The Ian Tyson Collection contains book production materials for collaborations between Ian Tyson, the British painter, printmaker
and book artist, and prominent poets including Andrew Crozier, Larry Eigner, Wai-lim Yip, Jackson Mac Low, and Jerome Rothenberg.
Materials include correspondence, manuscripts, page layouts, paste-ups, galley proofs, and Tyson's original artworks.
Ian Tyson was born in Wallasey, Cheshire, United Kingdom in April 1933. Tyson grew up in Upton, outside of Birkenhead, but
spent much time as a child with his grandparents near Wigan. He attended school in Wigan during the World War II and later
attended his father's old school. It was there he was introduced to modern art and creating expressive and abstract art. After
graduating, he worked as an apprentice engineer in the shipyards for two years. He decided, though, that his future was not
in engineering, and continued making artwork independently, determined to attend Birkhead School of Art, where he remained
for about two years.
5.6 Linear feet
(4 archives boxes, 2 map case folders, and 8 flat boxes)
Publication rights are held by the creator of the collection.