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Additional Guides
Official documents 1924-1965
Struve family. Miscellaneous material, including family tree, correspondence re family history and printed matter 1939-1985
Autobiographical letter re childhood, typescript 1976
Vyborgskoe Kommercheskoe Uchilishche. Includes correspondence and questionnaires, typescript copies 1955-1978
Balliol College, Oxford, miscellaneous material 1960-1962
University of London, correspondence and official documents 1932-1957
University of California, Berkeley
Annual Supplement to Bio-Bibliography, University of California, Berkeley, printed copies 1953-1965
Soviet exchange students and visitors 1959-1965
Applications for grants
Fellowship Application Forms, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1955 and 1963
N.E.H. Grant 1966
Professional honors
Honorary Degree, University of Toronto, miscellaneous material 1971
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Award for Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies 1973
Berkeley Citation 1978
Memberships in professional organizations and other societies 1948-1978
Anniversary celebration greetings
75th birthday 1973
80th birthday 1978
Biographical articles and announcements of awards in periodical press. Vitas and questionnaires 1937-1983
Obituaries, typescript and printed copies 1985
Letters of condolence 1985
Public lectures. Announcements 1933-1973
Miscellaneous reviews of his work 1929-1969
Reports to publishers, typescript drafts n.d.
Articles and letters to the editor re Gleb Struve 1949-1977
Soviet press re Gleb Struve. Clippings and typescript excerpts 1953-1973
Gleb Struve's writings, typescript copies n.d.
Emigre literature in his library
Correspondents. Records of letters received and sent 1958-1981
Lists of persons to receive complementary copies of his printed work n.d.
Undated 1923-1932
Alekseev, G. A. 1949-1961
Altman 1969-1970
American Committee for Cultural Freedom 1954-1955
American Slavic and East European Review. See Slavic Review
Annenkov, Iurii 1965-1967
Arielli, Evgenii 1978-1980
Association International de Litterature Comparee 1966
Aucouturier, Michel 1967-1981
Avinov, Maria 1949-1971
Bailey, James 1966-1970
Bantam Books, Inc. 1960-1968
Bartlett, Carole 1965-1970
Belousov, Konstantin 1966-1981
Berlin, Sir Isaiah 1949-1981
Bernadskaia, Olga 1937-1966
Biasutti, Dorothy 1929-1931
Blackwood's 1944-1945
Blake, Patricia
Bogdanovich, Vladislav
Books Abroad 1949-1972
British Broadcasting Corporation, (B.B.C.) 1937-1964
Brown, Clarence
Bunina, Vera 1954-1957
Chalsma, William 1964-1968
Chambers' Encyclopedia
Chekhov Publishing House 1951-1956
Chelishchev, Leonid 1947-1950
Chertkov, Leonid 1975-1982
Chernosvitov, Lev 1939-1946
Chernosvitov, M. V. 1960-1970
Chinnov, Igor 1951-1982
Collier Books and P. F. Collier and Son Corp. 1946-1962
Comparative Literature 1948-1953
Conquest, Robert 1962-1967
Cournos, John 1959-1965
Dol'berg, Aleksandr 1962
Edward Arnold & Co. 1946-1947
Ehrlich, Victor 1953-1968
Elenev, Nikolai 1953-1967
Elton, Oliver 1935-1939
Encounter 1954-1963
Encyclopedia Britannica 1940-1962
Ermolaev, Herman
Ermolaeva, Tatiana 1965-1983
Etkind, E. G. 1975-1980
Evreinova, Anna, , and Evreinov, Nikolai Nikolaevich 1964-1968 1952
Feuer, Kathryn
Feuer, Lewis 1968-1984
Fleishman, Lazar 1978-1985
Florovskii, Fr. Georgii 1923-1975
Forgues, Pierre 1965-1966
Frank, Simon 1924-1950
Frank, Tatiana
Galton, Dorothy
Gefding, Vladimir 1949-1979
Georgievskii, Ivan 1941-1949
Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 1934-1945
Gerschenkron, Alexander 1950-1975
Ginsburg, Mirra 1967-1968
Glazberg, Valentin 1926-1950
Gorodetzky, Natalia 1962-1966
Goul, Roman. See Gul', Roman
Graham, Sheelagh 1984-1985
Grani. See Possev Druckerei & Verlag
Grunman, Paula. Correspondence with granddaughter, Iulia Struve 1923-1929
Grynberg, R. N. 1949-1965
Guenther, Johannes von 1961-1970
Gul', Roman 1948-1979
Haight, Amanda 1956-1968
Hayward, Max
Helen & Kurt Wolff Books, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., See also correspondence with Dimitrii Panin 1975.
Herbert, Sidney, Earl of Pembroke 1944-1970
Hill, Cecil
Hoeffding, Waldemar. See Gefding, Vladimir
Hogarth Press, Includes letters from Leonard Wolff 1932-1934.
Hollingsworth, Barry 1966-1975
Hoover Institution, Publications Department 1965-1970
Iakovlev, A. V.
Institut zur Erforschung der UdSSSR. See below
Institute for the Study of the U. S. S. R.
John Rylands Library, Manchester 1944-1946
Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL Journal) 1954-1961
KPFA 1959
Karpovich, Mikhail
Kasack, Wolfgang 1980-1984
Kemball, Robin 1957-1982
Kiparskii, Valentin 1964
Kholodovskii, Evgenii 1918
Korvin-Piotrowski, V. L. 1956-1967
Krikorian, Sergei 1967-1982
Krivoshein, Kirill 1974-1977
Kulik, Ivan 1972
Kutyrina, Iulia 1933-1963
Landau, Grigorii 1929-1933
Lane, Olga and Roy 1939-1977
Lange, Aleksandr 1923-1925
Lasky, E. 1959
Lavrin, Janko 1947-1964
Lee, Mollie 1935-1966
Leontiev, Leonid. See L'vov, Lollii
Levine, Isaac Don 1966-1968
Lilliput, Pocket Publications Ltd. 1945-1948
Ljunggren, Magnus 1973-1984
Lopatto, Michele 1969-1980
Lossky, Nikolai 1950-1961
Lountz, Gregory
Lourie, Arthur 1963-1964
L'vov, Lollii 1924-1956
Maklakov, Vasilii 1948-1952
Makovskii, Sergei 1950-1960
Malia, Martin 1955-1967
Mallac, Guy de 1954-1981
Malmstad, John 1970
Marchenko, Nikolai. See Morshen, Nikolai
Marie, Jean-Jacques. See Forgues, Pierre
Max Pfeffer Literary Agency 1949
Mc Vay, Gordon 1971-1983
Mel'gunov, Sergei 1945-1953
Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1949-1965
Metzel, Boris 1945-1946
Meyendorff, A. 1940-1957
Modern Language Association of America 1954-1982
Mogilat, Elena 1946-1980
Mois 1931-1932
Muggeridge, Malcolm 1934-1970
National Translation Center 1967-1968
Naumann, Marina 1974-1981
New Catholic Encyclopedia 1963
New Leader
New Republic 1963-1964
Nilson, Nils Ake 1963-1966
Nordland Publishing Co. 1972-1976
Novoye Russkoye Slovo 1947-1983
Novosel'e 1947
The Oxford University Press 1933-1977
Panina, Issa, Includes letters of Dimitrii Panin 1973-1976.
Pares, Sir Bernard, Includes correspondence of others 1926-1944.
Parker, William 1944-1952
Pavlova, Tat'iana
Penguin Books Limited 1939-1968
Pensee Russe 1975-1982
Petr Fedorovich, surname unknown n.d.
Pichois, Claude 1952-1972
Pike, David 1975-1982
Pipes, Richard
Pollak, Severin 1963-1982
Poltoratskii, Nikolai
Possev. See Possev Druckerei & Verlag
Possev Druckerei & Verlag 1950-1983
Preuves 1953-1963
Princeton University Press 1961-1981
Proyart de Baillescourt, Comtesse Jacqueline de 1960-1978
Random House Inc., Alfred Knopf Inc. 1963-1983
Reve, Karel van het 1955-1969
Ricerche Slavistiche 1961-1973
Rittenberg, S.A. 1970-1975
Rowland, Paul 1963-1967
Rudinskii, Vladimir 1976-1977
Russian Language Journal 1978-1980
Russian Review 1952-1979
Russica Publishers, Inc. See Sumerkin, A.
Rybin, Konstantin 1954-1981
Rzhevskii, Leonid 1952-1984
Sablin, Evgenii
Sagovskaia, Nina 1944-1984
Sagovskii, Roman
Salatko-Petryshche, Valerii. See Pereleshin,Valerii
Schapiro, Leonard 1956-1981
Schnack, Ingeborg 1975-1981
Sechkarev, Vsevolod 1948-1971
Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, Bishop Aleksandr 1922-1976
Shakhovskaia, Zinaida 1931-1984
Shein, A. 1966
Shklovskaia, Zinaida 1936-1945
Shor, Olga 1957-1983
Shtromas, Alexander 1974-1979
Silver Age Publishing 1980-1982
Simmons, Ernest 1961
Slavic and East European Journal 1957-1975
Slavic Review
Smernoff, Susan 1975-1976
Smith, Gerald
Smith, Jennifer 1968-1970
Sommer, Erich 1965-1977
Souvarine, Boris 1966-1979
Stammler, Heinrich 1958-1978
Stavrou, Theofanis 1967-1968
Strakhovskii, Leonid 1924-1963
Struve, Aleksei
correspondence of Aleksei Struve family with Gleb Struve 1946-1947,
correspondence between Aleksei Struve and Mary Struve 1949-1950,
Struve, Arkadii
Struve, Iuliia 1929
Struve, Konstantin (Hieromonk Savva)
Struve, Nikita
Struve, Nina
Iuliia Struve 1922-1929, 1930-1938
Grandchildren 1923-1941
Fragments n.d.
Struve, Petr 1923-1938
Studies in Romanticism 1961-1983
Sumerkin, A. 1979-1984
Survey 1957-1964
Taranovskii, Kirill
Tatarinova, R. A. 1923-1945
Terras, Victor 1975-1978
Thomson, David
Time 1951-1981
Times (London) 1933-1980
Toporkov, Iurii 1965-1969
Tsetlin, Mikhail 1927-1945
Tyrkova-Williams, Ariadna 1920-1960
Unbegaun, Boris 1937-1970
Unbegaun Festschrift Committee 1967-1968
United States Information Agency 1955-1961
University of California Press 1961-1979
Vecherin, Evgenii 1952-1966
Vernadsky, George 1950-1973
Virginia Historical Society 1948-1949
Voitsekhovskii, Sergei 1969-1979
Vodov, Sergei 1954-1968
Vol'skaia-Valentinova, Valentina 1967-1970
Volkov, Boris 1949-1954
Walpole, Sir Hugh 1931
Wat, Alexander 1962-1966
Webb, Sidney 1935
West, Dr. (?) 1964-1966
Whitfield, Frank 1957-1985
Wilson, Edmund 1947-1962
Wilson, Elena 1958-1979
Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 1965-1967
Wolfe, Bertram 1959-1969
Wytrzens, Gunther 1958-1974
Yakobson, Sergius 1936-1979
Yale Review 1948-1954
Y.M.C.A. Press 1970-1976
Yarmolinskii, Avrahm 1962-1967
Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 1954-1965
Zhirmunskii, V. n.d.
Zubov, Valentin 1956-1959
Zuckermann, Alexandra
Adamovich, Georgii
"G. Adamovich, kritik", Russkaia Mysl', typescript copy n.d.
"O g-ne Adamoviche, Gumileve i prochem", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoe Slovo, typescript draft n.d.
"Sumerki Bloka ili sem' piatnits na nedele g-na Adamovicha", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo (?), handwritten draft, (?) n.d.
Adamovich, Georgii (Contd.)
"Po povodu stat'i G. Adamovicha", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo Jan. 7, 1951.
"Ob Adamoviche-kritike", Grani, No. 34-35, printed copy. See scrapbook April-Sept. 1957, 1950-1959
"G. V. Adamovich i 'Doktor Zhivago'", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy July 6, 1959,
Akhmatova, Anna
"Kak byl vpervye izdan 'Rekviem'. Spravka dlia potomstva", typescript copy n.d.
"O pervom izdanii 'Rekviema' Akhmatovoi", typescript n.d.
Anna Akhmatova. Sochineniia, Inter-Language Literary Associates 1965
Introduction and frontispiece, vol.I, proof copy 1965
"Akhmatova i Boris Anrep", typescript draft and proof copy
"Akhmatova i Nedobrovo", typescript drafts, proof copy and miscellaneous material
"Dopolneniia, utochneniia i ispravleniia k bibliografii Akhmatovoi", appendix to collected works, typescript
"Iz leningradskikh elegii", typescript draft
"Primechaniia k pis'mam", galley proof
"Stikhi raznykh let"
Typescript draft
Proof copy
Notes and miscellaneous material
Akhmatova, Anna, critical review of Sobranie sochinenii, photocopy of published article 1960
Anna Akhmatova. Sochineniia, reviews, printed copies 1969
Sobranie sochinenii Anny Akhmatovoi, t. III, clippings 1983
Anna Akhmatova, sochineniia, dopolnitel'nyi vypusk
Frontispiece and typescript draft
Correspondence between Boris Filippov and Nikita Struve 1974-1977
"Iz besed s A. A. Akhmatovoi, (Iun' ", typescript draft, 1965 (?) 1965)
"Iosif Brodskii-Anne Akmatovoi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 20, 1965,
"Stikhotvorenie E. M. Tager ob Anne Akhmatovoi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Oct. 7, 1965,
"Dva 'neizvestnykh' stikhotvoreniia Anny Akhmatovoi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 10, 1967,
Lecture about Anna Akhmatova, delivered at the Frederick Burke School Auditorium, typescript copy March 10, 1967,
Rekviem, "Tovareshchistvo Zarubezhnykh Pisatelei" edition, review by Iu. Terapiano, unidentified newspaper, printed copy n.d.
"Novye izdaniia Akhmatovoi", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 14, 1976,
Aldanov, Mark. Review of C. Nicholas Lee, The Novels of Mark Aleksandrovic Aldanov, Slavic Review, printed copy March 1971,
Andreev, Nikolai. "K konchine N. E. Andreeva", typescript draft n.d.
Andronikova-Halpern, Salomeia
"Pamiati S. N. Gal'pern", Novoye Russkoye Slovoprinted copy. Includes printed copy of same article in Russkaia Mysl' June 27, 1982, July 1, 1982
"Eshche k konchine S. N. Andronikovoi-Gal'pern", Novoye Russkoye Slovoprinted copy. Includes printed copy of same article in Russkaia Mysl' July 25, 1982, Aug. 19, 1982
Anrep, Boris von
"B. V. Anrep", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 26, 1969,
"K konchine U. P. von Anrep", (wife of B. Anrep), Novoye Russkoe Slovo, Obituary, printed copy March 18, 1973.
Babel', Isaak
"Babel', Slonim i Zoshchenko", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, n.d. Relates to Isaac Babel's play Zakat, typescript copy
Bal'mont, Konstantin
"Bal'mont--pevets Rossii", review of K. D. Bal'mont, V razdvinutoi dali. Poema o Rossii, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy March 29, 1930,
"O familii Bal'monta", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy June, 19, 1977,
"Eshche o Bal'monte-Bal'monte", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Jan. 1978,
Baratynskii, Evgenii
"Evgeny Baratynsky", The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Jan. 1945,
"Baratynskii", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy 1948,
Belinkov, Arkadii. Untitled obituary of Arkadii Belinkov, typescript draft n.d.
Belyi, Andrei
"K biografii Andreia Belogo", typescript draft n.d.
"Surrealisme Avant La Lettre", review of Andrei Belyi, St. Petersburg, translated by John Cournos, typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to Andrei Belyi, typescript n.d.
"Andrej Belyj's Experiments With Novel Technique", lecture delivered at the VII International Congress of Modern Languages and Literatures in Heidelberg, typescript, printed copy and miscellaneous handwritten notes, (?) 1957
"A Pioneer of the Modern Novel", review of Andrei Belyi St. Petersburg, translated by John Cournos, The New Leader, printed copy Oct. 5, 1959,
"K biografii Andreiia Belogo. A. Belyi i A. A. Turgenev", Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale, XIII, offprint 1970,
"Andrei Belyi Redivivus", keynote lecture delivered at the International Symposium on Andrei Belyi, the University of Kentucky, Lexington March 27-29, 1975
Keynote lecture delivered at the International Symposium on Andrei Belyi, the University of Kentucky 1975 March 27-29
Miscellaneous material re conference. Includes program and lectures by other speakers, typescript copies
Correspondence, University of Kentucky re publication of Belyi Symposium
Anthology ( Life and Works of Andrei Belyi, Gerald Janacek, ed.) 1976-1977
"Andrei Belyi Redivivus", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 10, 1975,
"Simposium ob Andree Belom", Novoye Russkoye Slovo April 17, 1975
"K biografii Andreiia Belogo: tri dokumenta", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy Sept. 1976,
Berberova, Nina. Review of Nina Berberova, The Italics Are Mine, The Russian Review, miscellaneous notes and printed copy Jan. 1970,
Berdiaev, Nikolai. "P. B. Struve i N. A. Berdiaev", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Nov. 30, 1967,
Blok, Aleksandr
"Aleksandr Blok. K piatiletiiu smerti", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy. See scrapbook of printed articles Aug. 8, 1926, 1926-1932
"Magiia Bloka", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, See scrapbook 1926-1932 Aug. 10, 1931.
"The Puppet Show", translation into English (with Mary Kriger), Slavonic and East European Review, typescript draft and printed copy April, 1950,
"Eshche o 'Dvenadtsati' Bloka", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 30, 1962,
"Aleksandr Blok i pervaia mirovaia voina", printed copy Nov. 2, 1965,
"Otreksia li Blok ot 'Dvenadtsati'?", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Includes letter to the editor in answer to reaction to his article, printed copies Sept. 8, 1974.
Bogatyrev, Konstantin
"Pamiati K. Bogatyreva", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Obituary, printed copy July 11, 1976.
"O Konstantine Bagatyreve", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy May 9, 1982,
Briusov, Valerii. "Ob odnom stikhotvorenii Valeriia Briusova", typescript n.d.
Brodsky, Iosif
"O poete-'tuneiadtse'Iosife Brodskom", typescript draft n.d.
"Koe-chto ob Iosife Brodskom", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy April 22, 1973,
"Brodsky's Poetry", New York Review of Books, Letter to the editor, relates to George Kline's article about Joseph Brodsky, typescript draft and printed copy July 19, 1973.
Bunin, Ivan
"I. A. Bunin i P. B. Struve", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript copy n.d.
"The New Nobel Laureate: Ivan Bunin", typescript copy, Also includes German translation n.d.
"O tom kak I. A. Bunin porval znakomstvo so mnoi", typescript draft n.d.
Review of Woodward study of Ivan Bunin, typescript draft n.d.
"L'amour de la vie et le sens de la mort dans l'oeuvre d'Ivan Bunine", Le Mois, printed copy Dec. 1931-Jan. 1932,
"Tvorchestvo Bunina", lecture (?), typescript and printed copy Dec. 1, 1933,
"Ivan Bunin", review of Ivan Bunin: The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories, trans. by D. H. Lawrence, S. S. Kotelianskii, and Leonard Woolf, The Observer, printed copy Feb. 25, 1934,
"Bunin v sovetskoi kritike", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook Jan. 3, 1954, 1950-1959
"K. Paustovskii o Bunine", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 17, 1962,
"Iz perepiski s I. A. Buninym", Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale, reprint 1968,
"Eshche o Bunine i Bogomolove", letter to the editor, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 6, 1973,
Review of V. G. Bazanov et al., eds., Literaturnoe nasledstvo. Vol. 84: Ivan Bunin, Slavic Review, typescript and proof copy Sept. 1975,
"Novaia kniga o Bunine", Russkaia Mysl', Review of A.V. Bakhrakh's memoirs about Bunin, printed copy Nov. 11, 1979.
Chaianov, Aleksandr. See Ivan Kremnev
Chekhov, Anton
Untitled writing, typescript n.d.
"Anton Chekhov: His Life and Work", typescript copy n.d.
"Chekhov, Meyerhold i sovetskie fal'sifikatory", Grani, No. 22, typescript draft and printed copy 1954,
"Chekhov v partiinoi tsenzure", typescript draft, (?) 1954
"Tchekhov deux fois censure", Preuves, No. 43, printed copy Sept. 1954,
"Chekhov and Soviet Doublethink", The New Leader, printed copy Nov. 22, 1954,
"Chekhov v sovetskoi tsenzure", Novyi Zhurnal, No. 37, typescript draft and printed copy 1954,
"Chekhov in Communist Censorship", The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 81, typescript draft and printed copy June 1955,
"Chekhov i Grigorovich", chapter from T. Eekman, ed., Anton Cechov, 1860-1960. Some Essays, author's corrected copy and reprint 1960,
"On Chekhov's Craftsmanship: the Anatomy of a Story", The Slavic Review, galley proof and printed copy Oct., 1961,
Review of Ernest J. Simmons, Chekhov: A Biography, Slavic Review, printed copy Sept. 1962,
Dostoevsky, Fedor
Broadcast for Radiostantsiia Osvobozhdenie, "Obrashchenie professora G. P. Struve v sviazi s 75 letiem so dnia smerti F. M. Dostoevskogo", typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to the fiftieth anniversary of Dostoevsky's death, typescript copy n.d.
"Ob odnom zabytom tolkovateli Dostoevskogo", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Aug. 1971,
"Zametki o iazyke Dostoevskogo" 1977
Printed copy of paper delivered at the Third International Dostoevskii Symposium in Runstedgorde, Denmark
Papers delivered by other participants in the symposium, typescript copies n.d.
"Ob odnom slove Dostoevskogo", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, and Russkaia Mysl', typescripts and printed copy June 24, 1980 July 17, 1980,
"Koe -chto o iazyke Dostoevskogo: upotreblenie Dostoevskim zaimstvovannykh slov i zloupotreblenie imi" Aug. 17-23, 1980
Typescript draft for paper delivered at Fourth International Dostoevsky Symposium, Bergamo
Typescript and handwritten notes n.d.
Miscellaneous material. Includes business correspondence with organizers 1979-1980
Ehrenburg, Il'ia
Untitled writing, typescript copy n.d.
"O poslednem romane Ehrenburga", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy. Also see scrapbook July 25, 1952, 1950-1959
Esenin, Sergei. "The Hero of Imagism", The Times Literary Supplement, printed copy. Includes typescript draft entitled "Esenin and His Legend" Dec. 17, 1976,
Frank, Semen
"S. L. Frank i P. B. Struve: glavnye etapy ikh druzhby", Sbornik pamiati Semena Liudvigovicha Franka. 1877-1950, printed copy 1954,
Sbornik pamiati S. L. Franka, order forms, typescript 1954,
"S. L. Frank. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, notes, typescript draft and printed copy Jan. 1, 1977,
Gippius, Zinaida
"Ob odnom stikhotvorenii Zinaidy Gippius", Russkaia Mysl', typescript and printed copy June 15, 1972,
"Iz perepiski Z. N. Gippius s M. L. Kantorom (1927-1936)", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy Sept. 1973,
Gumilev, Nikolai
"Gumilev", typescript draft for public lecture (?) n.d.
"Iz arkhiva N. S. Gumileva. Neizdannye materialy dlia biografii Gumileva i istorii literaturnykh techenii", tearsheets pp. 181-187
"Iz 'Zapisok kavalerista' N. Gumileva", typescript draft n.d.
"The Joyful Brotherhood", translation of "Veselye brat'ia", typescript drafts n.d.
"K shestidesiatiletiiu rasstrela N. S. Gumileva, ob odnom znakomstve Gumileva", typescript copy n.d.
"N. S. Gumilev v pis'makh M. F. Larionova i B. A. Anrepa", typescript draft n.d.
"O vremeni napisaniia 'Gondly' N. S. Gumileva", letter to the editor of Novyi Zhurnal, typescript n.d.
"Gumilev", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 29, 1931,
"Neizdannye stikhi N. Gumileva", Novyi Zhurnal, typescript draft and printed copy 1944,
"Pamiati Gumileva", Russkii Zhurnal (?), printed copy Jan. 2, 1947,
"Materialy dlia biografii N. S. Gumileva po neizdannym dokumentam", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Dec. 16, 1947,
"Ob 'Otravlennoi Tunike' Gumileva", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook, 1950-1955 Dec. 10, 1950,
Neizdannyi Gumilev
Correspondence, Chekhov Publishing House 1952
Book reviews, printed copies 1952,
"Ob odnom stikhotvorenii Gumileva", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 5, 1960,
N. Gumilev. Sobranie sochinenii, Boris Filippov and Gleb Struve eds. 1962-1965
"N. S. Gumilev. Zhizn' i lichnost'", tearsheets with commentary n.d.
Miscellaneous material re Gumilev. Includes handwritten notes and typescript drafts n.d.
Correspondence, I. Baschkirtzew Buchdruckerei 1962-1975
Publication agreement, Victor Kamkin, Gleb Struve and Boris Filippov 1965
Reviews and publisher's announcements, printed copies 1962-1966
"Innokentii Annenskii i Gumilev", Novyi Zhurnal, Bk. 78, tearsheets March 1965,
"Gumilev v 'Literaturnoi Gazete'", Russkai Mysl' (?), (?), printed copy 1967
"Sovetskii poet o Gumileve", Russkai Mysl', printed copy March 18, 1967,
"Eshche o Tat'iane Gnedich i ee 'Venke sonetov'", Russkaia Mysl' March 25, 1967
"Neizvestnyii i maloizvestnyii Gumilev", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy July 22, 1971,
"O Gumileve v Abyssinii", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, letter to the editor, typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 5, 1975,
N. S. Gumilev. Neizdannye stikhi i pis'ma 1980
Reviews, typescript and printed copies 1980
"Ob odnom znakomstve Gumileva", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, (?), printed copy Sept. 1981
"K shestidesiatiletiiu so dnia gibeli", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Aug. 27, 1981,
"Eshche k shestidesiatiletiiu smerti N. S. Gumileva. Neizvestnoe stikhotvorenie Dm. Klenovskogo", typescript draft, (?) 1981
Ivanov, Georgii
"Zametki o stikhakh. Georgii Ivanov. Rozy. Parizh 1931", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy. See scrapbook Oct. 17, 1931, 1926-1932
"O retsenzii Georgiia Ivanova na 'Sobranie sochinenii' Osipa Mandel'shtama", Novyi Zhurnal, Bk. typescript draft and printed copy 45, 1956,
Khodasevich, Vladislav
Review of Tiazhelaia lira, Russkaia Mysl', printed copy 1923,
"Tikhii ad", review of Vladislav Khodasevich, Sobranie stikhov, Za Svobodu, printed copy March 2, 1928,
Translation, "Vladislav Khodasevich On 'Pan Tadeusz'", printed copy 1956,
"V. Khodasevich o zhurnale 'Vstrechi'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy June 17, 1973,
"V. Khodasevich i Georgii Ivanov", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy July 15, 1973,
Khovin, Viktor. "O Viktore Khovine i ego zhurnalakh", Russian Literature, typescript and printed copy. Includes correspondence re publication April 2, 1976,
Klenovskii, Dmitrii
Review of D. Klenovskii, Neulovimyii sputnik. Chetvertaia kniga stikhov, typescript draft 1956
"Neizvestnoe stikhotvorenie D. Klenovskogo", Novoye Russkoye Slovoprinted copy. Also includes printed copy of same article in Russkaia Mysl' Sept. 27, 1981, 1981
Kondratiev, Aleksandr
"Eshche o A. A. Kondratieve", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 29, 1969,
"Aleksandr Kondratiev--chetyre stikhotvoreniia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 18, 1969,
Kozlovskii, Prince Petr
"Towards a Biography of Prince Peter Kozlovsky. Kozlovsky and Countess (later Princess) Lieven", typescript draft n.d.
"Drug Pushkina--kniaz' P. B. Kozlovskii", Den' Russkago Rebenka, printed copy April, 1949,
Russkii evropeets: materialy dlia biografii i kharakteristiki kniazia P. B. Kozlovskogo, publisher's orders 1950
"Iz proshlogo. Kn. P. B. Kozlovskii i ego znakomstvo s Chateaubriand, g-zhei de Stael i Heine", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy April 30, 1950,
"Stranitsy proshlago. Balzac i Sof'ia Kozlovskaia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 10, 1950,
"Un Russe Europeen: le Prince Pierre Kozlovski", Revue de litterature comparee, vol. XXIV, No. printed copy. Also includes correspondence with Jean Marie Carre re publication of article 4, Oct.-Dec. 1950, 1949-1953
"Towards a Biography of Prince Peter Kozlovsky (1783-1840). Kozlovsky's Letter to Countess Lieven", California Slavic Studies, Vol. XI No. 3, galley proof 1980,
"Sovetskaia kniga o kniaze P. B. Kozlovskom", Novoye Russkoye SlovoIncludes printed copy of same article published in Russkaia Mysl' Aug. 1, 1982. Sept. 20, 1982
Kremnev, Ivan
"From Aleksandr Chaianov's Peasant Utopia", typescript, n.d. 1921-1984:
"Ob A. V. Chaianove i ego utopii", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript and printed copy March 31, 1976,
"Ob A. V. Chaianove i ego utopii", printed copy 1981
Kuchel'becker, Wilhelm. "Religioznye motivy v tvorchestve V. Kiukhel'bekera", Vestnik Russkogo Studencheskogo Khristianskogo Dvizheniia, No. 29, printed copy July-Aug. 1953,
Kuskova, Ekaterina. "Pamiati E. D. Kuskovoi", obituary, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook Jan. 5, 1959, 1950-1958
Lebedev, Viacheslav
"Zametki o stikhakh. Viacheslav Lebedev", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 24, 1929,
"Pamiati V. M . Lebedeva", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 11, 1964,
"O Viacheslave Lebedeve", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy May 9, 1976,
Leonov, Leonid. "Leonid Leonov and His 'Skutarevsky'", The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy 1933,
Lermontov, Mikhail
Broadcast for B.B.C. Radio , typescript n.d.
"Lermontov", typescript copy n.d.
Mandel'shtam, Nadezhda
"Nadezhda Mandelstam's Remarkable Memoirs", Books Abroad, Review of Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope, typescript draft and printed copy Winter 1971.
"Nadezhda Mandelstam's 'Hope Abandoned'", The Russian Review, Review of Nadezhda Mandelstam, Vtoraia kniga, typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 1973.
Mandel'shtam, Osip
Untitled writing, (signed George Stukov), typescript copy n.d.
"Ital'ianskie obrazy i motivy v poezii Osipa Mandel'stama", typescript copy n.d.
"Sound of An Epoch", translation (with Mary Kriger), typescript draft n.d.
"O sovetskom periode Osipa Mandel'shtama", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 3, 1950,
"Novoe o sud'be O. Mandel'shtama", (signed Georgii Stukov), Mosty, No. 10, printed copy 1963,
"Eshche o sud'be Osipa Mandel'shtama", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 5, 21, 1963,
"Neizvestnoe stikhotvorenie Osipa Mandel'shtama", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 21, 1963,
Sobranie sochinenii O. E. Mandel'shtama
"O. E. Mandel'shtam. Opyt biografii i kriticheskogo kommentariia", draft of introduction 1964-1967
"Dopolnenie (i utochneniia) k bibliografii O. M. Mandel'shtam", Sobranie sochinenii O. M. Mandel'shtama, vol.III, typescript, draft and miscellaneous notes n.d.
Galley proof of above n.d.
"Dopolnitel'nye teksty", typescript draft n.d.
Reviews, printed copies 1966,
"O date smerti O. Mandel'shtama", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 24, 1966,
"K 'reabilitatsii' Osipa Mandel'stama", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also includes reprint of above article in Nasha Strana with an introduction by Leonard Gendlin, typescript drafts and printed copy July 30, 1972, Aug. 9-10, 1972,
"Osip Mandelstam's Versions of Barbier's Iambes", printed copy 1973,
Review of Clarence Brown, Mandelstam, Slavic and East European Journal, typescript draft and printed copy Winter 1973,
"O 'sinem' Mandel'stame", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy April 28, 1974,
Maslov, Georgii
Biographical sketches of Georgii Maslov, typescript draft n.d.
Material used in publication of "Arion" and "Avrora" n.d.
"Stranichka vospominanii vmesto predisloviia", typescript
"Arion", introduction to article by Nikolai Gumilev
"Avrora", miscellaneous notes
"Arion" and "Avrora", footnotes
Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii. "Merezhkovski, Dmitri Sergeevich", article for Encyclopedia Britannica, reprint 1966
Merimee, Prosper
"Prosper Merimee et Serge Sobolevsky", typescript article, Includes correspondence between Gleb Struve and Revue des Deux Mondes n.d.
"Russkie temy v novoizdannoi perepiske Merimee", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Oct. 19, 1929,
"Dva svidetel'stva o russkom iazyke. R. M. Rilke i P. Merimee", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, See scrapbook Nov. 16, 1929. 1926-1932
"S. A. Sobolevskii v Parizhe", printed copy Nov. 30, 1929,
"Prosper Merimee, membre d'une Societe litteraire russe", Le Figaro, typescript draft, printed copy Jan. 18, 1930,
"Rossiia i russkie v perepiske P. Merimee", printed copy Jan. 18, 1930,
"Un russe en Espagne sur les traces de Merimee", Le Figaro, printed copy Sept. 30, 1930,
Milosz, Czeslaw. "Something About the New Nobel Laureate, Czeslaw Milosz Is Not in the Soviet Literary Encyclopedia", typescript copy n.d.
Morkovin, Vadim. "Pamiati V. V. Morkovina", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, Obituary, typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 14, 1973.
Morshen, Nikolai. "O stikhakh N. Morshena", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Nov. 1, 1959,
Nabokov, Vladimir
"Nabokov the Conjuror", letter to the editor of The Listener, typescript draft n.d.
"Nabokov's 'Harlequins'", letter to the editor of unidentified newspaper, typescript draft n.d.
"Nabokov's Russian Transparencies", typescript draft n.d.
"Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovic", biographical entry, Lexikon der Weltliteratur II, printed copy n.d.
"Nabokow, Wladimir Wladimirovitsch", biographical entry, Kleines Lexikon der Weltliteratur, printed copy n.d.
Review of Simon Karlinsky, ed., The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, typescript draft n.d.
Review of R. Rowe, ed., Nabokov and Others: Patterns in Russian Literature, typescript draft n.d.
"Sirin", typescript copy n.d.
"Some Thoughts on Nabokov Number One", typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, lecture (?), re Nabokov as a Russian writer, typescript draft n.d.
"Vladimir Nabokov Glorified", review of Peter Quennell, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: His Life, His Work, His World, typescript draft n.d.
"Vladimir Sirin and His Art", lecture, typescript copy n.d.
Review of V. Sirin, Korol'-Dama-Valet, Rossiia, printed copy Dec. 1, 1928,
"'Pil'gram' V. Sirina", review of Vladimir Nabokov's short story "Pil'gram", (?), printed copy 1930
"Zametki o stikhakh. Parizhskie 'Molodye poety'.--Evgenii Shakh.--Al. Kholchev.--V. Sirin", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy March 15, 1930,
"Les Romans Escamotages de Vladimir Sirine", Le Mois, printed copy Apr.-May, 1931,
"Vladimir Nabokoff-Sirine, l'Amoureux de la Vie", Le Mois, printed copy June-July, 1931,
"Tvorchestvo Sirina", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy May 17, 1930,
"Vladimir Sirin, the Return of Tchorb", This Quarter, Paris, printed copy June 1932,
"Current Russian Literature, Vladimir Sirin", Seer, No. 35, printed copy Jan. 1934,
"O V. Sirine", Russkii v Anglii, printed copy May 5, 1936,
"Vladimir Sirin-Nabokov", Russkii v Anglii, printed copy Feb. 16, 1937,
Untitled writing, typescript copy 1966
"Notes On Nabokov As a Russian Writer", Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature, photocopy of reprint Spring 1967,
"A Wrong Note", letter to the editor of The New York Review of Books, printed copy Aug. 1, 1968,
"Koe-chto o Nabokove", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft Dec. 19, 1968,
"Notes On Nabokov As a Russian Writer", from Nabokov, the Man and His Work, L. S. Dembo, ed., University of Wisconsin Press, printed copy 1969,
Letter to the editor of The New York Review of Books, typescript draft July 10, 1969,
"Nabokov's 'Mashen'ka'", letter to the editor of The Times Literary Supplement, printed copy April 16, 1971,
Review of Andrew Field, Nabokov: A Bibliography, Slavic Review, typescript draft and printed copy June 1975,
"K smerti V. V. Nabokova", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy July, 1977,
"Pamiati V. V. Nabokova", Novye Russkoe Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy July 17, 1977,
"Nabokov's Uncle", letter to the editor, The Times Literary Supplement, printed copy Aug. 19, 1977,
Review of Jane Grayon, Nabokov Translated: a Comparison of Nabokov's Russian and English Prose, The Russian Review, typescript draft and printed copy Jan. 1978,
"O Nabokove i ego perevodakh", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Sept. 24, 1978,
"Vladimir Nabokov i Edmund Wilson", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Feb. 17, 1980,
"Vladimir Nabokov As I Knew and As I See Him", typescript draft of lecture delivered at San Francisco State University Feb. 27, 1980
"The Moralist and the Magician", The Times Literary Supplement, May 2, 1980. Review of Simon Karlinsky, ed., The Nabokov-Wilson Letters. Correspondence Between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson 1940-1971, printed copy
Nedobrovo, Nikolai. "K probleme attributsii stikhotvornykh posviashchenii, po povodu odnogo stikhotvoreniia N. V. Nedobrovo", Ricerche Slavistiche, Vol. XVII-XIX, Galley proof and printed copy, 1972 1970-1972.
Oksman, Iuliian. "Iu. G. Oksman", obituary of Iu. G. Oksman, Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 15, 1970,
Olesha, Iurii
"Olesha's A List of Blessing", typescript copy n.d.
"Pisatel' nenuzhnykh tem. Tvorcheskaia sud'ba Iuriia Oleshy", Novyi Zhurnal No. XXV, printed copy 1951,
Otsup, Nikolai. "Novye stikhi", review of Nikolai Otsup, Vstrecha. Poema, Rossiia, printed copy Feb. 11, 1928,
Pasternak, Boris
"Boris Pasternak About Himself and His Times", typescript draft n.d.
"Boris Pasternak and His Novel 'Doctor Zhivago'", typescript draft n.d.
"How Moscow Writers Vilified Boris Pasternak", typescript draft n.d.
"O nezakonchennoi p'ese Pasternaka", typescript draft n.d.
Review of Doctor Zhivago, typescript draft n.d.
Review of Olga Ivinskaya, A Captive of Time: My Years With Pasternak, typescript draft n.d.
"Slovo o poezii", typescript draft n.d.
"Some Observations On Boris Pasternak's Verse", typescript drafts of lecture n.d.
"An Unnoticed Aspect of Pasternak's Translations", typescript copy n.d.
"Un texte oublie de Boris Pasternak", typescript draft n.d.
Untitled writing. Relates to "Blind Beauty", typescript n.d.
Untitled writing, typescript draft n.d.
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1958-1961,
Speeches and lectures re Pasternak. Announcements and correspondence 1958-1960
"O 'Doktore Zhivago' Pasternaka", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 9, 1958,
"K tvorcheskoi istorii 'Doktora Zhivago'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 5, 1958,
"Russia's Terrible Years", review of Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago, The New Leader, printed copy Oct. 27, 1958,
"Eshche o Iurii Zhyvago i Dmitrii Samarine", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Jan. 18, 1959,
"Stalin i Pasternak", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 15, 1959,
"Anonimnyi anglichanin o Pasternake", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 22, 1959,
"Pasternak's 'I Remember'", review of Boris Pasternak's I Remember: Sketch of an Autobiography, The New Leader, printed copy March 30, 1959,
"Ob angliiskom perevode 'Doktora Zhyvago'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy May 3, 1959,
"Iz zametok o masterstve Borisa Pasternaka", Vozdushnye Puti, Al'manakh I, printed copy 1960,
"Pasternak's Poetry In America", review of Poetry of Boris Pasternak: 1917-1959, translated by George Reavey, The New Leader, printed copy March 28, 1960,
Boris Pasternak. Sobranie Sochinenii, Boris Filippov and Gleb Struve eds. 1961
"Ot redaktorov", Vol. I, typescript draft 1959,
"Ot redaktorov", Vol. III, typescript draft n.d.
Proyart, Jacqueline de, "Preface", Russian, French and English versions, typescripts and photocopies of drafts n.d.
Weidle, Vladimir, introductions to vols. I, II, III, photocopies of drafts n.d.
"Bibliografiia. Prilozhenie chetvertoe", typescript draft n.d
Material related to the publication of collected works
Correspondence, University of Michigan Press
Bibliographies, typescript n.d.
Excerpts from Soviet publications, typescript n.d.
Notes and quotes from Pasternak's works, typescript and handwritten n.d.
Versification, miscellaneous typescript and handwritten material n.d.
"Some Observations on Boris Pasternak's Verse", Langue et litterature, Paris printed copy and typescript draft 1961,
"Dva stikhotvoreniia Borisa Pasternaka", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 26, 1961,
Review of Boris Pasternak, In the Interlude; Poems 1945-1960, Henry Kamen trans., Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, printed copy n.d.
"Sense and Nonsense About Doctor Zhivago", Studies in Russian and Polish Literature in Honor of Waclaw Lednicki, typescript drafts and printed copy 1962,
"Boris Pasternak's Last Poems", review of Boris Pasternak, In the Interlude: Poems 1945-1960, Henry Kamen trans., The New Leader, printed copy Jan. 7, 1963,
Report for MGM on Max Hayward and Manya Harari translation of Doctor Zhivago, typescript copy 1964
"Boris Pasternak About Himself and His Readers", Slavic Review, galley proof and printed copy March 1964,
"Po povodu novogo sovetskogo izdaniia stikhov Pasternaka", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 21, 1965,
"Pasternak v 'Iunosti'", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Dec. 19, 1965,
"O 'vospominaniakh' B. L. Pasternaka", letter to the editor of Russkai Mysl', printed copy April 27, 1967,
"Boris Pasternak i ego cheshskii perevodchik", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 29, 1967,
"Some Observations on Pasternak's Ternary Metres", Studies in Slavic Linguistics and Poetics in Honor of Boris O. Unbegaun, typescript draft, galley proof and printed copy 1968,
Review of Mary F. and Paul Rowland, Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago, Dale L. Plank, Pasternak's Lyric: a Study of Sound and Imagery and Boris Pasternak, Letters to Georgian Friends, translated by David Magarshack, Slavic Review, typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 1969,
"The Hippodrome of Life: The Problem of Coincidences in Doctor Zhivago", Books Abroad, tearsheets and typescript draft entitled, "'The Hippodrome of Life', Some Reflections on Doktor Zhivago: Structure and Themes" Spring 1970,
"Dva pis'ma Borisa Pasternaka", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Nov. 9, 1975,
"Koe chto o knige Ol'gi Ivinskoi", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy June 25, 1978,
"Koi-o-chem v knige Ol'gi Ivinskoi", Russkaia Mysl' July 20, 1978
Review of Henry Gifford, Pasternak: A Critical Study, The Russian Review, printed copy Oct. 1978,
"Koe chto o Pasternake i Rilke", Bibliotheque Russe de l'Institut d'Etudes Slaves, Tome XLVII, 1979. Printed version of paper delivered at the Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle Sept. 11-14, 1975
Pil'niak, Boris
"Boris Pil'niak", notes and typescript draft n.d.
"Novyi roman Borisa Pil'niaka", review of Boris Pil'niak, Volga vpadaet v Kaspiiskoe more, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Jan. 1931,
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Miscellaneous handwritten material n.d.
"Novye Pushkinskie materialy iz Britanskogo Muzeiia", offprint, Slavonic Review 1926
"Pushkin and His Place in Russian Literature", Slavonic Review, printed copy Jan. 1937,
"Novye dokumenty o Pushkine", Posledniia Novosti, printed copy Feb. 11, 1937,
"Zametki o Pushkine", Russkii v Anglii, printed copy Feb. 16, 1937,
Review of Samuel H. Cross and Ernest J. Simmons, eds., Centennial Essays for Pushkin; Les Cahiers du Journal des Poetes, Hommage a Puchkine; Waclaw Lednicki, Pushkin, Slavonic Review, galley proof June 1937,
"Novye Pushkinskie materialy iz Britanskago Muzeia", printed copy Nov. 1937,
Two poems in honor of Pushkin, Den' Russkago Rebenka, (?), printed copy 1947
"Pushkin in Early English Criticism", The American Slavic and East European Review, No. 4, printed copy 1949,
"K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy June 12, 1949,
"Kto byl pushkinskii 'Polonofil'?", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Dec 18, 1949,
"Marginalia Pushkiniana", Modern Language Notes, printed copy May, 1950,
"Who Was Pushkin's 'Polonophil'", The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. XXIX, No. 73, printed copy June 1951,
"Siniavskii-Daniel i Pushkin: sluchaino ili narochito", Russkaia Mysl' March 17, 1966
"Vokrug knigi A. Tertsa o Pushkine", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Sept. 5, 1976,
Remizov, Aleksei
"O Remizove, k godovshchine so dnia smerti", typescript draft n.d.
Vzvikhrennaia Rus', typescript excerpts 1927,
"Czarodei slowa i snowidz", Wiadomoszci, printed copy Jan. 25, 1959,
"Nadpisi A. M. Remizova na knigakh iz moego sobraniia", Russkii Al'manakh, printed copy 1981,
Rilke, Rainer-Maria
"Rainer-Maria Rilke", typescript draft n.d.
"R-M Rilke po povodu 'Mitinoi Liubvi" Iv. Bunina", typescript copy n.d.
"Konchina R. M. Rilke", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Dec. 31, 1926,
Translation of "Smert' kamergera Brigge", Rul', typescript draft and printed copy June 30, 1929,
"Iz Rainer Marii Rilke", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 24, 1965,
"Rainer-Maria Rilke o 'Mitinoi liubvi' Bunina. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia poeta", Russkaia Mysl and Novoe Russkoe Slovo, typescript draft and printed copies Dec. 25, 1975,
"Ob odnom stikhotvorenii Rilke", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 26, 1978,
Scott, Sir Walter
"Russkie otnosheniia Val'tera Skotta", typescript draft n.d.
"Scott Letters Discovered in Russia", Rylands Bulletingalley proof and Review of above in the London Times Literary Supplement Aug. 1944, July 28, 1945
"Novoe o starom. Russkie sviazi Valtera Skotta", printed copy Oct. 26, 1947,
"Russian Friends and Correspondents of Sir Walter Scott", Comparative Literature, Vol. II, No. 4, reprint Fall 1950,
"Pis'ma Denisa Davydova k Val'teru Skottu", letter to the editor, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. See scrapbook Oct. 26, 1958, 1950-1959
Sholokhov, Mikhail
"Po povodu Nobelevskoi premii Sholokhova", Russkaia Mysl' Oct. 26, 1965
"Sholokhov, Bunin i Pasternak", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Dec. 11, 1965,
"Voznesenskii i Sholokhov", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 7, 1967,
"O Sholokhove, F. D. Kriukove i 'Tikhom Done'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 15, 1974,
"Eshche o Sholokhove i Fedore Kriukove", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 13, 1974.
Shul'gin, Vladimir
"V. V. Shul'gin i ubiistvo P. A. Stolypina", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft n.d.
"Dela davno minuvshikh dnei. O 'Treste' i V. V. Shul'gine", Russkaia Mysl', typescript drafts and printed copy Dec. 15, 1960,
Slonim, Mark
Review of Mark Slonim, Soviet Russian Literature: Writers and Problems, 1917-1967, typescript draft n.d.
"Strannyia oshybki g-na Slonima", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook April 21, 1953, 1950-1959
"Neudachnaia kniga o russkoi literature", review of Mark Slonim, Modern Russian Litrature: From Chekhov to the Present, Opyty, No. III, printed copy 1954,
"Marc Slonim", obituary, Slavic Review, galley proof Dec. 1976,
Sologub, Fedor
Translation (with Mary Kriger) of Fedor Sologub, typescript drafts n.d.
The Petty Demon
Author's Preface
Chap. I-II
Children of the Earth, typescript draft n.d.
"The Feather Bed"
"Light and Shadows"
"The Prosperous Judas"
"The Sting of Death"
"Unto the Earth Things Earthly"
Correspondence re publication of stories 1949
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
"G. Lukach o Solzhenitsyne", typescript draft n.d.
"O povesti A. Solzhenitsyna", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 12, 1963,
"Koe-chto o novom romane Solzhenitsyna", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Sept. 12, 1971,
"Ob odnom istochnike avgusta chetyrnadtsatogo", typescript draft Oct. 3, 1971
"Behind the Front Lines: On Some Neglected Chapters in August 1914", typescript copy 1972-1973
"Before and After Solzhenitsyn", letter to the editor, New York Review of Books, printed copy Jan. 22, 1976
Sviatopolk-Mirsky, Prince Dimitrii
"Kn. D.P. Sviatopolk-Mirsky o P. B. Struve", typescript copy n.d.
"Kn. D. P. Sviatopolk-Mirsky o russkoi poezii v godu", typescript draft, Includes afterword by Gerald Smith, "Stat'ia 'O sovremennom sostoianii russkoi poezii' i put' D. P. Sviatopolka-Mirskogo", typescript draft 1922 n.d. n.d.
Tarsis, Valerii
Letters to the editor, typescript drafts n.d.
Untitled writing, typescript n.d.
Tolstoy, Aleksei. "Alexey Tolstoy", obituary, The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Jan. 1946,
Tolstoy, Lev
"Tolstoy in Soviet Criticism", The Russian Review, Vol. XIX, No. 2, printed copy April 1960,
"O tolstovskoi konferentsii v Venetsii", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 16, 1960,
Tsvetaeva, Marina
"Prazhskie otkliki na smert' Mariny Tsvetaevy", typescript draft n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to the correspondence between Marina Tsvetaeva and Vera Bunina n.d.
Review of Marina Tsvetaeva, Remeslo and Psikheia, Rul', printed copy June 24, 1923,
Lebedinnyi stan (Neizdannye stikhi, 1917-1921)
Business correspondence. Includes correspondence with publisher and orders received 1957-1958
Introduction and commentaries n.d.
Galley proof (?) n.d.
"Ob odnoi oshibke Mariny Tsvetaevoi", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 6, 1963,
"Marina Tsvetaeva o liudiakh, o knigakh, o sebe", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Aug. 14-28, 1969,
"Posleslovie k pis'mam Mariny Tsvetaevoi k A. Teskovoi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 4, 1969,
"Eshche o dne ot"ezda Mariny Tsvetaevoi v S.S.S.R.", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 6, 1969,
"O vospominaniiakh E. M. Mindlina", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy Feb. 26, 1970,
"Zabytoe-ili poluzabytoe-stikhotvorenie Mariny Tsvetaevoi", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Aug. 20, 1977,
Turgenev, Aleksandr
"An Ambassador-At-Large of Russian Culture", review of A. A. Saburov, ed., Pis'ma Aleksandra Turgeneva k Bulgakovym, typescript copy 1940
"A Russian Traveller in Scotland in 1828: Alexander Turgenev", Blackwood's Magazine, typescript copy and reprint Nov. 1945,
"Aleksandr Turgenev, Ambassador of Russian Culture in Partibus Infidelium", Slavic Review, galley proof and reprint Sept. 1970,
Turgenev, Ivan
Translation (with Mary Kriger) of Ivan Turgenev's "The Man in the Grey Spectacles", typescript n.d.
"Turgenev and We", typescript copy n.d.
Review of Edgar H. Lehrman, Turgenev's Letters, Slavic Review, typescript draft and printed copy Sept. 1962,
Vishniak, Mark. "Pravda antibol'shevizma. K 80-letiiu M. V. Vishniaka", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 12, 1963,
Voloshin, Maksimilian
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy v dvukh tomakh, B. A. Filippov, G. P. Struve and N. A. Struve, eds., YMCA Press, Paris, typescript drafts with handwritten corrections 1982-1984,
"Stikhi raznykh let", pp. 1-171
"Kniga tret'ia. Neopolimaia kupina. Stikhi o voine i revoliutsii", pp. 221-391
"Paralipomena", pp.392-404
"Sviatoi Serafim. Poema", pp. 405-439
"Poslaniia", pp. 440-445
"Stikhi i neokonchennye poemy o Rossii i revoliutsii", pp. 446-482
"Nadpisi na akvareliakh", pp. 483-519
"Proza", pp. 520-594
"Prilozhenie tret'e. Primecheniia", pp. 1-169
"Prilozhenie chetvertoe. Bibliografiia Maksimiliana Voloshina.", pp. 1-66. Also includes handwritten notes
"Ispravleniia i dopolneniia v tekstakh stikhov"
Maksimilian Voloshin, Stikhotvoreniia i Poemy, B. A. Filippov, G. P. Struve and N. A. Struve eds., typescript draft 1978
Vorontsov, Count Simon
"An 18th Century Champion of Anglo-Russian Alliance. Count Simon Vorontsov: Man Who Challenged and Beat Pitt", typescript draft n.d.
"An Anglo-Russian Medley: Woronzows, Pembrokes, Nicolays, and Others", California Slavic Studies, galley proof and offprint 1970
"Un chapitre oublie des rapports Russo-Polonais", Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, printed copy. See also "Letters to the editor" Jul.-Dec. 1947, 1945
"P. B. Struve i 'Vozrozhdenie'", letters to the editor of unidentified newspaper, printed copies July 13, 1955,
"Stranitsa iz istorii zarubezhnoi pechati. Nachalo gazety 'Vozrozhdenie'", Mosty, No. 3, printed copy 1959,
Zamiatin, Evgenii
Review of Evgenii Zamiatin, My, Chekhov Publishing Co., New York, typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, introduction to new translation of Zamiatin's We, notes and typescript draft
"'My' Zamiatina na amerikanskoi stsene", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Nov. 19, 1978,
Zaitsev, Boris
"Boris K. Zaitsev, Oldest Russian Writer", typescript draft n.d.
"O Tishine Borisa Zaitseva", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Feb. 6, 1949,
"O B. K. Zaitseve", Russkaia Mysl' Feb. 2, 1961
"America Through the Eyes of a Soviet Novelist, Peter Pavlenko's Happiness", typescript copy n.d.
"Byvshie", typescript note related to Soviet interest in Russian emigre literature n.d.
"Comparative Literature in the Soviet Union: Today and Yesterday", typescript draft n.d.
"The Cultural Renascence", typescript drafts n.d.
"Custine's Book and Russia Past and Present, An Open Letter to General Walter Bedell Smith", typescript copy n.d.
"Eshche o K. Simonove", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript copy n.d.
"Eshche o 'konditsiiakh' verkhovnikov", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft n.d.
Eshche ob 'Apollone'", letter to the editor, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript copy n.d.
"La France devant les ecrivains russes", Le Mois, printed copy n.d.
"'Iz glubiny', (De Profundis)", letter to the editor of The New York Review of Books, typescript copy n.d.
"John Paradise, a Friend of Dr. Johnson and a Pensioner of Catherine the Great", typescript draft n.d.
"K istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. Kak sostavlialas' antologiia 'Iakor'", typescript draft n.d.
"K istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. Melochi iz kopilki moei pamiati. L. I. Strakhovskii--L. Chatskii", typescript draft
"K sporu o 'Slove o polku igoreve'", typescript draft n.d.
"K stat'iam prof. M. Iu. Sheftelia", letter to the editor of Russkaia Mysl', typescript copy n.d.
"Koe-chto o Pasternake i Rilke", typescript draft
"Koe chto ob Isae Lezhneve i ego zhurnale", typescript copy n.d.
Letters to the editor. Miscellaneous short or untitled handwritten and typescript drafts n.d.
"Listening to Khrushchev", typescript draft n.d.
"Literatur in Sowjetrussland", typescript copy n.d.
"Literature of the Russian Emigration", typescript copy n.d.
"Lobster Salad", holograph n.d.
"Moskovskoe radio ob ubiistve tsarskoi sem'i", typescript draft n.d.
"My Personal Experience of 'Cultural Coexistence', typescript copy n.d.
"Nam pishut iz Munchena", typescript draft n.d.
"O chistote iazyka i o ego vykholashchivanii", letter to the editor, typescript copy n.d.
"O Konrade Adenauere", letter to the editor, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript copy n.d.
"O Tvardovskom i Solzhenitsyne", letter to the editor of Tygodniu polskim, typescript copy n.d.
"O slove utlyi", typescript draft n.d.
"Ob odnom berlinskom literaturnom kruzhke", typescript draft n.d.
Obituary of Mikhail Karpovich, typescript copy n.d.
Obituary of Oleg Maslenikov, typescript draft n.d.
"Otvet g-zhe Zhernakovoi-Nikolaevoi", letter to the editor, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft n.d.,
"Otvet V. Rudinskomu", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo n.d.
"P. B. Struve v ", typescript draft 1918-1919 n.d.
"Polska a Rosja", letter to the editor of Wiadomosci Polskich, typescript draft
"Pros'ba ispravit' oshybku", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft n.d.
"The Puzzling Policy of Socialist Realism", typescript of lecture (?) n.d.
"Recent Developments in Soviet Literature", typescript draft of lecture n.d.
"Recent Russian Studies On Other Slavic Literatures", typescript copy n.d.
"Russia and Poland: An Historical Parallel", letter to the editor of Time and Tide, typescript copy n.d.
"Russia As Seen Through Russian Newspapers and Publications", typescript copy n.d.
"Russia, Poland and the West", letter to the editor of unidentified newspaper, typescript n.d.
"Soviet Literature in Perspective, Some Unorthodox Reflections", typescript n.d.
"Soviet Literature Since Stalin's Death", typescript of lecture n.d.
"The Study of Soviet Literature Here and There, Some Comments and Reflections", typescript copy n.d.
Translation into Russian of Michael Arlen, "Kuda golubi otpravliaiutsia umirat'", holograph n.d.
Translation (with Mary Kriger) of Olga Forsh, "The Swan Neoptolemus", typescript n.d.
Translation (with Mary Kriger) of Alexander Green, "The Watercolor", typescript n.d.
Translation (with Mary Kriger) of N. Teffi, "Irochka", typescript n.d.
"Tri dokumenta iz arkhiva P. B. Struve", typescript copy n.d.
Untitled creative writing, typescript n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to Anti-Westernism in Soviet literature, typescript copy n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to the poetry of Nikolai Gumilev, Nikolai Morshen and Tatiana Gnedich, typescript copy, n.d. n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to Russian literature in exile, typescript draft n.d. n.d.
Untitled writing, Relates to Soviet reaction to Struve's assertion of anti-westernism in Soviet literature, holograph n.d. n.d.
"U.S.S.R. in Fact and Fiction, A Prophecy That Went Wrong", typescript August 1939- n.d.
"Vdokhnovenie i remeslo v tvorchestve", holograph n.d.
"The Writers", lecture delivered at unidentified conference, typescript text n.d.
"Krylatoe serdtse. Stikhi, ", notebook of miscellaneous poetry, holograph 1915-1919
Poetry, handwritten and typescript copies 1915-1916
"Tramvai B", Svetlyi luch, typescript copy 1915
"Stikhotvorenie", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy 1918,
"Iz stikhov Gleba Struve", notebook of holograph and typescript poetry 1918-1940's
"Stikhi", notebook of miscellaneous holograph and typescript poetry 1918-1932
"Bolshevism As I Saw It", The Oxford Outlook, I, No. 2, printed copy June 1919,
"Russia: A Problem", The Oxford Outlook, II, No. 7, printed copy May 1920,
Poetry, clippings from newspapers 1915-1925
Poetry, holograph and typescript 1921-1970
"Otryvok", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy March 1922,
Review of B. Eikhenbaum, Melodika russkago liricheskago stikha, Russkaia Mysl', printed copy 1923,
"Russia and U.S.S.R.", article submitted to The New York Herald, typescript draft July, 1924,
"Beseda s akad. P. G. Vinogradovym", Vozrozhdenie, (?), printed copy 1925
"Pravitel'stvennyi krizis vo Frantsii. Kakoi vozmozhen ishod?", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Nov. 24, 1925,
"Zarubezhnyi s'ezd. Beseda s Riabushinskim", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Nov. 28, 1925,
"Zarubezhnyi s'ezd. Beseda s A. I. Guchkovym", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Nov. 29, 1925,
"Sovetskaia Rossiia ne iz 'avtokara'", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Nov. 30, 1925,
Notebook of clippings, miscellaneous printed articles 1926-1931
"Poet s bol'shoi dorogi", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy 1926,
"V bol'shevitskoi tiurme", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy 1926,
"Sekret g-zhi de Kaiafe", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy Dec. 2, 1926,
"K. Chapek o Masarike i Beneshe", Rossiia, (?), printed copy 1927
"Mezhdu romantizmom i simvolizmom", Rossiia, No. 7, printed copy 1927,
"Vospominaniia frantsuza o Tukhachevskom", Rossiia, printed copy 1927,
"Zhenevskii i parizhskii kongressy. Beseda s prof. M. A. Kurchinskim", Rossiia, printed copy 1927,
"Kitaiskaia nerazberikha", typescript draft May 1927
"Diplomat-predatel'. V. L. Burtsev o Rakovskom", Rossiia, printed copy Sept. 10, 1927,
"'Sovremennye Zapiski'", Rossiia, printed copy Sept. 10, 1927.
"Taina Moissi--Gamlet v Parizhe", Rossiia, printed copy Oct. 22, 1927,
"Glavnoe litso 'Tresta'. Kto takoi Iakushev-Fedorov? Beseda", Rossiia, printed copy Oct. 29, 1927,
"Poet i avantiurist. Sud'ba Artura Rembo", Rossiia, printed copy Oct. 29, 1927,
"G.P.U. v Estonii", Rossiia, printed copy Nov. 12, 1927,
"Novyi sbornik stikhov. Andrei Blokh, Stikhotvoreniia", Rossiia Nov. 26, 1927
"Zhizn' Bodlera", Rossiia, printed copy Dec. 17, 1927,
"Inostrantsy o polozhenii bol'shevikov", Rossiia, printed copy Dec. 24, 1927,
"Knizhnye auktsiony v Parizhe", Rossiia, printed copy Dec. 31, 1927,
"Novyi razskaz ob otrechenii Gosudaria", Rossiia, printed copy Dec. 31, 1927,
Book reviews, printed copies 1928,
"Anglichanin o staroi i novoi Rossii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, No. printed copy 12, 1929,
"Desiatiletie bol'shevitskago vladychestva", Rossiia i Slavianstva, printed copy 1928,
"Dva zhurnala", Rossiia, printed copy 1928,
Fragment of poem, title missing, Rul', (?), printed copy 1928
"Iugoslaviia na ispytanii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, No. 3, printed copy 1928,
"Kak akademik Delil uezzhal v Rossiiu", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1930,
"Marshal Pilsudskii v izobrazhenii Anri Bero", Rossiia, printed copy 1928,
"Sud'ba Zarubezhoi Tserkvi", Rossiia, printed copy Sept. 12, 1927,
"Bezhenskie razskazy", review of Boris Lazarevskii, Golos rodiny. Novye razskazy, Rossiia, printed copy Jan. 14, 1928,
"Tomas Khardi", printed copy Feb. 8, 1928,
"Zametki o stikhakh", review of Nikolai Turoverov, Put', Rossiia, printed copy April 14, 1928,
"Vnepartiinyi osvedomitel'nyi tsentr. Beseda s E. V. Sablinym", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Sept. 17, 1928,
"Datchanin, pochuvstvovavshyi Rossiiu", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Dec. 22, 1928,
Book reviews, printed copies 1929,
"Bol'shevitskii perevorot po dokumentam", review of Serge Oldenbourg, Le coup d'Etat bolcheviste. 20 octobre--3 decembre 1917, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1929,
"Mitskevich vo frantsii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1929,
"Piatidesiatiletie prof. R. V. Seton-Watsona", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1929,
"Professor Nevil Forbes", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1929,
"Zametki o stikhakh", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy 1929,
"Franko-russkii miting protesta protiv krasnago terrora", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Jan. 1, 1929,
"Roman o Griboedove", review of Iurii Tynianov, Smert' Vazir-Mukhtara, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Feb. 9, 1929,
"Novaia kniga po istorii russkoi literatury", review of Nicolas von Arseniew, Die russische Literatur der Neuzeit und Gegenwart, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy. See scrapbook March 30, 1929, 1926-1932
"Panorama sovremennoi russkoi literatury", review of Vladimir Posner, Panorama de la litterature russe contemporaine, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy April 6, 1929,
"Literatura v 'Sovremennykh Zapiskakh'", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy April 20, 1929,
"'Muzhitskaia drama'", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy April 20, 1929,
"Pol'skii kritik o Mitskeviche", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy May 25, 1929,
"Iz memuarov Brusilova", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed matter June 6, 1929,
"'Olimpiiskii Lavr' K. Vezhynskogo", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy June 19, 1929,
"Zametki o stikhakh. Parizhskie i prazhskie 'molodye'", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy June 22, 1929,
"Angliia cherez slavianskiia ochki", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy. See scrapbook July 20, 1929, 1926-1932
"Piamiatnik bolgaro-russkoi druzhby", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 10, 1929,
"Strannaia kniga", review of Jules Legras, La litterature en Russie, printed copy Aug. 11, 1929,
"Gr. V. N. Kokovtsev o Ekaterinburgskoi tragedii", printed copy Oct. 19, 1929,
"Noveishaia pol'skaia poeziia", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Nov. 9, 1929,
"Dva svidetel'stva o russkom iazyke", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Nov. 16, 1929,
"Russkaia nauka za rubezhom", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Nov. 23, 1929,
"Mitropolit Evlogii o bol'shevitskikh goneniiakh na tserkov", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Jan. 4, 1930,
"O Moskovskom Universitete i brat'iakh kn. Trubetskikh", Rossiia i Slavianstvo Feb. 5, 1930
"Dva romana o liubvi", review of E. Kel'chevskii, V lesu and Iurii Fel'zen, Obman, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy
"Mladorossy za revoliutsionnuiu bor'bu i obshchii front", Rossiia i Slavianstvo July 19, 1930
"O mladorossakh i 'nepredreshenstve'", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 2, 1930,
"Zametki o stikhakh", review of Iurii Mandel'shtam, Ostrov, Viktor Tretiakov, Solntseroi and Tretii sbornik Soiuza molodykh pisatelei i poetov v Parizhe, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 2, 1930,
"Zametki o stikhakh", review of Perekrestok, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Aug. 30, 1930,
"Rasskazy Valentina Kataeva", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Sept. 27, 1930,
"Svoeobraznaia pisarevshchina. Eshche o 'Chislakh'", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Oct. 11, 1930,
"Edinenie na putiakh k natsional'noi revoliutsii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Dec. 6, 1930,
"Zametki o stikhakh", review of Vladimir Dikson, Stikhi i proza and Ant. Ladinskii, Chernoe i goluboe, Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy March 28, 1931,
"Le fantastique chez Osbert Sitwell", Le Mois, printed copy April-May 1931,
"Na vechere 'Perekrestka'. Fel'zen, Berberova, Poplavskii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy Dec. 7, 1931,
"Frantsuz o Rossii v 1840 g.", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy June 11, 1932,
"O molodykh poetakh. Dovid Knut, Ladinskii, Smolenskii", Rossiia i Slavianstvo, printed copy July 23, 1932,
Translation of S. Chevyrev, "Une visite a Balzac en 1831", Revue de Litterature Comparee, tearsheets April-June 1933,
Review of George Reavey and Marc Slonim, eds., Soviet Literature: An Anthology, Slavonic Review, galley proof and printed copy Jan. 1934,
"A Soviet 'Production' Novel", review of Valentin Kataev, Forward ,Oh Time, The Observer, printed copy Feb. 4, 1934,
Letters to the editor 1935
Soviet Russian Literature, British editions, French edition) (1935 and 1944 1946
Editions du Chene 1946-1951
Longman's Green and Co., Inc. 1948
Houghton Mifflin Company 1948
Routledge and Kegan Paul 1933-1976
Reviews, notebook of clippings 1935-1951
British edition 1935 1944
French edition 1946
American edition 1951
"Literature in Soviet Russia", The Nineteenth Century and After, printed copy Feb. 1935,
"Knjizevnost u savremenoj rusiji", Srpski Knjizevni. Glasnik, printed copy Dec. 16, 1935,
Review of Janko Lavrin, Aspects of Modernism, printed copy 1936,
"Russian Studies", with S. Yakobson, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Cambridge, printed copy 1936,
"What Is Soviet Russia After", article submitted for publication to Empire Service, typescript copy 1940
Untitled memoranda (for Reuter's ?). Relates to nationalist policy of Stalin and strategic situation on Eastern Front, typescript 1942
Review of C. M. Bowra, ed., Book of Russian Verse, The Listener, printed copy Dec. 30, 1943,
Letters to the editor 1945
"Pamiati Z. D. Shklovskoi", obituary, holograph draft, (?) 1945
Review of Janko Lavrin, Russian Poetry Reader, Modern Languages Review, printed copy 1945,
Obituaries of Konstantin Balmont, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Yury Tynyanov and Vladimir Burtsev, The Slavonic and East European Review Jan. 1945
Review of Joseph Macleod, The New Soviet Theatre and Andre van Gyseghem, Theatre in Soviet Russia, The Slavonic and East European Review, printed Jan. 1945,
"Slovo o Polku Igoreve -- An Eighteenth Century Fake?", review of Andre Mazon, Le Slovo d'Igor, The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Jan. 1946,
Review of S. Konovalov and F. Friedeberg Seely, eds., Russian Prose Reader I. XIX Century Writers, The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Jan. 1946,
"Blok and Gumilyov: a Double Anniverary", The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Nov. 1946,
Review of Istorya russkoy literatury. Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Nov. 1946
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1947,
"Tri sud'by: Blok, Gumilev, Sologub", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy 1947,
Review of M. Hofmann, Histoire de la litterature russe, Erasmus, and also in The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copies March 1947 April 1947,
"Chetyre stikhotvoreniia", printed copy May 4, 1947,
"Bibliografiia. Molodye parizhskie poety", Novoye Russkoe Slovo June 21, 1947
"An Open Letter to Henry Wallace", letter to the editor of The New Leader, typescript draft July 28, 1947,
"Pod znamenem svobody. O dvukh emigratsiiakh", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy July 28, 1947,
"Mickiewicz in Russia", The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy Nov. 1947,
"Vystuplenie Ia. Tsekhanovskogo v kaliforniiskom universitete", printed copy Oct. 25, 1947,
"Novoe o starom. Eshche o Iakinfe Bichurine", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Oct. 19, 1947,
Book reviews, printed copies 1948-1949,
Letters to the editor 1948
"Artur Kestler o nashei epokhe i o tekushchem momente", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy 1948,
"Sobytiia v Chekhoslovakii", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy March 7, 1948,
"Ranniaia smert'. Pamiati L. V. Chernosvitova", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 16, 1948,
"Ocherednoi Molotovskii obman", Russkaia Zhizn', printed copy May 15, 1948,
"Novyi khod Moskvy", Russkaia Zhizn', printed copy May 22, 1948,
"Prezident Triuman v Kaliforniiskom Universitete", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy June 16, 1948,
"O starykh grekhakh i nashykh zadachakh", Russkaia Zhizn', printed copy Aug. 28, 1948,
"O russkom Iazyke", A Pedagogical Journal in Russian1948, mimeograph tearsheets and Novoye Russkoe Slovo Aug. 29, 1948
"Politicheskoe zaveshchanie Eduarda Benesha", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Oct. 2, 1948,
Letters to the editor 1949
"Introducing Peter Pavlenko", The New Leader, printed copy March 26, 1949,
"Witch-Hunt: Russian Style. Soviets Purge Literary Scholarship", The New Leader, printed copy April 2, 1949,
"A Belinsky Centenary Bibliography", The Slavonic and East European Review, printed copy May 1949,
"Novoe o starom", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy May 30-31, 1949,
"Chelovechestvo v 1984 godu. Novyi roman o totalitarizme", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 24, 1949,
"Cherez 35 let. Novaia satira na totalitarizm", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy July 10, 1949,
"O dvukh frontakh i o Lige bor'by za svobodu", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Aug. 1, 1949,
"Novoe o starom", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Aug. 28, 1949,
"Eshche o predlogakh 'v' i 'na'", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Sept. 4, 1949,
"John Paradise- Friend of Doctor Johnson, American Citizen and Russian 'Agent'", The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, printed copy Oct. 1949,
"Istoriko-literaturnye zametki", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Oct. 9, 1949,
"Anti-Westernism in Recent Soviet Literature", The Yale Review, tearsheets Dec. 1949,
Books Abroad, miscellaneous book reviews, printed copies 1950,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1950,
"Sovetskii kritik liagaet Gershenzona", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Jan. 1, 1950,
"Eshche o 'prosveshchennykh' ekspertakh po russkim delam", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 5, 1950,
"Kaliforniiskaia kliukva po-sovetski", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 19, 1950,
Letter to the editor of Novaia Zaria. Relates to confusion between Otto Struve and Gleb Struve, typescript draft March 1950,
"Kak sovetskie pisateli peredelyvaiut svoi veshchi", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 5, 1950,
"La litterature sovietique et l'Occident", La documentation francaises. Articles et document., No. 1809, printed copy March 18, 1950,
"Priznaniia Aleksandra Verta", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy April 23, 1950,
"Lenin v tiurme i ssylke", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy May 25, 1950,
"V zashchitu Josepha de Maistra", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy May 28, 1950,
"Rekord stalinopoklonstva", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Oct. 1, 1950,
"Ob Il'fe i Petrove", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook Nov. 27, 1950, 1950-1959
Books Abroad, miscellaneous book reviews, printed copies 1951,
Russkii evropeets: materialy dlia biografii i kharakteristiki kniazia P. B. Kozlovskogo 1951
Copyright claim 1951
Miscellaneous reviews, handwritten, typescript and printed copies 1951-1952,
Soviet Russian Literature 1951
Correspondence, see Russian Literature Under Lenin and Stalin
Reviews, typescript and printed copies 1951,
"Amerika i Rossiia", Posev, printed copy Feb. 11, 1951,
Books Abroad, miscellaneous book reviews, printed copies 1952,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1952,
Miscellany. Includes short translations, short contributions to textbooks and journals, printed copies 1952,
Anton Chekhov: Selected Short Stories, book reviews, typescript excerpts 1952,
"Invisible Russia", review of V. Alekseev, Nevidimaia Rossiia, (?), typescript draft 1952
"Den litteraere situasjonen i sovjetsamveldet", Vinduet, No. 2, printed copy 1952,
"Dve knigi o sud'bakh Rossii", Novyi Zhurnal, No. XXIV, printed copy 1952,
"Novye varianty shigalevshchiny", Novyi Zhurnal, XXX, printed copy 1952,
"Sredi knig. O Kiustine i 'kiustinstvuiushchikh' inostrantsakh", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy March-April, 1952,
Obituaries for V. N. Chelishchev, miscellaneous emigre journals, printed copies May 1952,
"O Zhukovskom", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy May-June, 1952,
Books Abroad and other book reviews, printed copies 1953,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1953
"O sovetskoi poezii", Za Sv o bodu No. 8, printed copy. Also see scrapbook 1953, 1950-1959
"O dvukh antologiiakh russkoi poezii", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy. Also see scrapbook Feb. 20, 1953, 1950-1959
"Pamiati V. A. Lazarevskogo", Russkaia Zhizn', printed copy. Also see scrapbook Sept. 9, 1953, 1950-1953
"Some Observations on Past Imperfective Gerunds in Russian", Word, Vol. 9, No. 4, reprint 1953,
Book reviews, printed copies 1954,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1954,
"The Double Life of Russian Literature", Books Abroad, Autumn typescript draft, notes and printed copy 1954,
"O chistote russkogo iazyka i ob odnom voprose pravopisaniia", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook May 23, 1954, 1950-1959
"B. N. Volkov", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy. Also see scrapbook July 9, 1954, 1950-1959
"Monologue Interieur: the Origins of the Formula and the First Statement of Its Possibilities", PMLA, printed copy Dec. 1954,
Book reviews, printed copies 1955,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1955-1956,
"The Second Congress of Soviet Writers", Problems of Communism, Vol. IV, No. 2, printed copy March-April 1955,
"Coexistence and Cultural Cooperation, An Open Letter to Professor Dmitry Blagoi of Moscow", typescript draft, (?) 1955
"Eshche o s"ezde sovetskikh pisatelei", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy March 2, 1955,
"Eshche o nedobrosovestnosti sovetskikh pisatelei", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy. Also see scrapbook Aug. 3, 1955, 1950-1959
"O chekhovskom izdatel'stve voobshche i o 'litsakh' Zamiatina v chastnosti", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Aug. 12, 1955
"Slavonic Art and Letters", yearly review of literary activity in Russian field, covers period from typescript and printed copies 1956-1963,
"Mickiewicz in Russian Translations and Criticism" and "Vladislav Khodasevich on 'Pan Tadeusz'", reprints of contributions to W. Lednicki, ed. Adam Mickiewiz in World Literature 1956
Russkaia literatura v izgnanii: opyt istoricheskogo obzora, typescript draft 1956, n.d.
Author's Preface
Part I
Chapter I
Chapter II-III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Part II
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
List of emigre authors
Reviews, typescript and printed copies 1956-1985
Draft of translation by David Pike entitled "Russian Literature in Exile", typescript n.d.
Part I
Chapter I-III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII-VIII
Part II
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V and Notes
Correspondence with emigre authors about biographical data 1955-1956
Miscellaneous handwritten notes n.d.
Draft for projected history of emigre literature, "Russkaia literatura za rubezhom", to be edited by Gleb Struve and V. Kostetskii, typescript n.d.
"Pro Domo Mea", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Oct. 7, 1956,
"Comparative Literature in the Soviet Union: Two Postscripts", Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, No. 6 1957
Geschichte der Sowjetliteratur, Isar Verlag, Munchen 1957
Correspondence between Gleb Struve and Gunter Schafer 1956-1957
Typescript drafts n.d.
Chapter VIII
Chapter XIV
Reviews. Clippings from German periodical press 1958-1959
Catalogue, Isar Verlag 1957/1958
"The Impact of the Revolution on the Russian Language", Kentucky Foreign Language Quarterly, typescript copy 1957,
"Russian Eighteenth-Century Literature Through Party-Colored Spectacles", The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. XV, No. 1, printed copy Spring, 1957,
Review of M. Karpovich and D. Chizhevskii, eds., Russkii Literaturnyii Arkhiv, Novyi Zhurnal, Bk. XLVIII, printed copy March 1957,
"Soviet Literature After De-Stalinization", Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R., printed copy May 1957,
"Russkii narod-glavnyi soiuznik v bor'be s kommunizmom", Novoye Russkoye SlovoJune 7, 1957, typescript draft and printed copy. Relates to article by Iosef Mackiewicz in Wiadomoczi May 19, 1957
Book reviews, printed copies 1958,
"Sovetskoe literaturovedenie v 1957 godu", Vestnik Instituta po izucheniiu SSSR, printed copy 1958,
"Dead Souls and Living Reputations", Soviet Survey, reprint Jan.-March 1958,
"Der Fall Dudinzew", Rhein-Neckar Zeitung, printed copy Feb. 15-16, 1958,
"Novyi sovetskii zhurnal", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook Feb. 16, 1958, 1956-1959
"Russia 5 Years After Stalin: Literature", The New Leader, printed copy and April 7, 1958,
"Van nghe so viet. Nam nam sau Xit-Ta-Lin", Huong Xa, No. 17, Vietnamese translation of above, printed copy 1958,
Review of Vladimir Smolenskii, Sobranie Stikhotvorenii, Novyi Zhurnal, Bk. LIII, printed copy June 1958,
"Report on Renato Poggioli's The Poets of Russia", typescript draft Aug. 7, 1958,
"Russian Writers in Exile: Problems of an Emigre Literature", Comparative Literature, Vol. II. Lecture delivered at the Second Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association at the University of North Carolina, typescript draft and printed copy Sept. 8-12, 1958,
Book reviews, printed copies 1959,
Letters to the editor and obituary, printed copies 1959,
"Sovetskoe literaturovedenie v g.", printed copy 1958
"Russian Writers in Exile: Problems of an Emigre Literature", Institute of International Studies University of California, 1959, printed copy "Sovetskoe literaturovedenie v 1958 g.", Vestnik po izucheniiu SSSR, No. 3, printed copy 1959,
"Soviet Literature Before 1930", review of Viacheslav Zavalishin, Early Soviet Writers, The New Leader, printed copy Jan. 19, 1959,
"O Vsevolode Rozhdestvenskom, Osipe Mandel'shtame i drugikh", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 8, 1959,
"O stat'e N. Ul'ianova", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also see scrapbook March 31, 1959, 1950-1959
"O literaturnykh nravakh-tam i tut", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy June 7, 1959,
"Die sowjetische Literaturwissenschaft in jungster Zeit", Sowjet-Studien, printed copy July, 1959,
"Kak vret Aleksei Adzhubei", Novoye Russkoye Slovo Sept. 14, 1959
Book reviews 1960
Letters to editor 1960
"K istorii biblioteki P.N. Miliukova v Kalifornii", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Feb. 21, 1960,
Book reviews, printed copies 1961,
California Slavic Studies, reviews 1961-1979
Russian Stories: Russkie rasskazy 1961
Correspondence, Bantam Books 1960-1962
Review, The Slavic and East European Journal, printed copy 1962
"Podpol'naia sovetskaia poeziia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 25, 1961,
"Poeziia pod spudom", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 13, 1961,
"Pamiati M. M. Shneerova", obituary, Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 29, 1961,
Entries, Chambers' Encyclopedia, galley proofs Oct. 19, 1961
"Podpol'naia sovetskaia komediia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copies June 10-Nov. 30, 1961,
Lexikon der Weltliteratur im 20 Jahrhundert, Friedrich Hansen-Love ed., Verlag Herder Freiburg 1962
Correspondence between Gleb Struve and Forschungsinstitut fur Europaische Gegenwartskunde and Verlag Herder Freiburg 1955-1969
Typescript drafts of biographies submitted by Gleb Struve n.d.
Miscellaneous material sent to Gleb Struve by publisher n.d.
Review of Literatur Lexikon in Osteuropa Feb.-March, 1963
Book reviews, printed copies 1962,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1962,
N. Gumilev, sobranie sochinenii, reviews, typescript and printed copies 1962-1963,
"Russkii turist v Parizhe v 1839 godu", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 16, 1962,
"O 'poluzapretnoi' literature", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy March 31, 1962,
"The Transition From Russian to Soviet Literature", paper delivered at Conference on Soviet Literature, Oxford July 1962
"The Aesthetic Function in Russian Literature", Slavic Review, printed copy Sept. 1962,
"O Konstantine Simonove i 'zlodeianiiakh' Stalina", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Dec. 13, 1962,
Book reviews, printed copies 1963,
"Ob odnom stikhotvorenii S. Solovieva", Mosty, No. 10, printed copy 1963,
"On Some Malpractices in Soviet Literary Scholarship", The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. VII, No.2, typescript draft and printed copy 1963,
"O Vladislave Bronevskom", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 10, 1963,
"The 'Coffee Break' and After, Some Reflections on the Soviet Literary Scene", New Rebublic, typescript copy Feb. 1963,
"After the Coffee Break", The New Republic, printed copy Feb. 2, 1963,
"Do novoi ottepeli daleko", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 2, 1963,
"Sovetskie anekdoty i chastushki", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 7, 1963,
"Nakanune ideologicheskogo plenuma", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy May 18, 1963,
"'Slovo o polku Igoreve'--ne pamiatnik XII veka?", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 1, 1963,
"Eshche o 'Slove o polku Igoreve'", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 2, 1963,
Book reviews, printed copies 1964,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1964,
"Western Writing on Soviet Literature", Institute of International Studies, Slavic and East European Series, Reprint No. 121, printed copy Jan. 1964,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1965,
Utloe zhil'e: Izbranye stikhi 1915-1949, and second edition 1965 1978
Typescript drafts
Reviews, typescript and printed copies 1966-1971,
"Neizdannoe pis'mo i shutochnye stikhi K. I. Chukovskogo", Mosty, printed copy 1965,
"O novoi sovetskoi literaturnoi entsiklopedii", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 28, 1965,
Book reviews, printed copies 1966,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1966,
Entries on Valentin Kataev, Aleksandr Kuprin, Dmitri Merezhkovski, Dmitri Pisemskii, Encyclopedia Britannica, tearsheets 1966
"Maksim Gor'kii o Lenine, lenintsakh i sovetskoi vlasti v 1917-1918 g.g.", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy 1966,
"K delu Siniavskogo i Daniela", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy March 12, 1966,
"Samoprigvozhdenie k pozornomu stolbu", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 4, 1966,
"Pamiati V. N. Korvin-Piotrovskogo", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 11, 1966,
"49 let tomu nazad", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Nov. 8, 1966,
"Dva stikhotvoreniia iz Rossii", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Nov. 29, 1966,
Letters to the editor 1967
A Century of Russian Prose and Verse, 1967, correspondence, Harcourt, Brace and World 1964-1967
"Russian Writers in Exile: Problems of an Emigre Literature", Comparative Literature, Proceedings of the ICLA Congress (ed. W.P. Friederich), printed copy 1959,
"Slushaia Evtushenko", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 24, 1967,
"Ob Anatolii Tarasenkove i o sovetskoi kritike voobshche", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 13, 1967,
"Pamiati N. A. Eleneva", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 9, 1967,
"O chetvertom tome 'Kratkoi sovetskoi entsiklopedii'", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy Aug. 3, 10, 1967,
"L'Acmeisme russe dans le cadre de la rennaissance neo-classique en Europe", paper delivered at the Fifth Congress of the Inernational Comparative Literature Association, Belgrade Aug.-Sept. 1967
Miscellaneous notes by Gleb Struve
Boisson, Alain, Rapport sur le Dictionnaire International des Termes Litteraires, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1967
Miscellaneous material on conference. Includes circulars and schedules, typescript and printed matter 1967
"V. A. Lednitskii (1891-1967)", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Nov. 26, 1967,
Book reviews, printed copies 1968,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1968,
"Iz istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. Perepiska N. A. Bunina i P. B. Struve (1920-1941)", Zapiski Russkoi Akademicheskoi Gruppy, Vol II, galley proof 1968,
"Iz moeii perepiski s pisateliami. Pis'ma G. V. Ivanova, M. I. Tsvetaevoi i M. A. Aldanova", Mosty, No. 13-14, printed copy
Book reviews, printed copies 1969,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1969,
Polemic between Gleb Struve and Arkadii Borman in Novoye Russkoe Slovo related to P. B. Struve, printed copies 1969-1971,
"K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia P. B. Struve", Zapiski Russkoi Akademicheskoi Gruppy v S.Sh.A., vol. III, tearsheets 1969,
"Russian Literature", entry on Russian literature in Collier's Encyclopedia, tearsheets 1968
"Boris Polevoi ob 'osvobozhdenii' Pragi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 16, 1969,
"I. G. Ivanov, V. Khodasevich i A. Kondratiev--zapozdalye utochneniia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Jan. 30, 1969,
"O piatom tome 'KLE'", Russkaia Mysl', printed copies April 17-May 1, 1969,
"Cheshskii slovar' russkikh pisatelei", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 18, 1969,
Letters to the editor, printed copies and drafts 1970,
"Iz moego arkhiva", Mosty, No. 15, printed copy 1970,
"K piatidesiatiletiiu okonchaniia grazhdanskoi voiny na Iuge Rossii. Neizdannye dokumenty iz arkhivov P. B. Struve", Mosty No. 15, printed copy
"P. B. Struve o Lenine", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy April 23, 1970,
"Stikhi A. Tarkovskogo o M. Tsvetaevoi i O. Mandel'shtame", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 11, 1970,
"Iz dalekogo proshlogo; P. B. Struve i V. A. Maklakov na skam'e podsudimykh v sviazi s delom Beilisa", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 2, 1970,
"Arkadij Bielinkow", Wiadomosci, printed copy Aug. 9, 1970,
"Pamiati ushedshikh. Iu. A. Toporkov", Russkai Mysl', printed copy Oct. 8, 1970,
"Iz literaturnogo naslediia N. Gumileva, B Pasternaka, A. Akhmatovoi: neizvestnye ili maloizvestnye stikhi", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Oct. 15, 1970,
"Dva pis'ma K. I. Chukovskogo", Novyi Zhurnal No. 101, printed copy Dec. 1970,
"Mikhail Chekhov o teatre", Novyi Zhurnal, No. 101, printed copy Dec. 1970,
"Daniil Leonidovich Andreev", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Dec. 10, 1970,
Letters to the editor 1971
Russian Literature Under Lenin and Stalin 1971
Correspondence, University of Oklahoma Press
Chapter VIII, "The Post-Stalin Period", includes typescript drafts, notes and miscellaneous material n.d.
Early period
Middle period
"Themes and Variations in Fifty Years of Soviet Literature"
The post-Stalin period
Proof copy 1971
Reviews, printed copies 1972-1973
Untitled writing re Soviet reaction to Russian Literature Under Lenin and Stalin, typescript n.d.
"Ob Amal'rike", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy Jan. 30, 1971,
"Epizod iz zhizni L. A. Iakovleva, 'Senatora', diadi A. I. Gertsena", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy and typescript draft Feb. 1971,
Review of Hans-Erich Volkmann, Die Russische Emigration in Deutschland, 1919-1929, Slavic Review, printed copy March 1971,
"O vyskazyvan'iakh Andreiia Amal'rika", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy March 4, 1971,
"Iz arkhiva P. B. Struve, pravitel'stvo gen. P. N. Vrangelia i Finliandiia", Vozrozhdenie, printed copy April 1971,
"Lenin bez grima", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy and typescript copy April 8, 1971,
"Koe chto ob Isaie Lezhneve i ego zhurnale", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy June 20, 1971,
Review of Helen Muchnic, Russian Writers: Notes and Essays, The Russian Review, typescript draft and printed copy Oct. 1971,
Gegenwartsliteratur Europas und Amerikas/The Contemporary Literatures of Europe and the Americas, Ivar Ivask and Gero von Wilpert eds., Alfred Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart 1972,
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
Alfred Kroner Verlag, Includes contract 1969-1971.
Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. re English edition 1972
Galley proof, "Die Russische Literatur" 1971
Typescript draft of English edition n.d.
Letters to the editor 1972
"Iz istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi pechati, izdaniia P. B. Struve", chapter from N. P. Poltoratskii, ed., Russkaia literatura v emigratsii, typescript draft and printed copy 1972,
"Kratkaia Literaturnaia Entsiklopediia", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Feb. 17, 1972,
"Ob odnom interv'iu Evgeniia Evtushenko", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 11, 1972,
"K istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. Kak sostavlialas' antologiia 'Iakor''", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy June 1972,
"Pamiati druga i sobesednika", obituary of M. K. Pavlikovskii, Russkaia Mysl', typescript and printed copy June 22, 1972,
"K istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy June 25, 1972,
Review of Vasilii Grossman, Vse techet and Thomas P. Whitney's translation of the novel, Slavic Review, typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 1972,
Book reviews 1973
Letters to the editor 1973
Review of Vladimir Weidle, O poetakh i poezii, typescript draft 1973,
"O 'Novom Kolokole'", letter to the editor of Vozrozhdenie, , typescript draft and printed copy Jan.-Feb. 1973,
"K istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. O parizhskom zhurnale 'Vstrechi' s prilozheniem perepiski dvukh redaktorov", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy March, 1973,
"Pamiati B. G. Unbegauna", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Obituary, printed copy March 20, 1973.
"O sed'mom tome 'KLE'", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 7, 1973,
Letters to the editor 1974
"O prezidente Niksone", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript and printed copy March 7, 1974,
"Kkhatyn' i Katyn'", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy July 23, 1974,
Letters to the editor related to "clubs" in the first, second and third emigrations, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copies July 24-Aug. 13, 1974,
"K otstavke Niksona", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Aug. 14, 1974,
Letters to the editor 1975
"Ob odnoi strannoi netochnosti Mikh. Rozanova", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Letter to the editor, typescript draft and printed copy. Includes printed copy of M. Rozanov's answer Jan. 3, 1975. Jan. 11, 1975
Review of John Fennell, ed., "Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature: Studies of Ten Russian Writers", Slavic Review, printed copy March 1975,
Review of Harry T. Moore and Albert Parry, Twentieth Century Russian Literature, The Russian Review, printed copy July 1975,
Review of R. H. Stacy, Russian Literary Criticism: A Short History, The Russian Review, typescript draft and printed copy July 1975,
"O 8-om tome 'KLE'", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy July 10-Sept. 11, 1975,
"Eshche o Borise Zhitkove", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Sept. 21, 1975,
"O suffikse 'shchin-a' i o 'koriakovshchine'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Nov. 27, 1975,
Book reviews 1976
Letters to the editor 1976
"Russia Abroad", The Russian Review, reprint. Review of Kontinent, Vladimir Maksimov ed. Jan. 1976,
"Sluchai na radiostantsii", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy. Also includes typescript draft, "Kak ia poluchil naganiaii iz-za rechi Stalina" March 21, 1976,
"Novoe o Treste", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy Dec. 1976,
Letters to the editor 1977
"Ob 'Apollone 77'", Russkaia Mysl', Letter to editor, printed copy April 28, 1977.
"Pandering to the Philistines", The Times Literary Supplement, Review of Vera S. Dunham, In Stalin's Time. Middleclass Values in Soviet Fiction, printed copy May 20, 1977.
"Pamiati K. A. Krivosheina", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy June 15, 1977,
"Eshche ob 'Apollone 77': pro domo mea", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Aug.4, 1977,
"K biografii P. M. Bitsilli", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Letter to the editor, printed copy Aug. 10, 1977.
Review of Maurice Friedberg, A Decade of Euphoria: Western Literature in Post-Stalin Russia, 1954-1964, Slavic Review, printed copy Dec. 1977,
Book reviews 1978
Review of Baron B. E. Nol'de, Iurii Samarin i ego vremia, Russian Literary Journal, XXXII, No. 113, typescript draft and printed copy 1978,
"Iz staroi tetradi", Novoye Russkoe Slovo, Poem, printed copy March 2, 1978.
Review of Emmanuil Shtein, Poeziia russkogo rasseianiia: 1920-1977, Novyi Zhurnal, typescript draft and printed copy June 1978,
"Pro domo mea: otvet g-nu Shteinu", letter to the editor of Russkaia Mysl', printed copy May 3, 1979,
"O trekh emigratsiiakh", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript and printed copy July 7, 1978,
"P. B. Struve o sud'bakh rossii", Novyi Zhurnal, printed copy Sept. 1978,
"Pamiati S.N. Kulichkova", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Obituary, printed copy Sept. 23, 1978.
"Stikhi Gleba Struve", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Excerpt from Utloe zhyl'e, printed copy Oct. 1, 1978.
"Ob odnom zabytom iubilee: S. K. Makovskii (1877-1962)", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 10, 1978,
"Russkaia literatura v pis'makh Edmunda Wilsona", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Dec. 24, 1978,
Letters to the editor 1979
"K istorii russkoi poezii 1910-kh--nachala 1920-kh godov", Berkeley Slavic Specialties 1979
Printed copy
Review by Iurii Ivask, RLJ, printed copy 1980,
Review of Ronald Hingley, The Russian Mind, Russian Literary Journal, XXXIII, No. 116, printed copy. Also includes typescript of above entitled "Those Mysterious Russians" 1979,
"O deviatom tome KLE", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 1-8, 1979,
"Pamiati Maksa Kheivorda", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, and Russkaia Mysl', Obituary, printed copy April 8, 1979 April 19, 1979.
"Stranitsa iz istorii russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury. Ob odnom maloizvestnom zhurnale", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, and Russkaia Mysl', printed copies June 5, 1979 July 5, 1979,
Untitled writing. Introduction to republication of "Arion", galley proof July 20, 1979,
" Po povodu vospominanii V. M. Vasilieva", letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, typescript draft and printed copy Aug. 4, 1979,
"P. B. Struve ob antisemitizme", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Sept. 27, 1979,
"Chetyre smerti", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Obituary, printed copy Sept. 29, 1979.
"Pamiati S. O. Iakobsona", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Obituary, printed copy Dec. 5, 1979.
"'Apollon' pechatalsia v Peterburge", "Gde pechatalsia 'Apollon'" and "Eshche raz ob 'Apollone'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, Letters to the editor, printed copies Dec. 7, 1979-Jan. 18, 1980.
"Ob odnom 'zlobodnevnom' pis'me 30-letnei davnosti", Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft and printed copy Feb. 29, 1980,
Letter to the editor, Slavic Review, March 1980. Relates to Simon Karlinsky's review of Malmstad-Markov's, The Collected Works of Fedor Kuzmin, typescript draft and printed copy
"Stikhi Gleba Struve", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Oct. 12, 1980,
Letters to the editor 1981
"Koe-chto o 'vtoroi emigratsii'", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, and Russkaia Mysl', printed copies April 19, 1981 May 14, 1981,
O chetyrekh poetakh, review by Boris Nartsyssov, Novoye Russkoe Slovo, printed copy May 24, 1981,
"K vykhodu 'Russkogo al'manakha': neobkhodimoe ispravlenie", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy June 11, 1981,
"K 90-letiiu Ettore Lo Gatto", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, and Russkaia Mysl' (?), printed copies July 19, 1981 Aug. 20, 1981,
"Ob odnom berlinskom literaturnom kruzhke", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy Oct. 4, 1981,
"Pamiati M. P. Alekseeva", Russkaia Mysl', printed copy Oct. 20, 1981,
Letters to the editor, printed copies 1982
"Iz moikh vospominanii ob odnom russkom literaturnom kruzhke v Berline", 'Tri iubileia Andreia Sedykh'. Almanakh, printed copy 1982,
"So sei ihm Erde Leicht", article in Ein Leben nach dem Todessurteil, Wolfgang Kasack, Jefim Etkind, Lew Kopelev eds., printed copy 1982,
"O T. G. Gnedich", Novoye Russkoye Slovo, printed copy March 7, 1982,
"K konchine N. E. Andreeva", Novoye Russkoye Slovo March 28, 1982
AATSEEL (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages of the United States). Miscellaneous material related to the controversy over AATSEEL joining MAPRIAL. Includes correspondence and newspaper clippings 1968-1969
Acmeism. Includes miscellaneous printed matter and notes 1923-1960
Adamovich, Georgii
General 1971
Struve, Gleb 1966-1968
Chisla 1930-1936
Afinogenov, A. Translator unknown, translation of A. Afinogenov's "Fear" n.d.
Akhmatova, Anna
Correspondence of Anna Akhmatova
Published correspondence
Baran, Genrikh, "Pis'ma A. A. Akhmatovoi k N. I. Khardzhievu", Russian Literature, 7/8, offprint
Gernshtein, E., "Desiat' pisem Anny Akhmatovoi", clipping, n.d. Includes letters from Anna Akhmatova to Sergei von Shtein 1906-1907
Struve, Gleb, galley proofs. Includes letters to Nikolai Punin, S. Veinberg, Georges Nivat, Viktor Gorenko, unknown correspondent 1933-1965
Vigorelli, Giancarlo, typescript copy 1964
Correspondence of others with Anna Akhmatova
Bonch-Bruevich, V., photocopies 1933-1934,
Punin, Nikolai, typescript copy. Also includes typescript drafts and galley proofs of introductory material by Gleb Struve Apr. 1942,
Reisner, Raisa, From Reisner, Raisa, Izbrannoe, photocopy Nov. 1921. 1965,
Struve, Gleb, typescript draft Jan. 27, 1966
Correspondence related to Anna Akhmatova
General 1967
Letter from Sir Isaiah Berlin to Michael Straight, editor of The New Republic 1953
Excerpts from unknown correspondence 1960's
Biographical material
"Anna Akhmatova", Iz neizdannogo i zabytogo, typescript copy made by V. Znamenskaia n.d.
Khardzhiev, Nikolai, "O risunke A. Modil'iani", typescript copy made by V. Znamenskaia n.d.
"In Love With Anna Akhmatova: The Diary Of Nikolai Punin", Denver Quarterly, printed copy Summer, 1977,
Reminiscences re Anna Akhmatova. Includes reminiscences of V. Vilekin, Rita Right-Kovaleva and Lev Kopelev. Photocopies of published material 1966-1984
Obituaries and miscellaneous material published at the death of Anna Akhmatova. Clippings and photocopies 1966-1967
Bibliography, miscellaneous photocopies and typescripts 1913-1974
Book reviews of published works re Anna Akhmatova, clippings 1952-1984
Printed matter
General,clippings, photocopies and typescript copies of articles 1914-1980
Timenchik, Roman. Correspondence and clippings 1976-1982
Zhirmunskii, V. Clippings, 1918-1973. Includes review of Belaia staia 1918
Newspaper clippings
Russian 1948-1984
Non-Russian 1953-1984