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Revelstoke Meteorite
Rochester Meteorite
Rosenberg case 1952 - 1979
San Diego Airport
Sobell, Morton - Legal case
1953 - 1959
1953 - 1959
1960 - 1974
Teaching materials
Lecture notes
Chemistry 233 1935 - 1940
Chemistry 133 1935 - 1940
Atomic Spectra 1935 - 1940
Exams for Chemistry 105 and 106 1948
Personnel lists, University of Chicago Institute for Nuclear Studies 1951 - 1958
Budget reports, University of Chicago 1956 - 1958
Exams for Chemical Thermodynamics 1961 - 1969
Charts and graphs 1972
Slides of charts and scientific specimens - Lantern slides
Slides of charts and scientific specimens - Lecture slides
List of Dr. Urey's travel 1924 - 1973
Proposed round the world trip 1950
Europe and the Near East 1951
Europe 1952 - 1955
Expenses 1954 - 1956
Israel 1958
Russia 1960
India and Japan 1962
Sweden, Denmark, Israel, Greece and England 1962 - 1963
Argentina and England 1965
Belgium, Italy and USSR (cancelled) 1965
University of California, Committee to Award Honorary Degrees 1962 - 1968
University of California, San Diego
Advisory Committees 1969 - 1970
Contract fund reports 1961 - 1969
Demonstration flyers and information ca. 1969
Harris-Urey Academic Freedom Statement 1965
Insurance 1962
Public relations and publicity 1962 - 1970
University Professorship 1968 - 1974
Urey Award for Excellence in Chemistry
Urey Hall dedication and plaque 1979
Urey Room dedication 1966 - 1975
Ureys' 50th Wedding Anniversary 1976
Vibrating reed electrometer 1946 - 1951
Numbered Publications
Publications List
1. Heat capacities and entropies of diatomic and polyatomic gases 1923
1a. The distribution of electrons in the various orbits of the hydrogen atom 1924
1b. The effect of perturbing electric fields on the Zeeman effect of the hydrogen spectrum 1924
2. The distributing influence of an electric field upon the Zeeman effect of spectral lines 1924
2a. The structure of the hydrogen molecule ion 1926
2b. Fields of force within atoms 1925
3. The quantum-theory explanation of the anomalies in the 6th and 7th periods of the periodic table 1926
4. A possible explanation of the relativity doublets and anomalous Zeeman effects by means of a magnetic electron 1926
5. Impulse moment of the light quantum 1927
5a. The mechanism of homogenous gas reactions. I. The effect of black-body radiation on a molecular beam of nitrogen pentoxide 1928
5b. Notation in atomic structure 1928
5c. An attempt to prepare tritomic hydrogen 1928
5d. Mathematical requirements for physical chemistry 1929
5e. The teaching of atomic structure to physical chemists: Round table discussion 1929
6. The continuous spectra of flames containing the halogens 1929
7. Reactions of dissociated water vapor 1929
7a. Some reactions of atomic hydrogen 1929
8. Absorption spectrum and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by light 1929
9. The mechanism of homogenous gas reactions. II. The absorption spectrum of nitrogen pentoxide and its method of decomposition 1929
9a. The temperature coefficient of reactions in solution 1930
10. Regularities in radioactive nuclei" and "Atoms, Molecules and Quanta 1930
10a. The masses of 0-17 1931
10b. The structure of atoms with particular reference to valence 1931
11. Raman spectra of silicochloroform 1931
12. The relative abundance of isotopes 1931
13. The vibrations of pentatomic tetrahedral molecules 1931
14. The absorbtion spectrum of chlorine dioxide 1931
15. Natural system of atomic nuclei 1931
15a. The alternating intensities of sodium bands 1931
15b. Some contributions of molecular spectra to classical chemistry 1931
15c. Relative abundance of N14 and N15 1931
15d. Nuclear Structure 1932
16. Hydrogen isotope of mass 2 and its concentration 1932
17. Relative abundance of H1 and H2 in hydrogen 1932
18. The relative abundance of hydrogen isotopes in natural hydrogen 1932
19. Concentration of the H2 isotope of hydrogen by the fractional electrolysis of water 1932
19a. A hydrogen isotope of mass 2 1932
20. The relative abundance of the nitrogen and oxygen isotopes 1932
21. A hydrogen discharge tube for the continuous ultra-violet spectrum 1932
22. Some thermodynamic properties of the H1H2, H2H2 molecules and compounds containing the H2 atom 1933
22a. A cascade electrolytic process for separating the hydrogen isotopes 1933
23. The spin of the sodium nucleus 1933
24. A name and symbol for H2 1933
25. Separation and properties of the isotopes of hydrogen 1933
25a. Isotopic analysis of water 1933
26. The equilibrium among the three hydrogens 1934
27. The diffusion of hydrogen through metals: Fractionating the hydrogen isotope 1934
28. Thermal decomposition of deuterium iodide 1934
29. The use of the interferometer in the isotopic analysis of water 1934
30. The synthesis of tetradeuteromethane 1934
31. The diffusion of hydrogen through metals: Fractionating the hydrogen isotopes 1934
31a. Freezing points of mixtures of H2O and H22O 1934
32. Significance of the hydrogen isotopes 1934
32a. Deuterium and its compounds in relation to biology 1934
33. The vapor pressures and derived thermal properties of hydrogen and deuterium 1934
33a. Designation of heavy hydrogen 1934
34. Thermal decomposition of deuterium iodide 1934
35. The relative abundance of the oxygen isotopes 016:018 in stone meterorites 1934
36. Fractionation of the oxygen isotopes in an exchange reaction 1935
37. Vapor pressures of the isotopic form of water 1935
38. Raman spectrum of methyl deurteride (methane-d) 1935
39. Some thermodynamic properties of hydrogen and deuterium -- Nobel Lecture 1935
40. Isotopic exchange equilibria 1935
40a. The hydrogen isotope of atomic weight two 1935
40b. Distilling apparatus for separation of isotopes 1935
41. Chemical differences between nitrogen isotopes 1936
42. Concentration of the carbon isotope 1936
43. Concentration of the oxygen isotopes 1936
43a. Accomplishments and future of chemical physics 1937
44. Studies on separation of heavy hydrogen isotopes 1936
45. Raman spectra of the deuteriomethanes 1936
46. Position of Science in Modern Industry 1937
47. The electrolytic and chemical-exchange methods for the separation of the lithium isotopes 1937
48. Concentration of N15 by chemical methods 1937
48a. Separation of oxygen isotopes by a fractioning column 1937
49. Concentration of N15 by a chemical exchange reaction 1937
49a. Chemistry and the future 1938
50. Oxygen exchange reactions of organic compounds and water 1938
51. The exchange of oxygen between benzil and water and the benzilic acid rearrangement 1938
52. Esterification of benzoic acid with methyl alcohol by use of isotopic oxygen 1938
52a. Fractionation of the lithium and potassium isotopes by chemical exchange with zeolites 1938
53. The concentration of N15 and S34 1938
54. The further concentration of N15 1939
55. Vapor pressures and exchange constants of isotopic compounds 1939
56. Concentration of C13 by chemical exchange 1939
57. Van der Waals' forces and the vapor pressures of ortho- and para-hydrogen and ortho- and para-deuterium 1939
58. The vapor pressures of ortho- and para-hydrogen and -deuterium 1939
59. The vapor pressures of ortho- and para-hydrogen and -deuterium, erratum 1939
60. Remarks on a work by K. Schafer on the thermal properties of ortho- and para-deuterium 1939
61. Oxygen exchange between carbon dioxide, bicarbonate ion, carbonate ion and water 1939
62. Kinetics of the exchange of oxygen between benzoic and water 1939
63. Mechanisms of acid catalyzed ester hydrolics, esterification and oxygen exchange of carboxylic acids 1939
63a. Separation of isotopes 1939
63b. The concentration of C13 1940
64. Separation of isotopes by chemical means 1940
65. The kinetics of isotopic exchange between carbon dioxide, bicarbonate ion, carbonate ion and water 1940
66a. Separation and use of stable isotopes 1941
66b. Separation of Stable Isotopes 1948
67a. The difference in the vapor pressures, heats of vaporization and triple points of nitrogen (14) and nitrogen (15) and of ammonia and trideuterioanmonia 1942
68. The use of the exchange between CO2, H2CO3, HCO3 ion and H2O for for isotopic concentration 1943
69. Kinetics of the isotopic exchange reaction between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide 1945
71. Atomic energy in international politics 1946
72. Methods and objectives in the separation of isotopes 1946
73. The thermodynamic properties of isotopic substances 1947
74. Supplement to U.S. Naval Medical Bulletin: Introductory Remarks 1948
75. Cascades used in isotope separation 1948
76. Atomic energy control: what next? 1948
77. Oxygen isotopes in nature and in the laboratory 1948
78. The paramount problem of 1949
79. Isotopic exchange reactions 1948
80. On the isotopic chemistry of carbonates and a paleotemperature scale 1950
83. Chemistry in the twentieth century 1951
86. Cosmic abundances of the elements and the chemical composition of the solar system 1951
87. The origin and development of the earth and other terrestial planets 1951
88. On the early chemical history of the earth and the origin of life 1952
89. The origin of the earth 1952
90. The origin and development of the earth and other terrestial planets: a correction 1952
91. Chemical fractionation in the meteorites and the abundance of the elements 1952
92. The abundances of the elements 1952
94. Comments on planetary convection as applied to the earth 1953
95. Temperature variations in the lower pleistocene of Southern California 1953
97. Tertiary ocean bottom temperatures 1953
98. The composition of the stone meteorites and the origin of the meteorites 1953
99. Deuterium content of natural water and other substances 1953
100. On the concentration of certain elements at the earth's surface 1953
101. Temperature - shell-growth relations of recent and interglacial Pleistocene shioial-water biota from Bermuda 1953
102. Power for nuclear fission 1953
103. On the origin of continents and mountains 1953
104. Revised carbonate-water isotopic temperature scale 1953
106. The primeval cosmic abundance of deuterium 1954
108. Depth habitats of some species of pelagic foraminifera as indicated by oxygen isotope ratios 1954
109. The branching ratio of K40 1954
111. On the dissipation of gas and volatilized elements from protoplanets 1954
112. Chemical evidence regarding the earth's origin 1953
114. The isotopic composition of hydrogen and carbon in the carbonaceous chondrites 1954
115. On the origin of tektites 1955
116. Age of meteorites by A40-K40 Method 1955
117. Origin and age of meteorites 1955
118. The cosmic abundances of potassium, uranium and thorium and the heat balances of the earth, the moon and Mars 1955
119. Determination of alkali metals in meteorites by a distillation process 1955
121. Distribution of elements in the meteorites and the earth and the origin of heat in the earth's core 1955
122. Some observations on technical education 1955
123. Isotopic composition of meteoritic hydrogen 1955
124. Some criticisms of "On the Origin of the Lunar Surface Features" 1955
127. Pleistocene temperatures 1955
128. The origin of the moon's surface features 1956
129. On the mechanism of comet outbursts and the chemical composition of comets 1956
130. Sodium and potassium in meteorites 1955
131. Abundance of the elements 1956
132. Alterbestimmung von Steinmeteoriten mit der Rubidium-Strontium-Methode 1956
133. Isolierung von K, Rb, Sr, Ba und Seltenen Erden aus Steinmeteoriten 1956
134. Chemical heating for meteorites 1956
135. Regarding the early history of the earth's atmosphere 1956
137. Isotopic Geochemistry of Thermal Waters 1956
138. Zum ursprung der Oberflachenstruktur des Mondes 1956
139. Diamonds, meteorites and the origin of the solar systems 1956
140. A40-K40 dating of igneous rocks and sediments 1956
141. Decay constants of K40 as determined by radiogenic argon content of potassium minterals 1956
142. Note on the high relief of the Lunar Maria 1956
143. The Intellectual Revolution 1956
148. Diamonds, meteorites and the origins of the solar systems 1956
149. Origin of tektites 1957
150. Fluorescence in planetary atmosphere 1957
151. The origin and significance of the moon's surface 1956
152. Meteorites and the origin of the solar system 1957
153. The moon's surface features 1956
154. Boundary conditions for the theories of the origin of the solar system 1957
155. Chemical heating processes in astronomical objects 1957
156. Surface ionization of silver: silver in meteorites 1957
157. Diamonds in stone meteorites 1957
158. Some observations on educational problems in the United States with particular reference to Mathematics and Science 1958
159. Comments on two papers by John F. Lovering concerning a typical parent meteorite body 1958
160. The early history of the solar system as indicated by the meteorites 1958
161. Origin of tektites 1958
162. Composition of the moon's surface 1958
163. Origin of tektites 1958
164. Abundance of the Elements in Planets and Meteorites 1958
165. The Blue Haze of Mars 1958
166. The atmosphere of the planets 1959
167. Chemical composition of tektites 1959
168. A typical parent meteorite body - a reply to Dr. J.F. Lovering 1959
169. Note on the internal structure of the moon 1959
170. Organic compound synthesis on the primitive earth 1959
171. The metallic particles of some chondrites 1959
172. Primary and secondary objects 1959
173. Letter to the Editor of Science regarding Dr. Sidney Fox's paper 1959
174. Criticism of the melted moon theory 1960
175. On the chemical evolution and densities of the planets 1960
176. The origin and nature of the Moon 1960
177. Science in Space, Chapter IV, The Moon 1960
178. Science in Space, Chapter V, The Planets 1960
179. The duration of intense bombardment processes on the moon 1960
180. Lines of evidence in regard to the composition of the Moon 1960
181. Origin of Tektites 1960
182. Deuterium content of minerals, rocks and liquid inclusion from rocks 1961
185. Criticism of Dr. B. Mason's paper on 'The Origin of Meteorites' 1961
186. The origin and nature of the moon 1960
187. Evidence regarding the origin of the earth 1962
188. Origin of lifelike forms in carbonaceous chondrites 1962
189. The time of formation of the solar system relative to nucleosynthesis 1962
190. Multiple fall of Pribram meteorites photographed 1962
191. Origin and history of the Moon 1962
192. Lifelike Forms in Meteorites 1962
193. Origin of Tektites 1962
194. Cometary Collisions and Tektites 1963
195. The Origin of the Moon and Its Relationship to the Origin of the Solar System 1963
196. The Origin and Evolution of the Planets 1966
197. The Origin of Organic Molecules 1963
198. Electron probe microanalysis of organized elements in the Orgueil meteorite 1963
199. Some Cosmochemical Problems 1963
200. Isotopic abundance variations in meteorites 1963
201. A Review of Atomic Abundances in Chondrites and the Origin of Meteorites 1964
202. Potassium and aluminum-26 contents of three bronzite chondrites 1964
203. The Role of Man in Space 1963
204. A Symposium on Microanalysis and Carbonaceous Meteorites 1964
204a. Allocution de M. Harold Urey 1964
205. Origin of the Moon 1962
206. Meteorites and the Moon 1965
208. Biological Material in Meteorites: A Review 1966
209. Chemical evidence relative to the origin of the solar systems 1966
210. Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites 1966
211. Ranger 8 and 9, Part II. Experimenters' Analyses and Interpretations 1966
212. Some general problems relative to the origin of life on earth or elsewhere 1966
213. 'Dust' on the Moon 1966
214. The capture hypothesis of the origin of the Moon 1966
215. Study of the Ranger Pictures of the Moon 1967
216. The abundance of the elements with special reference to the problem of the iron abundance 1967
218. The Origin of the Moon
219. Parent Bodies of the Meteorites and the origin of Chondrules 1967
220. Water on the Moon 1967
221. The Origin of Some Meteorites from the Moon 1969
222. Meteorites, Parent Body of 1967
223. Comments on meteoritic hydrocarbons 1968
224. Dalton's Influence on Chemistry 1966
225. Surveyor Results and the Composition of the Moon 1968
226. Mascons and the History of the Moon 1968
227. The Contending Moons 1969
228. The Space Program and the Problems of the Origin of the Moon 1969
229. Origin and Distribution of the Elements 1968
230. Geophysics of the Moon 1969
231. Origin and History of the Moon 1969
232. Water on the Moon 1969
233. Organic Geochemical Investigations in Relation to the Analyses of Returned Lunar Rock Samples 1969
234. Some Remarks on the Evolution of the Atmospheres and the Oceans 1968
235. Meteorite Research 1968
236. Early Temperature History of the Moon 1969
237. Article for Esquire 1969
238. Birth and Growth of the Oceans 1974
239. Origin and History of the Moon 1971
240. Comments on Dr. Baldwin's paper on 'The Nature of the Lunar Surface and Major Structural Features' 1962
241. Age of the Moon, Chemical Composition, Geological Aspects, Stress and Cooling History 1962
242. Solar Wind Gases, Cosmic-Ray Effects and the Irradiation History 1970
243. Solar Wind Gases, Cosmic-Ray Spallation Products and the Irradiation History of Apollo II Samples 1970
244. Origin of the Moon 1970
245. Organic Compounds in Lunar Samples: Pyrolysis Products, Hydrocarbons, Amino Acids 1970
246. A Review of the Structure of the Moon 1970
247. Carbon compounds in Apollo II Lunar Samples 1970
247a. Analysis of Apollo II lunar samples by chromatography and mass spectrometry: Pyrolysis products, hydrocarbons, sulfur, and amino acids 1970
248. Introduction to Professor's Kopal's new book, A New Photographic Atlas of the Moon 1970
249. Tektites from the Earth 1971
250. Origin and History of the Moon 1971
251. A Scientist on Space Needs 1971
252. The Moon and Its Nature 1971
253. Model History of Lunar Surface 1971
254. Was the Moon Originally Cold? 1971
256. Abundance of the Elements 1972
257. Evidence for Objects of Lunar Mass in the Early Solar System 1971
257a. The Origin of the Moon and Solar System 1971
258. Comments on the Identification of Lunar Amino Acids 1972
259. Ki-lo-me-ter 1972
260. Lunar Basalts 1972
262. Mass Spectrometer Analysis of Organic Compounds, Water and Volatile Constituents in the Atmosphere and Surface of Mars: The Viking Mars Lander 1972
263. Evidence for Objects of Lunar Mass in the Early Solar System and for Capture as a General Process for the Origin of Satellites 1972
264. Cometary Collisions and Geological Periods 1973
264a. Urey Hypothsese: Kometenals Epochemacher 1973
264b. Birth and Growth of the Oceans 1973
265. Evidence for Objects of Lunar Mass in the Early Solar System and for Capture as a General Process for the Origin of Satellites 1972
266. New Theory of Lunar Magnetism 1973
267. The Moon and its Origin 1973
268. Chemistry and Physics of the Moon 1973
270. Origin of the Moon 1974
271. Feature on Nobel Prizes, New Scientist 1974
272. The beginning and the end of the world 1974
273. Evidence for Lunar-Type Objects in the Early Solar System 1974
275. Acceptance Speech for the V.M. Goldschmidt Medal of the Geochemical Society 1975
275a. Autobiography in Scienziati E Technologi Contemporanei 1975
277. Origin of Carbonaceous Compounds in Meteorities and on the Primitive Earth 1976
277a. Article in The Chemist on occasion of receiving the Pioneer Award 1976
278. Energy Conversion in the Context of the Origin of Life 1977
279. The Deficiency of Siderophile Elements in the Moon 1977
General Writings
Atoms, Molecules and Quanta
Chapters 1-5 1926
Chapters 6-21, appendices and index 1926
Chronology of Heavy Hydrogen 1933
Heavy Hydrogen - The Physics, Chemistry and Biological Effects of Deuterium and its Compounds 1934
Article for the Columbia Sentinel 1941
Statement on the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 1946
Separation of Isotopes 1946
I'm A Frightened Man 1946
Article in Air Affairs 1946
Carbonate-Water Isotopic Temperature Scale 1950
Measurement of Paleotemperatures and Temperatures of the Upper Cretaceous of England, Denmark and the Southeastern United States 1950
Origin of the Earth 1950
Atlantic Union Way to Peace 1950
Structure and Chemical Composition of Mars 1950
Untitled - Regarding the origin of the Earth and Moon 1950
Statement for the press 1950
Statement regarding oxygen measurement 1950
Measurement of Paleotemperatures 1950
Statement regarding the atomic bomb 1950
State of Primitive Earth and High Temperature Stage in the Evolution of the Terrestial Planets 1950
State of the Primitive Earth 1950
Planets: Their Origin and Development 1951
On the Origin of the Earth 1951
Surface of the Moon 1951
Comments on Planetary Convection as Applied to the Earth 1952
Systematic Errors in Elemental Abundances in Meteorites 1952
Deuterium and Tritium 1952
Origin of the Planets 1952
On the Deficiencies of Elements in Meteorites 1953
Geochemistry of Nuclear Species 1953
Origin and Significance of the Moon's Surface 1953
Measurement of Paleotemperatures 1953
Diameter and Oblateness of Mars and the Origin of Mountains 1953
Statement Regarding Containment of Atomic Energy 1953
Issues of 1954
Origin of the Earth 1954
Temperature of the Primitive Earth 1954
Untitled - Regarding the early history of the solar system 1954
Review of Geochemistry by V.M. Goldschmidt 1954
Origin of the Earth 1954
Radius of Mars 1954
On the Dissipation of Gas and Volatilized Elements for Protoplanets 1954
Abundance of the Elements 1955
Article for Sky and Telescope 1955
Composition of the Earth's Mantle 1955
On the Origin of Planetesimals and Asteroidal Bodies 1955
Questions of Priority 1955
Atmosphere of the Planets 1955
Scientists, Secrets and Security 1955
Heat Balance of the Earth, the Moon and Mars 1955
Article for Year 1955
Article for Popular Mechanics 1956
Origin of the Solar System 1956
Comments on Papers Presented at the 7th International Astrophysical Symposium 1956
Report on the Seventh International Astrophysical Symposium 1956
Report on National Science Foundation Contract Geochemical Research #3 1958
Where Have We Failed in Education? 1958
Preparation of American Youth for Life 1958
Moon for Encyclopaedia Brittanica 1959
Notes on the Internal Structure of the Moon 1959
Moon and The Meteorites for The Planets 1959
Criticism of the Melted Moon Theory of G.P. Kuiper 1960
Comments on the Development of Meteorites 1961
Rare Gas Isotopes in the Luhy Stone Meteorite 1961
Moon and The Planets 1961
Origin of the Moon and Its Relationship to the Origin of the Solar System 1961
Time of Formation of the Solar System Relative to Nucleosynthesis 1961
Letter to the Editor of Time Magazine 1961
Letter to the Editor of New York Times 1961
Article for New York Times Special Space Section 1961
Comments on Dr. Baldwin's Paper on 'The Nature of the Lunar Surface and Major Structural Features' 1962
Earth's Daughter, Sister or Uncle? 1962
Report of a Discussion on Lifelike Forms in Meteorites 1962
Article in Newsweek 1962
Electron Probe Microanalysis of Organized Elements in the Orgueil Meteorite 1963
Reprints of some papers by Urey on the Origin of the Solar System and on the Origin, History and Structure of the Moon 1963
Rings and Shelf Areas of the Lunar Maria 1963
Extraterrestrial Sources of Organic Compounds and the Origin of Life 1964
Meteorites and the Moon 1965
Observations on Ranger VII Pictures 1965
Report on the Question of Biological Materials in Carbonaceous Chondrites 1965
Article for Freedom and Union 1965
Observations on the Ranger VII and IX Pictures 1965 - 1965
Biological Materials in Carbonaceous Chondrites 1966
Some Comments on a Recent Hypothesis in Carbon Compounds in Carbonaceous in Chondrites 1966
Moon 1966 - 1970
Origin of the Moon 1966
Review of Evidence for Biological Material in Meteorites 1966
Comments on the Luna-9 Pictures 1966
Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine 1967
On the Abundance Differences between the Corona and the Photosphere 1968
Letter to the Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1968
Origin and History of the Moon 1969 - 1972
Space Program and the Problems of Lunar Origin and History 1969
Article for the New York Times 1969
Letter to the Editor of Science 1969
Article for Esquire 1969
Review of the Structure of the Moon 1970
Comments on a paper by Wise and Yates 1970
Introduction to A New Photographic Atlas of the Moon by Kopal 1970
Origin and History of the Moon
First draft 1970
Final draft 1970
Physical Nature of the Moon 1970
Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post 1970
History -- Fact or Fantasy? Or Possibly, Partially Fact and Partially Fantasy 1971
Letter to Editors of Chemical and Engineering News 1972
Memorial statement for Maria Goeppert Mayer 1972
Moon: An International Journal of Lunar Studies 1973
Moon and Its Origin 1973
New Theory of Lunar Magnetism 1973
Letters to the Editor, various newspapers, regarding Nuclear Issues 1974 - 1977
Origin of the Moon 1974
Letter to Editor of Journal of Applied Nutrition 1975
Geophysical Interpretations of Model Ages of Lunar Basalts 1975
Review of Royal Society Discussion Meeting 1975
Statement on astrology for BBC television documentary 1975
Autobiographical Statement for the South Bend Tribune 1976
Testimony on the California Nuclear Initiative 1976
Case Against Nuclear Power Development 1976
Statement for California State Election Ballot Nuclear Initiative 1976
Article for the San Diego Union 1976
Article for The Chemist 1976
Article for Popular Mechanics 1977
Carbon Compounds in Apollo 15 Lunar Samples 1978
Alteration Theory of Lunar Crystal Magnetism undated
Closed System Melting of Lunar Basalts undated
Cometary Collisions and Geological Periods undated
Early Thermal History of the Moon undated
Meteorites undated
Moon undated
Origin of Carbonaceous Compounds in Meteorites and on the Primitive Earth undated
Planets undated
Primary Objects, Composition of the Moon, Meteorites, Parent Body undated
Some Revolutionary Ideas of Science undated
Lectures and Speeches
Some Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen and Deuterium -- Nobel lecture 1935
Science and the Humanities 1935
Speech on the Objectives of Scientists, Columbia University 1941
Speech Regarding the War, Columbia University 1941
Democracy in Denmark 1941
War of 1964 1942
Science and Technology in the World of Tomorrow 1943
One World or None -- Radio Talk Show 1947
Introduction to Symposium on Isotopes 1947
Origin of Life 1949
Dinner Speech -- ADA Roosevelt Day 1950
Speech before U.S. Senate Hearing Relative to Atlantic Union 1950
Speech for Industrial Sponsors 1950
Paleotemperatures of the Upper Cretaceous 1950
Speech at Atlantic Union Committee Banquet 1950
Chemistry in the Twentieth Century 1950
Origin of the Earth 1950
Speech at Urban Exchange Club 1951
Keynote Address -- Model Atlantic Union Covention 1951
Measurement of Paleotemperatures 1951
Abundances of the Oxygen Isotopes in Nature and their Geologic Significance 1951
Abundance of the Elements 1951
Speech at KAM Temple 1952
Speech for U.S Atomic Energy Commission General Advisory Committee 1952
Commencement address, Duke University 1953
Power from Nuclear Fission 1953
Earth's Origin: Its Chemical Problems 1953
Address on Occasion of the Cardozo Memorial Award 1953
Origin of Meteorites 1953
Decalogue Journal 1954
Statement on the Future of Nuclear Power 1954
Distribution of Elements in the Meteorites and the Earth 1954
Temperature of the Primitive Earth 1954
Some Observations on Technical Education 1954
Speech before Atomic Energy Commission 1955
Liberal Arts College and Scientific Training 1955
Primitive Planetary Atmospheres 1955
Physical Basis of the Origin of Life on Planets 1955
Speech Regarding the Origin of Life on Earth and Other Planets 1955
Speech at Adler Planetarium 1955
Speech on Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Hiroshima Bombing 1955
Determination of the Alkali Metals in Silicate Materials 1955
Outline of speech for Atlantic Union 1955
Outline of speech on Chemistry Applied to Astronomical Subjects 1955
Abundance of the Elements 1956
Release of Scientific Information and Declassification of Classified Documents 1956
Statement before House Government Information Subcommittee 1956
Speech at Palmer House, Chicago 1956
Let's Aim at a Star 1956
Diamonds, Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System 1956
Intellectual Revolution 1956
Draft of speech for Chatham College 1956
Draft of talk for CBS News 1957
Religion Faces the Atomic Age 1958
Intellectualism or Materialism: Our Modern Dilemma 1958
Preparation of American Youth for Life 1958
Evidence Regarding the Origin of the Earth 1958
After Dinner Address, American Physical Society Meeting 1958
Origin of Primary Objects - Draft 1958
Primary and Secondary Objects 1959
Face of the Moon: Two Thirds of a Century Later 1959
Lines of Evidence in Regard to the Composition of the Moon 1960
Atlantic Union Proposal 1960
Moon, the Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System 1960
Man in His Normal Atmosphere 1960
Air We Breathe 1960
Alexander Hamilton: How Would He Apply His Ideas Today? 1961
Evidence Regarding the Origin of the Earth 1961
Some Observations on Science and Politics in the Twentieth Century 1962
Age of the Moon, Chemical Composition, Geological Aspects, Stress and Cooling History 1962
Abundance of the Elements 1962
Origin of the Moon 1962
Origin and Evolution of the Solar System 1962
Space science lecture, University of California 1962
On the Original Temperature of the Earth and Moon 1963
Introductory remarks, University of Chicago Symposium on Biology and Space 1963
Statement for U.S. Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences 1963
Science and Society 1963
Man in Space 1963
Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System 1963
Chemical History of Meteorites 1964
Artificial Radioactivity in Chemical and Astrophysical Studies 1964
My Golden Jubilee 1964
Speech in Honor of Raymond T. Birge 1964
Review of Biological Material in Meteorites 1965
Statement on the Objectives of the Exploration of the Moon and Planets 1965
Review of Evidence for Biological Material in Meteorites 1965
Study of the Ranger Pictures of the Moon 1965
Organic Material in Meteorites 1965
Origin of the Moon and the Space Program 1965
Origin of the Moon 1966
Abundance of the Elements 1966
Moon - Voice of America lecture 1967
Dalton's Influence on Chemistry 1967
Problem of Elemental Abundances 1967
Origin of Some Meteorites from the Moon 1967
Place of Science in Modern Culture 1967
Organic Geochemical Investigations in Relation to the Analyses of Returned Lunar Rock Samples 1968
Some Remarks on the Evolution of the Atmosphere and the Oceans 1968
Outline of speech regarding space 1968
Lunar Catechism 1968
Space program 1969
Speech regarding Mascons on the Moon 1969
Mascons on the Moon 1969
Some Arguments Regarding the Origin of the Moon 1969
History of the Origin and Evolution of the Oceans and the Atmosphere 1969
Birth and Growth of the Oceans 1969
Acceptance speech for the Arthur L. Day Medal of the Geological Society 1969
Statement to the San Diego Board of Education 1969
Early Temperature History of the Moon 1969
Origin of the Moon 1970
Chemistry and Physics of the Moon 1970
Review of the Structure of the Moon 1970
List of speeches 1970
War and Peace 1970
Theories on the Origin of the Moon 1970
Model History of the Lunar Surface 1971
Comments on the Origin of the Moon and Solar System 1971
Abundances of Elements 1971
Evidence for Objects of Lunar Mass in the Early Solar System 1971
Chemistry and Physics of the Moon 1973
International Conference on the Origin of Life, Introductory remarks 1973
Evidence for Lunar-Type Objects in the Early Solar System 1973
Acceptance speech for V.M. Goldschmidt Medal 1975
Is There a Defense Against the Atom Bomb? The Case for Atlantic Union 1950
Evolution vs. Miraculous Creation
Science and Society
Speech regarding the history of the Moon
Speech outline - Miscellaneous subjects
Speech outline - Regarding the Moon
Speech outline - Regarding science and society 1950
NBC Television 1955
Television Channel 15, San Diego 1969
Forbes Magazine 1969
San Diego Magazine 1969
Night Call radio show 1969
San Diego Union Tribune 1971
San Diego Magazine 1973
Chemistry in Britain 1974
Star Magazine 1975
Radio Liberty, Munich 1975
University of Kansas 1976
Los Angeles Free Press 1976
Mildred Cohn's notebook for Dr. Urey's Class on The Structure of Molecules 1932
Computation book 1932
Diary 1941
Inventory isotopes of nitrogen, carbon and sulfur
Notes and Data
Abundances of elements - Part 1
Abundances of elements - Parts 2 and 3
Abundance of Iron
Angular momentum of Urey Nebula
Atomic abundances of elements
Calculations for Leningrad paper 1960
Carbonaceous material on the Moon
Densities of planets
Density of Mercury
Density of non-volatile solar matter - Goldberg, Allen and Muller
Diffusion of Nickel
Heavy water
Meteorite sample requests
Movement of inertia of Moon model
Nitrogen isotope separation
Notes from Columbia University
Orbit of Tektites
Pile calculations
Plans for new college at University of Washington
Pribram Meteorite
Specimens collected
Anderson, Ernest C. Preliminary Draft Report on Aluminum Content of Three Bronzite Chrondites undated
Arrhenius, Couture et al. Hexagonal Diamonds in Meteorites 1966
Bainbridge, Janet. Gas Imperfections and Physical Conditions in Gaseous Spheres of Lunar Mass 1962
Barricelli and Metcalf. What the Lunar Surface Can Tell Us about the Early History of the Earth's Satellite System undated
Berger, Rainer. The Proton Irradiation of Methane, Ammonia and Water at 77 K 1961
Bitz and Nagy. Ozonolysis of "Polymer-Type" Material in Coal, Kerogen and in the Orgueil Meteorite: A Preliminary Report 1966
Cagliotti et al. Isotope Abundance 1960
Carruthers and Page. Far UV Camera Spectrograph 1972
Clark and Swaine. Trace Element Contents 1963
Clarke, Hans T. The Use of Isotopes in Biochemistry undated
Cohen, Karl. The Theory of Isotope Separation 1945
Cohn, Mildred. Oxygen Exchange Reactions 1938
Craig and Gordon. Nitrous Oxide in the Ocean and the Marine Atmosphere 1963
DuFresne, Ann. Selenium and Tellurium in Meteorites 1959
DuFresne and Anders. The Record in the Meteorites 1960
Fesenkov, V.G. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 7th Meteoritical Conference 1958
Friedman, I. A Proposed Method for the Measurement of Geologic Temperatures 1949
Friedman et al. Deuterium in Iceland Waters 1963
Garfield, Eugene. A Tribune to Dr. Urey 1979
Glasel, Jay. The Bombardment of Solid Deuterium Oxide 1961
Glasel. Near-Infrared Absorbtion Spectrum of Solid Methane 1961
Glasel. Stabilization of NH in Hydrocarbon Matrices 1960
Goel, P.S. Cosmic-Ray Induced Radioactivities in Meteorites 1960
Honda and Arnold. Radioactive Species Produced by Cosmic Rays 1960
Keil and Fredriksson. Electron Microprobe Analysis of Some Rare Minerals 1963
Keith et al. Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Mollusk Shells 1964
Keith and Weber. Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Selected Limestones 1963
Kuiper, G.P. The Solar System 1953
Kuroda, P.K. The Time Interval Between the Nucleosynthesis and the Earth Formation 1960
Langmuir, I. Pathological Science 1968
Lewis, John S. An Estimate of the Surface Conditions of Venus 1967
Lewis. A Possible Origin for Sulfates and Sulfur in Meteorites 1966
Lindley, Ernest K. Control of Atomic Energy undated
Lipschutz and Anders. Cohenite Pressure Indicator 1963
Mair, B. Terpenoids, Fatty Acids and Alcohols as Source Materials 1964
Marti et al. On Pu-244 in Lunar Rocks 1973
Marx, Rose. Essays and Computations undated
Massalski and Park. A Study of Four Pallasites 1963
Miller, Stanley. The Occurrence of Gas Hydrates in the Solar System 1961
Miller, Stanley. A Production of Organic Compounds Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions 1954
Mosen et al. A Procedure for the Determination of the Rare-Earth Elements 1960
Murthy, V. Rama. Elemental and Isotopic Abundances 1963
Murthy. Isotopic Composition of Silver in an Iron Meteorite 1960
Nagy, Bartholomew. A Study of Optical Rotation of Lipids 1966
Nagy and Bitz. A Method for Structural Studies of Coal undated
Nagy and Claus. Organic Particles Embedded in Minerals 1962
Nagy and Claus. Organized Elements in Carbonaceous Chondrites undated
Nagy et al. Aqueous Low Temperature Environment of the Orgueil Meteorite Parent Body undated
Nagy and Sklarew. 2-5 Dimethylfuran from Stromatolite 1978
National Bureau of Standards. Bibliography of Papers Dealing with Heavy Hydrogen 1933
National Bureau of Standards. Bibliography regarding Thermodynamics undated
Nier, Alfred. A Mass Spectrometer for Isotope and Gas Analysis 1947
Ostic, R.G. Physical Conditions in Gaseous Spheres 1965
Parker, P.L. The Biogeochemistry of the Stable Isotopes 1963
Ringwood, A.E. Origin of the Earth and Moon 1979
Sarma, D.V.N. Meteorite Analysis: the Search for Diamond 1959
Schmitt, O.Y. On the Origin of the Asteroids 1954
Schmitt et al. Cadmium Abundances in Meteoritic and Terrestrial Matter 1963
Schmitt et al. Rare Earth, Yttrium and Scandium Abundances 1963
Schofield and Haskin. Rare Earth Distribution Patterns 1963
Shima, Masako. The Distribution of Germanium and Tin 1963
Smales et al. The Determination of Rubidium and Cesium 1963
Staib, Ludwig. The Surface Decomposition of Nitrogen Pentoxide 1929
Suess, Hans. On Elemental Synthesis and the Interpretation of the Abundances 1964
Suess. Remarks at Meeting Regarding the Origin of the Solar System 1962
Suess et al. On the Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites 1963
Taylor, S.R. Abundance of Chemical Elements in the Continental Crust 1963
Taylor. Zr/Hf Ratio in Chondrites and the Earth 1963
Taylor and Kolbe. Geochemical Standards 1963
Taylor and Sachs. Geochemical Evidence for the Origin of Austalites 1963
Taylor and Solomon. The Geochemistry of Darwin Glass 1963
Thomas et al. Porphyrin Pigments of a Triassic Sediment 1963
Uhlig, Herbert. Origin of Metallic Meteorites 1963
Unemoto, Shuji. Isotopic Composition of Barium and Cerium in Stone Meteorites 1962
Unidentified. Diary of an Atomic Scientist undated
Unidentified. The Life Force undated
Vallentyne and Poveledo. Thermal Reaction Kinetics 1963
Yavnel, A.A. Regularities in Composition of Meteorites and Classification undated
York, Herbert. Deterrence by Means of Mass Destruction 1974
Reprint card file
Reprint card file - A-E
Reprint card file - F-M
Reprint card file - N-Z
Personal calendars 1952-1970
Personal calendars 1971-1980
Oversize desk calendars 1968-1980
Financial matters
Medical documents
Moon globe
Power of Attorney
Telephone book, personal
Miscellaneous, including postcards of Kedallville, Indiana where Urey went to high school
Craters on Earth 1962
Equipment for separation of hydrogen and nitrogen isotopes 1933 - 1934
Group photos
Unidentified ca. 1940 - 1966
Miscellaneous undated
Lunar photos - Miscellaneous oversize 1946-1966
Mariner IV mission
Mass spectrometer 1932 - 1938
Nobel, Alfred 1895
Nuclear bomb test at Bikini Island 1946
Oak Grove School undated
Photos of others undated
Scientific equipment 1945
Stark Effect 1934
Miscellaneous subjects - Standard size 1954 - 1974
Miscellaneous subjects - Oversize 1957 & undated
Urey photographed at various locations
Adler Planetarium 1955
American Technion Society 1958 - 1962
Annual Technical Papers Symposium 1964
Bendix Corporation 1967
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 1963
Canadian Technion Society 1951
Columbia University for Hamilton Award 1961
Commencement exercises 1957
Conference on Science and the News 1960
Deuterium of Canada undated
McMaster University 1951 - 1964
NASA 1960 - 1970
Nobel Conferences in Lindau 1962 - 1970
Washburn University
Belgium 1956
Israel 1951 - 1958
Sweden undated
Photographs of Urey
Informal photos 1950 - 1965
Lecturing 1953 - 1967
On CBS Television 1964
On television 1953
Photographed by Popular Mechanics 1955
Portraits ca. 1935 - 1955
Snapshots 1930 - 1963
Speaking to groups ca. 1940 - 1958
With others ca. 1945 - 1975
William Gibbs Medal of the American Chemical Society
Priestley Medal of the American Chemical Society
U.S. War Department, Manhattan District Service Certificate
Miscellaneous awards
Doctor of Laws certificate, Wayne State University 1958
Framed awards, rolled
Oversize awards 1952-1974
Key to City of Niagara Falls
The Chemical Society - Hugo Müller Lectureship (1956) and Liversidge Lectureship (1946)
Feria Internacional del Cincuentenario medal 1970 June
Frederick C. Leonard Memorial Medal 1969
Northwestern University Centennial Award 1951
Cardozo Memorial Award of Tau Epsilon Rho Law Fraternity 1953
Honorary Fellow certificate, Weizmann Institute of Science 1958
V.I.P. Award for atomic energy development (plaque) 1957
American Institute of Chemists - Honorary Member certificate and Chemical Pioneer award 1969-1970
American Institute of Chemists - Testimonial Award plaque 1954
One Hundred Distinguished Chicagoans award 1957
Doctor of Science, honoris causa, University of Pittsburgh undated
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Franklin and Marshall College 1969
Priestley Lecturer certificate, Pennsylvania State University 1963
American Chemical Society - Pauling Medal plaque 1970
Remsen Memorial Lecture certificate, American Chemical Society 1963
Honorary Member certificate, Swedish Engineers Society of Chicago 1954
Hall of Fame certificate - Popular Mechanics 1952
Testimonial certificate, Chemical Industry and Mechanical Professions Division 1954
Lunar Orbiter charts, Mission II
Readout charts - Standard size
Readout charts - Oversize
Lunar Orbiter photo indexes - Missions I-V undated
Mission II - H6-H214, M59-M215
Mission II - 13-45
Mission II - 46-90
Mission II - 91-135
Mission II - 136-172
Mission II - 173-215
Mission III - 5-89
Mission III - 90-120
Mission III - 121-155
Mission III - 156-186
Mission III - 187-215
Mission III - H6-H213, M5-M213
Mission IV - 5-52
Mission IV - 53-91
Mission IV - 92-125
Mission IV - 126-166
Mission IV - 167-196
Mission IV - H5-H141
Mission IV - H142-H194, M8-M193
Mission V - 5-40
Mission V - 41-76
Mission V - 77-110
Mission V - 111-140
Mission V - 141-175
Mission V - 176-210
Mission V - 211-217
Mission V - H76-H143
Mission V - H144-H203
Mission V - M5-M126, misc. NASA photos, Copernicus poster
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