This collection consists mostly of television scripts and short stories by Mr. Beard about life in the agricultural packing
industry of California's Salinas and Imperial Valleys. A small portion of the material includes correspondence, photographs,
and articles.
"The gaunt, black-haired 23-year-old bond salesman, who stood on the corner of 15th and Champa Streets in Denver, Colorado,
in a snow storm in the late winter of 1917, watching the funeral cortege of Buffalo Bill wending its way to the famous frontiers-man's last resting place on Lookout Mountain, would have thought these strange words
indeed. Not until a few months later when S. N. (Sam) Beard joined T. F. Lynch & Company in the old city market of Denver at 12th and Champa Streets did he even know the world of fresh fruits and vegetables existed."
--Jeff Roark, The Packer, July 15th, 1967.
3 boxes
1.3 linear ft.
Property rights reside with the University of California. Literary rights are retained by the creators of the records and
their heirs. For permission to publish or to reproduce the material, please contact the Head of Special Collections and Archives.
Collection is open for research.