Register of the New Left collection
Scope and Content of Collection
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Al Fateh (Palestine Liberation Front) 1971
Alinsky Community Development Process 1968
Alternative schools 1972
American Civil Liberties Union 1970
American Committee for Solidarity with the Vietnamese People 1970
American Friends Service Committee 1965-1969
American Indian Movement 1970-1973
American Revolutionary Movement 1970
Amnesty for G.I. Resisters 1973
Anti-draft movement 1967-1972
Anti-drug movement 1970
Anti-war movement 1965-1973
Appalachian Movement Press 1971
April 3rd Movement 1969
April 22, 1972 anti-war marches 1972
Atlanta Rebellion 1966
Bay Area Poor People's Campaign 1968
Bay Area Radical Education Project 1970
Bay Area Revolutionary Union 1970-1972
Bay Area Spartacist League 1969
Berkeley 1965-1973
General 1965-1971
Anti-Draft Union 1965-1967
April 6th Coalition 1971
Marijuana Initiative 1973
October 1968 demonstrations 1968
Politics 1968-1973
Tenants Strike February 1970
Bibliographies 1965-1978
Black movement 1960-1973
Africa and U.S. blacks 1970
Black Liberation Army 1972-1973
Black Muslims 1969-1970
Black nationalism 1950-1971
Articles 1967-1969
Bibliography 1967-1969
Colonization 1960-1970
Communist Party 1969
Cornell University 1968-1971
Current 1967-1970
Documentary 1965
Emigration 1950
History 1950-1970
Statistics 1966-1971
Trade unionism 1969-1970
Trotskyists and other radical leftists 1969-1970
Black Panther Party 1966-1974
General 1966-1974
General 1966-1974
Algiers 1971
Urban Crisis Monitor 1970
Black Politics 1968
Black power 1967-1970
Black studies
General 1969-1970
San Francisco State University 1968
Yale University 1969
Black United Front at Stanford 1971
Carmichael, Stokely 1969
Cuffe, Paul 1923
Delany, Martin R. 1966-1970
Discrimination and income inequality 1970
Du Bois, W.E.B. 1968-1970
Galston thesis on Delany 1969
International Symposium on National Liberation 1970
Karenga, Ron 1970
Milton Henry and the Republic of New Africa 1969-1971
Miscellaneous 1968-1970
Newton, Huey P. 1967-1971
Republic of New Africa 1969-1970
Rustin, Bayard 1969-1970
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 1963-1970
General 1966-1967
Mississippi and Southern States 1963-1965
Mississippi and Southern States 1963-1965
Miscellany 1966-1969
Blackguards and Guardettes 1970
Boston Draft Resistance Group newsletters 1968-69
Brown Berets 1968-1969
Cambridge Movement for a Democratic Society 1965
Cambridge Peace and Freedom Party 1974
Campus Crusade for Christ 1971
Canadian Party of Labour 1971
Castro, Fidel 1965
Catholic Peace Fellowship of Northern California 1969
Catonsville 9 and Harrisburg 8 1971
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors 1965-1970
Chicago Conspiracy Trial 1969-1970
Chicago convention 1968
Chicano movement 1970-1972
China 1967-1972
Christian World Liberation Front 1970
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam 1970-1972
Clippings 1970
Clippings 1970-1971
Clippings 1971
Clippings 1972-1973
Clippings and documents 1967-1972
New Left General 1967-1971
Democratic National Convention 1972
Republican National Convention 1972
Collector's Exchange Newsletter 1972
Columbia University 1967-1969
Committee to Defend the Rights of Pfc. Howard Petrick 1967
Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru 1991
Communes, Drug related (Entitas) 1971-1972
Communiqué for New Politics and Left-out News, Berkeley 1967-1968
Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) 1964-1971
Conservative societies 1963-1965
Counter-culture 1960-1972
General 1960-1968
General 1967-1972
Clippings on hippies 1967
Digger Papers 1967
Family Dog 1969
File of Michael Bowen 1965-1969
Clippings 1966-1969
Magazine articles 1966-1969
Personal correspondence and papers 1965-1969
Newspapers 1966-1969
Newspapers 1967
Photographs 1967
"Siddhartha" by Nina Graboi 1965
Counterdraft 1969-1970
Cuba 1968-1970
Cultural revolution 1968-1970
CU News, Berkeley 1969
Davenport, Tim 1987-1988
Davis, Angela 1971-1972
Delano grape strike 1965-1970
Dellums, Ron 1968-1972
Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 1970
Democratic Socialists of America (formerly the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee) 1978-1989
Dig This Now 1969
Dope 1972
Draft resistance 1967-1971
General 1967-1969
Flyers and leaflets 1967-1968
Pamphlets 1967-1970
Serial issues 1968-1971
Ecology 1970-1973
Environment 1969-1970
Fellowship of Reconciliation 1967
Franklin, Bruce. "The Lumpenproletariat and the Revolutionary Youth Movement," undated 1970
Freedom schools 1965
Gay Liberation Front 1970
General Electric Strike 1969
General Motors Strike 1970
Georgia Communist League and the October League 1972
G.I. Anti-war movement 1969-1972
Grape boycott 1968-1970
Greenpeace 1978-1988
Grito del Norte 1970
Guerrilla warfare 1970
Haight-Ashbury materials 1967
Harrisburg Conspiracy Trial 1972
Harvard University 1968-1969
Hayden, Tom. "Student Social Action," 1962
High school movement 1965-1972
Hoover Institution 1971-73
Imperialism 1969
Independent Socialist 1966-1968
Independent Socialists 1965-1969
Independent Socialist Club 1969
Indochina Solidarity Committee 1972
Insurgent Sociologist 1973
Integration in the South 1960-1971
International Bolshevik Tendency 1991
International Industrial Conference 1969
International Liberation Front, North American Division 1968
International Liberation School 1969-1970
International Network Against New State Repression 1989
International socialist and leftist publications 1967-1992
Miscellaneous 1968-1970
Pamphlets 1967-1968
Serial issues 1967-1992
Iranian Students Association, Berkleley 1973
Iranian Students Association in Northern California 1973
Israeli Socialist Organization 1968
Jesus movement 1971-1973+
Jewish Peace Fellowship of the Fellowship of Reconciliation 1968
John Reed Co-op Book Center 1987
Johnny Appleseed Patriotic Publications 1968-1970
Key List Mailing (SNCC) 1964-1965
Labor movements 1966-1973
Laney College, Oakland, California 1971-1972
Lawton, Gary 1975
League for Industrial Democracy 1967-1970
League of Revolutionary Black Workers 1970
Liberal Religious Youth 1973
Liberalism 1967-1968
Liberation 1969-1971
Liberation Party 1973
Liberation Support Movement 1971
Libertarianism (anarchism) 1969
Life with Lyndon in the Great Society 1964-1965
Literature lists 1968-1969
Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners 1974
Los Siete de la Raza 1971
Magee, Ruchell 1971-1972
Marxism 1968-1970
Marxist Bulletin 1971
May Day Collective 1971
McCarthy, Eugene. Campaign 1968
McGovern, George. Campaign 1972
Measure 1971
Merritt College, Oakland, California 1969-1970
Middle East 1969-1970
Militant Labor Forum 1968-1969
Military-industrial complex 1968-1970
Miscellaneous 1958-1966
Miscellaneous 1967-1969
Miscellaneous 1969-1979
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party 1964-1965
Movement organizations 1971
Movement security 1969-1971
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 1964-1965
National Lawyers' Guild 1969-1972
National Peace Action Coalition 1970-1972
General 1970-1972
National convention 1972
National Student Association and the CIA 1967-1970
National Student Labor Action Project 1969
National Welfare Rights Organization 1970
New American Movement 1971-1972
New American Views 1980
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam 1970
New Party 1970
New Patriot (published by Johnny Appleseed Patriotic Publications) 1970
Newsreel 1970
Nicaragua 1978
Non-violence 1971
November Moratorium 1969
Oakland 1965-1969
October Moratorium 1969
Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers strike 1969
"Our Generation Kits" 1965-1969
Outside the Net 1973
Pacific and Asian Affairs Council 1972
Palo Alto 1970
Palo Alto Tenants Union 1970
Panther 21 1970
Peace and Freedom News 1967-1968
Peace and Freedom Organizer 1967
Peace and Freedom Party 1967-1990
Peace and Freedom Review 1968
Peace movement 1970
Peninsula New Left activities 1970
Peninsula New Party 1971
People's Coalition for Peace and Justice 1971-1972
People's Park, Berkeley 1969-1970
People's Party 1973
People's Yellow Pages 1972
Police Defense Movement 1971
Presidential campaigns and the New Left 1972-1973
Presidio 27 1968-1969
Prison movement 1972
Prison rebellions 1971
Progressive Labor Party 1963-1973
General 1963-1969
General 1967-1973
Berkeley Club 1967-1970
Puerto Rican Revolutionary Party 1970
Quattrone, David. "Giving Truth to the Summer's Lie" 1965
Racism 1963-1971
Racism 1972-1973
Radical and/or revolutionary speakers 1970
Radical Education Project 1963-1968
Radicalism in the United States 1954-1975
Antiwar 1965-1967
Beat movement 1957-1969
Berkeley 1964-1965
Berkeley 1964-1969
Black power 1965-1971
Black radical community newspapers 1967-1970
British New Left 1956-1962
Chessman, Caryl 1960-1962
Civil rights movement 1960-1969
Clippings 1968-1971
Columbia University 1969-1972
Columbia Spectator 1968
Community organizing 1964-1968
Council of Federated Organizations (Mississipi Summer Project) 1964-1965
Criticisms of New Left 1968-1970
Critics 1958-1970
Cuba 1961-1970
Du Bois Clubs 1965-1968
Free Student 1965
High school movement 1967-1970
House Un-American Activities Committee 1960-1969
Key articles 1965-1975
Liberalism 1968-1970
Miscellaneous 1960-1968
Miscellaneous 1968-1973
National Student Association and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 1960-1962
New Left 1964-1971
The New Left in America: Reform to Revolution 1967-1972
New Left Notes 1966-1969
New politics convention 1967
Peace movement 1959-1962
People's Bicentennial Commission 1970-1976
Period of transition 1960-1963
Professors 1968
Radical America 1970-1971
Recapitulation 1962-1969
Resistance 1967-1968
Revolutionary culture and Yippies 1967-1971
San Francisco State University 1968-1969
Serial issues 1965-1969
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 1954-1972
General 1962-1970
Black power and Black Panthers 1967-1969
Important material 1964-1965
Key articles 1954-1971
March on Washington 1963-1964
Students 1955-1960
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1960-1971
General 1960-1969
1969 Convention
Bulletins 1964-1965
Economic Research and Action Project (ERAP) 1960-1965
Key articles 1965-1971
Position papers 1964-1969
Universities and student politics 1965-1970
Violence 1967-1970
Young Socialist Alliance 1969
Radicals in electoral politics 1973
Radicals in the professions 1968-1972
General 1969-1972
Computer People for Peace 1971-1972
Serial issues 1968-1973
Miscellaneous 1968-1972
Miscellaneous 1968-1972
No More Teachers' Dirty Looks 1971-1973
The Radical Therapist 1970-1971
The Teacher Paper 1972-1973
Vocations for Social Change 1971
Red Balloon Collective (New York State University, Stony Brook) 1972
Red Guard, Peninsula and San Francisco 1969
Red Papers (Revolutionary Union) 1969-1972
Religious movements 1972
Repression 1971
Republican National Convention, Miami 1972
Research debate 1969
Resistance 1967-1971
Revolutonary People's Communications Network (RPCN) 1972
Revolutionary Union 1971-1972
Right On (Berkeley) 1972
Right-wing bumper stickers 1962-1968
San Diego Coalition 1972
San Francisco State University 1968-1970
General 1969-1970
Academic Senate 1969
American Federation of Teachers 1969
Associated Students 1969
Black Student Union 1969
California State 1969
Campus Communications Center 1969
Coalition of Concerned Faculty 1969
Committee for an Academic Environment 1968-1969
Daily Gator 1968-1970
Disciplinary procedures 1969
Faculty issues 1968-1969
Footnotes 1969
Independent Socialists 1969
Leaflets 1969
Newspaper clippings 1968-1969
On the record... 1968-1969
Open Process 1968-1969
Phoenix 1969
President's Office 1969
Progressive Labor Party 1968-1969
The Resistance 1969
Silent Majority against Revoliutionary Tactics 1969
Strike Daily
Strike Support Committee 1968-1969
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1969
Third World Liberation Front 1969-1970
SANE 1971
Santa Barbara oil spill 1969
Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action (SESPA) 1972-1973
Seattle Liberation Front 1970
Smith, Pvt. Billy Dean 1972
Socialist Labor Party 1969
Socialist Party of Washington/Northwest 1988
Socialist Workers Party 1968-1972
Soledad Brothers 1970
Southern Conference Educational Fund 1971
Spartacist League 1969-1972
Stanford University 1965-1983
General 1965-1983
General 1965-1983
Anti-ROTC movement 1969
Applied Electronics Laboratory sit-in 1969
April 3rd Movement 1969-1970
Black Student Union 1968--1970
Clippings 1969-1971
Days of Concern 1968
Encina Sit-in 1969
Franklin, Bruce 1967-1972
Free Campus Movement 1969-1970
Hooverville/Reganville 1982
Stanford Workshops on Political and Social Issues (SWOPSI) 1972
Street Wall Journal 1968-1970
Student radicalism 1968-1972
Chaparral 1969-1971
Chicanismo 1970
Cross Currents 1969
Stanford Daily 1969
Stanford Daily 1969-1970
Stanford Daily 1970-1972
Stanford Observer 1970-1971
Miscellaneous serial issues 1969-1970
Stanford Research Institute 1969
Student Mobilization Committee 1970
Student protests 1962-1979
General 1962-1979
General 1962-1979
University of New Mexico 1978-1979
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1962-1973
General 1962-1973
General 1962-1973
General 1962-1973
General 1962-1973
Articles 1966-1973
Bay Area 1969-1971
Conventions 1969-1970
Factory Leafleting Committee 1968
Labor Committee 1967-1968
New Left Notes 1972
Port Huron Statement 1966
Radical Education Project 1964-1969
Radical Education Project 1964-1969
Revolutionary Marxist Caucus 1970-1971
Southern Student Organizing Committee 1966-1972
Summer 1972
Work-in 1967-1968
Symbionese Liberation Army 1974
"Top Secret" (from R.G. Benedict, University of Nevada) 1971-1973
Third World Liberation Front 1969
TUPART Monthly Reports 1970-1971
Underground film 1975
Underground press directories 1970
Underground Press Syndicate 1970
United States imperialism 1965-1971
University of California (Berkeley) 1961-1973
General 1965-1972
General 1965-1972
Free Speech Movement (FSM) 1964-1965
Radical Student Union 1969-1972
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and other protests 1970
SLATE 1961-1964
Strike 1966-1967
Student Committee for Agricultural Labor (SCAL) 1965
Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) 1971
Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) 1969
University of California (San Diego) 1970
University of California (Santa Barbara) 1970
University of Connecticut (Hartford) 1972
Urban guerrilla warfare tactics 1970
Venceremos 1971-1973
Venceremos Brigade 1970
Veterans Stars & Stripes for Peace 1965-1969
Vietnam Moratorium 1970
Vietnam Peace Parade Committee 1970
Vietnam Veterans Against the War 1971
Vietnam War and anti-war movement 1965-1963
Vietnam War and anti-war movement 1965-1973
Vietnam War and anti-war movement 1965-1973
Vietnam War and anti-war movement 1965-1973
War Resisters League 1976
Weathermen (Weather Underground) 1971
W.E.B. DuBois Clubs 1967-1968
White Panther Party 1970-1971
Women's History Library 1971
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 1970-1971
Women's liberation 1968-1969
Women's liberation 1969-1971
Worker-Student Alliance 1969-1971
Worker student strikes 1968-1970
Workers Action Movement 1972
Wounded Knee 1973
Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) 1969-1970
Young Lords 1970-1972
Young People's Socialist League 1969
Young Socialist Alliance 1967-1970
Young Socialist Alliance 1969
Young Workers Liberation League (CPUSA youth group) 1970
Youth Against War and Fascism 1969-1970
Youth International Party (Yippies) 1969-1971
Zappa, Frank 1985
Zippies 1972
One microfilm reel of San Francisco State University newspapers 1968-1969
Photographs: 7 prints depicting protests at Stanford University 1970
Incremental Materials 1967-2004
Miscellaneous leaflets 2000-2001
Miscellaneous pamphlets 1970-2004
Progressive Labor Party 1967-1969
Protest against George W. Bush 2001
Spartacist League 1987-2001
Stanford University 1969-1998
Clippings 1969-1971
Leaflets 1970-1971
Thesis on Bruce Franklin case 1998
Oversize materials 1964-1999
Amadou Diallo protest banner 1999
Amadou Diallo protest button 1999
Crisis at Columbia 1968
Free Speech Movement songs (records) 1964
Serial issues 1963-1991
Miscellaneous 1968-1979
Rebel Worker and Up against the Bulkhead 1970-1979
Solidarity and Touch 1971-1977
Sedition and Willamette Bridge 1970-1976
New American Movement and miscellaneous 1972-1976
On the Road, Resistance News, and Survivalist 1971-1987
12th Street Rag, First Amendment, and Sunday Ramparts 1963-1971
Strike Bulletin, UAW Unity, Workers World 1969-1970
Union W.A.G.E. 1972-1975
Second Page, Task Force, and Toy Sun 1968-1976
People's Voice, Southern Patriot, Wildcat, and Women's Page 1969-1986
Torch 1979-1981
From Out of Sherwood Forest and New Morning 1970-1972
North American Anarchist Review and Semper Fi 1971-1991
Miscellaneous flyers with woodblock illustrations 1979-1982
Miscellaneous serial issues 1967-1972
Oversize photographs depiciting protest scenes and counter-culture 1970
Posters and protest signs 1970-1972
Mask depicting Richard Nixon 1972