At various times during the presidency of Robert Gordon Sproul (1930-1958), the administration had occasion to reexamine topics
related to the administration of the University, during which process documents were pulled from the regular (or routine)
files and assembled into these folders. These were to provide historical and then ongoing documentation of policy issues of
particular importance. While they do not necessarily include all material relevant to the particular topic at hand, presumably
the selection represents what were considered to be the most important items documenting past action and current thinking
on these topics.
51 cartons (63.75 linear ft.)
Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts
must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft
Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which
must also be obtained by the reader.
The collection is open for use, although individual files may be restricted for confidentiality reasons.