Holt Atherton's Small California Collections span the region's history
from 1806 to the present. Their particular emphasis lies in the the first fifty
years of statehood, where they are especially strong in materials pertaining to
Biography, Business, Mining, Politics and Social History, notably, with regard
to San Joaquin County, home of Holt Atherton Special Collections. Certain
prominent California names are represented in the collections, including:
Ignacio Martinez de la Vega, John Bidwell, James Marshall, David Broderick,
John Swett, Jessie Benton Fremont, Collis P. Huntington, John Muir, Edwin
Markham and Denis Kearney. However, the bulk of these folder-size collections
represents the efforts of lesser-known farmers, merchants, scholars and
laborers who helped make California the large and wealthy state it is