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Godard (Yves Jean A. N.) papers
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Scope and Contents

Correspondence, orders, diplomas, certificates, military newspapers, postcards, song sheets, news clippings, maps, invitations, menus, notes, memoranda, reports, and other printed matter and memorabilia, assembled in scrapbook fashion by Godard during his career in the 27th Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins (Battalion of Alpine Infantry) and the Armée Secrète de Haute-Savoie (Secret Army of Resistance Fighters of Haute-Savoie). Arranged chronologically by year with selected citations to material in which Godard figures prominently.
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"Rapport sur les opérations auxquelles le 27e B.C.A. a participé du 2 septembre 1939 à l'armistice" (Report on military operations in which the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry participated from September 2, 1939 until the Armistice), typewritten, 13 pages circa October

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Mazaud, Chef de Bataillon, "Quelques faits d'armes du 27e B.C.A. du 5 au 8 juin 1940 (Exploits of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry, June 5-8, 1940), typewritten, 8 pages



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Proposition pour la Croix de Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur en faveur de Capitaine Godard (Yves) du 27ème B.C.A. (Recommendation for the Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honor for Captain Yves Godard of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry), submitted by Battalion Chief Mazaud, Aix-en-Province September 20

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Mazaud, Lieutenant-Colonel, Les Diables Bleus du 27me B.C.A. dans la Campagne de France 1939-1940 (The Blue Devils of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry during the Battle of France, 1939-1940), printed, 142 pages



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Piat, Phillipe, "Evasion - Mars 1944" (Escape from Poland! March 1944), typewritten (carbon copy), 6 pages

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Koenig, Phillipe, "Récit de notre évasion d'un oflag de Pologne" (Our Escape from Prison Camp in Poland), typewritten (carbon copy), 9 pages

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Godard, Yves, "Le 27e B.C.A. Bataillon d'Annecy et de la Haute-Savoie," in Plaquette editée par le Comité des Fêtes d'Annecy en honneur du retour du 27e B.C.A. (Booklet compiled by the Festivities Committee of Annecy in honor of the return of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry from occupation duty in Austria), printed, 2 pages



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Etat nominatif des officiers, sous-officiers, caporaux et chasseurs de la C.C. (List of the members of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry) circa 1945-1948

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Godard, Yves, "Le 27e Bataillon de Chaseurs Alpins et la Résistance en Haute-Savoie, 1940-1944" (The 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry and the Resistance Movement in Haute-Savoie), typewritten (carbon copy), 7 pages circa 1946-1948



Scope and Contents

Orders, messages, memoranda, reports, histories, maps, personnel records, and financial correspondence related to the activities of the Secret Army of Resistance Fighters of Haute-Savoie (French forces of the Interior) in the Alpine departments of France during the Resistance. Arranged as listed by subseries.

Orders, messages, and mission reports

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Organization and mobilization plans 1944 June-July

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Parachute drop operation on the Plateau de Glieres 1944 August 1

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Organizational plans and intelligence reports 1944 August 6-13

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Operation and individual mission orders of the A.S. (Armée Secrète) and the F.T.P. (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans de France) 1944 August 12


Liberation of the Département de Haute-Savoie and surrounding areas

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1944 August 12-19

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1944 August 19-September 9


Summary reports and notes

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"Essai de synthèse sur les opérations des F.F.I. de Haute-Savoie en Haute-Savoie et en Savoie du 14 au 31 août 1944" (Essay on the operations of the French Forces of the Interior of Haute-Savoie in Haute-Savoie and Savoie, August 14-31, 1944), prepared by Lieutenant Garolet on the basis of reports by unit and sector commanders, typewritten, 18 pages with map circa Setember 1944-1945


Godard, Yves

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"Rapport succint du Chef de Bataillon Godard, commandant le 27e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins, sur le rôle du Bataillon dans la résistance de Haute-Savoie" (Report on the Activities of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry in the Resistance), typewritten, 3 pages 1945 January 22

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"Notice historique du 27e B.C.A. pendant la période du 27 novembre 1942 au 30 novembre 1944" (Brief History of the 27th Battalion of Alpine Infantry from November 27, 1942 to November 30, 1944), typewritten (carbon copy), 4 pages 1945 March 5


Personnel records

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Lists of members of the Armée Secrète, lost, killed, or wounded (perts - tués - blessés) 1944

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Recommendations for promotions (avancement et nominations) 1944

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Recommendations for awards, citations, and medals 1944-1945

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Recommendations for medals (posthumous) 1944-1945

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Letters of verification (certificats et attestations) of military service, aid to the Armée Secrète, wounds, and deaths 1944-1946

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Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Miscellaneous correspondence related to the finances of the Armée Secrète 1944-1946



Scope and Contents

Reports, orders, messages, maps, balance sheets, news clippings, aerial reconnaissance photos, and a speech and writing related to the activities of French military forces (Forces Terrestres du Laos/Groupement Mobile Nord) in Laos and Tonkin (Vietnam), 1953-1954. Arranged alphabetically by subseries.
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Aerial reconnaissance photos (see Photographs)

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Map (annotated)

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News clippings, French-language press 1954


Reports on French military operations in Laos and Tonkin (Vietnam) 1954

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"Opération Dampierre," report by Lieutenant-Colonel Godard on the conduct of the 1st Bataillon Parachutistes Laotiens (Laotian Paratroop Battalion), typewritten (carbon copy), 7 pages 1953 October 15

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"Opération Drome," report by Lieutenant-Colonel Godard on operations against enemy rebels in Laos, typewritten (carbon copy), 10 pages 1953 December-1954 February

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"Opération Condor/Albatros (8 avril-24 mai 1954): Compte rendu d'opération du Groupement Mobile Nord" (Operation "Condor/Albatros" April 8-May 24, 1954: An Account of the Activities of the North Mobile Group of the Land Forces of Laos (Forces Terrestres du Laos) in its attempt to lift the siege of Dien Bien Phu), report prepared by Lieutenant Colonel Godard, commandant of the Groupement Mobile Nord, typewritten (carbon copy), 31 pages 1954 June

Scope and Contents note

Accompanied by orders, messages, maps, and supplementary reports on communications, casualties, and provisions, arranged and numbered by Godard.
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"Compte d'emploi des fonds remis au Lt-Colonel Godard commandant le Groupement Opérationnel du 24-11-53 au 20-7-54" (Balance Sheet of Funds used by Godard in Operations "Ardeche," "Drome," "Chateauneuf," "Condor," "Albatros," and "Bassac," carried out from November 1953 to July 1954), typewritten (carbon copy), 4 pages 1954 July 28

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Battle of Koung Rip, summary reports and diagrams sent to Godard, May-July 1954 1954 May 9

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.

Speeches and writings of Yves Godard

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Address on experiences in Indochina prepared for a conference of the Rotary Club d'Ath, Ath, Belgium, holograph notes, 13 pages. Annotated offprint of prologue from Godard's Les Paras dans la Ville; 35 pages 1974 March 5

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Miscellaneous orders and messages



Scope and Contents

Chronologies, conference papers, correspondence, orders, messages, reports, dossiers, maps, news clippings, government news journals, newsletters, writings, and miscellaneous notes ephemera, and printed matter dealing with the Algerian independence struggle with France, and in particular with the activities of French military and police forces, the F.L.N. (Front de Libération Nationale/National Liberation Front), and the O.A.S. (Organisation Armée Secrète/Secret Army Organization), written and collected by Godard in his role as an army officer, police official, member of the O.A.S., and interested party. Arranged alphabetically by subseries.
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Chronologies 1956-1957


Conference papers on Algerian affairs prepared by the Corps des Officiers des Affaires Militaires Musulmanes circa 1954-1955

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Bretaudeau, Lieutenant, "Géographie de l'Algérie" (Geography of Algeria)

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Girard-Reydet, Capitaine, "Histoire de l'Algérie jusqu'à 1830" (History of Algeria to 1830)

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Reynaud, Lieutenant, "L'Algérie de 1830 à 1947" (Algeria from 1830 to 1947)

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Bouras, Capitaine, "Les Genres de vie en Algérie" (The Modes of Life in Algeria)

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Pruvot, Capitaine, "Les Institutions Sociales" (Social Institutions)

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Ciavaldini, Capitaine, "L'Islam" (Islam)

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Petit, Commandant, "La Femme Musulmane" (The Female Muslim) and "Les Confréries Religieuses" (Religious Fraternities)

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Corbel, Capitaine, "Le Statut de l'Algérie" (Algerian Law)

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Sigwarth, Capitaine, "Réalisations dans le domaine économique" (Economic Accomplishments)

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Salleras, Capitaine, "Les Réalisations Sociales en Algérie (Social Accomplishments)

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Guinebault, Capitaine, "La Justice" (Justice)

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Lesourd, Capitaine Michel, "Immigration en Métropole" (Immigration to Metropolitan France)

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Correspondence 1954-1973

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.

Documents and dossiers on terrorism and counterterrorism circa 1955-1959


Correspondence, messages, and directives 1957-1959

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Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Massu, General Jacques, directive with annexes and cover letter 1959 May 24

Scope and Contents note

"Directive Générale sur La Guerre Subversive" (General Directive on Subversive Warfare), February 24, 1959, typewritten copy, 9 pages.
Annex on "La Technique Militaire" (Military Technique), May 15, 1959, typewritten copy, 6 pages.
Annex on "La Technique Psychologique" (Psychological Technique), March 24, 1959, typewritten copy, 4 pages.
Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.

Reports on French military operations 1956-1958

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"Opération 962," south of Guelma 1956 March

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"Opération 837," Nord-Constantinois 1956 April 30-May 4

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"Opération Djedida," Nementchas 1956 June 9-13

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"Contre-Terrorisme Alger" (Anti-terrorism campaign in Algiers) 1957 January-March

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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"Opération Agounennda," Massif blidéen 1957 May 23-26

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"Contre-Terrorisme Alger" (Anti-terrorism campaign in Algiers) 1957 July-August

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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"Réseau Militants 'District'" (Case study of a "district" on the F.L.N. organization in Algiers) circa 1957

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"Police des Renseignements Généraux d'Alger. Le Terrorisme: Ses origines, ses manifestations, ses conséquences" (Polic report on terrorism), prepared by Carcenac, commissaire divisionnaire, Préfecture d'Alger, mimeograph, 130 pages plus 4 inserts; annex of photographs, 32 pages circa 1955 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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"Organisation des Bandes Rebelles" (Report on the organization of rebel groups), prepared by the Délégation Générale du Gouvernement, Commandement en Chef des Forces en Algérie, Commandement Supérieur Interarmées pour la 10e Région Militaire, Etat-Major-2e Bureau, mimeograph, 145 pages plus map 1958 July 15

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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"Documents extraits des archives du Secteur Alger-Sahel destinés à éclairer l'opinion sur le vrai visage de l'action repressive et sur les objectifs, les moyens et les methodes de la rébellion" (Documents from the Records of the Algiers-Sahel Military Sector, selected to clarify opinion about the repression of terrorism and the objectives, the means and the methods utilized by the terrorists), prepared by Colonel Godard, adjoint au Général Commandant la 10e D.P. (Paratroop Division) et Commandant le Secteur Alger-Sahel, Algiers, mimeograph, 28 pages 1958 May 1



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Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Abdeliquat, Madame (Ait Saada)

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Aissat, Idir

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Ali La Pointe (Ammar Ali)

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Armée de Libération Nationale (A.L.N.)

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Audin, Maurice

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Bengana, Mohamed bel-Hadj (Hamma) and Ahmed Bey

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Benhamida, Abderrahmane ("Salim"; "El Khiam")

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Bensmaine, Mimi

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Bouhired, Djamila

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Dahimene Sid Ahmed

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Drif, Zohra

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Fares, Abderrahmane and Baujard

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Frances, Jeanne-Marie

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Front de Libération Nationale (F.L.N.)

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Hadj-Ali, Bachu

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Hadj Smaine, Mohamed el Hadi ("Kamel")

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Hamdiken, Fatima

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Hattab, Mohamed ("Habib, Rèda")

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Libéraux-Progressistes (Synthèse sur la collusion de certains milieux européens avec le F.L.N. et le P.C.A.)

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Minne, Danielle

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Ouzegane, Amar (Abdel Madjid) and Ouzegane, Fattouma

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Palladium Chaussures (Argenteuil)

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Peschard, Raymonde

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Résistance Algérienne

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Sefta, Ahmed

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Skandar, Nourredine

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Tillion, Germaine

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.
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Yacef, Saadi

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.

News clippings, Algerian and French newspapers, journals, and magazines circa 1955-1974

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General - Recueil des Journaux d'Algérie, , collection of news clippings from Algerian newspapers reproduced in two bound volumes (annotated) 1954-1962

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Larteguy, Jean, "Le Chef F.L.N. Yacef Saadi avait pris pour adjoint un colonel parachutiste" (The Head of the F.L.N., Yacef Saadi, mistook a French colonel for his cohort), Paris-Press L'Intransigeant, news clip and original typewritten draft (carbon copy) signed by Larteguy April 8

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L'Echo d'Alger, complete edition with headline "De Gaulle aux Algérois: 'Je vous ai compris'" (De Gaulle to the Algerians: "I have understood you") June 5

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Procès de Barricades (Barricades Week Trial)



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Susini, Jean-Jacques, "Nous l'O.A.S.," Minute, eight installments 1963 October-November

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Procès de Jean-Jacques Susini (Trial of Susini)

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News journal (government) - Délégation Général du Gouvernement en Algérie, La Semaine en Algérie: Miroir de l'Algérie Française (The Week in Algeria: Mirror of French Algeria), nos. 22-35, 37-40, 42-44, 46-48, 50-69 1958 December 15-1960 January 31


Newsletters, privately circulated by exiles from Algeria 1962-1963

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Nouvelles d'Algérie, 1962 November 15-30

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Nouvelles d'Algérie, 1962 December 1-15

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Nouvelles d'Algérie, 1962 December 15-1963 January 15

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Nouvelles d'Algérie, 1963 January 15-February 1

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Nouvelles d'Algérie, 1963 February

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Vérités sur l'Algérie, 1963 March

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Vérités sur l'Algérie, 1963 April

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Cahiers Algériens, 1963 May

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Cahiers Algériens, 1963 June-July

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Untitled draft, possibly by Godard circa 1963 August

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Reports on the Operations of the Compagnie de Recherches et d'Exploration de Pétrole au Sahara, prepared for the inspection trip of General De Gaulle 1958 December 5


Writings and notes of Yves Godard

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"'Allo Carreras, ici Godard': Reflexions sur L'Accord FLN-OAS de Fernand Carreras" ("Hello Carreras, Godard Here": Thoughts on Fernand Carreras' L'Accord FLN-OAS), typewritten draft and carbon copy, each with holograph corrections, each 26 pages; holograph notes, 46 pages; holograph chronology for May-June 1962, 14 pages circa 1967

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"Barricades - 24 janvier 1960," typewritten and holograph manuscript draft on Barricades Week (January 24-29, 1960) in Algiers, 201 pages in note binder undated


Card indexes

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Chronological file circa 1954-1962

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Events and incidents file (événements) circa 1956-1957

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Alphabetical file (collectivités) 1954-1958

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Personalities file (fichier individual) circa 1954-1958

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"Fichier 1960," holograph notes on individuals and organizations involved in events in Algeria from 1954-1960, 56 pages in note binder undated

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Notes and clippings on Algerian domestic and foreign affairs, holograph, 229 pages 1964-1965

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Notes and clippings on French domestic affairs, holograph, 148 pages 1964-1965

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Notes and clippings on French national defense, holograph, 195 pages 1964-1965

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Notes and clippings on repatriation, amnesty, arrests, trials, and other subjects affecting French Algerians, and in particular former members of the O.A.S., holograph, 79 pages 1964-1965

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Notes and documents on Barricades Week and the subsequent trial of the participants, handwritten notes and official summonses to appear as a witness 1960 January-November

Scope and Contents note

Includes declassified records returned to file after July 2015 release by Hoover.

Trois Batailles d'Alger, 1972

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Outlines, notes, and chapter drafts, typewritten

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Publisher's layout sheets of documents, photos and maps uses as illustrations



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Notes, documents, and ephemera


Printed matter

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Algérie développement, booklet printed for foreign distribution by the Délégation Générale du Gouvernement en Algérie 1959

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Algérie Médicale, special issue, medical journal containing articles on the problems of criminality and terrorism in Algeria 1957

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Algérie-Sahara: Guide touristique, commercial, industriel, guidebook, contains full-page photo of Godard 1959

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Aperçu sur l'Algérie, booklet distributed to military recruits from Metropolitan France assigned to Algeria undated

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Connaissance de l'Algérie, guidebook distributed by the Service Psychologique of the 10th Région Militaire

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Guide Michelin: Algérie-Sahara, guidebook 1956

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Indicateur d'Alger, guidebook and map 1964

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L'Indispensable, guidebook, contains full-page photo of Godard 1959-1960

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Kabaili, Le Grande Kabylie et ses problèmes, 1959

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Pourquoi nous combattons, booklet published by the Conseil National de la Révolution circa 1963

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15 mois d'action en Algérie, booklet published by the Gouvernement Général de l'Algérie circa 1956

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Soualah, Mohammed, Manuel Franco-Arabe à l'usage de militaires de l'Afrique du Nord, 4th edition, Algiers 1953

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Tableaux de l'économie algérienne, booklet published by the Statistique Générale de l'Algérie 1958

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U.A.P. (Union Africaine de Presse), special issue, photocopy of bulletin concerning Franco-Algerian negotiations, 1956-1958 1961 February 23



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Maps of North Africa, Algeria, Algiers, Oran, Constantine, etc. (annotated); schematic plan of Algiers (annotated) circa 1954-1962

drawer I07


envelope mA

PHOTOGRAPHS 1935-159 undated

Scope and Contents note

9 aerial reconnaissance photos taken over Indochina, January 1954; 1 group photo of Godard and a company of the 27th Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins, 1935-1936; 3 photos of Godard, 1939; 1 photo portrait of Godard 1946; 1 photo of Godard, undated; 1 oversize postcard of Algiers; 5 x-ray negatives of Godard's fractured leg, 1939; 1 watercolor of French Alpine Troops, 1944-1945; 2 photos of Hussein-Dey police academy graduation ceremony, circa 1958-1959.