2 of 3 pages |
Northern California Coast Range Preserve (proposed) 1960
Northern Rockies Action Group n.d.
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1968
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1963-64
Patrick's Point State Park (Calif.) n.d.
Pesticides 1969-71
Petrified Forest National Park (Ariz.) 1967
Point Pinole (Calif.) n.d.
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1966
Pollution 1968-71
Air - Pollution 1971-72
Population 1965-70
Power-plants - Location 1967-72
Prairie Creek Fish Hatchery (Calif.) 1954-61
Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1960-64
Clippings 1964-65
Roads 1964
Pupfish 1970-71
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1972
Recreation - California - Law and legislation 1964-66
Redwood 1952-71
Correspondence - Outgoing 1965-68
Arcata Redwood Company 1961
Articles - Sunset Magazine 1947-65
Brochures n.d.
California Redwood Association 1960-61
Clippings 1926, 1963, 1969
Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Redwood Grove 1962
Freeways 1963-64
Parks (Calif.) 1964-65
"Redwood Country" 1960
Criticism 1960
Redwood Empire Association 1965
Save-the-Redwoods League 1965-68
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1918-78
John Christopher n.d.
Sunset Magazine 1966
Clippings 1963-65
Clippings 1966-72, n.d.
Maps n.d.
Sierra Club 1964-67
California 1964-70
Parks (Calif.) 1964
Santa Barbara (Calif.) 1968
Sierra Nevada (Calif.) 1963-71
Salmon-Trinity Alps Wilderness (Calif.) 1971
San Gabriel Wilderness (Calif.) 1963-67
San Jacinto, Mount (Calif.) 1962-64
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1964-67
Santa Monica Mountains (Calif.) n.d.
Sawtooth Wilderness (Idaho) 1963
Scenic highways 1963
Scenic Shoreline Preservation Conference, Inc. 1969
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1969
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1970
Shelter Cove (Calif.) 1962-64
Shore protection 1968-72
Shorelines (Calif.) 1964
Sierra Club 1960-65
Correspondence 1966-72
Budget 1971-72
Campus Program 1971
Elections 1967-69
Reports and Memoranda 1967
Energy policy 1971-72
Financial statements 1968, 1972
International conservation 1969
Law and legislation 1971
Motion pictures 1966-69
Personnel management 1965
President's report 1969-70
Reorganization 1971
Reports and Testimony 1962-72
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1968
Memoranda 1965-72
Sierra Club British Columbia Group 1970
Sierra Club Chapters
Loma Prieta Chapter 1972
North Star Chapter 1968
Santa Lucia Chapter 1966-68
Sierra Club Committees
Committee on International Relations 1971
Conservation Administration Committee 1970
International Conservation Committee 1971-73
International Environment Committee 1972
Midwest Regional Conservation Committee 1971
Miscellanea 1961-71
Nominating Committee 1965
Outing Committee 1965-71
Impact Study Committee 1967-71
Publications Committee 1960-72
Adams, Ansel - Biography 1963
Book proposals 1960-71
Everest - The West Ridge 1969-70
Everglades 1970
Galapagos: The Flow of Wilderness 1963-68
Glacier Bay: The Land and the Silence 1966-67
Kauai and the Park Country of Hawaii 1967
Last Redwoods, The n.d.
Last Redwoods and the Parkland of Redwood Creek, The 1969
Mammoth Lakes Sierra 1961
Mercury 1971
Navajo Wildlands 1967
Sierra Club Bulletin 1963-68
Slikrock Wilderness 1968
This is the American Earth 1960
Thoreau's Natural World 1961-62
Time and the River Flowing 1963
Words of the Earth 1961
Wilderness Classification Study Committee 1969-71
Winter Sports Committee 1972
Sierra Club Conservation Representatives
California, Southern 1971
Eastern 1970-72
Northwest 1967-71
Southwest 1967
Machiasport Task Force 1969
Nevada Task Force 1972
Sierra Club Conservation Department 1966-71
Sierra Club Executive Director 1966-71
Sierra Club New York Office 1967
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1972
Six Rivers National Forest (Calif.) n.d.
Sonic boom 1967-70
Stream channelization - California 1969
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) - Regional planning 1964
Tuolumne River (Calif.) 1969
U.S. Congress 1964-65
U.S. Department of the Interior 1965-69
U.S. Forest Service 1961-63
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1963-66
U.S. National Park Service 1972
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1970
Ventana Wilderness (Calif.) n.d.
Water quality 1969
Weeki Wachee River (Fla.) n.d.
Wilderness areas 1951-70
California n.d.
Law and legislation 1957-67
Lopez Canyon (Calif.) (proposed) 1972
Scapegoat Mountain (Mont.) (proposed) 1968
Siskiyou Mountains (Calif.) (proposed) 1969
Wildlife management 1967-71
Yellowstone Lake (Wyo.) 1960
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1958-71
Series 46: Howard Longley Papers, 1896
Scope and Content Note
Photographs - Album - Index 1896
Series 47: M. Hall Mcallister Papers, 1920-1922
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1920-22
Series 48: Michael McCloskey Papers, 1950-1987
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1965-73
Correspondence 1973-76
Correspondence 1976-78
Correspondence 1978-81
Correspondence 1981-83
Correspondence 1983-85
Subject Files
Acid rain 1983
Adirondack Mountains (N.Y.) 1970
Agenda for the Future 1983-85, n.d.
Agua Tibia Wilderness (Calif.) 1974
Alaska 1970, 1974, 1979-80
Clippings 1970
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1970, 1974
All Russia Society for the Protection of Nature 1980
American Association of Cost Engineers 1978
American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1976-77
American Committee for International Conservation, Inc. 1972-77
American Forestry Act of 1971 1970
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 1973
American River (Calif.) 1970
Anderson College 1978
Arctic Environmental Council 1974
The Asia Foundation 1972-73
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies 1976-77
Atlantic Richfield Company conference 1977
Biological Conservation 1972-73
Birkner v. Sierra Club, et. al. 1983
Brower controversies 1967-68, 1969
Bull Creek Flat (Calif.) 1959-64
California Resources Institute 1968
Carter Administration 1976-80
Center for Law and Social Policy 1971-74, 1975-79
Channel City Club 1977-78
Clean Indoor Air Committee 1978
Club Tours, Inc. 1970-75
Coal 1976-77
Colorado River 1965-66
Committee on Surface Mining and Reclamation 1978
COSMAR 1978-80, n.d.
COSMAR meeting 1978
COSMAR meeting 1978
COSMAR Environmental Subcommittee 1979
COSMAR panel and subcommittee work plans 1978
COSMAR Panel on Clays and Bauxite 1979
COSMAR Panel on Coastal and Plain Deposits 1979
COSMAR Panel on Construction Minerals 1979
COSMAR Panel on Large Open Pit Mines in Humid Environments 1979
COSMAR Panel on Large Open-Pit Mining in Low Water Table Areas 1979
COSMAR Panel on Natural Building Stone 1979
COSMAR Panel on Oil Shale and Tar Sands 1979
COSMAR Panel on Surface Effects of Underground Mining 1979
COSMAR Reports #1-3 1979
COSMAR Report #3, comments and revisions July 1979
COSMAR Report (final) Oct 1979
COSMAR Socioeconomic Subcommittee 1979
Commonwealth Club of California 1977
Conable Tax Option 1976-77
Concert for Whales and the Environment 1979
Conservation Foundation 1977, 1985
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals 1970-72, 1973-75
Convention on Conservation of Certain Islands for Science 1971-72
Cosmos Club 1972-76
Dai Dong (Menton Statement) 1971-72
Darien Gap Highway (Panama) 1969-77
De facto wilderness 1968-73
clippings 1971-72
Sierra Club policy 1972-73
Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1961-67
Endangered Species Convention 1967-75
Energy Policy 1971-74
Enhanced oil recovery 1976
Environmental Book Service 1983
Environmental Conservation 1974-77
Environmental law 1970
Environmental mediation 1976-78
Environmental Priorities Conference 1970-71
Environmental Task Force 1980-84
Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute 1977
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1962-80
First Annual International Conference on Energy 1977
Flood damage 1965
Food and Agriculture Organization 1972-73
Forelaws on Board 1985
Forest Practices Act of 1973 1974-75
Forestry law and legislation 1961-75, 1976
Forests and forestry 1977-78
Fund for International Ecological Cooperation 1972
The Georgia Conservancy 1976-77
Granite Chief Wilderness (Calif.) 1975
Group of Ten 1984
Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1966
Indians of North America 1970
Clippings 1970
The Institute of Ecology 1973-74
Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization 1971-74
International Association for Water Law 1975
International Boundary and Water Commission (U.S. and Mexico) 1972-73
International Conference on Wetlands 1971-72
International conservation - Clippings 1968-76
International Council of Environmental Law 1976-80
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis 1973-75
International Institute for Environmental Affairs 1971
International Joint Commission (U.S. and Canada) 1971-72
International Ocean Institute 1974
International Primate Protection League 1974
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1949-80
Charter for Nature 1977-81
Committee on Policy 1977-81
14th General Assembly 1978
International Waterfowl Research Bureau 1974-75
International Youth Conference on the Human Environment 1971-72
Island Resources Foundation, Inc. 1971-77
Izaak Walton League 1978
Japan Backpackers' Association 1977-78
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1963-65
Jobs and the Environment (conference) 1977
John Muir National Historic Site (Calif.) 1967-75
Joint Center for Urban Environmental Studies 1977-78
Johns Hopkins University 1978
Land titles - Conveyance 1972-73
Lobbying 1974-79
McCloskey, Michael
Clippings 1970-85
Itineraries 1972-76
Resume 1981
Speeches 1966-90
Writings 1973-89
Marine mammals 1970-78
Marine Pollution Bulletin 1972-74
Maritime law
Center for Law and Social Policy 1971-76
Clippings 1970-76
Economic zones 1971-78
Ocean mining 1972-76
Sierra Club position 1971-76
United Nations position 1971-77
United States position 1971-77
Military Threat to Environmental World Order (conference) 1972-78
Minarets (Calif.) 1920-78
Mineral King (Calif.) 1962-76, n.d.
Clippings 1966-70
National Arbor Day Foundation 1972-85
National Coal Policy Project 1974-80
National Coal Policy Project n.d.
Air Pollution Task Force 1977
Appalachian Coal Region 1977
Emissions Task Force n.d.
Energy Pricing Task Force n.d.
Fuel Utilization and Conservation 1977
Gulf Coast Coal Region 1977
Maps 1973-75
Midwest Coal Region 1977
Northern Plains Coal Region 1977
Reports n.d.
Transportation Task Force n.d.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy 1976-80
National Committee for Urban Recreation 1979
National Forest Management Act of 1976 1976
National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 1976
National Headquarters Associates 1983-84
National Petroleum Council 1976
National Timber Supply Act 1968-71
Correspondence 1969-70
Clippings 1969-72
Fact sheets 1970-71
Law and legislation 1969-71
Statements and testimony 1969-71
Natural Resources Council of America 1977-78
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. 1979
New Directions 1976-79
Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) 1965-66
Clippings 1965-66
North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 1976-78
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1968
Nuclear energy - Exports (India) 1976-78
Nuclear energy - Exports (South Africa) 1976
Nuclear Safeguards Initiative (Proposition 15) 1973-76, n.d.
Nuclear weapons 1972-77
Oakland Rotary Club 1978
Ocean Dumping Convention 1971-77
Oil spills - Liability 1971-74
OSHA/Environmental Network 1985-86
Our National Landscape (conference) 1978-79
Overseas Private Investment Corp. 1971-75
Portal Publications 1972-78
Power-plants - Location 1970-72
Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1954-65
President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties 1979-80
Public relations 1969-70, 1971, 1980
Radio and Television 1969-71
Redwood 1960-67
Clippings 1962-67
Redwood Creek (Calif.) 1964-67
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1920-65
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1965-67
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1967-68
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1968-78, n.d.
Brochures 1964-67
Clippings 1964-77
Law and legislation 1965-68
Maps 1949-75, n.d.
Notes n.d.
Survey of existing parks 1964
Redwood parks 1961-67
Redwood road 1965-67
Resolve Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution 1976-80
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1965
Save-the-Redwoods League 1961-78
Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant (N.H.) 1976
Shiga Conference '84 1983-84
Sierra Club
Administrator 1978-80
Advertisements 1965-72
Responses 1966-67
Advertising 1966-74
Alaska representative 1969-75
Budget 1965-77
Budget 1978-84
By-laws 1966-80
Campus program 1969-72
Computer 1972-77
Computer 1978-80
Department heads 1976-84
Diamond Jubilee 1967
Elections 1975-79
Executive office 1984-85
Exhibits 1965-75
Finances 1963-80
530 Bush Street office 1973-79
Fund raising 1968-82
Funding study 1977
Goals and objectives 1978-85
Hubberd, William Stephen, estate 1974-77
Information and Education Conference 1956-70
Information services 1974-79
Insurance 1969-75
Investment policy 1975-79
Le Conte Memorial Lodge 1961-79
Litigation 1972-84
Mailing list use 1964-73
Membership 1953-79
Correspondence 1976
Correspondence 1977-79
Bartell/McEvoy survey 1970-72
Coombs survey 1971-73
McEvoy/Devall survey 1969
Mitchell/Resources for the Future survey 1976-79
Membership dues increase 1966-79
Merchandise 1970-76
Mills Tower office 1956-70
Motion pictures 1967-80
Wasted Woods, The 1965
National News Report 1969-79
Northwest representative 1960-61
Northwest representative 1962-68
Paintings 1974-79
Personnel 1964-84
Population and Growth Policy Program 1974-79
Public affairs 1974-82
Public service announcements 1969-71
Regional fund appeals policy 1973-76
Sacramento representative 1967-77
730 Polk Street office 1982-86
Shop stewards 1974-80
Sierra Club International Assembly 1981-87
Sierra Club Land Trust 1969-72
Sierra Club, Ltd. 1969-77
Sierra Club, et. al., v. Energy Research and Development Administration 1974-76
Sierra Club, et. al., v. Morton, et. al. 1975
Sierra Club organization 1966-84
Sierra Club policy 1959-67, 1970-72
Sierra Club v. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, et. al. 1973
Solid Waste Study Project 1973-75
Staff rosters 1974-84
State legislation 1974
State wilderness coordinators 1976-79
Statistical yearbook 1981
Surveys 1978
Telephone system 1975-77
Trademark 1971-79
Volunteers 1972-80
Washington, D.C. office 1977-79
Clusen, Charles 1976-79
Evans, Brock 1977-78
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1968-87
Handbook ca. 1983
Reports 1969-88
Training 1979
Sierra Club Chapters 1973-75, 1980
Alaska Chapter 1970
Angeles Chapter 1970, 1974
Clippings 1970
Atlantic Chapter 1969-70, 1973-74
Canada Chapter 1969-75
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1970
Loma Prieta Chapter 1973-74
Lone Star Chapter 1977-78
Mother Lode Chapter 1970-76
Ozark Chapter 1974
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1973-74
Potomac Chapter 1972-74
Redwood Chapter 1969-74
Clippings 1970-71
Sonoma County Group 1978
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1974
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1974
Ventana Chapter - Santa Lucia Group 1978
Western Canada Chapter 1984
Sierra Club Committees 1979-80
Air Quality Task Force 1974-75
Alaska Task Force 1975
California Condor Committee 1979
Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1980-85
Committee on Lodges and Lands 1961-78
Conservation Committee 1966-86
Conservation Research Committee 1967
Early Warning Economic Committee 1982-83
History Committee 1980-85
Inner City Outings Program 1974-76, 1982
International Committee 1969-84
World Directory of Environmental Organizations 1972-79
Membership Committee 1973-78
National Water Resources Committee 1971-76
Outing Committee 1976-79
Planning Committee 1984-85
Publications Committee 1977-81
Radioactive Waste Steering Committee 1982
Sierra Club Committee on Political Education (SCCOPE) 1982, 1985
Southern Plains Regional Conservation Committee 1978
Task Force on Goals and Objectives 1978-80
Urban Environment Task Force 1977-79
Sierra Club Council 1972-78
Internal Organization Committee 1975-79
Wilderness Classification Study Committee 1968-69
Sierra Club Departments
Accounting Department 1979-80
Conservation Department
Conservation agendas 1966-73
Conservation agendas 1973-76
Legislative priorities 1974-78
Meetings 1969-73
Organization 1965-80
Development Office 1981, 1985
General Services Department 1971-79
International Program 1971-77
International Program 1978-86, n.d.
Australia representative 1974-77
Japan representative 1974-77
Mangrove Project (Venezuela) 1980-83
Member Services Department 1971-78
Member services manager 1977-79
Membership Department 1985
Membership director 1977-79
Outing Department 1970-80
Research Department 1971-75
Sierra Club Books 1969-83
Sierra Club Books 1984-85
Sierra Club Bulletin/Sierra 1965-80
William E. Colby Memorial Library 1965-77
Sierra Club Foundation 1968-80
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1971-78
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1978-82
Denver office 1976-80
Washington, D.C. office 1977-80
Six Rivers National Forest (Calif.) 1961-67
Smithsonian-Peace Corps Environmental Program 1971-78
Southern Governors Conference 1977
Stanford University Professional Journalism Fellowships 1976-77
Stop the B-1 Bomber: National Peace Conversion Campaign 1971-75
Sun Day 1977-78
Sussex Meeting of Environmental Leaders 1973-74
Tallgrass Prairie National Park (Kan.) (proposed) 1977
Tax Reform Act of 1976 1975-77
Taxation - Sierra Club's tax exempt status 1975-78
Television 1972-77
Tongass National Forest (Alaska) 1962-70
Clippings 1970
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1969-71
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1973-74
Clippings 1969-70
Trustees for Conservation 1969-71
UNESCO Program on Man and the Biosphere 1971-73
United Nations 1969-74
United Nations Association of the United States of America 1971-74
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT) 1974-76
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1971-72
Clippings 1970-72
Pamphlets 1972
Press releases, newsletters 1971-73
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - Rain forests 1981-83
United Nations Declaration on the Human Environment 1971-73
United Nations Environmental Programme 1972-78
United Nations Water Conference 1975-77
U.S. Agency for International Development 1976-77
Pesticides 1971-75
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1972-74
U.S. Congress - International conservation 1972-77
U.S. Department of Defense 1971-73
U.S. Department of the Interior
Clark, William 1983
Watt, James 1977-81, n.d.
Bumper stickers n.d.
Clippings 1978-83
Notebook 1981
Wilderness Society 1981
U.S. Forest Service 1972-78
U.S. Information Agency 1977
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1974-77
U.S. Office of Management and Budget 1977-78
U.S. Postal Service 1968-79
U.S. State Department - National Environmental Policy Act 1971-78
University of California, Berkeley 1978
Urban Environment Conference, Inc. 1976-78
Weather control 1971-76
Western Forest Environment Discussion Group 1976-79
Wilderness areas 1966-72
Eastern United States 1971-72
Wilderness Act 1964-67
Wilderness Bill 1967
Wilderness Conference
10th 1965-66, n.d.
Clippings 1967
11th 1967-71, n.d.
Clippings 1969
12th 1970-71
14th 1974-75
Wilderness Society 1975-78
Working for Environmental and Economic Justice and Jobs 1976
Series 49: François Emile Matthes Papers, 1915
Scope and Content Note
Letter to A. C. Lawson 1915
Series 50: Charlotte Mauk Papers, 1941-1974
Scope and Content Note
Adams, Ansel 1945-49
Brower, David R. 1949-67
Hildebrand, Milton 1964
Houghton Mifflin Company 1947-50
James, Harry 1965
Jones, Holway R. 1965
Leonard, Richard M. 1948-65
Marshall, George 1963-66
Marshall, Robert 1965
Mauk, Charlotte E. 1944-65
Miscellanea 1944-72
Subject Files
Advisory Group on San Leandro Bay Planning
Land Use Committee 1971-72
Minutes 1971-72
Miscellanea 1969-72
Physical Environment Committee - Minutes 1971-72
Alaska Conservation Society 1961-63
American Alpine Club 1946-53
American Mount Everest Expedition 1963
Bald eagle 1952
Bears 1950-52
Bighorn sheep 1948-51
Blaney Meadows (Calif.) 1951-52
Bodega Head (Calif.) 1962-64
Buena Vista Lagoon (Calif.) 1951-52
Butano Forest (Calif.) 1952
Calaveras Big Trees Groves (Calif.) 1945-67
California Coastal Alliance 1973
California condor 1950-64
California Conservation Council 1952-63
California Forest Practice Act 1963-65
California Riding and Hiking Trail 1947-63
Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1962
Castle Rock State Park (Calif.) 1963
Channel Islands National Park (Calif.) 1963-64
Citizens for Regional Recreation and Parks 1961-64
Cook, Oscar A. 1952-53
Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Calif.) 1951-52
Correspondence 1948-64
Clippings 1948-64
Publications 1949
Deer 1950-52
Dinosaur National Monument (Colo. and Utah)
Correspondence 1953-54
Clippings 1953-54
Memoranda and press releases 1953-55
East Bay Regional Park District 1963-73
Environmental education 1950-70
Correspondence 1948-63
Public relations 1950-52
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1950-65
Fishes 1950-62
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1963-66
Great Basin National Park (Nev.) 1961
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Tex.) 1964
Idaho Primitive Area (Idaho) 1964
Information and Education Conference 1962
John Muir National Historic Site (Calif.) 1952-63
Kaibab squirrel 1964
Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1945-52
Lake Tahoe-Nevada State Park (Nev.) 1963-68
Maps and Names, Geographical 1939-51
Marble Canyon Dam (Ariz.) (proposed) 1963
Mining law 1946-52
Motor vehicles 1961-73
Mount San Jacinto (Calif.) 1948-63
Mount Tamalpais (Calif.) - Deer 1950-51
National Audubon Society 1952-53, 1963
North Cascades Conservation Council 1965
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1961-68
Northwest Conservation Representative 1962-65
Notes 1945-61
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1947-73
Outings impact on wilderness 1961-64
Pacific Crest Trailway 1948
Packers' Association of the High Sierras 1951-52
Parks 1951-55
Planning and Conservation League 1972-73
Pesticides 1962-68
Point Reyes Bird Observatory 1968-71
Public lands 1951-52
California State Legislature 1951-52
Quetico-Superior International Peace Memorial Forest (Minn. and Ontario) 1948-56
Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Utah) 1962-63
Recreation 1963-64
Redwood 1963-66
Regional Conference on Conservation of Natural Resources, 3rd 1951-52
Regional Parks Association 1950-73
Roads 1949-66
Rogue River (Or.) 1950-51
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1961-65
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1952-65
Save San Francisco Bay Association 1962-64
Save-the-Redwoods League 1964-71
Scott property (Marin County, Calif.) 1963
Sequoia National Forest (Calif.) 1962-72
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (Calif.) 1941-52
Sierra Club
Annual Banquet 1952-73
Conservation issues 1964-69
Elections 1962-73
Employee benefits 1962-66
Films, slides, exhibits 1944-67
Financial statements 1951-66
Handbook revisions 1963
Membership 1951-68
Office Newsletter 1963-65
Office space 1963
Organization and administration 1959-63
Publications Program 1972
Publications, Sales and Inventory Reports 1964-66
Travel allowances 1962-63
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1948-86
Executive Committee 1948-62
Executive Committee 1963-66
Sierra Club Chapters 1961-66
Angeles Chapter 1951-60
Atlantic Chapter 1963-66
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1952
Los Padres Chapter 1963
Rio Grande Chapter 1968
Toiyabe Chapter 1963-64
Ventana Chapter 1963-64
Sierra Club Committees
Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1964
Conservation Committee 1950-63
Honors and Awards Committee 1952-69
Publications Reorganization Committee 1968
Regional Groups Committee 1963-66
Special Committee on Finances 1963-64
Visual Education Committee 1945-58
Sierra Club Field Representatives - Washington 1963-64
Sierra Club Foundation
Correspondence 1963-74
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee - Minutes 1971
Minutes 1969-73
Notices of Meetings 1969-73
Financial reports 1969-72
Starr, Walter A. 1961
Three Sisters Wilderness Area (Or.) 1951-54
Trails 1949-51
U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1948-52
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1950-52
U.S. Department of the Interior 1952-64
Advisory Committee on Conservation 1948-52
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1950-64
U.S. Forest Service 1950-63
Appropriations and expenditures 1949-63
U.S. National Park Service 1950-67
Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and Monuments 1947-50
Concessions 1947-49
Drury, Newton B. 1951
Timber exchange 1952
Water - Pollution 1949-51
Water resources 1948-65
Water resources development 1949-71
Wild and scenic rivers 1963-65
Wilderness areas - Law and legislation 1948-64
Wilderness Conference
2nd 1950-51
7th 1961
10th 1967
Wildlife 1952
Wildlife management 1950-65
William T. Hornaday Memorial Foundation, Inc. 1951-52
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1948-51
Series 51: Joe R. Momyer Papers, 1930-1971
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1930-1965
Correspondence 1965-71
Subject Files
Biography 1944
California Public Land Law Review Commission 1967
California Ski Association 1946
California Wildlife Federation, Inc. 1965
Forest reserves 1957
James, Harry 1942-47
Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.) 1954
Mitchells Caverns State Park (Calif.) 1952
Mount San Jacinto Protection Association [1950]
Mount San Jacinto Wilderness (Calif.)
Articles n.d.
California State Park Commission 1948-52
Citizens' Group of the San Jacinto Mountain Area 1954-55
Clippings 1949-66
Law and legislation 1945-57
Maps n.d.
Miscellanea 1951-61
Notes 1930-47
Reports 1950, 1953
Sierra Club 1945-54
U.S. Forest Service 1950-54
San Bernardino County Citizens for San Gorgonio 1965
San Gorgonio Ski Lifts, Inc. 1963
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1963-67, n.d.
Clippings 1940-67
Law and legislation 1942-67
Maps n.d.
Notes 1962-67
Ski resorts 1963-65
Ski resorts 1965
Sierra Club 1939-67
San Gorgonio Winter Recreation and Wilderness Preservation Association 1963
San Jacinto (Calif.) 1950-55
Reports by Nathan C. Clark n.d.
Supplemental report 1961
Skis and skiing 1947-63
Southern California Outdoor Federation 1941-47
U.S. Congress - House Committee on Interim and Insular Affairs - Public Lands Subcommittee 1964-65
U.S. Forest Service 1942-65
Water (Calif.) 1950
Wilderness areas - Law and legislation 1953-65
Wilderness Society 1947-64
Series 52: Marian Randall Parsons Papers, 1914-1915
Scope and Content Note
John Muir scrapbook ca. 1914-15
Series 53: Michele Perrault Papers, 1982-1986
Scope and Content Note
Incoming 1984
Outgoing 1984
Outgoing 1985-86
Subject Files
Actions taken 1984
Clippings 1984
Schedule 1984
Speeches 1984-86
Series 54: Carl Pope Files, 1973-1988
Scope and Content Note
Air - Pollution 1974-80
Carter Administration 1976-78
Federal Election Commission 1976
Ford Administration 1976
National Council for the Public Assessment of Technology 1973-74
Northern California Coastal Trust 1978-80
Sierra Club et. al. vs. Federal Election Commission 1981-86, n.d.
Sierra Club Committees
California Legislative Committee 1977-78
Committee on Political Education (SCCOPE) 1985-88
Alaska Chapter 1978
Angeles Chapter 1976-77
Atlantic Chapter 1978
Cascade Chapter 1977-80
Great Lakes Chapter 1976-78
Hoosier Chapter 1979
Loma Prieta Chapter 1976-80
Lone Star Chapter 1977-78
Mother Lode Chapter 1980
New Jersey Chapter 1976
North Carolina Chapter 1976-78
North Star Chapter 1978
Oklahoma Chapter 1976-78
Old Dominion Chapter 1977
Oregon Chapter 1979-80
Ozark Chapter 1980
Potomac Chapter 1978
Rio Grande Chapter 1978
San Diego Chapter 1976-78
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1976-77
San Gorgonio Chapter 1978-80
South Carolina Chapter 1978
Ventana Chapter 1976-78
Synthetic fuels 1979, n.d.
Alternative power 1977-1979
Carter Administration 1979
Clippings 1979-1980
Law and legislation 1979
Mass transportation 1979
Oil-shales 1974-79
Other environmental organizations 1979
Sierra Club testimony 1977-79
Testimony 1979
U.S. Department of Energy 1976
U.S. Energy Mobilization Board 1979
Clippings 1979
Series 55: Gordon Robinson Files, 1952-1980
Scope and Content Note
A 1971-75
Alderson, George 1971-73
B 1972-78
C 1970-77
Calcatena, Patty 1970-74
Central Clearing House 1976-77
Conway, Bill 1972
D 1972-79
Duffield, John 1971-73
Dunlop, Sam 1971
E 1971-76
Evans, Brock 1974-78
F 1972-79
Frome, Mike 1972-76
G 1972-79
H 1972-79
Hicks, Laney 1969-71
I 1976-77
J 1971-77
K 1974-79
L 1972-78
M 1971-78
Margolin, Malcolm 1969-70
Mc 1972-77
McCloskey, Michael 1971-77
Minkler, Leon 1971-75
N 1971-75
O 1972-76
P 1971-77
Pland, R.H. 1969
Q 1971
R 1972-77
Richards, Harvey 1970
Robinson, Nick 1972
S 1976-77
Society of American Foresters 1970
T 1970-77
Thorpe, Richard J. 1971-75
U 1969-76
U.S. Forest Service 1972
V 1971-75
W 1971-77
Williams, Larry 1969-74
Wood, Nancy 1971
Z 1971-76
Z'Berg, Edwin 1973-75
Subject Files
"Action Forest" Report 1968
Admiralty Island (Alaska) 1964-70, 1978
Clippings 1970-74
Maps n.d.
Afognak Island (Alaska) 1960-75
Environmental Impact Statement 1974
Maps n.d.
Chugach National Forest 1967
Clippings 1975
Conservation projects (proposed) 1969-71
Forest management 1978
Forest management - Sierra Club policy 1972
Forest products 1968, 1970
Commercial transactions 1970-76
Forest protection 1967-68
Research 1954
Forest Service Handbook 1974
Indians of North America - Indian claims n.d.
Land use - Law and legislation 1968
Logging 1969-75
Maps n.d.
Multiple Use Management Guide 1964
Salmon 1978
Statements 1970-74
Timber Sale Preparation and Appraisal Handbook 1970, 1977
Alaska Timber Resource 1969
Annette Islands (Alaska) n.d.
Apache Canyon (N.M.) 1972
Bald eagle 1967
Beaverhead National Forest (Mont.) 1971
Boundary Water Canoe Area (Minn.) 1971
Bull Creek (Calif.) 1966-67
Bull Run (Or.) 1974-75
California Land Exchange and Wilderness Study Act of 1977 1970-76
California Region Land Use Planning Program 1975
California, University of, Santa Cruz 1971
Cascade Range (Or.) 1969
Cascade Range (Wash.) 1967-68
Chichagof (Alaska) 1973-77
Chilkat Valley - Streams 1980
Citizens National Forest Coalition, Inc. 1979
Clearcutting - Sierra Club policy n.d.
Congressional Meeting on Timber Supply 1975
Conservation Law Society of America 1968
Copper River (Alaska) 1968
Damage valuation - Fire and Trespass 1961-62
Desolation Wilderness (Calif.) - Maps n.d.
Douglas fir 1967-69
Douglas-fir tussock moth 1974-75
Correspondence 1973-74
Statements 1974
Douglas-fir Tussock Moth Pest Management Plan 1973
Eel River (Calif.) 1968, 1971
Eldorado National Forest (Calif.) 1977
Environmental Amenities 1968
Environmental law 1972-74
Rules and regulations 1971-74
California 1967-70
Family Clan, Inc. - Litigation 1971
Forest conservation
Articles and statements n.d.
Environmental protection 1970, 1977
Management n.d.
Sierra Club policy 1971-77
Texas 1970
Forest management
California 1966-76
California 1977-78
California counties 1968-72
California, Southern 1974-76
Clearcutting 1967-72
Clippings 1970-72
Statements 1971
Forest reserves 1970
Helicopter logging 1969-72
New Mexico 1970
Oregon 1971
Position papers 1974
Southern pines 1976
Sustained yield
Articles and Statements 1973
Litigation 1973
Washington 1972
Wyoming 1972
Forest Practices Act of 1941 1941
Forest Practices Act of 1949 1949
Forest products - East Meadow Creek (Colo.) 1960-72
Export 1968-74
Litigation 1969-70
Clippings 1964-74
Law and legislation 1973
H.R. 5544 1975
S. 1033 1973
Northwest (U.S.) 1974
Notes and Statistics 1968-72
Research 1965-75
Statements 1972
Reference 1972-79
Pricing 1968-74
Supply and demand 1968, 1970
Forest products industry 1954, 1968-78
Forest protection and Industrial relations 1972-76
Forest reserves
Forest products - Sales 1965-72
Law and legislation 1970
Management 1969
Texas 1972-79
Clearcutting - Litigation 1977-78
Wilderness areas n.d.
Forest Service Environmental Program for the Future 1971
Forest Service Handbook - Region 4 (Calif.) 1967-68
Forest Service Manual n.d.
Forest Service Manual n.d
Correspondence 1967-76
Foresters - Licenses 1966-80
Forests and forestry
Law and legislation 1973-77
Forest and Rangeland Environmental Management Act 1973
Correspondence 1974
Statements and Testimony 1973
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act 1974-76
Clippings 1976
Summary 1974-75
Housing development - Cost 1973
Miscellanea 1968-78
National Forest Timber Management Reform Act 1974-76
Clippings 1976
Statements and Testimony 1976
Law and legislation of 1970 1970-71
Law and legislation of 1971 1971
Public hearings 1971
Reifsnyder, William E. 1971
Law and legislation of 1972 1972
Law and legislation of 1973 1973
Bill, Legislative 1973
S. 517 1973
S. 1775 1973
Law and legislation of 1975 1975
Taxation 1969-75
Forests and forestry, International 1969-75
Australia 1974-75
Manjimup Woodchip Project 1975
Publications 1974
Finland 1973
Great Britain 1967
India 1971
Malaysia 1971
Norway 1965-73
Rain forests 1972-75
Venezuela 1975
Four Corners Project 1972
Freedom of Information Act - Amendments 1973-74
French Pete Creek (Or.) 1968
Golden Gate Park (Calif.) 1976-77
Golden Trout Wilderness (Calif.) 1967-68
Granite Chief (Calif.) 1957-69
Haines (Alaska)
Correspondence 1972-80
Forest management 1975, 1979-80
Forest products and Land use 1979-80
Forest survey 1964-78
Maps n.d.
Heart Bar (Calif.) 1973
Humboldt County (Calif.)
Forest product reports 1961-76
Forest products 1973-77
Huntington Lake (Calif.) 1972
Maps n.d.
International Biological Program 1973
Island Creek Coal Company (W.Va.) - Litigation 1971
Jackson State Forest (Calif.) 1960
Jedediah Smith State Park (Calif.) 1963-65
Clippings 1963-65, 1980
Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1959, 1965-71
King's Grove, Inc. 1978-79
Klamath National Forest (Or. and Calif.)
Jackson and Klamath Sustained Yield Units 1979
Timber Management Plan 1965
Kootenai National Forest (Mont.) 1973-74
Land sales 1972
Land use - Planning and management 1974
Laramie Peak Ranger District (Wyo.) 1968
Lassen National Forest (Calif.) 1976-80
Lincoln National Forest (N.M.) 1962-63, 1971
Law and legislation 1969
Marin Municipal Water District (Calif.) 1969-79
Logging and fishing - Statements 1972
Lolo National Forest (Mont.) - Environmental impact statement 1980
McCloskey, Michael - Statements - Public lands 1971
Maps - Index to topographic maps of California 1963
Medicine Bow National Forest (Wyo.) 1972
Mendenhall Glacier (Alaska) n.d.
Mendocino National Forest (Calif.) 1977
Mendocino Woodlands (Calif.) 1973
Mineral King (Calif.) 1965-72
Modoc National Forest (Calif.) 1971
Monongahela National Forest (W.Va.)
Correspondence 1969-76
Forest products management 1970-72
Reports 1970
Reports 1971-76
Litigation 1973-75
Multiple Use Management Guide 1965
Naders Raiders 1970-71
National Committee for Better Forestry 1970-71
National Forest Management Act of 1976 1976
"National Forest Management in a Quality Environment" - Criticism 1973
National forest study outline 1971
National Forest Timber Conservation and Management Act of 1969 1969
Forest products industry 1969
National Timber Supply Act of 1969
American Forestry Association 1969
Clippings 1969-71
Correspondence 1969-70
Environmentalists' statements 1969
Environmentalists' testimony 1969
Forest products industry - Testimony 1969
National Forest Products Association 1968-69
Notes 1969-70
Sierra Club 1969-70
U.S. Congress 1969
U.S. National Forest Service 1970
Zinnuska, John A. 1969
Notes n.d.
Ogden (Utah) - Forest products sale 1968
Olympic National Forest (Wash.)
Environmental Assessment Report 1979
Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit 1978-79
Simpson Timber Company 1981
Skokomish Indian Tribe and U.S. Forest Service 1979-81
Tebo, Mount 1980
Timber sale 1979-80
Oregon State Public Lands Interim Committee 1968-69
Ottawa National Forest (Mich.) 1969
"Outlook for Timber in the United States" 1971-73
Review n.d.
Ozark National Forest (Ark.) 1976-78
Pacific Gas and Electric Company - Land sale 1973
Parks - Redwood 1969
Pesticides 1979
Pisgah National Forest (N.C.) 1978
Pit River (Calif.) - Indians of North America 1972
President's Advisory Panel on Timber and Environment 1972
Prince of Wales Island (Alaska) 1972
Public lands - Land use 1971-77
Pulp mills - New Mexico 1969
Pulpwood - Pricing 1971-73
Pygmy Forest (Jackson State Forest, Calif.) 1969
Public Land Law Review Commission 1969-70
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1963-68
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1977
Arcata National Corporation 1974, 1976
Articles 1965
Clippings 1966-67
Correspondence 1965-77
Economics 1967
Del Norte County 1966
Humboldt County 1966-75
Forest products industry n.d.
Propaganda n.d.
Statistics and Research 1965-66
Georgia-Pacific Corporation 1968
Land sale agreement 1971-77
Law and legislation 1965-68
Lectures and lecturing [1968]
Maps n.d.
Maps - Sierra Club 1966
Memoranda 1976-77
Northern Redwood Purchase Unit n.d.
Proposal 1966-68
Real property valuation n.d.
Redwood Creek
Forest management 1975
Logging 1975
Redwood Creek watershed 1976
Reports n.d.
Research 1966, 1975
Resources Agency of California 1977
Reports 1977
Save-the-Redwoods League 1968
Society of American Foresters 1966
Statements 1966-77
Statistics n.d.
Stone and Associates - Reports 1969
Testimony 1967-77
White House 1978
Richardson Grove (Calif.) 1968
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II)
Environmental Impact Statement 1973
Litigation 1972-74
Sierra Club 1978
Robinson, Gordon
Agreement - Sierra Club 1977
Articles n.d.
Statements 1966-75
Rock Creek (Mont.) 1970
Rogue River National Forest (Or.) 1972
Routt National Forest (Colo.) 1975
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge (Fla.) 1977-79
Clippings 1977
Sam Houston National Forest (Tex.) 1975
San Mateo County (Calif.)
Conservation of natural resources n.d.
Logging 1968-69
San Mateo County (Calif.) and Bayside Timber Company, Inc. 1971
Sandia Crest (N.M.) - Roads 1971
Santa Fe National Forest (N.M.) 1975
Save-the-Redwoods League 1968-75
Sausalito Ferry (Calif.) 1974
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) - Salmon River region 1964
Sequoia National Forest (Calif.) 1968
Shasta, Mount (Calif.) 1978-79
Wilderness areas (proposed) n.d.
Shasta National Forest and Trinity National Forest Timber Management Plan (Calif.) 1965
Sierra Club
Litigation - Forest protection 1974
Records - Filing systems 1971-73
Sierra Club British Columbia Group 1971
Sierra Club chapters
Mackinac Chapter 1971
Uinta Chapter 1970
Sierra Club Committees - Forest Practices Committee 1969-76
Sierra Club National News Report 1976
Sierra Club Southeastern Forestry Seminar 1976
Sierra National Forest (Calif.) 1972
Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) - Handbook n.d.
Simpson Timber Company n.d.
Siskiyou Mountains (Calif.) 1969
Siskiyou National Forest (Or. and Calif.) - Forestation Status Report n.d.
Six Rivers National Forest (Calif.) 1977-79
Blue Creek - Logging 1972-75
Litigation 1972-75
Eight Mile and Blue Creek 1975-77
Environmental impact statement 1971
Maps n.d.
Report by Jerry Barnes 1977
Resources Application Model (RAM) 1969
Six Rivers Timber Management Plan 1958-63, 1966, 1971, 1976
Appellate procedure 1972-73
Correspondence 1972-73
Criticism 1973
Soil conservation 1966-68
Soil Conservation Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture 1969-71
Stratification of Forest Land for Timber Management 1972
Capital gains tax 1968-72
Clippings 1968-72
Forest products 1972-77
Tax deductions (H.R. 10756) 1974
Tenakee Springs (Alaska) 1974
Texas Committee on Natural Resources - Correspondence 1975-78
Thurston County (Wash.) - Litigation 1979
Timber Tigers n.d.
Toiyabe National Forest (Nev. and Calif.) 1971-73
Carson Range District 1970
Tongass National Forest (Alaska) 1950, 1970-74
Forest products industry 1979
Juneau Working Circle 1957-74
Ketchikan Pulp Company 1970
Environmental impact statement 1974
Ketchikan Working Circle 1962
Land use planning 1975
Maps n.d.
Petersburg Working Circle 1959
Reports 1963-64
Sierra Club litigation 1970-72
Sitka Working Circle 1955-69
Timber Management Plans 1958-73
Tracy Arm 1970
U.S. Forest Service Report 1954-76
Yakutat Working Circle 1959-64
Tonto National Forest (Ariz.) 1972
Trails 1968-80
Tree farms 1968-71
Trust for Public Lands 1976
Umpqua National Forest (Or.) 1972
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1976
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Forest management (Calif. and Or.) 1962-71
Roundtop Mountain (Or.) 1972-76
U.S. Forest Service
Administrative review procedures 1977
"Allowable Timber Harvest on the National Forests" 1973
Annual Silvicultural Accomplishment Report 1974-75
Appellate procedure 1964, 1974
Budget 1968-75
Clippings 1972-75
Environmental Program for the Future 1974-75
"Forest Regulation Study" 1973
Forest reserves - Forest products - Sales - Articles and statements 1968-69
Government policy 1971-72
Multiple use (Calif.) 1965
Project FALCON 1972-73
Region 4 - Acquisition and disposal of property 1924-68
Region 5 - Valuation of redwood n.d.
Regional office consolidation 1973
Report - Reforestation 1974-75
Super Sale Program 1973
Litigation 1973
Sierra Club policy - Forest conservation 1974
"Some Plain Facts about the Forests" n.d.
Timber Appraisal Policies and Procedures 1963-73
Timber Harvest Scheduling Study 1976
Valuation of cutover lands 1958
Taxation 1969-73
Law and legislation 1971-73
Wallowa National Forest and Whitman National Forest (Or.) 1972
Water quality - Control 1968-73
Water resources development - Planning - California 1968
Wenatchee National Forest (Wash.) n.d.
West Teton Wilderness Proposal (Idaho) 1968
Maps n.d.
Western States Forestry Task Force 1974
Western Wood Products Association 1973-74
Wilderness areas 1974-75
Clippings 1972-76
De facto wilderness 1967-71
California 1967-69
Wilderness areas - Recreational use 1966-68
Clippings 1966-68
Government policy 1973-75
Wildlife conservation - Law and legislation 1977
Willamette National Forest (Or.) 1971
Maps n.d.
Willow Creek Ranch Company 1967-68
Series 56: Douglas W. Scott Papers, 1965-1989
Scope and Content Note
Outgoing 1978-81, n.d.
Incoming 1978-81
Subject Files
Acid rain 1980-81
Alaska 1971-76
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1977-79
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1979-1980
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1980-81, n.d.
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act n.d.
American River's Conservation Council 1980-81
Atchafalaya River (La.) 1978-81
Bonneville Power Administration 1978-79
Boulder Creek (Idaho) 1978-79
California Wilderness Bill 1980-81
Canyon Lakes Wilderness (Wash.) (proposed) 1979-81
Clean Air Act 1977-81, n.d.
Cleanwater Wilderness (Wash.) (proposed) 1979
Coastal zone management 1980-81
Colorado Wilderness Bill 1980
Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area (Or. and Wash.) (proposed) 1978-81
Conservation Coordinating Group 1980
Energy conservation 1980-81
Forests and forestry 1977-79
Hazardous substances 1980-81
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1973-78
Illinois River (Or.) 1979-80
Joseph Canyon Wilderness Area (Or.) (proposed) 1978
Kettle Range (Wash.) 1979-81
Lake Tahoe National Scenic Area (Calif. and Nev.) 1980-81
"Lame ducks" congressional session 1980
League of Conservation Voters 1980
Mines and mineral resources 1976-81
Mojave Desert (Calif.) 1980-81
Mount St. Helens (Wash.) 1972-80
Multiple use Management Act (Foley Bill) 1979-80
MX (Weapons system) 1980-81
Notes 1979-81, n.d.
Nuclear energy 1979-81, n.d.
Oil and gas leases on public lands 1977-81
O'Neill Unit, Norden Dam (Neb.) 1980-81
Oregon Coast Range Wilderness (Or.) (proposed) 1978-81
Pacific Northwest Electric Power Supply and Conservation Act 1977-80
Packwood Reforestation Trust Bill 1979
Public lands - Law and legislation 1975-81
Reagan Administration 1980-81
Appointment of James Watt 1980-81
Appointments 1980-81
Budget 1980-81
River of No Return Wilderness (Idaho) (proposed) 1977-80, n.d.
Rivers - Regulation 1980-81
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II) 1974-81, n.d.
Selway-Bitterroot Primitive Area, Magruder Corridor (Idaho and Mont.) 1965-74
Sierra Club, lobbying assignments 1978-81
Sierra Club
Committee on Political Education (SCCOPE) 1980-81
National Conservation Priorities 1976-89, n.d.
National Energy Committee 1980-81
Nuclear Legislation Campaign Steering Commmittee 1980-81
Water Resources Campaign Steering Committee 1981-82
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1980-81
Stehekin Valley (Wash.) 1981
Surface Transportation Act 1980-81
Synthetic fuels 1980-81
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway 1980-82
Umpqua National Forest (Or.) 1977-79
U.S. Energy Mobilization Board 1980
Urban transportation 1980
Washington Public Power Supply System 1978-81
Water resources 1980-81
Waterways 1981
Wilderness areas
Idaho 1977-81
Montana 1976-81
Oregon 1977-81
Washington 1978-81
Wyoming 1981
Yakima River (Wash.) 1979
Series 57: Richard Searle Papers, 1968-1970
Scope and Content Note
Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1968
Sierra Club
Angeles Chapter 1967-70
Executive Committee 1969
Financial management 1968
London Office 1968
Publications - Reorganization Committee - Report 1968
Volume I-VI 1966-70
Volume VI 1968
Series 58: Henry Senger Papers, 1886-1895
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1886-1895
Series 59: Denny Shaffer Papers, 1978-1987
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1982-84
Subject Files
Actions taken 1982-84
Clippings 1982-83
Itineraries 1982-84
Memoranda 1978-87
Speeches 1978-87
Series 60: Ray Sherwin Papers, 1963-1979
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1970-72
Adams, Ansel 1971-72
Futrell, William 1971-73
Subject Files
Admiralty Island (Alaska) - Clippings 1970-74
Agriculture - Sierra Club policy 1973-75
Air - Pollution - Sierra Club advertising 1973
Air Pollution Control Association 1973-74
Alaska 1969-77
Clippings 1972
Gas, Natural - Pipe lines 1973-75
Indian claims 1971-72
Petroleum - Pipe lines 1969-73
Clippings 1971-72
All terrain vehicles 1971-73
Alpine Lake (Or.) 1973
American River (Calif.) 1976
Antarctic regions 1976
Arches National Park (Utah) 1971
Arctic National Wildlife Range (Alaska) 1970
Armand Bayou (Tex.) 1971
Asia, Southeastern 1971-72
Bair Island (Calif.) 1971
Bear Harbor Ranch (Calif.) 1973
Big Basin State Park (Calif.) 1967
Big Thicket National Preserve (Tex.) 1973
Boggs Lake (Calif.) 1971
Brower, David R. 1971
California Clean Environment Act (proposed) 1971-72
California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act 1973
Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1971
Center for Law and Social Policy 1972-74
Center for Futures Research 1977
Citizens for a Better Environment 1973
Clinch River Breeder Reactor Demonstration Power Plant (Tenn.) 1977
Coastal zone management (Calif.) - Proposition 20 1972-73
Columbia Liquid Natural Gas Terminal (Md.) 1972
Consumers Power Company 1970
Continental Data Services Corporation 1971-72
Cover Point (Md.) 1972
Dams - Dos Rios (Calif.) 1969-70
Dardanelles Cones (Calif.) 1971
Delta Region (Calif.) - Water-supply 1969-71
Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1971-72
Deserts - California 1973-76
Douglas, William O. 1970
Economics 1972
Energy conservation 1969-75
Clippings 1973
Coal 1972
Electricity 1971-72
Clippings 1972
Gas, Natural 1972
Geothermal resources 1971
Power-plants - Location 1971-72
Project Independence 1974
Solar energy 1971
Environmental education 1971-74
Environmental impact analysis 1971
Environmental law 1969-71
Environmental organizations and Labor movements 1971-73
Clippings 1971-73
Environmental protection 1971-72
California 1971-72
Law and legislation 1971
Law and legislation 1973
Sierra Club 1969-75
Escalante Canyon 1972
Forests and forestry 1969-72
Clearcutting 1970
Export 1971-72
Fire control 1972
Law and legislation
California 1971-73
United States 1970-76
Fraser Island (Australia) 1977
Four Corners 1971
French Pete Creek (Or.) 1969
Friends of the Earth 1970-72
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) 1970
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Utah) n.d.
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1972-74
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1972
Granite Chief - Tahoe National Forest (Calif.) 1970
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Tex.) 1970-71
Hells Canyon (Or. and Idaho) 1970
Herbicides 1971
Hooker Dam (Ariz.) 1971
Hubber, William Stephen Estate 1973-74
Indians of North America 1970-71
International conservation 1970-73
Environmental law 1973
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1971-72
Kaiparowits (Utah) 1975
Kaiser Wilderness (Calif.) (proposed) 1973
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska) 1971
Land use - Planning 1970-75
Lava Beds National Monument (Calif.) 1972
Litter (trash, etc.) 1971-73
Lobbying 1971
Long Island Sound (New York) 1971
Mammoth County Water District (Calif.) 1976-77
Mammoth Pass Road (Calif.) n.d.
Marin Municipal Water District (Calif.) 1974
Mexico 1973
Minarets (Calif.) 1961-70
Minarets Summit Road (Calif.) 1969-70
Mineral King (Calif.) - Freeways 1972
Mines and Mineral resources 1970-71
Strip mining 1971-73
Miscellanea 1972
Mono Lake (Calif.) 1971
Land use 1971-76
Mountaineering n.d.
My Ranch (Calif.) 1971
National Environmental Policy Act 1970-73
National Environmental Press Seminar on Electricity 1972
National parks and reserves 1971
New Melones Dam (Calif.) 1972-73
Northern Great Plains Resource Council 1973
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1970
Nuclear energy 1968-72
Nuclear energy 1973-74
Articles and speeches 1971-73
Clippings 1970-75
Referendum 1976
Nuclear power plants - Davenport (Calif.) 1971
Nunivak National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska) n.d.
Ocean 1971-76
Oregon 1971-74
Overton Park (Tenn.) 1972-73
Owens Valley (Calif.) 1971-72
Pesticides 1969
DDT (Insecticide) 1969-70
Clippings 1970
Gypsy moths 1971-73
Petroleum 1970-74
Taxation 1975
Planning and Conservation League 1968-70
Point Arena (Calif.) 1971-72
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1969-71
Pollution 1971
Air - Pollution 1970-72
Lead 1970-72
Noise pollution 1970-71
Oil pollution 1970-73
Water - Pollution 1969-73
Population 1969-74
Clippings 1972
Public Advocate, Inc. 1972
Pyramid Lake (Calif.) 1970-72
Reagan, Ronald - Governor of California 1971-72
Refuse and refuse disposal 1970-74
California 1971-74
Resources Agency of California 1971-73
Rivers 1969-71
Reed, Susan A. n.d.
Redwood 1971-72
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1970-72
Recreation 1972
Roads 1970-71
San Francisco Bay Area Community Forum on Foreign Policy 1976
San Joaquin (Calif.) - Wilderness areas (proposed) 1970
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1968
Santa Barbara Channel (Calif.) 1969
Shasta, Mount (Calif.) 1970
Shell Oil Company 1973
Sherwin Bowl (Calif.) 1971
Sherwin, Ray
Notes 1971-72
Speech schedule 1971-73
Shore protection 1972
Sierra Club
Correspondence 1970-76
Advertising 1971
Annual banquet 1971-72
Banks and banking 1970-72
Brower controversies 1967-68
Budget 1966-75
Campus program 1971
Clippings 1971-73
Communication, Internal n.d.
Corporate reorganization 1971
Elections 1966-79
Fund raising 1974, 1978
Judges of Elections 1973-75
Longines - Wittnauer, Inc. 1971-74
Mailing lists 1970-72
Meetings at Shenandoah National Park (Va.) 1971
Motion pictures and Television 1969-73
Office layout 1969-74
Organizational charts 1974
Personnel management 1969-74
Assistant to the President 1971
Résumés 1972
Public relations 1969-73
Requests to use Sierra Club name 1971-73
"Scheme of Priorities" 1971
Travel itinerary 1971
Volunteer program 1971-72
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1965-72
Memoranda 1971-72
Executive Committee 1969-73
Sierra Club Chapters
Angeles Chapter 1970-73
Atlantic Chapter 1972
Crescente Valley Group 1971
Delta Chapter 1970-72
El Paso Group 1971
Florida Chapter 1970-72
Grand Canyon Chapter 1973
Great Lakes Chapter 1973
Hawaii Chapter 1972
John Muir Chapter 1972
Joseph LeConte Chapter 1970-71
Kern-Kaweah Chapter ca. 1970s
Loma Prieta Chapter 1967-70
Lone Star Chapter 1969-71
Mackinac Chapter 1972-73
Missouri Group 1970-71
Montana Group 1973
Mother Lode Chapter 1967-71
New England Chapter 1971
North Star Chapter 1972
Northern Rockies Chapter 1970
Ozark Chapter 1972
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1970-71
Potomac Chapter 1972
Redwood Chapter 1969-73
Rio Grande Chapter 1969
Riverside Chapter 1972
Rocky Mountain Chapter 1973
San Diego Chapter 1969
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1971-73
San Gorgonio Chapter 1971
Sierra Club of Ontario 1972
Tehipite Chapter 1971-72
Tennesee Chapter 1972-73
Toiyabe Chapter 1971-72
Uinta Chapter 1969
Ventana Chapter 1972
Western Canada Chapter 1972
Sierra Club Committees 1971-75
Administration Committee 1971
Appalachian Regional Conservation Committee 1972
Budget Committee 1972-78
By-laws Review Committee 1966-77
California Legislative Committee 1971-73
California-Nevada Conservation Coordinating Committee 1974
Committee on International Relations (Law and Organization) 1971-72
Conservation Administration Committee 1969
Dues Allocation Committee 1973
Economics Committee 1971
Energy Committee 1976
Environmental Education Committee 1972-73
Environmental Research Committee 1970-72
Film and Public Information Committee 1971
Financial Advisory, Administration and Investment Committee 1971-74
Gulf Coast Regional Conservation Committee 1971-73
History Committee 1969-73
Honors and Awards Committee 1969-73
Implementation Committee on Nomination and Election Procedures 1967
Insurance Committee 1969-71
International Committee 1971-77
Land use Planning Committee 1972
Legal Committee 1969-72
Library Committee 1972
Lodges and Lands Committee 1971-72
Long Range Planning Advisory Committee 1978
Membership Committee 1969-73
Midwest Regional Conservation Committee 1970-72
Morley Fund Committee 1970-71
Mountaineering Committee 1971-72
National Energy Policy Committee 1973
National Population Committee 1973-74
National Water Resources Committee 1971-73
National Wilderness Committee 1972-74
National Wildlife Committee 1971-74
Nominating Committee 1965-79
Questionnaire 1977-78
Nominating and Election Procedures Advisory Committee 1965-67
Northeast Regional Conservation Committee 1972
Northern California Regional Conservation Committee 1970-73
Northern California-Nevada Wilderness Committee 1972
Northern Plains Regional Conservation Committee 1973
Northwest Regional Conservation Committee 1972
Off-road Vehicles Committee 1970
Outing Committee 1969-73
Power Policy Committee 1971
Publications Committee 1967-74
Regional Conservation Committee 1971-73
Reorganization Committee 1969-71
Reorganization Committee 1971
River Conservation Committee 1971-72
Southern California Regional Conservation Committee 1970-74
Southern Plains Regional Conservation Committee 1975
Southwest Regional Conservation Committee 1969-74
Trails and Guide Book Committee 1971
Wilderness Classification Study Committee 1970-71
Winter Sports Committee 1971-72
Sierra Club Conservation Representatives
Eastern Representative 1971
Northwest Representative 1969-70
Southern California Representative 1971
Sierra Club Council 1964-71
Committee on Club Priorities 1971-74
Internal Organization Committee 1968-74
Sierra Club Executive Director 1970-72
Sierra Club Information and Education Conference
7th, Mountain View 1968
8th, Riverside 1970
Sierra Club Foundation 1969-75
Sierra Club Land Trust 1969-72
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 1970-75
Forest Service Conference 1973
Litigation 1971-74
Air quality 1972
All terrain vehicles - U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1973
American River 1971
Aropaho National Forest (Colo.) 1972
Bair Island (Calif.) 1969-72
Beaches - Humboldt County (Calif.) 1971
Caesar Creek Dam (Ohio) 1972
California Public Utilities Commission 1972
Calvert Cliffs (Md.) 1972-73
Catskill Utility Line 1972
Century Freeway 1972
Cherry Point 1972
Circle Cliffs 1974
Clarion River (Pa.) n.d.
Clear Creek - Garden Creek 1971
DDT (Insecticide) 1969-72
De facto wilderness 1971-73
Devil's Slide (Calif.) 1972
Diablo, Mount (Calif.) 1971-72
Electricity rates
Virginia 1972
Washington, D.C. 1971
Fast breeder reactor 1972
Four Corners Power Plant (N.M.) 1970-72
Copper River (Alaska) 1973
Interstate 7 1973
French Pete (Or.) 1969-72
Gila River (Ariz.) 1970-73
Half Moon Bay (Calif.) 1973
Harbors - New Haven (Conn.) 1972
Hawaii Airport 1973
Hayward Expressway 1972
Island Creek Coal Refuse Disposal Plant 1972
Jim Bridger Thermal-Electric Generating Plant 1972
Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Area 1972-73
Kickapoo River (Wis.) 1971
Kirkwood Meadows (Calif.) 1972
Land use - Austin (Tex.) 1971
Leakin Park (Md.) 1970-71
Logan Airport (Mass.) 1973
Logging - Forest reserves 1973
Los Angeles (Calif.) 1971-73
McKeon Construction 1972
Mammoth Lakes (Calif.) 1971-72
Marine mammals 1973
Meadow Creek (Colo.) 1969-72
Mineral King (Calif.) 1969-75
Clippings 1969-72
Monongahela National Forest (W. Va.) 1973
Mountain Village (Calif.) 1972
Navarre Marsh 1972
New Jersey State Fish and Game Council 1971
New Melones Dam (Calif.) 1972
North Central Power Plant (Wyo.) 1973
Nuclear power plants - Midland (Mich.) 1971
Overton Park (Tenn.) 1973
Owens Valley (Calif.) 1972
Palmdale Airport (Calif.) 1972
Palmetto Bend Dam (Tex.) 1972
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 1971
Point Arena (Calif.) 1972
Point Beach (Wis.) 1972-73
Predatory animals - Control (Tex.) 1972
Proposition 20 (Calif.) 1972
Redwood 1971-73
Rock Creek Drainage 1972
Ross Dam (Wash.) 1971-72
Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge (N.Y.) 1973
Salmon-Trinity Alps Wilderness (Calif.) 1972
San Antonio Expressway (Tex.) 1971
San Antonio Ranch Town (Tex.) 1972
San Bruno Expressway (Calif.) 1971
San Buena Ventura (Calif.) 1973
San Ramon Creek (Calif.) 1972
Santa Monica Mountains (Calif.) 1972
Sella Bay (Guam) 1972
Six Rivers National Forest (Calif.) 1972
Storm King (N.Y.) 1972
Strip mining 1972
Studio City (Calif.) 1973
Sutherland Power Plant (Nev.) 1973
Sutro Heights Park (Calif.) 1972
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1973
Tailings Pond (N.M.) 1972
Tesuque Pueblo (N.M.) 1971
Ton-da-Lay (N.Y.) 1973
Tongass National Forest (Alaska) 1971-73
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1971
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1972
Warm Springs Dam (Calif.) 1974
Waterfowl Marsh (Minn.) 1972
Yerba Buena Center (Calif.) 1971-72
Sierra Club, Ltd. 1969-70
Sierra Club Offices
International Office 1972-76
Midwest Office 1972
New York Office 1972
Norhthern Great Plains Office 1972-74
Sacramento Office 1971-72
Southwest Office 1969
Sierra Club President 1967-71
Sierra Club Research Program 1972-74
Sierra Environmental Equipment Co. 1972
Sill, Richard 1967-73
Six Rivers National Forest (Calif.) 1971
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1969-70
Snow Mountain (Calif.) 1969-71
Standard Oil Company of California 1970-71
Stream channelization (Calif.) 1969-71
Clippings 1969-71
Suisun Marsh (Calif.) 1970-74
Supersonic transport planes 1970-72
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.) 1971-72
Tongass National Forest (Alaska) 1971-72
Transportation 1970-72
Tuolumne River (Calif.) - Reports 1969
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1972-74
Clippings 1972
Notes 1969-72
United Nations 1971-72
Associations of the United States of America 1971-73
Conference on the Human Environment 1972-73
Habitat Conference 1976
Non-governmental organizations 1971-74
Urban ecology 1970-71
U.S. American Bicentennial Commission 1972
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1971-72
National Gas Survey 1971-75
U.S. Forest Service 1971-73
Roadless areas and Wilderness areas - Inventories 1972
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1970-74
U.S. National Park Service 1971-72
U.S. Post Office 1970-71
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1970
Utility lines - Location 1972
Warm Springs Dam (Calif.) 1974
Water resources 1970-72
Water resources development (Calif.) 1969-72
Wetlands - Louisiana 1972
White Cloud-Boulder Pioneer Mountains (Idaho) 1970-72
Wild and scenic rivers 1970-73
Wilderness areas 1969-72
California 1972-73
Classification 1969-72
De facto wilderness 1971-72
East (U.S.) 1971-73
Permits 1971-72
Wilderness Conference 1963-74
11th 1969
12th 1971
13th 1973
14th 1975
Wildlife conservation 1970-73
Bighorn sheep 1971-72
Birds 1971-72
Endangered species 1971
Marine mammals 1974
Whales 1970-75
Predatory animals - Control 1971-72
Wildlife refuges 1968-72
Willamette National Forest (Or.) 1971
Whitney, Mount (Calif.) 1970
Wrangell Mountains National Scenic Area (Alaska) (proposed) 1970
Yosemite Institute 1972
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1969-71
Yosemite Natural History Association 1971-72
Series 61: David Simons Papers, 1937-1961
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1956-60
Regarding David Simons' death 1960-61
Subject Files
Forests and forestry 1957-59
Miscellanea n.d.
North Cascades
Clippings 1957-60
Maps n.d.
Notes 1957-60
Photographic portfolio descriptions 1956-59
Reports 1937-60
North Cascades Conservation Council 1957-59
Oregon Cascades (Three Sisters Wilderness) 1955-60
Oregon Dunes National Seashore (proposed) 1959-60
Wilderness and the Wilderness Bill 1956-60
Series 62: William Siri Papers, 1946-1983
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1961-1966
Correspondence 1966-82
Thank-you notes 1968-73
Adams, Ansel 1964-70
Baldwin, John F. 1964-66
Berry, Phillip S. 1965
Colby, William E. 1964
Eissler, Fred 1964-66
Harper, John L. 1967-69
Hildebrand, Joel H. 1965
Leonard, Richard M. 1964-65
McCloskey, Paul N. 1981
Marshall, George 1964-69
Sierra Club chapters 1964-70
Sill, Richard 1964-68
Zimmerman, William, Jr. 1964-67
Subject Files
Amchitka Island (Alaska) 1965
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) 1965-66
Arroyo Burro and Goleta State Beaches (Calif.) 1965
Attorney General's Task Force on Environmental Problems of the San Francisco Bay Area 1971-74
Avila Beach (Calif.) 1965-67
Baja California (Mexico) 1968
Bodega Head (Calif.) 1962, 1964, 1968
California Legislature, Assembly, Committee on Natural Resources Planning 1969
California State Parks - Bonds 1964-66
Camp San Luis Obispo (Calif.) 1966
Channel Islands (Calif.) 1964-66
Coasts (Calif.)
California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission 1972-73
Public Involvement in Planning for the California Coast ca. 1970
Colby Memorial Library 1965-67, 1983
Colorado River 1964-66
Conservation Policy Conference 1965
Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1965-67
Deserts 1965
Diablo Canyon/Nipomo Dunes (Calif.)
Diablo Canyon 1966-67
Nipomo Dunes 1964-66
Nipomo Beach n.d.
Correspondence 1964-71
Hardham, Clare B. 1965-68
Jackson, Kathleen 1964-69
Marshall, George 1965-67
Outgoing 1964-68
Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1966
California Public Utilities Commission 1966-69
Correspondence 1963-69
Exhibits 1967-68
Reports 1967
Testimony 1967
Petition 1968
Reports, Articles, etc. 1964-68
Sierra Club 1967
Sierra Club Chapters 1967-69
Sierra Club policy 1966
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1968
Earthquake Seminar 1967-68
East Bay Regional Park District 1967-69
Energy conservation - Sierra Club policy 1971-72
Environmental protection and Industrial relations 1973
Freeways and Roads 1964-68
Gila River (N.M.) 1968
Governor's Conference on California Beauty 1965-66
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1964-69
Articles 1964-67
Correspondence 1964-68
Press releases 1964
Reports 1967
Testimony 1966
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Tex.) 1964
Hickel, Walter J. 1968-69
Hildebrand, Joel T. 1965
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1965-66
Land use 1963
Marincello (Calif.) 1965
Mineral King (Calif.) 1965-68
Montana de Oro State Park (Calif.) 1965
Morro Bay (Calif.) 1964-67
Moss Landing (Calif.) 1965-66
National Timber Supply Act 1969-70
New Melones Dam (Calif.) 1965
Nuclear energy 1964-66
Oklawaha River Wilderness Area (Fla.) (proposed) 1965
Olympic National Park (Wash.) 1964-68
Parks (Calif.) 1970
Pesticides 1967-69
Pesticides - Control 1963-65
DDT (Insecticide) 1969-71
Petroleum 1968-70
Planning and Conservation League 1965-68
Point Arena (Calif.) 1966-69
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.) 1965-65
Air - Pollution 1965-70
Water - Pollution 1968-69
Population 1964-70
Rampart Dam (Alaska) 1963-66
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1946-67
Correspondence 1964-68
Law and legislation 1965
Press releases and Clippings 1964-68
Reports and Statements 1946-69
Rosenfeld, Arthur H. - Energy conservation n.d.
San Jacinto (Calif.) - Gondolas 1964-65
San Joaquin Drainage (Calif.) 1964-67
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.) 1965-68
Save San Francisco Bay Association 1965-70
Sea lions 1948-66
Sierra Club
Annual banquet 1964-67
Brower controversies 1963-70
Budget 1976
By-laws amendments 1952
Conservation director 1964-69
Contributions 1963-64
Corporate reorganizations 1969-71
Correspondence 1964
Credit cards 1964-65
Elections 1959-69
Employees' salaries 1964-66
Finance 1967-68
Financial statments 1963-67
Internal affairs 1970-74
Membership dues 1964-66
Membership lists 1964-69
Office layout 1964-65
Retirement plan 1964-67
Taxation 1966-68
Treasurer 1968-69
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1966-68
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1964-70
By-laws and Memoranda 1975
Meetings 1969-81
Sierra Club Chapters 1965-68
Atlantic Chapter 1964-67
Grand Canyon Chapter 1965-67
Great Lakes Chapter 1965-68
Kern-Kaweah Chapter 1965-69
Loma Prieta Chapter 1965-66
Los Angeles Chapter 1964-69
Los Padres Chapter 1964-67
Mother Lode Chapter 1964-67
Pacific Northwest Chapter 1964-69
Redwood Chapter 1964, 1969
San Diego Chapter 1965-66
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1966-67
Mountaineering Section 1961-64
Rock Climbing Section 1949-66
Toiyabe Chapter 1964-68
Ventana Chapter 1966
Sierra Club Committees
Bulletin Committee 1969
Conservation Committee 1964-68
Financial Advisory Committee 1968-74
Correspondence 1965-69
History Committee 1971-73, 1981
Investment Committee 1963-69, 1973
Joint Sierra Club-Sierra Club Foundation Review Committee 1975-76
Legal Committee 1964-67
Library Committee 1956-67
Membership Committee 1964-69
Survey 1969-72
Mountaineering Committee 1957-64
Mountaineering Journal 1966-69
National Energy Policy Committee 1972-1974
National Energy Policy Committee 1974-79
Clippings 1971-77
National Water Resources Committee 1970-74
Nominating Committee 1964-68
Nominating and Election Procedures Advisory Committee 1965-66
Outing Committee 1964-69
Publications Committee
Correspondence 1960-77
Aldabra 1968
Allagash 1965
Ascent Magazine 1971
Basic Mountaineering 1965
Ballantine 1966-68
Everest - The West Ridge 1967-68
Forever Wild 1965
Galapagos Islands 1965-68
Glacier Bay 1966-67
Grand Canyon 1964
Kauai 1966-67
Navajo Wildlands 1965-67
Maui (Hawaii) 1968-69
Redwoods 1968-69
San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 1965-67
Clyde, Norman 1967
Meetings 1964-76
Memoranda, Reports and Notes 1963-70
Monthly Editorial Report 1975-76
Publication program 1975
Sierra Club books - Editing and sales 1964-68
Sierra Club Bulletin 1965-67
Sierra Club Explorer 1968
Starr, Walter A. 1964-68
Wilderness Conference, 9th 1965
Publications Reorganization Committee 1967-68
Minutes 1967-68
Reorganization Committee 1962-68
Miscellanea 1964-68
Sierra Club Conservation Representatives
London Office 1968
Northwest 1964-68
Southwest 1966-69
Washington, D.C. Office 1962-68
Sierra Club Council 1958-68
Corporate reorganization 1967-68
Fund allocation 1965-69
Sierra Club Foundation 1960-76
Annual reports 1971-77
By-laws 1960-73
Correspondence 1969
Correspondence 1973-74
Development Council 1970
Financial statements 1967-78
Grants-in-aid 1975-78
Internal Revenue Service 1972-73
Negotiations with Sierra Club 1978
Treasurer 1973-78
Siri, William 1964-65
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1966-70
Southern Council of Conservation Clubs 1965
Squirrel hunting 1964
Standard Oil Company 1971
Tassajara Springs (Calif.) 1964
Trails 1965-66
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1965-68
Utility lines 1964-65
Wasted Woods (film) 1965
Water 1965-68
Whooping crane 1965
Wilderness areas
Environmental protection 1963-65
Law and legislation 1964-67
Motor vehicles 1961-66
Wilderness Conference, 9th 1964-65
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1965-70
Miscellanea 1964-70
Clippings 1964-69
Series 63: Theodore A. Snyder, Jr. Papers, 1925-1981
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1974-1979
Correspondence 1979-1980
Subject Files
Acid rain 1979-80
Alaska Campaign (Alaska Report) 1974-80
Alaska visit 1978
Atchafalaya River (La.) 1978-79
Carter Administration 1980
Clean Air Act 1978-79
Clean Water Act 1974-79
Clearcutting 1973-76
Coal 1978-79
Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations 1978-79
Coastal zone management 1978-80
Congaree Swamp (S.C.) 1978-80
Disarmament 1977-80
Eastern Wilderness Bill 1971-77, n.d.
Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1977 1976-78
Family Farm Act 1975
Forest management 1969-73
Forest management 1974-79
Forest products industry pricing 1978-80
Forestry notes and memoranda, by Gordon Robinson 1969-79
Francis Marion National Forest (S.C.) 1977-79
Fraser Island (Australia) 1980
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1925-49, 1966-81, n.d.
Hazardous wastes 1979-80