Biographical data
Marine Corps duty orders 1909-1920
Marine Corps duty orders 1921-1934
Marine Corps duty orders 1935-1947
Memoranda 1929-1964
Speeches undated
Commendations 1929-1958
Department of the Army and Air Force pamphlets 1951
Five publications regarding Pacific operations, World War II
Department of the Navy. Four statements of interest to naval commands 1957-1960
Historical material regarding the Marine Corps
Congressional Record statement about General Schmidt 1951 October 20
Pamphlet, Marine Corps Memorial Foundation circa 1954
Naval Historical Foundation, list of trustees 1956 March
Report on air power 1950
Command turnover 1943 October
Early Army career
Family photographs early 1900s
Flag raising ceremonies, Iwo Jima and Tinian
Iwo Jima
Military ceremonies
Military parades
Miscellaneous groups
Nagasaki and Sasebo
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, USS Iwo Jima dedication 1960 September
Schmidt at official events
Shanghai, Sasebo, and occupation of Japan
Unidentified island
Album of photographs
Personal scrapbooks kept by General Schmidt (two volumes) 1944-1958
"To the Shores of Iwo Jima," U.S. Navy training film