Correspondence arranged by year, covering the years 1948-1969.
Personal Correspondence, v.d.
Papers Relating to the University
UCLA Main Library Alterations, Unit 2, January 6, 1964.
Detailed Project Program for College Library Alterations, Step 2, Los Angeles General Campus, September 1966.
Library Planning.
Friends, UCLA Library.
Clark Library Committee. 3 folders, arranged by year (1966-69).
Clark Seminar.
Board of Governors, Faculty Center, Spring 1966.
College English.
Committee On Committees. 2 folders, by year (1962-1964).
Department Executive Committee, 1968-69.
Department Graduate Committee, 1966-67.
English as a Second Language Conference.
Ewing Memorial.
Italian Quarterly Reviews.
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
Medieval and Renaissance Center.
Medieval and Renaissance Colloquium.
Renaissance English Text Society.
School of Library Science.
Senate Library Committee. Arranged by year (1966-69).
Vice Chancellor Sherwood's Special Review Committee for Department of Speech, (1968-69).
Special Committee [Academic Senate, 1962].
Statewide Library Committee, 1968-69.
University Press.
Zeitlin & VerBrugge Lectures.
Notes and Correspondence on Scholarly Publications.
Some Lecture Notes, Course Materials, etc.
Graduate School Notes, Papers, etc.
Rough Draft of Ph.D. Dissertation (Cornell, 1937).
Notes, assignments, references, and so forth, for English Department courses and seminars taught by Dr. Dick.
Dr. Dick's copy of The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol.1, New York c. 1968. Annotated with his notes.
Kenneth Rexroth: a Checklist of his Published Writings, compiled by James Hartzell and Richard Zumwinkle... Los Angeles, 1967. Presentation copy to Dr. Dick from Mr. Hartzell.
Folder of miscellaneous material removed from books given to the Library by Mrs. Dick. Most of this material comprises notes of Dr. Dick.
Material on American almanacs: notes, letters about almanacs, clippings, photocopies of pertinent articles, pictures and negatives.
Leonardo da Vinci on Painting: a Lost Book (libro A). Reassembled... by Carlo Pedretti... Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1964. Presentation copy from Ronald Clapper to Dr. Dick.
Office files.
Card indices. Unsorted.
Material relating to Arthur Golding's A Morall Fabletalke, both printed and manuscript.