Guide to the Sierra Club Members Papers

Processed by Lauren Lassleben, Project Archivist

Xiuzhi Zhou, Project Assistant; machine-readable finding aid created by Brooke Dykman Dockter
The Bancroft Library.
University of California, Berkeley
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History --History, California Geographical (By Place) --California Social Sciences --Urban Planning and Environment Biological and Medical Sciences --Agriculture --Forestry Biological and Medical Sciences --Agriculture --Wildlife Management Social Sciences --Sports and Recreation

Guide to the Sierra Club Members Papers

Collection number: BANC MSS 71/295 c

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California

Contact Information:

Processed by:
Lauren Lassleben, Project Archivist

Xiuzhi Zhou, Project Assistant
Date Completed:
Encoded by:
Brooke Dykman Dockter
© 1997 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Collection Summary

Collection Title: Sierra Club Members Papers
Collection Number: BANC MSS 71/295 c
Creator: Sierra Club
Extent: Number of containers: 279 cartons, 4 boxes, 3 oversize folders, 8 volumes Linear feet: ca. 354
Repository: The Bancroft Library
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
Abstract: A wide variety of Sierra Club leaders are represented in this collection, including staff members engaged in national environmental politics; activists of critical importance to the development of the conservation movement in the United States; and volunteer activists involved in local conservation efforts. The papers, mostly correspondence and subject files, are a rich resource not only as a record of individual conservation activities but also for the history of the Club itself. Since the Sierra Club Mills Tower office and all the records within were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire, the history of the Club during its first decades can best be traced by examining early members' papers. The most extensive group of early materials is found in the papers of William E. Colby. Papers are sketchy for the decades of the 1910s through the 1930s. David R. Brower's papers document conservation battles won and lost, including the long fight to stop the building of dams and roads within the national parks.
Languages Represented: English

Information for Researchers


Collection is open for research.

Publication Rights

Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Sierra Club Members papers, BANC MSS 71/295 c, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Related Collections

Title: Sierra Club Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/103 c

Title: Sierra Club National Legislative Office Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/289 c

Title: Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/296 c

Title: Sierra Club Foundation Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 89/230 c

Title: Sierra Club International Program Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/290 c

Title: Sierra Club Mountain Registers and Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/293 c

Title: Sierra Club California Legislative Office Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 91/1 c

Title: Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/291 c

Title: Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter Records,
Identifier/Call Number: BANC MSS 71/292 c

Material Cataloged Separately

Printed materials have been transferred to the book collection of The Bancroft Library.
Photographs have been transferred to Pictorial Collections of The Bancroft Library.
Videotapes and sound recordings have been transferred to the Microforms Division of The Bancroft Library.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information

In 1970 the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club voted to place the club's historical records in The Bancroft Library. Encouraged by the national office, individual club members also sent their personal files to be added to the archives, and they continue to do so.


The Sierra Club Records Project was made possible by a major grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Scope and Content

The Sierra Club Members Papers are a rich resource not only as a record of individual conservation activities but also for the history of the club itself. A wide variety of Sierra Club leaders, celebrated activists of critical importance to the development of the conservation movement in the United States, are represented in this collection including Ansel Adams, William E. Colby, Richard M. Leonard, William Siri, Edgar Wayburn and other volunteer-activists intensely involved in local conservation efforts. Examples of the latter are typified by Matthew Bailey, who waged a hard-fought and successful campaign to win National Wild and Scenic River designation for his own "backyard river," the North Fork of the American River, in Northern California.
Since the Sierra Club Mills Tower office and all the records within were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire, the history of the club during its first decades can best be traced by examining early members' papers. These include William D. Armes, Cornelius B. Bradley, James Bryce, Herbert W. Gleason, Howard Longley, Marion Randall Parsons, Henry Senger, and Lil A. Winchell. Unfortunately, even these records are fragmentary, providing only a glimpse of the earliest years.
The most extensive cache of early materials is found in the papers of William E. Colby, who was a disciple of founder John Muir. Colby was deeply involved in the unsuccessful campaign against Hetch Hetchy reservoir, which was to be Muir's last conservation battle. Colby led the first Sierra Club High Trip in 1902, beginning the club's still-thriving Outing Program. He also helped marshall the club's forces in the successful 1930s drive to create a national park to protect the headwaters of the Kings River, this time realizing one of Muir's dreams.
Papers are disappointingly sketchy for the decades of the nineteen-teens through the 1930s. Presidents William F. Badè (1919-1920) and Aurelia Harwood (1927-1928) are represented by only a few folders of correspondence. A small but delightful group of papers, collected by the chair of the Sierra Club Folklore Committee, Irma Weill, contains prose and poems composed by members of the Sierra Club High Trips. Another interesting collection is Ansel Franklin Hall's outline, notes, and drafts for a Yosemite National Park trail guide.
A number of active young Sierra Club members, who learned ski mountaineering and rock climbing techniques on club outings, joined the U.S. Army as experts in the European Alps. Among them were Richard M. Leonard and David R. Brower. Brower became the club's first executive director in 1952. From this point on, as the club and staff gradually grew more numerous and became interested in more diverse issues, the Members Papers broaden in scope, address more subjects, and treat them in considerably more detail.
Harold C. Bradley's files contain information on the Dinosaur National Monument-Echo Park Dam controversy. A representative local campaign from this era is well documented in Joe R. Momyer's papers, concerning an unsuccessful attempt to stop the construction of the Palm Springs Tramway in the San Jacinto Wilderness in southern California.
By the beginning of the 1960s, the club realized an increasing need to gather technical information to substantiate its position at government hearings and in print. Sierra Club Members Papers directly reflect this growing technical competency. Forestry consultant Gordon Robinson, park and wilderness advocate Randal F. Dickey, Jr., staff member Robert V. Golden, Sierra Club Bulletin editor Bruce Kilgore, Redwood National Park promoters Martin Litton, Michael McCloskey and Edgar Wayburn, North Cascades wilderness enthusiast David Simons, and Point Reyes National Seashore Task Force Chair Sonya Thompson waged increasingly sophisticated campaigns and set high standards for others to follow. Executive Director Michael McCloskey's files overflow with information, both about the internal workings of the club and about its myriad legislative, educational and recreational activities.
As Sierra Club membership ballooned in the 1970s and 1980s, the work of club officers and staff became increasingly complex. President Ray Sherwin, a judge, took special interest in litigation concerning energy, forestry, pollution, and Alaska land issues. Theodore A. Snyder, Jr., who along with William Futrell and Denny Shaffer formed a trio of presidents from the southeastern United States in the late 1970s and early 1980s, gained considerable expertise on wilderness and public lands issues, including the Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II). Judith Kunofsky's papers demonstrate the increasing scope of the Sierra Club's interests, including major efforts on behalf of air quality, agriculture, and population planning measures. Douglas Scott and Edgar Wayburn were unstinting in their efforts to craft the best possible legislation to protect Alaska national interest lands.
The Sierra Club Members Papers are arranged in 71 series, alphabetically by member name. It should be noted that not all papers of active conservationists who were also Sierra Club members are included in this group. A number of important collections of personal papers, such as those of Francis P. Farquhar and Robert B. Marshall, were acquired by The Bancroft Library independently of the Sierra Club collection and are catalogued separately.

Cartons 1-2

Series 1: Ansel Adams Papers, 1941-1971

Scope and Content Note

Adams, a noted photographer and conservationist, served on the Sierra Club Board of Directors from 1934 to 1971. His papers here contain one folder of correspondence, 1964-1965. His subject files, arranged alphabetically, are evenly divided between conservation issues and Sierra Club business, primarily concerning chapters and committees.
Ctn. 1, folder 1

Correspondence and Memoranda 1964-65, n.d.


Subject Files

Ctn. 1, folder 2

Air - Pollution 1968-71



folder 3

Pipe lines 1968-70


Book proposal

folder 4

Idaho 1959-60

folder 5

Briones Regional Park (Calif.) 1969-70

folder 6

Brower, David R. 1959-69

folder 7

Coasts (Calif.) 1969-70

folder 8

Colby, William E. 1964

folder 9

Colorado River 1969

folder 10

Conservation of natural resources 1964-70

folder 11

Dams 1968-69

folder 12

Delta Region (Calif.) 1968-69

folder 13

Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1966-69

folder 14

Dos Rios Dam (Calif.) 1969

folder 15

Eleanor, Lake (Calif.) 1969

folder 16

Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1969

folder 17

Forests and forestry 1969-70

folder 18

French Pete Valley (Or.) 1969

folder 19

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1966-70

folder 20

Grazing 1969

folder 21

Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Tenn. and N.C.) 1968-69

folder 22

Hawaii 1968-69

folder 23

Hickel, Walter J. 1969-70

folder 24

Clippings 1967-69

folder 25

Hildebrand, Joel H. 1965

folder 26

Hudson River Valley (N.Y.) 1968-69

folder 27

Humboldt Bay Bridge (Calif.) 1969

folder 28

Mineral King (Calif.) 1961-70

folder 29

Moss Landing (Calif.) 1969

folder 30

Motor vehicles - Parks and forest reserves 1966-69

folder 31

National parks and reserves 1965-69

folder 32

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1964-67

folder 33

Northern California Committee for Environmental Information 1970

folder 34

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1968

folder 35

Pesticides 1964-70

folder 36

Petroleum 1968-70

folder 37

Photographer and Reality: Ansel Adams n.d.

folder 38

Planning and Conservation League 1969-70

folder 39

Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1970

folder 40

Population 1967-70

folder 41

Public utilities and Power-plants 1970

folder 42

Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1969-70

folder 43

Red River Gorge Dam (Ky.) 1968-69

folder 44

Redwood 1964-70

folder 45

Roads 1961-70

folder 46

Russian River (Calif.) 1970

folder 47

San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1961


Sierra Club

folder 48

Board of Directors 1964-70

folder 49-54

Brower controversies 1967-70

folder 55

Clippings 1967-69

Ctn. 2, folder 1

Chapters 1968-69

folder 2

Angeles Chapter 1968-70

folder 3

Atlantic Chapter 1968

folder 4

John Muir Chapter 1968

folder 5

Kentucky Chapter 1969

folder 6

Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1968

folder 7

Loma Prieta Chapter 1968

folder 8

Lone Star Chapter 1968

folder 9

Los Padres Chapter 1968-69

folder 10

Mackinac Chapter 1968-70

folder 11

Mother Lode Chapter 1968-70

folder 12

North Star Chapter and Great Lakes Chapter 1969

folder 13

Pacific Northwest Chapter 1968-70

folder 14

Redwood Chapter 1968-69

folder 15

San Francisco Bay Chapter 1968-69

folder 16

Toiyabe Chapter 1965-68

folder 17

Ventana Chapter 1963-70



folder 18

Bylaws Committee 1970

folder 19

Conservation Administration Committee 1969

folder 20

Insurance Committee 1964-68

folder 21

Legal Committee 1969-70

folder 22

Lodges and Lands Committee 1967-70

folder 23

Northern California Regional Conservation Committee 1969-70

folder 24

Outing Committee 1964-70


Publications Committee

folder 25

Books and book reviews 1960-70

folder 26

Correspondence 1961-70

folder 27

Minutes 1963-68

folder 28

Schanhaar, John 1970

folder 29

Publications Reorganization Committee 1968

folder 30

Reorganization Committee 1968-70

folder 31

Wilderness Classification Study Committee 1969-70

folder 32

Eastern Representative 1970

folder 33-36

Elections 1969

folder 37

Active Bold Constructive Sierra Club 1969

folder 38-39

Concerned Members for Conservation 1969-70

folder 40

LeConte Memorial Lodge 1941-67

folder 41

Exhibits 1962-68

folder 42

Miscellanea 1962-70

folder 43

Northwest Representative 1968-69

folder 44

Rosters 1954-70

folder 45

Southwest Office 1968-69

folder 46

Sierra Club Foundation 1969-70

folder 47

Fund raising 1960-69

folder 48

Sierra Club of British Columbia 1970

folder 49

Siskiyou Mountains (Calif.) 1969

folder 50

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1969-70

folder 51

Snake River dams (Or. and Idaho) 1968-69

folder 52

Supersonic transport planes 1968-70

folder 53

Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1968-69

folder 54

Taxation - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1968-70

folder 55

Thermal pollution 1968-69

folder 56

Trustees for Conservation 1968

folder 57

Tuolumne River (Calif.) 1970

folder 58

U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1970

folder 59

Water - Pollution 1969-71

folder 60

Water resources development 1968-69

folder 61

Wilderness areas 1969-70

folder 62

Wilderness Conferences 1964-70

folder 63

Wildlife conservation 1963-70

folder 64

Wright, Cedric 1964-66

folder 65

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1961, 1969-70

Carton 2

Series 2: William D. Armes Papers, 1892

Scope and Content Note

Armes was recording secretary of the club, 1892-1893.
Ctn. 2, folder 66

Letter to J.W. Powell 1892

Carton 3

Series 3: William F. Badè Papers, 1920-1929

Scope and Content Note

Badè was a Sierra Club board member from 1907 to 1936 and president from 1919 to 1922. His papers consist of a single folder of correspondence.
Ctn. 3, folder 1

Correspondence 1920-29

Carton 3

Series 4: Matthew Bailey Papers, 1954-1978

Scope and Content Note

Bailey spearheaded the successful drive to designate the North Fork of the American River as a National Wild and Scenic River. Papers are arranged chronologically. Included are correspondence, drafts of legislation, reports, notes, maps, and clippings.
Ctn. 3, folder 2-21

North Fork American River Campaign 1954-78

folder 22

Maps n.d.

folder 23

Real property maps n.d.

folder 24-25

Preliminary Waterway Management Plan 1977

folder 26

Wild and Scenic River Study Report 1978

Carton 3

Series 5: Alfred W. Baxter Papers, 1952-1954

Scope and Content Note

Baxter was a member of the California Himalayan Expedition and the Sierra Club mountain rescue team. There is one folder on each.
Ctn. 3, folder 27

California Himalaya Expedition 1952-54

folder 28

Sierra Club mountain rescue team 1954

Carton 3

Series 6: Philip S. Bernays Papers, 1916-1964

Scope and Content Note

Bernays joined the club in 1905, becoming one of the first members in southern California. He was president, 1931-1933, and served on the board of directors from 1919 to 1953. His correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Correspondents include many prominent club members, among them: William F. Badè, Harold C. Bradley, Lewis F. Clark, William E. Colby, Aurelia S. Harwood, Walter L. Huber, Richard M. Leonard, Duncan M. McDuffie, and Bestor Robinson.


Ctn. 3, folder 29

Albright, Horace Marden 1931-53

folder 30

Badè, William F. 1920

folder 31

The Bancroft Library 1960

folder 32

Barnard, John R. 1957

folder 33

Blake, Arthur H. 1957

folder 34

Bradley, Harold C. 1957-58

folder 35

Bryant, Harold C. 1940

folder 36

California Historical Society 1960

folder 37

Clark, Lewis F. 1953-59

folder 38

Colby, William E. 1918-63

folder 39

Crowe, Harold E. 1960

folder 40

Dawson, Ernest 1931

folder 41

Drury, Newton B. 1949

folder 42

Harwood, Aurelia S. 1928

folder 43

Heald, Weldon F. 1945-57

folder 44

Huber, Walter L. 1928-59

folder 45

Jackson, Kathleen 1957

folder 46

Kehrlein, Oliver 1942-45

folder 47

Kittridge, Frank A. 1940-52

folder 48

Leonard, Richard M. 1949-54

folder 49

McDuffie, Duncan M. 1932

folder 50

Miscellanea 1916-64

folder 51

Robinson, Bestor 1946

folder 52

Rolph, James 1932

folder 53

Scoyen, Eivind T. 1944-59

folder 54

Treat, Payson J. 1931

folder 55

U.S. National Park Service 1931-52

folder 56

U.S. Secretary of the Interior 1940

folder 57

White, John R. 1931-45

folder 58

Sierra Club - Miscellanea 1953-60

Carton 4

Series 7: Arthur H. Blake Papers, 1928-1964

Scope and Content Note

Papers include one folder of correspondence and alphabetically-arranged subject files. Most files are concerned with national and state park conservation issues.
Ctn. 4, folder 1

Correspondence 1942-56


Subject Files

Ctn. 4, folder 2

Calaveras Big Trees State Park (Calif.) 1945-57

folder 3

Dams 1949-56

folder 4

Big Creek (Calif.) 1949

folder 5

Clearwater River (Idaho) 1956

folder 6

Dead Man Creek Recreation Area (Calif.) 1956

folder 7

Desolation Valley Wilderness (Calif.) 1954-56

folder 8

Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1932-53

folder 9

Glacier Peak (Wash.) 1942-56

folder 10

Jackson Hole (Wyo.) 1949

folder 11

Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1954

folder 12

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1935-55

folder 13

Mount San Jacinto Wilderness State Park (Calif.) 1949-56

folder 14-15

Mount Shasta Wilderness (Calif.) 1940-64

folder 16

Clippings 1948-56

folder 17

Maps n.d.

folder 18

Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1956

folder 19

National parks and reserves 1940-56

folder 20

National Wildlife Federation 1941-54

folder 21

Public lands 1956

folder 22

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1942-53

folder 23

Roads - National parks and reserves 1949-55


Sierra Club

folder 24

Conservation Committee 1949-57

folder 25

Miscellanea 1935-57

folder 26

Sierra Nevada - Mountaineering 1928-44

folder 27

Superior National Forest (Minn.) 1949

folder 28

Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1954-56

folder 29

Trailfinders 1950-51

folder 30

U.S. Forest Service 1942-49

folder 31

Water resources 1944-56

folder 32

Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (Okla.) 1955-56

folder 33

Wilderness areas 1942-56

folder 34

Wilderness Society 1942

folder 35

Wildlife conservation 1949-55

folder 36

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1942-56

Carton 4

Series 8: Cornelius B. Bradley Papers, 1894-1896

Scope and Content Note

Bradley served as treasurer, 1898-1899, and was on the board of directors until 1902.
Ctn. 4, folder 37

Correspondence 1894-96

Cartons 4-9

Series 9: Harold C. Bradley Papers, 1911-1969

Scope and Content Note

Bradley was president from 1957 to 1959 and a board member from 1951 to 1961. Papers include correspondence, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent, and subject files, arranged alphabetically. Prominent correspondents include William E. Colby, Duncan M. McDuffie, Walter A. Starr, and Edgar Wayburn. Conservation issues treated in detail include dam-building in the Western United States; Dinosaur National Monument (Utah); Roads (especially proposed trans-Sierra Nevada routes); and Sierra Club committees.
Ctn. 4, folder 38-39

Correspondence 1953-64, n.d.

folder 40

Adams, Ansel 1958

folder 41

Banks, Harvey 1957

folder 42

Blake, Arthur H. 1950

folder 43

Bradley, David n.d.

folder 44

Brown, Edmund G. 1958

folder 45

Christy, Cicely M. 1949

folder 46

Colby, William E. 1949-59

folder 47

Eissler, Fred 1957-58

folder 48

Foss, Edward L. 1965

folder 49

Kittredge, Frank 1947-52

folder 50

LeConte, Helen and Joseph 1959

folder 51

Losh, William J. 1952

folder 52

McDuffie, Duncan M. 1951

folder 53

Moran, Hugh A. 1965

folder 54

Scoyen, Eivind. T. 1950-53

folder 55

Shoulders, Richard 1957

folder 55

Sierra Club 1911-20

folder 57

Starr, Walter A. 1954-59

folder 58

Sumner, Lowell 1958-59

folder 59

Wayburn, Edgar 1956-69


Subject Files


Acquisition of property

Ctn. 4, folder 60

Henry Cowell 1950

folder 61

Alabama Hills (Calif.) 1951-53

folder 62

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1952-58

folder 63

Bear Canyon Wilderness (Calif.) 1952

folder 64

Bradley, Harold C.'s articles 1949, 1959

folder 65

Burning of land 1951-56

folder 66

Butano State Park (Calif.) 1951-52

folder 67

Calaveras Big Trees State Park (Calif.) 1945-50

folder 68

California Department of Fish and Game 1956

folder 69

California Department of Natural Resources - Division of Beaches and Parks 1955-59

folder 70

California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee 1956-59

folder 71

California State Park Commission 1953-57

folder 72

Caves (Calif.) 1952-53



folder 73-75

Litter (Trash, etc.) 1949-52

Ctn. 5, folder 1

Litter (Trash, ect.) 1953-60

folder 3

Cleveland National Forest (Calif.) - Agua Tibia Wilderness 1954-58



folder 4

Alaska - Rampart Dam 1963-65

folder 5

Clippings 1964-65

folder 6

Arizona - Bridge Canyon 1942-57



folder 7

Emigrant Lake 1951

folder 8

Granite Creek 1950

folder 9

Mono Creek 1950

folder 10

Oroville 1952

folder 11-12

Sierra Nevada 1949-56



folder 13

Clearwater River 1958



folder 14

Glacier View, Glacier National Park 1948

folder 15

Spruce Park 1957

folder 16

Dead Man Creek Recreation Area (Calif.) 1956

folder 17

Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1966-69

folder 18-23

Dinosaur National Monument (Utah) 1950-59

folder 24

Articles n.d.

oversize Oversize Folder, folder 1 A

DeVoto, Bernard. "Shall We Let Them Ruin Our National Parks?" Saturday Evening Post. July 22, 1950

folder 25

Articles by Harold C. Bradley 1952-54

folder 26

Council of Conservationists 1954-55

folder 27

Miscellanea 1951-53

folder 28

Press releases 1954-55

folder 29

Sierra Club 1952-56

Ctn. 6, folder 1-2

Testimony and statements 1950-55

folder 3

Trustees for Conservation 1955

folder 4

Upper Colorado River Commission 1953

folder 5

Emerald Bay State Park (Calif.) 1957-62

folder 6

Environmental education 1950-52

folder 7

First Congregational Church - Conservation Education Seminar 1959

folder 8

Forest reserves 1957

folder 9

Recreational use 1954-57

folder 10

Fort Baker (Calif.) 1960

folder 11

Freeways - Marin County (Calif.) 1957-60

folder 12

Glacier Peak (Wash.) 1957-59

folder 13-14

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1963-68

folder 15

Clippings 1966

folder 16-17

Shrine of the Ages Chapel 1955-59

folder 18

Grazing 1947-57

folder 19

Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1956

folder 20

Hells Canyon (Idaho) 1940-57

folder 21

Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) 1913-64

folder 22

Hunting 1955-61

folder 23

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1958

folder 24

Irrigation - Middle Fork, Feather River (Calif.) 1958

folder 25

Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. 1949

folder 26

Jackson Hole (Wyo.) 1949

folder 27

Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1952-58

folder 28

Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1957-59

folder 29

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1949-64

folder 30

Kings River 1948-49


Land use

folder 31

Planning 1965

folder 32

Public lands 1959-60

folder 33

Logging - Forest reserves - Recreational use 1958

folder 34

Marble Mountain Wilderness (Calif.) 1948-53

folder 35

Meadows 1964

folder 36

Mineral King (Calif.) 1948-68

folder 37

Mining law - Claims 1948-53

folder 38

Miscellanea 1949-61

folder 39

Mitchell's Caverns (Calif.) 1950-52

folder 40

Mokelumne Wilderness (Calif.) 1958

folder 41

Mount Rainier National Park (Wash.) 1953-56

folder 42-43

Mount San Jacinto Wilderness State Park (Calif.) 1948-55

folder 44

Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1953-59

Ctn. 7, folder 1

National parks and reserves 1956-60

folder 2

Concessions 1948-49

folder 3

Liquor 1948

folder 4

Park rangers 1953

folder 5

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1957-66

folder 6

Northwest Wilderness Conference 1958

folder 7

Nuclear energy 1953

folder 8

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1947-66

folder 9

Onion Valley (Calif.) 1957-60

folder 10

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1959

folder 11

Parks (Calif.) - Grazing 1951-52

folder 12

Pesticides 1963

folder 13

Pests - Control 1963-65

folder 14

Plumas National Forest (Calif.) - Feather Falls 1951

folder 15

Point Lobos League 1948-49

folder 16

Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1959-61

folder 17

Power-plants - Location - Bodega Bay (Calif.) 1958-64

folder 18

Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Utah) 1956-63

folder 19

Recreation 1932-57

folder 20

Outdoor recreation 1957-59

folder 21

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1952-66

folder 22

Roads 1950-59

folder 23

Accidents - National parks and reserves 1949

folder 24

Between Carl Inn and Crane Flat (Calif.) 1948

folder 25

Between Big Oak Lodge and Crane Flat (Calif.) 1950

folder 26

Between Sonora and Mono Lake (Calif.) 1949-50

folder 27

Clippings 1950-63

folder 28

Cross Sierra Nevada 1955

folder 29

Kearsarge Pass (Calif.) n.d.

folder 30

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1949

folder 31-32

Mammoth Pass (Calif.) 1950-61

folder 33

Clippings n.d.

folder 34

National parks and reserves n.d.

folder 35-37

Parks 1948-62

folder 38-41

Tioga Pass (Calif.) 1948-59

Ctn. 8, folder 1-2

Rogue River (Or.) - Water resources development 1948-51

folder 3-4

Sacramento Municipal Utility District 1953-57

folder 5

San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1948-49

folder 6

San Pablo Reservoir (Calif.) 1957-58

folder 7

Shasta, Mount (Calif.) 1952


Sierra Club

folder 8

Acquisition of property 1911-55

folder 9-11

Brower controversies 1967-69

folder 12

Clippings 1967-69

folder 13

Miscellanea 1948-65

folder 14

"Operation Education" 1952

folder 15

Taxation 1968

folder 16

Sierra Club Chapters - Riverside Chapter 1957


Sierra Club Committees

folder 17

Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1944-59

folder 18-19

Conservation Committee 1948-59

folder 20

Fund Raising Committee 1957-58

folder 21

Impact Study Committee 1956-57

folder 22

Insurance Committee 1957-59

folder 23

Legal Committee 1957

folder 24

Morley Fund Committee 1958

folder 25

Policy Review Committee 1957-59

folder 26

Trail and Guide Committee 1957

folder 27

Yosemite Committee 1958

folder 28

Sierra Club Conferences on Information and Education 1956-58

folder 29

Sierra Club Council 1958

folder 30

Sierra Club/National Audubon Society - Joint ventures 1957

folder 31

Sierra Ski Club 1932-56

folder 32

Squaw Valley (Calif.) - Bradley Ski Hut 1955-58

folder 33

Stream ecology 1961

folder 34

Superior National Forest (Minn.) 1949-50

folder 35

Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1954-59

folder 36

Tule elk 1952

folder 37

U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1964

folder 38

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Water resources development 1951

folder 39

U.S. Department of Natural Resources 1949

folder 40

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1957

folder 41

U.S. Forest Service 1959-61

folder 42

U.S. Mint (San Francisco, Calif.) - Historic sites 1958-62

folder 43

U.S. National Park Service 1953-68

folder 44

Vehicles - National parks and reserves 1962-69

folder 45

Water resources (Calif.) 1949-57

folder 46

Water resources development - American River Basin 1955-56

folder 47

Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners 1960

folder 48-49

Wilderness areas 1937-61

Ctn. 9, folder 1-4

Law and legislation 1956-64


Wilderness Conference

folder 5

6th 1959

folder 6

7th 1961

folder 7

8th 1963

folder 8

9th 1965

folder 9

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1959-60

folder 10

Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness (Calif.) 1952

folder 11-12

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1948-60

folder 13

Camping 1954

folder 14

Yosemite Mission 1956-57

folder 15

Yosemite Village 1952

folder 16

Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska) 1958

Carton 9

Series 10: William Bronson Papers, 1932-1971

Scope and Content Note

These files document the citizens' campaign for federal legislation to protect the Lake Tahoe Basin, in California and Nevada. The subject files, arranged alphabetically, include six folders on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.

Lake Tahoe Basin

Ctn. 9, folder 17

Cities and towns - Growth 1969-70

folder 18

Criticism and Research 1969-71

folder 19

Fish 1965-68

folder 20

Gambling 1970-71

folder 21

History 1935

folder 22-24

It's About Too Late for Tahoe (manuscript) 1967-70

folder 25

Correspondence 1969-71

folder 26-27

Lake Tahoe Joint Study Committee 1965-68

folder 28

Lakeshore - Law and legislation 1970

folder 29

League to Save Lake Tahoe 1970-71

folder 30

Appointment to office n.d.

folder 31

Miscellanea 1932-71

folder 32-33

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 1967-71

folder 34

Budget 1969-71

folder 37

Clippings 1969-71

folder 35

Criticism 1971

folder 36

History 1967-69

folder 38

Transportation 1970


Series 11


These materials have been removed from the Sierra Club Members Papers and incorporated into the Sierra Club Office of the Executive Director Records, BANC MSS 2002/230 c, and the David Ross Brower Papers, BANC MSS 79/9 c.
Box 1, folder 1

Series 12: James Bryce Letter, 1915

Scope and Content Note

Condolence letter to friends and fellow Sierra Club members on the death of John Muir.
Box 1, folder 1

Letter Feb 19, 1915

Box 1, folder 2

Series 13: Vincent K. Butler, Jr. Letters, 1933

Scope and Content Note

Butler's letters to his wife describing the search for Walter Starr, Jr., who was killed in a mountain-climbing accident. Also, material related to a memorial service for Starr.
Box 1, folder 2

Correspondence (re memorial service for Walter Starr, Jr.) 1933

Box 1, folders 3-7

Series 14: Brant Calkin Sierra Club Correspondence, 1976-1977

Scope and Content Note

Office correspondence to and from Brant Calkin, president of the Sierra Club in 1976-1977. Includes incoming correspondence log.
Box 1, folder 3

Correspondence log 1976-77

folder 4-7

Correspondence 1976-77

Carton 35

Series 15: Richard Cellarius Papers, 1972-1990

Scope and Content Note

Cellarius was president, 1988-1990, and secretary for four terms. His correspondence is divided into incoming and outgoing and is arranged chronologically.


Ctn. 35, folder 1-25

Incoming 1988-90

folder 26-46

Outgoing 1976-77, 1899-90

folder 47

Resumé [1972]

folder 48

Speeches 1974-88

Cartons 36-37, 279-282, Boxes 2-4, Oversize folders 2-3

Series 16: Lewis F. Clark Papers, 1922-1988.

Scope and Content Note

Clark served as a board member from 1933 to 1969. He was president from 1949 to 1951 and held every other executive committee office.
Arranged hierarchically into the following subseries: Board of Directors, Conservation, Publications, Sierra Club Foundation and Personal Materials.
Consists of correspondence, minutes, agendas, and other papers pertaining to Clark's board membership and committees on which he served, including files from the Lodges and Lands Committee documenting the construction of Clair Tappaan Lodge near Donner Summit in 1934. Also included are files documenting a number of campaigns; issue files; and papers pertaining to the passage of the Wilderness Bill; Publications Committee files; and correspondence regarding the Sierra Club Foundation. Personal materials in the collection include diaries and training manuals for the Boy Scouts of America, from 1927 to 1932.

Subseries 16.1: Board of Directors

Ctn. 36, folder 1-5

Correspondence 1931-1986, n.d.

folder 6-21

Meetings 1946-1967

folder 22

Reports 1937-1941, 1959

folder 23

Executive Director 1952-1957



folder 24

Life members 1948-1958, 1978

folder 25

Personnel Management 1954-1957

Ctn. 37, folder 1

Sierra Club Policy Guide 1959

folder 2

Conservation Policy Guide 1963

folder 3

Miscellaneous handbook materials 1963, n.d.

folder 4

Committee on Committees 1951-1967

folder 5

By Laws 1947-1959, n.d

folder 6

By Law Amendments 1950-1955

folder 7

Proposed Loyalty Oath 1960-1961, n.d.



folder 8-9

Elections Committee 1934-1988


Executive Committee

folder 10-13

Correspondence 1952-1967, n.d.

folder 14-16

Meetings 1947-1967


Financial Committees

folder 17

Correspondence 1957-1967

folder 18-20

Financial Statements and Reports 1951-1989

folder 21

Funds and Donations 1948, 1965-1967

folder 22

Taxes 1940, 1954-1959, 1966

folder 23

Insurance Committee 1948-1961

folder 24-25

Investment Committee 1954-1967

folder 26

Library Committee 1947-1967


Lodges and Lands Committees

folder 27

Correspondence 1947, 1956-1967

folder 28

Southern California Lodge Committee 1951-1955

folder 29

Bradley Hut 1957-1959

folder 30

Camp Denali Proposal 1967

Ctn. 37, folder 31-32

Clair Tappaan Lodge 1945-1957

Ctn. 279, folder 1

Clair Tappaan Lodge

Box 3, folder 1-2

Clair Tappan Lodge Notes (notebook) 1934-1939

Oversize folder 2C

"Plan and profile of proposed water supply to Clair Tappaan Lodge..." 1936

Oversize folder 2C

Norden Area Map 1936

Ctn. 279, folder 2

Harwood Lodge 1951

folder 3

Hutchinson Lodge 1955-1957

folder 4

John Muir Home 1956

folder 5

LeConte Memorial Lodge 1954-1960

folder 6

Ludlow Hut 1953-1954, 1961

folder 7

Parsons Lodge (Tuolumne Meadows) 1936, 1949-1959

folder 8

Pundt Hut 1952-1954

folder 9

Shasta Alpine Lodge 1933-1936

folder 10

Mountaineering Committee 1951-1962

folder 11

Mountain Records Committee 1933-1941, 1962, n.d.

folder 12-13

Outing Committee 1946-1965

Box 3, folder 3

Climbing record, 1934 Hi Trip 1934

Ctn. 279, folder 14

Place Names Committee 1951, n.d.

folder 15

River Touring Committee 1954, 1962

folder 16

Room Committee 1933-1934

folder 17

Visual Education Committee 1947, 1954-1956

folder 18

Winter Sports Committee 1933, 1947-1959

folder 19

Miscellaneous Committees 1947, 1955-1977, 1986

folder 20

Trustees for Conservation 1947-1958, 1963

folder 21-22

Sierra Club Council 1955-1967, n.d.



Ctn. 279, folder 23

Great Lakes 1962, 1967

folder 24

Kern-Kaweah 1957-1961

folder 25

Loma Prieta 1947, 1951

folder 26

Mother Lode 1947-1967

folder 27

Pacific Northwest 1957-1963

folder 28

Riverside 1947-1959, n.d.

folder 29

Rocky Mountain 1967

folder 30

San Diego 1951, 1959

folder 31

San Francisco Bay 1947-1961, 1986

folder 32

Southern 1947-1959, n.d.

folder 33

Toiyabe 1967

folder 34

Miscellaneous Chapter Materials 1947-1967


Subseries 16.2: Conservation


Conservation Committee

folder 35

Correspondence 1951-1967

folder 36

Meetings 1960-1966, n.d.

folder 37-38

Northern Section 1947-1959

folder 39

Southern Section 1949-1965

folder 40

Sierra Club Conservation Administration 1957-1959

folder 41

Conservation Education 1951-1967

folder 42

Junior Nature Study 1974



Ctn. 280, folder 1

Dams 1954-1967

folder 2

Glaciers 1951, 1954

folder 3

Highways and Parks 1956-1967

folder 4

Legislation 1951-1957

folder 5

Logging 1951-1957

Ctn. 280, folder 6

Motor Vehicles 1956, 1962, 1967

folder 7

Parks 1951-1960

folder 8

Pesticides 1957-1967

folder 9

Reclamation 1953-1957, 1963

folder 10

Recreation 1956-1961, n.d.

folder 11

Redwoods 1956-1967

folder 12

Rivers 1955-1956, 1969, n.d.

folder 13

Roads in Parks 1956-1966, n.d.

folder 14

Sports Car Racing in Parks 1956

folder 15

Water 1952, 1967

folder 16

Wildlife Conservation 1950-1964

folder 17

Miscellaneous Conservation Issues 1951-1967


Federal Agencies

folder 18-19

Department of the Interior 1951-1967

folder 20

National Park Service 1948-1958, n.d.

folder 21

National Forest Service 1948-1958, n.d.

folder 22

Policy 1959-1961, n.d.

folder 23

Reports 1960

folder 24

Mission 66 1955-1957



folder 25

Wilderness Bill 1956-1967

folder 26

Wilderness Areas 1952-1967, n.d.

folder 27

Wilderness Area Proposals 1959-1967, n.d.

folder 28

Primitive Areas 1951-1964

folder 29

Wilderness Study Areas 1967, n.d.

Ctn. 281, folder 1

Desolation Valley Wilderness Area 1956-1957

folder 2

Glacier Peak Wilderness Area 1956-1957, 1967

folder 3

San Gorgonio Wilderness Area 1947, 1961-1963

Ctn. 281, folder 4

Sequoia and King's Canyon Parks 1956, 1961-66, n.d.

folder 5

Third Biennial Wilderness Conference 1953

folder 6

Fourth Biennial Wilderness Conference 1955

folder 7

Fifth Biennial Wilderness Conference 1957-1959

folder 8

Wilderness Use Panel 1962



folder 9

Atomic Reactor at Bodega Head 1962-1964

folder 10

Butano Forest Redwoods 1946-1947

folder 11

Columbia Basin 1957

folder 12-15

Dinosaur National Monument 1950-1959

folder 16

Grand Canyon 1963-1967

folder 17

King's Canyon (John Muir) National Park 1939-1940

folder 18

Lake Tahoe 1957-1959, 1963

folder 19

Mammoth Pass Highway 1956-1959

folder 20

Mineral King Development 1965, 1967

folder 21

Mount Shasta 1954

folder 22

Multiple Use Bill 1960

folder 23

Northern Cascades 1957-1960, 1967

folder 24

Rainbow Bridge 1958, 1963

folder 25

Redwood National Park 1967

folder 26

San Jacinto 1950, 1953

folder 27

Tramway 1951-1961, n.d.

folder 28

Squaw Valley 1957-1960, n.d.

folder 29

Tioga Road 1958-1961

folder 30

Yellowstone Lake 1961

folder 31-32

Yosemite National Park 1956-1965, 1975-1976

folder 33

Miscellaneous Conservation Proposals 1955, 1962-1966

folder 34

Conferences 1956-1957



folder 35

The Audobon Society 1956-1957

folder 36

The Fleischmann Foundation 1963, 1965

folder 37

The Ford Foundation 1962

folder 38

Isaak Walton League 1956

folder 39

Marin Conservation Council 1963


Subseries 16.3: Publications

Ctn. 282, folder 1

Publications Committee 1956-1967

folder 2

Editorial Board 1953-1958




Richardson-Calef Lake Tahoe Book

folder 3

Correspondence 1965-1967

folder 4-6

Manuscripts 1966

folder 7-10

Miscellaneous Publications 1956-1975, n.d.



folder 11

High Sierrans 1961-1962

folder 12

Miscellaneous 1960, 1967

folder 13-14

Miscellaneous Clippings 1946, 1955-1961, n.d.


Subseries 16.4: Sierra Club Foundation


Board of Trustees

folder 15-20

Correspondence 1970-1977

folder 21

Tax Status 1960-1966


Subseries 16.5: Personal Materials

Box 2, folder 1

Lewis Clark Correspondence 1933-1934, n.d.

folder 2

Tenaya Canyon Explorations 1932-1934, n.d.

folder 3

Articles about Lewis Clark 1952, 1983

Oversize folder 3A

"The Sierra Club's Elder Statesman", Island Journal 1983

Box 2, folder 4

Interviews 1976-1979, n.d.

folder 5

Awards 1953, 1985

folder 6

Ansel Adams play "Exhaustos" n.d.


Diaries, journals and notebooks

Box 4, folder 1

Diary 1922

folder 2

Diary, including the National Parks tour 1924

folder 3-4

Log, National Parks tour 1924

folder 5-6

Diaries 1925-1926

folder 7-8

Logs of trips, 1926 and Seq. 1926-1943

folder 9-10

Data book, Gyro Compass Lab, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. [1944?]


Boy Scouts of America

folder 11-12

Leadership Training Sessions, March 1928, Alameda Council 1927-1928

folder 13-15

"Notes on Previous Training Sessions," Alameda Council, Leadership Training Institute, With "Notes on Scout Leadership Training Sessions, Fall 1930, Boyology" 1930-1931

folder 16

Annual Rallies and Jamborees 1929-1932

Volume 1

Series 17: Clinton E. Clarke Papers, 1941

Scope and Content Note

Volume is entitled "Atlas of the Pacific Coast Trail."
volume Vol. 1

Scrapbook: Atlas of the Pacific Coast Trail 1941

Carton 37

Series 18: Eugene V. Coan Papers, 1969-1990

Scope and Content Note

Gene Coan is a long-time member of the Conservation Department staff, based in San Francisco. His papers include correspondence, publications (including the Sierra Club Political Handbook), speeches, and legislative testimony.
Ctn. 37, folder 44

Correspondence 1969-88


Subject Files

Ctn. 37, folder 45

Ephemera 1981-90

folder 46

Miscellanea 1970-80

folder 47

Publications 1971-79

folder 48

Sierra Club Political Handbook 1972-74

folder 49

Sierra Club publicity 1969-84

folder 50

Speeches and Testimony 1969-74

folder 51

Trans-Alaska Pipeline (Alaska) - Press conferences 1971

Cartons 38-40; Volumes 6-8

Series 19: William E. Colby Papers, 1892-1966

Scope and Content Note

Influenced as a young man by John Muir, Colby served the club as secretary for nearly fifty years. He also founded the outing program. His files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Subject files include Hetch Hetchy Valley and Yosemite National Park; the John Muir Trail; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks; the 1908 Sierra Club outing; and information on the William E. Colby Memorial Library, at the Sierra Club headquarters in San Francisco.


Ctn. 38, folder 1

Incoming 1900-55

folder 2

Outgoing 1906-55


Subject Files

Ctn. 38, folder 3

Automobiles - National parks and reserves 1913

folder 4

California State Park Commission 1927-28

folder 5

Editorials n.d.


Fish propagation

folder 6

Clippings 1906-11

folder 7

Correspondence 1906-14

folder 8

Maps n.d.

folder 9

Miscellanea 1909-13

folder 10

Forest reserves - Law and legislation 1909-13

folder 11

Grazing - National parks and reserves 1912-19


Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.)

folder 12-24

Correspondence 1907-34

folder 25

American Association of Engineers 1923

folder 26

Brief of Sierra Club in opposition to grant of Hetch Hetchy Valley 1908

folder 27

Clippings 1908-28

folder 28

Congressional Record 1909-10

folder 29

Law and legislation 1911-13

folder 30

Mailing lists n.d.

folder 31

Miscellanea 1899

folder 32

National Committee for the Preservation of the Yosemite National Park n.d.

folder 33

Press releases 1908-09

volume Vol. 6

Scrapbook: Yosemite Valley 1908-10

Ctn. 38, folder 34

Sierra Blue Lakes Water and Power Company 1905-13

folder 35

Society for the Preservation of Natural Parks 1909-13

folder 36

Finance 1910-13

folder 37

Spring Valley Water Company 1927

Ctn. 39, folder 1

Interview 1961


John Muir Trail

folder 2-4

Correspondence 1914-15, 1924-27

folder 5

Law and legislation 1915

folder 6

Maps n.d.

folder 7

Miscellanea 1954

folder 8

Memorial Redwood Groves 1936

folder 9

National Parks Association 1921-24

folder 10

Niagara Falls (N.Y.) 1911

folder 11

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1938



folder 14

Notes 1909-27

volume Vol. 7

Scrapbook 1908-10

volume Vol. 8

Scrapbook (miscellanea):Yosemite Valley 1908-10

Ctn. 39, folder 12

Receipts 1906

folder 13

Rocky Mountain National Park (Colo.) 1913


Sequoia National Park (Calif.)

folder 15

Correspondence 1929-33

folder 16

Clippings 1933

folder 17

Trails 1929-32


Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.)

folder 18-29

Correspondence 1911-40

folder 30

American Civic Association 1922

folder 31

California Mountaineering, Inc. 1939

folder 32-33

Clippings 1902-39

folder 34

Emergency Conservation Committee 1939

folder 35

John Muir Association 1939


Law and legislation

folder 36

California 1939

folder 37

U.S. Congress 1911-40

folder 38

Maps n.d.


Sierra Club

Ctn. 40, folder 1

Board of Directors 1936-39

folder 2

Pamphlet 1939

folder 3

U.S. Congress 1913-26

folder 4

U.S. Department of the Interior 1939


Sierra Club

folder 5

Articles of Incorporation 1892-41

folder 6

Board of Directors - Notes 1920


Colby Memorial Library

folder 7-8

Contributions 1964-66

folder 9

Invitations n.d.

folder 10

Miscellanea 1964-67

folder 11

Space plans 1963-64

folder 12

Valuations 1954

folder 13

Outings 1913

folder 14

Contracts 1906-12

folder 15

Secretary's report 1911-12

folder 16

Ski lifts - Accidents 1939-40

folder 17

Southern California Chapter -"Mugelnoos" Fund accounting 1945-46


Sierra Nevada Mountains (Calif. and Nev.)

folder 18

Devil's Postpile 1910

folder 19

Sierra Way (proposed) 1935-36

folder 20

Maps n.d.

folder 21

Telephotography 1922-36

folder 22

U.S. Forest Service - Press releases 1912-13

folder 23

U.S. National Park Service 1910-29

folder 24

Law and legislation 1911-12

folder 25

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1918-26

folder 26

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1907-43

folder 27

Clippings 1909-12

folder 28

Big Oak Flat Road 1930

folder 29

Gondolas 1930-33

folder 30

Inholdings 1912-30

folder 31

Law and legislation 1912

folder 32

Clippings 1928-29

folder 33

Sentinel Dome 1929

folder 34

Tioga Pass Road 1907-15

Cartons 40-42

Series 20: Randal F. Dickey, Jr. Papers, 1949-1964

Scope and Content Note

Dickey was a member of the board from 1962 to 1964. His files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Subject files include wilderness areas; national and state parks in California; and Sierra Club chapter and committee files.


Ctn. 40, folder 35

Eissler, Fred 1958-61

folder 36

Incoming 1957-63


Subject Files

Ctn. 40, folder 37

Air travel - Wilderness areas 1962

folder 38

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1962

folder 39

Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1961-63

folder 40

Clippings 1961-63

folder 41

Bodega Bay (Calif.) 1958-63

folder 42

Clippings 1958-63

folder 43

Boy Scouts of America n.d.

folder 44

California Conservation Council 1956-61

folder 45

California Legislature 1961

folder 46

California State Park Commission 1958-63

folder 47

Canyon Ranch (Calif.) - Acquisition of property 1961-62

folder 48

Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1962

folder 49

Clippings 1961-62

folder 50

Cascade Range (Or.) n.d.

folder 51

Channel Islands National Park (Calif.) 1961

folder 52

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary n.d.

folder 53

Dams 1957-62



folder 54

Feather River 1961-62

folder 55

Knights Valley 1963

folder 56

California and Nevada - Truckee River and Carson River 1953-54

folder 57

Idaho - Bruces Eddy n.d.

folder 58

Death Valley National Monument (Calif.) 1961-62

folder 59

Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1961

Ctn. 41, folder 1

Delta Region (Calif.) 1960-61

folder 2

East Bay Regional Park District (Calif.) 1956-62

folder 3

Minutes 1962-63

folder 4

Emerald Bay State Park (Calif.) 1957-60

folder 5

Environmental education 1952-61

folder 6

Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1956-63

folder 7

Forest fires n.d.

folder 8

Forest reserves - Land use - Law and legislation 1960-62

folder 9

Forests and forestry 1950-62

folder 10

Glacier Peak (Wash.) 1959

folder 11

Glen Canyon (Utah and Ariz.) 1959

folder 12

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1963

folder 13

Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1959-62

folder 14

Hanover Conservation Council 1964

folder 15

Hunting - Parks 1956-63

folder 16

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1966

folder 17

Jemez Crater (N.M.) 1961

folder 18

John Muir National Monument (Calif.) 1963

folder 19

Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1961

folder 20

Knowland State Arboretum and Park (Oakland, Calif.) 1961

folder 21

Marshes, Tide (San Francisco Bay, Calif.) 1954-59

folder 22

Minarets Wilderness (Calif.) 1962-63

folder 23

Miscellanea 1960-62

folder 24

Mokelumne Wilderness (Calif.) 1958-63

folder 25

Motor vehicles 1956-63

folder 26

Mount Diablo State Park (Calif.) 1961

folder 27

Mount San Jacinto Wilderness State Park (Calif.) 1956-62

folder 28

Clippings 1961-62

folder 29

Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1956-62

folder 30

National parks and reserves 1958-61

folder 31

Nature Conservancy 1960

folder 32

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1956-63

folder 33

Notes n.d.

folder 34

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1961-63

folder 35

Outdoor recreation 1956-61

folder 36

Padre Island National Seashore (Tex.) 1962

folder 37

Parks 1956-61

folder 38

California 1955-62

folder 39

Clippings 1958-62

folder 40

Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1962

folder 41

Prairie National Park (Kan.) (proposed) 1961

folder 42

Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Utah) 1959-62

folder 43

Redwood Canyon (Calif.) 1956

folder 44

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1963

folder 45

Regional Parks Association 1956-63

folder 46

Minutes 1961-62

folder 47

Report - "Development Rights" n.d.

folder 48

Roads 1955-63



folder 49

Los Padres National Forest 1961-63

folder 50

Monterey Peninsula 1961-63

folder 51

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park n.d.

folder 52

Sierra Nevada Mountains 1956-63

folder 53

Robinson Basin (Calif.) 1961

folder 54

San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1961-63

folder 55

Clippings 1962-63

folder 56

San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1961

folder 57

Sand dunes (Calif.) 1963

folder 58

Save-the-Redwoods League 1961

folder 59

Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1961-62


Sierra Club

folder 60

Financial reports 1961-63

folder 61

Miscellanea 1963

folder 62

Publications 1962

folder 63

Sierra Club Board of Directors 1961-63

folder 64

Sierra Club Bulletin 1961-63


Sierra Club Chapters

folder 65

Angeles 1961-62

folder 66

Atlantic 1961

folder 67

Great Lakes 1959-62

folder 68

Kern-Kaweah 1961

folder 69

Loma Prieta 1961-63

folder 70

Los Padres 1960-63

folder 71

Mother Lode 1961

folder 72

Redwood 1961-62

folder 73

Riverside 1961

folder 74

Pacific Northwest 1958-63

folder 75

San Diego 1961

folder 76

San Francisco Bay 1959-61

folder 77

Tehipite 1962

folder 78

Toiyabe 1962-63


Sierra Club Committees

Ctn. 42, folder 1

Conservation Committee 1955-63

folder 2

Southern Section 1961-63

folder 3

Insurance Committee 1957-63

folder 4

Outing Committee 1959-61

folder 5

River Touring Committee 1956-57

folder 6

State and Regional Park Study Committee 1956-57

folder 7

Visual Education Committee 1958-61

folder 8

Sierra Club Conservation Administration 1951-58

folder 9

Sierra Club Council 1959-60

folder 10

New Sierra Club Headquarters Committee 1957

folder 11

Sierra Club Washington, D.C. Office 1962-63

folder 12

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1961-62

folder 13

Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1963

folder 14

Temblor Range (Calif.) 1961-62

folder 15

Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1955-62

folder 16

Tomales Bay State Park (Calif.) 1961

folder 17

Torrey Pines (Calif.) 1961

folder 18

Trails (Calif.) 1962

folder 19

U.S. Forest Service 1960-61

folder 20

Ventana Wilderness (Calif.) 1961-62

folder 21

Waldo Lake (Or.) 1958

folder 22

Water - Pollution 1955-61

folder 23

Water resources 1958-61

folder 24

California - Maps n.d.

folder 25

Planning 1958-62

folder 26

Clippings 1961-64


Wilderness areas

folder 27

Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1961-63

folder 28

King Range (Calif.) 1961-63

folder 29

Law and legislation 1958-62

folder 30

Management 1956-58

folder 31

Clippings 1951

folder 32

Sierra Nevada Mountains (Calif. and Nev.) 1961-62

folder 33

White Mountains (Calif. and Nev.) 1961-62


Wilderness Conference

folder 34

1st-4th 1949-55

folder 35

5th-6th 1957-59

folder 36

7th 1961

folder 37

Wildlife conservation 1955-64


Wildlife management

folder 38

California Department of Fish and Game 1961

folder 39

Clippings 1958-62

folder 40

Predatory animals - Control 1961

folder 41

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1961-62

folder 42

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1960-63

Carton 42

Series 21: Pauline Dietz Papers, 1947

Scope and Content Note

Included are accounts of Dietz' participation in a Sierra Club Base Camp and a trip to Havasu City, Arizona.
Ctn. 42, folder 43

San Francisco Bay Chapter -Trip to Havasu Canyon (Ariz.) 1947

folder 44

Sierra Club Base Camp 1947

Cartons 42-43

Series 22: Lawrence Downing Papers, 1986-1988

Scope and Content Note


Downing's presidential correspondence is arranged chronologically.
Ctn. 42, folder 45-57

Correspondence 1986-Oct 1987

Ctn. 43, folder 1-7

Correspondence Nov 1987-1988

folder 8-22

Incoming 1986-87

folder 23-27

Outgoing 1986

folder 28

Speeches 1986

Carton 44

Series 23: Francis P. Farquhar Papers, 1901-1954

Scope and Content Note

Farquhar was president twice (1933-1935 and 1948-1949) and a director from 1924 to 1951. His files are arranged alphabetically by subject.
Ctn. 44, folder 1

Correspondence 1928-51


Subject Files

Ctn. 44, folder 2

American Planning and Civic Association 1948

folder 3

Calaveras Grove (Calif.) 1948-49

folder 4

California State Park Commission 1948

folder 5

Dams - Bridge Canyon (Ariz.) 1948

folder 6

Ephemera n.d.

folder 7

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1934-48

folder 8

Langley, Mount (Calif.) 1943

folder 9

National Conference on Outdoor Recreation 1924-26

folder 10

National Parks Association 1945-49

folder 11

Natural Resources Council of America 1948

folder 12

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1947

folder 13

Publications 1929-41

folder 14

Quetico-Superior International Peace Memorial Forest (Canada and Mich.) (proposed) 1948

folder 15

San Jacinto, Mount (Calif.) 1950

folder 16

Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1933-48

folder 17

Sierra Club Committee on Nomenclature 1921-22

folder 18

Sierra Club elections - Board of Directors 1901-40

folder 19

Sierra Club employees 1931-40

folder 20

Sierra Club, 14,000-Foot Climbers of 1928-35

folder 21

Sierra Club honorary memberships 1948-54

folder 22

Sierra Club membership 1933-47

folder 23

Sierra Club souvenirs: Cups n.d.

folder 24

Tamalpais, Mount (Calif.) 1935

folder 25

U.S. National Park Service 1948

folder 26

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1934-51


Series 24: Michael L. Fischer Papers

Scope and Content Note

These materials have been removed from the Sierra Club Members papers and incorporated into the Sierra Club Office of the Executive Director Records, BANC MSS 2002/230 c.


These materials have been removed from the Sierra Club Members Papers and incorporated into the Sierra Club Office of the Executive Director Records, BANC MSS 2002/230 c.
Cartons 51-55

Series 25: John Flannery Papers, 1948-1969

Scope and Content Note

Flannery was a staff assistant to President Edgar Wayburn. Flannery's files, arranged alphabetically by subject, include extensive documentation of Sierra Club committees, especially for the middle to late 1960s.
Ctn. 51, folder 1

Correspondence and Miscellanea 1963-69


Subject Files

Ctn. 51, folder 2

Accidents 1967

folder 3

Acquisition of property: Carrozi, Angelo 1967-68

folder 4

Adams, Ansel 1967

folder 5

Adirondack Forest Preserve (N.Y.) 1960-67

folder 6

Advertising 1967-69

folder 7

Africa 1962-68

folder 8-10

Alaska 1965-69

folder 11

Amchitka Island 1968-69

folder 12

Camp Denali 1967-68

folder 13

Clippings 1967-69

folder 14

Motion pictures and Photographs 1967-69

folder 15

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1966-67

folder 16

Appalachian Mountain Club 1968

folder 17

Applications for positions 1967-69

folder 18

Ascent Magazine 1967

folder 19

Baja California (Mexico) 1968

folder 20

Bear Harbor Ranch (Calif.) 1968-69

folder 21

Berry, Phillip S. 1968-69

folder 22

Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1968

folder 23

"Bigfoot" motion pictures 1967

folder 24

Birds 1967

folder 25

Book Warehouse, Inc. 1967-69

folder 26

California Department of Fish and Game 1967-68

folder 27

California Department of Parks and Recreation 1967-68

folder 28

California State Park and Recreation Commission 1968

folder 29

Camp Fire Girls, Inc. 1969

folder 30

Canada 1969

folder 31

Canoes and canoeing - Abitibi River (Canada) 1967

folder 32

Cascade Range (Or.) 1967-68

folder 33

Castle Rock State Park (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 34

Chichagof (Alaska) n.d.

folder 35

Colorado 1968-69

folder 36

Colorado Open Space Foundation 1968

folder 38

Complaints 1967-69

folder 37

Conflict of interest 1969

folder 39

Contracts 1968



folder 40

Marble Canyon (Ariz.) 1966-68

folder 41

Rappahannock River (Va.) 1967

folder 42

Devall, William - Membership research 1968

folder 43

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Calif.) 1966-68

folder 44

Doerr, Paul n.d.

folder 45

Dogs 1967

folder 46

Ecology Center Workshop (Berkeley, Calif.) 1969

folder 47

El Cabo (Costa Rica) 1961

folder 48

Ellmaker, Harlan D. 1965-67

folder 49

Endangered species 1968

folder 50

Energy industries 1967-68

folder 51

Environmental education 1967-69

folder 52

Environmental law (U.S.) 1968

folder 53

Environmental organizations 1967

folder 54

Environmental protection 1968-69

folder 55

Escalante Canyon (Utah) 1968

folder 56

Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1956-69

folder 57

Farallon Islands (Calif.) 1968

folder 58

Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1953-67

folder 59

Firearms 1967-68

folder 60

Forest reserves 1948-69

folder 61

Recreational use 1964

Ctn. 52, folder 1

Forests and forestry 1955-59

folder 2

Freeways 1961-69

folder 3

French Pete Creek (Or.) 1968

folder 4

Fund raising 1967-69

folder 5

Georgia-Pacific Corporation 1967-68

folder 6

Miscellanea 1967-68

folder 7

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 8

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Utah and Ariz.) 1969

folder 9

Grand Canyon National Park (Wyo.) 1966-68

folder 10

Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1956-67

folder 11

Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1966

folder 12

Guadalupe (Calif.) - Sand dunes 1967

folder 13

Hawaii 1968

folder 14

Headlands, Inc. 1968

folder 15

Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1965-68

folder 16

Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 17

Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1966-68

folder 18

Hudson River Valley - Express highways 1969

folder 19

Idaho 1968

folder 20

Information and Education Conference 1968

folder 21

Inyo National Forest (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 22

Junipero Serra Freeway (Calif.) 1968

folder 23

Kennecott Copper Corporation 1967-68

folder 24

Kentucky 1967-68

folder 25

Knight and Gladieux 1967

folder 26

Lake Tahoe Basin (Calif. and Nev.) 1967-69

folder 27

Land and Water Conservation Fund 1968

folder 28

Land and Water Law Review 1968

folder 29

Land use 1968

folder 30

Forest reserves 1959-60

folder 31

Military bases 1956

folder 32

Lectures n.d.

folder 33

Lectures and lecturing 1968

folder 34

Correspondence 1967-69

folder 35

Manuscript 1967

folder 36

Leslie Salt Company 1968

folder 37

Letters for Information Services 1967-68

folder 38

Litigation 1966-69

folder 39

Litton, Martin 1968

folder 40

Los Padres National Forest (Calif.) 1956-67

folder 41

Lumber 1967-69

folder 42

Maine 1967-69

folder 43

Marshall, George 1967-69

folder 44

McCloskey, Michael - Editorials n.d.

folder 45

Mineral King (Calif.) 1965-69

folder 46

Mines and mineral resources 1968

folder 47

Motion pictures 1962-69

folder 48

Follow the Wind to Cousin 1968-69

folder 49

Grand Canyon 1968-69

folder 50

Island in Time 1968-69

folder 51

Knowing It Survives Us 1969

folder 52

On the Loose 1968-69

folder 53

The Redwoods 1967-69

folder 54

Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 55

Muir, John 1967

folder 56

Muir Woods National Monument (Calif.) 1968

folder 57

National Audubon Society 1969

folder 58

National Campus Conservation Council 1967

folder 59

National Council of Cooperating Conservation Groups 1968

folder 60

National parks and reserves 1955-69

folder 61

Clippings 1956

folder 62

National Timber Supply Act of 1969 1969

folder 63

Nature Conservancy 1967-68

folder 64

Netboy, Anthony 1968

folder 65

Nevada 1967

folder 66

New York Times 1969

folder 67

Advertising 1967-69

folder 68

News releases 1967

folder 69

Nigeria, Eastern 1969

folder 70

Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1967-69

Ctn. 53, folder 1

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1964-68

folder 2

Nuclear power plant - East (U.S.) 1968

folder 3

Olympic Park Association, Inc. 1968

folder 4

Outdoor recreation - Environmental education 1955-56

folder 5

Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 1964-67

folder 6

Outdoor Writers Association of America, Inc. 1968-69

folder 7

Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1968-69

folder 8

Parks 1955-67

folder 9

Pesticides 1967-69

folder 10

Petroleum industry 1967-69

folder 11

Photographers 1967-69

folder 12

Planning and Conservation League 1969

folder 13

Point Lobos State Reserve (Calif.) 1967

folder 14

Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1969

folder 15

Pollution 1967-69

folder 16

Population 1968-69

folder 17

Powell, John Wesley - Centennial celebration 1967-69

folder 18

Public lands - Clippings 1967

folder 19

Publishers and publishing 1967-69

folder 20

Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1969

folder 21

Rachel Carson Trust Fund 1967-69

folder 22

Reader's Digest Workshop 1969

folder 23

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1963-69

folder 24

Correspondence and Testimony 1967-68

folder 25

Religion 1968-69

folder 26

Resources Agency of California 1968

folder 27

Rivers 1966-69

folder 28

Robinson, Gordon 1968-69

folder 29

Roads - Mammoth Lakes (Calif.) 1967

folder 30

Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area (Calif.) 1967

folder 31

San Francisco Bay (Calif.) - Regional planning 1967-68

folder 32

San Gabriel Wilderness (Calif.) 1968

folder 33

San Gorgonio (Calif.) 1969

folder 34

San Miguel Island (Calif.) 1969

folder 35

Santa Barbara (Calif.) - Oil spills 1969

folder 36

Sawtooth National Recreation Area (Idaho) 1967-68

folder 37

Scenic highways 1960-69

folder 38

Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1969


Sierra Club

folder 39

Annual dinners 1967-1969

folder 40

Awards 1968-69

folder 41

Charitable contributions 1967-68

folder 42

Diamond Jubilee Celebration 1967-1968

folder 43

Financial statements 1967-69

folder 44

Mailing lists 1967

folder 45

Membership 1967-69

folder 46

Memoranda 1967-69

folder 47

News releases 1967-68

folder 48

Policy guides 1967-68

folder 49

Proposals 1969

folder 50

Public relations 1968-69



folder 51

Books 1960-69

folder 52

Brochures 1968

folder 53

Correspondence 1967

folder 54

Grant-in-aid 1969

folder 55

Sierra Club Bulletin 1967-69

Ctn. 54, folder 1

Publicity 1967-69

folder 2

Staff meetings 1967-68

folder 3

Sierra Club Board of Directors 1956-68

folder 4-9

Sierra Club Chapters 1967-69

folder 10

Santa Lucia and Hawaii 1963-68


Sierra Club Committees

folder 11

Bulletin Policy Committee 1967-68

folder 12

By-laws Committee 1968

folder 13

Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1967

folder 14

Committee on Committees 1967-68

folder 15

Committee on Lodges and Lands 1938-69

folder 16

Committee on Student Membership and Dues 1967

folder 17

Conservation Education Committee 1967

folder 18

Conservation Research Committee 1967-68

folder 19

Finance Advisory Committee 1967-68

folder 20

Honors and Awards Committee 1967-69

folder 21

Insurance Committee 1967-69

folder 22

Investment Committee 1976-68

folder 23

Legal Committee 1967-68

folder 24

Library Committee 1959-68

folder 25

Membership Committee 1967

folder 26

Mountaineering Committee 1966-67

folder 27

Nominating Committee 1967-69

folder 28

Northern California Regional Conservation Committee 1967-68

folder 29

Outing Committee 1967-69

folder 30

Publications Committee 1964-69

folder 31

Publications Reorganization Committee 1967-69

folder 32

Southern California Conservation Committee 1967-68

folder 33

Winter Sports Committee 1967-68


Sierra Club Conservation Representatives

folder 34

Northwest 1968-69

folder 35

Southwest 1968

folder 36-37

Sierra Club Council 1966-69

folder 38

Minutes 1967-68

folder 39

Sierra Club Handbook 1960-68

folder 40-42

Manuscript n.d.

folder 43

Publishers and publishing 1964-65


Sierra Club Offices

folder 44

New York Office 1967-69

folder 45

United Kingdom Office 1968-69

folder 46

Washington, D.C. Office 1962-69

Ctn. 55, folder 1

Sierra Club President - Wayburn, Edgar 1967-69

folder 2

Sierra Club telegraph 1967-69

folder 3

Sierra Club trademarks 1969

folder 4

Sierra Club Foundation 1967-69

folder 5

Shore protection - Marin County (Calif.) 1967

folder 6

Skis and skiing 1964-69

folder 7

Skunk Cabbage Creek (Calif.) 1969

folder 8

Slide Ranch (Calif.) 1968

folder 9

Snowmobiles 1964-69

folder 10

Snug - EZE 1968

folder 11

Sonic boom 1967-68

folder 12

Storm King Mountain (N.Y.) 1967-68

folder 13

Targhee National Forest (Idaho and Wyo.) 1967-68

folder 14

Television advertising and Environmental education 1968-69

folder 15

Thorne Ecological Foundation 1967-69

folder 16

Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1951

folder 17

Trail Peak (Calif.) 1967-68

folder 18

Trustees for Conservation 1968

folder 19

Udall, Stewart L. 1963-69

folder 20

United Automobile Workers 1967

folder 21

U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1968

folder 22

U.S. Forest Service 1955-69

folder 23

U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1966-69

folder 24

U.S. National Commission for UNESCO 1968

folder 25

U.S. National Park Service 1968

folder 26

Personnel 1967-69

folder 27

Utah 1967-69

folder 28

Voyageurs National Park (Minn.) 1967-68

folder 29

Water resources 1967-68


Wayburn, Edgar

folder 30

Articles n.d.

folder 31

Biography n.d.

folder 32

White House 1968

folder 33

White House Fellows program 1967

folder 34

White Mountains (N.M.) - De facto wilderness 1967

folder 35

Wild and scenic rivers 1967

folder 36

Wilderness areas 1956-68

folder 37

Robinson Basin 1969

folder 38

Siskiyou Mountains (Or. and Calif.) 1967-69

folder 39

Wilderness Conference 1967-69

folder 40

Wildlife conservation 1966-69

folder 41

Wyoming 1968-69

folder 42

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1956-68

folder 43

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1956-69

folder 44

Zumwalt Meadows (Calif.) 1967-68

Carton 55

Series 26: William Futrell Papers, 1974-1978

Scope and Content Note

These subject files, arranged alphabetically, are primarily from Futrell's presidential term, 1977-1978.
Ctn. 55, folder 45-52

Correspondence 1977-78

folder 53

Regarding visits to Sierra Club Chapters 1977-78


Subject Files

Ctn. 55, folder 54

Fund raising 1977

folder 55

Sierra Club - Outing Committee - Service Trips 1978

folder 56

Speeches and testimony 1974-78

Carton 56

Series 27: Kent Gill Papers, 1965-1977

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence (arranged chronologically) and subject files (arranged alphabetically by subject) are mostly from Gill's term as president, 1974-1976.
Ctn. 56, folder 1-22

Correspondence 1965, 1971-77


Subject Files

Ctn. 56, folder 23

Kaiparowits power-plant (Utah) - Sierra Club public relations 1975-76

folder 24

Litigation 1974-75

folder 25

Nuclear energy 1974

folder 26

Project Independence 1974


Sierra Club Committees

folder 27

Evaluation 1972-75

folder 28

Northern Plains Regional Conservation Committee - Agriculture 1974-75

folder 29

Wilderness Committee 1975

folder 30

Speeches and engagements 1973-76

folder 31

Whales 1977

Carton 56

Series 28: Herbert W. Gleason Papers, 1907-1915

Scope and Content Note

This file concerns a lecture tour on national parks and the American West, given to Sierra Club audiences.
Ctn. 56, folder 32

Gleason, Herbert W. 1907-15

Carton 57-62

Series 29: Robert V. Golden Papers, 1947-1980

Scope and Content Note

Golden worked for the club as general services manager, 1959-1969. Seven folders of correspondence are arranged chronologically; the remaining subject files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Subjects include the Galapagos Islands; Grand Canyon National Park; the U.S. Forest Service; wilderness areas; and Sierra Club committees, especially Outing Committee.
Ctn. 57, folder 1-7

Correspondence 1959-69


Subject Files

Ctn. 57, folder 8

Acreage allotments - Law and legislation 1966-68

folder 9

Alaska 1963-69

folder 10

Bodega Bay (Calif.) 1962-64

folder 11

Brower controversies 1968-69

folder 12

California Department of Fish and Game 1961-67

folder 13

California Fish and Game Commission 1961-65

folder 14

Camps 1964

folder 15

Cascade Range (Wash.) 1958-68

folder 16

Charitable contributions - Information services 1961-69

folder 17

Colby, William E. 1964

folder 18

Colorado River Association 1966

folder 19

Colorado Open Space Coordinating Council, Inc. 1966


Commonwealth Club of California

folder 20

Section on Forest Minerals and Range 1965-68

folder 21

Section on Governmental Finance 1964

folder 22

Section on National Defense 1964-70

folder 23

Section on Parks, Recreation and Wildlife 1964-67

folder 24

Concessions 1966

folder 25

Conference on Man in California 1962-63, 1980



folder 26

Eel River (Calif.) 1968-69

folder 27

Oroville (Calif.) 1964

folder 28

Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1967-69

folder 29

Dramatic Studies manuscript n.d.

folder 30

Elder, Allan Devon 1968-69

folder 31

Endangered species 1958-69

folder 32

Energy 1963-69

folder 33

Environmental education 1959-69

folder 34

Environmental organizations 1963-69


Environmental protection

folder 35

Clippings 1962-69

folder 36

Government policy 1968

folder 37

Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1969

folder 38

Fish 1958-69

folder 39

Forest management 1951-63

folder 40

Freeways and Roads 1955-69

folder 41

Fund raising 1963-68

folder 42

Galapagos Islands 1963-64

Ctn. 58, folder 1-2

Galapagos Islands 1965-67

folder 3

Articles and Clippings 1962-64

folder 4

Clippings 1966

folder 5

Expense accounts n.d.

folder 6

Inventories n.d.

folder 7

Notebooks 1966

folder 8

Notes n.d.

folder 9

Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1967-69


Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.)

folder 10-14

Correspondence 1964-67

folder 15-24

Clippings 1956-Sept 66

Ctn. 59, folder 1-2

Clippings Oct-Dec 1966

folder 3

Congressional Record 1966

folder 4

Miscellanea 1953-69

folder 5

Statements and Testimony 1966

folder 6

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) and Sierra Club 1965-67

folder 7

Grazing 1962-69

folder 8

Havasupai land claim 1974-75

folder 9

Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1963-65

folder 10

Hemming, Daniel H. n.d.

folder 11

High Uintas Primitive Area (Utah) n.d.

folder 12

Hickel, Walter J. 1968

folder 13-14

Insurance 1964-68

folder 15

Claims 1967-69

folder 16

Claims against New Zealand Express Company 1966

folder 17

Land use and Public lands 1963

folder 18

Lectures and lecturing 1965-69

folder 19

Litter (Trash, etc.) 1968

folder 20

Logging 1946-69

folder 21

Maps - Information services 1959-68

folder 22

Marble Canyon (Ariz.) 1969

folder 23

Memoranda 1968

folder 24

Mineral King (Calif.) 1967-69

folder 25-26

Miscellanea 1956-69

folder 27

Motion pictures 1960-69

folder 28

New Zealand n.d.

folder 29

Montana Conservation Council, Inc. 1958-60

folder 30

Nuclear energy 1961-66

folder 31-34

Notebooks 1959-64, 1968, n.d.

folder 35-36

Notes n.d.

folder 37

Office equipment and supplies 1964-68

folder 38

Office layout 1968

folder 39

Outdoor recreation 1950, 1964

folder 40

Parks 1956-69

Ctn. 60, folder 1-2

Personnel management 1965-69, n.d.

folder 3

Pesticides 1958-64

folder 4

Correspondence 1958-69

folder 5

Clippings 1958-69

folder 6

Petroleum industry 1968-69

folder 7

Photographs and Photographers 1963-69

folder 8

Politics, practical 1964

folder 9

Pollution 1965-69

folder 10

Prescribed burning 1957-64

folder 11

Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1968-69

folder 12

Red River Gorge (Ky.) 1968-69

folder 13

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1958-69

folder 14

Reports, notes and memoranda 1961-64

folder 15

Richvale Irrigation District (Calif.) 1958-63


Rudden, Clifford J. - Controller

folder 16

Budget 1969

folder 17

Financial statements 1964-69

folder 18

Memoranda 1964-69

folder 19

Publications, sales and inventory reports 1967-69

folder 20

San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1964-69


Sierra Club

folder 21-28

Applications for positions 1966-69

folder 29

Articles of Incorporation 1950-52

folder 30

By-laws (Amendments) 1951-63

folder 31

Capital summary 1968-69

folder 32-39

Charitable contributions 1962-68

folder 40

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1965

folder 41

Redwoods 1965

folder 42

Varian Memorial 1959

folder 43

Exhibitions 1966-68

folder 44

Information services 1967

folder 45-46

Membership 1952-67

folder 47

Organizational change 1963-67

folder 48

Pension trust 1955-67

folder 49

Publications 1965-69

folder 50

Collecting of accounts 1963-64

folder 51

Publicity 1964-69


Sierra Club Committees

folder 52

Bulletin Policy Committee 1968

folder 53

Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1964-69

Ctn. 61, folder 1

Conservation Committee - Advanced Planning Subcommittee 1962-64

folder 2

Library Committee 1959-68

folder 3

Miscellanea 1959-69

folder 4

Mountaineering Committee 1963-68

folder 5

Northern California Regional Conservation Committee - Minutes 1968-69


Outing Committee

folder 6-8

Correspondence 1958-69

folder 9

Accidents 1959-68

folder 10

Alpine Club (France) 1967

folder 11

Assets 1953-60

folder 12-21

Finance and Budget 1951-68, n.d.

folder 22

Financial statements -Graphic method 1963

folder 23

Membership rosters 1958-68

folder 24

Memoranda 1956-69

folder 25-26

Minutes 1955-68

folder 27

Miscellanea 1947-69

folder 28

Notes 1960-63

folder 29

Outing lists 1951-66

folder 30

Outing notices 1960-69


Outings - Europe

folder 31

Correspondence 1966-67

folder 32

Accounts 1966-67

folder 33

Itineraries 1966-67

folder 34

Notes, articles, etc. 1966-67

folder 35

Outings - Planning 1961-63

folder 36

Outings to Alaska (proposed) 1964

Ctn. 62, folder 1

Publications Committee 1965-69

folder 2

Publications Reorganization Committee 1968

folder 3

Reorganization Committee 1968

folder 4

Sierra Club Council 1962-63

folder 5

Sierra Club Elections 1965-71

folder 6

Brower controversies 1969

folder 7

Slides (Photography) n.d.

folder 8

Sonic boom and Supersonic transport planes 1968-69

folder 9

Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1964-69

folder 10

Talbot, Lee M. 1961

folder 11

Tax shelters 1968

folder 12

Trails 1959-69

folder 13

Vehicles 1961-68

folder 14

Trustees for Conservation 1965


University of California, Berkeley

folder 15

School of Forestry 1961-64

folder 16

Industry Advisory Committee on Insects Affecting Man 1961-66

folder 17

U.S. Department of the Interior 1963

folder 18

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1963

folder 19

U.S. Forest Service 1956-69

folder 20

Correspondence 1958-66

folder 21

Lincoln (Mont.) 1963

folder 22

Miscellanea 1960-62

folder 23

Notes 1956-64

folder 24

Pinecrest (Calif.) 1962

folder 25

Onion Valley (Calif.) 1958-59

folder 26

U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1959-69

folder 27

U.S. National Park Service 1963

folder 28

Visitors 1965-68

folder 29

Water Information Center, Inc. n.d.

folder 30

Water resources 1959-69

folder 31

Clippings 1959-69

folder 32

Water Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners 1963-64

folder 33

Whitney, Mount (Calif.) 1965


Wilderness areas

folder 34

Correspondence 1957-69

folder 35

Clippings 1963-69

folder 36

Law and legislation 1961-63

folder 37

Maps n.d.

folder 38

Notes, press releases and statements 1957-68

folder 39

Wilderness Conferences 1949-69

folder 40

8th 1963

folder 41

Wildlife conservation 1948-69

folder 42

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1958-62

Carton 62

Series 30: DeDe Gorin Papers, 1939

Scope and Content Note

Papers consist of color photocopies of pages from a scrapbook about the 1939 High Trip.
Ctn. 62, folder 43

1939 Sierra Club High Trip 1939


Series 31: Ansel F. Hall Papers, 1920-1962

Scope and Content Note

Hall's files include 1 folder of correspondence with Francis P. Farquhar; and an outline, notes, and drafts for chapters of a guidebook to the trails of Yosemite National Park.


Ctn. 63, folder 1

Farquhar, Francis P. 1920

folder 2

Hall, Ansel F. - Obituary 1962


Subject Files

Ctn. 63, folder 3

Trails of Yosemite National Park - outline ca. 1920

folder 4

Yosemite Guide and Trail Companion 1920


Yosemite National Park (Calif.)


Guidebook draft

folder 5

Chapter 17 ca. 1920

folder 6

Chapter 18 ca. 1920

folder 7

Chapter 19 ca. 1920

folder 8

Chapter 20 ca. 1920

folder 9

Chapter 21 ca. 1920

folder 10

Trail notes 1921-26

Carton 62

Series 32: Aurelia S. Harwood Papers, 1921-1924

Scope and Content Note

The club's first woman president, she served from 1927 to 1928. Papers include correspondence, arranged alphabetically, with William F. Badè, William E. Colby, Marion Randall Parsons, and Stephen T. Mather.
Ctn. 63, folder 11

Badè, William F. 1923

folder 12

Clyde, Norman 1924

folder 13

Colby, William E. 1922-23

folder 14

Hayward, Joseph T. 1921

folder 15

Mather, Stephen T. 1923

folder 16

Parsons, Marion Randall n.d.

folder 17

Parks and game preserves 1926-28

folder 18

Sierra Club 1922-24

Carton 63

Series 33: Alexander Hildebrand Papers, 1927-1971

Scope and Content Note

Alexander Hildebrand was president from 1954 to 1955. His papers include one folder of correspondence and alphabetically arranged subject files.
Ctn. 63, folder 19

Correspondence 1955-57


Subject Files

Ctn. 63, folder 20

Deadman Creek (Calif.) 1956



folder 21

Design and construction 1927-65

folder 22-23

In national parks and reserves 1955-60

folder 24

San Jacinto Tramway (Calif.) 1956

folder 25

San Luis Drain (Calif.) 1964-65


Sierra Club

folder 26-29

Brower controversies 1963-69, n.d.

folder 30

Publications policy 1963-65

folder 31

Relations with administrative agencies 1959-63

folder 32

Structure 1956, 1959-66

folder 33

Sierra Club Foundation 1971

folder 34

Speeches 1955-57

folder 35

Tioga Pass Road (Calif.) 1958-65

folder 36-38

U.S. Forest Service 1956-63

folder 39

Wilderness Conference, 5th 1957

Carton 63

Series 34: Milton Hildebrand Papers, 1947-1965

Scope and Content Note

Milton Hildebrand's file contains correspondence dealing with his service on the Sierra Club Natural Science Committee.
Ctn. 63, folder 40

Correspondence 1947-65

Carton 63

Series 35: Philip M. Hocker Papers, 1982-1987

Scope and Content Note

Hocker was treasurer, 1983-1986, and was instrumental in establishing the partnership which purchased and renovated the current Sierra Club headquarters at 730 Polk Street, San Francisco.
Ctn. 63, folder 41-46

Memoranda 1982-87

Carton 64

Series 36: John Hooper Papers, 1980-1983

Scope and Content Note

Hooper was a Sierra Club staff member with expertise in forest management and public lands issues. His correspondence is arranged chronologically.
Ctn. 64, folder 1-11

Correspondence 1980-83


Subject Files

Ctn. 64, folder 12

Forest management - Testimony 1980-82

folder 13

"Release language" attempts 1980-82

folder 14

U.S. Forest Service - Forest management 1981

Carton 64; Volume 2

Series 37: Thomas H. Jukes Papers, 1941-1990

Scope and Content Note

Jukes was a co-founder of the Mother Lode and Atlantic Chapters. His scrapbook contains correspondence concerning the founding of the latter (1950-1951); two folders of correspondence include a 1941 letter to Jukes from legendary mountain climber, Norman Clyde.
Ctn. 64, folder 15

Correspondence 1968-90

folder 16

Norman Clyde 1941-72

volume Vol. 2

Scrapbook (re the founding of Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter) 1950-51

Cartons 64-72

Series 38: Bruce Kilgore Papers, 1945-1968

Scope and Content Note

Kilgore edited the Sierra Club Bulletin. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent; subject files are arranged alphabetically by subject name. Prominent correspondents include Ansel Adams, Horace Marden Albright, Brooks Atkinson, Harold C. Bradley, David R. Brower, Rachel Carson, William E. Colby, William O. Douglas, Francis P. Farquhar, C.M. Goethe, Walter L. Huber, Richard M. Leonard, Martin Litton, Michael McCloskey, John B. Oakes, Eliot Porter, Theodore Waller, and Edgar Wayburn. Subjects include Rainbow Bridge National Monument; redwood forests and Redwood National Park; roads; wilderness areas; wildlife management; and Sierra Club committees, particularly the Publications Committee.


Ctn. 64, folder 17

Adams, Ansel 1960-62

folder 18

Albright, Horace Marden 1961

folder 19

Alexander, Josephine 1963

folder 20

American Association of Conservation Information 1961

folder 21

Angelmire, Kenneth M. 1961-62

folder 22

Annual Sierra Club Bulletin - Criticism 1962

folder 23

Atkeson, Ray 1963

folder 24

Atkinson, Brooks 1963

folder 25

Authors, A-Z 1960-62

folder 26

Bergman, Paul R. 1963

folder 27

Bradley, Harold C. 1963

folder 28

Brandt, Eunice 1961

folder 29

Brower, David R. 1961-62

folder 30

Brown, Estelle 1963

folder 31

Butcher, Russell D. 1960-61

folder 32

Caen, Herb 1962

folder 33

California Roadside Council 1960

folder 34

California, University of, Press 1962

folder 35

Carson, Rachel 1963

folder 36

Carter, Ernest 1962

folder 37

Caughey, John 1962

Ctn. 65, folder 1

Clinch, Nick 1963

folder 2

Colby, William E. 1959-63

folder 3

Cornelius Fidelis, Brother 1961

folder 4

Dawson, Muir 1962

folder 5

Dingell, John D. 1962

folder 6

Douglas, William O. 1961-62

folder 7

Eggert, Charles 1961

folder 8

Eissler, Fred 1960-62

folder 9

Farquhar, Francis P. 1960

folder 10

Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1960

folder 11

Flint, Phil 1960

folder 12

Giegling, John A. 1963

folder 13

Gigas, Braeme E. 1963

folder 14

Goethe, C.M. 1960-61

folder 15

Goldman, Rosalie 1961-63

folder 16

Graves, C. Edward 1963

folder 17

Gruening, Ernest 1963

folder 18

Gunsky, Fred 1957-61

folder 19

Hall, E. Raymond 1962-63

folder 20

Harrison, A.E. 1961-62

folder 21

Heald, Weldon F. 1958-63

folder 22

Hessey, Charles D. 1961

folder 23

Hildebrand, Milton n.d.

folder 24

Huber, Walter L. 1952-60

folder 25

Hyde, Philip 1960-64

folder 26

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1961

folder 27

James, Harry C. 1960

folder 28

Jones, Holway R. 1960-62

folder 29

Kafkaloll, John 1963-64

folder 30

Kendall, Henry W. 1962-63

folder 31

Lee, W. Storrs 1961

folder 32

Leonard, Richard M. 1960

folder 33

Leopold, Luna B. 1960

folder 34

Linford, Ernest H. 1961

folder 35

Litton, Martin 1962

folder 36

Luten, D.B. 1961

folder 37

McCloskey, Michael 1963

folder 38

McConnell, Grant 1961

folder 39

McGraw, Richard 1962-63

folder 40

Manning, Harvey H. 1961-62

folder 41

Marshall, George 1960-62

folder 42

Marshall, James 1963

folder 43

Marshall, Robert R. 1960-61

folder 44

Masland, Frank E. 1960-63

folder 45

Mendenhall, Ruth D. 1962

folder 46

Meyerowitz, Rainer F. 1961-62

folder 47-48

Miller, Katharine D. (Southerland) 1962-63

folder 49-60

Miscellanea 1950-64

folder 61

Nation, The 1963

folder 62

National Audubon Society 1961-63

folder 63

National Geographic Society 1963

folder 64

National Parks Association 1960-64

folder 65

Nature Conservancy 1960-61

folder 66

Netboy, Anthony 1961-62

folder 67

North Cascades Conservation Council 1960

folder 68

Noyes, Winninette A. 1961-63

folder 69

Oakes, John B. 1961

folder 70

Ogilvy, Stewart M. 1960-63

folder 71

Onthank, Karl W. 1961-63

folder 72

Parsons, Harriet T. 1958

folder 73

Pesonen, David 1964

folder 74

Photographs 1960

folder 75

Poland, Roscoe A. 1962

folder 76

Porter, Eliot 1961

folder 77

Pough, Richard H. 1961-62

Ctn. 66, folder 1-2

Publication proposals 1961-62

folder 3

Reader's Digest 1963

folder 4

Robinson, Bestor 1961

folder 5

Roth, Hal 1961-62

folder 6

Russell, Carl P. 1960-62

folder 7

Sargent, Shirley 1961-62

folder 8

Schumacher, Genny 1963

folder 9

Sharpe, Gerry 1951


Sierra Club Chapters

folder 10

Angeles Chapter 1963

folder 11

Atlantic Chapter 1962

folder 12

Los Padres Chapter - Santa Lucia Group 1963

folder 13

Pacific Northwest Chapter 1962

folder 14

Riverside Chapter 1961

folder 15

San Diego Chapter 1961-62

folder 16

Tehipite Chapter 1961

folder 17

Sierra Club Council 1960-61

folder 18

Sill, Richard 1962-63

folder 19

Storer, Tracy I. 1961

folder 20

Summit Magazine 1960-62

folder 21

Trustees for Conservation 1961

folder 22

Turner, Kenneth M. 1961

folder 23

Ullman, James 1962

folder 24

U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1963

folder 25

U.S. Bureau of the Budget 1963

folder 26

U.S. Department of the Interior 1963

folder 27

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1963

folder 28

U.S. Forest Service 1963

folder 29

U.S. National Park Service 1960-61

folder 30

Waller, Theodore 1960

folder 31

Warth, John F. 1961

folder 32

Washburn, Bradford 1960

folder 33

Wayburn, Edgar 1960

folder 34

Wessels, Glenn A. 1962

folder 35

Wheelwright, George W. 1963

folder 36

Wild Flower Preservation Society, Inc. 1961

folder 37

Wilderness Society 1961-63

folder 38

Wilson, Virginia P. 1960

folder 39

Wright, Cedric 1958-65

folder 40

Zimmerman, William, Jr. 1963


Subject files



Ctn. 66, folder 41

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1960-61

folder 42

Miscellanea 1960

folder 43-44

Project Chariot 1961-63

folder 45

Rampart Dam 1963

folder 46

American Motors Conservation Award 1961

folder 47

American Youth Hostels Association 1959-62

folder 48

Anderson, Clinton P. 1963

folder 49

Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1960-63

folder 50

Billboards 1958-60

folder 51

Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1960

folder 52

Bodega Bay (Calif.) 1961

folder 53

Correspondence 1963

folder 54

Articles 1963

folder 55

Clippings 1963-64

folder 56

News releases 1962-64

folder 57

Public utilities 1963

folder 58

Book reviewing 1962

folder 59

California condor 1964

folder 60-62

California Department of Parks and Recreation - Division of Beaches and Parks - Bonds 1960-64

folder 63

California Roadside Council - Correspondence 1963-64

folder 64

Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1961-62

folder 65

Cape Cod National Seashore (Mass.) 1961

folder 66

Carr, James K. 1963

folder 67

Cascade Range (Or.) 1960

folder 68

Castle Rock State Park (Calif.) n.d.

folder 69

Channel Islands National Park (Calif.) 1961-63

folder 70

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Md.) 1961

folder 71

Church, James E. 1959-60

folder 72

Citizens Committee for the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission Report 1963

folder 73

Clyde, Norman 1961

folder 74

Colorado River 1961

folder 75

Conservation Education Workshop (7th) 1961

folder 76

Conservation Foundation 1962

folder 77

Dams 1963

folder 78

Kinzua (Pa.) 1960-61

folder 79

Delta Region (Calif.) 1961-64

folder 80

Dinosaur National Monument (Utah) 1960-61

folder 81

Energy industries 1961-63

Ctn. 67, folder 1

Environmental protection 1959-60

folder 2

Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1960-62

folder 3

Everest, Mount (China and Nepal) 1963

folder 4

Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1962-63

folder 5

Fire - Parks 1963

folder 6

Fire Island National Seashore (N.Y.) 1963

folder 7

Forest fires 1963

folder 8

Forest management - Land use 1960-62

folder 9

Forest Practice Act (Calif.) 1961

folder 10

Forest products - Management n.d.

folder 11

Forests and forestry 1960-64



folder 12

Marin County (Calif.) 1960-64

folder 13

Parks 1960

folder 14

Giant Sequoia 1964

folder 15

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Utah and Ariz.) 1957-63

folder 16

Sierra Club 1963

folder 17

Goat Rocks Wilderness (Wash.) 1962

folder 18

Gondolas - Palm Springs (Calif.) 1962-63

folder 19

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1962-64

folder 20

Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1960-61

folder 21

Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) - Parkways 1960

folder 22

Hall, Ansel F. 1962

folder 23

Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1963

folder 24

Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) 1960-63

folder 25

Horseshoe Meadows (Calif.) 1961

folder 26

Hudson River Valley - Storm King Mountain (N.Y.) 1964

folder 27

Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1956-63

folder 28

Hunting 1961

folder 29

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1958

folder 30

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1960-63

folder 31

Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1962

folder 32

Kansas - Grasslands 1962

folder 33

Katmai National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1958-62

folder 34

Keep America Beautiful, Inc. 1962

folder 35

Kennedy, John F. 1964

folder 36

Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1961

folder 37

Kettle Moraine State Forest (Wis.) 1961

folder 38

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1964-65

folder 39

La Garita Mountains (Colo.) 1961

folder 40

Land and Water Conservation Fund 1963

folder 41

League of Women Voters of the United States 1962

folder 42

Logging 1963-64

folder 43

Lectures and lecturing 1961-62

folder 44

Lewis and Clark National Wilderness Waterway (Mont.) (proposed) 1962

folder 45

Liberty Park (Utah) (proposed) 1962

folder 46

Litter (trash, etc.) 1960

folder 47

Logging 1956-59

folder 48

McKinley, Mount (Alaska) 1962

folder 49

Meetings 1961-63

folder 50

Minam River (Or.) 1963-64

folder 51

Minam River Watershed (Or.) 1960

folder 52

Mineral industries 1960-61

folder 53-54

Miscellanea 1959-61

folder 55

Mount Jefferson Wilderness (Or.) 1961

folder 56

Mountaineering 1962-63

folder 57

Muir Woods National Monument (Calif.) 1961-62

folder 58

National Audubon Society - Meetings 1962

folder 59

National parks and reserves 1948-60

folder 60

Motor vehicles 1958-63

folder 61

Natural resources 1961-62

folder 62

Needles (Utah) 1961

folder 63

New York Times - Editorials 1961-62

folder 64

Notebooks 1963

Ctn. 68, folder 1-2

North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (28th) 1963

folder 3

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1961-63

folder 4

Northern Great Lakes Region Conference on Land and People 1963

folder 5

Nuclear energy 1961-63

folder 6

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1960

folder 7

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1962-63

folder 8

Outdoor recreation 1960-62

folder 9

Government policy 1962

folder 10

Ozark National Scenic Riverways (Mo.) 1962-63

folder 11

Padre Island National Seashore (Tex.) 1960-62

folder 12

Parks (Nev.) - Survey 1958-60

folder 13

Pesticides 1962-63

folder 14

Articles and lectures 1957-63

folder 15

Press releases and clippings 1963

folder 16

Reports and memoranda 1963

folder 17

Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1960-63

folder 18

Clippings 1961-63

folder 19

Politics, Practical 1963

folder 20

Pollution 1961

folder 21

Air - Pollution 1961

folder 22

Water - Pollution 1962

folder 23

Population 1961

folder 24

Public lands 1961-63

folder 25

Quetico Provincial Park (Canada) and Boundary Water Canoe Area (Minn.) 1960-61


Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Utah)

folder 26-28

Correspondence 1960-63

folder 29

Clippings 1960-61

folder 30

National Parks Association 1962-63

folder 31

Statements 1960-63

folder 32

Rampart Dam (Alaska) 1964

Ctn. 69, folder 1

Redwood 1964-65

folder 2

Articles n.d.

folder 3

Press releases and Clippings 1964



folder 4-5

Correspondence 1963-65

folder 6

Articles n.d.

folder 7

Clippings 1964-65

folder 8

Law and legislation 1963-65

folder 9

Maps n.d.

folder 10

Miscellanea 1964-65

folder 11

Press releases 1964

folder 12

Reports 1964

folder 13

Save-the-Redwoods League 1945

folder 14-15

Statements 1964-65

folder 16

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1964-65

folder 17

Clippings 1964

folder 18

Fact sheet 1964

folder 19

Richardson Bay (Calif.) 1964

folder 20

Roads 1959-62

folder 21

Clippings 1962

folder 22

Highway 1 South (Calif.) 1962

folder 23

Logan Canyon (Utah) 1961

folder 24

Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) 1958-62

folder 25

Parks 1958-63

folder 26

San Francisco (Calif.) 1961

folder 27

Shore protection - Marin County (Calif.) 1961-62

folder 28

Clippings 1960-62

folder 29

Scenic Roads Association 1960

Ctn. 70, folder 1

Sierra Club 1960

folder 2

Statements 1960-62

folder 3-4

Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) 1959-61

folder 5

Tioga Pass Road (Calif.) 1961

folder 6

Robinson Basin (Calif.) 1960

folder 7

San Francisco (Calif.) 1962

folder 8

San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1963-64

folder 9

San Mateo County Hiking and Riding Trails Committee 1963

folder 10

Sawtooth Wilderness (Idaho) 1963

folder 11

Scenic highways 1962-63

folder 12

Seashore 1959-61

folder 13

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1960-63

folder 14

Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1963

folder 15

Shasta, Mount (Calif.) 1964


Sierra Club

folder 16

Clippings 1959-62

folder 17

History - "And Make the Mountains Glad" 1960

folder 18

Miscellanea 1960-61

folder 19

Newsletter 1963

folder 20

Personnel 1962-64



folder 21

Brochures n.d.

folder 22

Island in Time 1962

folder 23

Nature Next Door 1962

folder 24

Place No One Knew, The 1962-65

folder 25

Publicity 1960-65

folder 26

Sierra Club Board of Directors 1963

folder 27

Executive Committee 1961-63

folder 28

Miscellanea 1961-68

folder 29

Sierra Club Bulletin 1961-62

folder 30-31

Manuscripts 1961

folder 32

Memoranda 1960-63

folder 33

Miscellanea 1960-61

folder 34

Sierra Club Chapters 1962

folder 35

Northwest Chapter - Environmental education 1962


Sierra Club Committees

folder 36-38

Conservation Committee - Minutes 1960-62

folder 39

Mountaineering Committee 1962


Publications Committee

Ctn. 71, folder 1-2

Correspondence 1957-62

folder 3

Agenda 1961-62

folder 4-5

Budget 1960-62

folder 6

Financial statements 1961

folder 7-8

"High Sierrans" 1959-62

folder 9

Inventory 1959-62

folder 10

Memoranda 1960-62

folder 11

Minutes 1961-62

folder 12

Miscellanea 1961

folder 13

Sierra Club Council 1961

folder 14

Information and Education Conference 1962

folder 15

Clippings 1968

folder 16

Sierra Club Explorer and Reconnaissance Trips 1962

folder 17

Sierra Club Foundation 1960

folder 18

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1961

folder 19

Speeches 1960-61

folder 20

Stegner, Wallace 1963

folder 21-22

Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1959-64

folder 23

Scenic highways 1963

folder 24

Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1957-60

folder 25

Tioga Pass Road (Calif.) 1961

folder 26

Trails 1963

folder 27

Motor vehicles 1961

folder 28

Turtle Island (Me.) 1963

folder 29

Udall, Stewart L. (re Tioga Pass Road) 1961

folder 30

Uncompahgre Primitive Area (Colo.) n.d.

folder 31

Urbanization and Open spaces 1961-62

folder 32

U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1961

folder 33

U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of the Interior 1963

folder 34

U.S. Forest Service 1960-61

folder 35

Clippings 1961-62

folder 36

Oregon 1960-61

folder 37-38

U.S. National Park Service 1958-64

folder 39

Waldo Lake (Or.) 1961

folder 40

Water resources development 1959-60

folder 41

Southwest U.S. 1963-64

folder 42

Watersheds 1952-61

folder 43

Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners Conference 1964

folder 44

Western Resources Conference 1961-63

folder 45

Whiskeytown Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area 1962

folder 46

Wild and scenic rivers 1963

Ctn. 72, folder 1

Wilderness areas 1960-62

folder 2

California - Clippings 1961

folder 3

Land use 1960

folder 4

Law and legislation 1961-64

folder 5

Citizens Committee on Natural Resources 1961

folder 6

Clippings 1960-62

folder 7

Congressional Record 1961-64

folder 8

Statements 1960-64

folder 9

Trustees for Conservation 1961-62

folder 10

Wilderness Society 1961-63

folder 11

Press releases - Sierra Club 1962-64

folder 12

Wilderness Conference 1962

folder 13

Wildlife conservation 1961-63

folder 14

Tule elk 1962-64


Wildlife management

folder 15-17

Elk - Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1961-64

folder 18

Hunting 1962-63

folder 19

National parks and reserves 1961-63

folder 20

Report 1963

folder 21

Predatory animals - Control 1962-64

folder 22

Report 1964

folder 23

Wildlife refugees 1961

folder 24

Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.) 1960-64

folder 25-27

Boating 1959-60

folder 28

Clippings 1959-60

folder 29

Maps n.d.

folder 30

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1960-61

folder 31

Clippings 1961-62

folder 32

Pesticides 1963-64

folder 33

Zion National Park (Utah) 1958-61

Volume 3

Series 39: Frank A. Kittredge Papers, 1938

Scope and Content Note

Volume is entitled "Graphic Report of the Proposed Kings River National Park."
volume Vol. 3

Graphic Report on Kings River National Park (proposed) 1938

Carton 73

Series 40: Florence Klinger Papers, 1963-1976

Scope and Content Note

Her subject files concern coastal zone management and the California Coastal Initiative (Proposition 20).
Ctn. 73, folder 1-2

California Coastal Initiative (Proposition 20) 1972

folder 3

Coastal zone management (Calif.) 1963-70

folder 4-5

Clippings 1968-76

Cartons 73-74

Series 41: Marshall Kuhn Papers, 1940-1977

Scope and Content Note

Kuhn was a long-time chair of the Sierra Club History Committee. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by correspondent; subject files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Topics include the establishment of the Sierra Club Archives at The Bancroft Library; the inauguration of an oral history program; and other History Committee activities.


Ctn. 73, folder 6

Adams, Ansel 1971-75

folder 7

Bernays, Philip S. 1971-75

folder 8

Clark, Lewis F. 1974-76

folder 9

Dawson, Lawrence 1970-76

folder 10

Farquhar, Francis P. 1971-75

folder 11

Jones, Holway R. 1971-75

folder 12

Kimes, William F. 1972-78

folder 13

Leonard, Richard M. 1972-77

folder 14

Lloyd, James V. 1975

folder 15

Nash, Roderick 1970-76

folder 16

Roundy, Charles G. 1971-72

folder 17

Schrepfer, Susan R. 1971-77

folder 18

Siri, William 1970-71

folder 19

Strong, Douglas 1975-76


Subject Files

Ctn. 73, folder 20

Azuma, Ryozo 1975

folder 21-23

Bancroft Library 1958-77

folder 24-25

Regional Oral History Office 1968-77

folder 26

Brower, David R. 1970-73

folder 27

California State University, Fullerton 1975-76

folder 28

Cohen, Sheldon 1972-73

folder 29

Cornell University 1970-71

folder 30

Denver Public Library 1969-71

folder 31

Forest History Society 1971-76

folder 32

Gilliam, Harold, articles 1970-76

folder 33

High Sierra Camp - Musical comedy 1940

folder 34

Jackson, Donald D., articles 1970-75

folder 35

John Muir Memorial Association 1974-76

folder 36-37

John Muir National Historic Site (Calif.) 1970-77

folder 38

Jones, Dewitt 1974-75


Kuhn, Marshall

folder 39

Notes 1970-74

folder 40

Speeches 1970-72

folder 41

Minarets Wilderness (Calif.) 1968-74

folder 42

Muir Bicentennial Pageant 1974-76

folder 43

Muir, John 1964-76

folder 44

Olmsted, Frederick L. 1972-73


Sierra Club

folder 45

Annual dinner 1973-77

folder 46

Dinners 1972-76

folder 47

Exhibits 1971-76

folder 48

Memberships 1970-73


Sierra Club Committees

Ctn. 74, folder 1

History Committee 1970-76

folder 2

Announcements of meetings 1971-77

folder 3

Budget 1973-77

folder 4-9

Correspondence 1970-77

folder 10

Memoranda 1971-75

folder 11

Minutes 1970-75

folder 12-13

Oral History Subcommittee 1969-77

folder 14

Questionnaire correspondence 1971-76

folder 15

Rosters 1971-75

folder 16

History and Awards Committee 1976

folder 17

Sierra Club LeConte Memorial Lodge 1973-75

folder 18-19

Sierra Club Foundation 1969-76

folder 20

Sourisseau Academy Awards 1971-74

folder 21

University of California 1970-71

folder 22

Yosemite Institute 1972-74

folder 23

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1974-76

Cartons 74-80

Series 42: Judith Kunofsky Papers, 1975-1986

Scope and Content Note

Both as a volunteer and a staff person, Kunofsky worked on such issues as air quality, agriculture, and the club's Population and Growth Policy Program. Her correspondence files are arranged chronologically; subject files are arranged alphabetically.
Ctn. 74, folder 24-29

Correspondence 1974-82


Subject Files

Ctn. 74, folder 30-31

Abortion 1974-76

folder 32

Acid rain - Meetings 1979-80

folder 33

Agriculture 1978-83


Air - Pollution

folder 34-35

Grants-in-aid 1977-80

folder 36

Law and legislation - Texas 1978-79


Air quality

folder 37

Environmental organizations - Proposals 1979-80

folder 38

State Implementation Plan (SIP) 1979-80

folder 39

Alaska 1980

folder 40

Arizona 1979-80

folder 41

California 1979-80

Ctn. 75, folder 1

Clippings 1979-80

folder 2

Checklist 1979

folder 3

Colorado 1979-80

folder 4

Connecticut 1980

folder 5

Florida 1979

folder 6

Idaho 1980

folder 7

Illinois 1980

folder 8

Indiana 1979

folder 9

Iowa 1979

folder 10

Kentucky n.d.

folder 11

Lousiana 1979

folder 12

Maryland 1980

folder 13

Massachusetts 1979-81

folder 14

Michigan n.d.

folder 15

Mississippi - Clippings 1980

folder 16

Montana n.d.

folder 17

Nebraska 1979, n.d.

folder 18

New Hampshire - Clean Air Workshops 1980

folder 19

New Mexico 1979

folder 20

New York 1980

folder 21

Non-Attainment Areas 1979

folder 22

North Carolina 1980

folder 23

North Dakota 1980, n.d.

folder 24

Ohio 1979-80

folder 25

Oklahoma 1979

folder 26

Oregon 1979-80

folder 27

Pennsylvania 1979-80

folder 28

Revisions n.d.

folder 29

Tennessee n.d.

folder 30

Texas 1980

folder 31

Utah 1979-80

folder 32

Washington 1979-80

folder 33

Wisconsin 1980

folder 34

Wyoming n.d.

folder 35

Center for Open Environmental Information - Proposal 1981

folder 36

California Department of Health Service - Abandoned Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Project 1979-82

folder 37

"Clean Air for Montana" 1978

folder 38

Clean Air Workshops 1979-80

folder 39

Albuquerque (N.M.) 1978

folder 40

Anchorage (Alaska) 1978

folder 41

Augusta (Me.) 1978

folder 42

Boston (Ma.) 1978

folder 43

Coordinators 1978

folder 44

Chicago (Il.) 1978

folder 45

Chicago Lung Association 1978-79

folder 46

Denver (Colo.) 1978-79

folder 47

Easton, Ed 1978

folder 48

El Paso (Tex.) 1978

folder 49

Fairbanks (Alaska) 1978

folder 50

Grants-in-aid - Finance 1977-78

folder 51

Honolulu (Hawaii) 1978

folder 52

Las Vegas (Nev.) 1978

folder 53

Little Rock (Ark.) 1978

folder 54

Los Angeles (Calif.) 1978-79

folder 55

Louisville (Ky.) [1983]

folder 56

Milwaukee (Wis.) 1979

folder 57

Minneapolis and St. Paul (Minn.) 1978

folder 58

Missoula (Mont.) 1977-79

folder 59

New Orleans (La.) 1978

folder 60

Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana 1978

folder 61

Phoenix (Ariz.) 1978

folder 62

Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1979

Ctn. 76, folder 1

Portland (Or.) 1978

folder 2

Publicity - Clippings 1978

folder 3

Rhode Island 1979

folder 4

Rosters n.d.

folder 5

San Juan, Puerto Rico 1978

folder 6

St. Louis (Mo.) 1978

folder 7

Salt Lake City (Utah) 1978

folder 8

San Diego (Calif.) 1979

folder 9

San Francisco (Calif.) 1978

folder 10

Seattle (Wash.) 1978


Sierra Club

folder 11

Atlantic Chapter 1979-81

folder 12

Budget Status Report 1975-79

folder 13

South Lake Tahoe (Calif.) 1978

folder 14

Spokane (Wash.) 1978

folder 15

Summary 1978

folder 16

Teaneck (N.J.) 1979

folder 17

Clean Water Act 1977-88

folder 18

Connecticut Lung Association 1979

folder 19

Coastal zone management 1978-79

folder 20

Compensation Program for Victims of Hazardous Substances n.d.

folder 21

Dakota Resource Council 1978

folder 22

Di-Chem Corporation - Refuse and refuse disposal 1981

folder 23

Energy conservation - Sierra Club proposals 1978-80


Environmental organizations

folder 24

California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance 1981

folder 25

Conservation Foundation 1977

folder 26

Science for Citizens 1978

folder 27

Public Interest Law Center 1978

folder 28

Environmental protection - Sierra Club proposals 1977-80

folder 29

Food 1974-76

folder 30

Clippings 1974-75



folder 31

Clean Air Act - Budget 1980-81

folder 32-33

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978-81

folder 34

Alaska Center for Environment 1978-79

folder 35

Alaska Lung Association 1980-81

folder 36

American Lung Association of Central Indiana 1980-81

folder 37

American Lung Association of Sacramento 1980

folder 38

American Lung Association of Southeastern Michigan 1979

folder 39

American Lung Association of Wisconsin 1979-81

folder 40

Baltimore Environmental Center, Inc. 1980-81

folder 41

California Lung Association 1978-79

folder 42

Coalition for the Environment 1978-79

folder 43

Connecticut Lung Association 1979

folder 44

Conservation Council of Virginia Foundation 1979

folder 45

Conservation Training Network 1979

Ctn. 77, folder 1

Dakota Resource Council 1978

folder 2

Delaware Valley Citizens' Council for Clean Air 1979-81

folder 3

Fairbanks Environmental Center 1978-79

folder 4

Friends of the Earth 1980

folder 5

Gulf Coast Lung Association 1978-79

folder 6

Group Against Smog and Pollution 1979-81

folder 7

Idaho Conservation League 1980-81

folder 8

Illinois Lung Association 1978-79

folder 9

League to Save Lake Tahoe 1980

folder 10

League of Women Voters of Maine 1978

folder 11

Metro Clean Air Committee 1979

folder 12

Mountain Community Union 1978-79

folder 13

National Clean Air Coalition 1978-81

folder 14

Articles 1978

folder 15

Nebraska Lung Association 1978

folder 16

New Hampshire Lung Association 1979

folder 17

New Mexico Citizens for Clean Air and Water 1978-79

folder 18

Northwest Regional Foundation 1980-81

folder 19

Oklahoma Coalition for Clean Air 1978

folder 20

Personal Mobility Committee, Inc. 1980

folder 21

Oregon Environmental Council 1980-81

folder 22

Reports - Visibility protection 1979

folder 23

San Diego Ecology Center 1980


Sierra Club

folder 24

Air quality 1979-81

folder 25

Citizen's Update on Shoreline Policy 1980-81

folder 26-27

Hazardous substances 1978-81

folder 28

Education 1979-81

folder 29

Houston Regional Group 1981

folder 30

Indirect Cost Rate Proposal 1979

folder 31

International Earthcare Center 1978-81

folder 32

National Urban Environment Conference 1977-79

folder 33

Oral history n.d.

folder 34

Population forecasting 1979

folder 35

Program to Strengthen Concern for the Urban Environment 1979-81

folder 36

Proposals 1979-81

folder 37-38

Water, Underground 1980-81

folder 39

Budget Status Report 1980

folder 40

Groundwater Protection Strategy 1980

folder 41

Advisory Committee 1980

folder 42

Consultants 1980

folder 43

Scholarship application 1980


Sierra Club Chapters

folder 44

Angeles Chapter - Air quality 1981


Atlantic Chapter

folder 45

Clean Water Act 1981

folder 46

Newsletter 1980


Cascade Chapter

folder 47

Clean Water Handbook 1979-80

folder 48

Water quality 1978-80

folder 49

Connecticut Chapter - Hazardous wastes 1979-80

folder 50

Grand Canyon Chapter - Hazardous wastes 1978-82

folder 51

Hawaii Chapter 1978-79


LeConte Chapter

folder 52

Air quality 1979

folder 53

Hazardous substances 1979

folder 54

Public Participation Course 1980-81

folder 55

Water quality 1979-80

folder 56

Mississippi Chapter 1978

folder 57

Hazardous waste sites 1980

Ctn. 78, folder 1

New England Chapter 1980

folder 2

Tennessee Lung Association 1979

folder 3

U.S. Government 1982

folder 4-5

Criticism 1981-83

folder 6

Clippings 1981-84

folder 7

Washington Lung Association 1977-78

folder 8

Wyoming Outdoor Council 1979

folder 9

Hazardous substances - Proposals 1984

folder 10

Hazardous waste sites - Proposals 1983

folder 11

Hazardous wastes - Fund raising 1978-81

folder 12

Idaho Conservation League 1978-79

folder 13

Industrial safety - Clippings 1982-83



folder 14

Grants-in-aid 1982-83

folder 15

Priority Congressional District Organizing 1983

folder 16

Sierra Club Cascade Chapter 1983

folder 17

Rules and regulations - U.S. Office of Management and Budget 1983


Sierra Club Chapters

folder 18

Delta Chapter 1983

folder 19

Hoosier Chapter 1983

folder 20

Iowa Chapter 1983

folder 21

Kansas Chapter 1983

folder 22

Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1983

folder 23

Lone Star Chapter 1983-84

folder 24

Mississippi Chapter 1983

folder 25

Mother Lode Chapter 1983

folder 26

New England Chapter 1983-86

folder 27

North Star Chapter 1983

folder 28

Pennsylvania Chapter 1983

folder 29

New Jersey Chapter 1983

folder 30

Tehipite Chapter 1983

folder 31

Sierra Club Western Maryland Group - Tuolumne River (Calif.) 1984


Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program

folder 32

Contracts 1979-80

folder 33

Receipts 1979-80

folder 34

National Commission on Air Quality - Report 1980

folder 35

National Conference on the Urban Environment 1978-79

folder 36

National Democratic Policy Committee 1983

folder 37

Ocean incineration 1982-84

folder 38

Clippings 1983-84

folder 39

Statements 1982-84



folder 40

Sierra Club litigation 1983

folder 41

California 1983

folder 42

Mendocino County (Calif.) 1980-82

folder 43

Mirex 1982-83

folder 44

Political campaigns - Public opinion poll 1984



folder 45-46

Clippings 1974-76

Ctn. 79, folder 1-2

Education 1974-76

folder 3-4

Liaison with Sierra Club chapters 1974-76

folder 5

Limits to Growth Conference 1975

folder 6

World Population Conference 1973-75

folder 7

Articles and Clippings 1974

folder 8

World Population Day 1974


Population forecasting

folder 9-10

California 1975-83

folder 11

Grants-in-aid 1979

folder 12

Population policy - California 1976-80

folder 13

Sierra Club Conservation Priority Fact Sheets 1983


Sierra Club Natural Heritage Reports

folder 14-17

"American Farmers: Dirty Air, Lost Crops" 1976-84, n.d.

folder 18-21

"The Great Giveaway 1978-83

Ctn. 80, folder 1

"Poisons on the Job" 1982-83

folder 2-3

Sierra Club Natural Heritage Reports 1982-83

folder 4

"Sierra Club Platform for the Future" 1982

folder 5

Sierra Club Platform for the 1984 Elections 1984


Sierra Club

folder 6

Population and Growth Policy Program 1981-84

folder 7

Population policy 1972-84

folder 8

"Population Report" 1971-86

folder 9

Relations with minorities 1983

folder 10

Toxics Training Program 1979-81


Sierra Club Committees

folder 11

Clean Air Act Campaign Steering Committee 1981-82

folder 12

Committee on Political Education (SCCOPE) - Registration forms 1984

folder 13

Workshop on Electoral Politics 1983

folder 14

Issues Committee 1983

folder 15

National Energy Committee 1982-83

folder 16-18

Population Committee 1971-76

folder 19

Regional Conservation Committees - Self-evaluation 1981

folder 20

South California Association of Governments (SCAG) 1978

folder 21

Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission 1980

folder 22

Urban ecology - Housing and Transportation 1979-80

folder 23

Urban renewal - Reports: Urban Waterfront Revitalization 1982


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

folder 24

Meetings with William Ruckelshaus 1983

folder 25

Public Participation Grants - Pesticides 1981

folder 26

Water quality - Environmental organizations - Proposals 1979-80

folder 27

Water quality testing 1982-84


Water - Pollution

folder 28

Superfund 1982-83

folder 29

Criticism 1982

folder 30

Reports 1982

folder 31

Wyoming Outdoor Council 1978

Volume 4

Series 43: Joseph Leconte Papers, ca. 1926

Scope and Content Note

Volume is entitled "Snow Curves from Summit Station" [Placer County, Calif.].
volume Vol. 4

"Snow Curves from Summit Station" (Placer County, Calif.) ca. 1926

Cartons 81-86

Series 44: Richard M. Leonard Papers, 1920-1985

Scope and Content Note

Leonard's service on the board of directors spanned the years 1938-1972; he is currently honorary president. Ten folders of correspondence are arranged chronologically; subject files are arranged alphabetically. Topics include the controversies surrounding the firing of executive director David Brower, the Wilderness Society, and the Master Plan for Yosemite National Park.
Ctn. 81, folder 1-10

Correspondence 1938-85


Subject Files

Ctn. 81, folder 11

Alaska n.d.


Adams, Ansel

folder 12

Articles 1979-80

folder 13

Publicity 1979-84

folder 14

American Forestry Association - Correspondence 1954

folder 15

American Planning and Civic Association - Correspondence 1952-54

folder 16

Berger, Thomas R. 1982

folder 17

Concerned Members for Conservation 1969-70

folder 18-23

Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1965-68, n.d.

folder 24

Ed Cooper Photography 1985

folder 25

Friends of the Earth 1977,1983

folder 26

Georgia-Pacific Corporation 1967-68

folder 27

Grazing 1973-77

folder 28

Granger Associates 1976-77

folder 29

Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1953


Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.)

Ctn. 82, folder 1

Grants-in-aid 1969-72

folder 2

Litigation 1974

folder 3

Information and Education Conference 1968

folder 4

Insurance 1971-75

folder 5

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1972-75

folder 6-11

Interview - Richard M. Leonard - Tape 1-17 1972-73

folder 12

John Muir Trail (Calif.) 1928-54

folder 13

Jukes, Thomas H. 1978

folder 14

Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) - Roads - Maps n.d.

folder 15

Law Office of Leonard and Dole 1974

folder 16

LeConte Memorial 1981-82

folder 17

Leonard, Richard M. - Articles 1983

folder 18

Marshall, Robert R. 1983

folder 19

McCraw special publication fund 1957

folder 20

McDuffie Memorial Fund 1956-59

folder 21

Minarets (Calif.) 1950-70

folder 22

Mineral industries 1961-70

folder 23

Mineral King (Calif.) 1976

folder 24

"Mountains of the Middle Kingdom" 1983

folder 25

Mount San Jacinto State Park (Calif.) - Gondolas 1961-65

folder 26

Mountaineering 1942

folder 27

"First Ascent of Shiprock" 1938

folder 28

National parks and reserves 1952

folder 29

Nature Conservancy 1950-57

folder 30

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Ariz.) 1950

folder 31

Oppenheimer, J. Robert - Clippings 1954

folder 32

Outings - Brochures 1920-40

folder 33

Parks 1952-54

Ctn. 83, folder 1

Pesticides 1953-66

folder 2

Clippings 1963-64

folder 3

Pinnacles National Monument (Calif.) 1954-55

folder 4

Redwood industry - Dillon Woods Corporation 1950-58

folder 5-6

Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1972-77

folder 7

Administrative agencies 1975-76

folder 8

Annual reports 1978

folder 9

Law and legislation 1978

folder 10

Roadside improvement 1951-53

folder 11

Salaries 1970-71

folder 12

Save-the-Redwoods League 1971

folder 13

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1985

folder 14

Scenic highways 1963-69


Sierra Club

folder 15

Articles of Incorporation 1951, 1973, 1981

folder 16-19

Brower controversies 1967-80

folder 20

Correspondence 1968-70

folder 21

Concerned Members for Conservation 1969

folder 22

Leadership 1968

folder 23

Loyalty 1968

folder 24

Press 1969

folder 25

Severance pay 1969

folder 26

Sierra Club Chapters 1968

folder 27

Sierra Club publications 1969

Ctn. 84, folder 1

White Paper n.d.

folder 2-5

By-laws 1977-80

folder 6

Amendments (proposed) 1969

folder 7

Deeds 1971-73

folder 8

Real property 1921-71

folder 9-12

Elections 1969-79

folder 13

Clippings 1968

folder 14

History - "The First Seventy Years" 1962

folder 15

Membership 1936-41

folder 16

Pension trust 1954-59, 1963

folder 17

Publications 1969

folder 18

Explorer 1968

folder 19

International book series 1969

folder 20

Sierra Club chapters 1969

folder 21

Rosters n.d.

folder 22

Survey 1969

folder 23-27

Sierra Club Board of Directors 1968-69

folder 28-29

Minutes 1939-48, 1978-83

folder 30

Sierra Club Chapters - Angeles Chapter 1985

folder 31

Sierra Club Committees 1947-54

folder 32

By-laws Committee 1967-75

folder 33

Executive Committee - Minutes 1948

Ctn. 85, folder 1

International Committee 1970-74

folder 2

Investment Committee 1954-55

folder 3

Legal Committee 1975

folder 4

Sierra Club Council 1953-58

folder 5

Sierra Club Distributing Company, Inc. 1955-61

folder 6

Sierra Club Foundation 1977-81

folder 7

Correspondence 1977-84

folder 8

Agreement 1978-81

folder 9

Articles of Incorporation 1962

folder 10

By-laws 1973

folder 11

Financial statements 1984

folder 12

Symposium on National Parks for the Future 1972



folder 13

Admission charges 1934-52

folder 14-15

Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1931-60

folder 16

Tidelands 1953-59

folder 17

Trails 1947-56

folder 18

U.S. Army - Recruiting and enlistment 1941

folder 19

U.S. Forest Service 1948-51

folder 20

U.S. National Park Service 1940

folder 21

Correspondence 1955-58

folder 22

Concessions 1946-59

folder 23

Whaling 1976-77

folder 24

Wilderness areas - Law and legislation 1974-76


Wilderness Society

folder 25-26

Correspondence 1948, 1982-85

folder 27

Brandborg, Stewart M. 1975-76

folder 28-29

By-laws 1976-84

folder 30

Certificate of Incorporation 1947-79

folder 31

Council Manual 1978

folder 32

Executive Director 1978-84

folder 33

Financial statements 1981-82

folder 34

Fund raising 1975, 1978, 1981

folder 35

Governing Council 1980-85

Ctn. 86, folder 1

Honorary Council 1981-83

folder 2

Law and legislation 1978-85

folder 3

Minutes 1981-82

folder 4

Nominating Committee 1962-80

folder 5

U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1945-77

folder 6

Wilderness areas - Management 1979

folder 7

Wilderness Society Foundation 1976-78


Yosemite National Park (Calif.)

folder 8

Correspondence 1971-74

folder 9

Accidents - El Capitan 1978


Acquisition of property

folder 10

Bruce tract, Wawona 1956-58

folder 11

Dees Lot, Wawona 1957-59

folder 12

Catanich property 1957-58

folder 13

Environmental Impact Statement n.d.

folder 14

Fancher Cabin 1956-57

folder 15

Gondolas (proposed) 1969

folder 16

Law and legislation 1977-79

folder 17

Maps n.d.

folder 18

MCA, Inc. 1974-77

folder 19-20

Master Plan 1967-71, 1974

folder 21-23

Review 1969-71

folder 24

Summaries 1975

folder 25

Master Plan Team 1969

folder 26

Starr, Walter A. 1964

folder 27

Transportation Study, Summary Report 1974

Cartons 87-92

Series 45: Martin Litton Papers, 1918-1979

Scope and Content Note

Litton was a director from 1964 to 1972. Papers consist of one folder of correspondence and alphabetically arranged subject files, which include detailed files on redwood forests, Redwood National Park, and the Sierra Club Publications Committee.
Ctn. 87, folder 1

Correspondence - Outgoing 1965-66


Subject Files

Ctn. 87, folder 2

Alaska 1965-72

folder 3

Alpine Lakes Wilderness (Wash.) n.d.

folder 4

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1968

folder 5

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska) 1970

folder 6

Bodega Bay (Calif.) - Power-plants - Location 1962

folder 7

Brower, David R. 1967-69

folder 8

Butano Forest (Calif.) 1950



folder 9

Administrative agencies - Notices of Hearings 1965-72

folder 10

Budget 1971

folder 11

Clean Environment Act 1972

folder 12

Forest Practice Act 1965-67

folder 13

Legislative bodies 1968-72

folder 14

California Environmental Quality Act of 1971 1971

folder 15

California North Coast Survey 1960

folder 16

California Water Resources Association 1971-72

folder 17

Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1971-72

folder 18

Cascade Range (Or.) - Correspondence 1967

folder 19

Channel Islands National Park (Calif.) 1972

folder 20

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (Calif. and Ariz.) 1965

folder 21

Colorado River 1965

folder 22

Crater Lake National Park (Or.) 1966

folder 23

Deadman Creek (Calif.) 1952-55

folder 24

Death Valley National Monument (Calif.) 1968-71

folder 25

Delta Region (Calif.) 1961

folder 26

Deserts (Calif.) 1980

folder 27

Desolation Valley Wilderness (Calif.) 1967

folder 28-30

Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1966-72

folder 31-32

Clippings 1966, 1978-79

folder 33

Dinosaur National Monument (Utah) 1953

folder 34

Dome Land Wilderness (Calif.) 1962

folder 35

Ecology 1967

folder 36

Emigrant Wilderness (Calif.) n.d.

folder 37

Environmental education 1969-71

folder 38

Environmental protection - Clippings 1962-70

folder 39

Escalante Canyon (Utah) n.d.

folder 40

Farming - Statements 1968

folder 41

Forest conservation 1962-69

folder 42

California 1964

folder 43

Law and legislation 1966-71

folder 44

Forests and forestry 1965

folder 45

Management n.d.

folder 46

Freeways 1963-65

folder 47

Glacier Peak Wilderness Area (Wash.) 1960

folder 48

Golden Trout Wilderness (Calif.) 1977

folder 49

Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1960-65

folder 50

Grazing 1959

folder 51

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (Ariz.) 1969

folder 52

Hells Canyon (Idaho) 1970

folder 53

Idaho Primitive Area (Idaho) n.d.

Ctn. 88, folder 1

Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1963-65

folder 2

Clippings 1963-65

folder 3

Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1972

folder 4

King Mountain Range (Calif.) 1960-63

folder 5

Klamath River (Calif.) 1964

folder 6

Land use 1968-71

folder 7

Litter (trash, etc.) 1948-59

folder 8

Logging 1970

folder 9

Mammoth Lake (Calif.) 1955

folder 10

Sargent Cypress 1968

folder 11

Mineral King 1963-67, 1972

folder 12

Litigation 1972

folder 13

Miscellanea 1970-71

folder 14

Montana de Oro State Park (Calif.) n.d.

folder 15

Motor vehicles 1968, 1971

folder 16

Mount Diablo State Park (Calif.) 1971

folder 17

National parks and reserves n.d.

folder 18

Nature Conservancy n.d.

folder 19

Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1964-66

folder 20

Clippings 1964-66

folder 21-22

North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1959-70

folder 23

Clippings 1966-70

folder 24

Northern California Coast Range Preserve (proposed) 1960

folder 25

Northern Rockies Action Group n.d.

folder 26

Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1