterichi, 1965

box 41, folder 2

Calderon, Autos sacramentales, 1949

box 41, folder 3

Calderon, Le grand theatre du monde, 1938, 1939

Scope and Contents note

One copy of each edition.
box 41, folder 3

Calderon, Le grand theatre du monde, edition; Calderon, Il gran teatro del mondo, edition 1939 1938

box 41, folder 4

Carlotto, Ottavio, Il Re della Montagna, 1965?

Scope and Contents note

box 41, folder 5

Cerami, Antonio, Pietro Amoroso D'Aragona, 1959

box 41, folder 6

Clemente, Vittorio, Serenatelle Abruzzesi, 1963?

Scope and Contents note

box 41, folder 7

D'Aragona, Isa Amoroso, I Moderni Cavalieri Dell'Apocalisse, 1958

Scope and Contents note

box 41, folder 8

Di Mauriana, Artemisia Zimei, La Longobarda, 1954

box 41, folder 9

Errichelli, Alfonso, Compianto in Morte di John Kennedy, undated

box 41, folder 10

Euripide, Alcesti, versione poetica di Eugenio della Valle undated

box 41, folder 11

Manacorda, Giuliano, Luciano Folgore, 1981

Scope and Contents note

With unpublished version of manuscript, 21 typewritten pp.
box 41, folder 12

Marchetti, Domenico, L'umanità malata nella Commedia di Dante, 1965

box 41, folder 13

Marcu, Alexandru, L'Italia in cerca della latinità dei rumeni, 1927

box 41, folder 14

Maurois, André, Il compito dello scrittore nel mondo moderno, 1962

box 41, folder 14

Maurois, André, Le role del l'écrivain dans le monde moderne, 1962

box 41, folder 15

Mazza, Armando, Lelia la sposa perduta, 1952

box 41, folder 16

Mosca, Domenico M.G., Il Clima, undated

box 41, folder 17

Papini, Piero, Luciano Folgore: Figura e Poesia, 3 copies, 1966

box 41, folder 18

Viterbi, Graziella, Saudade, signed, 1958

box 41, folder 19

Nuova grammatica inglese-italiana, undated

box 42

Books, humor magazines, undated

Scope and Contents note

Boxes 42 and 43 contain early 20th c. books, and a few volumes of humor magazines, primarily in French, at least some of which served as material for Folgore's stories and plays for children. The books, which generally are not dated, are organized in alphabetical order by the author's last name; the periodicals are organized by date.
box 42, folder 1

Allais, Alphonse, Le Captain Cap, undated

box 42, folder 2

Bringer, Rodolphe, Eu Cinq Sec, undated

box 42, folder 3

Colette, L'Envers do Music-Hall, undated

box 42, folder 4

Courteline, Georges, L'Esprit Francais, undated

box 42, folder 5

De Maupassant, Guy, Pierre et Jean, undated

box 42, folder 6

Duvernois, Henri, Nounette, undated

box 42, folder 7

Fischer, Max et Alex, L'Amant de la Petite Dubois, undated

box 42, folder 8

Fischer, Max et Alex, La Dame très blonde, undated

box 42, folder 9

Hermant, Abel, Souvenirs du Vicomte de Courpière, undated

box 42, folder 10

Jeanniot, Georges, Le Maitres Humoristes, 1908

box 42, folder 11

Loti, Pierre, Le Roan d'un Spahi, undated

box 42, folder 12

Lorrain, Jean, Histoires de Masques, undated

box 42, folder 13

Louys, Pierre, Contes Choisis, undated

box 42, folder 14

Margueritte, Paul et Victor, Poum, undated

box 42, folder 15

Nohain, Franc, L'Esprit Francais, undated

box 42, folder 16

Ourliac, Edoardo, Storia del Principe Rosolino, 1926

box 43

Books, humor magazines, 1902-1922, undated

Scope and Contents note

Boxes 42 and 43 contain early 20th c. books, and a few volumes of humor magazines, primarily in French, at least some of which served as material for Folgore's stories and plays for children. The books, which generally are not dated, are organized in alphabetical order by the author's last name; the periodicals are organized by date.
box 43, folder 1

Rembadi-Mongiardini, Gemma, Il Segreto di Pinocchio, 1902

box 43, folder 2

Renard, Jules, Poil de Carotte, undated

box 43, folder 3

Thibaut, Pierre, Contes Chaloupés, undated

box 43, folder 4

Almanach de la Renaissance du Livre, 1922

box 43, folder 5

Ceux Qui Font Rire, 1912

Scope and Contents note

3 issues.
box 43, folder 6

Ceux Qui Font Rire, 1913

Scope and Contents note

2 issues.
box 43, folder 7

Humour, Humour, 1911

box 43, folder 8

Two covers to French books

box 44*

Wooden printing blocks

Physical Description: 3 blocks

Scope and Contents note

1 for cover of Folgore book, others unidentified.
box 45

Oversized items from Series III and IV


Five flat folders containing oversized clippings and graphics, 1897-1940, undated

oversize 1**

Lacerba, il don Chisciotte di Roma, and Il Marzocco, 1914, 1897, 1906

Scope and Contents note

Issue of Lacerba with articles by Futurists 15 Aug 1914); front page of il don Chisciotte di Roma (6 Jun 1897); issue of Il Marzocco (14 Jan 1906).
oversize 2**

Il libro, 1925

Physical Description: 8 issues

Scope and Contents note

February 1 (2 copies), March 1 (1 copy), May 1 (3 copies), June 15 (1 copy) and July 15 (1 copy).
oversize 3**

Clippings about Futurism or by Futurists

oversize 4**

Gente Nostra, 1940

Physical Description: 1 issues
oversize 5**


2 of 2 pages
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