This collection contains 617 photographs in 8 albums documenting Los Angeles plague outbreaks in 1924-1925. The first album
contains an index, which covers all 8 albums. The index headings have been used in the container listing to group the photographs.
Some headings have been supplied for the container list. Included in all 8 albums are views of buildings, alleys, restaurants,
and city dumps where infected rats were found or where human cases were reported. Some images show preventative measures taken
by the State Department of Public Health to stop the spread of disease, including the destruction of buildings. Many of the
structures pictured are shacks and other low income residences. Captions identify a "Mexican Village," "Chinatown," and "negro
dwellings" in various locations. Some photographs in the first album show trapped rats and squirrels. The photographer or
photographers are unknown, but the collection was possibly photographed by the California Department of Public Health. Typewritten
captions are found below the photographs, and are reprinted in the container listing.
Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish photographs must be submitted
in writing to the Curator of Pictorial Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft Library
as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must
also be obtained by the reader.