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Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS Office Files 1936-1945

box 1, folder 1

Office of Military Government for Germany

Scope and Contents note

Order forms for microfilming and photostatting.

File 51. Internal office records of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer of the SS 1936-1944

Scope and Contents note

Contains miscellaneous personnel and non-personnel case files.
box 1, folder 2

Cases #1-7

box 1, folder 3

Case #8

Scope and Contents note

Case file on W. G. L. Yeats
box 1, folder 4

Cases #10-21

box 1, folder 5

Case #22

box 1, folder 6

Cases #23-25


File 52. Internal office records of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer of the SS 1938-1944

Scope and Contents note

Contains miscellaneous personnel and non-personnel case files.
box 1, folder 7

Cases #1-6

box 1, folder 8

Cases #7-12

box 1, folder 9

Cases #13-25

Scope and Contents note

Files #24-25 relate to the status of Vichy Ambassador Scapini and Vidkun Quisling's visit to Berlin.
box 1, folder 10

File 53. SS-Gruppenführer Dr. Gustav Adolf Scheel, Gauleiter and Reich Governor of Salzburg 1941 October - 1943 June

Scope and Contents note

Includes medical examination.
box 1, folder 11

File 65. Notation indicates file missing

box 2, folder 1

File 66. Correspondence between Reichsführer-SS Himmler and SS-Obergruppenführer Hauser 1941-1944

box 2, folder 2

File 67. The Grundstückgesellschaft of the Haupttreuhandlungsstelle Ost and its director Friedrich Stein 1941-1944

box 2, folder 3

File 68. SS-General Erwin Rösner 1942-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters between Reichsführer-SS Himmler and Rösner.
box 2, folder 4

File 69. Notation indicates file missing

box 2, folder 5-8

File 70. Security Police Chief Reinhard Heydrich 1942-1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes materials relating to his death, funeral, and the Heydrich family. Also includes correspondence between Lina Heydrich and Reichsführer-SS Himmler.
box 3, folder 1

File 251. The Ethnic German Office (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle) under SS-Obergruppenführer Werner Lorenz and resettlement camps (Umsiedlerlagern) 1942-1943

box 3, folder 2

File 252. Partisan activities in German occupied countries 1943

box 3, folder 3

File 253. Transfer of a few Ordnungspolizei and Sicherheitspolizei to the SS 1940-1942

box 3, folder 4

File 254. Replacement and conscription of physicians in the Waffen-SS 1941-1943

box 3, folder 5

File 255. The SS-School Haus Wewelsburg 1942

box 3, folder 6

File 256. Deployment of a flotilla to the Ijsselmeer for defensive purposes 1942-1943

box 3, folder 7

File 257. The Office of Environmental Planning (Reischsstelle Raumordnung) 1936-1944

box 3, folder 8

File 258. Jacques le Conte and the Villmorin Company 1944

box 3, folder 9

File 259. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943

box 3, folder 10

File 260. Deployment of the Germanische SS-Division 1943-1944

box 3, folder 11

File 261. The Germanic Regional Headquarters (Germanische Leitstelle) 1941-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence between Martin Borman and Reichsführer Himmler.
box 3, folder 12

File 262. Search for natural resources in occupied Ukraine 1942-1943

box 3, folder 13

File 263. The Ukraine SS-Schützen-Division Galizien Nr. 1 1943-1944

box 4, folder 1

File 264. Governor Renteln of Lithuania and the formation of the Lithuanian volunteer units 1943-1944

box 4, folder 2

File 265. The upbringing of orphaned SS-children 1943

box 4, folder 3-4

File 266. Resettlement of evacuated Germans in Zamość district, Poland 1942-1944

box 4, folder 5

File 268. The military and political situation in the Allied armies 1943-1945

box 4, folder 6

File 269. Memorandum by Reichsführer-SS Himmler addressing the morale of the SS men 1942

box 4, folder 7

File 270. SS-translators 1942-1944

box 4, folder 8

File 271. Notation indicates file missing

box 4, folder 9

File 272. Employment of White Russian émigrés in the German police service in Serbia 1942-1944

box 4, folder 10

File 273. Indexes to maps on important geological deposits in European Russia (Wehrgeologische Karten des Europäischen Russland) 1943

box 4, folder 11-13

File 274-276. Recruitment of German volunteers in Hungary 1942-1943

box 5, folder 1

File 277. The Katyn Massacre 1943

box 5, folder 2

File 278. Recruitment of SA men, foreign workers and citizens of occupied countries for the Waffen-SS 1939-1943

box 5, folder 3

File 279. Sabotage and occupation of St. Mihiel and Avignon 1943

box 5, folder 4

File 280. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence to and from Martin Borman and a memorandum relating to the Ostarbeiter.
box 5, folder 5-7

File 281. The Croatian SS-Division 1943-1944

box 5, folder 8

File 282. The Army's medical service 1943-1944


File 283

box 5, folder 9

File A. Correspondence relating to Bishop Joachim Hossenfelder's memorandum to Goebbels and Himmler concerning the "reform of Christianity," 1943

box 5, folder 10

File B. Medical affairs in the SS 1944

box 5, folder 11

File 284. German minorities in Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands 1942-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence to and from Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart.
box 6, folder 1

File 285. Report relating to the periodical De Vlag, 1943

Scope and Contents note

Includes copy of De Vlag.
box 6, folder 2-3

File 286. Copies of photographs and internal office memoranda relating to the publication of Der Untermensch, 1943

Scope and Contents note

Includes a copy of Das 12 Uhr Blatt.
box 6, folder 4

File 287. The Ordnungspolizei 1943

box 6, folder 5-6

File 288. Construction of the Weimar-Buchenwald rail-line 1942-1943

box 6, folder 7

File 289. SS cooperation in the struggle against the "black market," 1942-1943

box 6, folder 8

File 290. "Aktion Wieland," the search for new natural resources in Galicia, Poland and the Ukraine [see also: File 360] 1943-1944

box 7, folder 1-2

File 290. "Aktion Wieland," 1942-1945

box 7, folder 3

File 291. German employers' treatment of workers from occupied Eastern countries (Ostarbeiter)

box 7, folder 4

File 292. Medical experiments (lead poisoning) on concentration camp inmates 1942-1943

box 7, folder 5

File 293. The Technical High School in Lina 1943

box 7, folder 6

File 294. The problem of recompensing expropriated Poles in the General Government 1942

box 7, folder 7

File 295. Improvements in the camouflaging of military object 1939-1943

box 7, folder 8

File 296. Regulations permitting SS marriages and divorces 1944

box 7, folder 9

File 297. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943

box 7, folder 10

File 298. Correspondence by Albert Speer, Minister of Weapons and Munitions, to the Reichsführer for German Arms Industry 1943

box 7, folder 11

File 299. Military training of ethnic Germans in Scandinavia 1942-1943

box 8, folder 1

File 300. Occupation of Serbia and its administration by the Germans 1941-1945

box 8, folder 2

File 301. Military postal service 1943-1944

box 8, folder 3

File 302. Evacuation of women and children from Berlin 1943

box 8, folder 4

File 303. Correspondence between the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands (signed by Mussert) and Reichsminister Seyss-Inquart 1943

box 8, folder 5

File 304. Re-Germanization of the Poles (Wiedereindeutschungsfähige Polen) 1942-1943

box 8, folder 6

File 305. Typescript miscellaneous news reports by the German media 1943

box 8, folder 7

File 306. The bombing and destruction of Hamburg 1943

box 8, folder 8

File 307. The German minority in Poland and the re-Germanization of Poles 1943-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes the pamphlet Verpolte deutsche Familiennamen.
box 8, folder 9

File 308. War-disabled 1942-1944

box 8, folder 10

File 309. Notation indicates file missing

box 9, folder 1-2

File 310. "Planned vacations" and Himmler's action to prevent childlessness in the families of SS-personnel 1943-1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes items from File 977.
box 9, folder 3

File 311. The Flemish National Association (Flämish National-Verband) 1943-1944

box 9, folder 4

File 312. Teacher training 1942

box 9, folder 5

File 313. Building materials used for insulation and thatching roofs 1943-1944

box 9, folder 6

File 314. The SS-Division composed of German-Hungarians 1943-1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes biographical profile of Count Johann Joseph Wenzel Anton Franz Karl Radetsky, Fieldmarshall of Austria.
box 9, folder 7

File 315. Miscellaneous files undated

box 9, folder 8

File 316. Improvement in the diets of children borne by women workers from the Eastern occupied countries (Ostarbeiter) 1942-1943

box 9, folder 9

File 317. Employment of Soviet war prisoners of German ancestry in the German war industry 1942-1943

box 10, folder 1

File 318. The Lettisch SS-Division 1943

box 10, folder 2-4

File 319. Resettlement of Germans from Russia and Bessarabia 1942-1944

box 10, folder 5

File 320. Notation indicates file missing

box 10, folder 6

File 321. The Party's sphere of influence and the Germanic regional headquarters 1943

box 10, folder 7

File 322. List of field post addresses of the SS units 1941-1942

box 10, folder 8-9

File 323. Miscellaneous news reports from the German Information Office; materials relating to the labor organization of youth in occupied Ukraine; and two volumes of Alfred Fielder's Werkdienst des Reichskommissars fur die Ukraine 1943

box 11, folder 1

File 324. Nazi Party members' parliamentary seats 1943

box 11, folder 2

File 325. Changes in political attitudes and spirits in Lower Styria (Slovenia) 1942-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes material relating to partisan activities and reprisals.
box 11, folder 3

File 326. The illegal cumulation of a "Black account" by SS-Obergruppenführer Schmauser 1942-1944

box 11, folder 4

File 327. Miscellaneous undated

box 11, folder 5

File 328. The SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division "Horst Wessel," 1944

box 11, folder 6

File 329. Security regulations for SS offices 1940-1944

box 11, folder 7

File 330. The removal from important posts of SS members "with international relations," 1943-1945

box 11, folder 8

File 331. Underground mining of lime in Greater Strelitz, Upper Silesia 1944


File 332

box 11, folder 9

Folder 1. The SS-Tibet-Expedition 1939


Folder 2. Mining in Galicia for oil substitutes 1944


Folder 3. Military obligation for those Germans from the various ethnic groups 1944-1945


Folder 4. Military waiver for the farming community 1944


Folder 5. The Muslim national community in Sandjak (a district of the former Turkish Empire), Serbia 1944


Folder 6. Rabam-Werk Georg Bertram and Son 1944


Folder 7. Courier report on SS-J.R. 4 1942


Folder 8. SS men killed in action 1936-1938

box 11, folder 10

Folder 10. Disposal of loot from exterminated Jews ("Sonderaktion Reinhard") 1943-1945


Folder 11. Himmler's speech given at the Convention of City Mayors in Posen 1944 February 13


Folder 12. Cancellation of Reich inspection in Denmark, Slovakia and Romania 1944


Folder 13. Dr. Clauberg's proposal to start experiments concerning the sterilization of women and a demand for concentration camp inmates for these experiments 1941

box 12, folder 1

Folder 14. Waffen-SS building contractors in Lublin, Poland 1942


Folder 15. Miscellaneous 1944


Folder 16. Defense against increasing agent activities inside the Reich 1944


Folder 17. Building of a bunker at Gmund on the Tegernsee 1944


Folder 18. Miscellaneous 1944


Folder 19. Miscellaneous 1944


Folder 20. Sail plane Horten II 1944


Folder 21. Suvorov Schools 1944


Folder 22. Draft of martial law ("Sicherungsstandrecht") decree 1944 July 20


Folder 23. Miscellaneous 1944


Folder 25. Himmler's order banning the use of the word "Partisan," 1942

box 12, folder 2

File 333. New inventions submitted to Himmler for development (in alphabetical order by name of inventor) 1942-1945

box 12, folder 3

File 334. SS-Cossack Division 1938-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes reference to Krasnov and other.
box 12, folder 4

File 335. Adriatic affairs 1944

box 12, folder 5

File 336. Distribution of chocolate to the Hitler Jugend 1945

box 12, folder 6

File 337. Notation indicates file missing

box 12, folder 7

File 339. Agriculture and the Ministry for Agriculture 1940-1945

box 12, folder 8

File 340. Aid for German war prisoners in Allied countries 1944

Scope and Contents note

Incudes copies of photographs.
box 12, folder 9

File 341. Notation indicates file missing


File 342

box 12, folder 10

File A. SS organization for construction ("Baudienststellen der Waffen-SS und Polizei") which built primarily concentration camps 1943-1944

box 12, folder 11

File B. Conference of Reichsleiter and Gauleiter in Posen and Hitler's headquarters 1943 October 6-7


File 343

box 12, folder 12

File A. Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto 1943

Scope and Contents note

Includes a copy of Himmler's order for the destruction of the ghetto.
box 12, folder 13

File B. The Warsaw Uprising 1944

box 12, folder 14

File 344. Evacuation of refugees from East Prussia and Danzig, 1945 and the deterioration of morale among retreating troops 1944-1945

box 13, folder 1-3

File 351. SS-Oberführer W. Traupel 1939-1944

box 13, folder 4

File 352. SS-Oberführer Dr. Richard Donnevert 1939-1944

box 13, folder 5

File 353. SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant of the Police Dr. Max Thomas 1941-1944

box 13, folder 6

File 354. Gauleiter Weinrich 1944

box 13, folder 7

File 355. Notation indicates file missing

box 13, folder 8

File 356. Professor Ernst Wagemann, President of the Institute for Economic Studies 1943-1944

box 13, folder 9-10

File 357. Reorganization of the administration of all armed forces in Germany 1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes copy of Hitler's orders of 1944 July 20 and August 2.
box 14, folder 1

File 358. Johann (Hans) Loritz, Commander of Dachau and Sachsenhausen concentration camps 1937-1945

box 14, folder 2

File 359. Copy of "Der rechte Mann an dem richtigen Platz! Menschenführung nach nationalsozialistischen Grundsätzen," 1940

box 14, folder 3

File 360. Paul Ortel of "Aktion Wieland" [see also: File 290] 1944-1945

box 14, folder 4

File 361. SS-Unterstrumführer Friedrich Schmidt 1944-1945

box 14, folder 5

File 362. The Romanian "Iron Guard" - refugees in Germany 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes reference to Romanian Foreign Minister Prince Sturdza.
box 14, folder 6

File 365. The internal organization of the SS 1944-1945

box 14, folder 7

File 370. General "Bor" Komarowski in Prisoner of War Camp Oflag IVC - Colditz, Germany 1945


Speeches and Writings 1939-1940

box 14, folder 8

Notes 1939-1940

box 14, folder 9

"Gemeindepolizei," typescript 1939

box 14, folder 10

"Kreisleitertagung," typescript 1940 November 28

box 14, folder 11

Clippings 1937


Correspondence 1917-1923

box 14, folder 12

1917 January - 1920 December

box 15, folder 1

1921 February - 1923 September


Diaries 1914-1924

box 15, folder 2

Typescript of diaries 1919 September 4 - 1920 February 2


May not be quoted.

Scope and Contents note

Typed transcript
box 16

Diary 1 1914 September-1915

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Diary 4 1919 October-1920 February

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Diary 8 1921 November-December

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Diary 10 1922 February-March

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Diary 11 1922 January-February

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Diary 14 1922 May-July

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Loose diary pages undated

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Loose diary pages 1922 March 23-28

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 16

Loose diary pages 1924 February 11-25

Conditions Governing Access

Box 16 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Photographs 1929-1934


Original photo albums closed; digital use copies available.

Scope and Contents note

Two photograph albums containing 237 prints depicting the career of Heinrich Himmler as Reichsführer SS und Chef der deutschen Polizei.
online digital

Album (A) 1929-1934

Scope and Contents note

Contains photographs of Himmler, including both portraits and outings with troops. Includes one photograph of Adolf Hitler.
online digital

Album (B) circa 1934


Microfilm Reels 1914-1945

Scope and Contents note

Microfilm copies of select Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS office files and diaries.
reel 1

Files 263, 283, 286, 292, 332, 334, 342, 343

reel 2

File 357

reel 3

File 353

reel 4-5

Positive and negative film of Himmler's diary 1914 September 23 - 1922 July 6; 1924 February 11-25


Sound Recordings 1940-1944

General Physical Description note: 27 sound tape reels
box MC43

Reel 1: Himmler speech (fragment) to officers of a Volksgrenadier Division 242-253 1944 July 25-August 29

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents note

Fragment only. May be dated 1944 August 29 only.


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008041
box MC43

Reel 2: Himmler speech (fragment) to commanders of the Galician SS Volunteer Infantry Division, Neuhammer 242-246 1944 May 16

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete, last third of speech not here. Himmler plus section by section Ukrainian translation.


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008042
box MC43

Reel 3-4: Disjointed British and American voices 242-231 1944 May 22

Physical Description: 2, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents note

Monitored broadcast, Stalag III-B. This may be a bugging of a meeting of British and American POWs in a German camp.


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008045
box MC43

Reel 5-7: Himmler speech (fragment) to the commanders of the Ordnungspolizei and the police presidents, Posen, Hotel Ostland 242-217 1943 December 15

Physical Description: 3, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008046
box MC43

Reel 8-10: Himmler speech (fragment) to the commanders of an SS Panzerkorps, Charkov 242-214 1943 April 24

Physical Description: 3, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008049

Scope and Contents note

See also: Reel 19
box MC43

Reel 11: Himmler speech (fragment) to the commanders of the Waffen SS, Berlin, Kasino der Leibstandarte 242-213 1940 December 18

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008050
box MC43

Reel 12-13: Himmler speech (fragment) to the SS Führer and officials in the General Government, Krakau 242-212 1943 November 18

Physical Description: 2, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008052
box MC43

Reel 14-18: Himmler speech to officers of two Volksgrenadier Divisions, Münsingen 242-195 1944 August 27

Physical Description: 5, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008053
box MC43

Reel 19: Himmler speech (fragment) to the commanders of an SS Panzerkorps, Charkov 242-194 1943 April 24

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008056

Scope and Contents note

See also: Reels 8-10
box MC43

Reel 20-22: Himmler speech (incomplete) to two Volksgrenadier Divisions, Dorn 242-190 1944 August 13

Physical Description: 3, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008057
box MC44

Reel 23: Himmler speech (incomplete) to two Volksgrenadier Divisions, Dorn

box MC44

Reel 24: Himmler speech (fragment) or "Tag der Freiheit, Warthegau," Posen 242-186 1943 October 24

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008058
box MC44

Reel 25-27: Himmler speech in Posen 1943 October 4

Physical Description: 3, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)


Use copy reference number: xx060_a_0008059