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Conference on Legal-Political-Social-Economic Aspects of Climate and Weather Modification, 15-16 Nov. 1973

Box 439: 1

Haas, Eugene - A Sociological Perspective on Weather Modification


Conference on Guidelines for a Global Science Policy, 19-23 Nov. 1973

Box 439: 2

Ginsburg, Dean Norton S. - Some not so Casual Remarks about Development and Science Policy

Box 439: 3

Krieger, David - International Non-Governmental Organizations: Alternative Models of Transnational Scientific Cooperation


Conference on Energy Policies and the International System, 5-7 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 4

Craven, John - Energy and World Military Forces

Box 439: 5

Harriss, Robert C. - Ecological Criteria for the Design of a Global Energy System

Box 439: 6

Young, Elizabeth - The Security "Take" of Energy: Some Preliminary Views


Conference on Constitutional Principles Their Validity and Vitality Today, 9-13 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 7

Participants Biographical Information

Box 439: 8

Alexander, Herbert E. - Impact of New Federal Election Laws in the U.S.

Box 439: 9

Alexander, Herbert E. - Watergate and the Electoral Process

Box 439: 10

Ashmore, Harry S. - The Politics of Prevarication

Box 439: 11

Beer, Samuel H. - Two Models of Public Opinion: Bacon's 'New Logic' and Diotima's 'Tale of Love'

Box 439: 12

Beer, Samuel H. - Watergate: The Imbalance of Government and Politics

Box 439: 13

Berger, Raoul - Vagueness in the Constitution: The Impeachment Power from Stanford Law Review, June 1973

Box 439: 14

Buchanan, Patrick - Public Financing of Campaigns: It's 'Nonsense'

Box 439: 15

Cleveland, Harlan - The Limits of Obsession

Box 439: 16

Erikson, Erik H. - Excerpts from "Dimensions of a New Identity" (The 1973 Jefferson Lectures in the Humanities)

Box 439: 17

Fisher, Louis - Confidential and Secret Funds: Dark Corners of the Federal Government

Box 439: 18

Harvey, Mary K. - Response to paper by Arthur Larson, "The Executive Branch Myth"

Box 439: 19

Hurst, James W. - Separation of Powers Problems Reflected through Watergate

Box 439: 20

Hutchins, Robert M. - Excerpt from a Center Library Conversation on Watergate between Hutchins and Robert Boyd, Washington Bureau Chief, Knight Newspaper Chain, Aug. 24, 1973

Box 439: 21

Jacoby, Neil H. - Corporate Power and Social Responsibility

Box 439: 22

Kelly, Frank K. - The Mass Media and the Future of Constitutionalism

Box 439: 23

Kipling, Richard E. - Secrecy, Separation of Powers and the Constitution: An Exploration in Search of a Precedent

Box 439: 24

Krislov, Samuel - The American System in the Straits of Watergate

Box 439: 25

Larson, Arthur - The Executive Branch Myth

Box 439: 26

Miller, Arthur S. - Watergate & Beyond: The Issue of Secrecy, from The Progressive, Dec. 1973

Box 439: 27

Mishkin, Paul J. - Congress and the Constitutionality of an Independent Prosecutor

Box 439: 28

Mishkin, Paul J. - Congress and the Tapes

Box 439: 29

Mishkin, Paul J. - Implications of Watergate and the Structure of Government

Box 439: 30

Mordy, Wendell A. - Are National Presidential Election Obsolete?

Box 439: 31

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - The Queen-in-Parliament: Relevant Considerations from British Parliamentary and Election Practices

Box 439: 32

Rosen, Robert - Some Comments on Watergate

Box 439: 33

Silver, Isidore - Background Document

Box 439: 34

Sisson, Daniel - Recommendations from the Conference on Constitutitional Principles

Box 439: 35

Tugwell, Rexford - The Electoral Process, from The Emerging Constitution, to be published Jan. 1974

Box 439: 36

Wheeler, Harvey - Background Paper (includes 7 chapters related to constitutitionalism to be published after the conference)

Box 439: 37

Wheeler, Harvey - Constitutionalism: The Technology of Revolutionary Democracy and Presidential Crisis Management

Box 439: 38

Brucan, Silviu - Ideology and International Dialogue, 17 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 39

Clecak, Pete - Dilemmas of the American Left, 18 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 40

Kipling, Richard - Fascism: Myths and Possibilities, 21 Dec. 1973


Review: Constitutional Principles Conference, 27-28 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 41

Conversation between Robert M. Hutchins and Harvey Wheeler on the Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today

Box 439: 42

Wilkinson, J. - Review and Summary Statement of Committee on Systems Theories Applied to Institutions & Constitutions

Box 439: 43

Cronin, Thomas - Reform Proposals for Choosing the President, 28 Dec. 1973

Box 439: 44

Dialogue Session Files - Conference List, 1973-1975

Box 440: 1

Calendars, Jan-Dec. 1974

Box 440: 2

UCSB Contracts and Grants Administration - Application for Extramural Support, July 1974

Box 440: 3

Falk, Richard - Human Rights, 1974-1983

Box 440: 4

Calendar, Jan-Dec. 1975

Box 440: 5

Human Rights - Helsinki Agreement, 1975-1983

Box 440: 6

Wilkinson, Frank - The Fragile State of Our Bill of Rights (Dialogue Session agenda only), 14 July 1975

Box 440: 7

Conference on the Individual and the Community (agenda only), 23 July 1975

Box 440: 8

Conference on Harmony vs. Justice: Japanese Ideas of Accommodation Contrasted to the Western Adversary System (agenda only), 31 July 1975

Box 440: 9

The Contemporary Emergence of Planning in the U.S. (agenda only), 5 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 10

Critical Appraisal of the Humphrey/Javits Planning Bill (agenda only), 14 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 11

Conference on Electoral Reform (agenda only), 19 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 12

Ombudsman (agenda only), 22 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 13

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - New International Economic Order, 25 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 14

McDonald, Donald - Media Ownership and the Problem of Access, 28 Aug. 1975

Box 440: 15

Socialism to the Rescue of Capitalism (agenda only), 3 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 16

The Culture of Science: Growing Ethical Concerns (agenda only), 5 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 17

Is Journalism a Profession? (agenda only), 12 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 18

Consensus-Dissensus and the Schools (agenda only), 16 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 19

The Worldwide Proliferation of Conventional Weapons (agenda only), 18 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 20

The Idea of Equality (agenda only), 22-23 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 21

The Environment and the Right to Housing: An Introduction to the Legal Arguments (agenda only), 26 Sept. 1975

Box 440: 22

The Implied Powers: The Compromising of the Constitution (Early Departures) - (agenda only), 1 Oct. 1975

Box 440: 23

Government and the Media Myths (agenda only), 15 Oct. 1975

Box 440: 24

Japanese Planning and Its Implications for the United States (agenda only), 16 Oct. 1975

Box 440: 25

Politics of Higher Education (agenda only), 27 Oct. 1975

Box 440: 26

English Education and the Open University (agenda only), 31 Oct. 1975

Box 440: 27

Para-Military and Guerrilla Arms (agenda only), 4 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 28

The Ocean Food and Energy Farm Project (agenda only), 6 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 29

Where Shall We Live? (agenda only; organized with the Potomac Institute), 7-8 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 30

Human Equality (agenda only), 11 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 31

Technology Assessment & the Emergence of a New Profession (agenda only), 17 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 32

Man-in-Society and Images of the Good Society (agenda only), 24 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 33

Mysticism vs. Mechanism in the Evolution of World Order (agenda only), 25 Nov. 1975

Box 440: 34

Pacem in Terris IV: A Convocation to Consider the Foreign Policy Issues of the 1976 Presidential Campaign (draft program), 1-4 Dec. 1975

Box 440: 35

Détente and the Moral Factor (agenda only), 10 Dec. 1975

Box 440: 36

Implied Powers and the Changing Relations of Public and Private Governments in the United States (agenda only), 12 Dec. 1975

Box 440: 37

Conference on Controlling Corporate Behavior: Where Do We Go from Here? (agenda only), 15 Dec. 1975

Box 440: 38

Reprint Cover Sheets, 1975-1976

Box 440: 39

Toward a National Manpower Policy - The Role of the National Commission for Manpower Policy (agenda only), 8 Jan. 1976

Box 440: 40

Conference on The Population Problem: Key Issues in Food, Population, and Development (agenda only), 9 Jan. 1976

Box 440: 41

Where Shall We be Allowed to Live: Anticipating the Third Growth Report (agenda only), 23 Jan. 1976

Box 440: 42

Planning Realties and the Humphrey-Javits Bill (agenda only), 27 Jan. 1976

Box 440: 43

Economic Planning in Economies Like Ours (agenda only), 30 Jan. 1976

Box 440: 44

Jenkins, Brian - Tape Interview on Terrorism, 4 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 45

Conference on The New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea (agenda only), 4-6 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 46

Informal Discussion on the Press Today (agenda only), 10 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 47

Follow-up on Where Shall We Live? Conference (agenda only), 13 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 48

Weissbourd, Bernard - Human Nature and Social Reality, 18 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 49

A Brief Review of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Attempts to Control It (agenda only), 19 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 50

The Division of Labor in the Economy, the Polity and Society (agenda only), 25 Feb. 1976

Box 440: 51

Conference on Critical Issues in Alcoholism: The Interface of Research and Therapy (agenda only), 12-13 Mar. 1976

Box 440: 52

Reflections on the Radicalism of the '60s (agenda only), 19 Mar. 1976

Box 441: 1

Freedom and the Scope of Liberal Education (agenda only), 31 Mar. 1976

Box 441: 2

New Age Media Conference (agenda only), 4 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 3

The Possibilities of Professionalism in Mass Communication (agenda only), 7 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 4

The Road to Watergate and Beyond: The Growth of Executive Authority since 1939 (agenda only), 16 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 5

Reflections on Medical Nemesis (agenda only), 20 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 6

Some Reasons Why Liberal Education Is Complex (agenda only), 21 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 7

Crisis in Capitalism (agenda only), 22 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 8

The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical & Behavioral Research (agenda only), 27 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 9

Private Property & American Society (agenda only), 30 Apr. 1976

Box 441: 10

Conference on Where Shall We Live II: Who Shall Decide? (includes agenda and budget), 7 May 1976

Box 441: 11

Student Autonomy and Student Government in the University (agenda only), 12 May 1976

Box 441: 12

National Growth Policy (agenda only), 13 May 1976

Box 441: 13

Full Employment: Policy or Rhetoric (agenda only), 17 May 1976

Box 441: 14

The Nation and the President: Campaign 1976 (agenda only), 18 May 1976

Box 441: 15

Meeting on Democracy and Socialism: The Declaration of Independence and the Communist Manifesto (announcement), 21 May 1976

Box 441: 16

The Results of the New York Session on the Law of the Sea Conference (agenda only), 28 May 1976

Box 441: 17

Current Political Prospects in Spain (agenda only), 7 June 1976

Box 441: 18

Was the American Revolution Necessary? (agenda only), 15 June 1976

Box 441: 19

Space and Energy (agenda only), 21 June 1976

Box 441: 20

Passing a Miracle: The Economy, Humphrey-Hawkins, and the Prospects for Liberalism (agenda only), 2 July 1976

Box 441: 21

Man's Impact on His Global Environment (agenda only), 9 July 1976

Box 441: 22

Addiction and Criminal Responsibility (agenda only), 14 July 1976

Box 441: 23

The American Idea: Public Dreams, Private Myth (agenda only), 16 July 1976

Box 441: 24

A Preliminary Dialogue on the Dialogue (agenda only), 30 July 1976

Box 441: 25

Educational Credentialism and the Future of Social Inequality (agenda only), 11 Aug. 1976

Box 441: 26

Habitat-UN Conference on Human Settlements agenda only), 12 Aug. 1976

Box 441: 27

The Environment Movement in Transition - Towards a New Growth Society (agenda only), 24 Aug. 1976

Box 441: 28

The American Dream: Dreamed by a Non-American (agenda only), 25 Aug. 1976

Box 441: 29

The New Home Economics and the Future of Women's Work (agenda only), 27 Aug. 1976

Box 441: 30

The Higher Learning Now and Then (agenda only), 1 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 31

The Brown Decision in Retrospect, 1954-1976 (agenda only), 9 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 32

Excerpts from Report on Buffalo Creek (agenda only), 10 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 33

The Supreme Court and the Fourth Amendment -- 1975-76 (agenda only), 16 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 34

Planning the Program for 1976-1977 (agenda and background material), 17 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 35

The Real Test of Our Achievements -- The Growth Report (agenda only), 21 Sept. 1976

Box 441: 36

The Law of the Sea Conference; Present Situation and Future Prospects (agenda only), 12 Oct. 1976

Box 441: 37

Illegal Immigration to the U.S., 1976 (agenda only), 15 Oct. 1976

Box 441: 38

The Future of Public Interest Law (agenda only), 21 Oct. 1976

Box 441: 39

The New Copyright Law: Its Implications for American Intellectual Life (agenda only), 29 Oct. 1976

Box 441: 40

In Search of the Real Jimmy Carter (agenda only), 1 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 41

Plea Bargaining -- Way to Justice (agenda only), 15 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 42

Poverty Conference (cancelled), 20 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 43

The Media's Conflict of Interests (agenda only), 22 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 44

The Prospect before Us: A Techno-Society (agenda and memorandum), 23 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 45

The New Interest in Monastic Religion (agenda only), 30 Nov. 1976

Box 441: 46

IFIAS (International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study, Paris) and the Center (agenda only), 2 Dec. 1976

Box 441: 47

Ideology and Political Culture from Jefferson to Nixon (agenda only), 13 Dec. 1976

Box 441: 48

Mayer, Milton - Dialogue Session on Dialogue, 20 Dec. 1976

Box 441: 49

Individual Gifts, 1976-1979

Box 441: 50

Planning the Program for 1977 (agenda and background material), 6 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 51

Uses and Future Uses of Satellites (agenda only), 12 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 52

Conflict and Coordination in the Future International Society (agenda only), 13 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 53

The Future of American-Chinese Relations (agenda only), 19 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 54

The Serrano Case: Policy for Education or for Public Finance (agenda only), 24 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 55

Edelson, Burton I. - Satellite Communications for Technological Progress and International Cooperation (agenda and bio), 28 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 56

Adler Meetings (list of participants and background material), 28-29 Jan. 1977

Box 441: 57

Forging America's Future: Strategies for National Growth and Development (agenda only), 2 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 58

The Administration of the Federal Bureaucracy (agenda only), 10 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 59

Zero Population Growth (agenda only), 15 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 60

The Relevance of the Jewish Tradition (agenda only), 17 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 61

Higher Education and Federal Law: A Case Study (agenda only), 22 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 62

Is There a Soviet Military Threat? (Conference), 25-26 Feb. 1977

Box 441: 63

The Neoconservative Mood: The Intellectuals' Use of 'Power' and Vice Versa (agenda only), 4 Mar. 1977

Box 441: 64

Windfalls for Wipeouts (agenda only), 10 Mar. 1977

Box 441: 65

Appropriate Technology and Full Employment (agenda only), 16 Mar. 1977

Box 441: 66

The Rights of the Mentally Ill (agenda only), 24 Mar. 1977

Box 441: 67

Conference on Illegal Immigration and National Policy (agenda only), 25 Mar. 1977

Box 441: 68

The Future of Socialism (agenda only), 11 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 69

Conference on Philosophy of Education (agenda only), 14-15 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 70

The Future of Futurology (agenda only), 19 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 71

Objectivity and the Humane Sciences: A New Proposal (agenda only), 21 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 72

Personality and Politics (agenda only), 25 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 73

The Public Control of Land Use -- An Anglophile's View (agenda only), 29 Apr. 1977

Box 441: 74

Towards a New Politics for Britain (agenda only), 3 May 1977

Box 441: 75

Authoritarianism and Democracy: Economic Versus Political Development (agenda only), 10 May 1977

Box 441: 76

What the Citizen Knows: The Responsibility of Government to a Free Press (agenda only), 11 May 1977

Box 441: 77

Conflict, Consensus, and American Values: Changes in Patterns of Race Relations, 1925-1975 (agenda only), 13 May 1977

Box 441: 78

The Constitution between Friends (agenda only), 18 May 1977

Box 441: 79

The Pathology of American Power (agenda only), 20 May 1977

Box 441: 80

The Practical Ethics of Policy and Citizenship (agenda only), 27 May 1977

Box 441: 81

The Energy Crisis, if There Is One: Where We Are, and What We Should Be Doing about It (agenda only), 2 June 1977

Box 441: 82

Financing Subnational Governance (agenda and background material), 8 June 1977

Box 441: 83

Do Rocks Have Rights? The Role of Ethics in Man-Environment Relations (agenda only), 13 June 1977

Box 441: 84

National Health Care Costs and Policy (agenda only), 20 June 1977

Box 441: 85

Intercencia Association (background material), 3-7 July 1977

Box 441: 86

The United States, Russia, and the Cold War: What if Franklin Roosevelt Had Lived (agenda only), 13 July 1977

Box 441: 87

Conference on the Law of the Sea (agenda only), 19 July 1977

Box 441: 88

Jencks, Schools and What They Ought to Do (agenda only), 29 July 1977

Box 441: 89

Program Planning for 1977-1978 (agenda only), 8 Aug. 1977

Box 441: 90

Urban Growth Policy: State and National (agenda only), 11 Aug. 1977

Box 441: 91

Why Businessmen Mistrust Their State: The Political Consciousness of American Corporate Executives (agenda only), 15 Aug. 1977

Box 441: 92

What's Right and What's Wrong with Local Government: A Discussion of ACIR's Proposals (agenda only), 24 Aug. 1977

Box 441: 93

Cold Pogrom in Carmel (agenda only), 12 Sept. 1977

Box 441: 94

Conference on Contemporary Consitutional Issues (agenda only), 16 Sept. 1977

Box 441: 95

Conference on National Urban Growth Policy (agenda and background material), 20 Sept. 1977

Box 441: 96

National Energy Policy (agenda only), 26 Sept. 1977

Box 441: 97

The Humanities and Public Policy Issues: A Fresh Approach (agenda only), 12 Oct. 1977

Box 441: 98

Conference on Alcoholism: Policies and Priorities (agenda and background material), 14-17 Oct. 1977

Box 441: 99

Davis, Kingsley - The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future: An Obituary, 20 Oct. 1977

Box 441: 100

The Media Assault on Affirmative Action: Subjective Hostility or Objective Incentive (agenda only), 24 Oct. 1977

Box 441: 101

Innovations in Higher Education (agenda and related material), 25 Oct. 1977

Box 441: 102

The Life and Thought of Robert M. Hutchins (announcement for a four part series), Nov. 1977

Box 442: 1

Meaning and Effect of Government Secrecy in a Democratic Society (agenda only), 7 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 2

Mishan, Ezra - The No-Growth Debates, 9 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 3

Donovan, Robert J. - Conflict and Crisis: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman 1945-1948, 14 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 4

Meeting of Minds Segment Depicting Thomas More, Karl Marx, Marie Antoinette and U. S. Grant (agenda only), 17 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 5

Taxation An Historical Philosophical Re-Examination (agenda and background material), 18 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 6

Cultural Unity and Cultural Pluralism (agenda and other material), 21 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 7

International World Order (agenda only), 28 Nov. 1977

Box 442: 8

Beyond Bakke (agenda only), 1 Dec. 1977

Box 442: 9

Strick, Anne - Injustice for All, 6 Dec. 1977

Box 442: 10

The Ethics of Exclusion: The Crisis of U.S. Immigration Policy (conference), 9-10 Dec. 1977

Box 442: 11

Institute of Governmental Studies, 1977

Box 442: 12

The Carter Foreign Policy: Toward a Cool War (agenda only), 12 Jan. 1978

Box 442: 13

President Carter's First Year (announcement for a Five Meeting Series), 20 Jan-15 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 14

Power and Imagination: The Case of Henry Adams (agenda only), 25 Jan. 1978

Box 442: 15

Capps, Walter H. - The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility, 27 Jan. 1978

Box 442: 16

Marching towards an Official Secrets Act (agenda only), 30 Jan. 1978

Box 442: 17

The Future of Arms Control (agenda only), 7 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 18

An American in Post-Indira India (agenda only), 9 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 19

The Focus of Common Cause Action for 1978 (agenda only), 16 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 20

William O. Douglas Inquiry (Board of Review - agenda and background material), 18-19 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 21

The Emotional Structure of the Family (agenda only), 24 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 22

Is the United States Turning Away from Europe? (agenda only), 28 Feb. 1978

Box 442: 23

Taxation and Human Values (conference - agenda and other material), 3-4 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 24

Vietnam Consensus and the Belief Systems of American Leaders (agenda only), 15 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 25

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - From Growth to Limits: Thoughts on the U.S. Adaptation, 16 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 26

Humphrey/Hawkins Bill: Approaches to Full Employment (agenda and background material), 21 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 27

Why Are Scores Going Down? (agenda only), 23 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 28

The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility (agenda only), 28 Mar. 1978

Box 442: 29

Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy - A Symposium, Apr. 1978

Box 442: 30

A Look at China (agenda and background material), 5 Apr. 1978

Box 442: 31

Conference on Reappraisal of the White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development (agenda and background material), 12 Apr. 1978

Box 442: 32

National Population Policy: Issues and Development (agenda and background material), 13 Apr. 1978

Box 442: 33

The Environmental Movement Abroad (agenda and background material), 14 Apr. 1978

Box 442: 34

The 1979 Conference of the United Nations on Science and Techonology for Development (agenda only), 21 Apr. 1978

Box 442: 35

The Dimensions of Change: A Comparison of the First and Second Reconstructions (agenda only), 3 May 1978

Box 442: 36

May Schedule for Dialogue Sessions, 3-26 May 1978

Box 442: 37

Unitary and Adversary Democracy (agenda only), 4 May 1978

Box 442: 38

Suggestions of Procedures for Planning in a Democracy (agenda only), 15 May 1978

Box 442: 39

The Tiredness of England (agenda only), 19 May 1978

Box 442: 40

The Re-Segregation of America (agenda only), 22 May 1978

Box 442: 41

Unemployment and Mental Illness (agenda only), 31 May 1978

Box 442: 42

The Unfinished Renaissance of the Humanities (agenda only), 2 June 1978

Box 442: 43

The Reception of Eastern Psychologies in the West (agenda only), 5 June 1978

Box 442: 44

Killick, John - Interview, 6 June 1978

Box 442: 45

Lovins, Amory B. - Energy Strategy, 7 June 1978

Box 442: 46

A Monk's View of the Modern World (agenda only), 9 June 1978

Box 442: 47

The Social Basis of Unselfishness (agenda only), 12 June 1978

Box 442: 48

McDonald, Donald - Program to Year 2000, 13 June 1978

Box 442: 49

The Direct Vote and the Electoral College: The Case for Meshing Things Up (agenda only), 26 June 1978

Box 442: 50

Reforming Intelligence (agenda only), 29 June 1978

Box 442: 51

Equity and Civil Rights (agenda only), 19 July 1978

Box 442: 52

Superpower Competition in America (agenda only), 21 July 1978

Box 442: 53

Successfully Desegregating the Schools: The Denver Experience (agenda only), 24 July 1978

Box 442: 54

A Report on the U.N. Special on Disarmament (agenda only), 31 July 1978

Box 442: 55

Problems of the Eastern Pacific: Impressions of a Recent Traveller (agenda only), 2 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 56

Graham, Otis L. - Emerging Trends in Local Government, 15 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 57

Ocean Management and Planning for a New International Economic Order (agenda only), 15 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 58

Journalism Seminar (list of participants), 17 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 59

Federal Social Indicator Reports: A Critique and Plans for the Future (agenda only), 18 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 60

Broadcast Media in the Choice of Political Leaders: Some Problems (agenda only), 21 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 61

A Discussion of the Current State of Radical Perspectives and Politics in the United States (agenda only), 22 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 62

The California Tax Revolt: Who Did What to Whom, and Why? (agenda only), 24 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 63

Terrorism and White-Collar Crime: An Analogy (agenda only), 28 Aug. 1978

Box 442: 64

Why Jarvis-Gann Is Unconstitutional: The Boundaries of the Direct Democracy Feature in the American Governmental System agenda only), 1 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 65

How Shall Critical Intelligence Function in a World Like This? (agenda only), 8 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 66

Robert Hutchins Award, Presented by Encyclopaedia Britannica (program), 11 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 67

Whom We Shall Welcome: Illegal Immigration and the New Restrictionism (agenda only), 13 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 68

What Is the Picture on Your Piano? (agenda only), 25 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 69

Comments on the Presidential Dilemma (agenda only), 26 Sept. 1978

Box 442: 70

Cartography as a Medium of Communication: The Water Atlas Project (agenda only), 19 Oct. 1978

Box 442: 71

Immigration Reform: Present Perspectives and Future Possibilities (agenda only), 20 Oct. 1978

Box 442: 72

The War We Watched on Television: A Study in Progress (agenda only), 24 Oct. 1978

Box 442: 73

Italian Eurocommunism: A Unique Case (agenda only), 31 Oct. 1978

Box 442: 74

Energy: Managing the Transition (agenda only), 3 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 75

Development Policies: National and Local Perspectives (agenda only), 9 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 76

Demographics and Issues (agenda only), 17 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 77

Lipset, Seymour Martin - The Politics of Unreason, 21 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 78

Conversations with the Author [Preston Cloud] of Cosmos, Earth, and Man (agenda only), 22 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 79

Sivachev, Nicholas - Soviet Historian's Visit to the Center (memo), 24 Nov. 1978

Box 442: 80

Achukwu, Charles Jideofor (Nigerian Peoples' Party) - African American Institute Visit, Dec. 1978

Box 442: 81

Osgood, Charles E. - Psycho-Social Dyanmics and the Prospects for Mankind, 1 Dec. 1978

Box 443: 1

Arts, Letters and Politics, Inc. Proposal, 1978-1980

Box 443: 2

Binion, Gayle - Book Summaries: Technology and Democracy, 1979

Box 443: 3

Center Programs, 1979

Box 443: 4

Dialogue Discussion Outlines, 1979

Box 443: 5

Dialogues -- 1979

Box 443: 6

Fundraising - Corporations, 1979

Box 443: 7

Program Outline, 1979

Box 443: 8

Ascher, William - Forecasting & Decision-Making (agenda only), 8 Jan. 1979

Box 443: 9

Spiegel, Steven L. - Camp David - Model or Muddle? (agenda only), 10 Jan. 1979

Box 443: 10

Lagomarsino, Robert J. - National Health Care Policy, 18 Jan. 1979

Box 443: 11

Richter, Irving - A Political Survey of American Labor: 1945-1977 (agenda only), 22 Jan. 1979

Box 443: 12

Visiting Japanese Businessmen, 12 Feb. 1979

Box 443: 13

Milgrim, Morris - For Socially Significant Housing Moves, 26 Feb. 1979

Box 443: 14

Lowenstein, Allard - Human Rights: The Global Problem and the Administration's Policy (agenda only), 5 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 15

Lowenstein, Allard - The U.S. Role in Africa: Rhodesia in the Crossroads, 7 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 16

Diner, Steven J. - Uncle Sam's Boom Town: The Nation's Capital since World War II, 8 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 17

Lowenstein, Allard - A 60s Retrospective: Vietnam and Civil Rights, 12 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 18

Fuglie, Karen - The NEH: New Directions in Support of the Humanities (agenda only), 13 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 19

Pritchett, C. Herman - The Budget Planning Controversy: Constitutional Amendment by Convention, 29 Mar. 1979

Box 443: 20

Wells, Samuel F. - The Turning Point in Modern American History - The Korean War (agenda only), 3 Apr. 1979

Box 443: 21-22

The Impact of Vietnam (Conference), 5-7 Apr. 1979

Box 443: 23

Neal, Fred Warner - Current Developments and Background Realities in Carter Administration-USSR Relations (Briefing Session), 11 Apr. 1979

Box 443: 24

Fogel, Walter A. - Getting Society's Dirty Work Done: A Discussion of Guest Worker Programs and Other Remedies for the 'Americans Won't Take the Jobs' Problem, 20 Apr. 1979

Box 443: 25

Neustadt, Richard E. - Is the Presidency Possible? 30 Apr. 1979

Box 443: 26

Heckscher, Gunnar - The Future of the Welfare State, 14 May 1979

Box 443: 27

Civil Military Relations in Socialist and Modernizing Societies: Europe, Asia and the Middle East (Conference), 16-19 May 1979

Box 443: 28

O'Toole, James - The Tenure Issue in Higher Education, 18 May 1979

Box 443: 29

Wise, David - Can the First Amendment Survive the Hydrogen Bomb? 22 May 1979

Box 443: 30

Stockwell, John - CIA: Why We Should Close It Down, 24 May 1979

Box 443: 31

Bjornsen, Bjorn - Crime and Punishment in Scandinavia (agenda only), 29 May 1979

Box 444: 1

The Bulletin of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture and Religion, June 1979

Box 444: 2

Center Conference on Encouraging Industrial Innovation: Decision-Making in the American Corporation (George McAlmon), 29-30 June 1979

Box 444: 3

Conference on American and South Africa: Plans of Action, 8 Aug. 1979

Box 444: 4

Program Prospects, 11 Aug. 1979

Box 444: 5

Capps, Walter - New Ideas: A Report to the Steering Committee of the Hutchins Center, Fall 1979

Box 444: 6

Fingarette, Herbert - The Meaning of the Law in the Book of Job, Sept. 1979

Box 444: 7

The Center for Studies in Higher Education Annual Report 1978-1979, Sept. 1979

Box 444: 8

Capps, Walter - On Revisioning the Center, 21 Sept. 1979

Box 444: 9

Solmon, Lewis - Solutions to the Humanities Ph.D. Job Crisis, 26 Sept. 1979

Box 444: 10

Scheff, Thomas - Toward a Theory of Mourning, 28 Sept. 1979

Box 444: 11

Cahn, Robert - Environmental Considerations in Corporate Decision Making, 3 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 12

Faculty Advisory Board Meeting, 15-16 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 13-14

Program Planning Conference, 15-16 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 15

UC Wide Faculty Meeting, 15-16 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 16

Brown, Richard - Rockefeller Medicine Men, 23 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 17

Laucks, Eulah - The Meaning of Children in Contemporary America, 23 Oct. 1979

Box 444: 18

Jacobsen, Hans - Adlof-Karl Haushofers and German Geopolitics, 5 Nov. 1979

Box 444: 19

Hammond, Philip - Civility, Civil Religion: The Emergence of Cults, 7 Nov. 1979

Box 444: 20

Berger, Bennett - Ideological Work, 12 Nov. 1979

Box 444: 21

Bohannan, Paul - You Can't Do Nothing, 16 Nov. 1979

Box 444: 22-23

Lyford, Joseph - The Berkeley Experiment, 26 Nov. 1979

Box 444: 24

Rochlin, Gene - Nuclear Fuel Cycle Internationalization: The Uncertain Political Context, 30 Nov. 1979

Box 445: 1-2

Myerhoff, Barbara - Myths of Self: Story-Telling and Narration among Elderly Jews, 13 Dec. 1979

Box 445: 3

Capps, Walter - Center Developments, 21 Dec. 1979

Box 445: 4

Arts and Lectures, 1979-1980

Box 445: 5

Center Program Proposals, 1979-1980

Box 445: 6

The Whole Earth Papers: The Child and World Order, 1979-1980

Box 445: 7

Human Rights Dialogue - Background Material, 1979-1983

Box 445: 8

Nader, Laura - The Law, 1979-1983

Box 445: 9

Center Dialogues and Participants, 1979-1984

Box 445: 10

Listing of Dialogues and Participants, 1979-1987

Box 445: 11

Grants, 1980

Box 445: 12

Potomac Foundation, 1980

Box 446: 1

Calendar of Events, Jan-Mar. 1980

Box 446: 2

Committee on Arts and Lectures, Jan-Apr. 1980

Box 446: 3

Center Programs, Jan-Dec. 1980

Box 446: 4

Easton, Robert, and Peter Nabokov - previous hit Native American Architecture: From Home, to Settlement Pattern, to Activity System, 15 Jan. 1980

Box 446: 5-6

Center Dialogues, 15 Jan-18 Mar. 1980

Box 446: 7

Dialogue Programs, 15 Jan-12 Dec. 1980

Box 446: 8

O'Hanlon, Daniel - The View from Kathmandu, 21 Jan. 1980

Box 446: 9

Keddie, Nikki - Modern Iran, 24 Jan. 1980

Box 446: 10

Smith, Jonathan Z. - General Education in the 1980s, 30 Jan. 1980

Box 446: 11

UCLA Public Lectures, 4 Feb. 1980

Box 446: 12

Miller, William Lee - Lincoln's Second Inaugural and the American Celebration, 5 Feb. 1980

Box 447: 1

The Politics of Sports: The Olympic Boycott Issue, 13 Feb. 1980

Box 447: 2

Wallace, Geoffrey - Ten Years as Ombudsman: Reflections and Suggestions, 19 Feb. 1980

Box 447: 3

Bethe, Hans A. - The Energy Problem and Nuclear Power, 21 Feb. 1980

Box 447: 4

LeClercq, Jean - Lecture Arrangements, 26 Feb. 1980

Box 447: 5

Daniels, Douglas - Pioneer Urbanites: A Social and Cultural History of Black San Francisco from the 1850s to the Second World War, 4 Mar. 1980

Box 447: 6

Dallin, Alexander - The Road to Kabul: Soviet Preceptions of World Affairs and the Afghan Crisis, 13 Mar. 1980

Box 447: 7

Dallin, Alexander - Russia's New Power Strategy, 13 Mar. 1980

Box 447: 8

Capps, Walter - Is Narcissism an Accurate Description of the Nation's Mood, 18 Mar. 1980

Box 447: 9

Calendar, Apr. 1980

Box 447: 10

Stern, Al - Priorities in Domestic Policy, 10 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 11

MacGregor Burns, James - Crisis in Leadership: 1980, 11 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 12

Holl, Jack M. - Three Mile Island: Facts & Histories, 14 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 13

Raphael, Frederic - Contemporary Israel, 15 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 14

Pagels, Elaine - New Wine and Old Skins: The Gnostic Gospels, 24 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 15

Lonnroth, Lars - The Folk High School Movement and the Political Use of Norse Mythology, 25 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 16

Stern, Fritz - Strained Relations: The United States and Europe in the 1980s, 25 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 17

Resolving Disputes: Is There a Better Way? 29 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 18

Camarillo, Albert - New Perspectives in Mexican American History, 30 Apr. 1980

Box 447: 19

Calendar, May 1980

Box 447: 20

Linenthal, Edward Tabor - From Hero to Anti-Hero: The Transformation of the Warrior in Modern America, 1 May 1980

Box 447: 21

Wood, James - Toward a Rough Calculus of Book Publishing, 8 May 1980

Box 447: 22

Comstock, Richard - Clairvoyance & History: Reinhold Niebuhr's Perspectives on the Present, 13 May 1980

Box 447: 23

Mading Deng, Francis - Regents' Lectureship, 14 May 1980

Box 447: 24

Jiyu, Ren - The Study of Religion in the People's Republic of China, 16 May 1980

Box 447: 25

Adelson, Marvin - Achievable Cities, 20 May 1980

Box 448: 1

Gordon, Michael - Human Rights and American Foreign Policy, 21 May 1980

Box 448: 2

Marin, Peter - Silence & Guilt: Remembering Vietnam, 22 May 1980

Box 448: 3

Needlemen, Jacob - New Religions Reconsidered, 23 May 1980

Box 448: 4

Rossiter, Margare - Women's Work in Science, 27 May 1980

Box 448: 5

Hine, Virginia H. - The Basic Paradigm of a Future Socio-Cultural System, 29 May 1980

Box 448: 6

Calendar, June 1980

Box 448: 7

Janis, Sidney - Seven Decades of Twentieth-Century Art, 6 June 1980

Box 448: 8

Johnson, Hymon T. - The Poverty of Educational Philosophy, 12 June 1980

Box 448: 9

Collins, Ronald K. L., and Robert Welch - Miranda v. Arizona: Past & Present Developments, 24 June 1980

Box 448: 10

Chen-I, Wu - The Treatment of Mental Illness in the People's Republic of China, 30 June 1980

Box 448: 11

Calendar, July 1980

Box 448: 12

Conference on Educational Incentives, July 1980

Box 448: 13

Chen, Chi-yun - The Intellectuals (Elite?) in Two Worlds (East/West: Traditional/Modern), 8 July 1980

Box 448: 14

Meyer, Marvin - Making Mary Male: Re-Reading the Gnostic Gospels, 15 July 1980

Box 448: 15

Center Program "Highlights," 18 July 1980

Box 448: 16

Blau, Sheridan - Crisis in Literacy, 25 July 1980

Box 449: 1

Calendar, Aug. 1980

Box 449: 2

Bycel, Benjamin, and Linda Kaufman - Women and Divorce, 5 Aug. 1980

Box 449: 3

May, William - Adversarialism in America, 11 Aug. 1980

Box 449: 4

Jessup, Hubert - The Baxters, 14 Aug. 1980

Box 449: 5

Miller, James Grier - Applications of General Living Systems Theory, 15 Aug. 1980

Box 449: 6

Agriculture in California: Shall We Keep It in the Family? (Conference), 29 Aug. 1980

Box 449: 7

Blakely, Edward, and Ted Bradshaw - Goin' to the Country: The Social Economics of the New Rural Migration, 11 Sept. 1980

Box 449: 8

Ziffren, Paul - How Should We Nominate Our President? 26 Sept. 1980

Box 449: 9

Campbell, Joseph - Some Reflections on Psyche & Symbol, 3 Oct. 1980


Conference on Prospects for Democracy: The Future of Liberalism, 8-9 Oct. 1980

Box 449: 10

Program and Arrangements

Box 449: 11

Capps, Walter H. (Director) - Robert Maynard Hutchins Center Rededication

Box 449: 12

Cousins, Norman - Prospecting in the Future

Box 449: 13

Duffey, Joseph - Prospects for Democracy

Box 449: 14

Gillam, Richard - Liberalism in the 1980s

Box 449: 15

Harrington, Michael - Current Perspectives on Liberalism

Box 449: 16

UCSB Faculty Wives Association, 11 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 1

Anderson, John - Eventum, 17 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 2

Gerstein, Robert - California's Constitutional Rights of Privacy, 20 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 3

Bainton, Roland - Marxists Interpretations of Luther, 23 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 4

Baden, John A. - Land Use Planning & the Management of Wildlife, 28 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 5

Cazeaux, Jacques - Allegory as a Game, 30 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 6

McHenry, Donald F. - Ambassador to the United Nations, Prospects for Democracy: International Dimensions, 31 Oct. 1980

Box 450: 7

Nelson, J. Robert - The Court, the Congress, the Churches and Abortion, 7 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 8

Navasky, Victor - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about The Nation but Were Afraid to Ask, 13 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 9

Varanini, Emilio III - A New Regional Energy Policy: Security of Supply, 18 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 10

Epstein, Barbara - Feminism & the Family, 19 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 11

Adams, Larry - The Strengthening of 20th Century Liberalism, 21 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 12

Vidal, Gore - Some Reflections on the State of the Union, 24 Nov. 1980

Box 450: 13

Hecht, Richard D. - From Pariah People to Pariah Nation: The Transformation of Modern Anti-Semitism, 4 Dec. 1980

Box 450: 14

Choper, Jesse H. - Judicial Review and the National Political Process, 10 Dec. 1980

Box 450: 15

Morris, Edward A. - How Long Should the President Serve? 12 Dec. 1980

Box 451: 1

Calendars, 1980-1981

Box 451: 2

Development Officers Group - UCSB, 1980-1981

Box 451: 3-4

Dialogues, 1980-1981

Box 451: 5

Grant Applications: Summary, 1980-1981

Box 451: 6

UC Inter-Campus Exchange Program, 1980-1981

Box 451: 7

Board Members, 1980-1982

Box 451: 8

Center Program Calendars, 1980-1987

Box 451: 9

Cults and the Constitution: The New Religions in the Courts (Conference), 1981

Box 451: 10

Dialogues, 1981

Box 452: 1

Krieger, David - Disarmament and Development, 1981

Box 452: 2

Program Suggestions - Free Speech: The Immaculate Deception (declined), 1981

Box 452: 3

Repression from the Right (notes only), 1981

Box 452: 4

Roden, Stanley M. - Current Findings and Research Trends in Violence Prevention, 1981

Box 452: 5-6

Center Programs, Jan-June 1981

Box 452: 7

Gitlen, Todd - The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media & the Making & Unmaking of the New Left, 14 Jan. 1981

Box 452: 8

Dolcie, Danilo - Non-Violence and Change, 16 Jan. 1981

Box 452: 9

Gray, Victor S. - Poland: The International Aspects of the Crisis, 19 Jan. 1981

Box 452: 10

Mazarei, Adnan - The Iranian Revolution: An Introduction, 20 Jan. 1981

Box 452: 11

Bernstein, Barton J. - The Prospects & Pitfalls of Biomedical Technology: The Quest for the Artificial Heart, 30 Jan. 1981

Box 452: 12

Russell, Diana H. - Pornography and Violence against Women, 3 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 1

Meshad, Shad - Re-Socialization of Vietnam Era Vets, 5 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 2

Neff, Thomas L. - The Changing Role of Engineers and Engineering in the U.S., 9 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 3

Maxey, Margaret N. - Energy Policy and Value Conflicts: A Bioethical Perspective, 10 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 4

Edwards, William A. - Alternative American Histories Series: Aspects of Disorganization in the Study of the Black Family, 11 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 5

Marsak, Leonard - The Short Happy Life of Liberalism: A Historical Movement in Time, 24 Feb. 1981

Box 453: 6

Goldberg-Ambrose, Carole - Federal Criminal Code Reform, 2 Mar. 1981

Box 453: 7

Millett, Kate - Repression from the Right: The Challenge to the Women's Movement, 3 Mar. 1981

Box 453: 8

Dawidowicz, Lucy S. - Thinking about the Holocaust: Its Universality and Its Particularity, 9 Mar. 1981

Box 453: 9

Pasternak, Alan - Federal-State Relations in Setting Energy Policy, 11 Mar. 1981

Box 453: 10

Binchy, Maeve - A Divided Ireland, 12 Mar. 1981

Box 453: 11

Calendar - Spring 1981

Box 454: 1

UC Energy Research Group Proposal, 27 Mar. 1981

Box 454: 2

Fundraising, 6 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 3

Steinem, Gloria - Women's Conference, 7 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 4

Vietnam Series, 8 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 5

Narayanan, K. R. - India: An Emerging Force in the Global Society, 13 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 6

Latin America Series, 14 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 7

Wang, Kang - Intellectural Life in China Today, 15 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 8

Kline, David - American Journalism & the Middle East, 20 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 9-11

Illich, Ivan - Shadow Work: Vernacular Values: Science by People, 23-24 Apr. 1981

Box 454: 12

Forsberg, Randall - Confining the Military to Defense: A Route to Disarmament, 29 Apr. 1981

Box 455: 1

Bernstein, Barton - Pitfalls & Prospects of Biomedical Policy: The Swine Flu Case, 30 Apr. 1981

Box 455: 2

Hartman, Geoffrey - Interpreting Interpretation, 5 May 1981

Box 455: 3

Fitzgerald, Frances - Fundamentalism and Foreign Policy, 6-7 May 1981

Box 455: 4

Suri, Surindar - Turmoil and Stability: A Dialectical Approach to Indian Politics, 14 May 1981

Box 455: 5

Katz, Alfred H. - The Re-Birth of Self Help: A Major Resource in the "Helping Profession," 15 May 1981

Box 455: 6

Binion, Gayle - The Constitution, The Poor and the Burger Court, 18 May 1981

Box 455: 7

Smith, Homer - Intercollegiate Athletics and Personal Values, 20 May 1981

Box 455: 8

Chicanos and the Social Sciences: A Decade of Research and Development [1970-1980] (Conference), 22-23 May 1981

Box 455: 9

Walker, Lenore E. - Self-Defense for Women in the Criminal Justice System, 26 May 1981

Box 455: 10

Partridge, Ernest - Are We Ready for an Ecological Morality? 27 May 1981

Box 455: 11

The Future of Liberalism (Lecture Series), June 1981

Box 455: 12

Cicin-Sain, Biliana - Marine Affairs Seminar, 4-6 June 1981

Box 455: 13

Gould, Timothy - Reading in and Reading on: Interpretation in Thoreau's Walden (Colloquium on Interpretation), 8 June 1981

Box 455: 14

Potter, William - Series on Disarmament, Arms Control and National Security, 9 June 1981

Box 456: 1-4

Re-discovering State Constitutions: Prospects for Civil Liberties in the 1980s (Conference), 13 June 1981


Violence in American Life (Conference), 24-26 June 1981

Box 456: 5-6


Box 456: 7


Box 456: 8


Box 456: 9

Commission on Crime Control and Violence

Box 456: 10


Box 456: 11


Box 456: 12

Resource Persons

Box 456: 13

Calendars, July-Oct. 1981

Box 456: 14

Katz, Steven - Holocaust (cancelled), July-Oct. 1981

Box 457: 1-2

Conference on Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Late Imperial China: Cultural Beliefs and Social Divisions, 20-26 Aug. 1981

Box 457: 3

Crime Fair, Fall 1981

Box 457: 4

Law and Behavioral Research (Conference), 27-29 Sept. 1981

Box 457: 5

Center Programs, Sept-Dec. 1981

Box 457: 6-11

The Professionalization of College Sports and Its Impact on Higher Education (Sam Adams, Michael Crandell, Denny Crum, Harry Edwards, Norman Ellenberger, Harold Enarson, Larry Farmer, Judith Holland, Stephen Horn, Thomas A. James, Donald McDonald, Ken McMullen, James Grier Miller, Maurice Mitchell, Stephen R. Morgan, Stan Morrison, James E. Odenkirk, Scott Ostler, Fred Roggin, Lionel S. Sobel, and Bill Wall), 10-11 Sept. 1981

Box 458: 1-2

Calendar, Fall 1981

Box 458: 3

Neizvestny, Ernst - Arts and Politics in the Soviet Union, 25 Sept. 1981

Box 458: 4

Santa Barbara Adult Education/Conservation Series, 5 Oct. 1981

Box 458: 5

Varkonyi, Peter - Integrity in Public Affairs Reporting, 5 Oct. 1981

Box 458: 6

Public Lecture Series: Terrorism (press release only), 6 Oct. 1981

Box 458: 7

Tsipis, Kosta - Disarmament, Arms Control, and National Security, 13 Oct. 1981

Box 459: 1-4

El Salvador and American Foreign Policy (Laurie Becklund, William Bollnger, Raymond Bonner, Roger Burbach, John Bushnell, David Cattell, Frank del Olmo, Alexander Drehsler, Richard Flacks, Father Wayne King, Stephen Low, Donald McDonald, Ralph McGehee, James Grier Miller, Lorena Parlee, Arnoldo Ramos, Lars Schoultz, Murat Williams, and Robert Wilson), 15-16 Oct. 1981

Box 459: 5-8

Cults and the Constitution (Conference, with Marsha Addis James Alle, Gayle Binion, M. Gerald Bradford, Lee Coleman, John Carleton, W. Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Richard Delgado, Ronald M. Enroth, Herbert Fingarette, David Gold, Jeremiah S. Gutman, Philip Hammond, Richard D. Hecht, Jerry Higgins, William McClellan, Donald McDonald, Robert Michaelsen, A. E. Keir Nash, Tony Perrino, James T. Richardson, Tom Robbins, Barbara Underwood Scharff, Gary Scharff, Paul Schwartz, Charles M. Sevilla, William Shepherd, L. Norman Skonovd, and Michael Woodruff), 22-23 Oct. 1981

Box 460: 1

Dick, A. E. - The Burger Court and the Constitutionalizing of American Life, 26 Oct. 1981

Box 460: 2

Boles, Janet K. - The Equal Rights Amendment as a Non-Zero-Sum Game, 27 Oct. 1981

Box 460: 3

La Rocque, Gene - Nuclear War, 2 Nov. 1981

Box 460: 4

Douglas, Mary - Perceiving Danger in American Society, 5 Nov. 1981

Box 460: 5

Noonan, John - Abortion and the Law, 5 Nov. 1981

Box 460: 6

China, Japan and the United States in the 1980s: Security and Trade Dimensions (Conference, with Caroline Ahmanson, Richard Baum, Haruhiro Fukui, Frank Gibney, Robert Gimello, Leon Hollerman, Immanuel Hsu, Chalmers A. Johnson, Alan Liu, Victor Nee, Orville Schell, Albert Seligmann, and Hallam Shorrock, Jr., and Richard Solomon), 6 Nov. 1981

Box 460: 7-10

The Business and Ethics of Genetic Engineering (M. Gerald Bradford, Robert Byles, Patricia Garvin Cathcart, Carl Cohen, Michael Crandell, Donald S. Fredrickson, Rabbi Jonathan Kendall, Seymour Kessler, Reverend Komei Larson, Donald McDonald, Robert G. McKinnel, James Grier Miller, Reverend Anthony Friess Perrino, John R. Popiden, Michael H. Shapiro, Robert L. Sinsheimer, Randolph T. Wall, and Burleigh T. Wilkins), 12-13 Nov. 1981

Box 461: 1

The Business and Ethics of Genetic Engineering (Intensive Dialogue), 12-13 Nov. 1981

Box 461: 2

Ashkenasi, Abraham - Peace Movements, Alienated Youth, and Latent and Nascent Anti-Americanism in Europe, Especially West Germany, 16 Nov. 1981

Box 461: 3

West, John - Violence in American Life, 1 Dec. 1981

Box 461: 4

Koslow, Ronald, Ronald Gottesman, and Peter Greenburg - American Film/American Character, 3 Dec. 1981

Box 461: 5

Lasch, Christopher - Contemporary Culture, 3 Dec. 1981

Box 461: 6

California Public Broadcasting Commission Dialogue, 4 Dec. 1981

Box 461: 7-9

Health Care: Emphasis on Wellness and Treatment of the Whole Person (Lester Breslow, Norman Cousins, Michael Crandell, Joel Elkes, Hoyt Gardner, Milton Greenblatt, Lawrence M. Hart, Alfred Katz, Virginia Johnson-Masters, William Masters, and James Grier Miller), 10-11 Dec. 1981

Box 462: 1

Center Background and Press Releases, 1981-1982

Box 462: 2

Center Policy and Program Meetings, 1981-1982

Box 462: 3

Fillmore, Ann - Aggressive Behavior in School, 1981-1982

Box 462: 4

Program Suggestions, 1981-1982

Box 462: 5

Center Calendars, 1981-1983

Box 462: 6

Long-Range Goals for the Center, 1981-1983

Box 462: 7-10

Center Programs, 1981-1984

Box 462: 11

Sony Corporation of America (financial support), 1982

Box 462: 12

The Annual Hutchins Award, 1982

Box 462: 13

Center Calendars, 1982

Box 462: 14

Center History, ca. 1982

Box 462: 15

Development Plan, 1982

Box 462: 16

Dialogues, 1982

Box 462: 17

Inquiries - Rejected, 1982

Box 462: 18

Publicity, 1982

Box 463: 1

Backus, Robert - Literary Dissent in China, Jan. 1982

Box 463: 2

Scolvill, Herbert - MX (cancelled), Jan. 1982

Box 463: 3

Lernoux, Penny - Corruption in International Banking, 7 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 4

Related Centers, 7 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 5

Anderson, Stanley - The Ombudsman Research: What Has Been Done and What Needs to Be Done, 12 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 6-7

Inflation: Demand Siders vs. Supply Siders, 14-15 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 8

Reppy, Judith - Military Influence on the Development of Civilian Technology, 20 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 9

Noel, Robert - The Mirco Polis: A Transcultural Newsbank and Information Network, 22 Jan. 1982

Box 463: 10

Egly, Paul - Desegregation of the Public Schools: The Case of Southern California, 1 Feb. 1982

Box 463: 11

Privacy, the Media and the First Amendment (Floyd Abrams, Gayle Binion, M. Gerald Bradford, Patricia Cathcart, Michael Crandell, Judith Epstein, David Gold, Jeremiah S. Gutman, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Hans Linde, Barbara Lindemann, Steven Low, Donald McDonald, Arthur R. Miller, James Grier Miller, Melville Nimmer, Peter Noyes, Donald Pember, Albert Pickerell, Kjell Samuelson, Jane Scheff, and James Shellow), 11-12 Feb. 1982

Box 464: 1

The University's Role in Global Security (David Caldwell, Biliana Cicin-sain, Dvid Cooper, Mike Eberhardt, Elliott Evans, Morris Friedell, Jose Fulco, Dennis Gagno, Aharon Gibor, David Krieger, Marc McGinnes, James Grier Miller, William Van Ness, Geoffrey Wallace, Julian Weissglass, and Jules Zimmer), 15-16 Feb. 1982

Box 464: 2

Radioactive Waste in Perspective, 22 Feb. 1982

Box 464: 3

A Review of the Activities of 53 Organizations Concerned with Foreign Affairs, War and Peace, Human and Civil Liberties, 22 Feb. 1982

Box 464: 4

York, Herbert - Race toward Oblivion Revisited, 26 Feb. 1982

Box 464: 5

Nietzsche Symposium, Mar. 1982

Box 464: 6

Selznick, Philip - The Moral Commonwealth: Intellectural Foundations of Social Justice (prospectus), Mar. 1982

Box 464: 7

Mobil Corporation Gift Request, Mar-June 1982

Box 464: 8-9

Bennis, Warren - Why Organizations Succeed or Fail, 11-12 Mar. 1982

Box 464: 10

Prospects for Peaceful Change in Southern Africa, 1 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 11

Terrorism and Hostages, 7-9 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 12

Center Statement of Purpose, 9 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 13

Miller, Arthur S. - American Political Economy, 13 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 14

Tsongas, Paul - American Foreign Policy, 15-16 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 15

Pacific Basin Institute - Interdependence in the Pacific Basin: Trade and Natural Resources (Narongchai Akrasanee, M. Gerald Bradford, David W. Brokensha, Patricia Cathcart, Haruhiro Fukui, Frank Gibney, Nobuhiro John Hasegawa, Immanuel Hsu, Dean E. Mann, Carol L. Miller, James Grier Miller, Howard Schumann, Henry Smith, Jiro Tokuyama, and Harold L. Votey), 22 Apr. 1982

Box 464: 16

Proposal to Do Something with College of Engineering (memos re celebration), 22 Apr. 1982

Box 465: 1

The Next Generation (Lawrence Badash, Paul J. Bohannon, Daniel B. Botkin, M. Gerald Bradford, Marilynn B. Brewer, David W. Brokensha, Patricia Cathcart, Preston Cloud, Kingsley Davis, John A. Ernest, David Gold, Donald McDonald, Walter J. Mead, James Grier Miller, John Platt, Ninian Smart, and Harvey Wheeler), 13-14 May 1982

Box 465: 2

Burt, Robert - The Supreme Court Speaks: In Whose Voice? By What Means? 18 May 1982

Box 465: 3-4

When Parties Fail (Conference), 19-20 May 1982

Box 465: 5

York, Herbert - LA Center Club Talk on Nuclear Disarmament, 27 May 1982

Box 465: 6

Proposed Joint Ventures, 18 June 1982

Box 465: 7

Novak, Michael - Mediating Institutions, Summer 1982

Box 465: 8

Kauffman, Linda - The Scold of the Young Scholar: Humanities and Inhumanities in Higher Education, 12 July 1982

Box 465: 9

Fowler, George T. - Britain's Open University, 29 July 1982

Box 465: 10

National Convocation Proposals, 19 Aug. 1982

Box 465: 11

Brownlee, [W. Elliot] - Proposal on World Grain Trade, 20 Aug. 1982

Box 465: 12

Cable TV's Social and Political Responsibility (Proposal), 24 Aug. 1982

Box 465: 13

Sheinbaum, Stanley K. - Proposal on United States Tax Policy, 26 Aug. 1982

Box 465: 14

Lundell, Torborg - Proposal on "Scandinavia Today," Fall 1982

Box 466: 1

Henry Luce Foundation (Funding Request), 10 Sept. 1982

Box 466: 2

Hutchins, Robert M. - Early Thoughts on the Role of the Fund for the Republic (National Press Club, 1955), 20 Sept. 1982

Box 466: 3

Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, Oct. 1982

Box 466: 4

Political Parties (proposal), 1 Oct. 1982

Box 466: 5

Ramet, Pedro - Religion and Nationalism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 29-30 Oct. 1982

Box 466: 6

Zysman, John - Berkeley Roundtable on International Economy, Nov. 1982

Box 466: 7

Board of Directors Meeting, 6 Nov. 1982

Box 466: 8

Janeway, Elizabeth - Women in America: An Instructive, 8 Nov. 1982

Box 466: 9

Scoville, Herbert, Jr. - The Prospect for Arms Reduction and Disarmament, 16 Nov. 1982

Box 466: 10

Dodd, Christopher - U.S. Responsibility, 17 Nov. 1982

Box 466: 11

Maher, John - Reclamation and Rehabilitation: The Limits of Self Help in the Community, 1 Dec. 1982

Box 466: 12

Zysman, John, and Laura Tyson - American Industry in International Competition, 1 Dec. 1982

Box 466: 13

Schaar, John - A Redefinition of the Public Realm in a Technological Society, 10 Dec. 1982

Box 466: 14

Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Convocation (proposal), 14 Dec. 1982

Box 467: 1

Adler, Mortimer - Paideia Proposal, 1982-1983

Box 467: 2

Binion, Gayle - Democracy Project, 1982-1983

Box 467: 3

California Council on the Humanities, 1982-1983

Box 467: 4

Human Rights Funding Sources, 1982-1983

Box 467: 5

Human Rights Proposal (George A. McAlmon), 1982-1983

Box 467: 6

Proposed Themes and Dialogues for 1983, 1982-1983

Box 467: 7

Six-Year Presidential Term (proposal), 1982-1983

Box 467: 8

Taft Institute at the Center, 1982-1983

Box 467: 9

TV Interviews - American Journal, 1982-1983

Box 467: 10

TV Series on Democracy, 1982-1983

Box 467: 11

Xerox Corporation Gift Request, 1982-1983

Box 467: 12

Fundraising - AT&T Foundation, 1982-1984

Box 467: 13

Fundraising - Philip Morris Corporation, 1982-1984

Box 468: 1

Human Rights Programs, 1982-1984

Box 468: 2

Dialogue Ideas: Winter/Spring 1983

Box 468: 3-6

Program: Center Hosting of IGCC Summer Institute, 1983

Box 468: 7

Center Programs, 1983

Box 468: 8

Human Rights - Possible Participants, Jan. 1983

Box 468: 9

MGB on UCSB Arts and Lecture Committee, 4 Jan. 1983

Box 468: 10

Fallows, James - Entitlements: California Council on Humanities, 13 Jan. 1983

Box 468: 11

Collins, Ronald - Amicus Curia Project, 14 Jan. 1983

Box 468: 12

Bethe, Hans A. - The Intellectual and Ethical Resposibility of Today's Scientist, 20 Jan. 1983

Box 469: 1

Human Rights Objectives and Agenda, Feb-Oct. 1983

Box 469: 2

Human Rights Dialogue - Special Appeal to Members, Feb-Dec. 1983

Box 469: 3

May, Rollo - Myth and Psychological Integration, 2 Feb. 1983

Box 469: 4

Cousins, Norman - The Saturday Review - Postmortem of a Magazine ...and a Culture, 7 Feb. 1983

Box 469: 5

Molotch, Harvey - American Jews and the State of Israel, 25 Feb. 1983

Box 469: 6

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Operation Procedure Manual, 9 Mar. 1983

Box 469: 7

Zeitlin, Maurice - Democratic Investment: An Alternative Program for Economic Recovery, 11 Mar. 1983

Box 469: 8

Mayer, Milton - A World without Government, 6 Apr. 1983

Box 469: 9

State Department's Democracy Project, 14 Apr-10 June 1983

Box 469: 10

Human Rights Dialogue Proposal - Ford Foundation, 21 Apr. 1983

Box 469: 11

Rorty, Richard - What Are Philosophers For? 21 Apr. 1983

Box 469: 12

Nadar, Laura - Resolving Disputes: Is There a Better Way? 29 Apr. 1983

Box 469: 13

Center 'Constitution' Projects, 6 May 1983

Box 469: 14

Adler, Mortimer J. - Public Schooling in America: An Argument for Radical Reform, 9 May 1983

Box 470: 1

Economic Imperialism Conference, 12-14 May 1983

Box 470: 2

Rohatyn, Felix - United States and International Economy, 4 June 1983

Box 470: 3

Binion, Gayle - Democracy: Ideological Origins, 14 June 1983

Box 470: 4

T.V. Series, 14 June-21 Oct. 1983

Box 470: 5

Bazelon, David - United States Constitution Today, 21 June 1983

Box 470: 6

Inkeles, Alex-Continuity and Change in the American National Character, 15 Sept. 1983

Box 470: 7

Delgado, Richard - The Moralist as Expert Witness-Aid or Obstacle in the Administration of Justice, 22 Sept. 1983

Box 470: 8

Publications Proposal to Start a Democracy Quarterly, 17 Oct. 1983


Human Rights Conference, 26-28 Oct. 1983

Box 470: 9-12

General (incl. correspondence, finances, and position papers)

Box 471: 1


Box 471: 2

Keynote Address

Box 471: 3-12


Box 472: 1


Box 472: 2-4


Box 472: 5

Session Topics

Box 472: 6

Videotaping and Audiotaping

Box 472: 7

Money and Political Parties, Nov. 1983


Lake Como Conference (Ronald Crocombe, Muhammed H. Heikal, George David Kieffer Bruce Lawrence, Roderick McFarquhar, V. S. Naipul, Emeka Ojukwu, Kushwant Singh, Ninian Smart, Soichiro, Wole Soyinka, Edward Stamp, Washington SyCip, and Bryan Wilson), 7-11 Nov. 1983

Box 472: 8-9

General (incl. correspondence)

Box 472: 10


Box 472: 11


Box 472: 12


Box 472: 13

Graber, Gerry - Nazism Re-evaluated: Eichmann Re-visited - Some Important Lessons for Democracy, 10 Nov. 1983

Box 473: 1

Gould, William - The Rights of Individual Workers, 17 Nov. 1983

Box 473: 2

Yoshitomi, Masuru - Table Talk, 21 Nov. 1983

Box 473: 3

Pagniez, Yves - Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control, and European Security: The French Perspective, 30 Nov. 1983

Box 473: 4

Rosenthal, Alan - Is the Legislature an Endangered Institution? 5 Dec. 1983

Box 473: 5-6

Michaelsen, Robert - The U.S. Government, the American Indian and Religious Freedom, 7 Dec. 1983

Box 473: 7

Broder, David - Legislature Dialogue, 13 Dec. 1983

Box 473: 8

Magleby, David - The Iniative as Direct Democracy, 16 Dec. 1983

Box 473: 9

Center Calendar, 1983

Box 473: 10

Center Program Plans for 1984, 1983

Box 473: 11

Dialogues, 1983

Box 473: 12

IGCC Summer Seminar 1984 Center Co-hosting Proposal, 1983

Box 473: 13

Brown, Jerry, and Nathan Gardels Project, 1983

Box 473: 14

Lerner, Gerda - The Flame Experience Introduction, 1983

Box 473: 15

May, Rollo - Personal Identity in an Anonymous World, 1983

Box 474: 1-2

Sample Grant Proposals, 1983-1984

Box 474: 3

Projects for World Peace, 1983-1984

Box 474: 4

Social Policy and the Welfare State, 1983-1985

Box 474: 5

Center Calendars, Jan-May 1984

Box 474: 6

Board of Directors Meeting, 7 Jan. 1984

Box 474: 7

St. John-Stevas, Norman-Imperialism, 20 Jan. 1984

Box 474: 8

Lovins, Amory B. and L. Hunter - Institutional Implications of New Energy Opportunities, 27 Jan. 1984

Box 474: 9

Foundations and Grants, Feb. 1984

Box 474: 10

Weinstein, Allen - Faith in Latin America (Channel City Club), 3 Feb. 1984

Box 474: 11

Wildavsky, Aaron - Conflicts and Anomalies in the Development of American National Character, 10 Feb. 1984

Box 474: 12

Weinstein, Allen - Democratic Faith in Latin America, 17 Feb. 1984

Box 475: 1

Wesson, Robert - Yearbook on Democratic Politics, Mar. 1984

Box 475: 2

Technology and Democratic Process, 8 Mar. 1984

Box 475: 3-4

California Community Colleges, 14 Mar. 1984

Box 475: 5-7

Brazilian Federal Senators Visit to the Center, 15-16 Mar. 1984

Box 475: 8

Program Calendar, Spring 1984

Box 475: 9

Chronological File (Pat Douglas), Apr-Aug. 1984

Box 476: 1

Report to Board, 4 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 2

Federal Deficit Conference in D.C., 6-8 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 3

Coyne, Marshall - Dinner/Reception, 7 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 4

Arrangements for Television Coverage of Dialogues, 11 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 5

Dialogue on the Deficit - A Bipartisan Business Strategy, 13-14 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 6

Campus Forum: Foreign Policy in Central America, 16 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 7-8

Prospects for Democracy in Central America, 16 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 9

Washington Office Opening Reception, 26 Apr. 1984

Box 476: 10

Binion, Gayle - Draft of Democracy Television Series and Purpose of the Center, 7 May 1984

Box 476: 11-13

Brown v. Board of Education (Civil Rights Dialogue), 30th Anniversary Dinner, Los Angeles, 10-11 May 1984

Box 477: 1-3

Civil Liberties and National Security in 1984, 21 May 1984

Box 477: 4

Los Angeles Herald Examiner New Board Members, 30 May 1984

Box 477: 5

"Center" Review Committee, June 1984

Box 477: 6

Advisory Board Meeting, 8 June 1984

Box 477: 7

Brazilian Visit - Senator Dalla, 27 June-12 July 1984

Box 477: 8

Cocktail Party at Allen and Diane Weinstein, 20 July 1984

Box 477: 9

English Dialogue (Proposal), 20 July 1984

Box 477: 10

Visit to Center by Viad Ali Abu Zayyab, 24 July 1984

Box 477: 11

Reception for Gary Hart and Jack O'Connell; Resolution from California State Legislature, Commending Center, 1 Aug. 1984

Box 477: 12

Ambassador Vernon A. Walters' Visit, 10 Aug. 1984

Box 477: 13

Chronological File (Pat Douglas), Sept. 1984-Aug. 1986

Box 477: 14

Labor Issues, 10 Sept. 1984

Box 477: 15

Democratic Values and the Future of America's Alliances, 20 Sept. 1984

Box 478: 1

Fall Program Calendar, Fall 1984

Box 478: 2-3

Entrepreneurship and the Dilemma of Small Business in America (Santa Barbara), 25 Sept. 1984

Box 478: 4

Kelly, Peter, and Paul Manafort, Jr. - District of Columbia Center Club Opening, 1 Oct. 1984

Box 478: 5

Ortega, Daniel - Dialogue on the Future of Democracy in Nicaragua (Los Angeles), 7 Oct. 1984

Box 478: 6

Brock, William E., III - Economic Growth and Democratic Development in Asia (Luncheon, Los Angeles), 11 Oct. 1984

Box 478: 7-11

Dalai Lama - The Pursuit of Science and the Quest for Peace, 26 Oct. 1984

Box 478: 12

Ideology and Historical Transformation in Our Time: Dilemma of Cultural Pluralism (proposal), Nov. 1984

Box 479: 1

President Duarte - Breakfast (Los Angeles), 1 Nov. 1984

Box 479: 2

Litani-Jerusalem Series, Santa Barbara, 5 Nov. 1984

Box 479: 3-12

Pacem in Terris V: Democracy and the Pursuit of a Peaceful, Humane World (United Nations - New York City, and Washington, D.C.), 8-9 Nov. 1984

Box 479: 13

Media Series Planning Session - Washington, 12 Nov. 1984

Box 480: 1-2

El Salvador Debates - Los Angeles, 14 Nov. 1984

Box 480: 3

Eisenstadt, S. N. - Jersusalem Dialogue Series, 15 Nov. 1984


Western Hemisphere Legislative Leaders Forum (Santa Barbara), 30 Nov-3 Dec. 1984 [postponed and relocated to Washington, D.C., 22-24 Jan. 1985]

Box 480: 4-5

General (incl. correspondence and planning documents)

Box 480: 6

Master Checklist

Box 480: 7-8

Participants (acceptances and declines)

Box 480: 9-11


Box 480: 12

Proposal - National Endowment for Democracy

Box 480: 13-14

Proposal - Unied States Information Agency

Box 481: 1-2

Washington, D.C. venue (incl. some earlier planning documents)

Box 481: 3-4


Box 481: 5-6

National Campaign Financing, 14-16 Dec. 1984

Box 481: 7

Basic Issues Program, 1984

Box 481: 8

Brazil Programs, 1984

Box 481: 9

California Forum, 1984

Box 481: 10

Center Program, 1984

Box 481: 11

Dialogues, 1984

Box 481: 12

Fundraising: Northrop Corporation, 1984

Box 481: 13

Gardner, David P. - American Education: Critical Issues, 1984

Box 481: 14

Holland, Jeffrey R. - Teaching of Values: Civic Education in America, 1984

Box 481: 15

Human Rights Dialogue Manuscript Plans, 1984

Box 482: 1

Indirect Cost Rate, 1984

Box 482: 2

List of Major Events, 1984

Box 482: 3

Population and the Loss of Individual Freedom (Dialogue Proposal), 1984

Box 482: 4

Procedures (for Organizing and Conducting Programs), 1984

Box 482: 5

Dialogue on Central America, 1984-1985

Box 482: 6

Foundations, 1984-1985

Box 482: 7

NEH Proposals, 1984-1985

Box 482: 8

Public Affairs, Media, Dialogue/Democratic Process Series, 1984-1985

Box 483: 1-5

The Requirements of a Common Culture (NEH proposal and supporting documents, for a series of dialogues), 1984-1985

Box 484: 1-2

The Requirements of a Common Culture, 1984-1985

Box 484: 3

Dean Keller Project, 1985

Box 484: 4

Fall and Winter Plans, 1985

Box 484: 5

Foundation Letters, 1985

Box 484: 6

Foundation Proposals, 1985

Box 484: 7

Fundraising Plans, 1985

Box 484: 8

Government Responsibility in the Economic Life of the Nation, 1985

Box 484: 9

The Homeless in America, 1985

Box 484: 10

The Power of World Views: An International Seminar, ca. 1985

Box 485: 1

Program Calendars, 1985

Box 485: 2

Program Plans, 1985

Box 485: 3

Proposal for Star Wars - Olin Foundation, 1985

Box 485: 4

Jerusalem Dialogue, Jan-June 1985

Box 485: 5

The Future of American Labor Unions, 10 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 6

Democracy Institutions Abroad, 17 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 7

Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting, 17 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 8

Lowi, Theodore - The Future of Liberalism, 23 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 9

Sample NEH Proposal, 23 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 10

Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting, 25 Jan. 1985

Box 485: 11

Foreign Debt and the Outlook for Democracy in the Third World, Feb. 1985

Box 485: 12

Equality and Liberty - NEH Proposal, 5 Feb. 1985

Box 485: 13-15

Media Dialogue, 8-9 Feb. 1985

Box 486: 1

Carroll Pursell's Proposed Dialogue Series on Technology/U.S., Mar. 1985

Box 486: 2

Equality and Liberty - NEH Proposal, Mar-Dec. 1985

Box 486: 3

Berger, Peter - The Future of Religious Liberalism, 8 Mar. 1985

Box 486: 4

Huerta, Dolores - Leadership and Popular Movements: The UFW Experience, 12 Mar. 1985

Box 486: 5

UNESCO - Walter Kohn Proposal to IGCC, 13 Mar. 1985

Box 486: 6

Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting, 1 Apr. 1985

Box 486: 7

Gunther, Gerald - Congressional Power to Curtail Federal Court Jurisdiction, 5 Apr. 1985

Box 486: 8

Star Wars Proposal, 18 Apr. 1985-23 Feb. 1987

Box 486: 9

Third World Debt, 19 Apr. 1985

Box 486: 10

Diggins, John - Virtue, Self-Interest, and American Politics, 23 Apr. 1985

Box 486: 11

Freedom and Order, 30 Apr. 1985

Box 486: 12

Chikering, A. Lawrence - The Decline of Authority, 21 May 1985

Box 486: 13-14

Jerusalem Dialogues: The Role of Religion in Palestinian and Israeli Nationalisms, 27 May 1985

Box 486: 15

Rose, Peter - Morality, Politics and Refugee Policy, 29 May 1985

Box 486: 16

Small Business and Capital Formation Problems, 31 May 1985

Box 486: 17

Buck-Morss, Susan - The Nation-State: Is It an Outmoded Concept? 6 June 1985

Box 487: 1-3

The Future of Democracy in Brazil, 24 July 1985

Box 487: 4

Trade Unions, 26 July 1985

Box 487: 5

Covering the White House, 26 Aug. 1985

Box 487: 6

Media Conference, Sept. 1985-Dec. 1986

Box 487: 7

The Politics of Inequality, 3 Sept. 1985

Box 487: 8

Rains, Omer - Legal Service for the Poor, 26 Sept. 1985

Box 487: 9

Jerusalem Dialogues, Oct. 1985

Box 487: 10

Gould, William - The Future of American Labor Unions, 7 Oct. 1985

Box 487: 11

Bardach, Eugene - Regulatory Agencies and the Social Responsibility of the Government, 17 Oct. 1985

Box 487: 12

Marmorstein, Jerome - Tobacco Politics and the Cancer Epidemic in America, 24 Oct. 1985

Box 487: 13

Turner, Stansfield - The Problems of Secrecy in a Democratic Society, 5 Nov. 1985

Box 488: 1

Choper, Jesse - How Should Lawyers Be Educated? 13 Nov. 1985

Box 488: 2-6

Liberty and Equality Series (NEH funded), 1985-1986

Box 488: 7

Exxon Education Foundation - Proposal re Conference on Philanthropy, 1985-1986

Box 488: 8

Ford Foundation Proposals (The Future of American Labor Unions; The Homeless in America - Whose Responsibility? Journalism as Profession: The Possibility of Integrity in Public Affairs Reporting), 1985-1986

Box 488: 9

Ford Foundation - Central America - Proposal, 1986

Box 489: 1

Program Calendars, 1986

Box 489: 2

Proposal to I.G.C.C. - (SDI) Star Wars Conference, 1986

Box 489: 3

Tentative Proposals to Foundations - Acknowledgments, 1986

Box 489: 4

Cable T.V. Franchises and First Amendment Rights, 7 Jan. 1986

Box 489: 5

America's Welfare Policy - Ford Foundation Proposal, 21 Jan. 1986

Box 489: 6

Government Regulation - Ford Foundation Proposal, 27 Jan. 1986


Liberty and Equality: Theory and Practice in American Constitutional Life (series of public lectures and dialogues funded by NEH)

Box 489: 7-8

Proposal and Related Documentation

Box 489: 9-10


Box 489: 11-12

Appleby, Joyce - Republican Roots of the American Constitutional Order, 10-11 Feb. 1986

Box 490: 1-2

Jaffa, Harry V. - Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, 12-13 Feb. 1986

Box 490: 3

Commager, Henry Steele, 19-20 Feb. 1986

Box 490: 4

The Constitution and the American Character, 20 Feb. 1986

Box 490: 5-6

Mansfield, Harvey - The Constitution and the New Science of Politics, 21 Feb. 1986

Box 490: 7

Bellah, Robert - Social Science, Public Philosophy, and Political Discourse in America, 27 Mar. 1986

Box 490: 8

Burns, James McGregor - "Deadlock of Democracy" Revisited, 18 Apr. 1986

Box 490: 9

Nader, Laura - Culture as Control in the United States, 1 May 1986

Box 491: 1

Nader, Laura - Culture as Control in the United States, 1 May 1986

Box 491: 2

Fuentes, Carlos - The Political Crisis of Latin America, 13 May 1986

Box 491: 3

Selznick, Philip - The Idea of a Communitarian Morality, 20 May 1986

Box 491: 4

Themes Dealt with in '85-'86 and Proposed for '86-'87, June 1986

Box 491: 5

Advisory Committee Meeting - Faculty, 2 June 1986

Box 491: 6

Marin, Peter - Santa Barbara and Its Homeless People: An Exploration of the Limits of Responsibility, 5 June 1986

Box 491: 7

Wallins, Jeff - 1985-1986 Fund Raising Suggestions for Board, 30 June 1986

Box 491: 8

Care for the Homeless in Santa Barbara, 8 July 1986

Box 491: 9

Liberty and Equality - Series III (NEH), Sept. 1986

Box 491: 10

Jerusalem Dialogues, 12 Sept. 1986

Box 491: 11

English Only Dialogue, 8 Oct. 1986

Box 492: 1

Kull, Steven - Role and Perception in Arms Racing, 29 Oct. 1986

Box 492: 2

Farrow, Harold R. - Cable T.V. and Municipal Franchising Dialogue, 19 Nov. 1986

Box 492: 3

Fisher, Sethard - American Blacks, Marxism, and the Quest for Equality Dialogue, 24 Nov. 1986

Box 492: 4-5

Media Conference, 5-6 Dec. 1986

Box 492: 6-7

Liberty and Equality Series - NEH Reports, Dec. 1986-Jan. 1987

Box 493: 1-3

Liberty and Equality Series - NEH Proposals and Reports, 1987

Box 493: 4

Center Programs, 1987

Box 493: 5

Thomas, Clarence - Civil Rights and Affirmative Action Dialogue, 12 Jan. 1987

Box 493: 6

Falk, Richard - Reinventing Democracy in the Nuclear Age Dialogue, 20 Jan. 1987

Box 493: 7

Reich, Charles - The Liberal Odyssey, 1930-1980, 12 Feb. 1987

Box 493: 8-11

Strategic Defense Initiative, Arms Control, and the Possibility of Disarmament Conference, 6-7 Mar. 1987

Box 494: 1

SDI Conference, 6-7 Mar. 1987

Box 494: 2

I.G.C.C. Meeting on Non-Violence in the Mideast, 9 Apr. 1987


Liberty and Equality in the Civil War Era (second conference in a three-year series on Liberty, Equality: Theory and Practice in American Constitutional Life, funded by NEH), 9-24 Apr. 1987

Box 494: 3-4


Box 494: 5

Papers (Mark E. Neely, Jr. - Lincoln and the "New Birth of Freedom"; Herman Belz - The Impact of the Civil War on Civil Rights; Walter F. Murphy - Equality and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment)

Box 494: 6


Box 494: 7

Neely, Mark E., Jr.

Box 494: 8

Belz, Herman

Box 494: 9

Murphy, Walter F.

Box 494: 10

Burns, James McGregor - Structural Reform of the Presidency, 13 Apr. 1987

Box 495: 1

Fox, Richard - The Liberal Ethic and the Spirit of Protestantism, 20 May 1987

Box 495: 2

USIA Visitor's Program (Dr. Woo Chul-Koo), 11 June 1987

Box 495: 3-7

Liberty and Equality Series - Reports (NEH), July-Dec. 1987


Card Files

Box 496

Programs - by author, ca. 1961-1974

Box 497

Programs - by title, ca. 1961-1974

Box 498

Published Papers - by author, ca. 1958-1974

Box 498

Published Papers - by subject, ca. 1958-1974

Box 498

Unpublished Papers - by author, ca. 1958-1974

Box 499

Unpublished Papers - by subject, ca. 1957-1972

Box 499

Dialogues - Discussion Leaders and Outside Participants, ca. 1975-1978

Box 499

Participants - ca. 1980-1981

Box 500: 1-21

Calendars (contains chronologically arranged information about Center programs), 1969-1985

Box 501: 1-9

Program Participants (primarily lists for various programs), 1979-1987

Box 502: 1-11

Program Possibilities, 1976-1987


Appointment Calendars

Box 503: 1-7


Box 504: 1-4


Box 505: 1-2

Visitors' Registers, 1967-1977



Additional Note

The Basic Issues Program grew out of a Hutchins proposal to form an ongoing body which would define and examine the issues underlying the theory and practice of freedom. This marked a major departure from the original limited term grant-making focus of the Fund. Hutchins assembled a distinguished group of consultants to launch the project.
The members of the consultant group, mostly from the academic world, were: A. Berle, Jr., Professor of Law at Columbia; Clark Kerr, then President of the University of California; I. I. Rabi, Nobel laureate in physics; Reinhold Niebuhr and John Courtney Murray, theologians; Eric Goldman, Princeton historian; Eugene Burdick, political scientist and novelist; George N. Shuster, then President of Hunter College; and Harrison Brown, geochemist, California Institute of Technology.
Six Basic Issues studies were identified. Berle headed "The Corporation"; Rabi, "The Individual and the Common Defense"; Kerr, "The Individual and the Labor Union"; Goldman, "The Mass Media"; Burdick, "Political Parties, Pressure Groups, and Professional Associations"; and Niebuhr and Murray, "Religion in a Free Society."
The Basic Issues Program produced more than 50 publications, in the form of occasional papers, pamphlets and reports. More than one million copies were distributed. The publications included:
  • Arthur, Robert, et al. The Relation of the Writer to Television (Center Occasional Paper, 1960).
  • Bailey, Stephen K. The Condition of Our National Political Parties (Center Occasional Paper, 1959).
  • Bailey, Stephen Kemp. Ethics and the Politician (Center Occasional Paper, 1960).
  • Barkin, Solomon. The Decline of the Labor Movement (Center Report, 1961).
  • Brennan, William J., Jr. The Bill of Rights and the States (Center Pamphlet, 1961).
  • Bromwich, Leo. Union Constitutions (Center Report 1959).
  • Buchanan, Scott Milross. Tragedy and the New Politics (Center Occasional Paper, 1960).
  • Clancy, William, et al. Religion and American Society (Center Pamphlet, 1961).
  • Cogley, John. People Can Be Awakened (Center Bulletin, 1963).
  • Collins, Leroy, et al. The Mazes of Modern Government (Center Occasional Paper, 1964).
  • Cowen, Zelman, et al. Fair Trial vs. A Free Press (Center Occasional Paper, 1965).
  • Durr, Clifford J., et al. Broadcasting and Government Regulation in a Free Society (Center Occasional Paper, 1959).
  • Ferry, W. H. The Corporation and the Economy(Center Pamphlet, 1959).
  • __________. The Economy under Law (Center Pamphlet, 1961).
  • Ferry, W. H., et al., Mass Communications (Center Occasional Paper, 1966).
  • Gordis, Robert. Politics and Ethics (1961).
  • __________. Freedom and Justice: The Basic Issues (Center Bulletin, 1959).
  • __________. Fund Established CSDI (Center Bulletin, 1959).
  • Gordis, Robert, et al. Religion and the Schools (Center Pamphlet, 1959).
  • Graham, Benjamin. The Flexible Work Year (Center Occasional Paper, 1964).
  • Hacker, Andrew, ed. The Corporation Take-Over (1964).
  • Hutchins, Robert M. In the Tradition of Freedom (Center Bulletin, 1957).
  • __________. Is Democracy Possible? (Center Bulletin, 1959).
  • __________. Two Faces of Federalism (Center Pamphlet, 1961).
  • Jacobs, Paul. Old Before Its Time: Collective Bargaining at 28 (Center Pamphlet, 1963).
  • Kelly, Frank K. Who Owns the Air? (Center Occasional Paper, 1960).
  • Kerr, Clark. Unions and Union Leaders of Their Own Choosing (Center Pamphlet, 1957).
  • Lekachman, Robert. The Churches and the Public (Center Pamphlet, 1960).
  • McDonald, Donald. Religion and Freedom (Center Occasional Paper, 1958).
  • Meyers, Frederic. Right-to-Work in Practice (Center Report, 1959).
  • Miller, Arthur S. Private Governments and the Constitution (Center Occasional Paper, 1959).
  • Miller, William E., et al. Religion and the Free Society (Center Pamphlet, 1958).
  • Millis, Walter. The Constitution and the Common Defense (Center Pamphlet, 1959).
  • Millis, Walter. Individual Freedom and the Common Defense (Center Pamphlet, 1957).
  • Millis, Walter, et al. A World without War (1961).
  • The Record, the Program, and the Prospects of the Fund and the Center (Center Bulletin, 1963).
  • Reed, Edward, ed. Challenges to Democracy (1963).
  • Reichley, James. The Art of Government (Center Report, 1959).
  • Reuther, Walter. First Things First (Center Occasional Paper, 1964).
  • Stieber, Jack, et al. Democracy and Public Review (Center Report, 1960).
  • The Survival of the Free Society (Center Bulletin, 1958).
  • Tilove, Robert. Pension Funds and Economic Freedom (Center Report, 1959).
  • Tyler, Gus. A New Philosophy for Labor (Center Occasional Paper, 1959).
  • Willens, Harold. The Center and Social Criticism (Center Bulletin, 1965).
  • Winick, Charles. Taste and the Censor in Television (Center Occasional Paper, 1959).


Additional Note

Disbound notebooks, with correspondence, memoranda, notes, papers, program statements, reports and recommendations to the Board, drafts of papers and statements, transcripts, and some transcript excerpts.
Box 506: 1

Early Papers, 1956-1957

Box 506: 2-3

Meetings, 1956-1958

Box 506: 4

CBI (Consultants on Basic Issues) Mailings, 1957-1958

Box 506: 5-6

The Common Defense, 1957

Box 507: 1

The Common Defense, 1958

Box 507: 2-6

The Corporation, 1957-1959

Box 508: 1-2

The Individual and the Political Process, 1958

Box 508: 3

Mass Media; The University, 1957-1959

Box 508: 4-7

Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Professional Associations, 1957-1958

Box 509: 1-2

Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Professional Associations, 1958-1959

Box 509: 3-6

Religion in a Free Society, 1954-1957, 1959

Box 509: 7

The Trade Union, 1957-1958

Box 510: 1

The Trade Union, 1959

Box 510: 2-5

Miscellaneous Articles on the Basic Issues Program, 1957-1959



Additional Note

Bound mimeographed transcripts of meetings, arranged chronologically; includes Hearings Before the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities, Meetings of Consultants on Basic Issues, Corporation Project, Mass Media Project, Religion Project, and Seminar on Religion in a Free Society.
Box 511: 1-3

1956 July

Box 511: 4-7

1957 Sept.

Box 512: 1-6

1957 Sept-Dec.

Box 513: 1-6

1958 Jan-July

Box 514: 1-6

1958 July-Oct.

Box 515: 1-7

1958 Oct-Dec.

Box 516: 1-6

1959 Jan-Apr.

Box 517: 1-6

1959 Apr-June

Box 518: 1-3

1959 Nov.

Box 518: 4

1960 Feb.



Additional Note

Throughout the history of the Center a close relationship existed between Robert Hutchins and William Benton, co-owner, publisher, and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Hutchins and Benton had known each other at Yale. While he was president at the University of Chicago, Huchins appointed Benton as one of two vice presidents, and later when Hutchins was chancellor, Benton became assistant to the chancellor. In 1943, when Benton took over Encyclopaedia Britannica, he appointed Hutchins as chairman of Britannica's Board of Editors. By 1959 the Board of Editors had concluded that Britannica required a basic reorganization. Under Phase I of a Revised Editorial Program, the content of the existing Britannica would be updated. In Phase II the reorganization of Britannica along topical, rather than alphabetical, lines would be undertaken. In 1960 Hutchins and Benton came to an informal agreement that the Center would be closely involved in the planning for Phase II. As part of the plan Harry Ashmore, who had come to the Center in 1959, was made editor in chief of Britannica. To test the topical encyclopaedia approach, a number of Center staff and fellows were enlisted to produce lengthy essays dealing with broad scientific, social, political, educational, economic and cultural issues. These essays were entitled 'Roof Articles.' Misgivings about the saleability of the topical approach, however, led to the suspension of the Phase II project by 1964. Instead, the Roof Articles were issued as a three-volume set entitled Britannica Perspectives, which commemorated the 200th anniversary of Britannica in 1968. Related files in ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS -- ADMINISTRATORS' FILES -- Wheeler (M18-0102), ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS --FINANCIAL (M18-0105), and MICROFORMATS --16MM MICROFILM --ADMINISTRATION --MANUSCRIPTS (F18-0802).


Additional Note

Arranged chronologically; includes Board of Editors minutes, contracts, Herman Kogan memo regarding EB and the William Benton gift, and drafts of Roof Articles: Economic Order, Man in His Environment, Nature, the Political Order, The Social Order, and Roy McMullen first drafts on the Music chapters.
Box 519: 1-8


Box 520: 1-3




Additional Note

In 1972 the Center contracted with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to take part in a long-range planning initiative regarding the future of health care in America. As envisaged by HEW, the project was to have three stages: the first was to visualize the structure of American society 20 to 30 years in the future; the second was relate this view to problems involving health care; and the third was to investigate implementation problems by public officials. The Center was responsible for the first stage. Harvey Wheeler, director of the project, scheduled a three-day conference entitled Social Futures Relating to Health Care in the Year 2000, held May 22-24, 1972. A followup conference, The Pursuit of Well-being (Evaluation of the HEW Report), was held Oct. 30, 1972.


Additional Note

Includes correspondence, memoranda to staff, background papers presented as dialogue discussion papers, edited drafts of interview transcripts, and drafts of chapters for the HEW report.


Box 521: 1

Cordell, Arthur, 14 Mar. 1972

Box 521: 2

Danielli, Mary and James, 13 June 1972

Box 521: 3

Downs, Hugh, 14 Feb. 1972

Box 521: 4

Ewald, William, 29 Jan. 1972

Box 521: 5

Flores, Edmondo (talk), 14 Feb. 1972

Box 521: 6

Gaylin, Willard, 18 Feb. 1972

Box 521: 7

Jackson, Ray, 14 Mar. 1972

Box 521: 8

Kelly, Frank, 15 Mar. 1972

Box 521: 9

Kelly, Frank, ca. 1972

Box 521: 10

Kreye, Otto, 14 Feb. 1972

Box 521: 11

Meidzinski, Jerzy, 14 Mar. 1972

Box 521: 12

Revelle, Roger, 5 Feb. 1972

Box 521: 13

Saltzman, Leonard, ca. Mar. 1972

Box 521: 14

York, Herbert, 12 May 1972


Background Papers for Conference on Social Futures Relating to Health Care, 22-24 May 1972

Box 521: 15

Bellman, Richard - What Medical Research Would Have Carried Out... and the Mathematical Medicine Man

Box 521: 16

Boulding, Elise - Futurology and the Imaging Capacity of the West

Box 521: 17

Carlson, Rick J. - An Enemy of the People

Box 521: 18

Comfort, Alexander - Forecasting the Future; What Is a Doctor?; Longer Life by 1990?; Untitled

Box 521: 19

Comfort, Alexander - The Mentally Deranged Physician

Box 521: 20

Curtler, Hugh Mercer - A Model Educational Scheme for the Year 2000

Box 521: 21

de Brigard, Raul, and Olaf Helmer - Some Potential Societial Developments, 1970-2000

Box 521: 22

Fisher, Peter - On the Cost of Medical Care: The British Columbia Experience

Box 521: 23

Galtung, Johan - On the Future of the International System

Box 521: 24

Goldfarb, Alvin I. - Socialization, Personality Type, and the Welfare of the Aged

Box 521: 25

Goldfarb, Alvin I. - A Statement for a Planning Conference

Box 521: 26

Graham, Robert - Overview of the American Health Care System: Problems and Potentials

Box 521: 27

Guy, William L. - Proposal for a Plural Presidency

Box 521: 28

Hutchins, Robert M. - Desperation in Education

Box 521: 29

Lamb, Edward - Tomorrow's Communications

Box 521: 30

McCarthy, Eugene J. - The Presidency and the Future of America

Box 521: 31

McHale, John - Typology Survey of Futures Research in the U.S.

Box 522: 1

Piven, Frances Fox - The Urban Crisis; Who Got What and Why

Box 522: 2

Platt, John - New Family and Personal Patterns in the Next 20 Years

Box 522: 3

Segal, Ronald - The Politics of Health

Box 522: 4

Sinsheimer, Robert L. - The Biology of Today and the Medicine of Tomorrow

Box 522: 5

Trist, Eric L. - Urban North America: The Challenge of the Next Thirty Years

Box 522: 6

Tugwell, Frank - Modernization, Political Development and the Study of the Future

Box 522: 7

Waskow, Arthur I - Looking Forward: 1999

Box 522: 8

Weismiller, Frances P. - The Guru Ratio

Box 522: 9

Wheeler, Harvey - The Return of the Plagues


HEW Conference, 1972

Box 522: 10-11

Background Material

Box 522: 12-15

Planning and Invitations

Box 522: 16

Publishing the Study


HEW Report, 1972

Box 522: 17


Box 522: 18


Box 523: 1-6

Report Drafts



Additional Note

A continuing program of the Center, monitoring developments in the field of Bill of Rights liberties. Program plans included occasional national convocations such as the one held Dec. 7-8, 1978, in Washington, D.C. Entitled The William O. Douglas Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom: A National Convocation to Consider the Conditions Which Affect the Quality of Liberty in the United States and the Relationship between Citizens and Their Government, this gathering included sessions on: Freedom - For Whom? For What?; Freedom and the Federal Criminal Code; Freedom and the Intelligence Function; Freedom and the "New Property"; Freedom and the Threatened Environment; and Freedom, the Courts, and the Media. The Center also assembled a group of legal scholars and practicing attorneys, mostly former law clerks to Douglas, as a board of review. The board prepared a series of papers as background for the Washington convocation. They were published as The William O. Douglas Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom, edited by Harry S. Ashmore (1979).
Box 524: 1

Book (typescript outline and copy of The William O. Douglas Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom, edited by Harry S. Ashmore, 1979

Box 524: 2

Contributions, 1977-1978

Box 524: 3-4

Convocation, 1978

Box 524: 5-6

Correspondence, 1977-1979

Box 524: 7

Dinner: "A Tribute to Justice William O. Douglas," 7 Dec. 1978

Box 524: 8-9

Lists, 1974, 1978

Box 524: 10

Memos, 1970-1979

Box 524: 11

Pledges, 1978

Box 524: 12

Press Releases, 1978

Box 524: 13

Program, 1977-1980

Box 524: 14

Reading, 10 Dec. 1978

Box 524: 15

Response to Patterson Letter, 1978

Box 524: 16

Steering Committee, 1978



Additional Note

The Communications Program was one of four components of the Center's support services, the others being the Continuing Education Program, the Development Program, and the Membership Program. All four programs were interrelated and generally comprised the 'non-academic' side that conveyed Center ideas to the public and helped to secure public funding. The bulk of the files in this series pertain to the Center's publications and its tape program.


Box 525: 1

Mass Media Study (proposal), 1975-1976

Box 525: 2-4

Public Opinion Files (including material on public opinion leaders), 1983-1984





Box 526: 1-2

Archives (list of tapes, nos. 101-181, with brief excerpts re contents), 1967


Alpha Files (S-T only)

Box 527: 1

Scheduling, 1967-1987

Box 527: 2

Speth, Gus, 1978

Box 527: 3

Statistics Regarding the Center Magazine, 1968-1987

Box 527: 4

Steering Committee, 1981-1982

Box 527: 5

Tugwell, Rexford G., 1968-1979





Additional Note

Mostly outgoing correspondence from John Cogley and Donald McDonald, responsing to various queries or comments regarding past or proposed articles for the Center Magazine.
Box 528: 1


Box 528: 2


Box 528: 3


Box 528: 4


Box 528: 5


Box 528: 6


Box 528: 7-8


Box 528: 9


Box 528: 10


Box 528: 11


Box 528: 12


Box 528: 13


Box 528: 14


Box 528: 15


Box 528: 16




Additional Note

Includes Allen Weinstein files from the mid 1980s.
Box 529: 1

American Issues: The 1984 Debates, 1984-1985

Box 529: 2

Central American Dialogue, 1984

Box 529: 3

Deficit Luncheon, 1984

Box 529: 4

Democracy and International Youth Year Conference, 1984-1985

Box 529: 5

Dialogue on Central America, 1984

Box 529: 6

Encyclopaedia Moderna - The Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1969-1970

Box 529: 7

Faculty Advisory Committee, 1985

Box 529: 8

Follow-ups - Scholar and Watergate Conference, 1974

Box 529: 9

Forests, 1974-1975

Box 529: 10

Gould, William, 1984

Box 529: 11

Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1969-1976

Box 529: 12-13

Indexes to Periodicals (including articles in Center publications), 1974

Box 529: 14

Kelly, Frank K., 1968-1974

Box 529: 15

Meetings and Visitors, 1984

Box 529: 16

Membership, 1984

Box 529: 17

Monthly Report on the Center Magazine, 1974-1975

Box 529: 18

Newsletter, 1984



Box 529: 19

California Forum, 1984

Box 529: 20

Dalai Lama Exchange, 1984

Box 529: 21

Reception - Legislative Commendation, 1984

Box 529: 22

Staff Meeting Notes, 1984

Box 529: 23

25th Anniversary Dinner (Washington, D.C.), 1984

Box 529: 24

Upcoming Programs, 1984-1985


Releases for Publication

Additional Note

Arranged chronologically; primarily consent forms to photograph, film or videotape programs, signed by speakers.
Box 530: 1-41


Box 531: 1-29


Box 532: 1-17




Additional Note

A detailed list of early publications by the Center, or resulting from Center studies or grants, may be found in The Printed Word: A Ten-Year Bibliography of the Fund for the Republic and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1954-1963 . Center publications have been cataloged separately. Files in this series include correspondence and related materials about the publications, as well as a few duplicate copies of occasional papers and serials.


Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically; includes contracts, correspondence and related material relating to book projects and other publications.
Box 533: 1

ABM, 1970

Box 533: 2

American Character, 1961

Box 533: 3

Ashmore, Harry S., 1968-1972

Box 533: 4

Bibliography of Materials, n.d.

Box 533: 5

Center Brochures, ca. 1960-1987

Box 533: 6

Center Discussion Group, 1970

Box 533: 7

Center Magazine, 1970

Box 533: 8

Center Pamphlet Publications, 1957-1968

Box 533: 9

Challenges to Democracy: The Next Ten Years, 1964

Box 533: 10

Continuing Education, 1970

Box 533: 11

Conversations, 1962-1965

Box 533: 12

Copyrights, 1959-1967

Box 534: 1

Democracy in a Revolutionary Era: The Political Order Today, 1970

Box 534: 2

Democracy in the World, 1983-1987

Box 534: 3

Ecocide, 1970-1972

Box 534: 4

Education (Clifton Fadiman), 1971

Box 534: 5

Embers of the World (Scott Buchanan), 1970

Box 534: 6

Facts, ca. 1956

Box 534: 7

Gilbert, Richard, 1962-1970

Box 534: 8

Hutchins, Robert M. - Radio Show, 1962

Box 534: 9

The Legal Profession and Segregation, 1956

Box 534: 10

New Rhetoric, 1970

Box 534: 11

Pacem in Maribus, 1970

Box 534: 12

Political Revoultion (Helen McNeill), 1969-1970

Box 534: 13

Presidential Powers, 1971

Box 534: 14

The Printed Word: A Ten-Year Bibliography, 1954-1963

Box 534: 15

Project Lifespan (Harvey Wheeler), 1971

Box 534: 16

Publications Committee, 1968

Box 534: 17

Publications Exchange, 1970

Box 535: 1

Publications List, 1965



Box 535: 2

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1970

Box 535: 3

CRM Books (Richard Roe), 1969-1970

Box 535: 4

Dodd, Mead & Company, 1970-1971

Box 535: 5

James E. Freel and Associates, 1970-1971

Box 535: 6

Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1969-1971

Box 535: 7

University Microfilms, 1984-1987

Box 535: 8

Tribute to Robert M. Hutchins, 1965

Box 535: 9

Triple Revolution, 1964

Box 535: 10

Tugwell Constitution, 1970

Box 535: 11

Warshaw, Howard, 1962

Box 536: 1

Bulletin (issued on an irregular basis, each bulletin dealing with a single subject of general interest; files contain a complete run of bulletins), 1956-1963, 1965

Box 537: 1-3

Center Diary, 1963-1967

Additional Note

Newsletter for members, issued Oct. 1963-May/June 1967; files contain master copies of the entire run of the newsletter. Holdings have been cataloged separately.

Center Magazine

Additional Note

The primary organ of the Center, issued bimonthly, vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct./Nov. 1967) - vol. 20 (1987); editors for most of the magazine's duration were John Cogley, then Donald McDonald. The magazine contains texts of significant papers presented at the Center and at Center conferences and convocations. Holdings in hardcopy, microfilm, and microfiche have been cataloged separately. Succeeded by New Perspectives Quarterly, published by Stanley Sheinbaum, a former Fellow of the Center.

Alphabetical Subject Files

Box 538: 1

Ad for Taking State Constitutions Seriously, 1981

Box 538: 2

Adler Booklet (About the Center), 1983

Box 538: 3

Advertising, 1981

Box 538: 4

Alcoholism, 1985

Box 538: 5

American Signature Graphics, 1967-1987

Box 538: 6

Armstrong, Richard, 1986-1987

Box 538: 7

Art and Artists, 1985

Box 538: 8

Art - Payment Schedule, 1967-1984

Box 538: 9

Ashmore, Harry S., 1967-1975

Box 538: 10

Average Production Costs, 1985-1987

Box 538: 11

Bellcore - Reprint Agreement, 1985-1987

Box 538: 12

Bettman Archive, 1969-1980

Box 539: 1

Board of Directors, Steering Committee, Staff, and Others - Address Lists, 1979-1986

Box 539: 2

Book Publishers, 1986

Box 539: 3

Boston College, School of Management, 1987

Box 539: 4

Carleton University, University of Law, 1987

Box 539: 5-6

Center History, ca. 1970s-1981

Box 539: 7

Cogley, John, 1967-1968

Box 539: 8

Comments Regarding the Center Magazine, 1975-1980

Box 539: 9

Community Colleges, 1984

Box 539: 10

Complete Catalog, 1959-1972

Box 540: 1-2

Complimentary Letters, 1984, 1986-1987

Box 540: 3

Complimentary List, 1985

Box 540: 4

Computer Procedures, 1985

Box 540: 5

Copies of Center Magazine Sent (Special Interest), 1986-1987

Box 540: 6-7

Copyright Forms/Applications - Current, 1973-1987

Box 540: 8

Copyright Information, 1986

Box 540: 9-12

Copyrights, 1965-1975

Box 541: 1

Costs, 1967-1979

Box 541: 2

Course Services, 1987

Box 541: 3

Cover Art, 1986-1987

Box 541: 4

Crime and Punishment, 1969-1972

Box 541: 5

CSDI Bylaws, n.d.

Box 541: 6

Curriculum Committee - Program Memos, 1975-1978

Box 541: 7

Dedication Speech, Rutgers Law School, 1966

Box 541: 8-9

Defective Issues - Center Magazine, 1968-1972

Box 541: 10

Democracy in the World - Book Titles, 1985-1986

Box 541: 11

Dialogue Schedules, 1986-1987

Box 542: 1

EBSCO Publishing, ca. 1987

Box 542: 2

Educational Resource and Research Service, 1987

Box 542: 3-4

Exchange Publications, 1968-1982

Box 542: 5

Follow Up: Items for Magazine-Newsletter to Staff, 1985-1986

Box 542: 6-7

Format for Center Magazine, 1967, 1980

Box 542: 8

Freeman Institute - Tugwell's New Constitution, 1976

Box 542: 9

Gale Directory, 1987

Box 542: 10

Ginn Press, 1986

Box 542: 11

Human Rights Booklet, 1984-1985

Box 542: 12

Index of Second Edition Articles in the Center Magazine, ca. 1976

Box 542: 13-14

Indexed Magazines, 1986-1987

Box 542: 15

Indexes ( Center Magazine), 1977-1982

Box 542: 16

Indiana University School of Education, 1987

Box 543: 1

Listings, ca. 1987

Box 543: 2

McCarthy, Colleen, 1987

Box 543: 3-4

McDonald, Donald, 1967-1987

Box 543: 5

McDonald, Donald - "Liberation of Women" Article, 1972

Box 543: 6

Manuscripts submitted by Dialogue Leaders (includes Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. - Social Science and the Constitution, and Peter Marin on the homeless), n.d.

Box 543: 7

Outside Materials, ca. 1968

Box 543: 8-9

Periodical Directory Listings, 1968-1984

Box 543: 10

Periodicals on Exchange, 1986

Box 544: 1

Permissions - Public Discourse, 1986

Box 544: 2-3

Permissions Received, 1986

Box 544: 4

Photographs Requested for Use in Center Magazine, 1986

Box 544: 5

PIT (Pacem in Terris), 1975-1985

Box 544: 6

Poster - 25th Anniversary

Box 544: 7

Praeger Book Agreement, 1986

Box 544: 8

Press Release Forms, 1981

Box 544: 9

Press Release Lists, 1978-1981

Box 544: 10-11

Print Run Orders to Storm Printing, 1979, 1982

Box 545: 1-4

Print Run Orders to Storm Printing, 1983-1987

Box 545: 5

Procedures, 1984

Box 545: 6

Production Line, 1985-1986

Box 545: 7

Production Schedule Forms, 1986

Box 545: 8

Proposed Format Changes, 1982

Box 545: 9

Publication Lists, 1986

Box 545: 10

Publications Lists, n.d.

Box 545: 11

Publications Subcommittee, 1981

Box 545: 12

Reduction from 6 to 4 Issues Per Year - Reduction in Costs, 1985

Box 545: 13

Reflections on the Format of the Center Magazine, 1980

Box 545: 14

Report to Board

Box 545: 15-18

Reprint Contracts, 1967-1979

Box 545: 19

Reprint Requests, 1980

Box 545: 20

Reprints, ca. 1965-1968

Box 545: 21

Requests for Sept/Oct. Issue on "State Constitutions," 1981-1982

Box 545: 22

Richardson, James T., 1985

Box 545: 23

San Diego State University, 1986

Box 546: 1

Slides of Art Work - Art Possibles, 1975-1977

Box 546: 2

Survey, 1982

Box 546: 3

UCSB Magazine Distribution, 1987

Box 546: 4-5

United States Post Office - Marked for Advertising, 1979-1987

Box 546: 6

University Microfilm, 1978-1984

Box 546: 7

University of Chicago, 1985

Box 546: 8-9

Unpublished Papers, 1973-1986

Box 546: 10

U.S. Information Agency, 1984

Box 546: 11

Weinglass, Leonard, 1982

Box 546: 12

Wheeler, Harvey, 1967-1972

Box 546: 13

Wilkinson, John, 1970

Box 546: 14

World Issues, 1976-1979



Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by surname; includes Ha-Ke files only.
Box 547: 1

Harrington, Michael, 1967-1981

Box 547: 2

Harris/Harrison/Harriss, 1968-1971

Box 547: 3

Harrison, Michael, 1979-1981

Box 547: 4

Hartdonian, H. Michael, 1978

Box 547: 5

Harvey, Mary, 1967-1977

Box 547: 6

Has, 1968-1983

Box 547: 7

Haussamen, Crane, 1967-1970

Box 547: 8

Hayes, Harold, 1972

Box 547: 9

He, 1968-1986

Box 547: 10

Healy, Timothy J., 1984

Box 547: 11

Hen, 1968-1987

Box 547: 12

Hesburgh, Theodore M., 1970-1982

Box 547: 13

Hewes, Laurence, 1977

Box 547: 14

Hi, 1971-1983

Box 547: 15

Higham, John, 1974-1979

Box 547: 16

Hills, Howard, 1980

Box 547: 17

Himmelfarb, Getrude, 1973

Box 547: 18

Hinerfeld, Norman M., 1973

Box 547: 19-20

Ho, 1967-1983

Box 547: 21

Holmes, Reed M., 1973-1975

Box 547: 22

Hopkins, Sean, 1973-1974

Box 548: 1

Horowitz, Irving Louis, 1968-1972

Box 548: 2

Hoyt, Robert G., 1967-1973

Box 548: 3

Hsu, L. K., 1973

Box 548: 4

Hu, 1968-1986

Box 548: 5

Huggins, Nathan I., 1974-1975

Box 548: 6

Hutchins, Francis G., 1969

Box 548: 7

Huntington, Samuel P., 1983

Box 548: 8

Hyde, J. A., 1976

Box 548: 9

I, 1969-1980

Box 548: 10

Ilchuk, Gordon, 1975

Box 548: 11

Imperato, Pat, 1971-1984

Box 548: 12

J, 1968-1985

Box 548: 13

Jackson, 1970-1984

Box 548: 14

Jacobs, Paul, 1967-1973

Box 548: 15

Jacoby, Neil H., 1970-1977

Box 548: 16

Janes, Kelly, 1971-1974

Box 548: 17

Jo, 1968-1984

Box 548: 18

Johnson, 1969-1984

Box 548: 19

Jou, 1969-1971

Box 548: 20

de Jouvenal, Hughes, 1973

Box 549: 1

K, 1968-1987

Box 549: 2

Kalish, Shirley, 1975

Box 549: 3

Kaplan, Irving E., 1975

Box 549: 4

Kasberg, Michael, 1973-1974

Box 549: 5

Kauffman, Linda, 1982

Box 549: 6

Ke, 1968-1984

Box 549: 7

Keegan, Frank, 1976-1977

Box 549: 8

Kennedy, 1968-1984

Box 549: 9

Kent, Lorita, 1969-1972

Box 549: 10

Kerr, Walter, 1972-1973


Permissions Files

Additional Note

Mainly requests to reprint articles from the Center Magazine), ca. 1970-1986.


Additional Note

Arranged by surname of author.
Box 550: 1-40

Abr - Bla

Box 551: 1-68

Bla - Cri

Box 552: 1-61

Cro - Gen

Box 553: 1-48

Get - Jac

Box 554: 1-54

Jac - May

Box 555: 1-39

Med - Old

Box 556: 1-65

Ope - Sha

Box 557: 1-62

She - Whe

Box 558: 1-17

Whe - Zev



Box 558: 18


Box 558: 19


Box 558: 20




Additional Note

Includes advertising (catalogs, order forms, dust jackets), contracts and agreements, correspondence, and financial statements from publishers.
Box 559: 1

American Revolution of 1800, 1974

Box 559: 2

American Testament, 1976

Box 559: 3

Art of Government, 1976-1977

Box 559: 4-5

Beyond the Punitive Society, 1972-1975

Box 559: 6

Bibliography on the Communist Problem in the United States, 1955-1971

Box 559: 7

Challenge World Poverty, 1974

Box 559: 8

Compromising the Constitution, 1975-1978

Box 559: 9

Corporate Power, 1973-1978

Box 559: 10

Decline of American Communism, 1970

Box 559: 11

Democracy in a Revolutionary Era, 1970-1971

Box 559: 12

Ecocide, 1971-1973

Box 559: 13

Emerging Constitution, 1971-1978

Box 559: 14

End of Medicine, 1974-1976

Box 559: 15

Energy Technology and Global Policy, 1975-1979

Box 559: 16

Fear in the Air, 1973

Box 559: 17

The Indian: America's Unifinished Business, 1965-1976

Box 559: 18

Japan: The Fragile Superpower, 1975

Box 559: 19

Multinational Oil, 1975

Box 559: 20

The Nature of the Beast, 1975

Box 559: 21

Pacem in Maribus, 1970-1978

Box 559: 22

Politics of Revolution, 1971-1972

Box 559: 23

The Presidency Reappraised, 1972-1975

Box 560: 1

The Presidency Reappraised - Second Edition, 1977

Box 560: 2

Rural Development, 1973-1978

Box 560: 3

Self-Management, 1974

Box 560: 4

Toward a Planned Society, 1978

Box 560: 5

William O. Douglas Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom, 1978

Box 560: 6

Women in the World: A Comparative Study, 1976

Box 560: 7

Zuckerkandl, 1967-1970

Box 561: 1

Center Newsletter

Additional Note

Contains issues, vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1969) - vol. 1, no. 6 (May/June 1970).
Box 562: 1-4

Center Report, 1970-1976

Additional Note

Issued bimonthly 1967-1976, alternating months with the Center Magazine; concise accounts of Center convocations, conferences, dialogues, and symposia, as well as interviews, and a running report on the various academic programs and personnel; edited by Mary Kersey Harvey, a former editor of Saturday Review and McCall's. Files contain scattered issues. Continued by World Issues. Runs of both serials are in MICROFORMATS --35MM POSITIVE MICROFILM (F18-0804).
Box 563: 1-2

Occasional Papers, ca. 1967-1984

Additional Note

Issued on an irregular basis, 1958-1984, each dealing with a single subject of general interest; files include lists of papers and a few scattered issues. Copies of the Occasional Papers have been cataloged individually.

SUB-SERIES M18-0304:  TAPES (M18-0304).

Additional Note

The Center's audiotape department recorded all dialogue sessions, meetings and conferences, then edited audiotapes of selected sessions into programs which were distributed on five-inch 3 3/4 ips, half track reel-to-reel tapes and cassettes. Audiotape program catalogs were issued on a regular basis. Tapes were distributed widely for radio broadcast, classroom use, informal discussion groups, and for individual listening.


Additional Note

Includes: Associates, Board, Senior Fellows and Staff meetings; dialogue discussion papers; conference papers; individual and group papers; interviews and conversations; speeches and addresses.

Alphabetical, ca. 1961-1981

Additional Note

Arranged by surname of author or by title of conference or other programs, particularly in the case of group discussions or presentations; numbers refer to related tapes.
Box 564: 1

ABM Missiles: Yes or No? [Program 453?], Part A, 19-20 Nov. 1968


Adams, Walter

Box 564: 2

Capitalism: Socialism for the Rich? No. 532, 25 Mar. 1971

Box 564: 3

Military Industrial Complex, Tape K-21, 25 Mar. 1971

Box 564: 4

Adizes, Ichak - Self-Management: Promise for the Future? No. 554, 18 Oct. 1971


Adler, Mortimer Jerome

Box 564: 5

After Dinner Speech, Tape N-42, 21 May 1976

Box 564: 6

Democracy and Socialism: The Declaration of Independence and the Communist Manifesto (with William D. Gorman and Robert Maynard Hutchins), Tape O-42, 22 May 1976

Box 564: 7

After Pacem in Terris - I [continuity for broadcast of excerpts] (Hallock Hoffman; excerpts from S. O. Abedo, Elisabeth Borgese, Ralph Bunche, Michael Comay, N. N. Inozemstev, Muhammed Zafrulla Khan, C. V. Narasimhan, Fred Neal, Linus Pauling, Luis Quintanilla, E. R. Richardson, and Paul-Henri Spaak), No. 194, 28-29 June 1965

Box 564: 8

After Pacem in Terris - II [continuity for broadcast of excerpts] (Hallock Hoffman; excerpts from S. O. Abedo, Ralph Bunche, Michael Comay, Robert Hutchins, Fred Neal, and Luis Quintanilla), No. 195, ca. 28-29 June 1965

Box 564: 9

Albert, Eddie - Survival or Extinction: A Final Choice, No. 500, 25 Apr. 1970

Box 564: 10

Alchian, Armen Albert - A View of the Economy: From a Free Marketer, No. 110, Aug. 1964

Box 564: 11

Alcoholism I: What Is Alcoholism? (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with William Madsen, Wendell Mordy, Rexford Guy Tugwell, William D. Gorman, Clifton Fadiman, David J. Pittman, Jokichi Takamine, and Florette White Pomeroy), No. 739, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 12

Alcoholism II: The Many Kinds of Alcoholism (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with Mary Pendery, David J. Pittman, Leighton Huey, Jokichi Takamine, William Madsen, Wendell Mordy, Rexford Guy Tugwell, William D. Gorman, and Clifton Fadiman), No. 740, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 13

Alcoholism III: The Treatment of Alcoholism (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with Mary Pendery, Leighton Huey, Jokichi Takamine, Florence White Pomeroy, David J. Pittman, Donald McDonald, and William Madsen), No. 741, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 14

Alcoholism IV: The Moral Issue (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with Leighton Huey, Jokichi Takamine, Clifton Fadiman, David J. Pittman, William D. Gorman, and Mary Pendery), No. 742, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 15

Alcoholism V: Group Support in Rehabilitation of Alcoholics (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with William Madsen, Wendell Mordy, Clifton Fadiman, Jokichi Takamine, Leighton Huey, William D. Gorman, David J. Pittman, Florence White Pomeroy, Donald McDonald, Mary Pendery, and Bernard Haber), No. 743, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 16

Alcoholism VI: Community Education and Public Policy (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with David J. Pittman, Otis L. Graham, Jr., Bernard Haber, Florence White Pomeroy, Jokichi Takamine, Mary Pendery, and William D. Gorman), No. 744, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 17

Alcoholism VII: Alcoholism: A Shared Responsibility (Critical Issues in Alcoholism Conference, with William Madsen, Jokichi Takamine, Donald McDonald, Otis L. Graham, Jr., Mary Pendery, Florence White Pomeroy, Wendell Mordy, David J. Pittman, and William D. Gordy), No. 745, 12 Mar. 1976

Box 564: 18

Allen, Richard D. - The Pregnant Ghetto (with Jay Jackson and Leon B. Sager), No. 487, 28 May 1969


Anderson, Stanley V.

Box 565: 1

The Ombudsman (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Hallock B. Hoffman, and Scott Milross Buchanan), 13 May 1966

Box 565: 2

Prisons and Omsbudsmen, Tape O-39, 22 Aug. 1975

Box 565: 3

Apter, David - Ghana: A Case Study, 25 Jan. 1962

Box 565: 4

Arts in a Democratic Society - I [transcript and continuity for broadcast of excerpts] (Dan Burhans, Kirk Douglas, Harrop Freeman, Hallock Hoffman, John Houseman, Robert Hutchins, Abbot Kaplan, Frank Kelly, Ernie Kreiling, Vukan Kuic, Irving Laucks, Thomas Leavitt, Richard Lichtman, Lawrence Lipton, Donald McDonald, Gifford Phillips, Edward Reed, Howard Richards, [?] Segar, Stanley Sheinbaum, Roger Stevens, Jan Stussy, Henry Tamianka, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Harold Willens, and Robert Woetzel), No. 228, 4 Oct. 1965

Box 565: 5

Arts in a Democratic Society - II [transcript and continuity for broadcast of excerpts] (Dan Burhans, Kirk Douglas, Harrop Freeman, Hallock Hoffman, Walter Hopps, John Houseman, Robert Hutchins, Abbot Kaplan, Frank Kelly, Ernie Kreiling, Vukan Kuic, Irving Laucks, Thomas Leavitt, Richard Lichtman, Lawrence Lipton, Donald McDonald, Gifford Phillips, Edward Reed, Howard Richards, [?] Segar, Stanley Sheinbaum, Roger Stevens, Jan Stussy, Henry Tamianka, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Harold Willens, and Robert Woetzel), No. 229, 5 Oct. 1965

Box 565: 6

Arts in a Democratic Society - III [transcript and continuity of filmed portion] (Elisabeth Borgese, Scott Buchanan, W. H. Ferry, Hallock Hoffman, Richard Lichtman, Gifford Philips, Edward Reed, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 274, 14 Apr. 1966


Ashmore, Harry S.

Box 565: 7

The Bill of Rights: Guarantor of Dissent, No. 61, n.d.

Box 565: 8

Black Power and White Inertia, No. 290, n.d.

Box 565: 9

Board Meeting (with Ramsey Clark), Tape S-29, 17 Nov. 1972

Box 565: 10

Confidentiality vs. People's Right to Know, Tape P-25, 1 Feb. 1972

Box 565: 11

Double-Dealing in Peace (with William C. Baggs), [Program 282?], 12 Sept. 1967

Box 565: 12

The Edge of Violence, No. 135, n.d.

Box 565: 13

Electoral Reform: What Happens When Everyone Loses? No. 484, 19 Dec. 1968

Box 565: 14

The Enduring Exception, No. 241, n.d.

Box 565: 15

The Generation Gap - I: A View from Squaresville, No. 423, 18 Sept. 1967

Box 565: 16

Is There a New South? (with Claude Sitton, Harold C. Fleming, John Popham, and Ralph McGill), No. 104, n.d.

Box 565: 17

Liberalism and the Media, No. 738, 26 Oct. 1975

Box 565: 18

Limits of Dissent, No. 450, Nov. 1968

Box 565: 19

A Matter of Attitudes, No. 540, Dec. 1970

Box 566: 1

New Directions in United States Foreign Policy (Study Group Discussion, Conference on Evolution vs. Revolution), 13 July 1972

Box 566: 2

The Public Happiness, n.d.

Box 566: 3

A Talk with Ho Chi Minh [Program 278?], ca. Jan. 1967

Box 566: 4

A Visit to the Dominican Republic, No. 43, 16 June 1965

Box 566: 5

Where Have All the Liberals Gone? No. 485, 13 June 1966

Box 566: 6

Where Have All the Liberals Gone? (15 minute discussion version), No. 485D, 13 June 1966

Box 566: 7

Baez, Joan - The Lucid Interval (with Ira Sandperl, Raghaven Narasimhan Iyer, Hallock B. Hoffman, and John R. Seeley), No. 258, 18 Oct. 1966


Barr, Stringfellow

Box 566: 8-10

Consulting the Romans (with Scott Milross Buchanan, W. H. Ferry, John Wilkinson, Irving F. Laucks, Richard Lichtman, Frank K. Kelly, Raghavan Narasimhan Iyer, William Gorman, Harrop A. Gottlieb, Harvey Wheeler, and Henry Huglin), Nos. 259, 259D, 259R, 18 Aug.-15 Sept. 1966

Box 566: 11

Educational Bankruptcy (with Stanley K. Sheinbaum), No. 12, 16 Jan. 1962

Box 566: 12

The Republic of Learning, No. 545, 28 July 1969

Box 566: 13

Rx for Boredom, No. 533, n.d.

Box 566: 14

The Will of Zeus, No. 11, ca. Jan. 1962

Box 566: 15

Words: For Winning or Learning? (edited version of The Will of Zeus), No. 11A, n.d.

Box 566: 16

Words: For Winning or Learning? (15 minute version), No. 11D, n.d.

Box 566: 17

Bellman, Richard Ernest - The Earth Savers (with Paul M. Ehrlich, Karl H. Pribram, Harry S. Ashmore, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 499, 10 Oct. 1969

Box 566: 18

Ben-Aron, Yitzhak - A Look at the Israel Economy, No. 289, 2 Aug. 1966

Box 566: 19

Bennis, Warren - The Use of Force, Tape V-20, 18 Feb. 1971

Box 566: 20

Berle, Adolf Augustus, Jr. - The Bill of Rights and the Economic Republic (Challenges to Democracy in the Next Decade, 10th Anniversary Convocation, with J. Howard Marshall), No. 50, 21-22 Jan. 1963

Box 566: 21

Biological Revolution I: The Ethics of Medicine, No. 501D, 19 Aug. 1969

Box 567: 1

Biological Revolution I: The Ethics of Medicine (with Nathan Rotenstreich, Kurt Reinhardt, Michael Scriven, Kenneth Tollett, Marjorie Grene, Karl H. Pribram, Robert L. Sinsheimer, Patrick Kelly, Michael Kitzmiller, Harvey Wheeler, Neil Jacoby, Harry S. Ashmore, John Wilkinson, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 501, 19 Aug. 1969

Box 567: 2

Biological Revolution II: What Is the Biological Revolution? (with Marjorie Grene, Kurt Reinhardt, Nathan Rotenstreich, Robert L. Sinsheimer, Michael Kitzmiller, and Center Fellows), No. 502, Aug. 18, 1970

Box 567: 3

Biological Revolution III: If Suicide Is a Felony, What about Smog? (with W. Michael Kitzmiller, Marjorie Grene, Michael Scriven, Karl H. Pribram, Kenneth Tollett, Robert M. Hutchins, Harry S. Ashmore, Harvey Wheeler, Neil Jacoby, and John Wilkinson), No. 503, 20 Aug. 1970

Box 567: 4

Boggs, Grace Lee - Who Will Blow the Trumpet? No. 66, 1963

Box 567: 5

Bolte, Charles - How Much Is Enough? No. 477, 1 Nov. 1968


Borgese, Elisabeth Mann

Box 567: 6-7

A Fish Story for Peace, Nos. 196, 196d, 25 Mar. 1965

Box 567: 8

A Preview of the U.N. Law of the Sea, Tape D-36, 29 May 1974

Box 567: 9

Slightly Autobiographical, No. 143, 23 Mar. 1965

Box 567: 10

Toward a Neuter Gender (with Ralph R. Greenson), No. 470, 18 Mar. 1965

Box 567: 11

Whatever Happened to the U.N.? (with Stringfellow Barr, Donald McDonald, and Hallock B. Hoffmann), Tape M-29, 21 Apr. 1969

Box 567: 12

World Communities Conference (with Rick Carlson), No. 189, 6 Nov. 1972

Box 567: 13

Braden, Thomas - Merchants of Phony Issues, No. 186, 27 Feb. 1964

Box 567: 14-15

Brauer, Jerald C. - Changing Role of Religion in Contemporary Culture (with John Cogley), Tape H-36, 10-11 June 1974


Broadcasting and the First Amendment

Box 567: 16

General, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 567: 17

Series I: The Heart of the Matter - Licensing (with Rick J. Carlson, Antonin Scalia, Newton Minow, Richard Salant, Harry S. Ashmore, Harry Kalven, Paul Porter, Lawrence Rogers, Harold Willens, Reuven Frank, Donald McDonald, Harold Willens, and Eric Severeid), No. 610, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 1

Series II: How Good Is Television News Reporting? (with Lawrence Rogers, Reuven Frank, Harry S. Ashmore, Richard Salant, Ronald Segal, Paul Porter, Harry Kalven, Eric Sevareid, Thomas Wolf, Donald McDonald, Rick Carlson, James Loper, Lawrence Rogers, and Antonin Scalia), No. 611, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 2

Series III: The Whitehead Emancipation Proclamation (with Antonin Scalia, Eric Sevareid, Blair Clark, Paul Porter, Harry S. Ashmore, James Loper, Newton Minow, Harry Kalven, Reuven Frank, Lawrence Rogers, Donald McDonald, Richard Salant, and Eduard Goldstücker), No. 612, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 3

Series IV: The National News Council - A Solution? (with Roger Traynor, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Eduard Goldstücker, Harry S. Ashmore, Paul Porter, Eric Severeid, Richard Salant, Robert M. Hutchins, Donald McDonald, and Lloyd Cutler), No. 613, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 4

Series V: The Right to Be Unfair (with Harry S. Ashmore, Richard Salant, Lawrence Rogers, Rick J. Carlson, Paul Porter, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harry Kalven, Thomas Wolf, Harvey Wheeler, and Fred Warner Neal), No. 614, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 5

Series VI: Censorship by Manipulation (with Harry S. Ashmore, Norton Ginsburg, Paul Porter, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Harry Kalven, Reuven Frank, Richard Saland, Antonin Scalia, John Cogley, Rick J. Carlson, Harvey Wheeler, Newton Minow, and Eric Severeid), No. 615, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 6

Series VII: National News, Local Control (with Ronald Segal, Fred Warner Neal, James Loper, Thomas Wolf, Lawrence Rogers, Lloyd Cutler, Eric Severeid, Antonin Scalia, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 616, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 7

Series VIII: Television - The Exclusive Medium (with Lawrence Rogers, Richard Salant, John Wilkinson, Paul Porter, Donald McDonald, Eric Severeid, Harold Willens, Antonin Scalia, James Loper, Wendell Mordy, Harry Kalven, and Reuven Frank), No. 617, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 8

Series IX: The Rise and Fall of Public Broadcasting (with John Macy, Rexford Tugwell, John Hanessian, Jr., Robert M. Hutchins, Harry S. Ashmore, John Brademas, and Thomas Cronin), No. 618, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 568: 9

Bryson, Reid - Climatic Change and Its Effect on Food Production (Conference on Paleoclimatology [Retrospective Futurology]), No. 606, 3 Dec. 1974


Buchanan, Scott Milross

Box 568: 10

How to Read a Platonic Diaologue, No. 476, 11 Dec. 1964

Box 568: 11

The Kibbutz Revisited (with Edwin Samuel), [Program 119?], n.d.

Box 568: 12

The Public Thing - Res Publica, No. 122R, 18 Mar. 1964

Box 568: 13

Scott Buchanan - Teacher, No. 473, 1967-1968

Box 568: 14

Slightly Autobiographical, No. 142, n.d.

Box 568: 15

Tragedy and Politics, No. 474, n.d.


Burger, Warren E.

Box 569: 1

The Adversary System (American Criminal Justice Series, II), No. 460, 24-25 June 1968

Box 569: 2

The Rich Pay a Fine, the Poor Go to Jail: A Sociology of the Law (American Criminal Process I), No. 459, 24 June 1968

Box 569: 3

Campbell, Jock - A Socialist Knight at the Center, No. 101, 25 Aug. 1964

Box 569: 4

Capital Punishment, I: The Psychopathology of Murder (The Realities of Capital Punishment series; with Gerald Gottlieb, William Graves, Harry Elmer Barnes, E. V. Walter, Joseph Lohman, Donald Cressy, Frank K. Kelly, L. J. West, James Avery Joyce, Isadore Ziferstein, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 411, 28 July 1967

Box 569: 5

Capital Punishment, II: Behind the Walls: Ritual and Death (The Realities of Capital Punishment series; with Gerald Gottlieb, William Graves, Harry Elmer Barnes, E. V. Walter, Joseph Lohman, Donald Cressy, Frank K. Kelly, L. J. West, James Avery Joyce, Isadore Ziferstein, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 412, 28 July 1967

Box 569: 6

Capital Punishment III: Who Pays for the Death Penalty? (The Realities of Capital Punishment series; with Gerald Gottlieb, William Graves, Harry Elmer Barnes, E. V. Walter, Joseph Lohman, Donald Cressy, Frank K. Kelly, L. J. West, James Avery Joyce, Isadore Ziferstein, and Robert M. Hutchins), no. 413, 29 July 1967

Box 569: 7

Capital Punishment IV: Is It Torture? (The Realities of Capital Punishment series; with Gerald Gottlieb, William Graves, Harry Elmer Barnes, E. V. Walter, Joseph Lohman, Donald Cressy, Frank K. Kelly, L. J. West, James Avery Joyce, Isadore Ziferstein, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 414, 29 July 1967

Box 569: 8

Capitman, William G. - Toward Corporate Social Responsibility, No. 634, 20 Jan. 1975

Box 569: 9

Caradon, Lord - The Politics of Race, No. 270, 24 Apr. 1966


Center Conversations

Box 569: 10

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Zhores A. Medvedev, Eugene J. McCarthy, Lord Ritchie Calder, F. J. Zwi Werblowsky, and Harvey Wheeler, ca. 1974-1975

Box 569: 11

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Zhores A. Medvedev, No. 575 and Tape T-35, 8 May 1974

Box 569: 12

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Eugene J. McCarthy, No. 599, 17 Sept. 1974

Box 569: 13

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Lord Ritchie-Calder, No. 600, 4 Dec. 1974

Box 569: 14

Clifton Fadiman Talks with R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, No. 604, 19 Dec. 1974

Box 569: 15

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Harvey Wheeler, No. 605, 8 Jan. 1975

Box 569: 16

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Robert Maynard Hutchins, No. 683, 20 Mar. 1975

Box 569: 17

Clifton Fadiman Talks with Dame Judith Anderson, No. 733 and Tape D-43, 10 Aug. 1976


Challenor, Herschelle

Box 569: 18

Achieving Equality: Black Strategies, No. 575 [607?], 17 Oct. 1972

Box 570: 1

Black Unity and U.S. African Policy, No. 619, 17 Oct. 1972

Box 570: 2

Chavez, Cesar - Creative Non-Violence, No. 457, 23 Feb. 1969

Box 570: 3

China I: Considerations for the 21st Century (Japanese - American Conference on China Policy; with Harry S. Ashmore, William Gorman, Masumi Ezaki, and Shunichi Matsumoto), No. 479 and Tape A-10, 25 Jan. 1969

Box 570: 4-5

China II: The Myth of the China Menace (Japanese - American Conference on China Policy; with Edwin O. Reischauer, William O. Douglas, Tokuma Utsunomiya, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Stanley K. Sheinbaum, Fred Warner Neal, and Arthur Goldberg), Nos. 480, 480R, 24 Jan. 1969

Box 570: 6

China III: A Simple Human Preference for Life: An Argument for the Recognition of Red China (Japanese - American Conference on China Policy; with Tokuma Utsunomiya, J. W. Fulbright, Alan Cranston, Don Edwards, Aiichiro Fujiyama, Edwin O. Reischauer, Arthur Goldberg, Chester Ronning, John Sherman Cooper, Munenori Akagi, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 481, Jan. 1969

Box 570: 7

China IV: Suppose They Gave a War and No One Came? (Japanese - American Conference on China Policy; with William O. Douglas, John Sherman Cooper, Arthur Goldberg, Don Edwards, Alan Cranston, Edwin Reischauer, Munenori Akagi, and Masumi Ezaki), No. 482, 25 Jan. 1969

Box 570: 8

Clark, Joseph S. - Government and Politics: Strengths and Weaknesses (Challenges to Democracy in the Next Decade, 10th Anniversary Convocation), No. 54, n.d.

Box 570: 9

Clark, Kenneth Bancroft - Reading, Writing... and Race (with Oscar Lewis, Robert F. Kennedy, Neil J. Sullivan, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 434, 31 Jan-1 Feb. 1968

Box 570: 10

Clark, Ramsey - Dissent in Action (with Donald McDonald), No. 494, 19 Feb. 1970

Box 570: 11

Cleage, Albert - Street Scene: Detroit (with Frank E. Joyce), No. 292, 4 Dec. 1967

Box 570: 12

Cloward, Richard - A Strategy of Disruption, No. 279, 17 Nov. 1966


Cogley, John

Box 570: 13

America: Liberal or Conservative? No. 60, n.d.

Box 571: 1

The Generation Gap: The Gulf in 1980 (Conference on the Requisites of Leadership), No. 424, ca. 1980

Box 571: 2

How People Form Values (with Edgardo Contini, James Finn, and Howard Warshaw), No. 63, n.d.

Box 571: 3

Pacem in Terris: The Pope's Encyclical (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Richard Lichtman, W. H. Ferry, William D. Gorman, Scott Milross Buchanan, Frank K. Kelly, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 35, ca. 1963

Box 571: 4

Profile: By Request (with Frank K. Kelly), No. 136, n.d.

Box 571: 5

Religion in the Schools (with Alexander Meiklejohn, W. H. Ferry, Joseph Tussman, Yosal Rogat, William D. Gorman, William V. Shannon, Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 8, ca. July 1962

Box 571: 6

A View from Rome, II: The Vatican Council, No. 108A, ca. 1964

Box 571: 7

A View from Rome, III: The Decline of Romanita (with Michael Harrington), No. 104, n.d.

Box 571: 8

College Sports TV Panel Discussion (Ben Bycel, Denny Crum, Harry Edwards, Norman Ellenberger, Harold Enarson, Judith Holland, Donald McDonald, Ken McMullen, James Grier Miller, Maurice Mitchell, Stephen Morgan, James Odenkirk, Scott Ostler, and Lionel Sobel), 10 Sept. 1981

Box 571: 9

Collins, LeRoy - States' Abilities, not States' Rights, No. 91, ca. Dec. 1963

Box 571: 10

Comfort, Alexander - What Is a Doctor? No. 552, 12 Jan. 1972

Box 571: 11

Commoner, Barry - Lessons Not Yet Learned (Law of the Seas), No. 443, 1 Mar. 1968

Box 571: 12

Conference on Technology, Development, and Values (Institute for Religion and Social Change, with Daniel J. Dever, Denis Goulet, Herbert D. Long, P. H. Philip, Huston Smith, Kenneth Thompson, Wei-Ming Tu, John Cogley, Harry S. Ashmore, Norton Ginsburg, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Laurence Hewes, George McT. Kahin, Jerald C. Brauer, John Wilkinson, Richard Bellman, Frank K. Kelly, Clifton Fadiman, A. Scott Kelso, Leo Gabriel, Arvid Pardo, Eulah Laucks, Robert Rosen, and Gary M. Cadenhead), 10-12 Apr. 1972

Box 571: 13

Constitution Meetings - General, ca. 1970

Box 571: 14

Constitution Series: An Argument for the New Model Constitution (Robert Maynard Hutchins and C. Herman Pritchett), No. 521, 13 Oct. 1970

Box 571: 15

Constitution Series: Electoral Reform: The Road Back from Madison Avenue to James Madison (Harry S. Ashmore), No. 525, 11 Nov. 1970

Box 571: 16

Constitution Series: The Fundamental Issue: The Sharing of Power (Rexford G. Tugwell and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 523, ca. 1970

Box 571: 17

Constitution Series: Let's Make Our Present Constitution Work (Ramsey Clark and Harris Wofford), No. 522, 11 Nov. 1970

Box 571: 18

Constitution Series: No Man Is an Island... nor any Nation (Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Harris Wofford), No. 526, 9-11 Nov. 1970

Box 571: 19

Constitution Series: Should Presidential Powers Be Extended or Limited? (Harvey Wheeler, Adolf Augustus Berle, Jr., George Reedy, George Christie, Arthur G. Anderson, Neil Jacoby, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Donald McDonald, Charles M. Hardin, and C. Herman Pritchett), No. 524, 11 Sept. 1970

Box 571: 20

Constitution Series: Why a New Constitution? (Rexford Guy Tugwell and Donald McDonald), No. 520, 16 July 1970

Box 571: 21

Constitutional Principles I: Beyond Watergate: The Constitutional Principles (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Samuel H. Beer, Herbert Alexander, Arthur Larson, Gunnar Myrdal, Willard Hurst, William Watts, Harry S. Ashmore, Thomas Cronin, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 663, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 571: 22

Constitutional Principles II: American Institutionalism: The Need for Fundamental Change (Conference on Constitutional Principles, with Mortimer J. Adler, Wendell Mordy, John Wilkinson, Harlan Cleveland, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Paul Mishkin, Arthur Selwyn Miller, Willard Hurst, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 664, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 1

Constitutional Principles III: The Modern Presidency - How You Play the Game (Conference on Constitutional Principles, Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Christopher Lasch, Harvey Wheeler, Thomas E. Cronin, Mortimer J. Adler, Robert Maynard Hutchins, John Wilkinson, Harry S. Ashmore, William Watts, Herbert Alexander, and Harlan Cleveland), No. 665, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 2

Constitutional Principles IV: The Executive and the Legislative Branches: Power, Efficiency, and Acoountability (Conference on Constitutional Priniciples: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Arthur Selwyn Miller, Mortimer J. Adler, Harlan Cleveland, Willard Hurst, Arthur Larson, Paul Mishkin, Sanuel H. Beer, Herbert Alexander, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Frank K. Kelly, Harry S. Ashmore, John Wilkinson, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Thomas E. Cronin), No. 666, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 3

Constitutional Principles V: The President and his Men (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Arthur Larson, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Paul Mishkin, Arthur Selwyn Miller, Harlan Cleveland, Harvey Wheeler, Samuel H. Beer, Mortimer J. Adler, Lord Ritchie-Calder, John Cogley, and Thomas Cronin), No. 667, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 4

Constitutional Principles VI: National Security - The Ultimate Fig Leaf (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Alva Myrdal, Silviu Brucan, Arthur Lrson, Harlan Cleveland, Arthur Selwyn Miller, Willard Hurst, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harvey Wheeler, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 668, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 5

Constitutional Principles VII: The National Security Obsession (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Harlan Cleveland, Christopher Lasch, Herbert Alexander, Arthur Selwyn Miller, Samuel Beer, Wendell Mordy, Frank K. Kelly, Harry S. Ashmore, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, Malcolm Moos, Joseph Schwab, John Wilkinson, Thomas E. Cronin, and Lord Ritchie-Calder), No. 669, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 6

Constitutional Principles VIII: Toward a Stronger Congress: Institutional Devices (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Paul J. Mishkin, Arthur Larson, Arthur Selwyn Miller, William Watts, Samuel Beer, Harlan Cleveland, Herbert Alexander, Harvey Wheeler, Frank K. Kelly, Harry S. Ashmore, Lord Ritchie-Calder, and Rexford Guy Tugwell), No. 670, ca. Dec. 1973

Box 572: 7

Constitutional Principles IX: Separation of Powers - A Post Watergate Perspective (Watergate Conference, Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Willard Hurst and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 671, 12 Dec. 1973

Box 572: 8

Constitutional Principles X: The Impact of Watergate on the Electoral Process (Watergate Conference, Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Herbert Alexander, Harry S. Ashmore, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 672, 13 Dec. 1973

Box 572: 9

Constitutional Principles XI: Constitutional Implications of Watergate: A Summing Up (Watergate Conference, Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Christopher Lasch, Samuel Beer, Arthur Larson, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Milton Mayer), No. 673, 13 Dec. 1973

Box 572: 10

Constitutional Principles XII: Resurrection of the Party System through Control of Campaign Financing (Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, with Harvey Wheeler, Harry S. Ashmore, Lord Ritchie-Calder, and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 674, 28 Dec. 1973

Box 572: 11

Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today (A Series of Twelve Audiotapes), ca. 1974

Box 572: 12

Conway, Jack T. - Organizing the Poor: Somebody Down Here Likes Me (with Hallock Hoffman, Paul Schrade, W. H. Ferry, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Harvey Wheeler, Donald McDonald, John Seeley, Scott Milross Buchanan, Gerald Gottlieb, Stringfellow Barr, Stanley Sheinbaum, and Harold Willens), No. 298, 23 Feb. 1967

Box 572: 13

Cowen, Zelman, and Stanley K. Sheinbaum - Democracy and the Emerging Nations, No. 1, Jan. 1962

Box 572: 14

Crime Series - General - Crime and What We Can Do about It [background materials], Nos. 753-759, ca. 1977

Box 573: 1

Crime Series I: Crime and Legislative Responsibility (Bob Eckhart), No. 753, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 2

Crime Series II: Rx for Street Crime (David L. Bazellon), No. 754, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 3

Crime Series III: What Kind of Criminal Justice System? (Panel: Marvin Aspen, Cherif M. Bassiouni, James Casey, George J. Cotsirilos, J. Anthony Downs, Robert C. Eckhardt, David Fogel, Grace Holt, Garth D. Taylor, and Franklin E. Zimring), No. 755, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 4

Crime Series IV: Toward a Rational Policy on Crime (Peter Rodino), No. 756, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 5

Crime Series V: The Civil Right to Be Secure (Edward M. Kennedy), No. 757, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 6

Crime Series VI: Reordering Our Criminal Justice Priorities (Norval Morris), No. 758, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 7

Crime Series VII: What Can Be Done about Crime? (Joseph Antonow, Daniel Behnke, Raymond Curran, Doris Holleb, Grace Massey Holt, Harold Katz, William McCready, Renault Robinson, and Warren Wolfson), No. 759, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 573: 8

Criminal Justice Series 1: The Police Role in the Year 2000 [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 694, Tape O-33, 7 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 9

Criminal Justice Series 2: Diversion Programs in Criminal Justice - Humane or Coercive? [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 695, Tape P-33, 7 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 10

Criminal Justice Series 3: Pre-Trial Arbitration - Proposal for a New Model [transcript, continuity, and backgound materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 696, Tape Q-33, 9 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 11

Criminal Justice Series 4: The Treatment Model in Corrections - Does It Work? [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 697, 7 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 12

Criminal Justice Series 5: The Perils of Decriminalization [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 698, 8 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 13

Criminal Justice Series 6: New Kinds of Crime, New Methods of Control-The System Grows [transcript and continuity] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 699, Tape R-33, 9 Nov. 1975

Box 573: 14

Criminal Justice Series 7: Toward a New Jurisprudence: Intentional Law [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 700, 7 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 15

Criminal Justice Series 8: Crime and Punishment Tomorrow [transcript, continuity, and background materials] (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 701, 9 Nov. 1973

Box 573: 16

Cronin, Thomas E. - On the Presidency as Press Agentry, Tape R-29, 15 Nov. 1972

Box 573: 17

Crosland, Anthony, and Harvey Wheeler - A View of the Economy II: From a Democratic Socialist, No. 111, Nov. 1964

Box 573: 18

Crowther, C. Edward - Apartheid: The Coming of World War III [Program 281?], 14 Feb. 1968

Box 574: 1

Crowther, C. Edward - The Bishop Is Expelled, No. 429, 30 June 1967

Box 574: 2

Cultural Change in America - Series (General Information), ca. 1972-1973

Box 574: 3

Cultural Change I: Within the System - Or on the Streets? (Garry Wills, Constance Baker Motley, Elizabeth Hardwick, John Wilkinson, Frank K. Kelly, Francis McAllister, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 579, 3 May 1972

Box 574: 4

Cultural Change II: The Great American Babysitting Machine: Our School System (Garry Wills and Elizabeth Hardwick), No. 580, 3 May 1972

Box 574: 5

Cultural Change III: Brave New Revolution (Harvey Wheeler, Harold Hayes, Mariam Slater, Elizabeth Hardwick, Michael Harrington, John Wilkinson, John Cogley, Harry S. Ashmore, and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 581, 3 May 1972

Box 574: 6

Cultural Change IV: What Price Modernity? (Harvey Wheeler, Mariam Slater, Elizabeth Hardwick, John Wilkinson, Harry S. Ashmore, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Mary Calderone, Norton Ginsberg, and Elisabeth Mann Borgese), No. 582, 4 May 1972

Box 574: 7

Cultural Change V: Man, Freedom, and Alienation (Peter L. Berger, Sidney Callahan, Mariam Slater, Mary Calderone, Robert Hutchins, Harry S. Ashmore, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 583, 5 May 1972

Box 574: 8

Cultural Change VI: There Are No Monsters (Mary Steichen Calderone), No. 584, 4 May 1972

Box 574: 9

Cultural Change VII: How Good Is Gay? (Michael Harrington, Mariam Slater, Mary Calderone, Constance Motley, Harvey Wheeler, and John Cogley), No. 585, 4 May 1972

Box 574: 10

Cultural Change VIII: Classroom of the Absurd (Mariam Slater), No. 586, 5 May 1972

Box 574: 11

Cultural Change IX: The State of Culture (Mariam Slater), No. 587, 5 May 1972

Box 574: 12

Cultural Change X: They Don't Flush Toilets in Oedipus Rex (Clifton Fadiman and Walter Kerr), No. 588, 5 Oct. 1972


Danielli, Mary, and James F. Danielli

Box 574: 13

The Artificial Synthesis of New Life Forms in Relation to Social and Industrial Evolution, Tape U-27, 13 June 1972

Box 574: 14

Quality of Life and Values of a Civil Society, Tape T-27, 12 June 1972

Box 574: 15

Davidson, Samai - Stanford Medical Center Interview by Noah benShea, 24 Jan. 1977

Box 574: 16

Day, Dorothy - Witness (with John Cogley, Frank K. Kelly, Michael Harrington, Ammon Hennacy, W. H. Ferry, and Robert Woetzel), [Program 185?], 15 Mar. 1965

Box 574: 17

Deep Seas I: The Ocean as Common Heritage (Raymond Nelson, Francis T. Christy, Jr., Isaac Kaplan, Senjin Tsuruoka, Jose Maria Ruda, Glenn Schweitzer, Endalkachew Makonnen, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Bohdan Tomorowicz, Max Jacobson, Robert Hutchins, Elizabeth Borgese, Harry Ashmore, Stringfellow Barr, W. H. Ferry, William D. Gorman, Harvey Wheeler, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 445, ca. 1968-1969

Box 575: 1

Deep Seas II: Of Missiles and Molluscs (Juray Andrassay, Raymond Nelson, Isaac Kaplan, Jose Maria Ruda, Glenn Schweitzer, Endalkachew Makonnen, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Bohdan Tomorowicz, Robert Hutchins, Elizabeth Borgese, Harry Ashmore, Retford Guy Tugwell, John Wilkinson, Fred Warner Neal, Gerald Gottlieb, Harvey Wheeler, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 446, ca. 1968-1970

Box 575: 2

Deep Seas III: The Coming Struggle for Deep Sea Territory (Wolfgang Freedman, John Wilkinson, Harrop Freeman, Harry S. Ashmore, Elizabeth Mann Borgese, Harvey Wheeler, Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 447, ca. 1968-1970

Box 575: 3

Delord, Jean F. - Is a Code of Ethics for Scientists Desirable? Tape K-21, 31 Mar. 1971

Box 575: 4

de Shalit, Amos - Man and Machines: Is Coexistence Still Possible? No. 199, 1 Sept. 1965

Box 575: 5

Devereux, Don, and W. H. Ferry - Sweet and Sour Guaranteed Incomes, No. 448, 18 July 1968

Box 575: 6

Devereux, Don, and Dallas Smythe - Wall to Wall Turnips: The Village Revitalized, No. 449, 18 July 1968

Box 575: 7

Dodson, Sue - Families of the Future, No. 603, 4 Aug. 1972

Box 575: 8

Douglas, William O. - Douglas Inquiry Series: Inquiry into the Status of the Individual, Nos. 771-784, ca. Dec. 1978-Dec. 1979

Box 575: 9

Douglas Inquiry I: Freedom's High Ground (Abe Fortas), No. 771 and Tape G-50, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 10

Douglas Inquiry II: The Entitlements of Freedom (Harry S. Ashmore, Leonard Boudin, Ramsey Clark, Cathleen Douglas, Abe Fortas, Barbara Jordan, and William O. Douglas), No. 772, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 11

Douglas Inquiry III: Federal Criminal Code Reform (Ronald L. Gainer and William O. Douglas), No. 773, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 12

Douglas Inquiry IV: A Critical Assesment of the Criminal Code Reform (Vern O. Countryman and William O. Douglas), No. 774, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 13

Douglas Inquiry V: Freedom and the Criminal Code (Alan M. Dershowitz, William O. Douglas, Steven B. Duke, Edward M. Kennedy, Robert B. McKay, Louis B. Schwartz, and John H. F. Shattuck), No. 775, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 14

Douglas Inquiry VI: Controlling Our Intelligence Agencies (Thomas Irwin Emerson and William O. Douglas), 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 15

Douglas Inquiry VII: Accountability, Secrecy and Freedom (Stansfield Turner and William O. Douglas), No. 777, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 16

Douglas Inquiry VIII: Drafting a Charter for the F.B.I. (William O. Douglas and John Hotis), No. 778, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 17

Douglas Inquiry IX: Freedom and the Intelligence Function (William O. Douglas, William Egan Colby, Thomas Irwin Emerson, Morton H. Halperin, Richard D. Hongisto, Mitchell Rogovin, and Stansfield Turner), No. 779, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 18

Douglas Inquiry X: Science, Technology and Freedom (William O. Douglas and Robert L. Sinsheimer), No. 780, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 575: 19

Douglas Inquiry XI: Government Largesse and Individual Freedom (William O. Douglas, Maurice Abravanel, Harold C. Fleming, Theodore Woodrow Kheel, Eugene J. McCarthy, and Kenneth S. Tollett), No. 781, 8 Dec. 1979

Box 575: 20

Douglas Inquiry XII: How Much Freedom of the Press? (William O. Douglas and Robert H. Bork), No. 782, 8 Dec. 1979

Box 575: 21

Douglas Inquiry XIII: Shield Law Protection for the Press (William O. Douglas and Floyd Abrams), No. 783, 8 Dec. 1979

Box 575: 22

Douglas Inquiry XIV: The Courts and the Press in a Free Society (William O. Douglas, Abe Fortas, Fred P. Graham, Anthony Lewis, L. A. Scott Powe Jr., and Sander Vanocur), No. 784, 8 Dec. 1979

Box 576: 1

Downs, Hugh - Human Maturity, 28 Feb. 1972

Box 576: 2

Downs, Hugh, and Harvey Wheeler - Mass Media and the Future, No. 557, 4 Feb. 1972

Box 576: 3

Dunaway, Edwin E. - Affirmative Discrimination I: Schools and Housing, No. 82, 16 July 1963

Box 576: 4

Dunaway, Edwin E. - Affirmative Discrimination II: Jobs, No. 83, 7 July 1963

Box 576: 5

Eban, Abba Solomon - New Nations and World Order, 1963

Box 576: 6-7

Ehrlich, Paul M. - Population Control Begins at Home, Nos. 489, 489D, 30 Oct. 1969

Box 576: 8

Eisler, Pavel, et al. - The Green Revolutions (with Harvey Wheeler, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Vukan Kuic, and Rexford Guy Tugwell), No. 233, 13 Oct. 1965

Box 576: 9

Eisler, Pavel, et al. - Liberalism and Socialism (with Hallock B. Hoffman, Stanley Sheinbaum, Richard Lichtman, Harry S. Ashmore, and Irving Laucks), No. 235, 11 Oct. 1965

Box 576: 10

Eisler, Pavel, et al. - A Look at the Czech Economy (with Hallock B. Hoffman, Harry S. Ashmore, Richard Lichtman, Vukan Kuic, Harvey Wheeler, and Leon Sager), No. 236, 12 Oct. 1965

Box 576: 11

Eisler, Pavel, and Harvey Wheeler - A Socialist Looks at Affluence, No. 234, 12 Oct. 1965

Box 576: 12

El Salvador and Foreign Policy [Television Tape] (Arnoldo Ramos, Raymond Bonner, Murat Williams, Wayne King, William Bollinger, James Grier Miller, and John Bushnell), 15 Oct. 1981

Box 576: 13

Endore, Guy - War Yes! Sex No! No. 546, May 1962

Box 576: 14

Ernst, Morris, and Hallock B. Hoffman - Ideas in the Marketplace, No. 461, 14 Feb. 1969

Box 576: 15

Ethiopians: Peace Corps Reverse, No. 238, 16 Aug. 1965

Box 576: 16

Fairbank, John K., et al. - The Future of American-Chinese Relations (with Frank Sarguis, Chi-Yun Chen, Immanuel Hsu, Robert Hutchins, and Otis L. Graham, Jr.), Tape E-44, 9 Jan. 1977

Box 576: 17

Family Series - General: Family in a Changing Society, 1976

Box 576: 18

Family Series I: Should There Be a National Family Policy? (Nicholas Hobbs, Hugh Creedon, Ann Creighton-Zollar, Ann Groves, Robert Havighurst, William McCready, Henrietta Schwartz, Sol Tax, and Ralph Tyler), No. 746, 10 Dec. 1976

Box 576: 19

Family Series II: Ethnic Diversity, Individual Rights and Family Policy (Joseph Giordano, Leonard Borman, Irving Levine, Don Feldstein, Lawrence Fuchs, Burleigh Gardner, Robert Hill, Doris Holleb, Grace Holt, John McKnight, Masako Osako, and Sol Tax), No. 747, 19 Oct. 1976

Box 576: 20

Family Series III: The Evolution of Sex and the Future Family (Paul Bohannon), No. 748, 27 Sept. 1976

Box 577: 1

Family Series IV: Socialization, Sex Roles and the Family (Lois Norma Wladis Hoffman, Pauline Bart, Leonard Borman, William Cortelyou, Elizabeth Douvan, Jcob Getzels, Sharon Gurwitz, Gunhild Hagestad, Doris Holleb, William McCready, Sheila Ribordy, Diana Slaughter, Marijean Suelzle, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 749, 29 Sept. 1976

Box 577: 2

Family Series Family Series V: Child Abuse, Our National Tragedy (Jerry Alexander, Cleo Anderson, Jean Bedger, Ruth Born, Sally Bruckner, William Cortelyou, Sylvia Cotton, Grace Holt, Richard Mandel, Sheila Ribordy, Sheldon Schiff, and Bernard Schwartz), No. 750, 29 June 1977

Box 577: 3

Family Series IV: The Modern Family: Expectations and Reality (Bruno Bettelheim, Pauline Bart, Leonard Borman, Eileen Gardner, Doris Holleb, Leonard Jason, George Pollock, Marijean Suelzle, and Sol Tax), No. 751, 13 May 1976

Box 577: 4

Family Series VII: Planning for a Caring Society (Elizabeth Douvan, Leonard Borman, Tanis Bryan, Robert Havighurst, Grace Holt, Babette Inglehart, Joseph Levin, Bernice Naugarten, Cynthia Porter-Gehrie, David Roth, Kelly Sanders, and Bernice Weissbourd), No. 752, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 577: 5

Farmer, William R., et al. - And a Tooth for a Tooth (with Harry Ashmore, John Wilkinson, Robert Rosen, George Kahin, John Cogley, Laurence Hewes, Harvey Wheeler, and Arvid Pardo), No. 559, 7 June 1972

Box 577: 6

Feiffer, Jules - The Role of Social Criticism (with Paul Jacobs and Edward P. Morgan), No. 193, 17-18 June 1965

Box 577: 7

Feiffer, Jules - The Role of Social Criticism II (with Paul Jacobs and Edward P. Morgan), No. 193A, 19 June 1965


Ferry, W. H.

Box 577: 8

The Choice: Our Constitution or Our Environment? No. 471, 15 Apr. 1969

Box 577: 9

The College: Expectations and Implications, No. 39, 25 Apr. 1963

Box 577: 10

The Economic Paradox, No. 40, n.d.

Box 577: 11

The Evil of Banality (with Studs Terkel), No. 265, ca. Oct. 1966

Box 577: 12

Farewell to Integration, No. 285, 4 Oct. 1967

Box 577: 13

Letters to the White House (with Robert Presnell, Jr.), ca. 1965

Box 577: 14

New Utopias: Looking Backward or Brave New World? (with Frank L. Keegan and Michael Harrington), No. 100, ca. 1964

Box 577: 15

Masscomm as Guru (Masscomm as Teacher), No. 232, 27 Oct. 1965

Box 577: 16

Patriotic Effort Pays, No. 432, 7 Sept. 1966

Box 578: 1

Profile (with Frank K. Kelly), No. 137, 27 Sept. 1966

Box 578: 2

Proposal for a Black College (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Paul Jacobs, Neil Jacoby, Harrop Freeman, Stringfellow Barr, and John C. Barnes), No. 458, 16 Jan. 1969

Box 578: 3

Schooling vs. Education: Rx for Junior Colleges (with James Finn and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 191, 25 June 1965

Box 578: 4

Technology: Toxic or Tonic? No. 266, n.d.

Box 578: 5

Fingarette, Herbert, et al. - Addiction and Criminal Responsibility (with James William Coleman, Herbert Morris, Thomas Scheff, and Joseph Schwab), Tape Z-42, 14 July 1976

Box 578: 6

Fisher, Louis - Congress and the War Power (with Harry S. Ashmore, Neil Jacoby, D. Robinson, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, Kenneth S. Tollett), Tape U-22, 28 July 1971

Box 578: 7

Food and Fiber Series - General: Expanding World Needs for Food and Fiber and the Protection of the Ecosystem, ca. 1971-1974

Box 578: 8

Food and Fiber I: Agriculture and the Ecosystem (Lester Russell Brown), No. 620, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 9

Food and Fiber II: Farming Organically-A Better Way? (Earl O. Heady and Jonathan Garst), No. 621, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 10

Food and Fiber III: Nitrogen Fertilizers: A Risk We Must Run (Perry Robert Stout), No. 622, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 11

Food and Fiber IV: Pesticides: A Threat to Our Ecosystem? (Emil M. Mrak), No. 623, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 12

Food and Fiber V: Water Management: The Vital Science (Dean Peterson), No. 624, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 13

Food and Fiber VI: Land and Labor in Developing Countries (Laurence Ilseley Hewes, Jr. and Martin E. Abel), No. 625, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 14

Food and Fiber VII: Aid and Politics in Developing Countries (David Hopper), No. 626, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 15

Food and Fiber VIII: Feast, Famine and Families (Theodore William Schultz), No. 627, ca. Aug. 1971

Box 578: 16

Francis-Williams, Lord - The Responsibility of the Press, No. 52, 1963

Box 578: 17

Frank, Jerome - Is History Out of Control? No. 253, 11 Jan. 1966

Box 578: 18

Freeman, Harrop A., et al. - The Role of the Jury in Political Crimes (with Robert Hutchins, William Gorman, James A. Pike, John R. Seeley, and John Wilkinson), No. 464, 19 Nov. 1968

Box 578: 19

Freeman, Orville L. - Marble-Cake Government (Mazes of Modern Government), No. 92, n.d.

Box 578: 20

Freidell, Frank - The Emergency of the President: An Historical View (with Rexford Tugwell), Tape O-20, 2 Feb. 1971

Box 578: 21

Fulbright, J. William - The Elite and the Electorate (with John Courtney Murray and Charles Frankel), No. 47, 1963

Box 578: 22

Gabriel, Leo - Life: A Philosophical Suggestion to a Dying World, No. 556, 22 Dec. 1971

Box 578: 23

Gabriel, Leo - Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States, Tape C-28, 12 July 1972

Box 579: 1

Gallagher, H. G. - Legislative Initiative: The President and the Congress, Tape G-23, 26 Aug. 1971

Box 579: 2

Gavin, James M. - Military Security Blankets (with Harry Ashmore and John Cogley, Robert Rosen, Sidney Holt, Donald McDonald, and George Kahin), No. 569, 10 Mar. 1972

Box 579: 3

Goldarb, Alvin I. - Live a Little Longer! - But How? (with Alexander Comfort, Prescott Thompson, Marjorie Borchardt, Richard Bellman, Donald G. Carpenter, Bernard L. Strehler, and Richard Kalist), No. 547, 13 Apr. 1970

Box 579: 4

Goldstein, Walter - The Impact of Cross-National Technology on the Uni-National State, No. 679, 11 Apr. 1973

Box 579: 5

Goldstein, Walter, and Neil Jacoby - The Multinational Corporation vs. The Nation State: A Developing Confrontation, No. 633, 9 Jan. 1974


Goldstücker, Eduard

Box 579: 6

Are Socialism and Nationalism Compatible? (with Milton Sanford Mayer), No. 538, ca. July 1970

Box 579: 7

Communism in Russia: The Petrified Revolution (with Milton Sanford Mayer), No. 539, ca. July 1970

Box 579: 8

Peace in Our Time, No. 553, 8 Sept. 1971

Box 579: 9

Socialism with a Human Countenance (with Milton Sanford Mayer), No. 537, July 1970

Box 579: 10

Gorman, William, and Frank K. Kelly - A Love Affair with Learning, No. 146, 11 Oct. 1967

Box 579: 11

Gorman, William, et al. - Technology and the Fine Arts (with Robert Hutchins, Scott Buchanan, Clifton Fadiman, Harry S. Ashmore, and W. H. Ferry), No. 36, 18 May 1962

Box 579: 12

Gottman, Jean, et al. - The White Collar City (with Robert Hutchins, Harvey Wheeler, Richard Lichtman, James Pike, and Robert Koenig), No. 273, 25 Apr. 1966

Box 579: 13

Greenson, Ralph, and David Lichtman - The Perils of Loving, No. 192, ca. 1967

Box 579: 14

Grotjahn, Martin, et al. - The New Technology and the Ageless Unconscious (with Jacob Bronowski, Roderic Gorney, and Trevor Thomas), No. 254, 24 Dec. 1965

Box 579: 15

Gruen, Victor - Cities for Warm Bodies, No. 296, n.d.

Box 579: 16

Gurley, John G., and Barry Richman - China: Economic Development in a Human Context, No. 496, 26 Feb. 1970

Box 579: 17

Hailsham, Viscount, and William O. Douglas - The Society of the Qualified Man, No. 55, 22 Jan. 1963

Box 579: 18

Harbrecht, Paul P., and Stanley K. Sheinbaum - Pension Funds and Economic Power, No. 28, n.d.

Box 579: 19

Harbrecht, Paul P. - Sources of Labor Power, No. 31, 5 Oct. 1962


Harrington, Michael

Box 579: 20

Capitalism, Socialism and Communism (with Robert Hutchins, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harry S. Ashmore, Rexford Guy Tugwell, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 197, 30 Aug. 1965

Box 579: 21

Profile (with John Cogley), No. 145, 1965

Box 579: 22

The Third Generation (with John Cogley), No. 180, 11 Mar. 1965

Box 579: 23

The War on Poverty, No. 103, 1964

Box 579: 24

Harrod, Roy - International Monetary Cooperation, Tape K-27, 17 May 1972

Box 579: 25

Hart, Norris and John Cogley - You Must Go Home Again, No. 462, 3 Apr. 1969

Box 579: 26

Healy, Dennis, et al. - Britain vs. The Common Market (with Robert Hutchins, Stanley Sheinbaum, William Shannon, Mr. & Mrs. Hal Draper, W. H. Ferry, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 3, 4 May 1962

Box 580: 1

Heilbroner, Robert - The Culture Gap in Capitalism, No. 99, 1964

Box 580: 2

Helsteins, Ralph - Technology and the Unions, 23 Jan. 1964

Box 580: 3

Hill, Edgar, and Harvey Wheeler - South Africa's Racial Problems, No. 26, 1962

Box 580: 4

Hodgson, James D. - The American Worker Joins the Middle Class: A New Reality, No. 682, 22 June 1973

Box 580: 5

Hoffman, Hallock, and John Cogley - Profile, No. 138, 28 Sept. 1966

Box 580: 6

Horowitz, Irwing Louis, et al. - The Struggle Is the Message (with Robert Hutchins, Irving Laucks, W. H. Ferry, John Seeley, Harvey Wheeler, Hallock B. Hoffman, John Wilkinson, Peter Marin, and Denis Goulet), No. 468, 6 Feb. 1969

Box 580: 7

Horowitz, Irving L., et al. - The Youth Class (with Robert Hutchins, Harry Ashmore, Stringfellow Barr, Harvey Wheeler, Rexford Guy Tugwell, John Cogley, W. H. Ferry, John Wilkinson, Peter Marin, Lord Calder-Ritchie, and Fred Warner Neal), No. 469, 7 Feb. 1969

Box 580: 8

Houlihan, John C., at al. - Oakland City in Trouble (with Philip Rieff and Harvey Wheeler), No. 198, 19 Jan. 1965

Box 580: 9

Huglin, Henry C. - A General Looks at War and Peace (with Robert Hutchins, Irving Laucks, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Stanley Sheinbaum, Richard Lichtman, Robert Woetzel, Scott Milross Buchanan, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 134, 17 Nov. 1964

Box 580: 10

Huglin, Henry C., and Harold Willens - Militarism: Method or Madness, No. 490D, 31 Oct. 1969

Box 580: 11

Humphrey, Hubert H., and LeRoy Collins - The Legislator's Eighteen Hour Day, No. 93, 8 Dec. 1963


Hutchins, Robert Maynard

Box 580: 12

The Chosen People, No. 24, 18 June 1962

Box 580: 13

Education: For What and for Whom? (with Hyman George Rickover and Rosemary Park), No. 46, 21 Jan. 1963

Box 580: 14

An Establishment of Religion (with Richard Lichtman, Harvey Wheeler, W. H. Ferry, William Gorman, Scott Milross Buchanan, and Purcell Weaver), No. 90, 1963

Box 580: 15

Freedom of the Press: I, No. 123, 12 May 1964

Box 580: 16

Has the Court Usurped the Powers of the Congress? (with Harvey Wheeler), No. 127R, 21 Jan. 1965

Box 580: 17

How to Make a University Out of a Multiversity, No. 497, 18 Nov. 1969

Box 580: 18

Judging the Supreme Court, No. 555, 1 Aug. 1972

Box 580: 19

Living without Guilt (with Alexander Zuckerandl), No. 242, 9 Mar. 1968

Box 580: 20

The Nurture of Human Life, No. 76, ca. 1961

Box 580: 21

On Education, No. 25, 18 June 1963

Box 580: 22

On Israel (with Joseph P. Lyford), No. 19, ca. 1962

Box 580: 23

Profile, No. 139, n.d.

Box 580: 24

The Prospects for a Learning Society, No. 548, 3 Apr. 1971

Box 581: 1

Reapportioning the States (Westbury vs. Sanders), No. 125, 1 May 1964

Box 581: 2

Solitary Singing in the West, I Strike Up for a New World (Sound Portrait of Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 452, 17 Jan. 1969

Box 581: 3

Two Faces of Federalism (with Andrew Shonfield), No. 23, ca. 1960

Box 581: 4

A View From Eucalyptus Hill (with U.N. Delegates), No. 33, 1963

Box 581: 5

A Vision of the End, No. 27, 1962

Box 581: 6

What the World Needs Now Is Citizens, No. 517, 7 Apr. 1970

Box 581: 7

Zuckerkandl, No. 18, 2 Oct. 1962


Huxley, Aldous

Box 581: 8

The Politics of Ecology, No. 29, 20 Nov. 1962

Box 581: 9

Tangents of Technology, No. 7, 16 Mar. 1962

Box 581: 10

Where Have All the Cuckoos Gone? (with Lynn T. White, Jr., Walter Ong, and Melvin Kransberg), No. 7R, ca. Mar. 1962

Box 581: 11

Illegal Immigration Series: General, ca. 1977-1979

Box 581: 12

Illegal Immigration #1: Illegal Immigration and National Policy (with Otis L. Graham, Jr.), No. 760, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 581: 13

Illegal Immigration #2: Immigration - Retrospection and Reflection (Garrett Hardin, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Joseph Schwab, Michael Harpold, Donald Cressey, Joseph Sureck, Walter Fogel, Caesar Sereseres, Leonel Castillo, Alberto Juarez, Vic Villalpando, and A. Wells Peterson), No. 761, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 581: 14

Illegal Immigration #3: The Impact of Illegal Immigration (Caesar Sereseres, Walter Fogel, Gary Schons, Alberto Juarez, A. Wells Peterson, Joseph Sureck, Melanie Wirken, Vic Villapando, Manuel Carlos, Michael Harpold, Antonio Rodriguez, and William Gorman), No. 762, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 581: 15

Illegal Immigration #4: The Demographic Implications of Illegal Immigration (Laurence Hewes, A. Wells Peterson, Vic Villiapando, Caesar Sereseres, Leonel Castillo, Antonio Rodriguez, Melanie Wirken, Gary Schons, Lucy Killea, William Gorman, Walter Fogel, Juan Gomez Quinones, Garrett Hardin, Otis L. Graham, Jr., Manual Carlos, Michael Harpold, and Alberto Juarez), No. 763, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 581: 16

Illegal Immigration #5: The Illegal Alien and Amnesty (Leonel Castillo, Garrett Hardin, Melanie Wirkin, Vic Villapando, Joseph Sureck, Walter Fogel, Michael Nava, Antonio Rodriguez, Manual Carlos, Alberto Juarez, Caesar Sereseres, Michael Harpold, and Mario Garcia), No. 764, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 581: 17

Illegal Immigration #6: The Case for Restricted Immigration (Garrett James Hardin, Ronald M. Green, Harry S. Ashmore, David Heer, Ezra Mishan, Walter Fogel, Joseph Schwab, Ivan Timonin, Richard Arellano, Luis Velarde, James Wilkie, John Hingham, and Richard Wasserstrom), No. 765, 9 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 1

Illegal Immigration #7: The Case for a Liberal Immigration Policy (Jorge A. Bustamante, Richard Arellano, Otis L. Graham, Jr., Robert Gillespie, Richard Wasserstrom, James Wilkie, and Marcos Manuel Suarez), No. 766, 9 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 2

Illegal Immigration #8: The Immigration Debate - The Idealists vs. The Realists (Harry S. Ashmore, Harry Kitano, Otis L. Graham, Jr., David Heer, Melanie Wirken, Ronald Green, Garrett Hardin, John Higham, Walter Capps, Richard Arellano, James Wilkie, and Marcos Manuel Suarez), No. 767, 9 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 3

Illegal Immigration #9: Illegal Immigration: The Ethical Questions (Otis L. Graham, Jr.), No. 768, 10 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 4

Illegal Immigration #10: Illegal Immigration and Development Aid (Bernard Haber, Ronald Green, Garrett Hardin, Doris Meissner, Richard Arellano, Harry S. Ashmore, Melanie Wirken, Marcos Manuel Suarez, Walter Fogel, Jorge Bustamante, Noah BenShea, Richard Wasserstrom, Robert Gillespie, and Luis Vellarde), No. 769, 10 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 5

Illegal Immigration #11: Illegal Immigration: The View from Mexico and Canada (Marcos Suarez, Ivan M. Timonin, Michael Lewis, John Higham, Otis L. Graham, Jr., and Luis Velarde), No. 770, 10 Dec. 1977

Box 582: 6

Illich, Ivan - A Privileged Place (with Donald McDonald and Denis Goulet), No. 483, 25 Apr. 1969

Box 582: 7

Illich, Ivan - Yesterday I Could Not Sleep because Yesterday I Wrote My Name, (with John Cogley), No. 299, 30 Sept. 1968

Box 582: 8

India and Its Leaders: Two Interviews (with Ramanohar Lohia, Venoba Bhave, Scott Milross Buchanan, and Stringfellow Barr), No. 13, ca. Nov. 1964

Box 582: 9

Iyer, Raghavan N. - Buddhism and Communism, No. 261, 27 Oct. 1966

Box 582: 10

Iyer, Raghavan N. - Profile (with Frank K. Kelly), No. 147, 25 Aug. 1966


Jackson, Henry

Box 582: 11

The Crisis of the Contemporary Presidency - A Democratic View - I (with Malcolm Charles Moos), No. 675, 21 Sept. 1974

Box 582: 12

The Crisis of the Contemporary Presidency - A Democratic View - II (with Harry S. Ashmore, David Barber, Joseph Kraft, Haynes Bonner Johnson, and Herschelle Challenor), No. 676, 21 Sept. 1974


Jacobs, Paul

Box 582: 13

Is Curly Jewish? (with Frank K. Kelly), No. 141, 25 Aug. 1965

Box 582: 14

Labor Looks at Itself (with W. H. Ferry), No. 37, ca. Feb. 1963

Box 582: 15

Labor Looks at Itself (Revised), No. 37R, ca. Feb. 1963


Jacoby, Neil H.

Box 582: 16

The Business of Business, No. 498, 18 Sept. 1969

Box 582: 17

Can Technology Be Neutral? No. 504, 22 Jan. 1970

Box 583: 1

The Conglomerate Corporation, No. 505, 26 Mar. 1969

Box 583: 2

The Crisis of Confidence in the World Economy and What To Do about It, No. 684, 5 Mar. 1975

Box 583: 3

The Perils of Pay-fixing, Tape V-27, 25 Nov. 1972

Box 583: 4

Who's Minding the Store? No. 541, 25 Nov. 1970

Box 583: 5

Jensen, Arthur R., and Donald McDonald - A Matter of Genes, No. 488, 1 July 1969

Box 583: 6

Jewish Traditions I: The Religious Dimensions of Judaism (Gershom Sholem, Philip Rieff, Ellis Rivkin, Davis Weiss Halivni, Nathan Rotensteich, Marie Syrkin, Alfred Gottschalk, John Wilkinson, Robert Gordis, Jakob Petuchowski, Emil Fackenheim, Jerald Brauer, and R. J. Zwi Werblowsky), No. 685, 10 Sept. 1973

Box 583: 7

Jewish Traditions II: The Concept of Justice in Jewish Law (Haim Cohn, Alfred Gottschalk, R. J. Zwi Werblowski, Jacob Petuchowsky, Robert Gordis, John Wilkinson, Nathan Rotenstreich, Ellis Rivkin, Gershom Scholem, Jerald Brauer, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Rick Carlson, Emil Fackenheim, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and Norton Ginsburg), No. 686, 10 Sept. 1973

Box 583: 8

Jewish Traditions III: Jewish Ethnicity: Ideology and Reality (Emil Fackenheim, Marie Syrkin, Jacob Petuchowski, Joseph Schwab, Ellis Rivkin, Robert Gordis, Philip Rieff, Harry S. Ashmore, Jerald Brauer, David Weiss Halivni, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harvey Wheeler, and Gershom Scholem), No. 687, 11 Sept. 1973

Box 583: 9

Jewish Traditions IV: The Jewish Experience (Open Meeting; with Morris Levinson, R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Marie Syrkin, Haim Cohn, Jacob Petuchowski, Nathan Rotenstreich, David Weiss Halivni, Jerald Brauer, Alfred Gottschalk, Emil Fackenheim, Philip Rieff, and Gershom Scholem), No. 688, 11 Sept. 1973

Box 583: 10

Jewish Traditions V: Jewish Virtues and the Good Life (R. J. Zwi Werblowski, Jacob Petuchowski, Jerald Brauer, Philip Rieff, Joseph Schwab, Nathan Rotenstreich, David Weiss Halivni, John Cogley, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Haim Cohn, Ellis Rivkin, and Alfred Gottschalk), No. 689, 12 Sept. 1973

Box 583: 11

Jewish Traditions VI: The Relevance of Judaism Today - Summary Session (R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, Ellis Rivkin, Frank K. Kelly, Jakob Petuchowsky, Thomas E. Cronin, Marie Syrkin, Rick J. Carlson, Jerald Brauer, Harry S. Ashmore, and Gershom Scholem), No. 690, 12 Sept. 1973

Box 584: 1

Jewish Traditions VII: The Universal Implications of Judaism (Robert Gordis), No. 691, 11 Sept. 1973

Box 584: 2

Jungk, Robert - Models for the Future (with Trevor Thomas), No. 317, 21 Dec. 1965


Kahin, George McTurnan

Box 584: 3

And the Boys Die On (with Harvey Wheeler), No. 529, 2 Sept. 1970

Box 584: 4

China Obsession, No. 528, 1 Sept. 1970

Box 584: 5

The Haunting Past (with Charles Hardin, Harry S. Ashmore, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 527, ca. 1970

Box 584: 6

Vietnam - Peace or War? (with Donald McDonald), No. 570, 3 Feb. 1971


Kalven, Harry Jr.

Box 584: 7

The First Amendment: Libel and Slander (with Joseph Tussman), No. 89, 31 July 1963

Box 584: 8

Freedom of the Press II (with Joseph Tussman, William Gorman, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Scott Milross Buchanan, Harry S. Ashmore, Harvey Wheeler, Richard Lichtman, and Lil Sasseen), No. 124, 27 July 1964

Box 584: 9

The Garner Case I, No. 79, ca. 1963

Box 584: 10

The Garner Case II, No. 80, ca. 1963

Box 584: 11

The Garner Case III, No. 81, 27 Aug. 1963

Box 584: 12

The Jury: Safeguard or Anachronism? No. 70, ca. July 1963

Box 584: 13

Quotas for Negroes: Insult or Compensation? (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Chaim Perelman, Richard Lichtman, Harry S. Ashmore, W. H. Ferry, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 84, 8 Aug. 1963

Box 584: 14

Kelly, Frank K. - Profile, No. 140, 28 Sept. 1966

Box 584: 15

Kelly, Frank K., and John Cogley - Report on the State of Mankind, n.d.

Box 584: 16

Keyserling, Leon Hirsch - Inflation, Recession and a New Approach to Both, No. 609, 1 Oct. 1974

Box 584: 17

Kiely, William F. - The Youth Culture (with Harry S. Ashmore, Hallock B. Hoffman, and John R. Seeley), No. 283R, 29 Sept. 1967

Box 584: 18

King, Alexander, and Neil Jacoby - Beyond the Limits, Tape L-36, 28 June 1974

Box 584: 19

King, Martin Luther, Jr., C. Edward Crowther, and James Farmer - I Shall Die, but That Is All I Shall Do for Death, No. 435, May 1967

Box 584: 20

King, Slater - Rural Development: Rich Land for Poor, No. 463, 22-24 Sept. 1968

Box 584: 21

Kinzer, Nora Scott - Patterns of Feminine Culture: U.S. Style, Tape M-36, 18 July 1974

Box 585: 1

Knopf, Alfred A. - Literary Illiterates (with Harry S. Ashmore and W. H. Ferry), No. 72, 1963

Box 585: 2

Knox, Joseph - Man's Impact on the Atmosphere, No. 737, 9 July 1976

Box 585: 3

Kotler, Milton - Return of the Neighborhood (with William Gorman and Harvey Wheeler), No. 430, 15 Feb. 1968

Box 585: 4

Krauch, Herbert - Science for Truth or Good? (with Scott Milross Buchanan) No. 114, 27 Nov. 1963

Box 585: 5

Lamb, Edward, and Frank K. Kelly - No Lamb for Slaughter, No. 75, 1963

Box 585: 6

Lampell, Millard - Blacklist: A Failure in Political Imagination (with John Henry Faulk and Dale Minor), No. 260, ca. Nov. 1966

Box 585: 7

Landau, Saul - A View from Inside Cuba, No. 284, 14 Sept. 1967

Box 585: 8

Laucks, Eulah - The Transitional Family, No. 491D, 14 Jan. 1969

Box 585: 9

LeBrun, Rico, and William D. Gorman - A Talk with Rico LeBrun, No. 34, 20 Mar. 1962

Box 585: 10

Library Conference (Mary and James F. Danielli, Robert Rosen, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape U-27, 13 June 1972


Lichtman, Richard

Box 585: 11

Commitment and the Human Condition (with Ralph R. Greenson, Richard Dallek, and Fred Goldstein), No. 252, 18 Jan. 1967

Box 585: 12

Cuba: The Keyword Is "Hope" (with Franz Schurmann), No. 506, 19 Aug. 1968

Box 585: 13

The Ethics of Compensatory Justice, No. 129, ca. Nov. 1964


Lin, Paul T. K.

Box 585: 14

Development Guided by Values: Comments on China's Road and Its Implications (with Norton Sydney Ginsburg), Tape Y-34, 6 Feb. 1974

Box 585: 15

Further Discussion of Basic Chinese Perspectives, Tape G-36, 4 June 1974

Box 585: 16

Global Perspectives Emerging from China's Strategy of Development (with Norton Sydney Ginsburg), Tape U-35, 10 May 1974

Box 585: 17

The Past, Present and Future of Mao's China, No. 571, 30 Mar. 1972

Box 585: 18

Lloyd, William B. Jr. - Peace Requires Peacemakers (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Arthur Waskow, Harry S. Ashmore, Scott Milross Buchanan, W. H. Ferry, Richard Lichtman, Walter Millis, Philip Rieff, and Hallock B. Hoffman), No. 107, n.d.

Box 585: 19

Lochman, Jan Millich - Can There Be a Dialogue between Christians and Marxists? (with Milton Mayer, W. H. Ferry, Richard Lichtman, Stanley Sheinbaum, and Philip Rieff), No. 106, 31 Mar. 1964

Box 585: 20

Loewenberg, Peter - How to Be Human in Academia, No. 589, 9 June 1972

Box 585: 21

Lomax, Luis - Have Slums, Will Travel (with Richard Lichtman, Harry S. Ashmore, Rexford Guy Tugwell, W. H. Ferry, Robert Woetzel, Scott Milross Buchanan, Trevor Thomas, Paul Johnson, and Gene Hoffman), No. 133, 17 Dec. 1964

Box 585: 22

Lowi, Theodore J. - Parallels of Policy and Politics: The Political Theory in American History, Tape P-22, 14 July 1971

Box 585: 23

Lyford, Joseph P. - Landing Party, No. 431, ca. 1968

Box 585: 24

Lyford, Joseph P. - Time Out of Joint, No. 294, 24 May 1968

Box 586: 1

Management and Industry in China Since the Cultural Revolution (with Barry M. Richman and Harned Hoose), Tape A-30, 18 Dec. 1972

Box 586: 2

Manning, Robert J. - The Citizen and Foreign Policy, No. 58, ca. 1963

Box 586: 3

Marcuse, Herbert - A Conversation with Herbert Marcuse (with Harvey Wheeler), No. 444, 22 Apr. 1968

Box 586: 4

Marin, Peter - The Captive Child, No. 487, 1 Aug. 1969


Marmor, Judd

Box 586: 5

The Crisis of Identity in a Workless World (with Roderic Gorney, W. H. Ferry, and Paul Jacobs), No. 187, n.d.

Box 586: 6

Psychological Aspects of Nuclear War, No. 20, 1962

Box 586: 7

You've Got to be Taught to Hate, No. 188, 17 Mar. 1965

Box 586: 8

Marshall, Thurgood - Racial Equality, Criminal Proceedings, and the Courts, No. 96, 7 Dec. 1963


Mayer, Milton

Box 586: 9

Czechoslovakia: The Art of the Impossible (with Rexford Tugwell, Stringfellow Barr, W. H. Ferry, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Philip Chandler, and Hallock Hoffman), No. 455, 20 Dec. 1968

Box 586: 10

The New Man, No. 551, 27 July 1966

Box 586: 11

Rendered unto Caesar, 3 Jan. 1962

Box 586: 12

There Used to be Negroes, No. 475, 15 May 1969

Box 586: 13

What Can the Individual Do against the Power of the State? (with Crane Haussamen, William Sloane Coffin, Ramsey Clark, Sander Vanocur, Lewis Pollack, Stephen Carey, and Piers von Simson), No. 542, 9 Dec. 1969

Box 586: 14

McCarthy, Eugene - Eugene McCarthy Reads His Poetry, No. 515, 6 Jan. 1971

Box 586: 15

McCarthy, Eugene - The Politics of Inflation (with Harry S. Ashmore, Edward Lamb, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Fred Warner Neal, Wendell Mordy, Jerald Brauer, Malcom Moos, Zwi Werblowsky, and Elisabeth Mann Borgese), No. 632, 17 Sept. 1974

Box 586: 16

McCulloch, Frank - Communication in a Democracy, No. 59, 1963

Box 586: 17

McDonald, Donald - Too Much and Too Little: An Indictment of the Press (with Roger Tatarian), No. 297, n.d.

Box 586: 18

McDonald, Donald - Watch What We Do, Not What We Say, No. 513, 8 Feb. 1971

Box 586: 19

Medical Malpractice I: Effects of Our Malpractice System on Health Care (Mark Blumberg, Richard S. L. Roddis, Richard M. Markus, Robert E. Keeton, David Rubsamen, Roger Egeberg, Harry S. Ashmore, and John Wilkinson), No. 590, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 1

Medical Malpractice II: Quality Control in the Health Care System (Rick J. Carlson, James W. Bush, Richard M. Markus, Eli P. Bernzweig, Mark Blumberg, Robert E. Keeton, Roger Egeberg, David Rubsamen, Jon M. Van Dyke, and Donald McDonald), No. 591, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 2

Medical Malpractice III: Malpractice Cases: The Relationship between Medicine and the Law (David Rubsamen, James W. Bush, Everett A. Johnson, Richard M. Markus, Eli P. Bernzweig, Mark Blumberg, Robert E. Keeton, Rick J. Carlson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Michael Tigar, and Frank Kelly), No. 592, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 3

Medical Malpractice IV: The Merits of No-Fault Medical Insurance (Rick J. Carlson, Jon M. Van Dyke, Everett A. Johnson, Richard M. Markus, Robert E. Keeton, David Rubsamen, James W. Bush, Eli P. Bernzweig, Mark Blumberg, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 593, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 4

Medical Malpractice V: Money and Medical Malpractice (Rick J. Carlson, Richard M. Markus, Roger Egeberg, Everett A. Johnson, Mark Blumberg, David Rubsamen, Richard S. L. Roddis, Eli P. Bernzweig, James W. Bush, Jon M. Van Dyke, Harry S. Ashmore, and Michael Tigar), No. 594, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 5

Medical Malpractice VI: Arbitration: A Middle Ground in Malpractice Suits (David Rubsamen, Richard M. Markus, Richard S. L. Roddis, James W. Bush, Robert E. Keeton, Eli P. Bernzweig, Mark Blumberg, Rick J. Carlson, Jon M. Van Dyke, Harry S. Ashmore, Michael Tigar, and Frank Kelly), No. 595, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 6

Medical Malpractice VII: Health and Malpractice Systems Abroad (Rick J. Carlson, David Rubsamen, Mark Blumberg, Markus, Eli P. Bernzweig, Johnson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harry S. Ashmore, and Eduard Goldstücker), No. 596, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 7

Medical Malpractice VIII: Malpractice: A View from the Hospital (Everett A. Johnson), No. 597, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 8

Medical Malpractice IX: The Business of Medical Malpractice Insurance (Everett A. Johnson, Eli P. Bernzweig, Richard M. Markus, Mark Blumberg, David Rubsamen, Richard S. L. Roddis, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 598, ca. Sept. 1971

Box 587: 9

Meerloo, Joost - Reading and Writing Blocks: A Symptom of Alienation, No. 451, 3 Oct. 1968


Meiklejohn, Alexander

Box 587: 10

Celebration of a Life, No. 126R, ca. 1965

Box 587: 11

Education for Freedom (with Scott Buchanan), No. 183, ca. 1965

Box 587: 12

The Supreme Court as History (with Harry Kalven, Scott Buchanan, Milton Mayer, and Joseph Tussman), No. 184 [Program 126?], 17 Dec. 1964

Box 587: 13

Mendes-France, Pierre - Democracy, Planning and Participation (Tenth Anniversary Convocation), No. 48, 21 Jan. 1963

Box 587: 14

Merton, Thomas - Final Words of Thomas Merton (with Donald McDonald, James A. Pike, C. Edward Crowther, Frank Kelly, Gerald Gottlieb, John Wilkinson, Rexford Tugwell, Peter Marin, Judy Salzman, and W. H. Ferry), No. 454R, ca. Oct. 1968

Box 588: 1-2

Mexican-American Conference I: La Mula No Nacio Arisca (Ralph Guzman, Y. Arturo Cabrera, Bert Corona, Steve Allen, Paul O'Rourke, Daniel Luevano, Seniel Ostrow, W. H. Ferry, and Ernesto Galarza), No. 255, 29 Oct. 1965

Box 588: 3-4

Mexican-American Conference II: Who Is the Enemy? (Ernesto Galarza, Steve Allen, Grace Olivarez, Dionicio Morales, Armado Rodriguez, Bert Acosta, Y. Arturo Cabrera, Bert Corona, Richard Lichtman, W. H. Ferry, and Daniel Luevano), No. 256, 29 Oct. 1965

Box 588: 5

Mexican-American Conference III: The Cactus Curtain (Ernesto Galarza), No. 257, 29 Oct. 1965

Box 588: 6

Miller, Loren - A Negro Looks at the 14th Amendment (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, Edwin Dunaway, Harry Kalven, Jr., Joseph Tussman, Harvey Wheeler, W. H. Ferry, Richard Lichtman, Harry Ashmore, and Hallock Hoffman), No. 77, 15 July 1963

Box 588: 7

Miller, William Lee - The Ethics of Politics (with Donald McDonald), No. 693, 25 Mar. 1975


Millis, Walter

Box 588: 8

Report on the Dominican Republic (with Robert M. Hutchins, Harry S. Ashmore, and Lord Ritchie-Calder), 5 May 1965

Box 588: 9

War and Revolution Today (with Robert M. Hutchins, W. H. Ferry, Stanley K. Sheinbaum, Robert Woetzel, John Wilkinson, Irving Laucks, Harrop Freeman, Raghavan Iyer, Scott Buchanan, Richard Lichtman, Vukan Kuic, Rexford Tugwell, Donald McDonald, and Jon Alexander), No. 226, 23 Sept. 1965

Box 588: 10

The Warless World, No. 10, ca. 1962

Box 588: 11

Minow, Newton - Bureaucracy Is not Muddling Through (read by Norman Belkin; with Walter Millis), No. 95, 7-8 Dec. 1963

Box 588: 12

Minow, Newton - The Responsibilities of Television (Tenth Anniversary Convocation), No. 51, 1963

Box 588: 13-14

Mondale, Walter - The Presidency in the 1970s (State of the Democratic Process Symposium; with Kenneth Clark, Harry S. Ashmore, John Cogley, Robert Finch, and David Halberstam), No. 628R, ca. June 1974

Box 589: 1

Motley, Constance Baker - Weathervane: The Fifth Amendment, No. 531, 25 Feb. 1971

Box 589: 2

Mumford, Lewis, and Hyman G. Rickover - Authoritarian and Democratic Technics, No. 44, 21-22 Jan. 1963

Box 589: 3

Murphy, Tim - The Case Crush in Courts, No. 530, 24 Feb. 1971

Box 589: 4

Myrdal, Alva - Europe and the United States - Perspectives on Security, Tape G-36, 5 June 1974

Box 589: 5

Myrdal, Gunnar - The Role of Government in the Economy (Tenth Anniversary Convocation), No. 53, 22 Jan. 1963

Box 589: 6

Myrdal, Gunnar - A Second Look at the American Dilemma (with Donald McDonald), No. 288, 7 Apr. 1967

Box 589: 7

Nakane, Chie - Sociological Conceptualizations in an Asian Perspective, Tape S-35, 3 May 1974

Box 589: 8

Navasky, Victor - Humor and Social Criticism (with Harry S. Ashmore), n.d.

Box 589: 9

Neal, Fred Warner - A Look at the Yugoslavian Economy (Economic Planning and Freedom; with Paul Sweezey, Anthony Crossland, Paul Jacobs, Stanley Sheinbaum, W. H. Ferry, Richard Lichtman, Scott Buchanan, and Linus Pauling), No. 113, ca. 1964

Box 589: 10

Neal, Fred Warner - New Directions in United States Foreign Policy (with Harry S. Ashmore), Tape W-27, 29 June 1972

Box 589: 11

Nef, John - Civilization, Industrial Society and Love, No. 237, June 1965

Box 589: 12

Nevin, David - Life at the Center, n.d.

Box 589: 13

Operation Bootstrap I: Experiment in Self-Help (Lou Smith and Bob Bailey), No. 262, 8 Nov. 1966

Box 589: 14

Operation Bootstrap II: Self-Concepts: Myth and Mirror (E. N. Easley, Russ Ellis, John Seeley, Ernie Smith, Lou Smith, and Palmer Van Grundy), No. 263, 15 Jan. 1967

Box 589: 15

Operation Bootstrap III: The U.S. Constitution or Self-Determination for Negroes? (W. H. Ferry, Rexford Tugwell, Russ Ellis, E. N. Easley, Robert Hall, Lyn Schiflett, Palmer Van Grundy, Robert Bailey, Lou Smith, Ernie Smith, Clarence Price, John Seeley, Ed Engberg, Frank Kelly, Dennis Dunn, Robert Hibbard, Cleveland Wallace, and Gene Hoffman), No. 264, 15 Jan. 1967

Box 589: 16

Operation Bootstrap IV: Let the Rage Uncoil (Gene Hoffman), n.d.

Box 589: 17

Pacem in Maribus I: Can the Oceans Be Disarmed? (Sven Hirdman, Rei Shiratori, John Craven, Silviu Brucan, and Elizabeth Young), No. 507, 8 Jan. 1970

Box 589: 18

Pacem in Maribus II: The Oceans' Military Potential and What to Do about It (John Craven, Sven Hirdman, Elizabeth Young, Silviu Brucan, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harry S. Ashmore, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 508, 8 Jan. 1970

Box 590: 1

Pacem in Maribus III: Who Owns the Wealth of the Deep Seas? (Lord Ritchie-Calder, E. D. Brown, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Elizabeth Young, Ray Shiratori, Said Uddin Khan, Rexford G. Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and Harry S. Ashmore), No. 509, 8 Jan. 1970

Box 590: 2

Packwood, Robert - The Need for Congressional Reform - I, No. 630R, ca. June 1974

Box 590: 3

Packwood, Robert - The Need for Congressional Reform - II (with Thomas E. Cronin, Edwin Gothman, Sander Vanocur, George F. Will, and Harvey Wheeler), No. 631R, 1 June 1974

Box 590: 4

Pauling, Ava, and Linus Pauling - A Visit with the Paulings, No. 120, 27 Sept. 1966

Box 590: 5

Pauling, Ava, and Helmut Krauch - Science for Truth or Good? No. 115, ca. Nov. 1964

Box 590: 6

Perry, John L., and W. H. Ferry - Farewell, Hell! No. 433, n.d.

Box 590: 7

Piel, Gerard - The Bleak Outlook: Jobs and Machines, No. 78, ca. 1963

Box 590: 8

Piel, Gerard - Technology and Democracy, No. 45, ca. Jan. 1963

Box 590: 9

Pike, James A. - Fewer Beliefs, More Belief, No. 267, 3 Aug. 1966

Box 590: 10

Pike, James A. - Today's Crisis in Religion, No. 272, n.d.


PIT (Pacem in Terris) I

Box 590: 11

I: Anatomy of Peace (Robert M. Hutchins, Hubert M. Humphrey, Paul Tillich, Abba Eban, Adlai Stevenson, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Linus Pauling, U Thant, Kenzo Taka Yanagi, and Robert Buron), No. 150, ca. Feb. 1965

Box 590: 12

II: The Semantics of Coexistence (Paul-Henri Spaak); the European Settlement (Paul-Henri Spaak, N. N. Inozemtsev, George Kennan, Adam Schaff, Carlo Schmid, and Robert Buron), No. 151, ca. Feb. 1965

Box 590: 13

III: Ideology and Intervention (J. William Fulbright, Arnold Toynbee, Yevgenyi Zhukov, Abba Eban, Claiborne Pell, George Shuster, Fred Warner Neal, Eugene McCarthy, Steve Allen, George McGovern, Jerome Frank, and Carl F. Stover), No. 152, ca. Feb. 1965

Box 590: 14

IV: Peacekeeping under the Rule of Law (Earl Warren, Philip C. Jessup, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Luis Quintanilla, Kenzo Takayanagi, Lord Caradon, and J. William Fulbright), No. 153, ca. Feb. 1965

Box 590: 15

IV: The Rich and the Poor (Linus Pauling, Abdul Monem Rifa'i, Barbara Ward, S. O. Adebo, Lleras Camargo, Vida Tomsic, Robert Buron, and M. D. Millionshchikov), No. 154, ca. Feb. 1965

Box 590: 16

IV: The Haves and the Have-Nots (S. O. Adebo, Abdul Monem Rifa'i, Vida Tomsic, Muhammed Zafrulla Khan, James G. Patton, Elmo Roper, Stanley K. Sheinbaum, H. Stuart Hughes, Paul Tillich, Eugene Burdick, Jerome Frank, Henry R. Luce, Grenville Clark, Steve Allen, George Shuster, Eugene McCarthy, Gerard Piel, Carl F. Stover, and Robert Buron), No. 156, ca. Feb. 1965


PIT (Pacem in Terris) II

Box 590: 17

I: Prerequisites to Peace (Harry S. Ashmore, Robert M. Hutchins, Adlai E. Stevenson, U Thant, J. William Fulbright, Pumla E. Kisosonkole, Galo Plaza Lasso, Chester A. Ronning, Marian Dobrosielski, Rene Keller, Edward W. Brooke, Johan Galtung, S. O. Adebo, Jean de Broglie, Archbishop Camara, Martin Niemoller, Paul G. Hoffman, Roland Barnes, Sushila Nayar, Martin Luther King, Jr., Linus Pauling, Thaddeus McCarthy, James Rossevelt, C. Edward Crowther, Marya Mannes, John McLaughlin, and James Farmer), No. 400, ca. May 1967

Box 590: 18

II: A World View of Vietnam (Ambassador Nugroho, Jean Chauvel, Sonn Voensai, Roger Garaudy, Thanat Khoman, M. J. Desai, Thaddeus McCarthy, Masamichi Inoki, Josef Hromodka, Martin Luther King, Jr., Linus Pauling, John Kenneth Galbraith, Marian Dobrosielski, Claiborne Pell, Joseph Clark, Andre Phillip, Souvanna Phouma, Harry S. Ashmore, and James Roosevelt), No. 401, ca. May 1967

Box 590: 19

III: Confrontation: East-West Germany (Olof Palme, Wilhelm Wolfgang Schutz, Gerald Gotting, Karol Malcuzynski, Hubert Beuve Mery, Geoffrey de Freitas, and Martin Niemoller), No. 402, ca. May 1967

Box 590: 20

IV: Development is the Name for Peace (Jean de Broglie, Doudou Thiam, Ronald Barnes, Dom Helder Camara, Sushila Nayar, E. F. Schumacher, J. William Fulbright, Andre Philip, Usher Assouan, S. O. Adebo, Paul G. Hoffman, E. R. Richardson, and Martin Niemoller), No. 403, May 1967

Box 590: 21

V: Beyond Coexistence (Robert M. Hutchins, Roger M. Garaudy, Marian Dobrosielski, Romesh Thapar, Norman St. John-Stevas, Mrs. Pumla E. Kisosonkole, Ahmed Houman, Sven Olof Palme, Jean de Broglie, Galo Plaza Lasso, Sushila Nayar, Silviu Brucan, Johan Galtung, J. William Fulbright, Vladmimir Bakaric, Luis Quintanilla, and Hudson Hoagland), No. 404 [405?], ca. May 1967

Box 590: 22

VI: On China (Paul T. K. Lin), No. 405 [404?], ca. May 1967

Box 590: 23

VII: Pacem Postscripts (Elisabeth Mann Borgese), No. 406, ca. May 1967


PIT (Pacem in Terris) III

Box 590: 24

General, ca. Aug. 1973

Box 590: 25

1: Foreign Policy - The Kissinger View, No. 635, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 590: 26

2: Senator Fulbright Views the National Interest (J. William Fulbright), No. 636, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 590: 27

3: Détente and Human Rights (Henry M. Jackson), No. 637, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 28

4: U.S. Primacy or a World Community? (Stanley Hoffman), No. 638, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 29

5: National Security and Internal Reform (Richard J. Barnet), No. 639, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 30

6: The U.S. Future: A More Modest Role (Robert W. Tucker), No. 640, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 31

7: The American Ethos and U.S. Foreign Policy (Hans Joachim Morgenthau, Frances Fitzgerald, Leslie H. Gelb, Stanley Karnow, Harvey Wheeler, Stanley Hoffman, Richard J. Barnet, and George F. Will), No. 641, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 32

8: Our Relations with Our Adversaries (Marshall Darrow Shulman), No. 642, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 33

9: Relics of the Past: U.S. Alliances (Paul C. Warnke), No. 643, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 34

10: U.S. Self Interest and International Moral Imperatives (Theodore Martin Hesburgh), No. 644, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 590: 35

11: Beyond Imperialism: The Case for Moral Leadership (Morton H. Halperin, Herschelle Challenor, Jerome Alan Cohen, John Paton Davies, David Horowitz, and Ronald Steel), No. 645, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 1

12: The Pitiful Giant: An Overarmed America (Clark Clifford), No. 646, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 591: 2

13: Reduced Overkill: A Step toward Sanity (Frank Herbert York), No. 647, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 591: 3

14: Limiting U.S. Destructive Power (Clark Clifford, Herbert York, Gloria Emerson, William Foster, Gene R. LaRocque, Jeremy J. Stone, and Stansfield Turner), No. 648, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 591: 4

15: The Economics of an Interrelated World (Peter G. Peterson), No. 649, ca. Oct. 1973

Box 591: 5

16: The Case for U.S. Development Aid (Kenneth W. Thompson), No. 650, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 6

17: Development and the Multi-National Corporation (Discussion IV: Frank Church, Abraham Ribicoff, Walter Sterling, Richard N. Cooper, Paul M. Sweezy, and Neil Jacoby), No. 651, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 7

18: Japan: Model for the Future? (Edwin O. Reischauer), No. 652, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 8

19: Poor Nations, Technology, and the Future (Gerard Piel), No. 653, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 9

20: Global Problems and National Values (Discussion V: Harrison S. Brown, George Brown, Jr., Seyom Brown, John Lawrence Hargrove, and Jonas Salk), No. 654, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 10

21: The Hard Road to World Order (Richard N. Gardner), No. 655, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 11

22: World Law - Strengths and Limitations (Philip C. Jessup), No. 656, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 12

23: The Imperatives of Institution-Building (Discussion VI: Pauline Frederick, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Richard A. Falk, Edward M. Korry, Sol M. Linowitz, Charles W. Yost, and Richard N. Gardner), No. 657, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 13

24: Separation of Powers and Foreign Affairs (Sam J. Ervin, Jr.), No. 658, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 14

25: Who Should Make Our Foreign Policy? (Discussion VII: Hubert H. Humphrey, Eugene J. McCarthy, George McGovern, Edmund S. Muskie, and Nelson Rockefeller), No. 659, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 15

26: Of Men and Foreign Policy (John Kenneth Galbraith), No. 660, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 16

27: An Uneasy Partnership: Government and the Media (James C. Thomson, Jr.), No. 661, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 591: 17

28: The Human Factor in Government - Press Relations (John Kenneth Galbraith, James C. Thomson, Jr., Alfred Balk, Thomas E. Cronin, David Halberstam, Richard Holbrooke, Peter Lisagor, and George E. Reedy), No. 662, 11 Oct. 1973


PIT (Pacem in Terris) IV

Box 591: 18

1: The Uses and Abuses of United States-Soviet Union Detente (Daniel P. Moynihan), No. 702, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 19

2: The Immediate Imperatives of Détente (Edward M. Kennedy), No. 703, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 20

3: Détente in Practice: Problems, Pitfalls, and Opportunities (Daniel F. Moynihan, Edward M. Kennedy, Jacob K. Javits, George F. Kennan, Hans J. Morgenthau, Richard J. Barnet, Robert E. Osgood, and Fred Warner Neal), No. 704, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 21

4: Our International Economic Challenges (William E. Simon), No. 705, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 22

5: Needed: A Marshall Plan for Urban America (Tom Bradley), No. 706, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 23

6: National Security and the Domestic Economy (Tom Bradley, Otis Graham, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Seymour Melman, Willard Wirtz, and Ralph Tyler), No. 707, 2 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 24

7: The Economic Crisis in Our Global Community (Robert O. Anderson), No. 708, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 591: 25

8: Time for a New International Economic Order (Maurice F. Strong), No. 709, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 1

9: The Economic Implications of U.S. Foreign Policy (Eqbal Ahmad, Robert O. Anderson, Maurice F. Strong, Cyril Edwin Black, James P. Grant, Neil H. Jacoby, Gerald Parsky, and Lord Ritchie-Calder), No. 710, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 2

10: The Case for a Strong Military Capability (James R. Schlesinger), No. 711, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 3

11: The Limited Uses of Military Power (Les Aspin), No. 712, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 4

12: Our Military Posture and Détente (Les Aspin, Blair Clark, Joseph S. Clark, Gene R. LaRocque, James R. Schlesinger, Herbert Frank York, and Elmo R. Zumwalt), No. 713, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 5

13: U.S. Development Policy: Time for Reappraisal (John Brademas), No. 714, 3 Dec. 1976

Box 592: 6

14: Toward a Search for Consensus in the United Nations (Charles Woodruff Yost), No. 715, 3 Dec. 1976

Box 592: 7

15: An Assessment of the United Nations' Achievements (Kenneth W. Thompson), No. 716, 3 Dec. 1976

Box 592: 8

16: Cooperation and Confrontation in the United Nations (Elisabeth Mann Borgese, John Brademas, Joel I. Brooke, Inis L. Claude, Roberto E. Guyer, Philip C. Jessup, Carl Milton Marcy, Kenneth W. Thompson, and Charles Woodruff Yost), No. 717, 3 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 9

17: Covert Operations: Quagmire of American Policy (Frank Church), No. 718, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 10

18: The Need for Responsible Intelligence-Gathering (William Egan Colby), No. 719, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 11

19: Intelligence, National Security and Democratic Process (Frank Church, William Egan Colby, Ray S. Cline, Morton H. Halperin, Charles Morgan, Claiborne Pell, and Andrew Young), No. 720, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 12

20: Political Decision Making and U.S. Foreign Policy (John Bayard Anderson, Harry S. Ashmore, Howard H. Baker, Donald MacKay Fraser, Eugene J. McCarthy, Edward P. Morgan, and Mike Mansfield), No. 721, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 592: 13

Philips, Gifford - Is American Art Elitist? Tape T-26, 28 June 1972

Box 592: 14

Piven, Frances Fox, and Barnard Norris - A Skeptical Look at the U.S. Health Services, No. 573, 23 Apr. 1972

Box 592: 15

Platt, John - What We Must Do, Tape J-17, 8 Aug. 1970

Box 592: 16

Pollock, George - Psychoanalytic Considerations of Fertility and Sexuality in Contraception, Tape F-25, 26 Jan. 1972

Box 592: 17

Pornography, Violence and Censorship - Then and Now (Melvyn Douglas, Florence Eldridge, and Fredric March), No. 692 and Tape D-31, 15 Mar. 1973

Box 592: 18

Post, Richard F. - Fusion Energy: Power of the Future, No. 572, 10 Apr. 1972

Box 592: 19

Potter, Frank - Progress Means Pollution: An Exploration of Legal Options and Trade-offs, No. 493, 28 Jan. 1970

Box 592: 20

Preece, Warren - Forty Million Words, No. 117, n.d.

Box 592: 21

Pribram, Karl, and Barnard Norris - The Ethics of Mind Control (Library Interview), No. 601 and Tape G-28, 18 July 1972

Box 593: 1

Project Public Information I: Ready for Anything (Robert Maynard Hutchins, Harry L. Selden, Cheryl Smith, and Henry Wallich), No. 436, 2-4 Apr. 1968

Box 593: 2

Project Public Information II: Ignorance Is not not Knowing but Knowing What Isn't So (Walter Adams and Henry Christopher Wallich, with Stephen Spender, Lorie Tarshis, Gerald Gottlieb, Frank Kelly, Bernard Rosenberg, Cheryl Smith, and Henry L. Selden), No. 437, 31 July 1968

Box 593: 3

Project Public Information III: Public Education as a Business Enterprise (Lori Tarshis, W. H. Ferry, William J. Sanders, Joseph M. Russin, John R. Seeley, Harry L. Selden, Henry C. Wallich, Kenneth Hansen, Joseph Michlak, and George W. Haas), No. 438, ca. Apr. 1968

Box 593: 4

Project Public Information IV: Religion and the Humanities (Thomas F. O'Dea, Harvey Gallagher Cox, and David A. Hubbard), No. 439, 31 July 1968

Box 593: 5

Project Public Information V: Art, Adrenalin and the Enjoyment of Living. (Norman Cousins and Stephen Spender), No. 440, 31 July 1968

Box 593: 6

Project Public Information VI: Beyond the Murk of Masskultur (Bernard Rosenberg and Norman Cousins), No. 441, 31 July 1968

Box 593: 7

Project Public Information VII: Education and the Politics of Democracy (David Fellman, with Walter Adams, J. Herbert Altschull, John R. Seeley, W. H. Ferry, Thomas O'Dea, and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 442, 31 July 1968

Box 593: 8

Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States (Leo Gabriel, Michael Wright, Harvey Wheeler, Naomi Gilburt, Harry S. Ashmore, Frank Gilbert, Robert Scheer, Bruce Franklin, Larry Mann, George Kahin, Daniel Sisson, Richard Lichtman, Robert Rosen, Carmen Chang, and John Wilkinson), Tape A-28, 10-12 July 1972

Box 593: 9

Preuss, Charles - A Soldier's View of Vietnam [Program 277?], 21 Mar. 1966

Box 593: 10

Radest, Howard - Sense and Sensibility (with Harry Ashmore, John Seeley, Scott Buchanan, William Gorman, Arthur Butler, Frank Kelly, and Prynce Hopkins), No. 275, 25 Oct. 1966

Box 593: 11

Reuther, Walter - Concentrations of Private Power, No. 49, 1963

Box 593: 12

Reuther, Walter - First Things First - I (with Upton Sinclair and Robert Maynard Hutchins), No. 97, 1963

Box 593: 13

Revel, Jean Francois - How Intellectual Fashions Operate (with Norton Ginsburg, John Wilkinson, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Rexford Tugwell, Donald McDonald, Harvey Wheeler, Daniel Sisson, Eduard Goldstücker, James Albritton, and Rick Carlson), Tape M-29, 3 Nov. 1972

Box 593: 14

Richman, Barry - Chinese vs. Indian Development, No. 519, 8 Mar. 1971

Box 593: 15

Richman, Barry - A View from Inside China (with John Cogley), No. 516, 14 Jan. 1971

Box 593: 16

Rickover, Hyman G. - The Myth of the Pure Administrator, No. 94, 7 Dec. 1963

Box 593: 17

Rieff, Philip - Black and White in America (with Harry Ashmore, Richard Lichtman, and William Gorman), No. 67, 6 Feb. 1963


Ritchie-Calder, Lord

Box 593: 18

The Earth Killers (with John Cogley), No. 466, 24 Feb. 1969

Box 593: 19

Profile, No. 144, 5 May 1966

Box 593: 20

To Hell with Prosperity, No. 467, 26 Feb. 1969

Box 594: 1

Triage: Formula for Genocide, No. 735, 4 Mar. 1975

Box 594: 2

Waste Is Wealth, No. 549, 19 Feb. 1971

Box 594: 3

The World Food Crisis and Triage (with William W. Murdoch, Garrett James Hardin, and William Paddock), No. 734, 21 Jan. 1975

Box 594: 4

Robinson, Donald - The President as Commander-in Chief, Tape Q-22, 16 July 1971

Box 594: 5

Rock, William Pennell - Love, Reason and Words (with Robert M. Hutchins, Rexford Tugwell, Harry S. Ashmore, John Wilkinson, and Elisabeth Mann Borgese), No. 558, 13 Dec. 1971

Box 594: 6

Rogat, Yosal - The Eichmann Trial and Rule of Law, No. 14, ca. 1961-1962

Box 594: 7

Roper, Elmo - What Can the Individual Do about Democracy? No. 57, 1963

Box 594: 8

Rose, Steven - On the Frontiers of the Mind (with Harry Ashmore, William Ewald, Frank Kelly, Susan Rosenblum, Wolfgang Vitzthum, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape A-15, 20 Mar. 1970

Box 594: 9

Rosen, Robert - Some Temporal Aspects of Political Change in the Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution (with Robert Maynard Hutchins, John Wilkinson, Nathan Rotenstreich, Roger Garaudy, Rexford Tugwell, Leo Gabriel, and Richard Bellman), Tape Y-27, 7 July 1972

Box 594: 10

Rosenthal, Richard - Ars, Artis, or Losers Only, ca. 1962-1963

Box 594: 11

Rotenstreich, Binah - Binah Means Wisdom (with Barnard Norris), No. 602, 31 July 1972

Box 594: 12

Rustin, Baynard - Negro Revolution in 1965, No. 128, ca. Nov. 1964

Box 594: 13

Salk, Jonas - The Survival of the Wisest (with Robert Rosen, John Wilkinson, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Norton Ginsburg, Ronald Segal, Thomas Cronin, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Rick Carlson, Joseph J. Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Eduard Goldstücker, James Danielli, and Wendell Mordy), Tapes U-31, V-31, 25-26 May 1973

Box 594: 14

Samuel, Edwin - Civil Rights in Israel, No. 65, 1963

Box 594: 15

Schneider, Michael - The Neglected White Worker [read by Herschel Bernardi], No. 514, 10 Sept. 1970

Box 594: 16

Schnier, Walter - Invitation to an Inquest, 27 Oct. 1965

Box 594: 17

Schoenbrun, David - How Can the U.S. Extricate Itself from Vietnam? No. 286, 8 Apr. 1967

Box 595: 1

Schoenbrun, David - How the U.S. Can Get out of Vietnam, No. 286, 16 Oct. 1967

Box 595: 2

Shurmann, Franz - China Policy, No. 230, 29 Sept. 1965

Box 595: 3

Schurmann, Franz - A Look at the Chinese Economy (with James O'Connor and Harvey Wheeler), No. 268, 17 June 1966

Box 595: 4

Seeley, John R. - The Revolt of the Young: Alienation and the University, No. 425, 25 Oct. 1968


Segal, Ronald

Box 595: 5

Arab Society and Middle Ideology, Tape K-30, 7 Feb. 1973

Box 595: 6

Capitalism in Crisis, No. 681 and Tape W-31, 14 June 1973

Box 595: 7

The Decline of the Dollar as an International Reserve Currency, No. 630, 4 Apr. 1973

Box 595: 8

A Revolutionary Looks at the Future, No. 574, 22 Apr. 1972

Box 595: 9

A Revolutionary Views South Africa, No. 578, 24 Apr. 1972

Box 595: 10

Selznick, Philip - Government by Governance, No. 42, 8 Mar. 1963


Sheinbaum, Stanley K.

Box 595: 11

Capitalism and Democracy (with Paul Harbrecht, Reinhold Niebuhr, Robert Gordis, George Schuster, Eugene Burdick, John Courteney Murray, Harry Ashmore, I. I. Rabi, Walter Millis, and W. H. Ferry), No. 6, 21 Aug. 1961

Box 595: 12

The Dollar's Link with Gold, No. 291, 14 Feb. 1968

Box 595: 13

Economic Planning in France (with Robert M. Hutchins, Rexford Tugwell, Michael Harrington, Mortimer Andron, Anthony Crosland, W. H. Ferry, Harry Kalven, Jr., and Paul Sweezy), No. 231, 26 Aug. 1964

Box 595: 14

Shonfield, Andrew - Britain in the Common Market (with Tibor Scitovsky, Stanley K. Sheinbaum, Harry Ashmore, Robert Lichtman, and William Gorman), No. 4, n.d.

Box 595: 15

Shonfield, Andrew - David and Katherine [Shonfield] Views on America, n.d.

Box 596: 1

Silber, John - Masks and Fig Leaves (with Robert M. Hutchins, Michael Hathaway, John Cogley, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Jon Van Dyke, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 512, 10 Dec. 1970

Box 596: 2

Sinclair, Upton - O, My America [Program 73?], 1963


Skinner Series

Box 596: 3

Beyond Freedom What? (B. F. Skinner, with Michael Novak, Fred Warner Neal, and Arvid Pardo), No. 562, ca. Jan. 1972

Box 596: 4

The Conditioned Scholar (B. F. Skinner), No. 568, 21 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 5

Conditioning in Practice (B. F. Skinner, Vitali Rozynko, Kenneth Swift, Harry S. Ashmore, Michael Novak, Harvey Wheeler, Arvid Pardo, Scott Kelso, and Alexander Comfort), No. 563 and Tape H-25, 17 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 6

Conditioning Toward Extinction (B. F. Skinner, Hallock Hoffman, Alexander Comfort, Donald McDonald, Arvid Pardo, Norton Ginsburg, Joseph Schwab, Dennis Pirages, Vitali Rozynko, Robert Rosen, Robert M. Hutchins, and Harry Asmore), No. 566 and Tape J-25, 19 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 7

The Evolution of a Culture (B. F. Skinner, Harry S. Ashmore, Rexford Tugwell, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Dennis Pirages, Vitali Rozynko, Leo Gabriel, Donald McDonald, Harvey Wheeler, John Cogley, and Hallock Hoffman), No. 564, 18 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 8

An Interview with B. F. Skinner (with Harvey Wheeler), No. 560, ca. Jan. 1972

Box 596: 9

Pigeons and People (B. F. Skinner, Harry S. Ashmore, Robert Rosen, John Wilkinson, Harvey Wheeler, Donald McDonald, Joseph Schwab, Vitali Rozynko, Alexander Comfort, and Frank Kelly), No. 565, 17 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 10

Skinner on Skinnerism (B. F. Skinner), No. 561 and Tape H-25, ca. Jan. 1972

Box 596: 11

Skinnerism at Work (B. F. Skinner, Vitali Rozynko, Kenneth Swift, and Barnard Norris), No. 567 and Tape J-25, 19 Jan. 1972

Box 596: 12

Smith, Huston - Toward a World Civilization [Program 287?], 22 Nov. 1966

Box 596: 13

Social Futures Relating to Health Care (Robert M. Hutchins, Harvey Wheeler, Ronald Segal, Richard Bellman, Edward Lamb, Otis Graham, Rexford Tugwell, Harry Ashmore, and John Wilkinson), Tape M-27, 22 May 1972

Box 596: 14

St. John-Stevas, Norman - Parliament: Government by Discussion, No. 492, 16 Jan. 1970

Box 596: 15

Steiner, George - Historicide - The Ultimate Crime, No. 577, 10 Apr. 1973

Box 596: 16

Stevenson, Adlai E. - Eulogy by Harry S. Ashmore, 15 July 1965

Box 596: 17

Stevenson, Adlai E. - The Prospects for Democracy around the World, No. 56, 1963

Box 596: 18

Stevenson Memorial, 15 July 1965

Box 596: 19

Stover, Carl F. - Technological Order (with Harry Ashmore, Vu Van Thai, Arthur Goldschmidt, Lord Ritchie-Calder, and Robert Theobald), n.d.

Box 597: 1

Students and Society I: The Minor Minority (W. H. Ferry, Hallock Hoffman, Frederick Richman, Michael Lerner, Devereux Kennedy, Jeff Elman, Daniel Sisson, Peter Lyman, John Blood, E. F. Brown, Jeff Alexander, Frank Bardaeke, Michael Goldfield, Shiela Langdon, Robert Pardon, Stanley Wise, Stephen Saltonstall, Bruce Levine, Kristen Cleage, Michael Higgins, and Robert Pardun), No. 407, ca. Aug. 1967

Box 597: 2

Students and Society II: Campus Unrest - What Is It About? (Hallock Hoffman, Robert M. Hutchins, Jeff Elman, Michael Goldfield, Michael Lerner, Devereux Kennedy, Daniel Sisson, Stanley Wise, Frank Bardaeke, David Seeley, Jeff Alexander, Mary Quinn, John Blood, Stephen Saltonstall, Peter Lyman, E. F. Brown, Rick Richman, and Bruce Levine), No. 408, ca. Aug. 1967

Box 597: 3

Students and Society III: Cop Out, Opt Out or Knock Out? (Hallock Hoffman, Frederick Richman, E. F. Brown, Michael Goldfield, and Robert M. Hutchins), No. 409, ca. Aug. 1967

Box 597: 4

Students and Society IV: Escalation in Alienation (Robert M. Hutchins, Stringfellow Barr, Scott Buchanan, John Seeley, James Pike, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, Hallock Hoffman, W. H. Ferry, John Wilkinson, Richard Lichtman, Frederick Richman, Michael Lerner, Michael Goldfield, Bruce Levine, Devereux Kennedy, John Blood, Shiela Langdon, E. F. Brown, Stanley Wise, Frank Bardaeke, and Jeff Alexander), No. 410, 25 Aug. 1967

Box 597: 5

Sutton, Stewart - The Family in Crisis, No. 478 and Tape D-10, 3 Feb. 1968

Box 597: 6

Sweezy, Paul - A View of the Economy III: From a Marxist, No. 112, n.d.

Box 597: 7

Sykes, Gerald - The Hidden Remnant, No. 318, 21 Dec. 1965

Box 597: 8

Technological Society I: Technology and Politics (J. P. Corbett, Hasan Ozbekhan, Herbert Marcuse, Martin Grotjahn, Nathan Rotenstreich, Theodore Roszak, Robert Jungk, Emanuel Mesthene, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Frederick Polak, Denis Gabor, Pierre Auger, Konstantine Doxiadas, Robert M. Hutchins, Richard Lichtman, and W. H. Ferry), No. 415, ca. 1965

Box 597: 9

Technological Society II: Technology: The Empty Cornucopia (Philip Rieff, Frederick Polak, Herbert Marcuse, Nathan Rotenstreich, Pierre Auger, Emmanual Mesthene, Rene Dubos, Lord Ritchie-Calder, C. West Churchman, Denis Gabor, Richard Lichtman, W. H. Ferry, and John Wilkinson), No. 416, ca. 1965

Box 597: 10

Technological Society III: Technology, History and the Future (Denis Gabor, Martin Grotjahn, Jacob Bronowski, Myron Bloy, Rene Dubos, Pierre Auger, Frederick Polak, Herbert Marcuse, Louis Davis, Philip Rieff, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Hasan Ozbekhan, John Wilkinson, W. H. Ferry, Richard Lichtman, and Raghavan Iyer), No. 417, 22 Dec. 1965

Box 597: 11

Technological Society IV: Technology and the Ethics of Glut (Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Jurgen Habermas, Jacob Bronowski, Philip Rieff, Chaim Perelman, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Nathan Rotenstreich, Robert Jungk, Vucan Kuic, and Raghavan Iyer), No. 418, 22 Dec. 1965

Box 598: 1

Technological Society V: Technology - Limits and Horizons (Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Jabob Bronowski, Scott Buchanan, W. H. Ferry, Denis Gabor, Robert Hutchins, Robert Jungk, Chaim Perelman, Philip Rieff, Theodore Roszak, Nathan Rotenstriech, Gerald Sykes, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), No. 419, 23 Dec. 1965

Box 598: 2

Technological Society VI: Technology and Value (Harry Ashmore, Pierre Auger, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Myron Bloy, Konstantine Doxiados, Martin Grotjahn, Robert Hutchins, Raghavan Iyer, Richard Lichtman, Marshall McLuhan, Hasan Ozbekhan, Chaim Perelman, Frederick Polak, Henryk Skolimowski, Gerald Sykes, and John Wilkinson), No. 420, 20 Dec. 1965

Box 598: 3

Technological Society VII: Technology and Philosophy (Pierre Auger, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Scott Buchanan, J. P. Corbett, René Dubos, Denis Gabor, Raghavan Iyer, Richard Lichtman, Marshall McLuhan, Emanuel Mesthene, Chaim Perelman, Theodore Roszak, Nathan Rotenstriech, Gerald Sykes, and John Wilkinson), No. 421, 20 Dec. 1965

Box 598: 4

Technological Society VIII: Technology Round-Up (Harvey Wheeler, Gerald Sykes, J. P. Corbett, and Herbert Marcuse), No. 422, ca. Dec. 1965

Box 598: 5

Thich, Nhat Hanh - A Buddhist Monk's View of Vietnam [Program 276?], 1966

Box 598: 6

Tigar, Michael, and Donald McDonald - The Movement Lawyer, 18 Aug. 1971

Box 598: 7

Tollett, Kenneth - Adolescence Is No Time for Schools, 27 May 1969

Box 598: 8

Tompkins, Ann - Mote in the Eye, 14-16 Apr. 1971

Box 598: 9

Tompkins, Ann - Of Blue Ants and Hornet Nests: China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 16 Apr. 1971

Box 598: 10

Toynbee, Arnold - History and the Hippies [Program 428?], 1967

Box 598: 11

Toynbee, Arnold - The Reluctant Death of National Sovereignty, n.d.

Box 598: 12

Tugwell, Rexford - Beyond the Smoke-Fulled Rooms, n.d.

Box 598: 13

Tugwell, Rexford - Latin America and Alliance for Progress, n.d.

Box 598: 14

Tugwell, Rexford - Memoirs of the New Deal, 12 Feb. 1962

Box 598: 15

Turkson, Yaw - Africa: Soviet Style, ca. Nov. 1964

Box 598: 16

Tussman, Joseph - The First Amendment: Government of the Mind, 24 July 1963

Box 599: 1-3

Tussman, Joseph - The First Amendment: Government of the Mind, 25-27 July 1963

Box 599: 4

Udall, Stewart - Smaller Things to Come, 25 Sept. 1973


University Convocation, 8-10 May 1966

Box 599: 5

General [mostly correspondence]

Box 599: 6-8

University Convocation - Master Transcripts (Eric Ashby, Harry Ashmore, William C. Baggs, Stringfellow Barr, Jacques Barzun, Deltev Bronk, Jacob Bronowski, Harrison Brown, J. Douglas Brown, Scott Buchanan, Chester F. Carlson, William Douglas, Clarence Faust, W. H. Ferry, J. William Fulbright, Arnold Grant, Robert Hutchins, Edwin W. Janss, Jr., Martin Kenner, Clark Kerr, Francis J. Lally, Saul Landau, Margaret Levi, Jack Lemmon, Walter Lippmann, Paul Newman, Rosemary Park, Jubal Parten, Linus Pauling, I. I. Rabi, Terry Sanford, John Seeley, Philip Selznick, Lyle Spencer, Eleanor B. Stevenson, John Sullivan, and John Weiss)

Box 600: 1

University Convocation II: The Students and the University (Stringfellow Barr, Robert Hutchins, Martin Kenner, Clark Kerr, Saul Landau, Margaret Levi, Rosemary Park, Linus Pauling, I. I. Rabi, John Seeley, Philip Selznick, John Sullivan, and John Weiss)

Box 600: 2

University Convocation III: The Issues: Problems Facing the University (Robert Maynard Hutchins, William O. Douglas)

Box 600: 3

University Convocation IV: The University and the Human Condition (Walter Lippman)

Box 600: 4

University Convocation V: Toward a More Perfect University (Clark Kerr)

Box 600: 5

University Convocation VI: The Idea of Community in the University (Rosemary Park)

Box 600: 6

University Convocation VII: The Future of the University Ideal (Eric Ashby)

Box 600: 7

University Convocation VII: The University and the Requirements of Democracy (J. William Fulbright)

Box 600: 8

University Convocation IX: The University as the Beloved Republic (Jacques Barzun)

Box 600: 9

Van Dyke, Jon M. - A Modern Definition of Jury Peers, 2 Dec. 1970

Box 600: 10

Van Dyke, Jon M. - Vietnam: The Military Playground, 11 May 1970

Box 600: 11

Von Weizsacker, Carl-Friedrich, and Milton Sanford Mayer - A Conversation with Carl-Friedrich Von Weizsacker, 17 June 1970

Box 600: 12

Walsh, Maurice M. - Recurrent Mass Homicide, 11 Mar. 1971

Box 600: 13

Walton, Keith - World Communities Conference, 7 Nov. 1972

Box 600: 14

Wheeler, Harvey - Revolutionary Imperatives, 26 July 1972

Box 600: 15

World Communities Conference (Arthur Lall), 8 Nov. 1972

Box 600: 16

York, Herbert - Arms Control, 12 May 1972



Additional Note

Arranged by date of event. For related files see ADMINISTRATION -- TRANSCRIPTS (F18-0803).
Box 601: 1-14

Conference: Democracy in the Emerging Nations (David Apter, Paul Baran, Stringfellow Barr, Jim Brady, Scott Buchanan, Churchill, John Cogley, Tom Collier, Zelman Cowen, Emile Despres, [?] Dupre, Ping Ferry, Bill Gorman, Hallock Hoffman, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, William Kylie, Marcus, John Murray, Dan Nugent, Guy Parker, Pincus, Jim Real, Ed Reed, Yosal Rogat, Franz Schurmann, Robert Scigliano, William Shannon, Stanley Sheinbaum, Carl Stover, Robert Theobald, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, [?] Wina, and George Wise), 8-29 Jan. 1962

Box 602: 1

Sweezey, Paul - Economic Order, 19 Aug. 1964

Box 602: 2

Regionism and World Organization, 18 Feb. 1966

Box 602: 3

History of St. John's College (Scott Milross Buchanan), 24-25 Aug. 1966

Box 602: 4

Buchanan, Scott - Interviewed by Harris Wofford, 28 Aug. 1966

Box 602: 5

Buchanan, Scott - Interviewed by Harris Wofford, 18-19 Feb. 1967

Box 602: 6

Hutchins, Robert M. - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 14 Nov. 1967

Box 602: 7

Buchanan, Scott - Interviewed by Harris Wofford, 24 Jan. 1968

Box 602: 8

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - The Other Hill, 16 May 1968

Box 602: 9

Barr, Winkie - Interviewed by Harvey Wheeler, Tapes P-7, H-8, 25 Oct. 1968

Box 602: 10

Stiers, V. E. - Paper: The Master Process: The Story of Evolution, Tape Y-8, 5 Nov. 1968

Box 602: 11

Library Conversations - Post-Mortem to Election (Rexford G. Tugwell, John L. Perry, Richard L. Gilbert, Hallock B. Hoffmann), Tape W-8, 8 Nov. 1968

Box 603: 1

Library Conversation on Art (Howard Warshaw, John Cogley), Tape K-9 [Program 465?], 17 Dec. 1968

Box 603: 2

Haussamen, Crane - Economic Growth or Inflation, Tape H-10, 10 Feb. 1969

Box 603: 3-4

Jacoby, Neil - The Progress of Peoples, Tapes Q-10, R-10, 6 Mar. and 10 Mar. 1969

Box 603: 5

Development (Library Conversations with Neil H. Jacoby, William D. Gorman, Stanley K. Sheinbaum, Denis Goulet, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Harvey Wheeler), Tape F-11, 14 Apr. 1969

Box 603: 6

Conference on Social Revolutions (Richard Lichtman - Revolutions; Philip Rieff - Culture and Revolution; Francis D. Wormuth - Revolution and Ideology), 23-29 Apr. 1969

Box 603: 7

Goulet, Denis - Development, Tape Y-11, 12 June 1969

Box 603: 8

Where Have All the Liberals Gone? (Crane Haussamen, Murray Kempton, William Thompson, Robert Brustein, Harry Ashmore, Stewart Mott, James Wechsler, and Joseph Duffey), 26 June 1969

Box 603: 9

Berry, Elizabeth - Paper: Current Issues and Problems in the Careers of Gifted Women, 30 Sept. 1969

Box 603: 10

Crises of Affluence (New York meeting; with John Kenneth Galbraith, Michael Harrington, Robert Lekachman, Arthur Lewis, Lester Thurow, and George Goodman), 9 Oct. 1969

Box 603: 11

Pacem in Maribus (P.I.M.) Arms Control and Disarmament of Sea-Bed (Elizabeth Borgese, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Elizabeth Young, Sven Hirdman, Torgil Wolff, Rei Shiratori, E. D. Brown, Silviu Brucan, and S. U. Khan), Tape T-9, 8-10 Jan. 1970

Box 604: 1-4

Pacem in Maribus (P.I.M.) Arms Control and Disarmament of Sea-Bed (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, E. D. Brown, Silviu Brucan, John Craven, Sven Hirdman, Said Uddin Khan, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Stanlely Sheimbaum, Rei Shiratori, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Torgil Wolff, and Elizabeth Young), Tapes T-9, E-14, 8-10 Jan. 1970

Box 604: 5

Pell, Sen. Claiborne - Opening Remarks, 12 Jan. 1970

Box 604: 6

Junior Fellows Meeting: Alternative Vocations and Alternative Institutions (Dick Parker, Susan Rosenblum, Genie Mullen, and Tony Miksak), Tape F-14, 13 Jan. 1970

Box 604: 7

Library Conversations (Silviu Brucan, R. Parker, Tony Miksak, Genie Mullen, Susan Rosenblum, M. Hathaway, and F. Mischel), Tape F-14, 13 Jan. 1970

Box 604: 8-12

New Rhetoric Conference (John Wilkinson, Lloyd Bitzer, A. Robert Camponingri, George C. Christie, Horace Kallen, Richard McKeon, Chaim Perelman, Nathan Rotenstreich, Harvey Wheeler, and Harold Zyskind), Tapes E-14, G-14, H-14, I-14, 19-22 Jan. 1970

Box 605: 1-2

New Rhetoric Conference, 19-22 Jan. 1970

Box 605: 3-7

P.I.M. Continental Shelf and Legal Framework (Lewis Alexander, Juraj Andrassy, [?] Arora, Elisabeth Borgese, Leo Bouchez, Silviu Brucan, Jean Carroz, Chris Christie, Cabral de Mello, Jovan Djordjevic, Rene Dupuy, Jens Evensen, Wolfgang Friedman, [?] Hardy, Peter Hay, Louis Henkin, Gustavo Martinez-Cabanas, [?] Matte, Fritz Munch, Shigeru Oda, Arvid Pardo, Vladimir Pavicevic, Claiborne Pell, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Stuart Scheingold, A. F. Treshnikov, and Wolfgang Vitzthum), 30 Jan-1 Feb. 1970


Ambassador's Conference: U.N. and the Third World

Box 605: 8-9

Day One (W. O. Douglas, R. M. Akwei, S. Astrom, C. Bogdan, J. A. Castro, P. M. Henry, M. Jakobson, L. Mojsov, C. V. Narasimhan, S. Sen, E. L. F. Senevirante, and Nsanze Terence), Tape N-14, 13 Feb. 1970

Box 605: 10

Day Two (R. M. Akwei, S. Astrom, C. Bogdan, J. A. Castro, W. O. Douglas, P. M. Henry, M. Jakobson, L. Mojsov, C. V. Narasimhan, S. Sen, E. L. F. Senevirante, Nsanze Terence, and J. White), Tape O-14, 14 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 1

Day Two (R. M. Akwei, S. Astrom, C. Bogdan, J. A. Castro, W. O. Douglas, P. M. Henry, M. Jakobson, L. Mojsov, C. V. Narasimhan, S. Sen, E. L. F. Seneverante, Nsanze Terence and J. White), Tape O-14, 14 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 2

Day Three (Dick Gunther, Harry Ashmore, Robert Hutchins, M. Jakobson, S. Sen, L. Mosjov, R. M. Akwei, J. A. Castro, and Nsanze Terrence), Tape P-14, 15 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 3

Clark, Ramsey - Library (Interviewed by Donald McDonald), 19 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 4

Clark, Ramsey - Excerpts from Meeting, 20 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 5-9

P.I.M. - Unitar Meeting (Juraj Andrassy, C. Basu, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Wilbert Chapman, Chris Christy, Margaret Croke, [?] Ehrenreich, Robert Friedheim, [?] Goldie, Frye Hardy, Hiroshi Kasahara, Jean-Pierre Lévy, Arthur Lewis, Jerome Marenoff, Oscar Schachter, Beryl Smith, Ralph Townley, and Wolfgang Vitzthum), 25-27 Feb. 1970

Box 606: 10

Plumb, J. H. - Excerpts, 6 Mar. 1970

Box 606: 11

Rose, Steven - On the Frontiers of the Mind (with Steven Rose, Harvey Wheeler, Parker, Harry S. Ashmore, Frank Kelly, John Wilkinson, Rexford Tugwell, J. White, Susan Rosenblum, Wolfgang Vitzthum, and William Ewald), Tape A-15, 20 Mar. 1970

Box 606: 12

Tugwell, Rexford Guy - Doctrine of Necessity and the "Wars" in Asia, (with Harvey Wheeler and Silviu Brucan), Tape D-15, 23 Mar. 1970

Box 606: 13

Van Dyke, Jon - The Jury as a Political Institution (with Burton Roberts, Simon Rifkind, Abe Fortas, Jerry Lefcourt, and Crane Haussamen), 26 Mar. 1970

Box 606: 14

Watts, Alan, Robert Shapiro, and Gary Snyder - Informal Discussion (with Robert Hutchins, Richard Bellman, Kenneth Tollett, Elisabeth Borgese, Piers von Simson, and William Ewald), 27 Mar. 1970

Box 607: 1-5

P.I.M. Role of Enterprises (Harry Ashmore, Arthur Barber, Adolf Berle, E. Bonomi, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, James Dawson, Richard Eels, William Ewald, Michael Hathaway, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Francis LaQue, J. McFarland, A. Peccei, J. Pontecorvo, A. Ressa, Piers von Simson, Kenneth Tollett, Rexford Tugwell, Wolfgang Vitzthum, Edward Wenk, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes G-15, K-15, 1-3 Apr. 1970

Box 607: 6

Hicks, Price - Interview with Robert M. Hutchins, ca. Spring 1970


Longevity Conference - Lifespan, 13-16 Apr. 1970

Box 607: 7

Bellman, Richard - Project Lifespan, Tape P-15

Box 607: 8

Comfort, Alex, Tape P-15

Box 607: 9

Comfort, Alex [Richard Bellman's remarks], Tape P-15

Box 607: 10-14

Sessions (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Donald Carpenter, Alex Comfort, Leroy Duncan, Mircea Eliade, William Ewald, Byron Gold, Alvin Goldfarb, Robert Hutchins, [?] Hyatt, Richard Kalish, Max Kaplan, Florence Mahoney, Bob Prehoda, Susan Rosenblum, [Diane?] Russell, Nathan Shock, Marrott Sinex, Bernie Strehler, [?] Thompson, Kenneth Tollett, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, [?] Versar, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes H-15, I-15, J-15, Q-15, R-15

Box 608: 1

Sessions [participants same as above], Tape J-15, 17 Apr. 1970

Box 608: 2-9

P.I.M. Ecology and Related Sciences (Harry Ashmore, Richard Bellman, Elisabeth Borgese, Oliver Bryk, Wilbert Chapman, Joseph Connell, Jean Dorst, William Ewald, Norton Ginsburg, Willaim Gross, Robert Hutchins, Peter Hunt, Robert Jungk, Alexander King, A. Kuensli, W. K. Lindvill, Bengt Lundholm, Wendell Mordy, Frank Potter, M. Scaefer, Rexford Tugwell, S. Von-Ciriacy-Wantrup, Kenneth Watt, and John Wilkinson) Tapes K-15, S-15, W-15, 20-23 Apr. 1970

Box 609: 1-5

P.I.M. Ecology and Related Sciences [participants same as above], Tapes X-15, Y-15, Z-15, 23-25 Apr. 1970

Box 609: 6

Youth (Silviu Brucan, Frank Kelly, and Robert Hutchins), Tape J-16, 18 May 1970

Box 609: 7

Universal Community, Its Barriers, Hopes and Fears (Robert Hutchins), Tape N-16, 27 May 1970

Box 609: 8

The Transitional Family (Harry Ashmore, John Cogley, William Ewald, Michael Hathaway, Frank Kelly, Eulah Laucks, Donald McDonald, Stanley Sheinbaum, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and James Wood), Tape R-16, 11 June 1970

Box 609: 9

Relevance (Harry Ashmore, John Cogley, William Ewald, Michael Hathaway, Robert Hutchins, Donald McDonald, Nathan Rosenstreich, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and James Wood), Tape T-15, 17 June 1970

Box 609: 10

Rotenstreich's Structuralism (Harry Ashmore, John Cogley, William Ewald, Robert Hutchins, Nathan Rosenstreich, and John Wilkinson), Tape U-16, 28 June 1970

Box 609: 11

Tugwell, Rexford Guy - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 16 July 1970

Box 609: 12

Mayer, Milton, and Pastor Niemoller, 22 July 1970

Box 609: 13

Mayer, Milton, and Eva Hermann - Conversation, Tape F-17, 9 Aug. 1970

Box 610: 1

Oglesby, Carl, and Jack Newfield - Library Conversation, 19 Aug. 1970

Box 610: 2

Jacoby, Neil - Policies for American Economic Progress in the Seventies (Second and Fourth Portion), Tape I-17, 26 Aug. 1970

Box 610: 3

Platt, John - What We Must Do, Tape J-17, 28 Aug. 1970


The Future of U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia

Box 610: 4

First Day (Harry Ashmore, George McTurnan Kahin, Ileana Marculescu, Fred Warner Neal, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape J-17, 1 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 5

Kahin, George McTurnan, and Harvey Wheeler - Conversation, Tape K-17, 2 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 6

Second Day (Harry Ashmore, Charles Hardin, George McTurnan Kahin, Frank Kelly, Fred Warner Neal, Carl Oglesby, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape K-17, 2 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 7

Environmental Bandwagon (Harry Ashmore, Alexander King, Carl Oglesby, and Rexford Tugwell), 4 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 8

About Afghanistan (Neil Jacoby and Robert Newmann), Tape M-17, 9 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 9

Schneider, M. (Portions by A. Berle), Tape M-17, 10 Sept. 1970


Presidential Powers Conference

Box 610: 10-11

First Day (Harry Ashmore, Adolf Berle, George Christie, John Cogley, Charles Hardin, Donald McDonald, Morrison, John Mueller, Milton Plesur, Authur Schlesinger, Rexford Tugwell, Piers Von Simson, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape N-17, 11 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 12

Reedy, George - Interview by Mary Harvey, Tape R-17, 12 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 13

Second Day (Harry Ashmore, James Barber, Adolf Berle, Douglas Cater, George Christie, Chris Cogley, Charles Hardin, Frank Kelly, Donald Matthews, John Mueller, Milton Plesur, Herman Pritchett, George Reedy, Aurthur Schlesinger, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape O-17, 12 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 14

Problems of Isolation in the Presidency (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, James Barber, Adolf Berle, Douglas Cater, John Cogley, Charles Hardin, Frank Kelly, Eulah Laucks, Donald Matthews, John Mueller, Seniel Ostro, Milton Plesur, Hernan Pritchett, George Reedy, Leon Sager, Aurthur Schlesinger, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Harold Willens), Tape O-17, 12 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 16

Reedy, George - Interview by Mary Harvey, Tape R-17, 15 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 17

Mueller, John E. - The President and Public Opinion (with Harry Ashmore, Douglas Cater, George Christie, Charles Hardin, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Ileana Marculescu, John Mueller, Fred Neal, George Reedy, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, and John Wilkinson), Tape Q-17, 15 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 18

Portions (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, George Christie, Charles Hardin, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Donald McDonald, Fred Neal, Herman Pritchett, George Reedy, Leon Sager, Rexford Tugwell, Piers Von Simson, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape S-17, 16 Sept. 1970

Box 610: 19

Wheeler, Harvey (with Arthur Anderson, George Christie, John Cogley, Charles Hardin, Michael Hathaway, Neil Jacoby, Donald McDonald, Herman Pritchett, George Reedy, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape R-17, 17 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 1

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - Interview by Keith Berwick, n.d., ca. 1970

Box 611: 2

Bellman, Richard Earnest, Paul M. Ehrlich, and Kenneth E. F. Wait - Planning Session A.M., Tape T-17, 22 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 3

Arbatov, Juri - [title?], Tape V-17, 24 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 4

Jacoby, Neil - Report on the National Goals for the White House, Tape U-17, 24 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 5

Oglesby, Carl, and Harry Ashmore - Library Conversation, 25 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 6

Garaudy, Roger - The Crisis of Communist Movement at Present, Tape X-17, 28 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 7

Garaudy, Roger - Perspective of Socialism in the Developed Countries in Europe, Tape X-17, 29 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 8

Howard and Kaufman [TV People], Tape Y-17, 30 Sept. 1970

Box 611: 9

Neidorf, R. - The Future and the Past, Tape Z-17, 9 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 10

West, Luther - The Command Domination of the Military Judicial Process, Tape A-18, 12 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 11

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - Why We Need a New Constitution, 13 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 12

Cogley, John - The Mexican-American Child at School, Tape A-18, 14 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 13

Wheeler, Harvey - From the Malta Tapes, 14 Oct. 1970


Humor Conference

Box 611: 14

First Day (Steve Allen, Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Gary Cadenhead, John Cogley, Clifton Fadiman, Michael Hathaway, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Ileana Marculescu, Milton Mayer, Donald McDonald, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, Piers Von Simson, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 15 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 15

Library Conversation (Steve Allen, Clifton Fadiman, and Milton Mayer), 15 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 16

Second Day (Steve Allen, Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Gary Cadenhead, John Cogley, Clifton Fadiman, Michael Hathaway, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Ileana Marculescu, Milton Mayer, Donald McDonald, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, Piers Von Simson, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 16 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 17

Anderson, Arthur - The Skilled Worker in Revolt, Tape E-18, 21 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 18

Wheeler, Harvey - Remarks on Skilled Workers in Revolt, Tape E-18, 21 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 19

Conference on Mentally Ill and Criminal Law (Harvey Wheeler), 23 Oct. 1970

Box 611: 20

Clark, Ramsey - Excerpt from New York Meeting, 11 Nov. 1970

Box 611: 21

Wheeler, Harvey - The Crisis in America: Do We Need a New Consitution? Tape S-19, 11 Nov. 1970

Box 611: 22

Illich, Ivan - Conference on Deinstitutionalization of Education, Tape O-19, 19 Nov. 1970

Box 611: 23

Marculescu, Ileana - Conference on Contradictions, Tape Q-19, 23 Nov. 1970

Box 611: 24-25

Jacoby, Neil H. - The Presidency, the Constitution and Governmental Guidance of Economy, Tape U-19, 25 Nov. 1970

Box 612: 1

Van Dyke, Jon M. - A Modern Definition of Jury of Peers, Tape V-19, 2 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 2

Masland, G. - Lay Use of Portable Video-Tape Recorders, Tape V-19, 7 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 3

Cohn, Jules - The Conscience of the Corporations: Business and Urban Affairs, Tape W-19, 8 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 4

Silber, John - Masks and Fig Leaves, 10 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 5

Silber, John - Noam Chomsky, 10 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 6

Polk, William - Introductory Speech "Models of Third World National Development," 14 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 7

Polk, William - International Affairs, 15 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 8

Ashmore, Harry S. - Interview with Keith Berwick, Channel 28 KCET, n.d., ca. Dec. 1970

Box 612: 9

Day, James - The Smile of Reason, 21 Dec. 1970

Box 612: 10

Library Conversations: Barry Richman and John Cogley, 4 Jan. 1971


McCarthy, Eugene

Box 612: 11

Crisis in America: Do We Need a New Constitution? Tape B-20, 4 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 12

Informal Discussion, 5 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 13

Interview, 6 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 14

Poetry Reading, 6 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 15

Interview [copy], 6 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 16

Interview, 7 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 17

The Problems of Implementing Technology Assessments (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Richard Bellman, George Brown, Michael Hathaway, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape E-20, 13 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 18

Religious Conference (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, John Cogley, Donald McDonald, Lord Ritchie-Calder, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape J-20, 22 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 19

Lall, Betty Goetz - Education and the City, Tape K-20, 26 Jan. 1971

Box 612: 20

Conduct of International Relations in an Interdependent World (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Berkley Eddins, Donald Harrington, Arthur Lall, Lessiovski, Frank Neal, R. K. Nehru, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Jim Roaenau, Rexford Tugwell, Jon Van Dyke, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape L-20, 27 Jan. 1971

Box 613: 1

Conduct of International Relations In An Independent World (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Donald Harrington, Arthur Lall, B. Betty Lall, Lessiovski, Frank Neal, R .K. Nehru, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Jim Rosenau, Rexford Tugwell, Dr. Vratusa, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape L-20, 28 Jan. 1971

Box 613: 2

Interdependence Conference: Brucan and Lall Papers, Tape M-20, 29 Jan. 1971

Box 613: 3

Lall, Arthur - Statement: Conference on International Relations in an Interdependent World, 29 Jan. 1971

Box 613: 4

Hutchins, Robert M., and Wayne Morse - [title?] [portions], Tape M-20, 1 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 5

Morse, Wayne - [title?], Tape N-20, 1 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 6

Freidel, Frank - The Emergency of the President: An Historical View, Tape O-20, 2 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 7

Richman, Barry, and William Rock, Jr. - Interviewed by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape W-20, 3 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 8

Marculescu, Ileana - Mao and the Little Red Book, 3 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 9

Hardin, Charles - Eisenhower and Kennedy or the Absence of Presidential Debate, Tape P-20, 4 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 10-15

Constitution for the Oceans (Louis Sohn, Aaron Danzig Robert Calder, and Elisabeth Mann Borgese), Tapes P-20, Q-20, R-20, 8-10 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 16

Bennis, Warren - The Use of Force, Tape V-20, 18 Feb. 1971

Box 613: 17

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - Interviewed by Frank K. Kelly, 19 Feb. 1971

Box 614: 1-9

Conference: Crime Control Legislation (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, James Bennett, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Gary Cadenhead, Gerald Caplan, Ramsey Clark, John Cogley, Troy Duster, Berkeley Eddins, Ken Falstrom, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Ileana Marculescu, Donald McDonald, Bruce McManus, Norval Morris, Constance Motley, Tim Murphy, Herbert Packer, Carl Rauh, Barry Richman, Jon Van Dyke, John Wilkinson, and James Wood), 22-26 Feb. 1971

Box 614: 10

Grant, James P. - Unemployment Crisis in Developing Countries, Tape B-21, 1 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 1

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, 9 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 2

Walsh, Maurice M. - Recurrent Mass Homicide, Tape C-21, 11 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 3

Firestone, Joseph - Interviewed by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape H-21, 17 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 4

Firestone, Joseph - Restricting Free Speech at the Source, Tape H-21, 17 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 5

Jacoby, Neil - Social Problems and Crises: Their Cause and Cure, Tape F-21, 18 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 6

Schaff, Adam - Mrs. [?] Jacoby's Remarks, Tape J-21, 24 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 7

Adams, Walter - Military Industrial Complex, Tape K-21, 25 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 8

Richman, Barry - Transferability of American Management Know How to Developing Countries, Tape L-21, 26 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 9

Delord, Jean F. - Is a Code of Ethics for Scientists Desirable? Tape K-21, 31 Mar. 1971

Box 615: 10-11

Harrington, Don - Prospects of a Learning Society, Tapes P-21, Q-21, 3 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 12

Ginsburg, Norton - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape N-21, 12 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 13

Tompkins, Ann - Of Blue Ants and Hornets Nests: China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Tape O-21, 16 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 14-15

Humphrey, John - About Women, Tape S-21, 23 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 16

Ylvsaker, Paul - The City, Tape S-21, 29 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 17

Wilkinson, John, Paul Ylvsaker, and Richard Bellman - [title?], Tape T-21, 30 Apr. 1971

Box 615: 18-19

Marculescu, Ileana - Values: A Preliminary Survey, Tape V-21, 7 May 1971

Box 615: 20

Cousins, Norman - The Future of World Federalism, Tape X-21, 13 May 1971

Box 616: 1

Gazis, Denos - Some Socially-Oriented Studies at IBM Research, Tape Z-21, 18 May 1971

Box 616: 2-4

Wheeler, Harvey - Ecology and Education, Tapes Z-21, A-22, 19 May 1971

Box 616: 5

Wheeler, Harvey, Wendel Mordy, and Frank Keegan - Press Conference, 20 May 1971

Box 616: 6

America, Richard - The Business of Business Is Business, But..., Tape B-22, 21 May 1971

Box 616: 7

Sager, Leon - New Directions for Cities, Tape B-22, 25 May 1971

Box 616: 8

Camara, Archbishop Helder of Recife, Brazil - [title?], Tape E-22, 28 May 1971

Box 616: 9

Toynbee, Arnold - Soundtrack of Arnold Toynbee's Film, n.d.

Box 616: 10

Eddins, Berkeley - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape H-22, 9-10 June 1971

Box 616: 11

Neal, Fred Warner - Harvey Wheeler and Robert M. Hutchins' Remarks, Tape J-22, 14 June 1971

Box 616: 12

Cold War Meeting (Harry Ashmore, Norman Cousins, Robert Feis, James Gavin, Frank Kelly, Robert Hutchins, Hans Morgenthau, Fred Neal, Arthur Schlesinger, Llewellyn Thompson, and Harvey Wheeler), 24 June 1971

Box 616: 13

Marculescu, Ileana - Guilt as Value, Tape K-22, 28 June 1971

Box 616: 14

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape Q-22, 2 July 1971

Box 616: 15

Lowi, T. J. - Parallels of Policy and Politics: The Political Theory in American History, Tape P-22, 14 July 1971

Box 616: 16

Robinson, Donald - The President as Commander-in-Chief, Tape Q-22, 16 July 1971

Box 616: 17

Fisher, Louis - Congress and the War Power, Tape U-22, 28 July 1971

Box 617: 1

John Cogley Meeting: John Silber - The Pollution of Time; Jean-Francois Revel - [title?], 3 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 2

Tigar, Michael - Socialist Law and Legal Institutions [Eduard Goldstücker's remarks only], Tape X-22, 4 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 3-12

Conference on Expanding World Needs for Food and Fiber and the Protection of the Ecosystem (Martin Abel, Harry Ashmore, Richard Bellman, Lester Brown, Jonathan Garst, Norton Ginsburg, Charles Hardin, Earl Heady, Lawrence Hewes, Jimmye Hillman, W. David Hopper, Neil Jacoby, D. Gale Johnson, Charles Kellogg, Irving Laucks, Emil Mrak, D. F. Peterson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Donald Robinson, Theodore Schultz, Earl Shaw, Perry Stout, Kenneth Tollett, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Tapes Y-22, Z-22, A-23, B-23, C-23, 9-13 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 13

Jacoby, Neil - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape D-23, 13 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 14

Tigar, Michael - Interview by Donald McDonald, 18 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 15

Robinson, Don - Crisis Government under the Constitution [Don Robinson's opening remarks only], Tape E-23, 19 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 16

Gallagher, H. G. - Legislative Initiative: The President and the Congress, Tape G-23, 26 Aug. 1971

Box 617: 17-18

Medical Malpractice and Tort Liability Conference (Harry Ashmore, Eli Bernzweig, Mark Blumberg, James Bush, Gary Cadenhead, R. J. Carlson, John Cogley, Roger Egeberg, Kenneth Falstom, Eudard Goldstücker, Everett Johnson, Robert Keeton, Frank Kelly, Richard Markus, Donald McDonald, Barry Richman, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Richard Roddis, Nathan Rotenstreich, David Rubsamen, Michael Tigar, Jon Van Dyke, John Wilkinson, and James Wood), 1-3 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 1

Medical Malpractice and Tort Liability [participants as above], 3 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 2

Discussion of Medical Malpractice with Five Santa Barbara Doctors (Harry Ashmore, Wilton Doane, H. Vernon Freidell, Frank Kelly, Robert Marvin, Harold Miles, and Charles Van Duyne), Tape K-23, 20 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 3

Goldstücker, Eduard - Library Interview by Pennell Rock, 21 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 4-5

Vanocur, Sander - TV, Tape S-23, 22 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 6-9

Conference: The Corporation and the Quality of Life (Harry Ashmore, Raymond Bauer, Gary Cadenhead, John Corson, James Douglas, Richard Eells, Kenneth Falstrom, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsberg, Bernard Haber, Robert Hutchins, Theodore Jacobs, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, Burke Marshall, Ray Mulford, Arvid Pardo, Barry Richman, John W. Riley, Robert Rosen, Henry Santiestevan, George Steiner, Roger Steiner, Robert Townsend, Raymond Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 27-28 Sept. 1971

Box 618: 10

Press Interview - Hall-Reporter (Neil Jacoby, Ray Mulford, Barry Richman, and Henry Santiestevan), 28 Sept. 1971


Conference: The Corporation and the Quality of Life

Box 618: 11-12

First Day (Harry Ashmore, Raymond Bauer, David Burke, Gary Cadenhead, John Corson, James Douglas, Richard Eells, Norton Ginsberg, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, C. Robert Kemp, Burke Marshall, Eugene McCarthy, Ray Mulford, Alfred Neal, Arvid Pardo, Barry Richman, Robert Rosen, Henry Santiestevan, Howard Stein, George Steiner, Roger Steiner, Raymond Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 29 Sept. 1971

Box 619: 1-2

Second Day (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Raymond Bauer, David Burke, Gary Cadenhead, Leonard Carter, John Corson, James Douglas, Richard Eells, Harold Gibbons, Norton Ginsberg, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, C. Robert Kemp, Ray Mulford, Alfred Neal, Arvid Pardo, Richard Parker, Barry Richman, Robert Rosen, Henry Santiestevan, Paul Schrade, Howard Stein, George Steiner, Roger Steiner, Robert Townsend, Raymond Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 30 Sept. 1971

Box 619: 3

Townsend, Robert - Interview by Mary K. Harvey, Tape B-24, 30 Sept. 1971

Box 619: 4

Third Day (Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Raymond Bauer, Gary Cadenhead, Louis Davis, Richard Eells, Norton Ginsberg, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Frank Kelly, Ray Mulford, Alfred Neal, Barry Richman, Robert Rosen, Henry Santiestevan, George Steiner, Roger Steiner, James Taylor, Robert Townsend, Raymond Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 1 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 5

Ginsburg, Norton - Interview by Mary K. Harvey, Tape B-24, 1 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 6

Garaudy, Roger Garaudy [1st Day Portions], Tape D-24, 4 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 7-8

Self Management Conference (Ichak Adizes, Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Manuel Echeverria, Leo Gabriel, Robert Hutchins, Fred Neal, Joze Pacek, Najdan Pasic, Einar Thorsrud, and Harvey Wheeler), Tapes Y-23, E-24, 18 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 9

Pros and Cons of Community Management (Ichak Adizes), 18 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 10

Wood, James - Notes on Medieval Europe: Guilds, Towns and Early Universities, 18 Oct. 1971

Box 619: 11-12

Self Management Conference (Ichak Adizes, Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Fred Blum, Norton Ginsberg, Robert Hutchins, Fred Neal, Najdan Pasic, Einar Thorsrud, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape F-24, 19 Oct. 1971

Box 620: 1-5

Self Management Conference (Ichak Adizes, Arthur Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Uzi Bloch, Fred Blum, Elizabeth Borgese, Silviu Brucan, Manuel Echeverria, Leo Gabriel, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Pressley McCoy, McWhinny, Joze Pacek, Arvid Pardo, Najdan Pasic, Pennell Rock, Einar Thorsrud, and Harvey Wheeler), Tapes F-24, G-24, H-24, J-24, 19-22 Oct. 1971

Box 620: 6

Wilkinson, John - Conference Preview [portions], Tape L-24, 29 Oct. 1971

Box 620: 7

Wood, Jamie, and M. Eliade - Pre-Industrial City, Tape P-24, 3 Nov. 1971

Box 620: 8

Rosen, Robert - Polarities between Structure and Function, Tape S-24, 22 Nov. 1971

Box 620: 9

Parten, Jubal - Speech, 24 Nov. 1971

Box 620: 10

Bellman, Richard - Mathematics and the Field of History, Tape W-24, 3 Dec. 1971

Box 620: 11

Rock, Pennell - Can Parthenon Stand? Tape Y-24, 13 Dec. 1971

Box 620: 12

Etzioni, Amitai - Paper, 17 Dec. 1971

Box 620: 13

Gabriel, Leo - Life: A Philosophical Suggestion to a Dying World, Tape B-25, 22 Dec. 1971

Box 620: 14

Kahin, George McTurnan - Interview by Donald McDonald (Vietnam in Retrospect), 10 Jan. 1972


Conference on Social and Philosophical Implications of Behavior Modification [Skinner Conference]

Box 620: 15

Wheeler, Harvey - Skinner Conference Preview [partial], Tape E-25, 11 Jan. 1972

Box 620: 16

Comfort, Alex - What Is a Doctor? Tape F-25, 12 Jan. 1972

Box 620: 17

Skinner, B. F. - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, Tape G-25, 15 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 1

Skinner, B. F. - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, Tape G-25, 15 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 2-3

Skinner, B. F. (with Harry Ashmore, Alex Comfort, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Hallock Hoffman, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Scott Kelso, Donald McDonald, Fred Neal, Michael Novak, Arvid Pardo, Dennis Pirages, John Platt, Robert Rosen, Vitali Rozynko, Joseph Schwab, Kenneth Swift, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape H-25, 17 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 4

Sessions (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, John Cogley, Alex Comfort, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Hallock Hoffman, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Scott Kelso, Donald McDonald, Fred Neal, Michael Novak, Arvid Pardo, Dennis Pirages, John Platt, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Vitali Rozynko, Joseph Schwab, B. F. Skinner, Kenneth Swift, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and L. A. Zadeh), Tapes H-25, I-25, J-25, 17-21 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 5-7

Skinner, B. F. (with Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, John Cogley, Alex Comfort, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Hallock Hoffman, Frank Kelly, Donald McDonald, Fred Neal, Michael Novak, Arvid Pardo, Dennis Pirages, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Vitali Rozynko, Joseph Schwab, B. F. Skinner, Kenneth Swift, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and L. A. Zadeh), Tapes I-25, J-25, 18-19 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 8

Rozynko, Vitali, and Kenneth Swift - Interview by Barnard Norris, Tape J-25, 19 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 9

Rosen, Robert - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, 19 Jan. 1972

Box 621: 10

Skinner, B. F. - Interview by Donald McDonald, 20 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 1

Comfort, Alex, and John Wilkinson - [portion of dialogue], Tape M-25, 21 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 2

Post, Richard - Creating Corporate Freedom for Action through Security [Portions], Tape L-25, 25 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 3

Pollock, George, Tape F-25, 26 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 4

Kahin, George McTurnan - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, 27 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 5

Tugwell, Franklin - Planning Session Preview of the Health Education Welfare Conference, Tape K-25, 27 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 6

Niblett, W. R. - Survival of Higher Education (portions), Tape O-25, 28 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 7

Keeney, Barnaby C. - Remarks on the Humanities (portions), Tape P-25, 31 Jan. 1972

Box 622: 8

Ashmore, Harry S. - Confidentiality vs. People's Right to Know, Tape P-25, 1 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 9

Kelly, Frank K. - Public Affairs Research Council (portions), Tape E-24, 2 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 10

Schwab, Joseph J. - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape R-25, 3 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 11

Downs, Hugh - Interview by Frank K. Kelly, Tape U-25, 4 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 12

Downs, Hugh - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, 4 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 13

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape T-25, 4 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 14

Ashmore, Harry S. - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape W-25, 9 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 15

Gabriel, Leo - Justice vs. Law, Tape R-25, 9 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 16

Operation Brealthrough [Federal Correctional Institution] (Ed Andress, Elisabeth Borgese, Steve Everett, Leo Gabriel, Frank Kelly, Jake Starter, Mrs. [?] Stephens, and Harvey Wheeler), 9 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 17

Downs, Hugh - Communications, Tape T-25, 11 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 18

Downs, Hugh (portion; with Clifton Fadiman), Tape T-25, 11 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 19

Downs, Hugh - Meeting (with Pat Cathcart, Pat Douglas, Hugh Downs, [?] Givens, Elva Hackett, Frank Kelly, Kitty Kelly, [?] Norris, Chris Tippie, Shirley Warren, and Laverne Wilson), 11 Feb. 1972


Second Development Decade Conference

Box 622: 20

Flores, Edmondo - [portions], Tape P-25, 14 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 21-22

Sessions (Elisabeth Borgese, Nuri Eren, Edmondo Flores, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, and Arvid Pardo), Tape X-25, 14-15 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 23

Flores, Edmondo - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, 14 Feb. 1972

Box 622: 24

Sessions (Aronold Anderson, Elisabeth Borgese, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, James Howe, Robert Hutchins, George Kahin, Otto Kreye, Anatoli Movchan, Fred Neal, Arvid Pardo, Robert Rosen, and John Wilkinson),Tape Y-25, 15 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 1-6

Sessions (Arnold Anderson, Elisabeth Borgese, Nuri Eren, Edmundo Flores, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Laurence Hewes, [?] Holt, James Howe, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Otto Kreye, Frances McAllister, John Merriam, Anatoli Movchan, Fred Neal, Roger Revelle, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Bernie Zagorin), Tapes Z-25, A-26, 15-16 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 7

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Interview by Hugh Downs, 25 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 8

Kemp, C. Robert - A National Corporation for Minority Economic Development, 25 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 9

Downs, Hugh - Human Maturity, 28 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 10

Hutchins, Robert M. - Interview by Hugh Downs, Tape G-26, 28 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 11

Ashmore, Harry - Interview by Hugh Downs, Tape I-26, 29 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 12

Cogley, John - Interview by Hugh Downs, Tape I-26, 29 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 13

Ginsburg, Norton - Interview by Hugh Downs, Tape I-26, 29 Feb. 1972

Box 623: 14

Ewald, William R., Jr. - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, ca. Mar. 1972

Box 623: 15

Romano, John - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, ca. Mar. 1972

Box 623: 16

Saltzman, Leonard - Interview by Harvey Wheeler, ca. Mar. 1972

Box 623: 17

Cooper, Charles F. - Predicting Ecological Effects of New Technology: The Case of Weather Modification, 1 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 18

McHenry, Dean F. - Library Conversation, 3 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 19

McHenry, Dean F. - Library Interview by Donald McDonald (with Robert M. Hutchins and Stringfellow Barr), 3 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 20

Gavin, General James - Foreign Policy, Tape K-26, 10 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 21

Hutchins, Robert Maynard, Stringfellow Barr, and Donald McDonald - Library Discussion, 13 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 22

Adebo, Chief S. O. - Interview by Frank K. Kelly, Tape G-26, 14 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 23

Kahin, George - The Changing Role of the United States in Southeast Asia [portion], Tape O-26, 15 Mar. 1972

Box 623: 24

Barr, Stringfellow - Interviewed by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape P-26, 15 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 1

Hewes, Laurence - Expanding World Needs for Food and Fiber, Tape O-26, 20 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 2

Rotenstreich, Nathan - Confidence Meeting, 22 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 3

Requested by L. Klass for Laurence Hewes, 24 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 4

Riecken, H. W. - Social Science in Social Experimenting [portion], Tape Q-26, 27 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 5

Gavin, General J. - Modern Strategic Thought, Tape Q-26, 28 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 6

Lin, Paul T. K. - Development in China, Tape R-26, 30 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 7

Lin, Paul T. K. - Aspects of Foreign Policy, Tape S-26, 31 Mar. 1972

Box 624: 8

McDonald, Donald - The Liberation of Women, Tape T-26, 3 Apr. 1972

Box 624: 9

Brauer, Jerald C. - Changing Perspectives on Religion in America, Tape U-26, 5 Apr. 1972

Box 624: 10

Ashmore, Harry - Discussion on Foreign Policy, 7 Apr. 1972

Box 624: 11-15

Conference on Technology, Development, and Values in Corporation; with the Institution for Religion and Social Change (Harry Ashmore, Richard Bellman, Elisabeth Borgese, Jerald Brauer, Gary Cadenhead, John Cogley, Daniel Denver, Clifton Fadiman, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Denis Goulet, Laurence Hewes, George Kahin, Frank Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, Eulah Laucks, Herbert Long, R. Panikkar, Arvid Pardo, P. J. Philip, Robert Rosen, Huston Smith, Kenneth Thompson, Wei-Ming Tu, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), 10-12 Apr. 1972

Box 624: 16

Hewes, Laurence - Interviewed by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape Y-26, 13 Apr. 1972

Box 624: 17-19

Meeting on Cultural Change (Harry Ashmore, Peter Berger, Mary Calderone, John Cogley, Elizabeth Hardwick, Michael Harrington, Harold Hayes, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Walter Kerr, Frances McAllister, Constance Motley, [?] Rapaport, Mariam Slater, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Garry Wills), Tape C-27, 3-4 May, 1972

Box 625: 1-2

Meeting on Cultural Change (Harry Ashmore, Peter Berger, Mary Calderone, John Cogley, Elizabeth Hardwick, Michael Harrington, Harold Hayes, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Walter Kerr, Frances McAllister, Constance Motley, [?] Rapaport, Robert Rothschild, Mariam Slater, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Garry Wills), Tapes C-27, E-27, 4-5 May 1972

Box 625: 3

Ashmore, Harry S. - The U.S. and the World after the Cold War, Tape G-27, 6 May 1972

Box 625: 4

York, Herbert - MIRV (Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicle), Tape X-26, 9 May 1972

Box 625: 5

Fusion Power Research (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Norton Ginsburg, [?] Hughs, Robert Hutchins, [?] Kaplan, Frank Kelly, Bernie Norris, Arvid Pardo, Richard F. Post, Robert Rosen, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Herbert York), Tape Y-26, 10 May 1972

Box 625: 6

Harvey, Mary Kersey - Interview with Scott Kelso, Tape J-27, 12 May 1972

Box 625: 7

York, Herbert - Arms Control, Tape F-27, 12 May 1972

Box 625: 8

Harrod, Roy - International Monetary Cooperation, Tape K-27, 17 May 1972


Social Futures Relating to Health Care

Box 625: 9-10

First Day (Harry Ashmore, Richard Bellman, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Clifton Fadiman, Norton Ginsburg, Alvin Goldfarb, Robert Graham, Robert Hutchins, George Kahin, Frank Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, Edward Lamb, Eugene McCarthy, Arvid Pardo, Frances Piven, Robert Rosen, Ronald Segal, Robert Sinsheimer, Frank Tugwell, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape M-27, 22 May 1972


Background Materials

Box 625: 11-15

Interviews by Harvey Wheeler (Arthur Cordell, Hugh Downs, Ed Engberg, and Roger Revelle)

Box 625: 16

McCarthy, Eugene - Background Paper: "The Presidency and the Future of America

Box 625: 17-24

Wheeler, Harvey - Interviews (with William Ewald, Edmundo Flores, Willard Gaylin, Ray Jackson, Frank Kelly, Otto Kreye, Milton Mayer, and Jerzy Meidzinski)

Box 625: 25

Second Day (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Alex Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, Alvin Goldfarb, Robert Hutchins, Eugene McCarthy, Frances Piven, John Platt, Robert Rosen, Ronald Segal, Robert Sinsheimer, Frank Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 23 May 1972

Box 626: 1

Norris, Barnard - Library Interview with Frances Fox Piven, 23 May 1972

Box 626: 2-4

Second/Third Day (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Alex Comfort, Leo Gabriel, Alvin Goldfarb, Robert Graham, Lawrence Hewes, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Frances McAllister, Eugene McCarthy, Frances Piven, John Platt, Robert Rosen, Ronald Segal, Robert Sinsheimer, Frank Tugwell, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape O-27, 23-24 May 1972

Box 626: 5

Segal, Ronald - Interview by L. Klass, 24 May 1972

Box 626: 6

Morris, Norval - Interview by Barnard Norris [from 90 feet on], Tape R-27, 25 May 1972

Box 626: 7

Morris, Norval - Notes toward a Conference on the Criminal Justice System, Tape R-27, 25 May 1972

Box 626: 8

Hewes, Laurence - Chapter VII: An Alternate Proposal for Regional Integration, Tape O-27, 6 June 1972

Box 626: 9

Farmer, W. R. - Retaliation, Tape Q-27, 7 June 1972

Box 626: 10

Meeting of Senior Fellows, Visiting Fellows, and Senior Staff, 8 June 1972

Box 626: 11

Loewenberg, Peter, and David Smith - Library Interview by Barnard Norris, Tape S-27, 9 June 1972

Box 626: 12

Loewenberg, Peter - Inner and Outer World of Academic Man, Tape S-27, 9 June 1972

Box 626: 13

Danielli, Mary and James - Quality of Life and Values of a Civil Society, Tape T-27, 12 June 1972

Box 626: 14

Danielli, James and Mary - The Artificial Synthesis of New Life Forms in Relation to Social and Industrial Revolution, Tape U-27, 13 June 1972

Box 626: 15

Danielli, Mary and James, Robert Rosen, and Harvey Wheeler - Library Conversation, Tape U-27, 13 June 1972

Box 626: 16

Muhlfeld, Frank J. - Excel: A Progress Report, Tape V-27, 14 June 1972

Box 627: 1

Jacoby, Neil - The Perils of Pay-Fixing, Tape V-27, 16 June 1972

Box 627: 2

Phillips, Gifford - Is American Art Elitist? Tape T-26, 28 June 1972

Box 627: 3

Neal, Fred Warner - New Directions in United States Foreign Policy, Tape W-27, 29 June 1972


Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution

Box 627: 4

Rosen, Robert - Some Temporal Aspects of Political Change in the Conference: "Evolution vs. Revolution", Tape Y-27, 7 July 1972

Box 627: 5

Ashmore, Harry and Robert Scheer - [portion], Tape A-28, 10 July 1972

Box 627: 6

Community Organizing - Serving the People (Harry Ashmore, Bert Corona, Bruce Franklin, Leo Gabriel, Roger Garaudy, Naomi Gilburt, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Robert Hutchins, Richard Lichtman, Larry Mann, Yuri Miyagawa, Robert Scheer, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Michael Wright), Tape M-27, 11 July 1972

Box 627: 7

Gabriel, Leo - Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States (with Harry Ashmore, Bruce Franklin, Naomi Gilburt, Eduard Goldstücker, George Kahin, Richard Lichtman, Nathan Rotenstreich, Robert Scheer, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Michael Wright), Tape A-28, 12 July 1972

Box 627: 8

Goldstücker, Eduard - (portion, with Bruce Franklin and Robert Scheer), Tape A-28, 12 July 1972

Box 627: 9-10

Gabriel, Leo - Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States (with Harry Ashmore, Carmen Chang, Bert Corona, Bruce Franklin, Roger Garaudy, Naomi Gilburt, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Arnold Kunzli, Richard Lichtman, Larry Mann, Yuri Miyagawa, Robert Rosen, Nathan Rotenstreich, Robert Scheer, Daniel Sisson, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and Michael Wright), Tapes M-27, A-28, C-28, 11-12 July 1972

Box 627: 11

Ashmore, Harry - New Directions in the United States Foreign Policy (Study Group Discussion - Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution (with Mircea Eliade, Roger Garaudy, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Friedrich Heer, Nathan Rotenstreich, Adam Schaff, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 13 July 1972

Box 627: 12

Hollister, Charles - Library Interview by Mark K. Harvey, Tape B-28, 13 July 1972

Box 627: 13

Daim, Wilfried - The Mosaic Revolution, 14 July 1972

Box 627: 14-15

Associates Meeting, Tapes B-28, G-28, 17 July 1972

Box 627: 16

Bellman, Richard - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape I-28, 17 July 1972

Box 627: 17

Ginsburg, Norton Sydney - Opening Remarks, 17 July 1972

Box 627: 18-19

Associates Meeting, Tape H-28, 18 July 1972

Box 627: 20-21

Pribram, Karl - Interview by Barnard Norris, Tape G-28, 18 July 1972

Box 628: 1

Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution (Roger Garaudy, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Friedrich Heer, Arnold Kunzli, Arvid Pardo, Nathan Rotenstreich, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 19 July 1972

Box 628: 2

Garaudy, Roger - The Organization of Work, 19 July 1972

Box 628: 3

Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution (Harry Ashmore, John Cogley, Leo Gabriel, Roger Garaudy, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Friedrich Heer, Arvid Pardo, Nathan Rotenstreich, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape E-28, 20 July 1972

Box 628: 4-5

Garaudy, Roger - To Invent the Future, Tape E-28, 20 July 1972

Box 628: 6

Eliade, Mircea - Conversation with John Wilkinson, 22 July 1972

Box 628: 7-8

Wheeler, Harvey - Revolutionary Imperatives, Tape M-28, 26 July 1972

Box 628: 9-10

Goldstücker, Eduard - The Small Nations, Tape K-28, 28 July 1972

Box 628: 11

Rotenstreich, Binah - Interviewed by Barnard Norris, Tape M-28, 31 July 1972

Box 628: 12

Conference on Evolution vs. Revolution - Summary (Harry Ashmore, Leo Gabriel, Roger Garaudy, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Arnold Kunzli, Nathan Rotenstreich, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Tape N-28, 31 July 1972

Box 628: 13

Hutchins, Robert M. - The New Court, Tape O-28, 1 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 14

Dodson, Susan - Interviewed by Barnard Norris, Tape O-28, 4 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 15-16

Associates Meeting, Tapes N-28, S-28, 10-11 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 17

King, Alexander, and Harvey Wheeler - Interviewed by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape T-28, 11 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 18

Eliade, Mircea - Conversation on Revolution and Myth, with John Wilkinson, 18 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 19

Revolution in Mexico [portion] (Harvey Wheeler), Tape D-27, 22 Aug. 1972

Box 628: 20

Carlson, Rick - Nationalized Medicine: Easier to Say than Do, Tape W-28, 15 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 1

Brucan, Silviu - Opening Remarks Only, Tape X-28, 22 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 2

Brucan, Silviu - Report on Proposed European Security Conference, Tape X-28, 22 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 3

Retrospect Futurology, Tape Y-28, 25 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 4

von Simson, Piers - Civil Rights in Great Britain [Lord Ritchie-Calder's portion], Tape Z-28, 26 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 5

von Simson, Piers - Civil Rights in Great Britain, Tape Z-28, 26 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 6

von Simson, Piers - Civil Rights in Great Britain [Lord Ritchie-Calder's portion] [copy], Tape Z-28, 26 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 7

Brucan, Silviu - Transition for World War to World Peace System: A Proposal, Tape Z-28, 28 Sept. 1972

Box 629: 8

Kerr, Walter - Interview by Clifton Fadiman, Tape C-29, 5 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 9

Peccei, A. - Library Interview by Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Mary Kersey Harvey, and David Krieger, Tape A-29, 6 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 10

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Thomas Cronin's Remarks, Tape B-29, 13 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 11

Challenor, Hershelle - Influence of Black Americans on U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Africa, Tape E-29, 17 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 12

Challenor, Hershelle - Interview by Barnard Norris, Tape E-29, 17 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 13

Challenor, Hershelle, Tape E-29, 17 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 14

Wilkinson, John - Conference on Systems and Values (Ichak Adizes, James Albritton, Richard Bellman, Gary Cadenhead, Rick Carlson, Roger Friedland, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Robert Hutchins, and John Wilkinson), Tape F-29, 18 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 15

De Jouvenel, Bertrand - Comments, 23 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 16

De Jouvenel, Bertrand - Interview by John Wilkinson, Tape H-29, 23 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 17

De Jouvenel, Bertrand - Introductory Remarks, Tape I-29, 26 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 18

De Jouvenel, Bertrand - Opening Remarks, 27 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 19

Wheeler, Harvey, and Rick Carlson - Draft HEW Report First Session, 30 Oct. 1972

Box 629: 20-21

Wheeler, Harvey, and Rick Carlson - Draft HEW Report, Tapes J-29, K-29, 30 Oct. 1972

Box 630: 1

Revel, Jean Francois - How Intellectual Fashions Operate, Tape M-29, 3 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 2-5

World Communities Conference (Simeon Adebo, Ichak Adizes, Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Thomas Cronin, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Giovanni Granaglia, Irving Kaplan, David Krieger, Arthur Lall, Adriano Paglietti, Rexford Tugwell, Keith Walton, and Harvey Wheeler), Tapes M-29, N-29, O-29, 6-8 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 6

Mordy, Wendell - Problems in Atmospheric Management, Tape O-29, 7 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 7

Downs, Hugh, and Stephen L. Salyer - Population Growth and the American Future, Tape P-29, 13 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 8

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - Education, Tape Q-29, 13 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 9

Cronin, Thomas - Interview with Mary K. Harvey, Tape R-29, 14 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 10

Cronin, Thomas - On the Presidency as Pressagentry, Tape R-29, 15 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 11

Ashmore, Harry, and Ramsey Clark - Board Meeting, Tape S-29, 17 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 12

Willins, Harold - Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape U-29, 21 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 13

Adizes, Ichak - Self-Government Concept, Mechanisms and Problems, Tape S-29, 22 Nov. 1972

Box 630: 14

Ashmore, Harry S., and Fred Warner Neal - New Directions in Foreign Policy, Tape X-29, 7 Dec. 1972

Box 630: 15

Jessup, Judge Philip - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape Z-29, 8 Dec. 1972

Box 630: 16

Stone, Jeremy J. - Responsibilities of Scientists in Society, Tape X-29, 11 Dec. 1972

Box 630: 17

Richman, Barry - Management and Industry in China since the Cultural Revolution, Tape A-30, 18 Dec. 1972

Box 630: 18

Wright, Michael - Gobineau: Alive and Well in the Promised Land, Tape B-30, 29 Dec. 1972

Box 631: 1

McCarthy, Eugene J. - The Personalization of Presidential Powers, Tape C-30, 3 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 2

McCarthy, Eugene J. - Political Parties in America, 4 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 3

Tugwell, Rexford G. - The Model Constitution, Tape D-30, 12 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 4

Nader, Laura - Big Claims, Small Claims, Tape C-30, 15 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 5

Segal, Ronald - Race War in Africa, Tape E-30, 17 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 6

Garaudy, Roger - Contribution of African Culture to World Civilization, Tape F-30, 23 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 7

Meeting of Senior Fellows, Visiting Fellows, Research Assistants, and Senior Staff, Tape G-30, 25 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 8

Harvey, Mary Kersey - Is There a New Woman Emerging in the World? Tape I-30, 27 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 9

Vasconcellos, John - Higher Education in California, Tape K-30, 29 Jan. 1973


Broadcasting and the First Amendment

Box 631: 10-11

First Day (Harry Ashmore, Rick Carlson, Blair Clark, Thomas Cronin, Reuven Frank, Eduard Goldstücker, Robert Hutchins, Harry Kalven, Frank Kelly, Jim Loper, Donald McDonald, Newton Minow, Paul Porter, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Lawrence Rogers, Richard Salant, Antonin Scalia, Ronald Segal, Eric Sevareid, Roger Traynor, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Harold Willens, and Tom Wolf), Tape L-30, 30 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 12

Traynor, Roger - Cottage Interview by Donald McDonald, 31 Jan. 1973

Box 631: 13-14

Second Day (Harry Ashmore, Gary Cadenhead, Rick Carlson, Blair Clark, John Cogley, Thomas Cronin, Lloyd Cutler, James Douglas, Clifton Fadiman, Reuven Frank, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Mary Harvey, Lawrence Hewes, Robert Hutchins, Vesta Hutchins, Harry Kalvin, Frank Kelly, Eulah Laucks, James Loper, Donald McDonald, Newton Minow, Malcolm Moos, Wendell Mordy, Fred Neal, Paul Porter, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Lawrence Rogers, Richard Salant, Antonian Scalia, Ronald Segal, Eric Severeid, Roger Traynor, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Harold Willens, and Thomas Wolf), Tapes N-30, O-30, 31 Jan. 1973

Box 632: 1

Romney, George - The Concerned Citizen, Tape P-30, 2 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 2

Segal, Ronald - Arab Society and the Middle Ideology, Tape K-30, 7 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 3-4

Goldstücker, Eduard - The Young in the 30s and 60s, Tape Q-30, 14 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 5

Macy, John W., Jr., and Thomas Cronin - Library Interview, Tape R-30, 16 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 6

Macy, John W., Jr. - Media and Public Broadcasting, Tape R-30, 16 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 7

Adizes, Ichak - The Cost of Being an Artist, Tape S-30, 20 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 8

Informal Discussion of Prison Reform (Rick Carlson, Bernard Norris, Fay Stender, and Betty Stevens), Tape Y-30, 28 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 9-10

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - An Agenda for a Proposed Energy Policy Conference, Tapes S-30, T-30, 21 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 11

Cronin, Thomas - Interview by CBS on Day of Videotaping, 23 Feb. 1973

Box 632: 12-13

Mayer, Milton - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tapes X-30, Z-30, 1 Mar. 1973

Box 632: 14

Harvey, Mary Kersey - Interviewed in Texas for "Voice of America" by Louis Alexander, 3 Mar. 1973

Box 632: 15

Library Interview with Frederick March, Florence Eldridge, Melvin Douglas, Laurence Hewes, and Harvey Wheeler, Tape D-31, 15 Mar. 1973

Box 632: 16

Mordy, Wendell - The Culture of Science, Tape E-31, 16 Mar. 1973

Box 632: 17

The Public Policy in Education: Toward a Policy for the United States (Harry Ashmore, Gordon Bowden, Gary Cadenhead, Rick Carlson, John Cogley, Thomas Cronin, Keith Echeverri, Richard Flacks, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, John Hanessian, Lawrence Hewes, Robert Hutchins, Philip Jackson, Frank Kelly, Zofia Kessler, Henry Levin, Wendell Mordy, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ronald Segal, Joseph Schwab, Ralph Tyler, F. Champion Ward, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape E-31, 19 Mar. 1973

Box 632: 18-20

Hutchins, Robert Maynard, and Joseph J. Schwab - The Public Interest in Education: Toward a Policy for the United States, Tapes F-31, H-31, 19 Mar. 1973

Box 633: 1

Segal, Ronald - The Decline and Fall of the Dollar, Tape D-31, 4 Apr. 1973

Box 633: 2

Steiner, George - Opening Remarks, Tape F-24, 10 Apr. 1973

Box 633: 3-4

Goldstein, Walter - Multinational Technology and the Uni-National State, Tapes G-31, J-31, 11 Apr. 1973

Box 633: 5

Keys, Donald - Library Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey, Tape K-31, 16 Apr. 1973

Box 633: 6

Segal, Ronald - [title?] Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, 21 Apr. 1973

Box 633: 7

Willens, Harold - Impressions of China, Tape M-31, 2 May 1973

Box 633: 8

Board Meeting: Open Session, 4 May 1973

Box 633: 9-10

Kerr, Clark - Commission Reports, Tapes P-31, Q-31, 17 May 1973

Box 633: 11

Hewes, Laurence - "Public Domain" [portion] (with Rick Carlson, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape R-31, 18 May 1973


The Survival of the Wisest

Box 633: 12-13

First Day (Thomas Cronin, James Danielli, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Martin Grotjahn, Robert Hutchins, Wendell Mordy, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Jonas Salk, Ronald Segal, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Tapes S-31, U-31, 25 May 1973

Box 633: 14

Second Day (Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Thomas Cronin, James Danielli, Norton Ginsburg, Eduard Goldstücker, Martin Grotjahn, Wendell Mordy, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Jonas Salk, Joseph Schwab, Ronald Segal, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Tape V-31, 26 May 1973

Box 633: 15

Segal, Ronald - Library Interview by Mary Kersey Harvey and Barbard Norris, Tape S-31, 6 June 1973

Box 633: 16-17

Segal, Ronald - The Rise and Fall of the Dollar, Tapes W-31, Y-31, 14 June 1973

Box 633: 18

Cogley, John - Meeting on Watergate [excerpt], Tape Z-31, 19 June 1973

Box 634: 1

Hodgson, James D. - The Shifting Political Posture of American Unions, Tape A-32, 22 June 1973

Box 634: 2

Watergate - Library Conversation (John Cogley, Thomas Cronin, Robert Hutchins, Joseph Schwab, and Harvey Wheeler) Tape C-32, 3 July 1973

Box 634: 3

Rosen, Robert: Systems Models for the Generalized Environment, Tape D-32, 13 July 1973

Box 634: 4-7

The City through History Conference (John Brush, Rick Carlson, Kenneth Cooke, Thomas Cronin, Myron Frankman, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, George Kish, Tosio Kitagawa, Ezio Marchi, Wendell Mordy, Colin Renfrew, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Jonas Salk, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, L.A. Zadeh), Tapes V-31, E-32, F-32, 16-19 July 1973


Reconstituting the Metropolity

Box 634: 8-9

First Day (Ben Alexander, Rick Carlson, Thomas Cronin, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, Peter Lupsha, Melvin Mogulof, Ray Nasher, James Osborn, Francine Rabinowitz, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Joseph Schwab, Smith, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape H-32, 23 July 1973

Box 634: 10

Cronin, Thomas - Interview by Tim Owens (NPR), 23-24 July 1973

Box 634: 11-12

Second Day (Ben Alexander, Harry Ashmore, Rick Carlson, Thomas Cronin, Myron Frankman, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Peter Lupsha, Melvin Mogulof, Wendell Mordy, Ray Nasher, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Leon Sager, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes H-32, I-32, 24 July 1973

Box 634: 13

York, Herbert - A Proposal for a Saner Deterrent, 27 July 1973

Box 635: 1

Garret, Stephen Mann - Arab and World Reflections, Tape L-32, 7 Aug. 1973

Box 635: 2

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Disarmament and the Environment: The Dual Purpose Agent, Tape N-32, 24 Aug. 1973

Box 635: 3

The Labor Union in a Rapidly Changing Society, Tape O-32, 27 Aug. 1973

Box 635: 4

McLain, E. G. - Plato's Four Model Cities [portion], Tape O-32, 28 Aug. 1973

Box 635: 5-11

Conference on Judaism and the Jewish Experience (Harry Ashmore, Jarald Brauer, Gary Cadenhead, Rick Carlson, John Cogley, Haim Cohn, Thomas Cronin, Emil Fackenheim, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Gordis, Alfred Gottschalk, David Halivni, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Eulah Laucks, Morris Levinson, Wendell Mordy, Seniel Ostrow, Jakob Petuchowski, Philip Rieff, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ellis Rivkin, Yehuda Rosenman, Nathan Rotenstreich, Gershom Scholem, Joseph Schwab, Jack Skirball, Marie Syrkin, Rexford Tugwell, R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes Q-32, R-32, S-32, T-32, U-32, V-32, W-32, 10-12 Sept. 1973

Box 635: 12

Rotenstreich, Nathan, and John Cogley - Evaluation of Judaic Tradition Conference, Tape U-32, 13 Sept. 1973

Box 635: 13

Udall, Stewart - The Making of Tomorrow, Tape Y-32, 25 Sept. 1973


Pacem in Terris (PIT) III

Box 635: 14

Panel Discussion (Clark Clifford, J. C. Douglas, Gloria Emerson, William Foster, Gene La Rocque, Jeremy Stone, Stansfield Turner, Albert Wohlstetter, and Frank York), Tape E-33, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 1

Panel Discussion (Herschelle Challenor, Jerome Cohen, John Davies, James Grant, Morton Halperin, Theodore Hesburgh, David Horowitz, Fred Neal, Ronald Steel, and Paul Warnke), Tape D-33, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 2

Critique (Richard Barnet, Frances Fitzgerald, Norton Ginsburg, Leslie Gleb, Stanley Hoffman, Stanley Karnow, Hans Morgenthau, Harvey Wheeler, and George Will), Tape C-33, 9 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 3

Extract from Pacem in Terris III (Gerald Piel), G-33, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 4

Panel Discussion (Elisabeth Borgese, Richard Falk, Pauline Frederick, Richard Gardner, Philip Jessup, Edward Korry, Sol Linowitz, Frances McAllister, [?] Morse, and Charles Yost), Tape H-33, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 5

Panel Discussion (George Brown, Harrison Brown, Seyom Brown, Lawrence Hargrove, Gerald Piel, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Jonas Salk, and John Wilkinson), Tape G-33, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 6

Panel Discussion (Frank Church, Richard Cooper, [?] Dyson, James Grant, Neil Jacoby, Abraham Ribicoff, and Paul Sweezy), Tape F-33, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 7

Extract from Pacem in Terris III (Alexander King), Tape G-33, 10 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 8

Panel Discussion (Alfred Balk, Thomas Cronin, John Cogley, John Galbraith, David Halberstam, Richard Holbrook, Robert Hutchins, Peter Lisagor, George Reedy, [?] Stevenson, and James Thompson), Tape J-33, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 9

Panel Discussion (Harry Ashmore, Hubert Humphrey, [?] Jackson, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Edmund Muskie, and Nelson Rockefeller), Tape I-33, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 10

McCarthy, Eugene - Checks and Balances - The Partisan Role, Tape I-33, 11 Oct. 1973

Box 636: 11

McCall, Thomas - Vanishing America, Tape K-33, 29 Oct. 1973


Conference: General Systems Theory: Retrospective Futurology Applications

Box 636: 12

First Day (William Atkinson, Kenneth Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. John McLeod, Wendell Mordy, [?] Pattee, Robert Rosen, Jonas Salk, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape N-33, 2 Nov. 1973

Box 636: 13

Rosen, Robert - Tape M-33, 2 Nov. 1973

Box 636: 14

Wheeler, Harvey - Tape M-33, 3 Nov. 1973

Box 636: 15

Fisher, Louis - Confidential and Secret Funds, Dark Corners of the Federal Budget, Tape L-33, 5 Nov. 1973

Box 636: 16-20

Second Criminal Justice Conference; CSDI and University of Chicago Law School (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, Victor Cizanckas, Thomas Cronin, Ronald Dworkin, Norton Ginsburg, John Grecean, Robert Hutchins, Robert Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Ben Meeker, Milton Meyer, Norval Morris, Harold Pepinsky, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Herbert Titus, Rexford Tugwell, Sander Vanocur, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes P-33, O-33, Q-33, R-33, 7-9 Nov. 1973

Box 637: 1-4

Legal- Political- Social- Economic- Aspects of Climate Weather and Modification (Edwin Berry, Elisabeth Borgese, S. Chagnon, Thomas Cronin, James Crutchfield, Norton Ginsburg, L. Grant, Eugene Haas, Bernard Haber, Wallace Howell, Robert Hutchins, David Krieger, Dean Mann, Wendell Mordy, Alva Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Howard Taubenfeld, Rita Taubenfeld, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes T-33, U-33, 15 Nov. 1973

Box 637: 5-12

Guidelines for a Global Science Policy (Hannes Alfven, Harry Ashmore, Benjamin Barg, Elisabeth Borgese, Nigel Calder, William Clark, Thomas Cronin, [?] Douglas, Norton Ginsburg, Bernard Haber, John Hanessian, James Harrison, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Alexander King, David Krieger, A. Mironov, Wendell Mordy, Alva Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Geoffrey Oldham, Arvid Pardo, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Eugene Skolnikoff, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes X-33, Y-33, Z-33, A-34, B-34, C-34, D-34, E-34, 19-22 Nov. 1973

Box 638: 1

Preview of Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality (Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, John Cogley, Thomas Cronin, Norton Ginsburg, Frank Kelly, David Krieger, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Daniel Sisson, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape F-34, 28 Nov. 1973

Box 638: 2-9

Conference on Public Education in the Public Interest (Wayne Booth, [?] Bruckner, John Cogley, Jim Coleman, R. Drieben, William Frankena, [?] Gainer, Norton Ginsburg, Phil Jackosn, Edward Levi, Donald Oliver, Joseph Schwab, Judy Siegel, Ralph Tyler, Bob Vieven, Decker Walker, and Karl Weintraub), Tapes B-35, C-35, D-35, E-35, 30 Nov-1 Dec. 1973


Energy Policies and the International System

Box 638: 10

First Day (Lewis Alexander, Elisabeth Borgese, Maxwell Bruce, John Craven, David Krieger, Alva Myrdal, Arvid Pardo, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Frank Tugwell, and Elizabeth Young), 5 Dec. 1973

Box 638: 11

Working Group (Lewis Alexander, Elisabeth Borgese, John Craven, K. Emery, B. Feld, Norton Ginsburg, William Heronemus, B. Hughes, E. Janssens, Gunnar Myrdal, Arvid Pardo, Jacques Piccard, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ronald Segal, Keith Walton, John Wilkinson, and Elizabeth Young), Tape G-34, 5 Dec. 1973

Box 638: 12-15

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann, Norton Ginsburg, and John Wilkinson Tapes H-34, I-34, J-34, 6-7 Dec. 1973


Conference on Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality (Watergate Conference)

Box 638: 16-19

I - (Mortimer Adler, Herbert Alexander, Harry Ashmore, Samuel Beer, Harlan Cleveland, Thomas Cronin, Erik Erikson, Mary Harvey, Willard Hurst, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, David Krieger, Arthur Larson, Christopher Lasch, Milton Mayer, Arthur Miller, Paul Mishkin, Wendell Mordy, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, William Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes L-34, M-34, N-34, O-34, 10-11 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 1-9

II - (Mortimer Adler, Herbert Alexander, Harry Ashmore, Samuel Beer, Silviu Brucan, Harlan Cleveland, Thomas Cronin, Erik Erikson, Mary Harvey, Willard Hurst, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, David Krieger, Arthur Larson, Christopher Lasch, Milton Mayer, Frances McAllister, Arthur Miller, Paul Mishkin, Malcolm Moos, Wendell Mordy, Alva Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, William Watts, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes P-34, Q-34, R-34, S-34, T-34, U-34, V-34, W-34, X-34, 11-13 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 10

Hutchins, Robert M., and Harvey Wheeler - Conversation, Tapes X-34, Y-34, 14 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 11

Clecak, Peter - Dilemmas of the American Left [Harvey Wheeler's remarks only], Tape A-35, 18 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 12

Review: Constitutional Principles Conference: Conversation Between Robert M. Hutchins and Harvey Wheeler, Tape X-34, Y-34, 27 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 13

Burns, James McGregor - Remarks from Conference on Constitutional Principles [portion], Tape N-34, 27 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 14

Review of Constitutional Principles Conference [portions] (Harry Ashmore, James Burns, Thomas Cronin, Gunnar Myrdal, Jack Peltason, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Morris Rubin, Rexford Tugwell, and Harvey Wheeler), Tape O-34, 28 Dec. 1973

Box 639: 15

Wallensein, G. - The Technologist's Dilemma [Paul Lin's remarks only], Tape R-34, 8 Jan. 1974

Box 639: 16-17

Who Should Control Multinational Corporations? (Norton Ginsburg, Walter Goldstein, Bernard Haber, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Paul Lin, Wendell Mordy, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape S-34, 9 Jan. 1974

Box 639: 18

Nimmer, M., Tape P-34, 11 Jan. 1974

Box 639: 19

Lin, Paul - Development Guided by Values Comments on China's Road and Its Implications [Norton Ginsburg's remarks only], Tape Y-34, 6 Feb. 1974

Box 639: 20

On "World Simulation" (Alex Comfort, William Ewald, Robert Hutchins, John McLeod, Wendell Mordy, Robert Rosen, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Bernard Weissbourd, and John Wilkinson), Tape G-35, 7-8 Feb. 1974

Box 639: 21

Weissbourd, Bernard - Some Implications of an Experimental Unified Psychology, Tape G-36, 13 Feb. 1974

Box 640: 1

Myrdal, Alva - The Game of Disarmament, Tape I-35, 25 Feb. 1974

Box 640: 2-4

Social and Political Change: The Role of Women (William Alexander, Harry Ashmore, Carla Bielli, Elisabeth Borgese, Chris Bransfield, Vernon Cheadle, Alex Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Gubbels, Sondra Herman, Aleen Holly, Robert Hutchins, Lynne Iglitzen, Nora Kinzer, Gail Lapidus, Mrs. [?] Lin, Paul Lin, Ingunn Means, Peter Merkl, Alva Myrdal, [?] Porter, Ruth Ross, Janet Salaff, Hamideh Sedghi, Judy Stiehm, Corey Venning, Eliane Vogel-Polsky, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape F-35, W-33, J-35, 7-8 Feb. 1974

Box 640: 5

Game of Disarmament II: Modern Warfare Violates International Law (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Rick Carlson, John Cogley, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Paul Lin, Wendell Mordy, Alva Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Tape M-35, 20 Mar. 1974

Box 640: 6-7

Schwab, Joseph - Public Schools, Tape M-35, 26 Mar. 1974

Box 640: 8

Comfort, Alex, Harvey Wheeler, Mary Harvey - Library Conversation, Tape P-35, 5 Apr. 1974

Box 640: 9

Longer Life by 1990 (Alex Comfort, Mary Harvey, Harvey Wheeler, and N. Wheeler), Tape P-35, 5 Apr. 1974

Box 640: 10

Myrdal, Alva - The Game of Disarmament III, Tape R-35, 26 Apr. 1974

Box 640: 11

Nakane, Chie - Sociological Conceptionalizations in an Asian Perspective (Cross-Cultural), Tape S-35, 3 May 1974

Box 640: 12

Medvedev, Zhores - Library Conversation, Tape T-35, 8 May 1974

Box 640: 13

Lin, Paul - Global Perspective Emerging from China's Strategy of Development, Tape U-35, 10 May 1974

Box 640: 14-17

Conference on Ethnicity (Harry Ashmore, J. Herman Blake, Elisabeth Borgese, Jerald Brauer, John Cogley, Alex Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, John Higham, Nathan Huggins, Robert Hutchins, Will Jacobs, Frank Kelly, Alexander King, Paul Lin, Donald McDonald, Gunnar Myrdal, Michael Novak, Moses Rishin, Theodore Saloutos, Julian Samora, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Rudolph Vecoli, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes V-35, Y-35, W-35, Z-35, 13-15 May 1974

Box 641: 1

Conference on Ethnicity (Harry Ashmore, J. Herman Blake, Elisabeth Borgese, Jerald Brauer, John Cogley, Alex Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, John Higham, Nathan Huggins, Robert Hutchins, Will Jacobs, Frank Kelly, Alexander King, Paul Lin, Donald McDonald, Gunnar Myrdal, Michael Novak, Moses Rishin, Theodore Saloutos, Julian Samora, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Rudolph Vecoli, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tape X-35, 15 May 1974

Box 641: 2

Borgese, Elisabeth - A Preview of the U.N. Law of the Sea Conference, Caracas, Tape D-36, 29 May 1974

Box 641: 3-4

Beverly Hills Meeting: State of the Democratic Process, Tapes E-36, F-36, 1 June 1974

Box 641: 5

Lin, Paul - Further Discussion of Basic Chinese Perspectives, Tape G-36, 4 June 1974

Box 641: 6

Myrdal, Alva - Europe and the United States: Perspectives on Security - Game of Disarmament IV, Tape G-36, 6 June 1974

Box 641: 7-8

Conference on Religion in Modern Society (Jerald Brauer, John Cogley, and Norton Ginsburg), Tape H-36, 10 June 1974

Box 641: 9

Anastaplo, George - The Instructive Prudence of Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Tape J-36, 19 June 1974

Box 641: 10

Wilkinson, John - Conference Institutions, Structures, and Politics [Harvey Wheeler only], Tape J-36, 26 June 1974

Box 641: 11

King, Alex - Beyond the Limits [portions only], Tape L-36, 28 June 1974

Box 641: 12

Kizner, Nora Scott - Patterns of Feminine Culture: U.S. Style, Tape M-36, 18 July 1974

Box 641: 13

Moos, Malcolm - Library Interview by Mary Harvey, Tape N-36, 23 July 1974

Box 641: 14

Conference on the Political, Social, Educational, and Policy Implications of Structuralism (Michael Basch, Norton Ginsburg, Avishai Margalit, Malcolm Moos, Wendell Mordy, Sydney Morgenbesser, Karl Pribram, Robert Rosen, Nathan Rotenstreich, Joseph Schwab, Bernard Weissbourd, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and [?] Yovel), Tape O-36, 29 July 1974

Box 642: 1-5

Conference on the Political, Social, Educational, and Policy Implications of Structuralism (Harry Ashmore, Michael Basch, [?] Demos, Norton Ginsburg, [?] Landahl, Avishai Margalit, Malcolm Moos, Sydney Morgenbesser, Howard Pattee, Karl Pribram, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Nathan Rotenstreich, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Bernard Weissbourd, Harvey Wheeler, John Wilkinson, and [?] Yovel), Tapes O-36, P-36, Q-36, R-36, S-36, 29-31 July 1974

Box 642: 6

Willens, Harold - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape U-36, 15 Aug. 1974

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