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Guide to the Monroe E. Deutsch Papers, 1918-1955
BANC MSS C-B 1045  
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Key to Arrangement

portfolio Portfolio:

Outgoing letters, 1947-1953. Mainly to Remsen Bird.


Incoming letters:

Scope and Content Note

Single letters have been placed in an A-Z Miscellany. Two or more letters were placed in separate folders, arranged alphabetically by author, then chronologically within each folder. A partial list of correspondents may be consulted at the end of the report.
Ctn. 1

Speeches and writings:

Scope and Content Note

Arranged alphabetically by title, A -S
Ctn. 2

Speeches and writings:

Scope and Content Note

Arranged alphabetically by title, T -Z

Speeches and writings:

Scope and Content Note

Untitled, arranged chronologically, 1918-1955

Speeches and writings:

Scope and Content Note

Untitled, undated


Scope and Content Note

Some by Deutsch, some relating to the loyalty oath at the University of California

Notes for speeches

Partial List of Correspondents


A-Z Miscellany


Aydelotte, Frank, 1880-


Letter, Mar. 18, 1948


Baird, Albert Craig, 1883-


Letter, Dec. 19, 1947


Balmer, Thomas, 1888-


Letter, Jan. 16, 1948


Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1899-


Letter, Oct. 8, 1950


Brace, Richard Munthe, 1915-


Letter, Oct. 7, 1950


Commonwealth Club of California


Letter, Nov. 2, 1951, by Stuart R. Ward


Cowles, John, 1898-


Letter, Jan. 23, 1948


Dodds, John Wendell, 1902-


Letter, Nov. 14, 1947


Gaus, John Merriman, 1894-


Letter, Oct. 4, 1950


Hart, James David, 1911-


Letter, Apr. 25, 1950


Jacobi, Frederick, 1891-


Letter, Nov. 23, 1947


Kantorowicz, Ernst Hartwig, 1895-


Letter, Feb. 13, 1954


Lazaron, Morris Samuel, 1888-


Letter, Aug. 11, 1947


Lehman, Benjamin Harrison, 1889-


Letter, Apr. 24, 1950


Lyon, Elijah Wilson, 1904-


Letter, Nov. 18, 1947


McBride, George McCutcheon, 1876-


Letter, Oct, 24, 1947


McKinnon, Harold R.


Letter, Nov. 24, 1947


Mander, Linden A., 1897-


Letter, Jan. 13, 1948


Martin, Charles Emanuel, 1891-


Letter, Jan. 18, 1948


National Education Association of the United States


Letter, Nov. 6, 1947, by Joy Elmer Morgan, editor of the NEA Journal.


Nason, John William, 1905-


Letter, Nov. 10, 1947


Pullias, Earl Vivon, 1907-


Letter, Nov. 7, 1947


Reader's Digest


Letter, Mar. 26, 1952, by Burt MacBride to Lynn White


Shuster, George Nauman, 1894-


Letter, Nov. 19, 1947


Sisson, Edward Octavius, 1869-


Letter, Dec. 7, 1947


Snavely, Guy Everett, 1881-


Letter, Oct. 29, 1947


Stone, Robert Elwin, 1891-


Letter, Oct. 2, 1950


Tolman, Edward Chace, 1886-1959


Letter, Feb. 14, 1947


Wurster, Catherine (Bauer), 1905-1964 (Mrs. William Wilson Wurster)


Letter, Sept. 24, 1951, to Remsen Bird


Bird, Remsen duBois, 1888-


6 letters, 1951-1958.

Additional Note

Copies only.

MacBride, Burt, 1893-

See Reader's Digest


Morgan, Joy Elmer, 1889-

See National Education Association


Robinson, Edgar Eugene, 1887-


2 letters, 1947-1948


Wheeler, Benjamin Ide, 1854-1927


5 letters, 1919-1922


White, Lynn Townsend, 1907-


2 letters, 1951-1952.

Additional Note

1951 letter written for Mills College. 1952 letter is carbon only, addressed to Reader's Digest, for Albert Bender Fund.