Photographic Documentation of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles, 1924

Processed by Katherine Ruiz.
The Bancroft Library
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
© 1997
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Photographic Documentation of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles, 1924

Collection number: BANC PIC 1988.052--PIC

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
Finding Aid Author(s):
Processed by Katherine Ruiz.
Finding Aid Encoded By:
© 2015 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Collection Summary

Collection Title: Photographic Documentation of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles
Date: 1924
Collection Number: BANC PIC 1988.052--PIC
Extent: 8 albums in 2 boxes (617 photographic prints) ; 26 x 30 cm. (albums), 9 x 15 cm. (photographs) 377 digital objects
Repository: The Bancroft Library.
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
Languages Represented: Collection materials are in English

Information for Researchers


Collection is available for use.

Publication Rights

Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish photographs must be submitted in writing to the Curator of Pictorial Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader.
Copyright restrictions also apply to digital representations of the original materials. Use of digital files is restricted to research and educational purposes.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Photographic documentation of pneumonic plague outbreak sites and rats in Los Angeles, 1924, BANC PIC 1988.052--PIC, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

Digital Representations Available

Digital representations of selected original pictorial materials are available in the list of materials below. Digital image files were prepared from selected Library originals by the Library Photographic Service. Library originals were copied onto 35mm color transparency film; the film was scanned and transferred to Kodak Photo CD (by Custom Process); and the Photo CD files were color-corrected and saved in JFIF (JPEG) format for use as viewing files.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information

The photographs were transferred from the Public Health Library, University of California, Berkeley in 1988.

Scope and Content

This collection contains 617 photographs in 8 albums documenting Los Angeles plague outbreaks in 1924-1925. The first album contains an index, which covers all 8 albums. The index headings have been used in the container listing to group the photographs. Some headings have been supplied for the container list. Included in all 8 albums are views of buildings, alleys, restaurants, and city dumps where infected rats were found or where human cases were reported. Some images show preventative measures taken by the State Department of Public Health to stop the spread of disease, including the destruction of buildings. Many of the structures pictured are shacks and other low income residences. Captions identify a "Mexican Village," "Chinatown," and "negro dwellings" in various locations. Some photographs in the first album show trapped rats and squirrels. The photographer or photographers are unknown, but the collection was possibly photographed by the California Department of Public Health. Typewritten captions are found below the photographs, and are reprinted in the container listing.


On October 19, 1924, Lucena Samarano, a Mexican woman living on Clara Street in Los Angeles, died from what was later determined to be a case of pneumonic plague. Plague was suspected after the woman's husband and nurse died a few days later. Others in the neighborhood began to show signs of infection, and by October 28, eighteen patients (all friends and relatives of Lucena Samarano) were hospitalized with signs of severe pneumonia and all died in an average of four days. The diagnosis of pneumonic plague came on October 31.
Plague was officially declared on November 1st. The Los Angeles City Health Department immediately quarantined the areas in which the current cases of plague had originated. Borders of the quarantined areas were patrolled and the Health Department provided guards for the homes where known cases of plague had occurred. Food had to be brought in with limited contact with the residents. The Baptist Mission Church in what was called the Macy Street District (the place where the plague originated) became a bacteriological laboratory for the examination of rats. Houses were inspected daily. Any cases of illness were sent to the Los Angeles General Hospital. Measures for the eradication of rodents and fleas began throughout the quarantined districts. Traps were set for rats, and each rodent caught was tagged and dated, and the location of its capture was recorded. Each rat was then taken to the laboratory for examination.
A plan of operation for dealing with the plague was also put into effect. Its measures included quarantine, prevention of the gathering of large groups of people in quarantined areas, a daily house-to-house inspection within the quarantined area, hospitalization of all cases of illness found within the quarantined area, the examination of all corpses by physicians, the establishment of a laboratory exclusively for the examination of rodents and human plague, widespread trapping and rat-proofing of buildings, tagging of all rodents collected, and proper disposa l of garbage.
The Macy Street District was an area in which the residences were originally well built, but had become dilapidated, with shacks built in the rear. This area was entirely surrounded by industry, and the inhabitants were composed largely of Mexican families who worked nearby. The route by which the plague reached Los Angeles was not determined. It was definitely established that this epidemic was of rat origin.
Previous major outbreaks of plague in California include two groups of bubonic plague outbreak in San Francisco in 1900-1904 and again in 1905-1909. The first outbreak saw 121 cases and 113 deaths, and the second 160 cases and 78 deaths. By the end of this 1924-1925 plague outbreak in Los Angeles, 32 cases of plague were diagnosed with 30 deaths.
(Source: California State Board of Health. Final Report of Plague Eradicative Measures, November 1924-June 1925, Los Angeles, Calif. [n.p. 1925?].)


Trapping Districts, Rats Caught, Human Cases. No. 1-3

box 1, volume 1

Trapping districts to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:001--PIC


Showing rats trapped to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:002--PIC


Showing human cases to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:003--PIC


Personnel - Crews. No. 4-19

box 1, volume 1

Executive heads - Rodent Extermination Department, under Supervision of State Board of Health. BANC PIC 1988.052:004--PIC


Same as above. BANC PIC 1988.052:005--PIC


Rat-proofing inspectors - Plague Campaign, Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:006--PIC


Wrecking crew and equipment - Rodent Extermination Department. BANC PIC 1988.052:007--PIC


Wrecking crews and equipment. BANC PIC 1988.052:008--PIC


Disinfecting crew with spray machine at oil tank. BANC PIC 1988.052:009--PIC


Disinfecting crew and transportation. BANC PIC 1988.052:010--PIC


Disinfecting crew - spray machine and transportation equipment. BANC PIC 1988.052:011--PIC


Poison distributors with cans of poison rat baits.


BANC PIC 1988.052:012--PIC


Poison distributors with cans of poison rat baits. BANC PIC 1988.052:013--PIC


Foreman Treat's sub-station crew - 4412 So. Vermont St. BANC PIC 1988.052:014--PIC


Foreman W. H. King's sub-station crew - Chinatown crew - Apaplasa and So. Alameda Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:015--PIC


O'Conner's sub-station crew - 1520 West 23rd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:016--PIC


Foreman Smith's sub-station crew - 1010 West 3rd. St. BANC PIC 1988.052:017--PIC


Squirrel hunters with one day's bag of 178 ground squirrels. BANC PIC 1988.052:018--PIC


Same as 18. BANC PIC 1988.052:019--PIC


Church Laboratory. No. 20-21

box 1, volume 1

Church used as emergency laboratory. Bauchet and Avila Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:020--PIC


Same as 20. BANC PIC 1988.052:021--PIC


8th Street Laboratory. No. 22-31

box 1, volume 1

Looking down Bauchet Street from church laboratory. BANC PIC 1988.052:022--PIC


New laboratory at 1015 East Eighth Street, Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:023--PIC


Interior of laboratory at 1015 East Eighth Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:024--PIC


Rats nailed to boards, ready for skinning. BANC PIC 1988.052:025--PIC


Inoculated guinea pigs kept in screened cans. BANC PIC 1988.052:026--PIC


Preparing poison baits at rear of laboratory.


Preparing poison baits at rear of laboratory. BANC PIC 1988.052:027--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:028--PIC


Rat-trapper, with spring traps and rat container.


Rat-trapper, with spring traps and rat container. BANC PIC 1988.052:029--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:030--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:031--PIC


Rats - Various. No. 32-45

box 1, volume 1

Norway rat and ten young. BANC PIC 1988.052:032--PIC


Norway rat and ten young in nest. BANC PIC 1988.052:033--PIC


Mother and six live young Norway rats caught at 916 Temple Street Poultry Market, plague foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:034--PIC


Three young rats caught in one trap. BANC PIC 1988.052:035--PIC


Black rat. Rattus rattus. Showing characteristic big ears and long tapered tail. BANC PIC 1988.052:036--PIC


Tumor on Norway rat - open beneath and exceeding in weight the animal's body. Taken in the heart of Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:037--PIC


Live Norway rat. The most destructive animal in North America. BANC PIC 1988.052:038--PIC


Tumor on Norway Rat. Open beneath and exceeding in weight the animal's body. Taken in the heart of Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:039--PIC


Placing spring trap in rat burrow. BANC PIC 1988.052:040--PIC


Rat holes. BANC PIC 1988.052:041--PIC


Rat burrows. BANC PIC 1988.052:042--PIC


Rat-run on girders. BANC PIC 1988.052:043--PIC


Removing base siding from rat-infested premises. BANC PIC 1988.052:044--PIC


The enemy, specially posed after death. BANC PIC 1988.052:045--PIC


742 Clara Street, Focus of Outbreak - Foci. No. 46-62

box 1, volume 1

742 Clara Street. Focus of outbreak. BANC PIC 1988.052:046--PIC


741 Clara St. Two pneumonic cases in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:047--PIC


741 Clara St. backyard. 2 cases pneumonic here. BANC PIC 1988.052:048--PIC


741 Clara St. Base siding removed. BANC PIC 1988.052:049--PIC


742 Clara St., packing plant in rear where plague-infected rats were found. BANC PIC 1988.052:050--PIC


730 Date St. Two cases pneumonic in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:051--PIC


338 Bauchet Street. One case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:052--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. Case in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:053--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. General conditions in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:054--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. In rear of premises. BANC PIC 1988.052:055--PIC


Rear of 1806 and 1804 Pomeroy St. showing barn and rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:056--PIC


237 Mariana St. Three pneumonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:057--PIC


247 Mariana St. BANC PIC 1988.052:058--PIC


Rear of 247 Mariana St. BANC PIC 1988.052:059--PIC


1617 Marengo St. Two pneumonic and one bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:060--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. One pneumonic case here. Rear view. BANC PIC 1988.052:061--PIC


343 Carmelita St. Three pneumonic plague cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:062--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. - Bubonic Case [i.e. Cases]. No. 63-75

box 1, volume 1

5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic plague case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:063--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here.


BANC PIC 1988.052:064--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:065--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:066--PIC


Vicinity of 5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:067--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here.


BANC PIC 1988.052:068--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:069--PIC


2039 East Seventh St. Foci house on left. BANC PIC 1988.052:070--PIC


2039 East Seventh St. Foci, house in middle. BANC PIC 1988.052:071--PIC


234 N. Anderson St., showing rear, before wrecking of cabins, also showing part of 232 N. Anderson. BANC PIC 1988.052:072--PIC


Rear of 234 N. Anderson St. One bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:073--PIC


Rear of 234 N. Anderson St. Bubonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:074--PIC


Rear 234 N. Anderson St. Bubonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:075--PIC


Grocery Where First Plague Rat Found. No. 76-78

box 1, volume 1

Grocery near Clara St. where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:076--PIC


Grocery, as above, near Clara St. where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:077--PIC


Grocery near Clara Street where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:078--PIC


136 N. San Pedro. No. 79-89

box 1, volume 1

136 N. San Pedro St. Five infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:079--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. Jap. [Japanese] Restaurant. Five plague-infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:080--PIC


Same as 80. BANC PIC 1988.052:081--PIC

box 1, volume 2

Rear of 136 N. San Pedro, where 5 infected rats were found. BANC PIC 1988.052:082--PIC


Building out rats at 136 N. San Pedro (rear) BANC PIC 1988.052:083--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. Cement walk - ventilators - screen covered - brick foundations. BANC PIC 1988.052:084--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:085--PIC


136 N. San Pedro, after the clean-up, cement walks, ventilators screened, and brick foundation. BANC PIC 1988.052:086--PIC


Cement floor in storeroom in rear of 136 N. San Pedro. BANC PIC 1988.052:087--PIC


Cement floor - rear of kitchen, continuous through kitchen, at 136 N. San Pedro. BANC PIC 1988.052:088--PIC


136 N. San Pedro (rear) letting the sunlight in after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:089--PIC


[Packing Plant, N. Main St.] No. 90-101

box 1, volume 2

Packing plant. Three plague infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:090--PIC


Same as 90. BANC PIC 1988.052:091--PIC


1400 Block, N. Main St. New cement floors in old dwelling. BANC PIC 1988.052:092--PIC


1400 Block North Main. Screen flooring work. BANC PIC 1988.052:093--PIC


1400 Block on North Main St. Screened foundation work.


BANC PIC 1988.052:094--PIC


1400 Block on North Main St. Screened foundation work. BANC PIC 1988.052:095--PIC


1009 N. Main - Johnson's Foundry. BANC PIC 1988.052:096--PIC


1009 N. Main. Johnson's Foundry from rear, showing iron piles used as rat harbors. BANC PIC 1988.052:097--PIC


1009 N. Main. North view of plant - Johnson's Foundry. BANC PIC 1988.052:098--PIC


1009 N. Main St., front, showing rat runs under floors. BANC PIC 1988.052:099--PIC


1009 N. Main St. Rat runs under floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:100--PIC


1009 N. Main St. Johnson Foundry, pig iron rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:101--PIC


1500 [and 1501] E. 4th St. No. 102-116

box 1, volume 2

1500 East Fourth St. BANC PIC 1988.052:102--PIC


1500 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:103--PIC


1500 and 1501 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:104--PIC


Rear view of 1500 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:105--PIC


1500 E. 4th. Interior of store room. BANC PIC 1988.052:106--PIC


1500 E. 4th St. Rubbish in storeroom and opening under grocery. BANC PIC 1988.052:107--PIC


1500 E. 4th St. Rat holes under floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:108--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at 1500 E. 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:109--PIC


Restaurant at 1501 E. 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:110--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rear entrance. BANC PIC 1988.052:111--PIC


1501 - E. 4th. Rat harbors under eating house, rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:112--PIC


1501 E. 4th. Rat harbors under eating house. Rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:113--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs, rear corner. BANC PIC 1988.052:114--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs, east side of restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:115--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs in front of building. BANC PIC 1988.052:116--PIC


[First St., Central Ave., S. Main St.] No. 117-132

box 1, volume 2

Looking west on First St. BANC PIC 1988.052:117--PIC


First St. and Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:118--PIC


Showing frontage on First St. looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:119--PIC


Corner East First and Central from elevation, looking northwest. BANC PIC 1988.052:120--PIC


East First St. and Central Ave. from elevated view. BANC PIC 1988.052:121--PIC


Frontage on Central Avenue looking south. BANC PIC 1988.052:122--PIC


Frontage of shacks at East 1st and Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:123--PIC


Elevation view on Central Ave. and E. 1st. looking south. BANC PIC 1988.052:124--PIC


464 South Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:125--PIC


643 S. Main St. L. A. Market. BANC PIC 1988.052:126--PIC


643 S. Main St. in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:127--PIC


651 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:128--PIC


652 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:129--PIC


652 S. Main, alley in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:130--PIC


Block of 651-653 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:131--PIC


Alley in rear of 652 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:132--PIC


City Dump. No. 133-140

box 1, volume 2

City Dump Ground, from 26th Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:133--PIC


Gleaning food from city dump. BANC PIC 1988.052:134--PIC


City dump - showing living conditions. BANC PIC 1988.052:135--PIC


City Dump at Los Angeles River edge, showing living conditions. BANC PIC 1988.052:136--PIC


City Dump Ground, with negro living quarters. BANC PIC 1988.052:137--PIC


City Dump Ground with negro shack in foreground. BANC PIC 1988.052:138--PIC


City Dump Ground, 26th and Los Angeles River. BANC PIC 1988.052:139--PIC


Crap game in operation at City Dump Ground. BANC PIC 1988.052:140--PIC


[N. Broadway, Hauser Packing Co.] No. 141-152

box 1, volume 2

904 N. Broadway, College Inn Cafe. BANC PIC 1988.052:141--PIC


904 N. Broadway, in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:142--PIC


904 N. Broadway, rear of restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:143--PIC


901 N. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:144--PIC


901 N. Broadway, in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:145--PIC


901 N. Broadway, side view. BANC PIC 1988.052:146--PIC


Alley view of 901 N. Broadway, with 904 N. Broadway across the street. BANC PIC 1988.052:147--PIC


Dwellings in rear of 901 N. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:148--PIC


2300 E. 9th. Hauser Packing Co. BANC PIC 1988.052:149--PIC


Rear of Hauser Packing Co. 2300 E. 9th St.


Rear of Hauser Packing Co. 2300 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:150--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:151--PIC


Distant view of Hauser Packing Co. - showing built-up neighborhood. BANC PIC 1988.052:152--PIC


Stables and Gravel Pit. No. 153-155

box 1, volume 2

Stables and gravel pit. 9th and Porter Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:153--PIC


Stables and Gravel Pit, 9th and Porter Sts.

box 1, volume 3

BANC PIC 1988.052:154--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:155--PIC


[Hunter St.] No. 156-162

box 1, volume 3

Spraying with coal oil emulsion to kill fleas. BANC PIC 1988.052:156--PIC


2416 Hunter Street. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:157--PIC


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse.


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse. BANC PIC 1988.052:158--PIC


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse. BANC PIC 1988.052:159--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:160--PIC


Alley from R. R. Tracks leading to rear of grain warehouse at 2416 Hunter Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:161--PIC


Rear of grain warehouse at 2416 Hunter St. BANC PIC 1988.052:162--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch. No. 163-172

box 1, volume 3

San Pedro Hog Ranch.


San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:163--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:164--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch, Feeding platforms, removed. BANC PIC 1988.052:165--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch - Health Department crew. BANC PIC 1988.052:166--PIC


Same as above. BANC PIC 1988.052:167--PIC


Health Department crew at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:168--PIC


Health Department crew at work at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:169--PIC


Wrecking San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:170--PIC


Wrecking crew at work at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:171--PIC


Wrecking crew at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:172--PIC


E. 6th and 7th, Imperial. No. 173-188

box 1, volume 3

West side of Imperial Street between E. 6th and E. 7th. BANC PIC 1988.052:173--PIC


East side of Imperial St. between E. 6th and E. 7th Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:174--PIC


Looking west on E. 6th. St. from Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:175--PIC


Improvements at E. 6th St., near Imperial St. BANC PIC 1988.052:176--PIC


Back yard view in block at E. 6th St., Imperial St. and Santa Fe Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:177--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at E. 6th St. and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:178--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at E. 6th and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:179--PIC


Starting foundation work in rear of dwellings in E. 6th St. and Imperial Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:180--PIC


Imperial Street looking south to 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:181--PIC


E. 7th St. and Imperial looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:182--PIC


S. E. corner Imperial and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:183--PIC


After wrecking northwest corner of E. 7th and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:184--PIC


7th Street and Imperial looking north. BANC PIC 1988.052:185--PIC


Near corner of E. 7th and Imperial St. BANC PIC 1988.052:186--PIC


Houses to be wrecked at Imperial and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:187--PIC


West side of Imperial St. at E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:188--PIC


E. 7th and Santa Fe, (Foci). No. 189-196

box 1, volume 3

Negro shack at 7th and Santa Fe Avenue. Near 2039 East 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:189--PIC


Negro shack in business section, near 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:190--PIC


Wrecking negro shack, 7th and Santa Fe Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:191--PIC


Negro shack removed from Santa Fe and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:192--PIC


Clean-up at E. 7th and Santa Fe St. BANC PIC 1988.052:193--PIC


Wrecking condemned buildings at E. 7th and Santa Fe. BANC PIC 1988.052:194--PIC


Clean-up at E. 7th and Santa Fe. BANC PIC 1988.052:195--PIC


Rat harbors in block E. 7th, Santa Fe and Imperial Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:196--PIC


2039 E. 7th, (Foci). No. 197-226

box 1, volume 3

Imperial St. looking towards rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:197--PIC


2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:198--PIC


Location of 2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:199--PIC


Business section near 2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:200--PIC


Street scene opposite 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:201--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:202--PIC


Shacks in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:203--PIC


Back yards in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:204--PIC


Back yard, rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:205--PIC


Inspectors planning wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:206--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:207--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:208--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:209--PIC


Yard in the rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:210--PIC


Back yards in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:211--PIC


Back of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:212--PIC


Rear lot of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:213--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:214--PIC


Disinfecting crew in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:215--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:216--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:217--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:218--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:219--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:220--PIC


Cleaning up in rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:221--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:222--PIC


Baseboards removed in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:223--PIC

box 1, volume 4

Base boards removed in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:224--PIC


Foundation work started in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:225--PIC


New concrete floor in bank building corner E. 7th and Mateo. BANC PIC 1988.052:226--PIC


115 E. 2nd St. No. 227-233

box 1, volume 4

115 E. 2nd St. Restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:227--PIC


115 E. 2nd St. "Frank's Restaurant." BANC PIC 1988.052:228--PIC


Rear of restaurant at 115 E. 2nd St.


Rear of restaurant at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:229--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:230--PIC


Laying screen floors at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:231--PIC


Detail of screen floor construction at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:232--PIC


Laying screen floor at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:233--PIC


[135-136 E. 2nd St., N. Main St.] No. 234-246

box 1, volume 4

135 E. 2nd St. Second-hand store. BANC PIC 1988.052:234--PIC


135 E. 2nd St. 2nd and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:235--PIC


2nd story, rear of 135 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:236--PIC


Toilet in rear of 136 E. 2nd St. Barber shop. BANC PIC 1988.052:237--PIC


Small dark room in rear of 135 E. 2nd St. Rat holes in floor and walls. BANC PIC 1988.052:238--PIC


Block on Main, showing No. 1319 at end. BANC PIC 1988.052:239--PIC


1319 N. Main, Grocery. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:240--PIC


1319 N. Main, grocery on corner - from West Ann St. BANC PIC 1988.052:241--PIC


1319 N. Main. Grocery - rear yard. BANC PIC 1988.052:242--PIC


Yard adjoining rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:243--PIC


Dwelling walk-way in rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:244--PIC


Back yards in rear of 139 [1319?] N. Main, and 149 W. Elmyra. BANC PIC 1988.052:245--PIC


Fence in rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:246--PIC


Elmyra Street District. No. 247-270

box 1, volume 4

1625 Cardinal Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:247--PIC


Interior house in rear of 1625 Cardinal St. Occupied for many years by an old lady. Abundant rat evidence found in bed and floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:248--PIC


Rear house at 1625 Cardinal St. Used as a residence. BANC PIC 1988.052:249--PIC


Rear conditions at 1625 Cardinal St. BANC PIC 1988.052:250--PIC


149 W. Elmyra St. Foci.


149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:251--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:252--PIC


West Elmyra Street looking east, No. 149 in center. BANC PIC 1988.052:253--PIC


Back porch of 149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:254--PIC


Back yards in rear of 149 W. Elmyra St. BANC PIC 1988.052:255--PIC


Shacks in rear of 149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. R. BANC PIC 1988.052:256--PIC


Back yards in rear of 149 W. Elmyra. BANC PIC 1988.052:257--PIC


Weyse Street, Elmyra District, cleaned up. BANC PIC 1988.052:258--PIC


West Elmyra Street looking west. BANC PIC 1988.052:259--PIC


New Iron warehouse construction work, Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:260--PIC


Weyse Street, Elmyra District.


Weyse Street, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:261--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:262--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:263--PIC


Loading wreckage, Elmyra District.


BANC PIC 1988.052:264--PIC


Loading wreckage, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:265--PIC


Three old buildings removed from West Ann St. Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:266--PIC


Concrete construction work, Weyse Street, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:267--PIC


Rat-proof floors, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:268--PIC


Concrete construction work. Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:269--PIC


Properly screened concrete ventilator to basement. Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:270--PIC


Katahatas [i.e. Kahataha] Hog Ranch. No. 271-278

box 1, volume 4

Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey.


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:271--PIC


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:272--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:273--PIC


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:274--PIC


New Kahahata Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:275--PIC


Kahahata Hog Ranch, after the clean-up.


Kahahata Hog Ranch, after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:276--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:277--PIC


New Kahahata Hog Ranch, Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:278--PIC


752 S. Hill Street. No. 279-281

box 1, volume 4

752 S. Hill St. BANC PIC 1988.052:279--PIC


752 S. Hill St. and vicinity. BANC PIC 1988.052:280--PIC


Basement with hole through brick walls to rat harbors, 752 S. Hill Street, shoe store. BANC PIC 1988.052:281--PIC


E. 1st and Central Ave. District. No. 282-292

box 1, volume 4

E. 1st and Central Avenue district, looking north. BANC PIC 1988.052:282--PIC


Rat infested restaurants, at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:283--PIC


E. 1st and Central, "Olive Flats." BANC PIC 1988.052:284--PIC


Rat holes in restaurant walls. E. 1st St. and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:285--PIC


Health inspectors supervising work at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:286--PIC


Wrecking dwellings at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:287--PIC


Wrecking operations at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:288--PIC


Oriental restaurant being wrecked, at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:289--PIC


Wrecking dwelling at E. 1st and Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:290--PIC


Wrecking corner at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:291--PIC


Wrecking operations at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:292--PIC


Jackson and San Pedro. No. 293-307

box 1, volume 4

335-345 N. Jackson St. Jap [Japanese] shops. BANC PIC 1988.052:293--PIC


Rear of 335-345 N. Jackson. Jap [Japanese] shops. BANC PIC 1988.052:294--PIC


Jap [Japanese] section, Central and Jackson Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:295--PIC

box 2, volume 5

Jap [Japanese] section, Jackson and San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:296--PIC


Shack to be wrecked, Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:297--PIC


Permanent improvements under way at Jackson and North San Pedro Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:298--PIC


Wrecking operations at Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:299--PIC


Shacks removed from corner Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:300--PIC


Hauling away debris from Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:301--PIC


A train load of old shacks from Jackson and North San Pedro Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:302--PIC


Detail new foundation work, Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. [photo lacking] BANC PIC 1988.052:303--PIC


Wrecking old buildings at N. Alameda and Jackson Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:304--PIC


Corner N. Alameda and Jackson after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:305--PIC


224-228 E. Jackson after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:306--PIC


Jap [Japanese] section, Central and E. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:307--PIC


801 S. Olive St. No. 308-313

box 2, volume 5

801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:308--PIC


Back door steps, 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:309--PIC


Upper floor porch, 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:310--PIC


Open kitchen, rear of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:311--PIC


Looking down on rear of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:312--PIC


Rear view of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:313--PIC


105 W. 7th St. No. 314-315

box 2, volume 5

105 W. 7th St. Restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:314--PIC


Rear of 105 W. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:315--PIC


[512-514 W. 8th St.] No. 316-320

box 2, volume 5

[Lacking] BANC PIC 1988.052:316--PIC


512-514 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:317--PIC


Back yard - 512 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:318--PIC


Back yard at 514 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:319--PIC


Rat holes in rear of 512 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:320--PIC


North First and Rio Sts. No. 321-326

box 2, volume 5

First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:321--PIC


Stable yard, North First and Rio Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:322--PIC


Stable, North First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:323--PIC


Stable front, North First and Rio Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:324--PIC


Wrecking old stables, North First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:325--PIC


Old stables removed from East 1st and Rio Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:326--PIC


North Utah St. District - Anderson St. No. 327-355a

box 2, volume 5

207 N. Utah St. BANC PIC 1988.052:327--PIC


North Utah Street from No. 207. BANC PIC 1988.052:328--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:329--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah St. BANC PIC 1988.052:330--PIC


Wrecking rear of 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:331--PIC


Wrecking rear of 207 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:332--PIC


After wrecking 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:333--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:334--PIC


Utah Street district. Barrel yard on Rio St. BANC PIC 1988.052:335--PIC


New barrel racks, N. Utah and Anderson Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:336--PIC


Rear conditions, N. Utah and Anderson Street block. BANC PIC 1988.052:337--PIC


N. Utah-Anderson Street district after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:337a--PIC


Rear shacks, N. Utah Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:338--PIC


Rear condition, N. Utah Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:339--PIC


255 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:340--PIC


Rear shacks, N. Utah-Anderson St. Block. BANC PIC 1988.052:341--PIC


Back yards, N. Utah Street District.


Back yards, N. Utah Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:342--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:343--PIC


Wrecking buildings, N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:344--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, Utah and Kearney Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:345--PIC


Wrecking on Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:346--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, N. Utah and Kearney Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:347--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, Utah Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:348--PIC


Wrecking on Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:349--PIC




BANC PIC 1988.052:350--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:351--PIC


Clean-up operations, N. Utah Street and Kearney St. BANC PIC 1988.052:352--PIC


252 N. Utah Street. New foundation work. BANC PIC 1988.052:353--PIC


N. Utah, Anderson St. block, after wrecking operations. BANC PIC 1988.052:354--PIC


Utah Street after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:355--PIC


Utah St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:355a--PIC


Banning Street District. No. 356-365

box 2, volume 5

526-528 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:356--PIC


Rear view - 526-528 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:357--PIC


526-528 Banning St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:358--PIC


537 Banning St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:359--PIC


537 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:360--PIC


Rear - 537 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:361--PIC


655 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:362--PIC


708-710 Banning St. near Virges St. BANC PIC 1988.052:363--PIC


120-124 Virges St., corner Banning. BANC PIC 1988.052:364--PIC


1720-24-26-28-30-32-38-40-44 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:365--PIC


[Turner St.] No. 366-368

box 2, volume 5

Rear 416 Turner Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:366--PIC


416 Turner St. BANC PIC 1988.052:367--PIC


420-422 Turner St. BANC PIC 1988.052:368--PIC


626 N. Main St. No. 369-370

box 2, volume 5

626 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:369--PIC


Rear 626 N. Main Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:370--PIC


[N. Main St.] No. 371-378

box 2, volume 5

200 N. Main Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:371--PIC


Basement at 200 N. Main, to be made rat-proof with cement. BANC PIC 1988.052:372--PIC


Rat evidence in old basement at 200 N. Main, to be laid in cement. BANC PIC 1988.052:373--PIC


411 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:374--PIC


427 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:375--PIC


Rear 427 N. Main St. Chinese restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:376--PIC

box 2, volume 6

Rear 427 N. Main. Walk leading to Chinese restaurant. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:377--PIC


427 N. Main. 2nd story, rear view. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:378--PIC


South Alameda St. No. 379-384

box 2, volume 6

330 So. Alameda St. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:379--PIC


Rear 330 So. Alameda St. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:380--PIC


Rear of 330 So. Alameda Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:381--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 330 So. Alameda St. BANC PIC 1988.052:382--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 330 So. Alameda Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:383--PIC


344 So. Alameda St. BANC PIC 1988.052:384--PIC


[Hewett St., S. Broadway] No. 385-390

box 2, volume 6

323 Hewett Street, before clean-up. [Item number lacking.] BANC PIC 1988.052:385--PIC


323 Hewett St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:386--PIC


315 So. Broadway, Grand Central Public Market.


BANC PIC 1988.052:387--PIC


315 So. Broadway, Grand Central Public Market. BANC PIC 1988.052:388--PIC


Interior Grand Central Public Market, 315 So. Broadway.


Interior Grand Central Public Market, 315 So. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:389--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:390--PIC


Gladys Ave. District. No. 391-397

box 2, volume 6

547 Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:391--PIC


Rear of 547 Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:392--PIC


Open fruit stand, 812 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:393--PIC


Rear of open fruit stand, 812 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:394--PIC


Rear Chinese laundry, 813 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:395--PIC


450-452 Gladys Ave., N. BANC PIC 1988.052:396--PIC


Gladys Ave., after clean-up. [Item number lacking.] BANC PIC 1988.052:397--PIC


Southern Pacific Railway Deport [i.e. Depot] District. No. 398-435

box 2, volume 6

Negro dwellings, 1010-1024 Wilde St., near S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:398--PIC


Rear of negro dwellings, 1010-24 Wilde St. BANC PIC 1988.052:399--PIC


Old buildings without foundations, on Ceres St. between 4th and 5th, 1/2 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:400--PIC


Rear conditions, Wilde and So. Central Ave., two blocks from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:401--PIC


Rear 523 Ceres Ave. looking toward S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing over house tops. BANC PIC 1988.052:402--PIC


Back yard at 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:403--PIC


South Central Avenue, and 5th looking towards S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, one- half block away. BANC PIC 1988.052:404--PIC


Old store at 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] railway depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:405--PIC


Old buildings in vicinity of So. Central and 6th St. near S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:406--PIC


Rear of 562 So. Central, next to S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:407--PIC


562-576- So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:408--PIC


Shacks at 568 So. Central, adjoining S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot grounds, S. P. depot, in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:409--PIC


Rear 568 So. Central, next to S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:410--PIC


Entrance to bed-rooms, rear of 568 S. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:411--PIC


Old shacks at 576 So. Central adjoining S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:412--PIC


Rear 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:413--PIC


So. Central Ave. from 6th St. looking towards S. P. Ry. [Southern Pacific Railway] depot, in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:414--PIC


Ceres Ave. and 5th St. looking towards S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, at foot of street. BANC PIC 1988.052:415--PIC


Old dwellings in Ceres St. and 5th, near S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:416--PIC


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot.


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:417--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:418--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:419--PIC


Rear house, Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:420--PIC


Rear conditions at 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:421--PIC


Rear shacks at 558 Ceres Ave., one block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:422--PIC


Rear of dwelling facing Central from rear of 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:423--PIC


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:424--PIC


In rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:425--PIC


Bed-room, rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:426--PIC


Upstairs living room, 558 Ceres Ave., Chinese laundry, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:427--PIC


Living room, Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave. 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:428--PIC


Kitchen, house in rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:429--PIC


Interior of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:430--PIC


Interior rooms, over shack in rear of Chinese laundry. 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:431--PIC


Living-room, rear of Chinese laundry, at 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:432--PIC


Underpinning of rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave. 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:433--PIC


Back yards in rear of 523 Ceres Ave., block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:434--PIC


So. 7th and Central Ave., after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:435--PIC


2112 So. Central. No. 436

box 2, volume 6

Rear, 2112 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:436--PIC


[E. 5th, E. 6th, E. 8th, S. Central Ave., Kolster St.] No. 437-446

box 2, volume 6

1203 E. 6th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:437--PIC


Cement floor construction in restaurant, at 800 E. 5th, corner Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:438--PIC


Cement foundation and floor detail, 819 E. 5th. BANC PIC 1988.052:439--PIC


New cement floor in restaurant, 800 E. 5th. BANC PIC 1988.052:440--PIC


N. W. corner of E. 8th and Santa Fe, lattice work foundations. BANC PIC 1988.052:441--PIC


New cement floor work in restaurant at 527 So. Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:442--PIC


Foundation detail, 575 So. Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:443--PIC


Foundation detail, 575 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:444--PIC


Foundation detail at 573 So. Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:445--PIC


Rear of Kolster and So. Pecan Sts. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:446--PIC


Vernon District. No. 447-483

box 2, volume 6

L. A. Ry. [Los Angeles Railway] section headquarters, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:447--PIC


Milk house of Jap [Japanese] dairy, 26th and J. Dela Dorre Road, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:448--PIC


"Mexican Home." 26th and Dela Dorre Road, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:449--PIC


Jap [Japanese] Dairy, 26th and Dela Dorre Road, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:450--PIC


Shacks in Dela Dorre Road, near Stauffer Chemical Co. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:451--PIC


Shacks on 39th St., near Stauffer Chemical Co. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:452--PIC


Shacks near Stauffer Chemical Co., 39th - Vernon.


BANC PIC 1988.052:453--PIC


Shacks near Stauffer Chemical Co., 39th - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:454--PIC


Rear of 3097 - 39th St. - Vernon.


BANC PIC 1988.052:455--PIC


Rear of 3097 - 39th St. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:456--PIC

box 2, volume 7

Shacks in rear of 3103 - 39th St. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:457--PIC


Rear of 3103 - 39th St., Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:458--PIC


Shacks in rear of 3103 - 39th St. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:459--PIC


3109 - 3112 - 39th St. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:460--PIC


Group of shacks near Patton-Davis Lumber Co. - 26th and Boyle, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:461--PIC


Row of Mexican shacks near 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:462--PIC


Shacks near 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:463--PIC


Shacks at 26th and Boyle, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:464--PIC


Rear, 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:465--PIC


Abandoned Mexican home, 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:466--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:467--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:468--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:469--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:470--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:471--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:472--PIC


General view of Mexican Village, 27th and Boyle - Vernon, from negro owner's premises - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:473--PIC


Living quarters, Mexican village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:474--PIC


Outer edge of Mexican village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:475--PIC


Mexican shack town, 27th and Boyle, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:476--PIC


Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:477--PIC


Homes in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:478--PIC


Home in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. Note dirt floor, with rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:479--PIC


Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:480--PIC


Shack in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:481--PIC


Kitchen, dining room and bath, Mexican Village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:482--PIC


Interior of Mexican shack, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon. Child on left, lying on box bed, sick with infantile paralysis. BANC PIC 1988.052:483--PIC


Hemlock, E. 9th, Bush District. No. 484-486

box 2, volume 7

951 Hemlock St. BANC PIC 1988.052:484--PIC


Rear 951 Hemlock St. BANC PIC 1988.052:485--PIC


Alley between Naomi and Bush, at E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:486--PIC


813 S. Central, Foci. No. 487-516

box 2, volume 7

813 So. Central. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:487--PIC


Rear of 813 So. Central. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:488--PIC


Shacks in the rear of 910 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:489--PIC


Alley at E. 9th and So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:490--PIC


1010-14 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:491--PIC


Rear of 1010-14 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:492--PIC


1020-1102 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:493--PIC


Rear of 1020-1102 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:494--PIC


1102 So. Central. Ramona Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:495--PIC


1167-71 E. 12th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:496--PIC


Rear of 1167-71 E. 12th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:497--PIC


Rear of 1142 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:498--PIC


Rear 1142 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:499--PIC


1214 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:500--PIC


1220 So. Central. Junk yard in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:501--PIC


1223-27 So. Central, after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:502--PIC


Wrecking at 1223-27 So. Central.


Wrecking at 1223-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:503--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:504--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:505--PIC


A "Sign of Improvement," at 14th and So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:506--PIC


1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:507--PIC


Rear conditions at 1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:508--PIC


1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:509--PIC


Rear 1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:510--PIC


So. Central from 1523 to 1527. BANC PIC 1988.052:511--PIC


Rear 1531-33 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:512--PIC


1450-1456 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:513--PIC


Rear 1450-1456 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:514--PIC


Shilli stand, 1325 1/2 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:515--PIC


16th and So. Central. 1547-to 1523. BANC PIC 1988.052:516--PIC


219 S. Hill. No. 517-519

box 2, volume 7

219 So. Hill St. BANC PIC 1988.052:517--PIC


219 So. Hill St. after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:518--PIC


333 So. Hill St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:519--PIC


521-523 W. 1st St. No. 520-522

box 2, volume 7

521 W. 1st St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:520--PIC


Rear of 521 W. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:521--PIC


Rear of 523 W. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:522--PIC


501 New High St. No. 523-527

box 2, volume 7

501 New High St. BANC PIC 1988.052:523--PIC


"Cliff Dwellers" rear of 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:524--PIC


Hillside view, rear 501 New High St. BANC PIC 1988.052:525--PIC


Flooded basement, 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:526--PIC


Rear conditions - 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:527--PIC


[New High St., Temple St., Diamond St., Sacramento St., Wilson St., E. 8th, E. 9th, Santa Fe Ave., Stables] No. 528-566

box 2, volume 7

719 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:528--PIC


722 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:529--PIC


Rear of 724 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:530--PIC


Wrecking at New High Street and Alpine St. BANC PIC 1988.052:531--PIC


916 Temple Street. Poultry Market. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:532--PIC


916 Temple St. Poultry Market. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:533--PIC


911 Diamond St. Occidental Hotel. BANC PIC 1988.052:534--PIC


New cement floor work in basement. BANC PIC 1988.052:535--PIC


New cement basement floors. BANC PIC 1988.052:536--PIC

box 2, volume 8

1724 Sacramento Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:537--PIC


1730 to 1834 Sacramento St. BANC PIC 1988.052:538--PIC


Rear 1730 to 1834 Sacramento Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:539--PIC


Rear Sacramento and 9th St. Shacks. BANC PIC 1988.052:540--PIC


1829 Sacramento St. BANC PIC 1988.052:541--PIC


1136-1138 Wilson St., near Sacramento. BANC PIC 1988.052:542--PIC


1333 Wilson St. BANC PIC 1988.052:543--PIC


Rear 1333 Wilson St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:544--PIC


Rear 1333 Wilson St. BANC PIC 1988.052:545--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:546--PIC


2207-13 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:547--PIC


Rear 2207-13 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:548--PIC


2207-13 E. 9th St. Rear alley. BANC PIC 1988.052:549--PIC


2322 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:550--PIC


Rear 2322 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:551--PIC


2456 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:552--PIC


Rear 2456 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:553--PIC


1504-06 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:554--PIC


1500-6 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:555--PIC


Rear 1506 E. 9th. BANC PIC 1988.052:556--PIC


Alley in rear of 1500-6 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:557--PIC


Junk yard, 8th and San Julian Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:558--PIC


Junk yard at E. 8th and San Julian Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:559--PIC


Junk yard at 2121 Santa Fe Avenue, adjoining new public school. BANC PIC 1988.052:560--PIC


Jewell Stables. 721 Lyons. BANC PIC 1988.052:561--PIC


Martin Stables, 743 Lyons St. BANC PIC 1988.052:562--PIC


747 Lyons St. Mule Yard. BANC PIC 1988.052:563--PIC


747-785 Lyons St. Murphy Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:564--PIC


Rear of Murphy's stables. 747-87 Lyon St. BANC PIC 1988.052:565--PIC


Rear of Murphy's stables. 747-85 Lyon St. BANC PIC 1988.052:566--PIC


No. Alameda and Aliso Sts. No. 567-617

box 2, volume 8

Corner Aliso and No. Alameda Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:567--PIC


Shacks at triangle - Aliso and North Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:568--PIC


Wrecking triangle at Aliso and North Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:569--PIC


Wrecking brick building at North Alameda and Aliso. BANC PIC 1988.052:570--PIC


Noodle factory, 414-418 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:571--PIC


Chinese noodle factory, 414-418 N. Alameda. As above. BANC PIC 1988.052:572--PIC


612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:573--PIC


Mexican tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:574--PIC


Dining room of tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:575--PIC


Mexican shack in rear of tortilla factory, at 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:576--PIC


Rear rooms of tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:577--PIC


Rear of 612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:578--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 612-614 N. Alameda.


Wrecking in rear of 612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:579--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:580--PIC


Living quarters, up-stairs over 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:581--PIC


Kitchen of restaurant at 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:582--PIC


Rear of 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:583--PIC


326-332 Aliso St. Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:584--PIC


Stables at 407 Aliso St. corner Lyons. BANC PIC 1988.052:585--PIC


Rear, row of stables, Aliso and Lyons St. BANC PIC 1988.052:586--PIC


355 Aliso St., U. S. Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:587--PIC


Alley next to U. S. Stables, Aliso St. BANC PIC 1988.052:588--PIC


Old stables at N. Alameda and Commercial Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:589--PIC


Old buildings at N. Alameda and Commercial Sts., looking towards 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:590--PIC


Old stables at N. Alameda and Commercial. BANC PIC 1988.052:591--PIC


Avila and Romerig Sts. looking west. BANC PIC 1988.052:592--PIC


Corner Avila and Romerig Sts. looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:593--PIC


Rear shacks at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:594--PIC


Back yards at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:595--PIC


Rear yards at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:596--PIC


An "Apartment" in Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:597--PIC


Chinatown tenements. BANC PIC 1988.052:598--PIC


Rear of Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:599--PIC


Chicken-coop in Chinatown living quarters. No light or ventilation. BANC PIC 1988.052:600--PIC


Chinatown at 749-763 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:601--PIC


Chinatown, 763-749 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:602--PIC


Chinese shacks rear of So. Alameda, at Apaplasa St. showing new Hall of Justice in distance. BANC PIC 1988.052:603--PIC


Chinese shacks - rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:604--PIC


Chinese shacks - dove cots, duck pens, etc. in rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:605--PIC


Chinese shacks, rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:606--PIC


Chinese quarters, 751 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:607--PIC


Rear views in Chinatown, 749-753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:608--PIC


Crowded living quarters, Chinatown, 749-753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:609--PIC


Dirty basements in Chinese quarters, 753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:610--PIC


Chinatown, at 739-742 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:611--PIC


Living quarters, rear courts of Chinatown, 739-742 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:612--PIC


Cleaning up rear quarters of Chinatown, 739 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:613--PIC


Wrecking Chinatown, rear conditions, 739 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:614--PIC


Wrecking operations in Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:615--PIC


S. W. corner of 1st and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:616--PIC


Rear S. W. corner of 1st and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:617--PIC