Outgoing correspondence: 1919, 1922, 1935-1936, 37 1938, 1940, 1943-1945, 1947-1948, 1951-1953.
Outgoing correspondence - 1954-1955.
INCOMING CORRESPONDENTS: 1) Associated American Artists Galleries, 2) Bantam Workshop, 3) Benjamin Franklin Magazine Awards, 4) Carl Brandt, 5) Collier's, 6) Ford Times, 7) Harcourt Brace & Co., 8) Houghton Mifflin Co., 9) House of Whittmore, 10) Internal Revenue Service - Treasury Dept., 11) The Lamp, 12) W. Colston Leigh, 13) Gordon Manning, 14) National Geographic Society, 15) New York Times, 16) Albert R. Perkins.
Incoming correspondence - 1938, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1950 - 1952.
Incoming correspondence - 1953.
Incoming correspondence- 1954.
Incoming correspondence - 1955.
1937, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1951, 1952.
1962, 1968, 1969.
1972-1973 & No date, 1974
Miscellaneous papers re: finances and taxes.
Cash account books: 1945-1948, 1950-1952.
Royalty Statements: 1943-1944, 1946-1948, 1951-1952:
Little, Brown & Co.; Houghton Mifflin Co.; Harvard University Press.
Tax returns and related notes: 1932-1935, 1937-1938, 1940-1947, 1950-1952.
Legal documents:
1. Decree of Divorce - Dec.28, 1885.Rhoda DeWolf vs. Edward S. De Wolf. DS.
2. Agreement between DeVoto and MacMillan Co., April 5, 1935re: Chariot of Fire & The House of Sun-Goes-Down.
3. Agreement between DeVoto and Harcourt Brace & Co., Inc., Jan. 12, 1950.DS.
4. Agreement by the Curtis Publishing Co. re: the book Shall We Let the Dam-Builders Ruin Our National Parks, May 31, 1950.
5. Agreement between DeVoto and Houghton Mifflin Co. re: Lewis & Clark Journals, July 7, 1952.
6. Will and testament - Avis M. DeVoto.
7. Will and testament - Bernard DeVoto
8. Affidavit and claim for additional travel pay, June 14, 1918.
9. Certificate appointing DeVoto to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant of Infrantry, Aug. 26, 1918.DS.
10. Certificate of Baptism - Bernard DeVoto - March 7, 1940.DS.
11. Certificate - Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee, Virginia - Bernard DeVoto. DS.
12. Certificate of Death - Bernard DeVoto - Jan. 16, 1956.
13. Certificate of Marriage - Florian B. DeVoto & Rhoda D. DeWolf. Oct. 6, 1895.DS.
Photographs - see also 1/180/14 and 1/182/3
Miscellaneous: the items listed below are only those which are of special interest.
1. Bernard A. DeVoto - Recollection and Appreciation by Darrell J. Greenwell.
2. Review of The Crooked Mile in the New York Times Book Review, Oct. 5, 1924.Typescript.
3. Donner Pass by Bernard DeVoto.
4. Proposal for an Article on the White Mountain National Forest, in New Hampshire.
5. Biographical information re: DeVoto by W.E.H. Higman.
Tape recordings (10)
The Syllabus - Northwestern University Yearbook.
Magazine clippings: clippings of articles by DeVoto.
Newsclippings and magazine clippings re: The Year of Decision.
Newsclippings re: Mark Twain.
Newsclippings - Chicago reviews mainly from Evanston News
Books & reports:
1. Reports by Lawrence S. Kubie: a) A Doctorate in Psychotherapy..., b) The Fallacious Use of Quantitative Concepts in Dynamic Psychology, c) The Forgotten Man of Education, d) The Fundamental Nature of the Distinction Between Normality and Neurosis, e) The Half-Failure of the Full-Time System as an Instrument of Medical Education, f) The Repetitive Core of Neurosis, g) Social Forces and the Neurotic Process.
2. Kubie, Lawrence S. Neurotic Distortion of the Creative Process, The Noonday Press, 1958.
3. School Yearbook: Souvenir Edition - Classicum, Ogden High School, 1914 -Ogden, Utah.
1) Current Opinion Vol. LXXV, No. 4, Oct. 1923,
2) Dialogue, reprint from Vol. VI, No. 3 & 4, Autumn and Winter, 1971,
3) Harper's Magazine, reprint from Dec. 1949,
4) Ford Times, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 1956
5) Ford Times, Vol. 48, No. 6, June 1956,
6) The Griffin, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956,(signed cover note from Arthur Schlesinger Jr.),
7) Harper's Magazine, Vol. 209, No. 1241, Aug. 1954.
1) Lincoln and Mercury Times Vol. 8, No. 2, March - April 1956,
2) The Louisiana Purchase by DeVoto, reprint from Collier's Magazine,
3) Nature Magazine, Vol. 49, No.4, April 1956,
4) New England Journeys, Number 2, Ford Times special edition, 1954.
5) Nieman Reports, Vol. X, No. 1, Jan. 1956,
6) The Progressive, Vol. 20, No. 1, Jan. 1956
7) New York Times Book Review, Feb. 10, 1974
Theme papers - typed: written by Sarah Boyden (Brown) for DeVoto's class - English D-6, some of the papers contain lengthy comments by DeVoto.
Correspondence: 1916, 1918, 1920, 1921
Correspondence: 1922, 1923, 1925 - 1929
Correspondence: 1930 - 1938
Correspondence: 1940 - 1945
Correspondence: 1946 - 1947 Jan.
Correspondence: Feb. 1947 - Mar. 1947
Correspondence: April 1947 - May 1947
Correspondence: June 1947 - Aug. 1947
Correspondence: Sept. 1947 - Nov. 1947
Correspondence: Dec. 1947 - Jan. 1948
Correspondence: Feb. 1948 - March 1948
Correspondence: April 1948 - May 1948
Correspondence: June 1948
Correspondence: July 1948 - Aug. 1948
Correspondence: Sept. 1948 - Oct. 1948
Correspondence: Nov. 1948 - Dec. 1948
Correspondence: Jan. 1949 - Mar. 1949
Correspondence: April 1949 - June 1949
Correspondence: July 1949 - Oct. 1949
Correspondence: Nov. 1949 - Jan. 1950
Correspondence: Feb. 1950 - April 1950
Correspondence: May 1950 - May 1951
Correspondence: Aug. 1951 - April 1953(no correspondence for June & July of 1951)
Correspondence: May 1953 - Dec. 1954
Correspondence: Jan. 1955 - Nov. 1955
Correspondence: 1956, 1961 - 1963, 1969 - 1970 & No Date
Correspondence: A Closed Door: Letters from Bernard Augustine DeVoto to Katharine Becker - March 1919 - December 1920.
Correspondence: between DeVoto & Nethercot & Stegner.
Correspondence: between Frost, Robert & DeVoto
Correspondence: between Higman, W.E. and Stegner, Wallace
Correspondence: between Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and DeVoto
Magazine articles: 1924 - 1928
Magazine articles: 1929 - 1933
Magazine articles: 1934 - 1937
Magazine articles: 1938 - 1940
Magazine articles: 1941 - 1943
Magazine articles: 1944 - 1946
Magazine articles: 1947 - 1949
Magazine articles: 1950 - 1952
Magazine articles: 1953 - 1954
Magazine articles: 1955 - 1956, 1965
Reviews of DeVoto's books.
The Crumb -- Breadloaf Writers' Conference, 1932 - 1936
The Crumb -- Breadloaf Writers' Conference, 1937 - 1939
The Crumb -- Breadloaf Writers' Conference, 1941, 1947 - [UNK]
Middlebury College Bulletin re: Breadloaf Writers' Conference.
Bernard DeVoto and the Mormon Tradition by Leland Fetzer.
List of the Hiller Photograph Albums I, II, III, IV, & V of the Powell Survey.
Bibliography index re: DeVoto
correspondence re: DeVoto's medical history. Correspondence is mostly between DeVoto and Dr. I. Herbert Scheinberg re: DeVoto's Medical problems. This section also includes autopsy reports and news-clippings.