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Guide to the John William Gardner Papers, 1961-1992
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The papers include original manuscripts and notes of many publications, 1961-1975, as well as files from the major task forces and commissions on which Gardner served, 1962-1982. There is considerable material from the National Urban Coalition including correspondence with national statesmen and political and economic leaders, board meeting files, reports and publications, 1968-1970.
Served as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1965 to 1968, and subsequently became chairman of the National Urban Coalition. He founded the organizations Common Cause and Independent Sector. He is the author of several books on education and leadership. In 1964, Professor Gardner was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He is currently a professor in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
7 linear ft.
Property rights reside with the repository. Literary rights reside with the creators of the documents or their heirs. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Public Services Librarian of the Dept. of Special Collections.