The Newton Collection manuscripts consist of letters, drafts, reports, notes, bound volumes of lecture notes, tables, diagrams,
portraits, printed pamphlets and booklets, and photostats by and about some of the leading figures in the history of science.
It includes material by or about George Biddell Airy, Jean Baptiste Biot, David Brewster, Albert Einstein, Johann Franz Encke,
John Flamsteed, William Rowan Hamilton, George William Hill, Nevil Maskelyne, Albert A. Michelsen, Isaac Newton, Nicholas
Saunderson, and John Winthrop. Time span is ca. 1684-1949.
Property rights reside with the repository. Literary rights reside with the creators of the documents or their heirs. To obtain
permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Public Services Librarian of the Dept. of Special Collections.