Finding aid for the Douglas Cooper papers, 1900-1985, bulk 1933-1985 860161
Scope and Content of Collection
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Correspondence, Series I. 1939-1984
Correspondence, 1933-1946
Adry, Paul
Alexander, A.
Alston, R.W.
Amulree, Lord Basil
Anglo-French Art & Travel Society
Armstrong, John
Barr, Alfred
Baxandall, David
Bell, C.J.
Bell, Clive
Bigge, John
Bliss, Arthur
Bodkin, Thomas
Braque, Georges
British Broadcasting Corporation
Burlington Magazine
unidentified "B"
Carbuccia, Mme.
Clark, Kenneth
Coates, Wells
Connolly, Cyril
Craig, E. Gordon
Cresset Press, Ltd.
Dreier, Katherine
Drew, Jane B.
Drummond, Lindsay
Eliot, T.S.
Ernst, Max
Forster, E.M.
unidentified "F"
Fénéon, Félix
Ford, Brinsley
Frick Library (Ethelwyn Manning)
Gorer, Geoffrey
Gowing, Lawrence
Guttuso, Renato
unidentified "G"
Hayter, Bill
Hillier, Tristram
Huyghe, René
Ironside, Robin (Tate Gallery)
Jeffreys, W. Rees
Kahnweiler, Henri
Leger, F.
Lehmann, John
Leiris, Michel
The Listener, postcard from Paul Nash
Lucas, Colin
Malipiero, Francesco
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Miró, Joan
Moore, Henry
Mortimer, Raymond
Newton, Eric
Nicholson, Ben
Nicholson, Ben
Oppé, Paul
Oxford & Cambridge
Queneau, Raymond
Read, Herbert
Reber, G.F.
Reid, Norman?
Rich, Daniel
Ridley, Jasper
Rosenberg, Leonce
Rothenstein, John
Rouault, Georges
Schulthess, M.
Sutton, Denys?
unidentified "T"
Wadsworth, Edward
von _____?, Walther
Williams, A. Wynne
Correspondence, 1946-1957
Beaverbrook (Lord)
Bell, Charles F.
Bell, Clive
Bernard, Michel-Ange
Bevan, Aneurin
Venezia, La Biennale di
Bomberg, David
Burg, Rolf
Braque, Georges
Calder, Alexander
Cendrars, Blaise
Cocteau, Jean
Consagra, Pietro
Cooper, Douglas (to Picasso)
Eliot, T.S.
Fisch, Istvan
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Gaseoyne, David
Gimpel, Peter
Grohmann, W
Guttuso, Renato
Guttuso, Renato
unidentified "H"
Hone, Evvie
Hugo, Jean and Laurette
Kelly, Gerald (Sir)
Lachenal, Francois
Leger, Charles
Leger, Fernand
Leger, Nadia
Limbour, G.
Madagan, Eric
Galerie Maeght
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Matisse Project
Maugham, W.S.
Metzger, Gustav
Miró, Joan
Munnings, Sir Alfred
National Portrait Gallery
Nordenfalk, Carl
Oxford University
Parker, Charles
Pevsner, Nikolaus
Pilkington, C.V.
Queneau, R.
Odets, Clifford
Proctor, Dennis
Radcliffes & Co.
Read, Herbert
Ridley, Jasper
Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie
Roberts, William
Robertson, Bryan
Rothenstein, John, with 1 item from D. Cooper
Galerie Rousso
Galerie M. Schulthess
Severini, Gino
de Stäel, Nicolas [i.e., Stäel, Nicolas de]
de Stäel Controversy
Steegmuller, Francis
Sutherland, Graham
Sutherland, Kathy
Swane, Leo
Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs
University of London / Lionel Robbins
Valentin, Curt
Van Gogh, V.W.
White, Patrick
Wijsenbeek, L.J.F.
Woolley, Leonard
unidentified "W-Z"
Correspondence, 1958-1963
Auckland, City of
Banting, John
Beaverbrook, Max (Lord)
Bell, Clive (& Barbara Bajinal) regarding Picasso drawing
Blanck, G. de
Boxer, Mark
Breen, Mrs. Arthur
Britten, Benjamin
Broder, Louis
Bowra, Maurice
Capote, Truman
Carrara, City of
Chastel, André
Clark, Kenneth(?)
Cocteau, Jean
Coldstream, William
Collier and Son
Columbia University
Constable, W.G.
Darwin, Robin
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Fifield, William
Frankenberg, Lloyd
Geoffrey, Iqbal
Gili, Gustavo
Gotz, ____?
Gowing, Laurence
Guttuso, Renato
Hauke, C. de
Hoschedè, J.P.
Hugo, Jean
Iris Productions
Kalman, A.
Kelly, Gerald (Sir)
Leger, Nadia
Lesieur, P.
Littna, Francis
Mahon, Denis
Marini, Marino
Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd.
Marseille, Ville de
Maugham, W.
Maxwell, Bill
Middleditch, Edward
Miró, Joan
Mouret, Henri
Nan Kivell, Rex
Picasso, Jacqueline
Picasso, Pablo
Reber, G.F.
unidentified "R"
Stael, F. de
Salinger, Margaretta
Seghers, Pierre
Simmons, E. E.
Spender, Stephen
Steegmuller, Francis
Sutherland, Graham & Katherine
Toklas, Alice
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
White, Patrick
Correspondence, 1963-1977
Botte, Paul
Braque, Georges
Britten, Benjamin
César ______?
Chatelain, Jean, with letter by Juan Gris, 1922
Cunard, Nancy
Cocteau, Jean
Dali, Salvador
Davroy, Jean
Defferre, Gaston
Dmitrienko, Pierre
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain
Giacometti, Alberto
Grolier Club
Grosclaude, Louis
Guttuso, Renato
Hanson, Margarita
Heath, Edward
Hess, Thomas, from Cooper
Hockney, David
Hugo, Jean
Ingamells, John
Leger, Nadia
Lifar, Serge
Maeght, Aimé
Malraux, André
Manzù, Giacomo
Marini, Marino
Massine, Leonide
Meadows, Algur
Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y.
Miró, Joan
Morlotti, E.
Murdoch, Iris
Museo Espanol de Arte Contemporaneo
Navarre, Yves
Palais du Louvre
Petiet, H.M.
Picasso, Jacqueline
Pormelin, Helene
Prévot-Douatte, Myriam
Reid, Norman
Schmalenbach, Dr. Werner
Spender, Stephen
Steegmuller, Francis
Steegmuller, Francis
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum
Sutherland, Graham & Katherine
Vers, Mairie de
Wildenstein Foundation
Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Correspondence, 1977-1984
Académie des Beaux-Arts
Bel, Pierre Jean
Bertoud, Roger
Bielefeld (Kunsthalle)
Blanche, Leslie
Blue Moon Gallery
Bois, Yve-Alain
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Burlington magazine
Egerton, F.L.
Fairweather, Sally
Freudenheim, Tom
Gaborit, Jean-René
Gris, G.G.
Hayes, John
Heath, Edward
Hockney, David
Institut de France
Ledeur, J.P.
Lipchitz, Jacques
Maar, Dora
Manzù, Giacomo
McEwen, Rory
National Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Navarre, Yves
Peyre, Alain
Steegmuller, Francis
Tate Gallery
Thyssen-Bornemisza, H.H.
Tinterow, Gary and Dariece
Expertises and Identifications: correspondence, photographs, notes
Identifications of works by assorted artists
Braque, George
Cézanne, Paul
Cézanne, Paul
Courbet, Gustave
David, J.-L
Gauguin, Paul
Van Gogh, Vincent [i.e., Gogh, Vincent van]
Gris, Juan
Gris, Juan
Laurens, Henri
Leger, Fernand
Lhote [André?]
Matisse, Henri
Metzinger, Jean
Modigliani, Amedeo
Monet, Claude
Picasso, Pablo
Rousseau, Henri
Seurat, Georges
Buquet, Alain
Tate Controversy, 1946-1969
Report, clippings, 1946-1952
Correspondence, 1953-1954
Reports by Tate Trustees, House of Lords, House of Commons, 1953-1954
Clippings, 1953-1955
Correspondence, clippings, 1956-1959
Correspondence, clippings, , with one clipping 1960-1969 1984
Other Controversies: correspondence, reports, clippings
Wildenstein Correspondence, 1965-1973
Wildenstein Legal Papers, 1965-1973
Musée de France, 1976-1979
Museo del Prado, 1980-1973
Manuscripts, Series II. 1934-1984
Manuscripts, 1938-1940
Correspondence regarding Letters from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard, 1938
Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. (MOMA) correspondence regarding Letters
V.W. Van Gogh correspondence regarding Letters
Emile Bernard correspondence regarding Letters
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding Letters
Photographs for Letters
Clippings regarding Letters
Clippings regarding Road to Bordeaux ( ) (with C. Dennis Freeman) 1940
Clippings regarding Road to Bordeaux, in scrapbook 1940
Clippings regarding Cooper's Seurat and Cezanne books
Manuscripts, 1946-1951
Henri Matisse, Observations on painting, translation ms., 1945
Georges Seurat: Une Baignade, Asnières, ms., ; notes, clipping 1946
Seurat photographs
Braque, , ms. 1946
Paul Klee, On modern art, translation ms., ; ms. on Klee, ; translation notes in Cooper's hand of pages in Paul Klee, by Leopold Zahn (Potsdam, ) 1946 1948 1970
"Turner," ms., 1949
"Manet," ms., 1949
"Toulouse-Lautrec," ms., 1951
Rousseau notes, catalogue raisonné, ca. 1938
"Rousseau," ms., 1951
3 notebooks on Rousseau
3 notebooks on Rousseau
Manuscripts, 1952-1958
"Degas," ms., with letters from publisher 1952
Correspondence regarding Watercolors of Van Gogh
Watercolors ms., with corrected proof 1954
Correspondence regarding Toulouse-Lautrec
"Toulouse-Lautrec," ms., 1956
Fernand Leger: Dessins de Guerre, ms., , with correspondence 1956
"Marino Marini," ms., 1958
"Carnet Catalan," mss., 1958
"Renoir, Lise, and the Le Coeur Family," mss.; proofs, 1959
Notes for Renoir essays
photographs for Renoir essays
Introduction to Valéry book, ms., , with letters and clippings 1959
Clippings reviewing various pieces by Cooper
Clippings reviewing various pieces by Cooper
Manuscripts, 1954
Courtauld collection, ms.
Notes and correspondence
Manuscripts, 1956
Correspondence with Curt Valentin and Museum of Modern Art, N.Y., (MOMA) regarding Gris letters
Letters of Juan Gris, ms. (first half) in photocopy
Letters of Juan Gris, ms. (second half) in photocopy
photographs of Gris letters
Letters of Juan Gris, , author annotated copy 1956
Manuscripts, 1960-1962
César, ms., correspondence, clippings
Correspondence regarding publication of Work of Graham Sutherland, 1961
Correspondence with Sutherland
Research regarding Sutherland book
Handwritten ms. of Sutherland book (in notebook)
Typewritten ms. of Sutherland book
Corrected proofs of Sutherland book
Clippings regarding Sutherland book
Corrected proof of De Stäel, , with correspondence and clippings 1962
De Stäel book mock-up
Manuscript, 1962
Picasso: La Série des Dejeuners sur l'Herbe, ms. draft
French version of ms.
Final versions of ms. in English, with proofs
Manuscripts, 1963
Picasso (pub. Penguin, ) ms. with notes and correspondence 1963
Great Private Collections ( ) ms., notes, correspondence, clippings 1963
Great Family Collections ( ) ms., notes, correspondence, clippings 1965
Notes on Rothschild and Reinhart collections
Manuscripts, 1968
Correspondence regarding publication of Picasso Theater
Notebook containing handwritten draft of Picasso Theater
Notebook containing handwritten draft of Picasso Theater
Picasso Theater, English ms.
French version of Picasso Theater
Manuscripts, 1968
Research for Picasso Theater
Research (Serge Lifar)
Research (Lorca)
photographs of first half of text of Parade, (Cocteau) 1917
photographs of second half of text of Parade, (Cocteau) 1917
Clippings regarding Picasso Theater
Clippings regarding Joffrey Ballet's Parade
Manuscripts, 1970
The Cubist Epoch, first half of corrected ms.
The Cubist Epoch, second half of corrected ms.
Proof of book
Proof of book
First edition of book, autographed
Manuscripts, 1972
Correspondence regarding Braque: The Great Years
Notebook containing ms. draft
Notebook containing ms. draft
Clippings regarding Braque exhibition
Braque: The Great Years, 1973
Manuscripts, 1972-1977
Miro article, 1972
Cooper translation of Genevieve Laporte's Sunshine at Midnight, ms.
Correspondence regarding Laporte book with proof
Cooper introduction to history of Alex Reid and Lefevre, "A Franco-Scottish link with the past," , mss. with correspondence. 1977
Cooper preface to Picasso's Pour Eugenia, ms., photographs, correspondence, 1976
Manuscript, 1977
Cooper introduction to Juan Gris: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, ms., 1977
Correspondence regarding Gris publication, A-Z, 1938-1977
Address book listing owners of Gris works
Addresses of owners of Gris works
Research note cards
Index cards regarding Juan Gris
Juan Gris, , author annotated copy 1977
Manuscript, 1983
Correspondence and clippings regarding Paul Gauguin: 45 letters to Vincent and Theo Van Gogh
Transcriptions of Letters
Transcriptions of Letters
Binder # 1, photocopies of letters
Binder #2, photocopies of letters
Manuscript, 1983
Ms. of Preface to Letters
Ms. of Preface in French
Miscellaneous material
Author's copy of book
Manuscript, 1983-1984
Negative Takes and Positive Pleasures, ms.draft
Ms. draft
Ms., corrected
Ms, first half, corrected
Ms., second half, corrected
"Turmoil and Self-Assertion," ms., essay on Picasso from book
"Gertrude Stein and Juan Gris," clipping, (chapter of book)
Manuscript, 1969
Correspondence, notes, clippings regarding Graham Sutherland's Portraits
photographs and transparencies of Sutherland work
Articles, , including mss., notes, and clippings 1934-1956
Articles, , including mss., notes, and clippings 1957-1972
, with photographs 1958
Articles, & Letters to Editors, , including., mss., notes and clippings 1973-1984 1930-1984
Articles, 1973
Articles, 1974-1975
Articles, 1976
Articles, 1977
Articles, 1980-1983
Articles, 1984
Notebook containing handwritten draft of Picasso article, 198?
Letters to Editors, 1930s-1940s
Letters to Editors, 1950-1954
Letters to Editors, 1955-1959
Letters to Editors, 1960s
Letters to Editors, 1970s
Letters to Editors, 1980s
Book Reviews, , including mss., notes, and clippings 1940-1961
Book Reviews, , including mss., notes and clippings 1962-1970
Books Reviews, , including mss., notes and clippings 1971-1981
Broadcasts and Film Narrations, 1946-1971
"The Yellow House" by Van Gogh, 1947
"Jacques-Louis David," 1948
"Delacroix," 1948
"The Art Criticisms of Baudelaire," 1949
Notes on Baudelaire in black 3-ring notebook, 1949
"Two Schools of German Art," (clipping) 1950
"Les Peintres et les Spectacles," 1951
"The New Braque Ceiling in the Louvre," 1953
"Picasso's The Dance," 1966
Film Narrations: "Picasso on War, Love and Peace," and "The Cubist Epoch"
Lectures and Laudatio, 1957-1981
Correspondence regarding Slade Professorship of Fine Art, 1957-1958
Slade: "Gauguin," 1957
London: "Monet," 1957
Ecole de Louvre: "Matisse," 1958
Ecole de Louvre: "Braque," 1958
U.S. Universities: "Braque and Picasso," 1960
Flexner lecture series, Bryn Mawr, The Epoch of Cubism, Lectures I-VI.
Material related to Flexner series, 1961
Material related to Flexner series, 1961
Cambridge: "Matisse," 1965
Houston: "Picasso," 1970
Material relating to Shakespeare Prize
Shakespeare Prize: "Graham Sutherland," 1974
Guggenheim, NY: "Gauguin," 1981
Printed matter regarding lectures, 1948-1981
Miscellaneous notes on Daumier
Records of the Mayor Gallery, London, Series III. 1933-1938
Mayor Gallery records, 1933-1936
Scrapbook, 1933-1935
Bell, Clive
Bertram, Anthony
Bliss, Arthur
Burra, Edward
Calder, Alexander
Chagall, Marc
Chirico, Giorgio de
Collisson, Prichard & Barnes
Domela, César
Ernst, Max
Grohmann, Will
Hofer, Karl
Kandinsky, Wassily
Klee, Paul
Leger, Fernand
Loëb, Pierre
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Miró, Joan
Moore, Henry
Nolde, Emil
Ozenfant, Amédée
Mayor Gallery, 1935-1938
Scrapbook; 1 folder with loose clippings
Papers relating to Nazi Art collections, Series IV. 1940-1946
Correspondence, reports, clippings
Assorted war related correspondence and brief reports
Beltrand appraisals of paintings confiscated by the ERR
Office of Strategic Services (OSS): Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 2
Office of Strategic Services: Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 4
Attachments to Consolidated Interogation Reports
Clippings regarding Nazi art collections
Photographs, correspondence
Photographs of Walter Andreas Hofer correspondence
Exhibitions, Series V. 1948-1983 undated
Exhibitions, 1948-1956
Annotated Kahnweiler catalogues, 1921-1923
Richard Wilson, Birmingham and London, 1948-1949
Gauguin, Paris, , catalog annotated by Cooper 1949
Gris, Bern, 1955
Gauguin, Edinburgh, 1955
Braque, Edinburgh, , correspondence 1956
Braque, correspondence about
Braque, exhibition lists
Braque, clippings
Braque, catalogs
Exhibitions, 1957-1959
Monet, Edinburgh, , correspondence 1957
Monet, essay
Monet, exhibition lists
Monet, clippings
Monet, catalogs
Picasso ceramics, London, 1957
Picasso ceramics, photographs
Picasso, Arles, 1957
de Stäel, Arles, 1958
Picasso, Marseilles, , correspondence 1959
Picasso, clippings and catalog
Exhibitions, 1961-1967
Buhrle Collection, Edinburgh and London, , essay and research 1961
Buhrle, correspondence and clippings
Braque, Munich, , correspondence, clippings, essay 1963
Braque, photographs
Dunn international, London, , correspondence, photographs, catalog 1963
Dunn, photographs
Delacroix, Edinburgh and London, 1964
Picasso et le theatre, Toulouse, 1965
Morlotti, Rome, 1966
Sutherland, Torino and Basel, 1965-1966
Leger and César, Marseille, 1966
Sutherland, Germany, 1967
Exhibitions, 1967-1983
Ingres, Paris, 1967
Picasso, Dallas and Fort Worth, , essay and research 1967
Picasso, clippings
The Cubist Epoch, USA, , research 1970-1971
Cubist, clippings
Cummings collection, Washington, D.C. and New York, 1970-1971
Chefs d'oeuvres de maitres europeens, Paris (project), 1974-1975
Gris, Baden Baden, 1974
Hugo, London, Amssterdam and Paris, 1977
Gris, Madrid, 1983
Exhibitions, 1983
Correspondence regarding The Essential Cubism: Braque, Picasso and their Friends, 1907-1920
Photographic materials, Series VI. 1900-1984, undated
Photographs, slides, transparencies, Series VI.A. 1900-1963, undated
Juan Gris photographs
Paintings and Sculpture, 1910-1917
Juan Gris photographs
Paintings and Sculpture, 1918-1924
Juan Gris photographs
Paintings and Sculpture, 1925
Transparencies, 1914-1916
Transparencies, 1920-1927
Douglas Cooper art collection photographs (including Sales and Gifts)
Collection inventory, c. 1933-1958
Collection inventory, 1950
36 b&w photographs of work by Braque and Picasso; 1 photo of Braque?
2 b&w photographs of work by Cortin
15 b&w photographs of work by Guttuso
17 b&w photographs of work by Leger; 1 color photo
2 b&w photographs of work by Marini
1 b&w photo of work by Masson
5 b&w photographs of work by Picasso; 1 photo of artist's tools
11 b&w photographs of work by Leger
4 b&w photographs of work by Sutherland
27 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
5 b&w photographs of work by Braque
64 b&w works by assorted artists
37 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
2 b&w photographs of work by Laurens
4 b&w photographs of work by Gris; 1 color photo
Douglas Cooper art collection photographs (including Sales and Gifts)
3 polaroids of medals
45 b&w photographs of work by Picasso
35 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
50 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
28 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
11 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
53 b&w photographs of work by assorted artists
Photographs and papers regarding the Wall at Castille
Letters and papers pertaining to the Wall
Blueprint of the Wall at Castille
51 snapshots documenting construction of the Wall
6 photographs of the completed Wall
Photographs of art work by Braque (owned by Cooper or others)
30 b&w photographs of work by Braque; 2 color reproductions, 1900-1907
40 b&w photographs of work by Braque; 3 color reproductions, 1907-1914
45 b&w photographs of work by Braque
32 b&w photographs of work by Braque, 1917-1929
37 b&w photographs of work by Braque, 1917-1929
23 b&w photographs, 2 color reproductions, of work by Braque, 1930-1945
36 b&w photographs, 2 color reproductions, of work by Braque, 1930-1945
24 b&w photographs of work by Braque, 1946-1963
Photographs of art work (owned by Cooper or others)
33 b&w photographs of Braque's drawings, photographs and sculpture
30 b&w photographs of Braque's drawings, photographs and sculpture
32 b&w photographs of Gris, his work and exhibitions, 1 gallery announcement
27 b&w photographs of Gris exhibitions and correspondence, funeral announcement
16 b&w photographs of Gris with family and friends and self-portraits
9 b&w photographs of Leger, family and friends; 6 photographs and 2 postcards of his work
5 b&w photographs of work by Miró
5 b&w photographs of drawings by Picasso pre-1920
33 b&w photographs, reproductions, clippings of Picasso and his work
62 b&w photographs or reproductions of work by Renoir
Slides of artwork by assorted artists
Green box: 100 slides of artwork by Picasso and others artists
Grey box: 146 slides of artwork by Picasso, Matisse, Gris, Leger
Slides of artwork by assorted artists
Black box: 278 slides of artwork by David, Courbet, Manet, pre-Cubists, Matisse, Futurists, Braque, Picasso, and others.
Glass slides of artwork
Small box: 5 3x3 glass slides of the Wall at Castille
Large box: 5 3x4 glass slides of paintings by Braque and Picasso
Photographs of modern paintings, drawings and sculpture, Series VI.B. 1933-1984
Arp, Jean
Bonnard, Pierre
Carrà, Carlo
Cézanne, Paul
Chagall, Marc
Chirico, Giorgio de
Corot, J.B. Camille
Courbet, Gustave
Seascapes and still life
Animals and figures
Daumier, Honoré
David, Jacques-Louis
Degas, Edgar
Delaunay, Robert
Derain, André
Duchamp, Marcel
Dufy, Raoul
Gauguin, Paul
Gleizes, Albert
Gogh, Vincent van
Guttuso, Renato
Gris, Juan
Theatrical decor
Drawings and watercolors
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique
Jawlensky, Alexei von
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Klee, Paul
Laurens, Henri
Léger, Fernand
Before 1918
Theatrical decor, mosaic and applied design
Drawings and prints
Lewis, Percy Wyndham
Lipchitz, Jacques
Luce, Maximilien
Macke, August
Malevich, Kazimir
Manet, Édouard
Manzù, Giacomo
Marc, Franz
Matisse, Henri
Metzinger, Jean
Miró, Joan
Modersohn-Becker, Paula
Modigliani, Amedeo
Mondrian, Piet
Morandi, Giorgio
Monet, Claude
Nash, Paul
Nicholson, Ben
Nonell, Isidre
Picasso, Pablo
Prints, sculpture and ceramics
Pissarro, Camille
Princeteau, René
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Rodchenko, Alexander
Rouault, Georges
Rousseau, Henri
Schwitters, Kurt
Sérusier, Paul
Seurat, Georges
Sisley, Alfred
Stael, Nicholas de
Steiner, Henri
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Utrillo, Maurice
Vlaminck, Maurice de
Various artists
Austrian, 20th century
Belgian, 20th century
Czech, 20th century
English, 20th century
French, 19th century
German, 20th century
Italian, 20th century
Russian, 20th century
Swiss, 20th century
Musée de Bagnols
Modern Italian sculpture
Modern French sculpture
Nudes, miscellaneous 20th century
Personal and printed matter, Series VII. 1933-1985 undated
Personal Files
Receipts and some letters regarding sales, purchases, shipments, or restorations of artwork, 1935-1982
Receipts and letters from Galerie Louise Leiris, 1957-1971
Clippings, , regarding Cooper's residences, collections, thefts 1958-1980
Correspondence, , Cooper's heir and others responding to queries made before Cooper's death 1984-1985
Clippings regarding Cooper's travels, interviews, and controversies, , ca. 50 pieces 1954-1975
6 clippings regarding stabbing of Cooper, ; 8 pp. report on the Somerset House Conspiracy, . 1961 1984
12 clippings regarding Sir John Rothenstein's punching of Cooper, ; 3 pp. letter from Cooper to Editor of Sydney Sunday Telegraph 1954
2 b&w photographs, 1982-1983
Mementoes of honors accorded Cooper
1 check and 1 bill for articles by Cooper
Consultant agreements and other contracts, 1947-1982
Car receipts, 1980-1981
Card and letter from Delacroix society, 1948
Elie Nadelman article
Cooper's reading notes and annotated books
Reading notes
Bonington with Cooper's notes
Catalog of Picasso exhibition at Palazzo Reale, Milano 1953
Laporte, Geneviéve, si tard le soir, 1973
Monod-Fontaine, Isabelle, Braque: the papiers collés, 1982
Heron, Patrick, Changing Forms of Art, 1955
Friedländer, Max J., Von den Grenzen der Kunstwissenschaft, 1943
Klee, Paul, Pedagogical Sketch Book, 1949
Audio tapes and film, Series VIII. ca. 1970-1975
Audiovisual materials
F1(parts a &b): Advertising spots for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) exhibition, "The Cubist Epoch," 1971
2 metal clicker toys